Item 3.3 - Environmental Assessment 17-002, Zone Change 17-001, General Plan Amendment 17-001, Zoning Ordinance Amendment 17-002, & Specific Plan Amendment 17-001 for the Poway Road Specific PlanG�� OF GWAY 1 CM IN THE ��J City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT December 5, 2017 APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No./7 / 7-ZZ+P-) -7 Z3 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Services Joseph Lim, City Planner (858) 668-4604 orjlim@po org SUBJECT: Adoption of a resolution for Environmental Assessment (EA) 17-002 [Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR)], a resolution for General Plan Amendment (GPA) 17-001, an ordinance for Zone Change (ZC) 17- 001, an ordinance for Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) 17-001, and an ordinance for Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 17-002 for the Poway Road corridor. Summary: In 2014, the City began work on the Poway Road Corridor Study (PRCS). The purpose of the study was to provide recommendations and an implementation strategy that will help guide land use, transportation, design/aesthetics, and economic development decisions for Poway Road, between Oak Knoll Road and Garden Road. Significant outreach has been conducted over the past two years with the community and various stakeholders. Since 2015, staff has also been working with an advisory committee whose members have provided valuable input to the study and development of the proposed Poway Road Specific Plan. The purpose of this public hearing is for City Council to consider adoption and approval of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), the Poway Road Specific Plan (PRSP) and other amendments consistent with the PRSP. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council take public input; close the public hearing, adopt the attached resolutions (Attachments A & B) as noted below and introduce the attached Ordinances (Attachment C, D & E) as noted below for first reading by title only, waiving further reading, and schedule adoption of the attached Ordinances for December 19, 2017: 1. Adopt the resolution certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report, adopting findings and a statement of overriding considerations for the Poway Road Specific Plan (EA 17-002); 2. Adopt the resolution approving General Plan Amendment (GPA) 17-001; 3. Adopt an ordinance approving the Poway Road Specific Plan (SPA 17-001); 4. Adopt an ordinance amending the City's Zoning and General Plan Land Use Map (ZC 17-001); and 5. Adopt an ordinance amending the City's Zoning Code (ZTA 17-002). 1 of 71 December 5, 2017, Item # 3.3 Poway Road Specific Plan December 5, 2017 Page 6 access and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, which should encourage more use of those facilities through implementation of mobility policies outlined in the prop osed PRSP. Fiscal Impact: None. Environmental Review: In March 2017, it was determined that a program EIR would be prepared for the Poway Road Specific Plan amendment. A Notice of Preparation (NOP) was issued on March 13, 2017 and a Scoping Meeting was held on March 22, 2017. Based on the Initial Study and the comments received from the NOP, an EIR was prepared for the Poway Road Specific Plan amendment which evaluated 11 major environmental categories for potential impacts, including: Aesthetics, Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, Noise, Traffic and Circulation, Public Services, Utilities and Service Systems, and Urban Decay. Both project-specific and cumulative impacts were evaluated. The EIR considered a reasonable range of project alternatives, including a no project alternative. The FEIR concludes that the potential impacts associated with the Specific Plan amendment, through the incorporation of mitigation measures, will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. The FEIR discusses the project alternatives, the issue areas, and the mitigation measures in detail. The advantage of certifying a program EIR is that it 1) provides a more comprehensive consideration of effects and alternatives than an EIR would on an individual project, 2) ensures a broader consideration of cumulative impacts than might occur on a case-by-case basis, and 3) simplifies and minimizes future environmental review on projects that are consistent with approved policies within the Poway Road Specific Plan. The Final EIR consists of three volumes. Volume I: Draft EIR Volume II: Technical Appendices Volume Ill: Comment Letters, Responses to Comments, and an Errata that discusses all revisions proposed to the Draft EIR Volumes I and II have previously been distributed and are posted on the City's website (http://poway.org/812/Poway-Road-Corridor-Study) and in the Poway Library. Volume Ill is included in this report as Attachment H. Public Notification: Notice of this hearing was published in the Poway News Chieftain on Nove mber 23, 2017. 6 of 71 December 5, 2017, Item# 3.3 Poway Road Specific Plan December 5, 2017 Page 7 Attachments: A.Resolution certifying the EIR. (Page# 8) B.Resolution approving General Plan Amendment 17-001. (Page# 13) C.Ordinance amending the City Zoning and General Plan Land Use Map (Page# 16). D.Ordinance approving the Poway Road Specific Plan. (Page# 25) E.Ordinance amending Title 17 of the Poway Municipal Code. (Page# 28) F.Poway Road Specific Plan Amendment (is electronically located at http://poway.org/DocumentCenter/HomeNiew/4919). (Page# 39) G.Preferred Land Use Map. (Page# 40) H.Final Environmental Impact Report Volume Ill. (Page# 41) Reviewed/Approved By: Reviewed By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 7 of 71 Tina M. White City Manager December 5, 2017, Item # 3.3 To view this document, use the following hyperlink or cut and paste into an internet browser http://poway.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/4919 39 of 71 ATTACHMENT F December 5, 2017, Item # 3.3