Item 6 - Ordinance Adopting the 2019 Engineering and Traffic SurveyDATE : TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: AGENDA RE PQ RT City of Poway March 17, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Services f,A- Melody Rocco, City Engineer ~ (858) 668-4653 or mrocco@poway.org An Ordinance Adopting the 2019 Engineering and Tr affic Survey CITY COUNCIL Speed limits are set by adopting an Engineering and Traffic Survey (Survey) in accordance with the California Vehicle Code (CVC) and the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). An approved survey is valid for seven years and can be extended to ten years if the roadway conditions have not changed. The current Survey was completed in 2012 and adopted in 2013 . A revision to the California MUTCD was adopted in 2019 that modified allowable reductions in speed limits. Based upon the expiration of the current Survey and based upon these regulation changes, new speed survey data was collected during the month of December 2019 to update the study in order to comply with eve requirements for enforcement. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council take public input, close the public hearing and introduce the Ordinance for first reading by title only, waive further reading, and schedule the adoption for April 7, 2020 . Discussion: Sections 22357 and 22358 of the eve give local munici palities the authority to set speed limits below the maximum speed limits set forth by State law, where such speed lim its are supported by an Engineering and Traffic Survey. On May 21 , 2013, the City Council approved Ordinance 749 adopting the 2013 Engineering and Tr affic Survey. The City's current (2013) Survey was prepared pursuant to the guidelines of the previous CA MUTCD. This manual allowed for a 5 mph speed reduction based on the roadway geometrics, which i ncludes horizon t al and vertical curves as well as the roadway cross section . On March 29 , 2019, California adopted the current MUTCD (2014 CA MUTCD Revision 4), which el i minated the 5 mph reduction associated with roadway geometrics. The current MUTCD calls for speed limits to be established t o the nearest 5 mph increment of the 85th percentile speed . For example, if the 85th percentile speed is 37 mph, the speed limit should be posted at 35 mph. However, if the 85th percentile speed is 38 mph, the speed limit should be posted at 40 mph. 1 of7 March 17, 2020, Item #6 Under the current CA MUTCD, a speed limit may be reduced from the 85th percentile speed by 5 mph due to a collision rate that is higher than the State average for that type of facility. The reduction is intended to assist in lowering the collision rate for the roadway segment. A reduction can also be taken for "non -apparent conditions" such as bicycles, pedestrians, vehicles, and intersections not readily visible to drivers . However, if the speed limit has been reduced 5 mph due to the collision rate, it cannot be lowered another 5 mph for "non-apparent conditions". The following traffic and safety conditions could potentially be used as conditions that are not apparent to drivers: driveways directly abutting the roadway with frequent turns, insufficient sight distances, mid-block pedestrian and/or equestrian crossings, and pedestrians and bikers within and along the roadway. Roadway physical conditions, such as width, curvature, grade and surface conditions, or any other condition readily apparent to a driver, in the absence of other factors, would warrant a speed reduction, as the basic rule of section 22350 is sufficient regulation as to such conditions. The proposed 2019 Survey was prepared using the guidelines of the current CA MUTCD and will enable our Sheriffs Deputies to use radar for traffic speed enforcement and provide the legal authority for court requirements. Attachment B depicts the proposed 2019 Survey with a reference number assigned to each roadway segment. Out of 51 segments, only one location is being proposed for a speed limit change. Kirkham Road from Kirkham Court to Scripps Poway Parkway, Segment 16, is being proposed at 35 mph based on the Survey data collected. The previous posted speed for this segment was 40 mph and the 85th percentile speed collected was 37 mph, therefore it is recommended that the speed be set at 35 mph . All of the remaining segments are maintaining the existing speed limits as were determined using the previous CA MUTCD guidelines. Using the new guidelines did not change the recommended speed limits. At its meeting on February 12, 2020, the Traffic Safety Committee (TSC), which includes a representative from the Sheriffs Department, voted unanimously to support staffs recommendation to adopt the 2019 Engineering and Traffic Survey. There were no residents at the TSC present for the speed survey item . Staff received one email regarding the current speed limit on one segment of roadway prior to the TSC meeting. The email was provided to the committee and discussed during the meeting. Environmental Review: This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines as it entails adoption of an Engineering and Traffic Survey and establishing speed limits on several road segments, and there is no possibility that this will have a significant effect on the environment. Fiscal Impact: There are sufficient funds available in the Street Striping Account (411040-4330) to remove and install the speed legend changes estimated at $500, and in the Sign Maintenance Materials Account (411040- 45300) to replace the speed limit sign changes estimated at $250. Public Notification: A Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Poway News Chieftain on Thursday, March 5, 2020. 2 of 7 March 17, 2020, Item #6 Attachments: A. Ordinance B. 2019 Engineering and Traffic Survey Reviewed/Approved By: We;.;dK aserman Assistant City Manager 3 of7 Reviewed By: Alan Fenstermacher City Attorney Approved By: City Manager March 17, 2020, Item #6 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE 2019 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY WHEREAS , Sections 22357 and 22358 of the California Vehicle Code give local municipalities the authority to set speed limits below the maximum speed limits set forth by State law, where such speed limits are supported by an Engineering and Traffic Survey ; WHEREAS, Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code defines the Survey requirements deemed necessary by the State; WHEREAS, Section 10.32.010 of the Poway Municipal Code allows the City Council to determine the most appropriate speed limits on certain streets within the City Limits based on an Engineering and Traffic Survey; and WHEREAS, the 2019 Engineering and Traffic Survey, included in the staff report as Attachment B, has been prepared in accordance with Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code and Section 2B .13 of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices to set speed limits in the City of Poway. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1: The above recitations are true and correct. SECTION 2: The City Council finds that the adoption of this Ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines , as it entails adoption of an Engineering and Traffic Survey and establishing speed limits on several road segments, and there is no possibility that this will have a significant effect on the environment. SECTION 3: The 2019 Engineering and Traffic Survey is hereby adopted. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be codified. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its adoption. CERTIFICATION/PUBLICATION : The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it or a summary of it , to be published with the names of the City Council members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Poway within fifteen (15) days after its adoption and shall post a cert ified copy of this Ordinance in the Office of the City Clerk in accordance with Government Code § 36933. 4 of7 ATTACHMENT A March 17, 2020, Item #6 Ordinance No . Page 2 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, held the 17th day of March 2020 , and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of said City Council held the 7th day of April 2020, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : ABSENT: DI SQUALi Fl ED: Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Faviola Medina, CMC, City Clerk 5 of7 March 17, 2020, Item #6 en 0 .... ...... ~ i! n :::c s: m z -t a:, 2019 Engineering & Traffic Survey Summary City of Poway SEGMENT I SPEED DATA (mph) I TRAFFIC DATA I ACCIDENTS (3-yr period) I RECOMMENDATION No. I Street Name I From ITo !Posted ISO%ile ISS%ile !Length (miles) IADT !Segment I Rate JState Av. !Speed (mph) I Comments ___ ~ ~~~~r~afai __________________________ f ~f i11~f L ____ J~~~~~;.',a,. __________ il ____ li ____ ~l~ii _______ J ;;l[l ______ t if: tl; l~~ !~ ~~\;~:; il _ = ,I t}~~f lf ~g Geoe,al A,Omlcs Way:::=~ ~If ~t:::y :::=diI~Sf {C" :=::= ::=:: ll Cloudcroft Drive 43 34 35 34 -----:;+~:;:------------- 3811.71 4010.61 i~f-----:~ ~:~: :: ::1;,~:~~:.~:oad :=:::=:=:::=::=~=::=:: ::;~:::::~~:~~:=:=::i:~::i::lley Road :==t:= :it=:: t---4 '12 10 ----------- __ ll!Espola Road ____________ _ Titan Way ____ J ______ 45 3911.04 __ 151 Hilleary Place_________________________ I Midland Road _____ _ 16IKirkham Road Kirkham Court Community Road I 35 Scripps Poway Parkway __ _J ______ 40 _Il [[t~~~;~::~--------X~j~ _____ !~~~f ~J~:;;" j ____ J~~}if ~l;:~,----__ __li :: ~:I ~i;:;~;l~~::d ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J~~~E~:l:;eet :::::::::::::: ::;:::~r:~:::t ::::::::::*:::: ~~ 26IOak Knoll Road Pomerado Road Carriag_e Road 25 271O1d Coach Road Esp_ola Road Northerly End 35 33 33 44 31 30 35 35 35 21 35 25 26 31 -----::+~:~!------------- 3811.41 4011.28 -----:~t~:!! ------------- -----::+~:!!------------- 3010.30 3010 .51 3711.77 l~;;i---------~+-----~:~~~ ~:::------ _l;~m:::::::::: ~+:::: ~:~~~ ~t :::::: 451 Maintain 45 351 Maintain 35 35 Maintain 35 35 Maintain 35 451 Maintain 45 12934 5 ~~:::1----------~ 1573 1 --~!!l---------~ --::~:1----------~ 1520 0 --~:~~l----------~ 4775 0 6049 0 --!~!!l----------~ 2945 4 1979 0 0 .4911.56 0.5911.3 0.0011.3 1.4911.3 451Maintain 45 451 Maintain 45 351 Maintain 35 301 Maintain 30 !~?-~~+--------------~.?l Maintain 35 0 .00l 1 .56 35f Reduce to 35 0.9911 .56 0.0011.3 0 .0011.3 1.0811 .3 ----~:~~~ ~:; __ ------ 0 .0011 .3 I 0 .00 1.36 1.1111.3 451Maintain 45 ::::::::::::: H+~::~~::~ :~ :: 351 Maintain 35 351 Maintain 35 25 Maintain 25 35 Maintain 35 301 Maintain 30 __________ .,________ --------+---------------- 7.3011.3 251 Maintain 25 0 .0011.3 351Maintain 35 March 17, 2020, Item #6 -.J 0 ~ -.J 2019 Engineering & Traffic Survey Summary City of Poway SEGMENT SPEED DATA (mph) TRAFFIC DATA ACCIDENTS (3-yr period) RECOMMENDATION From To Posted 50%ile 85%ile Length (miles) 28I0Id Pomerado Road Pomerado Road Southerly End ____________________ 30 _____ 30 _____ 34 0.75 ____________ _ __ 29 Pomerado_Road __________________________________ Bernardo Heights Parkway ___ Twin_Peaks Road _________________ 45 __ 30 Pomerado Road----------------------------------Twin Peaks Road ______________ Ted Williams Pkwy ________ 40 __ 31 Pomerado Road __________________________________ Ted_Williams Parkway ________ Metate_Lane _____________________ 45 _ 32 Pomerado_Road __________________________________ Metate Lane ___________________ Southern_City Limit ______________ 45 __ 33 Poway Road ------------------------------➔Westerly City Limit ________ Oak Knoll Road ___________________ 45 __ 34 Poway Road --------------------------------------Oak Knoll Road ________________ Garden Road ______________ 35 __ 35 Poway Road --------------------------------------Garden Road___________________ Es po la_ Road ______________________ 50 __ 36 Poway Road --------------------------------------Espola Road ____________________ SR-67 ______________________________ 50 44 35 42 43 46 4911.31 4010 .34 4712.14 4811.25 5110.47 -------------34 39 2.66 45 48 1.10 -------------------------- 49 53 2.62 __ ;_;1;;~;;;_;:::~ ::~~;_;; _______________________ _J;::~~i~~t~~::it ------~~~:~:~t~::et -________ J ______ ;; -----:~ ---___ ;; ~~:~------------- ~; g~~f f: ::~··,_=~~~~~=i~~~~ i~,~~~TI~~L~f :~f ~l~t:::: ... , :l=i l! 6511.44 3711.28 4512.27 3810 .24 :: ::l~:~~]~,~:~7E~~0:~dCenter Drive :::::::::::t~~::~;~~: Limit ::::=JrJt:~~ ~~Ylimits ::::::J::::: :~ Pomerado Road so 4110.92 -----:~+~:::------------- ADT Segment ~~~rn ::::::::: ~ 22544 33216 38182 5 0 2 ~~~~~l--------4~ 18437 33361 8 0 Rate State Av. I Speed (mph) I Comments 3.1811.3 I 301 Maintain 30 0.0811.56 I 451 Maintain 45 0 .0011.36 I 401 Maintain 40 ----~:~~~ ~:~:-----+------------::+ ~::~:::~ ::-- 0.3111.36 I 451 Maintain 45 1.3911 .36 I 351 Maintain 35 O.OOl 1.36 I SOI Maintain so 0.4511.3 I SOI Maintain 50 0.0011 .36 551 Maintain 55 ~~~~!I :1 --------•-----------0.5811 .36 0.4311.36 5SIMaintain 55 601 Maintain 60 --~~!!l----------~ 1.5211.28 0.7211.56 3::~I ~I --------•-----------0 .0011.56 0.0011.3 2773 0 0 .0011.56 31083 0 ------------35 I Maintain 35 45IMaintain 45 351 Maintain 35 40IMaintain 40 301 Maintain 30 50IMaintain 50 __ 46 Ted Williams Parkway __________________ Pomerado Road _______________ Twin_Peaks Road _________________ 40 __ 47 Tierra Bonita_Road -------------------------------Twin Peaks Road_________ Ipava Drive _______________________ 35 60 33 42 34 38 30 46 34 32 45 43 34 30 --------+------------------I 155301 3910 .26 3710.95 0 0 12 0 .0011.36 O.OOl 1.36 ----~:~~~ ~:!6------ 401 Maintain 40 351 Maintain 35 __ 48 Twin Peaks Road---------------------------------Pomerado Road _______________ Community Road ________________ 45 49 Twin Peaks Road __________________________ Community Road______________ Espola Road ______________________ 45 __ 50 Valle Verde Road _________________________________ Espola Road ____________________ Decant Drive _____________________ 35 51 Valle Verde Road Decant Drive Old Winery Road 30 1454 4911.44 41663 21932 1 4711.13 --------+------------------+:: 5819J----------0 1438 0 38 0 .62 35 0.56 0.1111.56 0.0011.3 0.0011.3 451 Maintain 45 45IMaintain 45 3SIMaintain 35 301 Maintain 30 March 17, 2020, Item #6