Item 7 Additional Materials posted 7-21-20M EMQRAN DLJ M City of Poway ADDITIONAL MATERIALS (Agenda Related Writings/Documents provided to City Council or Staff after distribution of the Agenda Packet for the July 21, 2020 Council Meeting) DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: July 21, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Carrie Gallagher, CMC � (858)668-4535 or cgallagher@poway.org Item 7 -Resolution Establishing Assessments for Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-2 to be Collected on the San Diego County Property Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2020-21 Attached please find correspondence received after the agenda posting deadline. Reviewed/Approved By: Wendf Kaserman Assistant City Manager 1 of 3 Reviewed By: Alan Fenstermacher City Attorney Approved By: City Manager July 21, 2020, Item #7 From: To: Subject: Date: Dave Anastasia Eric Heidemann PROPOSED TAX INCREASE Monday, July 20, 2020 11:57:12 AM Ref: Agenda Item 7 on July 21, 2020 calendar I just posted the attached on the Nextdoor App. to infonn Sycamore Creek residents of this proposed tax increase. This proposed increase is ridiculous. I've actually received a copy of our latest landscape contract for 86-2B. It's unbelievable the amount of money we are paying the current contractor. The service they provide sucks! It's a minimal amount of area they have to maintain. The front entrance at the Sycamore Creek sign is full of weeds. I'm constantly calling the city to request better maintenance. Once in awhile they put in some new plants that quickly die. They hardly ever water anymore. The sidewalks and boulder lined trails are full of weeds. The right-of-ways along Sycamore Valley Rd and Hidden Valley Rd. look like crap. Remember, this was the area where we spent our excess funds several years ago to get new sprinklers and plants. What a waste of money that was since they never properly maintained it and once again it looks terrible. When I do on occasion see the landscapers, they basically "blow and go" and are in and out of here in an hour or less. Sycamore Creek residents need to ask themselves, "What are we paying for, and are the services provided up to par with the amount we are paying? " My opinion is, if they want to increase our taxes then the services provided need to improve substantially. For years the lack of oversight on these landscape contracts has been lacking. The City Supervisor in charge needs to be out here overseeing the work of the contractor and ensuring we are getting our monies worth. The current City Supervisor is Mark LeDrew. He can be contacted at: (858) 668-4708 or mledrew@poway.org, Or better yet contact the Director of Public Works, Eric Heidemann (858)668-4714, eheidemann@poway.org Please voice your concerns to him and other city officials about this proposed tax increase. Dave Anastasia 2 of 3 July 21, 2020, Item #7 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL From: To: Subject: Date: tonif]ash@cox net Marc LeDrew; Eric Heidemann Regarding contract for 86-2B Monday, July 20, 2020 3:39:11 PM Mark LeDrew, Landscape Supervisor Eric Heidemann,, Director of Public Works, I, along with several of our Sycamore Creek neighbors, are very disturbed to find that the city is planning to increase the fees to our landscape maintenance fund. We have had a large excess in the past. Where did that go? At best, any increase should be deducted from our excess, not an additional increase to we homeowners. As always, it seems in the beginning of a new contract, the workers are diligent and attentive and then over time slack off in what they actually do. There needs to be a greater attention by the city to checking on contractors to be sure they are actually doing what they are being paid for. We have weeds where we shouldn't. It feels like they are only doing minimum amount of work, and some of the plants at the entrance are not getting enough water. If the city wants to increase our taxes then the services provided need to improve substantially. At least we as home owners needed to have an opportunity to ask questions and weigh in on this decision because it all just doesn't add up. I would appreciate a response. Sincerely, Toni Fleischmann 13055 Birch Lane Poway, CA 92064 858-336-3327 !g j Virus-free. www avg.com 3 of 3 July 21, 2020, Item #7