Item 7 - Capital Improvement Program UpdateOctober 20, 2020, Item #7AGENDA REPORT CityofPoway DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: October 20, 2020 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Services/AA Melody Rocco, City Engineer /\J~ (858) 668-4653 or mrocco@p6~~y.org Capital Improvement Program Update CITY COUNCIL This report presents a status update on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and a brief status of each ongoing project within the current CIP. At the City Council meeting, staff will present more detail on the higher profile projects. Recommended Action: This is an informational item and there is no recommended action. Discussion: The City's CIP is administered by staff from the Engineering Division of the Development Services Department with the goal of maintaining and improving the City's infrastructure, and enhancing public facilities based upon community needs. Engineering staff provides professional engineering services in the planning, design, and construction of the CIP projects. The CIP is an ongoing process which matches available funds with prioritized needs. During program planning, staff takes inventory of the City's existing infrastructure and facilities, considers facility and system assessments completed by consultants as well as community needs, and then develops a prioritized project list consistent with community goals. Projects are prioritized and designed to achieve optimum use of available funding. Projects are categorized into the following categories: Streets, Drainage, Public Facilities, Water, and Sewer. The current CIP includes 40 projects with $10.86 million appropriated with the FY 2020-21 budget for a total of $53.86 million in appropriations for these projects. A list of all currently funded projects is provided as Attachment A. This report presents updates to the status of projects since the last program update was presented to City Council on June 16, 2020 as part of the FY 2020-21 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program presentation. Projects previously completed and accepted by City Council or that continue to be on hold are not listed in the project discussion but are identified in Attachment A. 1 of 6 October 20, 2020, Item #7STREETS The primary goal of projects within the Streets category is to extend the useful life of public streets, to address capacity issues, to maintain the City's traffic signals, to refresh and update street striping and signage, and to maximize efficiency for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians while ensuring public safety. The Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Street Overlay was accepted as complete by the City Council at the September 15, 2020 City Council meeting. The 2020-2021 Street Maintenance and 2020-2021 Citywide Striping projects are substantially complete and will be scheduled for acceptance at a future City Council meeting. The Traffic Signal Controller Upgrades project (FY 2019-20) will be advertising for construction in the next few weeks. The Espola Road Safety Improvements project continues to progress through the utility undergrounding phase. SDG&E is nearing completion of the 20A portion of the undergrounding. Cox Communications is actively working in the same area. AT& Twill begin work when Cox Communications is finished. SDG&E is finalizing one remaining easement for the 20B portion of the project. Once the easement has been executed, SDG&E will finalize the infrastructure installation and begin cabling. The original scope of the LED Street & Safety Lighting Conversion project was completed in July. Based upon the successful conversion of over 3,000 streetlights, the City processed a change order to add the decorative lighting in the Old Poway Park and Civic Center areas. Installation of the decorative lighting is anticipated to be complete by early April 2021. The Espola Road Bike Lanes and Neighborhood Sidewalks (Powers and Garden Road areas) are progressing through design. The Traffic Signal Controller Upgrades project (FY 2020-21) will be in design soon. DRAINAGE The primary goal of projects within the drainage category is preservation and maintenance of existing infrastructure, including culverts, concrete channels and natural channels, and the ongoing annual replacement of deteriorating corrugated metal pipes (CM P). It also includes the Annual Trash Capture Program, which is an unfunded mandate by the Regional Water Quality Control Board to capture all trash greater than 5mm, essentially anything larger than a cigarette butt, in priority land use areas (PLUs). PLUs include areas classified as commercial, industrial, and high density residential as well as transit stops. The City has ten years to comply with the region-wide mandate and is appropriating funding annually with the CIP budget to complete a portion of the program each year. The Rattlesnake Creek Integrity Study is complete and will be used for prioritizing future drainage projects along that segment of creek. The 2019-20 Corrugated Metal Pipe Annual Repair/Replace project is under construction. The Sebago Avenue Channel Repairs and Annual Trash Capture projects were awarded at the September 15, 2020 City Council meeting and are expected to start construction soon. A concrete channel repair project was not funded with this year's CIP budget as specific locations had not been identified for repair at the time. Public Works staff recently completed the annual channel maintenance and found several locations in need of repairs. Staff anticipates requesting an appropriation of funds at a future City Council meeting for a channel repair project based upon the recommended repairs. PUBLIC FACILITIES The primary goal of projects within the Public Facilities category is the preservation and maintenance of the over 100 public buildings and parks. The category also includes installation of new public facilities as well as renovation of existing facilities. Building maintenance tasks are typically combined to create the annual Public Facilities Renovation project. The individual tasks that make up the Public Facilities Renovation project are accomplished by a combination of Public Works and CIP engineering staff. In 2016, a Facility Needs Assessment was conducted which included a comprehensive assessment of select City facilities, with the assessment of each facility varying from an entire building assessment to roof and HVAC assessments only. It provided a ten-year list of corrective actions as well as continuous ongoing maintenance items at each assessed building. 2 of6 October 20, 2020, Item #7The Valle Verde Playground Renovation project was accepted as complete at the July 7, 2020 City Council Meeting. The Mickey Cafagna Community Center project is progressing through construction. Framing for two out of three buildings is complete with the third building underway. More details on the progress will be provided as part of staffs presentation for this report. The FY 2019-20 ADA Barrier Removal -Lake Poway and the City Monument Sign Replacement projects were awarded at the September 15, 2020 City Council meeting. Construction on these two projects is anticipated to begin soon. The Swim Center Valve Replacement and the Swim Center Deck Coating projects have been advertised for construction. As part of an effort to preserve General Fund dollars as we evaluate the overall fiscal impact of COVID-19, no Public Facilities Renovation projects were funded this year. However, since approval of the CIP budget, staff has processed a budget transfer from several older, completed Public Facilities Renovation projects to fund the City Hall HVAC Controls project. This will replace the controllers and programming of the HVAC systems at City Hall and the City Council Chambers. CIP staff will be advertising this project for construction in the next few weeks. WATER The primary goal of projects within the water category is preservation of existing infrastructure, including pipelines, reservoirs, pump stations, pressure reducing stations, and the water treatment plant facility. In 2014, assessments of the City's water distribution system and Water Treatment Plant were completed. A ten-year water CIP was developed from the assessments. The Annual Valve Replacement project is in construction. The Chemical Building and Tank Farm Upgrades construction is on hold. Some activities were delayed during the beginning of the pandemic and six valves remain to be replaced which require treatment plant shutdowns. During treatment plant shutdowns, treated water is provided from the Clearwell Reservoir to serve customers. These replacements will need to be completed during the winter months due to lower water demands. The Water Treatment Plant Clearwell Distribution Flow Meters and Boulder Mountain Reservoirs 1 and 2 Rehabilitation projects will be advertised for construction in the next few weeks. Preliminary engineering has begun on the Power to Blue Crystal Reservoir, Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) Station Access Assessment, and Water Treatment Plant Electrical System Assessment projects. Several water projects are now being managed by the Public Works Department including the Clearwell Upgrades, Clearwell Bypass, San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) Treated Water Connection, and Clearwell Overflow Structure Modifications projects. Public Works staff will be providing regular updates to the City Council separately from the Capital Improvement Program Update in order to provide more details on those projects. SEWER The primary goal of projects within the sewer category is preservation of existing infrastructure, including pipelines, manholes and lift stations, and providing increased flow capacity where identified as necessary. In 2013, an assessment was completed for the City's sanitary sewer distribution system. A ten-year sewer CIP was developed and included both capacity increasing projects and maintenance projects. The Martincoit Road Sewer Upsize is substantially complete and will be scheduled for acceptance at a future City Council meeting. The Sewer Line Repair Replace 14/15 (Pomerado at Stone Canyon) project construction is being finalized. The construction was stopped due to continued unforeseen conditions. The completed portion of the project will be scheduled for acceptance at a future City Council meeting. Since the original scope of the project was not fully constructed, staff is evaluating how to address the ongoing maintenance concerns that still exist. The Exposed Sewer East of Martincoit project design is complete. The project will be advertised for construction in early spring 3 of 6 October 20, 2020, Item #7for construction during the summer months. The Annual Manhole Rehabilitation project is facilitated by Public Works staff. This project has not yet been started. Staff has begun drafting a Request for Proposal for design of the Bowron Road Sewer Upsize project. This project was budgeted based upon the scope of work in the sewer assessment. An additional study recently completed for a private development in the area indicated a longer segment of sewer main should be upsized. Public Works staff has also identified a segment of sewer main that ties into this section of Bowron Road as needing continual maintenance. While upsizing the Bowron Road sewer main, it is a good opportunity to address this additional segment of pipeline. Staff anticipates requesting an additional appropriation of funding at a future City Council meeting, from both the Sewer Connection Fee fund, for the additional segment of pipe being upsized, and the Sewer Enterprise Fund for the pipe replacement for maintenance purposes. The Sewer Connection Fee fund is funded by developer impact fees for sewer impacts and fees paid for individual sewer connections. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Fiscal Impact: None. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. CIP Project Status List Reviewed/ Approved By: Wend aserman Assistant City Manager 4 of6 Reviewed By: Alan Fenstermacher City Attorney Approved By: City Manager October 20, 2020, Item #7CIP PROIECT STATUS: Complete: 1. FY 2018-19 ADA Barrier Removal -Lake Poway Pathways 2. City Hall Hydronic Piping Replacement 3. Buehler Reservoir Rehabilitation 4. Rattlesnake Creek Integrity Study 5. Valle Verde Playground Renovation 6. Fiscal Year 2019-20 Street Overlay Substantially Complete: 1. Martincoit Road Sewer Upsize 2. Fiscal Year 2020-21 Street Maintenance 3. Fiscal Year 2020-21 Street Striping Under Construction/Studies: 1. Espola Road Safety Improvements 2. LED Street and Safety Light Conversion 3. Mickey Cafagna Community Center 4. Chemical Building and Tank Farm Upgrades 5. Annual Valve Replacement 6. 36-inch Steel Water Main Assessment 7. Sewer Line Repair Replace 14/15 (Pomerado Rd/Stone Canyon Rd) 8. 2019-20 Corrugated Metal Pipe Annual Repair/Replace Bid/Pre-Construction: 1. FY 2019-20 ADA Barrier Removal -Lake Poway 2. Traffic Signal Controller Upgrades (FY 19/20) 3. City Monument Sign Replacement 4. Sebago Avenue Channel Repair 5. Annual Trash Capture Program 6. Boulder Mountain Reservoir 1 and 2 Rehabilitation 7. Swim Center Valve and Strainer Replacement (Community Services) 8. Swim Center Deck Coating (Community Services) 9. Public Facilities Renovation -City Hall HVAC Controls 10. Water Treatment Plant Clearwell Distribution Flow Meters Design: 1. Espola Road Bike Lanes 2. Neighborhood Sidewalks (Powers & Garden Areas) 3. Exposed Sewer East of Martincoit 4. Clearwell Upgrades (Public Works) 5. Clearwell Bypass (Public Works) 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT A October 20, 2020, Item #7Pre-Design: 1. Fiscal Year 2020-21 Street Overlay 2. Traffic Signal Controller Upgrades (FY 20/21) 3. FY 2020-21 ADA Barrier Removal -Lake Poway 4. Bowron Road Sewer Upsize 5. Power to Blue Crystal Reservoir 6. PRV Station Access Assessment 7. WTP Electrical System Assessment 8. Annual Sewer Line Repair/Replace 9. Clearwell Overflow Structure Modifications (Public Works) 10. SDCWA Treated Water Connection (Public Works) 11. Annual Manhole Rehabilitation (Public Works) 12. Blue Sky Amphitheater Shade Structure (on hold) 13. Butterfield Trail Sewer Upsize (delayed to 2021) 6 of6