Off Docket - Contract-Change #20 Midland RD Widening 1986 11-180 A d"ITATT1 A D'VDf%D►P "%A AJAIN J.JAA AV AJA VAV 1 CITY OF POWAY E TO: Honorable Chairman & Director of the Poway Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, Executive Direc INITIATED BY: Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Service /l.14 City Engineer J. Bradley Kutzner, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: November 18, 1986 SUBJECT: MIDLAND ROAD WIDENING - CHANGE ORDER #20 BACKGROUND The construction of drainage improvements in the creek on the west side of the Rattlesnake Creek Bridge, has uncovered problems with the abuttment wall of the bridge. On two occasions, the abuttment wall supporting the road fill has shifted toward the creek. After taking immediate measures to halt the movement, the City Engineer has directed the contractor to install permanent anchors under the roadbed. This will tie back the wall and neutralize the potential for further movement. Change Order #20 will approve payment for this emergency work already performed by the contractor. FINDING Hayward Enterprises Inc., was ordered to install concrete "deadmen" and rods tying the abuttment wall to those " deadmen" The contractor has performed this emergency repair work as directed by the City Engineer. The contractor estimates that this work will cost no more than $15,628.00. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Poway Redevelopment Agency direct staff to approve payment of Change Order #20 on a time and materials basis, for a cost not to exceed $15,628.00. JLB:ADA:JBK:ke ACTION: Approved staff recommendation. S i:darkaa Oliva, Deputy Secretary NOV 18 1986 ITEM OFF 1 of 5 bockc ( 1TY OF POWAY CHANGE OF CONTRACT ACCOUNT NO. 5204 PROJECT: Midland Road W. CONTRACTOR: Hayward Enterprises DATE November 17, 1986 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 20 The Contractor is hereby authorized and directed to make the herein described changes from the Plans and Specifications or do the following work not included in the Plans and Specifications for the construction of this project. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Emergency work to stabilize western abuttment wall of Rattlesnake Creek Bridge per attached sketch. Payment shall be on a time and materials basis, not to exceed the figure listed. TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE ORDER J 5,628.00Increase - Derma se• - It is agreed that 06 working calendar days extension of time will be allowed by reason of this change. Prepared by CITY OF POWAY, PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT Project I ngineer ACCEPTED: By Date: APPROVED: CITY OF POWAY By: Date: Note: Attention is called to the sections of the General Provisions on Scope of Work and Estimates and Payments. This change order is not effective until approved by owner. If acceptable to the contractor, this change- -Aef i eft 'yA OFF immediately. F Fiately. 2 of 5 City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive GIYI �— Mailing Address: P.O. Box 785, Poway, California 92064 • (619) 748 -6600, (619) 695 -1400 —`0 hca 1 HAYWARD CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 50470 ' Pasadena, California 9] 105 (213)254 -6173 TRANSMITTAL To: City of Poway P.O. Box Poway, Ca. 920 Attention: Brad Kutzner & Earl Berryman Subject: Proposed Change Omer # Q Date: Nov. 12, 1986 Job No. # 5204 Description: Cost Break -Down Attached Via: $15.628.93 n El El El El For Approval Resubmitted For Approval For your Use For Distribution Disapproved Other Remarks: FW:kg 3 of 5 License No. 372533 NOV 18 1986 ITEM OFF DOcKE afto HAYWARD CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 50470 Pasadena, Cahinnnia 91105 (213)254.6173 November 12, 1986 TO City of Poway RE Proposed Change Order # Q, Midland Road Project. TO INSTALL DEADMAN AS PER B. S. I. 154 FT. BACK IN ROADWAY : MATERIALS : # 1 - 180 L.F. # 4 rebar : # 2 - 5 cu. yds. concrete (PSI 4000) : # 3 - 11 cu, yds, sand slurry (2sack) : # 4 - 2 gallons - 107 tar coat : EQUIPMENT : FOR EXCAVATION OF DEADMAN : @ .87¢ per ft, : $ 156.00 @ $ 59,36 cu, yd. : $ 296.8o @ $ 35.60 cu, yd. : $ 391.60 @ $ 13.25 per gal. : 26.50 $ 871.50 1 - Grada11, w/ operator 3 rade checker : 16 hrs. @$145.00 an hr.s $2,320.00 1 - Core boreing 5 holes ; (Penhall Co. lump sum) $1,250.00 1 - Loader to remove over burden, w/ operator : 8 hrs. @ $85.00 an hr. : 680.00 4,250.00 LABOR : TO INSTALL REBAR, GRADE, RODS, POUR CONCRETE, TAR COATING & POUR SLURRY : # 1 - Foreman : 0.24 hours @ $ 29.55 an hour : $ t09: P0 # 2 - Laborers : G4.96- hours @ $ 26.81 an hour : `�6 # 3 - Masons g 24 hour @ $ 29.37 an hour : $ -9947 -88 LABOR : FOR DETOUR OF TRAFFIC THRU NORWALK OFF MIDLAND ROAD TO ALL THRU TRAFFIC RAY14ARD TO FURNISH BARRICADS AND NOTIFICATION, # 1 - Foreman : 4 hours ? $ 29.55 an hour : $ 118.20 # 2 - Laborers 8 hours @ $ 26,81 an hour : $ 214.48 # 3 - Flagmen : 80 hours 'Y $ 17.37 an hour : 11 89.60 1,722,28 EQUIPMENT : FOR REPLACEMENT OF FILL IN ROADWAY AND RECOMPACTION IN BAR TRENCHES : # 1 - Dozer w/ operator : 8 hours @ $ 70,00 an hour : $ 560.00 # 2 - Loader w/ operator 1 8 hours @ $ 85.00 an hour : $ 680.00 # 3 - Roller w/ operator : 8 hours @ $ 45.00 an hour : $ 360.00 # 4 - 'dater Truck w/ operator :8 hours @ $ 55.00 an hour : 440.00 2,040.00 LABOR : FOREMAN FOR BACKFILL AND LABORER # 1 - Foreman : 8 hours @ $ 29.55 an hour : $ 2366.40 # 2 - Laborer : 8 hours @ $ 26.81 an hour s 214.48 450.88 License No. 372533 NOV 18 1986 11 EM OFF bocKE 4 of 5 ri hcft� wvw�n CONSTRUCTION co. P.o.eoXsoa7o Pasadena, Califomia 91105 (213) 2546173 PAGE # 2 Proposed Change Order # Q, Midland Road Project. TOTAL MATERIAL'S & EQUIPMENT s $7161.50 Profit & Overhead @ 15 % $1074.23 $8235.73 TOTAL LABOR : $6161.00 Profit ?c Overhead a 20 % 7393.20 TOTAL AMOUNT 1 $15,628.93 I£ unsuitable materials are encountered and has to be removed off project. All trucking and dump fees will be an extra. End dump truck : $58.00 an hour Dump fees : $30.00 per load License No. 372533 NOV 18 1986 ITEM OFF b 5 of 5