Item 2 - Pre-Application for GPA 86-02AGENDA REPORTr�' CITY OF POWAY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Plan ing Services James R. Nessel, Associate Planner p% Sharon E. Crockett, Assistant Planner DATE: May 22, 1986 SUBJECT: Pre - Applications for GPA 86 -02 BACKGROUND On January 8, 1985 the City Council adopted a resolution providing for review of pre - applications for general plan amendments beginning on the first available Thursday workshop in May or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this review is to allow the proponent of the pre - application and Staff to ascertain the Council's level of interest in the request. That review is considered advisory only and, if an applicant wishes to proceed, the formal application must be submitted by July 4, 1986 for con- sideration at a public hearing in September. Staff received 13 pre - applications and those have been divided into two groups. Six of the requests will be reviewed today. The remaining seven are scheduled for the May 22, 1986 workshop. With each of the pre- applications, Staff has included certain maps and other information to assist the City Council in their review. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review each of the six pre - applications contained within this report. Attachments: 1. P -GPA 86 -02A 2. P -GPA 86 -02C 3. P -GPA 86 -02D 4. P -GPA 86 -021 5. P -GPA 86 -02K 6. P -GPA 86 -02L 7. P -GPA 86 -02M 86 -02A - Concurred the present PS -4 - -is = consistent & should not,be changed. ACTION: 86 -02C - Concurred the request is premature, Midland Rd. has not been alic 86 -02D - Concurred the present designation is good, & neighbors have not been -in -favor increased density in the past. 86 -02J - Concurred increased density not warranted because of steep terrain. 86 -02K - No land use changes considered until another access to Garden Rd. area availak 86 -02L - Present zoning compatible & should not be changed. MAY 2 2 1986 IT E M 2 $6 -02M - Prior to chanaina to PC. exact nlan nPP(9Pd with nPi abbnnG ;;nn= nrr �l vm W - - , Deputy City SUBJECT: Pre - Application, General Plan Amendment 86 -02A OWNER /APPLICANT: Claudia M. Serra LOCATION: South side of Twin Peaks Road approximately 280 feet west of Espola Road APN: 321- 190 -28 PARCEL SIZE: 2.15 gross acres ABSTRACT Current Land Use Plan: Residential Single Family 4 (3 -4 du /net acre) Current Zoning Plan: Requested Land Use Plan: Requested Zoning Plan: BACKGROUND RS -4 Residential Condominium (7 -12 du /net acre) RC This application requests the redesignation of a 2.15 acre site on the south side of Twin Peaks Road. The property is undeveloped and has a slope of zero to five percent. According to current floodplain mapping, the property is not within the 100 year floodplain level of Rattlesnake Creek. The zoning designations and land uses of the surrounding parcels are as follows: To the north and west, the properties are under the same designation as the subject site (RS -4); to the north of the site, across Twin Peaks Road, the properties are partially developed with single family dwelling units (Tentative Tract Map 95 -01, QUATE, is directly north of the site); to the west, the pro- perty is developed as Poway Christian Church; to the east, the pro- perty is zoned Commerical Neighborhood and is developed with the Twin Peaks Village Center and a Circle K convenience market; and, to the south the property is split -zoned RR -C and RS -4 and is deve- loped as the North County Indoor /Outdoor Soccer Park. The zone boundary to the south is established at the northerly floodplain boundary of Rattlesnake Creek. The pre -1983 County land use designation for the subject property was five (5) Residential- 4.3 du /acre. JRN:pn Attachments: la. Location Map lb. Letter of Request lc. Agreement of Understanding ATTACHMENT: 1 2 OF 44 =� P -GPA ss� o aA MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM 2 a I i ScGUNCC CT Q 0 k QJ lL LU l� iol i a U C DAD ITEM: P GPA 86 -07-A TITLE : I- CC-47 -16 I MAP ATTACHMENT: I Q'- 4 3 pF 4 4' L7A !6 -02A MAY 2 2 1986 I T E M 2 29 Illinois Avenue South Gate, California 90280 General Flan Am_mendment Ci ter of noway P. 0. 1s0 >- 78^ Poway, California ^2064 Attention -oar ici'nT, Derar "Ument v REE1V C1.TY 0I P0't!VAY PLANN �nuiec,, = Or•�rt Tai -'arcel X21 -1 � -' 14 -DOCK T\,v „KJ f zAj"s 2� 2.15 a=s peaks Toad and :Ispola _ oaa The subject rrorertJ's current z o r i i n i s -3-! as ? !fir t ?10 car re:^ t General ?lar =es_"natioi-. =rese' land_ _.se no -e. Tnis �^ °cel is c0,1.mletel-,. "Level and oinl�r 10;0 of it is in t e fl o0i, a fac ,`1a1 ac- cording r• e = lan i Departmen+ A'ould n0+ affect tine deve_O Dent, of it. J Tr1e parcels surroundin- the subject property are developea as follows Parcel ;129 nas a Food Store with a Self -Serve gas pump. Parcel s {Y has a commercial- center T%,in Peaks .Tillage Certer. carCel 31 'nas Jeep developed int0 a ;Ort'' X01 ?nt� IndOOr /i;i -tdoor arcei - i is the Poway ("hr-ist tan Ce'_ te-1— :SSe -q .111, Dl - Oa. rJhen T pUrC ,as- t-iis property, t!7° zO 12n fOr tae area orth Count'. T—,—door/Outdoor SOC ✓er Ce:7tervis located, was zoned for residential, since then, evidently the zon= was chanve''. The present zoning on my property calls for lots of 10,000 square feet at least, which means that the homes would have to be large and expensive. The socker field in back of it does not enhance or Mould enhance the value of these homes since there would be noise and lots of activit;, which is not desirable for a nice residential development. The homes in the area, within 500 feet or less are priced upward from ;130,00 to .$200,000 plus. I would liKe for the Planning Department to consider a re- zoning of this parcel for condominiums. I believe that some very well built and well designed condominiums with a reasonable square footage, private garages, swim -ming pool, etc. and nicely lanscaped would be suitable and compatible with the homes in the area. If this rezoning takes effect, as I hope it will, included in the CCRE's would be included a reasonable amount of square footage and other requirements which would make this development very desirable and enhance the area instead of detracting from It. Your consideration to my application will be very much appreciated, 1�4�u/ Claudia I'. Serra ._4. OF 4 4 a [P -GPA s6 -oaA MAY 22 1986_ ITEM 2 1 lgff ACIIA46V 7- , -14 AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Counc'i f the y of Po ay, e einafter referred to as "City" and <' , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel number(s ) ?21- 190_20) Proponent desires to amend the General Plan for this property in . accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted process. City is concerned that Proponent will Crete a General Plan Amendment proposal unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on an unsatisfactory proposal unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above - mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a review prior to filing any application for General Plan Amendment upon the following understanding: A. City will render no decision with regards to any General Plan Amendment or part thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particualr General Plan Amendment. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any General Plan Amendment or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. D. If any General Plan Amendment is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated : ' i� %��f l� l �f %�. proponent Signature CITY Pi ,,ill P -GPA 86 -02A � MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM 2 OF44 fiTTf}Gt/MFT— ` 1 6 SUBJECT: OWNER /APPLICANT: LOCATION: APN: PARCEL SIZE: ABSTRACT Pre - Application, General Plan Amendment 86 -02C A. Frederick Rodgers and Burl L. Young South of Poway Road and immediately west of the terminus of Glengate Place 317- 664 -22 and 23 1.77 acres and 1.20 Current Land Use Plan: Current Zoning Plan: Requested Land Use Plan: Requested Zoning Plan: BACKGROUND acres, respectively Residential Rural C (1 du /1, 2, or 4 net acres) "1m e] Residential Single Family 5 (4 -7 du /net acre) RS -7 This application requests the redesignation of a site which con- sists of two (2) contiguous parcels. Parcel 1, a 1.77 gross acre site, is developed with a single family dwelling unit and accessory structures. Parcel 2, a 1.20 gross acre site, is also developed with a single family dwelling unit. The site is designated RR -C, is outside of the floodplain of Poway Creek, and has a grade of less than 10 percent which slopes northerly towards Poway Creek. The zoning designation and the land uses of the surrounding proper- ties are as follows: To the north and east of the site the proper- ties are zoned RS -7 and developed with single family dwelling units; to the west the property is zoned RR -C and is undeveloped; and to the south the property is presently vacant, is within the boundaries of the adopted South Poway Planned Community development plan, and is designated RR -A. The pre -1983 County land use designation for the subject site was one (1) Residential - 1 du /1, 2, and 4 acres. In the future the subject parcels may be impacted by the extension of Midland Road and the construction of Poway Creek Road. JRN:pn Attachments: 2a. Location Map 2b. Letter of Request 2c. South Poway Planned Community Map 2d. Agreement of Understanding ATTACHMENT: 2 6 -0F 4 4 P -GPA 86 -02C MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM 2 Q c cc cc 0 PMAIA y l00 (5 SCALE : N1A ITEM : -6P,4 84 -OZ G TITLE : GOCftTiO'y / "f ATTACHMENT : "071)F44 P -GPA 86 -02C MAY 2 2 1986 1 T E M 2 - 7 A. Frederick Rodgers 12956 Christman bane Poway, CA 92064' April 3, 1986 City Council city of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 RE: Pre - General Plan Amendment Application My neighbor, Burl Z. Young, and I are asking the city council to consider re- zoning our adjacent properties from RRC to RS7. At the present time the properties are both single family residences. They are bounded on the north and east by existing RS7 development. To the west and south the land is undeveloped. The somewhat rural atmosphere that we now enjoy will be disrupted by the extension of Midland Road and the proposed construction of Poway creek Road shown in the Poway General Plan. These roads will provide a distinct division between the undeveloped land and our properties. Re- zoning our properties to RS7 would be a natural extension of the adjacent developed neighborhood. After re- zoning, these parcels could be split and developed into several single family homes compatible with the community character. The local area would then be unified in a consistent land use, separated from other zones by boundaries such as busy roadways. As part of our initial submittal we have reviewed the Poway Comprehensive Plan with John Bridges of your staff. More detailed site design studies will be undertaken as required for General Plan amendment submittal requirements. We appreciate the opportunity to receive the Council's response to this zoning amendment. I will be in attendance at the City Council Workshop to answer any questions. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, lee A. Frederick Rodgef's ) `n C CITY OF poo ,Ay PLANT :i)N' ----.. BOF44 P -CPA a6 -o ac. MAY 22 1986 ITEM � � ' ROAD --FF p CREEK ]ralq 9 mm 9 vim RMI 'IqRC V a: 4W 4k 7-- co lira os ................. z,e -r- (3 SCALE : VV-44 - ITEM . )0-6PA 84-0?—C- 5oarH RoulA Y- fZAAmAw TITLE : cO'0'WJ-v1rr MAP "IIA- — — -- - ATTACHMENT ZC- P-GPA "-"C AlAY 2 2 1986 IT F M 2 -6 s i AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and Burl Z. Young , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel number(s) 317- 664 -22 . Proponent desires to amend the General Plan for this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted process. City is concerned that Proponent will create a General Plan Amendment proposal unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on an unsatisfactory proposal unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above - mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a review prior to filing any application for General Plan Amendment upon the following understanding: A. City will render no decision with regards to any General Plan Amendment or part thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particualr General Plan Amendment. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any General Plan Amendment or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. D. If any General Plan Amendment is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated: 3 3 1 - 6 Proponent: Signature I®.0F 4 4 LP -GPA 86 -02C MAY 2 2 1986 IT E M Z 11IMcN�4�r- -.µ Zd: � AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Council for the Cit of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and A. Frederick Rodgers gers , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel number(s) 317- 664 -23 Proponent desires to amend the General Plan for this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted process. City is concerned that Proponent will create a General Plan Amendment proposal unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on an unsatisfactory proposal unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above - mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a review prior to filing any application for General Plan Amendment upon the following understanding: A. City will render no decision with regards to any General Plan Amendment or part thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particualr General Plan Amendment. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any General Plan Amendment or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. D. If any General Plan Amendment is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated: CvL �� �� Proponent: Signature E11 �F' P -GPA 86-0,2-C MAY 2 2 1996 1 T�E M 2 Ari�C��i _• 2�! 9 • SUBJECT: Pre - Application, General Plan Amendment 86 -02D OWNER /APPLICANT: John Visconsi LOCATION: Southeast quadrant of Pomerado Road and Stone Canyon Road APN: 275 -232 -1 thru 6, and 36 PARCEL SIZE: Total area of involved parcels - approximately 4.50 gross acres ABSTRACT Current Land Use Plan: Residential Single Family 4 (3 -4 du /net acre) Current Zoning Plan: Requested Land Use Plan: Requested Zoning Plan: BACKGROUND RS -4 Residential Senior Citizen and Commercial Office RSC and CO This application requests the redesignation of a site which is comprised of seven contiguous parcels located on the south side of Stone Canyon Road between Pomerado Road and Country Squire Drive. Pomerado Road represents the physical boundary between the subject area and the City of San Diego to the west. The area in question is presently developed with three single family residences and one duplex unit. The subject area has a grade of less than 15 percent which slopes from east to west towards Pomerado Road. The properties to the north, across Stone Canyon Road, are designated Residential Single Family 2 (1 -2 du /net acre) and are occupied by single- family residences. The land to the east and south is zoned RS -4. The easterly parcels, across Country Squire Drive, are developed with a residential subdivision. The two par- cels to the immediate south, from west to east, are vacant and occupied by a single family dwelling unit, respectively. The area to the west, across Pomerado Road, is commercially zoned in the City of San Diego and developed with Ralph's Market shopping center. The pre -1983 County land use designation for the subject site was three (3) Residential - 2 du /acre. It should be noted that the requested zoning is preliminary only, since the applicant has indicated in his letter of request that several development options will be presented at the pre - application hearing. JRN:pn Attachments: 3a. Location Map 3b. Letter of Request _ 3c. Topographic Contour Map IP -GPA 86 -02D MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM 2 3d. Agreement of Understandi —_ ____i 2 OF 4 4 ATTACHMENT: 3 n'0<,t STOPSIE-®CAt lYDKj ROAp suBi ECT AR40I u FartNAA." Cr. COAL H MAKi CT. �gRDU PARK ? :� A, 6 S + G A� Ur' I�+Y OF POWAY ITEBi : P -GPA 69-07-D (a SCALE N, TITLE : LoCA77,0A/ "Al' - A- T- TACHMENT : -3 a'- ,;,P -GPA 86-=02D � MAY 22 1986 ITEM 2 JI ohn visconsi, CSM 12 92 5 ALra Drive San Diego, California 92128 (619) 451 -1415 April 3, 1986 RE: City of Poway General Plan Amendment Pre- application City council: I would like to change four (4) acres of the current RS4 zoning to a higher density residential and one -half (1/2) acre for general office use. I feel that the highest and best use for this site may be a combination of smaller housing dwellings (i.e., senior villa's) with some limited office use. During the next month, I plan to meet with all the neighbors within 500' of this site. I would like to hear their likes and dislikes and prepare a new mixed use plan based upon this input and complimentary to the neighborhood. At the pre - application hearing, I plan to present several development options for this site to Council. Very truly yours, LV John Visconsi cc: Oscar Swartz a 124'0-F 4 4, RECEIVED APR ° 4 nvd6 PLANNING DEPARTMM U k �'. PLANNING DEPARTMENT c 86 - - -02D MqY 22 1986 ITEM 2 417;Vc111'f6t1,_:r ,6. f AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Council for the Cit of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and �6s re-,A1 i , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel number(s) Z7$2.32- U.3.4-0 5.6 836 Proponent desires to amend the General Plan for this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted process. City is concerned that Proponent will create a General Plan Amendment proposal unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on an unsatisfactory proposal unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above - mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a review prior to filing any application for General Plan Amendment upon the following understandings A. City will render no decision with regards to any General Plan Amendment or part thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particualr General Plan Amendment. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any General Plan Amendment or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. D. If any General Plan Amendment is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated: Proponent: Sig ature FP GPA 86 -02D I MAY 2 2 1986 IT E M 2 SUBJECT: OWNER /APPLICANT: LOCATION: APN: PARCEL SIZE: nucmunOT Pre- Application, General Plan Amendment 86 -02J Graybill Medical Clinic /Michael Hogan Approximately 3,300 feet south of Poway Grade and 1,300 feet north of Sycamore Canyon Road 321 - 270 -55 (Old APN: 321 - 271 -04, 40.85 Acres) 43.21 Gross Acres Current Land Use Plan: Current Zoninq Plan: Requested Land Use Plan: Requested Zoning Plan: BACKGROUND Residential Rural A (1 du /4, 8, 20, or 40 net acres) RR -A Residential Rural B (1 du /2, 4, or 8 net acres) RR -B This application involves a vacant parcel of land located to the south of Poway Grade and to the north of the easterly terminus of Sycamore Canyon Road. The northern one half of the parcel consists of terrain that ranges from zero to over 30 percent slope. The southern portion of the parcel exceeds 30 percent grade and slopes to the south towards Los Penasquitos Creek, a tributary to Poway Creek. An existing private access road easement, Blue Crystal Trails, terminates at the parcel's northerly property line. Adjacent properties to the west, north, and east are designated RR -A. The two large parcels to the west are each occupied by a single family residence. Properties adjoining on the north and east are presently vacant. The property to the south is designated Planned Residential Development (PRD). That property, while pre- sently undeveloped, has an approved tentative subdivision map (TTM 83 -02, Kuebler - PRD). The pre -1983 County land use designa- tion for the subject site was (18) Multiple Rural - 1 du /4, 8, 20 and 40 acres. JRN:is Attachments: 4a. Location Map 4b. Letter of Request 4c. Topographic Contour Map 4d. Agreement of Understanding ATTACHMENT: 4 1'27' _�F 4 L P -GPA 86 -02J MAY 2 2 1986 1 T E M 2 • • GRAY, CARY, AM ES & FRYE GORDON GRAY (1877 1967) ATTORNEYS AT LAW OTHER OFFICES W P CARY(1882 1943) 1200 PROSPECT STREET SUITE 575 IN WALTER AMES(1893 1980) SAN DIEGO FRANK A FRYE(1904 1970) LA JOLLA CALIFORNIA 92037 EL CENTRO TEL E PH ONE E619] 454 -9101 April 4, 1986 Mrs. Reba Touw RECEIVE® Planning Director APR -4 ft0 City of Poway 13202 Poway Road PLANNING DEPARTMENT Poway, CA 92064 Re: General Plan Amendment Pre- Application A.P N. 321- 271 -04 Owner: Gravbill Medical Clinic Dear Mrs. Touw: This firm represents the Graybill Medical Clinic, which has requested our assistance in obtaining a general plan amendment concerning the above property. Please consider this letter as the pre - application for a general plan amendment on behalf of Graybill Medical Clinic. THE PROPERTY A site plan of the subject property is attached as Exhibit "A ". The property consists of approximately 40 acres of undeveloped land, located near the water tank southeast of the intersection of Millards Road and Poway Road. The property is more fully described as follows. The southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 8, Township South, Range West, S.B B.M., in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey. Access to the property is by two separately located private road easements. The property has more than sufficient water service. It is within Assessment District 79 -1 and has been assessed for and allotted a minimum water use far in excess of that needed to serve future development. CURRENT GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING CLASSIFICATION The property currently is designated in the general plan and classified in the zoning ordinance as Rural Residential A (RRA). P-GPA 86 -02J j MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM 2 il 9 VF 4 4 Orr, 4cHrh5vr-__ 4-b. GRAY CARY AMES & FRYE Mrs Reba Touw Page #2 April 4, 1986 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT REQUESTED The applicant seeks an amendment to the general plan to redesignate the property to Rural Residential B (RRB). REASONS FOR AMENDMENT The applicant seeks redesignation of the property from RRA to RRB to permit future subdivision of the property into four lots for residential purposes The amendment would be consistent with good planning for the property and the City for several reasons First, the property was identified as suitable for future residential development when it was included within Assessment District 79 -1. The property has been assessed for and allotted 43,400 gallons of water per day (15,841,000 gallons per year). According to the ground water policy of the City of Poway set forth in Resolution No 294, the minimum lot size of residential development is established by water usage based upon 326,000 gallons per dwelling unit. According to this standard, the property has been assessed for and allotted water sufficient to service development far more intensive than the four dwelling units the general plan amendment requested would allow (See Exhibit "B "). Assessment District 79 -1 was organized to install a water tank to provide water to make the serviced area developable. Since the time the district was organized, there has been no change to the property other than the actual installation of the water tank. An amendment allowing subdivision of the property into lots for four dwelling units is good planning in that it would provide for limited future residential development of property which otherwise has more than nine times greater water assessment and allotment than needed to support the requested amendment. Second, the requested amendment would allow for future development of the property in a manner consistent with surrounding parcels. Several of the parcels nearby already have been developed for residential use. Many other surrounding parcels are of substantially smaller acreage than the average lot size of approximately eight acres which would result if the property were subdivided into four lots. (See Exhibit "C "). l P -GPA 86 -021 MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM E M D-a -F 44 2 ® 0 GRAY CARY AMES & FRYE Mrs. Reba Touw Page #3 April 4, 1986 Third, granting the general plan designation to support subdivision into four lots will reduce the future risk of fire hazards by the availability of water facilities serving the lots. An additional benefit to the City is the increased tax base which will result from the future limited residential development. This application for an amendment to the general plan is intended to allow a general plan designation and zoning classification sufficient to permit subdivision of the property into four residential lots. The requested amendment is consistent with good planning on the part of the City, which already has assessed the property and allotted more than adequate water to make the property developable. Any development as a result of the amendment would have more than enough water, sufficient access and would be limited to large lot sizes consistent with the surrounding area. For the foregoing reasons, Graybill Medical Clinic respectfully requests that the general plan amendment be granted If additional information would be helpful, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Michael M. Hogan For GRAY, CARY, AMES & FRYE MMH:ie cc* Mr. Les Bietz Mr. Michael Wunderlin Mr. Jay Gelb OF P-GPA 86 -02J MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM 2 O E! 2 n r A D Ni Iti > i P Exhibit "A" s + n O y I ° + Y �{ :mom '� ► a! m� � s^ O ° b ° w ° o� e b� o.. v+ a, ° b N f. s s o a H .- -k —I�h —� p_GpA '-0 23 19 t!j Et Ot e� 6 E Mjl 2 s m Z 2 0 O Z IN 3 jo Z� n r 9° JiOn_ �O m —7-7 Allicamom, y B t� ti N O Soo I / O O -- � O 0 D R � 4 — n A` o / r•_ t� _ ' 3 A n rKzv � ^ M M ti Ni Iti > i P Exhibit "A" s + n O y I ° + Y �{ :mom '� ► a! m� � s^ O ° b ° w ° o� e b� o.. v+ a, ° b N f. s s o a H .- -k —I�h —� p_GpA '-0 23 19 t!j Et Ot e� 6 E Mjl 2 s m Z 2 0 O N W 31 i sesL z z Ae6 .7 N NNN NNN✓ r ✓--✓ ✓ ✓rr ✓ r ✓r ✓✓ r ✓✓ 1p m V V O1 u• A W N. V 01 1.I I A r✓ O b O m m V p 1 T V f A W W W W N✓ .+ r O 1 1 N r W N r N r A W N r A W N r w 2 W W W W 2 1 a W 1.1 1.1 w 1• I l J W W W w W W W W W. N O O N N N N [r N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O N N N N N N N n ♦"' "1 --1r r-+ir ✓.••- i ✓r ✓ ✓ ✓r✓ W rr ✓r ✓r ✓ ✓rr ✓.-- � ✓ ✓ ✓....r ✓r... 1 1 1 �1 po V N V1 V V vl V V m V1 V V v V V V V OV V V V V V V V V V O1 V 111 O O O 'J O m O m O ovrny i •; ; 01"•1 17000000 � � ; r ; ✓✓ 1 ; ; O � ('700000000 I I Q Q I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W O OppZr ✓01 A AAA A A pNNNN Y f O ✓✓✓ r••NO W W W O W T 171 f.11 W N W V I A W N m V O\ N m A W N N %D m V D 1 V V 7 %0 4.n D 1 171 v N O m .� r ^ N C'1'o SSc 0 r- r- a0=;1 r_ DSG7 FA -0 V NVf3S<010. < 01 & o -1 c c c O c c c W w c c G N n i}i d_ O b d O d N O d d f0 b d: b m 9 O �q -•1 r N N N b d r♦ 10 10 r10 /b A A + 7 0 , n n -•1 �1 -w O. 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Nv1 W r••i+t7/ V101 p.000%n AA1D N 17110 AVI N W "o. C) 01O m A1./I0 C1mNm0AW m V 10 m1010 W AO1 r V 171 uONr W V I r N 01 m V %D r m W O m W O m m 17 7 0 VIN r L.A.S. l. l O 1 p 1 V 1 p N✓ I. I I••° m N dur r r r r r N DI r V N 01 NNI••+N O m10 A V T AA N r W m A a r V VO� yI W A W A W O) A 0 7 a I J 1 W A V t n m 0 N V N 01 A r 10 a s 01 a w V+ N b 1O NO1 "-41R N 01 m NI D• r CO O✓ V1 w w O O vO m ✓✓ V7 W r m V 10 C%r O A 01 l J' 1 I V A r ON A 01 A W 01 W %D O I V V A N A V r W 171 N A O 1 r W N r C 1 10 W O�V V N IV W A %D mr O% OD m 101J7 Co m W r 0 VI V Ar m OI N A 10 A N Aw ON c N C N p N Ib N 3 A w nD r1 N JN ID N c O D N N 7 N D D A N 1 N 7 A d N f� /b n Du N 13 r •+ 7 CID i eb N I N I+ A 1 3 fJ f'1 r, >>I I+ A fb N N I• q 1n d PI 13i A 7 P► D N � Ib O N A N � a N 7O r_ S D 7D N !I � 1 N < s c z -r v 0 N v > O 1 A V. N Pn T t^ O V• O '*7 2 Z CD J I D z r — � n D -+ an N r tA N N � ; O d► N 1 N fT O � O � S .m+ 2 v c t G v 1 v� A � t1J�j r r r ^� 6 d W A A W w r r r O 1 N 01 A A I r V W C D V I N l T 01 W W FF d C , dp�O VI O m v a✓ 01 01 m 10 D1 0 N 0 V a a 10 w m N 01 W 1D O O C� N VI p C10 00000A 0 0 0 0 0 0 VI A. 00 V 00000000000100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0V00000W 01 R� O O O O O 05 O `c C ^•� � Y Il 1 rT7 I N 1 I N K N A WWWWWWW rr r \ A A A A A A A N W N N N N N N W r A N / � W W r+W x 3 ` \\\ 1 -.1411, f D f i 8 i a a i D i Z f 3 D i a a D 9 a D D a D f 8 8 8 f i a f 8 ;71 c7 P -GPA 86 -p2J i Exhibit Ilnll MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM N 7O r_ S D 7D N !I � 1 N < s c z -r v 0 N v > O 1 A V. N Pn T t^ O V• O '*7 2 Z CD J I D z r — � n D -+ an N r tA N N � ; O d► N 1 N fT O � O � S .m+ 2 v c t G v 1 v� A • AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and Gravbill Medical Clinic , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this-Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel number(s) 321 - 271 -04 Proponent desires to amend the General Plan for this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted process. City is concerned that Proponent will create a General Plan Amendment proposal unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on an unsatisfactory proposal unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above - mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a review prior to filing any application for General Plan Amendment upon the following understanding: A. City will render no decision with regards to any General Plan Amendment or part thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particualr General Plan Amendment. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any General Plan Amendment or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. D. If any General Plan Amendment is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Gray, Cary, Dries & Frye, Dated: April 4, 1986 Proponent: Signature RECEIVED APR -.a_ PLANNING DEPARTMENT �OF44 By. Michael M. Hogan Attorneys for Proponent Graybill Medical Clinic P -GPA 86 -02J MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM 2 ATTIC "A5_AI7 4ee, C SUBJECT: Pre - Application, General Plan Amendment 86 -02K OWNER /APPLICANT: Jeffrey Yee and Lawrence Scott LOCATION: Northwest quadrant of Garden Road and Sycamore Canyon Road APN: 323 - 071 -15 PARCEL SIZE: 20.10 Gross Acres ABSTRACT Current Land Use Plan: Residential Rural A (1 du /4, 8, 20, or 40 net acres) and Residential Rural C (1 du /1, 2, or 4 net acres) Current Zoning Plan: Requested Land Use Plan: Requested Zoning Plan: BACKGROUND RR -A and RR -C Residential Single Family 5 (4 -7 du /net acre) RS -7 This application requests the redesignation of a triangular - shaped parcel which is split zoned and presently undeveloped. The southerly portion of the parcel is designated RR -C, has a grade of less than 15 percent slope, and is traversed by the 100 year floodplain and floodway of Los Penasquitos Creek, a major tributary to Poway Creek. The northerly portion of the parcel is designated RR -A and consists of a natural grade that exceeds 15 percent and 25 percent slope. The current zone boundary is established where the terrain begins to exceed 15 percent slope. The subject parcel has frontage on both Garden Road and Sycamore Canyon Road, which are paved and unimproved, respectively. The property to the north is designated RR -A and RR -C and is undeveloped. The land to the west is designated RS -7 and is devel- oped with a single- family subdivision. The property to the east is designated RR -C and is presently occupied by a residence and several accessory structures (private ranch), and is substantially covered by a mature citrus grove. The parcel to the south, across Garden Road, is designated RR -B and is occupied by horse corrals and stables. The pre -1983 County land use designation for the sub- ject site was (18) Multiple Rural - ldu /4, 8, 20, and 40 acres. It should be noted that the future alignment of the proposed SR 125 could have a significant impact on the subject site. JRN:is Attachments: 5a. Location Map 5b. Letter of Request Sc. Floodplain Map 5d. Topographic Contour Map 5e. Agreement of Understanding 26 OF 4 4 P -GPA 86 -02x MAY 22 1986 ITEM ATTACHMENT: 5 April 4, 1986 City Hall Department of Land Use Review 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Dear City Council Members Poway Investors are requesting a review by the City of Poway for a rezone The reasons for this request are as follows: JZ 2 -A f 1. An upgraded zoning to RS -7 from the presentARR -C zoning would conform to land use in the vicinity of the proposed project. Presently, an exist- ing development zoned RS -7 borders the western boundary of the proposed project and a planned residential development has been approved just east 2. The proposed project would provide housing and ready accessibility to both Garden Road Elementary School and the city without overdue congestion 3 The present site was down- graded in 1978. A rezone would restore to the owners the original land use and intent for which the property was purchased 4 The City of Poway has benefitted from past actions by Poway Investors A portion of the property which makes up the Garden Road Park was donated by Poway Investors Developer fees exacted by the proposed project would provide additional revenues and benefits to'both the Poway School District and all the citizens of Poway Sincerely, 'i re 2680 Deep Canyon Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (213)278 -5417 28OF44 L P -GPA 86) MAY 22 1986 ITEM 2 /00 YEAS YeZoaDPGA BauAvJ>AA FCGoowAy Ar"-N(m y ® 0 CITY OF POWAY ITEM : P 6PA 86 -OZ K TITLE : FGaaoFYrAia/ /IAA SCALE N9 AT- TACHMENT SG- I .P-G PA s6 -02K I MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM 2 AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Council for the City of P way, hereinafter referred to as "City" and � 2Ajre !CC &CD hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel number(s ) -3,213 407 /Z6, Q6 Proponent desires to amend the General Plan for this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted process. City is concerned that Proponent will create a General Plan Amendment proposal unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on an unsatisfactory proposal unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above- mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a review prior to filing any application for General Plan Amendment upon the following understanding: A. City will render no decision with regards to any General Plan Amendment or part thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particualr General Plan Amendment. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any General Plan Amendment or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. D. If any General Plan Amendment is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no sentations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated: �� O �' Proponent r signature DF � 4 P =GPA s6 -o 2x MAY 2 2 1986 I T E M 47r ",nerif Se ATY OF POWA� OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY bF SAN DIEGO )§ CITY OF POWAY ) We, I } eilC4Jrc,tJCe_ Tcaz /�DlJ4 e1. I�tJUeJ,61 -s (Please ofint name in fu being duly sworn, depose and say that (I am (we are) the owner s) of property located at 16 loin a rc- C D lJ + (Add ess) (Assessor's Parcel No.l 3,,?30V 45700 ) , for which ( I am) (we are) requesting a (Zone Change, Tentative Tract Map, Tentative Parcel Map, Conditional Use Permit, Variance, etc., Z ®Q E through the City of Powav, California. Furthermore, (I) (we) hereby appoint of 4 1 o & � as our agent to a tin our behalf on all matt rig p ininq to the processinq of this application. Signed r cl G 90 OW Zees 6'yo tj 29/1 _ Addres Telephone Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 198. NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATURE P-GPA 86 -021 MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM 2 32 OF 4 4 City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive Mailing Address P 0 Bo\ 785, Poway, California 92064 e (619) 748.6600, (611)) 695 1400 — SUBJECT: OWNER /APPLICANT: LOCATION: APN: PARCEL SIZE: nucmun (I m Pre - Application, General Plan Amendment 86 -02L Sickels Group (CDS) /VTN Southwest, Inc. West side of Pomerado Road immediately opposite Via Monte Carlo 314 - 370 -36 Approximately 14.27 acres Current Land Use Plan: Current Zoning Plan: Requested Land Use Plan: Requested Zoning Plan: BACKGROUND This application r land characterized consists of slopes tion of the parcel west. The subject Pomerado Road. squests the by rolling of 15 perc exceeds 15 parcel has Residential Rural C (1 du /1, 2., or 4 net acres) RR -C Residential Condominium (7 -12 du /net acre) RC redesignation terrain. The ant and less. percent and s approximately of a vacant parcel of majority of the site The southwestern por- lopes upward toward the 850 feet of frontage on The property to the north is designated Commercial Office and is occupied by a church facility and a single- family residence. The land adjacent to the immediate west and south is designated RR -C and is undeveloped. Property to the east,�,,across Pomerado Road, is zoned RS -7 and is fully developed with a residential subdivision. Property to the north of that subdivision is designated Commercial Office and is developed with the Pomerado Medical Center. The pre -1983 County land use designation for the subject site was two (2) Residential - 1 du /acre. JRN:pn Attachments: 6a. Location Map 6b. Letter of Request 6c. Topographic Contour Map 6d. Agreement of Understanding ATTACHMENT: 6 33 OF 4 4 _ EP-GPA g6 -Q2Y, MAY 2 2 1986 1 T E M 2 SRI 340F44 .P -GPA 86 -02L 1 MAY 2 2 1986. ITEM • RECEIVE® yt% VTN SAN DIEGO a subsidian7 of CPE ENGINEERS. INC. APK - 4 IJOL) 4845 Ronson Court PLANNING DEPARTMENT San Diego California 92111 (619) 292 1040 April 4, 1986 Job No. 5523 -01 File (3), P -3 City of Poway P. 0. Box 789 Poway, CA 92064 Attn Reba Touw, Director of Planning Services RE General Plan Pre- Application Dear Reba Please accept this letter as our request for consideration of a pre - application amendment for general plan on 14.265 acres of land located on the west side of Pomerado Road immediately south of St. Michaels church in the Rural Residential C land use and Rural Residential C zone. Our request is for a senior citizen facility. This facility would necessitate the change of the general plan to a Residential Condominium land use and a Residential Condominium zone and the approval of a use permit. The client which we represent is the Sickels Group better known to the City of Poway as CDS. Our contact is David R. Snyder, Jr., 4275 Executive Square, Suite 400, La Jolla, CA 92037, telephone number 458 -1179. Should you have any questions, please do not hestiate to contact us or the client. Very truly yours, SOUTyWEST, INC. ar K. HranJ i r for o P�}llanni ng BKH mq cc David R. Snyder, Jr., The Sickels Group ,r P-cPA 86 -02I, MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM 2 ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS Wt 0 • r AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and 5 Vet,12 t�h I, F_ , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel number(s) -�i4- 37%7 -36 • Proponent desires to amend the General Plan for this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted process. City is concerned that Proponent will create a General Plan Amendment proposal unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on an unsatisfactory proposal unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above - mentioned facts,. City will grant Proponent a review prior to filing any application for General Plan Amendment upon the following understanding: A. City will render no decision with regards to any General Plan Amendment or part thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particualr General Plan Amendment. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any General Plan Amendment or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. D. If any General Plan Amendment is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated: 4111AV Propone 7OF 4 P= SUBJECT: Pre - Application, General Plan Amendment 86 -02M OWNER /APPLICANT: Edon Centennial Properties /Donald Fischer LOCATION: North side of Espola Road, west of Old Coach Road, and extending northerly to the Poway city boundary APN: 272- 071 -7; 272 -14 -2; 272 -15 -1; 273- 10U -10 & 11; 273 - 182 -18 & 19; 276 - 070 -16; 277 - 010 -2, 5, 22, & 23; 277 - 011 -1; 277 - 071 -12, 8, & 9; 277 - 070 -24, 27, 28, 29, 30, & 31; 277 - 140 -1, 6, 23, 24, 26, & 27 PARCEL SIZE: Total area of involved parcels: approximately 1,285 gross acres ABSTRACT Current Land Use Plan: Current Zoning Plan: Requested Land Use Plan: Requested Zoning Plan: BACKGROUND Residential Rural A 20, or 40 net acres) Residential Rural B or 8 net acres) Residential Rural C or 4 net acres) RR -A, RR -B, and RR -C Planned Community PC (1 du /4, 8, (1 du /2, 4, (1 du /1, 2, This application requests the redesignation of a large undeveloped site located in northern Poway adjacent to the existing Stoneridge development and extending northerly to the Poway /San Diego cor- porate boundary. In conjunction with this application, the appli- cant has submitted a Draft Opportunities and Constraints Report for a proposed project known as " Stoneridge East." That report pro- vides a detailed analysis of the subject property and identifies a number of planning implications and recommendations for the pro- perty in question. The property's present access is primarily from the south and east at Espola Road and Old Coach Road, respectively. The topography of the site ranges from zero to 45 percent, and above. A slope analysis map is attached as Attachment 7c. The properties to the north and east of the site, within the City of Poway, are designated RR -A and are undeveloped, with the excep- tion of several dwellings in Old Coach Estates. The northwest boundary of the site is contiguous with the City of Poway /City of San Diego corporate boundary. Adjoining City of San Diego zoning is A -1 -10 (Argicultural -1 du /10 acres). The land to the south, across Espola Road, is designated RR -C and PRD, and is developed 8 QF 4 4 P -GPA 86 -02M MAY 2 2 1986 ITEM Z E, El Edon Centennial May 22, 1986 Page 2 with Green Valley Estates and Bridlewood Estates, respectively. The parcels to the immediate west, within Stoneridge Estates, are occupied by single - family dwellings. The property north of Stoneridge and west of the site, within the City of Poway, is designated RR -A and is undeveloped. JRN:is Attachments: 7a. Location Map 7b. Justification Statement 7c. Slope Analysis Map 7d. Pre -1983 County Land Use Map 7e. Agreement of Understanding ATTACHMENT: 7 P -cPA s6 -02M MAY 22 1986 ITEM Z (D SCALE : Al 1A ®4044 RR -A :i' tow ITEM: F- 6"A 86 -DZ Al TITLE : LoCATi0A1 MAP ATTACHMENT : 70-- P -GPA 86 -02M MAY 2 2 1986 1 T E M Z STONERIDGE EAST - JUSTIFICATION FOR PLAN AMENDMENT The subject property of 1285 acres is located in the north part of Poway, extending north from Espola Road to the City's boundary contiguous with the San Diego City boundary. A number of land use proposals have been prepared for the southern 711 acres with the most recent action being an application for a General Plan amendment which was submitted for consideration on June 26, 1985. This application was subsequently withdrawn since the applicant was unable to provide the requested detailed analysis by the August 16 deadline. During the interim period the applicant has acquired an option on an additional 574 acres directly north of the original 711 acre parcel. The planning and environ- mental consultant team is currently preparing an "Opportunities and Constraints Analysis" for the entire 1285 acres. The content and format of this analysis is in conformance with that as requested by the City. It is the desire of the applicant to work with the City in arriving at the appropriate land uses and utlimately in creating a planned community of the highest order. An amendment to the General Plan from the existing designations to the "Planned Community" designation would afford the owners an opportunity to evaluate alternative development concepts based upon the comprehensive opportunities and constraints analysis currently underway. The subject property holds the potential for the creation of a community of the highest quality in terms of lifestyle, sensitivity to the natural environment and compatiability with existing neighbor- hoods. A planned community will allow for a higher level of use of this land while at the same time providing for the effective long term preservation of large acres of open space and the rural character of Poway c{;V�- L!;AY PLA W : a 0 r MAY 22 9986 ITEM 2 i P -GPA 86 -02M ° F 4 4 AZIAC A4�kl/ ­ r Q. q: Ji , Pi Jai A, U io Slope Analysis Slope Categories Cf' ....... ..... E] 0 to 15% u El 15% to 25% q N X, . VI ul 25% to 45% 45% and &be" ITEM TITLE 51-oP6 ANALYSIS MAP • E S PO LW, —1R �b SCALE• : NAN ATTACHMENT: OF 44 m, ITEM p GpA 86 -0 2 77 N , , �t i � I J LA0.1D USE- DESlGn1A'r�O�.d � _ I- -(1 DU / I,Z, Ab I ACV— Du•/4,8,ZD AWD 40 Ac2Es� i CD SCALE : NIA 43 °F 4 4 if- ITEM : P -6PA 86 -OZ M T I T L E: )WE- / 983 COVA47Y ZOa ATTACHMENT : 7d, C —GPA 86 -o zM MAY 22 1986 ITEM 2 i AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and Don Fischer , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel number(s ) see attached Proponent desires to amend the General Plan for this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted process. City is concerned that Proponent will create a General Plan Amendment proposal unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees "needlessly on an unsatisfactory proposal unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above - mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a review prior to filing any application for General Plan Amendment upon the following understanding: A. City will render no decision with regards to any General Plan Amendment or part thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particualr General Plan Amendment. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any General Plan Amendment or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. D. If any General Plan Amendment is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated: April 4, 1986 Proponent: Sig atur`e .Don Fischer PL: SN _ j P -GPA 86 -p MAY 2 2 1986 I T E M Z x 41F44