Item 17 - Removal & Storage of Pole Sign Located at 13029 1/2 Poway RoadAGEINDA RESORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and.discussed separately If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager w DATE: March 18, 1986 SUBJECT: Removal and Storage of Pole Sign Located at 130291 Poway Road It is recommended that the City Council authorize the expenditure of money from the Beautification Fund to provide for the removal and storage of the pole sign located at 130291 Poway Road. : 1m rLe io Earlier this year the owners of Poway TV moved their business into the building formerly occupied by the Lighthouse Home Decorating Center. At that time, staff met with the owners of Poway TV and requested that they install new wall signs on the building rather than reface the large pole sign. The owners of Poway TV were very cooperative and after several discussions signed a letter agreement authorizing the City to remove the pole sign following the transfer of ownership of the building. The agreement provides that the City will remove the sign and store it for a period of up to one year while the owners of Poway TV attempt to sell the sign. ACTION: Adopted staff recommendation to authorize sign removal, appropriate $850 for the removal, and approve letter agreement for removal and storage of the sign. o Sei rt,, De uty City Clerk MAR 18 1986 ITEM 1 '..1 of _4a Agenda Report March 18, 1986 Page 2 The Purchasing Division has received two proposals for riving the sign. The lowest proposal was from American Sign Company who quoted a price of $560 for removing the sign and transporting to the former sewer treatment plant site for storage. In addition, the sign will be crated to protect it while it is being stored. The total cost for removal, storage, and crating is estimated to be $850. It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Appropriate and transfer $850 from the unappropriated fund balance of the Poway Road Beautification Fund (Fund 81) to account 1- 010 -314. 2. Approve the attached letter agreement between the City of Poway and Poway TV for the rival and storage of the pole sign. 3. Authorize American Sign Company to remove the sign at a cost of $�60. JLB:JDF:lc Attachments: Letter 2 of 4 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 17 k-,ITY OF POWAT CARL R. KRUSE, Mayor MARY SHEPARDSON, Deputy Mayor BRUCE TARZY, Councilmember LINDA ORAVEC, Councilmember BOB EMERY, Councilmember January 28, 1986 Mr. Chip Paulson Poway TV 13029) Poway Road Poway, CA 92064 Re: Removal of pole sign Dear Chip: Thank you for meeting with Joe Gamble and me regarding the signing of your building at 130291 Poway Road. Based upon our conversation, it was proposed that the City remove and store the existing pole sign that was formerly used by the Lighthouse until you can sell the sign. The purpose of this letter is to record the discussion we had regarding this matter and to establish an agreement for the removal of the sign. As we discussed, the pole sign must be removed by 1991 per the City's sign ordinance. As part of the City's beautification program, the City is willing to assist you by removing and storing the sign. The advantages to you in allowing the sign to be removed is that if you were to continue to utilize the sign you could have to pay the cost of refacing the sign, eventually pay to have it rived, and then pay to have the building resigned. By accepting this agreement and allowing the City to remove the sign, your cost would be limited to the cost of the new signs installed on the building. During our discussions you were naturally concerned about having adequate signing on your building if you allowed the pole sign to be removed. You were informed that, if you approved the removal of the sign, you would be allowed to resign your building with can signs affixed to both sides and the front of your building. The maximum size of each of the can signs would be limited to 150 square feet or 10 percent of the building face, whichever is less. The signs could be installed to a maximum height of 20 -feet or to the height of the edge of the roof, whichever is less. During these discussions you also mentioned that you intend to expand the second story of your building within the next two or three years. It was explained to you that since the second story would extend into the 20 -toot front setback, that you would be required to request a variance and that, as a condition of the variance, you would be required to remove the pole sign at your cost, if it had not already been removed. In addition, a new signing plan would have to be submitted for approval. City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive ddress. P O Box 789, Poway, California 92064 ° (619) 748 -6600, (619) 695 -1400 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 17 0 0 Chip Paulson January 28, 1986 Page 2 It was explained that the variance would have to be approved by the City Council and that you could apply to have your request for a variance reviewed at a workshop meeting. At the workshop the City Council could not approve your request for a variance, but they could explain what would probably be required if a request for a variance were submitted. A request to appear before the City Council at a workshop session should be submitted to the Planning Service Department. The next workshop where this item could be reviewed would be held on Thursday, February 13, 1986. It was indicated that if the variance was granted and the addition added to your building, that you could install the can signs on both sides of the building to a height of 20 -feet. If you agree to have the City remove the pole sign, it is requested that you sign this letter in the appropriate place and return the letter to me. I will then place the letter on the City Council's agenda for their review and approval. After the approvals have been received, the City will remove the pole sign. After removal, the City would agree to store the sign for a reasonable period of time (not to exceed one year) while you attempt to sell the sign. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Y D. Fitch tant City Manager JDF:lc I have reviewed the ve and hereby approve of the removal of the pole siZthe n form y us the ighthouse at 130291 Poway Road, by and at oft ity Po way. on Poway TV F XOX OP ZIA it 4 of 4 ____j h1AR 18 1986 ITEM 17