Item 12 - Approval of Additional Apprepriation and Contract Change Orders for Poway Road Sidewalks and Drainage ProjectAGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: Honorable Chairman and Directors of the Poway Redevelopment Agency James L. Bowersox, Alan D. Archibald, J. Bradley Kutzner, Jeffrey C. Parker, January 7, 1986 Executive Direc Director of Public Services Project Engineer (_'_ � Administrative Anal �s j, SUBJECT: Approval of Additional Appropriation and Contract Change Orders for Poway Road Sidewalks and Drainage Project ABSTRACT It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency authorize staff to issue a contract change order to correct conditions encountered, and complete the project at its present scope. It is also recommended that the Redevelopment Agency approve additional funding for removal and replacement of additional curb, gutter, sidewalks and driveways. The cost for the original change order is $21,500, with the estimated cost of the extra work at $18,500. BACKGROUND On July 16, 1985 a contract was awarded to Damon Construction Company in the amount of $274,548.60 for construction of side- walks and drainage facilities on Poway Road. The original budget for this project was $404,000 which included funds for design, construction, construction surveys, and con- tingencies. Following the award of bid to Damon Construction, the City Council transferred $70,000 from the Poway Road Side- walk Project to help fund the Metate Lane Sidewalk Project. ACTION: Approve staff recommendation. Jo' eibert, Deputy City Clerk Iof2 JAN 7 1986 ITEM 12 Poway Road Sidewalk Project Page 2 January 7, 1986 With the original budget amount of $404,000, the Poway Road Sidewalk Project would have been completed within its budget allocation. However, the transfer of $70,000 to the Metate Lane Sidewalk Project has left this project with a shortfall of $40,000. During construction, existing conditions have been encountered which required changes in the scope of work relating to in- creased aggregate base, square feet of cross gutter, and removal and replacement of curbs, gutters, and sidewalk. Change Order No. 1 included work that required immediate staff action to ensure the health and safety of pedestrian traffic along Poway Road. This work was completed at a cost of $21,500. _Change Order No. 2. The Redevelopment Agency requested staff to review the project for additional removal and replacement of sidewalks and driveways. As a result of staff's review, additional work estimated at $18,500 should be completed on areas that could present a health and safety problem. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency: 1. Authorize the transfer of $40,000 from the Redevelopment Unappropriated Fund Balance to the Poway Road Sidewalk Project to pay for Change Order Nos. 1 and 2, and 2. Authorize staff to proceed on Change Order No. 2. JLB:ADA:JBK:JCP:pw JAN 71986 ITEM 12 2 of 2