Item 15 - Concrete Trash Receptacles for Poway Road • - AGENDA REPORT • `,t.„ OF pit, - CITY 'OF- POWAY . This report.-is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the r " g- report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public ' ' yec./7 ��� ' request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and.,discussed separately. If you wish to.. IN THE CO- have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out'a slip indicating the report number -and-give it to the City Cler k prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. , - T : - - onorable•Myor and Members of the City Council . � r■ 4 . . • .FROM: James L.. -Bowersox', City Man-4 ` ' INITIATED BY 'Alan •D. Archibald, Director of Public\,Services/City .Enginee4 - . . DATE: November 18, 1986 - SUBJECT:.. _ . -- Concrete Trash Receptacles for Poway Road ' • - . • • - BACKGROUND' - - .. At:the August 12, 1986 meeting-, the City.Council discussed the goal of - • ' - making' Poway, the cleanest city in the 'country. • ' - In order to'provide a cleaner Poway.Road, .one alternative was to place concrete - trash receptacles -at- bus stop locations along.Poway. Road; - - - FINDINGS.. ' - ' • - , . - . . There are currently 40 this stop locations.along.Poway Road. Twenty-five of - the• locations currently have- bus- benches, while 15 are designated by signs - only. - .. . The trash receptacles proposed are cast stone or glascrete. , Trash-collection ' would .be conducted on a weekly basis through a contract with one of the companies - , • performing trash collection. - . RECOMMENDATION ' It is recommended that the City Council authorize -an appropriation of $6500. • from the•Street Development_Unappropriated Fund Balance, to the Street Main- tenance Object.,Account (21-403-676) for-the purchase -of 25 trash receptacles _ ' ' . to be located•at :all bus stops with bus.-benches. - - • It is further recomnended-that the City Council appropriate $250 from the - . Street Development Unappropriated Fund Balance to the Street -Maintenance . - • • "Object Account (21=403-216)- to cover eight months of -weekly trash collection. - } • JLB:ADA:JP:pq- - ACTION:.. Approved •staff recommendation. . ,,,,r7-- .. . . . • •. .z.fine •Oliva, Deputy City Clerk. • NQV 1 - . 81988 �TE�j