Item 1.3 - Approval of MinutesG`t OF POW�Y CI�^IN THE COO DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT January 10, 2017 APPROVED ❑ APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk ,W (858) 668-4535 or nneufeld(c_poway.org Approval of Minutes The City Council Meeting Minutes submitted hereto for approval are: • November 1, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes • November 15, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes The Poway City Council sits as the Poway Planning Commission, the Poway Housing Authority, the Public Financing Authority, and the Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Minutes as submitted. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. November 1, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes B. November 15, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Approve B : Morgan Foley Tina M. White City Attorney City Manager 1 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 NOTE. These draft meeting minutes are not official until approved by the City Council at the next scheduled meeting. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES November 1, 2016 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California (Per Government Code 54953) (Meeting Called to Order as City Council/City of Poway Planning Commission/Poway Housing Authority/Public Financing Authority and Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vaus called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Leonard, Grosch, Mullin, Cunningham, Vaus STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT City Manager Tina White; City Attorney Morgan L. Foley; City Clerk Nancy Neufeld; Director of Community Services Robin Bettin; Director of Development Services Bob Manis; Director of Public Works Troy Bankston; Assistant Director of Administrative Services Peter Moote; Deputy Fire Chief Jon Canavan; Captain Todd Richardson, Sheriff's Department. (Note: Hereinafter the titles Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councilmember, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Director of Administrative Services shall be used to indicate Mayor/Chair, Deputy Mayor/Vice Chair, Councilmember/Director, City Manager/Executive Director, Assistant City Manager/Assistant Executive Director, City Attorney/Counsel, City Clerk/Secretary and Director of Administrative Services/Finance Officer.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Cunningham introduced Deputy Fire Chief Jon Canavan, to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATION City Manager Tina White presented a certificate to Mike Varga in recognition of being selected as City of Poway Employee of the Quarter. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Councilmember Barry Leonard read a statement regarding recent events during this year's election campaign. Harry Kuel spoke in support of Councilmember Leonard and commended his integrity. 2 of 15 Attachment A January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 1, 2016 Chris Olps spoke regarding recent election related matters. Jon Ryan spoke regarding recent events regarding campaign signs. He also spoke in opposition to the City's campaign sign regulations and inquired regarding public records requests. Joe St. Lucas informed the public about the library's Fine Free Friday which falls on the last Friday of every month. Dorothy Wincek spoke about the lack of notice to business o rs regarding the low- income housing project on Oak Knoll and Pomerado Rd. Karina Schonbrun, representing Senator Joel Andersonibvit the community to attend an upcoming Holiday Legislative Open House. ! /jjj�� 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved By Roll Call Motioned by Deputy Mayor Cunningham ; conded by Councilme"r Mullin to approve Consent Calendar items 1.1 throu,1.7. carried by t�following roll -call vote: ////ice,,. Ayes: Noes: Absent: Jon Ryan stated his of election participating regulations. y 1.1 Approval of 1.2 ;atification/A0 September 30, 1.3 Ap,I of the 1.4 Acceptar Replacem Leon, None None Mullin'; , ningham, Vaus City Cembers` are candidates in this year's ken fors" cent changes to the City's campaign sign Fitle only iver of Reading in full of Ordinances on of 1�rant Registers for the periods of September 26 through andber 3 through October 7, 2016. 2, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 006 PCPA Dressing Room Renovation and Stage Floor ect; Bid No. 16-016 1.5 Acceptance of the 2016-2017 Street Overlay Project; Bid No. 16-026 1.6 Acceptance of the City Hall HVAC Control Wire Replacement Project; Bid No. 16- 018 1.7 Acceptance of the Water Valve Replacement Project; Bid No. 16-025 3 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 1, 2016 2. ORDINANCE 2.1 Adoption of Urgency Ordinance 792 entitled "An Interim Urgency Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Adopted Pursuant to Government Code Section 65858, Temporarily Prohibiting the Establishment of Nonmedical Marijuana Dispensaries, Cooperatives, Collectives and Retail Businesses; and Prohibiting the Establishment of Outdoor Cultivation of Marijuana in All Zones." City Attorney Morgan Foley provided a brief report to consider placing into effect a eW"r moratorium on the personal use and cultivation of marin the City if the voters approve California Statewide Proposition 64 on Nov,, 2016. Speaker in Support: Rebecca Hernandez, Speaker in Opposition. Tom Regan The City Clerk titled the Ordinance Motioned by Mayor Vaus, sec adopt Ordinance No. 792, a 'th of Poway, California, Ado Temporarily Prohibiting Dispensaries, Cooperative Prohibiting the lishmer Zones." Motio ����. _.nanim ended" bI�,, W"ilmember Cunningham, to Urgency Ordinance of the City Lrsuant to � " rnment Code Section 65858, ishme ///� f Nonmedical Marijuana Co a�&Retail Business; and ®f O ' Iti�tion of Marijuana in All the ing roll -call vote: Ayes: Leorr , d, Gros ° ullin Cunningham, Vaus Noes:.,,,, No V Absent 3. PUBLIC IF ARtN 3.1 Tentative Parce0/jap ( 08-002 and Underground Waiver (UW) 16-002; a request for a two subdivision of a 2.2 -acre parcel located at 12251 Sunwood Trail in the Rural Residential C Zone. Associate Pin da Audish presented the report via PowerPoint. Speaker in S 'port: Don Knox Speaker in Opposition: Guy Anastasia Neutral Speaker: Priyantha Jayasundart Speakers expressed concern regarding maintenance issues, speeding and commercial traffic accessing Sunroad Trail, which is a private road. 4 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 1, 2016 Council discussion included additional measures to address traffic concerns for Sunwood Trail area residents. Motioned by Councilmember Mullin, seconded by Councilmember Grosch to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. P-16-27 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Tentative Parcel Map 08-002, and Underground Waiver 16-002 Assessor's Parcel Number 317-200-26." Motion carried unanimously. 4. STAFF REPORT 4.1 Results of FY 2015-16 Closing Assistant Director of Administrative Services the report. Council discussed revenues from high expected prope''�� d sales taxes, development activity and various fee h contributed to a FY -16 surplus. Council concurred to retain the fund b e as u'' miffed pendi"Y 2016-17 actions. An updated reserve designatio I ermined at the time the FY 2017-18 budget is adopted. /// V Motioned by Deputy May */,'' ham, „nded by Councilmember Leonard to adopt Resolutio o. entitl Resolution of the City Council of the Ci f the City"' ow rnia /Approving Amendments to the City's Progr isc r-2016." Motion carried unanimousl 5. WORKSHOP None. MA AND CITY NC 1TIATED ITEMS The M and Council de announcements and reported on various events taking place in thy. No actio&as taken. John Mullin NAr 6.1 Report on Project Councilmember Mullin reported that recent studies have found that it is feasible for San Diego to use water purification technology to produce one-third of the local water supply by 2035. Councilmember Mullin reported on the JPA's legislative strategy to address the secondary and regulatory framework surrounding water reuse and purification. Jim Cunningham 6.2 Hike, Bike and Ride 5 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 1, 2016 Deputy Mayor Cunningham continued his item to the November 15, 2016 City Council Meeting. Mayor Vaus 6.3 Water Saving Tips Mayor Vaus recommended that residents time their showers by playing a song on Pandora. 7. CITY MANAGER ITEMS City Manager Tina White reported that the plans for th`Espo received, reviewed and comments have been sent to the con be out to bid by Spring 2017. j/O/% 8. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourn project have been It is anticipated to Nancy Neufeld, CMC City Clerk City of Poway, California 6 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 NOTE. These draft meeting minutes are not official until approved by the City Council at the next scheduled meeting. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES November 15, 2016 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California (Per Government Code 54953) (Meeting Called to Order as City Council/City of Poway Planning Commission/Poway Housing Authority/Public Financing Authority and Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vaus called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Leonard, Grosch, Mullin, Cunningham, Vaus STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT City Manager Tina White; Assistant City Manager Wendy Kaserman; City Attorney Morgan L. Foley; City Clerk Nancy Neufeld; Director of Community Services Robin Bettina Director of Development Services Bob Manis; Director of Public Works Troy Bankston; Director of Safety Services Mark Sanchez; Captain Todd Richardson, Sheriff's Department. (Note: Hereinafter the titles Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councilmember, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Director of Administrative Services shall be used to indicate Mayor/ChairDeputy Mayor/Vice Chair, Councilmember/Director, City Manager/Executive 6�� r, Assistant City Manager/Assistant Executive Director, City Attorney/Counsel, City Clerk/Secretary and Director of Administrative Services/Finance Officer.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Cunningham introduced Veteran Committee Team and Support Group members who led the Pledge of Allegiance, Jeff Beers, Chuck Cross, Chris Cunningham, Tom Farrell, Dick Smith and Don Stonecipher. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mike Matsumoto expressed concern regarding a code compliance issue and requested more information regarding a previously approved variance. Jon Ryan spoke regarding campaign sign regulations and commented on the results of the most recent election. 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved by Roll -Call Vote) 7 of 15 Attachment B January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 15, 2016 Mayor Vaus pulled Item 1.13 from the Consent Calendar as there was a request to speak on the item. Chester Mordasini, representing Teamsters Local 911, spoke against approval of Consent Calendar Item 1.13, an agreement with WaterTalent LLC for Chief Operator Services. Motioned by Deputy Mayor Cunningham, seconded by Councilmember Mullin to approve Consent Calendar Items 1.1 through 1.13. Motion carried by the following roll -call vote: Ayes: Leonard, Grosch, Mullin, C ham, Vaus Noes: None Absent: None r Approval of Reading by Title only and r of Reading in f Ordinances on Agenda Ratification/Approval of Warrant Regist#r riods of October 10 through October 14, 2016 and October 17 through r 21, 2016 Approval of the August 16, 2 „._City C " ;I. Meeting Minutes Second Amendment of the Faci se Poway Girls So 10/o." 11 Adoption o olution N -053 e City of Po aliforni ' rminating Repair — Wi C Ween the City of Poway and rk Softball Facility , "A Resolution of the City Council of the I Process for General Maintenance and n Market Purchasing or Competitive 1.6munity ' ' ibufi��rogram Quarterly Report 1.7 ��ptance of Ciall L&Fixture Replacement Project; Bid No. 16-027 1.8 App of Cons nt Agreement between the City of Poway and Harper & Associ �� Eng' ing, Inc., for Design Services for the Buehler Reservoir Rehabilita ��ct (CIP #1770) 1.9 Award of Contract to Canyon Springs Enterprises DBA RSH Construction for the Blue Crystal Reservoir Rehabilitation Project; Bid No. 17-007 1.10 Purchase of Tax -Defaulted Property for Open Space located along the undeveloped eastern portion of Twin Peaks Road and northwest of the Poway Road Grade 8 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 15, 2016 1.11 Adoption of Resolution No. 16-054 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Authorizing the Submittal of an Application to the County of San Diego, Office of Emergency Services, for Funds through the 2015-2016 Urban Area Security Initiative Program Grant" 1.12 City's Investment Report as of September 30, 2016 1.13 Authorization to enter into an Agreement between the City of Poway and WaterTalent, LLC, for Chief Operator Services 2. ORDINANCE None. 3. PUBLIC HEARING 3.1 Adoption of Ordinances of the Cil Municipal Code (PMC) Chapters 15. 15.22, and adding new Chapters 15.04,E 15.21, 15.22 and 15.23 tot PMC, ad Building Standards Codes,elude 2016 California Electrical C ���,01 FM '�` California Plumbing Code, t 20' ,,l California Energy Code, the 20alif Existing Buildin;;�e 2016 1 the 2016 Ref d S3"dards C of thei/ii MuniciAo California California call vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: y, California, r ling Poway 15.12, 15. %/15.18 and ,15.12,15.16,15.18,15.19, q reference the 2016 California 116 California Building Code, the rnia Residential Code, the 2016 3 Mechanical Code, the 2016 oricaf bode, the 2016 California ;,,wilding Standards Code, and the Ordinances for introduction. V0,1,Vaus'1, seconded by Deputy Mayor Cunningham to close Wy d introduce Ordinance No. 793 entitled, "An Ordinance , California, Repealing Chapter 15.04, of the Poway Adopting a New Chapter 15.04, Regarding the 2016 Standards, Incorporating by Reference Therein the ng Code, 2016 Edition." Motion carried by the following roll - Leonard, Grosch, Mullin, Cunningham, Vaus None None Motioned by Mayor Vaus, seconded by Deputy Mayor Cunningham to introduce Ordinance No. 794 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Repealing Chapter 15.08, of the Poway Municipal Code and 9 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 15, 2016 Adopting a New Chapter 15.08, Regarding the 2016 California Building Standards, Incorporating by Reference Therein the California Electrical Code, 2016 Edition." Motion carried by the following roll -call vote: Ayes: Leonard, Grosch, Mullin, Cunningham, Vaus Noes: None Absent: None Motioned by Mayor Vaus, seconded by Deputy Mayor Cunningham to introduce Ordinance No. 795 entitled, "An Ordinan„ f the City of Poway, California, Repealing Chapter 15.10, of the P Municipal Code and Adopting a New Chapter 15.10, Regarding 16 California Building Standards, Incorporating by Reference Th t alifornia Residential Code, 2016 Edition." Motion carried by th o wing r j���all vote: Ayes: Leonard, Grosch % in, Cunningham, j Noes: None Absent: None Motioned by Mayor Vaus seconded' puty Mayor Cunningham to introduce Ordinance No. itled, A mance of the City of Poway, California, Repealing Cha ��' of thi way Municipal Code and Adopting a New Standards, Incor Chapter at b ?fere //� ng ein%e6 CaliforniaCalif'aPlluming Code, 2016 Edi tion carte he ng roll -call vote: //, Aye Leo r 1, Gros Mullin, Cunningham, Vaus Noe :, No " Absen�j�%' j Motioned May* Vaus, seconded by Deputy Mayor Cunningham to introduce nc 797 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Re/ing ter 15.16, of the Poway Municipal Code and ting a Ne / hapt` %15.16, Regarding the 2016 California Building S rds, Incor ating by Reference Therein the California Mechanical Co / 16 Editio / Motion carried by the following roll -call vote: Aye's: Leonard, Grosch, Mullin, Cunningham, Vaus Noes: None Absent: None Motioned by Mayor Vaus, seconded by Deputy Mayor Cunningham to introduce Ordinance No. 798 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Repealing Chapter 15.18, Of the Poway Municipal Code and Adopting a New Chapter 15.18, Regarding the 2016 California Building Standards, Incorporating by Reference Therein the California Energy Code, 2016 Edition." Motion carried by the following roll -call vote: 10 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 15, 2016 Ayes: Leonard, Grosch, Mullin, Cunningham, Vaus Noes: None Absent: None Motioned by Mayor Vaus, seconded by Deputy Mayor Cunningham to introduce Ordinance No. 799 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Adopting a New Chapter 15.19, Regarding the 2016 California Building Standards, Incorporating by Reference Therein the California Historical Building Code, 2016 Edition." Motion carried by the following roll - call vote: Ayes: Leonard, Grosch, Mullin, Cunningham, Vaus Noes: I&Q/00/10 j Absent: None Motioned by Mayor Vaus, seconded Deputy Mayor, nningham to introduce Ordinance No. 800 entity An Ordinance of the of Poway, California, Adopting a New Chapter 15.21, Regarding the 20' California Building Standards, Incorporating by Reference Therein the California Existing Building Code, 2?/In6 Edition." M,66/oncarried by the following roll - call vote: Ayes: Leonard, GGm s in, Cu //sham, Vaus Noes: Nonej Absent: Motionedayor V se co" d by Deputy Mayor Cunningham to introduce 'nance 01 entit "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, 4pealing f the Poway Municipal Code and -r Ad a New Chapter � � garding the 2016 California Building S orporating by Reference Therein the California Green Building .Code, 2016on." M ion carried by the following roll -call vote: Ayes:'�eond Grosch, Mullin, Cunningham, Vaus Noes: loneone Absent: Motioneda or Vaus, seconded by Deputy Mayor Cunningham to introduce Uance No. 802 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Adopting a New Chapter 15.23, Regarding the 2016 California Building Standards, Incorporating by Reference Therein the California Referenced Standards Code, 2016 Edition." Motion carried by the following roll -call vote: Ayes: Leonard, Grosch, Mullin, Cunningham, Vaus Noes: None Absent: None 11 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 3.2 3.3 3.4 City of Poway — Minutes — November 15, 2016 Introduction of an Ordinance Repealing Chapter 15.05 Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Code and Amending Poway Municipal Code Chapter 15.24 Fire Code. Deputy Fire Chief, Jon Canavan presented the report. No speakers. Motioned by Mayor Cunningham, seconded by Councilmember Leonard to introduce and conduct first reading and set a public hearing for December 6, 2016 for Ordinance No. 804, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Rescinding Chapters 15.05 and 15.24 of the P y Municipal Code and Adopting a New Chapter 15.24 Regarding t way Fire Code, which Adopts by Reference the 2016 California Fire, he 2015 International Fire Code with Certain Amendments, Ad ions a/�eletions." Motion carried by the following roll -call vote: Ayes: Leonard, Gros c�� Ilin, Cunningham, V Noes: None Absent: None Environmental Assessment„; ntative Trac'°Wap 15-003 and Development Review 15-006; apropos, ,//o dable hot;g project on an approximate 2 -acre site located on the soutVol"d Peakad, 300 feet west of Espola Road; and % Habitat Twin Peaks Disprosition, pment and Loan Agreement and Health and Safety ode Section 33433 Su ry Report. , Council conc to consider Item .3 13.4 together. e:rJas artin presented Item 3.3 along with a PowerPoint. irector of Development Services Bob Manis presented item 3.4 regarding the iosition, Development and Loan Agreement. Habitr Humanity President/CEO Lori Holt Pfeiler and Mark Emch, Chairman of the San Diego Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors, gave a PowerPoint presentation highlighting revisions made to the project based upon input received during community workshops and City Council meetings. The revisions address issues regarding traffic, parking, storage, density and number of units. Mr. Emch outlined Habitat for Humanity's mission and goals for the veterans housing project. The following speakers addressed the Council: Speakers in Support: Trent Selbrede, Chris Cunningham, Norman Elllis-Flint, Adrian Beeman and Chuck Cross. 12 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 15, 2016 Submitted a Speaker Slip in Support but did not Speak: Mikhail Okshin, Steve Busult, Bernie Kulchin, Pavel Consuegro, Stan/Sharron Madsen and Natahlie Halcrow. Speakers in Opposition: Robert Lang, Jon Ryan, Jim Ray, Tom Scott, Chuck Ellison, Elise Housman, Gary Housman, Peter Dehoff, Darla Reed, Dee Fleischman, Raymond Hammel, Annalisa Parker, Linda Laurie and Dorothy Wincek. Submitted a Speaker Slip in Opposition but did not 11Michael Bry, Barbara Carnahan, Lori Budniewski, Don Carnahan, M ushing-Inman, Martha Bohuslan, David Haessig, Cathy Haessig, Nanc Gary Jalaty, Amanda Skeen, Pamela Skeen, Jay Skeen, Maren Steve Behringer, Guy Plouffe, Sandy Keane, Ra/ph Beckstrom, Wayne, amek�� Hammel, Matthew , ; Y Stanley, Dianne Smith, David Clink sc �' Julie Sno s and Michael Snodgrass. RECESS: Mayor Vaus declared a reces at 8:45 p.m:"I, ' eeting reconvened at 8:52 p.m. with all Councilmembers pr �,, Council discussion ensued re ing rits a 'jncerns about this project, as proposed at this 1 cation. So ou , '" rs expressed concern regarding the level of sub x//� ed fro / j sin ority for the project and the impact this w ave he fun maining to meet state mandated housing requireme j City Attorney a "% r. "" ael Yaquian, Special Counsel for the Po using ,� ity, res o Council inquiry regarding challenges ing to the veteran only housing requirement portion of the position -eve �; ,ent Agreement. 'oned by '' ncilONtnber Mullin, seconded by Deputy Mayor C ' gham to f� a public input; close the public hearing and adopt Res n No. P- 28 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Po C 'nia, Approving Tentative Tract Map 15-003 and Develop iew 15-006, Assessor's Parcel Number 321-190-28" and adopt Joint, , olution No. H-16-02 entitled, "A Joint Resolution of the City Council and Poway Housing Authority Authorizing Execution of a Disposition, Development and Loan Agreement for the Habitat Housing Development and Making Certain Findings with Respect to Such Disposition, Development and Loan Agreement." Motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Mullin, Cunningham Noes: Leonard, Grosch, Vaus Absent: None 13 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 15, 2016 4. STAFF REPORT None. S. WORKSHOP 5.1 Recommendations for Water Rate Adjustments Assistant Director of Administrative Services Peter Moot resented a PowerPoint outlining the City's proposed water rates that would tak " ' ct January 2017. Staff is recommending a rate increase of 7.75 percent f ter commodity and 8.75 percent for fixed meter charges; retain the tempor �qht Recovery Surcharge at $0.75 per unit of water and expire the sing) ily nual customer credit for the first 22 units as originally scheduled;nd� Decem 016. No change is proposed to the City's sewer rates and c �� No speakers. In response to Council inquiry, Assistant I oote stated that $900,00 per year would be necessary tcl"Aue the fu to offset the Drought Recovery Surcharge for 2017.TO Following discussion Council c rredtin the suspension of the first i,. 22 units Droug ry Sur " r et tore December 2016. Council directed staff roce ith thposition 218 process to implement the recommen, ate chan effecti January 2017, subject to the Proposition 218 hearin_ Jim,ingham 6.1 MTS Update ���� De ". � Mayor Cu gham continued his item to the December 6, 2016 City Counieting. 6.2 Hike Bike and Ride Deputy Mayor Cunningham continued his item to the December 6, 2016 City Council Meeting. Mayor Vaus 6.3 Water Saving Tips Mayor Vaus continued his item to the December 6, 2016 City Council Meeting. 14 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — November 15, 2016 7. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 8. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. -y Neufeld, CMC Clerk of Poway, California 15 of 15 January 10, 2017 Item # 1.3