Item 1.5 - Award of Contract; Lake Poway Boat Dock; Bid No. 17-011OF Polk�l T�F C�ry9 /Na THE 9BC0J���� City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. DATE: January 10, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Robert Manis, Director of Development Services CONTACT: Jeff Beers, Special Projects Engineer (858) 668 -4624 or 'beers ,poway.org SUBJECT: Award of Contract for the Lake Poway Boat Dock Replacement Project; Bid No. 17 -011 Summary: The Lake Poway Boat Dock Replacement Project will replace the existing wooden boat dock with a concrete boat dock, including metal roof shade structures with new lighting and power. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $96,500 from the Unappropriated General Fund balance (100 -8912) to the Lake Poway Boat Dock Replacement capital improvement project bringing the total funds appropriated for this project to $401,500, and award the contract for the Lake Poway Boat Dock Replacement Project to Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $364,100. Discussion: The existing boat dock at Lake Poway has outlived its useful life. After years of effort to maintain the existing deteriorated deck, it was determined that the dock was in need of replacement. Staff designed a replacement dock using the existing dock as the model, and advertised for bid in July 2016. The City received three bids ranging from $573,000 to $651,745, exceeding the original project budget of $305,000. Feedback from the bidders indicated that the design did not reflect current industry standards and the design utilized a type of construction that limited flexibility and competition from dock fabricators. Staff redesigned the project, specifying industry standard components, and opening up the specifications to allow for a wider variety of dock systems. In doing this, the City provided the opportunity for greater bid competition. The bids submitted are much lower but still exceed the project budget. The replacement dock will have the same number of slips as the current dock and is approximately the same length. The design includes two additional shade structures to protect the battery storage areas and staff from the elements. 1 of 2 January 10, 2017 Item # `.Cj Award of Contract for the Lake Poway Boat Dock Replacement Project January 10, 2017 Page 2 The contract time for this project is 170 working days with an Engineer's estimate of $275,000. Construction is scheduled to be complete in early October, 2017. Bids were opened on December 1, 2016. The City received the following four bids: Company Bid Amount Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc. $364,100.00 Falcon Construction Co. $476,500.00 London Bridge Marine Corp. $487,158.56 AToM Engineering Construction, Inc. $498,398.00 Council Goal: This item supports Strategy 5.2 "Maintain and refresh City parks, open space, trails and facilities to provide exceptional experiences ", as stated in the City's Strategic Plan, and moves the City closer to Goal 5 "Maintain Quality of Life" Environmental Review: The proposed dock replacement project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 2 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15302 of the 2016 CEQA Guidelines, in that this project will replace an existing structure with a new structure of substantially the same size, purpose, and capacity. Fiscal Impact: Approval of staff recommendation authorizes the appropriation of $96,500 from the Unappropriated General Fund balance (100 -8912) to the Lake Poway Boat Dock Replacement capital improvement project (account 1634), bringing the total funds appropriated for this project to $401,500. Public Notification: Bellingham Marine Industries, Inc., 8810 Sparling Lane, Dixon, CA 95620 Attachments: None Reviewed By: Reviewed By: Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Morgan Foley Tina M. White Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Manager 2 of 2 January 10, 2017 Item # `. 57