Item 3.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL posted 1-10-17 (2)Fk�ceived I City O-erWs Office JAM CITY 10 V17 OF POWAY — -------------- is 1. Received City Clerk's Once JAN 10'2017 �f CFTY OF POWAY ��o�Ualry l D, SDI be,4c C, i - My wtfe anal / We, V e2 3f H12-7) E7_C;? 1 ;Dn Lo_ In Pnanl'--7.1 In18 A .R1/e MA 50 elq fo G)l V Y'o rate . Ale �gh--/ oler, 0.*7? 1716* e2- Yo 13 7LI 3 6-'--Fi4bhCY -C off why *�es c ,,5- lyj� e r males heM -kj ��V d,�,e /t4 ,4 VCA 3 -7�-3 RemWed City Clerk's Office JAN 10'209 C" OF PMAY Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 9 January 2017 Mr Mayor and Members of the City Council: CITY OF POWAY I write to protest the proposed water rate increases. I analyzed my water bill for the last 5 years and found my bill and the effective water rate has increased some 39% over that period. About 8% per year on average. Rather disturbing since the rate of inflation has been less than 2 %. In other words, the cost of water has multiplied at about 4 times the rate of inflation. And now we are faced with yet another 7 % to 8 % percent increase in a single year. It must be noted that these large water rate increases are IN ADDITION to the 16% surcharge already enacted by this council. I cannot wait to see what the next year's annual rate increase will be and for what. There was NOTHING in the brochure that even vaguely demonstrates why an increase is justified Just some carefully crafted data that upon examination reveals nothing about how the rates were generated or for what. It is not even revealed how much the San Diego County Water Authority raised the cost of water! Nor how much goes to the city. Nor for what. Or for that matter how much is needed. Or how much is already in the City coffers. As for the cost of the water itself, who controls the San Diego County Water Authority? Who do they report to? To date, it would appear that they are a government unto themselves. The SDCWA just announces their charges and the cities just pass it along. I challenge the justification for such increases until such a need has been factually demonstrated and all city expenditures examined for potential offsets. In 2016 the City declared an excess in reserve of some $23 million and empaneled a special committee to decide how to spend all that extra money. Now the City finds it necessary to raise the water rates to recoup losses and for capital improvement projects. All the while, this City Council has in progress the Mickey Cafagna Civic Center at a cost of some $18 million. Apparently the City budget guidance is make sure to spend all there is now and then raise water rates for foreseeable future infrastructure needs. This Council was elected to conduct the business of the City in the best interest of its citizens. I must observe that the announcement of these substantial water rate increases was made AFTER the last election. Despite the futility of it, I request the Council rescind this rate increase until definitive requirements are clearly established with supporting financial information presented to the citizens of Poway for review and mment. David Griffin 12655 Gate Dr, Poway FROM THE DESK OF TEL 858-487 -3345 GERRY & TERRIE FAUST F 858-485 -1925 January 9, 2017 The City of Poway, Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY Dear Council Members, We object to the proposed water rate increases in the City of Poway. Sincerely yours, Terrie & Gerry Faust 16163 Del Norte, Poway Ca. 92064 WORK STREET WORK CITY, WORK STATE WORK ZIP WORK URL January 10, 2017 Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY I have been a resident of Poway for over 15 years. In all those years I have rented both of the residences. Because they were houses, I have been fully responsible for paying the water /sewer bills. As you know, Poway is not an affordable area to buy a home since I am a single parent. I raised 2 children on my own and put them through college, the youngest starting graduate school. I have consciously made many efforts in trying to save money in every way I can. Unfortunately, my bills just keep rising and I feel almost defeated. When the drought became as issue, I conserved the best I could. The grass in the backyard is completely dead. Because I rent, I could not replace the front yard with drought resistant landscape so I minimized the watering in the front yard to 2 days a week/3 min per station ( far less than required by the City of Poway). I even resorted to taking short showers only once every 2 to 3 days, eating out of paper plates to minimize dishes, and flushing the toilet only with BM (sorry for the grossness of this, but that is the truth). My bimonthly bills were still expensive, I also conserve on my SDGE and my water bill cost more or about the same, depending on the month, than my SDGE bill. I really do not know what more I can do, I thought about getting a second job or just plan on moving out of Poway altogether. Your actions to suggest of raising the rates is so wrong. I feel punished for doing exactly what you told me to do. With the current rainstorms California is having, some areas are longer considered in drought. I feel in today's world, the leadership has failed us hardworking taxpaying law abiding citizens. Please reconsider from raising the rates. I feel there is no justification for this increase. I would like for Poway to continue its reputation to still be one of the best places to live. Sincerely, 'Sk' '� M-� Sandra M. Hoh Poway City Council Subject: Proposed Water Rate Increase Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY My wife and I STRONGLY OBJECT to the proposal to increase our water rates! We have lived in Poway for 30 years and have seen nothing but increases in water rates during this time. This summer due to the drought conditions, we were told to decrease our watering days to 2 days per week. When we complied, a "TEMPORARY" surcharge was added to our bill. We were then told we could increase our watering days to 3 days per week, but the "TEMPORARY" surcharge remained (approximately 10 %). Adding more rate increases is unconscionable. This is price gouging and should NOT BE ALLOWED! We should use the general fund reserves to fund the system improvements and cost increases from the San Diego County Water Authority. What you are proposing is WRONG! Joseph and Patricia Martin 14266 Palisades Drive Poway, CA 92064 jgpmartin @aol.com / , $ ' aZ ° 17 January 6, 2017 Dear Mayor Vaus and Council Members, I am formally objecting to the water rate hike. 16744 Valle Verde Rd. Deborah Knuth Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY LAA- Gail Bamett 13246 Vista View Ct. Poway, CA 92064 Received City Clerk's Once JAN 10 2017 ' ' j"�� ��n • � A � CITY OF POWAY n �- Cal _ �-�� C�a�i e Property: 13029 Conley St. Poway, CA 92064 Customer: Roxanne Wilson Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY To City Council: This letter is being submitted as a WRITTEN PROTEST to the proposed water rate adjustments for the City of Poway, CA. I understand that the forced reduction of water use by Poway residents was dictated by the State of California for the conservation of our resources; and Poway obliged with flying colors, is that not true? Our lawns are now DEAD, some residents spent thousands of dollars to install artificial turf and water resilent plants /landscaping, our golf courses are brown and ugly. We have been forced by fear of high water bills to drastically limit our water use and watering of our lawns to only 2 days a week. Some of us just stopped watering our lawns all together. Poway residents have been diligent to follow these guidelines, with neighborhood watch /whistling blowing if our neighbors or local businesses had sprinkler run off or watered on the wrong days. Did Poway come thru with flying colors at every set goal? Yes 11 Our outstanding % reduction of water use was praised in our local papers -Poway did GREAT! Heck, we were even recently given an extra day for watering our now dead lawns! 1 Wahool1 Poway did EXACTLY what was asked — reduce our usage; reduce our water sales and take less of this limited resource. And how are we being rewarded for all our efforts? By raising the rate on the already reduced water usage that we were so hiahly praised to have accomplished!! Really? If Sacramento required us to reduce our water intake and now we can't afford to operate our facilities ...... that is where YOU need to fight back with Sacramento! I That isn't Poway residents' fault, that is stupidity on the part of the State. What were they thinking? Did anyone think this through? Additionally, the City Council should be reconsidering where our existing funds should be spent. Why are we even talking about updating of the Community Center, which is used by a very small percentage of the Poway population; or spending any time and effort on the frivolous City spending on more "affordable" housing that would only result in hundreds if not thousands of more residents using even more water? This makes no sense! Why don't you spend the City's money that WE as the people of Poway have already given to you and that which the State has given Poway and give it back to the people of Poway where it will benefit everyone that put such great efforts toward reaching our water usage goals - TO KEEP OUR WATER BILLS DOWN!! Not raise our rates!!! We shouldn't even have to make this protest to the City Council— It is just common sense and good business that you don't penalize your hardest working investors — the people of Poway that keep you in business!! And voted for you!! Do the right thing and PROTECT THE PEOPLE OF POWAY!!! FIGHT FOR US and ensure that the State of Californian owns up to THEIR mistake. Please reconsider the proposed water rate hikes. Rpaarrk Poway resident since 1999 858 - 679 -5847 t 6Vt9f�l��l /Q4 /�iQ�t�ver �IyL4Yt�c lk4O 'S /le %-S La%'PPOTs Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY Received City Clerk's "Iffice JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY �rE Dear Mayor Vaus and Council Members, I am formally objecting to the water rate hike. 16744 Valle Verde Rd. Mark Knuth Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY T live at 15qy/ oveyoeo gd, in pvwvt, ILhGC. �'T 'iylG dUGFjclr- r'Q.fG l 0G'7e�-e -• MCI e wn 6r,r ire �D be � a.lizpa( f� Ganservinq t��fer— tli�zt dAt,m`t ryu�K�`ls- ease... rot r" � Received City Clerk's Office JAN 1 9 201 CITY OF POWAY odd `-{� y� wc��'►- �e !�`ke. �� how �l,S� � `f0 `�V'2- SIt,V ViiP2 di'1ChPaSe� n C�� Jan 9, 2017 Dear Poway City Council, Gc1y c Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY I would like to formally protest the proposed water and sewer rate increases to be reviewed at the Public Hearing on January 10, 2017. Please reconsider the water and sewer rate increases being proposed. Sincerely, V (sign here) aLLI-11-_��� i3lP'I�a Qosf� �w•� -s, Cf4 C. Jan 9, 2017 Dear Poway City Council, �L Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CI I would like to formally protest the proposed water and sewer rate OF POWAY increases to be reviewed at the Public Hearing on January 10, 2017. Pleas"consider the water aryd\sewer rate increases being proposed. Sincerely, (sigOIL5 e NM-i A- P-ND 9 Jan" @NvU17 City Clerk's Office To: The Mayor and members of the Poway City Council; JAN 10 2017 Subject: Proposed Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAY From: Richard P. and Kathryn A. Hora, owners and residents of property at 15302 Crestview Court, in Poway. We oppose the water rate increase proposed to be effective 1/1/2017. We met your stated water conservation guidelines and now the proposed rate increase is at least partially due to the administration's failure to trim city costs in proportion to the suffering of the tax payers. It has come to our attention that salaries and related costs for numerous City Hall Departments are being paid from our Water and Sewer bills. While you state that the city makes no profit off the water bills, you do not disclaim the benefits to the personnel. Annually, you discover unspent millions in the Water and Sewer accounts and sweep them into the general fund. The surplus then contributes to the increases in salary, benefits and retirements far in excess of the private sector. As a result, both the Water and the Sewer bills are largely taxes for city administration costs. The Sewer bill which is based on the size of the taxpayer's lot is in fact a property tax. General tax increases require approval of the voters. Property tax increases are controlled by proposition 13. Roll these Water and Sewer rates back to be in compliance with the tax controls of the state constitution. Sincerely, Richard P. Hora ,A5 a I Kathryn A. Hora Received City Clerk's Office MICHELE G. BECCARELLI JAN 10 2017 14047 DOGWOOD ROAD CITY OF POWAy POWAY, CA 92064 January 5, 2017 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789 Dear Poway City Council: I am writing to you to protest the proposed increases to Poway's water rates, both the proposed newest rate increase and the Drought Recover Surcharge going into effect. Together, these increases put an oversized burden on many Poway residents, particularly those of low income and those on fixed incomes. Since both increases are for the same basic reason, because_ of the reduced consumption of water due to the mandated drought restrictions, this double whammy of increases are unfair and a punishment for having cut back our water use successfully. These increases will not sit well with the voters, who tend to remember events like this when it is time for re- election. They will view the rate increases as mis- management on the part of the Council members. It is known that the Poway City Council uses the water funds as a lucrative source of funds to pay many other bills, i.e. the Council members' salaries. So, trimming some of these other expenses should be a way to at least eliminate one of the rate increases, either the Drought Recovery Surcharge or the proposed water rate increase. Please be careful in your considerations for these two increases and the effect they will have on the City of Poway and its voters. Sincerely, Michele G. Beccarelli 14047 Dogwood Road Poway, CA 92064 Jan 4, 2617 Dear Poway City Council, City Uffic@ 'JAN to 2017 CITY OF POWAY I would like to formally protest the proposed water and sewer rate increases to be reviewed at the Public Hearing on January 10, 2017. Please reconsider the water and sewer rate increases being proposed. The city of Poway does not have to be at the mercy of other water authorities and should set out to find cheaper water sources such as purchasing from other water districts and tapping local water sources used by wasteful golf courses and corporations; commercial use of gray water should be mandated so that drinking water is kept for residential purposes. Please make it a priority to lower our water rates and keep them low. Sincerely, Name: Troy Morin Address: 16160 Brittany Park Lane, Poway, CA 32064 t Received City Clerk's Office Date: ,JAN 10 2017 q, Z oirJ CITY OF POWAY Dear Poway City Council, I would "like to formally protest the proposed water and sewer rate increases to be reviewed at the Public Hearing on January 10, 2017. Please reconsider the water and sewer rate increases being proposed. Sincerely, Name: BERtiAPQ Address: �14 7 gl-,,7-r Poway, CA 92084 TO: Return Address: City of Poway Mark Behling Received 13325 Civic Center Drive, 13271 Vista View CT City Clerk's Office Poway, California 92064 San Diego, CA 92064 JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY January 10, 2017 RE: Water rate increase at 13271 Vista View CT Hello, I'm writing this letter in protest of the proposed water rate increase as I feel this is not in line with other agencies. Also the predicted water surplus from this year's rainfall should mitigate any additional fees incurred from the drought emergency. Please contact me at 858- 735 -2140 if you need any additional info or have questions. Thank You, W 'ng I I 4-<3 V 40 4 4-a�� - Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY Y Tipaas"—:2 IA 0�,�y �e is �� -e city ���eived l' �- e rks Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY -Mlr&5 10 Do \� ® � p e �.rr; c.rjE %l; lls C t n E t f� L.A��rv� Received City Clerk's Office AN 10 2017 ®�® ``tam CITY OF POWAY "CURR'ct1T, MC. Steven and Ellisa Beaver 13151 Stone Canyon Road Received Poway, CA 92064 City Clerk's Once January 5, 2017 City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789 Dear City Clerk: I am writing to officially protest the proposed water rate hike. Sincerely, Steven Beaver 13151 Stone Canyon Road Poway, CA 92064 -2175 JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAy Ms. Ying Xu and Dr. Xiao Zhang 12634 Pedriza Rd. Poway, CA 92064 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92064 RE: PROTEST TO PROPOSED WATER RATE HIKE Dear Sir or Madam, Received Citv Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY I am writing to formally protest to the proposed water price hike set to take effect in 2017. Although we residents of Poway were provided with a formal notice regarding the proposed price hike, the reasons for the price increase is less than clear. Supposedly, "reduced sales" aka "reduced water use" or "water conservation" has contributed to this proposed price hike, does this mean we should use more water to help with the historical drought that California is facing? Or perhaps our money is being misused or abused by the bureaucratic government like Nancy Pelosi and her peers to save the little yellow fish that is not even an endangered species. And the so -called "capital improvement projects" are not specified, making me curious what exactly is to be done that will be so essential to the water and sewer service of our city. I find the proposed price hike to be without justification. Please consider this letter a formal protest by myself, Ying Xu, and my husband, Dr. Xiao Zhang. Our property is located at 12634 Pedriza Rd. Poway, CA 92064 you for your time. T{ i Xu, Zhang Robert Walder, PA-C %MWW 15335 Poway Springs Court City Clerks OffirQ Poway, CA 92064 JAN 10 2011 858 518 -6882 POWAY January 10, 2017 City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, Ca 92064 Re: Proposed Water Rate Increase Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council The proposal for increasing the water rates for the residents and businesses of Poway must be rejected. The City of Poway has failed their ethical responsibility to the citizens of Poway. First, they have failed to guarantee an notice of this meeting went to all consumers. Second, it has never notified the residents that the City Council MUST HAVE written letters, hand signed before the council will consider them. Third, the city has failed to properly address the needs of the citizens when it comes to water and the cost of water. Ethical .businesses, in periods of economical turndown, have a responsibility to reduce expenses. When the costs of raw materials go up, one must find a way to minimize the impact to the customer. This is especially true in areas where the consumer is limited in their choices of whom they can buy from. These are not my words of advice, but come from the text books and web sites that focus on the ethical running of businesses. In the letter from Wendy Kaserman, Assistant City Manager, she states that this increase is necessary due to the increases in water cost and fixed costs. Where she fails is to bring your attention to the fact that much of the loss in revenue is the direct result of the city residents' response to mandated reduction in water consumption. So, in other words, the City told the residents to reduce their consumption, and then hit them with a "temporary" charge due to the decreased consumption. Now, the City wants to increase rates again, due to the reduced revenues caused by decreased consumption. In addition, the City continues to issue permits for the construction of homes and businesses, adding to the load on an already taxed system. I would rather propose that the City take some responsibility for their failure to properly adjust to the circumstances and find the shortfall in the current budget. As a business owner and resident, I would immediately look to the management of that department and terminate the relationship with those who lack the foresight needed to deal with this commodity. One proposal would be to eliminate the positions of City Manager and Assistant City Manager as it is self- evident that they lack the necessary skills to plan for the future, a skill needed in a growing environment. Sincere) , Robert Walder Received City Clerks Office JAN 10 2017 Poway City Council, 01/10/2017 My name is David. I am a retired US Marine, who is 90% service connected disabled. My wife (Lydia) and I reside in Poway and have been here since 2005. 1 chose to retire from the military in 2015 and my wife and I loved this city enough to stay and we hope to live here for many more years to come. The purpose of this letter is to protest the possible water rate increase. Much like many other families within the city, our Water bill far exceeds any other utility bill we have. Our bill is already more than we can afford. So, I ask. Please do not increase our water rates more than they already are. Thank you for hearing my request. David L Rose David & Lydia Rose 12984 Choctaw Way Poway, CA 92064 858)386-9132 Received MICHELE WIELD City Clerk's Office JAN 10 '2017 15913 WILD HOLLY IN CITY OF POWAY POWAY CA 92o64 WE RECEIVED THE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATER RATE INCREASES. IN THE YELLOW HIGHLIGHTED AREA TITLED PROTESTS, IT STATES THAT "IF A MAJORITY OF THE AFFECTED CUSTOMERS FILE WRITTEN PROTESTS, THE PROPOSED RATE STRUCTURE AND RATE ADJUSTMENTS WILL BE RECONSIDERED." NOT ONLY IS IT IMPRACTICAL TO ASSUME THAT A MAJORITY OF FOLKS WILL FILE A WRITTEN PROTEST, IT CERTAINLY DOES NOT ADDRESS THE REASONS FOR YOUR RATE INCREASE. THIS ONLY LOOKS LIKE A GREEN LIGHT FOR RAISING RATES WHENEVER THE COUNCIL SEES FIT. INSTEAD OF CONTINUALLY PASSING INCREASES TO CUSTOMERS, MAYBE THE COUNCIL SHOULD BE TRYING A NEW BUSINESS MODEL. THEY NEED TO LOOK AT: - INCREASING EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY - DECREASING PROJECT COSTS WITHOUT AFFECTING WATER QUALITY - MANAGEMENT SALARIES ALSO, I THINK WE'RE ALL TIRED OF BEING THREATENED BY THE LACK OF WATER AVAILABLE TO US AS A REASON FOR THE INCREASE OF WATER RATES. WE CUT BACK AND WE ARE STILL BEING PENALIZED. WHY ARE WE STILL BUILDING HOUSES AND APARTMENTS IF THERE IS NO WATER? WHY ISN'T THERE A BIGGER PUSH TO HAVE GRAY WATER DIVERTED TO THE LANDSCAPE, ESPECIALLY IN THE NEWER HOMES? MAYBE NEW HOMES SHOULD HAVE A FEE ADDED TO THEIR PRICE TO PAY FOR THE NEW SEWER AND WATER INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDED. SO, CITY COUNCIL, SHARPEN YOUR PENCILS AND REPORT BACK TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. RATE INCREASES ARE A LAZY FIX AND SHOULD BE THE LAST RESORT, NOT THE FIRST ORDER OF PROBLEM SOLVING. THANKS TO: N.M. Dohrer, Ramona, retired RMWD field employee AND Jared Cupp, Ramona FOR THEIR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR IN THE RAMONA SENTINEL INAUGUST OF 2015. THEY WERE FACING RATE HIKES FROM THE Ramona Municipal Water District, SO MANY OF THEIR IDEAS ARE INCLUDED IN MY COMMENTS. January 10, 2017 Yun Chon 15849 Dogwood Ct. Poway, CA 92064 Re: Proposed Water Rate Dear Poway City Clerk, Received City Clerk's Once JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY My name is Yun Chon and as a Poway resident at 15849 Dogwood Ct, I am writing this letter as a written protest to the water rate increase. Feel free to contact me with any questions. ReCeNed city cleft Me 17791 Old Winery Court JAN 10 2017 Poway, Ca 92064 January 9, 2017 OTY CAF POWAY Re: Objection to Proposed Increase in Water Rates for Poway This letter serves to express my OBJECTION to any proposed water rate increases for Poway. As the concern expressed in notices is tied to the loss in revenues due to requested conservation efforts, together with a need to maintain infrastructure and support increasing costs, I recommend that any of the reported "surpluses" in the Poway budget be diverted to pay for necessary expenses in water support. It is irrelevant what the source of the budget surplus is because ultimately all government revenues originated with a taxpayer at some point In returning the funds to the originators, all residents use both water and power while not all residents use the facilities and /or other suggested projects made for expending the "surplus." If in fact a surplus exists, then revenues exceeded expenses and the funds should be returned in some form to the originators: taxpayers. Rather than a redistribution of the "surplus" of our personal funds collected through taxes, fees, grants, permits, or other mechanisms into special programs like upgrading a recreation facility serving some members of our community, I would like to see the funds returned to the taxpayers through items /commodities we ALL use like water and power. If the water authority proves that additional funding is justified, then there is NO surplus in operating funds for our community, but rather a deficit in what is truly needed. Sincerely, Received City Clerk's Office 17791 Old Winery Court JAN 1.0 2017 Poway, Ca 92064 January 9, 2017 ClTYOI= POWAY Re: Objection to Proposed Increase in Water Rates for Poway This letter serves to express my OBJECTION to any proposed water rate increases for Poway. As the concern expressed in notices is tied to the loss in revenues due to requested conservation efforts, together with a need to maintain infrastructure and support increasing costs, I recommend that any of the reported "surpluses" in the Poway budget be diverted to pay for necessary expenses in water support. It is irrelevant what the source of the budget surplus is because ultimately all government revenues originated with a taxpayer at some point In returning the funds to the originators, all residents use both water and power while not all residents use the facilities and /or other suggested projects made for expending the "surplus." If in fact a surplus exists, then revenues exceeded expenses and the funds should be returned in some form to the originators: taxpayers. Rather than a redistribution of the "surplus" of our personal funds collected through taxes, fees, grants, permits, or other mechanisms into special programs like upgrading a recreation facility serving some members of our community, I would like to see the funds returned to the taxpayers through items /commodities we ALL use like water and power. If the water authority proves that additional funding is justified, then there is NO surplus in operating funds for our community, but rather a deficit in what is truly needed. Sincerely, Received City Clerk's Office 17791 Old Winery Court JAN 10 2017 Poway, Ca 92064 January 9, 2017 CITY OF POWAY Re: Objection to Proposed Increase in Water Rates for Poway This letter serves to express my OBJECTION to any proposed water rate increases for Poway. As the concern expressed in notices is tied to the loss in revenues due to requested conservation efforts, together with a need to maintain infrastructure and support increasing costs, I recommend that any of the reported "surpluses" in the Poway budget be diverted to pay for necessary expenses in water support. It is irrelevant what the source of the budget surplus is because ultimately all government revenues originated with a taxpayer at some point. In returning the funds to the originators, all residents use both water and power while not all residents use the facilities and /or other suggested projects made for expending the "surplus." If in fact a surplus exists, then revenues exceeded expenses and the funds should be returned in some form to the originators: taxpayers. Rather than a redistribution of the "surplus" of our personal funds collected through taxes, fees, grants, permits, or other mechanisms into special programs like upgrading a recreation facility serving some members of our community, I would like to see the funds returned to the taxpayers through items /commodities we ALL use like water and power. If the water authority proves that additional funding is justified, then there is NO surplus in operating funds for our community, but rather a deficit in what is truly needed. Sincerely, Y � Received City Cleric's Office JAN 10 -2017 CITY F:R_0pI,AW City of Poway City Clerk's Office -City Council Meeting 1/10/2017 To Whom It May Concern regarding the proposed water rate increase, We are definitely saying NO to the proposed water rate increase. While we appreciate the City of Poway's partial credit on the Drought Recovery Surcharge, we think it is absolutely ludicrous that we will be penalized with a rate increase solely because we, as residence of the city of Poway, reduced our water usage PER CITY OF POWAY directives. Why are we being punished for conserving water? Charge those residences that made no effort to conserve water. There are numerous households in Poway that did nothing to restrict their water usage. Do NOT vote this increase. We already pay a premium to live here and we shouldn't be penalized more. Sincerely, Robert and Carolyn Mohler 15486 Markar Road, Poway CA 92064 �•_dF � January 10, 2017 To Whom It May Concern: CRY Qftwo O AN I We are definitely against the proposed water rate increase. As homeowners who purchased a property with 150 avocado trees on it in 2014, we have tried to be good stewards of the land. We cut at least 50 of them down at $110 per tree when we moved in two years ago. For budgetary and other reasons, we have kept the rest As far as I know there is no way to be designated as a farm in Poway. There are no tax benefits and the water rates make it completely impossible to break even if one hopes to sell the avocados. We agree with Jim Cunningham and Dave Grosch that the drought recovery surcharge be extended for at least six months. Please reconsider this issue. We are completely dismayed that we could be penalized with a rate increase because we reduced our water usage per City of Poway directives. It's just not fair. Please do not vote for this increase. We will be watching how the city council acts on this issue and responding with our votes in future elections. Thanks you for reading this and considering our concerns. Sincerely, Rebecca Heyl & Doug Minshell 15470 Markar Road Poway, CA 92064 Members of Poway City Council 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 16878 Saint James Drive Poway, CA 92064 Parcel # 273 - 820 -48 -00 January 9, 2017 Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY I am writing this letter to formally protest the proposed water and sewer rate increases that will be considered at the January 10, 2017 City Council meeting. My objections to the proposed rate increases are based on the following: • The city has not provided information showing how much the water suppliers have increased their rates. • The city has not shown that it has taken any action to reduce the costs to provide water to the residents. I understand there are fixed costs, but there should be opportunities to reduce costs — has anyone considered this? • The city has imposed a water surcharge for any property using more than 22 units of water during a bi- monthly billing period. There has been no explanation of how this usage amount was determined. The city website simply states that this is for an average household without defining average household. This appears to be just another mechanism for raising rates especially since the city now allows watering three days per week. • The city is planning to spend over $2 million per year on water and sewer system improvements, but there is not any specific information on what is being planned. I think a complete audit of the water department is required so that we can clearly see the revenues and costs and then, and only then, should a water rate hike be considered. Sincerely, ames Fischer Ulf ncc- n LLa Z) f Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10,2017 CITY OF POWAy k C3 a- Kfixt,- Aa_ I L� e2A G LAC Y C-A 9 (\IG Nancv Neufeld From: Carol Legg Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:29 PM To: Barry Leonard -Home; Dave Grosch -Home; Jim Cunningham -Home; John Mullin -Home; Steve Vaus -Home Cc: Tina White; Wendy Kaserman; Nancy Neufeld; Ana Alarcon Subject: FW: Water rate increase Received City I Ai% - - - -- Original Message - - - -- CITY OF POWAY From: Tim Vanderveen [mailto:twv13571 @icloud.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:36 PM To: Councilmembers <Council members@ poway.org> Cc: William Von Brendel <wvb @williamvonbrendel.com> Subject: Water rate increase I would like to voice my concern about the potential increase in water rates. The Poway residents have done an outstanding job in reducing water usage, and initially much to the detriment of the way landscapes were turned into dead lawns, bushes, trees, etc. fortunately many have addressed both reducing in water use and replacing landscape with drought tolerant plants, artificial grass, etc. It is not clear how much the City has cut water use. For example, I walk around Lake Poway daily. The irrigation system for months has been on in every zone virtually every day., I have inquired of the park folks and got an answer that with so many zones, the watering needs to be done every day. Standing water, water on paths, water in the dirt are all signs of a double standard. The park looks terrific and there is not a brown spot anywhere, but apparently the 3 day /week does not apply to the City. We have a place in Big Bear. The water meter does not have to have someone in a pick up truck drive to our residence and read the meter. In addition, the water company can monitor water usage and report possible leaky faucets or broken pipes. Why can't we eliminate the water meter readers and either let us as residents report bimonthly our meter value, or invest in electronic monitoring? I suspect most residents would take a couple of minutes to send in a post card or respond via email the water reading. The city could turn it up once a year. Or another thought, use the past history of water usage to have a bimonthly bill, then true it up once per year like the solar annual true up. I don't know how much the city pays for meter readers, but it would most certainly buy a lot of water. I also have raised the concern that those of us with wells would be penalized if there is a baseline from a period like 2013 when our wells were functioning and we used very little city provided water. In my case late in the season in 2015 my well quit producing. I had to switch to City water until the rain came. If penalties are to be assessed in the future, provisions need to be made for those of us who have helped reduce water consumption by investing in wells. In my case my primary use of city water is for the swimming pool as the high level of phosphate in the well water causes algae growth. I am penalized with high sewer rates for water that never reaches the sewer. Not sure how that can be addressed, but for sure the amount of water we send down the city sewer is probably only 50 gallons per day max. In summary we are against increasing rates for water and are suggesting the City evaluate other opinions like reduction in jobs that can be eliminated, look at the city use of water, and other ideas that hopefully will,come from residents. We certainly do not like the idea of Poway as the City in the Desert. Thanks Tim Vanderveen 8584371772 Sent from my Wad Received City Clerk's Office To: Mayor Vaus and Poway City Council Members JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAY This written document is to protest the proposed unrealistically high increase in water rates. Basically, "poor planning on your part should not constitute an emergency on our part." No private business would be able to raise rates so high, so frequently and for such an extended period of time and still be viable. It is only that we are captive and dependent on water such that we do not really have a choice in the matter. It is ridiculous to require greater than 6,861 Powegians to respond to a boring, disguised government document that they may or may not have received in the mail. Families receive so much junk mail during the holidays that the paperwork could have even ended up in recycling without an awareness of the issue at stake. As such, I think that the City should consider the testimonies and concerns of engaged residents that have their finger on the pulse of what is going on and not penalize the majority of families that are very busy trying to make ends meet and not have submitted a protest letter. Water rates were recently raised, and now they are being raised again. This just seems to be the modus operandi now, and maybe the City believes no one will notice or no one will mind. People do notice and they do mind and rate increases do affect the lives of people on strict budgets. I believe Poway citizens are quite intelligent and reasonable and understand that infrastructure for water needs to be kept current and that there are various costs associated with supplying clean water. Reasonable increases in any utility over time can be expected, but cities should not just lambast their citizens with huge increases in a very short period due to unforeseen circumstances. This does not seem responsible. Also, and I am not completely clear on "behind the scenes" agendas, but I do not want even further sewer rate increases for expensive "green" projects like reducing sewer outflow with recycled, potable water. Ugh. This is just wrong. Sewer fund rate increases of 5 -7% annually for who know how long — is this reasonable? I respectfully request that those in government for the City of Poway plan well, budget well, and not burden the citizens of Poway with enormous, unexpected rate increases. I do not want to believe that Poway government "snuck" this awful surprise to its residents over the holidays, hoping for a tepid response. The reality is, there was never any chance that over half of Poway's population would reply, no matter what time of year the proposal was issued, so the residents of Poway may be doomed from the start, unless you see it in your good sense to make the feedback requirements more realistic. Thank you in advance for your consideration of a more fair system with more fair increases over time. Sincerely, Fred and Christie Zustak, 15594 Riparian Rd., Poway, CA 92064 Received City Clerk's Office Jasmine Pernicano IAN 1 0 2017 From: Claudia Plata Hernandez <mermaid luv@gmail.com > CITY OF POWAY Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:27 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Water hike protest Hello my name is Claudia Hernandez, I live in 12245 Rimbach Rd. I'm writing here to protest the proposed water rate increase of 17 %. I believe that increase is exorbitant. I do not believe Poway residents such as myself should be punished with such increase after all the effort and sacrifices we went through to conserve water. I live in a two acre lot with fruit trees. We lost a few of them and the rest are struggling due to lack of water because we were compliant and decided to conserve water. I also lost a beautiful Jasmine vine that had been in my home since 1975. It is disheartening to think after all of that we will still get get punished with a 17% increase. Please reconsider now that we no longer have a drought in northern California. Thank you for your time. Claudia Hernandez Jasmine Pernicano From: Callie <mscallie4 @gmail.com> Received Sent Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:19 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water rate increase CITY OF POWAY I, Callie Fontenot a Poway resident, at 12725 la Vista way am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Callie Fontenot Sent from my iPhone Jasmine Pernicano From: Sent: To: Subject: Poway City Council, Cynthia Robertson <crobert5 @cox.net> Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:18 PM City Clerk Water Rate Hike Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAy While I appreciate your fixed costs in the face of decreased water use, I would beseech you to consider a postponement or at the very least a lower water rate hike. I believe this is justified particularly in light of the increased rainfall this season that is filling reservoirs throughout our state. Thank you for your representation of our community, Cynthia Robertson 14353 Sandhill Rd Poway, CA 1 Jasmine Pernicano From: Lori Croston <fullydevotedl @gmail.com> Sent. Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:17 PM Received To: City Clerk City Clerk's Oface Subject: Water Rates going up JAN 10 2017 Hello! CITY OF POWAY I am a Poway resident and t am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years my family has cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. We should not be punished with higher rates because there is less usage. Thank you! -Lori Croston 12430 Schaler Drive Poway, CA. 92064 760 -553 -3059 Jasmine Pernicano From: Laury Sweetnam <laurysweetnam @gmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:15 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water rate hike CITY OF POWAY I would like to voice my objection to the proposed water rate hike for the city of Poway. We have cut our water consumption by 50% over the past couple of years and went through the expense of relandscaping our entire back yard. We continue to do our part in conserving. As a 34 year resident of Poway, I feel this proposed hike is terribly unfair. It definitely feels like punishment for doing good! Please, I implore you to reconsider this increase. Regards, Laury D. Sweetnam 12618 Stoutwood Street Poway Jasmine Pernicano From: Jeff Byers <jeff.byers @gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:06 PM Received To: City Clerk City Clerk's Once Cc: Jeff Byers Subject: RE: Public Hearing on Proposed Water Rates JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY Hello, Please consider this is my written protest regarding: Public Hearing on Proposed Water Rates on 2017/01/10. I am unable to attend the meeting, but would like to register my protest to this, yet another, increase to our already expensive water services. My single family home address is: Jeff Byers 12321 Buckskin Trl Poway, CA 92064 -6007 +1(858)324 -4339 Thanks for giving us the opportunity to weigh in on this important topic. — Jeff Byers — Nancy Neufeld From: Debbie Pond <debbiepond60 @gmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 4:24 PM City Cierk's Office To: Nancy Neufeld JAN 10 201-1 Subject: Poway Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAY Found out today about a possible increase in water rates to 7.75% and the expiration of the temporary surcharge. This is an email to protest the increase and the surcharge. I cannot believe either one is necessary. Maybe better management of dollars might help. We used less water, which is what the mayor wanted, and then we get hit with this. Maybe we should have kept on watering. Please do not increase the rate and get rid of the surcharge. There has to be a middle ground. Deborah Pond 14452 Midland Rd Poway, CA 92064 Jasmine Pernicano From: Kevan Koskie <kevankoskie @gmail.com> Received Sent Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:55 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject Re: Water rate increases CITY OF POWAY 14219 tobiasson rd Poway, ca 92064 Thanks, Kevan Koskie > On Jan 10, 2017, at 2:47 PM, City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> wrote: > Good afternoon, > We are in receipt of your email. Can you please respond with the address associated with your protest? > Thank you, > Jasmine Pernicano > Records Technician I City of Poway > 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 > (858) 668 -4532 1 JPernicano @poway.org • - -- Original Message - -- • From: Kevan Koskie [mailto:kevankoskie @ gmail.com] • Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:42 PM • To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> • Subject: Water rate increases > As a Poway resident I would like to formally object to the proposed water rate increase. Please let me know if anymore information is needed. > Thanks, > Kevan Koskie > (714) 928 -6388 1 Jasmine Pernicano Received From: City Clerk City Clerk's Office To: Amy Gmail Subject: RE: Oppose water rate hike JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY From: Amy Gmail [mailto:buckley.amyl @gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:50 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> Subject: RE: Oppose water rate hike Yes, sorry about that. Mark and Amelia Buckley 15240 Tooth Rock Road Poway, Ca 92064 From: City Clerk [mailto:cityclerk0poway.orQ Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:43 PM To: Amy Gmail Subject: RE: Oppose water rate hike Good afternoon, We are in receipt of your email. Can you please respond with the address associated with your protest? Thank you, Jawzn& Jasmine Pernicano Records Technician I City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668 -4532 1 JPernicano @poway.orq From: Amy Gmail [ mailto:bucklev.amvl@gmail.coml Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:23 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @ Poway, ore> Cc: Mark Buckley <mbuckley @te [spa ndata.com> Subject: Oppose water rate hike Dear Poway City Council Members and Mayor Vaus, It has come to our attention that a water rate hike of more than 7% is being voted on at the council meeting tonight. As homeowners on 2/12 acres, you can imagine the sizable water bill we are already paying. We have abided by the drought mandated schedule of watering and our water bill has gone down, but that is only due to less consumption and our landscaping is paying the price. We would adamantly oppose any rate increase and ask that you find another way to make up for the reduction in revenue to the water department. Sincerely, Mark and Amelia Buckley Jasmine Pernicano From: Melissa Behar <melissabehar @gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:51 PM Received To: City Clerk City Clerk's Office Subject: Proposed rate increase JAN 1.0 2017 To Whom it may concern: CITY OF POWAy I, Melissa Behar, a Poway resident, at 13274 Wanesta Drive, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. In fact, I have let my beautiful lawns completely die. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Melissa Behar Sent from my iPhone Jasmine Pernicano From: Deborah Davidson <debbiedavidson.sd @gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:45 PM Received To: City Clerk City Clerk's Office Subject: Re: Oppose water rate hike JAN 10 2017 14743 Gail Park Lane, Poway CA 92064 CITY OF POWAY Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 10, 2017, at 12:49 PM, City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> wrote: > Thank you for your email. Could you provide your address please? > Regards, • Ana Marie Alarcon • City of Poway • City Clerks Office • 13325 Civic Center Dr. • Poway, CA 92064 • P: (858) 668 -4533 • aalarcon @poway.org > Please be aware that all communications to and from this address are subject to public disclosure and may be reviewed by third parties. • - - - -- Original Message - -- • From: Deborah Davidson [mailto:debbiedavidson.sd @gmail.com] • Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 201711:58 AM • To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> • Subject: Oppose water rate hike > I oppose the water rate hike. > Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do. • Debbie Davidson • Poway > Sent from my iPhone 1 Jasmine Pernicano Received From: Richard Middelberg <richardrnidc1e11berg@grnai1.corn> City Clerk's Office Sent Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:51 PM To: City Clerk JAN 1.0 2017 Subject Protest water rate increases CITY OF POWAY Dear City Clerk and City Council, dear Mayor Vaus, We respectfully submit our protest against the current rise in water rates proposed, because we hear the same reasoning year after year. We feel that the current system of allocating water costs to Poway users is inefficient and unfair. Why are water rates not progressive? The more you use, the more you should pay. We understand that several years back, many Powegians protested against the then progressive rates because they had large acreage with lots of vegetation. The system reverted to,a single tier as a result. Why? What is being asked of businesses in the area to help conserve? What is being done to police water waste and/or fine abusers? In my neighborhood alone, there are countless properties whose sprinklers are broken and/or water runs down the street/driveway. Why are those owners not fined until they fix their systems? Respectfully, Richard Middelberg Kelhe Du 14923 Huntington Gate Drive Richard Middelberg c: 858-349-7572 Jasmine Pernicano From: Judi Young <judiayoung50 @gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:42 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Water and sewer rate increases We are writing to let you know that we are protesting the water and sewer rate increases. We live at 18335 Old Coach Way, Poway, CA 92064 William and Judith Young Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY Jasmine Pernicano From: Maripat Lawrence <sdmaripat@aol.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:36 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk Subject. Water increase JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY Hello, My name is Maripat Lawrence, I live at 16101 lakeview rd in Poway. Im writing in to let yo know I have strong feelings agains the proposed water increase. This will make so many, including myself and my family want to move out of Poway. We have cut back so much, fell free to look at the years we have lived in our home and how much we have decreased our water use. Even with reducing our water, while our family has grown, our bills are still so high! We have spent a ton of money taking out grass, redoing landscape, letting things die, re doing water lines, taking shorter showers, purchasing new washer, and dishwasher. If our bill increases more, there is nothing more we could do but leave. Please find another way. Thank you Maripat Lawrence 619-921-4294 Jasmine Pernicano From: Sent To: Subject: Poway City Clerk, Tom Brunansky <bru24 @cox.net> Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:32 PM City Clerk Water Rate Increase We have done what was asked of us. You can't penalize us for following your guidelines. We have cut back ... now it's time for the city council to follow suit. NO on the water rate increase! Tom Brunansky 15444 Harrow Lane Poway 92064 Sent from my iPhone Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY Jasmine Pernicano From: Pond, Craig <Craig. Pond @ga- asi.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:12 PM City Clerk's Office To: Jasmine Pernicano JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water rates increase - opposed! CITY OF POWAy Craig Pond 14452 Midland Rd Poway Jasmine Pernicano From: nikki quinn <q_nikki999 @hotmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:15 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water rate increase CITY OF POWAy I, Nicola Cornell a Poway resident, at 13534 Mountainside Drive am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Nikki Cornell Sent from my iPhone Jasmine Pernicano From: Claudia <clhulett@sbcglobal.net> City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:15 PM JAN 10 2017 To: City Clerk Subject: No water rate hikes CITY OF POWgy I, Claudia Hulett a Poway resident, at 13959 Saddlewood drive am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Claudia hulett Sent from my iPhone Jasmine Pernicano From: Frank Ruyak <fdruyak @gmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:10 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 1.0 2017 Subject: Proposed Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAY My name is Frank Ruyak and I reside at 14460 Cheyenne Trail Poway, CA. I am protesting the proposed increase. We have taken all of the necessary steps to reduce water usage because of the drought and feel the proposed increase is unwarranted and should be rejected. Frank Ruyak Jasmine Pernicano From: angel ryan <noyucky @gmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:05 PM CitY Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: OBJECT TO WATER HIKE! CITY OF POWAY I, Angel Ryan, a Poway resident, at 13417 Tobiasson Road, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Jasmine Pernicano Received From: Stephen Ray <stephen.rayl 1 @gmail.com> City Clerk's Ofce Sent Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:53 PM JAN 1 d 2017 To: City Clerk Subject: Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAY I, a Poway resident, at 13303 Aubrey Street am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. My family and the rest of the Poway residents have saved more water in recent years than was asked of us. We were diligent and dedicated as our landscaping died and our showers were short, but we stayed the course and now, as a "reward" you want to impose a rate hike? I DO NOT accept nor endorse this plan. Thank you for your time. Stephen Ray 1 Jasmine Pernicano From: Jeff Bush <jeffreyabush @gmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:38 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk Subject: Re: Water hike JAN 1.0 2017 CITY OF POWAY 15405 harrow lane. Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 10, 2017, at 3:34 PM, City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> wrote: > Good afternoon, > We are in receipt of your email. Can you please respond with the address associated with your protest? > Thank you, > Jasmine > Jasmine Pernicano > Records Technician I City of Poway > 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 > (858) 668 -4532 1 JPernicano @poway.org • - - - -- Original Message - - - -- • From: Jeff Bush [mailto:jeffreyabush @gmail.com] • Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:52 PM • To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> • Subject: Water hike • I feel this water rate hike is unfair and excessive. I would like to protest this increase. • Concerned Poway voter, • Jeff Bush > Sent from my iPhone 1 Jasmine Pernicano From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello mrs. Pernicano, My address is: Mh Reithler <mhreithler @yahoo.com> Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:30 PM City Clerk Re: Proposed Poway Water Rate Increase Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAy 15204 Skyridge Rd, Poway, Ca, Poway, 92064. Our lot measures almost 3 acres,thus any increase in our water bill weights a lot on our budget as we are retired. Thank you. Sincerely. Marie - Herrad Reithler Barros From: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> To: Mh Reithler <mhreithler @yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:58 AM Subject: RE: Proposed Poway Water Rate Increase Good morning Ms. Reithler, We are in receipt of your email. Can you please respond with the address associated with your written protest? Thank you, Jasmine Jasmine Pernicano Records Technician I City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668 -4532 1 JPernicano(a?_poway.org From: Mh Reithler [mailto:mhreithier @yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, January 9, 2017 7:45 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> Subject: Proposed Poway Water Rate Increase to absorFrom: Marie - Herrad Reithler Barros Sent: Monday January 09 2017 7:00 pm. To: cityclerk(cD-poway.org 1 Subject: Proposed Poway Water Rate Increase To City Clerk- Poway, As a homeowner in High Valley Poway, I am totally opposed to any increase in water rates given the significant investments we and other homeowners have made in re- landscaping our properties to make them more water efficient. Please cut Poway water plant expenses and charge the Poway General Fund to absorb any increases which cannot be addressed with cost cutting. The community should not be punished for its considerable water saving efforts! Thank you. Sincerely, Marie - Herrad Reithler Barros Jasmine Pernicano From: Caine Forbes <caineforbes @gmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:32 PM City Clerk's Of"r�a To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Re: Water Rate Hike CITY OF POWAY Caine Forbes 13522 utopia rd Poway 92064 Sent from my iPhone On Jan 10, 2017, at 2:01 PM, City Clerk <cityclerk(a�powaorg> wrote: Good afternoon, We are in receipt of your email. Can you please respond with the address associated with your protest? Thank you, Jam Jasmine Pernicano Records Technician I City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668 -4532 1 JPemicano@r)oway.ora <image001.png> From: caine forbes [mailto:caineforbes @gmail.coml Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 20171:51 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @Poway.ore> Subject: Water Rate Hike I, Caine Forbes, Poway resident, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Jasmine Pernicano From: Caine Forbes <caineforbes @gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:57 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Re: Water Rate Hike Don't forget about all the water the city let out of that tank on national news after we saved all that water Sent from my iPhone On Jan 10, 2017, at 2:01 PM, City Clerk <cilyclerk@ poway.org> wrote: Good afternoon, We are in receipt of your email. Can you please respond with the address associated with your protest? Thank you, j'a4m z"& Jasmine Pernicano Records Technician I City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668 -4532 1 JPernicano @poway.org <image001.png> From: caine forbes fmailto:caineforbes @email.coml Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 20171:51 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @ Poway. ore> Subject: Water Rate Hike I, Caine Forbes, Poway resident, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Jasmine Pernicano From: Kevan Koskie <kevankoskie @gmail.com> Received City Clerk's Office Sent Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:42 PM To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water rate increases CITY OF POWAy As a Poway resident I would like to formally object to the proposed water rate increase. Please let me know if anymore information is needed. Thanks, Kevan Koskie (714) 928 -6388 Jasmine Pernicano From: Steve Caliguri <scaliguri @gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:42 PM To: City Clerk Subject: protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway Received City Clerk's Office JAN 1.0 2017 CITY OF POWAy I, a Poway resident at 14195 Biscayne Place, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but should not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. /s/ Steve Caliguri Jasmine Pernicano From: valerie trout <vjtrout @hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:40 PM To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Against Poway Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAY 15501 Harrow Lane Poway, CA 92064 10 Jan 2017 vjtrout @hotmail.com Dear Poway City Clerk, My husband, Huston Trout, and I are both against the proposed Poway Water Rate Increase being considered at tonights City of Poway Counsel Meeting. Please cast our vote against this measure. We are against the Poway Water Dept funding the office of City Clerk, the Poway City Manager, and all other services not directly and entirely under the purvue of a city water department. We think it may be illegal for Poway to fund these non water departments with the Poway Water revenues collected from Poway citizens. We also think the huge increase in Poway's tax revenue, provided by General Atomics Aeronautical, should be applied to funding our Poway City Water Dept, as this measure would benefit all of the residents of Poway. Please feel free to contact me at any time for further information. Sincerely, Valerie Trout Huston Trout 858 - 722 -4720 Jasmine Pernicano From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: To whom it may concern; Dave <dave.cox @cox.net> Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:40 PM City Clerk dave.cox @cox.net Water Hike Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAy I, Dave Cox, a Poway resident, at 15368 Crestview Ct., am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Regards, Dave Cityclerk @Poway.org Jasmine Pernicano From: Tali Vaughn <tali1012 @gmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:34 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Re: Price increase CITY OF POWAy 13411 Sebago Ave My husband Daniel vaughn also submitted under Talianddanny @yahoo.com residing at the same address, in case it's one entry per house hold. Thanks! Tali vaughn Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 10, 2017, at 11:37 AM, City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> wrote: > Hello Ms. Vaughn, > Thank you for your email. Can you please respond with your address? > Thank you, > Jasmine > Jasmine Pernicano > Records Technician I City of Poway > 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 > (858) 668 -4532 1 JPernicano @poway.org • - - - -- Original Message - - - -- • From: Tali Vaughn [mailto:tali1012 @ gmail.com] • Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 201711:32 AM • To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> • Subject: Price increase > I, Tali vaughn a Poway resident, at am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. • Tali vaughn • Sent from my iPhone 1 Jasmine Pernicano From: Robert Tendick <tend ick@gmail.com > Received Sent Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:39 PM City Clerk's ofrice To: City Clerk JAN 1 b 2017 Subject. Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAy Hi Nancy My name is Rob Tendick, and my wife, two year old daughter and I have owned a home in Poway for about one and a half years. I am writing you to strongly oppose the proposed water rates at tonight's city council meeting. I'd be glad to expand on my reasons why I don't think an increased rate is justified, but I imagine you have heard (and will hear tonight) the narrative. Please listen to the residents you represent and vote no on increased water rates. Rob Tendick 13035 Neddick Ave Robert Tendick DPT, CSCS tendick@d pmall.com (213) 509-8005 1 Jasmine Pernicano From: Tiffany Evans <tchurch83 @gmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:26 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAY I, Tiffany Evans, a Poway resident, at 14689 Twin Peaks Road, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Tiffany Evans Sent from my iPhone Jasmine Pernicano From: Subject. City Clerk RE: Proposed Water Rate HIKE From: Liz [mailto:lizinusa@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:21 PIVI To: City Clerk <cityclerk@poway.org> Subject: Re: Proposed Water Rate HIKE Certainly. Elizabeth Guanuna 14017 Twin Peaks Road Poway, CA 92064 From: City Clerk <cityclerk@poway.org> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 201710 :02 PIVI Received City Clerk's office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAy To: Liz Subject: RE: Proposed Water Rate HIKE Good afternoon, We are in receipt of your email. Can you please respond with the address associated with your protest? Thank you, ia4+niww Jasmine Pernicano Records Technician I City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668-4532 1 JPernlcanoftoway.org L From: Liz [mailto:lizinusa@msn.coml Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 20171 :58 PIVI To: City Clerk <cityclerk@ Poway. ory Subject: Proposed Water Rate HIKE Dear City Clerk, Mayor Vaus and City Council: The proposed water rate hike in Poway has myself, family, and many neighbors shaking our heads. It certainly seems like Powegians are being taken advantage of - particularly after everything the good citizens of this city did to lower water usage when asked to by political officials. Please don't let us down. Do not take punitive action on the citizens of this city by raising rates on an essential service such as water usage. Believe me, it would be this type of greed/betrayal that stays in our minds all the way until the next election cycle. You were hired to serve the people and use good judgment, and we do appreciate your best efforts on our behalf. Thank you. Mrs. Elizabeth Guanuna Jasmine Pernicano From: Aislinn Brown <aslnn.brwn @gmail.com Received > City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 201712.44 PM To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water rate increase CITY OF POWAY I, Aislinn Brown, a Poway resident, at 12557 Taunt Place, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, installed low flow gardens, toilets and shower heads, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Aislinn Brown Jasmine Pernicano From: To: Subject: City Clerk Diane Butikofer RE: water rate increase protest From: Diane Butikofer [mailto :dianebutikofer @gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:08 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> Subject: Re: water rate increase protest Yes, thank you for responding. Diane Butikofer 13125 Tobiasson Rd. Poway, CA 92064 Phone: 858- 842 -3721 On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 2:05 PM, City Clerk <ci , clerk �owa.r .or g> wrote: Good afternoon, Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAy We are in receipt of your email. Can you please respond with the address associated with your protest? Thank you, Jasmine Pernicano Records Technician I City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668 -4532 1 JPernicano@poway.ora From: Diane Butikofer [ mailto :dianebutikofer @email.coml Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:04 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.ore> Subject: water rate increase protest To whom it may concern: I am aware of the City of Poway's plan to increase water and sewer rates. As a resident of Poway this is my formal protest for this rate increase. For the past year my family and I have made a sincere effort to reduce our water usage both in the house and in our yard and garden. Raising our water rates is not fair to residents who have actively been reducing their water usage on a daily basis. Sincerely, Diane Butikofer Poway resident Jasmine Pernicano From: City Clerk To: Phil Bourne Received City Clerk's Office Subject: RE: Water Rate hike. JAN 10 2011 From: Phil Bourne [mailto:bourne.phil @gmail.com] CITY OF POWAY Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:08 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> Subject: Re: Water Rate hike. 14104 Powers rd Poway, Ca 92064. Thank You. On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 1:59 PM, City Clerk <cityclerk&2yp ay.org> wrote: Hello Mr. Bourne, We are in receipt of your email. Can you please respond with the address associated with your protest? Thank you, Jam Jasmine Pernicano Records Technician I City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668 -4532 1 JPernicano @poway.org From: Phil Bourne [mailto:bourne.phil @email.coml Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 20171:33 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.ore> Subject: Water Rate hike. Greetings. I wanted to protest the increase in water and sewer rates. As a ratepayer, I expect to be treated fair. We decreased water usage and should not be punished with a rate hike. Please find ways to be more efficient with the high rates we are already paying. Kind Regards Phil Bourne Ana Alarcon Received From: Bree <tinkeress @yahoo.com> City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 12:14 PM To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water Rate Protest CITY OF POWAY I, Bree Robb a Poway resident, at 14012 Powers Rd. am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Bree Robb Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Ana Alarcon From: Ann <annrazalas @cox.net> Received City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 12:54 PM To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: water rate hike CITY OF POWAY I absolutely do not agree with a water rate hike. We lowered our water consumption and should not be punished for that! You're already charging us a surcharge! Enough is enough! Ann Salazar 12802 Selma Ct. Poway, CA 92064 annrazalas @cox.net 619- 985 -0617 Ana Alarcon Received From: nflores930@gmail.com City Clerk's office Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 201712:53 PM To: City Clerk JAN 1,0 2017 Subject Water rate hike CITY OF POWAy 1, Nicole Flores, a Poway resident at 17762 Villamoura Drive, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on water usage and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. IN-IMWI= Sent from my iPhone 0 Ana Alarcon From: City Clerk Received Subject: FW: Water rates City Clerk's Office From: rlwolford [mailto:rlwolford @aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 20171:09 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> Subject: RE: Water rates 13813 Powers Road Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone -- - - - - -- Original message -- - - - - -- From: City Clerk <cityclerk & poway.org> Date: 1/10/17 10:15 AM (GMT- 08:00) To: rlwolford <rlwolfordnaol.com> Subject: RE: Water rates Hello, JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAy Thank you for your email. Can you please provide the address of the property in regards to the water rates? Thank you, Jam Jasmine Pernicano Records Technician I City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668 -4532 ( JPemicano @poway.orq From: rlwolford [ mailto:rlwolford@aol.coml Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:38 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.ore> Subject: Water rates Please don't raise the water rates. I live in a neighborhood with many fixed incomes. It could mean less money for them to live on. 1 Ana Alarcon From: Subject: City Clerk FW: I oppose increased water rates From: cory muscat [mailto:muscatcory@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 20171:21 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> Subject: RE: I oppose increased water rates 15547 Markar Rd, Poway 92064 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 12:51 PM, City Clerk <cit yclerk@ poway.org> wrote: Thank you for your email. Could you provide your address? Regards, Ana Marie Alarcon City of Poway City Clerks Office 13325 Civic Center Dr. Poway, CA 92064 P: (858) 668 -4533 aalarcon@poway.org Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY Please be aware that all communications to and from this address are subject to public disclosure and may be reviewed by third parties. From: cory muscat [mailto:muscatcoryna,vahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 12:21 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk �poway.org> Subject: I oppose increased water rates Hello, I understand there is a vote tonight about increasing the water rates in Poway. Just want to voice my concern as a long time Poway resident and home owner. I feel it is wrong to raise the rates, especially considering the huge progress made in reducing water usage to help the drought. We are now being asked to pay significantly more for less service. It's not right. The community responded to calls for less water use and we are being punished in response. I hope the council considers this when voting. Thanks, Cory Muscat Ana Alarcon From: Noelle Kester <noelle.kester@ mail.com> Received 9 Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1:25 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Proposed Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAy I, Noelle Kester, a Poway resident, at 14026 Mazatlan Way, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Noelle Kester Ana Alarcon From: Jennifer An <jenniferuw @hotmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1:25 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject Water CITY OF POWAY I, Jennifer An a Poway resident, at 15356 Via La Gitano, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Sent from my iPad Jasmine Pernicano From: Lindsay Ray <lindsay.ray @kenblanchard.com> Received Sent Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1:38 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 1.0 2017 Subject: Protest: Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAY I, a Poway resident, at 13303 Aubrey Street am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. My family and the rest of the Poway residents have saved more water in recent years than was asked of us. We were diligent and dedicated as our landscaping died and our showers were short, but we stayed the course and now, as a "reward" you want to impose a rate hike? I DO NOT accept nor endorse this plan. Thank you for your time. LINDSAY RAY, M.S. Director of Learning Services 760.489.5005 Main 760.233.6779 Direct 125 State Place I Escondido, CA 92029 kenblanchard.com The Ken Blanchard Companies ( The Leadership Difference.® 40 Named a Top 20 Leadership Training Company by Trainingindustrycom for the seventh year in a row. Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast Ltd, an innovator in Software as a Service (SaaS) for business. Providing a safer and more useful place for your human generated data. Specializing in; Security, archiving and compliance. To find out more Click Here. Jasmine Pernicano From: Francean Williams <thewilliamstriplets @gmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1:41 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAy I, Francean Williams a Poway resident, at 12865 Elmfield Lane am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Sent from my iPhone Jasmine Pernicano From: aaronpaulhughes . <aaronphughes @gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1:45 PM To: City Clerk Subject: Water Rate Hike - 1 disagree!! The rate is already too high. Please do *not* up the water rate! Aaron Hughes 14708 Poway Mesa Dr. Poway CA 92064 http : / /poway.orp,/DocumentCenterNiew /3623 Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY Jasmine Pernicano From: Susan J. Forbes <SForbes @lorberlaw.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1:46 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN � 0 2017 Subject: Water Rate Hike CITY OF POWAY I, Susan Forbes, a Poway resident, am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time, Susan Forbes 13522 Utopia Road Poway, CA 92064 Susan Forbes I Accounting Department T: 858.513.1020 x1015 I F: 858.513.1012 Lorber, Greenfield & Polito, LLP 13985 Stowe Drive, Poway, CA 92064 www.lorberlaw.com Jasmine Pernicano Received From: Carrie Kropp <clp76 @yahoo.com> City Clerk's Office Sent Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1:46 PM JAN 10 2017 To: City Clerk Subject Water rate CITY OF POWAY I, Carrie Kropp a Poway resident, at 17037 Alderwood Lane am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Sent from my iPhone Jasmine Pernicano From: Marion Winandy <m.winandy @me.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1.49 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk Subject: Water rates JAN 1.0 2017 CITY OF POWAy Nancy, I am writing to object to the hike in water pricing for Poway residents. This is not the first time the city has raised our water prices and it's time to reconsider and not raise them again. We should be rewarded with conserving water and punitive monetary measures are not acceptable. Sincerely, Joseph and Marion Winandy 14785 Laurelwood St. Poway, CA 92064 Sent from my iPad Jasmine Pernicano From: Wendy Hall <wendyha1166 @yahoo.com> Sent Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:00 PM Received To: City Clerk City Clerk's Office Subject: Re: No water rate increase JAN 10 2017 Thank you! CITY OF POWAy Wendy White 13863 Olive Grove Place Poway, CA 92064 Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 10, 2017, at 1:58 PM, City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> wrote: > Hello Ms. White, > We are in receipt of your email. Can you please respond with the address associated with your protest? > Thank you, > Jasmine > Jasmine Pernicano > Records Technician I City of Poway > 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 > (858) 668 -4532 1 JPernicano @poway.org • ---- Original Message - - - -- • From: Wendy Hall [mailto:wendyha1166 @yahoo.com] • Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 20171:27 PM • To: City Clerk <cityclerk @poway.org> • Subject: No water rate increase > I, Wendy White a Poway resident, at am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. > Wendy White > Sent from my iPhone 1 Jasmine Pernicano From: Stephen Geest <s.geest @me.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 2:02 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAS 1 � Z��7 Subject: Water rate increase CITY OF POWAY Good afternoon, My name is Steve Geest of 14743 Helen park lane. I am writing to object to the water rate increase for poway. I strongly oppose the proposed increase to our water bill. Please let my voice be heard at tonight's meeting. Thank you, Steve Geest Jasmine Pernicano From: Deb < dryek @cox.net> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 11:39 AM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Oppose Water Rate Hike CITY OF POWAY I, Deborah Kawamoto, residing at 12706 Robison Blvd., Poway, CA 92064, vehemently oppose the proposed water hike. We have already been paying over many years for water rate hikes but the fact that consumption is down and we as a community are doing our job to conserve is not a reason to increase at such a large percentage. If you want to cut back costs than do not take POWAY off the 3X per week water schedule in good times and bad. Keep the flow of water consistent and consumption predictable and plan ahead. POWAY and the Water District need to do a better job and managing their money and assets. I, for one oppose the Water Rate Hike. Sincerely, Deb Kawamoto Cell 858 - 705 -0493 dryek @cox.net Jasmine Pernicano From: Burgess, Katherine <KBurgess @peiwc.com> Received City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 10:57 AM To: City Clerk JAN 10 ' 2017 Subject: Increased Water Rates CITY OF POWAY I, Kate Burgess a Poway resident, at 13252 Oak Knoll Road A16 am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, however we should not be punished for our efforts with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Kate Burgess Senior Marketing Specialist Preferred Employers Group (a W. R. Berkley Company) Direct Line: 619 -471 -2136 Note: Confidential email correspondence. Proprietary information. Do not share unless specifically authorized to do so. PREFERRED .EMPLOYERS Insurance ' a W.R. Serkky Cow Preferred ... We know more, do more and care more about workers' compensation insurance. Preferred ... Selected as one of the "Best Places to Work" in San Diego two years running. 2015 & 2016 - San Diego Business Journal CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and the transmitted documents contain private, privileged and confidential information belonging to the sender. The information therein is solely for the use of the addressee. If your receipt of this transmission has occurred as the result of an error, please immediately notify us so we can arrange for the return of the documents. In such circumstances, you are advised that you may not disclose, copy, distribute or take any other action in reliance on the information transmitted. Jasmine Pernicano From: Vito Bica <vito.bica @gmail.com> Received City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 11:00 AM To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Re: Objection to proposed water rate hike CITY OF POWAy Sure: Vito Bica 12675 Sagecrest Dr Poway, CA 92064 Thanks! Vito On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 10:13 AM, City Clerk <cityclerk ,poway.org> wrote: Hello, Thank you for your email. Can you please provide your address? Regards, Jaon"i& Jasmine Pernicano Records Technician I City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92064 (858) 668 -4532 1 JPernicano @Qoway.org 1 From: Vito Bica [mailto:vito.bica@gmail.com Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:12 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@poway.org> Subject: Objection to proposed water rate hike Hi Nancy, I was told that objections made in writing to the proposed water rate hike should be sent to you at this email address. Please forward as appropriate. I would like to state my strenuous objection to the water rate hike. It is a never-ending spiral of either 1) "Water is more expensive", or 2) "Using less means we need to collect more to offset our costs". I propose instead that the fixed costs for salary and infrastructure be split out separately from the cost of the water itself, so that these can be considered on their own merits. So please register that I am against the water rate hike. Let me know if you need more info, such as address, etc. Thank you, Vito Bica Poway resident since 1997 M Jasmine Pernicano Received From: Roseanne.Sky @faa.gov City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 11:04 AM To: City Clerk JAN 10" 2017 Subject: water rate increase CITY OF POWAY I, RoseAnne Sky, 13310 Frame Road, a Poway resident, at am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. RoseAnne Sky Jasmine Pernicano Received From: Christian Villegas <christian.villegas @us.kontron.com> City Clerk's Office Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 11:04 AM To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Increased Water Rates CITY OF POWAY I, Christian Villegas a Poway resident, at 12532 Oak Knoll Road A16 am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers and made efforts to reduce water in every way we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, however we should not be punished for our efforts with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Christian I. Villegas Manufacturing Manager, North America Kontron 14118 Stowe Drive I Poway, CA 920641 USA P: + 1 (858) 677 -0877 x.3112 I M: + 1 (858) 213 -2050 maiko:christan.villegas kontron.com Website I BloQ I Twitter I Linkedin I YouTube I Facebook By opening this email you are agreeing to Kontron's Electronic Communications Policv WARNING - This e-mail or its attachments may contain controlled technical data or controlled technology within the definition of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or Export Administration Regulations (EAR), and are subject to the export control laws of the U.S. Government. Transfer of this data or technology by any means to a foreign person, whether in the United States or abroad, without an export license or other approval from the U.S. Government, is prohibited. The information contained in this document is CONFIDENTIAL and property of Kontron. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited without express written consent of Kontron. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the original message and enclosed attachments. Jasmine Pernicano From: Melinda Markiewicz <mam332000 @yahoo.com> Receive c Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:58 AM ''�Y Clerk's oiticf To: City Clerk JAN 1 a Subject: water hikes 20,11-, CITY OF POWAY Nancy, My husband and I would like to voice our objections to the increase in water prices. First we are told to help our community by using water responsibly? But now we expect our representatives to act responsibly by not increasing our water bills for doing the right thing per Poway's request. We should not be punished for complying with the demands of our community. It is our hope you will use your voice to express our concerns on this matter. Respectfully, Mindy and Brian Clark, Poway Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Jasmine Pernicano From: rlwolford <rlwolford @aol.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:38 AM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Water rates CITY OF POWAY Please don't raise the water rates. I live in a neighborhood with many fixed incomes. It could mean less money for them to live on. Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone Jasmine Pernicano From: ROBERT MAY <may229 @bellsouth.net> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 3:37 PM City Cierk's Office To: City Clerk Subject: Protest Water Rate Hike ._IAN '1 0 2017 CITY OF POWAY Dear Poway City Council Members, We are writing to protest the proposed water rate hike for our city. We are the owners of record for 15454 Oakstand Court. After researching the issue, including reviewing the 2016 -2017 City Budget, we believe there are ways to solve the Water & Sewer budget gap problem through methods other than the easy solution of raising rates. We encourage the city council to work harder at controlling and reducing its own costs in order to mitigate price increases. Thank you for your service and consideration. Robert and Michelle May Jasmine Pernicano From: Cheryl Kennedy <cmay2ck @gmail.com> Received Sent. Tuesday, January 10, 2017 10:50 AM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk Subject: water Rate Increase .IAN 1.0 2017 CITY OF POWAY I would like to express my opposition to the scheduled Poway water rate increase. I find it incredibly distasteful that residents are now to be penalized for doing WHAT YOU ASKED OF US. Had I know that the consequences to conserving water during drought times would be that the Water District cannot budget appropriately with the new, should have been expected thus planned for, incoming revenue and therefore needs to increase our rates, I would not have discontinued watering my lawn (I now have a dirt lot, thank you very much), shortened showers, purchased new water efficient appliances, along with other daily efforts to reduce water consumption. Poway residents should not be punished for following reduced consumption requests with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Cheryl Kennedy 14050 Frame Road Poway, CA 92064 Robert J. and Sandra Culver Cl Received ks Office 13921 Chancellor Way Poway, CA 92064 JAN 0 2017 858 - 486 -3056 CITY OF POWAY January 10, 2017 City Clerk P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 Dear City Clerk, We are writing in PROTEST to the proposed rate adjustment/ increase to the City of Poway's water rates to be considered at the City of Poway Council meeting and public hearing scheduled for January 10, 2017. We find it irresponsible for the City to consider an increase water rate after requesting and requiring city water usage to be drastically decreased by all residents. We, like many residents in the city have complied with the City's request and significantly reduced our water usage by installing new ultra -low flow toilets, removed grass areas, installed drought tolerant plants and improved outdoor irrigation systems. The City of Poway should reward its residents not penalize them. You must find a way to reduce City costs or find money in other budget areas to offset the cost of operations for the City's water system. Robert J. and Sandra Culver Jasmine Pernicano From: dabears2k @gmail.com on behalf of Matt Kriegsfeld <mattkriegsfeld @gmail.com> Sent Tuesday, January 10, 2017 8:53 AM Received To: City Clerk City Clerk's Office Subject: Objection to Water Rate Hike JAN 10'2017 Dear Ms. Neufeld, CITY OF POWAY Please accept this email as my written objection to Poway's proposed water rate hike. I object any rate hike in water fees. Sincerely, Matt Kriegsfeld 12738 Briarwood PI Jasmine Pernicano From: Mary Vedborg <marybved @gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 7:13 AM Received To: City Clerk City Clerk's Office Subject: stop water rated hikes in poway AN 10 2017 I am protesting the water rate hikes in Poway ! CITY OF POWAY Mary Vedborg 12563 Taunt place Poway, CA 92064 m 7-o (Iler �� 7Ped6o� /02 3 7`a"cut7` P /are pig U-17 (Iff .5�2o�y , P u ou � 7 Te Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 � 2017 CITY OF POWAY Jasmine Pernicano From: MarieJo Atkins <mja @mariejoatkins.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 6:44 AM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk Subject: 12738 Indian Trail Rd, Poway JAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY As a homeowner in Poway, and a real estate agent, l am totally opposed to any increase in water rates given the significant investment we and other homeowners have made in re- landscaping our properties to make them more water efficient. Please cut Poway water plant expenses and charge the Poway general fund to absorb any increases which cannot be addressed with cost cutting. Do not punish the community for its considerable water saving efforts! Also please understand that our real estate values have gone down because of th water issue and cost. We cannot afford a price hike. Sincerely, * 0VEr$1 Bwkn Sold' s aGIfIC I ohy-s i vivimmadejoaffins.com UnWHATIONALRUDY Please consider the environment before printing this email Jasmine Pernicano From: Katie Ventiere <kventiere @yahoo.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:38 AM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 1.0 2017 Subject: Water rate hike objection CITY OF POWAY I am a Poway citizen and object to the proposed water rate hike. Thank you, Katie Ventiere 13458 Orange Blossom Lane Jasmine Pernicano From: Kate Mccord <mccordkate @yahoo.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 10:15 AM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk Subject: Fw: water rate increase .IAN 10 2017 CITY OF POWAY On Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:56 AM, Kate Mccord <mccordkate @yahoo.com> wrote: I, Kate McCord a Poway resident at 13559 Comuna Drive, Poway CA 92064 am writing today in protest of the proposed water rate increase for the City of Poway. For the past several years we have cut back on watering, shortened showers, and made efforts to reduce water in everyway we can for our community, city and state. We will continue to do so, but will not be punished for it with a rate increase. Thank you for your time. Kate McCord Poway resident since 1979. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Jasmine Pernicano From: Corinne Green <corinski @hotmail.com> Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 10:06 AM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 1.0 2017 Subject: Water rate hike CITY OF POWAy I am writing to protest the planned water rate hike by the Poway City Council. Please don't punish customers for conserving water. I am confident the combined brain power of the city council can find a better solution to reduced profits or financial shortcomings. Sincerely, Corinne Green 12625 Stoutwood St. Jasmine Pernicano From: Gerri @bobmckeon.com Received Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:06 AM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10'2017 Subject: Water hike rate CITY OF POWAY We are so good about conserving water and now you want us to pay more, what's the use of conserving. We vote no to raise hike. Bob and Gerri !mcKeon 12780 Maplewood Ct Poway, ca 92054 Sent from my iPad Jasmine Pernicano From: Mh Reithler <mhreithler @yahoo.com> Received Sent: Monday, January 9, 2017 7:45 PM City Clerk's Office To: City Clerk JAN 10 2017 Subject: Proposed Poway Water Rate Increase CITY OF POWAy to absorFrom: Marie - Herrad Reithler Barros Sent: Monday January 09 2017 7:00 pm. To: cityclerk @poway.org Subject: Proposed Poway Water Rate Increase To City Clerk- Poway, As a homeowner in High Valley Poway, I am totally opposed to any increase in water rates given the significant investments we and other homeowners have made in re- landscaping our properties to make them more water efficient. Please cut Poway water plant expenses and charge the Poway General Fund to absorb any increases which cannot be addressed with cost cutting. The community should not be punished for its considerable water saving efforts! Thank you. Sincerely, Marie - Herrad Reithler Barros 1 To: City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789 I am formally objecting to the water rate hike. 12874 Indian Trail (for 45 years III!) Luis and Mary Ann Guerena Water Rates to increase unless you act nowl Steven Beaver from Stone Canyon • 23h ago Recelved City Clerk's Office JAN 0 9 2017 CITY OF POWAY Water rates are going up yet again. All of you who live in Poway should have received this public notice: http ://poway.or4 /DocumentCenterNiew /362.... Without getting on a soap box, if you don't want your water rate to be increased you MUST mail a written protest which must include your address or assessor's parcel number and your handwritten signature with your name typed or clearly written out. You can be as elaborate as you wish or simply write, I am formally objecting to the water rate hike, your home address and name followed by your signature. Addressed to: City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789. This must be mailed by no later than January 9th, Monday. Sooner is better. Thank you. City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789 Dear City Clerk; Redeived City Clerk's Office JAN 0 9 2017 CITY OF POWAY I am formally objecting to the water rate hike as proposed by the City of Poway. As a new resident of Poway with all the expenses of a new home and starting a family every penny counts. At this time we cannot afford a rate hike in our water costs. Sincerely, Ameer Navidi 14385 Twin Peaks Rd. Poway, CA 92064 Ameer Navidi a�y�� % )-'/ , City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789 Dear City Clerk; Received City Clerk's Office JAN 0 9 2017 CITY OF POWAY 1/06/2017 We are formally objecting to the water rate hike as proposed by the City of Poway. As Poway residents we have worked hard to conserve water: watering only twice a week, switching to drip systems, installed large rain barrels etc. Therefore we do not feel it is justified to raise our rates. Regards, Sam and Cheryl Navidi 12837 Indian Trail Rd. Poway, CA Sam Navidi n -1 Cheryl Navidi Received City Clerk's Offloe JAN 0 9 2017 C17Y O POWAY Em� o-'UCLY) (I-rc� or- VOUDP(t) �-r u-1),4,60 -3e�24 12821 �tJtPc��T��L�P� C �,lk �,C 9 2'0i7 Received City Clerk's Office JAN 0 9 2017 CITY OF POWAY i w A j -6 ; &-e 06 �f7 Received Cfty Clerk's Office JAN 0 9 20V CITY OF POWAY 9 January 2017 To: The Mayor and members of the Poway City Council; Subject: Proposed Water Rate Increase From: Richard P. and Kathryn A. Hora, owners and residents of property at 15302 Crestview Court, in Poway. We oppose the water rate increase proposed to be effective 1/1/2017. We met your stated water conservation guidelines and now the proposed rate increase is at least partially due to the administration's failure to trim city costs in proportion to the suffering of the tax payers. It has come to our attention that salaries and related costs for numerous City Hall Departments are being paid from our Water and Sewer bills. While you state that the city makes no profit off the water bills, you do not disclaim the benefits to the personnel. Annually, you discover unspent millions in the Water and Sewer accounts and sweep them into the general fund. The surplus then contributes to the increases in salary, benefits and retirements far in excess of the private sector. As a result, both the Water and the Sewer bills are largely taxes for city administration costs. The Sewer bill which is based on the size of the taxpayer's lot is in fact a property tax. General tax increases require approval of the voters. Property tax increases are controlled by proposition 13. Roll these Water and Sewer rates back to be in compliance with the tax controls of the state constitution. Sincerely, C- - Richard P. Hora Kathryn A. Hora Received City Clerk's Office Ana Alarcon 'JAN 0 9 2017 1 From: tillieb @aol.com CITY OF POWAY Sent: Monday, January 9, 2017 11:24 AM To: City Clerk, Steve Vaus; John Mullin; Jim Cunningham; Barry Leonard; Dave Grosch Subject: increased water rates To whom it may concem: I reside at 14103 Roaring Camp Rd., in Poway. I am very opposed to the increase in the current water rate. My property is approximately 3/4 of an acre. When we purchased our home in 1982, we had Tom Fujiwara, a well -known landscape designer in the Poway area,design a low water use plan for our property. This included leaving most of our yard open space with fire retardant ice plant that does not EVER get water, except by the rain. We installed that design, and over the years have improved the design with even lower water use plants. Additionally, we removed our first lawn, replaced it with a smaller lawn that only need to be watered from May to October. (and we still adhere to the 2x/week mandate despite the 3x/wk increase) We have additionally reduced our household use by over 50 %. (our children grew up and moved away) However, our water bills have become exceptionally high. There really isn't much more we can do to reduce our usage. We moved to Poway because we love the open space and the large lots. We are now on a fixed income, and any increase in the rates comes at a time when we are trying to cope with other increases in the cost of living. We are asking for a NO vote on the rate increase. Cordially, Maren Behringer 14103 Roaring Camp Rd. Poway, CA 992064 Ana Alarcon From: William von Brendel <wvb @williamvonbrendel.com> City Clerk's Office Sent: Monday, January 9, 2017 2:13 PM JAN 0 9 2017 To: City Clerk Subject: Proposed Poway Water Rate Increases CITY OF POWAY To: City Clerk - Poway As a homeowner in Poway, I am totally opposed to any increase in water rates given the significant investment we and other homeowners have made in re- landscaping our properties to make them more water efficient. t Please cut Poway water plant expenses and charge the Poway general fund to absorb any increases which cannot be addressed with cost cutting. Do not punish the community for its considerable water saving efforts! Sincerely, William von Brendel, MBA, MIM 13511 Summit Cricie Poway, CA 92064 T: 858 -748 -SOS6 M: 8S8 -33S -5790 Skype: William.von.brendel E Jasmine Pernicano From: Carol Legg Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 1:46 PM To: Barry Leonard; Dave Grosch; Jim Cunningham; John Mullin; Steve Vaus Cc: Tina White; Wendy Kaserman; Nancy Neufeld; Ana Alarcon; Jasmine Pernicano Subject: FW: 2017 Water Rate Increases Received City Clerk's Office JAN 10 2017 From: William von Brendel [ mailto :wvb @williamvonbrendel.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 20171:45 PM To: Councilmembers <Councilmembers @poway.org> Subject: 2017 Water Rate Increases To: City Council - Poway As a 10 -year homeowner in Poway, I am totally opposed to any increase in water rates. Water increases will further reduce aesthetics and property values in a very unique community. Poway residents have risen to the challenge and done a phenomenal job complying with the historic drought restriction guidelines ... despite having unusually large lots by California standards. We and other homeowners have made significant investments in re- landscaping multi -acre properties to make them highly water efficient. Do not punish homeowners for their considerable water saving efforts! Solution: Please reduce Poway water plant expenses ... and charge the Poway general fund to absorb any increases which cannot be addressed with cost cutting. It's the right thing to do with our money. Don't make a desert out of the City in the Country! Sincerely, William von Brendel, MBA, MIM 13511 Summit Circle Poway, CA 92064 T: 858 -748 -5056 M: 858 -335 -5790 Skype: William.von.brendel Ana Alarcon From: Greg Dixon <gdixonl @san.rr.com> Sent: Monday, January 9, 2017 2:28 PM To: City Clerk Cc: Greg Dixon Sr Subject: Objection to water rate increase I object to the proposed water rate increase. This is now ridiculous. Water bills must be used ONLY for water related expenses! Respectfully, Greg Dixon 17115 Tam O Shanter Drive Poway, CA 92064 858 - 774 -1289 JAN 0 9 20V CITY OF POWAY JAN. 5T", 2017 DEAR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, I READ IN THE POWAY PAPER WE HAVE TO WRITE TO YOU OR COME TO MEETING TUESDAY TO MAKE OUR REQUESTS KNOWN TO YOU. MY HUSBAND AND MYSELF WANTYOU TO KNOW THAT WE DON'T WANTYOU TO RAISE THE WATER BILL ANY HIGHER.....SO HERE WE ARE WITH A LETTER. FOR THE RECORD.... PLEASE DO NOT RAISE OUR WATER BILL. HERE ARE TWO PEOPLE ASKING YOU, DO NOT RAISE THE WATER BILL. THANK YOU, MR JOSEPH E. MARTIN .... AND MRS. DOROTHY KAY MARTIN 11835 POWAY ROAD.... NOW FOR 48 YRS. IN POWAY, CALIFORNIA. *� Mr. Joseph E. Martin 11835 Poway Rd. Poway, CA 92064 FMartin 35 Poway Rd ay, CA 92064 -4119 Received JAN 0 ,9.201'/ City of Poway City Manager's Office Received CitY Clerk's office JAN 0 9 2017 CITY OF POW4y Received City Clerk of the City of Poway City Clerk's Office PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789 JAN 0 9 2011 Re: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Water Rates CITY OF POWAY Dear City Council Members, I live at 15135 Huntington Gate Drive in Poway. This letter is in opposition to increased rate adjustments for water that we read about this week in the Poway Chieftain. My husband and I never received notification as the paper stated we should have. We have updated sprinkler heads to be low usage, planted drought - tolerant plants, and follow the law for watering days & times in order to do our part for water conservation. Until we fully understand all the issues we will oppose this increase. Additionally, if this is voted down, what are the city's alternatives? Thank you, Elizabeth K. Angus 15135 Huntington Gate D ve Poway, CA 9206 C,� ( (ejr- �� ?0-�A) 111� i We. ahc-, i5�-� C),15aEC7rwC,- for � 'v a()Io c ; e F. Ti a u Gk Ms. Marjorie Rauch 13229 Stone Canyon Rd Poway CA 92084 -2131 &-,P.-& &,qa to Received City Clerk's Office JAN 0 9 2017 CITY OF POWAY Espilwzo 139!9 Sto C8 990 n fid POW0 January 5, 2017 City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, Ca. 92074 Dear City Clerk, Recelved City Clerks Office JAN 0 9 2017 CITY OF POWAy I am responding to the proposed water rate increase. I am opposed to the idea of another rate increase on the backs of the consumers. We have had numerous water increases over the years and we have all been asked to do our part to conserve water by cutting use and re- landscaping our properties at a great expense. I believe the City needs to look at cutting expenses with employee salaries or benefits and pension expenses to help balance any deficits. Perhaps the City could look into pumping well water to supplement the water supply to offset increases from the metropolitan water district? Could the City put pressure on public officials to create more water resources like desalination? When a citizen goes on the website and reviews the compensation, new pay increases, and lavish benefits and compares them to the private sector it appears that there is room to make some cuts. I've seen the retirement compensation that has been offered to prior employees who have retired early with close to the same salary they made while working while retaining some great medical perks. It would be greatly appreciated if those in management would do everything in their power to make cuts and other changes to live within the budget you receive. Most residents have to adjust their spending habits when their revenue drops and they have to be more judicious in how they spend their dollars. I believe the public deserves to have their City be good stewards with the revenue received, by managing their expenses and only reach out for increases if it is required to deliver a safe supply of drinking water. Also, please keep in mind that the more you raise the rates — the more dead trees, shrubs and plants will be allowed to die. Since plants clean our air - we should consider how high water rates will affect our air quality. It will be sad to see the City of Poway as a sea of dirt and cactus in the future so I hope there is something you can do to help keep rates affordable now and into the future. Thank you, Mara Penick 17025 Butterfield Trail APN 277 - 180 -09 -00 Received City Clerk's Office JAN 0 9 2017 12909 Elmfield Lane CITY of POWAY Poway CA 92064. January 4 2017 City Clerk of the City of Poway, I wish to protest over the proposed increase in water and sewage rates for 2017. My name is David Middleton, I am a Poway resident and live at the address shown above. I am 72 years old and my Social Security increase for 2017 (no increase in 2016) is $3 per month. With the proposed increase in the Poway water rate, increase in County of San Diego property taxes, and a likely increase in fuel costs in 2017 my monthly expenses will increase by almost $50. How am I going to be able to pay these increases ? ?? Last year we were asked how we Poway people wanted to spend surplus millions of dollars in a reserve fund. Why does this surplus have to be spent on a new building or facility to benefit a 'few' when it could be used to benefit 'all' and pay off the 'loan' created to cover water increases last year. We seniors just cannot afford these increases, I have already had to turn off my heating this Winter as I cannot afford the Winter gas and electric bills. What else do you want me to cut out ? ?? We have also killed our lawn to save water. Why is no one fighting the San Diego water authority or the people in Sacramento whose employees get significant salary increases every year and telling them that we seniors just cannot afford these increases which are 'way' above cost of living increases. it!!!! Please, please, do not increase the water rate, some of us just cannot pay Sincerely David Middleton Received City Clerk's Office poway_water_rate JAN 0 9 2017 Jan 4, 2017 CITY OF POWAY Dear Poway City Council, I would like to formally protest the proposed water and sewer rate increases to be reviewed at the Public Hearing on January 10, 2017. Please reconsider the water and sewer rate increases being proposed. Sincerely, (sign here) ' j't'-L, � 1 Name: i N P,( V U Address: 13 6 c,�ir-2 -&-v r ri 1 �. Page 1 15747 Summer Sage Rd. Poway CA 92064 Received City Clerk's Office January 5, 2017 JAN 0 9 2017 CITY OF POWAY City Clerk of the City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789 Dear Sir /Madam, I am writing in response to the proposed water rate increase; I wish to protest the way in which water rates are calculated. I have lived in north Poway Bridlewood for nearly 30 years; my lot is about 2/3s of an acre, yet I use probably less water than many of my neighbors. This is undoubtedly true because I got rid of most of my grass and have substituted many California native plants. The grass lawn I still have - zoysia - is less than 1000 sq feet and is watered once a week, and never in the winter. What I object to is the way the water rates are calculated. I am looking at my water bill from 7/7/16- 8/30/16 (unfortunately I cannot find my most recent bill.) I was billed $180.52 and used 17 units of water. If I had used TWICE of amount of water, I would only have had to pay an additional $78. This does not seem fair to me, I understand that there are fixed costs in water treatment, but surely the people who use or waste a lot of water should pay more for it. In the current system, the water rates are the same from 0 -199 units. Therefore, people such as myself pay MORE per gallon than profligate water users. I may sound like Bernie Sanders here, but shouldn't heavy users pay "their fair share "? I seem to remember that there used to be a tier system, where heavy water users paid more per gallon. Were that system still in place, perhaps our Water Fund reserve would not be depleted. Please reconsider a tiered water rate system. The people who use a lot of water should pay proportionally more. Sincerely, Keira Dillon Ana Alarcon City Clerk's Office From: Janet Felber <felber Janet @gmail.com> Sent Saturday, January 7, 2017 10:34 AM JAN 0 9 20V To: City Clerk Subject Protest of Proposed Water Rates CITY OF POWAY Dear Nancy Neufeld, While I am not able to attend the upcoming City Council Public Hearing on the proposed increase in water rates (January 10 at 7pm), I am formally protesting this proposed increase. The rates are already outrageously high and even though I understand the mechanism by which the City water contracts work, it is unjustifiable to raise our rates again. If I had known that the folks in Sacramento would tax me for the rebate I received when I removed all of the grass on my property and that the water rates would continue to rise in spite of all of our efforts to conserve water, I would have just considered moving. What is the point of conserving water when we get taxed for doing it and priced out of our residences due to the increase in water rates. My bill is close to $400 for one person ?? And that is after I removed all of the grass on the property and conserved water by only watering the remaining plants twice a week as the City of Poway demanded. Additionally, I think it is unreasonable for the City to try to recover lost revenues from customers who will not recover their own continuing losses. Please add my property to the list of many others who are protesting this proposed rate increase. Thank you, Janet Felber 16068 Country Day Rd. Parcel 278 424 08 00 Poway, CA 92064 From: Chuck & Janice Johnson [mailto :janchuck_63 @yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 4:32 PM To: Councilmembers <Councilmembers @poway.org> Subject: Water Rates Dear Council Members- We are opposed to the increase in water rates. We have a large property (1.08 acres) and the rate increase would cause us a financial hardship. Thank you. Charles & Janice Johnson 13610 Jackrabbit Rd. Poway, CA 1 Received City Clerk's Office JAN 0 6 2017 Ana Alarcon From: Carol Legg CITY OF POWAY Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 4:38 PM To: Barry Leonard -Home; Dave Grosch -Home; Jim Cunningham -Home; John Mullin -Home; Steve Vaus -Home Cr. Tina White; Wendy Kaserman; Peter Moote; Nancy Neufeld; Ana Alarcon Subject: FW: Water Rates From: Chuck & Janice Johnson [mailto :janchuck_63 @yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 4:32 PM To: Councilmembers <Councilmembers @poway.org> Subject: Water Rates Dear Council Members- We are opposed to the increase in water rates. We have a large property (1.08 acres) and the rate increase would cause us a financial hardship. Thank you. Charles & Janice Johnson 13610 Jackrabbit Rd. Poway, CA 1 City Clerk of the City of Poway Poway, CA RE: Water Rate Protest. Received City Clerk's Office JAN 0 6 2017 CITY OF POWAY This is to formally register my protest against the water increase considered for 2017. Respectfully, 6 2-0/7 David Ammar Property: 16657 Maverick Lane Ana Alarcon From: Carol Legg Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 2:01 PM To: Barry Leonard -Home; Dave Grosch -Home; Jim Cunningham -Home; John Mullin -Home; Steve Vaus -Home Cc: Tina White; Wendy Kaserman; Peter Moote, Ana Alarcon; Nancy Neufeld Subject: FW: Water rate hike From: vargland @aol.com [mailto:vargland @aol.com] Sent: Friday, January 6, 20171:55 PM To: Barry Leonard <BLeonard @poway.org >; Steve Vaus <SVaus @poway.org> Subject: Water rate hike Dear Mr. Vaus and Mr. Leonard, We own property at 14653 Heritage Way in Poway. In the last year, my water bill has increased exponentially, even though I have practiced several water conservation measures (rain barrels, removal of some sod, etc). We protest the proposed water rate hike. Please ensure that we are added to the list of oppenents to this rate hike. Sincerely, Isabel J. Vargas & Pam Landseadel If Received City Clerk's office JAN 0 5 2017 CITY OF POWAy Qk i 1-t ----- ------- S January 2 2017 Poway City Clerk PO Box 789 Poway Ca., 92074 -0789 Received City Clerk's 0frice JAN 0 5 2017 CITY OF POWAy As a resident of the City since 19681 totally oppose the proposed increase in water and sewer rates. As most citizens I have decreased the amount of water used, left my lawn to die and am over conscious of how much water used during the day. I resent having my conservative methods result in an increase in fees. I understand profits must be made, yet my profits on investments has decreased over the years so why can't the MWD shareholders? The city could do more to protect our interests. Why do the sewer rates go up exponentially with water when with less use of water there is less flow through the sewers resulting in less wear and tear? Not to mention water used for landscaping usually doesn't go down any drain! Looking at the rate other municipalities' pay it would seem Poway is at the higher end of cost. Perhaps a reexamination of some other districts would lend itself to reducing our costs. 'ncerely, , Mary Mit el 12832 Luiseno St. Poway &40" i� W7 Receind cny clef ofte JAN 0 3 2017 C1iYOF POWAY December 23, 2016 City Clerk City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92 -74 -0789 After all we have done ... we get to pay for it! ReMNad cftyclewsotrme JAN 0 3 2017 CfTY OF POW,Ay We did everything possible to save on water this year. We installed hose controllers that shut off, we cut the sprinkling system to minimum (and now have dead landscaping), we restricted our laundry and dishwasher events - and we even reduced our personal showers. Now we will pay for our sacrifices with water and sewer increases! Surely there is another solution. Please try to find it. Sincerely, Bonnie 1. Daigh 12842 Indian Trail Rd. Poway, CA 92064 (858) 485 -1073 bjdaigh @cox.net (D ? - 155�- Received City C9ed's Office JAN 0 3 2017 12/21/16 CITY OF i'C��A� City Clerk/City of Poway PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789 I want to protest the City of Poway's water rate increase. You had $22,000,000 last Jan 2016 to waste on feel good projects to help the City Council legacy. Your flyer for this increase states it costs the City of Poway $22,000,000 per year for water costs. I am tired of getting increases only to find out the money was there all along. It seems to be very convenient that the city decides to raise the water rates in December, is that because the citizens are busy with the holidays and not paying too much attention. I am putting out a flyer all over the City of Poway and i hope the Citizens pay attention to these unconscionable water rate increases. The City Council needs to get a conscious, most of us struggle to pay these $200 = $300 water bills every 2 months. It is very difficult for fixed income folks to pay that amount. Please re -think your budget and do not raise the water rates again. Paulett Palladino -owner 15347 La Manda Dr Poway, CA 92064 619 - 663 -1656 n � 'M e o � � O V! N � ro a w a m► � .ti. c 0 7 a ow 0 0 M N O 0 Cr J = CL m c 0 1� a y � V � R (D no O at the public hearing. Oral comments at the a hearing will not qualify as formal protests unless m accompanied by a written protest. Only one 3 � parcel. While email is not an official rate protest m 0 o G 0 �! p`p� Q. protests must include: n � 'M e o � � O V! N � ro a w a m► � .ti. c 0 7 a ow 0 0 M N O 0 Cr J = CL m c 0 1� a y � V � R (D no O at the public hearing. Oral comments at the a hearing will not qualify as formal protests unless m accompanied by a written protest. Only one a m written protest will be counted per identified parcel. While email is not an official rate protest 0 o G 0 �! p`p� Q. protests must include: C a 3 7 ® A description of the property, such �the 0 0 ® The name and signature of the customer ' The City Council will receive a final tabulation of all written protests received by the City Clerk. O a � 0 4 o 0 n � 'M e o � � O V! N � ro a w a m► � .ti. c 0 7 a ow 0 0 M N O 0 Cr J = CL m c 0 1� a y � V � 8 0 «'v6r ° O c COO m X m 0 0. w W cn c m � w r M = 0 C o cr V Vc N wr O of � n o�a S 0 4� m c in D� o 0 CO -o Q `i �1 r 0 on y1 The City Council will hear and consider all written no O at the public hearing. Oral comments at the hearing will not qualify as formal protests unless accompanied by a written protest. Only one written protest will be counted per identified parcel. While email is not an official rate protest co M Q H G 0 �! p`p� protests must include: C a 3 7 ® A description of the property, such �the 0 ® The name and signature of the customer ' The City Council will receive a final tabulation of all written protests received by the City Clerk. O a � 0 4 o 2017, or can be submitted in writing in the Council 0 : �► Council will then consider and may adopt the rate 3 changes described in this notice. If a ma'ori pq the affected customers file written protests the m rate structure and rate adjustments will :d proposed _ 0 S di) p� 0 O S o n .., 0 n (D m = ;T n Q YI * -� o 8 0 «'v6r ° O c COO m X m 0 0. w W cn c m � w r M = 0 C o cr V Vc N wr O of � n o�a S 0 4� m c in D� o 0 CO -o Q `i �1 r 0 on y1 The City Council will hear and consider all written and oral protests to the proposed rage adjustments at the public hearing. Oral comments at the hearing will not qualify as formal protests unless accompanied by a written protest. Only one written protest will be counted per identified parcel. While email is not an official rate protest mechanism under Proposition 218, the City I Council values resident input and will read all email correspondence regarding rates. Written protests must include: ® A description of the property, such �the address or assessor's parcel number; and ® The name and signature of the customer submitting the protest. The City Council will receive a final tabulation of all written protests received by the City Clerk. Written protests must be received by the City Clerk's office no later than 4:30 pm. January 10, 2017, or can be submitted in writing in the Council it will Chambers before the public hearing is closed. The rate Council will then consider and may adopt the rate ry 1 changes described in this notice. If a ma'ori is for the affected customers file written protests the on rate structure and rate adjustments will :d proposed pease send written protests to: City Clerk of the City of Poway, P.O, Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789 1 Received City Clerk's Office City of Poway Water, .SAN 0 2 2017 CITY OF POWAY The Nelson family is opposed to your latest proposal of a water increase. We have taken our lawn out and replaced the green with bark and a few day lilies to lower our water consumption. Yet we continue to pay a high price for water while we have lowered what we consume. The plan you derive as other utilities have for homeowners is unsustainable Whether its water or electricity usage, its difficult for a homeowner to make plans to live in Poway in the foreseeable future. Perhaps we should control growth and construction to help monitor our water usage. Maybe we should try to renegotiate with the City Of San Diego. Do we pay them for water coming in and going out of our city? As it stands a homeowner can cut his volumes of water used and still pay the price of the not so distant past. Thank you, Nelson family Viuti* CR Received City Clerk's Office DEC 2 2 2016 CITY OF POWAY Patricia Savana 13180 Lomas Verdes Dr Poway, CA 92064 631-645-1093 December 21, 2016 RE: Water Rate Increase To The Poway City Council: This letter is to formally protest the proposed increases to the City of Poway's water rates. I do not believe it is fair that we should be penalized for doing our part in conserving water as mandated by the state regulations. Sincerely, Patricia Savana Received City Cierk's Office DEC 2 (j 2011o' Pearce 1-14W CITY OF POWAY 14625 FAIRBURN ST., POWAY, CA 92o64 December 16, 2016 To Whom It May Concern, This letter is being written in protest to the proposed water rate increase. While we appreciate that the City of Poway gave us a partial credit on the Drought Recovery Surcharge which expires this month, we think it is absolutely ludicrous that we will be penalized with a rate increase solely because we, and the residents of this city, reduced out water usage per City of Poway directives. Why are we being punished for conserving water? Charge those residents that made no effort to conserve water — and believe me there are numerous households in this city that did nothing to restrict their water use! Do not vote this rate increase in. We already pay a premium to live here. Don't penalize us even more. Sincerely, oger and Evangeline Pearce 14625 Fairburn St, Poway, CA Received City Clerk's Office To City Clerk of Poway D E C 2 10 2 0, Ilk Dec. 15, 2016 CITY OF POWA'Y The recent editorial in the Poway Chieftain, entitled " Water hike unconscionable" by Mike Hadjiaghai, was 100 % correct on the proposed water rate increase! I As a 30 year resident of Poway, l have spent considerable time and money re -doing my landscape, including taking out grass and going to drip irrigation. Many of my neighbors have also done the same thing. We were asked to conserve water and I think all of us tried to meet the goals. What is the reward year after year, higher water and sewer prices. Something does not seem right about this outcome. How about holding this increase for at least a year and help restore some faith for the consumers! Thanks, Gds Steve Swanson 14054 Valley Springs Road Poway Ca. 92064 Received 0 E C 3 ) ' ' ' • Habitat CITY OF POW for Hummttyo Lc w- - I ' � 1 � s iR � Dec.4, 2016 City of Poway Received City Cferk's Office DEC 13 2010 CITY QF POWAY This letter is in response to the information i received from you about the proposed water rate increases. We as consumers cannot win. We cut our water consumption by more than what we needed to and you still want an increase because we are not using enough water to pay the cost of water provided to us... This is a no win situation for us, the consumers. Most of the homeowners do not even water our grass anymore due to the high bills we receive. Our lawns look like something out of a science fiction movie. Why don't you use some of the excess money you have to help pay for the cost of the water. Poway dumped a large amount of water a few years ago..So it looks to me that you are not managing the resources we have in a responsible manner. Surely you can find the money in an account to pay for the increased water without making it harder on the rate payers. You need to realize what each rate increase will mean to us seniors, especially when electricity bills keep going up.... I am against any rate increase. I have given up on gardening due to water increases. I hope the people of Poway who receive water bills flood the City with letters against any increase.... Get rid of some of the deadbeats on the city payroll, and you will save money there instead of punishing us who pay your salary. I see city workers standing around all the time just talking to each other while one or two guys are doing the work. Is that really necessary to have that many guys standing around? Someone should be checking on the abuses and decreasing the number of employees on any given job. Ann Chadwick 12937 Papago Dr. Poway, CA. 92064 Robert and Colleen Pescatore 14265 Hacienda Lane Poway, CA 92064 December 6, 2016 Received City Clerk's Office DEC 09 2016 CITY OF POWAY We are writing to protest the increase in the water rates. We feel we already pay an exuberant amount on water and believe homeowners should not be required to pay more because sales have gone down. We are being penalized for doing a good job conserving water! Sincerely, Robert Pescatore Received City Clerk's Office DEC 0 6 2016 5 December 2016 City Council Members CITY Of POWAY I protest the water rate increase you are considering. Instead of taking the easy route and raising rates you need to cut expenses in the water department. In the real world, when revenues drop there is a corresponding drop in expenses. It should be no different for the City of Poway. Have any reductions been made in labor costs? Have pay decreases been considered? Has there been a moratorium placed on hiring? Have vacancies in the department been left unfilled? These are all steps that could cut expenses and eliminate the need for a rate increase. Some time ago millions of gallons of water needed to be dumped due to poor planning by the water department. Was the person responsible for the cause of this blunder fired? Why not? Since the beginning of the most recent drought period the City has already raised rates using this same logic....... rates must increase because revenues are down due to rationing. It is time for the council to find another way. Why not use budget surplus in another department? Why not make expense cuts in other departments? Why not forego raises to the City Council members or cut their pay? ? ?? Robert Tilburg 15040 Espola Rd Poway, Ca 92064 Received City Clerk's Office DEC 0 5 2016 CITY OF POWAY December 1, 2016 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 -0789 Subject: Protest Against Proposed Water Rate Increase Samir Sol* 13726 Paseo De Las Cumbres Poway, CA 92064 -2153 Dear City Council Members: I write to you today to protest against the proposed water rate increase that I was informed of through a letter of "Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Water Rates." I understand that there will be a Public Hearing on January 10, 2017 at 7:00 pm at the Poway City Council Chambers. I also understand that if written protests against the proposed water rate increase are presented by a majority of owners or ratepayers subject to the increase, the City Council shall not impose the increase. Consider this letter my formal written protest against the proposed water rate increase. Sincerely, Samir Soliman 13726 Paseo De Las Cumbres Poway, CA 92064 -2153 Manouchehr (Mike) Hadjiaghal 14266 Tierra Bonita Road CA 92064 December 1, 201 DEC Dear City Council members, Received CRY Clerk's Office ��� — ~°r ��v= CITY OF POWAy As a longtime Poway resident of 23 years, I am appalled by the recent announcement of plans for a 7.7SY6'8.75Y6 water rate increase. It is unconscionable that the main reason cited for this rate increase is "reduced water sa|es". Although other reasons have been mentioned, b appears that the collective efforts of Poway residents to reduce water use to meet the state's challenge of cutting back on water use during the state's severe drought situation, is the primary reason for this proposed rate hike. How can anyone in good conscience ask a group of people tn comply with the adopted water restriction, and when they do, slap them with what essentially amounts tma fine (and not just a one-time but ongoing one) for following through on exactly what was asked of them? This is exactly what is being done here and I hope that as our City Council, you will take a stand against this egregious and unfair proposed action. What is even more outrageous, is that this 0JS% rate increase would be occurring ata time that many working full-time have experienced zero or very small pay increases from their employers over the past several years. And don't forget that since 2O04, our city's water rates have gone from $1.93 per unit to now $5.58 per unit, on average. That is an almost astounding 200% increase in just a little over a decade, while the general inflation rate has been around 30% during this same period. Please dnthe residents of Poway right by not allowing this increase to go into effect in 20171 Thank you, Mike Hadjiaghai Camille and Yune Kim 12837 Stone Canyon Road Poway, California 92064 November 30, 2016 City Clerk of the City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway, California 92064 Regarding: Written protest to the proposed water rate adjustments Dear Poway City Clerk, Received City Clerks Ofnce DEC 0.5 2016 CITY OF POWAy On November 29, 2016, we received the Notice of Public Hearing on Water Rates. We have thoroughly read the information, and want to voice a written protest. Over one year ago, the City of Poway asked homeowners to reduce our monthly water consumption and become more drought conscious. We complied by reducing our landscape watering to twice a week, replaced plants and flowers with drought tolerant varieties, and accepted living with dead, ugly grass. We also reduced filling our pool to only when necessary. Inside the home, we reduced our shower time and started combining laundry to make larger loads. After we met the city's water reduction quota, and made BIG changes to our everyday use of water, the city wants to penalize us by increasing our water bill. The city needs to revisit other options. This is a complete slap in the face and hardly promotes homeowners wanting to comply with other city campaigns. The city has done a good job managing and maintaining a budgetary profit. One suggestion instead of taxing homeowners is to use the current profits as an investment in a safe and reliable water system. Another idea is to reduce or eliminate extraneous expenses like creating an ice rink at Christmas time, and use the funds allocated for frivolous expenditures towards capital reinvestment in water. There must be other avenues of recouping the cost. Otherwise, what is the point in a homeowner making daily sacrifices when the reward is an INCREASE cost for decreased usage? Sincerely, Camille and Yune Kim