01-24-2017 Agenda PacketAmended January 19, 2017 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA January 24, 2017 -7:00 P .M. City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive , Poway, CA 92064 THE CITY COUNCIL ALSO SITS AS THE CITY OF POWAY PLANNING COMMISSION, POWAY HOUSING AUTHORITY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Cunningham , Grosch, Mullin , Leonard , Vaus PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Recognition of Fawzan Odunewu, the First Baby Born in Poway in 2017 Recognition of K-9 Deputy Austin Elmone & K -9 Banjer, Sheriffs Station Deputy of the Month for December PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Persons speaking during Public Oral Communications may address the Council on any subject matter within the Council's jurisdiction that is not listed as an item on the agenda . State law generally prohibits the Council from taking action on any issue not included on the agenda . Your concerns will be referred to staff. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes. NOTE: The agenda is pasted and provided 7 days prior ta the City Council meeting. By State law, items can be added up ta 72 hours prior ta the meeting. Items with a "#" symbol are in preparation. If items are added after original agenda is pasted, new items will be listed an an Amended Agenda pasted the Friday prior ta the meeting. For your convenience, a complete Agenda Packet is available for public review at City Hall and on the City's website at www.poway.org . Page 1 City of Poway-City Council Agenda -January 24, 2017 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved By Roll Call Vote) The Consent Calendar may be enacted in one motion by the Council without discussion unless a Councilmember, a member of the public, or City staff requests that an item be removed for discussion . 1.1 Approval of Reading by Title only and Waiver of Reading in full of Ordinances on Agenda 1.2 Ratification/Approval of Warrant Registers for the periods of December 12 through December 16 , 2016 and December 19 through December 30 , 2016 1.3 Award of Contract for the Old Poway Park Concrete Repairs Project 1.4 Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Destruction of Certain Documents in Administrative Services, City Clerk's Office, City Manager's Office, Community Services , Public Works and Safety Services 1.5 Acceptance of the Clearwell Emergency Highline Project 1.6 Adoption of a Resolution Ordering the Summary Vacation of the Portion of Sewer Easement located within Lot 5 of Map 12711 (Vacation No . 16-002) 2. ORDINANCE None 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS None 4. STAFF REPORT None 5. WORKSHOP 5 .1 Workshop on Landscape and Irrigation Regulations City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council provide direction to staff regarding the potential changes to City landscaping and irrigation regulations. Page 2 City of Poway-City Council Agenda -January 24, 2017 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS JIM C UNNIN GHA M 6.1 MTS Update DAVE GROS CH J OHN MULLIN BA RR Y LEONA RD STEVE VAUS 7 . CITY MANAGER ITEMS 8 . CITY A TIORNEY ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The Poway City Council welcomes you and encourages your continued interest and involvement in the City's decision-making process . The C ity of Poway complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Upon request this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities as required by section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person w ith a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeti ng should direct such request to the C ity Clerk's Office at 858-668-4530 at least State of California County of San Diego 24 hours before the meeting, if possibl e . ) ) ss. ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Nancy Neufeld, CMG , City Clerk of the City of Poway, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that this notice of a Regular Meeting as called by the City Council of the City of Poway was posted and provided on January 19, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. Said meeting to be held at 7:00 p .m., January 24, 2017, in the Poway City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. Said notice was posted on the Bulletin Board at the entrance to City Hall. Page 3 Item 1.1 Approval of Reading by Title Only and Waiver of Reading in Full of Ordinances on Agenda. 1 of 26 DATE: City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT January 24, 2017 APPROVED 0 APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES) DENIED 0 REMOVED 0 CONTINUED ____ _ Resolution No. TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Wendy Kaserman, Assistant City Manager CONTACT: Andrew White, Finance Manager Ct 'V 858-668-4426 or awhite@poway.org SUBJECT: Ratification of Warrant Registers for the Periods of December 12 through December 16, 2016 and December 19 through December 30, 2016 Summary: The attached warrant register reports for the periods of December 12 through December 16, 2016 and December 19 through December 30, 2016, are submitted to the City Council for ratification/approval. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council ratify/approve the attached warrant registers. Discussion: Weekly registers of audited demands are periodically submitted to the City Council by the Director of Administrative Services for ratification/approval. Date December 12 through December 16 Amount $11,320,603.80 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant Wastewater Transportation Charges November 2016 Building Services Payroll 12-9-16, Withholding Auto Storage Lot Proceeds wired to SD County for distribution 2015 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds Debt Service City Office Building Debt Service Check Number 00293376 00293393 00904076 00904082 00904083 00904084 Amount $ 756,829.00 $ 117,215.29 $ 121,779.67 $2,093,930.57 $6,991,133.03 $ 755,120.94 January 24, 2017 Item # 1.2 2 nf 26 Ratification of Warrant Registers January 24, 2017 Page 2 Date December 19 through December 30 Amount $3,199,042.51 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant Fiscal Year 2016-17 Street Maintenance Project Midland Road Improvement Project Mossy Nissan Operating Covenant Payment Payroll 12-9-16, Retirement Payroll 12-23-16 Local Agency Investment Fund Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Fiscal Impact: Check Number 00293494 00293547 00293635 00904086 00904087 00904098 Amount $ 108,110.00 $ 175,966.76 $ 110,975.00 $ 178,316.14 $ 482,880.89 $1,500,000.00 The total amount of warrants for the period of December 12 through December 16, 2016, is $11,320,603.80. The total amount of warrants for the period of December 19 through December 30, 2016, is $3,199,042.51. Public Notification: None Attachments: A. Warrant Register for the period of December 12 through December 16, 2016 B. Warrant Register for the period of December 19 through December 30, 2016 Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney A~ Tina M. White City Manager Januarv 24. 2017 Item # 1.2 (,) The City of Poway Director of AdminiJtratfre Sen1ices Submits the Fo/lmvi11g Hegi.wer of Run Dme: 19-Dec-16 0 Demamlsfi,r the perioc/ 12112/20 I 6 · 12/16/2016 and Recommemls its Hmijicmfrm/Approval: Pa,:e: I of fl -..., a, Check 1V11mber Date Pa)'Ce!Ve11dor , /11w1ice Comment F111ul Orp11 Acct Prog Check Amt 00293335 15-Dec-16 @00005371 AO Reed&Co 86016 HVAC Maintenance -PCPA 100 0204 4302 400 1,817.00 86016CM HVAC Maintenance -Facilities 100 0204 4302 400 -1,817.00 86297 HVAC Maintenance -Library 100 0206 4302 400 1,078.66 86298 HVAC Maintenance -PCPA 100 0204 4302 400 2,674.67 86299 HVAC Maintenance -Facilities 100 0419 4302 300 5,477.67 86300 As needed plumbing repair services 100 0419 4120 300 206.00 86690 HVAC Maintenance -PCPA 100 0204 4302 400 1,782.00 Total for Check 00293335 11,219.00 00293336 15-Dec-16 @00010566 A-Check GJobol 59-0496265 OMV reports 100 0501 4916 200 3.50 00293337 @00006354 Advanced Chemical Tranapor1, Inc. 124070 Used Coolant Disposal Fee 611 0413 2910 300 588.74 00293338 @00010000 Afloc 272540 Dec 2016 Premiums 100 8819 524.60 )> 00293339 @00011421 Airgas Netionol Carbonation 33389219 Carbon Dioxide 100 0203 4502 400 114.09 ;:i: 00293340 @00002106 Airgas USA, LLC 9057888730 Medical oxygen 100 0503 4750 200 183.50 1'.I 9941151533 Oxygen Supplies n 100 0503 4750 200 373.20 ~ 9941151535 Oxygen Suppltes 100 0503 4750 200 27.50 3 CD 9941199211 WTP: cylinders rented (3), air 510 0402 4760 300 80.80 ::J -Total for Check 002933-40 665.00 )> 00293341 15-Dec-16 @00011534 Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. 510328 Consulting Fee -Dec. 2016 100 8729 20,000.00 00293342 @00000079 AJl:st.ar Fire Equipment, Inc 194606 SCBA mask assembly 100 0501 4899 200 335.02 00293343 @00006579 Alvand Construction, Inc. RETENRELEASE PCPA Dressing Room Renovation & Stage Floo 35011 1000P 4120 600 2,735.00 RETENRELEASE PCPA Dressing Room Renovation & Stage Floo 3501H 1000P 4120 600 2.194.46 Total for Check 00293343 4,929.46 1i;-00293344 15-Dec-16 @00010642 Americlln Me:s&aging L1073904QL Dispatch paging for December 2016 100 0501 4106 200 4.52 ::J 00293345 Amy Ramaker 2016 STMT REIMB 2016 CANDIDATE STATEMENT REIMBURSE 100 0011 7611 4000 102.00 ; 00293346 @00005219 Aquatic Design Group 29458 November Aquarium Maintenance 100 0206 4304 400 287.45 ~ 00293347 @00000152 Aramart Refreshment Services 1411420 Refreshment services 100 0106 4760 100 109.12 -~00293348 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Servte.e:s Inc 1448146128 Lake Poway Office Mat Service 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 ..., 1448180537 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 60.04 0 .... 1448180538 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 8.00 " 1448180538 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 1.84 ;:; 1448187917 Towels and mats for Sta 3 100 0501 4928 200 18.28 CD 1448187920 WK of 12/01116 Fleel Uniforms; Mats 611 3 0413 4928 300 34.51 'II, 1448187920 WK of 12/01/16 Fleet Uniforms; Mats 100 0419 4120 300 31.30 .... 1448187930 Lake Poway Office Mat Service 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 ..., 1448189981 Towels end mats for Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 "" Register of Demands Page 2 of 12 0 Warrtml.r F,-om f1//2/20/6. /2//6110/6 .... Check "' a> Date Paree/Vent/or J11w,ice Comment F1111tl Ors11 Number Acct Pro/:1 Check Amt 00293348 15-Dec-16 @00005241 Aramarll. Uniform Services Inc 1448189983 PCPA Weekly Mal Service (12/2/16) 100 0204 4928 400 14.78 1448192356 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 60.04 1448192357 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 1.84 1448192357 Porks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 8.00 1448194881 T ov.els and mats for Sia 1 100 0501 4928 200 18.54 1448199835 Mats & Tov.els 100 0501 4928 200 18.28 1448199837 'l\lk of 12/08/16 Fleet Uniforms; Mets 100 0419 4120 300 31.30 1448199837 'l\lk of 12108/16 Fleet Uniforms; Mats 611 0413 4928 300 12.51 1448199838 MeadoOOrook: mats 100 0419 4120 300 22.48 1448199839 'l\lk 12/BJ16: CSFW& Mtr Rdrs. uniforms 510 0401 4928 300 6.60 1448199840 'l\lk 12/BJ16: Util Sys & WTP uniforms: mats 100 0419 4120 300 6.72 1448199840 'l\lk 1218/16: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 510 0401 4928 300 36.40 1448199840 'l\lk 12/BJ16: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 510 0402 4928 300 55.87 1448199841 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4928 300 6.10 1448199841 Facilities: mats end uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 4.42 1448199842 'l\lk 12/BJ16: Water Distribution uniforms 510 0404 4928 300 104.61 1448199843 'l\lk 12/BJ16: WW Collect & Recyded uniforms 520 0405 4928 300 27.54 1448199843 'l\lk 12/8/16: WW Collect & Recyded uniforms 510 0406 4928 300 2.37 1448199844 Streets: uniforms 231 0412 4928 300 63.91 1448199845 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 2.58 1448199845 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 54.35 1448199846 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 35.33 1448199847 Lake Poway Office Mat Service 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 1448199848 Stormwater: uniforms 231 0412 4928 300 36.53 1448201912 Mats & towels 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1448206778 Mats & To~ts 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 c.... Total for Check 00293348 868.17 ., ::, 00293349 15-Dec-16 @00011364 Artful Living 10816 Tony Gwynn Memorial Art Consultant 11101-11/ 1193A 1000P 1799 600 615.19 ; 00293350 @00000174 Asbury Environmental Services 1500-00120018 Used Oil Disposal Fee 611 0413 2910 300 120.00 ~ 00293351 @00010111 AT&T 8911224 9391026556 -Sta 1 phones 100 0501 3310 200 -0.95 "' 8911233 9391026565 -Sia 3 phone 100 0501 3310 200 55.45 ·"" 8911400 BAN 9391031631 10/24116 -11123116 263 0421 2200 300 17.85 "' 0 8921043 ... 9391026553 -Sta 2 phones 100 0501 3310 200 91.17 ._, 8966843 858-668-1726 Ban#9391026551 100 0106 3310 100 1,145.13 ;:; CD Total for Check 00293351 1,308.65 3 00293352 15-Dec-16 @00006099 Atkins North America, Inc. 1488806 Professional Services: October 2016 763 0399 5910 100 3.762.00 'Ila 00293353 @00011528 Audio A!l!lociatas of San Diego 11637 PCPA Equipment Repairs ... 100 0204 4308 400 724.18 i,,00293354 @00006936 Aztec Lond!lcaping Inc. 0029714-IN Landscape Maintenance 271 0429 4116 300 145.89 0029714-IN Landscape Maintenance 266 0426 4116 300 1,167.17 01 Register of Demands Page 3 of 12 0 Warrom.s From J l/1212016 · I }l/6120/6 -"' Check a, Number Date Pa)'ee/Ve11dor l II voice Comment F1111d Or/;[11 Acct Prog Check Amt 00293354 15-Dec-16 @00006936 Aztec Landscaping Inc. 0029714-IN Landscape Maintenance 265 0423 4116 300 531.70 0029714-IN Landscape Maintenance 100 0418 4116 300 4,742.85 0029714-IN Landscape Maintenance 268 0428 4116 300 766.70 0029714-IN Landscape Maintenance 262 0427 4116 300 971.26 15006L-IN ntan: replace 10 sprinklers 100 0418 4770 300 70,85 Total tor Cheek 00293354 8,396.42 00293355 15-Dec-16 -Barry Leonard 2016 STMT REIM8 2016 CANDIDATE STATEMENT REIMBURSE 100 0011 7611 4000 102.00 00293356 @00000281 Beeds Embroidery 1669 Utility Systems & WTP: TM9980 jackets 510 0401 4928 300 374.98 1669 Utility Systems & WTP: TM9980 jackets 510 0402 4928 300 525.02 Total for Cheek 00293356 900.00 00293357 15-Dec-16 @00011490 BeneTmc 498275 Employee Benefits Mgmt System -Dec 2016 100 8729 1,028.00 00293358 @00005327 Body Beautiful Car Wash of Poway, Inc #111611302016 Engineering Inspection & Code Compliance 100 0301 3130 100 12.49 #1116 11302016 Engineering Inspection & Code Compliance 100 0306 3130 100 12.49 Total for Check 00293358 24.98 00293359 15-Dec-16 @00003870 Bound Tree Medical, LLC 82345110 Med Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 255.40 00293360 Boydston, Jim 965724-000 Piano Cover 100 0204 4760 400 166.25 00293361 @00011473 Bridgestona HosePov.-er 82008832-00 Unit 924: Hose 611 0413 4799 300 186.27 00293362 @00010227 Choulk Mound Trout Rnneh 201611-034 Trout Stock per Ex. B Quote dated 10/03114 100 0202 4522A 400 11,250.00 00293363 Brooks, David G12-0015 G12·0015 Grading Bond Release 762 0399 5980 100 2.000.00 00293364 @00004756 Cal-State Auto Ports Inc 413206 CREDIT: 8alle,y Cores (5) 611 0413 4799 300 -126.90 413812 CREDIT: 8atte,y Core (2) 611 0413 4799 300 -39.96 732256 Unit 950 & 2: Batteries (2) 611 0413 4799 300 205.28 T olal for Check 00293364 38.42 00293365 15-Dec-16 @00011051 Coldomia Safety Products 2016-237 Wrllse: T-Shirts Navy (72) 100 8189 713.45 t..00293366 @00000351 California Teamster.i Local 911 DUES DEC 2016 Teamstets dues for December 2016 100 8616 1,998.00 ~ 00293367 Calilomia Traffic Control Services RW15-0186 Security Release for ROW Permit #15-0188 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 Ii; 00293368 @00000398 ColOlympic Safety 356933 Wrllse: Safely Glasses (5) 100 8189 38.07 ~ 356933-1 Safety Gloves 100 0501 4750 200 233.85 "' 357142 Safety Gloves 100 0501 4750 200 58.23 _ ... 015946 Safely Vest 100 0504 4750 200 26.56 "' 0 .... Total for Check 00293368 356.71 -.J 00293369 15-Dec-16 @00005556 Connon Pacific Services, Inc 141870 FY16/17 Street Sv«!eping Services 211 0411 4332 300 102.96 it 141899 Maintenance Services: rn Shelters 1242A 1000P 4120 600 1,418.28 3 141927 FY16f17 Street Sv«!eping Services 211 0411 4332 300 18,438.11 :ii, Total for Check 00293369 19,959.35 .... "'00293370 15-0ec·16 -Cenlaur General Engineering, Inc. RW13-0143 Security Release for ROW Permit #13-0143 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 en Register of Demands Page 4 of 12 0 ll'ammts From /21/2120/6. /2//612()/6 .... Check "' en Date Paree/Vendor J11w1ice Comment F1111d Ori[" Number Acct Pro/I Check Amt 00293371 15-Dec-16 -Certified Concrete, Inc. RW15-0149 Security Release tor ROW Permit #15-0149 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 00293372 @00000514 Chevron and Texaco Card Services 49136236 Fleet #874232 Safety Svs 100 0502 1430 200 93.61 00293373 Christopher Olps 2016 STMT REIMB 2016 CANDIDATE STATEMENT REIMBURSE 100 0011 7611 4000 102.00 00293374 @00005793 Christophiedes, Arthur 3013.211.16 Instructor Payment Fall 2016 100 0208 4118 400 255.00 00293375 @00011480 Ciro's Landscaping Inc. 11385 FY16/17 Landscape Maintenance -various facll 100 0501 4116 200 1,303.38 11385 FY16/17 Landscape Maintenance -various facll 100 0206 4116 400 426.79 11385 FY16/17 Landscape Maintenance -various facil 100 0204 4116 400 284.50 11385 FY16/17 Landscape Maintenance -various facil 100 0418 4116 300 1,493.72 11385 FY16/17 Landscape Maintenance -various facil 100 0504 4116 200 284.50 Total for Check 00293375 3,792.89 00293376 15-Dec-16 @00000539 City Treasurer 1000180889 FY17/Qtr 2: Metro Se\.Yerage System O&M 520 0403 2810 300 756,829.00 00293377 1000183643 FY15: Ml\1\/\NCP Monitoring & Lab Svcs 520 0403 1726 300 17,539.00 00293378 @00010891 Clemmons Vizzard, Julie 5500.201.16 Instructor Payment Fall 2016 100 0208 4118 400 459.00 00293379 @00010834 Clinical Laboratory of San Bernardino Inc. 953425 Annual Wastewater Analysis Services 520 0403 1708 300 134.00 00293380 @00005816 Commercial & Industrial Roofing Co., Inc. MR1968-1 Public Works Operations: repaired roof leaks 100 0419 4304 300 1,306.71 MR1969-1 Public Works Admin: inspect and clean 100 0419 4304 300 225.94 MR1972-1 Garden Road: inspect and clean 100 0419 4304 300 203.01 MR1975-1 Starrid9e Pane inspect and clean 100 0419 4304 300 107.08 Total for Check 00293380 1,842.74 00293381 15-Dec-16 @00010997 Commercial Aquatic Services 116-jl061 Monthly Pool Maintenance 100 0203 4120 400 363.06 00293382 @00010175 Corodata Medi.a Storage Inc. DS1275880 Back.up Data Storage -November 2016 100 0104 4120 100 143.45 00293383 @00006428 Gamis.hment Recipient PPE 1214/16 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 105.29 00293384 @00000813 Cox Communications 6918601-12116 Cable 1V -Fire Station 1 -Dec 2016 100 0106 2200 100 9.57 00293385 Crown Castle USA, Inc. RW15-0004 Security Release for ROW Permit# 15-0004 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 00293386 RW15-0194 Security Release for ROW Permit #15-0194 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 C... 00293387 RW15-0193 Security Release for ROW Permit #15-0193 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 ~ 00293388 RW15-0195 Security Release for ROW Permit #15-0195 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 C: 00293389 RW15--0196 Security Release for ROW Permit #15-0196 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 ~ 00293390 RW15--0197 Security Release for ROW Permit #'15-0197 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 N 00293391 @00010824 Dence to EIIOLvE 5131.200-05.16 Instructor Payment Fall 2016 100 0208 4118 400 1,668.00 -"" 00293392 @00011482 Donovan, Charlene 4011.200-02.16 Instructor Payment Fall 2016 100 0208 4118 400 1,110.00 ~00293393 @00000870 Es.git Corporation BLD SRV NOV '16 Bldg Services for November 2016 100 0303 1706 100 107,623.17 ... BLD SRV NOV '16 Bldg Services for November 2016 100 0303 1707 100 9,592.12 ..... ;:; Total for Check 00293393 117,215.29 .. 3 00293394 15-Dec-16 @00006933 Fastenal Company CAPOW39712 Wrhse: Spray Paint (24cns) 100 8189 192.24 'It 00293395 @00001144 Fergus.on Waterworks 0576663 Wrhse: Bushings 510 8189 342.91 ... 0576673 Wrhse: Meter Coupling (20) 510 8189 170.42 "' 0576617 WTP: PVC parts for caustic valve 510 0402 4760 300 243.43 ..... Register of Demands Page 5 of 12 0 Warra,1/s From 12/J 212016. J 21/61}0!6 -I\) Check "' Number Oare P111•ee/Vemlor J11,1oice Comment F1111tl Orsn Acct Pros Check Amt 00293395 15-Dec-16 @00001144 Ferguson waterworks 0577612 Water DisVStone Cyn job: nylon bushings 510 0404 4760 300 5.16 0577623 Water DisVStone Cyn job: brass bushings 510 0404 4760 300 9.63 Total for Check 00293395 771.55 00293396 15-Dec-16 @00000183 Fleet Pride/Anociated Truck Ports 81482257 OES308: Tie Rod 611 0413 4799 300 140.02 81571060 Unit 28: Air Dryer 611 0413 4799 300 374.92 Total for Check 00293396 514.94 00293397 15-Dec-16@00011370 Ayers Energy LLC CFS1333025 Fuel: Safety Service 11/16/16-11/30/16 611 0413 3120 300 425.67 00293398 @00001085 Gomishment Recipient PPE 1214/16 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 199.77 00293399 Fresh Spin Distriet 2552 Repair extractor/washer al Station 3 100 0501 4308 200 304.03 00293400 @00010652 Gorda CL Weal Inc. 20198971 Garda -excess ilems November 100 0106 4120 100 157.00 00293401 Gonernl PoYement Monogement RW13-0251 Release of Security for ROW Permit #13-0251 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 00293402 Getac 41704053 Rugged Computer Upgrades -256GB memory 611 0108 6122B 100 1.400.00 00293403 @00001207 Grainger Inc 9288710362 CREDIT: 1 Roll Duct Tape 100 8189 -12.45 9292348704 Traffic Supplies 100 0504 4750 200 113.73 9292348712 Wrhse: Coupling (10) 520 8189 55.95 9293348919 Reverse Credit Memo 9288710362 100 8189 12.45 Total for Check 00293403 169.68 00293404 15-Dec-16@00001157 Ha11ker Equipment Company C27408 Unit 65: Control Vafve 611 0413 4799 300 62.06 00293405 @00005835 Hach Company 10215136 WTP 'M:!t lab: chemkeys (3) 510 0402 4760 300 480.39 10216759 WTP 'M:!I lab: reagent sets, Free Chlorine 510 0402 4760 300 169.10 10225329 Onsite one-day Hach technical training 510 0402 3140 300 3.500.00 Total for Check 00293405 4,149.49 00293406 15-Dec-16 @00001447 Heovilond Enterprises Inc 8797-2016 LMD 86-1A: lanctscaping 264 0422 4770 300 550.00 8827 Kumeyaay November, 2016 landscape mainten 100 0418 4116 300 245.00 '-8828 Lanctscape Maintenance 510 0402 4116 300 1,700.00 "' 8828 Landscape Maintenance 269 ::, 0425 4116 300 29,120.41 C: 8828 Lanctscape Maintenance 264 0422 4116 300 6.859.16 "' < 8828 Lanctscape Maintenance 267 0424 4116 300 893.33 I\) 8828 Lanctscape Maintenance 263 0421 4116 300 6,670.41 ~ 8829 Arbolitos Parle Fleld Renovation and Misc. Mat' 100 0418 4116 300 1,420.20 I\) 0 Total for Check 00293406 47,458.51 .... ..... 00293407 15-Dec-16 @00011355 Heide, Aloxonder REIMB MMASC Reimb for loctglng (Ojai Valley Inn & Spa) 12/6-100 0400 1430 300 453.92 1S' 00293408 @00006218 Hi-Woy Safety, Inc. 87443 Message Boards 211 0411 4936 300 660.00 3 CR87443 Message Boards 211 0411 4936 300 -100.00 'It Total for Check 00293408 560.00 .... I\> 00293409 15-Dec-16 @00001645 Home Depot Commorciol Ao:ounl 5210038 WTP & LS2: caustic lank; insecticide 520 0403 4502 300 116.40 CD Register o/ Demands Page 6 of 12 0 Wammu From 12/1212016 -12/16120/6 ... Check "' a, Number Date Pavee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Oran Acct Proa Check Amt 00293409 15-Dec-16 @00001645 Home Depot Commercial Account 5210038 WTP & LS2: caustic tank; insecticide 510 0402 4760 300 24.03 5210737 Parks: repair supplies 100 0418 4760 300 29.89 5220203 Parks: supplies 100 0418 4516 300 516.32 6210722 Lake Poway: repair supplies 100 0418 4760 300 63.76 7210015 Old Poway Park Bridge: repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 87.50 722028:l-2016 WTP: paint maintenance -Stops Rust 510 0402 4760 300 16.24 7220291 Vl/'vV Collection: all steel tamper 520 0405 4516 300 32.05 8210010 Supplies 100 0419 4760 300 21.47 8210012 Council Chambers: repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 33.98 8220274 Mower supplies 231 0412 4760 300 53.44 Total for Check 00293409 995.08 00293410 15-Dec-16 -Jann L. Kempton 40:l-07000-05C Reissue of Refund balance of deposit 510 8861 345.23 00293411 Jim Cunningham 2016 STMT REIMB 2016 CANDIDATE STATEMENT REIMBURSE 100 0011 7611 4000 102.00 00293412 Joo Calabrese 2016 STMT REIMB 2016 Candidate Statement Reimbursement 100 0011 7611 4000 102.00 00293413 John McConnin 2016 STMT REIMB 2016 CANDIDATE STATEMENT REIMBURSE 100 0011 7611 4000 102.00 00293414 @00005405 Jotin Zettner Floor Covering Inc. 25356 Fire Station #1: floor preparation 100 0419 4120 300 246.00 00293415 @00001306 JRC Printing LLC 36450 Cenificate Holders 100 0010 4904 100 903.20 00293416 Julie Bendinelli 2016 STMT REIMB 2016 CANDIDATE STATEMENT REIMBURSE 100 0011 7611 4000 102.00 00293417 @00004476 Keyser Marston Associates Inc 30360 Financial Consulting.Twin Peaks Affordable Ho 59898 5000P 1799 600 1,425.70 00293418 @00010291 Lamination Service Inc. SPl173339 ID Badge Supplies 100 0101 4710 100 100.21 00293419 @00004116 Life-Assist, Inc, 775152 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 1,142.24 775160 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 1,306.97 775414 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 140.00 775427 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 140.00 775555 Med Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 175.76 775557 Med Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 175.76 c... 775561 Med Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 175.76 "' Medical supplies ::, 775658 100 0503 4740 200 202.64 C: "' Total for Check 00293419 3,461.13 -< N 00293420 15--Dec. 16 -McNamara Pump & Eleetric RW14-0167 Security Release for ROW Permil #14·0187 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 _.P. 00293421 @00011351 Michael Boker International lnc. 959682 Professional Services: October 2016 763 0399 5940 100 990.00 "' 959662 Professional Services:· October 2016 763 0399 5910 100 462.00 0 ... Total for Check 00293421 1.452.00 ..... it 00293422 15-Dec-16 @00010406 Mission Resource Conservation District 371 NOV 2016: Home Waler Use evaluations (3) 1167A 1000P 4120 600 93.75 3 00293423 @00001896 Moore lecofano Goll.sman 46617 Poway Road Corridor Study 12009A 1 OOOP 1799 600 10,149.00 :it 00293424 @00001640 Nope Auto Pons/Powuy 174393 Unit 51; Gas Cap; Filter; Gear Oil 611 0413 4799 300 40.04 ... 175748 Unit 612: Battery Strep 611 0413 4799 300 7.01 "' 177636 Fleet Stock: Spark Plugs (2) 611 0413 4799 300 3.65 <D Register of Demands Page 7 of 12 0 Wammrs From 12112/20/(, -111/6120!(, .... Check "' a, Paree!Ve1ulor Invoice Comment F1111tl o,~,, 1V11mher Date Acct Prog Check Amt 00293424 15-Dec-16 @00001840 Napa Auto ParWPoway 177715 Fleet Stock: Oil Fillers (4) 611 0413 4799 300 15.55 177865 Unit 927: Filters (3) 611 0413 4799 300 65.13 178076 Unil 68T: Spark Plugs (9) 611 0413 4799 300 99.80 178086 Unit 71: Battery 611 0413 4799 300 108.81 178429 Fleet Stock: Filters; Spark Plugs 611 0413 4799 300 27.46 Total for Check 00293424 367.45 00293425 15-Dec-16 @00011232 Neopos1 USA Inc, 54428647 Postage machine meter rental -December 100 0106 4120 100 57.05 SW1NV463286 Postage machine base rale 01/05/2017 to 01/0 100 0106 4308 100 640.00 Total for Check 00293425 697.05 00293426 15-Dec-16 @00010753 NesC?, LLC 0420967 Rental 211 0411 4936 300 756.00 00293427 @00001975 New yves1 Balle! Inc. FER -11116 PCPA Final Event Report Nov 25-27, 2016 100 0204 7623 400 -1,514.00 FER -11116 PCPA Final Event Report Nov 25-27, 2016 100 0204 7623 400 -80.00 FER -11116 PCPA Final Event Report Nov 25-27, 2016 100 8646 17,080.00 FER -11116 PCPA Final Event Report Nov 25-27, 2016 100 0204 7471 400 1,350.00 FER -11116 PCPA Final Event Report Nov 25-27, 2016 100 0204 7471 400 -11,180.00 Total for Check 00293427 5,656.00 00293428 15-Dec-16 @00005537 Ninyo & Moore 201789 Materlals Testing -16-17 Over1ay 211 0411 43208 300 6,077.00 00293429 @00010905 North County Buick Cadillac GMC 163776 Unit 68T: Sensor: Evap Valve 611 0413 4799 300 101.27 163782 Unit 68T: Solenoid 611 0413 4799 300 24.92 Total tor Check 00293429 126.19 00293430 15-Dec-16 @00010578 Nyquest Consulting 1042 Bonner J Oracle Technlcal Support 100 0104 1712 100 2,200.00 00293431 @00000775 ONice Depot Business Services Division 871192261001 Stationery Supplies 100 0501 4710 200 72.89 884343323-001 Office supplies 100 0501 4710 200 85.28 885430606-001 Interpretive Services and Lake Office Supplies 100 0207 4710 400 24.52 c:.. 885430606-001 Interpretive Services and Lake Office Supplies 100 0202 4710 400 56.15 !>) 885529773-001 Office Supplies 510 0401 4710 300 103.32 :J C: 885529773-001 Office Supplies 231 0412 4710 300 72.51 !>) '< 885721981-001 Interpretive Services Office Supplies 100 0207 4710 400 17.81 "' 885876625-001 Office Supplies -2nd Floor 100 0304 4710 100 63.10 .i,,. 886408857-001 Office supplles 100 0013 4710 100 55.15 "' 0 Total for Check 00293431 550.73 ..... --1 00293432 15-Dec-16 @00005131 OfficeTeam 47270546 Temporary services -Ellzabeth Vegter 100 0102 1510 100 928.08 ro 00293433 @00002099 Parkhouse Tire Inc 3010243766 Unit 908: Tires (4) 611 0413 4799 300 655.00 3 00293434 @00010906 PCM-G S98870480101 PC Imaging 611 0108 61228 100 4,076.00 'It 00293435 @00002316 Petty Caah Community Services-Director's ore 12113/16PCASH Community Services Petty Cash Dec 2016 100 0200 1430 400 145.55 ..... "' 12113116PCASH Community Services Petty Cash Dec 2016 100 0205 4928 400 5.00 12113/16PCASH Community Services Petty Cash Dec 2016 100 0203 4928 400 16.25 ... Register of Demands Page B of 12 0 Warrants From /':'//2/1016. 12//6120/6 0 Check -"' IJ11te Paree/Vent/or lnw,ice Comment F1111tf Org11 Check Amt a>Numher Acct ProG. 00293435 15-Dec-16 @00002316 Petty Cash Community Services-Director's Ofc 12/1 :l/16PCASH Community Services Petty Cash Dec 2016 100 0204 4760 400 49.95 12/13/16PCASH Community Services Petty Cash Dec 2010 100 0204 430B 400 19.39 Total for Check 00293435 236, 14 00293436 15-Dec-16 @00007109 Pinpoint Pe!lt Control Co. Inc. 377730 12046 Pov,.,ay Road: bee removal 100 0416 4120 300 95.00 00293437 @00010760 Piperin Corporation RETENRELEASE Water Valve Replacement Project 1766A 1000P 4120 600 6,750.00 00293436 @00007043 Plumbers Depot Inc. PD-33326 Vim Collection: 1"x15' leader hose 520 0405 4760 JOO 1B9.00 00293439 @00000173 Poway Center for 11'1e Per1orming Arts Foundation 12052016 Foundation ticket sales transfer-PCPA 100 6641 5,480.00 00293440 @00002702 Poway Firefighters Association DUES PE 1214116 Fire Association dues for PPE 12/4/16 100 8615 1,844.92 00293441 @00007106 Prast, Nancee 010916YANA Yana Gift Cards; postage stamps 1160A 1000P 4904 600 403.40 120216YANA Yana Baskets/Gifts 1160A 1000P 4904 600 167.12 Total for Check 00293441 570.52 00293442 15-Dec-16 @00010911 R & B Pinto Properties LLC NOV30-DEC4LKCON Weekly Concession Payment Nov 30-Dec 4, 20 100 8647 5,371.93 00293443 @00011095 Rancho Bernardo Signs 5899 Trout Season Banner Update 100 0202 4932 400 43.20 00293444 @00003764 RoadOne 643695 Transport Volvo Midland lo Civic Center 231 0412 4120 300 240.00 646280 Transport Bronto Civic Center to Leone Way 231 0412 4120 300 240.00 Total for Check 00293444 460.00 00293445 15-Dec-16 @ODO 11276 S & B Engineering 16-0206-1 Guardrail repair: Scripps Pov,.,ay Parkway 10/20 211 0411 4324 300 990.00 00293446 @00002261 San Diego County APCO 006672011Rl2016 2/28/17-2/28/18: APCD2011-SITE-00667, Unil 510 0402 5730 JOO 356.00 00293447 006692011R12016 2/28/17-2/28/18: APCD2011-SITE-00669, Unil 510 0402 5730 300 356.00 00293448 @00002318 San Diego Gas & Electric 995229760161116 14401 Pomerado Road 10/16/16 -11113/16 100 0418 2110 300 607,26 00293449 @00002312 San Diego Gas & Eleclric:JSundry 361948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 269 0425 2110 300 170.74 361948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 100 0204 2110 400 102.64 361948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 263 0421 2110 300 89.26 361948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 100 0208 2110 400 15,612.72 381948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 275 0470 2120 300 4,511.42 t.. 381948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 100 0205 2110 400 665.63 l>I :, 361948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 611 0413 2110 300 1,906.83 C: l>I 361948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 510 0404 2110 300 16.99 < 381948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 100 0418 2110 300 557.25 "' 361948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 265 0423 2110 300 14. 19 ,I>, "' 361948900511/16 Group Sundry Biil 3619489005 264 0422 2110 300 125.65 0 381948900511/16 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 100 0203 2110 400 4,405.62 ... -..j Total for Check 00293449 28,178.94 ;:. ' 3 00293450 15-Dec-16 @00010115 San Diego Union Tribune 003044572 Advertising SDTM171838 100 0014 4932 100 638.00 ;I: 00293451 Sandy Huffaker Photography 121016-1 Christmas in the Park Marketing Photos 100 0013 4120 100 SOD.OD ... 00293452 @00006857 Savmart Pharmaceutical SeNice 600716 Med Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 766.45 "-' 00293453 @00005845 Scripps/Poway Fence Builders 1012201606 Old Poway Park: safety fence install 100 0418 4120 300 975.00 ..... Register of Demands Page 9 of 12 ..... ll'ummlsFrom J:l/2/2016-l]/161]0/6 0 Cl1eck -"' mNumher Dale Pavee/Vendor lnw,ice Comment F1111d Orgn Acct ProG Check Ami 0029345'1 15-Dec-16 @00011120 SO Skate Life 7600.200-03.16 Instructor Payment Fall 2016 100 0208 4118 400 1.008.00 00293455 Sean Finley 2016 STMT REIMB 2016 CANDIDATE STATEMENT REIMBURSE 100 0011 7611 4000 102.00 00293456 @00002814 Sharp Ree,-.Stealy Medical Center 302080422 10120/16: OMV exam, (1) 0405 employee 520 0405 4916 300 110.00 302081258 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 45.00 302217544 1111116: Resp Clear/Pul Fune, (1) 0405 employ 520 0405 4916 300 115.00 302217815 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 60.00 302217816 Pre-employment Physlcal 100 0101 4916 100 41.00 302218204 11/1/16: Resp Clear, (1) 0404 employee 510 0404 4916 300 63.00 302218244 11/3/16: Resp Clear/Pul Fune, (1) 0405 employ 520 0405 4916 300 115.00 302230829 Pre-employmenl Physical 100 0101 4916 100 41.00 302313774 Pre-employment Physlcal 100 0101 4916 100 5'17.00 302313775 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 52.00 302313776 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 27.00 302337869 11'9/16: OMV exam, (1) 0404 employee 510 0404 4916 300 110.00 302347184 Medical Exam for CSD Employee 100 0200 4916 400 41.00 Total for Check 00293456 1.367.00 00293457 15-Dec-16 @00002820 Sher.vin Williams OE008867708296 lake Poway: paint 100 0419 4760 300 30.29 00293458 @00011108 Skyriver Communication, Inc. INV00081196 City Hall Backup Internet -January 2017 100 0106 2200 100 499.00 00293459 @00006969 Smith, Chad KNOWYOURAPPAR Tuition Reimbursement -Kno'Mng Your Apparal 100 0101 4926 100 550.00 00293460 @00000464 Son.sroy Maehinel)I P10229-01 Unit 748: Culling Edge: Plow Bolt 611 0413 4799 300 314.99 00293461 @00007160 Specialty Electric Supply Co. 7148-5'11001 Fire Station #1: electrical repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 92.59 00293462 @00005200 SOS Video Communications 20161194 Telecasting Services -Dec 2016 100 0106 4120 100 400.00 00293463 @00004909 $RM Contmcting & Paving RETENRELEASE 2016-2017 Street Overlay Project 211 0411 43208 300 28.294.76 0029346'1 @00010209 Stryker Sales Corporation 2056340 Gurney repair and maintenance 100 0503 4308 200 799.15 00293465 @00011522 Swagit Productions, LLC 8182 Video Streaming Services -Nov 2016 100 0106 4120 100 725.00 00293466 @00003718 SWRCB Ac.counting Office WD-0120247 Annual Permit Fee 100 0308 5730 100 22.447.00 C... 00293467 WD-0118450 FY 17: 9000001757, LP Aquatic Weed Permit 510 0402 5730 300 2.062.00 ~ 00293468 WD-0122941 FY17: 9SS010656. Waste Discharge Permit 520 0403 5730 300 11.195.00 ~ 00293469 WD-0118442 FY17: 9000001096, Hydro Discharge Permit 510 0404 5730 300 2.062.00 < 00293470 @00002305 Targe1 Specialty Producta PI0519796 Surflan AS (2.5 gallon units) 211 0411 4760 300 2.206.70 ~00293471 @00010706 Tashiba Business SOiution& 13165821 Copiers 9125/16 -10/24/16 100 0106 4308 100 1.248.94 -00293472 @00011441 TrensUnion Risk end Allemative Delli Solutions Inc, 3081831-1216 "' Data infonnation system 100 0504 2200 200 114.00 000293473 ..... @00010902 Trench Shoring Compeny 1090066-0001 Water Dist: hydraulic fluid 510 0404 4760 300 86.84 ~00293474 @00004950 True.sdail Laboratories, Inc 1605377 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 300 1.503.45 -1605378 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 300 2.256.46 ct) 1605379 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 300 1.758.48 3 'It 1605381 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 300 1.959.10 ..... 1605382 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 300 1.419.82 "' Total for Check 00293474 8.897.31 ... Register of Demands Page 10 of 12 "' Wammt.J From / 111212016 -121/6120/6 0 Check ... "' en Number Date Pmiee/Vendor Invoice Comme11t Fund Orl[II Acct Prol:i. Check Ami 00293475 15-Dec-16 @00010371 U.S. Bonk Corporate Payment System.CS 0001-0444-11 /16 CSD CalCard -Greg Sundberg Nov 2016 100 0202 4760 400 159.55 0028-7424-11/16 CSD CalCard -Chrissy Hill Nov 2016 100 8644 -47.04 0028-7424-11/16 CSD CalCard -Chrissy Hill Nov 2016 100 0205 4899 400 722.07 0028-7424-11/16 CSD CalCard -Chrissy Hill Nov 2016 100 0205 4760 400 522.66 0028-7424-11/16 CSD CalCard -Chrissy Hill Nov 2016 100 0201 4932 400 33.25 0028-7424-11/16 CSD CalCard -Chrissy Hill Nov 2016 100 0205 4936 400 467.75 0031-5760-11/16 CSD CalCard -RJ Saldana Nov 2016 100 0206 4760 400 162.31 0031-5760-11/16 CSD CalCard -RJ Saldana Nov 2016 100 0201 4304 400 15.39 0034-6159-11 /16 CSD CatCard -Allie Margis Nov 2016 100 0200 1430 400 32.46 0034-6159-11 /16 CSD CatCard -Allie Margis Nov 2016 100 0202 4750 400 21.55 0034-6159-11 /16 CSD CalCard -Allie Margis Nov 2016 100 0202 4760 400 460.15 0034-6159-11 /16 CSD CalCard -Allie Margis Nov 2016 100 0202 4710 400 43,66 0034-6159-11 /16 CSD CalCard -Allie Margis Nov 2016 100 0202 4622A 400 112.94 016l-5530-11/16 CSD CalCard -Sarah Becker Nov 2016 100 0205 4760 400 597.77 0228-5321-11/16 CSD CalCard -Carrie Sanchez Nov 2016 100 0206 4932 400 139.80 0228-5321-11/16 CSD CalCard -Carrie Sanchez Nov 2016 100 0200 1430 400 19.15 0226-6361-11 /16 CSD CalCard -Brooke Walsh Nov 2016 100 0203 4710 400 12.05 1761-1108-11/16 CSD CalCard -Annie Ransom Nov 2016 100 0207 4926 400 155.62 1761-1106-11/16 CSD CalCard -Annie Ransom Nov 2016 100 6644 -3.09 1761-1106-11/16 CSD CalCard -Annie Ransom Nov 2016 100 0207 4760 400 33.43 1761-1106-11/16 CSD CalCard -Annie Ransom Nov 2016 100 0207 4710 400 6.15 1761-1664-11/16 CSDCatCard -Lisa Najmi Nov 2016 100 0204 4760 400 39.00 1761-1664-11/16 CSDCalCard. Lisa Najmi Nov 2016 100 0204 4799 400 12.66 1761-1664-11/16 CSDCalCard -Lisa Najmi Nov 2016 100 0204 4799 400 3.24 192l-9914-11/16 CSD CalCard -Ashley Cain Nov 2016 100 0206 4120 400 160.25 1923-9914-11 /16 CSD CalCard -Ashley Cain Nov 2016 100 0206 4760 400 461.01 192l-9914-11/16 CSD CalCard -Ashley Cain Nov 2016 100 0200 1430 400 25.00 c.... "' Tolal for Check 00293475 :, 4,451.18 fi; 00293476 15-Dec-16 @00004492 Uniform Specialist 66679 Uniforms 100 0501 4926 200 236.69 ~ 00293477 @00006562 Volley Power Systems, Inc. C47649 Fleet Stock: Transmission Fluid 611 0413 4799 300 1,635.22 Jo! 002934 7 6 @00003270 Verizon ,.,,,~reloss 9776126655 P'W Verizon Cell Charges Ocl 29 -Nov 28. 201 510 0406 2200 300 36.01 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 275 0470 2200 300 36.01 "' 0 9776126655 ... PW Verizon Cell Charges Ocl 29 -Nov 28, 201 510 0401 2200 300 266.07 .... 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 100 0419 2200 300 36.01 ;::;: 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Ocl 29 -Nov 28. 201 100 0418 2200 300 36.01 11) 9776126655 P'W Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 100 0417 2200 300 36.01 3 'II, 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 231 0412 3311 300 1.26 ... 9776126655 P'W Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28. 201 231 0412 2200 300 152.04 "' 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 100 0416 3311 300 17.49 ~ Register of Demsnds PBge 11 of 12 "' Warmflfs From I J/J 2110/6. I 2//6.120/6 0 Check ... "' a>Number Date Pa)'ee/Ve11dor I II voice Comment F1111d Orf:In Acet Pros Check Amt 00293476 15-0ec-16 @00003270 Verizon vVireless 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 211 0411 3311 JOO 0.66 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 100 0419 3311 300 27.90 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 100 0400 2200 300 76.02 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 211 0411 2200 300 36.01 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 611 0413 3311 JOO 2.1 J 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 510 0401 3311 300 3.37 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Ocl 29 -Nov 28, 201 510 0402 2200 300 76.02 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 510 0402 3311 300 4.05 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 510 0404 2200 300 226.06 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 510 0404 3311 300 30.25 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 520 0405 2200 300 190.05 9776126655 PW Verizon Cell Charges Oct 29 -Nov 28, 201 520 0405 3311 300 16.07 9776229369 Wireless Services. November 2016 100 0306 2200 100 114.Q3 9776229369 Wireless Services -November 2016 100 0301 3311 100 4.51 9776229369 Wireless Services -November 2016 100 0304 2200 100 36.01 9776229369 Wireless Services -November 2016 100 0301 2200 100 76.02 9776229369-1 Adjustment: November 2016 Billing Cycle 100 0301 3311 100 -115.35 9776230621 EMS Telemetry 100 0503 3311 200 115.64 Total for Check 002934 78 1.552.56 00293479 15-0ec-16 @00002663 Village Lock end Key 6619 Keys 100 0418 4304 300 34.00 00293460 @00005030 VIP Janitorial Service 4120 Citywide Janitorial Services 100 0419 4114 300 12.259.15 4120 Cityv.,ide Janitorial Services 100 0206 4114 400 1,469.46 4121 Auditorium Special Clean, November, 2016 100 0419 4114 300 691.20 4122 Veteran's Park Wall: power wash 100 0419 4114 300 160.00 4123 Nelson House: power wash 100 0419 4114 300 60.00 4124 Library: Sanitary Supplies 100 0206 4720 400 376.24 c.... 4125 Public Works: Sanitary Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 1.657.20 ., ::J Total for Check 00293480 C: 16.693.27 ~ 00293481 15-Dec-16 -Vunder Kid Inc. 2011038.001 Deposit Refund -CP -Permit #17776 100 0206 7471 400 200.00 "-' 00293482 @00004866 Walter AndeBen Nursery Inc 2-636166 Plant material 100 0416 4770 300 431.46 • .i:. 2-639951 Holiday Tree 100 0106 4760 100 139.31 "' Total for Check 00293482 570.77 0 ~ "'-I 00293483 15-0ec-16 @00002730 Waicie 76371786 Lake Po1Noy: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 216.92 ~ 00293464 @00004726 West Coa,1 Safety Supply 153021850 WTP: Scott AV-2000 (SCBA) eyeglass kits 510 0402 4750 300 232.66 3 00293465 @00002794 We!ltern Mower and Engine 34945 Saw parts 100 0418 4308 300 64.67 'It 34966 Mower supplies 100 0416 4306 300 237.97 ~ 34993 Fuel 211 0411 4760 300 119.77 "' 35171 Unit 407-7: Bushings 611 0413 4799 300 2.43 Register of Demands Page 12 of 12 Warnmu From / 2112120/6 -12116120/6 S. Check N a, N11111her /)(l/e Pai1ee/Ve11dor 00293485 15-Dec-16 @00002794 \o\'est~m Mower end Engine 00293486 15-Dec-16 @00002943 v\lolpen, Joseph Invoice 35278 2091.209-11.168 2091.209-11.16C Comment Fleet Stock: 1 OW-40 Oil (3qts) Instructor Payment Fall 2016 Instructor Paymenl Fall 2016 00293487 15-Dec-16 @00011319 Wortd Advancement of Technology tor EMS end Resc 506 On-scene patient repor1 software ... N 00904076 12-Dec-16 @00010569 00904077 12-Dec-16 @00010570 00904078 @00010571 00904079 @00007243 00904080 00904081 00904082 @00000786 00904083 13-Dec-16 @00000240 00904084 U.S. Dept. of the Treasury Employment De...elopment Departmen1 Garnishment Recipient U.S. Bank NA County of San Diego Auditor end Controaer U.S. Bank 121216 PE#25 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#25 121216 PE#25 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#25 121216 PE#25 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#25 121216 PE#25 Payroll Garnishment PARS-ARS 25-16 PARS ARS PE#25 PARS-REP 25-16 PARS REP PE#25 PARSREPEX 25-16 PARS REP EXCESS PE#25 323-501-02-00 Sale Proceeds-13875 Kirk.ham Way 2015 TARS 12/16 2015 TARS NB Debi Svc Pyml 12/16 2012 COP 12/16 2012 COP Debt Svc Pymt 12/16 F1111tl Oro11 ACL'I Prop Check Amt 611 0413 4799 300 32.24 Total for Check 00293485 477.28 100 0208 4118 400 1,068.00 100 0208 4118 400 1,068.00 Total for Check 00293486 2.136.00 100 0503 4120 200 1,094.00 100 8621 99,357.41 100 8624 22.422.26 Total for Check 00904076 121,779.67 100 8622 32,765.71 100 8620 1,226.74 100 8724 2,092.30 100 8721 36,683.64 100 8721 17,700.00 720 0704 5123 100 2,093,930.57 720 8054A 6,991.133.03 311 8052A 755.120.94 Register Toi/I/ 11,320,603.80 ... The City of Powt1y /Jirector of Administrative Serdces Submits the Followi11,: Re,:ister of Run Date: OJ-Jan-17 "' /)emmuls for the period 12/19/2016 -12/30/2016 um/ Recommemls its Ratijiclllirm/Appro~·"I: Page: I of 12 0 -IV "' Check 1\'umher Dale Pa lee/Vent/or Invoice Comme111 Fund Org11 Ace/ Pro,: Check Amt 00293488 23-Dec-16 @00010119 3M Cogent, Inc. 333726 Fingerprinting -November 2016 100 0101 4934 100 12.60 00293489 @00005371 AO Re1'd & Co 269956 SMOKE MACHINE VENT REPAIR TRAINING 100 0501 4304 200 549.00 00293490 @00004762 Abcano Industries 999071 Chlorine for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 151.49 00293491 @00006013 AC'live Nct'-NOrk LLC 11084070 Credit Card s.....;pe for Point of Sale 100 0200 48228 400 496.80 00293492 @00010413 AEP Coliromio LlC INV 0015950 Pans 611 0108 61228 100 3,346.88 00293493 @00002106 Airgas USA, LLC 9057776555 PW First Aid Supplies 100 0418 4750 300 4.04 9057776556 PW First Aid Supplies 520 0405 4750 300 5.44 9057776556 PW First Aid Supplies 231 0412 4750 300 5.44 9057776556 PW First Aid Supplies 510 0404 4750 300 5.45 9057776556 PW First Aid Supplies 211 0411 4750 300 5.44 9057776557 PW First Aid Kit Supplies 211 0411 4750 300 9.57 9057776557 PW First Aid Kil Supplies 520 0405 4750 300 9.56 l> 9057776557 PW First Aid Kil Supplies 231 0412 4750 300 9.57 ;: 9057776557 PW First Aid Kil Supplies 100 0418 4750 300 9.57 Dl (") 9057776557 PW First Aid Kil Supplies 510 0404 4750 300 9.56 ::T 3 9941151534 Oxygen Supplies 100 0501 4750 200 1,218.90 (1) ::J Total for Check 00293493 1,292.54 -DJ00293494 23-Dec-16 @00006830 American Asphetl South, Inc 91700062-2 2016-2017 Street Maintenance Project 211 0411 4320C 300 108, 110,00 00293495 @00000099 American Bockllow Specialties Inc INV40094 Cross•Connection: Febco & Wilkins rubt>er kits 510 0404 4760 300 280,98 00293496 @00004833 Aquotie Design Systems, Inc 29458 November Aquarium Maintenance 100 0206 4304 400 287.45 00293497 @00000152 Aramark Refreshment Ser'\rices 1417338 PCPA Concession Supplies 100 0204 4760 400 57.00 1418044 PCPA Monthly Cappuccino Equipment 100 0204 4936 400 53.00 Total for Check 00293497 110.00 c... Dl 00293498 23-Dec-16 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 1448201915 PCPA Weekly Mat Service 1219/16 100 0204 4928 400 14,78 ::J 1448204270 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 60.04 C Dl 1448204271 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 30.00 ~ 1448204271 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 1.84 IV _.;. 1448211676 Mats and lo~ls 100 0501 4928 200 18.28 IV 1448211678 Wk of 12/15116 Fleet Uniforms: Mats 100 0419 4120 300 31.30 0 1448211678 Wk of 12/15118 Fleet Uniforms: Mats 611 ... 0413 4928 300 12.51 ..., 1448211679 Meadowtlrook: mats 100 0419 4120 300 22.48 ;:. 1448211680 Wk 12/15116: CSFW & Mtr Rdrs. uniforms 510 0401 4928 300 28.60 (1) 3 1448211681 Wk 12/15116: Viii Sys & WTP uniforms: mats 510 0402 4928 300 43.87 :it 1448211681 Wk 12/15116: Ulil Sys & WTP uniforms: mats 100 0419 4120 300 6.72 ... IV 1448211681 Wk 12/15116: Ulil Sys & WTP uniforms: mats 510 0401 4928 300 35.95 1448211682 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 4.42 ...... Register of Demands Page 2 of 12 a, Wum:mu From IN/912016 -12/30!2016 0 Check ... N 0>1\'11mber Dale Palee/Ve11dor Invoice Comment F11111/ Orf[" Acct Pro!£ Check Amt 00293498 23-Dec-16 @00005241 Aramarl,; Undorm Services Inc 1446211662 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4928 300 6.10 1446211663 \JVK 12/15/16: Waler Dislribulion uniforms 510 0404 4928 300 60.61 1446211664 \JVK 12/15116: WN Collect & Recycled unirorms 510 0406 4928 300 2.37 1446211664 \JVK 12115116: WN Collect & Recycled unirorms 520 0405 4926 300 39.54 1446211665 Streets: uniforms 211 0411 4926 300 97.91 1446211666 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4926 300 54.35 1446211666 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 2.56 1446211667 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 35.33 1446211666 Lake Weekly Mats -12/15116 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 1446211669 Stormwater: uniforms 231 0412 4928 300 36.53 1446213725 Mats and towels 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1446213726 PCPA Weekly Mal Service 12/16/16 100 0204 4928 400 14.78 1446216570 Towels and Mats 100 0501 4928 200 17.66 Total for Check 00293498 700.45 00293499 23-Dec-16 @00004964 ARC•Snn Diego 36313 Grounds Maintenance November. 2016 231 0412 4120 300 3,064.95 00293500 @00010111 AT&T 00000980699 Fire Alarms 100 0501 3310 200 73.32 6911235 BAN 9391026566 10/24/16 -11123/16 269 0425 2200 300 40.79 6911236 9391026571 -Lake Poway Phone -11/2016 100 0202 3310 400 19.75 6911396 BAN 9391031630 10/24/16 -11123/16 264 0422 2200 300 19.75 69666411116 BAN 9391026542 11/06/16 -12105/16 269 0425 2200 300 19.75 6960666 BAN 9391026535 11/10/16 -12109/16 100 0416 2200 300 17.65 8960687 9391026536: WTP SCADA/911 modem line 510 0402 3310 300 19.61 8960690 Fleet Modem BAN 9391026540 611 0413 3310 300 19.78 6960693 Library Alarm Lines (9391026545) 11/10-12109/ 100 0206 3310 400 73.32 6960894 BAN 9391026546 11/10/16 -12109/16 100 0416 2200 300 19.75 8960695 BAN 9391026547 11/10/16 -12109/16 100 0400 3310 300 73.32 c... 8960696 BAN 9391026548 11/10/16 -12109/16 100 0416 2200 300 19.75 "' :J 8960697 BAN 9391026549 11/10/16 -12109116 264 0422 2200 300 19.75 C: 6961133 9391031633 -OPP Train Depot Line -11/2016 100 0205 3310 400 55.45 "' '< Tolal for Check 00293500 492.14 N -"" 00293501 23-Dec-16 @00006936 Aztec Landscaping Inc, 14671AL-IN Twin Peaks: irrigation repairs 100 0416 4770 300 103.60 ~00293502 @00006665 Brenntag Pacific, Inc. BP1672646 FY 2016/2017 Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda 510 0402 4502 300 5,525.20 ~00293503 @00011459 Brown & Bigelow 321020 "I Believe in Poway" Supplies 716 7662 4760 400 953.90 00293504 @00006901 Colifomio Commercial Asphalt, LLC 175135 Asphalt 211 0411 4520 300 162.17 fo" 00293505 Cedillo, Fredi 2011156.001 Deposit Refund -CP -Permit #17413 100 0206 7471 400 200.00 3 00293506 @00011460 Ciro's Landscaping lne. 11287 Irrigation repair 100 0416 4116 300 490.00 ""00293507 Component Surfaces, lne 17451 Dup inv error #17451 and #17486 -ovrpd $176 ...... 100 0502 7754 4000 176.00 j,.,00293508 @00002830 Costco VVholesale 77510214311 JPIA Driver Awareness Training Refreshments 100 0400 4760 300 60.42 775102496 Adopt-A-Family v.-fapping party 1191B 1000P 1430 600 76.06 .... Register of Demsnds Page 3 al 12 ~ lforrams From 12//91}(}/6 -J 2/JOl20/6 0 O,eck -"' a>1V11mher Date Pa~1ee/Ve11dor Invoice Comment F1111il Or/In Acct Prog Check Amt 00293508 23-Dec-16 @00002830 Costco W'holesale 7751313831 Janitorial Supplies & Kid's Night Out Supplies 100 0208 4720 400 44.57 7751313831 Janitorial Supplies & Kid's Night Out Supplies 100 0208 4760 400 44.63 775917231 PW Winier Safety Rodeo Refreshments 100 0400 4760 300 159.52 Total for Check 00293508 387.22 00293509 23-Dec-16 @00000786 County of San Diego Auditor and Controller COP OCT 2016 City of Poway parking citation activity-Oct 2016 100 0504 4919 200 362.50 00293510 PHS OCT 2016 Poway High School parking citation -Ocl 2016 100 0504 4919 200 50.00 00293511 @00006428 Gami!lhment Recipient PPE 12118116 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 105.29 00293512 @00004009 CW£A 3184612128117 C Fried: Mmbrshp renew #318461. 2/28117 520 0405 4924 300 172.00 00293513 33 70861 2128/17 B Gallego; Mmbrshp renew #3370861, 2128/17 520 0405 4924 300 172.00 00293514 @00011183 D&H Water Sy&tems Inc. 12016-1062 WTP: CL2 (chlorine) cylinder gaskets 510 0402 4760 300 115.98 00293515 @00010417 D'Agoatino, Sarah 9397.200.16 Instructor Payment Fall 2016 100 0208 4118 400 864.00 00293516 @00010127 Dave's Spon Selea & Screenprinting 14582 Pool -Staff Uniforms 100 0203 4928 400 91.80 00293517 @00006337 Department of Justice 204102 Fingerprinting -November 2016 100 0101 4934 100 373.00 00293518 @00004897 Diamond Environmental Services 0000908145 Blue Sky Restroom Services 100 0207 4120 400 318.89 0000911705 Restroom 100 0418 4120 300 90.83 0000911706 Restrooms 100 0418 4120 300 598.73 Total for Check 00293518 1.008.45 00293519 23-Dec-16 @00011494 Discovery Benefit& Inc. 0000704646-IN FSA Monthly -Nov. 2016 100 8729 289.10 00293520 @00007007 Eest Penn Mfg. Co. 5078021 Fleet Stock: Battery; Seals 611 0413 4799 300 257.33 83222294 CREDIT Junk Ballery 611 0413 4799 300 ·22.50 Total for Check 00293520 234.83 00293521 23-Dec-16 @00010709 Easy Flow LLC 2296 Dec 2016: repaired sewer cieanouUt 2874 India 520 0405 4120 300 2,800.00 00293522 @00010009 ECORP Consulting Inc. 79710 Long-Term Revegetation Monitoring Services 1443A 1000P 1799 600 744.44 00293523 @00005838 ElderHelp of San Diego NOV-16 FY16-17 HomeShare & Comm. Connections Pr 5961J 5000P 1799 600 6.841.00 00293524 @00006995 Enniss Inc. 422789 Ticket 86225: two loads 211 0411 2905 300 83.66 f;j' 00293525 @00001144 Ferguson Waterworks 0576650-1 Water DisUDM: rubber caps and Chains 510 0404 4760 300 52.42 :::, 0576663-1 Wrhse: Meter Adapter (10); Bolts {23) 510 8189 189.59 C: a, 0577344 Wrhse: Coupling (10); Ell>ow (2) 510 8189 78.73 '< 0577916 Water Dist: Valle Verde job-bushing, saddle 510 0404 4760 JOO 176.43 "' 0578951 Water Dist: gasket, gate valve, coupllng 510 0404 6118 300 1,221.10 ~ "' 0578982 Water Dist: Stone Cyn job-PVC pipe, 6x20 510 0404 6118 300 206.28 0 Total for Check 00293525 .... 1,924.55 ~ ;:::;00293526 23-Dec-16 @00010264 Financial Credit Network PWWWR6 Collection Agency Fees-November 2016 510 0402 7641 4000 25.00 3 00293527 @00001085 Garnishment Recipient PPE 12118/16 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 199.77 =It 00293528 @00010671 Game Day Sports 1280 T-Shirts for CERT members 1187A 1000P 4928 600 314.28 .... 00293529 Gelle. Apolinar 2011161.001 Deposit Refund -CP -Permit #17093 100 0208 7471 400 200.00 N 00293530 Gonzales, Ernesto 2011159.001 Deposit Refund -CP -Permit #18153 100 0208 7471 400 200.00 .... Register of Dem9nds Page 4 of 12 Cl) Warroms From f:l/9120/6-/2/J(J/20/6 0 Check -"' a,1Vumher Date Paiiee/Jlentlor lnvoice Comment Fund OrG,.n Acct Pro/[ Check 11ml 00293531 23-Dec-16 @00001207 Grainger Inc 9299662594 Lake Dock Supplies 100 0202 4760 400 29.27 00293532 @00005835 Hach Company 10219367 WfP: reagent sets, Total Chlorine CL17 510 0402 4760 300 177.71 10223912 WfP ~t lab: chemkeys, Total Chlorine 510 0402 4760 300 57.64 Total for Check 00293532 235.35 00293533 23-Dec-18 @00003600 Hamburger Faclory OPPRANGRDINNER OPP -Reserve Park Ranger Holiday Dinner 100 0205 4760 400 380.00 00293534 @00005214 Harbor Freight Tool, 01300638 Tools 100 0418 4760 300 67.46 04166470 Painting supplies 100 0418 4760 300 25.84 Total for Check 00293534 93.30 00293535 n-Dec-1 8 @00005088 Harper & Associates Engineering Inc ENG-5664 Consultant Engineering Services 1767A 1000P 1714G 600 1,360.00 00293536 @00001239 Harrington Industrial Pla&tic& Inc 004H1364 WfP: caustic pump -PVC parts 510 0402 4760 300 70.48 004H1446 Wf P: 3/4 -valve balls / PVC 510 0402 4760 300 183.67 Total for Check 00293536 254.15 00293537 2J-Dec-16 @00001447 Heaviland Enterµrisea Inc 8848-2016 Piedmont Park: irrigation repairs 264 0422 4770 300 421.44 8849-2016 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 25.66 8850-2016 Business Park; irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 611.17 8851-2016 LMD 86: irrigation repairs 264 0422 4770 300 92.38 8852 LMD 87·1: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 360.93 8853 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 267.13 8854 Business Park; inigalion repairs 269 0425 4770 300 433.15 8855-2016 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 109.77 8856 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 130.80 8857-2016 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 272.70 8858-2016 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 230.57 8859-2016 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 244.32 8860 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 131.30 c.... 8861 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 125.32 Ill :I 8862 LMD 86: irrigation repairs 264 0422 4770 300 64.85 C: Ill 8863 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 51.28 '< 8864 Old Coach: irrigation repairs 264 0422 4770 300 605.36 "' 8865 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 224.05 .I>, "' 8866-2016 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 137.23 0 8867 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 250.91 .... ..... 8868 Business Park: inigalion repairs 269 0425 4770 300 248.77 ;:; 8869 LMD 86: irrigation repairs 264 0422 4770 300 13.70 (I) 3 8870 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 116.14 'It 8871 Business Park: irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 251.79 .... 8872-2016 Business Park: inigalion repairs 269 0425 4770 300 169.03 "' 887:}-2016 Adobe Ridge: irrigation repairs 263 0421 4770 300 46.59 ..... Register of Demands Page 5 of 12 <D WummaFrom 1:t/9/1016· J}!JOl}0/6 0 Check -"' tn1V11mher Dale Pa,1ee/Vendor Invoice Comment F1111tl Orlt.11 Acct Pro/I Check Amt 00293537 23-Dec-16 @00001447 Heaviland Enterprises Inc 8874 LMD 83-1A: irrigation repairs 263 0421 4770 300 37.64 8875 LMD 83-1A: irrigation repairs 263 0421 4770 300 371.56 8876 LMD 86: irrigation repairs 264 0422 4770 300 647.82 8877 Serenata: irrigation repairs 264 0422 4770 300 40.82 Total for Check 00293537 6.734.18 00293538 23-Dec-16 @00001459 Hensley, Ralph SAFETYSHOES16 Safety Sh0es 100 0418 4928 300 29.98 00293539 @00001645 Home Depot Commercial Account 0210060 Pool: repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 57.96 0210061 Operations Lounge: floor repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 22.47 0210065 Crosthwaite Roof repair supplies 231 0412 4760 300 112.94 0220333 Operations Lounge; floor repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 52.25 1210050 \i\W Collection: 10x12 tarp; adj. rubber straps 520 0405 4760 300 48.08 1210053 Pool Supplies -Painl for Picnic Tables 100 0203 4760 400 52.54 2210046 Valle Verde: repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 33.73 2220314 V\/vV Collection: la.......n soil bags for job replace 520 0405 4760 300 22.58 2220315 City Hall: repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 16.39 6210026 Fire Station #3: electrical switch 100 0419 4760 300 2.14 6220294 Trails: repair supplies 100 0418 4760 300 83.07 9210074 V\/vV Collection: dear Dap 520 0405 4760 300 68.69 Total for Check 00293539 572.84 00293540 23-Dec-16 @00010529 Hotalen, Cheri 5417.214.16 Instructor Payment Fall 2016 100 0208 4118 400 198.00 00293541 @00011079 ldibri Consulting, LP 455322 Council Chambers AV System Design Services 1101A 1000P 1712 600 5.300.00 00293542 @00007019 Imperial Sprinkler Supply, Inc. 2794275-00 RME 36E 36 Station Rainmaster Eagle lrri. Con 100 0418 4770 300 1,431.01 00293543 @00006463 lnfoSend 113690 Mailing Statements· 11 • 16 to 11 ·29· 16 100 0102 3320 100 2.030.23 113690 Mailing Statements· 11 · 16 to 11 ·29· 16 100 0102 4120 100 570.91 114497 Mailing Statements 12·1·16 to 12·16-16 100 0102 3320 100 1,645.45 '-114497 Mailing Statements 12·1·16 to 12·16·16 100 0102 4120 100 476.85 I» Total for Check 00293543 4,723.44 ::, C: I» 00293544 23-Dec-16 @000064 76 Ingerson-Rand Company 82596990 Fleet Shop Compressor: Element (2) 611 0413 4308 300 320.12 '< 00293545 @00003693 Itron, Inc. 434502 Hardware: FC300, Desk Dock (2) 510 0401 4120 300 843.74 "' 434502 Hardware: FC300, Desk Dock (2) 510 0401 4308 300 820.76 ~ "' 0 Total for Check 00293545 1.664.50 ..... ...,00293546 23-Dec-16 @00003995 J J Keller & Aaaociatea Inc 9105107556 OSHA Safety Training 100 0107 4924 100 229.00 ;:; 0029354 7 @00011461 Joe's Paving Co., Inc. P1600324-5 Midland Road lmprovemenls 120088 1000P 4120 600 175,966.76 3 00293548 @00001306 JRC Printing LLC 36513 Lake • Youth Fishing Derby Flyers 100 0202 4922 400 54.71 'II: 00293549 @00001317 Judicial Oata Syatems 6346 Parking Activity-City of Poway Oct 2016 100 0504 4919 200 346.44 _.. 00293550 @00001341 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc 104676-0117 Kaiser Medical • Jan 2017 100 87208 57,895.12 "' 104676-0117 Kaiser Medical • Jan 2017 100 8720C 4,148.60 t..> Register of Demands Page 6 of 12 0 Wammu From 121/9/2()/6-/2/10120/6 0 Check .... t..> 0>1Vumber JJatc l'a•1ee/Ven<lor Jnvoice Co 111111 en t F1111d Or11.n Acct Proa. Check Amt Total for Check 00293550 62,043.72 00293551 23-Dec-16 @00005034 Kane, Ballmer & Berkman 22681 Professional services through 11/30/16 720 0704 1726 100 117.65 00293552 @00001690 Knorr Sy1tem1 Inc. 51186136 Pool Supplies • Chemical Testing 100 0203 4760 400 42.53 00293553 @00011503 Leehan of Davis Inc. ST7-39 2017 Ram 4500, 2WD Pickup# 58 & 62 611 0108 6104 100 34,287.73 00293554 @00001518 Ueben Cassidy \/Vhitmore 1432208 Professional Services Rendered through 11/30/ 100 0101 17028 100 315.00 00293555 @00004118 Life--Assist. Inc. 776993 Medical Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 962.36 777006 Medical Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 2,631.97 Total for Check 00293555 3,594.33 00293556 23-Dec-16 @00011496 MarshoD, Sorn MMASC SM16 MMASC Conference -Sara Marshall 100 0300 1430 100 73.80 MMASC SM16 MMASC Conference -Sara Marshall 100 0400 3110 300 73.80 MMASC SM16 MMASC Conference -Sara Marshall 100 0100 1430 100 688.72 Total for Check 00293556 836.32 00293557 23-Dec-16 @00011341 Martinez, Monica REIM8 121916 Reimbursement: MMASC Conference 100 0300 1430 100 1,037.12 00293558 Mott Parker Hoy Compeny 26232 Hay Bales for I/Vlnter Festival 2017 100 0208 4936 400 1,710.00 00293559 @00001630 Moyer Reprogmphics Inc 0014661-IN Print bic:t packages 1548L 1000P 4922 600 302.80 9914663-IN Print bid packages 3501L 1000P 4922 600 152.15 Total for Check 00293559 454.95 00293560 23-Dec-16 @00006172 Mirando, Jose 8LUECARD1NC Tuition Reimbursement-Blue Card Incident Com 100 0101 4926 100 385.00 00293561 @00004787 MK Signs ond Bonners 9996 Winier Festival Photo Spot Banner 100 0208 4932 400 280.80 00293562 @00011509 Municipnl .AJarm Tracking 11 Alarm Services for November 2016 100 0301 4120 100 1,819.60 00293563 @00011510 Mutual of Omaha Policyholder Ser.tices 000599328303 Basic Life & ADD/LTD/ STD/ Vo1 Life -Dec. 20 100 87268 7.03 000599328303 Basic Life & ADD/ LTD/ STD/ Vol Lire -Dec. 20 100 8626 3,743.18 000599328303 Basic Life & ADD/LTD/ STD/ Vol life -Dec. 20 100 8725 50.09 000599328303 Basic Life & ADD/LTD/ STD/ Vol Life -Dec. 20 100 8726A 50.17 c... T olal for Check 00293563 3,850.47 "' ::l C: 00293564 23-Dec-16 @00001840 Napo Auto Pons/Poway 170070 CREDIT Ref# 169923 611 0413 4799 300 -38.88 "' 171468 Fleet Hex bit 611 0413 4799 300 6.47 < 171623 CREDIT Ref# 171468 611 0413 4799 300 -6.47 t..> _.f>. 174538 CREDIT Ref# 173140 611 0413 4799 300 -115.54 t..> 179465 Fleet Stock: Clamp; Flex Tube 611 0413 4799 300 125.74 0 ... 179625 ..... Warehouse: Ajr Hom 510 0410 4750 300 30.77 179759 Fleet Stock: Oil Filters (2) 611 0413 4799 300 9.70 -179826 Fleel Stock: Bulbs 611 0413 4799 300 21.58 Cl) 3 Total for Check 00293584 33.37 'It ;-" 00293565 23-Dec-16 @00005825 Neol EIDCtriC, Inc 65826 T'Nin Peaks: irrigation controller 263 0421 4120 300 776.38 t..> 66232 Library electrical repair 35010 1000P 4120 600 727.99 "' Register of Demands Page 7 of 12 .... Wamml.s From J'J/19/20/6. / 2130/)016 0 Check -"' a>1Vumber Dale Pai1ee/Ve11dor Invoice Comment F1111tl Or/I.11 Ace/ ProG.. Check Ami 00293565 23-Dec-16 @00005825 Neal Electric, Inc 66365 As Needed Eleclrical Maintenance and 100 0419 4120 300 201.97 Tolal for Check 00293565 1,706.34 00293566 23-Dec-16 @00006611 Network Printing 56823 Print Cover for FY 2015--16 CAFR 100 0103 4922 100 54.00 00293567 @00011281 Noxlovol lnformotron Technology, Inc. 20161129 ERP Procurement Selection Services 100 0103 1799 100 211.25 20161129 ERP Procurement Selection Services 100 0101 1799 100 118.75 Tolal for Check 00293567 330.00 00293568 23-Dec-16 @00001991 Nolan, Bruce 12-1-16 LUNCH WTP staff: Lunch -onsite training 1211/16 510 0402 1430 300 64.48 00203569 @00004716 North County Rebuildors 89235 Unit 924: Starter; Bolls 611 0413 4799 300 316.44 00293570 @00000775 Office Depot Business Sel'Y!CCs Division 88069625-001 Public Works office supplies 510 0404 4710 300 49.25 88069625-001 Public Works office supplies 100 0400 4710 300 7.84 885721982-001 Blue Sky Office Supplies 100 0207 4710 400 1.61 886201689-001 OPP Office Supplies 100 0205 4710 400 101.03 886515452-001 Comm Park Office Supplies 100 0208 4710 400 62.43 886515464-001 Comm Park Office Supplies 100 0208 4710 400 6.56 886969619-001 Office Supplies 100 0101 4710 100 72.96 886971046-001 Office Supplies 100 0101 4710 100 373.57 887049201-001 OPP -Office Supplies 100 0205 4710 400 85.32 887070301-001 Public Works office supplies 510 0401 4710 300 2.15 887881178-001 OPP -Office Supplies 100 0205 4710 400 22.66 887881259-001 OPP -Janitorial Supplies 100 0205 4720 400 36.45 888823714-001 F arks, spoons , knives, plates , mouse 510 0410 4710 300 27.53 888823714-001 Forks ,spoons , knives, plates, mo use 100 0400 4710 300 101.08 888830595-001 Office supplies 100 0013 4710 100 9.17 Tolal for Check 00293570 959.61 00293571 23-Dec-16 @00005131 OfficcTeem 47312422 Temporary services -Elizabeth Vegter 100 0102 1510 100 1,031.20 iu= 00293572 @00002007 Po.cific Pipelini, Supply 311484 Water Dist: grip cable; pulling cable 510 0404 4760 300 1,209.02 ~ 00293573 @00002103 Parkway Business Centre 410-110-CU1216 Assessment Fees 510 0410 5730 300 1,114.00 l)J 410-110-CU1216 Assessment Fees 100 0418 5730 300 724.00 '< Total for Check 00293573 1,838.00 "' .i,. -00293574 23-Dec-16 @00006746 PARS 36096 Monthly Admin Fee -Oc1 2016 100 8719 2,500.00 ~00293575 @00002703 Perry Ford of Poway 5024268 Unit 950: Jel Kil (2) 611 0413 4799 300 13.13 .... "-I 50243351W Exhaust Emission Control Fluid 100 0501 3130 200 87.74 -Total for Check 00293575 100.87 n, 3 00293576 23-Dec-16 @00007109 Pin~int Pest Control Co. Inc. 377798 Bee Hive Removal 100 0418 4120 300 165.00 'It 377804 1212116: 13415 Little Dawn Ln/bees In mtr box 510 0401 4120 300 125.00 · .... "' Total for Check 00293576 290.00 "' Register of Demands Page 8 of 12 "' Warram.f From I :!/19/2016 -12/30120/6 0 Check -"' cn1Vumher Date Pai1ee/Ve11tlor Invoice Comment Fund Orft.11 Acct Pro&. Check Ami 00293577 23-0ec-16 -Popovich Travel Show Inc FER-12/1/16 PCPA Final Event Report -December 1, 2016 100 0204 7622 400 -50.50 FER-12/1/16 PCPA Final Event Report. December 1, 2016 100 8646 3,644.00 FER-12/1/16 PCPA Final Event Report-December 1. 2016 100 0204 7471 400 600.00 FER-12/1/16 PCPA Final Event Report-December 1. 2016 100 0204 7471 400 -2,280.00 FER-12/1/16 PCPA Final Event Report-December 1, 2016 100 0204 7623 400 -457.00 FER-12/1118 PCPA Final Event Report-December 1, 2016 100 0204 7476 400 -150.00 Total for Check 00293577 1,226.50 00293578 n-Dec-18 @00000173 Powny Center lor the Performing Arts Foundation 12132016 Foundation ticket sales transfer-PCPA 100 8641 400 4,112.00 00293579 @00002702 Poway Firefighters Association DUES PE12/18/16 Fire Association dues for PPE 12/18/16 100 8815 1,644.92 00293580 @00007106 Prasl, Nancee 635000014129 Cartridges for Computers 1160A 1000P 4710 600 86.39 00293581 @00011041 Public Agency Risk Menegera Asaocialion 069790 SHIELDS 2017 Public Agency Risk Management Confere 100 0107 1430 100 350.00 00293582 @00011529 PVL Si9ns & Graphics Inc. 01-CP-2016 Two cuslom-made directional signs at two locati 3501K 1000P 4120 600 4,064.10 01-CP-2016 Two custom-made directional signs at two locati 211 0411 4120 300 4,770.90 Total ror Check 00293582 8,835.00 00293583 2~Dec-16 @00010911 R & 8 Pinto Properties LLC LKCONCDEC7-1116 Weekly Concession Pmnt Dec 7 -11 2016 100 8647 3,363.27 00293584 @00005630 R.J. ~homas Mfg. Co., Inc. 00189697 XT-C" Black (B)-CTP 6 foot picnic tables 100 0418 4826 300 3,428.00 00293585 @00002163 Rayne Water Conditioning 8303-12/15-1/11 Pool Water Conditioning (12/15/16 -01/11/17) 100 0203 4120 400 145.54 00293586 @00002239 Rex Trophies 2217 Plaque for Veteran's Park 1169A 1000P 4760 600 382.36 00293587 @00003764 RoadOne 641276 Wrecked Vehides 100 0501 4799 200 700.00 A643200 Bronto Transportation 231 0412 4120 300 240.00 A646914 Transport Bronto Community Road to Croslhwai 231 0412 4120 300 240.00 Total for Check 00293587 1,180.00 00293588 2~Dec-16 @00006418 Rochester Midland Corporation 1305426 Handsfree Restroom November 2016 100 0419 4114 300 657.75 00293589 Sedile, Connie 2011160.001 Deposit Refund -CP -Permit #17470 100 0208 7471 400 200.00 00293590 @00010166 Sage View Inc. 2918 Grove Maintenance -Ted Williams Grapefruit 100 0418 4116 300 7,950.00 1i, 00293591 Saghravanien, Soodabeh 20710310-00 Closing Balance. Deposit Refund, 20710310-00 510 8120 143.37 ~ 00293592 @00002318 Sen Diego Gas & Electric 07047082781216 Tower Electricity 100 0501 2110 200 5,033.83 ., 111838240701216 16275 Espola Road 11109/16 -12/11116 100 0418 2110 300 7.00 < 150116720371216 15401 1/2 Pomerado Road 11/14/16 -12/14/16 275 0470 2120 300 7.84 "' 231946669091216 .I>, 12325 Crosthwaite Circle 11/09/16 -12/11/16 510 0410 2110 300 90.38 "' 264603272-12/16 MeadoV.tlrook Field Lights 11/8-12/08/16 100 0201 2110 400 991.98 0 320696868-12/16 Skate Park Lights 11/9-12111/16 100 0208 2110 400 367.37 .... "" 3222233251 DEC16 14560 Lake Poway Road B -Electric-Dec 201 100 0202 2110 400 505.19 ;:; 324306441821216 14022 1/2 Pomerado Road 11/08116 -12/08/16 100 0418 2110 300 7.94 m 3 373257630741216 12207 Old Pomerado Road 11/09/16 -12111/16 100 0416 2110 300 32.32 =It 377502567231216 13725 Poway Road 11109/16 -12/11116 275 0470 2120 300 58.62 .... 416396102291216 15001 Highway67 MP 11/09/16-12/11/16 100 0416 2110 300 7.00 "' 462624663161216 12490 1/2 Old Pomerado Road 11/10/16 -1211 100 0416 2110 300 106.72 "' Register of Demands Page 9 of 12 (.J ll'amml.s From JNl9ll0J6 -/2/JOl20J6 0 Check -"' m1V11mher Date Pai1ee/Ve11dor lnvoicl~ Comment Funt/ Orlf.11 Acct Pros.. Check Amt 00293592 23-Dec-16 @00002318 San Diego Gas & Electric 483014507681216 14283 Silver Ridge Road 11/09/16 -12/11/16 100 0418 2110 300 8,12 512606474321216 13966 Rock Creek Road 11/09116. 12/11/16 264 0422 2110 300 7.38 595319148041216 1 3053 Poway Rd 720 0704 2110 100 66.40 6015334224DEC16 13104 Silver Lake Drive -Electric-Dec 2016 100 0207 2110 400 76.86 701957299091216 12150 1/2 Sage View Road 11/08/16 -12/08/16 267 0424 2110 300 8.52 712609287491216 15003 1/2 Pomerado Road 11/13/16 -12113116 100 0418 2110 300 7.00 820331285812/16 13325 Civic Center Dr. 100 0106 2110 100 13,108.55 820582715641218 14467 Lake Poway Road 11109/16 -12/11/16 100 0400 2110 300 1,233.86 820811374851216 PCPA Monthly Electric 12/16 100 0204 2110 400 12,055.68 824654248551216 14795 1/2 Sitverset Streel 11/13/16 -12/13116 100 0418 2110 300 294.97 867977376521216 13250 Pomerado Road 11/08/16-12/08/16 100 0418 2110 300 8.34 932249213211216 14103 1/2 Stowe Drive 11/09/16-12/11/16 269 0425 2110 300 8.52 932622414911216 12670 1/2 Pomerado Road 11/10/16 • 12/12/16 275 0470 2120 300 60.00 937468460631216 13743 1/2 Carriage Road 11/13/16 -12/13/16 100 0418 2110 300 154.42 95321310791216 Sta 3 Electricity 100 0501 2110 200 2.481.79 995229760161216 14401 Pomerado Rd. 11/13/16-12/13/16 100 0418 2110 300 633.26 9958016173DEC16 14135 Midland Road -Electric-Dec 2016 100 0205 2110 400 68.92 Total for Check 00293592 37,498.98 00293593 23-Dec-16 @00002164 Sen Diego Humane Society and SPCA DEC82016POWAY Animal Control Services November 2016 100 0200 4102 400 18,818.35 00293594 @00004215 Sen Diego Ice Co. OD-629947 Snow Blowing for Wnter Festival 2017 100 0208 4120 400 18,630.00 00293595 @00010115 Sen Diego Union Tribune 003049897 Advertising -SMp Poway 100 0014 4932 100 638.00 00293596 @00005845 Scrippa/Poway Fence Bulldeni 1208201601 Communlty Park: fence install 100 0418 4120 300 700.00 1212201605 Old Poway Park: install handrail 100 0418 4120 300 925.00 Total for Cheek 00293596 1,625.00 00293597 23-Dec-16 @00011053 SeatAdvisor Inc. 512620 Per lickel fee Box & INT-Nov 2016-PCPA 100 0204 5116 400 2,517.50 C... 00293598 @00010645 Siemen!I Industry Inc 520013232 As Needed Street Light Repairs 275 0470 4327 300 3,505.32 II) 5610036176 Monthly Traffic Slgnal Maintenance 275 0470 4326 300 3,640.00 :, C: 5610037859 II) Street Light Monthly Maintenance 275 0470 4327 300 3,487.26 < 5620013437 As Needed Parking Lot Light Repairs 100 0419 4120 300 184.79 "' 5620013451 As Needed Traffic Signal EQuipment Repair Ser 275 0470 4326 300 6,314.00 ... 5620014965 As Needed Traffic Signal EQuipmenl Repair Ser 275 0470 4326 300 8,562.92 "' 0 Total for Check 00293598 25,694.29 ..... ""00293599 23-Dec-16 @00002988 Smart & Final 151983 Winter Festival & Kid's Night Out Supplies 100 0208 4760 400 81.90 s 00293500 @00010752 SmartCover Systems 7156 11/29/16: Field service V3-004-SM 520 0405 4120 300 120.00 3 00293601 @00010060 SoCo Group Inc. 0343214-IN Fuel Delivery: FS3 12/8/16 611 0413 3120 300 1,081.31 'lat 034540!HN Fuel Delivery: Fleet 12/14/16 611 0413 3120 300 6,063.96 ..... NOV0171-FC Fuel Finance Charge 611 0413 3120 300 119.66 "' N Register of Demsnds Paga 10 of 12 .,,. Warrariu From I 2//9/20/6 -J 1/)012016 0 Check -N Date Palee/Ve11dor Invoice Comment Fund Orft" Acct Pro& Check Amt a,1V11mher Total for Check 00293601 7,284.93 00293602 23-Dec-16 @000071 BJ South Coeat Emergency Vehide Service 482631 Unit 929: Frame Rail Pad Replacement 611 0413 4312 300 1,418.74 00293603 @00003062 Sprint 560447566--018 PW Sprint Cell Charges Nov 07 -Dec 06, 2016 510 0401 3311 300 122.41 00293604 @00010311 Staples Advantage 3324010084 Office Supplies 100 0103 4710 100 364.79 00293605 @00005541 Slate'Nide Safety & Signs, Inc 01002358 Signs and barricades 100 0418 4514 300 99.62 00293606 @00011412 Slericycie Environmental Solution& 72401478920 HHW Services for July 2016 1697A 1000P 4120 600 20,013.00 00293607 @00010725 Steven Enterprises Inc. 0367832-IN 0367832-IN OCE Plotwave 3001350 Toner 100 0306 4710 100 250.76 0367832-IN 0367832-IN OCE Plotwave 3001350 Toner 100 0301 4710 100 250.76 Total for Check 00293607 501.52 00293608 23-Dec-16 @00004928 Superior Cleaning Equipment Inc 20707 Additional Repairs, Parts and Supplies es need 611 0413 4120 300 235.76 00293609 @00003143 Superior Ready Mix 833861 13314 Poway Road 211 0411 4324 JOO 618.76 834797 1 2303 Colony Drive 211 0411 4324 JOO 1,139.45 Total for Check 00293609 1,758.21 00293610 23-Dec-16 @00011334 SYN CB/AMAZON 04220931216 Amazon Computer Purchases IT 100 0419 4760 300 115.82 04220931216 Amazon Computer Purchases IT 611 0108 61228 100 21.03 04220931216 Amazon Computer Purchases IT 611 0108 61228 100 88.47 04220931216 Amazon Computer Purchases IT 100 0104 4760 100 115.01 04220931216 Amazon Computer Purchases IT 100 0419 4760 300 -115.82 04220931216 Amazon Computer Purchases IT 611 0108 61228 100 -62.06 Total for Check 0029361 O 162.45 00293611 23-Dec-16 @00008453 Thotchor Compnny o! Cnlifomin, Inc. 242521 FY 2016/2017 Chlorine 510 0402 4502 300 3,150.00 00293612 Tracy or Brett Helm 14601900-37 Closing Balance. Deposit Refund, 14601900-37 510 8120 75.99 00293613 @00011019 TriZetlo Provider Solutions 2V4P121600 Ambulance -claims transaction fee for 12116 (N 100 0102 4120 100 20.55 00293614 @00011447 Unified Mechanical Corp. 1633 City Hall: duct replacement 3501D 1000P 4120 600 10,477.12 c... 1633 City Hall: duct replacement 100 0419 4302 300 1,317.88 "' :J Total lor Check 00293614 11,795.00 C: ~ 00293615 23-Dec-16 @00011504 Union Bank 11631226-12/16 Visa charges 100 0014 1430 100 570.00 11631226-12/16 Visa charges 100 0014 4904 100 38.00 N _.,,. 11631226-12/16 Visa charges 100 0010 1430 100 332.05 N 0 11631226-12/16 Visa charges 100 0013 1430 100 119.87 ..... Total for Check 00293615 1,059.92 ..... co 00293616 23-Dec-16 @00011504 Union Bank 11627604 DEC16 Dir Bankston: credit card stmt closing 12113/16 100 0400 1430 300 -177.50 3 11627604 DEC16 Dir Bankston: credit card stmt closing 12113/16 100 0400 1430 300 -189.00 'II: 11627604 DEC16 Dir Bankston: credit card stmt closing 12113/16 100 0418 1430 300 100.00 ..... 11627604 DEC16 Dir Bankston: credit card stml closing 12113/16 100 0419 4760 300 103.00 N 11627604 DEC16 Dir Bankston: credit card stml closing 12113/16 510 0401 4924 300 394.83 "' Register of Demands Page 11 of 12 "' Wammt.J From /~l/9/1016-/2/J()l]()/6 0 Check -"' a,1V11mber Date Patee!Vitndor Invoice Comment Fund Orlin Acct Pros. Check Amt 00293616 23-Dec-16 @00011504 Union Bank 11627604 DEC16 Dir Bankston: credit card stmt closing 12/13/16 100 0419 6199 300 1,648.00 11627604 DEC16 Dir Bankston: credit card stmt closing 12/13/16 100 0419 4302 300 1,625.70 Total for Ctieck 00293616 3,705.03 00293617 23-Dec-16 @00011504 Union Bank 1216-2973-12/16 Dec 2016 CSD Credit Card (Robin Bettin) 100 0200 4760 400 12.41 1216-2973-12/16 Dec 2016 CSD Credit Card (Robin Bettin) 100 0200 1430 400 170.09 Total for Check 00203617 182.50 00293618 23-Dec-16 @00011504 Union Bank 116699601216 Visa charges -Wendy Kaserman 100 0101 4034 100 624.27 116699601216 Visa charges -Wendy Kaserman 100 0101 1430 100 751.98 116699601216 Visa charges -Wendy Kaserman 100 0101 4710 100 133.92 116699601216 Visa charges -Wendy Kaserman 100 0101 1799 100 30.00 Total for Check 00293618 1,540.17 00293619 23-Dec-16 @00011371 Vadston Company Inc. P1600166-5 Cleal'\WII Emergency Highline Progress Pay 4 17576 1000P 4120 600 17,459.43 00293620 @00003270 Verizon Wlreless 9776598495 Cell phones 100 0501 3311 200 56.64 9776598495 Cell phones 100 0504 2200 200 38.01 9776598495 Cell phones 100 0500 3311 200 60.17 9776598495 Cell phones 100 0502 2200 200 -11.40 9776598495 Cell phones 100 0503 2200 200 304.08 9776598495 Cell phones 100 0504 3311 200 0.66 9776598495 Cell phones 100 0502 3311 200 54.16 9776598495 Cell phones 100 0500 2200 200 76.02 Total for Check 00293620 578.34 00293621 23-Dec-16 @00003270 Verizon Wlreless 9776598496 MIFI for Backup Internet 12/16 100 0204 2200 400 38.01 00293622 Vivint Solar 616-2245 Refund for 816-2245 100 0303 7734 100 97.50 00293623 @00010004 Voll/Cl Construction Equipment P501015099 Unit 94: Ignition Switch 611 0413 4799 300 79.24 '-P501015136 Unit 94: Exchange Switch 611 0413 .4799 300 42.29 I» ::, Total for Check 00293623 C: 121.53 ~ 00293624 23-Dec-16 -Vunder Kid Inc. 2011038.001 Deposit Refund -CP -Permit #17776 100 0208 7471 400 200.00 N 00293625 2011163.001 Deposit Refund -CP -Permit #18148 100 0208 7471 400 200.00 _.P.. 00293626 @00002730 'tolaxie 76386618 Sanitary Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 969.03 "' 76390163 Sanitary Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 663.19 0 .... -.j 76398164 Janitorial Supplies 100 0501 4720 200 696.98 ;:; Total for Check 00293626 2,369.20 CD 3 00293627 23-Dec-16 @00005639 West Coast Arborista, Inc. 120764-A-A Streets: Tree Trimming/Removal/Replacemenl 263 0421 4120 300 238.00 :it 00293628 @00003747 We&t Marine Pro 3643324 Lake Dock Supplies 100 0202 4760 400 39.36 .... 3658911 Lake Dock Supplies 100 0202 4760 400 36.12 "' "' Register of Demands Page 12 of 12 a> Wammu From /2/1912016-J]/JOl10f6 Q. Check "' a>1''umher Date Paree/Vendor Invoice 00293629 23-Dec-16 @00007195 West-Mork P9025!l-OOO 1 00293630 @00007314 Weston, Maria 16 TAX SEMINAR 00293631 @00006466 'Mlldan 010-32985 00293632 Wight, HoUy 2011166.001 00293634 @00004808 Lynn Wolsey Designs OPP HALLOWEEN 00293635 @00006586 AZ Poway, LLC OPAPYMT#13 00904085 21-Dec-16 @00010420 Cutwater Investor Services Corp. 21326A 00904086 23-Dec-16 @00007257 CalPERS 122316 PE#25 00904087 22-Dec-16 @00003518 Union Bank-San Diego PPE 12118/16 00904088 23-Dec-16 @00006266 Manufacturers & Traders Tru&t Co. Bank 457 PE 12118/16 00904089 457R PE12118/16 00904090 401A PE12118/16 00904091 ROTH PE 12/18/16 00904092 RHS PE 12118/16 00904093 27-Dec-16 @00010569 U.S. Dept. of lhe Treasury 122716 PE#26 122716 PE#26 00904094 27-Dec-16 @00010570 Employment Development Department 122716 PE#26 00904095 23-Dec-16 @00010571 Gnrnlshment Recipient 122316 PE#26 00904096 @00007243 U.S. Bank N.A. PARS ARS 2616 00904097 PARS REP 2616 00904098 30-Dec-16 @00001372 LA IF 123016 LAIF Comment F1111d Org11 Acer Prag Total for Check 00293628 Fleet Stock:Elec Rods for Fire Truck Water Tan 611 Mileage Reimbursement-2016 Tax Seminar 100 Special Districts Analysis 261 Deposit Refund· Lake Poway -Permit#18196 100 OPP Expense-Lynn Wolsey-Once Upon Hallow 716 Operating Covenant Payment 720 Investment Advisory Services 11/16 100 PERS EFT Debil for PE#25 100 Transfer net payroll lo Union Bank PPE 12118/1 100 ICMA 457 deferred comp deductions-PPE 1211 100 ROTH 457 deferred comp PPE 12118116 100 401a employee/er deductions for PPE 12118/16 100 ROTH IRA employee contributions PPE 12118/1 100 Retirement Health Savings Plan (Safety) PE12/ 100 Payroll W/H EFT lor PE#26 100 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#26 100 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#26 100 Payroll Garnishment 100 PARS ARS PE#26 100 PARS REP PE#26 100 LAIF Transfer 12/30/16 100 0413 4799 300 0103 1430 100 0420 1726 300 0202 7471 400 7667 4760 400 8851A 0103 1799 100 8722 8003U 8617 8617 8616 8627 8717 8621 8624 Total for Check 00904093 8622 8620 8724 8721 8202 Director of A ,Jmin fa·t rat i ve Sen1ices Approved _:_'l~I!,_~~-_J..,,:::::::::::::::'.~----- Dale I /i 0/ j 1- Register Total c.... "' :J C: "' -< "' _,1>. "' 0 ... ..... ... "' , Check Ami 75.48 383.93 80.46 22,500.00 200.00 695.73 110,975.00 2,727.85 178,316.14 462,680.89 31,411.43 550.00 10,810.30 645.00 1,698.24 74,073.79 18,882.96 92,956.75 24,718.64 1,226.74 2,182.24 54,489.15 1,500,000.00 3,199,042.51 APPROVED D APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT (SEE MINUTES) DENIED D REMOVED D DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: CONTINUED ____ _ Resolution No. January 24, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Services fJ\ Melody Rocco, Senior Civil Engineer~~ (858) 668-4623 or mrocco@poway.org Award of Contract for the Old Poway Park Concrete Repairs Project; Bid No. 17-013 The Old Poway Park Concrete Repairs Project will replace existing concrete walkways within the park's green space area. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council award the contract for the Old Poway Park Concrete Repairs Project to Blue Pacific Engineering & Construction, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $58,190.00. Discussion: The green space area of Old Poway Park has concrete walkways that meander throughout. A majority of the walkways are original and in need of replacement due to normal weathering of concrete over time. Per California Public Contract Code Section 20103.8, the project was advertised to be awarded on the Base Bid only, with two additive alternates for additional concrete repairs at the park to be awarded if sufficient funds are available in the budget. The Base Bid for this project includes removal and replacement of 3,900 square feet of concrete walkway. The City received seven bids with Base Bids ranging from $47,000 to $82,150. The contract time for the Base Bid of this project is 20 working days with an Engineer's estimate of $60,000. Construction is scheduled to be complete in late March, 2017. Bids were opened on January 4, 2017. The City received the following seven bids: Company Base Bid Amount Corrected Base Bid Amount Blue Pacific Engineering & Construction $47,000.00 A.B. Hashmi, Inc. $48,525.00 LC Paving & Sealing, Inc. $55,375.00 Nuera Platinum Concrete $60,696.54 Jesse Rand Construction $61,540.00 $50,981.00 Leonida Builders $81,300.00 Red Hawk Services $82,150.00 1 of 2 January 24, 2017 Item# 1,3 Award of Contract for the Old Poway Park Concrete Repairs Project January 24, 2017 Page 2 Because Blue Pacific Engineering & Construction's Base Bid amount is $47,000.00, there are sufficient funds available to award the Base Bid plus Additive Alternate 1 ($4,260.00) and Additive Alternate 2 ($6,930.00), for a total contract amount of $58,190.00. The Additive Alternates will provide removal and replacement of an additional 869 square feet of concrete walkway. Environmental Review: The proposed concrete repairs project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the CEQA Guidelines, in that it involves the replacement of existing sidewalks. Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds are available in the Old Poway Park Concrete Repairs Project account (3501 L) for the award of the Base Bid plus both Additive Alternates of this contract. Public Notification: Blue Pacific Engineering & Construction, 7330 Opportunity Road, Suite J, San Diego, CA 92111 Attachments: None Reviewed By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 2 of 2 Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By: Tina M. White City Manager January 24, 2017 Item# \, 3 City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED D APPROVED AS AMENDED D (SEE MINUTES) DENIED D REMOVED D CONTINUED ____ _ RESOLUTION NO. ___ _ DATE: January 24, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Nancy Neufeld , City Clerk P (858) 668-4535 or nneufeld@poway.org SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Destruction of Certain Records Summary: Staff is authorized by Government Code Section 34090 to destroy certain records with the concurrence of the City Attorney and authorization by the City Council. Staff prepares a list of records that have been identified as eligible for destruction in the City's approved Records Retention Schedule and submits it to City Council for authorization on an annual basis . Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council adopt a Resolution authorizing destruction of certain records as listed on Exhibit A of the Resolution. Background : The City of Poway's Retention Schedule, in accordance with State of California Government Code Section 34090 , permits the destruction of certain City records which are no longer required for the effective operation of the City. These include records that are duplicates or drafts, not related to City business , and not required to be kept by state law. There are current ly 166 boxes of records that have met the City's established retention and are now ready for destruction . Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds to complete the recommended records destruction have been appropriated to the City Clerk's operating budget (Account 0011-4120). Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Resolution including Exhibit A Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 1 of 14 Reviewed By : Tina M . White City Manager January 24, 2017 Item# 1.4 RESOLUTION NO . 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN DOCUMENTS IN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, CITY CLERK'S OFFICE , CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE , COMMUNITY SERVICES, PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY SERVICES WHEREAS, Government Code §34090 provides that the Director of a City Department may destroy records retained by the Department, without making a copy thereof, after those records are no longer required for the effective operation of the City; WHEREAS, in order to exercise the authority of Government Code §34090, the Department Director must have the approval of the City Council by resolution and the written consent of the City Attorney ; WHEREAS, the Department Directors of each department personally represent that his/her department is in possession of a quantity of records , which are no longer required for the effective operation of the City , and that each of the records proposed for destruction meets the following criteria: Are more than two (2) years old , and which period of time complies with the City's adopted Records Retention Policy; Does not involve a death ; Does not involve a crime the prosecution of which is incomplete ; Does not involve current, potential, or threatened litigation ; Does not involve a pending or contemplated personnel action ; Does not involve an ongoing enforcement matter; Does not affect the title to real property or liens thereon to include easements, deeds, covenants , and official maps; Does not relate to contracts , leases, or development agreements ; and Does not have, in the opinion of the Department Director, a lasting administrative, legal, fiscal , historical , or research value . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, that the City Departments and each Department Director hereby authorized to destroy, without making a copy thereof, records that meet the criteria proposed above , and that are within the categories defined in Exhibit A to this Resolution . 2 of 14 Attachment A January 24, 2017 Item # 1.4 Resolution No. 17- Page 2 PASSED , ADOPTED , AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway , California , this 24th day of January 2017. ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld , CMG , City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Steve Vaus , Mayor I, Nancy Neufeld , City Clerk of the City of Poway, California , do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No . 17-_ was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 24th day of January 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED : Nancy Neufeld , CMG , City Clerk City of Poway CONSENT IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THE DOCUMENTS DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A . Morgan L. Foley , City Attorney 3 of 14 January 24, 2017 Item # 1.4 Resolution No. 17- Exhibit A Records Destruction List 2017 Depalll1•11t: AD•ISTRATIVE SERVICES Corodata Date PUFF No. Box No. Box No. Content Description Ranae Retention , 0490-10 AS-045 NIA Accounts Receivable: Bankruptcies 2000-2009 audit , 0490-10 AS-045 N/A Accounts Receivable: Water write-offs 1996-2004 audit 0190-85 AS-046 N/A Safetv Committee Minutes 2005-2010 2005-2010 5 yrs Water Cycle Registers 4/1998-9/1998 & 7 yrs after 0400-25 CT-154 15944539 11/1999 1998-1999 audit Water Service Applications, 8/10/1999-7 yrs after 0930-45 CT-187 15945804 12/29/2000; 63231-65604 audit , 0400-25 CT-195 15944532 Water Cvcle Registers 2004-2005 2004-2005 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-197 16082074 Water Payments; DP 102-127; 11/25/07-1/4/07 2007 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-198 16082073 Water Payments: DP 128-149; 1 /5/07-2/6/07 2007 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-199 16082075 Water Payments: DP 150-186; 2/7/07-3/30/07 2007 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-206 15944531 Water Payments: DP 187-223; 4/2/07-5/22/07 2007 audit , 0490-15 CT-207 15944530 Water Payments: DP 004-025; 7/6/07-8/6/07 2007 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-208 15944534 Water Payments: DP 056-9/19/07-10/25/07 2007 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-209 15944537 Water Payments: DP 108-134; 12/6/07-1 /16/08 2007-2008 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-210 15944536 Water Payments: DP 162-187; 2/27/08-4/2/08 2008 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-211 15944535 Water Payments: DP 224-003; 5/23/07-7/5/07 2007 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-212 15944538 Water Payments: DP 026-055; 8/7/07-9/18/07 2007 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-213 15944545 Water Pavments: DP 82-107; 10/25/07-12/5/07 2007 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-214 15944544 Water Payments : DP 135-161 ; 1/17/08-2/26/08 2008 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-215 15944542 Water Payments: DP 188-214; 4 /3/08-5/9/08 2008 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-216 15944543 Water Payments: DP 215-241 ; 5/12/08-6/17/08 2008 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-217 15944540 Water Payments: DP 23-41; 8/1 /08-8/27 /08 2008 audit 7 yrs after 0490-15 CT-218 15945797 Water Payments: DP 60-81 ; 9/24/08-10/24/08 2008 audit 4 of 14 January 24, 2017 Item# 1.4 0490-15 CT-219 15944546 0490-15 CT-220 15745798 0490-15 CT -221 15944547 0490-15 CT-222 15945796 0490-15 CT-239 15944497 0490-15 CT-242 15944500 0490-15 CT-243 15944501 0490-15 CT-244 15944502 0490-10 CT-247 15944505 0490-15 CT-269 16870144 0490-15 FN-1159 16082268 0490-15 FN-1166 16082267 0490-15 FN -1 167 15945536 0490-15 FN -1168 16082269 0475-20 FN-1172 15945889 0475-20 FN-1173 16082032 0475-20 FN-1174 16082029 0475-20 FN -1175 16082030 0475-20 FN-1176 16082028 0475-20 FN-1177 16082027 0475-20 FN-1178 15945862 0475-20 FN-1179 15945892 0475-20 FN-1180 15945888 0475 -20 FN -11 81 15945890 5 of 14 Water Payments: DP 104-129; 11 /20/08- 12/31/08 Water Payments: DP 242-22 ; 6/19/08-7/31/08 Water Payments: DP 42-59 ; 8/28/08-9/23/08 Water Payments: DP 82-103; 10/25/08- 11/28/08 Customer Service: Cash Receipts 1/09-2/09 Customer Service: Cash Receipts 3/16/09- 5/3/09 Customer Service: Cash Receipts 2/3/09- 3/13/09 Customer Service: Cash Receipts 5/4/09- 6/18/09 Accounts Receivable Invoices 2000-2007 Water Billing Packets 8/2008-3/2009 Cash Receipts: DP 0040-59, L0024-34: 8/27/07- 9/21/07 Cash Receipts : DP 0059-81 , L0035-40: 9/24/07- 10/25/07 Cash Receipts : 10/26/07-11 /30/07 Cash Receipts : DP 0105-125, L0042-48: 12/3/07-1 /3/08 Accounts Payable : PERS Reimbursement: Abcana , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Acoustical-American Internet, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: American Medical-Aramark Uniform , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: ARC & AT&T/MCI (July- October), FY 2008 Accounts Payable: AT&T/MCI (November- April), FY 2008 Accounts Payable: AT&T/MCI (May)-Bake r & Taylor, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Bank of NY-Buffalo Breadth, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Bureau Veritas-C Miscellaneous , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: C18-Cingular Wireless, FY 2008 Accounts Payable : City of (all others)-Costco, FY 2008 Resolution No. 17- Exhibit A 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2009 audit 7 yrs after 2009 audit 7 yrs after 2009 audit 7 yrs after 2009 audit 7 yrs after 2000-2007 audit 7 yrs after 2008-2009 audit 7 yrs after 2007 audit 7 yrs after 2007 audit 7 yrs after 2007 audit 7 yrs after 2007-2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 y rs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2007-2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 aud it 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit January 24, 2017 Item# 1.4 0475-20 FN-1182 15945891 0475-20 FN-1183 15945887 0475-20 FN-1184 15945886 0475-20 FN-1185 15945885 0475-20 FN-1186 15945884 0475-20 FN-1187 15945882 0475-20 FN-1188 15945876 0475-20 FN-1189 15945875 0475-20 FN-1190 15945881 0475-20 FN-1191 15945877 0475-20 FN-1192 15945874 0475-20 FN-1193 15945872 0475-20 FN-1194 15945871 0475-20 FN-1195 15945865 0475-20 FN-1196 15945868 0475-20 FN-1197 15945866 0475 -20 FN-1198 15945864 0475-20 FN-1199 15945859 0475-20 FN-1200 16082192 0475-20 FN-1201 15944413 0475-20 FN-1202 15944414 0475-20 FN-1203 15945860 6 of 14 Accounts Payable: Council of Water, Datasmith , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Daul , Patti-E Miscellaneous, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: EL Supply-Esgil (July- August), FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Evans , Susie-Fire Protection Plus , FY 2008 Accounts Payable : First Advantage-Full Compass , FY 2008 Acounts Payable : G Miscellaneous-Gus Ballas Plumbino, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: H Miscellaneous-HD Supply Waterworks, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: H Miscellaneous-HD Supply Waterworks, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Home Depot (January-June) ITRON , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: J Miscellaneous-Koraleen Ent., FY 2008 Accounts Payable: L Miscellaneous-Lynx Tech , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: M Miscellaneous-Mayer, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: McDougal-N Miscellaneous , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Najm i, Lisa-NSC Comm ., FY 2008 Accounts Payable: 0 Miscellaneous-Office Depot, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Ohlin Sales-P Miscellaneous, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Pacheco, Mike-Petty Cash Fire , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Petty Cash General (all), FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Petty Cash PCPA-Plu mbers Depot, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Pomerado Publishing- Poway Firefighters, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Poway Fun Bowl-Quinn , Kevin , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: R Miscellaneous-Roy Allen Slurry, FY 2008 Resolution No. 17- Exhibit A 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 aud it 7 yrs after 2008 aud it 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit January 24, 2017 Item # 1.4 0475-20 FN-1204 15944416 0475-20 FN-1205 15945858 0475-20 FN-1206 15944418 0475-20 FN-1207 15944419 0475-20 FN-1208 15944420 0475-20 FN-1209 15944421 0475-20 FN-1210 15945857 0475-20 FN-1211 15945867 0475-20 FN-1212 15945856 0475-20 FN-1213 15945854 0490-15 FN-1216 15944428 0490-15 FN-1222 15944434 0490-15 FN-1223 15944435 0490-15 FN-1224 15945529 0490-15 FN-1225 15945528 0490-15 FN -1226 15945532 0490-15 FN-1227 15945533 0490-15 FN-1232 15945598 0490-15 FN-1235 15945597 0480-40 FN-1282 16681489 0400-45 FN-1330 15945527 0490-15 FN-1356 16082222 0400-45 FN-1358 16082224 0400-45 FN-1359 16082225 0460-40 FN-1386 16082252 7 of 14 Accounts Payable: S Miscellaneous-San Diego Daily , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: SDG&E-SDG&E/Sundry (July-February), FY 2008 Accounts Payable: SDG&E (March-June)-Smart Final , FY 2008 Accounts Payable: So Cal Erosion-Symetra, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: T Miscellaneous -TVA, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: U Miscellaneous-US Bank National , FY 2008 V Miscellaneous-Verizon (J uly-December), FY 2008 Verizon (January-June)-Visi on Service, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: W Miscellaneous-Weed Eliminator, FY 2008 Accounts Payable: Weschem-Zetler, Mark, FY 2008 Cash Receipts : J0126-F0144, FY 2008 Cash Receipts : J0197-J0217, 4/16/08-5/15/08 Cash Receipts : J0145-J0164, 2/1 /08-2/29/08 Cash Receipts: J0218-J0233, 5/15/08-6/6/08 Cash Receipts: J0234-J0196, FY 2008 Cash Receipts : J0181-J0196, 3/25/08-4/15/08 Cash Receipts: J0 165-J0180, 3/3/08-3/24/08 Cash Receipts: J0065-J0087; L0035-L0038 , 10/1/08-10/31 /08 Cash Receipts : J023-J0043; L001 3-L002 3, 8/ 1 /08-8/30/08 Purchase Orders #293-602; FY 2008 Journal Entries 03/2007-06/2007 Cash receipts : DP 0023-43; L0013-23: 8/1/08- 8/30/08 Journal Entries FY 2007-2008 Journal Entries FY 2007-2008 Employee Time Cards: 4/08-8/08 Resolution No. 17- Exhibit A 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2007-2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs afte r 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2008 audit 2007 7 yrs 7 yrs after 2008 audit 2007-2008 7 yrs 2007-2008 7 yrs 2008 7 yrs January 24, 2017 Item# 1.4 0460-40 FN-1389 16082255 0460-40 FN-1390 16082256 0420-20 FN-1395 16082261 0480-40 FN-1488 16681477 0735-20 FN-1537 N/A 0190-10 FN-1538 N/A 0190-10 FN-1539 N/A 0190-10 FN-1540 N/A 0190-05 FN-1540 N/A 0400-84 FN-1592 N/A 0400-84 FN-1593 N/A 0400-84 FN-1594 N/A 0400-84 FN-1595 N/A 0400-84 FN-1596 N/A 0460-60 FN-1597 N/A 0460-60 FN-1598 N/A 0460-60 FN-1599 N/A 0530-30 N/A N/A 0530-30 N/A N/A 0530-20 N/A NIA 0530-20 N/A N/A 0190-65 PE-022 15944405 0190-42 PE-142 15944422 0190-42 PE -147 15944427 8 of 14 Employee Time Cards: 01/08-04/08 Employee Time Cards: 09/08-12/08 Fiscal Agent Statements FY 2008 Purchase Orders #1-440; FY 2009 Litigation-Civil Cases (settled or closed): copies Claims Aaainst the City ( closed or settled) Claims Aaainst the City ( closed or settled) Claims Against the City ( closed or settled) Correspondence for Potential Claims 2005- 2008 State Controller's Reports -City, Streets, Redevelopment Aaencv State Controller's Reports -City, Streets, Redevelopment Agencv State Controller's Reports -City, Streets, Redevelopment Agencv State Controller's Reports -City, Streets, Redevelopment Agency State Controller's Reports -City, Streets, Redevelopment Agency, FY 2007-2008 Quarterly Payroll Tax Reports (includes employee Federal 941 & wage tax reports) FY Quarterly Payroll Tax Reports (includes employee State wage/tax reports and Federal Quarterly Payroll Tax Reports (includes employee Federal 941 & wage tax reports) FY 2009 Employee Files paper copies. Imaged in Laserfiche, Image is Permanent 2010 Employee Files paper copies , Imaged in Laserfiche, Image is Permanent Leave Request Forms: 2009 Pay 1-Pay 26; 2010 Pay 1-Pay 8 Leave Request Forms: 2008 Pay 1-Pay 26; 2009 Pay 1-Pay 8 Worker's Comoensation Case Files 1969-1986 R isk Management: Certificates of Insurance 07 /2005-12/2005 Risk Management: Certificates of Insurance 11 /2004-6/2005 Resolution No. 17- Exhibit A 2008 7 yrs 2008 7 yrs 7 yrs after 2008 audit 7 yrs after 2009 audit Closed+ 5 2001-2007 1yrs 7 yrs after 2003-2006 settled 7 yrs after 2002-2005 settled 7 yrs after 2001-2004 settled 2005-2008 2 yrs 7 yrs after 1997-2000 audit 7 yrs after 2001-2002 audit 7 yrs after 2002-2004 audit 7 yrs after 2005-2006 audit 7 yrs after 2007-2008 audit 1996-2004 7 years 1996-2004 7 yrs 2005-2008 7 yrs 2009 Image is P 2010 Image is P 2009-2010 2 yrs 2008-2009 2 yrs Closed+ 1969-1986 30 yrs 2005 11 yrs 2004-2005 11 yrs January 24, 2017 Item# 1 .4 Depallment: CITY CL.ERK-s OFFICE Corodata PUFF No. Box No. Box No. Content Description 0110-40 CC-398 15944553 Public Records Requests 1/2010-6/2010 0110-40 CC-399 15944554 Public Records Requests 7/2010-12/2010 0725-20 CC-457 16082367 Initiative Petition : Lucidi Measure 0110-40 CC-473 NIA Public Records Request 2013 0110-40 CC-474 N/A Public Records Request: Aua -Dec 2014 0110-40 CC-475 N/A Public Records Request: Jan -July 2014 Form 700's for Monte Bowers, David Calvani , Salem Hasenin, Jeremy Juny, Greg Lewis, 0720-10 CC-478 N/A Harry Crossley, Barbara Crosslev 0710-36 CC-478 NIA City Council Speaker's Slips Agreement: Canadian Imperial Bank of 0700-10 CC-478 N/A Commerce 1995 0700-10 CC-478 NIA Agreement: Pacific Bell/MCI WorldCom 1999 0700-10 CC-478 N/A Agreement: VFW 7907 2000 0490-51 CC-478 N/A Grant Applications & Awards 0110-05 CC-479 N/A City Clerk: General Correspondence 2006 0100-40 CC-479 N/A Public Records Requests 2010 0480-42 N/A N/A Unsuccessful Bids 2013-2014 Housing Committee: Unsuccessful Applications 0120-10 FN-1330 15945527 2007-2009 Department: CITY IIANAGER"S OFFICE Corodata PUFF No . Box No. Box No. Content Description Edco Correspondence, Memos & Reference 0380-05 CM-181 16082355 Material (copies) 2000-2008 Housing Programs: Regional Homeless Task Force: Correspondence, Memos & Reference 0260-05 CM-181 16082355 Material 2010-2012 Sunburst Homes/Scripps Eastview TTM 0200-60 CM-181 16082355 (copies) 0200-90 CM-181 16082355 CIP Committee Meetinas (cooies) Resolution No. 17- Exhibit A Date Range Retention 2010 2 yrs 2010 2 yrs 2003 8 months 2013 2 yrs 2014 2 yrs 2014 2 yrs 2001-2008 7 yrs 2011-2012 3 yrs Term+ 1995 10 yrs Term+ 1999 10 yrs Term+ 2000 10 yrs Closed+ 5 2005-2007 .yrs 2006 2 yrs 2010 2 yrs 2013-2014 2 yrs 2007-2009 2 yrs Date Range Retention 2000-2008 2 yrs 2010-2012 5 yrs D/R , 1989 copies D/R, 2006 copies 9 of 14 January 24, 2017 Item # 1.4 0780-40 CM-181 16082355 1020-70 CM-181 16082355 0780-08 CM-181 16082355 0230-40 CM-181 16082355 0110-20 CM-183 NIA 0115-10 CM-183 NIA 0130-05 CM-183 NIA 0710-05 CM-183 NIA 0735-20 CM-185 NIA 0735-20 CM-186 NIA 0735-20 CM-187 NIA 0735-20 CM-188 NIA 10 of 14 Twin Peaks Plaza Amended Grant Deed I (copies) 1994-1997 Family Focus Night Correspondence, Memos & Reference Material 2005-2006 Ogle Property Acquisitions (APN : 314-192-22) copies, 1991 Sphere of influence Correspondence & Reference Material 1992 Complaints: Barnick, William 12/31/2011 Correspondence (chronological files) 2012: Boyack, Cunningham , Ellison, Foley, Grosch , Heidemann, Higginson , Legg, Mullin , Riley, Vaus, White Poway Today Request for Qualifications 2007 Council Calendar: January-December 2012 City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon , Plaintiffs vs . City of Poway; Betty Rexford ; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz , Defendants: Administrative citation appeal , correspondence, duplicate documents, certified deoos City Attorney's Litigation File : Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon , Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford ; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz , Defendants: Correspondence/Attorney notes & memos; Information from Kevin Cauley -Certifed Deoos City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz, Defendants: Motion for Summary Judgement (3 Vols.) City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile ; Nathan & Rachel Cannon , Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford ; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz, Defendants: Duplicate Documents - Certifed Deoos Resolution No. 17- Exhibit A D/R, 1994-1997 copies 2005-2006 US+ 2 yrs DIR, 1991 copies D/R, 1992 copies 2011 2 yrs 2012 2 yrs 2007 2 yrs 2012 2 yrs Closed+ 5 2009 yrs Closed+ 5 2009 1yrs Closed+ 5 2009 1yrs Closed+ 5 2009 IYrs January 24, 2017 Item# 1.4 0735-20 CM-189 N/A 0735-20 CM-190 N/A 0735-20 CM-191 N/A 0735-20 CM-192 N/A 0735-20 CM-193 N/A 0735-20 CM-194 N/A 0735-20 CM-195 NIA 11 of 14 City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Pla intiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz, Defendants: Settlement/Documents/Trial Notebooks August 2009 City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz, Defendants: Duplicate Documents - oleadinos/corresoondence City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs . City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz , Defendants: Documents produced by Rexfords City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs . City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz , Defendants: Pleadinos City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford; Niall Fritz, Defendants : Discovery City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz , Defendants: Duplicate Documents City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford ; N iall Fritz, Defendants: Depositions of Kenneth Quon , Betty Rexford , Penny Riley , David Rizzuto , Carol Rosas -File from CMO's office - existing litigation Basile/Cannon v . City of Poway: Settlement/Closed Session; Cannon/MORA; Basile Map Revision ; Basile Depo Transcripts; Declarations & Filings; Expert Witness Docs; Mediation Briefs; Rulings ; Witness List/Original Complaint Resolution No . 17- Exhibit A Closed+ 5 2009 lvrs Closed+ 5 2009 1vrs Closed+ 5 2009 1vrs Closed+ 5 2009 1vrs Closed+ 5 2009 1vrs Closed+ 5 2009 1vrs Closed+ 5 2009 yrs January 24, 2017 Item # 1.4 0735-20 CM-196 NIA 0735-20 CM-197 NIA 0735-20 CM-198 NIA 0735-20 CM-199 NIA 0115-10 CM-200 N/A 0150-30 CM-202 N/A 0160-30 CM-202 N/A 0160-70 CM-202 NIA 0710-05 CM-202 N/A 0710-40 CM-202 N/A 0710-40 CM-202 N/A 0740-55 CM-202 N/A 12 of 14 City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz, Defendants: Depositions of Marc LeDrew, Maurice Macare , Brian Mandigo , Rudolph Matz Sr, Rudolph Matz Jr, Kevin O'Neill, M ichael Proctor City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile ; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz , Defendants: Administrative record City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford ; Niall Fritz , Defendants: Depositions of Mary Altaffer, Peter Allen Basile, Dawn Allen Basile , Danis Bachter, James Bowersox, Patti Brindle , David F. Bitonti, Nathan Cannon City Attorney's Litigation File: Allen & Dawn Basile ; Nathan & Rachel Cannon, Plaintiffs vs. City of Poway; Betty Rexford; Paul Rexford; Niall Fritz, Defendants: Depositions of Rachel Cannon , Frank Casteleneto, Peggy Chapin , Michael Chillinsky , Niall Fritz , William Giltner, Robert Hemoel, Norman Hubbert 2013-2014 Correspondence ( chronological and memos): Cunningham , Ellison , Foley, Grosch , Heidemann , Higginson , Legg , Mullin , Richards , Riley , Vaus , Virata , White, Singer SDCRAA Parking Card 2008 Customer Comment Cards 2008-2013 Press Releases 2010-2014 Council Calendar: January-December 2013 & 2014 EaQle Scout Commendations 2011-2013 Procla mations 2011-2013 Pending LeQislation Assembly Bills 2010-2013 Resolution No. 17- Exhibit A Closed+ 5 2009 1yrs Closed+ 5 2009 IYrS Closed+ 5 2009 1yrs Closed+ 5 2009 1yrs 2013-2014 2 yrs 2008 2 yrs 2008-2013 2 yrs 2010-2014 2 yrs 2013-2014 2 yrs 2011-2013 2 yrs 2011-2013 2 yrs 2010-2013 2 yrs January 24, 2017 Item # 1.4 Department: COIIIIUNITY SERVICES Corodata PUFF No . Box No. Box No. Content Description 0700-10 CS-100 15945861 PCPA Facilitv Use Aareements FY 2006 0700-10 CS-101 15945861 PCPA Facility Use Agreements FY 2005 0700-10 CS-102 15945879 PCPA Facility Use Agreements FY 2005 PCPA Facility Use Agreements; Art Exhibit Files 0700-10 CS-103 15945880 FY 2005 0700-10 CS-104 15945855 PCPA Facilitv Use Aareements FY 2006 0700-10 CS-105 15945851 PCPA Facilitv Use Aoreements FY 2007 0700-10 CS-106 16082184 PCPA Facilitv Use Aoreements FY 2007 0700-10 CS-107 15945850 PCPA Facility Use Aoreements FY 2007 0600-30 CS-114 15945816 Facility Use Applications & Permits 2010 0600-30 CS-116 15945806 Facility Use Applications & Permits 2010 Facility Use Applications & Permits 01 /2012- 0600-30 CS-148 N/A 12/2012 Facility Use Applications & Permits 01 /2012- 0600-30 CS-149 N/A 12/2012 Facility Use Applications & Permits 01 /2013- 0600-30 CS-150 N/A 12/2013 Facility Use Applications & Permits 01/2013- 0600-30 CS-151 N/A 12/2013 1020-30 N/A NIA PLAY Scholarship Applications Sprina 2012 Deparbnent PUBLIC WORKS Corodata PUFF No. Box No. Box No. Content Description Public Works Correspondence & Memos 1993- 0115-10 PS-097 N/A 2010 Work Orders: Vehicles disposed of by auction 1120-10 PW-103 N/A 2013; Unit 3 , 14, 15, 20 , 31 , 79, 749, 1001 Resolution No. 17- Exhibit A Date Range Retention Term+ 10 2006 1yrs Term+ 10 2005 1yrs Term+ 10 2008 IYrs Term+ 10 2005 IYrs Term+ 10 2006 !yrs Term+ 10 2007 1yrs Term+ 10 2007 1yrs Term+ 10 2007 1yrs Term+ 2 2010 1yrs Term+ 2 2010 1yrs Term+ 2 2012 1yrs Term+ 2 2012 1yrs Term+ 2 2013 1yrs Term+ 2 2013 1yrs Term+ 2 2012 1vrs I Date Ranne Retention 1993-2010 2 yrs Closed+ 2 2012-2013 :yrs 13 of 14 January 24, 2017 Item# 1.4 Resolution No. 17- Exhibit A Department: SAFETY SERVICES Corodata Date PUFF No. Box No . Box No. Content Description Ranae Retention 0460-40 FD-170 16681523 Fire Dept: Overtime Forms FY 2007-2008 2007-2008 7 years Separation 0560-40 FD-197 N/A Volunteer Reserve Firefiahter Files 1997-2008 + 3 yrs 0560-40 FD-198 N/A Volunteer Reserve Firefiahter Aoolications 1997-2008 2 yrs Separation 0560-40 FD-199 N/A Volunteer Reserve Firefiahter Files 1997-2008 + 3 yrs Separation 0560-40 FD-200 NIA Volunteer Reserve Fi refiahte r Files 1997-2008 + 3 yrs 14 of 14 January 24, 2017 Item# 1.4 City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED D APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES) DENIED D REMOVED D DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: CONTINUED ____ _ RESOLUTION NO. January 24, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Services~ Taryn Kjolsing, Associate Civil Engineer 14,/ (858) 668-4622 or tkjolsing@poway.org "- Acceptance of the Clearwell Emergency Highline Project; Bid No. 16-002 Summary: On October 6, 2015, the City Council awarded the contract for the Clearwell Emergency Highline Project; Bid No. 16-002, to Vailston Company Inc. in the amount of $250,383.00. This a_ction will accept the project a~ co_mplete, Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council: (1) Accept the Clearwell Emergency Highline.Project as complete; (2) · Authorize the City Clerk to file and record the·Notice of Completion; (3) Authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $13,217.36, if unencumbered, after City Council acceptance; (4) Release the Financial Pacific Insurance Company Bond for Material and Labor in the amount of $250,383.00, after the release of retention; and (5) Retain the Financial Pacific Insurance Company Bond for Faithful Performance for a period of one year. Discussion: This project constructed temporary high line connections to allow for interim water supply to the City in the event the City's 36" pipeline, that connects the clearwell reservoir to the City-wide water distribution system, is taken out of service for maintenance or emergency repair. There were three Change Orders for a total of $13,964.19. This amount covers unforeseen field conditions as well as elimination of some items in the field. The final contract amount is $264,347.19. The original construction budget was $270,000.00. Environmental Review: The matter of acceptance of public improvements that have been completed, which were the subject of a prior environmental determination, is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. 1 of 2 January 24, 2017, Item# l5 Acceptance of the Clearwell Emergency High line Project January 24, 2017 Page 2 Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds are available in the Clearwell Emergency Highline Project account (1757) for the release of retention. Public Notification: Vailston Company Inc., 774 North Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos, CA 92069 Attachments: None Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 2 of 2 Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By: ~~ Tina M. White City Manager January 24, 2017, Item# 1,5 DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: January 24, 2017 APPROVED 0 APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES) DENIED 0 REMOVED 0 CONTINUED----- RESOLUTION NO.---- Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Services~ Steve Crosby, City EngineerS::v (858) 668-4603/scrosby@poway.org Vacation of Sewer Easement located within Lot 5 of Map 12711 James and Valerie Merritt, the property owners of 13603 Somerset Road, Lot 5 of Map 12711, have requested the vacation of the existing sewer easement located within their property (Attachments A and 8). The City has confirmed that the easement is no longer necessary and may be vacated. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution ordering the summary vacation of the portion of the existing sewer easement located within 13603 Somerset Road, as shown on the attached exhibits, and direct the City Clerk to cause a certified copy of the Resolution to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of_ San Diego County. Discussion: A sewer easement was granted to the Pomerado County Water District in 1980, a portion of which crosses 13603 Somerset Road. The Public Works Department has confirmed that the sewer main within the easement has been abandoned and the easement is no longer needed. The vacation is conducted under Chapter 4, Part 3, Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (Code), commencing at Section 8300. The easement qualifies for summary vacation under Section 8333(a) of the Code, in that the easement has not been used for the purpose for which it was dedicated or acquired for five consecutive years immediately preceding the proposed vacation. Environmental Review: The vacation of this sewer easement has no potential for causing a significant effect on the environment and is therefore exempt from further environmental review pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act. Fiscal Impact: None. 1 of 7 January 24, 2017, Item# \,l, Vacation of Sewer Easement January 24, 2017 Page 2 Public Notification: James and Valerie Merritt were provided a copy of the report. Attachments: A. Location Map B. Site Map C. Resolution Reviewed/Approved By: Reviewed By: Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Morgan Foley Tina M. White Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Manager 2 of 7 January 24, 2017, Item# \.C, tbr_ SCOTS WAY g g >-I-Cl -::.:: ::.:: :::, '<:( ~ -.J ~ Cl -a ~ (.) NO SCALE EDGEMOOR ST. SOMERSET RD. J JANETT£ LN. PUTNEY RD. LPROJECT LOCATION APN 314-242-38 POWAY RD. CITY OF POWAY Location Map c::i 0:: >- ~ a a_ ! Paul Laska """'""'"""""°""'·""'"0 ----~----Poway,CA92'064 3 7 '-AND suRvEvA'l'fitCHMEfffA January24,2017,ltem#\.<., MIDLAND GROVE MAP 7796 EXISTING 15' SEWER EASEMENT RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER ON DECEMBER 12, 1980 AS F /P 80-405358, OFFICIAL RECORDS, ALSO AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 12711. 0 SCOTS WAY "' 0 "' LE~Et:ID ROS 2407 7_l_E~ = EASEMENT VACATION LINE AND CURVE DATA FROM MAP NO. 12711 CURVE TABLE CURVE # DELTA RADIUS LENGTH 74' Cl 1'40'45" 20.00' 0.59' 32' C2 48'405" 20.00· 17.00' LINE TABLE LINE # DIRECTION LENGTH L1 N88'51'30"W 63.26' L2 NOl 'O!l'JO"E 28.00' L3 Noo,0·2o·w 103.19' L4 N88'51'30"W 15.01' LS N88'51'30"W 110.43' PAUL J. LOS KA, PLS 7810 DATE: 12/13/16 4.93' 15.00' c:i a:: a ~ "'( -.J a -~ 42' POR. OF SEC. 12 ... _J SOMERSET RD. 51.33' 5 69.00' 49.06' co N 6 4 7 -<t.--+-- 0) N JANETTE LN. 1" = 50' ----------Pcwray, CA920&t I Pawl Lcska 12,20r""c.n,,,°""'··"""o 4 7 LAND SURVE'1(T'fA€H~CEf January24,2017,ltem#\,b RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE SUMMARY VACATION OF THE PORTION OF SEWER EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN LOT 5 OF MAP 12711 (VACATION NO. 16-002) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to vacate a portion of a sewer easement in accordance with the procedures provided in Chapter 4, Part 3, Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Codes of the State of California, commencing at Section 8333; and WHEREAS, a sewer utility easement in a portion of Lot 5, Map 12711, was dedicated to the Pomerado County Water District through the recordation of easement document number 80-405358 for the purposes of conveying sewage; and WHEREAS, the City of Poway is the successor agency to the Pomerado County Water District; and WHEREAS, the sewage has been routed through other pipes, and this easement has not been used since 1991. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: 1. This summary vacation is made under the prov1s1ons of Chapter 4, Part 3, Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (Code). 2. The easement qualifies for summary vacation under Section 8333(a) of the Code, in that the easement has not been used for the purpose for which it was dedicated or acquired for five consecutive years immediately preceding the proposed vacation. 3. The City Council hereby declares that all of the portion of sewer easement located within 13603 Somerset Road, Lot 5 of Map 12711, as depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, is hereby vacated. 4. The City Clerk of the City of Poway is hereby directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution to be recorded in the office of the San Diego County Recorder in accordance with the provisions of Section 8336 of the Street and Highways Code of the State of California. 5 of 7 January 24, 2017, Item# lJ> ATIACHMENTC Resolution No. Page 2 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 24th day of January 2017. ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Steve Vaus, Mayor I, Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 24th day of January 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: 6 of 7 Nancy Neufeld, CMC City Clerk City of Poway January 24, 2017, Item# (.G, EXHIBIT A POR. OF S[C. 12 MIDLAND GROVE MAP 7796 N78"41'09"W(R) --------, EXISTING 15' SEWER EASEMENT RECORDED L1 I I IN THE OFFICE OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY \ c,, '.jl ~ SOMERSET RD. RECORDER ON DECEMBER 12, 1980 I AS F /P 80-405358, OFFICIAL RECORDS, ,-;~1=--''-=s""1.-=3-::-3:-, -::,r-----1 ALSO AS SHOWN ON MAP NO. 12711. 1 g SCOTS WAY 0 I') LEGEND ROS 2407 zm;. = EASEMENT VACATION LINE AND CURVE DATA FROM MAP NO. 12711 CURVE TABLE I.. CUR\£· # DEL TA RADIUS LENGTH 74' C1 1'40'45" 20.00' 0.59' 32' C2 48"41'35" 20.00' 17.CXJ' LINE TABLE LINE # DIRECTION LENGTI-1 L1 N88"S1'30"W 63.26' L2 N01 "08'30"E 28.00' L3 N00'20'20"W 103.19' L4 N88"S1'30"W 15.01' L5 N88"S1'30"W 110.43' PAUL J. LOSKA, PLS 7810 DATE: 12/13/16 8 Paul Lcska i'ijft-7 LANO SURVEYINGLNC 12120 Tech CenlD' Ortwe, &Jlla 0 Po-ay, CA 9206A -.PUSINC.CDn JN: 2016-08 a Ct:: a =2 ~ -.J a -: :::E 42' ... ...J 15 I lq I'-" I"'· \U'_ "'I :!f I ...J e;; = 6 <X) N 5 -<i..-+--- <X) 4 'St-a I IC co.,_ I-.,_ (.) I',,. ~~ ~~ ·>-0 ~=2 ::ii:: a.. C) <:( a...~ L... 0 ~ G 7 N JANETTE LN. 1 • = so· January 24, 2017, Item#\.(. City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED D APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED D D CONTINUED ____ _ DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: January 24, 2017 Resolution No. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Counc�.ARobert Manis, Director of Development Services fH' � Jason Martin, Senior Planner � (858)668-4658 / jmartin@poway.org Workshop on Landscape and Irrigation Regulations At the September 6, 2016 City Council meeting, City Council Member Mullin suggested that some City landscaping and irrigation regulations may be causing delays and increased costs for single family home construction projects and should be changed (Attachment A). City Council directed staff to return to a future City Council meeting with a workshop for further discussion on the matter. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council provide direction to staff regarding potential changes to City landscaping and irrigation regulations. Discussion: To assist in the City Council discussion on this matter a brief general overview of the regulations and the landscape and irrigation plan review and inspection process is provided. Overview of Regulations Regulations and policies regarding landscape and irrigation are contained in multiple City documents and are primarily within the City of Poway Landscape and Irrigation Design Manual (i.e. the Manual). Besides regulations, the Manual contains much more information and detail such as instructions on what to include on a landscape and irrigation plan, specifications on sheet size (for the City filing system), scale (so that it can be reviewed), and planting and irrigation specifications (to ensure the survivability of planted materials and the efficient use of water), as well as other information intended to educate and make the review and inspection process go smoothly. The Manual can be accessed through this link to the City website http://poway.org/DocumentCenterNiew/2812 or by pasting this link into an internet browser. Regulations and policies are also included in various chapters of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC), such as Chapter 12.32 (Urban Forestry) and Chapter 17.41 (Landscape Efficiency); the Community Development Element of the Poway General Plan; and multiple "Specific Plans", which are the regulatory documents with particular regulations for specific areas such as Poway Road, Old Poway Park, and the South Poway Business Park. 1 of 5 January 24, 2017, Item# 5.1 Workshop on Landscape Regulations January 24, 2017 Page 2 Collectively these documents cover a wide variety of important landscape and/or irrigation topics relating to: • Public health and safety, and the protection of property , in fire hazard areas • Irrigation efficiency/water conservation • Storm water quality • Erosion control • Manufactured slope stabilization and appearance in hillside areas • Native and mature tree preservation • Street and parking lot trees for shade/cooling • Maintenance of the "Tree City USA" status • Enhancement of the City streetscapes, pedestrian walkways and sidewalks, and public gathering areas • Screening for unsightly activities , lights , and privacy • Buffering between uses (i.e . between commercial and residential) Many regulations , particularly those related to fire protection, water conservation , and storm water quality/erosion control are mandated by the State. Others have come into place over time as a result of prior City Council actions intended to reflect community values to protect and enhance the visual character and quality of the City . The City's regulations and policies not only adhere to State mandates, they address both the functional and aesthetic benefits provided by landscape in the development of high quality projects and community character. The landscape and irrigation regulations as currently written , provide flexibility and options that allow multiple ways to achieve compliance. An example is a change that was adopted in September 2015 to provide options for the "zone B" area of fire fuel management, which has been used by several projects since implementation . With this change, project applicants can choose between organic and inorganic mulch for erosion control on manufactured slope areas with a gradient less than 5: 1, and can keep native vegetation intact as long as it is kept trimmed . Additionally, staff has used discretion in its interpretation of the regulations to help minimize landscape costs for projects. For example, Section 17.08.230 of the PMC states that "Required front and street side yards shall be landscaped and shall consist predominantly of trees , plant materials , ground cover and decorative rocks ... " Staff has interpreted that mulched areas, which are sometimes extensive, can be considered a landscaped area thereby reducing the amount of traditional landscape material required. Staff will continue to use its discretion in the interpretation of regulations to help lower costs , while still maintaining the objective of establishing high quality development projects . Plan Review and Inspection The City contracts with a landscape architect for landscape plan check and inspection services for new landscape projects. The landscape plan check and inspection process 2 of 5 January 24, 2017, Item# 5.1 Workshop on Landscape Regulations January 24, 2017 Page 3 works very similarly to the building plan check and inspection process . Landscape and irrigation plans are required when a project site is in a fire hazard area , when the project creates manufactured slopes, and when the project is required to comply with landscape irrigation efficiency regulations . They are also requ i red to address issues relating to aesthetics such as the appearance of slopes due to grading in a hillside area , buffering between uses, and on commercial developments. When the project site is located in the fire hazard area the plan is required , pursuant to the PMC , to be submitted and approved before the issuance of a building permit. On projects not i n the fire hazard area , staff requires the plans to be submitted before the issuance of other project plan approvals (i.e . building and grading) to ensure that all plans are consistent to avoid confusion at the site during construction. Staff has been flexible on timing. As with building plans , landscape and irrigation plans are submitted and reviewed for compliance with City regulations . For private development projects, the regu lations do not require that plans be prepared by a landscape architect. Although the plan check process can be quicker if plans are prepared by someone with design experience. The initial submittal is reviewed by the landscape consultant, a staff engineer, and by the Fire Department when the project site is in the fire hazard area . Comments and needed corrections are transmitted to the project applicant, the applicant updates the plans and resubmits to the City . The cycle continues until the landscape and irrigation plan is approved . The initial round of plan check occurs within 2-3 weeks of submittal to the City . Subsequent rounds of City review are typically shorter. It's important to note that the overall processing t ime also includes the time spent by the project's designer i n updating the plans , which can vary from project to project. The focus of review on landscape and irrigation plans for the typical single family home being constructed in Poway (i.e. a larger home that required grading of the project site and is in the fire hazard area) is fire protection , water efficiency, slope stabilization·, erosion control , and appearance of slopes due to grading in a hillside area . These are briefly discussed below . • State and City regulations requ ire "fire fuel management" for projects located in fire hazard areas which include but are not limited to a prohibition of certain types of landscape and a stipulation on tree spacing/proximity to structures. • State and City regulations require landscape and irrigation water efficiency which involve such things as establishment of a water allowance, mandates for certain types of irrigation , and irrigation audits. • State and City regulations require p lanting of manufactured slopes and the treatment of flat areas that are not landscaped to minimize erosion , minimize pollutants in storm water runoff, and to stabilize manufactured slopes. • City regulations require shrub and tree planting on manufactured slopes that have 3 of 5 January 24, 2017, Item# 5.1 Workshop on Landscape Regulations January 24 , 2017 Page4 a gradient of 5 : 1 and greater to minimize visual impacts in hillside areas . Once the landscape and irrigation plan is approved, work must be inspected . Inspections are conducted by the City's landscape consultant , which is the same consultant who approved the plans. Multiple inspections are done at different stages. Typically, the first inspection is before construction to go over the landscape and irrigation plans with the contractor, to review the construction schedule and to answer any questions regarding City regulations . Subsequent inspections are conducted to ensure the different components of the work are done pursuant to the approved landscape and irrigation plan (i.e. planting , irrigation installation , and irrigation tests). If the inspection finds work is not complete or in accordance with plans, there is a follow-up inspection to ensure it is corrected . The number of inspections will vary from project to project. Workshop At the workshop staff will listen to all comments received from City Council and the public. Staff will return at a future meeting with potential revisions to the Manual and/or PMC , based on City Council comments and public input. Additionally , if City Council concurs that the City regulations should be amended , staff will seek specific input from several Poway developers and property owners who have recently built a single-family home and experienced the landscape and irrigation approval and installation process. Environmental Review: The subject of this workshop is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Any subsequent action will be subject to further evaluation . Fiscal Impact: None. Public Notification: None . Attachments: A. September 6 , 2016 Memorandum (X;::J)l ~H:L Tina M . White City Manager 4of 5 Reviewed By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney January 24, 2017, Item# 5.1 CITY OF POWAY MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John Mullin, Councilmember~ DATE: September 6, 2016 SUBJECT: Review of Landscape and Irrigation Requirements The City of Poway has landscaping requirements for new construction in both its Municipal Code and a separate Landscape and Irrigation Design Manual. It has come to my attention that these requirements go far beyond what is necessary to protect the public interest and, in fact, are imposing an excessive and unreasonable burden on new residential construction projects. For example, we require commercial valves and faxtures on residential projects and we require excessive and unnecessary inspections of non- critical components by a third party inspector. This consequently results in excessive delays in plan approvals and inspections because of the complexity of landscape drawings and unnecessary inspections that the City requires. The cost of compliance with these regulations is not thousands of dollars, but hundreds of thousands of dollars. These are dollars we require to be spent on private property fo r which there is no corresponding benefit to the contractor or the public. Prospective land purchasers who are aware of these requirements are, in fact, reducing their purchase price offers to offset the burden of complying with Poway's landscape requirements. We are all aware of the fire protection management zones that must be installed and the new irrigation standards imposed upon us by the state. We also have stomiwater protection responsibilities involving erosion control and bank planting. We have no reason to go beyond those issues. I propose that we review the Poway Municipal Code and the Landscape and Irrigation Design Manual to eliminate landscape requirements that are unrelated to fire safety and mandated stormwater compliance. 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT A January 24·, 2017 , Item # 5.1 Item# 6.1 Metropolitan Transit Systems (MTS) Board Update (verbal report). City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED D APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES} DENIED D REMOVED D DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: January 24, 2017 CONTINUED----- RESOI.UTION NO. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Counw'. A Robert Manis, Director of Development Servicesf\'\ Robert Manis, Director of Development Services (858) 668-4607 or bmanis@poway.org Resolution Confirming the Existence of a Local Emergency as Proclaimed by the City Manager/Director of Emergency Services Within the City of Poway Due to Winter Storm Events, and Suspending the Notice and Bidding Requirements in Connection with Repairs Required Thereby Starting on Friday, January 20, 2017, the City of Poway was hit with a series of significant winter storms. These storms included significant rainfall and strong winds. As a result, the City has suffered losses from flooding and wind damage, including impacts to public improvements. The Public Works Department Emergency Operations Center (DEOC) was opened at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, January 20, 2017. In order to address the storm- related issues, the City's Director of Emergency Services (City Manager) adopted a Proclamation of Local Emergency on January 20, 2017 The Proclamation must be ratified by the City Council within seven days. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached resolution ratifying the City Manager's Proclamation of Local Emergency, and authorizing the City Manager to make necessary emergency repairs to protect the public and welfare of the City, and suspending notice and bidding requirements. This action requires a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the City Council. Discussion: Damage from the winter storm events includes flooding, downed trees, mud and rock slides, and failed corrugated metal drainage pipes. City staff worked around the clock from January 20 to January 23 addressing storm-related damage. It is possible that other damage from the storm events could be discovered in the days to come. 1 of 5 January 24, 2017, Item# 7.1 Proclamation of Local Emergency: Winter Storms 2017 January 24, 2017 Page 2 On Monday, January 23, 2017, Governor Brown declared a state of emergency 1n counties across California as a result of the severe winter storms. Staff activated the DEOC on January 20, 2017. The DEOC was officially closed on the evening of January 23, 2017, but monitoring of possible storm related damage continues. The possibility of additional unforeseen damage will require the City to be able to expedite repairs and prevent further damage. With this possible threat, there is a need to suspend the notice and bidding requirements so that steps can be taken quickly to perform repairs and to complete prevention activities throughout the City. State law and Poway Municipal Code section 2.12.060 also require that the Proclamation of Local Emergency issued by the City Manager on January 20, 2017, be ratified by the City Council within seven days. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to CEQA review. Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact is unknown at this time. There are adequate reserves to cover the cost of estimated work, and we believe that most of the costs are recoverable under Federal Disaster programs. Budget adjustments will be finalized prior to the completion of the current fiscal year. Under the State Public Contract Code, staff is required to report back to the City Council at each regular meeting on the expenditures, and to review the need to continue the Proclamation of Local Emergency. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Resolution B. Proclamation of Local Emergency Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 2 of 5 Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney ~~ Tina M. White City Manager January 24, 2017, Item# 1.! RESOLUTION NO. 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, FINDING AND DECLARING THE EXISTENCE OF AN EMERGENCY WITHIN THE CITY DUE TO A WINTER STORM EVENT, AND SUSPENDING NOTICE AND BIDDING REQUIREMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH REPAIRS REQUIRED THEREBY WHEREAS, the Winter Storm Event in the City of Poway, commencing on or about January 20, 2017 that resulted in erosion, flooding, and damage to public roads, drainage systems, and other public facilities within the City, created a threat to public health and safety; and WHEREAS, Government Code section 8630 and Poway Municipal Code (PMC) Section 2.12.060 empower the City Manager, acting as the Director of Emergency Services, to proclaim the existence of a local emergency when the City is affected by a public calamity, and the City Council is not in session; and WHEREAS, on January 20, 2017, the City Manager, acting pursuant to Government Code section 8630 and PMC section 2.12.060, proclaimed the existence of a local emergency based on conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property caused by the Winter Storm Event; and WHEREAS, the City Council is required by Government Code section 8630 and PMC section 2.12.065 to ratify the existence of a local emergency within seven (7) days of a Proclamation of Local Emergency by the City Manager; and WHEREAS, Public Contract Code Section 20168 provides that the City Council may pass by four-fifths (4/5) vote, a resolution declaring that the public interest and necessity demand the immediate expenditure of public money to safeguard life, health, or property; and WHEREAS, upon adoption of such resolution, the City Manager may expend any sum required in the emergency and report the same to the City Council in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 22050; and WHEREAS, if such expenditure is ordered, the City Council shall review the emergency action at each regular meeting, to determine if there is a need to continue the action or if the Proclamation of Local Emergency may be terminated; and WHEREAS, such storm, wind, Hood and erosion damage constitute an emergency within the terms of Public Contract Code Sections 20168 and 22050 which requires that the City Manager be able to act quickly and without complying with the notice and bidding procedures of the Public Contract Code to repair and protect such public facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Poway hereby finds and declares: 1. An emergency exists within the City as the result of storm, wind, flood and erosion damage to public facilities; and 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT A January 24, 2017, Item# 1 ·l Resolution No. 17- Page 2 (a) The continuing threat of erosion and flooding requires that the City be able to expend public money to repair and protect storm-damaged public facilities in order to safeguard life, health, or property; and (b) The City Manager is authorized to order work for the temporary repair or protection of public facilities damaged by flooding and wind or threatened by erosion, if and to the extent necessary, to safeguard life, health, or property without complying with notice or bidding procedures; and (c) Once such expenditure is made, the City Manager shall report the conditions to the City Council at each regular meeting, at which time the City Council shall either continue the emergency action or shall declare the emergency ended. 2. This Proclamation of Local Emergency and all subsequent resolutions in connection herewith shall require a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the City Council. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof, this 24th day of January 2017. Steve Vaus, Mayor ATIEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk, of the City of Poway, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No.17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 24th of January 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: 4 of 5 CUNNINGHAM, GROSCH, MULLIN, LEONARD, VAUS NONE NONE NONE Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk, City of Poway January 24, 2017, Item # 1. \ PROCLAMATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY WHEREAS, section 2.12.060 of the Poway Municipal Code empowers the Director of Emergency Services to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when the City is affected or likely to be affected by a public calamity and the City Council is not in session; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, as Director of Emergency Services of the City of Poway, does hereby find that conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within the Ciiy of Poway, caused by a winter storm event commencing on or about 1 :00 p.m. on the day of January 20, 2017; and WHEREAS, that the City Council of the City of Poway is not in session and cannot immediately be called into session; and WHEREAS, this Proclamation of Local Emergency will be ratified by the City Council within seven days of being issued. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED by the Director of Emergency Services for the City of Poway, that a local emergency now exists throughout the City and that said local emergency shall be deemed to continue to exist until its termination is proclaimed by the City Council; and IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that during the existence of said local emergency the powers, functions, and duties of the emergency organization of this City shall be those prescribed by state law, ordinances, and resolutions of this City, and by the City of Poway Emergency Plan; and IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that a copy of this Proclamation of Local Emergency be forwarded to the State Director of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services with a request that; · 1. The State Director find the Proclamation of Local Emergency acceptable in accordance with provisions of the California Disaster Assistance Act; and that 2. · The State Director forward this Proclamation, and request for a State Proclamation of Emergency, to the Governor of California for consideration and action. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Director of Emergency Services for the City of Poway this 20th day of January, 2017. January 20. 2017 at 1:00 p.m. Date and Time ~~ Tina White Director of Emergency Services 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT B January 24, 2017, Item# 1.1 t