Item 1.2 - Ratification/Approval of Warrant Registers ��oW APPROVED • City of Poway APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) - COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DENIED ❑ yF ``�� citY 1� ntE c`' REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. DATE: March 7, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Peter Moote, Acting Finance Direct4 CONTACT: Andrew White, Finance Manager Cz zy ' 858-668-4426 or awhite @poway.org SUBJECT: Ratification of Warrant Registers for the Periods of January 30 through February 3, 2017 and February 6 through February 10, 2017 Summary: The attached warrant register reports for the periods of January 30 through February 3, 2017 and February 6 through February 10, 2017, are submitted to the City Council for ratification/approval. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council ratify/approve the attached warrant registers. Discussion: Weekly registers of audited demands are periodically submitted to the City Council by the Finance Director for ratification/approval. Date Amount January 30 through February 3 $1,204,153.56 Warrants for amounts in excess of$100,000 for this period include: Warrant Check Number Amount February 2017 Medical Insurance Premium 00294190 $ 188,377.90 Payroll 2-3-17 00904131 $ 521,633.19 1 of 23 March 7, 2017 Item # 1.2 Ratification of Warrant Registers March 7, 2017 Page 2 Date Amount February 6 through February 10 $5,635,705.21 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant December 2016 Law Enforcement Services Payroll 1- 20 -17, Retirement Payroll 2 -3 -17, Withholding Fannie Mae Investment American Express Credit Investment Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Fiscal Impact: Check Number 00294387 00904130 00904141 00904144 00904145 Amount $ 937,740.19 $ 169,744.47 $ 102,487.97 $1,903,034.72 $2,047,226.28 The total amount of warrants for the period of January 30 through February 3, 2017, is $1,204,153.56. The total amount of warrants for the period of February 6 through February 10, 2017, is $5,635,705.21. Public Notification: Ire MIT Attachments: A. Warrant Register for the period of January 30 through February 3, 2017 B. Warrant Register for the period of February 6 through February 10, 2017 Reviewed /Approved By: Reviewed By: A^ Wend aserman Morgan Foley Tina M. White Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Manager 2 of 23 March 7, 2017 Item # 1.2 W The City of Poway Director of Finance Submits the Following Register of Demands for the p period 113012017 - 21312017 and Recommends its Ratification/Approval: N W Run Date: 17- Feb -17 Page:1 of 9 Check Number Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Amt 00294164 03- Feb -17 - - - -- Agee, Mark MDRA12 -024 Pickett addition erosion deposit release 762 0399 5980 900 2,000.00 00294165 @00011421 Airgas National Carbonation 33496927 Pool Carbon Dioxide -Late Fee for Invoice 3339 100 0203 4502 400 5.00 00294166 @00002106 Airgas USA, LLC 9059154054 Oxygen 100 0503 4750 200 276.13 00294167 03- Feb -17 - - -- Alliance for Water Efficiency 00294168 Allstar Fire Equipment, Inc 00294169 03- Feb -17 @00000152 Aramark Refreshment Services 0 S 3 <D 00294170 03- Feb -17 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 3 �f 0 3 V N O V �D 3 N 9059201305 Oxygen Supplies 100 0503 4750 200 206.91 9059248874 Pool - First Aid Supplies 4759 Annual membership dues 100 0203 4750 400 93.22 Total for Check 00294166 576.26 1167A 1000P 4924 600 500.00 195677 Equipment Repair - SCBA 100 0501 4308 200 966.02 195822 Equipment Repair 100 0501 4308 200 685.05 1416805 Refreshment services 100 Total for Check 00294168 0106 4760 100 1,651.07 531.91 1416806 Refreshment services 100 0106 4760 100 70.30 1416807 Refreshment services 100 0106 4760 100 638.23 1421979 Refreshment services 100 0106 4760 100 188.15 1448260900 PCPA Weekly Mat Service 1/13/17 100 Total for Check 00294169 0204 4928 400 1,428.59 14.78 1448263254 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 60.04 1448263255 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 30.00 1448263255 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 1.84 1448270701 Laundry Service 100 0501 4928 200 18.28 1448270714 Lake Weekly Mats - 01/19/17 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 1448272778 PCPA Weekly Mat Service (1/20/17) 100 0204 4928 400 14.78 1448275126 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 60.04 1448275127 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 8.00 1448275127 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 1.84 1448277588 Laundry Service 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1448282544 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 22.48 1448282545 Wk 1/26/17: CSFW & Mtr. Rdr. uniforms 510 0401 4928 300 5.28 1448282546 Wk 1/26/17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 100 0419 4120 300 6.72 1448282546 Wk 1/26/17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 510 0402 4928 300 41.19 1448282546 Wk 1/26/17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 510 0401 4928 300 35.95 1448282547 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4928 300 6.10 1448282547 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 4.42 1448282548 Wk 1/26/17: Water Distribution uniforms 510 0404 4928 300 94.61 1448282549 Wk 1/265/17: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 510 0406 4928 300 2.37 Register of Demands Page 2 of 9 .16 C Warrants From 113012017 - 21312017 N Check C4 Number Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294170 03- Feb -'17 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 1448282549 Wk 1/265/17: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 510 0410 4928 300 1.32 1448282549 Wk 1/265/17: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 520 0405 4928 300 81.17 1448282550 Streets: uniforms 211 0411 4928 300 85.91 1448282551 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 33.52 1448282551 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 2.58 1448282552 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 35.33 1448282554 Stormwater: uniforms 231 0412 4928 300 47.95 1448284586 PCPA Weekly Mat Service 1/27/17 100 0204 4928 400 14.78 Total for Check 00294170 752.98 00294171 03- Feb -17 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 17221832 Lake - Dock Uniforms 100 0202 4928 400 163.70 00294172 @00004740 Arro-Last Target Systems 1700121 Archery Targets (Range Master 48) 100 0202 4899 400 1,450.00 00294173 @00010111 AT &T 000009115167 Telephone Station 1 Alarm 100 0501 3310 200 73.14 000009182098 Telestaff 100 0501 3310 200 87.83 000009182107 Phone Sta 3 100 0501 3310 200 55.10 9115157 PCPA Alarm Line 1/17 100 0204 3310 400 38.59 9115161 Library Alarm (9391026545)12/10 /16- 01/09/17 100 0206 3310 400 73.14 9128894 Network - Public Works - 1/17 100 0106 2200 100 415.45 9128896 Network - PCPA - 1/17 100 0106 2200 100 415.45 9128898 Network - FS2, FS3, Old Poway Park - 1/17 100 0106 2200 100 1,246.35 9182103 Comm Park Fax(9391026561)12/24/16- 1/23/17 100 0208 3310 400 55.66 9182105 9391026563: WTP fire sprinkler alarm lines 510 0402 3310 300 72.85 9182106 MBK Alarm (9391026564)12/24 /16- 1/23/17 100 0201 3310 400 55.11 9182108 Group bill BAN #9391026567 100 0106 3310 100 2,804.70 9182284 OPT -E -MAN Lake Poway Credit 100 0106 2200 100 - 534.70 9182570 Network - City Hall - 1117 100 0106 2200 100 606.69 Total for Check 00294173 5,465.36 00294174 03- Feb -17 @00006936 Aztec Landscaping Inc. 15043LL -IN Creekside: irrigation repair 268 0428 4770 300 600.45 15044LL -IN LIVID 86 -3B: irrigation repair 268 0428 4770 300 307.39 sy n Total for Check 00294174 907.84 V 00294175 03- Feb -17 - - - -- Baksh, Michael WCF10 -0005 17719 Del Paso erosion deposit release 762 0399 5980 900 2,000.00 N 00294176 @00011031 Baltic Networks 100110097 Reservoirs: Ubiquiti antennas (for radio comm) 510 0402 4836 300 641.26 f 00294177 @00000287 Bendixen, Suzanne 378265 Farmers Market Certification Fee Reimb. 100 0205 5730 400 150.00 -400294178 @00002701 Bd's Rentals Inc. 724679 -5 Winter Festival Light Bar Rental 100 0208 4936 400 240.00 744183 -5 Winter Festival Generator Rental 100 0208 4936 400 484.12 3 Total for Check 00294178 724.12 -L 00294179 03- Feb -17 - - - -- Black Rock Development LLC MDRA12 -055 17757 Del Paso erosion deposit release 762 0399 5980 900 2,000.00 Cn Register of Demands Page 3 of 9 C Warrants From 113012017 - 21312017 N Check wNumber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294181 03- Feb -17 @00003870 Bound Tree Medical, LLC 82384328 Medical Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 383.25 00294182 @00010227 Chaulk Mound Trout Ranch 201701 -041 Trout Stock per Ex. B Quote dated 10/03/14 100 0202 4522A 400 5,625.00 00294183 @00004756 Cal -State Auto Parts Inc 757385 Generators: Batteries (10) 611 0413 4799 300 1,174.61 757907 Generators: Batteries (7) 611 0413 4799 300 880.44 760085 Unit 903 & 951: Rotor Assy (2); Wire Assy (4) 611 0413 4799 300 367.19 Total for Check 00294183 2,422.24 00294184 03- Feb -17 @00000399 CaIPELRA MEMBERSHIP16 -17 Calpelra membership 7/1/16- 6/30/17 100 0601 4924 100 350.00 00294185 - - - -- Charco Design & Build Inc. MDRA13 -007 Rankin addition erosion deposit release 762 0399 5980 900 2,000.00 00294186 @00007165 Cheever, David DC.REIMB.012517 Safety Patrol Pizza Parties 100 0504 4760 200 650.00 00294187 @00000519 Childress, Debbora 3000.300- 10.16A Instructor Payment Winter 2016 100 0208 4118 400 2,574.00 00294188 @00007263 Childress - Nichols, Kellie 3001.300- 05.16A Instructor Payment Winter 2016 100 0208 4118 400 779.40 00294189 @00004515 Chillinsky, Michael 010117- 013117 Plan Check & Inspection Services 100 0502 4112A 200 10,048.94 00294190 @00011512 Cigna Healthcare of California 2091201 Medical Insurance Premiums - Feb 2017 100 8720C 2,567.81 2091201 Medical Insurance Premiums - Feb 2017 100 8720D 185,810.09 Total for Check 00294190 188,377.90 00294191 03- Feb -17 @00000539 City Treasurer 1000188517 Fire Dispatch Services 100 0501 4106 200 47,091.00 00294192 @00011027 CivicPlus 162611 City Website Host & Support - 1/2017 - 1/2018 100 0104 4120 100 6,750.45 00294193 - - - -- Coleman Construction MDRA08 -014 Maloney SFR erosion control release 762 0399 5980 900 2,000.00 00294194 @00002830 Costoo Wholesale 7751012691 Teen Event Water 100 0208 4760 400 44.62 775124331 Wrhse: LED Flashlights (12) 100 8189 131.04 77585137 Winter Festival SN Event & CSD Booth 100 0208 4760 400 29.98 77585137 Winter Festival SN Event & CSD Booth 716 7662 4760 400 105.94 Total for Check 00294194 311.58 00294195 03- Feb -17 @00003328 Costco Wholesale Membership 00011180698167 Membership Renewal 100 0501 4924 200 55.00 00294196 @00000813 Cox Communications 62872701 -1/17 Cable TV / Internet Group Bill - January 2017 100 0106 2200 100 457.77 6918601 -1/17 Cable TV - Fire Station 1 - Jan 2017 100 0106 2200 100 9.57 Total for Check 00294196 467.34 sy C) 00294197 03- Feb -17 @00000961 Cutters Edge 011017 -3 Chain Saw Blade 100 0501 4308 200 1,105.21 00294198 @00011400 Cuyamaca College Botanical Society 2017 TURF Omod and Matias 2017 Turf Seminar 100 0418 1430 300 150.00 " 00294199 @00011532 Delta Dental Insurance Company _ BE002037410 Dental Insurance - HMO - Feb. 2017 100 8727B 38.97 p BE002037410 Dental Insurance - HMO - Feb. 2017 100 8727A 911.49 4 Total for Check 00294199 950.46 00294200 03- Feb -17 @00011531 Delta Dental of California BE0002035911 Dental Insurance - PPO - Feb. 2017 100 8727A 15,352.66 3 BE0002035911 Dental Insurance - PPO - Feb. 2017 100 8727B 343.70 Total for Check 00294200 15,696.36 N 00294201 03- Feb -17 @00007007 East Penn Mfg. Co. 5201618 PS7: 8A24M BG5B" batteries 510 0402 4760 300 755.72 Register of Demands Page 4 of 9 C" 0 Warrants From 113012017 - 21312017 N Check wNumber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294202 03- Feb -17 @00001144 Ferguson Waterworks 0581576 Reservoirs: liquid chlorine for water quality 510 0402 4502 300 99.86 0581633 Reservoirs: liquid chlorine for water quality 510 0402 4502 300 229.32 Total for Check 00294202 329.18 00294203 03- Feb -17 @00011370 Flyers Energy LLC CFS1358761 Fuel: Safety Services 1/1/17- 1/15/17 611 0413 3120 300 590.05 00294204 @00006406 Forestry Suppliers, Inc 135702 -00 Operating Supplies 100 0501 4760 200 470.00 00294205 @00010652 Garda CL West Inc. 10277024 Armored Car Services - February 2017 100 0106 4120 100 456.55 00294206 @00005909 GovConnection, Inc. 54461801 Fiber Ethernet Converter 100 0104 4822B 100 193.65 00294207 @00001207 Grainger Inc 9335087483 Wrhse: Cleanout Plug (40) 520 8189 134.04 9335100195 Wrhse: Lantern Battery (12) 100 8189 66.59 9335100203 Lake - Dock Supplies 100 0202 4760 400 86.68 Total for Check 00294207 287.31 00294208 03- Feb -17 @00001645 Home Depot Commercial Account 0220330 Lake - Youth Fishing Derby 100 0202 4760 400 35.33 0220518 LS1: ABS cement; misc. supplies 520 0403 4760 300 8.77 0220519 Council Chambers: roof repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 26.92 3210277 LS1: misc. PVC parts for mixing pump 520 0403 4760 300 32.80 4210501 Lake - Operating Supplies 100 0202 4760 400 48.33 5210105 PCPA Dressing Room & Door Repair Supplies 100 0204 4304 400 195.70 6210030 PCPA Mic Stand Repair Supplies 100 0204 4308 400 79.65 6220391 PCPA Dressing Room Paint 100 0204 4304 400 326.81 7220564 Public Works: repair and tools 100 0419 4760 300 68.10 7220564 Public Works: repair and tools 100 0419 4516 300 106.92 9122566 Sr. Center drain repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 -53.83 9210213 PCPA Supplies 100 0204 4760 400 24.71 9210298 Senior Center drain supplies 100 0419 4760 300 82.13 9210302 Kumeyaay: restroom repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 55.93 9220526 Fire Station #3: roof repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 101.59 Total for Check 00294208 1,139.86 3 � 00294209 03- Feb -'17 @00006792 Hose & Rubber Products 62489 Unit 921: Return Line (5) 611 0413 4799 300 43.96 .00294210 -- HuffakerJr., Sandy 11217 -1 -1 Winter Festival Marketing Photos 100 0013 4120 100 500.00 y00294211 @00004063 IPMA -San Diego International Chapter IPMA_MEM16 -17 IPMA -HR Membership Dues 2016 - 2017 - Torres 100 0601 4924 100 75.00 fN 00294212 @00001306 JRC Printing LLC 36609 Business Cards - Kaserman 100 0013 4710 100 34.48 36614 Interpretive Services - Printing 100 0207 4922 400 15.62 V Total for Check 00294212 50.10 00294213 3 3 03- Feb -17 @00001341 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc 104676-0217 Kaiser Medical - Feb. 2017 100 8720C 4,148.60 104676 -0217 Kaiser Medical - Feb. 2017 100 8720B 60,443.52 s 104676 -7000 Kaiser Medical - Cobra - Feb. 2017 100 8720C 1,528.68 fN Total for Check 00294213 66,120.80 Register of Demands Page 5 of 9 Total for Check 00294215 3,732.82 v REGINSTORIENT Tuition Reimbursement - Regional Instructors Ori 100 0601 4926 100 150.00 00294217 - - - -- Leon - Ramirez, Yarit G Warrants From 113012017 - 21312017 Deposit Refund CP Permit # 17572 100 0208 7471 400 200.00 00294218 @00004118 Life - Assist, Inc. N Check EMS Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 262.71 ca Number Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294214 03- Feb -17 - - - -- Kim, Jae Kyung MDRA05 -58 erosion control deposit release 761 8581 5980 900 2,000.00 00294215 @00000953 L N Curtis & Sons INV77309 Rope Rescue Equipment Replacement 100 0501 4750 200 3,405.48 INV78580 Rope Rescue Equipment Replacement 100 0501 4750 200 327.34 Total for Check 00294215 3,732.82 00294216 03- Feb -17 @00006273 Legaspi, Mark REGINSTORIENT Tuition Reimbursement - Regional Instructors Ori 100 0601 4926 100 150.00 00294217 - - - -- Leon - Ramirez, Yarit 2011223.001 Deposit Refund CP Permit # 17572 100 0208 7471 400 200.00 00294218 @00004118 Life - Assist, Inc. 781281 EMS Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 262.71 781901 EMS Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 934.36 782040 Medical Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 239.00 782121 Medical Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 447.98 Total for Check 00294218 1,884.05 00294219 03- Feb -17 - - -- Lograsso, Sarah 35005800 -50 Closing Bal. Refund, Overpay 35005800 -50 510 8120 96.52 00294220 @00010440 Lowers 01867 R1: misc. electrical supplies 510 0402 4760 300 18.54 02218 R1: misc. electrical supplies 510 0402 4760 300 39.90 Total for Check 00294220 58.44 00294221 03- Feb -17 @00006713 Mallory Safety & Supply LLC 4202653 Part for Air Monitor 100 0501 4308 200 129.30 00294222 @00001673 McDougal Love Eckis Boehmer & Foley 91458 Professional services through 12/31/16 100 0012 1702C 100 2,336.00 91459 Professional services through 12/31/16 100 0012 1702C 100 256.00 91460 Professional Services through 12/31/16 100 0012 1702C 100 4,624.00 91550 Professional services through 12/31/16 100 0012 1702C 100 1,936.00 91551 Professional services through 12/31/16 100 0012 1702C 100 32.00 91552 Professional services through 12/31/16 100 0012 1702A 100 12,000.00 91553 Professional services through 12/31/16 100 0012 1702C 100 112.00 Total for Check 00294222 21,296.00 00294223 03- Feb -17 @00011396 Miller, Alan WTE58BACKFLOW Tuition Reimbursement - WTE58 Backflow Prev 100 0601 4926 100 263.99 00294224 - -- Murphy, Nicole REIMB 011817 Reimbursement: Notary Renewal, Supplies & M 100 0300 3110 100 18.19 0) REIMB 011817 Reimbursement: Notary Renewal, Supplies & M 100 0300 1430 100 516.43 C1 REIMB 011817 Reimbursement: Notary Renewal, Supplies & M 100 0300 4710 100 20.46 S V Total for Check 00294224 555.08 C 00294225 03- Feb -17 @00001840 Napa Auto Parts /Poway 184365 Truck Part 100 0501 4308 200 42.00 187756 Fleet Stock: Micro Fuse; Wire 611 0413 4799 300 118.51 V 188015 Unit 83: Brake Pads 611 0413 4799 300 42.65 a 188476 Fleet Shop Equip: Air Hose 611 0413 4308 300 79.72 3 189075 Fleet Shop Sm Tools: Socket Set 611 0413 4516 300 110.97 189076 Fleet Shop Sm Tool: Socket Set 611 0413 4516 300 45.24 IV 189143 Unit 74: Window Suspension (2) _ 611 0413 4799 300 51.70 189246 Unit 74: Oil Filter; Air Filter; Wiper Blades (2) 611 0413 4799 300 50.48 O Register of Demands Page 6 of 9 C Warrants From 11.3012017 - 21312017 N Check wNumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294231 @00002457 OneSource Distributors S5379290.001 WTP: AB MicroLogix 1400 510 0402 4760 300 1,055.13 S5382235.001 Total for Check 00294225 541.27 00294226 03- Feb -17 - - -- New Pointe Investment MDRA12 -054 14480 Cheyenne erosion deposit release 762 0399 5980 900 2,000.00 00294227 @00000775 Office Depot Business Services Division 883526021 -001 Interpretive Services - Office Supplies 100 0207 4710 400 7.88 4760 883526461 -001 Lake - Office Supplies 100 0202 4710 400 12.82 0405 885430741 -001 Interp. Ser. - Supplies (RETURNED) 100 0207 4710 400 -36.71 WW Collection: fiberglass poles, 24' heavy duty 520 885721777 -001 Interpretive Services - Office Supplies 100 0207 4710 400 40.27 PD -33813 888307821 -001 Lake - Office Supplies 100 0202 4710 400 96.54 893286119 -001 PCPA Office Supplies 100 0204 4710 400 160.48 893288179 -001 PCPA Office Supplies 100 0204 4710 400 14.75 896363156 -001 Spiral Composition Books, Redi -tags 100 0102 4710 100 86.06 03- Feb -17 @00000173 896366222 -001 Organizer tray, Ig envelopes, QuikSort, Glue 100 0102 4710 100 63.85 O 897656488 -001 Returned box 9x12 Envelopes from 896366222 -100 0102 4710 100 -17.76 898326542 -001 Desk Organizer, key chain, binder 100 0102 4710 100 45.10 898433854 -001 OPP Office Supplies & Janitorial Supplies 100 0205 4720 400 15.20 Total for Check 00294233 898433854 -001 OPP Office Supplies & Janitorial Supplies 100 0205 4710 400 35.42 4120 898433899 -001 OPP Janitorial Supplies 100 0205 4720 400 3.98 0419 898760366 -001 OPP Office Equipment 100 0205 4822A 400 438.65 Two custom -made directional signs at two locati 3501 K 1000P 4120 600 Total for Check 00294227 966.53 00294228 03- Feb -17 @00005131 OfficeTeam 47603131 Temporary Services - Elizabeth Vegter 100 0102 1510 100 232.02 00294229 @00005911 Ohlin Sales Inc 00337884 Batteries 100 0501 4318 200 573.97 00294230 @00004652 Omori, Ford OMOR117PHONE Phone reimbursement 100 0418 3311 300 96.95 00294231 @00002457 OneSource Distributors S5379290.001 WTP: AB MicroLogix 1400 510 0402 4760 300 1,055.13 S5382235.001 PS13: AB 4- channel current/voltage input modu 510 0402 6199 300 859.85 Total for Check 00294231 1,914.98 00294232 03- Feb -17 @00007043 Plumbers Depot Inc. PD -33699 WW Collection: Rondo 1" nozzle 520 0405 4760 300 998.20 PD -33739 WW Collection: Warthog nozzle repair 520 0405 4120 300 291.96 3 PD -33807 WW Collection: fiberglass poles, 24' heavy duty 520 0405 4760 300 506.43 PD -33813 WW Collection: 1/2 "x20' leader hose, 4000PSI 520 0405 4760 300 114.01 ? Total for Check 00294232 1,910.60 V " 00294233 03- Feb -17 @00000173 Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundation 01172017 Foundation ticket sales transfer -PCPA 100 8641 10,136.00 O 01242017 Foundation Ticket Sales Transfer - PCPA 100 8641 5,785.00 L V Total for Check 00294233 15,921.00 00294234 03- Feb -17 @00002742 Poway Senior Center 784 Dishwasher Lease Reimbursement 1/18 - 2/14/ 100 0208 4120 400 145.35 3 00294235 @00005510 Progressive Technology Security Systems Inc 39425 Public Works: Operations Lounge repair 100 0419 4308 300 1,470.00 *00294236 @00011529 PVL Signs & Graphics Inc. 02 -CP -2016 Two custom -made directional signs at two locati 3501 K 1000P 4120 600 6,676.65 N 02 -CP -2016 Two custom -made directional signs at two locati 211 0411 4120 300 7,858.35 Register of Demands Page 7 of 9 03- Feb -17 @00002164 San Diego Humane Society and SPCA JAN9POWAY December 2016 Animal Control Services 100 Total for Check 00294241 0200 4102 400 40,128.52 18,818.35 , 00294243 @00005845 to 0124201703 16899 St. Andrews: chain link fence 100 0418 4120 300 850.00 00294244 @00002621 C Warrants From 113012017 - 21312017 5345 Removal and repair of fence on Poway Grade 1180B 1000P 4760 600 1,800.00 O 00294245 @00002820 N Check 9310 -8 LS2: paint for mixing pump 520 0403 4760 300 141.06 V00294246 @00002988 C4 Number Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment 100 Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt @00010752 SmartCover Systems 7422 1/17/17: Field service J4- 015 -SM 520 0405 Total for Check 00294236 14,535.00 00294237 03- Feb -17 @00010911 R & B Pinto Properties LLC 68 Eagle Claw, Brave Eagle Fishing Pole Rod & R 716 7678 4760 400 1,293.00 2,000.00 181.86 LKCONJAN18 -2217 Weekly Concession Pmnt Jan 18 -22 & Dec CC 100 482961 8647 611 1,289.35 4799 LKCONJAN18 -2217 Weekly Concession Pmnt Jan 18 -22 & Dec CC 100 0201 5116 400 - 503.46 611 0413 4799 300 105.85 Total for Check 00294237 2,078.89 00294238 03- Feb -17 @00002262 San Diego County Sheriffs Department 011117 -CAL ID Cal ID 100 0504 4902 200 4,127.00 00294239 @00011478 San Diego County Symposium Fund INVESTMNTS 2/10 Registration for Investment Symposium -Debra 100 0103 1430 100 50.00 00294240 @00002318 San Diego Gas & Electric 487450894610117 13100 Poway Road 12/13/16 - 01/15/17 100 0418 2110 300 7.00 8208113748 1/17 PCPA Monthly Electric 1/17 100 0204 2110 400 8,462.84 Total for Check 00294240 8,469.84 00294241 03- Feb -17 @00002312 San Diego Gas & Electric/Sundry 31507776770117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 100 0205 2110 400 489.21 31507776770117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 275 0470 2120 300 2,140.91 31507776770117 Group Sundry Bill Jari 100 0418 2110 300 23.27 31507776770117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 275 0470 2130 300 26,354.02 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 100 0501 2110 200 2,446.62 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 263 0421 2110 300 38.97 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 100 0205 2110 400 560.65 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 264 0422 2110 300 16.12 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 100 0418 2110 300 177.52 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 100 0106 2110 100 1,864.16 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 267 0424 2110 300 14.76 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 275 0470 2120 300 231.28 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 100 0418 2120 300 7.96 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 100 0202 2110 400 2,010.27 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 100 0204 2110 400 359.98 70037975980117 Group Sundry Bill Jan17 100 0208 2110 400 3,392.82 0 00294242 03- Feb -17 @00002164 San Diego Humane Society and SPCA JAN9POWAY December 2016 Animal Control Services 100 Total for Check 00294241 0200 4102 400 40,128.52 18,818.35 , 00294243 @00005845 Scripps /Poway Fence Builders 0124201703 16899 St. Andrews: chain link fence 100 0418 4120 300 850.00 00294244 @00002621 Sentry Fence Company 5345 Removal and repair of fence on Poway Grade 1180B 1000P 4760 600 1,800.00 O 00294245 @00002820 Sherwin Williams 9310 -8 LS2: paint for mixing pump 520 0403 4760 300 141.06 V00294246 @00002988 Smart & Final 195765 Teen New Year's Glow Party Supplies 100 0208 4760 400 27.12 00294247 @00010752 SmartCover Systems 7422 1/17/17: Field service J4- 015 -SM 520 0405 4120 300 120.00 00294248 ,00294249 - - -- @00000464 Smith Consulting Arch Sonsray Machinery DR10 -010 P10751 -01 14004 Kirkham parking lot deposit release Unit 523: Tire Tubes (2) 762 611 0399 0413 5980 4799 900 300 2,000.00 181.86 -L00294250 @00007183 South Coast Emergency Vehicle Service 482961 _ Unit 922: Switch 611 0413 4799 300 48.82 IN 482962 Unit 923 & 928: Cable; Priming Valve Seal Kit 611 0413 4799 300 105.85 Register of Demands Page 8 of 9 20171200 Telecasting - Jan 2017 100 0106 4120 100 400.00 C Warrants From 113 012 01 7 - 21312017 1,600.00 00294252 03- Feb -17 @00010311 Staples Advantage 3327258311 Fleet Compliance Supplies 611 0+ Check 4760 300 39.81 3327911746 wNumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Amt 00294250 03- Feb -17 @00007183 South Coast Emergency Vehicle Service 483155 Unit 921 & 923: Connector; Valve Kit 611 0413 4799 300 131.83 3327911747 PW Office Supplies; Fleet Compliance Materials 510 0401 Total for Check 00294250 286.50 00294251 03- Feb -17 @00005200 SCS Video Communications 20161181 Telecasting Services - June 2016 100 0106 4120 100 800.00 16.64 20161192 Telecasting - Nov 2016 100 0106 4120 100 400.00 20171200 Telecasting - Jan 2017 100 0106 4120 100 400.00 Total for Check 00294251 1,600.00 00294252 03- Feb -17 @00010311 Staples Advantage 3327258311 Fleet Compliance Supplies 611 0413 4760 300 39.81 3327911746 PW Office Supplies; Fleet Compliance Materials 510 0410 4710 300 98.17 3327911746 PW Office Supplies; Fleet Compliance Materials 611 0413 4760 300 16.93 3327911747 PW Office Supplies; Fleet Compliance Materials 510 0401 4710 300 25.82 3327911747 PW Office Supplies; Fleet Compliance Materials 611 0413 4760 300 16.64 Total for Check 00294252 197.37 00294253 03- Feb -17 @00005541 Statewide Safety & Signs, Inc 01002483 Interpretive Services - Sign Materials 100 0207 4514 400 13.47 01002484 Lake - Sign Materials 100 0202 4514 400 28.13 01002494 Arrow board rental (1) for WS17 event 1180B 1000P 4936 600 50.00 01002495 Message board rentals(2) for WS17 grade closu 1180B 1000P 4936 600 300.00 Total for Check 00294253 391.60 00294254 03- Feb -17 @00011412 Stericycle Environmental Solutions 72401501547 HHW Services August 2016 1697A 1000P 4120 600 16,537.00 00294255 @00006600 Stott Equipment P31410 Unit 582: Battery 611 0413 4799 300 114.04 00294256 @00004928 Superior Cleaning Equipment Inc 20840 Monthly PM Service on Fleet Wash Rack 611 0413 4120 300 263.84 00294257 @00011105 Superior Gate Services 7510 Public Works: gate repair 100 0419 4304 300 131.00 00294258 @00003143 Superior Ready Mix 840808 1227 Witt Road: concrete 211 0411 4324 300 333.71 00294259 -- Tait, Kathy 2011228.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permit # 18182 100 0205 7471 400 200.00 00294260 @00002556 Tifco Industries 71195947 - CREDIT CREDIT Ref# 71195947 611 0413 4799 300 - 173.57 71205289 Fleet Stock: Hardware; Elec Tape 611 0413 4799 300 150.58 71219602 Fleet Stock: Hardware; Electrical; Grease 611 0413 4799 300 255.18 ic !y Total for Check 00294260 232.19 C7 7 00294261 03- Feb -17 @00011504 Union Bank 93733739630117 Credit Card Exp 12/14 -01/13 M. Sanchez 100 0504 4937 200 2,692.77 :400294262 @00011397 Urban Corps of San Diego County PP -3 Library Landscape Conversion Project 1167C 1000P 4120 600 5,700.00 000294263 @00006781 USA Blue Book 069467 SKHS sewage pumps (warranty replacements) 520 0403 4760 300 2,111.51 117041 SKHS Hydromatic sewage pumps 520 0403 4760 300 - 2,111.51 4 164187 WTP: calcium hypochlorite granules 510 0402 4502 300 1,120.45 Total for Check 00294263 1,120.45 3 X00294264 03- Feb -17 @00006562 Valley Power Systems, Inc. C33834 Unit 921: Cooling System Repair 611 0413 4312 300 3,030.79 00294265 - - - -- VAT Partners MDRA12 -013 Dixieline shell space release of deposit 762 0399 5980 900 2,000.00 00294266 @00003270 verizon Wireless 9778273220 MIR for Back -Up Internet 100 0204 2200 400 38.01 Register of Demands Page 9 of 9 9778273219 Cellphones 100 0502 3311 200 54.61 9778273219 Cellphones 100 Warrants From 113012017 - 21312017 2200 200 304.08 9778273219 % Check 100 0504 2200 200 38.01 wNumber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orlin Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294267 03- Feb -17 @00003270 verizon Wireless 9778273219 Cellphones 100 0500 2200 200 76.02 9778273219 Cellphones 100 0500 3311 200 66.88 100 9778273219 Cellphones 100 0501 3311 200 63.14 9778273219 Cellphones 100 0502 3311 200 54.61 9778273219 Cellphones 100 0504 2200 200 304.08 9778273219 Cellphones 100 0504 2200 200 38.01 9778273219 Cellphones 100 0504 3311 200 0.66 Total for Check 00294267 603.40 00294268 03- Feb -17 @00003270 verizon Wireless 9779045402 Emergency Phones 12/21/16 - 01/20/17 100 0106 3310 100 2.64 00294269 9779012690 Field / Mobile Broadband Data - January 2017 100 0104 2200 100 38.01 00294270 @00005639 West Coast Arborists, Inc. 120766 -A Silverset Park: tree trimming and debris remov 100 0418 4120 300 2,711.00 00294271 @00002794 Western Mower and Engine 36201 Mixed Fuel 100 0418 4760 300 205.20 36257 Mixed fuel 100 0418 4760 300 205.20 36293 Chain saw supplies 100 0418 4760 300 282.44 Total for Check 00294271 692.84 00294272 03- Feb -'17 - - - -- Williams, Andy & Teri MDRA09 -041 erosion control deposit release 762 0399 5980 900 2,000.00 00294273 @00010896 WiMacTel Inc. 159998 City Pay Phones - Jan -Mar 2017 100 0106 3310 100 354.00 00904131 02- Feb -17 @00003518 Union Bank -San Diego PPE 1/29/17 Transfer net payroll to Union Bank PPE 1/29/17 100 8003U 521,633.19 00904132 03- Feb -17 @00006266 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. Bank 457 PPE 1/29/17 ICMA 457 deferred comp deductions PPE 1/29/ 100 8617 28,269.95 00904133 457R PE 1/29/17 ROTH 457 deferred comp PPE 1/29/17 100 8617 600.00 00904134 401A PE 1/29/17 401a employee /er deductions PPE 1/29/17 100 8618 10,798.53 00904135 ROTH PE 1/29/17 ROTH IRA employee contributions PPE 1/29/17 100 8627 645.00 00904136 RHS PPE 1/29/17 Retirement Health Savings Plan (Safety) PE 1/2 100 8717 1,698.24 00904137 @00007243 U.S. Bank N.A. PARS ARS 0317 PARS AIRS PE #03 100 8724 1,665.64 00904138 PARS REP 0317 PARS REP PE#03 100 8721 37,918.27 00904139 PARSREPEX 0317 PARS REP EXCESS PE#03 100 8721 17,700.00 00904140 @00003518 Union Bank -San Diego 013117 DISC BEN Flexible Spending Register Jan 2017 100 8016 - 13,080.53 013117 DISC BEN Flexible Spending Register Jan 2017 100 8625 13,080.53 013117 DISC BEN Flexible Spending Register Jan 2017 100 8016 13,080.53 =r Total for Check 00904140 13,080.53 V 0 t2 r Director of Finance Approved Register Total 1,204,153.56 ~ Date 2 3 i� The City of Poway Director of Finance Submits the Following Register of Demands for the Run Date: 17- Feb -17 N period 21612017 - 211012017 and Recommends its Ratification/Approval: Page: 1 of 12 O h N W Check Number Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Amt 00294274 09- Feb -'17 @00010344 211 San Diego 2043 211 contrib. for regional referred services 100 0010 4904 100 2,500.00 2053 FY 15/16 211 Contribution 100 0010 4904 100 2,500.00 Total for Check 00294274 5,000.00 00294275 09- Feb -17 @00010413 AEP California LLC INVO016062 Parts 611 0108 6122B 100 1,670.21 INVO016105 Parts 611 0108 6122B 100 1,670.21 Total for Check 00294275 3,340.42 00294276 09- Feb -'17 @00000061 Agricultural Pest Control 410807 Pest Control Services 100 0418 4120 300 855.00 411568 Citywide pest control services 100 0419 4120 300 551.77 412216 Gopher and Squirrel Control /Maintenance 100 0418 4120 300 370.00 Total for Check 00294276 1,776.77 n 00294277 09- Feb -17 @00011421 Airgas National Carbonation 33526041 Carbon Dioxide for Pool - 01/26/17 100 0203 4502 400 128.30 00294278 @00004833 Aquatic Design Systems, Inc 29557 Library - Aquarium Maintenance - JAN 2017 100 0206 4304 400 264.66 00294279 @00000152 Aramark Refreshment Services 1410510 PCPA Concession Supplies 100 0204 4799 400 17.50 3 00294280 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 1448282540 Towels & Mats 100 0501 4928 200 18.28 (D 1448282553 Lake Weekly Mat Service (1/26/17) 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 1448286975 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 60.04 W 1448286976 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 1.84 1448286976 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 8.00 1448289437 Towels & mats Sta 1 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1448294409 Laundry Service 100 0501 4928 200 18.28 1448294412 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 22.48 1448294413 Wk 2/2/17: CSFW & Mtr. Rdr. uniforms 510 0401 4928 300 5.28 1448294414 Wk 2/2/17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 510 0402 4928 300 53.64 3 1448294414 Wk 2/2/17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 100 0419 4120 300 6.72 0) 1448294414 Wk 2/2/17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 510 0401 4928 300 13.95 1448294415 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4928 300 4.42 ,y 1448294415 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 6.10 N 1448294416 Wk 2/2/17: Water Distribution uniforms 510 0404 4928 300 94.61 OQ 1448294417 Wk 2/2/17:WW Collect; Recycled; WH uniforms 510 0406 4928 300 2.37 -4 1448294417 Wk 2/2/17:WW Collect; Recycled; WH uniforms 520 0405 4928 300 79.17 1448294417 Wk 212/17:WW Collect; Recycled; WH uniforms 510 0410 4928 300 1.32 3 1448294418 Streets: uniforms _ 211 0411 4928 300 97.91 1448294419 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 3.90 1448294419 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 32.20 N 1448294420 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 35.33 Register of Demands Page 2 of 12 9172344 BAN 9391050366 12/20/16 - 01/19/17 275 0470 2310 300 1,046.12 9182095 BAN 9391026534 12/24/16 - 01/23/17 100 0418 2200 W Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 19.64 100 0103 4924 100 110.00 9182096 BAN 9391026538 12/24/16 - 01/23/17 100 0418 0+ Check 300 19.64 1,998.00 00294296 @00000398 Calolympic Safety 9182097 858 - 679 -0268 Kumeyaay Fax Line - 1/17 100 wNumber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294280 09- Feb -17 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 1448294422 Stormwater: uniforms 231 0412 4928 300 69.85 9182111 1448584584 Towels & Mats Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 9182272 BAN 9391031630 12/24/16 - 01/23/17 264 0422 Total for Check 00294280 673.93 00294281 09- Feb -17 @00011364 Artful Living 10818 Art Consultant Services for T.Gwynn Memorial 1193A 1000P 1799 600 935.10 00294282 @00000806 Assessor /Recorder /Clerk GILLUM & LOOP 2 Substitution of Trustee & Full Reconveyance 100 0300 5730 100 32.00 00294283 @00010111 AT &T 000009191914 Sta 2 Phone Lines 100 0501 3310 200 90.58 9172344 BAN 9391050366 12/20/16 - 01/19/17 275 0470 2310 300 1,046.12 9182095 BAN 9391026534 12/24/16 - 01/23/17 100 0418 2200 300 19.64 100 0103 4924 100 110.00 9182096 BAN 9391026538 12/24/16 - 01/23/17 100 0418 2200 300 19.64 1,998.00 00294296 @00000398 Calolympic Safety 9182097 858 - 679 -0268 Kumeyaay Fax Line - 1/17 100 0207 3310 400 142.84 358225 Wrhse: Rain Pants (10) 9182109 BAN 9391026568 12/24/16 - 01/23/17 269 0425 2200 300 40.58 9182111 BAN 9391026570 12/24/16 - 01/23/17 100 0418 2200 300 19.64 9182272 BAN 9391031630 12/24/16 - 01/23/17 264 0422 2200 300 19.64 9182274 BAN 9391031631 12/24/16 - 01/23/17 263 0421 2200 300 17.74 Total for Check 00294283 1,416.42 00294284 09- Feb -17 @00004880 Bay City Electric Works Inc W157780 FY17 Generator Maintenance/Transfer Switch S 510 0402 4120 300 893.00 W157831 FY17 Generator Maintenance/Transfer Switch S 510 0402 4120 300 993.00 W161815 FY17 Generator Maintenance/Transfer Switch S 611 0413 4120 300 778.00 W168858 FY17 Generator Maintenance/Transfer Switch S 510 0402 4120 300 893.00 W168874 FY17 Generator Maintenance/Transfer Switch S 510 0402 4120 300 893.00 W168916 FY17 Generator Maintenance/Transfer Switch S 510 0402 4120 300 893.00 Total for Check 00294284 5,343.00 00294285 09- Feb -17 @00000286 Benchmark Landscape Construction Incorporated 131714 FY16 -17 Landscape Maintenance BP Restaura 720 0704 4120 100 129.00 00294286 @00000287 Bendixen, Suzanne FMMKTINSPFEE816 Farmers Market Inspection Fee Reimbursement 100 0205 5730 400 110.00 00294287 @00011490 BeneTrac 510615 Employee Vendor Mgmt System - Feb. 2017 100 8729 168.00 00294288 @00010113 Best Best & Krieger LLP 788604 Legal services to advise the City on landscape 1191A 1000P 1702B 600 860.21 00294289 @00002701 BJ's Rentals Inc. 750952 -5 Propane 211 0411 4760 300 93.15 1 00294290 @00003870 Bound Tree Medical, LLC 31- 1739487 Medical Supplies 100 0503 4740 200 383.25 ? 00294291 @00010227 Chaulk Mound Trout Ranch 201702 -001 Trout Stock per Ex. B Quote dated 10/03/14 100 0202 4522A 400 11,250.00 y 00294292 - - - -- Calif. Home Builders Inc. MDRA10 -019 Rawson remodel erosion control release 762 0399 5980 900 2,000.00 N 00294293 @00006901 California Commercial Asphalt, LLC 176511 Asphalt 211 0411 4520 300 269.49 L 176797 Asphalt 211 0411 4520 300 212.10 -4 -- Total for Check 00294293 481.59 3 00294294 09- Feb -17 @00000320 California Society of Municipal Finance Officers DX161310 _Annual Membership - Fin Mgr 100 0103 4924 100 110.00 00294295 _ @00000351 California Teamsters Local 911 DUES FEB 2017 Teamster's dues for February 2017 100 8616 1,998.00 00294296 @00000398 Calolympic Safety 358219 Wrhse: Rain Boots 100 8189 120.51 N 358225 Wrhse: Rain Pants (10) 100 8189 262.80 Register of Demands Page 3 of 12 4ph Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 2+ Check ccaaNumber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294297 09- Feb -17 @00005556 Cannon Pacific Services, Inc 00294298 09- Feb -17 @00007403 Capital One Commercial 00294299 09- Feb -17 @00005793 Christophiades, Arthur 00294300 - -- Chuck Cross 00294301 @00000530 City Clerks Association of California 00294302 09- Feb -'17 @00006221 Code Publishing Company 145121 FY16/17 Street Sweeping Services 211 Total for Check 00294296 0411 4332 300 383.31 18,438.11 145182 FY16/17 Special Sweeps 211 0411 4332 300 120.00 145183 WS17 Additional Street Sweeping 1/21/17 11806 1000P 4332 600 607.50 145187 WS17 Additional Street Sweeping 1/25/17 11806 1000P 4332 600 1,015.00 145188 WS17 Additional Street Sweeping 1/27/17 11806 1000P 4332 600 725.00 145189 WS17 Additional Street Sweeping 1/28/17 11806 1000P 4332 600 337.50 012552 PCPA Concession Supplies 100 Total for Check 00294297 0204 4799 400 21,243.11 182.19 062628 PCPA Concessions Supplies 100 0204 4799 400 72.67 6003.300- 05.16A Instructor Payment Winter 2016 100 Total for Check 00294298 0208 4118 400 254.86 1,188.00 020217PNEC Chuck Cross PNEC Organization 100 0500 4922 200 301.66 1923 CCAC Membership Renewal 2017: NN 100 0011 4924 100 130.00 1967 CCAC Annual Conf. 2017: NN 100 0011 1430 100 395.00 55395 Code Publishing, PMC elect. update, 115/17 100 Total for Check 00294301 0011 4120 100 525.00 673.50 00294303 @00010997 Commercial Aquatic Services 117 -0360 Monthly Pool Maintenance 100 0203 4120 400 363.06 00294304 @00011283 Corodata Shredding, Inc. DN 1142610 Corodata Shredding Services thru 12/31/16 100 0011 4120 100 34.50 00294305 @00002830 Costco Wholesale 77512871 Youth Fishing Derby Supplies 716 7678 4760 400 691.99 775826313 Youth Fishing Derby Supplies 716 7678 4760 400 300.19 Total for Check 00294305 992.18 00294306 09- Feb -17 @00000791 County of San Diego DPW REG_RCS 0013 FY16/17 Stormwater Copermittee Shared Costs 100 0308 4120 100 28,219.00 REG RMAR 0013 FY16/17 Monitoring & Assessment Report (RM 100 0308 4120 100 2,606.00 ic 00294307 09- Feb -17 @00006320 CRAFCO Inc. REG —RTS 0009 9401586539 FY16/17 Trash Generation Rate Special Study Valve 100 211 0308 4120 100 Total for Check 00294306 0411 4320A 300 14,893.00 45,718.00 270.19 y00294308 @00000949 Culligan Water Conditioning 1053798 FY 2016/2017 Water Softener Equipment Rent 510 0402 4120 300 280.00 N 00294309 @00000301 D & D Services Inc. 85712 FY 16 -17 Dead Animal Removal Services 100 0301 4120 100 2,120.00 00294310 @00006337 Department of Justice 215147 Fingerprinting- January 2017 100 0601 4934 100 147.00 -400294311 @00010926 Department of Motor Vehicles TITLE VIN11625 Duplicate Title Unit 519 VIN 1 WC200C12N4011 611 0413 5730 300 20.00 00294312 REG VIN11625 Duplicate Reg Unit 519 VIN 1 WC200C12N4011 611 0413 5730 300 20.00 3 00294313 @00004897 Diamond Environmental Services 0000951637 Restroom: Crosthwaite 231 0412 4120 300 27.00 00294314 _ @00011270 Dokken Engineering 31121 Midland Rd - Electrical Design Services 12008A 1000P 1799 600 2,550.00 -A00294315 @00001070 Dudek &Associates Inc 20167941 Environmental Consulting Services FY15 231 0412 4120 300 1,374.72 00294316 @00003453 EMS Personnel Fund - Calif. EMS Authority P17391 -2017 Paramedic License Renewal - Delotch 100 0503 3140 200 200.00 Register of Demands Page 4 of 12 Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 h Check ccoNumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294317 09- Feb -17 @00006995 Enniss Inc. 423851 WS17 Sand Delivery 1/18/17 (20.90tons) 1180B 1000P 4760 600 647.45 423885 WS17 Sand Delivery 1/19/17 (21.15tons) 1180B 1000P 4760 600 655.18 423896 WS17 Sand Delivery 1/18 -19/17 (136.54tons) 1180B 1000P 4760 600 1,839.02 Total for Check 00294317 3,141.65 00294318 09- Feb -'17 @00011100 eScreen Inc: 6985261 Pre - employment Drug Testing - Jan. 2017 100 0601 4916 100 128.00 00294319 @00004968 E-qua Water Technologies LLC 902950314 1/18/17:Odor control product delivery/Old Coac 520 0403 4502 300 1,652.56 902950314 1/18/17:Odor control product delivery/Old Coac 100 0419 4502 300 712.77 902958774 1/24/17:odor control product delivery/Crosthwait 520 0403 4502 300 5,292.95 Total for Check 00294319 7,658.28 00294320 09- Feb -17 @00003713 Ewing Irrigation WI 15-002 WI -15 -00 Warranty Release 762 0399 5980 100 385.00 00294321 @00006933 Fastenal Company CAPOW40167 Wrhse: Gloves (24) 100 8189 170.40 CAPOW40175 Utility Systems: heavy -duty rain gear (5) 510 0401 4750 300 76.34 Total for Check 00294321 246.74 00294322 09- Feb -17 @00001467 Fed Ex Kinko's 270200011130 Interpretive Services Lamination 100 0207 4922 400 155.07 270200011133 Interpretive Services - Printing /Lamination 100 0207 4922 400 125.76 270200011135 Interpretive Services Lamination Refund 100 0207 4922 400 - 155.07 Total for Check 00294322 125.76 00294323 09- Feb -17 @00001144 Ferguson Waterworks 0581207 Wrhse: Ball Angle (2) 510 8189 443.93 0582014 Water Dist: valve box and cover 510 0404 4760 300 153.46 0582418 Water Dist: brass nipples 510 0404 4760 300 6.57 0582630 Water Dist: brass 90 ells 510 0404 4760 300 73.27 Total for Check 00294323 677.23 00294324 09- Feb -17 @00001085 Garnishment Recipient PPE 1/29/17 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 199.77 00294325 @00010292 Friends of the Poway Library FRIENDS1 Library Love Donation 100 0010 4904 100 150.00 00294326 @00010003 Goldfarb & Lipman LLP 122135 As- Needed Legal Services for December 2016 416 0309 17028 100 548.00 300294327 @00001207 Grainger Inc 9335087491 Wrhse: Duplicate Shipment, Credit to Follow 100 8189 66.59 9336312435 Dock Supplies 100 0202 4760 400 10.22 3 9336515508 Dock Supplies 100 0202 4760 400 18.20 y 9341595511 CREDIT Ref# 9335087491 100 8189 -66.59 9342425577 WTP: sump pump 510 0402 4760 300 197.35 V Total for Check 00294327 225.77 l;D 00294328 09- Feb -17 @00005130 Hanson Aggregates Pacific Southwest, Inc 1755647 Aggregate Base 211 0411 4520 300 945.19 00294329 @00005791 HD Supply Facilities Maintenance 1805557667 Tax Correction to Inv# 9151351322 100 8189 # 9151351322 Wrhse: Valve Eyewash Repair Kit (10) 100 _ 8189 _0.92 396.84 Total for Check 00294329 397.76 N Register of Demands Page 5 of 12 O Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 % Check wNumber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orlin Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294330 09- Feb -17 @00005500 Hill Brothers Chemical Co. 07016006 FY 2016/2017 Aqua Ammonia 510 0402 4502 300 4,040.00 07016661 FY 2016/2017 Aqua Ammonia 510 0402 4502 300 - 4,040.00 07016662 FY 2016/2017 Aqua Ammonia 510 0402 4502 300 4,013.15 Total for Check 00294330 4,013.15 00294331 09- Feb -17 @00001645 Home Depot Commercial Account 0210290 Facility Repair 100 0501 4304 200 32.28 1220605 Old Poway Park: Gazebo repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 12.89 1220609 Fire Station #3: flag lights 100 0417 4760 300 36.52 2220593 Veteran's Park: repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 40.88 2220599 Fire Station #1: paint supplies 100 0419 4760 300 57.44 3210347 Unit 541: Washers 611 0413 4799 300 1.59 3210349 Library: repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 116.03 3220359 Repair supplies 211 0411 4760 300 9.53 6210106 Unit 30A: Hardware 611 0413 4799 300 23.06 6220584 Parks: repair supplies 100 0418 4760 300 56.40 7220059 Training Tower Supplies 100 0501 4799 200 491.00 7220148 Safety Supplies 100 0501 4750 200 16.04 7220560 Water Dist:poly sheet. covers; ball valve lever 510 0404 4760 300 37.65 7220563 Templar's Hall: door repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 45.43 7220566 Water Dist: brass square head pipe plugs 510 0404 4760 300 15.94 811993 Janitorial Supplies Credit 100 0501 4720 200 -6.91 8210705 -A Janitorial Supplies 100 0501 4720 200 6.91 9210300 WS17 Storm Clean -Up Supplies 1180B 1000P 4760 600 60.68 Total for Check 00294331 1,053.36 00294332 09- Feb -17 - - -- Howell, Akiko & Cal WI 13-005 WI 13-005 Warranty Release 762 0399 5980 100 3,700.00 00294333 @00006463 InfoSend 116503 Mailing Statements, 1 -19 -17 to 1 -31 -17 100 0102 3320 100 1,840.45 116503 Mailing Statements, 1 -19 -17 to 1 -31 -17 100 0102 4120 100 522.84 Total for Check 00294333 2,363.29 ic S1 00294334 09- Feb -17 @00006902 International Code Council 3133862 Membership Dues 100 0502 4924 200 240.00 300294335 @00005653 John Deere Co. 115597350 John Deere Z997R Diesel, 72" Deck 611 0108 6106 100 20,552.37 -400294336 @00005405 John Zettner Floor Covering Inc. 25498 Fire Station #2: floor prep 100 0419 4120 300 952.00 N 25499 Fire Station #2: install carpet 100 0419 4120 300 922.62 O — Total for Check 00294336 1,874.62 00294337 09- Feb -17 - - -- Kantouth, Julie 2011250.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permit # 18028 100 0205 7471 400 300.00 (1) 00294338 @00011224 Kelly & Assoc., Inc. 201701 -9 WS 17 Sand Delivery Service (6 loads) 1180B 1000P 4120 600 784.00 00294339 @00005310 Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc 8814098 Prepare Traffic Control Plans for Pomerado Roa 1829A 1000P 1714D 600 832.40 8814104 -1 Twin Peaks Traffic Analysis 100 0307 1726 100 6,476.28 W 8814367 FY16 -17 As- Needed Traffic Enqineerinq Servic 275 0470 1714D 300 790.60 Register of Demands Page 6 of 12 V Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 I+ Check wNumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294339 09- Feb -17 @00005310 Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc 8814368 -1 FY16 -17 As- Needed Traffic Engineering Servic 100 0307 1714D 100 10,424.99 Total for Check 00294339 18,524.27 00294340 09- Feb -17 @00011554 Knight, LLC 164861 RI Operation Supplies 100 0501 4760 200 78.80 00294341 @00007079 Koi City 016 -889 Maintenance: January 2017 100 0418 4120 300 300.00 017 -018 Pool: Water Conditioner 100 0418 4120 300 16.18 Total for Check 00294341 316.18 00294342 09- Feb -17 @00010805 Kronos Inc. 11142736 Annual Software Maintenance 100 0501 4120 200 575.00 11142974 Workforce TeleStaff Software Licenses 100 0501 4120 200 2,500.00 11146161 Professional Services 100 0501 4120 200 180.00 Total for Check 00294342 3,255.00 00294343 09- Feb -17 @00003754 Layfield USA Corporation E06933 FY17 WTP Clearwell Cover Cleanings: 510 0402 4120 300 8,912.00 00294344 @00001434 League of California Cities 169107 Annual membership dues 100 0010 4924 100 17,111.00 00294345 @00001435 Leatherman, Richard 6005.300- 04.16A Instructor Payment Winter 2016 100 0208 4118 400 2,709.00 00294346 @00011503 Leehan of Davis Inc. ST7 -47 2017 Ram 4500, 2WD Pickup # 58 & 62 611 0108 6104 100 34,209.78 00294347 @00001518 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 022117WEBINAR 02/21/17 Webinar -Top Negotiable Items -2017 100 0601 1430 100 70.00 00294348 @00010440 Lowers 02188 LS2: in -wall digital timers 520 0403 4760 300 40.90 17338 WS17 Storm Clean -up Supplies 1180B 1000P 4760 600 114.48 Total for Check 00294348 155.38 00294349 09- Feb -17 @00010539 Mail Dispatch 150823 Mail Courier Service - Feb 2017 100 0106 4120 100 1,253.56 00294350 - - - -- Manez, Nercy 2011249.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permit # 18367 100 0205 7471 400 200.00 00294351 Marc Hen nen 99077511 Lunch for CERT Volunteers 1187A 1000P 1520 600 42.88 00294352 @00010287 Matheson Tri -Gas, Inc. 14767258 Water Dist: Victor cutting tips 510 0404 4760 300 100.75 00294353 - - - -- Meldahl, Keith BS -KIIC ENRICH Blue Sky & KIIC Enrichment Presenter 100 0207 4120 400 75.00 00294354 @00010049 Metropolitan Transportation Commission 4926- AR10283 StreetSaver Subscription Renewal 3/17 -2/18 100 0304 4120 100 1,500.00 00294355 @00001804 Miramar Bobcat Incorporated P77686 Unit 531: Couplers 611 0413 4799 300 116.00 P77701 Unit 531: Coupler 611 0413 4799 300 88.07 ic P77702 Credit Ref# 220270 611 0413 4799 300 -56.49 C7 P77703 CREDIT Ref# P77701 611 0413 4799 300 -38.65 V Total for Check 00294355 108.93 00294356 09- Feb -17 @00006172 Miranda, Jose TE- 17- 0131 -03 Tuition Reimb - Tactical Emergency Casualty 100 0601 4926 100 450.00 00294357 @00011510 Mutual of Omaha Policyholder Services 000608876888 Basic Life & ADD /LTD /STD/Vol Life - Feb. 2017 100 8726 6,418.21 000608876888 Basic Life & ADD /LTD /STD/Vol Life - Feb. 2017 100 8626 3,785.71 000608876888 Basic Life & ADD /LTD /STDNoI Life - Feb. 2017 100 8725 3,540.53 3 000608876888 Basic Life & ADD /LTD /STDNoI Life - Feb. 2017 100 8726 1,975.09 Total for Check 00294357 15,719.54 N00294358 09- Feb -17 @00006496 MWI Plumbing Wholesale, Inc. FYTM98 Plumbing Supplies 100 0419 4760 300 529.54 Register of Demands Page 7 of 12 00 Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 I. Check wNumber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Amt 00294359 09- Feb -17 @00001840 Napa Auto Parts /Poway 161282 Janitorial Supplies 100 0501 4720 200 155.26 185979 Water Dist: wax and polishing bonnet 510 0404 4760 300 17.22 Total for Check 00294359 172.48 00294360 09- Feb -17 @00004385 National Safety Compliance, Inc 68445 Annual Admin & DP Live User License Fee- 201 100 0601 4916 100 229.00 00294361 @00011232 Neopost USA Inc. SWINV463286A Base Rate Charge - 01/05/17 to 01/04/18 100 0106 4308 100 640.00 00294362 @00010905 North County Buick Cadillac GMC 432053 Unit 88: Module Kit 611 0413 4799 300 903.18 00294363 @00005550 O'Reilly, Corey WTPO VOL2 Tuition Reimbursement -WTPO Vol 2 100 0601 4926 100 165.68 00294364 - - - -- OCT Water Quality Academy CONDER MAY17 Register: Chris Conder, 5/23- 25/17, T5 Test Pre 510 0402 1430 300 600.00 00294365 @00000775 Office Depot Business Services Division 879905437 -001 Office Supplies 100 0501 4710 200 81.04 880428210 -002 Toner for Code Compliance Printer 100 0301 4710 100 64.30 883605377 -001 Office Supplies: Order Date 11/29/16 100 0011 4710 100 15.18 897258377 -001 Office Supplies - 2nd Floor 100 0304 4710 100 64.63 897744728 -001 897744728 -001 Letter size paper 100 0305 4710 100 68.94 897744908 -001 897744908 -001 Project Folders 100 0301 4710 100 56.67 898285251 -001 Office Supplies - 2nd Floor 100 0304 4710 100 37.80 899865535 -001 Office supplies 100 0013 4710 100 106.22 900157326 -001 Office Supplies - 2nd Floor 100 0300 4710 100 113.14 900202348 -001 OPP Chair 100 0205 4822A 400 197.17 900202448 -001 OPP Office Supplies 100 0205 4710 400 14.33 90023941 -001 Office supplies 100 0500 4710 200 53.33 900349222 -001 PW Admin: office supplies 510 0410 4710 300 6.50 900349383 -001 WW Collection: flash drives 520 0405 4760 300 58.40 900385885 -001 Office Supplies 100 0500 4710 200 84.59 900507184 -001 PW Admin: office supplies 510 0410 4710 300 69.27 Total for Check 00294365 1,091.51 00294366 09- Feb -17 @00002457 OneSource Distributors S5392134.001 PS14: AB PanelView 800, touch screen 510 0402 4899 300 849.07 00294367 @00002007 Pacific Pipeline Supply 312168 LS2: Coupling, 90 ell, bushing 520 0403 4760 300 57.56 00294368 - - - -- Patterson, Kristin 2011241.001 Deposit Refund for OPP Permit # 18413 100 0205 7471 400 200.00 9 00294369 @00011422 Pawlik, Christine REIMB 013117 Mileage Reimbursement: January 2017 100 0304 3110 100 54.04 =00294370 - - - -- Peppers, Rebecca 2011247.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permit # 17936 100 0205 7471 400 300.00 V 00294371 @00002703 Perry Ford of Poway 61002703 Oil Replacement 100 0501 3130 200 116.71 C 00294372 @00002316 Petty Cash Community Services - Director's Ofc PCASH FEB2017 Community Services Petty Cash Feb 2017 100 0200 1430 400 314.66 PCASH FEB2017 Community Services Petty Cash Feb 2017 100 0204 3110 400 83.70 PCASH FEB2017 Community Services Petty Cash Feb 2017 100 0208 3110 400 18.36 rt �D Total for Check 00294372 416.72 3 *00294373 09- Feb -17 @00000173 Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundation 01312017 Foundation ticket sales transfer -PCPA 100 8641 4,092.00 X00294374 @00002702 Poway Firefighters Association DUES PE 1/29/17 Fire Association dues for PPE 1/29/17 100 8615 1,970.71 00294375 @00004300 Poway Historical Memorial Society MORNCREEKTOUR Tour - Morning Creek Elem 1/10- 1/12/17 100 0205 4120 400 144.00 Register of Demands Page 8 of 12 i CO Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 0+ Check wNumber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294376 09- Feb -17 @00011452 Poway Ice Arena 6182.240 -01.16 Instructor Payment Fall 2016 100 0208 4118 400 315.00 00294377 @00002719 Poway Midland Railroad Volunteers MORNCREEKTOUR Tour - Morning Creek Elem 1/10- 1/12/17 100 0205 4120 400 133.50 00294378 @00002741 Poway Unified School District 19578 Crossing Guards 100 0504 4109 200 1,217.12 00294379 @00006614 Productivity Plus Account 214063 Unit 771: Thermostat 611 0413 4799 300 33.31 00294380 @00010911 R & B Pinto Properties LLC LKCONC- JAN25 -29 Weekly Concession Payment (Jan 25 -29, 2017) 100 8647 4,295.69 00294381 @00006488 RBF Consulting 966626 Espola Road Safety Improvement Project 12010A 1000P 1799 600 1,718.55 00294382 - - - -- Rehmani, Taseem 2011252.001 Deposit Refund CP Permit # 18250 100 0208 7471 400 200.00 00294383 @00002239 Rex Trophies 2369 Fishing Derby Trophies 100 0202 4760 400 116.10 00294384 - - - -- Roche, Tracy 2011248.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permit # 17983 100 0205 7471 400 300.00 00294385 @00002261 San Diego County APCD 03803 - -RI -2017 APCD Permit Renewal Unit 741 611 0413 5730 300 309.00 00294386 057692005RI2017 APCD2005- SITE -05769 CamDelValle LS, 4/30/ 520 0403 5730 300 356.00 00294387 @00002262 San Diego County Sheriff's Department 73290R- 013117 Community Safety 100 0504 7758 200 - 711.81 73290R- 013117 Community Safety 100 0504 4104 200 938,452.00 Total for Check 00294387 937,740.19 00294388 09- Feb -17 @00002318 San Diego Gas & Electric 1453224891 FEB17 13094 Civic Center Drive - Electric - 02/2017 100 0203 2110 400 6,477.11 00294389 @00002312 San Diego Gas & Electric /Sundry 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 510 0406 2140S 300 472.90 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 520 0403 214OU 300 84.07 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 520 0403 21400 300 964.79 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 510 0402 2140V 300 1,431.74 0492013340 1/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 520 0403 2140M 300 774.28 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 520 0403 2140B 300 2,092.00 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 510 0410 2110 300 1,592.69 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 510 0402 214OR 300 349.69 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 510 0402 2140L 300 1,819.50 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16 - 1/11/17 520 0403 2140H 300 -72.71 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16 - 1/11/17 510 0402 2140T 300 403.93 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16 - 1/11/17 510 0402 2140C 300 927.80 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 510 0402 21401 300 1,210.95 p� 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16 - 1/11/17 510 0402 2140J 300 593.96 n 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 510 0402 2140K 300 5,130.85 3 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16 - 1/11/17 510 0402 214ON 300 1,956.30 V 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 510 0402 2140P 300 2,833.91 N O 04920133401/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 510 0402 2140A 300 3,406.34 -4 0492013340 1/17 PW Utilities & Ops Ctr: 12/11/16- 1/11/17 510 0402 2110 300 450.31 — 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 275 0470 2130 300 286.30 t;D 3 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 100 - 0418 2110 300 5.23 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 264 0422 2110 300 31.61 .a 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 275 0470 2120 300 1,127.73 N 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 269 0425 2110 300 88.53 Register of Demands Page 9 of 12 N C Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 0+ Check wNumber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294389 09- Feb -17 @00002312 San Diego Gas & Electric/Sundry 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 271 0429 2110 300 7.77 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 267 0424 2110 300 23.26 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 266 0426 2110 300 15.52 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 268 0428 2110 300 16.28 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 265 0423 2110 300 15.93 049444400390117 Group Bill Cycle 14: 01/11/17 263 0421 2110 300 45.20 36194890050117 Group Bill Ban #3619489005 510 0404 2110 300 8.45 36194890050117 Group Bill Ban #3619489005 100 0418 2110 300 556.61 36194890050117 Group BillBan #3619489005 100 0204 2110 400 1,113.28 36194890050117 Group Bill Ban #3619489005 264 0422 2110 300 57.52 36194890050117 Group BillBan #3619489005 611 0413 2110 300 682.10 36194890050117 Group BillBan#3619489005 263 0421 2110 300 43.47 36194890050117 Group BillBan#3619489005 265 0423 2110 300 8.15 36194890050117 Group Bill Ban #3619489005 100 0208 2110 400 11,992.33 36194890050117 Group BillBan #3619489005 100 0205 2110 400 373.34 36194890050117 Group BillBan #3619489005 269 0425 2110 300 68.28 36194890050117 Group Bill Ban #3619489005 275 0470 2120 300 2,715.72 36194890050117 Group BillBan #3619489005 100 0203 2110 400 8,134.94 Total for Check 00294389 53,840.85 00294390 09- Feb -17 @00007078 San Diego Mailing Solutions INV16306 Maint. contract 11/22/16- 11/21/17 inserter mach 100 0106 4308 100 985.00 00294391 @00010115 San Diego Union Tribune 4731072 Legal Ad 17 -001 100 0011 4932 100 82.59 4742309 Legal Ad 17 -002 3501F 1000P 4932 600 103.26 4756210 Legal Ad 17 -003 3501F 1000P 4932 600 187.38 4756265 Legal Ad 17 -004 3501F 1000P 4932 600 187.38 4760415 Legal Ad 17 -005 100 0011 4932 100 176.70 Total for Check 00294391 737.31 00294392 09- Feb -17 @00005845 Scripps /Poway Fence Builders 0130201701 Remove playground equipment 100 0418 4120 300 999.00 00294393 @00011120 SD Skate Life 6004.300 -02.16 Instructor Payment Winter 2016 100 0208 4118 400 480.00 9 00294394 - - - -- Shah, Bankim MDRA04 -069 Wildgrove Rd erosion control release 761 8729 5980 900 2,000.00 =r00294395 @00002814 Sharp Rees- Stealy Medical Center 304677509 Pre - employment Physical 100 0601 4916 100 60.00 V 304756423 Pre - employment Physical 100 0601 4916 100 60.00 N O 304756424 Pre - employment Physical 100 0601 4916 100 70.00 304820812 Pre - employment Physical 100 0601 4916 100 60.00 -4 -- 304898164 Pre - employment Physical 100 0601 4916 100 41.00 3 304942984 Pre - employment Physical 100 0601 4916 100 45.00 304942985 Pre - employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 60.00 304943515 Pre - employment Physical 100 0601 4916 100 134.00 i IV Total for Check 00294395 530.00 Register of Demands Page 10 of 12 Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 h Check wNumber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294396 09- Feb -17 @00010645 Siemens Industry Inc 5610028669 Painting 21 Street Light Poles 275 0470 4327 300 7,240.00 00294397 @00006465 So Cal Signs, Inc. 5184 Krista Christensen Nameplate 100 0301 4710 100 20.00 00294398 @00010060 SoCo Group Inc. 0356528 -IN Fuel Delivery: Fleet Shop 1/26/17 611 0413 3120 300 8,184.50 00294399 @00007160 Specialty Electric Supply Co. 7148 - 541832 Old Poway Park: lights 100 0419 4760 300 343.78 7148 - 542265 Operating Supplies 100 0501 4760 200 27.81 Total for Check 00294399 371.59 00294400 09- Feb -17 @00003566 State Water Resources Control Board SW- 0128742 Index No: 296612 231 0412 5730 300 1,676.00 00294401 @00005541 Statewide Safety & Signs, Inc 01002505 Fleet Stock: Door Decals (16) 611 0413 4799 300 77.58 01002506 Custom Signs 211 0411 4514 300 150.62 01002510 Sign materials 211 0411 4514 300 159.13 Total for Check 00294401 387.33 00294402 09- Feb -17 @00011412 Stericycle Environmental Solutions 72401530031 HHW Services September 2016 1697A 1000P 4120 600 15,188.70 00294403 @00006883 Stericycle, Inc. 30037211187 Hazardous Waste 100 0503 2910 200 3,064.16 00294404 @00010875 T -Man Traffic Supply 5562 Wrhse: Marking Paint (12) 100 8189 51.72 00294405 @00011441 TransUnion Risk and Alternative Data Solutions Inc. 3081831 - 012017 Data Solutions 100 0504 4120 200 110.25 00294406 @00010371 U.S. Bank Corporate Payment System -CS 00010444.1/17 CSD Calcard -Greg Sundberg - 1/17 100 0202 4760 400 892.62 00048866 -01/17 CSD Calcard - Mike Varga - 01/17 100 0203 4750 400 14.97 00048866 -01/17 CSD Calcard - Mike Varga - 01/17 100 0203 4516 400 197.53 00048866 -01/17 CSD Calcard - Mike Varga - 01/17 100 0203 4308 400 110.39 00267424.1/17 CSD Calcard- Christine Hill - 1/17 100 0205 4760 400 -32.30 00267424.1/17 CSD Calcard- Christine Hill - 1/17 100 0205 4899 400 -72.17 0031 - 5760 -1/17 CSD CalCard - RJ Saldana Jan 2017 100 0201 4120 400 29.95 00348159.1/17 CSD Calcard -Allie Margis - 1/17 100 8644 -4.41 00348159.1/17 CSD Calcard -Allie Margis - 1/17 100 0205 4936 400 100.23 00348159.1/17 CSD Calcard -Allie Margis - 1/17 716 7678 4760 400 31.81 00348159.1/17 CSD Calcard -Allie Margis - 1/17 100 0208 4760 400 259.12 00348159.1/17 CSD Calcard -Allie Margis - 1/17 100 0202 4760 400 77.71 i 00348159.1/17 CSD Calcard -Allie Margis - 1/17 100 0205 4760 400 - 206.82 00348159.1/17 CSD Calcard -Allie Margis - 1117_ 100 0205 4899 400 170.09 n 01835530.1/17 CSD Calcard -Sarah Becker - 1/17 100 0205 4936 400 10.80 V 01835530.1/17 CSD Calcard -Sarah Becker - 1/17 100 0205 4928 400 116.40 N 01835530.1/17 CSD Calcard -Sarah Becker - 1/17 100 0205 3140 400 33.15 O y 01835530.1/17 CSD Calcard -Sarah Becker - 1/17 100 0205 4760 400 - 134.71 02285321 -01/17 CSD Calcard - Carrie Sanchez - 01/17 100 0208 4936 400 747.01 02288361 -01/17 CSD Calcard - Brook Walsh - 01/17 100 0208 4760 400 19.37 02288361 -01/17 CSD Calcard - Brook Walsh - 01/17 100 0203 4760 400 135.76 02288361 -01/17 CSD Calcard - Brook Walsh - 01/17 100 0203 4308 400 314.57 N 02288361 -01/17 CSD Calcard - Brook Walsh - 01/17 100 0203 4924 400 975.00 02288361 -01/17 CSD Calcard - Brook Walsh - 01/17 100 0203 4750 400 193.56 Register of Demands Page 11 of 12 @00002730 Waxie 633.75 GFOA 1/26 -1/27 Travel Reimbursement GFOA Adv Fin Rpting -D 100 -4 1430 N 411.00 WI15 -001 Weatherington, Debra 3 00294415 09-Feb-17 @00010702 100 00294416 - - - -- N Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 .a 00294417 5980 Wary, Terry N 00294418 @00005639 west Coast Arborists, Inc. 0014 0+ Check 100 3,780.00 wNumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00294406 09- Feb -17 @00010371 U.S. Bank Corporate Payment system -CS 17611106.1/17 CSD Calcard -Annie Ransom - 1/17 100 0207 4928 400 151.15 17611106.1/17 CSD Calcard -Annie Ransom - 1/17 100 0202 4760 400 17.27 17611106.1/17 CSD Calcard -Annie Ransom - 1/17 100 0207 3140 400 35.54 17611106.1/17 CSD Calcard -Annie Ransom - 1117 100 8644 -6.26 17611106.1/17 CSD Calcard -Annie Ransom - 1/17 100 0207 4760 400 170.62 17611106.1/17 CSD Calcard -Annie Ransom - 1/17 100 0207 4516 400 37.59 1761- 1684 -01/17 CSD CalCard - Lisa Najmi Jan 2017 100 0204 4799 400 163.58 1761 - 1684 -01/17 CSD CalCard - Lisa Najmi Jan 2017 100 0204 4799 400 22.46 1761 - 1684 -01/17 CSD CalCard - Lisa Najmi Jan 2017 100 0204 4799 400 154.56 1923 - 9914 -1/17 CSD CalCard - Ashley Cain Jan 2017 100 0208 4516 400 33.70 1923 - 9914 -1/17 CSD CalCard - Ashley Cain Jan 2017 100 0208 4760 400 1,999.65 1923 - 9914 -1/17 CSD CalCard - Ashley Cain Jan 2017 100 0201 4932 400 24.85 1993 - 3326 -01/17 CSD CalCard - Kelcie Kopf Jan 2017 100 0204 4710 400 140.39 Total for Check 00294406 6,924.73 00294407 09- Feb -17 @00011518 U.S. Bank Corporate Payment System -LG 0914-01/17 Calcard 01/17 - DR 100 0013 4932 100 119.88 0914-01/17 Calcard 01/17 - DR 100 0013 4932 100 10.00 0914-01/17 Calcard 01117 - DR 100 0010 4904 100 200.00 0914-01/17 Calcard 01/17 - DR 100 0013 4932 100 75.00 Total for Check 00294407 404.88 00294408 09- Feb -17 @00010380 Ultimate Labs Inc. 6862 Water Dist: Bioburden & TV Coli 510 0404 1708 300 180.00 00294409 @00010979 Unitis Contractor Supplies 127407 Wrhse: Shovels (10) 100 8189 312.37 00294410 - - - -- VECK INVESTMENT PROPERTIES L L MDRA14 -030 MDRA14 -030 Erosion Control Release 762 0399 5980 100 2,000.00 00294411 @00002663 Village Lock and Key 8860 Keys 100 0418 4304 300 15.07 00294412 @00005030 VIP Janitorial Service 4185 Citywide Janitorial Services 100 0419 4114 300 12,259.15 4185 Citywide Janitorial Services 100 0206 4114 400 1,469.48 4186 Poway Auditorium: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4114 300 230.40 4187 Library: sanitary supplies 100 0206 4720 400 347.31 4188 Facilities: January supplies 100 0419 4720 300 2,076.45 C7 Total for Check 00294412 16,382.79 3 -400294413 09- Feb -17 - - - -- Vivint Solar B16 -2122 REFUND B16 -2122 Refund 100 0303 7734 100 97.51 N 00294414 @00002730 Waxie 633.75 GFOA 1/26 -1/27 Travel Reimbursement GFOA Adv Fin Rpting -D 100 -4 1430 100 411.00 WI15 -001 Weatherington, Debra 3 00294415 09-Feb-17 @00010702 100 00294416 - - - -- Weaver, John & Julie .a 00294417 5980 Wary, Terry N 00294418 @00005639 west Coast Arborists, Inc. 76474546 Lake: sanitary supplies 76475262 Lake: Sanitary Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 547.14 100 0419 4720 300 86.61 Total for Check 00294414 633.75 GFOA 1/26 -1/27 Travel Reimbursement GFOA Adv Fin Rpting -D 100 0103 1430 100 411.00 WI15 -001 WI 15-001 Warranty Release 762 0399 5980 100 750.00 G15 -0004 G15 -0004 Grading Bond Security release 762 0399 5980 100 10,500.00 120393 16/17 Parks, 10/16 through 10/31/16 100 0014 4120 100 3,780.00 Register of Demands Page 12 of 12 N W Warrants From 21612017 - 211012017 % Check wNumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Amt 00294418 09- Feb -17 @00005639 West Coast Arborists, Inc. 121923 -A Library: pruning 100 0419 4120 300 2,805.00 Total for Check 00294418 6,585.00 00294419 09- Feb -17 - - -- WestCoast Security & Investigative Agency, LLC 1820 Winter Festival - Security 100 0208 4120 400 760.51 00294420 @00002794 Western Mower and Engine 36333 Chain saw supplies 231 0412 4760 300 85.51 36651 Sprayer 211 0411 4516 300 129.59 Total for Check 00294420 215.10 00294421 09- Feb -17 @00006606 Westview High School WESTVIEW 2017 Westview Grad Nite 2017 Donation 100 0010 4904 100 100.00 00294422 @00011526 Wittman Enterprises, LLC 17010574 Ambulance Billing - January 2017 100 0102 4120 100 5,271.00 00294423 @00011319 World Advancement of Technology for EMS and Resc 555 Patient Reporting Software 100 0503 4120 200 1,094.00 00904130 07- Feb -17 @00007257 CalPERS 020717 PE #02 PIERS EFT Debit for PE #02 100 8722 169,744.47 00904141 06- Feb -17 @00010569 U.S. Dept. of the Treasury 020617 PE #03 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#03 100 8624 20,233.18 020617 PE #03 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#03 100 8621 82,254.79 Total for Check 00904141 102,487.97 00904142 06- Feb -17 @00010570 Employment Development Department 020617 PE #03 Payroll W/H EFT for PE #03 100 8622 28,131.89 00904143 @00010571 Garnishment Recipient 020617 PE #03 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 1,132.59 00904144 07- Feb -17 @00000248 Union Bank 3136G4KD4 Purchase Fannie Mae 06 -29 -20 Maturity 100 8224 1,900,000.00 3136G4KD4 Purchase Fannie Mae 06 -29 -20 Maturity 100 8224A - 475.00 3136G4KD4 Purchase Fannie Mae 06 -29 -20 Maturity 100 8261 3,509.72 Total for Check 00904144 1,903,034.72 00904145 09- Feb -17 @00000248 Union Bank 0258MODP1 Purchase American Express Credit 08 -15 -19 M 100 8243A 17,389.28 0258MODP1 Purchase American Express Credit 08 -15 -19 M 100 8261 21,837.00 0258MODP1 Purchase American Express Credit 08 -15 -19 M 100 8243 2,008,000.00 Total for Check 00904145 2,047,226.28 Director of Finance Approved Register Total 5,635,705.21 ic Date ( ? n S N 0 V �D 3 N