Item 3.1 - CUP 16-005, VAR 17-001 and MDRA 17-003; 25ft. Setback at 13314-13382 Poway Rd �� of p APPROVED IP c/" �r APPROVED AS AMENDED ° City of Poway (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ° REMOVED yF(',ry IN THE,O �r COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT CONTINUED ° RESOLUTION NO.H i_03 DATE: March 7, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Robert Manis, Director of Development Services CONTACT: Oda Audish, Associate Planner (858) 668-4661 / oaudishpoway.org SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit 16-005, Variance 17-001, and Minor Development Review Application 17-003: A proposed preschool and variance to allow shade structures to encroach into a required 25-foot rear yard setback. Summary: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 16-005, Variance (VAR) 17-001 , and Minor Development Review Application(MDRA) 17-003 is a request to establish a preschool for up to 90 children within an existing building of the Poway Valley Center shopping center located at 13314- 13382 Poway Road. The request also includes a variance to allow shade structures within a proposed outdoor play area to maintain a ten-foot rear yard setback where the Poway Municipal code (PMC) requires a 25-foot setback. Aside from the requested Variance, the project complies with all City development standards. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council approve CUP 16-005, VAR 17-001, and MDRA 17- 003, subject to the conditions of approval in the Resolution included as Attachment A. Discussion: The project site is a commercial center at 13314-13382 Poway Road, known as Poway Valley Center. The property is zoned Town Center (TC) and is located within the Poway Road Specific Plan area. A zoning and location map is included as Attachment B. Surrounding development includes commercial development to the east, south, and west and an apartment complex to the north. Tenants within the commercial center include retail, medical and general services, restaurants and a pub. Staff recently approved an MDRA (MDRA 16-027) for a façade enhancement of all buildings within the Poway Valley Center. An illustration of the approved building renovation is included in Attachment C. The applicant is requesting approval to establish a preschool for up to 90 children and 17 staff members within an existing 5,600 square foot building that is located towards the rear (north) of the property (Attachment D). The hours of operation for the preschool are from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pursuant to Section 17.10.060 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC), a preschool is permitted within the TC zone with the approval of a CUP. 1 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 CUP 16 -005, VAR 17 -001, and MDRA 17 -003 March 7, 2017 Page 2 An outdoor, fenced play yard is proposed along the northerly 35 -feet of the property. In compliance with a zoning requirement to provide a wall and landscape buffer between a commercial project site and a neighboring residential use, the project plans call for an eight - foot high wall to be installed along the north property line and five trees would be planted in the play area. Other improvements associated with this project include a reconfiguration of the rear parking lot and a portion of the front parking lot in order to increase the number of on -site parking spaces and to create a designated drop -off and pick -up area for the children. The project site would meet the on -site parking requirement for the center and preschool. A fire hydrant and designated trash enclosure would also be added towards the rear of the project site. The proposed site plan is shown on Attachment E. The floor plan of the day care facility is shown on Attachment F. Variance The proposed preschool and associated development would comply with all zoning standards except that the applicant is requesting City Council approval for a Variance to allow shade structures within the outdoor play area to maintain a ten -foot setback (Attachment G). The proposed shade structures, which are considered accessory structures, would consist of cloth strapped between posts that are up to 11 feet high. According to PMC Sections 17.10.120.D and, 25 feet is the minimum setback required for accessory structures on commercial property when located next to a residentially zoned property. The required findings can be made to support the Variance for a reduced setback based on the fact that the following unique circumstances exist on the property, which make the strict application of the Zoning Code burdensome: • The project site is unique in that although adjacent to a residential property, the shade structures are located immediately adjacent to a parking lot. The nearest outdoor activity area of the apartment complex is 65 feet away and the nearest apartment building is 45 feet away. • Expanding or relocating the play area to provide shade structures that would meet setback requirements would remove needed parking spaces for the center or the shade structures would have to be eliminated. Staff concurs that it would be unnecessary to provide a 25 -foot buffer between the shade structures and the neighboring residentially zoned property. The 11 -foot high shade structures will not be visually obtrusive as seen from the apartment complex because they will be open on the sides and will be partially screened by a new eight -foot high buffer wall. As a result of the constraints listed above, the required findings to support the Variance can be made and are set forth in the attached Resolution. Staff believes that the proposed preschool will be compatible with surrounding land uses. 2 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 CUP 16 -005, VAR 17 -001, and MDRA 17 -003 March 7, 2017 Page 3 Environmental Review: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15303(c), in that the project involves the conversion of an existing commercial building located in an urbanized setting to a new use where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. The project does not involve significant amounts of hazardous substances, all necessary public services and facilities are available, and the surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive. Fiscal Impact: None. Public Notification: A public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to property owners and residential and commercial occupants located within 500 feet of the project site. Attachments: A. Resolution B. Zoning and Location Map C. Elevations Depicting Recently Approved Fagade Upgrade. D. Existing Site Plan E. Proposed Site Plan F. Proposed Floor Plan G. Proposed Playground Area (Enlarged) and Illustration of Proposed Shade Structures and Requested Setback Variance Reviewed /Approved By: Reviewed By: Approved By: trt Wendy Kaserman Morgan Foley Tina M. White Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Manager 3 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 RESOLUTION NO. P -17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 16 -005, VARIANCE (VAR) 17 -001, AND MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION(MDRA) 17 -003 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 317 - 101 -15 WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 16 -005, Variance (VAR) 17 -001, and Minor Development Review Application (MDRA) 17 -003 were submitted by Mark Hayden, for Capstone Advisors, Applicant/ CIP Poway, LLC, Owner, to establish a preschool for up to 90 children at 13314 -13382 Poway Road, which is zoned Town Center (TC) and is located within the Poway Road Specific Plan area. The applicant is also requesting a variance to allow shade structures that would maintain a ten -foot rear yard setback where a 25 -foot setback is required; and WHEREAS, on March 7, 2017, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to solicit comments from the public, both, for and against, relative to this application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15303(c), in that the project involves the conversion of an existing commercial building located in an urbanized setting to a new use where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. The project does not involve significant amounts of hazardous substances, all necessary public services and facilities are available, and the surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive. Section 2: The findings, in accordance with Section 17.48.070 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC), for CUP 16 -005 to establish a preschool for up to 90 children at 13314 -13382 Poway Road located in the Town Center (TC) zone and the Poway Road Specific Plan area, are made as follows: A. The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed use are in accord with the title and purpose of Chapter 17.48 PMC (Conditional Use Permits Regulations), the General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City in that a preschool is allowed in the TC zone with a CUP. B. The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed use will be compatible with and will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to adjacent uses, people, buildings, structures, or natural resources in that the proposed preschool will be operated towards the rear of the property in a manner that it is compatible with the surrounding residential and commercial development, adequate on -site parking will be provided to serve the use, and visual relief of the outdoor play area will be provided by a new screening wall and trees. 4 of 19 ATTACHMENT A March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 Resolution No. P- Page 2 C. The proposed use is in harmony with the scale, bulk, coverage, and density of, and is consistent with the surrounding residential and educational development, in that the project will include the construction of an eight -foot high wall along the rear property line shared with the adjacent residential zone and the facility has been designed to comply with all of the development standards of the zone, except as provided for by the proposed Variance as discussed below. D. There are adequate public facilities, services and utilities available at the subject site to serve the proposed use. E. There will not be a harmful effect upon desirable neighborhood characteristics in that the proposed preschool will be operated in a manner that will be compatible with the surrounding residential and commercial development; the project has been designed to provide adequate on -site parking for the proposed use, and an eight -foot high wall and trees will be added along the rear property line shared with the neighboring residential use. F. The generation of traffic will not adversely impact the capacity and physical character of the surrounding streets and /or the Circulation Element of the General Plan and a designated area for dropping off and picking up children will be provided towards the rear of the property. G. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use and development in that the proposed preschool will be located towards the rear of the property away from Poway Road, will be operated so that it will be compatible with the adjacent residential and commercial development, and the project has been designed to provide adequate on -site parking for the proposed use. H. There will not be significant harmful effects upon environmental quality and natural resources in that the proposed preschool will be located on a portion of the property that has been previously disturbed and contains no natural habitat. I. There are no relevant negative impacts of the proposed use that cannot be mitigated. J. That the impacts, as described in subsections A through I of this Section, and the proposed location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, nor be contrary to the adopted General Plan; and K. That the proposed conditional use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this title, except for an approved variance. Section 3: The findings, in accordance with Section 17.50.050 of the Poway Municipal Code, to approve Variance 17 -001 to allow shade structures within the 5 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 Resolution No. P- Page 3 playground area to maintain a ten -foot rear yard setback when a 25 -foot setback is required for properties in the TC zone when bordering a residential zone, are made as follows: A. That there are special circumstances applicable to the property and because of this the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity with the identical zoning classification. The special circumstances include that the shade structures will be located adjacent to a large apartment parking lot and at least 45 and 65 feet away from the nearest residential building and active outdoor area; and B. Granting the Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right enjoyed by other property owners in that there is another nearby preschool in the TC zone with shade structures in its outdoor play area; and C. Granting the Variance would not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare in that the shade structures will be open on all sides and a new eight -foot high wall and new trees along the north property line shared with the neighboring residential use would partially screen and provide visual relief of the shade structures; and D. That granting of this Variance does not constitute a special privilege that is inconsistent with the limitation upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in that there is another nearby preschool located within the TC zone which has shade structures in its outdoor play area; and E. Granting the Variance would not allow a use or activity not otherwise expressly authorized by the TC zone because a preschool is permitted with approval of a CUP and preschools commonly have outdoor play areas with shade structures; and F. That the proposed Variance will be compatible with the City's General Plan because the use is permitted and does not result in a density increase. Section 4: The findings for MDRA 17 -003, in accordance with PMC 17.52.010 Purpose of Development Review, are made as follows: A. The project has been designed to be architecturally compatible and in scale with surrounding development. Therefore, the project respects and recognizes the interdependence of land values and aesthetics to the benefit of the City. B. The project has been designed to minimize impacts on surrounding development in that the simplistic design, and exterior finish and colors will blend visually, and be compatible with the surrounding commercial buildings and residential development. Therefore, the proposed development respects the public concerns for the aesthetics of development, and encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City. 6 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 Resolution No. P- Page 4 C. The granting of the MDRA would not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare within the community since the proposed project involves only the construction of shade structures within a proposed playground area on a site that is already served by or can be served by adequate infrastructure. D. The project has been designed to be consistent with development in the surrounding area in that the simplistic design, and exterior finish and colors will blend visually and be compatible with the surrounding commercial buildings and residential development. Therefore, the proposed development respects the public concerns for the aesthetics of development. E. The project will not have an adverse effect on the aesthetics, health, and safety, or an architecturally - related impact upon adjoining properties, in that the light and airy design and color of the shade structures will be visually compatible with the surrounding commercial buildings and residential development. F. The design of the proposed development is consistent with all elements of the Poway General Plan, as well as conforming with the applicable provisions of the Zoning Code. Section 5: The parties are hereby informed that the time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. Section 6: The City Council hereby approves CUP 16 -005, VAR 17 -001, and MDRA 17 -003 to establish a preschool for up to 90 children at 13314 -13382 Poway Road, and the installation of shade structures that would maintain a ten -foot rear yard setback where a 25 -foot setback is required as shown on the approved plans on file with the City, subject to the following conditions: A. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers, and employees from any and all claims, actions, proceedings, damages, judgments, or costs, including attorney's fees, against the City or its agents, officers, or employees, relating to the issuance of this permit, including, but not limited to, any action to attack, set aside, void, challenge, or annul this development approval and any environmental document or decision. The City may elect to conduct its own defense, participate in its own defense, or obtain independent legal counsel in defense of any claim related to this indemnification. In the event of such election, applicant shall pay all of the costs related thereto, including without limitation reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In the event of a disagreement between the City and applicant regarding litigation issues, the City shall have the authority to control the litigation and make litigation related decisions, including, but not limited to, settlement or other disposition of the matter. However, the applicant shall not be required to pay or perform any settlement unless such settlement is approved by applicant. 7 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 Resolution No. P- Page 5 B. Approval of this CUP, VAR, and MDRA request shall apply only to the subject project and shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. C. Within 30 days of the date of this approval, and before the issuance of any permit: (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant Regarding Real Property. In order for the City to prepare the Covenant the applicant must first submit a legal description of the subject site. D. The use conditionally granted by this approval shall not be conducted in such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surrounding uses. E. The conditions of CUP 16 -005, VAR 17 -001, and MDRA 17 -003 shall remain in effect for the life of the subject use and shall run with the land and be binding upon future owners, successors, heirs, and transferees of the current property owner. F. CUP 16 -005 may be subject to annual review, as determined by the Director of Development Services, for compliance with the conditions of approval and to address unresolved operational concerns that may have been raised during the prior year. G. The applicant shall obtain a Building Permit prior to installation of the facility. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall comply with the following: 1. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted building and electric codes, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 2. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved plans on file in the Development Services Department and the conditions contained herein. A final inspection from the appropriate City departments will be required. 3. Improvement plans prepared on a City of Poway standard sheet at a scale of 1" = 20', unless otherwise approved by the City project engineer, in accordance with the submittal and content requirements listed in the Poway Municipal Code shall be approved. Submittal shall be made to the Department of Development Services Engineering Division for review and approval. The improvement design shall be 100 percent complete at the time of submittal and ready for approval. The plan shall include, at a minimum, the following features: a. A water main, including fire hydrant, to service the project. b. The abandonment of any existing utility stubs to the project site that are not utilized in this development. 8 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 Resolution No. P- Page 6 4. The project requirements for fire protection call for the installation of one fire hydrant and expansion of the public water system necessary to support the installation of the hydrant. A water system analysis is required for final design of the proposed public water system expansion and shall be completed prior to the approval of the improvement plans. Applicant shall pay for the cost of preparing the analysis prior to submittal of improvement plans. 5. Any existing and proposed public easements shall be depicted on the improvement plans. A plat and legal description for a minimum 20' wide water easement shall be submitted to accommodate the public water main on the project site. The proposed public water easement dedication shall be submitted with the improvement plans. The current fee for easement submittal is $770. 6. The Public Improvement plan shall be approved. The applicant shall enter into a Standard Agreement for public improvements for the work to be done as part of the Public Improvement plan. The applicant will be responsible for posting securities for public improvements in accordance with the Poway Municipal Code Section 16.20. 7. Any private improvements within any publically held easement or right -of- way may require an encroachment agreement as determined necessary by the City Engineer. All necessary encroachment agreements shall be approved and executed prior to building permit issuance. 8. Applicant shall incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) design features into the site development. These shall be clearly shown and identified on the building plan site plan and be appropriately sized for the proposed level of development. 9. A minimum cash security for erosion control for $2,000 is required 10. The applicant shall pay the storm water pollution inspection fee according to the latest adopted master fee schedule. The current fee amount is $2,636. 11. The applicant shall attend a pre- construction meeting at the Department of Development Services. The scheduling request shall be submitted on a City standard form available from the City's project engineer. The applicant's action plan that identifies measures to be implemented during construction to address erosion, sediment and pollution control will be discussed. Compliance for sediment control shall be provided as directed by the project inspector. 9 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 Resolution No. P- Page 7 12. During construction, erosion control shall be installed and maintained by the developer from October 1 to April 30 annually. The developer shall maintain all erosion control devices throughout their intended life. 13. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted and approved for the outdoor play area and adjoining landscape planters. The plan shall show all fencing and shade structures. The landscape and irrigation plans shall demonstrate compliance with the City of Poway Landscape and Irrigation Design Manual, Chapters 17.07 and 17.41 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC), and all other applicable standards in effect at the time of landscape and irrigation plan check submittal. This includes but is not limited to the submittal of an irrigation audit report, pursuant to Section 17.41.110 of the PMC, prior to final inspections /issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The landscape and irrigation plan submittal is a separate submittal from other project plan check submittals, and is made directly to the Planning Division. Contact the Planning Division for copies of applicable City standards, the landscape and irrigation plan submittal checklist and the plan review fee worksheet. Landscape and irrigation plan review fees are required and are the responsibility of the applicant. Any landscaped areas within the adjacent public right -of -way shall be permanently and fully maintained by the owner. Any existing irrigation and landscaping within any designated Landscape Maintenance District (LIVID) and Land Development Association areas shall be protected. 14. A trash enclosure with solid gates and roof covering shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services. H. The applicant shall comply with the following fire safety requirements, to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal: The applicant is required to meet all applicable Poway Municipal Code and California State Fire and Building Codes for this project. The applicant is encouraged to contact the Division of Fire Prevention at (858) 668 -4473 to set up a meeting prior to submitting building plans in order to review project requirements. 2. Installation of a water main and new fire hydrant is required as illustrated on plans and approved by the fire department. 3. Roof covering shall be fire retardant as per Section 15.04.050 of the Poway Municipal Code, and City of Poway Ordinance No. 64 and its amended Ordinance No. 526. 4. An approved fire alarm system shall be installed in accordance with the California Fire Code and NFPA 72. Smoke detectors shall be installed in every room used for sleeping or napping. A separate plan submittal, review and fee may be required. 10 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 Resolution No. P- Page 8 5. Fire Department access for use of fire- fighting equipment shall be provided to the immediate job construction site at the start of construction and maintained at all times until construction is completed. 6. Dead -end access roadways in excess of 150 -feet long shall be provided with approved provisions for turning around of Fire Department apparatus. Curves and topographical features could alter the requirements for turnarounds and the width of access roadways. 7. Permanent access roadways for fire apparatus shall be designated as "Fire Lanes" with appropriate signs and curb markings. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy: The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved plans on file in the Development Services Department and the conditions contained herein. A final inspection from appropriate City departments will be required. (Engineering) 2. All existing and proposed utilities or extension of utilities required to serve the project shall be installed underground. No extension of overhead utilities shall be permitted. 3. The drainage facilities, driveway, slope planting measures, and all utility services shall be installed, and completed by the property owner, and inspected by the Engineering Inspector for approval. All new utility services shall be placed underground. 4. The applicant shall repair, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, all damages to public improvements caused by construction activity from this project. Upon establishment of the preschool, pursuant to CUP 16 -005, VAR 17 -001, and MDRA 17 -003, the following shall apply: The use of the facility shall be limited to preschool activities as described in the application. 2. The activities of the preschool shall not occur in such a manner as to create adverse impacts on the circulation and parking on surrounding public streets. 3. The facility shall be operated in such a manner as to minimize any possible disruption caused by noise, and shall comply with noise standards contained in Chapter 8.08 of the PMC. At no time, shall noise from any source exceed the noise standards defined in the PMC. 11 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 Resolution No. P- Page 9 4. The parking areas and driveway shall be well maintained. 5. The owner or operator of the facilities shall routinely and regularly inspect the site to ensure compliance with the standards set forth in this Permit. 6. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Poway Municipal Code and require the approval of a separate Sign Permit. 7. All landscaping, including areas within the adjacent public right -of -way, shall be adequately irrigated, and permanently and fully maintained by the owner at all times in accordance with the requirements of the City of Poway Landscape and Irrigation Design Manual. The trees shall be encouraged and allowed to retain a natural form. Pruning should be restricted to maintain the health of the trees and to protect the public safety. Trees should be trimmed or pruned as needed to develop strong and healthy trunk and branch systems. Tree maintenance and pruning shall be in accordance with "American National Standard for Tree Care Operations" latest edition (ANSI A300). Trees shall not be topped and pruning shall not remove more than 25 percent of the trees' leaf surface. Section 7: The approval of CUP 16 -005, VAR 17 -001, and MDRA 17 -003 shall expire on March 7, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. unless, prior to that time, a Building Permit has been issued and construction on the property in reliance on the CUP approval has commenced. Section 8: The parties are hereby informed that the time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 7th day of March 2017. Steve Vaus, Mayor 12 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 Resolution No. P- Page 10 ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, the City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. P -17- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 7th day of March 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk City of Poway 13 of 19 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.1 J flies ! s- fo: • i ■ t wgm�Mmmmm "mom �� c I1:1±1i WE I I I LVI O co D D n 2 m z NE 0 4 N O V �D 3 W j Poway Valley Center Poway, California Previously Approved Elevation of Preschool Building O h (0 (E) FIRE HYDRANT (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) & EASEMENT (VARIES 16 - 2T) DOCUMENT #. C-P03 -245-00 (021`06!1978) (REFER TO SHEET 2.2 , -. n m Z v TO SHEET 4) , X20 a, i. II I 1 -- r-- F- — - -- J �JIJI'��.ItiJI.��J_!� - - -rri z__�� � �� _ III , INTERIOR TENAN -- - - - - -i III -- (REFER TO SHEiET 3 1, �— 1 ;h 4 Ike _ 4 � �, � � I�j�- j�`��'f -� ��Y I._.: �� -- 1`'1 - -_� I i_�� •, Il ii;r . • .I --rig a 'I�Iit `'k -� I I I I I I I I I ( —T I —r ��.. ..�...:......�....:�..:..�r.... .....�,............ �. �. % I I I I I I I I I pl II r r� r-r.r�tt, Restripe (E) angled parrking to 90 Degree parking PROJECT DESCRIPTION 5,860 SF INTMORTENANT IMPROVEMENT (n) FORACAYCARE USE WITH MNORSITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR AN 5,200 SF OUTSIDE PLAY AREAATTHE REAR OFTHE PROPERTY SHEET INDEX ARCHITEMURAI. 01 -COVER SHEET » 02 -SITE (EXISTING) 021 -SITE (EXISTING) WITH EASEMENTS 022 -SITE (FIRE HYDRANT EXTENSK)f4 03- FLOOR PLAN {PROPOSED) 04- SITE PLAN (PROPOSED) 05 - DAY CARE PLAYAREA SYMBOL LEGEND INTERIOR EKBLDING TI PLAY AREA & PARKING —, RECONFIGURAnoN "_ " —" PROPERIY LINE ---- -- -- -- EASEMENT:UnLITYSERMCE (D PARKING STALL COUNT PROJECT DATA APN: 31T -10 4s ADDRESS: 13314 -13348 POWAY RD. POWAY, CA 92064 PROJECT TEAM: OWNER CIP POWAY. LLC 1545 FARADAY AVE CARLSBM, CA9200B {7610 B04 -6900 APPUCAKF MARK HAYDEN CAPSTONE ADVISDRS 1543 FARADAY AVE CARLHAD, CA 92008 (760)604 -6900 PARKINS LEXISTM): 124 STAU.S t / \, 'r1` l`_ -i i�r it 4i _ ' %' ,:. v ) C( J ` //' ; ' ,,, Fx anew { �1 -� :: _ i I,, N - -II i b0� I �') _t" j L C .i _. n' "- --, �PflOPERTY LIME _. L I ��'_ ! r '-� y _ _ r- _ _.....- -:c —' 3L_ _ { .- -�^•1° ice- _> .,..�.._ -�.__ _�T ... _ . - -- -._ __ (E)10" WATER MAIN T - -._ T �.x, n _ _ ._ _ r ......... .......... ..... ..... ......PfIWAY ROAD _ sT vRrauf � ._ 9TEE PLAN � Poway, California 1 /CILLEP -3tl - — - _ __ vlcwrrY MAP M$ NnCAr57oNE 01.27.2097 N D7 Existing Site Plan V O I m m Z m n V N O r-h CD w - N) I-Autu ' s B SYMBOL LEOERO E Y CA PLAYA A ." SHADES N 8' -0' BLOCK WAL (REFER TO SHEET 5 ................... LIST Of WORK LINE [ROCK/ X I C A !I .,, .. .. -------- PROPERTYLINE i --- - - - - -• EASEMENT: UTILITY SERVICE a SER49CE LATERAL OFF OF EXISTIN E - 20' EXfT DISCHARGE O INTErt1OR BUILDING TI ' I (SEE SHEET 3) . v IPOINT OF CONNECTI ( C ....... ... ...... .. d r PLAY AREA d PARKING RECONFIGURATION CITY F R HAMMERHEAD EAD - _ �- � •• 6 I - zl ^ITa c _( ti CITY OF POWAY FIRE 8 EASEMENT (VARIES 1 S - 2T REFER TO HIEET 3 ("r I HYDRANT DOCUMENT ik C-PD3245-00 (0210011978 __ (REFER TO SHEET 22 _ - PARKING SUMMARY �A-- EXISTING - 124 SPACES I +« ..« «� " «. REQUIRED - 122 SPACES E d « 1• � ISEE SUPPLEMENTAL FORM FOR DETAILED ANALYSIS) PROPOSED -133 SPACES • III `r" - DRAINAGE NOTE: - EXISTING DRAINAGE TO R [MAIN -REFER TO SHEET2 PERVIOUS) IMPERVIOUS AREA SITE CALCULATIONS: — IXISTUG 41 A. '' ' i I r > �.= 1, PERVIOUS: 11,464 SF ER TO EXHIBIT BELO' _,,..„. i 4 S 31 IMPERVIOUS: 69470 SF IOTA! 100,934 Sf l PR04Z J VI UV {EJ E%15TINC: 11,464 SF IEJ PERVIOUS TO IMPERVIOUS Q,144 SF> I CUB -TOTAL PERVIOUS 1D941 SF IMPERVIOUS: i I s IE} E- STING: 69,470 SF IE} PERVIOUS TO IMPERVIOUS: .1,621 SF> U SB -TOTAL IMPERVIOUS , 3SF < _ MVI 822.1 SF TOTAL 100.9341 SF — .� 9) ROOF COVERING SHALL BE FIRE MUNICIPAL COD PER SECTION COVERING SMALL POWAY METARDANT AS AND ITS AND THE CITY OF POWAY ORDINANCE NO. 'RASH ENCLOSURE EXHIBIT s _ ' W — J' -"-0� AMENDED ORDINANCE NO.526. E4 -- -- -. --- __ -` -- - '- 10j THE BUIUOING SHALL DISPLAY THEIR NUMERIC E 6' FIE HYDRANT LATERAL F ADDRESS IN A MATTER VISIBLE FROM THE ACCESS SPACE FROM FACE OF CURB "" } STREET INACCORDANCE WITH THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE.THEBUI ING ADDRESS SHALL ALSO BE '� t SERVICES. AND MEETING E 10' WATER tAAIN - -_- ( )�+ SHERIFFS DEPTR 5TISEA CRITERIA, SATISFACTORY ...................... ................................................... - - _ 2y _._ _i J I 11) AN APPROVED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SHALL BE _ - ( INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND NFPA 72. SMOKE DETECTORS SMALL BE INSTALLED IN EVERY ROOM USED FOR SLEEPING OR NAPPING. A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL, REVIEW AND /\ BEfE PLAN Poway Valley Center Poway, California tCLLE1•a 3Y FEE MAYBE REQUIRED. Proposed Site Plan rr CD 9 W Poway, California I \Lnr'sTOade 0127-2017 Proposed Floor Plan 'Areas shown are NET Required Exlt Door HOTS 1) 5WO SF INTERIOR TENANT IWROVE(ENT, NO EXPANSION OF EXISTING BUILDING m 03 REST OV11 Q Ares: 95 racxaf 00 0 N O 0 V T T T T co ED [YD [�D S REST Area :59S' WAITING OFFICE Q Area: 59 SF INFANTS Area: 166 SF Area: 100 SF INFANTS Area:436 SF Area:367 SF UNISE TODDLERS Area: 495 SF 59 SF TTArea! HALLWAY Ne -p ruo,3r Area: 576 SF Ploor Sbb HuTy . D n PRESCHOOL Area: 1032 SF m PRESCHOOL STAFF Z Area: 963 SF LOUNGE FK 'I Area: 154 SF CHEN TODDLERS -n :i43 SF Area: 485 SF rr CD 9 W Poway, California I \Lnr'sTOade 0127-2017 Proposed Floor Plan 'Areas shown are NET Required Exlt Door HOTS 1) 5WO SF INTERIOR TENANT IWROVE(ENT, NO EXPANSION OF EXISTING BUILDING m 03 REST OV11 Q Ares: 95 racxaf �A 0 N O V rr CD 9 W Poway, California I \Lnr'sTOade 0127-2017 Proposed Floor Plan 'Areas shown are NET Required Exlt Door HOTS 1) 5WO SF INTERIOR TENANT IWROVE(ENT, NO EXPANSION OF EXISTING BUILDING m 03 0 h co 0 m Z —i I 0 O :4 TREE • T r(SI AND�PNH%I TINS SHEET '(WAP7PRMOFXUICMtAir"E'SHAP-E AND SIZE) II SUN SHADE POST HEIGHTS WILL BE BETWEEN 9' AND 11' HIGH ENGINEERED POST DRAWINGS WILL BE SUBMITTED IN FUTURE SUBMITTAL COLOR SAMPLE(S) TO BE SUBMITTED TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT FOR APPROVAL 1,500 SF Of TOTAL SUN SHADE AREA LEGEND 24- BOX TREE - TYP (5) 7, SPECIES TO BE APPROVED 8 Y PLANNING DIRECTOR Preschool Building Elevation WOOD FENCE EXAMPLE WOOD FENCE SECTION FLOCK WALL iECT7 IN (PHOTO TAKEN 4T LITTLE SPROUTS, RANCHO SAN DIEGO LOCATION) JEXAMPLE) IEx"I Poway Valley Center Poway, California Detailed Site Plan for Playground And Variance Request