Item 3.2 - CUP 16-010; Request to Upgrade Existing Wireless Telecomm; 14264 Tierra Bonita Rd. of Po�� APPROVED ■ G�� 9y APPROVED AS AMENDED O �'""'� City of Poway DENIED (SEE MINUTES) REMOVED TyFCi'YINTHEC9-�' COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO.P n -09 DATE: March 7, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Robert Manis, Director of Development Services hl CONTACT: Oda Audish, Associate Planner C ` (858) 668-4661 / oaudish(c�poway.orq SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit 16-010: A request to upgrade an existing wireless telecommunications facility. Summary: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 16-010 is a request to modify an existing CUP for Verizon Wireless in order to upgrade an existing wireless telecommunications facility at 14264 Tierra Bonita Road, in the Rural Residential A (RR-A) zone. The upgrade would consist of removing five existing antennas and a microwave dish located on a building and installing a faux tree structure that will contain nine antennas and six Remote Radio Units (RRUs) and a microwave dish. The project complies with all City development standards. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council approve CUP 16-010, subject to the conditions of approval in the Resolution included as Attachment A. Discussion: The applicant, Verizon Wireless, is requesting approval to install a faux tree antenna facility as part of an upgrade to an existing wireless telecommunications facility located at 14264 Tierra Bonita Road. The 8.2-acre site is zoned RR-A and is surrounded primarily by rural residential single-family development. The antenna facility is located over 400 feet from the nearest neighboring home to the south. The project site also borders a City-owned open space lot to the west and the Poway Rodeo Grounds, owned by the Poway Valley Riders Association, to the north. A zoning and location map is included as Attachment B. The property is located on top of Kent Hill and contains a single-family home and five telecommunications antenna facilities (Attachment C). Verizon's existing telecommunications facility was approved in 1995 under CUP 95-006 for AirTouch Cellular, which subsequently was taken over by Verizon. The facility consists of an equipment enclosure and mechanical equipment building that supports five panel antennas and a microwave dish. Telecommunications facilities are considered public facilities. Section 17.08.120 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC) requires City Council to consider approval of public facilities in the RR-A zone with a CUP, subject to making the required findings as specified in PMC 17.48.070. 1 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.2 CUP 16 -010 March 7, 2017 Page 2 Verizon is requesting to expand its facility to nine panel antennas which would be attached to a proposed 35 -foot high faux tree. The antennas, six Remote Radio Units (RRUs) and a microwave dish antenna would be placed on a triangular shaped frame attached to the "trunk" of the "tree" (Attachments D and E). The faux tree would be located to the north side of the existing Verizon equipment building. The existing enclosure and building would remain and would contain an emergency back- up generator, various equipment cabinets and three (3) new Geographic Positioning System (GPS) antennas. The existing antennas and microwave dish attached to the equipment building would be removed. To visually hide the new antennas in the foliage of the faux tree, the "leaves" of the faux tree would extend approximately three feet beyond the limits of the antennas both in height and girth. The antennas and framing would be painted dark green and covered with foliage pattern "socks" (fabric covers). The applicant has submitted two photo simulations showing the proposed tree in relation to the surroundings as seen from Twin Peaks Road and Tierra Bonita Road (Attachment F). Pre - Development Conference On September 6, 2016, a Pre - Development Conference (PDC) was held to seek City Council input regarding Verizon's proposal to install a faux tree antenna facility (minutes from that meeting are included as Attachment G). The PDC was held in accordance with the City Wireless Communications Policy when a faux tree is proposed. Although the policy discourages the use of faux trees because of a concern for visual impacts, the faux tree design technology has improved since the adoption of the policy, resulting in more natural looking "trees." The City Council members voiced their support for the proposed faux tree design during the PDC. Radio Frequency (RF) Report A report has been prepared, and is included with the application. It demonstrates that the proposed facility will operate in compliance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) standards. The facility will be required to comply with FCC operational standards, and standard conditions of approval are recommended for the project pertaining to the following: A Confirming Radio Frequency (RF) Report is to be completed and submitted to the City by the applicant after the antennas are installed to verify operations are in compliance with FCC standards. An independent third -party review to verify the Confirming RF Report findings may be conducted at the applicant's expense as determined by the Director of Development Services. Neighborhood Meetinq A neighborhood meeting was held on December 7, 2016, with staff in attendance, to allow the applicant an opportunity to present the project to surrounding property owners and to 2 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item # 3 -L CUP 16 -010 March 7, 2017 Page 3 respond to any questions or concerns. A notice was sent to property owners and occupants within a 500 -foot radius of the site. Two neighbors attended the meeting and two other neighbors contacted staff separately. While no neighbors expressed opposition to the antenna upgrade or design, there were some concerns about the general upkeep of the shared private road /driveway which provides access to the project site from Tierra Bonita Road. Verizon, who is one of several parties to the road maintenance agreement, has indicated its willingness to work with the neighbors to fix the existing paving in certain problem areas following the installation of the faux tree. Consistent with City policy, the Resolution contains a condition of approval to require repair of private road damage caused by a construction project. Any additional road repair would be a private agreement not enforced by the City. Environmental Review: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15303(d), in that the project involves the installation of a telecommunications facility which will provide a utility extension to serve the surrounding areas. Fiscal Impact: None. Public Notification: A public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to property owners and occupants located within 500 feet of the project site. Attachments: A. Resolution B. Zoning and Location Map C. Property Site Plan D. Project Site Area (Enlarged) E. Elevations of the Proposed Faux Tree F. Photo Simulations of Project Site Before and After Installation of Proposed Faux Tree G. Minutes from the September 6, 2016, City Council PDC 16 -002 Reviewed /Approved By: Reviewed By: Approved By: ./ NXI w Wendy Kaserman Morgan Foley Tina M. White Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Manager 3 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.2 RESOLUTION NO. P -17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 16 -010 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 321- 191 -27 WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 16 -010 was submitted by Kyle Denardo, for Verizon Wireless, Applicant/ Jill Fleming Ogilvie and J. Patrick Fleming, JR, Owner, to modify CUP 95 -006 for Verizon Wireless in order to upgrade its existing telecommunications facility located at 14264 Tierra Bonita Road, within the Rural Residential -A (RR -A) zone. The proposed upgrade consists of replacing five existing antennas and microwave dish located on a building with a faux tree structure that will contain nine antennas and six Remote Radio Units (RRUs) and a microwave dish; and WHEREAS, on March 7, 2017, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to solicit comments from the public, both for and against, relative to this application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15303(d), in that the project involves the installation of a telecommunications facility which will provide a utility extension to serve the surrounding areas. Section 2: The findings, in accordance with Section 17.48.070 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC), for CUP 16 -010 to install a faux tree structure that will contain nine antennas and six Remote Radio Units (RRUs) and a microwave dish located at 14264 Tierra Bonita Road, within the Rural Residential -A (RR -A) zone are made as follows: A. The proposed location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed telecommunications facility are in accord with the title and purpose of Chapter 17.48 PMC (Conditional Use Permit Regulations), the General Plan, and the development policies and standards of the City in that the facility has been designed, sited and screened such that it will not result in visual impacts to the surrounding community. B. The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed telecommunications facility will be compatible with, and will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to, adjacent uses, residents, buildings, structures, or natural resources in that the facility has been designed and sited such that it will not result in visual impacts to the surrounding community. The use will comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) design and operational standards. The facility is unmanned and will not create traffic impacts. 4 of 22 ATTACHMENT A March 7, 2017, Item #3.2 Resolution No. P- Page 2 C. The proposed telecommunications facility is in harmony with the scale, bulk, coverage, and density of, and is consistent with, adjacent uses in that the proposed facility will be located in a rural hillside area and consist of a "broadleaf' faux tree that will blend in with the surrounding vegetation. D. There are adequate public facilities, services and utilities available at the subject site to serve the proposed telecommunications facility. E. There will not be a harmful effect upon the desirable surrounding property characteristics in that the proposed telecommunications facility has been designed, sited and screened such that it will not result in a visual impact to the surrounding community, and the facility will comply with FCC design and operational standards. F. The generation of traffic will not adversely impact the capacity and physical character of the surrounding streets and /or the Circulation Element of the General Plan in that the proposed telecommunications facility is unmanned and will only require periodic maintenance, thereby generating minimal traffic. G. The site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development that is proposed in that the facility will enhance telecommunications coverage in the City and is compatible with the four other existing onsite telecommunication facilities. H. There will not be significant harmful effects upon environmental quality and natural resources in that the proposed telecommunications facility is located on a developed property and does not involve the removal of natural habitat resources. There are no relevant negative impacts associated with the proposed telecommunications facility that cannot be mitigated in that the facility will comply with FCC design and operational standards. J. That the potential impacts, and the proposed location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the telecommunications facility will not be materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, nor be contrary to the adopted General Plan in that the facility has been designed and sited such that it will not result in visual impacts, and will comply with FCC design and operational standards. K. The proposed telecommunications facility will comply with all the applicable provisions of Chapter 17.48 PMC, in that the facility has been designed and sited such that it will not result in visual impacts, and will comply with FCC design and operational standards. Section 3: The parties are hereby informed that the time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. 5 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item #'..' •2 Resolution No. P- Page 3 Section 4: The City Council hereby approves CUP 16 -010 to replace five existing wireless telecommunications antennas and one microwave dish with a faux tree structure that will contain nine antennas and six Remote Radio Units (RRUs) and a microwave dish at 14264 Tierra Bonita Road as shown on the approved plans on file with the City, subject to the following conditions: A. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers, and employees from any and all claims, actions, proceedings, damages, judgments, or costs, including attorney's fees, against the City or its agents, officers, or employees, relating to the issuance of this permit, including, but not limited to, any action to attack, set aside, void, challenge, or annul this development approval and any environmental document or decision. The City may elect to conduct its own defense, participate in its own defense, or obtain independent legal counsel in defense of any claim related to this indemnification. In the event of such election, applicant shall pay all of the costs related thereto, including without limitation reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In the event of a disagreement between the City and applicant regarding litigation issues, the City shall have the authority to control the litigation and make litigation related decisions, including, but not limited to, settlement or other disposition of the matter. However, the applicant shall not be required to pay or perform any settlement unless such settlement is approved by applicant. B. Approval of this CUP request shall apply only to the subject project and shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. C. Within 30 days of the date of this approval, and before the issuance of any permit: (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant Regarding Real Property. In order for the City to prepare the Covenant the applicant must first submit a legal description of the subject site. D. The use conditionally granted by this approval shall not be conducted in such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surrounding uses. E. The conditions of CUP 16 -010 shall remain in effect for the life of the subject wireless telecommunications facility, and shall run with the land and be binding upon future owners, successors, heirs, and transferees of the current property owner. F. CUP 16 -010 may be subject to annual review, as determined by the Director of Development Services, for compliance with the conditions of approval and to address concerns that may have been raised during the prior year. 6 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.2 Resolution No. P- Page 4 G. Conditions of approval included in Resolution No. P- 95-48, approving CUP 95 -06 are in full force and effect, except as amended herein. H. The applicant shall obtain a Building Permit prior to installation of the facility. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall comply with the following: The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted building and electric codes, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 2. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved plans on file in the Development Services Department and the conditions contained herein. A final inspection from the appropriate City departments will be required. 3. Prior to start of any work within the public right -of -way or City easement, a Right -of -Way Permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Division of the Development Services Department. All appropriate fees shall be paid prior to permit issuance. 4. A $3,000 deposit shall be submitted to the Development Services Department to ensure completion and submittal of the required Confirming Radio Frequency (RF) Report, as specified in condition of approval K.1 below. The deposit shall also be used to cover the cost of an independent consultant to review the report, as determined by the Director of Development Services. 5. The antennas shall not be activated for use until the Building Division conducts a final inspection of the structure. 6. The Building Permit plans shall include a utility plan that shows the equipment layout. 7. A planting plan shall be submitted for review and approval to demonstrate compliance with the required 30 -feet of vegetative fuel management while maintaining adequate vegetation which provide screening of and otherwise allows existing antenna facilities to blend in with the natural setting. If the modified landscape area is equal to or greater than 2500 square feet, a landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted and approved in accordance with Poway Municipal Code Chapter 17.41 PMC. The landscape and irrigation plans shall demonstrate compliance with the City of Poway Landscape and Irrigation Design Manual, Chapters 17.07 and 7 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item # 3 -Z Resolution No. P- Page 5 17.41 of the Poway Municipal Code (PMC), and all other applicable standards in effect at the time of landscape and irrigation plan check submittal. This includes but is not limited to the submittal of an irrigation audit report, pursuant to Section 17.41.110 of the PMC, prior to final inspections /issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. The landscape and irrigation plan submittal is a separate submittal from other project plan check submittals, and is made directly to the Planning Division. Contact the Planning Division for copies of applicable City standards, the landscape and irrigation plan submittal checklist and the plan review fee worksheet. Landscape and irrigation plan review fees are required and are the responsibility of the applicant. 8. The leaves of the faux tree and the antennas shall be a color and texture that blends with the surrounding vegetation. A color sample shall be provided to the Planning Division for review and approval. The approved color shall be depicted on the building plans. 9. The antennas no longer in use shall be removed from the site and shall be shown on the site plan. The applicant shall comply with the following fire safety requirements, to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal: The applicant is required to meet all applicable Poway Municipal Code and California State Fire and Building Codes for this project. 2. The project is located within the very high fire hazard area of the City and is new construction; therefore, California Building Code Chapter 7A and 2012 International Wildland -Urban Interface Code with local amendments shall apply. 3. This project shall include 30 -feet of vegetative fuel management measured in all directions from the proposed structure. This area shall include the removal of flammable vegetation, dead vegetation and dying trees and plantings. J. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy: 1. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved plans on file in the Development Services Department and the conditions contained herein. A final inspection from appropriate City departments will be required. (Engineering) 2. The applicant shall repair, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, any and 8 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.2 Resolution No. P- Page 6 all damages to public improvements caused by construction activity from this project. 3. The applicant shall repair any and all damages to the streets caused by construction activity from this project, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. K. Upon establishment of the wireless telecommunications facility, pursuant to CUP 16 -010, the following shall apply: Within 30 days of the commencement of operation of the antennas, the operator shall submit a report, prepared by a qualified professional, which specifies the actual RF levels within 500 feet of the facility and includes a statement as to compliance with the FCC Maximum Possible Exposure (MPE) limit. The format of this report shall conform to City requirements. The intent of the report is to measure exposure levels at the location after the facility is in operation and shall include the cumulative RF levels of all the telecommunications facilities at the subject site. A report of these measurements, and the engineer's findings with respect to compliance with MPE limits, shall be submitted to the Director of Development Services. If that analysis determines the MPE levels are exceeded, the operator shall cease operation immediately. Modifications shall be made to the facility and the operator shall conduct a second confirming RF report of the MPE levels. Full operation of the facility shall not be allowed until the Director of Development Services has determined that the facility is in compliance with Federal guidelines. The City may conduct an independent verification of the results of the analysis provided by the operator, at the operator's cost. Upon demonstration, to the satisfaction of the Development Services Department, that the telecommunications installation is in compliance with all Federal Guidelines, any balance remaining from the security deposit shall be refunded to the applicant, upon written request by the applicant. 2. The existing antennas and microwave dish on the equipment enclosure shall be removed within 30 days of having satisfactorily demonstrated compliance with Federal Guidelines as outlined in Condition of Approval K.1. 3. All facilities and related equipment shall be maintained in good repair. Any damage from any cause shall be repaired as soon as reasonably possible so as to minimize occurrences of dangerous conditions or visual blight. 9 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item #.I • 2 Resolution No. P- Page 7 4. Faded tree leaves or damaged limbs shall be replaced to ensure the long term natural appearance of the faux tree to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services. 5. The owner or operator of the facility shall routinely and regularly inspect the site to ensure compliance with the standards set forth in this permit. 6. The operator of the facility shall be strictly liable for interference caused by the facility with City telecommunications systems or other public agency emergency communication systems. The operator shall stop operations and determine the cause prior to restarting the facility. The operator shall be responsible for all labor and equipment costs for determining the source of the interference, all costs associated with eliminating the interference (including, but not limited to, filtering, installing cavities, installing directional antennas, powering down systems, and engineering analysis), and all costs arising from third -party claims against the City attributable to the interference. 7. The telecommunications facility shall not be operated in such a manner that it poses, either by itself or in combination with other such facilities, a potential threat to public health. To that end, no facility or combination of facilities shall produce, at any time, power densities within 500 feet of the facility that exceed the FCC's MPE limits for electric and magnetic field strength and power densities for transmitters, or any more restrictive standard subsequently adopted or promulgated by the City, County, State of California, or the Federal government. 8. If there is any change in the operating characteristics of the facility, a report pursuant to condition H.1 of this Resolution shall be submitted to the Director of Development Services for review and approval. The Director may also require the operator to prepare an updated RF report, and pay for a third -party review of that report, as part of any review of this Conditional Use Permit. 9. Any service light(s) shall only be operated when maintenance is being performed on the equipment. The service light(s) shall be adequately shielded and directed away from adjacent roadways. 10. The owner of the telecommunications facility shall remove all of the communication equipment, and associated structures, approved pursuant to this permit within 60 days of ceasing operation of the telecommunications facility. Section 5: The approval of CUP 16 -010 shall expire on March 7, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. unless, prior to that time, a Building Permit has been issued and construction on the property in reliance on the CUP approval has commenced. 10 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item # 3.2 Resolution No. P- Page 8 Section 6: The parties are hereby informed that the time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 7th day of March 2017. Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk 11 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item # 3 •Z Resolution No. P- Page 9 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, the City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. P -17- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 7th day of March 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk City of Poway 12 of 22 March 7, 2017, Item # 3•z I Ell CITY OF POWAY Zoning / Location Me Item.- CUP 16 -010 E..... . .... SEC, 7, T. 14 W, S.a,M, POR, '�OT 1 -06 POR, LOT APK W-90-28 0 AP)t M-00r25 cto' LOT a. ss., PEP U no. *01 POR. PARCEL, I m A- p PARCEL 2 1 PARCEL- MAP NO 162-35 PARM A If A PARCEL MAP �pj MZ APB 3Z-WV A NO, 9334 PARCEL 2 32HW22 > Prop se APK l -q Faux Irrelt. PARCEL 2 APX MI-IM-13 PARCEL 3 APR 321-014 m ARK 32t- 28 Z 0- (AP-Rw by PARCEL I APR 321-M-2t XKAPW-W 6'�=A see Rem, A�s AP s r PARCEL MAP (APPROX. "v NO, 5067 t' 10, Wrsww W, ij a�rss PAW- t �y Um O Nil 4i POAD I osemcmi, m PAWL APX 314-SO-101 PARCEL MAP PARCEL 4 -4 NO. 10356 AJXX 30-1*18 PARCEL 1 wo—"m VBWON L—WEA OF WWR APR 321-WIS Sn KM ON *W A-2 FOR MOM mwwlm INV SITE PLAN �--40 cWtow SCAM ffj Vw ■ O H1 N N a 0 ic M z 0 n N O V B W N Existing verizon Equipment Shelter ozftAAOW r rw * MIX 004WWAODS covft*$ W4. Tom, PAL iSC+ L4; P 4'A"; LAND UMTURBANCE CC.�, �k 439s dEa '?7 ecaeatce s�a�x t c as 0-ft WW 4ft Esc *r0 T *1 V D �/ �EOL.I ARDS (TOTAL ar 5) IE1 L.ALIDSLAPE TO REMMIN fPJ SDBEE anon role IIHf.11A1.5lD / DISK MOUNTED ON (PJ ETRIIPMpIT 9Nali!R TO eE REHOKD To ft HIBX RRAIMN6 WALL RMAIN IAKIIM19eD DTO fPJ CARRIER PALE. ANTRYIAS R:/K WH WfLEb--E ♦ I KRIION WIRELESS TO INSTKL (W P16'll r ISD'W r 9.1b')M PATEL ANTENNAS ON ITII MONCeROAD LEAP ACe, w DoBNaI°+E TO Y R@IOVGD = W VTILITY roLp AND ro R <.... ....� LINE5 TO REMAIN VNONAfI6ED PAINTm r0 MATLM BREEN MONOEROAp LEAP ANIENIA m eKRILON W -E i0 INSTALL DD RRUS W ; MODLIE cONOEALlD BEHIND INI PANEL ANTENNA Z PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION 90OK9 (ttP.Or 5 PER SE. fNl KRIZON WRlLCSS 3.'O MIOROIV.K DISH PIPE bl O seas Tpx' -roe (PAINIM TO fMT e. MONOM LEAP (LJ a IM P-CL ANTe MONIED MOULTED TO DON M. MONOEROAD LEAP TRR (PM - �* N TO ANIEINA. 50(X91 (TYP. OP 3 P9t gEOTORI ( M TO REM/NN IAGHIANBED TO MATON GREEN MONOeROAD LEAP ANTBRIA SOOK9) W N V KRIWH wIRlLl55 TO Rw RU WMKIWLEX aft coNOeALED T.I. IINI 35'�M MONOeR LW lrt@ N w TREE TD f—. urAlAllBeo 0 EOBae VTILIn POLE---I'ttPJ UNONhNBED W WOOD TRELLIS TO BE RCIOVeO TO AOOOWAODATE RU MgGPIf! Y•5' HIBH RETA WALL W K.WN WIRELESS BPS MpI M OH (E) EgAP T To o TO RRAAIN UNOW.NBeD N S TER 10 REMAIN UILHA . EXISTING EAST ELEVATION,,,, K WH WIRP1e95 TO IHSTALL (TO MTOAP W. W T... 0 SHELTER ADJAOENT 10 W COAX cA9.e ENTRT roan (ITP. a u EEy{L �W leMM1WH wMLM WILIn eONES TO REMAIN 3 _ _ A OARRIeT m—.. AND PANEL ANTENNAS TO REMAIN I.TY.HAJ>SED 8 Rev F�C� gEa� n D �/ �EOL.I ARDS (TOTAL ar 5) IE1 L.ALIDSLAPE TO REMMIN (E1 KRIWH wft E ... MILROW.K IIHf.11A1.5lD / DISK MOUNTED ON (PJ ETRIIPMpIT 9Nali!R TO eE REHOKD To ft HIBX RRAIMN6 WALL RMAIN IAKIIM19eD DTO fPJ CARRIER PALE. ANTRYIAS R:/K WH WfLEb--E ♦ I ON E TO MOWTED POLE Eel REMAN UNOKANBlD DoBNaI°+E TO Y R@IOVGD = W VTILITY roLp AND ro R /L� iY LINE5 TO REMAIN VNONAfI6ED (C) CAR 91EL16R AND PANEL m ANTeMMs To aeMAIN IIHf.IUAlA9eD Z PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION 3 O t v m seas Tpx' -roe m NOTES: o ALL NEW ANTENNAS MD APPURTENANCES $ TO BE PUNTED GREEN TO — NEW MONORtMD LEAF TREE AND ALL NEW n ANTENNAS TO BE COVERED WIM xEW MONOBRMD LEAF SOCKS' ALL VER120N WIRELESS EXSRNG ANTENNAS 3 u _ MOUNTED OR ATTACHED TO ME SHELTER G tt W WILL BE REMWED AND RELOMTED TO THE NEW W -0'11 WHWBMD LEAF TREE 8 SOILS REPORT FENgNG � m STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PENDING mu N �� 8$ O�b omt L!J Q O 1 O W z oo a y Zm �o -Z o z ()0 3 W > Q w u CL w¢c5�� KV) Ix N LL, V) < N z a W o , (E1 KRIWH wft E ... MILROW.K DISK MOUNTED ON (PJ ETRIIPMpIT 9Nali!R TO eE REHOKD 1l19D8✓I! UTLItt POLM R:/K WH WfLEb--E DoBNaI°+E TO Y R@IOVGD /L� iY (C) CAR 91EL16R AND PANEL ANTeMMs To aeMAIN IIHf.IUAlA9eD \I 3 V (LJ a IM P-CL ANTe MONIED OH (El POLe To F09—N (EJ CARRIER PAIEI, ANTeNNA9 MOInTED ON (PJ EfdlIT T S TM N TO REM/NN IAGHIANBED j V IMF (PJ LANDS a TO RMAIN w TREE TD f—. urAlAllBeo "TYY UNONhNBED W WOOD TRELLIS TO BE RCIOVeO TO AOOOWAODATE RU MgGPIf! Y•5' HIBH RETA WALL To o TO RRAAIN UNOW.NBeD N EXISTING EAST ELEVATION,,,, DD s® aunt wuE NOTES: o ALL NEW ANTENNAS MD APPURTENANCES $ TO BE PUNTED GREEN TO — NEW MONORtMD LEAF TREE AND ALL NEW n ANTENNAS TO BE COVERED WIM xEW MONOBRMD LEAF SOCKS' ALL VER120N WIRELESS EXSRNG ANTENNAS 3 u _ MOUNTED OR ATTACHED TO ME SHELTER G tt W WILL BE REMWED AND RELOMTED TO THE NEW W -0'11 WHWBMD LEAF TREE 8 SOILS REPORT FENgNG � m STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PENDING mu N �� 8$ O�b omt L!J Q O 1 O W z oo a y Zm �o -Z o z ()0 3 W > Q w u CL w¢c5�� KV) Ix N LL, V) < N z a W o , V O .y� N N ff-- 3 V N O V r <D W N eVERIZON WRELESS i0 INSTALL D( RBJS W AO MODULE LONLEALED BEHIND Dll PANEL ANTENNA (PAINTED TO MATCH BREEN m 9064E UTllltt POLE MONOBROAD Lw ANTpWA SOCNB) (TYI. OP 3 PER 9eGTOR1 DO VCBZOI v 10 (10 34'1 MIGROTAVE D19N eVERIZOW W RELE98 TO INSTALL (W (611 x MPe MOL E M TO DO SS' R MONOdPOAO IODYI v 11.1'D') PANEL ANTpNAB ON (TA) Lw TREE IPAIXT[p TO MATCH 6REN MONOEROAD LEAP ME. PAINTED TO MONOMOAD LEAP ANT@NA SOLK51 (9) GABBIER PANEL ANTENNAS MOVNtED MATCH 6BECN MOHOBROAD LW TREE (C) VERIZOI WReLM OPS ANTQYU ON !E) e9' -0'H MONOBROAD Lw Mee ANTEMU SOGBS (TYP. OP S — 9ecTORI MDUnTEp ON (E) EQUIPMeNT 9HRreR TO REMAIN U1cNAN6eD VERIZON WBELe59 TO RUN DO HYBBIePLE% TO REMAIN VNGHAN6® D9 G RIER PANEL ANTENNA9 MDMIED e GABLES GONGeA W TMN DO W' -0Ol (PJ G UCR PANEL ANTENNAS ON DO POLE TO REMAIN UNO1A.NeED MONOBROAD Lw ME (—I MOIMTED m m EmIPMeNT SHELTER To REMAIN uNG1AN6® D!) TREES TO RCIMIN UNGNAXBED (E7 SO66E UTILITY POLE (9) GAR. m PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED ON (E) EmIPMENT -..i tl C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] SHEL.— TO REMAN UNGNIf16CD _ Y W p7 0UN —TtlDANNS TO RBHAIN > 0.• � �i � 4 < I QQ NOTES: o ALL NEW ANTENNAS AND APPURTENANCES TO BE PUNTED GREEN TO NATCH NEW NONOBROAD LEA: TREE MID ALL NEW ANTENNAS TO BE LO/ERED WITH NEW 'NONOBROAD LEAF SOCNV ALL VERIZON WIRELESS EXISTING ANTENNAS ¢ z z Z w 0 w NOUNTEp OR ATTACHED TO THE SHELTER WILL BE REU O AND RELOCATED TO THE NEW SS• -0'N NONOBROAD LEAF TREE sots REPORT I><NDINC UCTURAL ANALYSIS PENDING O Q . U�m rnU W J to Z CL a zC,a UQa,Z Y mU > 11 wO W F- a z fnoz�� � ma�zN a Z � 11 C) P- U A -5 ti so6Ae unutt PDLe (PJ nwRB OU AHTI -$ APAROVBp OMMI AJIT@WiA$ TO Be RMOVED ROY5 BE (TOTAL Q !) mVMWI WRELe564'WMIGROMA O9H MOMCD ON (E) CmIPMBIT BNCLT TO BE REMOVED IEI GMRIpt PAUL ANTENNAS M `10 (r) VBEILON WRElE55 BPS ANTENNA MOUNTED OM ON (El A' -0M MOND m TO REMAIN VNGNAN6eD (PJ EDAPl UH, SHELTER TO R@TAIN UNGHANBEO E) GARRIB! PANEL ANTENNAS MOINTED D9 VBXIZOI WRLESS GOA%GABLE OI (e) POLE TO REMAIN UNGHMIBED D06Nd)9E TO BE REMOVED D'J N WRRE66 PREVI0J9LY (w TREES TO REMAIN U1GH.ANBED � ^0U 0 APPROVED OMNI ANTBll AND .19 MONl9 TO @ REMOVED ( TOtAL Q y (T DJ 500AE UTILItt POLE - r -' GAJWON PANEL ANTE D:l GANiRION PANS. ANTE tl T SH MOIMTED ON m EQUIPMENT 91ELTEIR MOIMTED ON (e) EmIMtBlt \ \..___._...... ,ki:. .J� TO REMAIN UCXMIBED SIEi,16E TO RENNIN IIINCMAILSED (El WOOD TRELL15 f0 REMAIN . r IMGHAN6N I: ANN9 TO REMAIN O 4a �1EJ� -Y. NOTES: o ALL NEW ANTENNAS AND APPURTENANCES TO BE PUNTED GREEN TO NATCH NEW NONOBROAD LEA: TREE MID ALL NEW ANTENNAS TO BE LO/ERED WITH NEW 'NONOBROAD LEAF SOCNV ALL VERIZON WIRELESS EXISTING ANTENNAS ¢ z z Z w 0 w NOUNTEp OR ATTACHED TO THE SHELTER WILL BE REU O AND RELOCATED TO THE NEW SS• -0'N NONOBROAD LEAF TREE sots REPORT I><NDINC UCTURAL ANALYSIS PENDING O Q . U�m rnU W J to Z CL a zC,a UQa,Z Y mU > 11 wO W F- a z fnoz�� � ma�zN a Z � 11 C) P- U A -5 co L O .h N N E7 0) A�A \I N V 9 W N (E) 50,5NE UTILITY PO (C! VERIZOH wKML . APPROVBD Ow0 ANT I!lMOVCO (TOTAL OP ti VERIZOH wM N RM MOUNTED ON MJ MIR REMOVED wi V DZOH . M. DORMOUSE TO BE REI M WATER T-0 ro INGNANSEo (E) LANDSCAPE TO w LNGHMNSED CARRIER 1A ANTENNAS MOUNTED REMAN UHGINMAS® LEAP TREE GABBIER PANEL ANTfl0M5 MOUNTED (r P— TO REMAIN NY.WU 0 SDBRE VOLITY FOLE CARRIER PMT AHTBNAS UNTeD ON (Pi ETi)IPAlNT MM. TO REMAIN UNGHANSeD (M) roRAx EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION 0 B® GRAPIC vuc NOTES: o ALL NEW ANTENNAS AND APPURTENANCES Bi TO BE PLANTED GREEN TO WtCH NEW MON)BROAD LEAF TREE AND ALL NEW p ANTENNA$ TO BE COVERED WITH NEW Q 'MDNOeINOAD TrAE socXs ALL VERIZON WIRELESS EXISTING ANTENNAS MOUNTED OR ATTACHED TO THE SHELTER WILL BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED TO THE NEW 35' -0'H MONOBROAD LEAF TREE SOILS REPoRT ` 16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PENDING 7= _ O N <_ oyO oQ (' W (n oz3 �Co °� a zrnQZ Y D]Ua a pwZ �O a z N WHWa 3zr�71 ?0� � �aNv n Q Z p w o - A -6 VCNZON � MOL Me G w !HIND 00 l AATED O T o A MONOBROAD LEAP AHTENV. SOCKS) (TYP. OF 3 PER SEGTOI) VewZOH HIMLM TO INSTALL (w f40'H X IDD'W X 4197 PANEL ANT — ON (w MONOBROAO LEAP TRff. PAINTED TO NMTGN OReB! MONOBROAO LEAP ANTENNA SOCKS fTYP. OF B PBR SEOTONU DO VBRIZON WIRELESS 24'0 HZROWAVB DISH PIP! (PJ SDBN! UTILITY POLlS MGMTVD ro DO S!' N. I .0140ROAP LEAP TIRM M."T A - TO MATGX BRBQN MONOBROAD lW ANT@NA °A..'K°al VEwZON wReLlSS TO INSTALL ONI lb-(9 aVEwZON WBELE55 r0 BuN RlT HYBwBPLlx LABLG°. GONGGPLlD GOA %GAd.e eBIpSE R RIN Ml YBBIPLEX GABLES HTHIN (TYPJ wTXIN (W SS' -0'N MONOBROAD LEAF (E) ATRT GARRICR PAT$ ANTENNAS TREE (1YP) R:1 LAMSGAPE TO REMAIN UNGX.AttllD MO,JH , ON (pi 'A'O'H IHONpMOAD al "'ti LEAP TR!! TO REMAIN WLXANSN`-0 u MO IIMK PNEL ANTBHAS NOLNT VV ON fri POL! TO RIWNN LNGNANBID YR.[ } - �pJ _ - _ _ - - _ - (HJ SD6RE UTILITY POLE y£ x j < k IPJ WATER TANKS TO REMAIN fE) GABBIER PANEL ANTENNAS LWGHANBED M0.NTED ON (El EONIPA£nT SHELTER TO BEMAIn INGNANNBSJ £ Fa�� MreaA.oETeSmPj VEwZOH HIME50 To INSTALL DO MYC" BOX wnNIX (E) SHELTCR _� - O AD.VGlNT To ENTRY PORTS r—. OF I) PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION 0 9 IB 'R (E) 50,5NE UTILITY PO (C! VERIZOH wKML . APPROVBD Ow0 ANT I!lMOVCO (TOTAL OP ti VERIZOH wM N RM MOUNTED ON MJ MIR REMOVED wi V DZOH . M. DORMOUSE TO BE REI M WATER T-0 ro INGNANSEo (E) LANDSCAPE TO w LNGHMNSED CARRIER 1A ANTENNAS MOUNTED REMAN UHGINMAS® LEAP TREE GABBIER PANEL ANTfl0M5 MOUNTED (r P— TO REMAIN NY.WU 0 SDBRE VOLITY FOLE CARRIER PMT AHTBNAS UNTeD ON (Pi ETi)IPAlNT MM. TO REMAIN UNGHANSeD (M) roRAx EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION 0 B® GRAPIC vuc NOTES: o ALL NEW ANTENNAS AND APPURTENANCES Bi TO BE PLANTED GREEN TO WtCH NEW MON)BROAD LEAF TREE AND ALL NEW p ANTENNA$ TO BE COVERED WITH NEW Q 'MDNOeINOAD TrAE socXs ALL VERIZON WIRELESS EXISTING ANTENNAS MOUNTED OR ATTACHED TO THE SHELTER WILL BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED TO THE NEW 35' -0'H MONOBROAD LEAF TREE SOILS REPoRT ` 16 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PENDING 7= _ O N <_ oyO oQ (' W (n oz3 �Co °� a zrnQZ Y D]Ua a pwZ �O a z N WHWa 3zr�71 ?0� � �aNv n Q Z p w o - A -6 VERIZON WMLM TO INSTALL DO RRUS W MOUNTED ON W EQUIPMENT SHELTER TO BE REMOVED \\�0VI4UZON wRlLl93 a'e MIOROAAV! DISH (W VERIZON wRELE88 GOA %GABLE N No m QONQEALED WNro Du PANG ANiltNA (PAINTED ro —. OREEN IEEMAIN UNONAItlED (TYP) /// NONOlRDAD Ll ANTlNNA SOGK^vl (TYP. OP ] 1!R SEOTOR) (PJ veLlzoN WRRE$S ]• -SN O VEWldI WR0.HS TO INSTKI DU (96N z IOD'H RAYON BOX "THIN (w 51q.TER ADJALlNT TO W LOA% GAEL! PANEL ANTENNAS ON DQ MONOEROAD scurL Lv�wb, N Lw nTS PAM ®TO NNA GRCEN MoNDlROAD Lw ANTENAA Soucy (TYP. DP E N PER SecT(DR1 PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION„�.,� M Rll VERIZON "-L— Oa•e MIQROwAVE DISH PIPE A� NOIMMP TO DO SS' N. MONOIIIOAD LEAP 1R!! (PMNTW (CJ Ep,9A! UTILl- PL M TO MATOH ORPB1 MpNOWROAp LEN ANTENNA BOOKS) o® v IT MY aARC ralE WRELE55 TO RIM (W NYERIEFLEx GABLES eVERIZON QONGlALlD W THIN DU Es'-ON MONOlROAD LlAP 1REE (M1 (0) O m ANTENNAS MOUNTED ON (!) POLES TO REMAIN UNON D (9) w MIR TANKS TO REMAIN UNONANGED� f 0 V N O j V 9 r` r� V� N (FU OARRIER ANTENNAS MOUNTED ON DJ TO REMAN UNONANOED (E) MATER —5 TO REMAIN UNOHANEE (FU OA '- EammsNT —M. R IN UNGNANG® (FU TREES TO REMAIN UNONANSEO 1-,I ,11111 /(E1 VlRIZON wRGLESS PREVIOVSLrJ / APPROVED 6P5 ANTENNA TO MOUNTED ON W EQUIPMENT SHELTER TO BE REMOVED \\�0VI4UZON wRlLl93 a'e MIOROAAV! DISH (W VERIZON wRELE88 GOA %GABLE \ IEEMAIN UNONAItlED (TYP) /// DOGHO)SE TO EE R@4pVM M) VERIZOH ABBESS 3' -5N RETNNING w L V UEPN ARlLess r0 INSTALL DU J (PJ veLlzoN WRRE$S ]• -SN RAYON BOX "THIN (w 51q.TER ADJALlNT TO W LOA% GAEL! RETAINING WN.L TO REMAIN UNOHMISED scurL Lv�wb, ENTRY POIETS (TYP. OP I) PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION„�.,� o® v IT MY aARC ralE RU ATFT GABBIER PANEL ANTBYUS- MOUNTED ON RD SO• -0'H MONOEROAD LEAP TREE TO Rv— VNONANGED. (BEYOND) SDGAE UTILITY POLES /1) v IZON ARELE55 PREVIOUSLY) APPROVED G ANTENNA TO Am— UNOWINSED (T—j MOUNTED ON W EQUIPMENT SHELTER TO BE REMOVED \\�0VI4UZON wRlLl93 a'e MIOROAAV! DISH (W VERIZON wRELE88 GOA %GABLE \ DOGHO)SE TO EE R@4pVM M) VERIZOH ABBESS 3' -5N RETNNING w L TO REMAIN UNOHANGED EXISTING WEST ELEVATION ti Y� TO wR IN EfJ IP ENT SIeLTee ro RlNIAIN uxOHANeeD scurL Lv�wb, G s® GRAR.G SOME NOTES: o" M NEW ANTENNAS MID MWURTENANCES TO O OAD LE GREEN N LATCH NEW HONO&tOAO LEAF TREE AND ALL NEW ` 'MCN WS D RE COVERED WITH NEW - IAONOBRMD LEAF SOCKS - ML MOUNTED OR ATTK MREUESS To THE ANTENNAS O Q ¢ _ w °p O MWNTED OR ATTACHED TO THE SHELTER WILL BE REH MEN AND RELOCATED E THE NEW 3S' -011 RONOOROAp LFAF TREE q S SOILS REPORTM UING ry STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PENDING = �, Nv utG Q� Q qoU Q # N O o J 0, In, o N Q`Daa� U rN00� a OQaN; Y 0UOZZ Q Q z00 W [YQQ�U V) W�Uj7 N F O? J Of I �aNW uJ d LAW O 3 A -7 N O °, . PARKS PEAK e�ngTeSnng N verizo 9 4264 TERRA BONITA ROAD POWAY CA 92064 N AEsims com 8779AE.,sims D D n 2 m z ,v 0 V N O V rt Q 3 4t L04 z N 0 h N N F. fy 0 4 N O 4 (D {N verizon%l PARKS PEAK 14264 T /ERRA BONITA R93AO PowAV CA 92064 ARTISTIC engineering AWms,com 8779AE „sims City of Poway — Minutes — September 6, 2016 billing and compliance with Medicare reporting, staff was recommending entering into an agreement for specialized contract services for ambulance billing and Medicare reporting services. Council comments and questions ensued. Motioned by Deputy Mayor Cunningham, seconded by Councilmember Leonard, to authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Wittman Enterprises for ambulance billing and Medicare reporting services, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Motion carried unanimously. 4.2 Pre - Development Conference 16 -002: Faux Tree Antenna Design for an existing telecommunications facility located at 14264 Tierra Bonita Road Associate Planner Oda Audish presented the report via PowerPoint. Council provided direction to applicant and staff in support of the proposal. 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 Workshop on the Villa De Vida project Development Services Director Bob Manis presented information along with a PowerPoint for a workshop to discuss a partnership with Villa De Vida and Mercy Housing on the construction of an affordable housing development with 54 units for developmentally disabled individuals. Mr. Manis discussed the concept site plan, project issues and questions, and the execution of a Disposition, Development, and Loan Agreement (DDLA) to implement the project. Villa De Vida Executive Director Ashley Kim and Mercy Housing Vice President Ed Holder gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding their mission and goals for the project. The following speakers addressed the Council: Speakers in support. Dean Weese, Janice Pepin, Hams Pierce, Lori Haase, Denise Tibbs, Margot Morpeth, Loma Sheedlo, Brian Miller, Beckie Poison, Jody Campillo, Tony Rubino, Andrew Lindhart, Tara Lindhart, Kathleen Kennedy, Carlos Rodriguez, and Diana Augustine. Submitted slips in support but did not wish to speak Bernadette Conway, Tom Conway, Debbi Bumpers, Felix Nazario, Robert Wynhamer, Linda McMonan, Bob Beavers, Claudia Brinneman, Jeff Edgar, Kristin Gamica, Marissa Annandono, Joseph Annandono, Teresa Worley, Vesna Jovanovic, Lauren Clow, Ellen Cryder, Julia Uhll, James Lippert, Denise Longo, Sydelle Enyeart, Sam Parsi, Deena Pierce, Phil & Shauna Schneider, Pam Hsu, Geoffrey Hsu, Linda Lisenby, Pat Moore, 22 of 22 291 ATTACHMENT G March 7, 2017, Item # 3.2-