Public Hearing Notices for 3-07-17 meetingCITY OF POWAY NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Poway will hold a Public Hearing at the time and location noted below to consider the following item:Conditional Use Permit (CUP)16-010;submitted by Kyle DeNardo for Verizon Wireless,Applicant:A request to modify an existing Conditional Use Permit for Verizon Wireless to upgrade an existing telecommunication facility located at 14264 Tierra Bonita Road withinthe Rural Residential A(RR-A)zone.The proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption,pursuant to Section 15303(d),in that the project involves the installation of a telecommunications facilitywhich will provide a utilityextension to serve the surrounding areas.. DATEOF MEETING:March 7,2017 TIME OF MEETING:7:00 p.m. LOCATION OF MEETING:CityCouncil Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway,CA 92064 PROJECT NUMBER/NAME:CUP 16-010 /Verizon Wireless APPLICANT/PROPERTYOWNER:Kyle DeNardo forVerizon Wireless / Jill Fleming Oglivie and J.Patrick Fleming PROJECT APN:321-191-27 STAFF PLANNER:Oda Audish E-MAIL:oaudish@poway.org PHONENUMBER:(858)668-4661 or668-4600 ANY INTERESTED PERSONmayreviewtheANYINTERESTED PERSONmay reviewthestaffreportand the plans for this project,and obtain additional information at the City of Poway Development Services Department, Planning Division,13325 Civic Center Drive,Poway,California,or by visitingthe City’s websiteat www.poway. org.If you wish to express commentsin favor oforagainst the aboveyou may appear in personat the above described meeting or submityourcomments in writing tothe CityClerk,Cityof Poway prior to the publichear- ing.If you challenge the matter incourt,you may be limitedtoraising onlythose issuesyou or someone else raised at the public hearingdescribed in this notice,or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at,or prior to,the public hearing.If you have special needs requiring assistance atthe meeting,please call the City Clerk’s Office at (858)668-4530 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting so that accommodations can be arranged.Published in the Poway News Chieftain on February 23,2017.OrderNo.17-009.P5155 CITY OF POWAY NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthe CityCouncil of theCityofPowaywill holdaPublic Hearingatthetimeandlocation noted below toconsiderthefollowingitem:ConditionalUsePermit(CUP)16-005,Variance(VAR)17-001,andMinorDevelopment ReviewApplication(MDRA)17-003;submitted byMark Hayden forCapstoneAdvisors,Applicant:A requestto establisha preschoolforup to90childrenwithinanexistingbuildinginthePoway Valley Center shoppingcenterat13314-13382Poway Road,which is zoned TownCenter (TC)and is locatedwithin the Poway Road Specific Planarea.Therequest also includes the development of afenced outdoorplay ground withshade structures that wouldmaintaina zero-foot rear yard setback wherea25-footsetback isrequired.The proposed projectis CategoricallyExempt from theCaliforniaEnvironmental Quality Act(CEQA)as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption,pursuant toSection 15303(c),inthat theproject involvesthe conversionof an existing commercialbuilding located in an urbanized settingto a newuse where onlyminor modifications are made in the exteriorofthestructure.Theprojectdoesnotinvolve significantamounts of hazardous substances,all necessary public servicesand facilitiesareavailable,andthe surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive. DATE OFMEETING:March 7,2017 TIMEOF MEETING:7:00 p.m. LOCATION OF MEETING:City Council Chambers 13325 Civic CenterDrive Poway,CA 92064 PROJECT NUMBER/NAME:CUP 16-005,VAR 17-001, and MDRA 17-003 / PowayValley CenterPreschool APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER:Mark Hayden for Capstone Advisors / CIPPoway,L.L.C. PROJECT APN:317-101-15 STAFF PLANNER:Oda Audish EMAIL:oaudish@poway.org PHONE NUMBER:(858)668-4661 or 668-4600 ANYINTERESTEDPERSONmayreview the staff report andtheplans for this project,and obtainadditional information at the City ofPowayDevelopment ServicesDepartment,Planning Division,13325 CivicCenterDrive,Poway,California, or by visiting the City’s website at www.poway.org.If you wish to expresscomments in favor of or against the above youmayappear in personat the above described meetingor submit yourcommentsinwriting to the CityClerk,Cityof Powayprior to the public hearing.If you challenge the matterin court,you may be limited to raising onlythoseissues youorsomeone else raisedat the public hearing described in this notice,orin written correspondence delivered tothe City Council at,or prior to,the public hearing.If you have special needs requiring assistance at the meeting,please call the City Clerk’s Office at (858)668-4530 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting so that accommodations can be arranged.Published in the Poway NewsChieftain on February 23,2017.Order No.17-010.P5154