Item 1.6 - Reso Amending the City’s Records Retention ScheduleDATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT May 2, 2017 APPROVED ■ APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. I l -01 2 - Honorable Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk/ (858) 668-4535 or nneufeld(a�poway.orq Resolution Amending the City's Records Retention Schedule The City Clerk's Office is undertaking an active Citywide Records Management Program review to efficiently and consistently manage City records in all departments. General records management principles recommend review and update of retention schedules periodically to ensure that the agency has an up-to-date inventory of documents and that current administrative procedures and legal mandates are applied. The Records Retention Schedule was last updated in 2014 along with an amended Records Management Policy. Staff is not recommending changes to the Records Management Policy at this time as a review of the policy will be undertaken during part of the larger citywide program review. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving revisions to the City's Records Retention Schedule. Discussion: Establishing a Records Retention Schedule is a policy decision of the City Council. A Records Retention Schedule is a list of all records produced or maintained by an agency and the length of time for which those records are kept. It is within an agency's legal authority to receive, create, retain, and dispose of official public records. The Records Retention Schedule assists the agency by documenting the department/office of record, identifying which records are considered "vital," which records have historic or research value, and which records should be destroyed because they no longer have administrative, fiscal, or legal value. In the event of litigation, courts accept a retention schedule as establishing an agency's "normal course for doing business." 1 of 38 May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 Records Retention Schedule May 2, 2017 Page 2 Provisions within Federal and State law mandate the minimum length of time certain types of records must be kept, including permanent retention for some documents. Additionally, an agency may administratively decide to retain certain records longer than required by State and Federal law. The revised Records Retention Schedule has been updated to comply with local, state and federal requirements as well as City policy. Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. a recognized expert in public records management, has completed an assessment of the schedule and all legal references for accuracy and found the schedule to be consistent with accepted records management practices and in compliance with current State and Federal law governing records retention. At this time, it is recommended that only minor modifications resulting from this review be made to the Records Retention Schedule. Further revisions to the schedule would come after the completion of the comprehensive organizational records management program and policy review. The proposed changes to the Records Retention Schedule are summarized in Attachment A. New functional filing numbers have been added to identify and apply retention to categories pertaining to Conflict of Interest and Fair Political Practices Commission forms mandated by the State. Also, certain administrative changes reflect changing operations and methods of managing the City's records. These updates offer a reduction to current and future records storage costs, eliminate duplication of effort, increase efficiency, and allow the City to take advantage of current technology. Attachment C lists the entire Records Retention Schedule incorporating all City records identified with a retention. It should be noted that there is no change to the Policy for approval of records destruction requests and that these requests will continue to be reviewed by the department's director, City Clerk, City Attorney and presented to the City Council for approval. Environmental Review: Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. Fiscal Impact: None. Public Notification: None. 2 of38 May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 Records Retention Schedule May 2, 2017 Page 3 Attachments: A. Summary of Proposed Changes and Additions to Retention Schedule B. Resolution Amending the Records Retention Schedule for City Records C. Revised Records Retention Schedule Reviewed/Approved By: Reviewed By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Moran City_Attorne Ap oved Tina M. White City Manager 3 of 38 May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record Description Former  Retention Recommended  Retention Justification 0160 0160‐10 Awards & Donations (Community Contributions, 4th of July, Mayor for  the Day) Permanent2 years State Law Administrative  Decision 0360 0360‐70 Reports, Fire Prevention Activity (Includes single  event fire permits, prevention activity reports)2 years5 years State Law Federal Law 0720 0720‐11FPPC Form 801 (Gift to Agency Report) 4 years7 yearsState Law 0720‐17 FPPC Form 806 (Agency Report of Public Official  Appointments) 2 years7 yearsState Law 0725 0725‐40Nomination Papers (Successful Candidates)Election +  4 years Term + 4 years Per Secretary of  State 0725‐40Nomination Papers (Unsuccessful Candidates)Election +  4 years Election +  2 years Per Secretary of  State 0725‐40Certificates of Election Term of Election  + 4 years Permanent Per Secretary  of State 0725‐51Secretary of State ‐ Correspondence7 years2 yearsState Law 0800 0800‐50 Uniform Code Books / California Building Codes  (CBC UPC, UEC, etc.)Permanent Until  Superseded State Law 1020 1020‐35Recreation Class  Liability WaiversTerm + 18 yearsTerm + 2 yearsState Law Construction & Engineering Building Community Services Recreation Programs Proposed Changes to the City of Poway Records Retention Schedule ADMINISTRATION Public Relations & Information PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH & SOCIAL Fire Protection & Services Legal and Legislative Conflicts of Interest Elections 4 of 38Attachment A May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 0190 0190‐50OSHA Logs, Log 300, 300A, etc N/A5 years State Law Federal Law 0330 0330‐15AQMD Permits (Generators, etc.) N/A5 years State Law Federal Law 0360 0360‐75 Fire Code Citations / Notice of Violations /  Inspections N/APermanent State Law Federal Law 0500 0500‐10 1095‐C (Employer Provided Health Insurance Offer  & Coverage)N/A5 years State Law Federal Law 0720 0720‐13FPPC Form 803 (Behested Payment Report) N/APermanentState Law 0720‐14FPPC Form 804 (Agency Report of New Positions) N/APermanentState Law 0720‐16FPPC Form 805 (Agency Report of Consultants) N/A7 yearsState Law 0725 0725‐25 Candidate Handbook (Instruction to candidates) Candidate Briefing (Workshop presentation  materials) N/A Election +  4 years State Law Administrative  Decision 0725‐45 Candidate/Committee Organization/Termination  Statements N/A4 yearsState Law 1120 1120‐20 Vehicle Pre‐Trip Inspections / Daily Vehicle  Inspections N/A2 yearsState Law 1130 1130‐20 Generator Operations  Logs & Inspections ‐ Fixed /  Stationary Generators N/A3 yearsState Law 1130‐30 Generator Operations  Logs & Inspections ‐  Portable / Emergency Generators N/A5 yearsState Law Fire Protection & Services Human Resources Personnel Administration Proposed Additions to the City of Poway Records Retention Schedule Risk Management Mechanical Equipment PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH & SOCIAL Environmental Issues & Conservation Fleet Maintenance/Rolling Stock Legal and Legislative Conflicts of Interest Elections 5 of 38 May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 6 of 38 Attachment B May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 RESOLUTION NO. 17-_____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CITY OF POWAY RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway recognizes its responsibility and obligation to foster efficient and cost-effective government and further recognizes the central importance of the management and protection of its records; WHEREAS, the maintenance of numerous records is expensive, slows document retrieval, and hinders the effective and efficient operation of the government of the City of Poway; WHEREAS, a sound program of records management, disclosure, and retention demonstrates to legal and regulatory authorities that the City of Poway is making every reasonable effort to retain and dispose of its records in a responsible manner and in accordance with State and Federal regulations, applicable guidelines and good business practices; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to revise the Records Retention Schedule on a periodic basis in order to maintain an up-to-date inventory of records and to ensure that current legal mandates are applied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The amended Records Retention Schedule as set forth in Exhibit “1” is hereby established, which provides for retention of records in accordance with legal, regulatory, and operating requirements; prompt disposition of records upon expiration of their retention periods; identification and protection of vital City records; and preservation of records, having archival or historical value to the City. Section 2: The term “records” as used herein shall include documents, instructions, books, microforms, electronic files, magnetic tapes, optical media, or papers; as defined by the California Public Records Act. Section 3: This resolution shall supersede and replace any and all resolutions previously adopted or actions taken by the Council with respect to Records Retention Schedules for the City of Poway and shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Resolution No. 17-___ Page 2 7 of 38 May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 2nd day of May 2017. ______________________________ Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk of the City of Poway, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 17-___ was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 2nd day of May 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: ________________________________ Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway Exhibit 1 City of PowayAmended January 7, 2014 Records Retention/Disposal ScheduleAmended May 2, 2017 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification All City Council Staff Reports shall be maintained permanently by the City Clerk’s Office Permanent State Law Administrative Decision Copies or Duplicates of Documents for which a department is NOT the Office of Primary Responsibility Destroy when no longer required State Law Administrative Decision 0100 0100-20Administrative PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0100-30Organization ChartsUntil SupersededState Law 0100-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanentState Law 0110 0110-05 Administration 2 yearsState Law 0110-10 Activity Reports 2 yearsState Law 0110-20 Complaints & Inquiries, General 2 years after settlementState Law 0110-25 Compliments, General 2 yearsState Law 0110-30 Daily Work Logs/Reports/Work Orders 2 yearsState Law 0110-35 Goals & Objectives, Departmental Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0110-40 Public Records Requests 2 yearsState Law 0110-45Staff Meetings Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0110-50 Staffing/Organization 2 years State Law 0110-60 Status Reports 2 years State Law 0110-70Work/Vacation Schedules Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0110-80Procedures, Departmental Until Superseded + 2 years (minimum)State Law 0110-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0115 0115-10Correspondence2 yearsState Law 0115-20Chronological2 yearsState Law 0115-50Suspense/Tickler Files2 yearsState Law CaliforniaGovernmentCodeSections34090-34090.7,plusotherapplicablestateandfederal codesgovernretentionanddestructionofrecords.Originalpublicrecordsmaynotbedestroyed untilthepassageoftwoyearsanduntiltheotherrequirementsofSection34090etseq.have beenmet.Litigation,claims,complaints,auditsand/orinvestigations suspenddestructionuntil they are settled/resolved. Reference Departmental Administration General Administration ADMINISTRATION 8 of 38Attachment CMay 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0120 0120-05Administration2 yearsState Law Boards/Committees/Commissions5 years State Law Administrative Decision Committee Applications- Unsuccessful2 yearsState Law Agendas, Successful Appointments, Resignations, Handbooks, Directories, Rosters, and Staff Reports Permanent State Law Administrative Decision Minutes (Bylaws)PermanentState Law 0120-15 Regional Assignments - City Councilmembers PermanentState Law 0120-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0130 0130-05Administration2 yearsState Law Local and Civic Organizations2 yearsState Law Poway Today and Historical SocietyPermanentState Law 0140 0140-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0140-10Organizations-at-Large2 yearsState Law 0140-85Professional Associations2 yearsState Law 0150 0150-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0150-10Cities/Towns, Other2 yearsState Law 0150-20Regional Agencies2 yearsState Law 0150-30County Offices2 years State Law 0150-40Special Districts2 yearsState Law 0150-50State Agencies 2 yearsState Law 0150-60Federal Agencies2 yearsState Law 0150-70LAFCOPermanentState Law 0160 0160-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0160-10Awards & Donations2 years State Law Administrative Decision 0160-20Brochures & Publications, CityPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0160-25Calendars2 yearsState Law 0160-30Customer Service Programs2 yearsState Law Governmental/Regulatory Agencies Public Relations and Information 0120-10 0130-10 Boards, Committees, and Commissions Local and Civic Organizations Organizations-at-Large 9 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0160-35Emblems & FlagsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0160-45Historical RecordsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0160-46Military 5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0160-55News Media2 yearsState Law 0160-60News Clippings Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City record 0160-70Press Releases & Advertising2 yearsState Law 0160-71Legal Advertising4 yearsState Law 0160-75Public Ceremonies2 yearsState Law 0160-80Public Questionnaires & Surveys2 yearsState Law 0170 0170-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0170-20Destruction Lists/AuthorizationsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0170-25Email30 daysState Law 0170-50Records InventoriesUntil SupersededAdministrative Decision 0170-65Records Transfer Lists Until Superseded State Law Administrative Decision 0170-70Retention Schedules Until SupersededState Law 0170-80Publications & Reference Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0170-85Procedures Until Superseded + 2 year (minimum)State Law 0170-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanentState Law 0180 0180-05 Administration2 yearsState Law 0180-40Computer Information/Reference Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0180-80Network Backup Tapes-DailyUntil SupersededState Law 0180-85Network Backup Tapes-WeeklyUntil SupersededState Law 0180-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision Records Management Information Technology 10 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0190 0190-05Administration2 yearsState Law Claims Against the City Closed + 7 years State Law Administrative Decision Claims, PaidClosed + 7 years State Law Administrative Decision 0190-15Claims on Behalf of the CityClosed + 5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0190-25Accident/Injury/Incident ReportsClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0190-30Commercial Crime BondsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0190-40City Insurance PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0190-42Certificates of Insurance, Other 11 years State Law Administrative Decision 0190-45Liability Waivers4 years State Law Administrative Decision 0190-50OSHA Logs, Log 300, 300A, etc5 years State Law Federal Law 0190-60Workers’ Compensation2 yearsState Law 0190-65Workers’ Compensation Case Files Closed + 30 years State Law Administrative Decision 0190-75Safety Investigations5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0190-80Safety Programs2 yearsState Law 0190-85Safety Committee5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0190-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0200 0200-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0200-15Boundary AdjustmentsPermanentState Law 0200-16BlueprintsClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0200-20Major Development Reviews/ApprovalsPermanentState Law 0200-25Minor Development Reviews/ApprovalsPermanentState Law COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Development/Subdivisions Risk Management 0190-10 11 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification Building Plans Commercial/Historical (Life of the Building)PermanentState Law Residential – Two-story or less, garages and other structures, farm or ranch buildings, one-story building where span between bearing walls does not exceed 25 feet. Permanent State Law Administrative Decision Plan Check – ExpiredPermanentState Law Plans – CIP (Includes Street, Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalk and Storm Drains)PermanentState Law 0200-30 Pre-Development Conference/Preliminary Applications Closed + 2 yearsState Law 0200-50Tentative Parcel MapsPermanentState Law 0200-60Tentative Tract MapsPermanentState Law 0200-85ProceduresPermanentState Law 0200-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0210 0210-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0210-10AppealsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0210-20Home Occupation PermitsPermanentState Law 0210-30Major Conditional Use PermitsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0210-50Minor Conditional Use PermitsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0210-52Outdoor Display PermitPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0210-60Temporary Use Permits Term + 3 years State Law Administrative Decision 0210-70Variance Case FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0210-75APN Case FilesPermanentState Law 0210-80Zoning ChangesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0210-85Zoning InterpretationsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0210-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0220 0220-05Administration2 yearsState Law Land Use Controls City and Regional Planning 0200-27 12 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0220-10 Demographic & Statistical Data (Census Records)Permanent Not a City Record Administrative Decision 0220-20Economic Development Reference Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0220-25Economic Development ProjectsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0220-30General Plan & ElementsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0220-40General Plan AmendmentsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0220-60Specific Plans Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0220-65Master PlanPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0220-70Regional Planning Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0220-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0230 0230-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0230-10Incorporation RecordsPermanentState Law 0230-20Annexation Case FilesPermanentState Law 0230-30DetachmentsPermanentState Law 0230-40Spheres of Influence Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0230-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0240 0240-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0240-10Former Redevelopment Project Case FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0240-20Former Relocation Assistance Closed + 5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0240-30Former Redevelopment PlansPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0250 0250-05Administration2 yearsState Law CDBG Program Case Files 10 years after funding with entry in audit Federal Law Financial Reports 10 years after funding with entry in audit Federal Law City Organization and Formation Former Redevelopment Agency Records Community Development Block Grant 0250-10 13 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0250-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0260 0260-05Administration5 yearsState Law 0260-10Affordable Housing Case FilesPermanentState and Federal Law 0260-20Mobile Home Park Case FilesPermanentState and Federal Law 0260-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0270 0270-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0270-10Case FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0270-80Historic Site InventoriesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0270-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0280 0280-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0280-20Comprehensive Sign Program PermitsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0280-30Sign Permits, Temporary Term + 2 years after expiration State Law 0280-40City Identification Signs Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0280-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0290 0290-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0290-40Ride Sharing Program5 yearsState Law 0290-60Transit Services 2 yearsState Law 0290-70Transportation Planning, General2 yearsState Law 0290-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0300 0300-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision Transportation PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH, AND SOCIAL SERVICES Animal Control Housing Programs Historic Site Preservation Sign Control 14 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0310-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0320 0320-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0320-10Disaster Planning 3 years State Law CalEMA/FEMA 0320-20Communications 3 years State Law CalEMA/FEMA 0320-25Community Resources Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 0320-30Disaster Case FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0320-35Emergency Call Lists 3 years State Law CalEMA/FEMA 0320-40Emergency Operations Center3 years State and Federal Law CalEMA/FEMA 0320-45Emergency SheltersReimbursement + 7 years State and Federal Law CalEMA/FEMA Administrative Decision 0320-50Financial AssistanceReimbursement + 7 years State and Federal Law CalEMA/FEMA Administrative Decision 0320-55Mutual AssistanceReimbursement + 7 years State Law CalEMA/FEMA Administrative Decision 0320-60Operational PlansPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0320-65Public Education Programs2 yearsState Law 0320-70Training Programs Until Superseded + 5 years State and Federal Law 0320-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0330 0330-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0330-10Air Quality Management Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0330-15AQMD Permits (Generators, etc.)5 years State Law Federal Law 0330-20Archaeological SurveysPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0330-30Community Gardens 2 yearsState Law 0330-35Energy Conservation Programs2 yearsState Law 0330-40Environmental Health Issues2 yearsState Law Emergency Preparedness Environmental Issues and Conservation 15 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0330-45 Hazardous Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or Database containing list of chemical, substance or agent 30 yearsFederal Law 0330-50Hazardous Materials Permits Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0330-55Noise Pollution 2 yearsState Law 0330-60Resource Conservation Areas2 yearsState Law 0330-65Wildfire Defensible Space ProgramUntil SupersededState Law 0330-70Weed AbatementClosed + 3 yearsState Law 0330-75Recycling Program2 yearsState Law 0330-80 Wildlife Conservation - (general information, City brochures and publications) 3 yearsState Law 0330-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0340 0340-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0340-10Hospitals, Trauma Care Centers & Clinics2 yearsState Law 0340-30Vector Control Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0340-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0350 0350-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0350-10Drunken Driving Program (DUI)2 yearsState Law 0350-20211 Program2 yearsState Law 0350-22 Domestic Violence Program/ For Parents' and Kids’ Sake 2 yearsState Law 0350-30Safe Surrender2 yearsState Law 0350-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0360 0360-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0360-10Ambulance & Paramedic Services PermanentState Law 0360-15Ambulance Service Authorization FormsPermanentState and Federal Law 0360-17Apparatus & EquipmentEquipment Life + 3 yearsState Law 0360-19Daily Activity Reports & LogsPermanentState Law Fire Protection and Services Health Protection and Services Human Social Services and Programs 16 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0360-20Fire Safety ProgramsClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0360-22Fit TestingPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0360-25 Geographical Files - Commercial Industrial (inspector's reports, sprinkler plans, underground plans, hazardous permits, alarm plans, occupancy permits, Fire and Life Safety Inspections.) Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0360-30 Geographical Files – Residential (Sprinkler plans and inspections sheets.) Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0360-40Knox Box Location ListClosed State Law 0360-45ISO Insurance RatingsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0360-47Personnel-Training FilePermanentState Law 0360-49Rapid Intervention Crew Permanent State and Federal Law Administrative Decision 0360-60Reports, Fire IncidentsTerm + 30 years State Law Administrative Decision 0360-65Reports, InvestigationsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0360-70Reports, Fire Prevention Activity5 years State Law Federal Law 0360-75 Fire Code Citations / Notice of Violations / Inspections Permanent State Law Federal Law 0360-80HIPAA Policies & Procedures6 yearsState Law 0360-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0370 0370-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0370-17EquipmentTerm + 3 yearsState Law 0370-20Alarm SystemsClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0370-40 Reports, Monthly/Quarterly from San Diego County Sheriff 3 yearsState Law 0370-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0380 0380-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0380-10Refuse/Trash Collection & ExemptionsClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0380-20Recycling Programs2 yearsState Law 0380-30Solid Waste Facilities/Landfills4 yearsState Law 0380-40Special Waste ProgramsClosed + 2 yearsState Law Police Protection and Services Integrated/Solid Waste Management 17 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0380-50Public Education & Information2 yearsState Law 0380-85Master PlansPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0380-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0400 0400-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0400-10Chart of Accounts Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0400-25Check Registers5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0400-30 Developer Trust Accounts / Deposit Accounts Closed + 5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0400-35Fixed AssetsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0400-40General Ledgers Year-EndPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0400-45Journal Entries7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0400-84Reports, General (City Investments)7 years after auditState Law 0400-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0410 0410-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0410-10Audits, Comprehensive Annual - CAFRPermanentState Law 0410-20Audits, GrantsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0410-80Audit Preparation Records3 years State Law Administrative Decision 0410-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0420 0420-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0420-15Banking CorrespondenceTerm + 3 years State Law Administrative Decision 0420-20Bank Statements & Reconciliation7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0420-25Checks, Returned7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision FINANCE & FISCAL Accounting Audits Banking 18 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0420-30Checks, Voided/Cancelled7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0420-50Signature Cards/AuthorizationsClosed + 3 years State Law Administrative Decision 0420-55Stop Payments7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0420-82Reports, Monthly Reconciliation7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0420-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0430 0430-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0430-10Budget Requests, Internal3 years State Law Administrative Decision 0430-30Revenue Estimates7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0430-40Operating Budgets5 yearsState Law 0430-50Capital Improvement Budget10 yearsState Law 0430-60Departmental Budget 2 yearsState Law 0430-70Budget Preparation Files 2 yearsState Law 0430-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0440 0440-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0440-10Bond Issue RecordsMaturity + 10 yearsState Law 0440-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0450 0450-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0450-10Certificates of Deposit7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0450-20Investment Information, General2 yearsState Law 0450-30Investment PortfolioPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0450-40Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)2 yearsState Law 0450-80Reports, Investment7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0450-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision Bond Issues/Debt Service Investments Budgeting 19 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0460 0460-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0460-30W-2 Forms 7 yearsState and Federal Law 0460-40Time Cards7 years State Law Administrative Decision 0460-50Payroll RegistersPermanentState Law 0460-60Quarterly Payroll Tax Reports7 years State and Federal Law Administrative Decision 0460-65Deferred Compensation AccountingPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0460-75Vacation & Sick Leave Accounting7 years State Law Administrative Decision 0470 0470-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0470-10Deferred Compensation Reports Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 0470-40 PERS (Public Employees Retirement Accounts) Reports End of Coverage and/or Death + 2 years State and Federal Law 0470-45PARS (Retirement Enhancement Plan)End of Coverage and/or Death + 2 years State and Federal Law 0470-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0475 0475-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0475-20Accounts Payable 7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0475-301099 Forms7 years after audit State and Federal Law Administrative Decision 0475-40 Redevelopment Agency – Obligation Payment 7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0475-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0480 0480-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0480-30Purchase Requisitions 7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0480-40Purchase Orders 7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0480-42Unsuccessful Bids2 yearsState Law Purchasing Payroll Pension & Retirement Funds Reports Accounts Payable 20 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0480-55Central Supply Requisitions7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0480-60Supply InventoriesUntil SupersededState Law 0480-70Surplus Property Disposition3 years after disposition State Law Administrative Decision 0480-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0490 0490-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0490-10Accounts Receivable7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision Billings & Receipts7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision Water/Sewer Rates – Master Fee Schedule 2 yearsState Law 0490-28Business CertificatesClosed + 3 years State Law Administrative Decision 0490-30Regulatory LicensesClosed + 3 yearsState Law 0490-45Fee StudiesPermanentState Law 0490-50Donations to the City3 yearsState Law 0490-51Grants – All5 years after auditState and Federal Law 0490-54Grants – UnsuccessfulClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0490-55Parking Citations3 years State Law Administrative Decision 0490-60Receipts, Daily Cash7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0490-75Taxes7 years after auditState and Federal Law 0490-76Weed/Nuisance Abatement7 years after audit State Law Administrative Decision 0490-80County Funding Programs3 years State Law Administrative Decision 0490-84Regional Funding Programs3 years State Law Administrative Decision 0490-85 City Funding Programs, General (Neighborhood Loan Programs)3 yearsState Law 0490-86State Funding Programs, General State Reimbursement + 7 years State Law Administrative Decision 0490-88Federal Funding Programs, General3 yearsState Law 0490-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law Administrative Decision Revenue & Taxation 0490-15 21 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0500 0500-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0500-10 1095-C (Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer & Coverage)5 years State Law Federal Law 0500-25Employee Orientation 2 years State Law Administrative Decision 0500-35New Position Requests 2 yearsState Law 0500-40Potential Programs 2 yearsState Law 0500-50Temporary Agencies Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 0500-55DOT Testing5 yearsState and Federal Law 0500-85Procedures, Personnel Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0500-90Reports, Studies, Regulations PoliciesPermanentState Law 0510 0510-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0510-20Classification Specifications Until SupersededState Law 0510-30Compensation Surveys5 yearsState Law 0510-50Reclassification Requests 2 yearsState Law 0510-90 Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies (Classification & Compensation Studies) Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0520 0520-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0520-10Cost of Living/Consumer Index Until SupersededNot a City Record 0520-20Compensation Plans 6 yearsState and Federal Law 0520-30Deferred Compensation Plan 3 yearsState Law 0520-40Employee Benefits 5 yearsState and Federal Law 0520-45Employee Assistance Program7 yearsState Law 0520-70Retirement Plans5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0520-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0530 0530-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0530-10Disciplinary Actions Term of Employment and/or Death + 3 years State and Federal Law Salaries, Wages & Benefits Employee Records HUMAN RESOURCES Personnel Administration Classifications & Compensation 22 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0530-15I-9's Term of Employment and/or Death + 3 years State and Federal Law 0530-20Leave Requests 2 yearsState Law Employee Personnel Files Term of Employment and/or Death + 3 years State and Federal Law Firefighters Term of employment and/or Death + 10 years State and Federal Law 0530-40DMV Physicals 4 yearsState Law 0540 0540-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0540-10Negotiations 7 yearsState Law 0540-20Memoranda of Understanding Reference 20 years State Law Administrative Decision 0540-30Discipline Policy/ProceduresClosed + 3 yearsState and Federal Law 0540-40Discrimination ComplaintsClosed + 5 yearsState and Federal Law 0540-50GrievancesClosed + 3 yearsState and Federal Law 0540-60Employee AssociationsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0540-70Fair Labor Laws & Standards Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 0540-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0550 0550-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0550-20Requests for Transfer2 yearsState and Federal Law 0550-60Position Recruitment Records 3 yearsState and Federal Law 0550-80Complaints/Investigations/AppealsClosed + 5 yearsState and Federal Law 0550-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0560 0560-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0560-20Educational Programs5 yearsState Law 0560-30AB 1234 Ethics Training Certificates5 yearsState Law Volunteer Applications, Successful Candidates Separation + 3 years Unsuccessful Candidates 2 years 0560-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law Administrative Decision Labor Relations Recruitment & Selection Training, Education & Employment Programs 0530-30 0560-40 State Law 23 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0600 0600-10Building Security Services 2 yearsState Law 0600-30Facility Use PermitsTerm + 2 yearsState Law 0610 0610-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0610-10City HallPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-20Community Services FacilitiesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-25Trailer FacilitiesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-30Fire FacilitiesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-40LibraryPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-45Materials Handling YardPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-46Household Hazardous Waste/ RSWAPermanent State and Federal Law Administrative Decision 0610-50Mobilehome ParksPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-60Public Works FacilitiesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-65Sheriff’s SubstationsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-70Vehicle Maintenance FacilitiesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-75Water Reclamation FacilitiesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0610-80Water Treatment PlantsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0620 0620-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0620-10Bikeways & Equestrian LanesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0620-15CreeksPermanent State Law Administrative Decision PUBLIC FACILITIES & GROUNDS General Administration Creeks / Open Space / Parks Municipal Facilities 24 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0620-20Lake Poway FacilitiesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0620-30Mini-ParksPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0620-40ParksPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0620-50TrailsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0620-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0630 0630-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0630-07Community Park FacilitiesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0630-10 Community Services Administration Building Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0630-20Multi-Purpose CentersPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0630-25Midland RailroadPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0630-30Performing Arts CenterPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0630-40Sports Fields/ComplexesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0630-50Tennis CourtsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0630-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0640 0640-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0650 0650-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0650-10Landscape Projects2 yearsState Law 0650-15Chemical Treatment2 yearsState and Federal Law 0650-20Irrigation2 yearsState Law 0650-40Litter/Clean-up Programs3 years State Law Administrative Decision 0650-50Tree ProgramsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0650-55Tree Surveys & Inventories2 yearsState Law 0650-60Tree Trimming & Removal2 yearsState Law Landscaping & Beautification Recreation & Cultural Facilities City Properties, Other 25 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0650-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision LEGAL & LEGISLATIVE 0700 0700-05Administration2 yearsState Law Agreements/Contracts (Infrastructure/Land/Mutual Aid/JPA/MOU)Permanent State Law Administrative Decision Agreements/Contracts – otherTerm plus 10 yearsState Law Insurance Certificates11 years State Law 0700-25San Diego CountyPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0700-30Special DistrictsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0700-35State of CaliforniaPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0700-40U.S. GovernmentPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0700-50Memorandums of UnderstandingPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0700-60Franchise AgreementsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0700-70Lease Agreements Term + 4 years State Law Administrative Decision 0700-80Lease/Purchase ContractsTerm + 4 years State Law Administrative Decision 0710 0710-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0710-10Agenda Packets Permanent (Only Scanned Image) State Law Administrative Decision 0710-15 Reorganization – Secretary of State (Statement of Facts)PermanentState Law 0710-20 Meeting Notices/Affidavits of Posting/Teleconferencing Permanent (Only Scanned Image)State Law 0710-30MinutesPermanentState Law 0710-35Public Oral CommunicationPermanentState Law 0710-36Speakers List3 yearsState Law 0710-40Commendations/Proclamations5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0710-45Petitions1 yearState Law 0710-50Appointments/ResignationsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision City Council Legal and Legislative Agreements and Contracts 0700-10 26 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0710-51Disclosure Waivers3 yearsState Law 0710-60 City Council, Outside Committee Representatives 2 yearsState Law 0710-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0712 0712-05Administration 2 years 0712-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent 0714 0714-05Administration 2 years 0714-10Agenda Packets Permanent (Only Scanned Image) 0714-20Meeting Notices/Affidavits of Posting Permanent (Only Scanned Image) 0714-30Minutes Permanent (Only Scanned Image) 0714-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent 0715 0715-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0715-10Agenda Packets Permanent (Only Scanned Image)State Law 0715-20Meeting Notices/Affidavits of Posting2 yearsState Law 0715-30MinutesPermanentState Law 0715-80Disclosure Waivers3 yearsState Law 0715-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0718 0718-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0718-10Agenda Packets Permanent (Only Scanned Image)State Law 0718-20Meeting Notices/Affidavits of Posting2 yearsState Law 0718-30MinutesPermanentState Law 0718-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision Public Financing Authority Poway Housing Authority Oversight Board to the Successor Agency of the Poway Redevelopment Agency Former Poway Redevelopment Agency State Law State Law 27 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0720 0720-05Administration2 yearsState Law Economic Interest Filings (Form 700) Mayor, Council, City Manager, City Treasurer, City Attorney – Originals Filed with State Designated Employees; Designated Board/Commission Members 7 yearsState Law 0720-11FPPC Form 801 (Gift to Agency Report)7 yearsState Law 0720-12 FPPC Form 802 (Tickets Provided by Agency Report 7 yearsState Law 0720-13 FPPC Form 803 (Behested Payment Report)PermanentState Law 0720-14 FPPC Form 804 (Agency Report of New Positions)PermanentState Law 0720-16 FPPC Form 805 (Agency Report of Consultants)7 yearsState Law 0720-17 FPPC Form 806 (Agency Report of Public Official Appointments)7 yearsState Law 0720-20Filing Instructions & FormsUntil SupersededNot a City Record 0720-30Conflict of Interest Code, CityPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0720-40Conflict of Interest Maps–CouncilTerm + 1 year State Law Administrative Decision 0720-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0725 0725-05Administration General Working Files2 yearsState Law 0725-10Election Reference Material Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 0725-20 Election Petitions (Initiative, Recall, Referendum)8 months State Law 0725-25 Candidate Handbook (Instructions to candidates) Candidate Briefing (Workshop presentation materials) Election + 4 years State Law Administrative Decision 0725-30 Signature Requirement for Petitions; Recall etc.2 yearsState Law 0725-40Election Case FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision Conflicts of Interest Elections 0720-10 Permanent (After 2 years, only scanned image.) State Law 28 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification Nomination Papers (Successful Candidates)Term + 4 yearsPer Secretary of State Nomination Papers (Unsuccessful Candidates)Election + 2 yearsPer Secretary of State Certificates Of ElectionPermanentPer Secretary of State 0725-41Campaign Disclosure Log5 yearsState Law 0725-45 Candidate / Committee Organization / Termination Statements 4 yearsState Law Campaign Statements - Successful Candidates Permanent (After 2 years, only scanned image.) State and Federal Law Unsuccessful Candidates5 yearsState and Federal Law 0725-51Secretary of State - Correspondence2 yearsState Law 0725-55 Campaign Statements – Ballot Measures; General Purpose (PAC) Committees – All Filings 7 yearsState and Federal Law 0725-60 Voter Registration/Outreach/Help America Vote Act 2 yearsState Law 0725-65Oaths of OfficePermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0725-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0730 0730-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0730-10Affidavits of Posting2 yearsState Law 0730-20Affidavits of Publication2 yearsState Law 0730-30Petitions1 yearState Law 0730-40Legal OpinionsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0730-50Notary Bonds/CertificatesTerm + 6 years State Law Administrative Decision 0730-60 Oaths of Office / Disaster Service Workers Oaths Term of employment and/or Death + 3 years State Law 0730-70Subpoena Duces Tecum2 yearsState Law 0730-71Summons2 yearsState Law 0730-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0735 0735-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0735-10LitigationClosed + 5 yearsState Law 0735-20Litigation - Civil CaseClosed + 5 yearsState Law 0735-30Litigation - Criminal CaseClosed + 5 yearsState Law Legal Operations Litigation 0725-50 0725-40 29 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0740 0740-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0740-10Poway Municipal CodePermanentState Law 0740-20OrdinancesPermanentState Law 0740-45Legislative Advocacy2 yearsState Law 0740-50Legislative Bulletins Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0740-55 Legislation Pending, State & Federal 2 yearsState Law 0740-60Legislation Enacted (State & Federal) 0740-65Brown Act 0740-70Americans with Disabilities Act 0740-75Maddy Act – City Procedures Until Superseded (2 year minimum) State Law Administrative Decision 0740-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0750 0750-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0750-10Complaints/InvestigationsClosed + 5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0750-20Code Compliance Case FilesClosed + 5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0750-40Vehicle Abatement Case FilesClosed + 2 years State Law Administrative Decision 0750-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0760 0760-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0760-10Community Facilities Districts Case FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0760-20 Landscape Maintenance Districts Case Files Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0760-30Lighting Districts Case FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0760-40Sewer Assessment Districts Case FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0760-50Water Assessment Districts Case FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision Legislation Code Compliance Assessment & Community Facilities District Formation Not a City RecordDestroy When No Longer Required 30 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0770 0770-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0770-60Facility Use Permits2 yearsState Law 0770-70Health Related PermitsClosed + 3 yearsState Law 0770-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0780 0780-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0780-08Property AcquisitionPermanentState Law 0780-20Property DisposalPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0780-30Condemnation ProceedingsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0780-40Recorded DocumentsPermanentState Law 0780-50Irrevocable Offers of DedicationPermanentState Law 0780-60 Vacations/Abandonments/ Relinquishments PermanentState Law 0780-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0800 0800-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0800-10Aerial PhotographyPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0800-30Building Permit Reports - AnnualPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0800-40Building Statistics - AnnualPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0800-50 Uniform Code Books/California Building Codes Until SupersededState Law 0810 0810-05Administration2 yearsState Law Special Permits & Licenses CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING Real Property Building Plans, Permits & Inspections 31 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification Building Plans Commercial/Historical (Life of the Building) PermanentState Law Residential – 2 story or less, garages and other structures, farm or ranch buildings, one-story building where span between bearing walls does not exceed 25 feet. Permanent State Law Administrative Decision Plan Check – ExpiredPermanentState Law Plans – CIP PermanentState Law 0810-25Blasting PermitsTerm + 2 yearsState Law 0810-40Demolition PermitsTerm + 2 yearsState Law 0810-62Encroachment Permits PermanentState Law 0810-65Excavation Permits & InspectionsTerm + 2 years State Law Administrative Decision 0810-67Floodplain Development PermitsPermanentState Law 0810-70Grading Permits & InspectionsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0810-75Moving PermitsTerm + 2 yearsState Law 0810-80Well PermitsTerm + 30 yearsState Law Water Permits (Recycled, Potable, Waste Water)Term + 30 yearsState Law Stormwater/discharge monitoring3 yearsFederal Law 0810-85Plan ChecksPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0810-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0820 0820-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0820-10Individual Street FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0820-15Inventories/surveys2 yearsState Law 0820-20Maintenance, General2 yearsState Law 0820-25Maintenance Programs2 yearsState Law 0820-30MediansPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0820-60Street Mileage Inventories2 yearsState Law 0820-70Street NamesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0820-85Master Plans, CityPermanent State Law Administrative Decision Streets, Sidewalks, Curbs & Gutters 0810-82 0810-10 0810-60Right-of-Way Permits Term + 2 yearsState Law 32 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0820-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0830 0830-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0830-10Bridge Case FilesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0830-20CalculationsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0830-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0840 0840-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0840-10Case filesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0840-80Caltrans Development Review2 yearsState Law 0840-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0850 0850-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0850-20Circulation Until Superseded + 2 years State Law Administrative Decision 0850-25Pavement Markings/StripingTerm + 10 yearsState Law 0850-30Pedestrian Safety Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0850-40Signal & Lighting Maintenance5 yearsState Law 0850-50Signalized IntersectionsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0850-60Signing & Hardware2 yearsState Law 0850-65Speed Zone Surveys7 yearsState Law 0850-70Street Lighting, General Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0850-75Traffic Surveys Until Superseded + 5 years State Law Administrative Decision 0850-85Vehicular Volume Counts Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0850-86Maintenance Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0850-87Master PlansPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0850-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision Traffic Engineering Bridges Highways & Freeways 33 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0860 0860-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0860-10Curb ZonesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0860-20Parking Facilities/Lots, CityPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0860-25Parking Facilities/Lots, PrivatePermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0680-60Statistical DataPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0860-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0870 0870-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0870-10Improvement ProjectsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0870-15Inspections/InvestigationsClosed + 7 yearsState Law 0870-20 Service Requests, Inquiries, and Outcomes Until Superseded + 2 years State Law Administrative Decision 0870-40Federal Flood Insurance ProgramUntil SupersededState Law 0870-50NPDES/JURMP3 yearsState and Federal Law 0870-55NPDES PermitsPermanent State and Federal Law Administrative Decision 0870-60SSOs (Sanitary Sewer Overflows)5 yearsFederal Law 0870-80Master PlansPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0870-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0880 0880-05AdministrationTerm + 10 yearsState Law 0880-10CIPClosed + 10 yearsState Law 0900 0900-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0900-10Cable Companies2 yearsState Law 0900-20Fiber Optics2 yearsState Law 0900-30Paging Devices2 yearsState Law 0900-40Radio Devices2 yearsState Law 0900-45Radio Logs2 yearsState Law Communications Parking Control Storm Drainage & Flood Control Capital Improvements Projects PUBLIC UTILITIES 34 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0900-50Satellite Antennas2 yearsState Law 0900-60Telephone Systems2 yearsState Law 0900-70Pay Telephones2 yearsState Law 0900-75Wireless Communications2 yearsState Law 0900-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0910 0910-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0910-10Underground WaiversPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0910-20Underground Utility DistrictsPermanentState Law 0910-30Underground PlansPermanentState Law 0910-40 Underground Service Alert Program from utility companies 3 yearsState Law 0910-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0920 0920-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0920-10Rate InformationUntil SupersededNot a City Record 0920-20Usage InformationUntil SupersededNot a City Record 0920-60Hydroelectric Power Until SupersededNot a City Record 0920-70Gas & Electric CompaniesUntil SupersededNot a City Record 0920-80Public Utilities CommissionUntil SupersededNot a City Record 0920-85Natural Gas Pipeline Until SupersededNot a City Record 0920-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0930 0930-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0930-10Conservation Programs Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0930-15 Cross Connection Control/ Backflow Inspections/Tests Closed + 5 yearsState Law 0930-22Water Improvement ProjectsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0930-25Rate Information Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0930-30Usage Information2 yearsState Law 0930-35Reservoirs & Dams Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0930-40Water Mains/Improvement PlansPermanent State Law Administrative Decision Underground Utilities Gas & Electricity Water Management 35 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0930-45Water Service Applications2 yearsState Law 0930-50Water Service, TemporaryTerm + 2 yearsState Law 0930-55Water Companies/Districts2 yearsState Law 0930-60Water Recycling2 yearsState Law 0930-70Water Quality12 yearsState and Federal Law 0930-75WellsLife of well + 2 yearsState Law 0930-80Master Plans, CityPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0930-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 0940 0940-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0940-10Improvements ProjectsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0940-15Complaints & InvestigationsClosed + 3 yearsState and Federal Law 0940-20Septic SystemsUntil SupersededNot a City Record 0940-30Sewer Availability & CapacityPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0940-40Sewer ConnectionsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0940-50Sewer MaintenancePermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0940-80Master PlansPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0940-85Wastewater Planning IssuesClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0940-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 0950 0950-90Pomerado Co. Water District RecordsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 1000 1000-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1000-10Public Art ProgramsPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 1000-20Ticket Sales Stubs3 years State Law Administrative Decision 1000-70Monuments & StatuesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision Pomerado County Water District Records COMMUNITY SERVICES Cultural Arts Wastewater Management 36 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 1000-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 1010 1010-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1010-10Colleges & Universities Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 1010-20Craft, Trade & Professional Schools Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 1010-30Public & Private Schools Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 1010-40School Districts Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 1010-50Educational Programs Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 1020 1020-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1020-10After-School Programs Until Superseded + 5 years State Law Administrative Decision 1020-30Recreation Classes Term + 2 yearsState Law 1020-35Recreation Class - Liability WaiversTerm + 2 yearsState Law 1020-40Facility Use Permits5 years State Law Administrative Decision 1020-70Special Events Programs Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 1020-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law Administrative Decision 1100 1100-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1100-10Repair Orders/Service Requests2 yearsState Law 1100-20Maintenance/Repair Records Closed + 2 years (minimum)State Law 1100-25Capital Replacement Program Closed + 2 years (minimum)State Law 1100-30Equipment Manuals/Warranties Closed + 2 years (minimum)State Law 1100-90Reports, Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision EQUIPMENT SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Communications Education Recreation Programs 37 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 1110 1110-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1110-10Repair Orders/Service Requests2 yearsState Law 1110-20Maintenance/Repair RecordsClosedState Law 1110-30Equipment Manuals/WarrantiesClosed State Law 1110-90Reports, Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 1120 1120-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1120-10Work Orders/Service RequestsClosed + 2 years State Law Administrative Decision 1120-20 Vehicle Pre-Trip Inspections / Daily Vehicle Inspections 2 yearsState Law 1120-90Reports, Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law Administrative Decision 1130 1130-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1130-10 Repair Orders/Service Requests/ Maintenance/Repair Records/ Equipment Manuals/Warranties Closed + 2 yearsState Law 1130-20 Generator Operations Logs & Inspections - Fixed / Stationary Generators 3 yearsState Law 1130-30 Generator Operations Logs & Inspections - Portable / Emergency Generators 5 yearsState Law 1130-90Reports, Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law Administrative Decision Office & Computer Equipment Fleet Maintenance/Rolling Stock Mechanical Equipment 38 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6