Item 1.9 - Award of Contract;NEWest Construction Co.;Water Dist System/Treatment Plant Rehab and PS1 Electrical Upgrade; Bid 17-019DATE: TO: FROM: City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED CONTINUED Resolution No. May 2, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Services CONTACT: Taryn Kjolsing, Senior Civil Engineer P� (858) 668-4622 or tkjolsinq(a)poway.orq SUBJECT: Award of Contract for the Water Distribution System/Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and PS1 Electrical System Upgrade Project; Bid No. 17-019 Summary: This project consists of general structural repairs to the Wash Water Recovery Basin and Wash Water Vault, the installation of a new roof vent on one of the existing Wash Water Tanks, the installation of a new chlorine scrubber in the Chemical Tank Farm, and miscellaneous electrical improvements and upgrades at the City's Water Treatment Plant as well as electrical improvements and upgrades at Pump Station 1. Because of the similar work and close proximity, the two projects were combined into one bid. Combining the projects simplifies the project processing and provides opportunity for obtaining more cost-effective bids compared to bidding the two projects separately. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council award the contract for the Water Distribution System/Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and PS1 Electrical System Upgrade Project to NEWest Construction Co. Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $497,000.00. Discussion: The contract time for this project is 120 working days with an Engineer's estimate of $600,000.00. Construction is scheduled to be complete by January 2018. Bids were opened on April 5, 2017. The following two bids were received: Company Bid Amount NEWest Construction Co. Inc. $497,000.00 Tharsos Inc. $535,000.00 Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds are available in the Water Distribution/Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Project account (1764) and in the PS1 Electrical Equipment Replacement Project account (1769) for the award of this contract. 1 of 2 May 2, 2017 Item # 1.9 Award of Contract for the Water Distribution System/Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and PS1 Electrical System Upgrade Project May 2, 2017 Page 2 Environmental Review: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines, in that the project involves repairs, upgrades, and equipment replacement at an existing Water Treatment Plant and pump station. Public Notification: NEWest Construction Co. Inc., 9235 Trade Place, Suite A, San Diego, CA 92126 Attachments: None Reviewed /Approved By: Reviewed By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By: i Tina M. White City Manager 2 of 2 May 2, 2017 Item # R.9