05-02-2017 Agenda PacketPage 1 16-002 Amended April 28, 2017 CITY COUNCILREGULAR MEETING AGENDA May 2 , 2017 – 7:00P.M. CityCouncilChambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064 THECITY COUNCIL ALSOSITS AS THECITYOF POWAYPLANNINGCOMMISSION, POWAY HOUSINGAUTHORITY, PUBLIC FINANCINGAUTHORITY AND SUCCESSOR AGENCYTO THEPOWAYREDEVELOPMENTAGENCY CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Cunningham, Grosch, Mullin, Leonard, Vaus PLEDGEOF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION Recognizing MaryGriffith, representing SanDiegoCountyLaw EnforcementMemorial Awareness PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Persons speaking duringPublicOral Communicationsmay address the Council on any subjectmatterwithin the Council’s jurisdiction thatis not listed as an item onthe agenda. State law generallyprohibits theCouncilfromtakingaction on any issue not included on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes. NOTE: Theagenda is posted and provided 7 days prior to the City Council meeting. By State law, items can be added up to 72 hours prior to the meeting. Items with a “#” symbol are in preparation. If items are added after original agenda is posted, new items will be listed on an AmendedAgenda posted the Friday prior to the meeting. For your convenience, a complete AgendaPacket is available for public reviewat City Halland on the City’s websiteat www.poway.org. City of Poway – City Council Agenda – May 2, 2017 Page 2 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved By Roll CallVote) The Consent Calendar maybe enacted in onemotion by the Councilwithout discussion unless a Councilmember, a memberofthepublic, orCitystaff requests that an item be removed for discussion. 1.1Approval of Reading by Title onlyand Waiverof Reading infullof Ordinances on Agenda 1.2 Ratification/Approval of Warrant Registers for the periods of March 27 through March 31, 2017 and April 3 throughApril 7, 2017 1.3Approvalof the April4, 2017Special and Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 1.4 Acceptance of City Facilities Roofing2016/17, BidNo. 17-004 1.5 Acceptance of GeneralMaintenance and Repair – Windows, Bid No. 17-006 1.6 ResolutionAmending the City’s Records Retention Schedule 1.7 Resolution Authorizing theSubmittal of an Application bythe City of Poway for Federal and State DisasterAssistance and Designating the City’s Agents 1.8 CommunityDevelopmentBlockGrant (CDBG) ProgramCooperationAgreement Renewalwith the County of SanDiego 1.9 Award of ContracttoNEWest Construction Co. Inc. for theWater Distribution System/TreatmentPlant Rehabilitation and PS1 Electrical System Upgrade Project, BidNo. 17-019 1.10 Report of EmergencyRepairExpenditures Pertaining to the 2017Winter Storm EventMadeUnderAuthority of Resolution No. 17-004 Adopted on January 24, 2017 2. ORDINANCE None 3. PUBLIC HEARING None 4. STAFF REPORT 4.1 Approvalof Agreementbetween the City of Poway and Tyler Technologies, Inc. for the Purchase and Implementation of a Finance, Human Resources and Payroll System; Approval of Agreement with NexLevel Information Technology, Inc. for ProjectManagement Services; and Approval of Contingency Funds for Staffingand Purchase of Hardware/Software. City of Poway – City Council Agenda – May 2, 2017 Page 3 City Manager’s Recommendation: It is recommended that theCityCouncil authorize theCity Manager to enterinto an agreement withTyler Technologies Inc., for purchase and implementation of the MUNIS ERP software, and an agreement with NexLevelInformation Technology, Inc. (NexLevel), for implementation project management; approval of contingency funds for overtime and/or additional temporarystaffing; and purchase ofrequiredhardware to support this application. 4.2 Resolution Opposing Sections of Assembly Bill (AB) 805 Changing the Voting Structure of theSanDiego Association of Governments (SANDAG). City Manager’s Recommendation: It is recommended thattheCity Council approve a resolutionentitled “A Resolution of theCity Council of theCity of Poway, California, Opposing Sections of Assembly Bill (AB) 805 Changing the Voting Structure of the SanDiego Association of Governments (SANDAG).” 5. WORKSHOP None 6. MAYORAND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS JIM CUNNINGHAM 6.1 Hike, Bike and Ride DAVE GROSCH JOHN MULLIN BARRY LEONARD STEVEVAUS 7. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 8. CITYATTORNEYITEMS 8.1 Closed Session Conferencewith Labor Negotiators – Government CodeSection §54957.6 City DesignatedNegotiators: Tina White, City Manager Wendy Kaserman, AssistantCityManager EmployeeOrganizations: TeamstersLocal911 PowayFirefighters Association Management, Supervisory & Confidential Unit ADJOURNMENT The Poway City Council welcomes you andencourages your continued interest and involvement in the City’s decision-making process. City of Poway — City Council Agenda — May 2, 2017 The City of Poway complies with the Americans with DisabilitiesAct. Upon request this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons withdisabilities as required by section 202 of the American withDisabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability whorequires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct suchrequest to the City Clerk's Office at 858 - 668 -4530 at least 24 hours beforethe meeting, if possible. State of California ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING County of San Diego ) I, Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that this notice of a Regular Meeting as called by the CityCouncil of the City of Poway was posted and provided on April 28, 2017, at 12:00 p.m. Said meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m., May 2, 2017, in the PowayCity Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. Said notice was posted on the Bulletin Board at the entrance to City Hall. IL Nbticy N606,0, CMC, City Clerk Page 4 Item 1 . 1 Approval of Reading by TitleOnly and Waiver of Reading in Full of Ordinances on Agenda. Run Date: 30- Mar- 17 1 of13Page: The City of Poway Director of Finance Submits the Following Register of Demands for the period 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 and Recommends its Ratification/ Approval: Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDateCity Hall: service work 273306 455.0030043020419100A O Reed & Co@0000537131- Mar-1700295144 PCPA: replace hot water connector 274599 663.0030043020419100 Total for Check 00295144 1, 118. 00 HazMat Disposal: 30 Gallons Oily Water 134800 451.9130029100413611Advanced Chemical Transport, Inc. @0000635431-Mar-1700295145 PW First Aid Supplies 9060824236 104.8430047500402510Airgas USA, LLC@0000210600295146 PW First Aid Supplies 9060824236 49.8930047500410510 PW First Aid Supplies 9060824236 49.8930047500401510 Wrhse: Credit Invoice # 9060824236 9600441920 - 58.5230047500401510 Total for Check 00295146 146. 10 CMO and Fire Station # 1 - drinking water 274735 187.4930043040419100Allstar Water Systems, Inc. @0000668731-Mar-1700295147 Filing room supplies 1299 153.7720047100502100Alpha- Numeric@0001010800295148 Patrick Reynolds: mmbrshp # 22025240, 12/ 31/ 300002530 80.0030049240404510American Backflow PreventionAssociation@0000576500295149 Chain Sling 217380- 00 728.3930047600412231American Rigging & Supply@0000011400295150 Vision Insurance Premiums - April 2017 000527081C - 12.468728B100Anthem BlueCross@0000446300295151 Vision Insurance Premiums - April 2017 000527081C 2, 641.528728A100 Total for Check 00295151 2, 629. 06 Parks: mats 1448362439 60.0430041200419100Aramark Uniform ServicesInc@0000524131- Mar-1700295152 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448362440 8.0030049280418100 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448362440 1.8430041200419100 Towels and mats for Sta 3 1448369877 18.2820049280501100 Fleet: mats and uniforms 1448369881 31.3030041200419100 Fleet: mats and uniforms 1448369881 34.5130049280413611 Parks: mats 1448369882 22.4830041200419100 Facilities: mats and uniforms 1448369885 4.4230041200419100 Facilities: mats and uniforms 1448369885 6.1030049280419100 Streets Maintenance: uniforms 1448369888 73.9130049280411211 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448369889 2.5830041200419100 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448369889 33.5230049280418100 Parks: mats 1448369890 35.3330041200419100 Lake Weekly Mat Service ( 3/ 16/ 17) 1448369891 5.1640049280202100 Stormwater: uniforms 1448369892 25.8530049280412231 Towels and mats for Sta 2 1448371931 16.5420049280501100 Parks: mats 1448374250 60.0430041200419100 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448374251 1.8430041200419100 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448374251 86.0030049280418100 3of29May22017Item12AttachmentA Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 2 of 13 Towels and mats for Sta 1 1448376756 16.5420049280501100Aramark Uniform ServicesInc@0000524131- Mar-1700295152 Fleet: mats and uniforms 1448381640 31.3030041200419100 Fleet: mats and uniforms 1448381640 12.5130049280418100 Parks: mats 1448381641 22.4830041200419100 Wk 3/ 23/ 17: CSFW & Mtr. Rdr. uniforms 1448381642 27.2830049280401510 Wk 3/ 23/ 17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 1448381643 6.7230041200419100 Wk 3/ 23/ 17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 1448381643 19.1930049280402510 Wk 3/ 23/ 17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 1448381643 13.9530049280401510 Facilities: mats and uniforms 1448381644 4.4230041200419100 Facilities: mats and uniforms 1448381644 6.1030049280419100 Wk 3/ 23/ 17: Water Distribution uniforms 1448381645 84.6130049280404510 Wk 3/ 23/ 17: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 1448381646 2.3730049280406510 Wk 3/ 23/ 17: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 1448381646 49.1730049280405520 Wk 3/ 23/ 17: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 1448381646 1.3230049280410510 Streets: uniforms 1448381647 139.9130049280411211 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448381648 11.5230049280418100 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448381648 2.5830041200419100 Parks: mats 1448381649 35.3330041200419100 Stormwater: uniforms 1448381651 13.8530049280412231 Total for Check 00295152 1, 028. 89 Tony Gwynn Memorial Art Consultant Feb 2017 10819 689.0360017991000P1193AArtful Living@0001136431- Mar-1700295153 BAN 9391026535 9387849 17.7630022000418100AT& T@0001011100295154 9391026536: WTP SCADA/ 911 modem line 9387850 19.7930033100402510 PCPA Alarm Line 3/ 17 9387852 38.4840033100204100 BAN 9391026546 9387857 19.6630022000418100 BAN 9391026548 9387859 19.6630022000418100 9391026566 - Sta 1 fire alarm 9387862 72.9620033100501100 BAN 9391053607 Lake Phone - 3/ 17 9388841 55.4340033100202100 Total for Check 00295154 243. 74 Rob Bremer: CCS cert # 10185 renew, 7/ 31/ 17 10185 7/ 31/ 17 80.0030049240406510AWWA California-Nevada@0000021331- Mar-1700295155 WTP: jackets ( 2) 1721 110.1230049280402510Beeds Embroidery@0000028100295156 Employee Service Award - Post 1264365 247.3610045060601100C. A. ShortCompany@0001046300295157 CREDIT Battery Core ( 6) 418669 - 71.1230047990413611Cal- State Auto PartsInc@0000475600295158 Unit 951: Credit Invoice # 779679 418752 - 259.4230047990413611 Unit 950: Battery ( 2); Unit 922: Battery ( 2) 777294 595.9230047990413611 Unit 951: Rotor Assembly 779679 259.4230047990413611 Unit 951: Rotor Assembly 780251 271.5730047990413611 Fleet Stock: Trns Fluid Filter Kit ( 2) 782406 84.0230047990413611 4of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 3 of 13 Total for Check 00295158 880. 39 Water Distribution: cold mix, 6. 46 tons 178473- A 588.0330047600404510California Commercial Asphalt, LLC@0000690131- Mar-1700295159 Wrhse: Rubber Coated Knit Gloves ( 36 pairs) 359657- 1 82.288189100Calolympic Safety@0000039800295160 FY16/ 17 Special Sweeps 145402 607.5030043320411211Cannon Pacific Services, Inc@0000555600295161 REIMB: LCW Annual Conference REIMB 3/ 21/ 17 281.5610014300601100Chaffin, Lisa@0001100400295162 FY 2016/ 2017 Alum ( dry tons) 92019716 3, 570.7830045020402510Chemtrade Chemicals USLLC@0001034800295163 Instructor Payment Winter 2016 3000. 300- 10. 16C 2, 253.6040041180208100Childress, Debbora@0000051900295164 Instructor Payment Winter 2016 3001. 300- 05. 16C 676.0040041180208100Childress- Nichols, Kellie@0000726300295165 Fire Station # 1 Landscaping 11540 4, 854.0020041160501100Ciro' s Landscaping Inc. @0001148000295166 FY16: EOY Reconcile North Basin SewerageS1000192891 16, 381.0030028200403520City Treasurer@0000053900295167 Annual Wastewater Analysis Services 955155 134.0030017080403520Clinical Laboratory of San Bernardino Inc. @0001083400295168 Fire Station # 3: dryer repair 217420 224.5230043080419100Coastal Appliance@0000712700295169 Shredding through 2/ 28/ 17 DN1148167 255.5010041200011100Corodata Shredding, Inc. @0001128300295170 Cable TV / Internet Group Bill - March 2017 62872701- 3/ 17 455.9810022000106100Cox Communications@0000081300295171 Instructor Payment Winter 2016 8000. 300. 17 912.0040041180208100D' Agostino, Sarah@0001041700295172 CP - Teen Volunteer Program Shirts 14686 498.3440047600208100Dave' s Sport Sales & Screenprinting@0001012700295173 Unit 65: Oil Level Dip Stick 01SDI12669 139.2230047990413611Dion International@0000381800295174 Bio Monitoring 20171207 800.0030041200412231Dudek & AssociatesInc@0000107000295175 Unit 50: Switches ( 2) 386557 145.9630047990413611E- W Truck & Equipment Company, Inc@0000075200295176 RW16- 0256 Security Release RW16- 0256 5, 000.0010059800399762Eagle Paving Company, Inc.----- 00295177 Credit: Junk Battery 3680133 - 45.0030047990413611East Penn Mfg. Co. @0000700700295178 Unit 769: Batteries ( 2) 5366269 529.6630047990413611 Total for Check 00295178 484. 66 Pre- employment Drug Testing - Feb. 2017 7046930 256.0010049160601100eScreen Inc. @0001110031-Mar-1700295179 3/ 8/ 17: odor control product delivered, OldCoac903018568 712.7730045020419100Evoqua Water TechnologiesLLC@0000496800295180 3/ 8/ 17: odor control product delivered, OldCoac903018568 1, 644.6430045020403520 Total for Check 00295180 2, 357. 41 Irrigation Supplies 2914087 366.3530047700418100Ewing Irrigation@0000371331- Mar-1700295181 WTP: zinc- plated heavy hex nuts CAPOW40706 5.9030047600402510Fastenal Company@0000693300295182 Utility Systems: drill set; cutting wheel CAPOW40770 116.8330045160401510 Total for Check 00295182 122. 73 Cost Allocation Model Update FY18 2651- 21702086 1, 845.0010017990103100FCS Group@0000713531- Mar-1700295183 Donnoe Test Booklets & Test Return- MgmtAna5- 748- 70627 55.2510049340601100FedEx@0000089700295184Wrhse: Soft Cop Tubes ( 240) 0586813 866.318189510Ferguson Waterworks@0000114400295185 Water Dist: brass adapters ( unit 2) 0587274 22.7630047600404510 Wrhse: Soft Cop Tubes- Cerro Copper ( 180) 0587315 822.358189510 Wrhse: Pipe Wrap Tape ( 12) 0587601 51.728189100 5of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 4 of 13 Total for Check 00295185 1, 763. 14 Fire Sprinkler Inspections and Fire Extinquisher 19M755051 1, 214.3030041200419100Fire ServiceCorp@0001071131- Mar-1700295186 Unit # 81 Repair 316714 5, 949.9810057600602100Fix Auto Poway----- 00295187 Fuel: Safety Services 03/ 01- 15/ 17 CFS1389988 570.9330031200413611Flyers EnergyLLC@0001137000295188 Service and Repair of Five Flashing Beacons 9093 3, 158.7630043260470275Fortel Traffic Inc. @0001087000295189 WI16- 008 Refund WI16- 008 2, 500.0010059800399763General Atomics Aeronautical----- 00295190 erosion control security release MDRA12- 038 2, 000.0090059800399762Goldstein, Yisroel & DevorahS00295191 Dell Wyse Thin Client Kiosk PC' s 54641172 1, 221.761006122B0108611GovConnection, Inc. @0000590900295192 PS8: remote mount advanced flow monitor 9387004485 778.2330047600402510Grainger Inc@0000120700295193 PS8: turbine flow meter, 180 GPM 9387004493 677.3730047600402510 Hardware to Repair Dock 9391541944 128.7540047600202100 Total for Check 00295193 1, 584. 35 Unit 504: Filters ( 4) PS000793054 227.5630047990413611Hawthorne PowerSystems@0000369031- Mar-1700295194 Wrhse: Concrete Grade Ring ( 8) G937619 316.068189520HD Supply FacilitiesMaintenance@0000579100295195 Business Park: irrigation repairs 10484 304.3330047700425269Heaviland EnterprisesInc@0000144700295196 Rolling Hills: irrigation repairs 10485 267.3930047700425269 Bridlewood: irrigation repair 10486 461.1030047700422264 Business Park: irrigation repairs 10487 109.0230047700425269 Danielson: irrigation repair 10488 103.8430047700425269 Business Centre: irrigation repairs 10489 82.1430047700425269 Pomerado Business Park: irrigation repairs 10490 40.3330047700425269 Lake Poway: irrigation repairs 10491 100.7930047700422264 LMD 86- 1A: irrigation repairs 10492 532.4130047700422264 LMD 86- 1A: irrigation repairs 10493 100.7330047700422264 LMD 83- 1A: irrigation repairs 10494 224.0230047700421263 Scripps Poway Parkway @ Stowe: irrigationre10495 222.9330047700425269 Old Coach: irrigation repairs 10496 100.7330047700422264 LMD 86- 1: irrigation repairs 10497 112.1530047700422264 LMD 83- 1A: irrigation repairs 10498 22.9030047700421263 Business Park: irrigation repairs 10499 344.8930047700425269 LMD 83- 1A: irrigation repair 10500 127.5830047700421263 Rolling Hills: irrigation repair 10501 119.6330047700425269 Espola @ Country Day Public Receivable 10502 209.4330047700422264 LMD 83- 1A: irrigation repairs 10503 225.5930047700421263 LMD 87: irrigation repair 10504 94.6630047700425269 Stowe @ Pomerado: irrigation repair 10509 2, 619.6030047700425269 LMD 83- 1A: irrigation repairs 10511 382.7730047700421263 LMD 83- 1A: irrigation repair 10512 203.0930047700421263 Espola @ Country Day public receivable 10513 57.2030047700422264 6of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 5 of 13 LMD 83- 1A: irrigation repairs 10514- 2017 41.0230047700421263Heaviland EnterprisesInc@0000144731- Mar-1700295196 Total for Check 00295196 7, 210. 27 WTP: small tools ( wrenches, pliers, screwdriver0210675 238.3930045160402510Home Depot CommercialAccount@0000164531- Mar-1700295197 Liquid Nails 2220105 7.4830041200411211 Truck supplies 2220109 33.9130047600412231 Poway Road Median: repair supplies 4210720 17.7130047700418100 WTP: hardware to install chemical tank signs 9210690- 2017 47.0730047600402510 Total for Check 00295197 344. 56 Instructor Payment Winter 2016 2000. 300- 04. 17B 393.0040041180208100Hotalen, Cheri@0001052931- Mar-1700295198 Instructor Payment Winter 2016 2000. 303. 17 165.0040041180208100 Total for Check 00295198 558. 00 Closing Balance Rfnd - Ovrpymnt ( Acct15301715301705- 11 180.368120510Ickler Electric Corp----- 31- Mar-1700295199 Council Chambers AV System Design Services 455553 2, 650.0060017121000P1101AIdibri Consulting, LP@0001107900295200 Mailing Statements 3- 7- 17 to 3- 16- 17 118464 111.7210033200102100InfoSend@0000646300295201Mailing Statements 3- 7- 17 to 3- 16- 17 118464 29.8810041200102100 Total for Check 00295201 141. 60 48" DR 32. 5 M/ F Snap- Tite Pipe 24' Lay Length 34013652 43, 000.1460061081000P1437AISCO Industries, LLC@0001032931- Mar-1700295202 Hardware: FC300, SREAD Radio 443126 843.7430041200401510Itron, Inc. @0000369300295203 Hardware: FC300, SREAD Radio 443126 820.7430043080401510 Total for Check 00295203 1, 664. 48 Fleet: Veeder Root Repair 17- 1038 1, 281.5730041200413611Jenal Engineering Corp. @0000682131-Mar-1700295204 Midland Road Improvements P1600324- 7 8, 039.7560041201000P12008BJoe' s Paving Co., Inc. @0001146100295205 Kaiser Medical - April 2017 104676- 0322 4, 978.328720C100Kaiser Foundation Health PlanInc@0000134100295206 Kaiser Medical - April 2017 104676- 0322 57, 895.128720B100 Kaiser Medical - Cobra - April 2017 104676- 7322 509.568720C100 Total for Check 00295206 63, 383. 00 PCPA Final Event Report - 3/ 11/ 17 FER - 3/ 11/ 17 - 1, 097.5040074710204100KARAMA----- 31- Mar-1700295207 PCPA Final Event Report - 3/ 11/ 17 FER - 3/ 11/ 17 - 398.0040076230204100 PCPA Final Event Report - 3/ 11/ 17 FER - 3/ 11/ 17 2, 485.008646100 PCPA Final Event Report - 3/ 11/ 17 FER - 3/ 11/ 17 - 115.0040076220204100 PCPA Final Event Report - 3/ 11/ 17 FER - 3/ 11/ 17 600.0040074710204100 Total for Check 00295207 1, 474. 50 CP - Reptiles in the Park Presenter 4/ 10/ 17 5812 363.0040041200208100KidsReptileParties. com@0001081831- Mar-1700295208 Medical supplies 789501 370.6620047400503100Life- Assist, Inc. @0000411800295209 Medical supplies 789505 1, 426.2420047400503100 7of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 6 of 13 Medical supplies 789506 1, 010.0620047400503100Life- Assist, Inc. @0000411831-Mar-1700295209 Total for Check 00295209 2, 806. 96 Fleet Stck: Sockets( 6); Lamps( 6); Circuits( 10) 0327054 144.1030047990413611Lighthouse Incorporated@0000152231- Mar-1700295210 Reimburse expenses for Fire PreventionSeminAL. REIMB. FPSEM 71.7620014300502100Loperena, Andy@0001125800295211 release of erosion control security ACP16- 002 2, 000.0090059800399762Maderas Country Club, LLC----- 00295212 CP - Kid' s Night Out DJ Service Apr 2017 KIDNITEOUTDJ417 295.0040041200208100Marshall, Jim@0000647200295213 Mulch 00073501 971.1030047700418100MB OrganicSolutions@0001129800295214 Unit 531: Wiper ( 1) P78939 43.3530047990413611Miramar BobcatIncorporated@0000180400295215 Unit 531: Idler Assembly & Drive Belt P79228 327.5330047990413611 Unit 531: Overflow Tank Coolant P79229 82.5330047990413611 Unit 531: Shields, Locknut & Bolt P79266 136.4030047990413611 Unit 531: Loader Repair S81991 239.7230043120413611 Total for Check 00295215 829. 53 Installed New 9' x 8' Dump bed on Unit 58 15749- 58A 27, 409.2410061040108611Miramar Truck Body & Equipment@0000181031- Mar-1700295216 Ins Policy 2- year renewal Carol Legg SOURCE A61460 59.0010049240013100National NotaryAssociation@0000186800295217 As Needed Electrical Maintenance and 66829 1, 971.3030041200419100Neal Electric, Inc@0000582500295218 As Needed Electrical Maintenance and 66830 552.4930041200419100 As Needed Electrical Maintenance and 66878 1, 748.1130041200419100 Total for Check 00295218 4, 271. 90 As- Needed Material Testing Services 205687 1, 033.2360017991000P1767ANinyo & Moore@0000553731- Mar-1700295219 As- Needed Special Inspection Services 205688 747.2360017991000P1768A Total for Check 00295219 1, 780. 46 Unit 27: Handle ( 1) 165920 41.3030047990413611North County Buick CadillacGMC@0001090531- Mar-1700295220 Unit 83: Box ( 1) 165953 395.5330047990413611 Unit 64: Pin ( 2), Bushing ( 4), Retainer( 2) 166055 46.0730047990413611 Total for Check 00295220 482. 90 Unit 921: Alternator & Regulator 89693 3, 431.8430047990413611North CountyRebuilders@0000471631- Mar-1700295221 Office Supplies 913553055- 001 130.3730047100410510Office Depot Business ServicesDivision@0000077500295222 Office Supplies 913553055- 001 30.5230047100402510 Office Supplies 913553055- 001 74.8730047100410510 Office Supplies 913555416- 001 32.2130047100410510 Office Supplies 913555417- 001 49.0230047100402510 Office Supplies 913989714- 001 - 30.5130047100402510 Office Supplies 913990574- 001 - 49.0230047100402510 PW Admin Office Supplies 914078054- 001 32.3130047100401510 Lake Office Supplies- Colored Paper 914903380- 001 93.3240047100202100 Office Supplies - 2nd Floor 915365986- 001 58.0910047100300100 8of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 7 of 13 Bag, binder, dividers, paper 915416780- 001 9.9610047100102100Office Depot Business ServicesDivision@0000077531- Mar-1700295222 Bag, binder, dividers, paper 915416780- 001 87.0610047100106100 Calculator ( 1) 916395369- 001 40.9310047100102100 PW: Office Supplies 916597562- 0001 100.8430047100402510 PW: Office Supplies 916597562- 0001 32.3230047100400100 PW: Office Supplies 916597562- 0001 50.203004822A0400100 PW: Office Supplies 916597562- 0001 12.9130047100413611 Total for Check 00295222 755. 40 PS4: Allen Bradley solid state motor controller S5424855. 001 3, 355.4930047600402510OneSource Distributors@0000245731- Mar-1700295223 PS4: Allen Bradley Term Lugs; PowerFlex Arch. S5424855. 003 408.3730047600402510 Total for Check 00295223 3, 763. 86 As- Needed Professional Services: February2020712 50.0060017995000P5925BOpper & VarcoLLP@0000637831- Mar-1700295224 Legal Services - Twin Peaks Monitoring/Remedi20713 325.006001702B5000P5989B Total for Check 00295224 375. 00 Pest Control: Big Stone Lodge, Jan. 2017 152273634 97.3110041200014100Orkin Exterminating, Inc. @0000461931-Mar-1700295225 Pest Control: Big Stone Lodge, Feb. 2017 153094786 97.311004120001410000295226Tires- Units925( 4), 8A( 2); 5( 4); Fleet Stck( 8) 3010249204 6, 283.8930047990413611Parkhouse TireInc@0000209900295227 2016- 2017 Citywide Striping P1700056- 7 4, 474.5030043300411211Payco SpecialtiesInc@0000221400295228 Microsoft True Up: S99770930101 1, 347.601006122C0108611PCM- G@0001090600295229 Units 921, 950 & 951: Diesel Exhaust Fluid 5025302 116.7130047990413611Perry Ford ofPoway@0000270300295230 Unit 950: Jet Kit ( 2) & Exhaust Emission Cont (45025413 71.4630047990413611 Unit 950 & 951: Wheel Cover ( 2) 5025425 191.1530047990413611 Total for Check 00295230 379. 32 Reimburse General Petty Cash 3- 28- 17 03- 28- 2017 159.7010014300100100Petty CashGeneral@0000231431- Mar-1700295231 Reimburse General Petty Cash 3- 28- 17 03- 28- 2017 43.6910049340601100 Reimburse General Petty Cash 3- 28- 17 03- 28- 2017 19.8010031100601100 Reimburse General Petty Cash 3- 28- 17 03- 28- 2017 56.9610014300601100 Reimburse General Petty Cash 3- 28- 17 03- 28- 2017 30.0010047100100100 Reimburse General Petty Cash 3- 28- 17 03- 28- 2017 34.6210031100304100 Reimburse General Petty Cash 3- 28- 17 03- 28- 2017 36.8010049040014100 Total for Check 00295231 381. 57 3/ 13/ 17: 13325 Via Mark / remove bees in mtrb381539 125.0030041200401510Pinpoint Pest Control Co. Inc. @0000710931-Mar-1700295232 3/ 17/ 17: 16418 Calle Ana/ remove bees in mtrb381557 125.0030041200401510 Total for Check 00295232 250. 00 WW Collection: fiberglass 8' poles; debrisscoopPD- 34074 467.4230047600405520Plumbers Depot Inc. @0000704331-Mar-1700295233 Foundation ticket sales transfer- PCPA 03212017 9, 448.008641100Poway Center for the Performing ArtsFoundation@0000017300295234 9of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 8 of 13 Sunset Hills / Valley Elem School Tours 3/ 14 & 3TOURS- 3/ 14- 3/ 21 124.0040041200205100Poway Historical MemorialSociety@0000430031- Mar-1700295235 Sunset Hills/ Valley Elem School Tours 3/ 14 & 3/ TOURS 3/ 14- 3/ 21 186.0040041200205100Poway Midland RailroadVolunteers@0000271900295236 Phone/ Cable bill 03/ 15/ 17- 04/ 14/ 17 802 250.0010033100106100Poway SeniorCenter@0000274200295237 Phone/ Cable bill 03/ 15/ 17- 04/ 14/ 17 802 87.5210022000106100 Total for Check 00295237 337. 52 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 1, 356.0030022000410510Progressive Technology Security SystemsInc@0000551031- Mar-1700295238 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 159.9930022000419100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 1, 411.9820022000501100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 618.0030022000400100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 1, 650.0010022000106100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 3, 389.9930041200402510 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 228.0030022000413611 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 801.9930022000418100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 1, 423.0140022000203100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 1, 443.0040022000204100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 2, 541.9640022000205100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 2, 069.9940022000208100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 1, 190.0140022000206100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 511.9830022000402510 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 546.0040022000207100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 739.9840022000201100 City fire and security monitoring and contract 39751 172.1140022000202100 City Hall: repairs 39810 965.8110043080106100 Total for Check 00295238 21, 219. 80 Weekly Concession Payment ( 3/ 15- 3/ 19) w/corrLKCONC 3/ 15- 19 0.598647100R & B Pinto PropertiesLLC@0001091131- Mar-1700295239 Weekly Concession Payment ( 3/ 15- 3/ 19) w/corrLKCONC 3/ 15- 19 20.008647100 Weekly Concession Payment ( 3/ 15- 3/ 19) w/corrLKCONC 3/ 15- 19 6, 950.858647100 Total for Check 00295239 6, 971. 44 Lanning: Excel 14296 130.0030014300410510Regional TrainingCenter@0000220231- Mar-1700295240 Name Badges for Docents 2628 105.3040049280207100Rex Trophies@0000223900295241 Units 43A & 48A: Bedliner ( 2) 100309 889.0030043120413611Rhino Linings@0000224900295242 Unit 83A: Bedliner ( 1) 100340 444.5030043120413611 Total for Check 00295242 1, 333. 50 Handsfree Restroom 1323006 675.8230041140419100Rochester MidlandCorporation@0000641831- Mar-1700295243 Replace Roofing on Sheriff' s Station 16065- 2 159, 628.2360041201000P3501BRoof Construction@0001142500295244 Replace Roofing on Sheriff' s Station 16065- 3 9, 677.6560041201000P3501B Total for Check 00295244 169, 305. 88 10of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 9 of 13 Law enforcement services - February 2017 79290R- 0217 938, 452.002004104A0504100San Diego County Sheriff' sDepartment@0000226231- Mar-1700295245 Law enforcement services - February 2017 79290R- 0217 - 452.9720077580504100 Total for Check 00295245 937, 999. 03 Property Taxes 32407039 4/ 17 193.8710057300106100San Diego County Treasurer- TaxCollector@0000062731- Mar-1700295246 Property Taxes 32308016 04/ 17 2, 250.291005730010610000295247Property Taxes 23211069 04/ 17 138.931005730010610000295248Property Taxes 32308011 04/ 17 10.171005730010610000295249Property Taxes 32407036 04/ 17 722.641005730010610000295250Property Taxes 32401127 4/ 17 1, 866.701005730010610000295251Property Taxes 32308013 04/ 17 295.531005730010610000295252Property Taxes 32401125 04/ 17 878.711005730010610000295253Property Taxes 32401123 04/ 17 116.431005730010610000295254Property Taxes 32401122 04/ 17 1, 564.341005730010610000295255Property Taxes 32308015 04/ 17 1, 034.991005730010610000295256Property Taxes 31633117 04/ 17 42.421005730010610000295257Property Taxes 31633116 04/ 17 13.131005730010610000295258Property Taxes 31633114 04/ 17 296.041005730010610000295259Property Taxes 32401109 04/ 17 877.731005730010610000295260Property Taxes 32401108 04/ 17 563.901005730010610000295261Property Taxes 32401107 04/ 17 657.281005730010610000295262FEB 2017: water charges and deliveries 0217- 11 - 6, 028.003002710B0402510San Diego County WaterAuthority@0000229000295263 FEB 2017: water charges and deliveries 0217- 11 - 18, 699.9530076430402510 FEB 2017: water charges and deliveries 0217- 11 360, 783.993002710C0402510 FEB 2017: water charges and deliveries 0217- 11 - 46, 854.003002710A0402510 FEB 2017: water charges and deliveries 0217- 11 318, 487.503002710A0402510 FEB 2017: water charges and deliveries 0217- 11 40, 975.003002710B0402510 FEB 2017: water charges and deliveries 0217- 11 - 1, 357.8030076470402510 Total for Check 00295263 647, 306. 74 12335 Crosthwaite Circle - Training Tower 0704702278- 0317 2, 030.1720021100501100San Diego Gas & Electric@0000231831- Mar-1700295264 16275 Espola Road 02/ 09/ 17 - 03/ 13/ 17 111838240700317 7.0030021100418100 12325 Crosthwaite Circle 02/ 09/ 17 - 03/ 13/ 17 231946689090317 108.9830021100410510 14560 Lake Poway Rd- Electric- 3/ 17 3222233251. 3/ 17 610.3540021100202100 14022 1/ 2 Pomerado Road 02/ 28/ 17 - 03/ 12/ 17 324308441820317 7.9830021100418100 12207 Old Pomerado Road 02/ 19/ 17 - 03/ 13/17373257630740317 28.1430021100418100 15001 Highway 67 02/ 09/ 17 - 03/ 13/ 17 416396102290317 7.0030021100418100 12490 1/ 2 Old Pomerado 02/ 10/ 17 - 03/ 14/ 17 482624663160317 105.1030021100418100 14283 Silver Ridge Road 02/ 09/ 17 - 03/ 13/ 17 483014507680317 8.1830021100418100 13100 Poway Road 02/ 13/ 17 - 03/ 15/ 17 487450894610317 7.0030021100418100 14114 Midland Rd- OPP Museum Gas/ Elect - 3/ 599768701. 3/ 17 193.8440021100205100 11of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 10 of 13 13544 Aubrey Street 02/ 13/ 17 - 03/ 15/ 17 640251669450317 1, 217.8330021100418100San Diego Gas & Electric@0000231831- Mar-1700295264 13221 Midland Road A 02/ 13/ 17 - 03/ 15/ 17 712052157230317 38.3330021100418100 13325 Civic Center Dr. 820331285823/ 17 12, 845.3010021100106100 14467 Lake Poway Road 02/ 09/ 17 - 03/ 17/ 17 820582715640317 1, 376.2730021100400100 14795 1/ 2 Silverset Street 02/ 13/ 17 - 03/ 15/ 17 824654248550317 344.8330021100418100 13306 1/ 2 Midland Road 02/ 13/ 17 - 03/ 15/ 17 824759976430317 36.8330021100418100 14155 1/ 2 Pomerado Rd. 02/ 13/ 17 - 03/ 15/ 17 838007961060317 7.9830021100418100 13250 Pomerado Road 02/ 28/ 17 - 03/ 12/ 17 867977376520317 8.5730021100418100 14038 Midland Road 02/ 13/ 17 - 03/ 15/ 17 899222240910317 95.8230021100418100 12670 1/ 2 Pomerado Road 02/ 10/ 17 - 03/ 14/ 17 932622414910317 65.1930021100418100 13743 1/ 2 Carriage Road 02/ 13/ 17 - 03/ 15/ 17 937468460630317 162.4430021100418100 14322 Pomerado Road - Fire Station 3 9532131079- 0317 2, 337.0720021100501100 14401 Pomerado Road 02/ 13/ 17 - 03/ 15/ 17 995229760160317 356.0730021100418100 14135 Midland Rd- Veterans Park Electric - 3/179958016173. 3/ 17 55.0640021100205100 Total for Check 00295264 22, 061. 33 Group Sundry Bill - Mar 17 3150777677- 3/ 17 288.3640021100205100San Diego Gas & Electric/Sundry@0000231231- Mar-1700295265 Group Sundry Bill - Mar 17 3150777677- 3/ 17 27, 766.1230021300470275 Group Sundry Bill - Mar 17 3150777677- 3/ 17 2, 040.1830021200470275 Group Sundry Bill - Mar 17 3150777677- 3/ 17 24.0030021100418100 Total for Check 00295265 30, 118. 66 Bid No. 17- 019 03- 09- 17 4811887 250.7660049321000P1764ASan Diego UnionTribune@0001011531- Mar-1700295266 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 501.4130041200412231SCS Engineers@0000539300295267 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 1, 170.1230041200418100 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 250.7130041200419100 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 83.5630041200420261 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 668.7530041200402510 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 752.1130041200404510 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 835.6630041200411211 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 250.7130041200413611 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 83.5630041200406510 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 918.8330041200401510 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 83.5630041200410510 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 83.5630041200417100 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0295448 584.9630041200405520 Water Treatment Plant PSM/ RMP Compliance 0295451 739.6230041200401510 Water Treatment Plant PSM/ RMP Compliance 0295451 862.8830041200402510 Total for Check 00295267 7, 870. 00 Monthly Traffic Signal Maintenance 5610034844 3, 640.0030043260470275Siemens IndustryInc@0001064531- Mar-1700295268 12of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 11 of 13 Street Light Monthly Maintenance 5610053418 3, 487.2630043270470275Siemens IndustryInc@0001064531- Mar-1700295268 As Needed Traffic Signal Equipment RepairSer5620011281 226.0030043260470275 As Needed Parking Lot Light Repairs 5620011372 451.9530041200419100 As Needed Street Light Repairs 5620013129 6, 024.3130043270470275 As Needed Traffic Signal Equipment RepairSer5620013544 6, 722.7030043260470275 As Needed Street Light Repairs 5620016275 94.5330043270470275 As Needed Parking Lot Light Repairs 5620016280 43.2630041200419100 Total for Check 00295268 20, 690. 01 Obermiller Plate 5265 37.0010047100011100So Cal Signs, Inc. @0000646531-Mar-1700295269 Fleet Fuel Delivery 02/ 22/ 17 0364682- IN 7, 943.3930031200413611SoCo Group Inc. @0001006000295270 Fuel Delivery: FS3 03/ 02/ 17 0366691- IN 1, 132.1530031200413611 Fuel Delivery: FS3 03/ 16/ 17 0371186- IN 1, 238.8630031200413611 Total for Check 00295270 10, 314. 40 Wrhse: Frames ( 6) & Lids ( 14) 0170340- IN 993.468189510South Bay FoundryIncorporated@0000302331- Mar-1700295271 Unit 922: Battery Cable Assembly ( 4) 483797 306.3730047990413611South Coast Emergency VehicleService@0000718300295272 release of erosion control security DR14- 010 2, 000.0090059800399762St. John of Damascus Orthodox Church----- 00295273 Firefighter II certification - Valenzuela MV. FFII. 032017 40.0020014300501100State FireTraining@0000500300295274 Fleet Stock: City Logo Stickers 01002625 206.9030047990413611Statewide Safety & Signs, Inc@0000554100295275 HHW Facility November 2016 72401586909 13, 236.7060041201000P1697AStericycle EnvironmentalSolutions@0001141200295276 HHW Facility December 2016 72401612522 13, 892.2060041201000P1697A Total for Check 00295276 27, 128. 90 Deposit Refund - OPP - Permit # 18451 2011379. 001 200.0040074710205100Stillwell, Debra----- 31- Mar-1700295277 Unit 24A: Pintle Hooks ( 2) P32674 199.8830047990413611Stotz Equipment@0000660000295278 Unit 544: Seat ( 2) P32916 573.8530047990413611 Total for Check 00295278 773. 73 Amazon. com IT purchases 878104220903/ 17 - 56.308644100SYNCB/ AMAZON@0001133431- Mar-1700295279 Amazon. com IT purchases 878104220903/ 17 59.5510047100601100 Amazon. com IT purchases 878104220903/ 17 732.703004822A0400100 Amazon. com IT purchases 878104220903/ 17 64.6110047100011100 Amazon. com IT purchases 878104220903/ 17 353.471006122B0108611 Total for Check 00295279 1, 154. 03 RW16- 0242 Security Release RW16- 0242 500.0010059800399762TJT Communications, Inc.----- 31- Mar-1700295280 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 1701339 1, 516.2930041200402510Truesdail Laboratories, Inc@0000495000295281 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 1701340 2, 325.3830041200402510 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 1701341 1, 668.8830041200402510 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 1701342 1, 403.0030041200402510 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 1701343 14.7030041200402510 13of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 3/ 27/ 2017 - 3/ 31/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 12 of 13 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 1701459 515.0030041200402510Truesdail Laboratories, Inc@0000495031- Mar-1700295281 Total for Check 00295281 7, 443. 25 IT CalCard - Brad Rosen - 03/ 17 02598652 3/ 17 150.991006122B0108611U. S. Bank Corporate Payment Svc - IT@0001157831- Mar-1700295282 Credit card expenses 2/ 15/ 17- 3/ 15/ 17 - DR 031517- DR 75.0010049320013100U. S. Bank Corporate Payment System-LG@0001151800295283 Credit card expenses 2/ 15/ 17- 3/ 15/ 17 - DR 031517- DR 275.0010014300013100 Cal Card Charges 3535- 031517 233.7210047100011100 Cal Card Charges 3535- 031517 829.6910047100011100 Cal Card Charges 3535- 031517 195.0010014300011100 Cal Card Charges 3535- 031517 195.0010014300011100 Total for Check 00295283 1, 803. 41 Credit Card Expense 3/ 4/ 17 031317 - TB 300.0010049040010100Union Bank@0001150431- Mar-1700295284 SSD credit card charges 101250008- 0317 2, 540.112004937050410000295285SSD credit card charges 101250008- 0317 81.7320047600500100 Total for Check 00295285 2, 621. 84 release of Warranty/ Monument Bonds STI11- 003 1, 750.0090059800399762Vahidi, Mahsa----- 31- Mar-1700295286 release of Warranty/ Monument Bonds STI11- 003 1, 200.0090059800399762 Total for Check 00295286 2, 950. 00 Vaus/ Basford/ Gwynn DiscussGwynnMemorial GWYNN MEM LUNC 96.4960017991000P1193AVaus, Steve@0001088231- Mar-1700295287 Sanitary Supplies 76572863 159.0130047200419100Waxie@00002730002952882/ 28/ 17: Midland Rd sewer easement accesscl123879 540.0030041200405520West Coast Arborists, Inc. @0000563900295289 Streets/ ROWs: WS17C Stump Rmvl; Emerg 2/1123886 440.0030041200411211 LMD 86- 3A: Tree Trimming/ Removal/Replace123887 884.0030041200424267 LMD 87- 1: Tree Trimming/ Removal/Replaceme123888 3, 100.0030041200425269 83- 1A: WS17 Tree/ Stump Removal Only 2/ 16-2123890 7, 226.0030041200421263 LMD 86- 1: Tree Trimming/ Removal/Replaceme123891 620.0030041200421263 Reservoirs: Tree Trimming/ Removal/Replacem123892 476.0030041160402510 Total for Check 00295289 13, 286. 00 Chain saw supplies 38438 80.2130047600412231Western Mower andEngine@0000279431- Mar-1700295290 Weed whipper 38439 134.6830047600412231 Mower supplies 38785 181.9930047600418100 Total for Check 00295290 396. 88 Sheriff' s Station: paint trellis 17- 146 960.0030041200419100Windco Painting, Inc. @0000629431-Mar-1700295291 Park & Ride: paint sign 17- 147 690.0030041200419100 Total for Check 00295291 1, 650. 00 Instructor Payment Winter 2016 6001. 300- 02. 16C 1, 210.4040041180208100Wolpert, Joseph@0000294331- Mar-1700295292 14of29May22017Item12 Run Date: 06- Apr- 17 1 of14Page: The City of Poway Director of Finance Submits the Following Register of Demands for the period 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 and Recommends its Ratification/ Approval: Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDateAs needed plumbing repair services 276203 315.5130041200419100A O Reed & Co@0000537106- Apr-1700295293 Chlorine for Pool 1003241 710.3940045020203100Abcana Industries@0000476200295294 March 2017 Premiums 558606 701.408619100Aflac@0001000000295295Pest Control 415774 855.0030041200418100Agricultural PestControl@0000006100295296 Citywide pest control services 416517 551.7730041200419100 Pest Control 417128 370.0030041200418100 Crosthwaite Materials Handling: water truck 417886 125.0030041200412231 Total for Check 00295296 1, 901. 77 Special Event Ins. 1st Qtr 2017 CSD CSD Q1- 2017 6, 988.008632100Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. @0000597306-Apr-1700295297 Special Event Insurance - 1st Qtr 2017 - PCPA 1STQTR S/ E 2017 845.00863210000295298Water system maintenance - Station 3 274899 751.3220043040501100Allstar Fire Equipment, Inc@0000007900295299 release of security TUP08- 01 200.0090059808922761American Construction & Supply----- 00295300 Wrhse: Disposable Urine Bag ( 1 bx of 400) 609389 916.918189100American InnotekInc@0000491300295301 Recertification of Stock Chain 217454- 00 150.0030041200412231American Rigging & Supply@0000011400295302 Towels and mats for Sta 3 1448381637 18.2820049280501100Aramark Uniform ServicesInc@0000524100295303 Lake Weekly Mat Service ( 3/ 23/ 17) 1448381650 5.1640049280202100 Towels and mats for Sta 2 1448383683 16.5420049280501100 Parks: mats 1448386047 60.0430041200419100 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448386048 7.7930041200418100 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448386048 1.8430041200419100 Towels and mats for Sta 1 1448388546 16.5420049280501100 Parks: mats 1448393502 22.4830041200419100 Wk 3/ 30/ 17: CSFW & Mtr. Rdr. uniforms 1448393503 5.2830049280401510 Wk 3/ 30/ 17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 1448393504 55.2730049280401510 Wk 3/ 30/ 17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 1448393504 6.7230041200419100 Wk 3/ 30/ 17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 1448393504 19.1930049280402510 Facilities: mats and uniforms 1448393505 6.1030049280419100 Facilities: mats and uniforms 1448393505 4.4230041200419100 Wk 3/ 30/ 17: Water Distribution uniforms 1448393506 106.6130049280404510 Wk 3/ 30/ 17: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 1448393507 1.3230049280410510 Wk 3/ 30/ 17: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 1448393507 2.3730049280406510 Wk 3/ 30/ 17: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 1448393507 49.1730049280405520 Streets: uniforms 1448393508 51.9130049280411211 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448393509 2.5830041200419100 Parks: mats and uniforms 1448393509 11.5230049280418100 Parks: mats 1448393510 35.3330041200419100 Stormwater: uniforms 1448393512 25.8530049280412231 16of29May22017Item12AttachmentB Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 2 of 14 Total for Check 00295303 532. 31 Art Consultant for Tony Gwynn Memorial March 10820 5, 118.4360017991000P1193AArtful Living@0001136406- Apr-1700295304 BAN 9391026541 02/ 10/ 17 - 03/ 09/ 17 9387854 19.6630023100470275AT& T@0001011100295305 BAN 9391026549 02/ 10/ 17 - 03/ 09/ 17 9387860 19.6630022000422264 BAN 9391050366 02/ 10/ 17 - 03/ 19/ 17 9444125 1, 046.1230023100470275 BAN # 9391026555 Kumeyaay Fax Line - 3/ 17 94504036 142.9240033100207100 Group bill Ban# 9391026567 3/ 17 945047 2, 937.0210022000106100 BAN 9391026534 02/ 24/ 17 - 03/ 23/ 17 9454034 19.6630022000418100 BAN 9391026538 02/ 24/ 17 - 03/ 23/ 17 9454035 19.6630022000418100 BAN # 9391026561 - CP Fax Line - 03/ 2017 9454042 55.7140033100208100 9391026563: WTP fire sprinkler alarm lines 9454044 72.9430033100402510 BAN # 9391026564 - Meadowbrook Alarm - 03/29454045 55.1740033100201100 BAN 9391026568 02/ 24/ 17 - 03/ 23/ 17 9454048 40.5630022000425269 BAN 9391026570 02/ 24/ 17 - 03/ 23/ 17 9454050 19.6630022000418100 BAN 9391031630 02/ 24/ 17 - 03/ 23/ 17 9454211 19.6630022000422264 BAN 9391031631 02/ 24/ 17 - 03/ 23/ 17 9454213 17.7630022000421263 Network - City Hall - 3/ 17 9454509 603.1510022000106100 Total for Check 00295305 5, 089. 31 Water Dist: flatsaw SPP job 57367 200.0030041200404510Baker' s Concrete Cutting Inc. @0001073806-Apr-1700295306 Employee Vendor Mgmt System - March 2017 513501 1, 032.008729100BeneTrac@0001149000295307RMS software consulting 1258 1, 500.0020041200501100BLD Consulting@0001030100295308 Santamaria, boot allowance 1142971- INA 100.0030049280411211Boot WorldInc@0000431700295309 Chris Conder: FY17 safety shoes allowance 1142971- IN- A 184.2130049280402510 Gonzales boot allowance 1143211- IN 73.6630049280411211 Total for Check 00295309 357. 87 Trout Stock per Ex. B Quote dated 10/ 03/ 14 201703- 047 5, 625.004004522A0202100Chaulk Mound TroutRanch@0001022706- Apr-1700295310 Employee Service Awards 1264630 594.4210045060601100C. A. ShortCompany@0001046300295311 Employee Service Awards 1265156 335.1010045060601100 Employee Service Awards 1265492 320.7410045060601100 Total for Check 00295311 1, 250. 26 Unit 32: Battery ( 1) 780322 97.0430047990413611Cal- State Auto PartsInc@0000475606- Apr-1700295312 Unit 62: Module Kit ( 1) 785550 355.7930047990413611 Unit OES308: Battery ( 4) 785969 537.6730047990413611 Units 952 & 78A: Battery ( 3) 786059 347.5630047990413611 Total for Check 00295312 1, 338. 06 Asphalt 178473 1, 516.7430045200411211California Commercial Asphalt, LLC@0000690106- Apr-1700295313 Asphalt 178473CM - 1, 516.7430045200411211 17of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 3 of 14 Asphalt 178619 803.5530045200411211California Commercial Asphalt, LLC@0000690106- Apr-1700295313 Asphalt 178619CM - 803.5530045200411211 Asphalt 178754 199.3530045200411211 Asphalt 178754CM - 199.3530045200411211 Asphalt Aggregate Course 1/ 2" Materials 178856 6, 703.473004320A0411211 Asphalt Aggregate Course 1/ 2" Materials 178856CM - 6, 703.473004320A0411211 Asphalt Aggregate Course 1/ 2" Materials 178922 5, 595.463004320A0411211 Asphalt Aggregate Course 1/ 2" Materials 178922CM - 5, 595.463004320A0411211 Asphalt 179213 1, 556.7530045200411211 Asphalt 179214 824.7230045200411211 Asphalt 179215 204.6130045200411211 Asphalt Aggregate Course 1/ 2" Materials 179216 6, 880.183004320A0411211 Asphalt Aggregate Course 1/ 2" Materials 179217 5, 742.923004320A0411211 Total for Check 00295313 15, 209. 18 Wrhse: Rain Pants ( 10); Ear Plugs ( 4) 359660- 1 413.418189100Calolympic Safety@0000039806- Apr-1700295314 Wrhse: XL Gloves ( 40) 359832 288.948189100 Wrhse: Coveralls ( 3) 360052 347.418189100 Total for Check 00295314 1, 049. 76 FY16/ 17 Special Sweeps 145522 102.9630043320411211Cannon Pacific Services, Inc@0000555606- Apr-1700295315 Contract plan checks and inspections for Mar2030117- 03317 5, 521.072004112A0502100Chillinsky, Michael@0000451500295316 Mileage Reimbursement: March 2017 REIMB 033117 79.2010031100301100Christensen, Krista@0001154600295317 Medical Insurance Premiums - April 2017 2114495 190, 753.178720D100Cigna Healthcare ofCalifornia@0001151200295318 Medical Insurance Premiums - April 2017 2114495 2, 567.818720C100 Total for Check 00295318 193, 320. 98 PCPA: irrigation repairs 11532 611.9040041160204100Ciro' s Landscaping Inc. @0001148006-Apr-1700295319 PCPA: irrigation repairs 11533 470.3240041160204100 PCPA: irrigation repairs 11534 138.3040041160204100 Veteran' s Park: irrigation repairs 11535 285.1330047700418100 Fire Station # 2: irrigation repairs 11536 58.9120041160501100 Fire Station # 3: irrigation repairs 11537 73.0820041160501100 Public Works: irrigation repairs 11538 113.6630047700418100 Total for Check 00295319 1, 751. 30 Recycled water: CSM11 controller repair 715518 564.1130047600406510Cla- Val@0001120206- Apr-1700295320 PMC Electronic Update 55936 450.4510041200011100Code PublishingCompany@0000622100295321 City Hall: repairs MR2321- 1 780.0130043040419100Commercial & Industrial Roofing Co., Inc. @0000581600295322 City Hall: repairs MR2452- 1 283.8230043040419100 Total for Check 00295322 1, 063. 83 18of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 4 of 14 Durhellen 14786224 5, 093.7460041201000P1180FContech EngineeredSolutions@0001148906- Apr-1700295323 Cathodic Protection Inspection Services: 404518 10, 183.0030041200402510Corrpro CoInc@0000508700295324 CP & Recreation - Supplies 77581630 31.7640049280208100Costco Wholesale@0000283000295325 CP & Recreation - Supplies 77581630 122.0940047200208100 CP & Recreation - Supplies 77581630 58.2940047600208100 CP & Recreation - Supplies 77581630 31.6240047200201100 Total for Check 00295325 243. 76 release of remaining landscape deposit L08- 02 2, 635.0090059808925761Country Montessori School----- 06- Apr-1700295326 City of Poway parking citation activity Feb 2017 COP FEB 2017 687.5020049190504100County of San Diego Auditor andController@0000078600295327 Poway High School parking citation act. Feb20PHS FEB 2017 62.502004919050410000295328FY 16- 17 Dead Animal Removal Services 1845 2, 120.0010041200301100D & D Services Inc. @0000030100295329 Deposit Refund - CP - Permit # 18239 2011393. 001 200.0040074710208100Dadhania, Julian----- 00295330 Backflow Prevention Device Annual 1159 180.0030041200421263DeHART BACKFLOW@0001085900295331 Backflow Prevention Device Annual 1159 45.0030041200425269 Backflow Prevention Device Annual 1159 45.0030041200426266 Backflow Prevention Device Annual 1159 90.0030041200428268 Backflow Prevention Device Annual 1159 90.0030041200423265 Backflow Prevention 1159A 15.0030041200421263 Total for Check 00295331 465. 00 Dental Insurance - HMO - April 2017 BE002106486 966.298727A100Delta Dental InsuranceCompany@0001153206- Apr-1700295332 Dental Insurance - HMO - April 2017 BE002106486 - 89.518727B100 Total for Check 00295332 876. 78 Dental Insurance - PPO - April 2017 BE002104941 14, 891.768727A100Delta Dental ofCalifornia@0001153106- Apr-1700295333 Dental Insurance - PPO - April 2017 BE002104941 39.378727B100 Total for Check 00295333 14, 931. 13 FSA Monthly - February 2017 0000733184- IN 328.308729100Discovery Benefits Inc. @0001149406-Apr-1700295334 release of erosion control security MDRA15- 021 2, 000.0090059800399762Domenic A. Antonacci Enterprises, Inc.----- 00295335 Instructor Payment Winter 2016 1000. 300- 02. 17 1, 915.2040041180208100Donovan, Charlene@0001148200295336 Fleet : Weather Guard ( 1) CAPOW40752 841.3630047990413611Fastenal Company@0000693300295337 Wrhse: Electrolyte Pops ( 300) CAPOW40814 107.908189100 LS3: lined, nitrile- coated gloves CAPOW40836 301.1930047600403520 Wrhse: Duct Tape ( 12) CAPOW40880 64.528189100 PS11: magnetic drill press CAPOW40909 991.3030047600402510 Total for Check 00295337 2, 306. 27 Ship contract documents 5- 756- 14896 33.9960033201000P3501MFedEx@0000089706- Apr-1700295338 Water Dist: 12x20 gate can - SPP job 0587639 105.6030047600404510Ferguson Waterworks@0000114400295339 Water Dist: 2 1/ 2 RB CAP & CHAIN ( 5) 0588090 122.4030047600404510 19of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 5 of 14 Water Dist: PVC blue pipe 0588416 256.8830047600404510Ferguson Waterworks@0000114406- Apr-1700295339 Wrhse: Vlv Frm ( 6) Water Cvr( 6) 0588498 840.458189510 Wrhse: Brass Saddles( 3), Bronze Saddles( 2) 0588967 539.918189510 Water Dist: liquid chlorine, 1 gal. ( 4) 0589161 57.0630047600404510 Water Dist: backflow brass nipples 0589186 34.4730047600404510 Total for Check 00295339 1, 956. 77 Subscription renewal 2017 FEREN. 033017 39.0020049240501100Fire Engineering@0000091406- Apr-1700295340 Fire Sprinkler Inspections and Fire Extinquisher 19M 755623 1, 791.6130041200419100Fire ServiceCorp@0001071100295341 Payroll Garnishment PPE 3/ 26/ 17 199.778620100Garnishment Recipient@0000108500295342 release of erosion control security MDRA08- 04 2, 000.0090059808957761Fraser, Dave----- 00295343 Armored Car Service - April 2017 10292769 456.5510041200106100Garda CL West Inc. @0001065200295344 release of grading security G1617- 08 6, 518.4090059809017761Gleich- Barbour, Sharon----- 00295345 Lake Dock Supplies 9377079091 70.7740047600202100Grainger Inc@0000120700295346 Wrhse: Perma Pavement Repair ( 50) 9381720474 736.478189100 Wrhse: Perma Pavement Repair ( 50) 9387951685 736.478189100 Credit Invoice # 9381720474( Wrhse: PermaPvm9400778834 - 736.478189100 Wrhse: Deodorant ( 1) 9401589156 54.318189520 Total for Check 00295346 861. 55 release of security RW09- 109 302.0090059809123761Gustavo Garcia P----- 06- Apr-1700295347 Hose Part # VA48783AS6, Vactor Armor BeltHoC28365 2, 445.503008189520Haaker EquipmentCompany@0000115700295348 WW/ Kentfield easement: crushed agg base; 3/41765386 1, 541.7230047600405520Hanson Aggregates Pacific Southwest, Inc@0000513000295349 WW/ Kentfield easement: crushed agg base 1765885 1, 045.5730047600405520 WW/ Kentfield easement: crushed agg base 1766365 1, 001.1530047600405520 Crushed aggregate 1768371 508.3030047600418100 Water Dist: Golden Wy job - 3" minus rock 1771905 456.8630047600404510 Crushed Aggregate 1772333 511.8260043201000P1193B Total for Check 00295349 5, 065. 42 Design Services - Buehler ReservoirRehabilitatENG- 5745 6, 440.006001714G1000P1770AHarper & Associates EngineeringInc@0000508806- Apr-1700295350 PS8: PVC parts 004H4099 71.0030047600402510Harrington Industrial PlasticsInc@0000123900295351 WTP east bridge: 2" clamp pipe rigid PU 004H4100 96.5930047600402510 Total for Check 00295351 167. 59 1907 Baldwin Steam Train Boiler Replacement 2573- PR# 4 72, 750.0040061990205618Hercules Powered Equipment, Inc. @0001154306-Apr-1700295352 Water Dist: assorted blades, 2- way 16- mile 1220120 89.3130047600404510Home Depot CommercialAccount@0000164500295353 Winter Festival Supplies 1220472 18.4940047600208100 Saw 1894693 592.9230045160419100 Library: door lock repair supplies 3220196 3.8230047600419100 Measuring Tapes for Code ( D. Welte) 4210744- 113016 64.7610045160301100 20of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 6 of 14 CustSvcsFldWkr: brooms, buckets 4220091- 2017 32.0130047600401510Home Depot CommercialAccount@0000164506- Apr-1700295353 Fire Station # 3: door lock repair 4220187 32.2930047600419100 CustSvcFldWkr: misc. hardware 5210791 6.0330047600401510 CP & Recreation - Tools & Supplies 5220169 59.2340047600208100 CP & Recreation - Tools & Supplies 5220169 83.5940045160201100 CP & Recreation - Tools & Supplies 5220169 37.6640047200208100 Fire Station # 3: door repair 6210781 6.1130047600419100 Library: graffiti removal 6220166 12.8430047600419100 Winter Festival Supplies 6220389 27.7540047600208100 Water Dist/ Unit 24: plastic totes 7210711 17.0430047600404510 Sewage lift stations: hardware/ maint. supplies 7210774 145.3230047600403520 WTP: PVC parts for poly feed pump # 1 7220143- 2017 46.2730047600402510 Community Road: GFCI 7220148- 2017 49.5230047700418100 WW: Invoice shortpay; Ref Doc I1706039/#7227220290 0.3230045160405520 Wrhse: Cement ( 40) & Concrete ( 40) 8210308A 976.868189100 Tools and supplies for Code 9220678 19.3610045160301100 Tools and supplies for Code 9220678 67.8210047500301100 Tools and supplies for Code 9220678 3.2010047600301100 Total for Check 00295353 2, 392. 52 Closing Bal Refnd Overpymnt ( Acct # 15301600- 15301600- 21 146.238120510Ickler Electric Corp----- 06- Apr-1700295354 14' DR 32. 5 M/ F Snap- Tite Pipe 11' Lay Length 34013708 5, 027.7060041201000P1180GISCO Industries@0001157400295355 48" DR 32. 5 M/ F Snap- Tite Pipe 24' Lay Length 34013707 10, 471.2360061081000P1437AISCO Industries, LLC@0001032900295356 Footswitch H136634 84.0530045160419100J M McKinney Co., Inc@0000461000295357 Bronto Knives 9099 1, 695.8630043080412231JCB Leasing@0001026200295358 release of warranty cash bond WI14- 005 500.0090059800399762Johnson- Hoff Family Trust----- 00295359 Printing 36797 210.1120049220500100JRC PrintingLLC@0000130600295360 Stationery supplies 36815 370.6620047100502100 Blue Sky Activity Flyer Printing 36834 32.3340049220207100 Total for Check 00295360 613. 10 Parking Activity Poway High School Feb 2017 6566 122.8420049190504100Judicial DataSystems@0000131706- Apr-1700295361 Parking Activity - City of Poway Feb 2017 6569 199.9620049190504100 Total for Check 00295361 322. 80 Weekly Maintenance, March 2017 017- 106 300.0030041200418100Koi City@0000707906- Apr-1700295362 Fish food and water conditioner 017- 210 35.6130041200418100 Total for Check 00295362 335. 61 WS17C Aubrey Park DG ( 25tons) 1383967- 00 1, 012.0030047700418100KRC Rock@0000170706- Apr-1700295363 Closing Bal Dep Refnd ( Acct # 49900400- 24) 49900400- 24 605.738120510LB3 Enterprises Inc----- 00295364 21of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 7 of 14 2017 Streets and Roads Needs Assessment 103834 400.0030041200411211League of CaliforniaCities@0000143306- Apr-1700295365 Professional Services Rendered through 02/ 28/ 1436672 70.001001702B0601100Liebert CassidyWhitmore@0000151800295366 release of remaining security G1604- 08 792.0090059808965761Littrell, Timothy----- 00295367 2017 Egg Hunt Donation LWC EGG HUNT 17 1, 000.0010049040010100Living WayChurch00295368 PW Outdoor Mat; Ops Lounge Bulletin BoardK02183 13.5930047600413611Lowe' s@0001044000295369 Mail Courier Service - April 2017 151733 1, 253.5610041200106100Mail Dispatch@0001053900295370 Mileage Reimbursement ( 1/ 17- 3/ 17) MILEAGEJANMAR17 119.9240031100202100Margis, Allie@0001147500295371 Unit 531: Reseal Control Valve S82039 1, 203.5830043120413611Miramar BobcatIncorporated@0000180400295372 Tuition Reimbursement - Interm Algebra/ Math6INTERALGEBRA/MA 184.0010049260601100Mitchell, Brian@0000724800295373 Deposit Refund - CP - Permit # 17242 2011392. 001 300.0040074710208100Mojalet DanceCollective@0001021000295374 Wrhse: Batteries ( 10) 13154944 868.908189100Motorola Solutions Inc. @0000634900295375 Basic Life & AD& D/ Vol Life/ LTD/ STD - April2000623233069 6, 216.828726100Mutual of Omaha PolicyholderServices@0001151000295376 Basic Life & AD& D/ Vol Life/ LTD/ STD - April2000623233069 3, 431.488725100 Basic Life & AD& D/ Vol Life/ LTD/ STD - April2000623233069 3, 759.688626100 Basic Life & AD& D/ Vol Life/ LTD/ STD - April2000623233069 1, 913.168726100 Total for Check 00295376 15, 321. 14 Credit for Invoice 197512, 193710 198852 - 141.9230047990413611Napa Auto Parts/Poway@0000184006- Apr-1700295377 Credit for Invoice # 197512 198854 - 21.2830047990413611 Fleet Stock: Fuses ( 2) 198965 6.4430047990413611 Fleet Stock: Butt Connectors ( 2) 199868 14.5730047990413611 Credit for Invoice # 199885 200041 - 19.4030047990413611 Unit 76A: Oil Filter ( 4) 200513 19.8730047990413611 Unit 3: Pintle Hook Mount ( 1) 200598 63.0230047990413611 Unit 24A: Pintle Hook Mount ( 1) 200602 63.0230047990413611 Credit Invoice # 138712 200652 - 21.5530047990413611 Unit 27: Spark Plug ( 5) 201689 34.9630047990413611 Unit 27: Air Filter ( 1) 201798 15.2130047990413611 Unit 81A: Lamp ( 1) 201890 6.4530047990413611 Unit 920, 951 & Fleet Stock: Oil Fltrs( 4) 203283 47.7230047990413611 Unit 950: Oil Filter ( 1) 203285 13.9830047990413611 Units 77 & 78: Oil Filters ( 1 ea) 203542 7.8730047990413611 Unit 77A: Brake Pads( 2) & Air Filter( 1) 203593 90.2430047990413611 Unit 23: Transfer Pump ( 1) 203619 468.1630043080413611 Unit OES308: Lift Supports ( 2) 203644 73.2530047990413611 Total for Check 00295377 720. 61 release of erosion control security ACP16- 006 2, 000.0090059800399762Navak LLC----- 06- Apr-1700295378 As Needed Electrical Maintenance and 66899 2, 166.5930041200419100Neal Electric, Inc@0000582500295379 RW16- 0225 Security Release RW16- 0225 5, 000.0010059800399762Nilsen General Contracting, Inc.----- 00295380 Background check services 17007 2, 632.2410017990601100Norman A. TraubAssociates@0000571700295381 22of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 8 of 14 WTP: misc. office supplies 916594207- 001 118.3630047100402510Office Depot Business ServicesDivision@0000077506- Apr-1700295382 WTP: pens 916594828- 001 1.7530047100402510 WTP: name sign/ holder - Tom White 916594829- 001 19.3830047100402510 WTP: external modems ( 2) 916594830- 001 155.1430047100402510 Office supplies 916610237- 001 61.3720047100500100 Office Supplies - 2nd Floor 916839163- 001 74.8810047100304100 Perforated paper; calc ribbon 917039384- 001 61.0210047100102100 PW Admin Office Supplies 917230002- 001 213.8830047100400100 PW Admin Office Supplies 917230876- 001 2.3630047100400100 CSD Office Supplies 917366118- 001 43.9240047100200100 Hp90AToner and Office Supplies 1st floor 917379316- 001 191.2010047100301100 Hp90AToner and Office Supplies 1st floor 917379316- 001 44.2810047100305100 OPP Office Supplies 917519066- 001 227.4740047100205100 HP26 and HP55A Toner Cartridge 917524015- 001 263.5510047100102100 Total for Check 00295382 1, 478. 56 Units 925, 77A & 78A: Tires( 10) 3010249786 2, 326.8430047990413611Parkhouse TireInc@0000209906- Apr-1700295383 Assessment Fees 410- 110- CU 410- 110- CU0417 724.2030057300418100Parkway BusinessCentre@0000210300295384 Assessment Fees 410- 110- CU 410- 110- CU0417 1, 113.8030057300410510 Total for Check 00295384 1, 838. 00 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 37.4530031100417100Petty Cash C/ O Public WorksDepartment@0000233106- Apr-1700295385 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 77.1230047600400100 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 15.0030014300400100 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 8.3030014300418100 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 31.8330031100400100 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 12.8430031100401510 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 23.9730047600406510 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 46.1330014300411211 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 17.7830047990413611 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 67.5730047600405520 Public Works Petty Cash 02/ 23/ 17- 04/ 03/ 17 PW PC 04/ 04/ 17 21.4430014300412231 Total for Check 00295385 359. 43 3/ 9/ 17: 14145 Melodie Ln/ remove bees inmeter381511 125.0030041200401510Pinpoint Pest Control Co. Inc. @0000710906-Apr-1700295386 Ww Collection: repair OZ3 camera PD- 34387 707.1330043080405520Plumbers Depot Inc. @0000704300295387 WW Collection: micro- reel set, rigid 60mm PD- 34394 104.2630047600405520 Total for Check 00295387 811. 39 2017 First Class Presort/ Marketing Mail Permit 1942- 032017 450.0010033200200100Postmaster@0000255206- Apr-1700295388 Foundation ticket sales transfer- PCPA 03282017 4, 381.008641100Poway Center for the Performing ArtsFoundation@0000017300295389 23of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 9 of 14 Charger Fuse 10281701 3.7630047600411211Poway Computers & Electronics - Radio ShackDealer@0000268606- Apr-1700295390 Fire Association dues for PPE 3/ 26/ 17 DUES PE 3/ 26/ 17 1, 928.788615100Poway FirefightersAssociation@0000270200295391 Closing Bal Refnd Dep ( Acct # 20842327- 03) 20842327- 03 465.208120510Pruitt, Erica L----- 00295392 Two custom- made directional signs at twolocatiRELRETEN 664.2030041200411211PVL Signs & Graphics Inc. @0001152900295393 Two custom- made directional signs at twolocatiRELRETEN 565.8060041201000P3501K Total for Check 00295393 1, 230. 00 Weekly Concession Payment ( 3/ 22- 3/ 26/ 17) LKCONCMAR22- 27 3, 858.458647100R & B Pinto PropertiesLLC@0001091106- Apr-1700295394 release of erosion control security ACP15- 007 2, 000.0090059800399762Ranch Development Co., LLC----- 00295395 Blue Sky Docent Name Badge 2642 7.5640049280207100Rex Trophies@0000223900295396 Units 43 & 48: 60" Box ( 2) 100324 909.4130047990413611Rhino Linings@0000224900295397 Wrhse: Funnel Set( 1)& RootX Jars( 1) 48379 283.108189520RootX@0001076300295398Grove Maintenance - Silver Ridge Lemon 2926 7, 950.0030041160418100Sage View Inc. @0001016600295399 Reimburse for purchase of uniform socks RS. REIMB. 040417 258.3420049280501100Salgado, Ruben@0000654200295400 15401 1/ 2 Pomerado Rd. 02/ 14/ 17 - 03/ 16/ 17 150118720370317 7.7030021200470275San Diego Gas & Electric@0000231800295401 13725 Poway Road 02/ 19/ 17 - 03/ 13/ 17 377502587230317 59.3530021200470275 13966 Rock Creek Road 02/ 09/ 17 - 03/ 13/ 17 512606474320317 7.3930021100422264 13053 Poway Rd. 2/ 9- 3/ 13/ 17 595319148040317 68.6610021100704720 12150 1/ 2 Sage View Rd. 02/ 08/ 17 - 03/ 12/ 17 701957299090317 8.3830021100424267 15003 1/ 2 Pomerado Road 02/ 13/ 17 - 03/ 15/ 17 712609287490317 7.0030021100418100 14103 1/ 2 Stowe Dr. 02/ 09/ 17 - 03/ 13/ 17 932249213210317 8.3830021100425269 Total for Check 00295401 166. 86 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 16.1530021100428268San Diego Gas & Electric/Sundry@0000231206- Apr-1700295402 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 15.5730021100426266 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 16.9330021100423265 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 44.8230021100421263 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 93.2030021100425269 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 5.2830021100418100 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 7.9930021100429271 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 31.7430021100422264 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 23.9230021100424267 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 1, 112.0630021200470275 Special Districts 03/ 14/ 17 049444400390317 293.4130021300470275 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 322.3040021100205100 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 2, 348.2930021200470275 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 5, 920.3040021100208100 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 7.7930021100423265 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 54.1930021100425269 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 6, 234.3940021100203100 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 8.3830021100404510 24of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 10 of 14 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 726.7740021100204100San Diego Gas & Electric/Sundry@0000231206- Apr-1700295402 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 57.7230021100422264 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 814.6630021100413611 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 476.0730021100418100 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005 3/ 17 44.2730021100421263 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 377.9040021100204100 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 3, 701.3740021100208100 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 14.7930021100424267 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 184.0930021200470275 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 2, 313.0720021100501100 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 2, 381.4440021100202100 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 612.8940021100205100 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 175.7530021100418100 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 7.7930021100418100 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 39.3330021100421263 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 16.3730021100422264 Group Sundry bill 7003797598 3/ 17 1, 898.5210021100106100 Total for Check 00295402 30, 399. 51 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 350.9930041200419100SCS Engineers@0000539306- Apr-1700295403 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 936.2630041200402510 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 1, 052.9630041200404510 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 1, 286.3630041200401510 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 116.9730041200417100 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 1, 638.2330041200418100 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 701.9730041200412231 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 818.9430041200405520 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 350.9930041200413611 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 1, 169.9130041200411211 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 116.9730041200410510 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 116.9830041200406510 Public Works Written Safety Programs: 0297474 116.9730041200420261 Total for Check 00295403 8, 774. 50 Instructor Payment Winter 2016 6004. 301- 03. 17 384.0040041180208100SD SkateLife@0001112006- Apr-1700295404 Repair and Replace Glass and Seals at CityHalCSI- 16- 0069 24, 552.7560041201000P3501FSea Breeze Glass & Construction@0000581900295405 Pre- employment Physical 306318408 60.0010049160601100Sharp Rees- Stealy MedicalCenter@0000281400295406 Pre- employment Physical 306320485 160.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306322192 60.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306322702 60.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306323245 45.0010049160601100 25of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 11 of 14 Pre- employment Physical 306323246 60.0010049160601100Sharp Rees- Stealy MedicalCenter@0000281406- Apr-1700295406 Pre- employment Physical 306446970 82.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306446971 45.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306446972 34.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306447009 60.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306449413 60.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306449423 547.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306449424 27.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306449425 34.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306521221 60.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306521222 45.0010049160601100 TB Testing 306568339 41.0040049160200100 Pre- employment Physical 306569434 55.0010049160601100 Pre- employment physical 306590673 60.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306591221 45.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306591222 60.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306604668 60.0010049160601100 Pre- employment Physical 306604669 45.0010049160601100 Total for Check 00295406 1, 805. 00 Fuel Delivery: Fleet 03/ 29/ 17 0375140- IN 8, 341.5930047990413611SoCo Group Inc. @0001006006-Apr-1700295407 Unit 922: Breaker Plug ( 6) & Door Arm ( 2) 483736 91.9430047990413611South Coast Emergency VehicleService@0000718300295408 Radar repair 317094 190.0020043080504100Southern California Radar/ Laser CertificationLaborato@0001051500295409 Hamburger Factory: electrical supplies 7148- 543216 113.5330047600419100Specialty Electric Supply Co. @0000716000295410 City Hall: electrical supplies 7148- 543356 474.1030047600419100 Library: electrical supply 7148- 543357 263.7730047600419100 Water Treatment Plant: electrical supplies 7148- 543482 164.1730047600419100 City Hall: electrical supply 7148- 543705 38.4730047600419100 Water Treatment Plant: electric supplies 7148- 543709 91.2330047600419100 Total for Check 00295410 1, 145. 27 Lake Poway Erosion RGP63: application fee RGP 63 720.0060041201000P1180DState Water Resources ControlBoard@0001158006- Apr-1700295411 Crossrock and Holland 850952 967.1730043240411211Superior ReadyMix@0000314300295412 120 Gallons EM- 2 852961 646.503004320A0411211 Total for Check 00295412 1, 613. 67 Video Streaming Services - Mar 2017 8762 725.0010041200106100Swagit Productions, LLC@0001152206- Apr-1700295413 Human Resources Director Recruitment 17- 0330- 43 1, 156.2510017990013100Teri Black & CompanyLLC@0001105500295414 release of remaining cash bond G12- 0010 4, 825.0790059800399762The Scheuer Family Living Trust dated 3/ 27/ 2002----- 00295415 CSD Calcard- Greg Sundberg - 3/ 17 00010444. 3/ 17 - 21.608644100U. S. Bank Corporate Payment System-CS@0001037100295416 CSD Calcard- Greg Sundberg - 3/ 17 00010444. 3/ 17 458.5340047600202100 26of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 12 of 14 CSD Calcard- Greg Sundberg - 3/ 17 00010444. 3/ 17 97.0740047100202100U. S. Bank Corporate Payment System-CS@0001037106- Apr-1700295416 CSD Calcard- Christine Hill - 3/ 15 00267424. 3/ 17 253.4040047600205100 CSD Calcard- Christine Hill - 3/ 15 00267424. 3/ 17 169.8440049280205100 CSD Calcard- Christine Hill - 3/ 15 00267424. 3/ 17 5.1940047200205100 CSD Calcard- Christine Hill - 3/ 15 00267424. 3/ 17 30.0040049240200100 CSD Calcard- Christine Hill - 3/ 15 00267424. 3/ 17 460.1840045140205100 CSD Calcard- Christine Hill - 3/ 15 00267424. 3/ 17 59.7140047500205100 CSD Calcard - Ronald Saldana - 3/ 17 00315760- 3/ 17 29.9540041200201100 CSD Calcard - Ronald Saldana - 3/ 17 00315760- 3/ 17 695.0040041200208100 CSD Calcard - Ronald Saldana - 3/ 17 00315760- 3/ 17 242.7340047600208100 CSD Calcard- Allie Margis - 3/ 17 00348159. 3/ 17 368.4440047600202100 CSD Calcard - Carrie Sanchez - 03/ 17 02285321- 03/ 17 459.0040041200201100 CSD Calcard - Carrie Sanchez - 03/ 17 02285321- 03/ 17 106.6740045160208100 CSD Calcard - Carrie Sanchez - 03/ 17 02285321- 03/ 17 358.4440047600208100 CSD Calcard - Annie Ransom - 3/ 17 17611106. 3/ 17 56.7940047600207100 CSD Calcard - Annie Ransom - 3/ 17 17611106. 3/ 17 340.9140047100202100 CSD Calcard - Annie Ransom - 3/ 17 17611106. 3/ 17 106.8440049280207100 CSDCalCard - Lisa Najmi Mar2017 1761- 1684- 03/ 17 775.1540047990204100 CSD Calcard - Ashley Cain - 03/ 17 19239914- 03/ 17 25.0040049320201100 CSD Calcard - Ashley Cain - 03/ 17 19239914- 03/ 17 85.0040041200208100 CSD Calcard - Ashley Cain - 03/ 17 19239914- 03/ 17 554.6540047600208100 CSD Calcard - Ashley Cain - 03/ 17 19239914- 03/ 17 21.0040014300200100 CSD Calcard - Ashley Cain - 03/ 17 19239914- 03/ 17 49.3940047500208100 CSD Calcard - Ashley Cain - 03/ 17 19239914- 03/ 17 - 15.508644100 CSdCalCard - Kelcie Kopf Mar 2017 1993- 3326- 03/ 17 9.7740047100204100 CSdCalCard - Kelcie Kopf Mar 2017 1993- 3326- 03/ 17 1, 101.8540049220204100 CSdCalCard - Kelcie Kopf Mar 2017 1993- 3326- 03/ 17 184.3040047600204100 CSdCalCard - Kelcie Kopf Mar 2017 1993- 3326- 03/ 17 73.4240014300200100 Total for Check 00295416 7, 141. 12 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 199.0020014300501100U. S. Bank Corporate Payment System-SS@0001151606- Apr-1700295417 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 38.9420047100503100 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 38.7160015201000P1187A SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 140.2320015200501100 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 280.0020031300501100 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 189.9220041200501100 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 53.7920045160501100 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 32.8620047600501100 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 41.2820047600501100 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 603.0920047990501100 27of29May22017Item12 Check Payee/ Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmtNumberDate Warrants From 4/ 3/ 2017 - 4/ 7/ 2017 Register of Demands Page 13 of 14 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 152.1520014300501100U. S. Bank Corporate Payment System-SS@0001151606- Apr-1700295417 SSD credit card charges - March 2017 455679376- 0317 347.8220043080501100 Total for Check 00295417 2, 117. 79 Portable services - Training Tower 18515 147.4720047990501100United SiteServices@0000652206- Apr-1700295418 Replenish postage meter/ acct 0000105426 105426- 4/ 17 5, 000.0010033200106100United States PostalService@0000254900295419 Library Landscape Conversion Project RETENREL UC 4, 254.7560041201000P1167CUrban Corps of San DiegoCounty@0001139700295420 UCM Powerbill audit - Savings Shr Q42016 22352 4, 273.373002140K0402510Utility Cost ManagementLLC@0001148600295421 UCM Powerbill audit - Savings Shr Q42016 22352 58.733002140A0402510 UCM Powerbill audit - Savings Shr Q42016 22352 164.1630021100418100 UCM Powerbill audit - Savings Shr Q42016 22352 404.8140021100205100 Total for Check 00295421 4, 901. 07 Sheriff' s Parking Tickets - printing 075292 991.5320049220504100Vanguard----- 06- Apr-1700295422 Emergency Phones 02/ 21/ 17 - 3/ 30/ 17 9782516797 2.6410033100106100Verizon Wireless@0000327000295423 Field / Mobile Broadband Data - March 2017 9782483091 38.011002200010410000295424Public Works: keys 8916 15.6130043040419100Village Lock andKey@0000266300295425 Citywide Janitorial Services 4258 1, 469.4840041140206100VIP JanitorialService@0000503000295426 Citywide Janitorial Services 4258 12, 259.1530041140419100 City Hall: power wash patio and windowcleanin4259 250.0030041140419100 Library: sanitary supplies 4260 445.5840047200206100 Sanitary supplies 4261 1, 818.0930047200419100 Total for Check 00295426 16, 242. 30 release of erosion control security MDRA16- 002 2, 000.0090059800399762VR Mason, Inc.----- 06- Apr-1700295427 Fleet Shop: Blk C- Box 160408 310.7830043120413611Wanco Inc. @0001151900295428 The Lake: sanitary supplies 76597474 401.6830047200419100Waxie@0000273000295429release of erosion control security MDRA12- 061 2, 000.0090059800399762Weaver, John & Julie----- 00295430 83- 1B tree and stump removal 123889 540.0030041200427262West Coast Arborists, Inc. @0000563900295431 Water Dist: 5 gal VP 50: 1 mixed fuel 38702 102.3630047600404510Western Mower andEngine@0000279400295432 Mixed Fuel 38930 87.1230047600418100 Unit SE411: Carb( 1), Wng Blt( 1), Lid( 1) 39085 72.7930047990413611 Total for Check 00295432 262. 27 City Hall Assistant City Manager office 17- 148 565.0030041200419100Windco Painting, Inc. @0000629406-Apr-1700295433 Ambulance Billing - March 2017 17030574 4, 536.0010041200102100Wittman Enterprises, LLC@0001152600295434 Erosion Control Security Release MDRA16- 021 2, 000.0010059800399762Worden, Robert & Jill----- 00295435 Payroll W/ H EFT for PE# 07 040317 PE# 07 21, 501.048624100U. S. Dept. of theTreasury@0001056903- Apr-1700904206 Payroll W/ H EFT for PE# 07 040317 PE# 07 98, 281.148621100 Total for Check 00904206 119, 782. 18 Payroll W/ H EFT for PE# 07 040317 PE# 07 30, 227.508622100Employment DevelopmentDepartment@0001057003- Apr-1700904207 28of29May22017Item12 G1 OF PO n 41 t I " orpora[ed 1980 TY IN THE GO DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT May 2, 2017 APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED CONTINUED Resolution No. HonorableMayor and Members of the City Council NancyNeufeld, City Clerk ..g4v 858) 668 -4535 or nneufeld(, Poway. org Approval of Minutes TheCity CouncilMeeting Minutessubmitted hereto for approval are: April 4, 2017 Special City Council MeetingMinutes April 4, 2017 Regular City Council MeetingMinutes The Poway City Council sits as the Poway Planning Commission, the Poway Housing Authority, the Public Financing Authority, and the Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Councilapprove the Minutes as submitted. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. April 4, 2017Special City Council MeetingMinutes B. April 4, 2017 Regular City CouncilMeetingMinutes Reviewed /Approved By Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Approved By: MorganFoley Tina M. White City Attorney City Manager 1 of 7 May 2, 2017 Item # 1.3 2 of 7 Attachment A May 2, 2017 Item # 1.3 CITYOF POWAY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES April 4, 2017 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California Per GovernmentCode 54953) Meeting Called to Orderas City Council/Poway Housing Authority/PlanningCommission/Public Financing Authority and Successor Agency to the PowayRedevelopment Agency) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vauscalled the Special Meeting to order at6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Cunningham, Grosch, Mullin, Leonard, Vaus STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT CityManagerTinaWhite; AssistantCityManagerWendyKaserman; Deputy City Attorney Randall Sjoblom CLOSED SESSION As requested by DeputyCity Attorney Sjoblom, the CityCounciladjournedintoClosedSession at 6:01p.m. Conference withLabor Negotiators – Government Code Section §54957.6 City DesignatedNegotiators: TinaWhite, City Manager Wendy Kaserman, AssistantCityManager EmployeeOrganizations: Teamsters Local911 PowayFirefightersAssociation Management, Supervisory & ConfidentialUnit ADJOURNMENT CityCouncilcame outof ClosedSession at 6:55p.m. andadjourned the special meeting. NancyNeufeld, CMC CityClerk City of Poway, California NOTE: These draft meeting minutes are not official until approved by the City Council at the next scheduled meeting. 3 of 7 Attachment B May 2, 2017 Item # 1.3 CITY OFPOWAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 4, 2017 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California Per GovernmentCode 54953) MeetingCalled to Order as City Council/City of Poway PlanningCommission/Poway Housing Authority/Public Financing Authority and Successor Agency to the PowayRedevelopment Agency) CALL TO ORDER MayorVauscalledthe Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Cunningham, Grosch, Mullin, Leonard, Vaus STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT City Manager Tina White, Assistant City Manager Wendy Kaserman, Deputy City Attorney RandallSjoblom, City ClerkNancyNeufeld, DevelopmentServicesDirector Bob Manis, Acting Director of FinancePeterMoote, PublicWorksDirector MichaelObermiller, Fire Chief Mark Sanchez, Captain Todd Richardson, Sheriff’s Department. Note: Hereinafter the titles Mayor, DeputyMayor, Councilmember, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney, CityClerk and Director of AdministrativeServices shall be used to indicateMayor/Chair, DeputyMayor/ViceChair, Councilmember/Director, City Manager/Executive Director, Assistant City Manager/AssistantExecutive Director, City Attorney/Counsel, CityClerk/Secretary and Director of AdministrativeServices/FinanceOfficer.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DeputyMayorLeonard led the pledge of allegiance. PRESENTATION Fire ChiefMark Sanchez presentedservice recognitions to AndyPage forhis 30-yearanniversary and Scott Postfor his25-Year Anniversarywith the City. PublicWorks Director, Michael Obermillerpresentedservicerecognition to Sam Lanning for his 10-YearAnniversarywith the City. MayorVaus presented a proclamationrecognizingPowayAmerican CancerSociety’s Relay for Lifeto Pastor Joe MartinandBeverlyFlynn. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Anne O’Rourke thankedCouncil for their support of the Relay for Life event. Joaquin F. Nunezproposed a street name change forSycamoreAvenueinorder to clarify the variousstreet segments. NOTE:These draft meeting minutes are not official until approved by the City Council at the next scheduled meeting. City of Poway – Minutes – April 4, 2017 4 of 7 April 18, 2017 Item # 1.3 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved By RollCall Vote) Motioned by CouncilmemberCunningham, seconded by Councilmember Grosch to approve Consent Calendar items 1.1 through 1.6. Motioncarried by the following roll-call vote: Ayes: Cunningham, Grosch, Mullin, Leonard, Vaus Noes: None Absent: None 1.1 Approval of Reading byTitleonly and Waiver of Reading in full of Ordinances on Agenda 1.2 Ratification/Approval of Warrant Registers for the periods of February 13 throughFebruary 17, 2017 andFebruary 20 through February 24, 2017 1.3 Approval of theMarch 7, 2017 Regular City CouncilMeeting Minutes 1.4 Acceptance of Upgrade of thePerforming Arts CenterFireAlarm System, Bid No. 16-028 1.5 Report of EmergencyRepairExpendituresPertaining tothe 2017 WinterStorm Event Made Under Authority of Resolution No. 17-004Adopted on January 24, 2017 1.6 Adoption of ResolutionNo. P-17-06 entitled “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of PowayCalifornia, Terminating the Ad-Hoc Committee for the PowayRoad CorridorStudy PRCS) Project.” Councilmember Mullin encouragedcontinued public participation in the scheduled meetings, as the City continues to seekinputanddirectionfrom the community for the Poway RoadCorridor Study. 2. ORDINANCE None. 3. PUBLIC HEARING 3.1 Tentative ParcelMap 15-001, Underground Waiver 16-001, and Minor Development Review 17-001; a proposal for a two-lot subdivision of a 0.49-acre parcel located at 13737 Temple Street in theResidential Single Family – 7 (RS-7) zone, and a request to waive the requirement to undergroundexistingoverheadutilities. (Continued from March 21, 2017.) AssociatePlannerOdaAudishpresentedthe report alongwith a PowerPointpresentation. Ms. Audish stated the applicantsare proposing tosplit theproperty into two parcelsalong with converting an existing guest house into a single-family residence. No speakers. In response to Councilinquiriesregardingparkingandmaintenance of Temple Street, Ms. Audishexplained thatthe applicant is required to enterinto a privatestreet maintenance agreement and that anyparkingissues along the roadway willbe addressed by theprivate property owners. City of Poway – Minutes – April 4, 2017 5 of 7 April 18, 2017 Item # 1.3 Motioned by Councilmember Mullin, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leonard to closethe public hearing and adopt a Resolution entitled “A Resolution of the CityCouncil of the City of Poway, California, Approving Tentative Parcel Map 15-001, and Underground Waiver 16-001, Minor Development Review Application 17-001 Assessor’s ParcelNumber 314-220-58.” Motion carried unanimously. 4. STAFF REPORT 4.1 WaterFund – Cost Allocation Plan and Revenue/Cost SavingSources ActingFinanceDirector PeterMoote gave the staffreport alongwith a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Moote stated thatan evaluation was conducted at the request ofthe Council at the January 10, 2017meeting. Hehighlighted recommended modifications to the overhead cost allocations and distribution of revenue andshiftingresultingcostsavings between the WaterFund and theGeneralFund. He reviewed the proposedoptionswhich could result in smallerincreases to water commodity rates and/or metercharges. Peter Moy, representing FCSGroup, presented a report and PowerPointpresentation regarding the findings ofthe recent cost allocation plan andrevenue/cost savingstudy. No speakers. Councilcommentsandquestionsensued. In response to Councilinquiry, Acting Finance Director Mooteexplainedthat the amount of waterusedbyCity facilities is metered and monitored. Facilities are mapped out, individuallymetered and treated like a payingcustomer to determinetheamount tobe reimbursed tothe waterfund for eachfacility. In addition, Mr. Moote explained that there are certain activities relatedtothe support of cell towersitesthatareattributable tothe generalfund, such as conditional use permits, financialplanningandlease management. Mr. Moote alsostated that revenues from cell towerleasesvaryasadvancesin technology occur and the wirelesscarriers determine to decommission cell towersites. Staff is recommendingthat the current practice of attributing cellsite lease revenue to theGeneral Fund be retained. Motioned by Mayor Vaus, seconded by Councilmember Mullin to provide direction to staff to; 1) Attribute proportionate energy cost savings from the solar powerpurchase agreement for the Pomerado Road/Ted Williams Parkway solar project to the Water Fund, once the project is operational; 2) Reimburse the Water Fund for waterused at City facilities atthe rawwater cost; 3) Update the Cost Allocation Plan for water conservation activities; and 4) Maintain the City’s existing practice of attributing cell- site revenue to the General Fund.” Motioncarried unanimously. City of Poway – Minutes – April 4, 2017 6 of 7 April 18, 2017 Item # 1.3 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 Workshop #3 on PowayRoad Corridor Study DevelopmentServicesDirector Bob Manisgave a briefupdate onthe progress ofthe Poway Road Corridor Study and an overview ofthe outreach to thecommunity and stakeholders since the last CouncilworkshopheldMay 17, 2016. City PlannerJoseph Lim presented the reportalong with a PowerPoint presentation outlining five proposed landuse categories to specifysubareas for land use and development. The landuse categoriesinclude a Town Centerconcept, several commercialdesignationsand mixed-use of retail and residential. Mr. Lim stated the purpose oftheplan is to facilitate futuredevelopmentalong the corridor guidedby thecommunityand the CityCouncil. Speaker in Support: Dave Dilday, Jim Lyon, Toni Bates, Pete Babich, MaryBaker, Marco DeDominicisand Dee Fleischman. Councildiscussion included the number of new residential unitsthatwould be allowedby the plan and the densityproposed to attractdevelopersinterested in investing in Poway’s future growth; theincreased traffic and needfor adequate parking with any development; and the desire to includeopenspacesandpedestrian friendly streetscapes. Councildiscussedconcernsregardingelements ofthe draft planallowing an increase tothe maximumbuildingheight of35feet; the overall development design standards andtheme for Poway Road; andtherecommended area for inclusion ofthe additionalhousing. Followingfurtherdiscussion, Council concurred they wanted inputfrom potential developers in order to move forwardwith any recommendations for increased height limits, densityand mixed-use development. Council alsogave direction to staff to reach outto potential developers and the community andthen to followupwith a “workingforum” workshop dedicated to testing the market and developing a vision for thePoway RoadCorridor. 6. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS TheMayorandCouncilmade announcements and reported on various events takingplace in the City. No action was taken. Councilmember CunninghamannouncedMTS is seeking public input for theirupcomingtransit plan. 6.1Hike, BikeandRide CouncilmemberCunningham gave a presentation to highlighttheGoodanRanch/Sycamore CanyonCounty Preservehiking trail. 7. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. City of Poway – Minutes – April 4, 2017 7 of 7 April 18, 2017 Item # 1.3 8. CITYATTORNEY ITEMS Deputy City AttorneyRandall Sjoblom announced thattherewasno reportableaction in closed session. ADJOURNMENT Themeeting was adjourned at10:24p.m. Nancy Neufeld, CMC CityClerk City of Poway, California OF Pp C ^ 1"'orpowed tg80 IN THE GO City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: May 2, 2017 APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. Honorable Mayor and Members of the CityCouncil Michael Obermiller, P.E., Director of Public Works J Eric Heidemann Interim AssistantDirectorof Public Works eheidemann @poway.org. Acceptance of City Facilities Roofing 2016/2017, Bid No. 17 -004 This project consisted of re- roofing the Sheriff's substation and a restroom located at Lake Poway. Theproject included removal and replacement of theroof material, fascia, flashing and sheathing. The buildings had a total combined roof area of approximately 16,115 square feet. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Accept the City Facilities Roofing 2016/2017, BidNo. 17 -004, as complete; 2. Authorize the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Completion; 3. Authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $9,606.08, 45 daysafter City Council acceptance; 4. Release the Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company Bond for Material and Labor in the amountof $170,537.00; and 5. Retain the Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company Bond for Faithful Performance for a period of one year. Discussion On October 4, 2016, the City Council awarded the bid for City Facilities Roofing 2016/20171 Bid No. 17 -004, to Chambers Inc. dba Roof Construction in the amount of 170,537.00. Three change orders, for a total of $21,584.72, were processed and twelve rain days were added to the project. The change orders included the replacement of an aging boiler with its corresponding base in order to maintain warranty integrity, replacing a portion of support rafters that were cracked and damaged, and retrofitting of drains dueto stripped bolts. The change orders brought the final cost of the contract to $192,121.72. 1 of 2 May 2, 2017, Item # 1.4 Acceptance ofCity Facilities Roofing May 2, 2017 Page 2 The notice to proceed was issued on November 23, 2016, the final date of completion was February 3, 2017. Staff finds the project to be complete in accordance with the standards and specifications of the contract. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to California Environmental Quality Act review. Fiscal Impact: Sufficientfunds are available in the Fiscal Year 2016 -17 Capital Facilities Replacement, account 3501 B -1 000P -4120, for the release of retention. Public Notification: A copy of this reportwas sent to Chambers Inc. dba Roof Construction. Reviewed /Approved By: Reviewed By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By: Tina M. White City Manager 2 of 2 May 2, 2017, Item # 1.4 rporatrd 1980 ITY IN THE CO City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. DATE: May 2, 2017 TO: HonorableMayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Mike Obermiller, P.E., Direct¢r.Qf PublicWorks mobermiller @poway.org CONTACT: Eric Heidemann, Interim Assistant Directorof Public Works eheidemann @poway.org SUBJECT: Acceptanceof General Maintenance and Repair - Windows, BidNo. 17 -006 Summary: This project consisted of the removal and replacement of 40 dual pane windows and replacement of weather stripping of selected windows at City Hall and the Council Chambers. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Accept the General Maintenance and Repair - Windows, Bid No. 17 -006, as complete; 2. Authorize theCity Clerk to file andrecord theNoticeof Completion; 3. Authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $1,292.25, 45 days after City Council acceptance; 4. Release the American Contractors Indemnity Company Bond for Material and Labor in the amount of $25,000.00; and 5. Retain the American Contractors Indemnity Company Bond for Faithful Performance for a period of one year. Discussion: On November 15, 2016, the City Council approved the termination of the bid for window repair at City Hall and the City Council Chambers after not receiving any bids for the project, and directed staff to make an open market purchase or use competitive negotiations to complete the work. These directions are pursuant to Poway Municipal Code Section 3.28.070 (E) and Public Contract Code 20167, and require City Council approval by a four -fifthsvote. City staff was able to negotiate with a City ofPoway business and awardedthecontract for General Maintenance and Repair - Windows, Bid No. 17 -006, to Sea Breeze Glass & Construction, Inc., in the amountof $25,845.00. Thenotice to proceed was issued on March 21, 2017, with the final date of completion on April 4, 2017. 1 of 2 May 2, 2017, Item # 1.5 Acceptance of General Maintenance and Repair May 2, 2017 Page 2 Stafffinds the project to be complete in accordance with the standards and specifications of the contract. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to California Environmental Quality Act review. Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds are available in the Fiscal Year 2016 -17 Capital Facilities Replacement, account 3501 F- 1 000P- 4120, for the release of retention. Public Notification: A copy of thisreport was sent to Sea Breeze Glass & Construction, Inc. Attachments: None Reviewed /Approved By: Reviewed By: Approved bye Wendy Kaserman Morgan Foley Tina White Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Manager 2 of 2 May 2, 2017, Item # 1.5 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: May 2, 2017 APPROVED D APPROVEDAS AMENDED D SEEMINUTES) DENIED D REMOVED D CONTINUED- RESOLUTIONNO. ___ _ HonorableMayor and Members of the City Council Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk v1£M/ 858)668-4535 or nneufeld@poway.org Resolution Amending the City's Records RetentionSchedule The CityClerk's Officeisundertaking an activeCitywideRecordsManagement Program review to efficiently and consistently manage City records inall departments. General records managementprinciplesrecommendreview and update of retention schedules periodically to ensure that the agency has an up-to-date inventoryof documents and that current administrative procedures and legal mandates are applied. TheRecords RetentionSchedulewas lastupdated in 2014 along with an amended Records Management Policy. Staff is not recommendingchanges to the Records Management Policy at this time asa review of the policywill be undertaken during part of the larger citywide programreview. Recommended Action: It is recommendedthattheCityCouncil adopt the attachedresolutionapprovingrevisions tothe City's RecordsRetention Schedule. Discussion: Establishing a RecordsRetention Schedule is a policy decision of the City Council. A RecordsRetention Schedule is a list of all records produced or maintained by an agency and the length of time for which those records are kept. It is within an agency's legalauthority to receive, create, retain, and dispose of official public records. The RecordsRetentionSchedule assists the agency by documenting the department/officeof record, identifying whichrecords are considered "vital," which records have historicor researchvalue, andwhichrecordsshould be destroyedbecause they no longer have administrative, fiscal, or legal value. In theevent of litigation, courts accept aretention schedule as establishingan agency's "normalcourse for doing business." 1 of 38 May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 RecordsRetention Schedule May 2, 2017 Page 2 Provisions within Federal and State lawmandatethe minimum length of time certaintypes of recordsmust be kept, includingpermanent retention for some documents. Additionally, an agency mayadministratively decide to retaincertain records longer than required by State andFederallaw. The revised Records RetentionSchedule has beenupdated to comply with local, state and federalrequirements as well as City policy. Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. a recognized expertinpublic recordsmanagement, has completed an assessment of the schedule and all legal references for accuracy and found the schedule to be consistent with accepted recordsmanagement practices and in compliance with current State and Federal law governing records retention. At thistime, it is recommended that onlyminormodifications resulting from this review be made tothe Records Retention Schedule. Further revisions to the schedule wouldcome after the completion of the comprehensive organizationalrecordsmanagementprogram and policy review. The proposed changesto the Records RetentionSchedule are summarized in Attachment A. New functionalfiling numbers have been added to identify and apply retention to categories pertaining to Conflict of Interestand Fair Political Practices Commission formsmandated by the State. Also, certain administrativechangesreflect changing operations and methods of managing the City's records. Theseupdates offer areduction to current and future recordsstorage costs, eliminateduplication of effort, increase efficiency, andallowthe City to takeadvantage of currenttechnology. Attachment C lists theentire Records RetentionSchedule incorporating all City records identified witharetention. It should be noted that there isno change to the Policy for approvalof records destruction requests and that theserequestswillcontinue to be reviewedbythedepartment's director, City Clerk, City Attorney and presented to the City Council for approval. Environmental Review: Environmental review is not requiredaccording to CEQAguidelines. Fiscal Impact: None. Public Notification: None. 2 of38 May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File Record Description Former Retention Recommended Retention Justification 0160 0160 10 Awards Donations Community Contributions,4th of July,Mayor for the Day) Permanent2 years State Law Administrative Decision 0360 0360 70 Reports,Fire Prevention Activity Includes single event fire permits,prevention activity reports) 2 years5 years State Law Federal Law 0720 0720 11FPPC Form 801 Gift to Agency Report)4 years7 yearsState Law 0720 17 FPPC Form 806 Agency Report of Public Official Appointments) 2 years7 yearsState Law 0725 0725 40Nomination Papers Successful Candidates) Election 4 years Term 4 years Per Secretary of State 0725 40Nomination Papers Unsuccessful Candidates) Election 4 years Election 2 years Per Secretary of State 0725 40Certificates of Election Term of Election 4 years Permanent Per Secretary of State 0725 51Secretary of State Correspondence7 years2 yearsState Law 0800 0800 50 Uniform Code Books California Building Codes CBC UPC,UEC,etc.) Permanent Until Superseded State Law 1020 1020 35Recreation Class Liability WaiversTerm 18 yearsTerm 2 yearsState Law Construction Engineering Building Community Services Recreation Programs Proposed Changes to the City of Poway Records Retention Schedule ADMINISTRATION PublicRelations Information PUBLIC SAFETY,HEALTH SOCIAL Fire Protection Services Legal and Legislative Conflicts of Interest Elections 4 of 38Attachment A May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 0190 0190 50OSHA Logs,Log 300,300A,etc N/A5 years State Law Federal Law 0330 0330 15AQMD Permits Generators,etc.)N/A5 years State Law Federal Law 0360 0360 75 Fire Code Citations Notice of Violations Inspections N/APermanent State Law Federal Law 0500 0500 10 1095 C EmployerProvided Health Insurance Offer Coverage) N/A5 years State Law Federal Law 0720 0720 13FPPC Form803 Behested Payment Report)N/APermanentState Law 0720 14FPPC Form804 Agency Report of New Positions)N/APermanentState Law 0720 16FPPC Form805 Agency Report of Consultants)N/A7 yearsState Law 0725 0725 25 Candidate Handbook Instruction to candidates) Candidate BriefingWorkshop presentation materials) N/A Election 4 years State Law Administrative Decision 0725 45 Candidate/Committee Organization/Termination Statements N/A4 yearsState Law 1120 1120 20 Vehicle Pre Trip InspectionsDailyVehicle Inspections N/A2 yearsState Law 1130 1130 20 GeneratorOperations Logs Inspections Fixed Stationary Generators N/A3 yearsState Law 1130 30 GeneratorOperations Logs Inspections Portable Emergency Generators N/A5 yearsState Law Fire Protection Services Human Resources Personnel Administration Proposed Additions to the City of Poway Records Retention Schedule Risk Management Mechanical Equipment PUBLIC SAFETY,HEALTH SOCIAL Environmental Issues Conservation Fleet Maintenance/Rolling Stock Legal and Legislative Conflicts of Interest Elections 5 of 38 May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 6 of 38 Attachment B May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 RESOLUTION NO. 17-_____ A RESOLUTION OF THECITYCOUNCIL OF THECITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THECITYOF POWAY RECORDS RETENTIONSCHEDULE WHEREAS, the CityCouncil of theCity of Poway recognizes its responsibility and obligation to foster efficient and cost-effectivegovernment and furtherrecognizes the centralimportance of the management and protectionof its records; WHEREAS, the maintenance of numerous records is expensive, slows document retrieval, andhinders the effective and efficientoperation ofthe government of theCity of Poway; WHEREAS, a soundprogramofrecords management, disclosure, and retention demonstrates to legal andregulatoryauthoritiesthat the City of Poway is making every reasonableeffort toretain and dispose of its records in a responsiblemannerand in accordancewith StateandFederal regulations, applicableguidelines and good businesspractices; and WHEREAS, it is necessaryto revise theRecordsRetentionScheduleon a periodic basis in orderto maintain anup-to-date inventory of records andtoensurethat current legal mandates areapplied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bytheCityCouncilof the City of Poway asfollows: Section 1: The amended RecordsRetention Schedule as set forth in Exhibit 1” is herebyestablished, which provides for retention of records in accordance with legal, regulatory, and operating requirements; promptdispositionofrecordsupon expiration of their retention periods; identificationand protection of vital Cityrecords; andpreservationofrecords, havingarchival or historicalvalue to theCity. Section 2: Theterm “records” asusedhereinshallincludedocuments, instructions, books, microforms, electronic files, magnetictapes, opticalmedia, or papers; as defined bythe CaliforniaPublicRecordsAct. Section 3: This resolutionshall supersede and replace anyandall resolutions previouslyadopted or actions taken bythe Council with respect to RecordsRetention SchedulesfortheCityofPowayandshallbecomeeffective immediately uponits passage and adoption. Resolution No. 17-___ Page2 7 of 38 May2, 2017 Item # 1.6 PASSED, ADOPTEDANDAPPROVED by the City Council of theCity of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 2nd day of May2017. Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, CityClerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNTY OFSAN DIEGO ) I, NancyNeufeld, CityClerk of theCity of Poway, California, doherebycertify under penalty of perjurythat the foregoingResolution No. 17-___ wasduly adoptedby theCityCouncilat a meeting of saidCityCouncil held on the 2nd day of May2017, and that it was soadopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, CityClerk City of Poway Exhibit 1 City of PowayAmended January 7, 2014 RecordsRetention/Disposal ScheduleAmended May 2, 2017 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification All City Council StaffReportsshall be maintained permanently by the City Clerk’s Office Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Copies or Duplicates of Documents for whicha department is NOT the Office of Primary Responsibility Destroy whenno longer required StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0100 0100-20Administrative PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0100-30Organization ChartsUntil SupersededState Law 0100-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanentState Law 0110 0110-05 Administration 2 yearsState Law 0110-10 ActivityReports 2 yearsState Law 0110-20 Complaints & Inquiries, General 2 years after settlementState Law 0110-25 Compliments, General 2 yearsState Law 0110-30 DailyWork Logs/Reports/WorkOrders 2 yearsState Law 0110-35 Goals & Objectives, Departmental Until Superseded + 2 yearsState Law 0110-40 PublicRecordsRequests 2 yearsState Law 0110-45Staff Meetings DestroyWhen No LongerRequired State Law 0110-50 Staffing/Organization 2 years State Law 0110-60 StatusReports 2 years State Law 0110-70Work/VacationSchedules DestroyWhen No LongerRequired State Law 0110-80Procedures, Departmental Until Superseded + 2 years (minimum)State Law 0110-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0115 0115-10Correspondence2 yearsState Law 0115-20Chronological2 yearsState Law 0115-50Suspense/Tickler Files2 yearsState Law CaliforniaGovernmentCodeSections34090-34090.7,plusotherapplicablestateandfederal codesgovernretentionanddestructionofrecords.Originalpublicrecordsmaynotbedestroyed untilthepassageoftwoyearsanduntiltheotherrequirementsofSection34090etseq.have beenmet.Litigation,claims,complaints,auditsand/orinvestigations suspenddestructionuntil they are settled/resolved. Reference Departmental Administration General Administration ADMINISTRATION 8 of 38Attachment CMay 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0120 0120-05Administration2 yearsState Law Boards/Committees/Commissions5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision Committee Applications- Unsuccessful2 yearsState Law Agendas, SuccessfulAppointments, Resignations, Handbooks, Directories, Rosters, and StaffReports Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Minutes (Bylaws)PermanentState Law 0120-15 Regional Assignments - City Councilmembers PermanentState Law 0120-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0130 0130-05Administration2 yearsState Law Localand Civic Organizations2 yearsState Law Poway Today and Historical SocietyPermanentState Law 0140 0140-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0140-10Organizations-at-Large2 yearsState Law 0140-85Professional Associations2 yearsState Law 0150 0150-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0150-10Cities/Towns, Other2 yearsState Law 0150-20Regional Agencies2 yearsState Law 0150-30County Offices2 years State Law 0150-40Special Districts2 yearsState Law 0150-50State Agencies 2 yearsState Law 0150-60Federal Agencies2 yearsState Law 0150-70LAFCOPermanentState Law 0160 0160-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0160-10Awards & Donations2 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0160-20Brochures & Publications, CityPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0160-25Calendars2 yearsState Law 0160-30Customer Service Programs2 yearsState Law Governmental/RegulatoryAgencies Public Relations and Information 0120-10 0130-10 Boards, Committees, and Commissions Local and Civic Organizations Organizations-at-Large 9 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0160-35Emblems & FlagsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0160-45Historical RecordsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0160-46Military 5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0160-55News Media2 yearsState Law 0160-60News Clippings Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City record 0160-70Press Releases & Advertising2 yearsState Law 0160-71Legal Advertising4 yearsState Law 0160-75Public Ceremonies2 yearsState Law 0160-80Public Questionnaires & Surveys2 yearsState Law 0170 0170-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0170-20Destruction Lists/AuthorizationsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0170-25Email30 daysState Law 0170-50Records InventoriesUntil SupersededAdministrative Decision 0170-65Records Transfer Lists Until Superseded State Law AdministrativeDecision 0170-70Retention Schedules Until SupersededState Law 0170-80Publications & Reference Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0170-85Procedures Until Superseded + 2 year (minimum)StateLaw 0170-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanentState Law 0180 0180-05 Administration2 yearsState Law 0180-40Computer Information/Reference DestroyWhen No LongerRequired State Law 0180-80Network BackupTapes-DailyUntil SupersededState Law 0180-85Network Backup Tapes-WeeklyUntil SupersededState Law 0180-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Records Management Information Technology 10 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0190 0190-05Administration2 yearsState Law Claims Against theCity Closed + 7 years State Law AdministrativeDecision Claims, PaidClosed + 7 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0190-15Claims on Behalf ofthe CityClosed + 5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0190-25Accident/Injury/Incident ReportsClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0190-30Commercial Crime BondsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0190-40City Insurance PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0190-42Certificates of Insurance, Other 11 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0190-45Liability Waivers4 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0190-50OSHA Logs, Log300, 300A, etc5 years State Law Federal Law 0190-60Workers’ Compensation2 yearsState Law 0190-65Workers’ CompensationCaseFiles Closed + 30 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0190-75Safety Investigations5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0190-80Safety Programs2 yearsState Law 0190-85Safety Committee5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0190-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0200 0200-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0200-15Boundary AdjustmentsPermanentState Law 0200-16BlueprintsClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0200-20Major Development Reviews/ApprovalsPermanentState Law 0200-25Minor DevelopmentReviews/ApprovalsPermanentState Law COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Development/Subdivisions Risk Management 0190-10 11 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification BuildingPlans Commercial/Historical (Lifeofthe Building)PermanentState Law Residential – Two-story or less, garages andother structures, farm or ranch buildings, one-storybuilding wherespan between bearingwallsdoesnot exceed 25 feet. Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Plan Check – ExpiredPermanentState Law Plans – CIP (Includes Street, Curbs, Gutters, Sidewalkand Storm Drains)PermanentState Law 0200-30 Pre-DevelopmentConference/Preliminary Applications Closed + 2 yearsState Law 0200-50Tentative Parcel MapsPermanentState Law 0200-60Tentative Tract MapsPermanentState Law 0200-85ProceduresPermanentState Law 0200-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0210 0210-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0210-10AppealsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0210-20Home Occupation PermitsPermanentState Law 0210-30Major Conditional Use PermitsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0210-50Minor Conditional Use PermitsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0210-52Outdoor Display PermitPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0210-60Temporary Use Permits Term + 3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0210-70Variance Case FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0210-75APN Case FilesPermanentState Law 0210-80Zoning ChangesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0210-85Zoning InterpretationsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0210-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0220 0220-05Administration2 yearsState Law Land Use Controls City and Regional Planning 0200-27 12 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0220-10 Demographic & StatisticalData CensusRecords)Permanent Not a City Record AdministrativeDecision 0220-20Economic DevelopmentReference DestroyWhen No LongerRequired State Law 0220-25Economic Development ProjectsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0220-30General Plan & ElementsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0220-40General Plan AmendmentsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0220-60Specific Plans Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0220-65Master PlanPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0220-70Regional Planning DestroyWhen No LongerRequired State Law 0220-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0230 0230-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0230-10Incorporation RecordsPermanentState Law 0230-20Annexation Case FilesPermanentState Law 0230-30DetachmentsPermanentState Law 0230-40Spheres of Influence Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0230-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0240 0240-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0240-10Former RedevelopmentProjectCase FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0240-20Former RelocationAssistance Closed + 5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0240-30Former Redevelopment PlansPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0250 0250-05Administration2 yearsState Law CDBGProgram CaseFiles 10 years after funding with entryin audit Federal Law Financial Reports 10 yearsafterfunding with entryinaudit Federal Law City Organizationand Formation Former Redevelopment Agency Records Community Development Block Grant 0250-10 13 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0250-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0260 0260-05Administration5 yearsState Law 0260-10Affordable Housing Case FilesPermanentState and FederalLaw 0260-20Mobile Home Park Case FilesPermanentState andFederalLaw 0260-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0270 0270-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0270-10Case FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0270-80Historic Site InventoriesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0270-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0280 0280-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0280-20Comprehensive Sign Program PermitsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0280-30Sign Permits, Temporary Term + 2 yearsafter expiration State Law 0280-40City Identification Signs Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0280-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0290 0290-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0290-40Ride Sharing Program5 yearsState Law 0290-60Transit Services 2 yearsState Law 0290-70Transportation Planning, General2 yearsState Law 0290-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0300 0300-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Transportation PUBLIC SAFETY, HEALTH, AND SOCIAL SERVICES Animal Control Housing Programs Historic Site Preservation Sign Control 14 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0310-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0320 0320-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0320-10Disaster Planning 3years State Law CalEMA/FEMA 0320-20Communications 3years State Law CalEMA/FEMA 0320-25Community Resources DestroyWhen No LongerRequired Not a CityRecord 0320-30Disaster Case FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0320-35Emergency CallLists 3years State Law CalEMA/FEMA 0320-40Emergency Operations Center3 years State andFederalLaw CalEMA/FEMA 0320-45Emergency SheltersReimbursement + 7 years State and FederalLaw CalEMA/FEMA AdministrativeDecision 0320-50Financial AssistanceReimbursement + 7 years State andFederalLaw CalEMA/FEMA AdministrativeDecision 0320-55Mutual AssistanceReimbursement + 7 years State Law CalEMA/FEMA AdministrativeDecision 0320-60Operational PlansPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0320-65Public Education Programs2 yearsState Law 0320-70Training Programs Until Superseded + 5 years StateandFederalLaw 0320-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0330 0330-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0330-10Air QualityManagement DestroyWhen No LongerRequired State Law 0330-15AQMD Permits (Generators, etc.)5 years State Law Federal Law 0330-20Archaeological SurveysPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0330-30Community Gardens 2 yearsState Law 0330-35Energy Conservation Programs2 yearsState Law 0330-40Environmental Health Issues2 yearsState Law EmergencyPreparedness Environmental Issuesand Conservation 15 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0330-45 HazardousMaterialsSafetyDataSheets MSDS) or Databasecontaining listof chemical, substance or agent 30 yearsFederal Law 0330-50Hazardous MaterialsPermits Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0330-55Noise Pollution 2 yearsState Law 0330-60Resource Conservation Areas2 yearsState Law 0330-65Wildfire Defensible Space ProgramUntil SupersededState Law 0330-70Weed AbatementClosed + 3 yearsState Law 0330-75Recycling Program2 yearsState Law 0330-80 Wildlife Conservation - (general information, City brochures and publications) 3 yearsState Law 0330-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0340 0340-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0340-10Hospitals, TraumaCare Centers & Clinics2 yearsState Law 0340-30Vector Control Destroy When No Longer Required State Law 0340-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0350 0350-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0350-10Drunken DrivingProgram (DUI)2 yearsState Law 0350-20211 Program2 yearsState Law 0350-22 DomesticViolenceProgram/ For Parents' and Kids’ Sake 2 yearsState Law 0350-30Safe Surrender2 yearsState Law 0350-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0360 0360-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0360-10Ambulance & ParamedicServices PermanentState Law 0360-15Ambulance Service Authorization FormsPermanentState andFederalLaw 0360-17Apparatus & EquipmentEquipment Life + 3 yearsState Law 0360-19Daily ActivityReports & LogsPermanentState Law Fire Protection andServices Health Protection andServices Human Social Services and Programs 16 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0360-20Fire Safety ProgramsClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0360-22Fit TestingPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0360-25 GeographicalFiles - CommercialIndustrial (inspector's reports, sprinkler plans, underground plans, hazardouspermits, alarm plans, occupancypermits, Fire and Life Safety Inspections.) Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0360-30 GeographicalFiles – Residential (Sprinkler plansand inspections sheets.) Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0360-40Knox BoxLocation ListClosed State Law 0360-45ISO Insurance RatingsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0360-47Personnel-Training FilePermanentState Law 0360-49Rapid InterventionCrew Permanent State and FederalLaw AdministrativeDecision 0360-60Reports, Fire IncidentsTerm + 30 years StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0360-65Reports, InvestigationsPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0360-70Reports, Fire Prevention Activity5 years StateLaw Federal Law 0360-75 Fire Code Citations / Notice of Violations / Inspections Permanent StateLaw Federal Law 0360-80HIPAA Policies & Procedures6 yearsState Law 0360-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0370 0370-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0370-17EquipmentTerm + 3 yearsState Law 0370-20Alarm SystemsClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0370-40 Reports, Monthly/Quarterlyfrom San DiegoCountySheriff 3 yearsState Law 0370-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0380 0380-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0380-10Refuse/Trash Collection & ExemptionsClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0380-20Recycling Programs2 yearsState Law 0380-30Solid Waste Facilities/Landfills4 yearsState Law 0380-40Special Waste ProgramsClosed + 2 yearsState Law PoliceProtection andServices Integrated/Solid Waste Management 17 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0380-50Public Education & Information2 yearsState Law 0380-85Master PlansPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0380-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0400 0400-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0400-10Chart of Accounts Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0400-25Check Registers5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0400-30 Developer Trust Accounts / Deposit Accounts Closed + 5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0400-35Fixed AssetsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0400-40General LedgersYear-EndPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0400-45Journal Entries7 years afteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0400-84Reports, General (City Investments)7yearsafter auditState Law 0400-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0410 0410-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0410-10Audits, ComprehensiveAnnual - CAFRPermanentState Law 0410-20Audits, GrantsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0410-80Audit Preparation Records3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0410-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0420 0420-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0420-15Banking CorrespondenceTerm + 3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0420-20Bank Statements & Reconciliation7 yearsafter audit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0420-25Checks, Returned7 years afteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision FINANCE & FISCAL Accounting Audits Banking 18 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0420-30Checks, Voided/Cancelled7 years after audit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0420-50Signature Cards/AuthorizationsClosed + 3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0420-55Stop Payments7 years afteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0420-82Reports, Monthly Reconciliation7 yearsafter audit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0420-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0430 0430-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0430-10Budget Requests, Internal3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0430-30Revenue Estimates7 yearsafteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0430-40Operating Budgets5 yearsState Law 0430-50Capital Improvement Budget10 yearsState Law 0430-60Departmental Budget 2 yearsState Law 0430-70Budget PreparationFiles 2 yearsState Law 0430-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0440 0440-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0440-10Bond Issue RecordsMaturity + 10 yearsState Law 0440-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0450 0450-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0450-10Certificates of Deposit7 years afteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0450-20Investment Information, General2 yearsState Law 0450-30Investment PortfolioPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0450-40Local AgencyInvestmentFund (LAIF)2 yearsState Law 0450-80Reports, Investment7 years afteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0450-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Bond Issues/Debt Service Investments Budgeting 19 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0460 0460-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0460-30W-2 Forms 7 yearsState and FederalLaw 0460-40Time Cards7 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0460-50Payroll RegistersPermanentState Law 0460-60Quarterly Payroll Tax Reports7 years State and FederalLaw AdministrativeDecision 0460-65Deferred Compensation AccountingPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0460-75Vacation & SickLeave Accounting7 years StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0470 0470-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0470-10Deferred CompensationReports DestroyWhen No LongerRequired Not a CityRecord 0470-40 PERS (PublicEmployeesRetirement Accounts) Reports Endof Coverage and/or Death + 2 years State and FederalLaw 0470-45PARS (Retirement Enhancement Plan)Endof Coverage and/or Death + 2 years State and FederalLaw 0470-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0475 0475-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0475-20Accounts Payable 7yearsafteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0475-301099 Forms7 yearsafteraudit State and FederalLaw AdministrativeDecision 0475-40 RedevelopmentAgency – Obligation Payment 7 yearsafteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0475-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0480 0480-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0480-30Purchase Requisitions 7yearsafter audit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0480-40Purchase Orders 7years afteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0480-42Unsuccessful Bids2 yearsState Law Purchasing Payroll Pension & Retirement FundsReports Accounts Payable 20 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0480-55Central Supply Requisitions7 years after audit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0480-60Supply InventoriesUntil SupersededState Law 0480-70Surplus Property Disposition3 years after disposition State Law AdministrativeDecision 0480-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0490 0490-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0490-10Accounts Receivable7 years afteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision Billings & Receipts7 years afteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision Water/SewerRates – Master Fee Schedule 2 yearsState Law 0490-28Business CertificatesClosed + 3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0490-30Regulatory LicensesClosed + 3 yearsState Law 0490-45Fee StudiesPermanentState Law 0490-50Donations to the City3 yearsState Law 0490-51Grants – All5 yearsafter auditState andFederalLaw 0490-54Grants – UnsuccessfulClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0490-55Parking Citations3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0490-60Receipts, Daily Cash7 years afteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0490-75Taxes7 years after auditState and FederalLaw 0490-76Weed/Nuisance Abatement7 years afteraudit State Law AdministrativeDecision 0490-80County Funding Programs3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0490-84Regional Funding Programs3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0490-85 City FundingPrograms, General Neighborhood Loan Programs)3 yearsState Law 0490-86State FundingPrograms, General State Reimbursement + 7 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0490-88Federal FundingPrograms, General3 yearsState Law 0490-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Revenue & Taxation 0490-15 21 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0500 0500-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0500-10 1095-C (Employer-ProvidedHealth Insurance Offer & Coverage)5 years State Law Federal Law 0500-25Employee Orientation 2years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0500-35New Position Requests 2 yearsState Law 0500-40Potential Programs 2 yearsState Law 0500-50Temporary Agencies Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 0500-55DOT Testing5 yearsState and FederalLaw 0500-85Procedures, Personnel Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0500-90Reports, Studies, Regulations PoliciesPermanentState Law 0510 0510-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0510-20Classification Specifications Until SupersededState Law 0510-30Compensation Surveys5 yearsState Law 0510-50Reclassification Requests 2 yearsState Law 0510-90 Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Classification & CompensationStudies) Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0520 0520-05Administration 2 yearsState Law 0520-10Cost of Living/ConsumerIndex Until SupersededNot a CityRecord 0520-20Compensation Plans 6 yearsState andFederalLaw 0520-30Deferred CompensationPlan 3 yearsState Law 0520-40Employee Benefits 5 yearsState andFederalLaw 0520-45Employee Assistance Program7 yearsState Law 0520-70Retirement Plans5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0520-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0530 0530-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0530-10Disciplinary Actions Termof Employment and/or Death + 3years State andFederalLaw Salaries, Wages & Benefits Employee Records HUMAN RESOURCES Personnel Administration Classifications & Compensation 22 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0530-15I-9's Termof Employment and/or Death + 3years State and FederalLaw 0530-20Leave Requests 2 yearsState Law EmployeePersonnelFiles Termof Employment and/or Death + 3years StateandFederalLaw Firefighters Term of employment and/or Death + 10 years StateandFederalLaw 0530-40DMV Physicals 4 yearsState Law 0540 0540-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0540-10Negotiations 7 yearsState Law 0540-20Memoranda of UnderstandingReference 20years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0540-30Discipline Policy/ProceduresClosed + 3 yearsState andFederalLaw 0540-40Discrimination ComplaintsClosed + 5 yearsState and FederalLaw 0540-50GrievancesClosed + 3 yearsState andFederalLaw 0540-60Employee AssociationsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0540-70Fair Labor Laws & Standards Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 0540-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0550 0550-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0550-20Requests for Transfer2 yearsState andFederalLaw 0550-60Position RecruitmentRecords 3 yearsState and FederalLaw 0550-80Complaints/Investigations/AppealsClosed + 5 yearsState andFederalLaw 0550-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0560 0560-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0560-20Educational Programs5 yearsState Law 0560-30AB 1234EthicsTraining Certificates5 yearsState Law VolunteerApplications, SuccessfulCandidates Separation + 3 years UnsuccessfulCandidates 2 years 0560-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Labor Relations Recruitment & Selection Training, Education & EmploymentPrograms 0530-30 0560-40 State Law 23 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0600 0600-10Building SecurityServices 2 yearsState Law 0600-30Facility Use PermitsTerm + 2 yearsState Law 0610 0610-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0610-10City HallPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0610-20Community Services FacilitiesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0610-25Trailer FacilitiesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0610-30Fire FacilitiesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0610-40LibraryPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0610-45Materials Handling YardPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0610-46Household Hazardous Waste/ RSWAPermanent State and FederalLaw AdministrativeDecision 0610-50Mobilehome ParksPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0610-60Public Works FacilitiesPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0610-65Sheriff’s SubstationsPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0610-70Vehicle Maintenance FacilitiesPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0610-75Water Reclamation FacilitiesPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0610-80Water Treatment PlantsPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0620 0620-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0620-10Bikeways & Equestrian LanesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0620-15CreeksPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision PUBLIC FACILITIES & GROUNDS General Administration Creeks / Open Space / Parks Municipal Facilities 24 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0620-20Lake Poway FacilitiesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0620-30Mini-ParksPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0620-40ParksPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0620-50TrailsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0620-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0630 0630-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0630-07Community Park FacilitiesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0630-10 Community ServicesAdministration Building Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0630-20Multi-Purpose CentersPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0630-25Midland RailroadPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0630-30Performing Arts CenterPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0630-40Sports Fields/ComplexesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0630-50Tennis CourtsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0630-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0640 0640-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0650 0650-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0650-10Landscape Projects2 yearsState Law 0650-15Chemical Treatment2 yearsState andFederalLaw 0650-20Irrigation2 yearsState Law 0650-40Litter/Clean-up Programs3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0650-50Tree ProgramsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0650-55Tree Surveys & Inventories2 yearsState Law 0650-60Tree Trimming & Removal2 yearsState Law Landscaping & Beautification Recreation & Cultural Facilities City Properties, Other 25 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0650-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision LEGAL & LEGISLATIVE 0700 0700-05Administration2 yearsState Law Agreements/Contracts Infrastructure/Land/MutualAid/JPA/MOU)Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Agreements/Contracts – otherTerm plus 10 yearsState Law Insurance Certificates11 years State Law 0700-25San Diego CountyPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0700-30Special DistrictsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0700-35State of CaliforniaPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0700-40U.S. GovernmentPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0700-50Memorandums of UnderstandingPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0700-60Franchise AgreementsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0700-70Lease Agreements Term + 4 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0700-80Lease/Purchase ContractsTerm + 4 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0710 0710-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0710-10Agenda Packets Permanent Only ScannedImage) State Law AdministrativeDecision 0710-15 Reorganization – Secretary of State Statement of Facts)PermanentState Law 0710-20 MeetingNotices/Affidavits of Posting/Teleconferencing Permanent Only ScannedImage)State Law 0710-30MinutesPermanentState Law 0710-35Public Oral CommunicationPermanentState Law 0710-36Speakers List3 yearsState Law 0710-40Commendations/Proclamations5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0710-45Petitions1 yearState Law 0710-50Appointments/ResignationsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision CityCouncil Legaland Legislative Agreements and Contracts 0700-10 26 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0710-51Disclosure Waivers3 yearsState Law 0710-60 City Council, OutsideCommittee Representatives 2 yearsState Law 0710-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0712 0712-05Administration 2years 0712-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent 0714 0714-05Administration 2years 0714-10Agenda Packets Permanent Only Scanned Image) 0714-20Meeting Notices/Affidavits of Posting Permanent Only ScannedImage) 0714-30Minutes Permanent Only ScannedImage) 0714-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent 0715 0715-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0715-10Agenda Packets Permanent Only ScannedImage)StateLaw 0715-20Meeting Notices/Affidavits of Posting2 yearsState Law 0715-30MinutesPermanentState Law 0715-80Disclosure Waivers3 yearsState Law 0715-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0718 0718-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0718-10Agenda Packets Permanent Only ScannedImage)StateLaw 0718-20Meeting Notices/Affidavits of Posting2 yearsState Law 0718-30MinutesPermanentState Law 0718-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision Public Financing Authority Poway Housing Authority OversightBoard to the SuccessorAgency of the PowayRedevelopment Agency Former Poway Redevelopment Agency StateLaw StateLaw 27 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0720 0720-05Administration2 yearsState Law EconomicInterestFilings (Form 700) Mayor, Council, City Manager, City Treasurer, City Attorney – Originals Filed with State DesignatedEmployees; Designated Board/CommissionMembers 7 yearsState Law 0720-11FPPC Form 801 (Gift to AgencyReport)7 yearsState Law 0720-12 FPPC Form 802 (TicketsProvidedby Agency Report 7 yearsState Law 0720-13 FPPC Form 803 (BehestedPayment Report)PermanentState Law 0720-14 FPPC Form 804 (AgencyReport ofNew Positions)PermanentState Law 0720-16 FPPC Form 805 (AgencyReport of Consultants)7 yearsState Law 0720-17 FPPC Form 806 (AgencyReport of Public Official Appointments)7 yearsState Law 0720-20Filing Instructions & FormsUntil SupersededNot a City Record 0720-30Conflict of Interest Code, CityPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0720-40Conflict of InterestMaps–CouncilTerm + 1 year State Law AdministrativeDecision 0720-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0725 0725-05Administration General Working Files2 yearsState Law 0725-10Election ReferenceMaterial DestroyWhen No LongerRequired Not a CityRecord 0725-20 ElectionPetitions (Initiative, Recall, Referendum)8 months State Law 0725-25 CandidateHandbook (Instructions to candidates) CandidateBriefing (Workshop presentationmaterials) Election + 4 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0725-30 SignatureRequirement for Petitions; Recall etc.2 yearsState Law 0725-40Election Case FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Conflicts of Interest Elections 0720-10 Permanent After 2years, onlyscannedimage.) State Law 28 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification NominationPapers (Successful Candidates)Term + 4 yearsPer Secretary of State NominationPapers (Unsuccessful Candidates)Election + 2 yearsPer Secretary of State Certificates Of ElectionPermanentPer Secretary of State 0725-41Campaign Disclosure Log5 yearsState Law 0725-45 Candidate / CommitteeOrganization / TerminationStatements 4 yearsState Law CampaignStatements - Successful Candidates Permanent After 2years, onlyscannedimage.) StateandFederalLaw Unsuccessful Candidates5 yearsState andFederalLaw 0725-51Secretary ofState - Correspondence2 yearsState Law 0725-55 CampaignStatements – BallotMeasures; General Purpose (PAC) Committees – All Filings 7 yearsState and FederalLaw 0725-60 VoterRegistration/Outreach/Help America Vote Act 2 yearsState Law 0725-65Oaths of OfficePermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0725-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0730 0730-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0730-10Affidavits of Posting2 yearsState Law 0730-20Affidavits of Publication2 yearsState Law 0730-30Petitions1 yearState Law 0730-40Legal OpinionsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0730-50Notary Bonds/CertificatesTerm + 6 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0730-60 Oaths of Office / Disaster ServiceWorkers Oaths Term of employment and/or Death + 3years State Law 0730-70Subpoena Duces Tecum2 yearsState Law 0730-71Summons2 yearsState Law 0730-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0735 0735-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0735-10LitigationClosed + 5 yearsState Law 0735-20Litigation - Civil CaseClosed + 5 yearsState Law 0735-30Litigation - Criminal CaseClosed + 5 yearsState Law LegalOperations Litigation 0725-50 0725-40 29 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0740 0740-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0740-10Poway Municipal CodePermanentState Law 0740-20OrdinancesPermanentState Law 0740-45Legislative Advocacy2 yearsState Law 0740-50Legislative Bulletins DestroyWhen No LongerRequired State Law 0740-55 LegislationPending, State & Federal 2 yearsState Law 0740-60Legislation Enacted (State & Federal) 0740-65Brown Act 0740-70Americans withDisabilitiesAct 0740-75Maddy Act – City Procedures Until Superseded 2year minimum) State Law AdministrativeDecision 0740-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0750 0750-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0750-10Complaints/InvestigationsClosed + 5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0750-20Code ComplianceCase FilesClosed + 5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0750-40Vehicle Abatement Case FilesClosed + 2 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0750-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0760 0760-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0760-10Community FacilitiesDistrictsCase FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0760-20 LandscapeMaintenanceDistrictsCase Files Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0760-30Lighting DistrictsCase FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0760-40Sewer AssessmentDistricts Case FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0760-50Water AssessmentDistrictsCase FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Legislation Code Compliance Assessment & Community Facilities District Formation Not a CityRecordDestroyWhen No LongerRequired 30 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0770 0770-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0770-60Facility Use Permits2 yearsState Law 0770-70Health Related PermitsClosed + 3 yearsState Law 0770-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0780 0780-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0780-08Property AcquisitionPermanentState Law 0780-20Property DisposalPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0780-30Condemnation ProceedingsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0780-40Recorded DocumentsPermanentState Law 0780-50Irrevocable Offers of DedicationPermanentState Law 0780-60 Vacations/Abandonments/ Relinquishments PermanentState Law 0780-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0800 0800-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0800-10Aerial PhotographyPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0800-30Building PermitReports - AnnualPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0800-40Building Statistics - AnnualPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0800-50 Uniform Code Books/CaliforniaBuilding Codes Until SupersededState Law 0810 0810-05Administration2 yearsState Law Special Permits & Licenses CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING Real Property Building Plans, Permits & Inspections 31 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification BuildingPlans Commercial/Historical Life ofthe Building) PermanentState Law Residential – 2 story or less, garages and otherstructures, farm or ranch buildings, one-story building where spanbetween bearingwalls does not exceed 25feet. Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Plan Check – ExpiredPermanentState Law Plans – CIP PermanentState Law 0810-25Blasting PermitsTerm + 2 yearsState Law 0810-40Demolition PermitsTerm + 2 yearsState Law 0810-62Encroachment Permits PermanentState Law 0810-65Excavation Permits & InspectionsTerm + 2 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0810-67Floodplain Development PermitsPermanentState Law 0810-70Grading Permits & InspectionsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0810-75Moving PermitsTerm + 2 yearsState Law 0810-80Well PermitsTerm + 30 yearsState Law Water Permits Recycled, Potable, WasteWater)Term + 30 yearsState Law Stormwater/discharge monitoring3 yearsFederal Law 0810-85Plan ChecksPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0810-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent StateLaw AdministrativeDecision 0820 0820-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0820-10Individual Street FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0820-15Inventories/surveys2 yearsState Law 0820-20Maintenance, General2 yearsState Law 0820-25Maintenance Programs2 yearsState Law 0820-30MediansPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0820-60Street Mileage Inventories2 yearsState Law 0820-70Street NamesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0820-85Master Plans, CityPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Streets, Sidewalks, Curbs & Gutters 0810-82 0810-10 0810-60Right-of-Way Permits Term + 2 yearsState Law 32 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0820-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0830 0830-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0830-10Bridge Case FilesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0830-20CalculationsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0830-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0840 0840-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0840-10Case filesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0840-80Caltrans Development Review2 yearsState Law 0840-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0850 0850-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0850-20Circulation Until Superseded + 2 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0850-25Pavement Markings/StripingTerm + 10 yearsState Law 0850-30Pedestrian Safety Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0850-40Signal & Lighting Maintenance5 yearsState Law 0850-50Signalized IntersectionsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0850-60Signing & Hardware2 yearsState Law 0850-65Speed Zone Surveys7 yearsState Law 0850-70Street Lighting, General Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0850-75Traffic Surveys Until Superseded + 5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0850-85Vehicular Volume Counts Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0850-86Maintenance Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0850-87Master PlansPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0850-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Traffic Engineering Bridges Highways & Freeways 33 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0860 0860-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0860-10Curb ZonesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0860-20Parking Facilities/Lots, CityPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0860-25Parking Facilities/Lots, PrivatePermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0680-60Statistical DataPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0860-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0870 0870-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0870-10Improvement ProjectsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0870-15Inspections/InvestigationsClosed + 7 yearsState Law 0870-20 Service Requests, Inquiries, and Outcomes Until Superseded + 2 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 0870-40Federal FloodInsurance ProgramUntil SupersededState Law 0870-50NPDES/JURMP3 yearsState andFederalLaw 0870-55NPDES PermitsPermanent State and FederalLaw AdministrativeDecision 0870-60SSOs (Sanitary SewerOverflows)5 yearsFederal Law 0870-80Master PlansPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0870-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0880 0880-05AdministrationTerm + 10 yearsState Law 0880-10CIPClosed + 10 yearsState Law 0900 0900-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0900-10Cable Companies2 yearsState Law 0900-20Fiber Optics2 yearsState Law 0900-30Paging Devices2 yearsState Law 0900-40Radio Devices2 yearsState Law 0900-45Radio Logs2 yearsState Law Communications Parking Control Storm Drainage & Flood Control CapitalImprovements Projects PUBLIC UTILITIES 34 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0900-50Satellite Antennas2 yearsState Law 0900-60Telephone Systems2 yearsState Law 0900-70Pay Telephones2 yearsState Law 0900-75Wireless Communications2 yearsState Law 0900-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0910 0910-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0910-10Underground WaiversPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0910-20Underground Utility DistrictsPermanentState Law 0910-30Underground PlansPermanentState Law 0910-40 Underground Service AlertProgramfrom utility companies 3 yearsState Law 0910-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0920 0920-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0920-10Rate InformationUntil SupersededNot a City Record 0920-20Usage InformationUntil SupersededNot a CityRecord 0920-60Hydroelectric Power Until SupersededNot a City Record 0920-70Gas & Electric CompaniesUntil SupersededNot a CityRecord 0920-80Public Utilities CommissionUntil SupersededNot a City Record 0920-85Natural Gas Pipeline Until SupersededNot a CityRecord 0920-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0930 0930-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0930-10Conservation Programs Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0930-15 Cross ConnectionControl/ Backflow Inspections/Tests Closed + 5 yearsState Law 0930-22Water Improvement ProjectsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0930-25Rate Information Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 0930-30Usage Information2 yearsState Law 0930-35Reservoirs & Dams Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0930-40Water Mains/Improvement PlansPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Underground Utilities Gas & Electricity WaterManagement 35 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 0930-45Water Service Applications2 yearsState Law 0930-50Water Service, TemporaryTerm + 2 yearsState Law 0930-55Water Companies/Districts2 yearsState Law 0930-60Water Recycling2 yearsState Law 0930-70Water Quality12 yearsState andFederalLaw 0930-75WellsLife of well + 2 yearsState Law 0930-80Master Plans, CityPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0930-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0940 0940-05Administration2 yearsState Law 0940-10Improvements ProjectsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0940-15Complaints & InvestigationsClosed + 3 yearsState and FederalLaw 0940-20Septic SystemsUntil SupersededNot a City Record 0940-30Sewer Availability & CapacityPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0940-40Sewer ConnectionsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0940-50Sewer MaintenancePermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0940-80Master PlansPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0940-85Wastewater Planning IssuesClosed + 2 yearsState Law 0940-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 0950 0950-90Pomerado Co. Water District RecordsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 1000 1000-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1000-10Public Art ProgramsPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 1000-20Ticket Sales Stubs3 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 1000-70Monuments & StatuesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Pomerado County Water District Records COMMUNITYSERVICES Cultural Arts Wastewater Management 36 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 1000-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 1010 1010-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1010-10Colleges & Universities Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 1010-20Craft, Trade & ProfessionalSchools Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 1010-30Public & PrivateSchools Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 1010-40School Districts Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 1010-50Educational Programs Destroy When No Longer Required Not a City Record 1020 1020-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1020-10After-SchoolPrograms Until Superseded + 5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 1020-30Recreation Classes Term + 2 yearsState Law 1020-35Recreation Class - Liability WaiversTerm + 2 yearsState Law 1020-40Facility Use Permits5 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 1020-70Special EventsPrograms Until Superseded + 2 years State Law 1020-90Reports & Studies, Regulations & Policies Permanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 1100 1100-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1100-10Repair Orders/Service Requests2 yearsState Law 1100-20Maintenance/RepairRecords Closed + 2 years minimum)State Law 1100-25Capital Replacement Program Closed + 2 years minimum)State Law 1100-30Equipment Manuals/Warranties Closed + 2 years minimum)State Law 1100-90Reports, Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision EQUIPMENTSERVICE & MAINTENANCE Communications Education Recreation Programs 37 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 File #Record DescriptionTotal RetentionJustification 1110 1110-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1110-10Repair Orders/Service Requests2 yearsState Law 1110-20Maintenance/Repair RecordsClosedState Law 1110-30Equipment Manuals/WarrantiesClosed State Law 1110-90Reports, Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 1120 1120-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1120-10Work Orders/Service RequestsClosed + 2 years State Law AdministrativeDecision 1120-20 Vehicle Pre-TripInspections / Daily VehicleInspections 2 yearsState Law 1120-90Reports, Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision 1130 1130-05Administration2 yearsState Law 1130-10 Repair Orders/ServiceRequests/ Maintenance/RepairRecords/ Equipment Manuals/Warranties Closed + 2 yearsState Law 1130-20 GeneratorOperationsLogs & Inspections - Fixed / Stationary Generators 3 yearsState Law 1130-30 GeneratorOperationsLogs & Inspections - Portable / Emergency Generators 5 yearsState Law 1130-90Reports, Studies, Regulations & PoliciesPermanent State Law AdministrativeDecision Office & ComputerEquipment Fleet Maintenance/Rolling Stock Mechanical Equipment 38 of 38May 2, 2017 Item # 1.6 t "Corporoted 1980 CIS' IN THE C0 City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: May 2, 2017 APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. HonorableMayor and Members of theCityCouncil Mark Sanchez, Director of SafetyServices Susy Turnbull, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator 858 - 668 -4474 SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizingthe Submittal of an Application by the City of Poway forFederal and StateDisaster Assistance and Designatingthe City's Agents Summary: Federal financial assistance under Public Law 93 -288 as amended by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Act of 1988, and /or State financial assistance under the California Disaster AssistanceAct may be available to the City. This public assistance program providesgrant assistance for the repair, replacement or restoration of disaster - damaged publicly owned facilities. An application must be filedwith CaIOES California Office of EmergencyServices) together with a certified copy of the attached resolution designating the City's authorized agents to sign the required application, assurances and agreements. This isa universal resolution and is effective for all open and future disasters. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the submittal of an application for federal and state disaster assistance andto name the City Manager, Director of Safety Services and Director of Public Works as its authorized agents. Discussion: BeginningJanuary 18, 2017, the San Diego region experienced severe winter storms, flooding, downed trees, debris and mud flow. The City of Poway's emergency response activities and damage to public infrastructure and facilities are estimated at $400,000. On January 23, 2017, the State of California proclaimed a Stateof Emergency to exist in San Diego County. San Diego County proclaimed a State of Emergency on February 3, 2017, which includes theCity of Poway. 1 of 4 May 2, 2017, Item # 1 Resolution Authorizing the Submittal of an Application by the City of Poway for Federal and State Disaster Assistance and Designating the City's Agents May 2, 2017 Page 2 On March 16, 2017, the President signed a Federal Major Disaster Declaration (FEMA- 4305 -DR) authorizing the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) to provide federal assistance for the affected counties as authorized under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Actof 1988. The FEMA Public Assistance Program provides supplemental federal disaster grant assistance to local governments for the repair, replacementorrestorationof disaster-damagedpublicly owned facilities. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Fiscal Impact: None Public Notification: None Attachments: A. Resolution Reviewed /Approved By: Reviewed By: Approved By: F Wendy Kaserman Morgan Foley Tina M. White Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Manager 2 of 4 May 2, 2017, Item # •I 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A May 2, 2017, Item #1.7 RESOLUTION NO. 17-*** A RESOLUTION OF THECITYCOUNCIL OF THECITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE SUBMITTAL OF ANAPPLICATIONFORDISASTERRELIEFFINANCIAL ASSISTANCEUNDER PUBLICLAW 93-288 AND/OR THE CALIFORNIADISASTERASSISTANCEACTAND DESIGNATING THECITY’S AGENTS WHEREAS, federalfinancialassistance under Public Law 93-288as amended by theRobert T. StaffordDisaster Relief andEmergency Assistance Actof1988, and/or statefinancialassistance underthe CaliforniaDisasterAssistance Actmaybe available to the CityofPoway for municipal infrastructure recovery; and WHEREAS, theCityofPoway will file an applicationforassistance with CalOES the CaliforniaOffice of EmergencyServices) forthepurpose of obtainingdisaster assistance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bytheCityCouncilof the CityofPoway as follows: TheCity Manager, or the Director of Safety Servicesor the Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalfof the City of Poway, a public entityestablished underthelaws of the State of California, an application and to file it with theCaliforniaOfficeof EmergencyServices, for thepurpose of obtaining certainfederal financialassistanceunderPublicLaw93-288 as amended bythe RobertT. Stafford DisasterReliefandEmergencyAssistance act of1988and/or statefinancialassistance under the CaliforniaDisaster Assistance Act. This is a universalresolutionwhichshall be effective for all open and future disasters. TheCity of Poway, apublic entity establishedunder the laws of the State of California, herebyauthorizes its agentstoprovideCaliforniaOffice of Emergency Services, for all matterspertaining to suchstate disasterassistancetheassurances and agreementsrequired. Resolution No. 17-*** Page 2 4 of 4 May2, 2017, Item #1.7 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVEDbytheCityCouncil of theCityof Poway, California, at aregularmeeting this 2ndday of May 2017. Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, CityClerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNTYOFSANDIEGO ) I, NancyNeufeld, CityClerk of theCity of Poway, California, doherebycertify underpenalty ofperjury that the foregoingResolutionNo. 17-*** was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said CityCouncilheld on the 2nd dayof May 2017, andthat it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, CityClerk City of Poway F q8 0norporuted CITY IN THE CCU City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. DATE: May 2, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of theCity Counc' FROM: Robert Manis, Director of DevelopmentServices CONTACT: Nicole Murphy, Senior Management Analyst858 - 668 -4554 or nmurphy @poway.org SJBJ €CT: Community Development BlockGrant (CDBG) Program Cooperation Agreement Renewal Summary: TheCity currently receives an annual allocationoffederalCommunityDevelopment Block Grant (CDBG) funds through the County of San Diego (County). This is made possible through a Cooperation Agreement betweenthe Cityand County, which expires June 30, 2018. The Cooperation Agreement contains an automatic renewal provision which would allow for the City's continued participation in theCDBG Program for an additional three consecutive periods covering July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2021. Toensure theCity's continued participation in the CDBG Program, the CityCouncil mustadopt a resolution authorizingthe automatic renewal of theCooperation Agreement. Recommended Action: It is recommendedthat the City Council: 1) Adopt a Resolution of the CityCouncil of the City of Poway, California, Authorizing the Automatic Renewal of the Cooperation Agreement Between the County of San Diego and the City of Poway for participation in the CommunityDevelopment Block Grant Program for an AdditionalThreeConsecutive Periods CoveringJuly 1, 2018, throughJune 30, 2021 (Attachment A); and 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the necessarydocuments. Discussion: The City currently receives an allocation of federalCDBGfundseach fiscal yearthrough theCounty's CDBG Program. This is made possible through a Cooperation Agreement between the City and County, which expires June 30, 2018. Historically, the City has used CDBG funds to financeaffordable housing programs, Poway's shareof a regional emergency shelter program, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility improvements. To continue participation in the County's CDBG Program, the City Councilmust adopt a resolution authorizing the automatic renewalof the Cooperation Agreement prior to June 21 2017. The automatic renewal of the Cooperation Agreement between the County and the City will allow for the City's continued participation in the CDBG Program for the 1 of 4 May 2, 2017, Item # I - 9 Community Development Block Grant Program Cooperation Agreement Renewal May 2, 2017 Page 2 qualification periods ofJuly 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019; July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020; and July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQAreview. Fiscal Impact: Based on the City's current annual CDBG allocation, the Cooperation Agreement between the City and County will allow the Cityto receive an estimated $408,150 over a three -year period coveringfiscal years 2018 -2021. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Draft Resolution Reviewed /Approved By: Reviewed By: Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Morgan Foley Assistant City Manager City Attorney Tina M. White City Manager 9 May2of4Ma 2 2017 Item # 1 .6 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A May 2, 2017 Item #1.8 RESOLUTION NO. 17- A RESOLUTION OF THECITYCOUNCIL OF THECITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE AUTOMATIC RENEWALOFTHE COOPERATIONAGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SANDIEGO ANDTHECITY OF POWAYFOR PARTICIPATION IN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTBLOCKGRANTPROGRAMFOR AN ADDITIONALTHREE CONSECUTIVEPERIODS COVERING JULY 1, 2018, THROUGHJUNE 30, 2021 WHEREAS, the UnitedStatesCongress enactedthe Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 providing federalfunds for awiderange of housing and communitydevelopment activities; WHEREAS, the Housing and CommunityDevelopment BlockGrant (CDBG) Regulationsallowsmall communities withinametropolitanareato joinwith theCounty’s application to the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development for funds; WHEREAS, the County of SanDiegoandCity of Poway executed a Cooperation Agreement effective July 1, 2015, throughJune 30, 2018, which allows the City of Poway to be included in the County’sapplications to the FederalDepartment of Housing andUrban Development forCDBGfunds; and WHEREAS, the Cooperation Agreementincludesan automatic renewal provision which allows for the City’s continuedparticipation for an additional three consecutive periods covering July 1, 2018, throughJune 30, 2021, upon City Council approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BEIT RESOLVED by theCityCouncilof the City of Poway thattheCityCouncil hereby authorizes the automaticrenewal of the Cooperation Agreementbetween the County of SanDiego and Cityof Poway for participationin the CDBGProgram for an additional three consecutiveperiodscovering July 1, 2018, through June30, 2021, and authorizestheCityManagertoexecute the necessarydocuments. PASSED, ADOPTED ANDAPPROVEDby the City Council of theCity of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 2nd day of May 2017. Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, CityClerk Resolution No. 17- Page2 4 of 4 May2, 2017 Item #1.8 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNTY OFSAN DIEGO ) I, NancyNeufeld, CityClerk of the CityofPoway, California, dohereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 17- wasduly adopted bytheCity Council at a meetingofsaidCity Council held onthe2nd day of May2017, andthat it was soadopted bythe following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, CityClerk City of Poway City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT CITY IN THE CO DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: May 2, 2017 APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED SEE MINUTES) 535,000.00 DENIED REMOVED CONTINUED Resolution No. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Robert Manis, Director of Development Servicesffi Taryn Kjolsing, Senior Civil Engineer 858) 668 -4622 or tkiolsinq(a7poway.or -g SUBJECT: Award of Contract for the Water Distribution System/Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and PS1 Electrical System Upgrade Project; Bid No. 17 -019 Summary: This project consists of general structural repairs to the Wash Water Recovery Basin and Wash Water Vault, the installation of a new roof vent on one of the existing Wash Water Tanks, the installation of a new chlorine scrubber in the Chemical Tank Farm, and miscellaneous electrical improvements and upgrades at the City's Water Treatment Plant as well as electrical improvements and upgrades at Pump Station 1. Because of the similar work and close proximity, the two projects were combined into one bid. Combining the projects simplifies the project processing and provides opportunity for obtaining more cost - effective bids compared to bidding the two projects separately. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council award the contract for the Water Distribution System/Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and PS1 Electrical System Upgrade Project to NEWest Construction Co. Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of 4971000-00. Discussion: The contract time for this project is 120 working days with an Engineer's estimate of 600,000.00. Construction is scheduled to be complete by January 2018. Bids were opened on April 5, 2017. The following two bids were received: Company Bid Amount NEWest Construction Co. Inc. 497,000.00 Tharsos Inc. 535,000.00 FiscalImpact: Sufficient funds are available in the Water Distribution/Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Project account (1764) and in the PS1 Electrical Equipment Replacement Project account (1769) for the award of this contract. 1 of 2 May 2, 2017 Item # 1 111 Award of Contractfor the Water Distribution System/Treatment PlantRehabilitation and PS1 ElectricalSystem Upgrade Project May 2, 2017 Page 2 Environmental Review: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines, in that the project involves repairs, upgrades, and equipment replacement at an existing WaterTreatment Plantandpump station. Public Notification: NEWest Construction Co. Inc., 9235 Trade Place, Suite A, San Diego, CA 92126 Attachments: None Reviewed /Approved By: Reviewed By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By: i Tina M. White City Manager 2 of 2 May 2, 2017 Item # R.9 G W,IY C ,) f Om' IN i11E COJ'. City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. DATE: May 2, 2017 TO: HonorableMayor and Membersof the City Council FROM: Robert Manis, Director of Development Services CONTACT: Robert Manis, Director of Development Services 858) 668 -4601 or bmanis @poway.org Peter Moote, Acting Director of FinanceQDL 858) 668 -4414or pmoote @poway.org SUBJECT: Report of Emergency Repair Expenditures Pertaining to the 2017 Winter Storm Event Made Under Authority of Resolution No. 17 -004 Adopted on January 24, 2017 Summary: On January 24, 2017, the PowayCity CounciladoptedResolution No. 17 -004, which declared an emergency within the Cityof Poway, and suspended the notice and bidding requirements in connection with emergency repairs dueto the 2017 Winter Storm Event. Significant winter storms occurred on January 20 and February 27. Upon adoption of the resolution, the City Manager may expend any sum required during the emergency, and report the same to the City Council in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 22050. As required, the City Council will review all emergencyexpenditures at every regular meeting to determine if there is a need to continue the action, or if the declaration of emergency may be terminated. Further, sections of sewer and storm drain pipe throughout the City were damaged by the storm events. Staffrecommends that $9,720 be appropriated to cover the cost of repairs at Lake Poway. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the CityCouncil: 1) Continue the authorization for the City Manager to make necessaryemergency repairs to protect the public health and welfare ofthe City; 2) Appropriate $9,720 from the UnappropriatedDrainage Fund Balance (Account 231 -8912) to Winter Storm CMP RepairProject at Lake Poway (Account 11801). Discussion: All expenditures attributed to the 2017 Winter Storm Event exclude standardlaborcosts. The expenditures include totals for both the January 20and February 27 storms, unless otherwisespecified. 1 of 7 May 2, 2017, Item #1.10 EmergencyExpenditures Update May 2, 2017 Page 2 CurrentExpenditures 11,200 has been spent on tree removalrepairs attributed to the February 27 storm event, using the waiver of formal bid process. 4,282has been spent on drainage structurerepairs attributed to the February 27 storm event, using the waiver of formal bid process. 2,006has been spent on miscellaneous items, including field supplies and food for after - hourscrews. 1,200 has been spent on fencing. Expenditures to Date 17,964has been spent on miscellaneous items, includingfield supplies. 38,881 has been spent on overtime labor. 350 has been spentfor equipment rental. 16,891 has been spent on facility repairs. 2,719has been spent on water and sewer line repairs. 1,620has been spent on street sweeping. 47,541 has been spent on tree removal. 52,314 has been spent on drainage structure repairs. 720has been spent on repairs at LakePoway. 1,200has been spent on fencing. Under the authorization of Resolution 17 -004, $180,200 has been expended to date. The next expenditures update is scheduledfor the May 16, 2017, City Council Meeting. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to CEQA review. Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact is unknown at this time. Budget adjustments will be finalized prior to the completion of the 2016 -2017 fiscal year. Under the State Public Contract Code, staff is required to report back to the City Council at every regular meeting on the expenditures and to review the need to continue the emergency authorization. 2 of 7 May 2, 2017, Item #1.10 EmergencyExpenditures Update May 2, 2017 Page 3 Council action to approve staffs recommendation authorizes an appropriation not to exceed $9,720 from the Unappropriated Drainage Fund (231 -8912) to project 11801 at Lake Poway to cover the cost of emergency stormdrainrepairs. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Resolution No. 17 -004 Reviewed /Approved Reviewed By: By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager MorganFoley City Attorney Approved By: 4h2) Vl, 01 Tina M. White City Manager 3 of 7 May 2, 2017, Item #1.10 RESOLUTION NO. 17 -004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, FINDING AND DECLARING THE EXISTENCE OF AN EMERGENCY WITHIN THE CITY DUE TO A WINTER STORM EVENT, AND SUSPENDING NOTICE AND BIDDING REQUIREMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH REPAIRS REQUIRED THEREBY WHEREAS, the Winter Storm Event in the City of Poway, commencing on or about January 20, 2017 that resulted in erosion, flooding, and damage to public roads, drainage systems, and other public facilities within the City, created a threat to public health and safety; WHEREAS, Government Codesection8630 and Poway Municipal Code (PMC) Section 2.12.060 empower the City Manager, acting as the Director of Emergency Services, to proclaim the existence of a local emergency when the City is affected by a public calamity, and the City Council is not in session; WHEREAS, on January 20, 2017, the City Manager, acting pursuant to Government Codesection 8630 and PMCsection 2.12.060, proclaimed the existence of a local emergency based on conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property caused by the Winter StormEvent, attached hereto as Exhibit "A "; WHEREAS, the City Council is required by Government Code section 8630 and PMC section 2.12.065 to ratify the existence of a local emergencywithin seven (7) days of a Proclamation of Local Emergency by the City Manager; WHEREAS, Public Contract Cade Section 20168 provides thatthe CityCouncil maypass by four - fifths (4/5) vote, a resolution declaring that the public interest and necessity demand the immediate expenditure of publicmoney to safeguard life, health, or property; WHEREAS, upon adoption of such resolution, the City Manager may expend any sum required in the emergency and report the same to the City Council in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 22050; WHEREAS, if such expenditure is ordered, the City Council shall review the emergency action at each regular meeting, to determine if there is a need to continue the action or if the Proclamation of Local Emergency may be terminated; and WHEREAS, such storm, wind, flood and erosion damage constitute an emergency within the terms of Public Contract Code Sections 20168 and 22050 which requires that the City Manager be able to act quickly and without complying with the notice and bidding procedures of the Public Contract Code to repair and protect such public facilities. 4 of 7 ATTACHMENT A May 2, 2017, Item #1.10 Resolution No. 17 -004 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDTHAT the City Council of theCity of Poway hereby finds and declares: 1. An emergency exists within the City as the result of storm, wind, flood and erosion damage to public facilities; and a) The continuing threat of erosion and flooding requires thatthe City be able to expend publicmoney to repair and protect storm- damaged public facilities in order to safeguard life, health, or property; and b) The City Manager is authorized to order work for the temporaryrepair or protection of public facilities damaged by flooding and windor threatened by erosion, if and to the extent necessary, to safeguard life, health, or property without complying with notice or bidding procedures; and c) Once such expenditure is made, the City Manager shall report the conditions to the City Council at each regularmeeting, at which time the City Council shall either continue the emergency action or shall declare the emergency ended. 2. This Proclamationof Local Emergency andall subsequent resolutions in connection herewith shall require a four -fifths (4/5) vote of the City Council. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof, this24th day ofJanuary 2017. T —S::— teve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: oJt(lq Nancy Neueu 21City Clerk 5 of 7 May 2, 2017, Item #1.10 Resolution No. 17 -004 Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, NancyNeufeld, City Clerk, of the City of Poway, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No.17 -004 was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the24th of January 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: CUNNINGHAM, GROSCH, MULLIN, LEONARD, VAUS NOES: NONE ABSENT: • NONE DISQUALIFIED: NONE N (, ancyNel d #el CMC, City Clerk, City of Poway 6 of 7 May 2, 2017, Item #1.10 Exhibit A PROCLAMATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY WHEREAS, section 2.12.060 of the Poway Municipal Codeempowers the Director of EmergencyServices to proclaim the existenceorthreatened existence of a local emergency when the City is affected or likely to be affected by a publiccalamity and the City Council is not in session; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, as Director of EmergencyServices of the City of Poway, does hereby find that conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within the City of Poway, caused by a winter storm event commencing on or about 1:00 p.m. on the dayof January 20, 2017; and WHEREAS, that the City Council of the Cityof Poway is not in session and cannot immediately be called into session; and WHEREAS, this Proclamation of Local Emergency will be ratified by theCity Council within seven days of being issued. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED by the Director of EmergencyServicesfor theCity of Poway, that a local emergency nowexists throughout the City andthatsaid local emergency shall be deemed to continue to exist until its termination is proclaimed by the City Council; and IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that duringthe existence of said local emergency the powers, functions, and duties of the emergency organization of thisCity shall bethose prescribed by state law, ordinances, and resolutions of this City, and by the City of PowayEmergency Plan; and IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that a copy of this Proclamation of Local Emergency be forwarded to the State Director of the Governor's Office of EmergencyServices with a request that; 1. TheState Director findthe Proclamation of Local Emergency acceptable in accordance with provisions of the California Disaster Assistance Act; and that 2. The StateDirector forward this Proclamation, and request for a State Proclamation ofEmergency, to the Governor of California for consideration and action. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Director of EmergencyServices forthe Cityof Poway this20th day of January, 2017. January 20, 2017 at 1:00 a.m. jt A Date and Time Tina White Director ofEmergency Services 7 of 7 May 2, 2017, Item #1.10 l corporated 1980 41 1TY IN THE CO City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. DATE: May 2, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and Membersof the CityCouncil FROM: Peter Moote, Acting Finance DirectoQl%_ CONTACT: BradRosen, Information Technology Manager 858) 668 -4452 or brosen @poway.org SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement between the City of Poway and TylerTechnologies, Inc. for the Purchase and Implementation of a Finance, Human Resources and Payroll System; Approval ofAgreement with NexLevel Information Technology, Inc. for Project Management Services; Approval of Contingency Funds for Staffing and Purchase of Hardware /Software. Summary: The City's current business system software, Ellucian Banner (Banner), was implemented in 1994. Whilethe City has successfully usedthe Banner Finance and HR modules for many years, thecompany's focus for the Banner product has been to develop primarily for their higher education client base, which now represents the majority of Banner deployments. In addition, Ellucian's changes to their higher education modules have caused issueswith Poway's Banner implementation. As a result, Banner upgrades have, at times, been difficult to accomplish and have taken long periods to complete. Additionally, the Banner system operates on a SUN Microsystems Unix server and an Oracle database. While this has been an extremely stable computing environment, it requires a specialized skillset to maintain, and the City has found it necessary to contract with an outside vendor to provide technical support. Although our consultant has done an excellent job with our environment, vendors that support the Banner software suite are scarce. This is cause for concern as our system continues to age. Additionally, with pending retirements in theFinance and Human Resources departments, the City will lose in -house expertise in the Banner system, causing concern regarding its continued use. Through the implementation of an up -to -date Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and best business practices, the City can gain operational efficiencies by eliminating redundant processes, while improving business process workflow and integration between applications. Examples of improved processes include the electronic routing and processing of purchase requisitions, warrant requests, and human resources actions, and enhanced department access to budget development, management and reporting tools with minimal reliance on Finance staff. An importantfocus ofthis project will be to reevaluate existing business processes, and revise procedures to fullyleverage a newsystem capable of facilitating the flow of information within a single unified system. 1 of 117 May 2, 2017, Item #4.1 Approval of an Agreement for ERP Implementation May 2, 2017 Page 2 Based on theduration and comprehensive nature of this project and theCity's current staffin g level, staff recommends contracting for the expertise of an experienced professional (i.e., consultant) to assist with the planning, managing and monitoring of the system's implementation. Staff has found otheragencies with comparable staffing and resources that have successfully utilized a consultantto act as an ERP ProjectManager, and recommended that Powaytake this approach. Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Tyler Technologies Inc., for purchase and implementation of the MUNIS ERP software; and an agreement with NexLevel Information Technology, Inc. (NexLevel), for implementation project management; and approval of contingency funds for overtime and /oradditional temporary staffing; and purchase of required hardware to support this application. Discussion: In selecting a preferred provider, staff worked with our consultant, NexLevel, to draft a Request for Proposal (RFP) that included a detailed list of software functional requirements across all desired applications. The requirements were developed in consultation with key users from every City department. The City issued an RFP in May 2016 and received proposals from Tyler Technologies, Inc. (Tyler) and Cogsdale Corporation (Cogsdale). The small number of proposals received was the result of a recently changed marketplace for mid -sized local government ERP systems due tolarger companies acquiring their competition. RFP cost results are as follows: Cctrr an . P`ro oral Arnc unfi .. - ..... Tyler Technolo ies 502,433 Cogsdale 913,174 With assistance from NexLevel consultants, staffengaged in a comprehensive multi -step process to review and select a preferred vendor. The core evaluation team analyzed and ranked responses based on the following factors: ability to meet City's functional requirements, costs within budget, implementation methodology, compatibility with theq City's technology standards, supportavailability, financial stability of the vendor, and the overall RFP responsesubmitted. From thisanalysis, Cogsdale was eliminated and Tyler was selected. A citywide evaluationteam consisting of representatives from multipledepartments was formed to evaluate and score the proof of capabilities (POC) of the Munis system. Tyler representatives presented their proposal following a City compiled script to demonstrate their system's functionality compared to City requirements, and responded to questions. Evaluation team members completed Evaluation Reports, rated the application as presented, and scored Tyler based on pre- determined criteria, including reference checks, site visits, risk mitigation, proof of concept ranking, total cost, product support, and disaster recovery. 2 of 117 May 2, 2017, Item ##4.1 Approval of an Agreement for ERP Implementation May 2, 2017 Page 3 Based on the findings of the evaluation team, staff is recommending Tyler as thehighest qualified vendor that bestmeets the needs of the City. Tyler distinguished itself duringq . the selectionprocess by offering a cost competitive system with comprehensive features p .. . including orkflowprocessing and advanced reporting capabilities, third party interface g p capabilities, excellent customer references, and qualified support and implementation staff. Tyler has installed over 1,400 similar systems throughout the country, focusing exclusively on the public sector. Additionally, Tyler's Munis software suite is currently installed in over 80 publicsector agencies in California, including the cities of Encinitas, San Marcos Vista, El Cajon, Chino, Covina, Glendale, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Pasadena Perris, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Simi Valley, Upland, Victorville and Walnut Creek. The use of Tyler's Munis software by neighboring cities in San Diego provides staff the ability tolearn fromtheir experiences and incorporatebest practices inpY the implementation and ongoing use of the system. Implementation of the project is expected to last approximately 18 months and will p p 1 address the core functions of finance, payroll, and human resources. Total costfor the Tyler software licenses, implementation, data conversion, training, and travel is $502,433. Staff has identified severaloptional Tyler modules that could be implemented in the future but are not required during the initial phase of the implementation. Total cost of the optional modules for possible future consideration is $66,537 and is requested as part ofpp this approval. The FY17 -18 proposed budget will include requests to attend the Tyler pp users conference for enhanced staff training, bestpractices in use of the system, and to learn about upcoming and enhanced features. The annual maintenance and support fees for the first year have been waived. The second Y ear annual maintenance, full -site licensing and support fees areanticipated to The onbe $44,065. annual support and maintenance costs will be absorbed by theongoing elimination of comparable existing license, maintenance and support costs for the current ERP system. Based on the duration and comprehensive nature of the project, staff recommends contractin g for the expertiseof an experiencedconsultant to assist in planning, managing, p monitoring nd executing the implementation of the ERP system. Input was requested g g from other agencies that have completed similar implementations, and the use of a project implementation manager was strongly recommended. To address this need, the Citypg recommends utilizin g NexLevel to continue to work with theCity as an extension of their current agreement. NexLevel has extensive experience in project management and business p rocess analysis, including specific experience with the Tyler Munis system. City nformation Technology staff will serve as theinternal projectmanager, and provide y gY oversight of the project in conjunction with NexLevel. Staff recommends entering into an agreement with NexLevel for the duration of this project. The consultants responsibilities will include: Analyzing and documenting miscellaneous notes, manual processes and Y g independent data repositories. Workin g YwiththeCity's project manager and Tyler to develop a project plan, monitor progressagainst the plan and update the plan as needed. 3 of 117 May 2, 2017, Item #4.1 Approval of an Agreement for ERP Implementation May 2, 2017 Page 4 Identifying and resolving project implementation and supportissues. Performing assigned systemadministration tasks for Munis applications. Facilitating status meetings with the vendor and project teamand department user meetings as necessary. Performing assigned tasks related to user acceptance testing of the systems for theabove applications. Performing assigned tasks related to the documentation of business processes and review with subject matter experts. Providing bi- weekly status reports for vendor status meetings. Staff estimates the need for an average of 52 hours per month of consulting from NexLevel to support this project. NexLevel will only bill for actual hours required as determined by the City, under a contract nottoexceed $163,800. In addition to support from NexLevel, staff resources will be impacted for theduration of this ect. Staff from Human Resources and Finance, as well as analyst andp administrative staff from other departments, will be required to perform extensive testing durin g the implementation of thesoftware. Significant tasks include the building of a new chart of accounts, data conversion, accuracy of employee data, benefit information, deduction and pay codes, and reporting. Additionally, when the Tyler implementation team is on -site, subject matter expert City staff will needto fully devote time to the project. This effort will either require overtime or the need to backfill positionswith temporary staff. Staff is requesting contingency funds in the amount of $85,000 for this purpose. The Tyler Munis system will berun on a Microsoft operating system and be housed in a Microsoft SQL database. Per specifications provided by Tyler, additional server hardware and Microsoft software must be purchased to supportthis environment. Total cost for hardware and software is $29,500. The entire cost of the project, including the Munis software suite, Tyler implementation services, implementation consulting, overtime and additional temporary staffing resources and server hardware is $847,270. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Fiscal Impact: The FY 2016 -17 budget provides $785,000 toward the project, requiring an additional appropriationroriation of $62,270. Thesource of funding for the project is the CapitalReplacement Fund 0108 -611). Toensure sufficient funds are available in any givenfiscalyear for the replacementof City equipment, vehicles, andmajor systems that have reached the end of their useful life, annual operating budgets include an allocation towards anticipated replacement costs based on projected useful life. Funding levels for the replacement p allocations are adjusted with each budget cycle to ensure sustainability of the City's replacement program. 4 of 117 May 2, 2017, Item #4.1 Approval of an Agreementfor ERP Implementation May 2, 2017 Page 5 Public Notification: A co of this notice was provided to Tyler Technologies Inc., One Tyler Drive, Yarmouth, copy ME 04096, and NexLevel Information Technology, Inc., 6829Fair Oaks Blvd., Suite 100, Carmichael, CA 95608. Attachments: A. Tyler Technologies License and Service Agreement B. Solution Pricing Summary C. Consulting Services Agreement with NexLevelInformation Technology, Inc. Reviewed /Approved By Wend aserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By: Tina M. White City Manager 5 of 117 May 2, 2017, Item #4.1 LICENSE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT ThisLicense and Services Agreement is made between Tyler Technologies, Inc. a Delaware corporation (“Tyler”) and the City of Poway, a general lawcity andmunicipal corporation (“Client”). WHEREAS, Client selected Tyler to license the software products and perform the services set forth in the Investment Summary andTyler desires to perform such actions under the terms of this Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants and promises set forth in this Agreement, Tylerand Client agree as follows: SECTION A – DEFINITIONS Agreement” means this License and Services Agreement. Business TravelPolicy” means our business travel policy. Acopy of our current Business Travel Policy is attached as Schedule 1 to Exhibit B. Client” meansCity of Poway, CA. Defect” meansa failure of the Tyler Software to substantially conform to the functional descriptions set forth in our written proposal to you, ortheir functional equivalent. Future functionality maybe updated, modified, or otherwise enhanced through our maintenance and support services, and the governing functional descriptions for such future functionality will be set forth in our then-current Documentation. Developer” meansa third party who owns the intellectual property rights to Third Party Software. Documentation” meansany online or written documentation related to the use or functionality of the Tyler Software that we provide or otherwise makeavailable to you, including instructions, user guides, manuals and other training or self-help documentation. EffectiveDate” means the date on which your authorizedrepresentative signs the Agreement. Force Majeure” means an event beyond the reasonable control of you or us, including, without limitation, governmental action, war, riot or civil commotion, fire, natural disaster, or any other cause that could not with reasonable diligence be foreseen or preventedbyyou or us. Investment Summary” means the agreed upon cost proposal for the software, products, and services attached as Exhibit A. Invoicingand Payment Policy” means the invoicing and payment policy. A copy of our current Invoicing and Payment Policyis attached as Exhibit B. Maintenance and Support Agreement” means the terms and conditions governing the provision of maintenanceand support services to all of our customers. A copy of ourcurrent Maintenance and SupportAgreement is attached as Exhibit C. Support Call Process” means the support call process applicable to all of our customers who have licensed the Tyler Software. Acopy of our current Support Call Process is attached as Schedule 1 to Exhibit C. Third Party Terms” means, if any, the end user license agreement(s) or similar terms for the Third Party Software, as applicableand attached as Exhibit D. Third PartyHardware” means the third party hardware, if any, identifiedin the Investment Summary. ATTACHMENTA6of117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Third Party Products” means the Third Party Softwareand Third PartyHardware. Third Party Software” means the third party software, if any, identified in the Investment Summary. Tyler” means Tyler Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation. Tyler Software” means our proprietary software, including any integrations, custom modifications, and/or other related interfaces identified in the Investment Summary and licensed by us to you through this Agreement. we”, “us”, “our” and similar terms mean Tyler. you” and similar terms meanClient. SECTION B – SOFTWARE LICENSE 1.License Grant and Restrictions. 1.1 We grant to you a license to use the Tyler Software for yourinternal business purposes only, in the scope of the internal business purposes disclosed to us as of the EffectiveDate. You may make copies of the Tyler Software for backup and testing purposes, so long as such copies are not used in production and the testing is for internal use only. Your rights to use the TylerSoftware are perpetual but maybe revoked if you do not comply with the terms of this Agreement. 1.2 Without limiting the terms of Section 1.1, you understand and agree that the Transparency Portal modules set forth in the Investment Summary are licensed to you on a subscription basis. If you do not pay the required annual fee in accordance with the Invoicingand Payment Policy, your license to use the associated module will be suspended unless and until payment in full has beenmade. 1.3 The Documentation is licensed to you and may be used and copied by your employees for internal, non- commercialreference purposes only. 1.4 You may not: (a) transfer or assign the Tyler Software to a third party; (b) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Tyler Software; (c) rent, lease, lend, or provide commercialhosting services with the Tyler Software; or (d) publish or otherwise disclose the Tyler Software or Documentation to third parties. 1.5 The license terms in this Agreementapply to updatesandenhancements we may provide to you or makeavailable to you through your Maintenance and SupportAgreement. 1.6 The right to transfer the Tyler Software to a replacement hardware system is included in your license. You will give us advance written notice of any such transfer and will pay us for any required or requestedtechnical assistance from us associated with such transfer. 1.7We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you in this Agreement. The Tyler Software and Documentation are protected bycopyright and other intellectual property lawsand treaties. We own the title, copyright, and other intellectual property rights in the Tyler Software and the Documentation. The Tyler Software is licensed, not sold. 2.License Fees. You agree to pay us the license fees in the amounts set forth in the Investment Summary. Those amounts are payable in accordance with our Invoicingand Payment Policy. 3.Escrow. We maintain an escrow agreement with a third party underwhichwe place the sourcecode for each major release of the Tyler Software. You may be added as a beneficiary to the escrow agreement by 7 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 completing a standardbeneficiary enrollment form andpaying the annualbeneficiary fee set forth in the Investment Summary. You will be responsible for maintaining your ongoingstatus as a beneficiary, including payment of the then-current annual beneficiary fees. Release of source code for the Tyler Software is strictly governed by the terms of the escrowagreement. 4.Limited Warranty. We warrant that the Tyler Software will be without Defect(s) as long as you havea Maintenance andSupportAgreement in effect. If the TylerSoftware does not perform as warranted, we will use all reasonable efforts, consistent with industry standards, to cure the Defect as set forth in the Maintenance and SupportAgreement. 5.Tyler Software Data Dictionary. Tyler shall make available to the Client, upon request, after execution of this Agreement, the data dictionary for the Munis database installed in connection with this Agreement, including information about tables andviews. Tyler specifically acknowledges and agrees that such data dictionary containstables (defaults and keys) andviews. The Client specificallyacknowledges and agrees that the data dictionary contains proprietary Tyler Confidential Information as that term is defined in Section 17 of this Agreement and shall only be disclosed if required by law and then, only afterthe procedures set forth in Section 17 are complied with. The information should be rendered to Client in one of the following generally acceptable formats, with the choice of format at Tyler’s option: 5.1 Desktop publishing quality document consistent with technical documentation presentations (e.g. PDF, MS Word) 5.2 Spreadsheet workbook (e.g. OpenOffice, Excel) 5.3 Narratives with graphical supplements (e.g. Visio, PowerPoint) 5.4 Any otherformat mutually agreed upon by the ClientandTyler SECTION C – PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1.Services. We will provideyou the various implementation-related services itemized in the Investment Summaryanddescribed in our industry standard implementation plan. We will finalize that documentation with you upon execution of this Agreement. 2.Professional Services Fees. You agree to pay us the professional services fees in the amounts set forth in the Investment Summary. Those amounts are payable in accordance with our Invoicingand Payment Policy. You acknowledge that the fees stated in the Investment Summary are good-faith estimates of the amount of time and materials required for yourimplementation. We will bill you the actual fees incurred based on the in-scope services provided to you. Any discrepancies in the total values set forth in the Investment Summary will be resolved by multiplying the applicable hourly rate by the quoted hours. 3.Additional Services. The Investment Summary contains the scope of services and related costs (including programming and/or interface estimates) required for the project based onour understanding of the specifications you supplied. If additional work is required, or if you use or request additional services, we will provide you with an addendum or change order, as applicable, outlining the costs for the additional work. The price quotes in the addendum or change order will be valid for thirty (30) days from the date of the quote. 4.Cancellation. We make all reasonable efforts to schedule our personnel for travel, including arranging travel reservations, at least two (2) weeks in advance of commitments. Therefore, if you cancel services less than two (2) weeks in advance (other than for Force Majeure or breachby us), you will be liable for all (a) non- refundable expenses incurred by us on your behalf, and (b) daily fees associated with cancelled professional 8 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 services if we areunable to reassign our personnel. We will make all reasonable efforts to reassign personnel in the eventyou cancel within two (2) weeks of scheduled commitments. 5. Services Warranty. We will perform the services in a professional, workmanlikemanner, consistent with industry standards. In the event we provide services that do not conform to thiswarranty, we will re- perform such services at noadditional cost to you. 6. Site Access andRequirements. At no cost to us, you agree to provide us with full and free access to your personnel, facilities, and equipment as maybe reasonably necessary for us to provide implementation services, subject to anyreasonable security protocols or other written policies provided to us as of the Effective Date, and thereafter as mutually agreed to byyou and us. You further agree to provide a reasonably suitable environment, location, and space for the installation of the Tyler Software and any Third Party Products, including, without limitation, sufficient electricalcircuits, cables, and other reasonably necessary items required for the installation and operation of the Tyler Software and any Third Party Products. 7. Client Assistance. You acknowledge that the implementation of the Tyler Software is a cooperative process requiring thetime and resources of your personnel. You agree to use all reasonable efforts to cooperate with and assist us as maybe reasonably required to meet the agreed upon project deadlines and other milestones for implementation. This cooperation includes at least working with us to schedule the implementation-related services outlined in this Agreement. We will not be liable for failure to meet any deadlines andmilestones when such failure is due to Force Majeure or to the failure by your personnel to provide such cooperation and assistance (either through action or omission). 8. Personnel 8.1 Project Manager. Each party shall appoint a project manager. The project managers shall meet as needed to coordinate, review andensureTyler’s performance under the Agreement. Client’s project manager will oversee the administration of Tyler’s tasks underthis Agreement. 8.2 Personnel. Tylershall exercise commercially reasonable efforts to not reassign its personnel assigned to Client’s projects. Client may request personnel changes withor without cause. Client shall permit Tyler reasonable opportunity to curerequests to remove personnel for cause. Any replacement personnel assigned by Tyler shallhave sufficient experienceand familiarity with the Client’s projectinorder to provide services in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement prior to Tyler designating personnel. If Clientdisputes that Tylerpersonnel assigned to the Client have sufficient experience and familiarity with the Client’s project in order to provide services in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement, thenthe dispute will beresolved by proceeding with the dispute process set forth in Section I, Subsection 3 below. 8.3 No Subcontractors. Tylerrepresentsand warrants that it will not use subcontractors in performing this Agreement. SECTION D – MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT This Agreement includes the period of free maintenanceand support services identifiedin the Invoicingand Payment Policy. If you have purchased ongoingmaintenance and support services, and continue to make timely payments for them according to our InvoicingandPayment Policy, we will provide you with maintenance and support services for the Tyler Software under the terms of our standard Maintenance and SupportAgreement. 9 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 If you have opted not to purchase ongoing maintenance and support services for the Tyler Software, the Maintenance and SupportAgreement does not apply to you. Instead, you will only receive ongoing maintenance and support on the Tyler Software on a time and materials basis. In addition, you will: i) receive the lowest priority under our Support Call Process; ii) be required to purchase new releases of the Tyler Software, including fixes, enhancements and patches; iii) be charged ourthen-current rates for support services, or such other rates that we may consider necessary to account for your lack of ongoing training on the Tyler Software; iv) be charged for a minimum oftwo (2) hours of support services for every support call; and v) not be granted access to the support website for the Tyler Software or the Tyler Community Forum. SECTION E – THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS To the extent there are any Third Party Products set forth in the Investment Summary, the following terms and conditions will apply: 1. Third PartyHardware. We will sell, deliver, and installonsite the Third Party Hardware, if you have purchased any, for the priceset forth in the Investment Summary. Those amountsare payable in accordance with our InvoicingandPayment Policy. 2. Third Party Software. Upon payment in fullof the Third Party Software license fees, you will receive a non- transferable license to use the Third Party Software and related documentation for yourinternal business purposes only. Yourlicense rights to the Third Party Software will be governed by the Third Party Terms. 2.1 We will install onsite the Third Party Software. The installation cost is included in the installation fee in the Investment Summary. 2.2 If the Developer charges a fee for future updates, releases, or other enhancements to the Third Party Software, you will be required to pay such additional future fee. 2.3 The right to transfer the Third Party Software to a replacementhardware systemis governed by the Developer. You will give us advance written notice of any such transfer and will pay us for any required or requested technical assistance from us associated with such transfer. 3. Third Party Products Warranties. 3.1 We are authorizedby each Developer to grant or transfer the licenses to the Third Party Software. 3.2 The Third Party Hardware will be new andunused, and upon payment in full, you will receive free and clear title to the Third PartyHardware. 3.3 You acknowledge that we are not the manufacturer of the Third Party Products. We do not warrant or guarantee the performance of the Third Party Products. However, we grant and pass through to you any warranty that we mayreceive from the Developer or supplier of the Third Party Products. 4. Maintenance. If you havea Maintenance andSupport Agreement in effect, you may report defectsand other issues related to the Third Party Software directly to us, and we will (a) directly address the defect or issue, to the extent it relates to our interface with the Third Party Software; and/or (b) facilitate resolution 10 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 with the Developer, unless that Developer requires that you havea separate, direct maintenanceagreement in effect with that Developer. In all events, if you do not havea Maintenance and SupportAgreement in effect with us, you will be responsible for resolving defects and other issues related to the Third Party Software directly with the Developer. SECTION F – INVOICING AND PAYMENT; INVOICE DISPUTES 1. Invoicingand Payment. We will invoice you for all fees set forth in the Investment Summary per our Invoicingand Payment Policy, subject to Section F(2). 2. Invoice Disputes. If you believe any delivered software or servicedoes not conform to the warranties in this Agreement, you will provide us withwritten notice within thirty (30) days of yourreceipt of the applicable invoice. The written notice must contain reasonable detail of the issues youcontend are in dispute so that we can confirm the issue and respond to your notice with either a justification of the invoice, an adjustment to the invoice, or a proposal addressing the issues presented in your notice. We will work with you as may be necessary to develop an actionplan that outlines reasonable steps to be taken by each of us to resolve any issues presented in your notice. You may withhold payment of the amount(s) actually in dispute, and only thoseamounts, until we complete the actionitems outlined in the plan. If we are unable to complete the action items outlinedin the action plan because of yourfailure to complete the items agreed to be done byyou, then you will remit full payment of the invoice. We reserve the right to suspend delivery of all services, includingmaintenance and support services, if you fail to pay an invoice not disputed as described above within fifteen (15) days of notice of our intent to do so. SECTION G – TERMINATION 1. For Cause. If you believe we have materially breached this Agreement, you will invoke the Dispute Resolution clause set forth in Section I(3). You may terminate this Agreement for cause in the event we do not cure, or create a mutually agreeable action plan to address, a material breach of this Agreement within the thirty (30) day window set forth in Section I(3). In the event of termination for cause, you will pay us for all undisputed fees and expenses related to the software, products, and/or services you have received, or we have incurred or delivered, prior to the effective date of termination. 2. Without Cause. You may unilaterally terminate this Agreement without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice. In the event of such a termination, you will pay us for all undisputed fees and expenses related to the software and/or services you have received, or we have incurred or delivered, prior to the effective date of termination. Any disputed fees and expenses must have been submitted to the InvoiceDispute process set forth in Section F(2) prior to the effective date of termination in order to be withheld at termination. You will not be entitled to a refund or offset of previously paid license and other fees. 3. Lack of Appropriations. If you should not appropriate or otherwise receive funds sufficient to purchase, lease, operate, or maintain the software or services set forth in this Agreement, you may unilaterally terminatethis Agreement effective on the final day of the fiscal year through which you have funding. You will makeevery effort to give us at least thirty (30) days written notice prior to a termination for lack of appropriations. In the event of termination due to alack of appropriations, you will pay us for all undisputed fees and expenses related to the software and/or services you have received, or we have incurred or delivered, prior to the effective date of termination. Any disputed fees and expenses must have been submitted to the InvoiceDispute process set forth in Section F(2) at the time of termination in order to be withheldat termination. You will not be entitled to a refund or offset of previously paid license and 11 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 other fees. 4. Force Majeure. Except for your paymentobligations, either you or we may terminatethis Agreement if a Force Majeureevent suspends performance of scheduled tasks for a period of forty-five (45) days or more. In the event of termination due to Force Majeure, you will pay us for all undisputed fees and expenses related to the software and/or services you have received, or we have incurred or delivered, prior to the effective date of termination. Any disputed fees and expenses must have been submitted to the Invoice Dispute process set forth in Section F(2) at the time of termination in order to be withheldat termination. You will not be entitled to a refund or offset of previously paid license and other fees. SECTION H – INDEMNIFICATION, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND INSURANCE 1. Intellectual Property InfringementIndemnification. 1.1 We will defendyou against any third party claim(s) that the Tyler Software or Documentation infringes thatthird party’s patent, copyright, or trademark, or misappropriates its trade secrets, and will pay the amount of any resulting adverse final judgment (or settlement to which we consent). You must notify us promptly in writing of the claim and give us sole control over its defense or settlement. You agree to provide us with reasonable assistance, cooperation, and information in defending the claim at our expense. 1.2 Our obligations under this Section H(1) will not apply to the extent the claim or adverse final judgment is based on your: (a) use of a previous version of the Tyler Software and the claim would have been avoided had youinstalled and used the current version of the Tyler Software, and we provided notice of that requirement to you; (b) combining the Tyler Software with any product or device not provided, contemplated, or approved by us; (c) altering or modifying the Tyler Software, including any modification by third parties at yourdirection or otherwise permitted by you; (d) use of the Tyler Software in contradiction of this Agreement, including with non-licensed third parties; or (e) willful infringement, including use of the Tyler Software after we notify you to discontinue use due to such a claim. 1.3 If we receive information concerningan infringement or misappropriation claim related to the Tyler Software, we may, at our expense and without obligation to do so, either: (a) procure for you the right to continue its use; (b) modify it to make it non-infringing; or (c) replace it with a functional equivalent, in which case you will stop running the allegedly infringing Tyler Software immediately. Alternatively, we may decide to litigate the claim to judgment, in which case you may continue to use the Tyler Softwareconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. 1.4 If an infringement or misappropriation claim is fully litigated and your use of the Tyler Software is enjoined by a court of competent jurisdiction, in addition to paying anyadverse final judgment (or settlement to whichwe consent), we will, at our option, either: (a) procure theright to continue its use; b) modify it to make it non-infringing; (c) replace it with a functional equivalent; or (d) terminateyour license and refund the licensefees paid for the infringing Tyler Software, as depreciated on a straight- line basis measured over seven (7) years fromthe Effective Date. We will pursue those options in the order listed herein. This sectionprovides your exclusive remedy for third party copyright, patent, or trademark infringement and trade secret misappropriation claims. 2. General Indemnification. 12 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 2.1 We will indemnify and hold harmless you and your agents, officials, and employees from and against any and all third-party claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs) for (a) personal injury or property damage to the extent caused by our negligence or willful misconduct; or (b) our violation of a law applicable to our performance under this Agreement. You must notify us promptlyin writing of the claim and give us sole control over its defense or settlement. You agree to provide us with reasonable assistance, cooperation, and informationin defending the claim at our expense. 2.2 To the extent permitted by applicable law, you will indemnify and hold harmless us and our agents, officials, and employees from and againstany and all third-party claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs) for personal injury or property damage to the extent caused by your negligence or willful misconduct; or (b) your violation of a law applicable to your performance under this Agreement. We will notify you promptly in writing of the claim and will give you sole control over its defense or settlement. We agree to provide you with reasonable assistance, cooperation, and informationin defending the claim at your expense. 3. DISCLAIMER. EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTIESPROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTEDBY APPLICABLE LAW, WE HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, DUTIES, OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 4. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, OUR LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THISAGREEMENT, WHETHER BASED ON A THEORY OF CONTRACT OR TORT, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE AND STRICT LIABILITY, SHALL BE LIMITED TO YOURACTUAL DIRECT DAMAGES, NOT TO EXCEED (A) PRIOR TO FORMAL TRANSITION TO MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT, THE TOTAL ONE-TIME FEES SET FORTH IN THE INVESTMENT SUMMARY; OR (B) AFTER FORMAL TRANSITION TOMAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT, THE THEN-CURRENT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT FEE. THE PRICES SET FORTH IN THISAGREEMENT ARE SET IN RELIANCE UPON THIS LIMITATION OFLIABILITY. THEFOREGOING LIMITATION OFLIABILITY SHALL NOT APPLY TOCLAIMSTHAT ARE SUBJECT TO SECTIONS H(1) AND H(2). 5. EXCLUSION OFCERTAIN DAMAGES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTEDBY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BELIABLEFOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISEDOF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 6. Insurance. During the course of performing services under this Agreement, we agree to maintain the following levels of insurance: (a) Commercial General Liability of at least $1,000,000; (b) Automobile Liability of at least $1,000,000; (c) Professional Liability of at least $1,000,000; (d) Workers Compensation complying with applicable statutory requirements; and (e) Excess/UmbrellaLiability of at least $5,000,000. We will add you as an additional insured to our Commercial General Liability and Automobile Liability policies, which will automatically add you as an additional insured to our Excess/Umbrella Liabilitypolicy as well. We will provide you with copies of additional insuredendorsements and certificates of insurance upon your written request. SECTION I – GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Additional Products and Services. You may purchase additional products and services atthe ratesset forth in the Investment Summary for twelve (12) months fromthe EffectiveDate, and thereafter at our then- 13 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 currentlist price, by executing a mutually agreed addendum. If norate is provided in the Investment Summary, or those twelve (12) months have expired, you may purchase additional products and services at our then-current list price, also by executing a mutually agreed addendum. The terms of this Agreement will control any such additional purchase(s), unless otherwise specifically provided in the addendum. 2. Optional Items. Pricing for any listed optional products and services in the Investment Summary will be valid for twelve (12) months fromthe EffectiveDate. 3. DisputeResolution. You agree to provide us with written notice within thirty (30) days of becomingaware of a dispute. You agree to cooperate with us in trying to reasonably resolve all disputes, including, if requested by either party, appointing a senior representative to meet and engage in good faith negotiations with our appointed senior representative. Senior representatives will convene within thirty (30) days of the written dispute notice, unless otherwise agreed. All meetingsand discussions between senior representatives will be deemed confidential settlement discussions not subject to disclosure under Federal Rule of Evidence 408 or any similar applicable state rule. If we fail to resolve the dispute, either of us may assert our respective rights andremedies in a court of competentjurisdiction. Nothing in this section shall prevent you or us from seeking necessary injunctive relief during the dispute resolution procedures. 4. Taxes. The fees in the Investment Summary do not include anytaxes, including, without limitation, sales, use, or excise tax. If you are a tax-exempt entity, you agree to provide us with a tax-exempt certificate. Otherwise, we will pay all applicable taxes to the properauthorities and you will reimburse us for such taxes. If you have a valid direct-pay permit, you agree to provide us with a copy. For clarity, we are responsible for paying our income taxes, both federal and state, as applicable, arising fromour performance of this Agreement. 5. Nondiscrimination. We willnot discriminate against any person employed or applying for employment concerning the performance of our responsibilities under this Agreement. This discrimination prohibition will apply to allmatters of initial employment, tenure, and terms of employment, or otherwise with respect to any matter directly or indirectly relating to employment concerning race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, disability that is unrelated to the individual's ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position, height, weight, marital status, or political affiliation. We will post, whereappropriate, all notices related to nondiscrimination as maybe required by applicable law. 6. E-Verify. We have complied, and will comply, with the E-Verify procedures administeredby the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Verification Division for all of our employees assigned to yourproject. 7. Subcontractors. We will not subcontract any services under this Agreement without your prior written consent, not to be unreasonably withheld. 8. Binding Effect; No Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding on, and shall be for the benefit of, either your or our successor(s) or permitted assign(s). Neither party may assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however, your consent is not required for an assignment by us as a result of a corporate reorganization, merger, acquisition, or purchase of substantially all of our assets. 9. Force Majeure. Except for your paymentobligations, neither party will be liable for delays in performing its obligations under this Agreement to the extent that the delay is caused by Force Majeure; provided, however, that within ten (10) businessdays of the Force Majeureevent, the party whose performance is delayed provides the other party with written notice explaining the cause and extent thereof, as well as a 14 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 request for a reasonable time extensionequal to the estimated duration of the Force Majeureevent. 10. No Intended Third PartyBeneficiaries. This Agreement is entered into solely for the benefit of you and us. No third party will be deemed a beneficiary of this Agreement, and no third party will have theright to make any claim or assert any right under this Agreement. This provision does not affect the rights ofthird parties under any Third Party Terms. 11. EntireAgreement; Amendment. This Agreement represents theentire agreement between you and us with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings, and representations, whether written, oral, expressed, implied, or statutory. Purchase orders submitted byyou, if any, are for yourinternal administrative purposes only, and the terms and conditions contained in those purchase orders will have no force or effect. This Agreement may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorizedrepresentative of each party. 12. Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement is heldinvalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement will beconsidered valid andenforceable to the fullest extent permitted bylaw. 13. No Waiver. In the event that the terms and conditions of this Agreementare not strictly enforcedby either party, such non-enforcement will not act as or be deemed to act as a waiver or modification of this Agreement, nor will such non-enforcementprevent such party from enforcing each andevery term of this Agreement thereafter. 14. Independent Contractor. We are an independent contractor for all purposes under this Agreement. 15. Notices. All notices or communications required or permitted as a part of this Agreement, such as notice of an alleged material breach for a termination for cause or a dispute that must be submitted to dispute resolution, must be in writing and will be deemed delivered upon the earlier of the following: (a) actual receipt by the receiving party; (b) upon receipt by sender of a certifiedmail, return receipt signed by an employee or agent of the receiving party; (c) uponreceipt by sender of proof of emaildelivery; or (d) if not actually received, five (5) days after deposit with the United States Postal Service authorized mail center with proper postage (certified mail, return receipt requested) affixed and addressed to the other party at the address set forth on the signature page hereto or such other address as the party may have designated by propernotice. The consequences for the failure to receive a notice due to improper notification by the intended receiving party of a change in address will be borne by the intended receiving party. 16. Client Lists. You agree that we may identify you by name in client lists. We may only identify you in marketing presentations and promotional materials after receiving your written consent. 17. Records and Confidentiality. a. Records. Tyler shall maintain complete andaccuraterecords with respect to services, sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information directlyrelated to the performance of services under this Agreement. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Tyler shall provide reasonable access to such records to the representatives of Client of its designees at leastannually, with one week advance written notice, and shall give Client the right to examine and audit said records, shall permit Client to make transcripts therefrom as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities directly related to this Agreement, subject to the requirement that the Client pay for such audit. Client has theright to request follow up audit visits related to initial audit findings as reasonably 15 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 needed. Tylershall not unreasonably refuse such requests. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment from Client. b.Confidentiality. Both parties recognize that their respectiveemployees and agents, in the course of performance of this Agreement, maybe exposed to confidential information and that disclosure of such information could violate rights to private individuals and entities, including the parties. Confidential information is nonpublic information that a reasonable person would believe to be confidential andincludes, without limitation, personal identifying information e.g., social security numbers) and trade secrets, each as definedby applicable state law. Each party agrees that it will not disclose any confidential information of the other party and further agrees to take all reasonable and appropriateaction to prevent such disclosure by its employees or agents. The confidentiality covenants contained herein will survive the termination or cancellation of this Agreement. This obligation of confidentiality will not apply to information that: 1.is in the publicdomain, either at thetime of disclosure or afterwards, except by breach of this Agreement by a party or its employees or agents; 2.a party can establish by reasonable proof was in that party's possession atthetime of initial disclosure; 3.a party receives from a third partywho has a right to disclose it to the receiving party; or 4.is the subject of a legitimate disclosure request under the open records laws or similar applicable public disclosurelawsgoverning this Agreement; provided, however, that in the eventyou receive an open records or other similar applicable request, you will give us prompt notice and otherwise perform the functions required by applicable law. 18.Business License. In the event a local business licenseis required for us to perform services hereunder, you will promptly notify us and provide us with the necessary paperwork and/or contact information so that we may timely obtain such license. 19.Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of your state of domicile, without regard to its rules on conflicts of law. 20.Multiple Originals and Authorized Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in multiple originals, any of which will be independently treated as an originaldocument. Any electronic, faxed, scanned, photocopied, or similarlyreproduced signature on this Agreement or any amendment hereto will bedeemed an original signature and will be fully enforceable as if an original signature. Each party represents to theother that the signatory set forth below is dulyauthorized to bind that party to this Agreement. 21.Cooperative Procurement. To the maximum extent permitted byapplicable law, we agree that this Agreement may be used as a cooperative procurement vehicleby eligible jurisdictions. We reserve theright to negotiate and customize the terms and conditions set forth herein, including but not limited to pricing, to the scope and circumstances of that cooperative procurement. 22.Contract Documents & Order of Precedence. This Agreement includes the following exhibits: Exhibit A Investment Summary Exhibit B Invoicingand Payment Policy Schedule 1: Business Travel Policy 16 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Exhibit C Maintenance and SupportAgreement Schedule 1: Support CallProcess Exhibit D DocOrigin End User License Agreement Exhibit E Tyler Technologies Statement of Work (SOW) Exhibit F Tyler TechnologiesProposal for Enterprise Resource Planning System and Implementation Services dated 5/19/16 (Tyler “Proposal”) Exhibit G City of Poway Request for Proposal for Enterprise Resource Planning System and Implementation Services dated 4/14/2016 (Client “RFP”) In the event any parts of this Agreement conflict, the followingorder of precedenceshall beadhered to: 1. Agreement Sections A-I & Exhibits A-E 2. Exhibit F – Tyler’s Proposal 3. Exhibit G – Client’s RFP IN WITNESSWHEREOF, a dulyauthorizedrepresentative of each party has executed this Agreement as of the date(s) set forth below. Tyler Technologies, Inc. City of Poway By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: Address for Notices: Address for Notices: Tyler Technologies, Inc. City of Poway One Tyler Drive City of Poway Customer Service Division Yarmouth, ME 04096 13325 Civic CenterDrive Attention: Associate General Counsel Poway, CA 92064 Attention: 17 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Exhibit A Investment Summary The following Investment Summary details the software, products, and services to bedelivered by us to you under the Agreement. This Investment Summaryis effective as of the Effective Date. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined will have the meaning assigned to such terms in the Agreement. See Attachment B 18 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Exhibit B Invoicingand Payment Policy We will provideyou with the software and services set forth in the Investment Summary. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined will have the meaning assigned to such terms in the Agreement. Invoicing: We will invoice you for the applicable license and services fees in the Investment Summary as set forth below. Your rights to dispute any invoiceareset forth in the Agreement. 1. Tyler Software. 1.1 License Fees: License fees totaling $219,375.00 (as set forth in Exhibit A – Investment Summary) will beinvoiced on the following payment milestones: License Fee % License Fee Amount Payment Milestone 25% of total Tyler Software licensefees 54,843.75 EffectiveDate 50% of total Tyler Software License Fees 109,687.50 On the date when we make the applicable Tyler Software available to you for downloading (the Available Download Date”) 25% of total Tyler Software licensefees 54,843.75 Sixty (60) days following the earlier of (1) use of the Tyler Software in live production for Phase 2, or (2) January 1, 2019. Phase designations for applicationsare specified in Section 1.2ProjectTimeline in the Statement of Work. To the extent a live date is delayedand such delay is solelydue to Tyler’s failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the payment maybe delayed by an amount of time equal to the delay socaused by Tyler. 1.2 Maintenance and Support Fees: Year 1 maintenance and support fees arewaived through the earlier of (a) availability of the Tyler Software for use in a live productionenvironment; or (b) one (1) year from the EffectiveDate. Year 2maintenance and support fees will remain flat and are payable on that earlier-of date, and subsequent maintenance and support fees areinvoiced annually in advance of each anniversary thereof. Annual maintenance and support fees for years 3 and 4 will increase no more than5%, year over year. Your fees for each subsequent year will beset at our then-current rates. 2. Professional Services. 19 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 2.1 Implementation and Other Professional Services (including training): Implementation and other professional services (including training) are billed and invoiced as delivered, atthe ratesset forth in the Investment Summary. 2.2 Consulting Services: If you have purchased any BusinessProcess Consulting services, if they have been quoted as fixed-fee services, they will beinvoiced50% upon your acceptance of the Business SystemDesign document, by module, and50% upon your acceptance of customdesktop procedures, bymodule. If you have purchasedany BusinessProcess Consulting services and they are quoted as an estimate, then we will bill you the actual services delivered on a time and materials basis. 2.3 Conversions: Fixed-fee conversionsare invoiced 50% upon initial delivery of the converted data, by conversion option, and50% upon Client acceptance to load the converteddata into Live/Production environment, by conversion option. Where conversions are quoted as estimated, we will bill you the actual services delivered on a time and materials basis. 2.4 Requested Modifications to the Tyler Software: Requested modifications to the Tyler Software are invoiced 50% upon delivery of specifications and 50% upon delivery of the applicable modification. You must report any failure of the modification to conform to the specifications within thirty (30) days of delivery; otherwise, the modification will bedeemed to be in compliance with the specifications after the 30-day window has passed. You may stillreport Defects to us as set forth in the Maintenance andSupport Agreement. 2.5Other Fixed Price Services: Except as otherwise provided, other fixedprice services areinvoiced uponcompletedelivery of the service. For the avoidance of doubt, where “Project Planning Services” are provided, payment will bedue upon delivery of the Implementation Planning document. Dedicated ProjectManagement services, if any, will be billed monthlyin arrears, beginning on the first day of the month immediately following the project kick-off meeting. 2.6 Change Management Services: If you have purchased any change management services, those services will beinvoiced in the following amounts and upon the following milestones: Acceptance of Change Management Discovery Analysis 15% Delivery of Change Management Plan and Strategy Presentation 10% Acceptance of Executive Playbook 15% Acceptance of Resistance Management Plan 15% Acceptance of Procedural Change Communications Plan 10% Change Management Coach Training 20% Change Management After-Action Review 15% 3. Third Party Products. 3.1 Third PartySoftware License Fees: License fees for Third PartySoftware, if any, are invoiced when we make it available to you for downloading. 3.2 Third PartySoftwareMaintenance: The first year maintenance fees for the Third Party Software, if any, is invoiced whenwe make that Third Party Software available to you for downloading. 20 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 3.3 Third PartyHardware: Third PartyHardware costs, if any, areinvoiced upondelivery. 4. Expenses. The service rates in the Investment Summary do not include travel expenses. Expenses will be billed as incurred and only in accordance with our then-current Business Travel Policy, plus a 10% travel agency processing fee. Our current Business Travel Policyis attached to this Exhibit B at Schedule 1. Copies of receipts will be providedupon request. Receipts for miscellaneous items less than twenty- five dollars andmileage logs are not available. Payment. Payment for undisputed invoices is due within forty-five (45) days of the invoice date. We prefer to receive payments electronically. Ourelectronicpayment information is: Bank: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 420 Montgomery San Francisco, CA 94104 ABA: 121000248 Account: 4124302472 Beneficiary: Tyler Technologies, Inc. – Operating 21 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Exhibit B Schedule 1 Business TravelPolicy 1. Air Travel A. Reservations & Tickets Tyler’s Travel Management Company (TMC) will provide an employee with a direct flight within two hours before or after the requested departure time, assuming that flight does not add more thanthree hours to the employee’s total trip duration and the fare is within $100 (each way) of the lowest logical fare. If a net savings of $200 or more (each way) is possible through a connecting flight that is within two hours before or afterthe requested departure time and that does not add morethan three hours to the employee’s total trip duration, the connecting flight shouldbe accepted. Employees are encouraged to make advanced reservations to take full advantage of discount opportunities. Employees should use all reasonable efforts to make travel arrangements at least two (2) weeks in advance of commitments. A seven day advance booking requirement is mandatory. When booking less than seven days in advance, managementapproval will be required. Except in the case of international travelwhere a segment of continuous airtravel is scheduled to exceed six hours, only economy or coach class seating is reimbursable. B. Baggage Fees Reimbursement of personal baggage charges are based on trip duration as follows: Up to five days = one checkedbag Six or more days = two checked bags Baggage fees for sports equipment are not reimbursable. 2. GroundTransportation A. Private Automobile Mileage Allowance – Business use of anemployee’s private automobile will be reimbursed at the current IRS allowable rate, plus out of pocket costs for tolls and parking. Mileage will be calculated by using the employee's office as the starting andending point, in compliance with IRS regulations. Employees who have been designated a homeoffice should calculate miles from their home. 22 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 B. Rental Car Employees are authorized to rent cars only in conjunction with air travelwhen cost, convenience, and the specific situation reasonably require their use. When renting a car for Tyler business, employees should select a “mid-size” or “intermediate” car. “Full” size cars may be rented when three or more employees are traveling together. Tylercarries leased vehicle coverage for business car rentals; additional insurance on the rental agreement should be declined. C. Public Transportation Taxi or airport limousine services may be considered when traveling in and around cities or to and from airports when less expensive means of transportation are unavailable or impractical. The actual fare plus a reasonable tip (15-18%) are reimbursable. In the case of a free hotel shuttle to the airport, tips are included inthe per diem rates and willnot be reimbursed separately. D. Parking & Tolls When parking at theairport, employees must use longer term parking areas that are measured in days as opposed to hours. Park and fly options located near some airports may also be used. For extended trips that would result in excessive parking charges, public transportation to/from the airport shouldbe considered. Tolls will be reimbursed when receiptsare presented. 3. Lodging Tyler’s TMC will select hotel chains that are well established, reasonable in price, andconveniently located in relation to the traveler's work assignment. Typical hotel chains includeCourtyard, Fairfield Inn, Hampton Inn, and Holiday Inn Express. Ifthe employee has a discount rate with alocal hotel, the hotel reservation should note that discount and the employee should confirm the lowerrate with the hotel upon arrival. Employee memberships in travel clubs such as AAA should be noted in their travel profiles so that the employee can take advantage of any lower club rates. No shows” or cancellation fees are not reimbursable if the employee does not comply with the hotel’s cancellationpolicy. Tips for maids and other hotel staff are included inthe perdiemrate and are not reimbursed separately. 4. Meals andIncidental Expenses Employee meals andincidental expenses while on travel status are in accordance with the federal per diem ratespublishedby the General Services Administration. Incidental expenses include tips to maids, hotel staff, and shuttle driversand other minor travel expenses. Per diem ratesare available at www.gsa.gov/perdiem. A. Overnight Travel For each full day of travel, all three meals arereimbursable. Per diems onthe first and lastday of a trip are 23 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 governed as set forth below. Departure Day Depart before 12:00noon Lunch and dinner Depart after 12:00 noon Dinner Return Day Return before 12:00 noon Breakfast Return between 12:00 noon & 7:00 p.m. Breakfast and lunch Return after 7:00 p.m.* Breakfast, lunch and dinner 7:00 p.m. is defined as direct travel time and does not include time taken to stop for dinner The reimbursement rates for individual meals are calculated as a percentage of the full day perdiem as follows: Breakfast 15% Lunch 25% Dinner 60% B. SameDay Travel Employees traveling at least100 miles to a siteand returning in the same day are eligible to claim lunch on an expense report. Employees on same day travel status areeligible to claim dinner in the event they return home after 7:00 p.m.* 7:00 p.m. is defined as directtravel time and does not include time taken to stop for dinner 5. Internet Access – Hotels and Airports Employees who travel may need to access their e-mail at night. Many hotels provide free high speed internet access and Tyleremployees are encouraged to usesuch hotels whenever possible. If an employee’s hotel charges for internet access it is reimbursable up to $10.00 per day. Charges for internet access at airports are not reimbursable. 24 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Exhibit C Maintenance and SupportAgreement We will provideyou with the following maintenance and support services for the Tyler Software. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined will have the meaning assigned to such terms in the Agreement. 1. Term. We provide maintenance and support services on anannual basis. The initial term commences on the EffectiveDate, andremains in effect for one (1) year. The term will renew automatically for additional one (1) year terms unless terminated in writing by either party at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the then-current term. We will adjust the term to match your first use of the Tyler Software in live production if that event precedes the one (1) year anniversary of the Effective Date. 2. Maintenance and Support Fees. Your year 1 maintenanceand support fees for the Tyler Software are listed in the Investment Summary, and your payment obligations are set forth in the Invoicingand Payment Policy. We reserve theright to suspend maintenance and support services if you fail to pay undisputed maintenance and support fees within thirty (30) days of our written notice. We will reinstate maintenance and support services only if you pay all pastduemaintenance and support fees, including all fees for the periods during which services were suspended. 3. Maintenance and Support Services. As long as you are not using the Help Desk as a substitute for our training services on the Tyler Software, and you timely pay your maintenance and support fees, we will, consistent with our then-current Support CallProcess: 3.1performour maintenance and support obligations in a professional, good, and workmanlike manner, consistent with industry standards, to resolveDefects in the Tyler Software (limited to the then-current version and the immediately prior version); provided, however, that if you modify the Tyler Software without our consent, our obligation to provide maintenanceand support services on and warrant the Tyler Software will be void; 3.2 providetelephone support during our established support hours; 3.3 maintain personnel that are sufficiently trained to be familiar with the Tyler Software and Third Party Software, if any, inorder to provide maintenance and support services; 3.4 provide you with a copy of all major and minor releases to the Tyler Software (including updatesand enhancements) that we make generally available without additional charge to customers who havea maintenanceand support agreement in effect; and 3.5 provide non-Defect resolutionsupport of prior releases of the Tyler Software in accordance with our then-current release life cycle policy. 4. Client Responsibilities. We will use all reasonable efforts to perform any maintenanceand support services 25 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 remotely. Currently, we use a third-party secure unattendedconnectivity tool calledBomgar, as well as GotoAssist by Citrix. Therefore, you agree to maintain a high-speed internet connection capable of connecting us to your PCs and server(s). You agree to provide us with a login account andlocal administrative privileges as we may reasonably require to performremote services. We will, at our option, use the secure connection to assist with proper diagnosis and resolution, subject to any reasonably applicable security protocols. If we cannot resolve a support issue remotely, we maybe required to provide onsite services. In such event, we will be responsible for our travel expenses, unless it is determined that the reason onsitesupport was required wasa reason outside our control. Either way, you agree to provide us with full and free access to the Tyler Software, working space, adequate facilities within a reasonable distance fromthe equipment, and use of machines, attachments, features, or other equipment reasonably necessary for us to provide the maintenance and support services, all at no charge to us. We strongly recommend that you also maintain a VPN for backup connectivity purposes. 5. Hardwareand Other Systems. If you are a self-hosted customer and, in the process of diagnosinga software support issue, it is discovered that one of your peripheral systems or other software is the cause of the issue, we will notify you so that you may contact the support agency for that peripheral system. We cannot support or maintain Third Party Products except as expressly set forth in the Agreement. In order for us to provide the highest level of softwaresupport, you bear the following responsibility related to hardware and software: a) All infrastructure executingTylerSoftware shall be managed byyou; b) You will maintainsupport contracts for allnon-Tyler software associated with Tyler Software (including operating systems and database management systems, but excluding Third-Party Software, if any); and c) You will perform daily database backups and verify that those backups are successful. 6. Other Excluded Services. Maintenance and support fees do not include fees for the following services: (a) initial installation or implementation of the Tyler Software; (b) onsite maintenance and support (unless Tyler cannot remotely correct a Defect in the Tyler Software, as set forth above); (c) application design; (d) other consulting services; (e) maintenance and support of an operating system or hardware, unless you are a hostedcustomer; (f) support outside our normal business hours as listed in our then-current Support Call Process; or (g) installation, training services, or third party product costs related to a new release. Requested maintenance and support servicessuch as those outlinedin this section will be billed to you on a time andmaterials basis at our then current rates. You must request those services with at least one (1) weeks’ advance notice. 7. CurrentSupport Call Process. Our current Support Call Process for the Tyler Software is attached to this Exhibit C at Schedule 1. 26 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Exhibit C Schedule 1 Support Call Process Support Channels Tyler Technologies, Inc. provides the following channels of softwaresupport: 1) Tyler Community – an on-line resource, Tyler Communityprovides a venue for all Tylerclients with current maintenance agreements to collaborate with one another, share best practices and resources, and access documentation. 2) On-line submission (portal) – for less urgent and functionality-based questions, users may create unlimited support incidents through the customerrelationship management portal available at the Tyler Technologies website. 3) Email – for less urgent situations, users may submit unlimited emails directly to the softwaresupport group. 4) Telephone – for urgent or complexquestions, users receive toll-free, unlimited telephonesoftware support. Support Resources A number of additional resources are available to provide a comprehensiveand complete support experience: 1) Tyler Website – www.tylertech.com – for accessing client tools and other information including support contact information. 2) Tyler Community – available through login, Tyler Community provides a venue for clients to support one another and share best practices and resources. 3) Knowledgebase – A fully searchable depository of thousands of documents related to procedures, best practices, release information, and job aides. 4) ProgramUpdates – where development activity is made available for client consumption Support Availability Tyler Technologies support is available during the local business hours of 8 AM to 5 PM (Monday – Friday) across four US time zones (Pacific, Mountain, Central and Eastern). Clients may receive coverage across these time zones. Tyler’s holiday scheduleis outlined below. There will be nosupport coverage on these days. New Year’s Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Day after Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Day Labor Day 27 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Issue Handling Incident Tracking Every supportincident is logged into Tyler’s CustomerRelationship Management System andgiven a unique incident number. This system tracks the history of each incident. The incident tracking number is used to track and referenceopen issues when clients contactsupport. Clients may track incidents, using the incidentnumber, through the portal at Tyler’s website or by calling softwaresupport directly. Incident Priority Each incident is assigned a priority number, which corresponds to the client’s needs and deadlines. The client is responsible for reasonably setting the priority of the incident per the chartbelow. This chart is not intended to address every type of supportincident, and certain “characteristics” may or may not applydepending on whether the Tyler software has been deployed on customer infrastructure or the Tyler cloud. The goal is to help guide the clienttowards clearly understanding and communicating the importance of the issue and to describe generallyexpected responses and resolutions. Priority Level Characteristics of Support Incident Resolution Targets 1 Critical Support incident that causes (a) completeapplication failure or application unavailability; (b) application failure or unavailability in one or more of the client’s remote location; or (c) systemic loss of multiple essential system functions. Tyler shall provide an initial response to Priority Level 1 incidents within one (1) business hour of receipt of the supportincident. Tyler shall use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve such support incidents or provide a circumventionprocedure within one (1) business day. For non-hosted customers, Tyler’s responsibility for lost or corrupted data is limited to assisting the client in restoring its last available database. 2 High Support incident that causes (a) repeated, consistent failure of essential functionality affecting more than one user or (b) loss or corruption of data. Tyler shall provide an initial response to Priority Level 2 incidents within four (4) business hours of receipt of the supportincident. Tylershall use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve such support incidents or provide a circumventionprocedure within ten (10) businessdays. For non-hosted customers, Tyler’s responsibility for loss or corrupted data is limited to assisting the client in restoring its last available database. 3 Medium Priority Level 1 incident with an existing circumvention procedure, or a Priority Level 2 incident that affects only one user or for which there is an existing circumvention procedure. Tyler shall provide an initial response to Priority Level 3 incidents within one (1) business day of receipt of the support incident. Tyler shall use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve such support incidents without the need for a circumvention procedure with the next publishedmaintenance update or service pack. For non-hosted customers, Tyler’s responsibility for lost or corrupted data is limited to assisting the client in restoring its last availabledatabase. 28 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Priority Level Characteristics of Support Incident Resolution Targets 4 Non- critical Support incident that causes failure of non-essential functionality or a cosmetic or other issue that does not qualify as any other Priority Level. Tyler shall provide an initial response to Priority Level 4 incidents withintwo (2) business days. Tylershall use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve such support incidents, as well as cosmetic issues, with a future version release. Incident Escalation Tyler Technology’s softwaresupport consists of four levels of personnel: 1) Level 1: front-line representatives 2) Level 2: more senior intheir support role, they assist front-line representativesand take on escalated issues 3) Level 3: assist in incident escalations and specialized client issues 4) Level 4: responsible for the management of support teams for either asingle product or a product group If a client feels they are not receiving the service needed, they may contact the appropriate Software Support Manager. After receiving the incident tracking number, the manager will follow up on the open issue and determine the necessary action to meet the client’s needs. On occasion, the priority or immediacy of a softwaresupportincident may change afterinitiation. Tyler encourages clients to communicate the level of urgency or priority of softwaresupport issues so that we can respond appropriately. A software supportincident can be escalated by any of the following methods: 1) Telephone – for immediate response, call toll-free to either escalate an incident’s priority or to escalate an issue through management channels as describedabove. 2) Email – clients can send an email to software support inorder to escalate the priority of an issue 3) On-line Support Incident Portal – clients can alsoescalate the priority of an issue by logging into the clientincident portal and referencing the appropriateincident tracking number. Remote Support Tool Some support calls require further analysis of the client’s database, process or setup to diagnosea problem or to assist with a question. Tyler will, at its discretion, use an industry-standard remote support tool. Support is able to quicklyconnect to the client’s desktop and view the site’s setup, diagnose problems, or assist with screen navigation. More information about the remote support tool Tyler uses is available upon request. 29 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Exhibit D DocOrigin End User License Agreement REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 30 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 31 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 32 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 33 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 34 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 35 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Exhibit E Tyler Proposal Tyler TechnologiesProposal for Enterprise Resource Planning System and Implementation Services dated 5/19/16 (Tyler “Proposal”) incorporated by reference. On file at City Clerk’s Office. 36 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Exhibit F Client RFP City of Poway Request for Proposal for Enterprise Resource Planning System and Implementation Services dated 4/14/2016 (Client “RFP”) incorporated by reference. On file at City Clerk’s Office. 37 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Exhibit G Statement of Workfollows this page. 38 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Statement of Work EnterpriseGroup, TylerTechnologies Prepared for: City of Poway, CA 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 85866 Prepared by: Jen Wahlbrink One TylerDrive, Yarmouth, ME 04096 Tyler Technologies, Inc. www.tylertech.com 39 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Table of Contents 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................5 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 PROJECT TIMELINE .............................................................................................................................. 5 1.3 PROJECT METHODOLOGY OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................... 6 2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE ...............................................................................................................7 2.1 CLIENTGOVERNANCE .......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 Client Project Manager ........................................................................................................... 7 2.1.2 Steering Committee ................................................................................................................. 7 2.1.3 Executive Sponsor(s) ................................................................................................................ 8 2.2 TYLER GOVERNANCE ............................................................................................................................ 8 2.2.1 Tyler Project Manager ............................................................................................................. 8 2.2.2 Tyler ImplementationManagement ....................................................................................... 8 2.2.3 Tyler Executive Management .................................................................................................. 8 2.3 ACCEPTANCE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT PROCESS ..................................................................................... 9 3 OVERALL PROJECT ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................. 10 3.1 PROJECT, RESOURCES AND SCHEDULING ............................................................................................... 10 3.2 DATA CONVERSION ........................................................................................................................... 10 3.3 DATA EXCHANGES, MODIFICATIONS, FORMS AND REPORTS ..................................................................... 11 3.4 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................... 12 3.5 EDUCATION ...................................................................................................................................... 12 4 IMPLEMENTATION STAGES ........................................................................................................ 13 4.1 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) .............................................................................................. 13 4.2 INITIATE & PLAN (STAGE 1) ................................................................................................................ 15 4.2.1 Tyler Internal Coordination & Planning ................................................................................. 15 4.2.2 System Infrastructure Planning ............................................................................................. 16 4.2.3 Project/Phase Planning ......................................................................................................... 17 4.2.4 Project Schedule .................................................................................................................... 18 4.2.5 Stakeholder Presentation ...................................................................................................... 19 4.2.6 Control Point1: Initiate & Plan Stage Acceptance ................................................................ 20 4.3 ASSESS & DEFINE (STAGE 2) ............................................................................................................... 21 4.3.1 Fundamentals Review ........................................................................................................... 21 4.3.3 Current/FutureState Analysis ............................................................................................... 22 4.3.4 Data Conversion Planning & Mapping .................................................................................. 23 4.3.5 Standard 3rd Party Data Exchange Planning ........................................................................ 24 4.3.6 Modification Analysis & Specification, if contracted ............................................................. 25 40 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.3.7 Forms & Reports Planning ..................................................................................................... 26 4.3.8 System Deployment ............................................................................................................... 27 4.3.9 Control Point2: Assess & Define Stage Acceptance .............................................................. 28 4.4 BUILD & VALIDATE (STAGE 3) ............................................................................................................. 30 4.4.1Configuration & Power User Training ................................................................................... 30 4.4.2 Data Conversion & Validation ............................................................................................... 31 4.4.3 Standard 3rd Party Data Exchange Validation ..................................................................... 32 4.4.4 Modification Delivery & Validation, if contracted ................................................................. 33 4.4.5 Forms & Reports Validation .................................................................................................. 34 4.4.6 Control Point3: Build & Validate Stage Acceptance ............................................................. 35 4.5 FINAL TESTING & TRAINING (STAGE 4) ................................................................................................. 36 4.5.1 Cutover Planning ................................................................................................................... 36 4.5.2 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) ............................................................................................. 37 4.5.3 End User Training .................................................................................................................. 38 4.5.4 Control Point4: Final Testing & Training Stage Acceptance ................................................. 39 4.6 PRODUCTIONCUTOVER (STAGE 5) ....................................................................................................... 40 4.6.1 Final Data Conversion, if applicable ...................................................................................... 40 4.6.2 Production Processing & Assistance ...................................................................................... 41 4.6.3 Transition to Tyler Support .................................................................................................... 42 4.6.4 Schedule Post-production Services, if applicable .................................................................. 43 4.6.5 Control Point5: Production Cutover Stage Acceptance ........................................................ 44 4.7 PHASE/PROJECT CLOSURE (STAGE 6) ................................................................................................... 45 4.7.1 Close Phase/Project ............................................................................................................... 45 4.7.2 Control Point6: Phase/Project Closure Stage Acceptance .................................................... 46 5 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................... 47 5.1 TYLER ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ..................................................................................................... 47 5.1.1 Tyler Executive Management ................................................................................................ 47 5.1.2 Tyler ImplementationManagement ..................................................................................... 47 5.1.3 Tyler Project Manager ........................................................................................................... 47 5.1.4 Tyler Implementation Consultant .......................................................................................... 48 5.1.5 Tyler Sales .............................................................................................................................. 49 5.1.6 Tyler Software Support .......................................................................................................... 49 5.2 CITY OF POWAY ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................... 49 5.2.1 City of Poway Executive Sponsor ........................................................................................... 49 5.2.2 City of Poway Steering Committee ........................................................................................ 49 5.2.3 City of Poway Project Manager ............................................................................................. 50 5.2.4 City of Poway Functional Leads ............................................................................................. 51 5.2.5 City of Poway Power Users .................................................................................................... 52 5.2.6 City of Poway End Users ........................................................................................................ 52 5.2.7 City of Poway Technical Support ........................................................................................... 52 5.2.8 City of Poway UpgradeCoordinator ...................................................................................... 53 41 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 5.2.9 City of PowayProject Toolset Coordinator ............................................................................ 53 5.2.10 City of Poway Change Management Lead ............................................................................ 53 6 GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................. 54 7 MUNIS CONVERSION SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 57 7.1 ACCOUNTING COA ........................................................................................................................... 57 7.2 ACCOUNTING - ACTUALS .................................................................................................................... 57 7.3 ACCOUNTING - BUDGETS .................................................................................................................... 57 7.4 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE MASTER ............................................................................................................. 57 7.5 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - CHECKS ............................................................................................................ 57 7.6 CONTRACTS ..................................................................................................................................... 57 7.7 FIXED ASSETS MASTER ....................................................................................................................... 57 7.8 FIXED ASSETS - HISTORY ..................................................................................................................... 58 7.9 GENERAL BILLING CID ....................................................................................................................... 58 7.10 GENERAL BILLING – RECURRINGINVOICES ......................................................................................... 58 7.11 GENERAL BILLING – BILLS ............................................................................................................... 58 7.12 INVENTORY MASTER ...................................................................................................................... 58 7.13 INVENTORY – COMMODITY CODES ................................................................................................... 58 7.14 PROJECT GRANT ACCOUNTING ........................................................................................................ 58 7.15 PROJECT GRANT ACCOUNTING - ACTUALS ......................................................................................... 58 7.16 PROJECT GRANT ACCOUNTING – BUDGET ......................................................................................... 58 7.17 PURCHASEORDERS ........................................................................................................................ 59 7.18 PAYROLL ...................................................................................................................................... 59 7.19 PAYROLL - DEDUCTIONS ................................................................................................................. 59 7.20 PAYROLL – ACCUMULATORS ............................................................................................................ 59 7.21 PAYROLL – ACCRUAL BALANCES ....................................................................................................... 59 7.22 PAYROLL – CHECK HISTORY ............................................................................................................. 59 7.23 PAYROLL – EARNING/DEDUCTION HIST. ............................................................................................ 59 7.24 PAYROLL – APPLICANTTRACKING ..................................................................................................... 59 7.25 PAYROLL – PM ACTION HISTORY ..................................................................................................... 60 7.26 PAYROLL – POSITION CONTROL ....................................................................................................... 60 7.27 PAYROLL – STATE RETIREMENT TABLES ............................................................................................. 60 7.28 PAYROLL – CERTIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................. 60 7.29 PAYROLL – EDUCATION .................................................................................................................. 60 42 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 1 Executive Summary 1.1 Project Overview The Statement of Work (SOW) documents the Project scope, methodology, roles andresponsibilities, implementation stages, and deliverables for the implementation of Tyler products. The Project goals are to offerthe City of Poway theopportunity to make the City of Poway more accessible and responsive to external and internal customer needs and more efficient in its operations through: Streamlining, automating, and integrating businessprocesses and practices Providing tools to produce and access information in a real-time environment Enabling and empowering users to become more efficient, productive and responsive Successfully overcoming current challenges and meeting future goals 1.2 ProjectTimeline The Project timeline establishes a start and end date for each Phase of the Project. Developed during the Initiate & Plan Stage and revised as mutually agreed to, if needed, the timeline accounts for resource availability, business goals, size and complexity of the Project, and task duration requirements. Phase Functional Areas Modules Start Date Go-Live Date 1AFinancials • Accounting General Ledger Budgeting April 2017 Jan 2018 1B Financials Cash Management Project & Grant Accounting Requisitions Purchase Orders eProcurement Bid Management ContractManagement Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable General Billing Fixed Assets CAFR StatementBuilder April 2017 July 2018 System Wide • Tyler Reporting Services Tyler Forms Processing Munis Office Role Tailored Dashboard 43 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Phase Functional Areas Modules Start Date Go-Live Date Tyler ContentManager SE 2 Core Human Resources / Payroll Payroll w/Employee Self Service HR Management Risk Management Employee Expense Reimbursement January 2018 January 2019 1.3 Project Methodology Overview Tyler bases itsimplementation methodology on the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Process Groups Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, and Closing). Using this model, Tyler developed a 6-Stage Process specifically designed to focus on critical Project success measurementfactors. Tailoredspecifically for Tyler’s public sectorclients, the Project methodology contains Stage acceptance Control Points throughout each Phase to ensure adherence to Scope, budget, timeline controls, effective communications, and quality standards. Clearly defined, the Project methodology repeats consistently across Phases, and isscaled to meet the City of Poway’s complexity, andorganizational needs. 44 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 2 Project Governance The purpose of this section is to define the resources required to adequately establish the business needs, objectives, and priorities for the Project; communicate the goals to other Project participants; and providesupport and guidance to accomplish these goals. Project governance also defines the structure for issue escalation and resolution, Change Controlreview and authority, and organizational change management activities. The preliminary governance structure establishes aclearescalation path when issues and risks require escalation above the project managerlevel. Further refinement of the governance structure, related processes, and specific roles and responsibilities occurs during the Initiate & Plan Stage. The path below illustrates an overall team perspective where Tyler and the City of Poway collaborate to resolve Project challenges according to defined escalationpaths. In the event project managers do not possess authority to determine a solution, resolve an issue, or mitigate a risk, Tyler implementation management and the City of Poway steering committee become the escalation points to triage responses prior to escalation to the City of Poway and Tylerexecutive sponsors. As part of the escalation process, each Project governance tier presents recommendations and supporting information to facilitate knowledge transfer and issue resolution. The City of Poway and Tylerexecutive sponsorsserve as the final escalation point. 2.1 Client Governance Depending on the City of Poway’s organizational structure and size, the following governance roles may be filled byone or more people: 2.1.1 ClientProjectManager The City of Poway’s project manager(s) coordinate Project team members, subject matter experts, and the overall implementation schedule and serves as the primary point of contact with Tyler. The City of Poway project manager(s) will be responsible for reporting to the City of Poway steering committee and determining appropriate escalation points. 2.1.2 Steering Committee The City of Poway steering committee understands and supports the cultural change necessary for the Project and fosters an appreciation of the Project’s value throughout the organization. Oversees the City of Poway project manager(s) and the Project as a whole and throughparticipation in regular internal meetings, the City of Poway steering committee remains updated on all Project progress, Project decisions, andachievement of Project milestones. The City of Poway steering committee also provides support to the City of Poway project manager(s) bycommunicating the importance of the Project to all impacteddepartments. The City of Poway steering committee is responsible for ensuring the Project has appropriate resources, provides strategic direction to the Project team, for making timely decisions on critical Project issues or policy decisions. The City of Poway steering committee also serves as primary level of issue resolution for the Project. 45 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 2.1.3 Executive Sponsor(s) The City of Poway’s executivesponsor provides support to the Project by allocating resources, providing strategic direction, andcommunicating key issues about the Projectand the Project’s overall importance to the organization. When called upon, the executive sponsor also acts as the finalauthority on all escalated Project issues. The executivesponsor engages inthe Project, as needed, in order to provide necessary support, oversight, guidance, and escalation, but does not participate in day-to-day Project activities. The executive sponsor empowers the City of Poway steering committee, project manager(s), and functional leads to make critical business decisions for the City of Poway. 2.2 Tyler Governance 2.2.1 Tyler ProjectManager The Tyler project manager(s) have direct involvement with the Project andcoordinates Project team members, implementation consultants, the overall implementation schedule, and serves as the primary point of contact with the City of Poway. If requested, the Tyler project manager(s) provide regular updates to the City of Poway’s steering committee and other Tyler governance members. 2.2.2 Tyler Implementation Management Tyler implementation management has indirect involvement with the Project and is part of the Tyler escalation process. Tyler project manager(s) consult implementation management on issues and outstanding decisions critical to the Project. Implementation managementworks toward a solution with the Tyler project manager(s) or with the City of Poway management, as appropriate. Tyler executive management is the escalation point for any issues not resolved at this level. The name(s) and contact information for this resource will be provided and available to the Project team. 2.2.3 Tyler Executive Management Tyler executivemanagement has indirect involvement with the Projectand is part of the Tylerescalation process. This team memberoffersadditionalsupport to the Project team andcollaborates with other Tyler department managers, as needed, in order to escalate and facilitate implementation Project tasks and decisions. The name(s) and contact information for this resource will be provided and available to the Project team. 46 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 2.3 Acceptance andAcknowledgment Process All Deliverables and Control Points must be accepted or acknowledged following the process below. Acceptance requires a formal sign-off while acknowledgementmay be provided without formal sign-off at the time of delivery. The following process will be used for accepting or acknowledging Deliverables and Control Points: The City of Powayshall have five (5) businessdays from the date of delivery, or as otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties in writing, to accept or acknowledge each Deliverable or Control Point. If the City of Poway does not provide acceptance or acknowledgement within five 5) businessdays, or the otherwise agreed upon timeframe, not to be unreasonably withheld, Tyler deems the Deliverable or Control Point as accepted. If the City of Poway does not agree the particular Deliverable or ControlPoint meets requirements, the City of Powayshall notify Tyler project manager(s), inwriting, with reasoning within five (5) business days, or the otherwise agreed-upon timeframe, not to be unreasonably withheld, of receipt of the Deliverable. Tyler shall address any deficiencies and redeliver the Deliverable or Control Point. The City of Poway shall then have five (5) businessdays from receipt of the redelivered Deliverable or Control Point to accept or again submit written notification of reasons for rejecting the milestone. Ifthe City of Poway does not provide acceptance or acknowledgement within five (5) businessdays, or the otherwise agreed upon timeframe, not to be unreasonably withheld, Tyler deems the Deliverable or ControlPoint as accepted. 47 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 3 Overall Project Assumptions 3.1 Project, Resources and Scheduling Projectactivities will begin after the Agreement has been fully executed. The City of Poway and Tyler have the ability to allocate additional internal resources if needed. The City of Powayalsoensures the alignment of their budget and Scope expectations. The City of Poway and Tylerensure that the assigned resources are available, they buy-into the change process, and they possess the required business knowledge to complete their assigned tasks successfully. Should there be a change in resources, the replacement resource should have a comparable level of availability, buy-in, and knowledge. Tyler and the City of Poway provide adequate resources to support the efforts to complete the Project as scheduled and withinthe constraints of the Project budget. Abbreviated timelines and overlapped Phases can result in Project delays if there are not sufficient resources assigned to completeall required work as scheduled. Changes to Project Plan, schedule, availability of resources or changes in Scope may result in schedule delays, which may result in additional charges to the Project. Tyler provides a written agenda and notice of any prerequisites to the City of Poway project manager(s) ten (10) business days prior to any scheduled on site or remote sessions. Tyler provides notice of any prerequisites to the City of Poway project manager(s) a minimum of ten (10) businessdays prior to any key Deliverable due dates. City of Poway users complete prerequisites prior to applicablescheduled activities. Tyler provides options for configuration and processing options available within the Tyler software. The City of Poway is responsible for making decisions based on the options available. In the event the City of Poway may elect to add and/or modifycurrent business policies during the course of this Project, such policy changes are solely the City of Poway’s responsibility to define, document, and implement. The City of Poway makes timely Project related decisions in order to achieve scheduled due dates on tasks and prepare for subsequent training sessions. Decisions left unmade may affect the Project schedule, as each analysis and implementation session builds on the decisions made in prior sessions. Tyler considers additional services beyond the budgeted hours out of Scope and requires additional hours berequested via Change Request approved through the Change Control process. The City of Poway will respond to information requests in a comprehensive and timely manner, in accordance with the Project schedule. 3.2 Data Conversion The City of Poway is readily able to produce the data needed for conversion from the Legacy System in order to provide them to Tyler on the specified duedate(s). EachLegacy System data file submitted for conversion includes all associated records in a single approved file layout. The City of Poway understands the Legacy System data file must be inthe same format each time unless changes are mutually agreed upon in advance. Ifnot, negativeimpacts to the schedule, budget, andresourceavailability may occurand/or data in the new system may be incorrect. 48 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 During this process, the City of Poway mayneed to correct data scenarios in their Legacy System prior to the final data pull. This is a complex activity and requires due diligence by the City of Poway to ensure all datapulled includes all required dataand the Tyler system contains properly mappeddata. The Tyler Implementation Programmers are offsite resources responsible for: o Validating customerdata files are readable o Developing customizedconversionprograms to convert legacy data into the Tyler database for production use according to defined mapping. o Providing custom conversion packages to beloaded into Tyler’s system via the Munis Internet Update (MIU) utility. o Providing error reports on unsupported data conditions and the merging or normalization of data fields. Assisting Client with understanding and interpreting those reports. o Perform modifications and corrections to customizedconversionprograms as data anomalies and exceptionconditions are discovered 3.3 Data Exchanges, Modifications, Forms and Reports The City of Poway ensures the 3rd party data received is in the correct format. The 3rd party possesses the knowledge of how to program their portion of the interaction and understands how to manipulate the data received. Client is on a supported, compatible version of the 3rd party software or Tyler StandardData Exchange tools may not be available. The City of Poway is willing to makereasonable business process changes rather than expecting the product to conform to everyaspect of their current system/process. Any Modification requests not expressly stated in the contract are out of Scope. Modifications requested after contract signinghave the potential to change cost, Scope, schedule, and production dates for Project Phases. Modification requests not in Scope must follow the Project Change Requestprocess. Tyleracknowledges that it has responded to the City’s Request for Proposal Appendix B Response Requirements Template, and in particular Section 5.4 Interfaces, and has provided a response of M” for Meets/Exceeds for the followingcurrently data exchange processes: o Active.net o Union Bank and US Bank o TRAKiT o NEOGOV o CivicHR o BeneTrac o Cartegraph o Wittman For purposes of the above-listed interfaces, Tyler acknowledges that by responding with a Meets/Exceeds” response, it can provide an data exchange process between the Tyler Munis financial system and the specialized sub-systems listed above at noadditional cost to the City. 49 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 3.4 HardwareandSoftware Tyler will initially install the most current generally available version of the purchased Tyler software. The City of Poway will provide network access for Tyler modules, printers, and Internet access to all applicable City of Poway and Tyler Project staff. Tyler staff will meet the City’s computer user policy and security requirements. The City of Poway has in place allhardware, software, and technical infrastructure necessary to support the Project. The City of Poway’s system hardware and softwaremeet Tylerstandards to ensure sufficient speed and operability of Tyler software. Tyler willnot support use of software if the City of Poway does not meet minimum standards of Tyler’s published specifications. 3.5 Education During liveandonsite training, the City of Poway provides a training room for Tyler staff to transfer knowledge to the City of Poway’s resources, as well as a place for the City of Poway staff to practice what they have learned without distraction. If Phases overlap, the City of Poway will provide multiple training facilities to allow for independent sessions scheduling without conflict. The training room is set up in aclassroom setting. The City of Poway determines the number of workstations in the room. Tyler recommends every person attending a scheduled session with a TylerConsultant or Trainer have their own workstation. However, Tyler requires there be no morethan two people at a given workstation. The City of Poway provides a workstation which connects to the Tyler system for the Tyler trainer conducting the session. The computer connects to a City of Poway provided projector, allowing all attendees the ability to actively engage in the training session. The City of Poway testing database contains the Tyler software version required for delivery of the Modification prior to the scheduled delivery date for testing. The City of Powayis responsible for verifying the performance of the Modification as defined by the specification. 50 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4 Implementation Stages 4.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchical representation of a Project or Phase broken down into smaller, more manageable components. The top level components are called “Stages” and the second level components are called “work packages.” The work packages, shown below each Stage, contain the high-level work to be done. The detailed Project Plan, developed during Initiate & Plan and finalized during Assess & Define, will list the tasks to becompleted within each work package. EachStage ends with a “ControlPoint”, confirming the workperformed during that Stage of the Project. 51 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 52 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.2 Initiate & Plan (Stage 1) The Initiate & Plan Stage creates a foundation for the Project throughidentification of City of Poway and Tyler Project managementteams, development of implementation management plans, and the provision and discussion of system infrastructure requirements. City of Poway participation in gathering information is critical. Tyler Project managementteams present initial plans to stakeholder teams at Stage end. 4.2.1 Tyler Internal Coordination & Planning Prior to Projectcommencement, Tyler management staff assigns project manager(s). Tyler provides the City of Poway with initial Project documents used in gathering basic information, which aids in preliminary planning and scheduling. City of Poway participation in gatheringrequested information by provided deadlines ensures the Projectmoves forward in a timely fashion. Internally, the Tyler project manager(s) coordinate with Sales to ensure transfer of vital information from the sales process prior to scheduling a Project Planning Meeting with the City of Poway’s team. During this step, Tyler will work with the Client to establish the date(s) for the Project/Phase Planning session. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 1 Tyler Internal Coordination & Planning TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n M a n a g e r Ty le r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n C o n s u lt a n t Ty le r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty le r Mo d if ic a t io n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty le r T e c h n ic a l S u p p o r t Ty le r Sa l e s Cl ie n t E x e c u t iv e S p o n s o r Cl ie n t S t e e r in g C o m m it t e e Cl ie n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl ie n t F u n c t io n a l L e a d s Cl ie n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl ie n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl ie n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl ie n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n ic a l L e a d s Cl ie n t P r o j e c t T o o ls e t C o o r d in a t o r Cl ie n t U p g r a d e C o o r d in a t o r Assign Tyler project manager A R I II Provide initial Projectdocuments to Client A I R C I Sales to Implementation knowledge transfer A I R C Internal planningand Phase coordination A R C 53 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.2.2 System Infrastructure Planning The City of Poway provides, purchases or acquires hardware according to hardware specifications provided by Tyler and ensures it is available atthe City of Poway’s site. The City of Poway completes the system infrastructure audit, ensuring vital system infrastructure information is available to the Tyler implementation team, and verifies allhardware compatibility with Tyler solutions. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 1 System Infrastructure Planning TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s i o n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s Ex p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t En d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Providesystem hardware specifications I R A I C Make hardware available for Installation I C A R Install system hardware, if applicable I C A R Complete system infrastructure audit I C A R 54 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.2.3 Project/Phase Planning Projectand Phase planning provides an opportunity to review the contract, software, data conversions and services purchased, identify Applications to implement in each Phase (if applicable), and discuss implementation timeframes. The Tyler project manager(s) deliver an Implementation Management Plan, which is mutually agreeable by the City of Poway and Tyler. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 1 Project/Phase Planning TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r Ex e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i en t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Perform Project/Phase Planning A R I CC I Deliver implementation management plan A R CC I 55 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.2.4 Project Schedule Clientand Tyler will mutually develop an initial Project schedule. The initial schedule includes, at minimum, enough detail to beginProject activities while the detailed Project Plan/schedule is being developedand refined. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 1 Project Schedule TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t ive S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e Co o r d i n a t o r Develop initial Project schedule A R I C I I Deliver Project Plan and schedule for Project Phase A R I II CC III Clientreviews Project Plan & initial schedule C I A R C CC Client approves Project Plan & initial schedule I I A R C C II III 56 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.2.5 Stakeholder Presentation The City of Poway stakeholders join Tyler ProjectManagement to communicate successful Project criteria, Project goals, Deliverables, a high-level milestone schedule, androlesandresponsibilities of Project participants. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 1 Stakeholder Presentation TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e Ma n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r ing C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Present overview of Project Deliverables, Project schedule and rolesandresponsibilities A R I III C I III III Communicate successful Project criteria and goals I R C A C II C II 57 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.2.6 Control Point 1: Initiate & Plan Stage Acceptance Acceptance criteria for this Stage includes completion of all criteria listed below. Advancement to the Assess & Define Stage is dependentupon Tyler’s receipt of the Stage Acceptance. Initiate & Plan Stage Deliverables Implementation Management Plan o Objective: Update and deliver baseline management plans to reflect the approach to the City of Poway’s Project. o Scope: The Implementation Management Plan addresses how communication, quality control, risks/issues, resources and schedules, andSoftware Upgrades (if applicable) will be managed throughout the lifecycle of the Project. o Acceptance criteria: the City of Poway reviews and acknowledges receipt of Implementation Management Plan Project Plan/Schedule o Objective: Provide a comprehensive list of tasks, timelines and assignments related to the Deliverables of the Project. o Scope: Task list, assignments anddue dates o Acceptance criteria: the City of Poway acceptance of schedule based on City of Poway resourceavailabilityandProject budget and goals Initiate & Plan Stage ControlPoint Acceptance Criteria HardwareInstalled System infrastructureaudit complete and verified Implementation Management Plan delivered Project Plan/schedule delivered; dates confirmed Stakeholder Presentation complete 58 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.3 Assess & Define (Stage 2) The primary objective of Assess & Define is to gather information about current the City of Poway businessprocesses and translate the material into future businessprocesses using Tyler Applications. Tyler uses a variety of methods for obtaining the information, all requiring City of Poway collaboration. The City of Powayshall provide complete and accurate information to Tyler staff for analysis and understanding of current workflows and businessprocesses. 4.3.1 Fundamentals Review Fundamentals Review provides functional leads and Power Users an overall understanding of software capabilities prior to beginning current and future state analysis. The primary goal is to provide a basic understanding of system functionality, which provides a foundation for upcoming conversations regarding future state processing. Tyler utilizes a variety of methods for completing fundamentals training including the use of eLearning, videos, documentation, and walkthroughs. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 2 Fundamentals Review TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n M a n a g e r Ty le r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n C o n s u lt a n t Ty le r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty l e r Fo r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty le r Mo d if ic a t io n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty le r T e c h n ic a l S u p p o r t Ty le r S a le s Cl ie n t E x e c u t iv e S p o n s o r Cl ie n t S t e e r in g C o m m it t e e Cl ie n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl ie n t F u n c t io n a l L e a d s Cl ie n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl ie n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl ie n t De p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl ie n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n ic a l L e a d s Cl ie n t P r o j e c t T o o ls e t C o o r d in a t o r Cl ie n t U p g r a d e C o o r d in a t o r Schedule fundamentals review & provide fundamentals materials & prerequisites, if applicable A R I C I I I Complete fundamentals materials review and prerequisites I A R I C Ensure all scheduled attendees are present II A R C I Facilitate fundamentals review A R II I 59 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.3.3 Current/Future State Analysis The City of Poway and Tyler will evaluate current state processes, options withinthe newsoftware, pros and cons of each option based oncurrent or desired state, and make decisions about future state configuration and processing. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 2 Current/Future State Analysis TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Provide Current/Future State analysis materials to the City of Poway, as applicable A R I C I I Conduct Current & Future State analysis A R I C I C Provide pros and cons of Tyler softwareoptions A R I C I C Make Future State Decisions according to duedate in the Project Plan (provided Powayhas accepted all prior inputs to future state decisions) II C A R I C I Record Future Statedecisions A R I C I C 60 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.3.4 Data Conversion Planning & Mapping This entails the activities performed to prepare to convert data from the City of Poway’s Legacy System Applications to the Tyler system. Tyler staff and the City of Poway worktogether to complete Data Mapping for each piece of data (as outlined inthe Agreement) from the Legacy System to a location in the Tyler system. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 2 Data ConversionPlanning & Mapping TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s i o n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l Su p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t Co o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Review contracted data conversion(s) options A R I CC C C Map data from Legacy System to Tyler system I C I A C CR Pull conversion data extract I I A C CR Run balancingReports for datapulled and provide to Tyler I I A CR I Review andapprove initial data extract A I C R I I Correct issues with data extract, if needed I C C A C CR 61 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.3.5 Standard 3rd Party Data Exchange Planning Standard Data Exchange tools are available to allow clients to get data in and out of the Tylersystem with external systems. Data exchange tools can take theformof Imports and Exports, andInterfaces. A Standard Interface is a real-time or automated exchange of data between two systems. This couldbe done programmatically or through an API. It is Tyler’s responsibility to ensure the Tyler programs operate correctly. It is the City of Poway’s responsibility to ensure the third party program operates or accesses the data correctly. The City of Poway and Tyler project manager(s) will worktogether to define/confirm which Data Exchanges are needed (if not outlined inthe Agreement). Tyler will provide a file layout for eachStandard Data Exchange. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 2 Standard 3rd PartyData Exchange Planning TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty l e r E x e c u t i v e M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n Ma n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u l t a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s i o n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t Ma n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Review Standard or contracted Data Exchanges A R C I I C Define or confirm needed Data Exchanges I C A CC R 62 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.3.6 Modification Analysis & Specification, if contracted Tyler staff conducts additional analysis and developsspecifications based on information discovered during this Stage. The City of Poway reviews the specifications and confirms they meet the City of Poway’s needs prior to acceptance. Out of Scope items or changes to specifications after acceptancemay require a Change Request. Tyler’s intention is to minimize Modificationsby usingStandard functionality withinthe Application, which may require a City of Poway business processchange. It is the responsibility of the City of Poway to detail all of their needs during the Assess andDefine Stage. Tyler will write up specifications (for City of Poway approval) for contractedprogram Modifications. Uponapproval, Tyler will make the agreed upon Modifications to the respective program(s). Once the Modifications have beendelivered, the City of Poway will test and approve those changes during the Build and Validate Stage. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 2 Modification Analysis & Specification, if contracted TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty l e r E x e c u t i v e M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u l t a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s i o n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r Te c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t Pr o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Analyze contracted custom program requirements A C R CC I C C Develop specification document(s) A I C R III I Review specification document(s); provide changes to Tyler, if applicable I C C A R I C C Sign-off on specification document(s) and authorize work I I A R C II C 63 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.3.7 Forms & Reports Planning The City of Poway and Tyler project manager(s) review Forms andReporting needs. Items that may be included in the Agreement are either Standard Forms and Reports or known/included Modification(s). Items not included in the Agreementcould be either City of Poway-developed Reports or a newly discovered Modification that will require a Change Request. Forpurposes of clarification, the City of Poway and Tyler have previously worked to review specific reports to determine whether they are, or are not, to be included as a part of “Standard Reports”. Attached hereto as “Appendix 1: Reports”, which is made a part of this Agreement. The PDF contains three categories of reports, including Finance (1-103), HR (1-24), and Payroll (1-47). The parties agree that the total list of reportsin the attached PDF that are marked “StandardReports will be provided to the City in the Tyler Munis version implemented, at no additional costbeyond the pricing provided in the License and Services Agreement executed between the parties. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 2 Forms & ReportsPlanning TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty l e r E x e c u t i v e M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u l t a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s i o n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s Re p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Review required Forms output A R C I C I Review and complete Forms options and submit to Tyler I I A RC Review in Scope Reports A R I C C Identify additional Report needs I C A RC Add applicable tasks to Project schedule A R I C C I I I 64 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.3.8 System Deployment The Tyler technical services team Installs Tyler Applications on the server(hosted or on-premise) and ensures the platform operates as expected. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 2 System Deployment TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p le m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t ive S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e Co o r d i n a t o r Install contractedsoftware on server A I R I C Ensure platform operates as expected A I R I C 65 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.3.9 Control Point 2: Assess & Define Stage Acceptance Acceptance criteria for this Stage includes completion of all criteria listedbelow. Advancement to the Build & Validate Stage is dependentupon Tyler’s receipt of the Stage Acceptance. Assess & Define Stage Deliverables Completed analysis Questionnaire o Objective: Gather and document information related to City of Powaybusiness processes for current/future state analysis as it relates to Tyler approach/solution. o Scope: Providecomprehensive answers to all questions on Questionnaire(s). o Acceptance criteria: City of Poway acceptance of completed Questionnaire based on thoroughness of capturing all City of Poway business practices to be achieved through Tyler solution. Data conversionsummaryand specificationdocuments o Objective: Definedataconversion approachand strategy o Scope: Data conversion approach defined, data extract strategy, conversion and reconciliation strategy. o Acceptance criteria: Data conversion document(s) delivered to the City of Poway, reflectingcomplete and accurateconversion decisions. Modification specification documents, if contracted o Objective: Provide comprehensive outline of identified gaps, and how the custom program meets the City of Poway’s needs. o Scope: Design solution for Modification. o Acceptance criteria: City of Powayaccepts Custom Specification Document(s) and agrees that the proposed solution meets their requirements. Completed Forms options and/or packages o Objective: Providespecifications for each City of Poway in Scope form, Reportand output requirements. o Scope: Complete Forms package(s) included in agreement and identify Reporting needs. o Acceptance criteria: Identify Formschoices and receive supportingdocumentation. Installation checklist o Objective: Installation of purchasedTyler software o Scope: Tyler will conduct an initial coordination call, perform an installation of the software included in the Agreement, conduct follow up to ensure all tasks are complete, and complete serversystem administrationtraining, if required. o Acceptance criteria: Tyler software is successfully installedand available to authorized users, City of Poway team membersare trainedon applicable system administration tasks. Assess & Define Stage ControlPoint Acceptance Criteria Tyler software is Installed 66 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Fundamentals review is complete RequiredForm information complete and provided to Tyler Current/Future state analysis completed; Questionnaires delivered and reviewed Data conversionmappingand extractions completed and provided to Tyler 67 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.4 Build & Validate (Stage 3) The objective of the Build & Validate Stage is to prepare the software for use in accordance with the City of Poway’s needs identified during the Assess and Define Stage, preparing the City of Poway for Final Testing and Training. 4.4.1 Configuration & Power User Training Tyler staff collaborates with the City of Poway to complete software configuration based on the outputs of the future state analysis performed during the Assess and Define Stage. Tyler staff will trainthe City of Poway Power Users to prepare them for the validation of the software, and will provide the City with appropriatedocumentationduring the training to assist Power Users both during and after the training sessions. Documentation will be generic and City will need to customize for policies & procedures. The City of Poway collaborates with Tyler staffiteratively to validate software configuration. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 3 Configuration & Power User Training TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n M a n a g e r Ty le r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n C o n s u lt a n t Ty le r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty le r Mo d if ic a t io n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty le r T e c h n ic a l S u p p o r t Ty le r Sa l e s Cl ie n t E x e c u t iv e S p o n s o r Cl ie n t S t e e r in g C o m m it t e e Cl ie n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl ie n t F u n c t io n a l L e a d s Cl ie n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl ie n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl ie n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl ie n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n ic a l L e a d s Cl ie n t P r o j e c t T o o ls e t C o o r d in a t o r Cl ie n t U p g r a d e C o o r d in a t o r Perform configuration A R I R I Power User process and Validation training A R I C I C I Validate configuration I C A CR C 68 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.4.2 Data Conversion & Validation Tyler completes an initial review of the converted data for errors. With assistance from the City of Poway, the Tyler data conversion team addresses items withinthe conversion program to provide the most efficient data conversion possible. With guidance from Tyler, the City of Poway reviews specific data elements withinthe system and identifies and reports discrepancies inwriting. Iteratively, Tyler collaborates with the City of Poway to address conversion discrepancies prior to acceptance. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 3 Data Conversion & Validation TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u l t a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s i o n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Write and run data conversion program against Client data A I CR C Complete initial review of dataerrors A I CR II C Review data conversionand submit needed corrections I C I A CR C Revise conversion program(s) to correct error(s) A I CR II C C 69 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.4.3 Standard 3rd Party Data Exchange Validation Tyler provides training on Data Exchange(s) and the City of Poway tests eachData Exchange. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 3 Standard 3rd PartyData Exchange Validation TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t Ex e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e Co o r d i n a t o r Train Data Exchange(s) processing in Tyler software A R C I II C I Coordinate 3rd Party Data Exchange activities II A C CR Test all Standard 3rd party Data Exchange(s) I C A C I R C 70 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.4.4 Modification Delivery & Validation, if contracted Tylerdelivers in Scope Modification(s) to the City of Poway for preliminarytesting. Final acceptance will occur during the Final Testing and Training Stage. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 3 Modification Delivery & Validation, if contracted TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p le m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n Ex p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Develop and delivercontracted custom program(s) A I C I R I C I C I C Test contracted custom program(s) in isolated database I C C A CR C Report discrepancies between specificationand delivered contracted custom program(s) II I A RC C Make corrections to contracted custom program(s) as required A I C I R I C C I 71 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.4.5 Forms & Reports Validation Tyler provides training on Standard Forms/Reportsand the City of Poway tests each Standard Form/Report. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 3 Forms & Reports Validation TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty le r P r o je c t M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n C o n s u lt a n t Ty le r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty le r Mo d if ic a t io n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty le r T e c h n ic a l Su p p o r t Ty le r S a le s Cl ie n t E x e c u t iv e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r in g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t io n a l L e a d s Cl ie n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl ie n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl ie n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t Co o r d in a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r StandardForms & Report Training A R I C C I Test StandardForms & Reports I C C A CR C 72 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.4.6 Control Point 3: Build & Validate Stage Acceptance Acceptance criteria for this Stage includes all criteria listed below. Advancement to the FinalTesting & Training Stage is dependentupon Tyler’s receipt ofthe Stage Acceptance. Build & Validate Stage Deliverables Initial data conversion o Objective: Convert Legacy System data into Tyler system. o Scope: Data conversion program complete; deliverconverted data for review. o Acceptance criteria: Initial error log available for review. Data conversion verificationdocument o Objective: Provide instructions to the City of Poway to verifyconverted data for accuracy. o Scope: Provideself-guided instructions to verify specific datacomponents in Tyler system. o Acceptance criteria: the City of Poway acknowledges data conversion delivery; the City of Poway completes data issues log. Installation of Modificationson the City of Poway’s server(s) or Tyler hosted servers. o Objective: Deliver Modification(s) in Tyler software. o Scope: Program for Modification is complete and available in Tyler software, Modification testing. o Acceptance criteria: the City of Poway acknowledgesDelivery of Modification(s) meeting objectivesdescribed in the City of Poway-signed specification. Standard Forms & Reports Delivered o Objective: Provide Standard Forms & Reports for review. o Scope: Installation of all StandardForms & Reports included in the Agreement. o Acceptance criteria: City of Poway acknowledges that Standard Forms & Reports available in Tyler software for testing in Stage 4. Build & Validate Stage ControlPoint Acceptance Criteria Application configurationcompleted Standard Forms & Reports delivered and available for testing in Stage 4 Data conversions (except final pass) delivered Standard 3rd party Data Exchange training provided Modifications delivered and available for testing in Stage 4 The City of Poway and Tyler have done a review of primaryconfiguration areas to Validate completeness and readiness for testing and acceptance in Stage 4. 73 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.5 Final Testing & Training (Stage 4) During FinalTesting and Training, Tyler and the City of Poway review the final cutover plan. A critical Project success factor is the City of Poway understanding the importance of Final Testing and Training and dedicating the resources required for testing and training efforts in order to ensure a successful Production Cutover. 4.5.1 Cutover Planning The City of Poway and Tyler project manager(s) discuss final preparations and critical dates for Production Cutover. Tylerdelivers a Production Cutover Checklist to outline cutover tasks to help prepare the City of Poway for success. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 4 Cutover Planning TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n M a n a g e r Ty le r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n C o n s u lt a n t Ty le r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty le r Mo d if ic a t io n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty le r T e c h n ic a l S u p p o r t Ty le r S a le s Cl ie n t E x e c u t iv e S p o n s o r Cl ie n t S t e e r in g C o m m it t e e Cl ie n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl ie n t F u n c t io n a l L e a d s Cl ie n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl ie n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl ie n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl ie n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n ic a l L e a d s Cl ie n t P r o j e c t T o o ls e t C o o r d in a t o r Cl ie n t U p g r a d e C o o r d in a t o r Cutover Planning Session A R C I CC CC CC Develop Production Cutover Checklist A R C II CC II C 74 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.5.2 UserAcceptanceTesting (UAT) The City of Poway performs User Acceptance Testing to verify software readiness for day-to-day business processing. Tyler provides a Test Plan for users to follow to ensure proper Validation ofthe system. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 4 User AcceptanceTesting (UAT) TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p le m e n t a t i o n Co n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e Ma n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Deliver Test Plan for User Acceptance Testing A R C II Perform User Acceptance Testing I C A R C CC I I C I Accept custom program(s), if applicable II I A R C I C C Validate Report performance I C C A CR C 75 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.5.3 EndUser Training End Users attend training sessions to learn how to utilize Tyler software. Training focuses primarily on day-to-dayCity of Poway processes thatwill be delivered via group training, webinar, eLearning and/or live training sessions. Unless stated otherwise inthe Agreement, Tyler provides one occurrence of each scheduled training or implementation topic with up to the maximum number of users as defined in the Agreement, or as otherwisemutually agreed. City of Poway users who attended the Tyler sessions may train any City of Poway users not able to attend the Tyler sessions or additional sessions may be contracted at the applicablerates for training. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 4 End UserTraining TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p l e m e n t a t io n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s i o n E x p e r t s Ty l e r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l Su p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t Co o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Conduct user training sessions A R C I II II Conduct additional End User training sessions I I A C I R I III 76 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.5.4 Control Point 4: Final Testing & Training Stage Acceptance Acceptance criteria for this Stage includes all criteria listed below. Advancement to the Production Cutover Stage is dependent upon Tyler’s receipt of the Stage Acceptance. Final Testing & Training Stage Deliverables Production Cutoverchecklist o Objective: Provide a detailed checklist outlining tasks necessary for production Cutover. o Scope: Dates for final conversion, date(s) to cease system processing in Legacy System, date(s) forfirst processing in Tyler system, contingency plan for processing/ o Acceptance criteria: City of Poway acknowledges the checklist deliveryincluding definition of all pre-production tasks, assignment of owners and establishment of due dates. User Acceptance Test Plan o Objective: Provide testing steps to guide users through testing business processes in Tyler software. o Scope: Testing steps for Standard businessprocesses. o Acceptance criteria: City of Poway acknowledges that Testingsteps have been provided for Standard businessprocesses. Final Testing & Training Stage Acceptance Criteria Production Cutover Checklist deliveredandreviewed Modification(s) tested and accepted, if applicable Standard 3rd party Data Exchange programs tested and accepted Standard Forms & Reports tested and accepted User acceptance testingcompleted End User training completed 77 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.6 Production Cutover (Stage 5) The City of Poway and Tyler resources complete tasks as outlined inthe Production Cutover Plan and the City of Poway beginsprocessing day-to-day business transactions in the Tyler software. Following production Cutover, the City of Poway transitions to the Tyler support team for ongoing support of the Application. 4.6.1 Final Data Conversion, if applicable The City of Poway provides final data extract and Reports from the Legacy System for data conversion and Tyler executes final data conversion. The City of Poway may need to manually enter into the Tyler system any data added to the Legacy System after final data extract. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 5 Final Data Conversion, if applicable TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n M a n a g e r Ty le r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n C o n s u lt a n t Ty le r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty le r Mo d if ic a t io n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty le r T e c h n ic a l S u p p o r t Ty le r S a le s Cl ie n t E x e c u t iv e S p o n s o r Cl ie n t S t e e r in g C o m m it t e e Cl ie n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl ie n t F u n c t io n a l L e a d s Cl ie n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl ie n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl ie n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl ie n t E n d U s e r s Cl ie n t Te c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl ie n t P r o j e c t T o o ls e t C o o r d in a t o r Cl ie n t U p g r a d e C o o r d in a t o r Provide final data extract C I I A C III I R Provide final extract balancing Reports I I A CR I Convert and deliver final pass of data A II R I I I C Validate final pass of data I C C I A CR C Load final conversion pass to Production environment I I I A C I CR 78 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.6.2 Production Processing & Assistance Tyler staff collaborates with the City of Poway during production cutover activities. The City of Poway transitions to Tyler software for day-to day business processing. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 5 Production Processing & Assistance TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p le m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r Te c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t To o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Production processing CC II A R RRR RR II Provide production assistance A R C I C CCC CC 79 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.6.3 Transition to Tyler Support Tyler project manager(s) introduce the City of Poway to the Tyler Support team, who provides the City of Poway with day-to-day assistance followingproduction Cutover. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 5 Transition to Tyler Support TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p le m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t ive S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l L e a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e Co o r d i n a t o r Develop internal support plan I A R C CCC CCC Conduct transfer to Support meeting A I C R CC CC I I C II 80 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.6.4 Schedule Post-production Services, if applicable Tyler provides post-production services if included in the agreement. Prior to scheduling services, the Tyler project manager(s) collaborate with the City of Poway project manager(s) to identify needs. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 5 SchedulePost-production Services, if applicable TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t i o n M a n a g e r Ty l e r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty l e r I m p le m e n t a t i o n C o n s u lt a n t Ty l e r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty l e r Mo d i f i c a t i o n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty l e r T e c h n i c a l S u p p o r t Ty l e r S a l e s Cl i e n t E x e c u t i v e S p o n s o r Cl i e n t S t e e r i n g C o m m i t t e e Cl i e n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl i e n t F u n c t i o n a l L e a d s Cl i e n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl i e n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl i e n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl i e n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n i c a l Le a d s Cl i e n t P r o j e c t T o o l s e t C o o r d i n a t o r Cl i e n t U p g r a d e C o o r d i n a t o r Identify topics for post-production services CC A R I C I Schedule services for post-production topics A R I CC I C I 81 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.6.5 Control Point 5: Production Cutover Stage Acceptance Acceptance criteria for this Stage includes all criteria listed below. Advancement to the Phase/Project Closure Stageis dependent upon Tyler’s receipt of this Stage Acceptance. Production Cutover Stage Deliverables Final data conversion, if applicable o Objective: Ensure (in Scope) Legacy System data is available in Tyler software in preparation for production processing. o Scope: Final passes of all conversions completed in this Phase o Acceptance criteria: City of Poway acknowledges that data is available inproduction environment. Support transition documents o Objective: Definestrategy for on-going Tyler support. o Scope: Define support strategy for day-to-day processing, conference call with the City of Poway project manager(s) and Tyler Support team, define roles and responsibilities, define methods for contactingSupport. o Acceptance criteria: the City of Poway acknowledges receipt of tools to contact Support and understands proper support procedures. Production Cutover Stage ControlPoint Acceptance Criteria Final data conversion(s) delivered Processing is being done in Tyler production Transition to Tyler Support is completed Post-live services have beenscheduled, if applicable 82 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.7 Phase/Project Closure (Stage 6) Project or Phase closure signifies full implementation of allproducts purchased and encompassed in the Phase or Project. The City of Poway moves into the next cycle of their relationship with Tyler (next Phase of implementation or long-term relationship with Tyler Support). 4.7.1 Close Phase/Project The City of Poway and Tyler project manager(s) review the list of outstanding Projectactivitiesand develop a plan to address them. The Tyler project manager(s) review the Project budget and status of each contract Deliverable with the City of Poway project manager(s) prior to closing the Phase or Project. RACI MATRIX KEY: R = ResponsibleA = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed STAGE 6 Close Phase/Project TYLER CLIENT TASKS Ty le r E x e c u t iv e M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n M a n a g e r Ty le r P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Ty le r I m p le m e n t a t io n C o n s u lt a n t Ty le r D a t a C o n v e r s io n E x p e r t s Ty le r F o r m s R e p o r t s E x p e r t s Ty le r Mo d if ic a t io n Pr o g r a m m e r s Ty le r T e c h n ic a l S u p p o r t Ty le r S a le s Cl ie n t E x e c u t iv e S p o n s o r Cl ie n t S t e e r in g C o m m itt e e Cl ie n t P r o j e c t M a n a g e r Cl ie n t F u n c t io n a l L e a d s Cl ie n t C h a n g e M a n a g e m e n t L e a d s Cl ie n t P o w e r U s e r s Cl ie n t D e p a r t m e n t H e a d s Cl ie n t E n d U s e r s Cl i e n t T e c h n ic a l L e a d s Cl ie n t P r o j e c t T o o ls e t C o o r d in a t o r Cl ie n t U p g r a d e C o o r d in a t o r Review outstandingProjectactivities and develop action plan A R C CC I C I C Review Projectbudget andstatus of contract Deliverables A R II C 83 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 4.7.2 Control Point 6: Phase/Project Closure Stage Acceptance Acceptance criteria for this Stage includes all criteria listed below. This is the final acceptance for the Phase/Project. Phase/Project Closure Stage Deliverables Phase/Project reconciliation report o Objective: Provide comparison of contract Scope andProject budget. o Scope: Contract Scope versus actual, analysis of services provided andremaining budget, identify any necessary Change Requests or Project activity. o Acceptance criteria: Acceptance of services and budget analysis andplan for changes, if needed. Phase/Project Closure Stage Control Point Acceptance Criteria Outstanding Phase or Projectactivities have been documented and assigned Phase/final Project budget has been reconciled TylerDeliverables for the Phase/Project are complete 84 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 5 Roles and Responsibilities 5.1 Tyler Roles and Responsibilities Tyler assigns project managers prior to the start of each Phase of the Project. The project manager assigns other Tyler resources as the scheduledevelops. One personmay fill multiple Projectroles. 5.1.1 Tyler Executive Management Provides clear direction for Tyler staff on exectuting on the Project Deliverables to align with satisfying the City of Poway’s overall organizationalstrategy Authorizes required Project resources Resolves all decisions and/or issues not resolved at the implementation management level as part of the escalation process Offers additionalsupport to the Project team and is able to work with other Tyler department managers in order to escalate and facilitate implementation Project tasks and decisions Acts as the counterpart to the City of Poway’s executivesponsor 5.1.2 Tyler Implementation Management Acts as the counterpart to the City of Poway steering committee. Assigns Tyler Projectpersonnel Works to resolve all decisions and/or issues not resolved at the Projectmanagement level as part of the escalation process Attends City of Poway steering committee meetings as necessary Provides support for the Project team Provides management support for the Project to ensure it is staffedappropriately and staff have necessary resources Monitors Project progress including progress towards agreed upon goals and objectives 5.1.3 Tyler ProjectManager The Tyler project manager(s) providesoversight of the Project, coordination of resources between departments, management of the Project schedule and budget, effective riskand issue management, and is the primary point of contact for all Project related items. ContractManagement o Validates contract compliance throughout the Project o Ensures Deliverables meet contract requirements o Acts as primary point of contact for all contract andinvoicingquestions o Prepares and presents contract milestone sign-offs for acceptance by City of Poway project manager(s) o Coordinates Change Requests, if needed, to ensure proper Scope and budgetary compliance Planning 85 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 o Update and deliver Implementation Management Plan o Defines Project tasks andresource requirements o Develops initial and full scale Project schedule o Collaborates with City of Poway project manager(s) to plan and schedule Project timelines to achieve on-time implementation Implementation Management o Tightly manages Scope and budget of Project; establishesprocess and approval matrix with the City of Poway to ensure Scope changes and budget planned versus actualare transparent and handled effectively and efficiently o Establishes and manages ascheduleand resource plan that properly supports the Project Plan as a whole that is also in balance with Scope/budget o Establishes risk/issue tracking/reporting process between the City of Poway andTyler and takes all necessary steps to proactively mitigate these items or communicates with transparency to the City of Powayany items that maynegatively impact the outcomes of the Project o Collaborates with the City of Poway’s project manager(s) to establishkey business drivers and success indicators that will help to governProjectactivitiesand key decisions to ensure a quality outcome of the Project o Sets a routine communicationplan thatwill aide allProject team members, of boththe City of Poway and Tyler, in understanding the goals, objectives, current status and health of the Project Team Management o Acts as liaison between projectteam and Tylermanager(s) o Identifies andcoordinates all Tyler resources across all modules, Phases, andactivitiesincluding development, conversions, Forms, Installation, Reporting, implementation, and billing o Provides direction and support to Project team o Builds partnershipsamong the variousstakeholders, negotiating authority to move the Project forward o Manages the appropriate assignment and timely completion of tasks as defined inthe Project Plan, task list, and Production Cutover checklist o Assesses teamperformance and adjusts as necessary o Interfaces closely with Tyler developers to coordinateprogram Modification activities o Coordinates with in Scope third party providers to align activities with ongoingProject tasks 5.1.4 Tyler Implementation Consultant Completes tasks as assigned by the Tyler project manager(s) Performs problem solving and troubleshooting Follows upon issues identified during sessions Documents activities for on site services performed by Tyler Provides conversion Validationand error resolution assistance Recommends guidance for testing Forms and Reports Tests software functionality with the City of Poway following configuration Assists during Cutover process and provides production support until the City of Poway transitions to Tyler Support Provides product related education 86 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Effectively facilitates training sessions and discussions with City of Poway and Tyler staff to ensure adequate discussion of the appropriate agenda topics during the allotted time Conducts training (configuration, process, conversion Validation) for Power Users and the City of Poway’s designated trainers for EndUsers Clearly documents homework tasks with specific due dates and owners, supporting and reconciling with the final Project schedule Keeps Tyler project manager(s) proactively apprised of any and all issues which may result in the need for additionaltraining needs, change in schedule, change in processdecisions, or which have the potential to adversely impact the success of the Project prior to taking action 5.1.5 Tyler Sales Provide sales background information to implementation during Project Initiation Support sales transition to implementation Provide historical information, as needed, throughout implementation 5.1.6 Tyler SoftwareSupport Manages incoming client issues via phone, email, and online customer incident portal Documents and prioritizes issues in Tyler’s CustomerRelationship Management (CRM) system Provides issueanalysis and general product guidance Tracks issues and tickets to timely and effectiveresolution Identifies options for resolving reported issues Reports and escalates defects to Tyler Development Communicates with the City of Poway on the status and resolution of reported issues 5.2 City of Poway Roles and Responsibilities City of Poway resources will be assigned prior to the start of each Phase of the Project. One person may be assigned to multiple Projectroles. 5.2.1 City of PowayExecutiveSponsor Provides clear direction for the Project and how it applies to the organization’s overallstrategy Champions the Project at the executive level to secure buy-in Authorizes required Project Resources Resolves all decisions and/or issues not resolved at the City of Poway Steering Committee level as part of the escalation process Actively participates in Organizational Change Communications 5.2.2 City of Poway Steering Committee Works to resolveall decisions and/or issues not resolved at the ProjectManager level as part of the escalation process Attendsall scheduled Steering Committee meetings Provides support for the Project team Assists with communicating key Project messages throughout the organization 87 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Prioritizes the Project within the organization Provides management support for the Project to ensure it is staffedappropriately and staff have necessary resources Monitors Project progress including progress towards agreed upon goals and objectives Has the authority to approve or deny changes impacting the following areas: o Cost o Scope o Schedule o Project Goals o City of Poway Policies 5.2.3 City of Poway ProjectManager The City of Poway shall assign Project Manager(s) prior to the start of this Project with overall responsibility and authority to make decisions related to Project Scope, scheduling, and taskassignment, and communicates decisions and commitments to the Tyler ProjectManager(s) in a timely and efficient manner. When the City of Poway Project Manager(s) do not have the knowledge or authority to make decisions, he or she engages the correct resources from City of Poway to participate in discussions and make decisions in a timely fashion to avoid Project delays. ContractManagement o Validates contract compliance throughout the Project o Ensures invoicing and Deliverables meet contract requirements o Acts as primary point of contact for all contract andinvoicingquestions o Signs off on contract milestone acknowledgmentdocuments o Collaborates on and approveschange requests, if needed, to ensure proper Scope and budgetary compliance Planning o Review and acknowledge Implementation Management Plan o Defines Project tasks andresource requirements for City of Poway Project team o Collaborates inthe development of andapproval of the Project Plan and Project schedule o Collaborates with Tyler ProjectManager(s) to plan and schedule Project timelines to achieve on-time implementation Implementation Management o Tightly manages Scope and budget of Project andcollaborates with Tyler Project Manager to establish a process and approval matrix to ensure Scope changes and budget planned versus actualare transparent and handled effectively and efficiently o Collaborates with Tyler ProjectManager to establish and manage a schedule andresource plan that properly supports the Project Plan, as a whole, that isalso in balance with Scope/budget o Collaborates with Tyler ProjectManager to establishes risk/issue tracking/reporting process between the City of Poway and Tyler andtakes all necessary steps to proactively mitigate these items or communicates with transparency to Tyler any items that maynegatively impact the outcomes of the Project 88 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 o Collaborates with Tyler ProjectManager(s) to establish key business drivers and success indicators that will help to govern Projectactivitiesand key decisions to ensure a quality outcome ofthe Project o Routinelycommunicates with both City of Poway staff and Tyler, aiding in the understanding of goals, objectives, current status, and health of the Project by all team members Team Management o Acts as liaison between Project Team and Stakeholders o Identifies andcoordinatesall City of Poway resources across all modules, Phases, and activities includingdata conversions, Formsdesign, hardware and software Installation, reports building, and satisfyinginvoices o Provides direction and support to Project team o Builds partnershipsamong the various stakeholders, negotiating authority to move the Project forward o Manages the appropriate assignment and timely completion of tasks as defined in the Project schedule, task list, and Production Cutover checklist o Assesses team performance and takes correctiveaction, if needed o Provides guidance to City of Poway technical teams to ensure appropriate response and collaboration with Tyler Technical Support Teams to ensure timely response and appropriate resolution o Coordinates with in Scope third party providers to align activities with ongoingProject tasks 5.2.4 City of Poway Functional Leads Makes business processchange decisions under time sensitive conditions Communicates existing businessprocesses andprocedures to Tyler consultants Assists in identifying business process changes that may require escalation Attends and contributes business process expertise for current/future state analysis sessions Identifies and includes additional subject matter experts to participate in current/future state analysis sessions Provides business processchange supportduring Power User and End User training Completes performance tracking review with client Project teamon End User competency on trained topics Provides Powerand End Users with dedicated time to complete required homework tasks Act as an ambassador/champion of change for the new process. Identifies andcommunicates any additional training needs or scheduling conflicts to City of Poway ProjectManager Prepares and Validates Forms Actively participates in all aspects of the implementation, including, butnot limited to, the following key activities: Task completion Stakeholder Presentation Implementation management plan development Schedule development Maintenance and monitoring of risk register Escalation of issues Communication with Tyler Project team Coordination of City of Powayresources 89 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Attendance at scheduled sessions Change Managementactivities Customization specification, demonstrations, testing andapproval assistance Conversion Analysis and Verification Assistance Decentralized End User Training Process Testing UserAcceptance Testing 5.2.5 City of Poway Power Users Participate in Project activities as required by the Project team andProject Manager(s) Provide subject matter expertise on City of Poway businessprocesses and requirements Act as Subject Matter Experts and attending current/future state and Validation sessions as needed Attend all scheduled training sessions Participate in all required post-training processes as needed throughout Project Participate in conversion Validation Test allApplication configuration to ensure it satisfies business process requirements Become Application experts Participate in User Acceptance Testing Adopt and support changed procedures Completeall Deliverables by the due dates defined in the Project schedule Demonstratecompetency with Tyler products processing prior to Production Cutover Provide knowledge transfer to City of Poway staffduring and after implementation, as necessary 5.2.6 City of Poway EndUsers Attend all scheduled training sessions Become proficient in Application functionsrelated to job duties Adopt and utilize changed procedures Completeall Deliverables by the due dates defined in the Project schedule Utilize software to perform job functions at and beyondProduction Cutover 5.2.7 City of PowayTechnical Support Coordinates updatesand releases with Tyler as needed Coordinates the copying of source databases to training/testing databases as needed for training days Extracts and transmits conversion dataand control reports from City of Poway’s Legacy System per the conversion schedule set forth in the Project schedule Coordinates and adds new users and printers and other Peripherals as needed Validates all users understand log-on process and have necessary permission for all training sessions Coordinates Interfacedevelopment for City of Poway 3rd party Data Exchanges. Develops or assists in creating Reports as needed Ensures onsite system hardware meets specifications provided byTyler Assists with softwaredeployment as needed 90 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 5.2.8 City of Poway Upgrade Coordinator Becomes familiar with the Software Upgrade process and required steps Becomes familiar with Tyler’s releases andupdates UtilizesTyler Community to stayabreast of the latest Tyler releases and updates, as well as the latest helpful tools to manage the City of Poway’s Software Upgrade process Assists with the Software Upgrade process, if required, during implementation Manages Software Upgrade activities post-implementation Manages Software Upgrade plan activities Coordinates Software Upgrade plan activities with City of Poway and Tyler resources Communicates changes affecting users and department stakeholders Obtains department stakeholder sign-offs to upgrade Production environment 5.2.9 City of Poway Project Toolset Coordinator Ensures users have appropriate access to Tyler Project Toolsetssuch as Tyler University, Tyler Community, Tyler Product Knowledgebase, SharePoint, etc. Conducts training on proper use of toolsets Validates completion of required assignments using toolsets 5.2.10 City of Poway Change Management Lead Validates users receive timely and thorough communication regarding process changes Provides coaching to Supervisors to prepare them to support users through the Project changes Identifies the impact areas resulting from Projectactivitiesand developsa plan to address them proactively Identifies areas of resistance and developsa plan to reinforce the change Monitors post-production performance and new process adherence 91 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 6 Glossary Word or Term Definition Accountable The person who is ultimately accountable for decisions being made on a task. Application A computer program designed to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks or activities for the benefit of the user. Change Control A systematic approach for managing change governing how Change Requests will be received, assessed and acted on. Change Management An approach for ensuring that changes are thoroughly and smoothly implemented and that the lasting benefits of change are achieved. The focus is on the global impact of change with an intense focus on people and how individuals and teams move from the current situation to the new one. Change Request A form used as part of the Change Control process whereby changes in the Scope of work, timeline, resources, and/or budget are revised and agreed upon by participating parties. Consulted Anyone who must be consulted with prior to a decision being made and/or the task being completed Consumables Items that are used recurrently, usually by Peripherals. Examples: paper stock or scannercleaning kits. Control Point Occurring at the end of each Stage, the Control Point serves as a formal client review point. Project progress cannotcontinue until the client acknowledges the agreed upon Deliverables of the Stage have been met, or agree on an action plan to make the Deliverableacceptable and move to next Stage while executing final steps of current Stage. Cutover The point when a client begins using Tyler software in Production. Data Exchange A term used to reference Imports and Exports, andInterfaces which allow data to be exchanged between an external system and Tyler software. Data Mapping Theprocess of mapping fields fromthe Legacy System to the appropriatelocation in the new system from one or more sources. Deliverable A tangible or intangible object/document produced as a result of the Project that is intended to be delivered to a client (either internal or external) at a specific time. End User The person for whom the software is designed to use on a day-to-day basis. Forms A documentwhich is typically printed on a template background and only captures data for one record per page. Forms are provided to entity customers whether internal (employees) or external (citizens). Imports and Exports A process within the system that a user is expected to run to consume Import) or produce (Export) aspecifically defined fileformat/layout. Informed Anyone who will beupdatedwhen decisions are made or a task is completed. Interface A real-time or automated exchange of data between two systems. 92 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Install References the initial Installation of software files on client servers and preparing the software for use duringconfiguration. The version currently available for general release will always be used during the initial Install. Legacy System The system from which a client is converting. Modification Modification of software program package to provide individual client requirements documented within the Scope of the Agreement. Peripherals Anauxiliarydevice that connects to andworks with the computer in someway. Examples: mouse, keyboard, scanner, external drive, microphone, speaker, webcam, and digital camera. Phase A portion ofthe Project in which specific set of related productsare typically implemented. Phases each have an independent start, Production Cutover and closure dates but use the same Implementation Plans as other Phases withinthe Project. Phases may overlap or be sequential and may have the same Tyler Project manager or different individual assigned. Power User An experienced client person or group who is (are) an expert(s) in the client businessprocesses, as well as knowledgeable inthe requirements and acceptance criteria. Production The City is using the Tyler software to conduct dailyoperations. Project The Project includes all implementation activity from Plan & Initiate to Closure for allproducts, Applications and functionality included in a single Agreement. The Project may bebroken down into multiple Phases. Project Plan The Project Plan serves as the master blueprint for the Project. As developed, the Project schedule will become a part of the Project Plan and outline specific detailsregarding tasks included in the Project Plan. Project Planning Meeting Occurs during the Plan & Initiate Stage to coordinate with the client Project manager to discussScope, information needed for Project scheduling and resources. Questionnaire A document containing a list of questions to be answered by the client for the purpose of gathering information needed by Tyler to complete the implementation. RACI A chart describing level of participation by variousroles in completing tasks or Deliverables for a Project or process. Also known as a responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) or linear responsibility chart LRC). Reports Formatted to return information related to multiple records in a structured format. Information is typicallypresented in both detail and summary form for a user to consume. Responsible The person who will becompleting the task. 93 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Scope Products and services that are included in the Agreement. Stage The top-level components of the WBS. Each Stage is repeated for individual Phases of the Project andrequires acknowledgement before continuing to the next Stage. Some tasks in the next Stage may begin before the prior Stage is complete. Stakeholder PresentationRepresentatives of the Tyler implementation team will meet with key client representatives to presenthigh level Project expectationsand outlinehow Tyler and the client can successfully partner to create an environment for a successful implementation. Standard Included in the base software (out of the box) package. Statement of Work (SOW) Document which will providesupporting detail to the Agreement defining Project-specific activities and Deliverables Tyler will provide to the client. TestPlan Describes the testing process. Includes "Test Cases" to guide the users through the testing process. Test cases are meant to be abaseline for core processes; the client is expected to supplement with client specific scenarios and processes. Software Upgrade References the act of updating software files to a newer software release. Validation (or to validate) Theprocess of testing andapproving that aspecific Deliverable, process, program or product is working as expected. Work Breakdown Structure WBS) A hierarchical representation of a Project or Phase broken down into smaller, more manageable components. 94 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 7 Munis ConversionSummary 7.1 Accounting COA Chart of Accountssegments, objects, character codes, project codes (if applicable), organization codes (if applicable), control accounts budgetrollups, fundattributes, due to/due from accounts Requires the use of a Tyler provided spreadsheet for design and entry of the data to beconverted 7.2 Accounting - Actuals Summary account balances Up to 3 years 7.3 Accounting - Budgets Original budget, budget adjustments, revised budget summaries for accounts Up to 3 years 7.4 Accounts Payable Master Vendor Master file including names, addresses, SSN/FID, contacts, phone numbers Multiple remittance addresses Year-to-date 1099 amounts 7.5 Accounts Payable - Checks Check header dataincluding vendor, warrant, check number, check date, overall check amount, GL cash account and clearing information Check detail dataincluding related document and invoice numbers for eachcheck 7.6 Contracts Contractheader detail with many fields available to convert including fiscal yearand period, vendor number, department code, description, enforcement method code, dates for award, approval, entry and expiration, retention information, user-defined type and review codes, status code, user id for entry and approver. Additional fields are also available. Contract detail including line item account and amountdetail 7.7 Fixed Assets Master Asset description, status, acquisition quantity, date and amount, codes for asset class, subclass, department, custodian, flags for capitalizationand depreciation, estimated life, serial number, model, model year, depreciation method, life-to-date depreciation amount, last depreciation date, disposal information (if any), purchase information, if any (vendor, PO, Invoice) 95 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 7.8 Fixed Assets - History Transaction history data for acquisitions, disposals, transfers, etc. 7.9 General Billing CID Customer information 7.10 General Billing – Recurring Invoices General Billing Invoices that are sent on a regular basis Header records with general information about the invoice Detail records with line-specific information 7.11 General Billing – Bills Unlimited history of open and closedinvoices General Ledger information so open invoicescan be processed in Munis 7.12 Inventory Master General masterdata includes item, description, commodity code, purchase vendor and date, date received, GL information, hazard code, etc. Location master includes item, location, bin, various quantities (on-hand, last, committed, standard purchase, re-order), lead time; count, count date, and variance; GL information; plus many accumulator buckets MTD/YTD/SOY/SOM/LY received /issued /adjusted /cost /value), etc. FIFO data includes item, location, date, qty-received, unit cost, and quantity on hand. 7.13 Inventory – Commodity Codes Commoditymaster information, including codes anddescriptions, commodity type, acquisition type, unit of measure, vendor, buyer, approver, and various other codes and flags 7.14 ProjectGrantAccounting Segments, account strings and fund string allocation table Requires the use of a Tyler provided (Chart of Accounts) spreadsheet for design and entry of the data to be converted 7.15 ProjectGrant Accounting - Actuals Summary project ledger string balances Up to 3 years 7.16 ProjectGrantAccounting – Budget Original project ledger budget amounts 96 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Up to 3 years 7.17 Purchase Orders Open purchase orders header dataincluding vendor, buyer, date, accounting information, etc. Open purchase orders detail dataincluding line item descriptions, quantities, amounts, etc. 7.18 Payroll Payroll Employee Master dataincludingdata such as name, address, SSN, legacy employee ID, date of birth, hire date, activity status (such as active/inactive), leave/termination code and date, phone(s), e-address, marital status, gender, race, personnel status (such as full-time, part-time, etc.), highest degree, advice-delivery (print/email/both) and check location, plus primary group, job, location, andaccount information 7.19 Payroll - Deductions Employee Deductions - including employee ID, deduction codes, tax information, and direct deposit information 7.20 Payroll – Accumulators YTD, QTD, MTD amounts for employee pay and deductions Needed for mid-calendar-year go-live May not be needed if converting earnings/deductions history 7.21 Payroll – Accrual Balances EmployeeAccrual Balances including Vacation, Holiday, and other Leave balances Start of year balance, earned to date, used to date 7.22 Payroll – Check History Up to 5 years, additional years must be quoted. We convert amounts for earnings and deductions in employee check history, check number and date. 7.23 Payroll – Earning/Deduction Hist. Up to 5 years, additional years must be quoted. Earning and deduction historybroken downmy individual codes (earnings and deduction) andamounts per pay period, the detail of these lines, sums the check history in opt 4. 7.24 Payroll – Applicant Tracking Application requisition applicant masterdata, plus applicant references, certifications, education, skills, tests, work history, and interviews 97 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 7.25 Payroll – PM Action History A variety of Personnel actions, such as job or salary changes and dates these events occurred. 7.26 Payroll – Position Control Position, description, status, job code, bargaining group, location, number of employees allowed for each, FTE percentage, GL account, and max/min grade and step 7.27 Payroll – State Retirement Tables Specific state-required data, plus related service years information, when appropriate Needed for somestates 7.28 Payroll – Certifications Certification area and certification type codes, certification number and effectivedate, expiration date, and required-by date, codes for certification level and subjects 7.29 Payroll – Education Codes, for institution, type of degree, and area(s) of study 98 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Appendix 1: Reports 99 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 100 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 101 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 102 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 103 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 104 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 105 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Solution PricingSummary 6/22/2016 9:35 AM Poway Appendix C - Mandatory Pricing.xlsx Page 1 of 12 Proposer Name: Solution Name: Solution Pricing Summary One Time Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Grand Total TotalSoftware Licensing and Maintenance Costs 277,380$ -$ 64,666$ 67,899$ 71,294$ 481,240$ TotalImplementation Services 216,775$ 216,775$ TotalInterface Services -$ -$ Total ConversionServices 58,800$ 58,800$ TotalThirdPartyProducts 3,952$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,952$ TotalTravelExpenses -$ -$ Total Solution Cost 556,907$ -$ 64,666$ 67,899$ 71,294$ 760,767$ TotalOptional Ongoing Costs 34,650$ 27,834$ 35,463$ 37,236$ 39,098$ 174,280$ Total Solution Cost with Options 591,557$ 27,834$ 100,129$ 105,135$ 110,392$ 935,047$ SoftwareLicensing and Maintenance Costs One Time Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Subtotal - FinancialModules 138,550$ -$ 33,939$ 35,636$ 37,418$ Subtotal - Payroll Modules 16,100$ -$ 2,898$ 3,043$ 3,195$ Subtotal - HR Modules 18,100$ -$ 3,258$ 3,421$ 3,592$ Subtotal - OtherModules 135,450$ -$ 24,571$ 25,800$ 27,090$ TotalSoftware Licensing and Maintenance Costs 277,380$ -$ 64,666$ 67,899$ 71,294$ ImplementationServices Days Impl Fee Subtotal - FinancialModule Impl Services 62 79,050$ Subtotal - Payroll Module Impl Services 28 35,700$ Subtotal - HR Module Impl Services 16 20,400$ Subtotal - OtherModules Impl Services 35 44,625$ Subtotal - OtherProfessional Impl Services - 37,000$ TotalImplementation Services 141216,775$ Tyler Technologies Munis AT T A C H M E N T B 10 6 o f 1 1 7 Ma y 2 2 0 1 7 I t e m 4 1 City of Poway STANDARD AGREEMENTFORSERVICES This Agreement, entered into this 2nd day of May, 2017, by andbetween the CITYOF POWAY (hereinafterreferred to as "City") andNexLevelInformation Technology, Inc. (hereinafter referred toas "Consultant"). RECITALS WHEREAS, City desires to obtain the services of a privateconsultant to perform informationtechnology consultingservices for the EnterpriseResource Planning (ERP) implementation; and WHEREAS, Consultant is a(n) informationtechnology consultantandhas represented that Consultantpossessesthe necessaryqualifications to providesuch services; and WHEREAS, Cityhas authorized the preparation of an agreement to retain the services of Consultant as hereinafter setforth. NOW, THEREFORE, ITIS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT CITYDOES HEREBY RETAIN CONSULTANT ON THE FOLLOWINGTERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1.Scope of Services. Consultantshall provideservices as described in Exhibit "A" entitled SpecialProvisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2.Compensation andReimbursement. Cityshall compensate and reimburseConsultant as provided in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3.Term of Agreement. Theterm of this Agreement shallbeas described on Exhibit "A" entitled Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 4.Termination. This Agreement may be terminatedwith or withoutcauseby City. Termination without causeshall be effective onlyupon60-day writtennotice to Consultant. During said 60-day periodConsultantshallperform all consulting services in accordance withthisAgreement. This Agreement may be terminated by City for ATTACHMENTC107of117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 cause in theevent of a material breach of this Agreement, misrepresentation by Consultant in connection with the formation ofthis Agreement or the performance of services, or the failure to perform services as directed by City. Termination for cause shallbe effected by delivery of writtennotice of termination toConsultant. Such termination shallbe effective upon delivery of saidnotice. 5.ConfidentialRelationship. Citymayfrom time to time communicate to Consultantcertaininformation to enable Consultanttoeffectivelyperform the services. Consultant shall treat all such information as confidential, whether or not so identified, and shall not discloseany part thereofwithouttheprior written consentof the City. Consultant shall limittheuseand circulation of such information, even within its own organization, to the extent necessary to performtheservices. Theforegoing obligation of thisParagraph 5, however, shall not apply to any part of the information that (i) hasbeen disclosed in publiclyavailable sources of information; (ii) is, through no fault of Consultant, hereafter disclosed in publicly available sourcesof information; (iii) is now in the possession of Consultant without any obligation of confidentiality; or (iv) hasbeenor is hereafter rightfully disclosed to Consultant by a thirdparty, but only to the extent that the use or disclosure thereofhasbeen or is rightfully authorized bythatthird party. Consultantshall not disclose any reports, recommendations, conclusions or other results of the services or the existence of the subject matterof thiscontract without the prior written consentoftheCity. In its performancehereunder, Consultant shallcomplywith all legalobligations it may now or hereafterhave respecting the information or other propertyof any otherperson, firmor corporation. 6.Office Space and Clerical Support. Consultantshallprovide its own office space andclericalsupport at its sole cost and expense. 7.Covenant Against Contingent Fees. Consultantdeclares that it has not employed or retainedany company or person, otherthan a bonafide employeeworking for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement, that it has not paid or agreedto payany company or person, other than a bonafide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or anyother consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of the Agreement. Forbreach of violation ofthis warranty, Cityshall have the right to annulthis Agreement withoutliability, or, at its solediscretion, to deductfromtheAgreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover the fullamount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. 108 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 8. Ownership of Documents. All memoranda, reports, plans, specifications, maps andother documents prepared or obtained under the terms of this Agreement shall bethe property of City and shallbe delivered to City by Consultantupondemand. 9. Conflict of Interest and Political Reform ActObligations. During theterm of thisAgreementConsultant shall not actas consultant or perform services of any kind for anypersonorentity whose interestsconflict in any way with those of theCity of Poway. Consultant shall at all times complywith the terms of the Political Reform Act and the local conflict of interestordinance. Consultantshall immediatelydisqualifyitselfandshallnotuse its official position to influence in anyway any matter coming beforetheCity in which the Consultant has a financial interestas defined in Government CodeSection87103. Consultantrepresents that it has no knowledge of anyfinancialinterests whichwould require it todisqualifyitselffrom any matter on which it might performservices for the City. Consultant” means an individualwho, pursuant to a contract with a state or localagency: A) Makes a governmental decision whether to: 1. Approve a rate, rule or regulation; 2. Adopt or enforce a law; 3. Issue, deny, suspend, or revoke anypermit, license, application, certificate, approval, order, or similar authorization or entitlement; 4. Authorize theCity to enter into, modify, or renew a contract provided it is the type of contract that requires City approval; 5. Grant City approval to a contract that requires City approval and to which the City is a party, or to the specifications for such a contract; 6. GrantCityapproval to a plan, design, report, study, orsimilar item; 7. Adopt, or grantCity approval of, policies, standards, or guidelines for theCity, orfor any subdivision thereof; or B) Serves in a staff capacity with the City and in that capacity participates in making a governmental decision as defined in Regulation 18702.2 or performs the same or substantially allthe same duties for the City that would otherwise be performed by an individualholding a positionspecified in the City’s Conflict of Interest Code. 109 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 DISCLOSUREDETERMINATION: 1. Consultant/Contractor will notbe “making a governmentdecision” or “serving in a staff capacity” as defined in Sections A andB above. Nodisclosure required. 2. Consultant/Contractor will be “making a government decision” or serving in a staffcapacity” as defined in Sections A and B above. As a result, Consultant/Contractor shall be required tofile a Statement of Economic Interest with the City Clerk of theCity of Poway in a timelymanner as required by law. DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 10. No Assignments. Neitherany part nor all ofthis Agreement may be assignedor subcontracted, except as otherwisespecificallyprovided herein, orto which City, in its solediscretion, consents toin advance thereof in writing. Any assignmentor subcontracting in violation of this provision shall be void. 11. Maintenance of Records. Consultant shall maintain all books, documents, papers, employeetime sheets, accounting records, and otherevidence pertaining to costs incurredand shall makesuchmaterialsavailable at its office at all reasonabletimes during the contract periodand for three (3) years fromthedate of final payment underthis Agreement, for inspection byCityand copies thereof shall be furnished, if requested. 12. Independent Contractor. At all timesduring theterm of this Agreement, Consultant shall bean independentcontractor and shall notbean employee of theCityof Poway. Cityshall have the right to control Consultantonlyinsofar as theresults of Consultant's services renderedpursuant to this Agreement; however, Cityshall not have theright to control the means by whichConsultantaccomplishessuch services. 13. Licenses, Permits, Etc. Consultant represents and declares to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatevernature thatare legallyrequired to practice its profession. Consultantrepresents and warrants toCitythat Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the termof thisAgreement, any 110 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 license, permit, or approval which is legally required for Consultant to practice its profession. 14. Consultant's Insurance. Consultantshall provide insurance assetforth in Exhibit "A" entitled Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof. 15. Indemnification. a) For Claims (as definedherein) otherthanthose alleged to arise from Consultant’s negligent performanceof professionalservices, City andits respective elected and appointed boards, officials, officers, agents, employees and volunteers individually and collectively, "Indemnitees") shall have no liability to Consultantor any otherperson for, and Consultantshallindemnify, protect and hold harmless Indemnitees fromandagainst, any andall liabilities, claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings, suits, damages, judgments, liens, levies, costs and expenses, including reasonableattorneys' fees and disbursements (collectively "Claims"), which Indemnitees maysufferorincur orto which Indemniteesmaybecomesubject by reason of or arising outof anyinjury toor death of anyperson(s), damage to property, loss of use of property, economic loss or otherwiseoccurring as a result of Consultant's negligentperformance underthis Agreement, or bythe negligent or willful actsor omissions of Consultant, its agents, officers, directors, sub-consultants or employees. b) For Claimsalleged to arise from Consultant’s negligentperformance of professionalservices, Indemniteesshall have no liability to Consultant or any other person for, and Consultantshallindemnify and holdharmlessIndemnitees from and against, any and all Claims that Indemnitees maysufferor incur or towhich Indemniteesmay become subject by reasonofor arising out ofany injury toor death of any person(s), damage to property, lossofuse of property, economic loss or otherwise to the extent occurring as a result of Consultant's negligentperformance of any professionalservicesunderthis Agreement, or bythe negligent or willful actsor omissions of Consultant, its agents, officers, directors, sub-consultants or employees, committed in performingany of professionalservices underthis Agreement. For Claims alleged to arisefrom Consultant’s professionalservices, Consultant’s defense obligation to Indemnitees shall include only the reimbursement of reasonabledefensecosts and attorneys’ fees to the extent caused by Consultant’s negligence. c) The foregoingobligations of Consultantshall not apply to the extent that the Claims arise fromthe solenegligence or willfulmisconductofCityor its elected and appointed boards, officials, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. d) Inany and all Claims against City by any employees oftheConsultant, anyonedirectly or indirectly employed by it or anyone for whoseacts it maybeliable, the indemnification obligationunder thisSection 15 shall notbe limited in any way by any limitationon the amount or type of damages, compensation orbenefitspayable by orfor theConsultantunder worker's compensation acts, disability benefitactsorother employee benefit acts. 111 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 16. ConsultantNot an Agent. Except as City may specify in writing, Consultantshall have no authority, expressed or implied, toact on behalf of City in anycapacity whatsoever asan agent. Consultantshallhave no authority, expressedorimplied, pursuant to this Agreement to bind City to any obligationwhatsoever. 17. Personnel. Consultant shall assign qualified and certifiedpersonnel to perform requestedservices. The City shall have the right to reviewand disapprovepersonnel for assignment to Poway projects. Cityshall have the unrestricted right to order the removal ofanyperson(s) assigned by Consultant by giving oral or written notice to Consultant to such effect. Consultant's personnel shall at all timescomply with City's drugand alcoholpoliciesthen in effect. 18. Notices. Noticesshall be given as described on Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a parthereof. 19. DisputeResolution. In the event of a disputebetweenCity and Consultant concerning the terms ofthis Agreement or its performance, the parties agree to initially submitsuch dispute to voluntarymediation before a mutually acceptablemediatorprior to arbitration or litigation. In the event that the subject of suchaction is compensationclaimed by Consultant in theevent of termination, Consultant's damages shall be limited to compensation for the60-day period for which Consultant would have been entitled to receivecompensationifterminatedwithoutcause. Inthe event of arbitration, each partyshall bear its ownattorneys' feesand costsincurred. Any action to enforceor interpret the terms or conditionsofthis Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court in SanDiegoCounty, CentralDivision. Consultant herebywaivesany right to remove any such action from San Diego County as is otherwisepermitted by California Code of Civil Proceduresection394. 20. Gender. Whether referred to in the masculine, feminine, or as "it," "Consultant" shall meantheindividual or corporate consultant and any andall employees of consultant providing services hereunder. 112 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 21. Counterparts. This Agreement (and any amendments) may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shallbe deemed an original, butall of which, together, shall constituteone and thesame instrument. Documentsdelivered by telephonicfacsimile transmission shall be valid and binding. 22. Entire Agreement. This Agreementshall constitutetheentire understandingbetween Consultantand City relating to the termsand conditions of the services to be performed by Consultant. Noagreements, representations or promises made by eitherparty, whether oral orin writing, shall be ofanyforceor effect unless it is in writing and executed by the party to be boundthereby. 23. Pension Reform Act of 2013 At all timesduring the term of the Agreementwith the City, no officer, director, shareholder, member, partner, employee, or contractor, providing services to the City, will be a “retiredannuitant,” undertheCity’s retirementsystem, ineligible for temporary employment under section 7522.56 of the CaliforniaGovernment Code, whichwasadded asa part of thePension Reform Actof2013. Forthe purposes of this statement a “retired annuitant” is a person retired fromthe CaliforniaPublicEmployees’ RetirementSystem (“CalPERS”). Any retired annuitant proposed to providework on behalf of theCity must be eligible for appointment under the Pension Reform Act of 2013, andany other applicable laws, without any adverse financialimpact to theCity. Remainder of page intentionally left blank) 113 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 IN WITNESSWHEREOF, the parties heretohaveduly executedthisAgreement on the date first abovewritten. CITY OFPOWAY CONSULTANT By: _________________________ By: _______________________________ Tina White, CityManager TerryHackelman, ManagingPrincipal Dated: ______________________ Dated: ____________________________ ATTEST: NancyNeufeld, CityClerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: _________________________ Morgan L. Foley, CityAttorney 114 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 SPECIAL PROVISIONS" EXHIBIT "A" A. Scope of Services. Consultantagrees to performconsulting services as requiredby City. Consultantshall provide the necessaryqualifiedpersonnel to perform the services. In performance of the servicesConsultantshall provideinformationtechnologyconsulting as detailed inthe Scope of Servicessubmittedwith the proposal datedApril 14, 2017, which are included in this document as Attachment 1. B. Compensation andReimbursement. Cityshall payConsultant a fee in accordance with the Fee Proposals submittedwith the proposal dated April 14, 2017, which are included in this document as Attachment 1. Total feeis not to exceed $163,800 and includes all expenses, includinglodging, telephone, and travel (air, auto, rail) necessarily incurred in performance ofthe services. Consultant's fee shall include and Consultant shall be responsible forthe payment of all federal, state, and local taxes ofanykind which are attributable to the compensationreceived. C. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shallbe effective from theperiod commencing May 2, 2017and ending June 30, 2019, unlesssoonerterminated by City as provided in the section of this Agreement entitled "Termination." Upon expiration or termination ofthis Agreement, Consultant shall return to Cityany andall equipment, documents or materials and all copiesmadethereof which Consultant received fromCity or produced for City for the purposes of this Agreement. D. Consultant's Insurance. 1. Coverages: Consultantshall obtain and maintainduring the life of this Agreement all of thefollowinginsurance coverages: a) ComprehensiveGeneral Liability, includingpremises- operations, products/completed, broadformpropertydamage, and blanketcontractual liability with the following coverages: General Liability $1,000,000 Bodily Injuryand PropertyDamage combined each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. b) AutomobileLiability, including owned, hired, andnon-owned vehicles: $1,000,000 combinedsingle limit. 115 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 c) Consultantshallobtain and maintain, during the life of the Agreement, a policy of ProfessionalErrors and Omissions Liability Insurance withpolicy limits of notless than $1,000,000 combinedsingle limits, perclaim and annual aggregate. d) Workers' Compensationinsurance in statutory amount. All of the endorsements which are required above shall be obtained forthepolicy of Workers' Compensation insurance. 2. Endorsements: Endorsementsshall be obtained sothat each policycontains the following three provisions: a) AdditionalInsured. (Not required for ProfessionalErrors and OmissionsLiabilityInsurance or Workers' Compensation.) City of Poway and its elected and appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees are additional insureds with respect to thissubjectprojectand contract with City." b) Notice. Said policy shallnot terminate, nor shall it be canceled, until thirty 30) days after written notice is given to City." c) PrimaryCoverage. The policyprovidesprimary coverage to City andits electedand appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees. It isnot secondary or in any way subordinate toany other insurance or coveragemaintained by City." 3. Insurance Certificates: Consultantshall provide City certificatesof insuranceshowing the insurance coveragesdescribed in the paragraphs above, in a form and content approved byCity, prior to beginningwork underthis Agreement. E. Notices. All notices, billings and payments hereunder shall be in writing and sent to the followingaddresses: To City: City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 789 116 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 Poway, CA92074 To Consultant: Terry Hackelman NexLevelInformation Technology, Inc. 6829FairOaksBlvd., Suite100 Carmichael, CA 95608 117 of 117 May2, 2017, Item #4.1 ED DATE: TO: FROM City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT May 2, 2017 APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED SEE MINUTES) DENIED REMOVED CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. HonorableMayor and Membersof the City Council Tina White, City Manager CONTACT: Wendy Kaserman, Assistant City Manager W< 858) 668 -4502or wkaserman @poway.org SUBJECT: Resolution OpposingSections of Assembly Bill (AB) 805 Changing the Voting Structure of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Summary: Assembly Bill (AB) 805, introduced by AssemblyMember Lorena GonzalezFletcher, proposes substantialchanges to the voting structure of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), andNorth County Transit District (NCTD). Board votes at SANDAG would shift from a combination oftally and weightedvotes, to a purely weighted voting system, potentially giving full control of the agenda, votes, and programming of regional funds to the cities of San Diego and Chula Vista. While there are components of the bill that have merit, including additionaloversight of audit functions and provisions allowing MTS and NCTD taxing authority, thebill in its current form has the potential to be extremely detrimental to Poway by marginalizing the power of the City's vote on the use of regional transportation dollars. Consistent with the City's adopted legislativeplatform to oppose legislation that limits local control, the City has expressedopposition to those sections of the bill that change the votingstructure at SANDAG through both letters and committeetestimony. To further demonstrate theCity's opposition to these changes, staff is recommending the City Council adopt the attached resolutionopposing specificcomponents of the bill. Recommended Action: Staffrecommends the City Council approve the attachedresolution opposingsections of AB805 that change the voting structure at SANDAG. Discussion: AB 805 erodes local controlfrom 16 of the 18 cities in San Diego County by giving the cities of San Diego and Chula Vista an unfair advantage in votes at SANDAG. SANDAG serves as a regional organization that plays a key role in programming the use of TransNet dollars, as well as other transportation funding. The regional voice is lost when you give the largest cities the ability to controlthe organizations' agendas, voting, and programming offunds. 1 of 4 May 2, 2017 Item #4.2 Resolution OpposingSections of AB805 May 2, 2017 Page 2 The current bicameral voting systemrequires a majority of tallyvotes and weighted votes for approval of any item. This is farmore equitable than what AB 805 proposes and is reflectiveof the fact that, while memberjurisdictions vary in population, some smaller jurisdictions contribute a disproportionally high level of TransNet sales tax dollars. There is a component of AB 805 the City of Poway believes has merit. Powaywas one of the firstcities tocallfor an audit following the recent discovery that revenue projections were overstated forMeasure A, therefore theCity could support language in AB805 that provides additional oversight of audit functions. AB805 has currently passed out of boththe Committee on Local Government and the Committee on Transportation and is scheduled to be heard by the Committee on Appropriations. TheCity has expressed its opposition to the changes to the voting structure at SANDAG both by sending letters to the committee members and Mayor Vaus testified in person at the April 24, 2017meeting of the Committee on Transportation. City Council adoption of the attached resolution will further emphasize theCity's opposition to those key portions of the bill that impact the voting structure at SANDAG. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQAreview. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscalimpact associated with adopting the attachedresolution. Public Notification: There is no public notification required for thisitem. Attachments: A. Resolution Opposing Sections of AB805 Reviewed /Approved By: WendyRaserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Apr ved By: lldw Tina M. White City Manager 2 of 4 May 2, 2017 Item #4.2 RESOLUTION NO. 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSINGSECTIONS OF ASSEMBLY BILL (AB) 805 CHANGINGTHE VOTING STRUCTURE OF THE SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (SANDAG) WHEREAS, on September 20, 2016, theCity Counciladopted the City's 2016 LegislativePlatform to convey the City's position on important policy issues; WHEREAS, per the Legislative Platform theCity opposes legislation that limits local control; WHEREAS, Assembly Bill (AB) 805 proposes to substantially change the voting structure at the SanDiego Association of Governments (SANDAG) by replacing the current combination of tally vote and weighted vote with a purely weighted vote structurepotentially giving full control of the agenda, votes, and programming of regionalfunds to the cities of San Diego and ChulaVista; WHEREAS, the proposed changes to thevoting structure would erode local control from 16 of the 18 cities in San Diego County by giving thecities of San Diego and Chula Vista an unfairadvantage in votes at SANDAG. SANDAG serves as a regional organization that plays a key role in programming the use of TransNet dollars, as well as othertransportation funding. The regional voice is lost whenyou give the largest cities the ability to control the organizations' agendas, voting, and programming of funds; WHEREAS the currentbicameral voting systemrequires a majority oftally votes and weightedvotes for approval of any item. This is far more equitable than what AB 805 proposes and is reflectiveof the fact that, while member jurisdictions vary in population, some smaller jurisdictions contribute a disproportionally high level of TransNet sales tax dollars: and WHEREAS, the proposed changes to the voting structure at SANDAG have the potential be very detrimental to Poway by marginalizing the powerof theCity's vote on the use of regional transportation dollars. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by theCity Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The City will vigorously oppose those sections ofAB 805 changing the voting structure at SANDAG from a combinationtally and weightedvote to a purely weightedvote due to the profoundly negative impact these changes would have onthe City of Poway including marginalizing the powerof theCity's vote on the use of regional transportation dollars and likelylimiting access to those transportation dollars in the future. 3 of 4 Attachment A May 2, 2017 Item #4.2 Resolution No. 17- Page 2 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of theCity of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 2nd day of May 2017. Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, CityClerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Nancy Neufeld, CityClerk, of theCity of Poway, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoingResolution No. 17 -"* was dulyadopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the "' dayof "' 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: NancyNeufeld, CMC, City Clerk City ofPoway 4 of 4 May 2, 2017 Item #4.2 RMMM* Ake, Bike and Ride