Item 1.2 - Ratification/Approval of Warrant RegistersOF PoIDII City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT DATE: TO: FROM: CONTACT: SUBJECT: Summary: May 16, 2017 APPROVED Amount APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) $ 504,638.80 DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Peter Moote, Acting Finance Direct 'r�"�0 Andrew White, Finance Manager. 858-668-4426 or awhite@poway.org Ratification of Warrant Registers for the Periods of April 10 through April 14, 2017 and April 17 through April 21, 2017 The attached warrant register reports for the periods of April 10 through April 14, 2017 and April 17 through April 21, 2017, are submitted to the City Council for ratification/approval. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council ratify/approve the attached warrant registers. Discussion: Weekly registers of audited demands are periodically submitted to the City Council by the Finance Director for ratification/approval. Date April 10 through April 14 Amount $1,288,217.21 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant Payroll 3-31-17, Retirement Payroll 4-14-17 Check Number Amount 00904210 $ 169,523.92 00904212 $ 504,638.80 1 of 23 May 16, 2017 Item # 1.2 Ratification of Warrant Registers May 16, 2097 Page 2 Date Amount April 17 through April 21 $1,193,399.18 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant Payroll 4-14-17, Withholding Microsoft Corp Investment Purchase Payroll 4-14-17, Retirement Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Fiscal Impact: Check Number 00904221 00904224 00904225 Amount $ 102,281.73 $ 504,440.14 $ 170,934.42 The total amount of warrants for the period of April 10 through April 14, 2017, is $1,288,217.21. The total amount of warrants for the period of April 17 through April 21, 2017, is $1,193,399.18. Public Notification: None Attachments: A. Warrant Register for the period of April 10 through April 14, 2017 B. Warrant Register for the period of April 17 through April 21, 2017 Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Approved By: Morgan Foley Tina M. White City Attorney City Manager 2 of 23 May 16, 2017 Item # 1.2 W The City of Poway Director of Finance Submits the Following Register of Demands for O the period 411012017- 411412017 and Recommends its Ratification✓Approval: r N W Rltit Dole: 13 -Apr -17 Page: i of it Check HVAC Maintenance - Facilities 100 0419 4302 300 5,477.67 87071 Nunher Date Papee/Vetulor Invoice Continent Fund Orgn Accl Prog Check Aint 00295436 14 -Apr -17 @00010119 3M Cogent Inc. 348374 Fingerprinting - March 2017 100 0601 4934 100 18.90 00295437 @00005371 A O Reed a Co 274973 Library: Box Filters 100 0419 4302 300 1,597.00 4302 275931 City Hall: hot water piping 100 0419 4302 300 6,748.91 300 87067 HVAC Maintenance - Facilities 100 0206 4302 400 780.00 206.00 87068 HVAC Maintenance - Library 100 0206 4302 400 1,078.66 Total for Check 00295447 87069 HVAC Maintenance - PCPA - 100 0204 4302 400 2,674.67 87070 HVAC Maintenance - Facilities 100 0419 4302 300 5,477.67 87071 HVAC Maintenance - Bi -Annual BAS Library 100 0419 4302 300 400.00 87072 As needed plumbing repair services 100 0419 4120 300 206.00 87334 HVAC Maintenance - Library 100 0206 4302 400 1,078.66 87335 HVAC Maintenance - PCPA 100 0204 4302 400 2,674,67 87336 HVAC Maintenance - Facilities 100 0419 4302 300 5,477.67 87337 As needed plumbing repair services 100 0419 4120 300 206.00 717.44 N Total for Check 00295437 28,399.91 3 00295438 14 -Apr -17 @00000021 AAIR Purification Systems 15450 Exhaust system repair 100 0501 4304 200 248.22 rb 00295439 @00010321 Advanced Web Offset Inc. 17-0573 Poway Progress Printing 100 0205 4922 400 273.00 :.00295440 @00010413 AEP California LLC INVO016689 Radiolcomms repair 100 0501 4318 200 440.67 >00295441 @00011421 Airgas National Carbonation 33658921 Carbon Dioxide for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 242.93 33667240 Carbon Dioxide for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 196.45 33680421 Canon Dioxide Tank rental 100 0203 4502 400 140.00 33720067 Carbon Dioxide for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 256.68 Total for Check 00295441 836.06 00295442 14 -Apr -17 (11300000079 Allstar Fire Equipment, Inc 197330 SCBA repair 100 0501 4308 200 499.94 00295443 @00000099 American Backflow Specialties Inc INV41145 X -Connection: backflow brass cap 0 -rings; MIP 510 0404 4760 300 112.17 -00295444 CMWO10642 American Messaging 1-7073904RD Dispatch paging April 2017 100 0501 4106 200 374.42 u 00295445 @00005011 Aqua -Metric Sales Co 0064758 -IN SN52036135 W-125 large meter test 510 0404 4899 300 541.00 x00295446 @00004833 Aquatic Design Systems, Inc 29651 February Aquarium Maintenance 100 0206 4304 400 324.71 01 002 9 544 7 @00000152 Ammark Refreshment Services 1433630 Refreshment Services 100 0106 4760 100 94.88 N 1433631 Refreshment Services 100 0106 4760 100 571.80 1433632 Refreshment Services 100 0106 4760 100 167.17 V 20150 Refreshment Services 100 0106 4760 100 717.44 N Total for Check 00295447 1,551.29 X00295448 14 -Apr -17 @00005241 Ammark Undorm Services Inc 001448383683 Towels and mats for Sla 3 11130 0501 4928 200 16.54 -+ 001448388546 Towels and mats for Sta 1 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 N 001448395549 Towel and mats for Ste 2 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 A Register of Demands Page 2 0/ 11 C liarmms From 411012017 - 411412017 Iv Check wNrtrtther Dale Pnyee/Vetldor Invoice Conintent Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Anif 00295448 14 -Apr -17 ®00005241 Arsmark Uniform Services Inc 001448395551 PCPA Weekly Mal Service 3131/17 100 0204 4926 400 14.78 1448383684 DCPA Weekly Mat Service 3124/17 100 0204 4928 400 14.78 V 1448393498 Towels and mats for Ste 3 100 0501 4928 200 18.28 9391026553 - Ste 2 phone 1448393511.317 Lake Weekly Mat Service (3130/17) 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 Total for Check 00295450 1448395549 Towels and mats for Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 4k 00295451 14 -Apr -17 ®00006936 Aztec Landscaping Inc. 1448397863 Parks: Mats 100 0419 4120 300 60.04 Landscape Maintenance 1448397864 Parks: Mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 7.79 0429 4116 300 1448397864 Parks: Mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 1.84 1448400351 Towels and mals for Sta 1 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1448405208 Meadowbrook: Mats 100 0419 4120 300 22.48 1448405209 Wk 4/6/17: SCFW & MU. Rdr. uniforms 510 0401 4928 300 5.28 1448405210 Wk 4/6117: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mals 100 0419 4120 300 6.72 1448405210 Wk 416117: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 510 0402 4928 300 19.19 1448405210 Wk 416117: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 510 0401 4928 300 11.27 1448405211 Facilities: Mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 4.42 1448405211 Facilities: Mats and uniforms 100 0419 4928 300 6.10 1448405212 Wk 416117: Water Distribution uniforms 510 0404 4928 300 114.61 1448405213 Wk 416117: VWJ Collect & Recycled uniforms 510 0410 4928 300 1.32 1448405213 Wk 416117: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 520 0405 4928 300 47.17 1448405213 Wk 4/6117: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 510 0406 4928 300 2.37 1448405214 Streets: Uniforms 211 0411 4928 300 153.91 1448405215 Parks: Mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 2.58 1448405215 Parks: Mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 11.52 1448405216 Parks: Mats 100 0419 4120 300 35.33 1448405218 Stormwaler: Uniforms 231 0412 4928 300 35.85 1448407257 PCPA Weekly Mat Service 4!7117 100 0204 4928 400 14.78 Total for Check 00295448 700.27 00295449 14 -Apr -17 @00000171 An's Trench Plaw and K -Rail Service 49331 Durhullen - CMP replacement 1180F 1000P 4120 600 1,552.50 K i X00295450 14 -Apr -17 ®00010111 AT&T 49380 9454037 Durhullen -CMP replacement 9391026556-Sta 1 phone 1180F 100 1000P 4120 600 Total for Check 00295449 0501 3310 200 106.25 1,658.75 92.04 C 9454046 9391026565 -Ste 3 phone 100 0501 3310 200 55.17 -� 9454051 BAN 9391026571 Lake Modem Line - 3117 100 0202 3310 400 19.66 V 9463820 9391026553 - Ste 2 phone 100 0501 3310 200 90.72 .. Total for Check 00295450 257.59 3 4k 00295451 14 -Apr -17 ®00006936 Aztec Landscaping Inc. 0030193 -IN Landscape Maintenance 100 0418 4116 300 4,742.85 0030193 -IN Landscape Maintenance 262 0427 4116 300 971.26 N 0030193 -IN Landscape Maintenance 271 0429 4116 300 145.89 0 Register of Demands Page 3 of 11 0 IVorrna[t From 411012017 - 411412017 ej Check 41 Number Date PapeelVendar Invoice Coi n lent Fund Orgy Acct Prog Check Anif 00295451 14 -Apr -17 @00006936 Aztec Landscaping Inc. 0030193 -IN Landscape Maintenance 268 0428 4116 300 766.70 0030193 -IN Landscape Maintenance 266 0426 4116 300 1,167.17 0030193 -IN Landscape Maintenance 265 0423 4116 300 531.70 Total for Check 00295451 8,325.57 00295452 14 -Apr -17 ®00011031 Baltic Networks 100114797 WTP: Ubiquifi 900MHz mid-range link starter kit 510 0402 4760 300 788.18 100114798 WTP: Ubiquiti 8 -port PoE switches 510 0402 4760 300 709.95 Total for Check 00295452 1,498.13 00295453 14 -Apr -17 ®00000281 Beeds Embroidery 1725 Shirts 211 0411 4928 300 00295454 @00011490 Beneiroc 522542 Employee Vendor Mgmt System - April 2017 100 8729 1,040.00 00295455 ®00005327 Body Besutdul Car Wash of Poway, Inc #317 03162017 City Vehicle Wash: P. Trujillo 100 0306 3130 100 12.99 00295456 (400004317 Bow Word Inc 1143439 -IN B LaCanfora: FY17 safety shoes allowance 510 0401 4928 300 189.94 00295457 @00003870 Bound Tree Medical, LLC 294290 Credit balance 100 0503 4740 200 -383.25 82447702 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 473.94 Total for Check 00295457 90.69 00295458 14 -Apr -17 ®00006901 California Commemial Asphalt. LLC 178336CM Asphalt - Credit - last year's rates 211 0411 4520 300 -157.78 179162 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12" Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,265.18 179162CM Asphalt Aggregate Course 12' Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 -6,265.18 179218 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12" Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,430.30 179252 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12' Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6.130.42 179305 Asphalt 211 0411 4520 300 161.92 179327 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12' Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 7,098.07 179398 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12" Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 7,261.36 179474 4.18 Tons of 12' Asphalt 211 0411 4520 300 292.90 Total for Check 00295458 27,217.19 00295459 14 -Apr -17 @00000351 California Teamsters Loral 911 DUES APR 2017 Teamsters dues for April 2017 100 8616 2,244.00 00295460 @00011061 Catryro 2009 Corp. R7780 License renewal 100 0504 4120 200 1,440.00 00295461 @00000398 Calolympic Safety 359833 Wrhse: Sweatshirt (5) 100 8189 155.16 ' `G 359993 Wrhse: Mesh Vest - (24 Lg 8 6 Sm) 100 8189 324.28 Cannon Park Services, Inc 1582 Chaparral Elementary PTA N 360013 Wrhse:5 100 8189 145552 FY16117 Street Sweeping Services 211 0411 4332 300 FER-322117 FER-322117 PCPA Final Event PCPA Final Event PCPA Fnal Event 322117 3122117 322117 100 0204 7622 400 100 0204 7623 400 100 8646 FER-322117 PCPA Final Event Report 322117 100 0204 7632 400 157.(13 637.07 .438.11 -100.00 -591.25 ,190.00 -173.00 Regisferof Demands Page 4 of 11 14 -Apr -17 @00010997 Commercial Aquatic Seances 117-1361 Monthly Pool Maintenance 100 0203 O 400 363.06 00295467 @00010951 Compete Pepedess Solutions 2415 0 I4 orwrij Front 41102017 - 41142017 100 0011 4120 100 7,556.00 00295468 N Cheek Comdata Records Management Inc. 2416 RS4307961 Cannon scanner, installation & warranty 311/2017 to 3/3112017 100 100 0011 6122B 100 Total for Check 00295467 0011 4120 100 4.571.55 12,127.55 1,262.50 wNamber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Continent Fund Orgn Acef Prog CheckAml 00295464 14 -Apr -17 @00011480 Ciro's Landscaping Inc. 11582 FY1W17 Landscape Maintenance - various faci11100 0501 4116 200 1,303.37 01 2017 - SMI & Seismic Hazard Mapping Fees 100 11582 FY16117 Landscape Maintenance - various facill 100 0206 4116 400 426.79 Department of Justice 11582 FY16117 Landscape Maintenance - various facill 100 0204 4116 400 284.50 DFM Associates 11582 FY16117 Landscape Maintenance - various facts 100 0416 4116 300 1,493.72 53.63 11582 FY16117 Landscape Maintenance - various facili 100 0504 4116 200 284.50 0418 4120 300 Total for Check 00295464 3,792.88 00295465 14 -Apr -17 @00005816 Commercial B Industrial Roofing Co., Inc. MR2538-1 14521 Lake Poway Road: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 290.91 C 00295475 MR2539-1 City Hall: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 254.09 4118 MR2540-1 Water Treatment Plant: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 152.28 Francisco Dumbrique: May 1-3 2017 MR2541-1 Fire Station #1: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 334.54 MR2542-1 Fire Station #3: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 207.28 300 MR2569-1 Community Pool: repairs 100 0419 4304 3D0 215.70 MR2570-1 Train Bam: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 224.38 Total for Check 00295465 1,679.18 00295466 14 -Apr -17 @00010997 Commercial Aquatic Seances 117-1361 Monthly Pool Maintenance 100 0203 4120 400 363.06 00295467 @00010951 Compete Pepedess Solutions 2415 License & Maint. Support Renewal 100 0011 4120 100 7,556.00 00295468 14 -Apr -17 @O0000737 Comdata Records Management Inc. 2416 RS4307961 Cannon scanner, installation & warranty 311/2017 to 3/3112017 100 100 0011 6122B 100 Total for Check 00295467 0011 4120 100 4.571.55 12,127.55 1,262.50 00295469 — Cross, Randolph ACPIS-005 ACP16-005 Erosion Control Security Release 762 0399 5980 100 2,000.00 00295470 @00000453 Department of Conservation 01-2017 01 2017 - SMI & Seismic Hazard Mapping Fees 100 0303 7734 100 2,158.59 00295471 14 -Apr -17 @00006337 Department of Justice 01-2017 226317 01 2017 - SMI & Seismic Hazard Mapping Fees 100 Fingerprinting - March 2017 100 8694 Total for Check 00295470 0601 4934 100 -107.93 2,050.66 243.00 00295472 @00000476 DFM Associates 2017ELEC-CODE 2017 CA Election Code 100 0011 4910 100 53.63 00295473 @00004897 Diamond Enviranmentel Services 0001013066 13104 Silver Lake Dr. Restroom Services 100 0418 4120 300 90.81 900295474 — Dlenbock. Linda 47602500.34 Closing Bal Refund, Overpayment 47602500-34 510 8120 420.93 C 00295475 @00010959 East County San Diego Soccer Shots 1003.300.04.16 Instructor Payment - Winter 2016 100 0208 4118 400 1,900.80 00295476 @DOO11583 Education a Training Services, LLC DUMBRIOUE Francisco Dumbrique: May 1-3 2017 510 D401 1430 300 499.00 • TRAN 5117 Chau Tran: May 1-3 2017 510 0401 1430 300 499.00 N O WHITE 5117 Thomas White: May 1-3 2017 510 0402 1430 300 499.00 V Total for Check 00295476 1,497.00 r'p 00295477 14 -Apr -17 @00003453 EMS Personnel Fund -Cold. EMS AuthodN P27378-2017 Paramedic license renewal - Judd 100 0503 3140 200 200.00 00295478 @00000870 Esgs Corpomtion MARCH 2017 Bldg. Services for March 2017 100 0303 1707 100 8,398.35 MARCH 2017 Bldg. Services for March 2017 100 0303 1706 100 65.336.94 Total for Check 00295478 73,73529 N v Register of Demands Page 5 of 11 0 IVarrams From 4/10/2017. 411412017 M ro Check Number Date Payee/Veitdur Invoice Continent Ftind Orgn Accl Prog Ch eek Anit 00295479 14 -Apr -17 @00003713 Ewing Irrigation 3049979 Parks: irrigation supplies _ 100 0418 4770 300 102.36 3049980 Stock: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 68.07 Total for Check 00295479 170.43 00295480 14 -Apr -17 ®00011142 Eye/Comm. Inc. 50058 FY16117 Extended Public Noticing 8 Prinling/M 100 0301 4120 100 3,426.85 00295481 @00000897 FedEx 5-762-67615 Send objection/lax default Itr to County 100 0301 3320 100 24.86 00295482 @00001144 Ferguson vvale rks 0586091 Water DisgDM: #17 Stem Seal O -Rings 510 0404 4760 300 234.36 00295483 @00001208 Gmngeho's Agriculture Supply 500072 Fertilizer 100 0418 4760 300 71.96 00295484 @00006063 Grossman Psychological Associates, APC 01042017 Pre-employment psychologlcal evaluations 100 0601 4916 100 600.00 00295485 @00010310 Hampton Inn a Suites - Poway 012017 FY16-17 Reciprocal Easement Agreement 720 0704 4120 100 1,526.00 00295486 @00065088 Harper d Associates Engineering Inc ENG -5746 Consulting Services - Pomerado Reservoir Reh 1771A 1000P 1799 600 6,920.00 00295487 @00001447 Heaviland Enterprises Inc 10838 Kumeyaay: March landscape 100 0418 4116 300 245.00 7220242 10839 Landscape Malmenance 267 0424 4116 300 893.33 10839 Landscape Maintenance 264 0422 4116 3D0 6,859.16 10839 Landscape Maintenance 263 0421 4116 300 6,670.41 10839 Landscape Maintenance 269 0425 4116 300 29,120.41 10839 Landscape Maintenance 510 0402 4116 300 1,700.00 10840 Arbolitos Park: Turf 8 Turf Irrigation mainlenanc 100 D418 4116 300 1,420.20 510 D404 4760 Total for Check 00295487 46,908.51 00295488 14 -Apr -17 — Hidden valley Backhoe a Trucking. Inc. 04042017 Rattlesnake Creek Emergency Sewer Repair Cl 1437A 1000P 4120 600 40,987.61 00295489 @00001645 Home Depot Commercial Aunt 0210682 Water Dist: 12G latches; medium Gip boxes 510 0404 4760 300 32.20 0220210 Water Dist: mist. hardware 510 0404 4760 300 13.27 3210859 Water Dist: acid brushes; lead-free solder 510 D404 4760 300 38.90 6220262 Flowers for Reptiles in the Park Event -CP 100 0208 4760 400 64.65 7210851 WW Collection: water nozzle; 10x12 tarps 520 0405 4760 300 37.54 7220144-2017 PCPA New Battery Charger 100 0204 4899 400 107.73 7220145 PCPA Door Stop 100 0204 4304 400 17.22 7220242 Hilleary Park: toilet repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 26.61 7220246 WW Collection: 16 -gal. wet/dry vacuum 520 0405 4760 300 179.94 431 8210840 Dumullen CMP 118OF 1000P 4120 600 26.89 1< 8220229 Library: faucet repair 100 0419 4760 300 149.54 a) 8220230 Durhullen CMP 1180F 1000P 4120 600 142.01 IV 8220232 WTP: mist. electrical supplies 510 0402 4760 300 440.61 O —s 9220221 Aubrey Park: vandalism repair supplies 100 0418 4760 300 87.60 V Total for Check 00295469 1,364.81 T 3 00295490 14 -Apr -17 — Jam, Janke 2011407.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permit q 16511 100 0205 7471 400 200.00 U00295491 @00001306 JRC Printing LLC 36848 Printing Solar Walk Flyers -Blue Sky 1D0 0207 4922 400 15.62 X00295492 — Kathy Mulhall 32807700-02 Credit Balance Refund, 32807706-02 510 8120 208.69 N 00295493 @00011224 Kelly 8 Assoc., Inc. 201703-16 Trucking and Operator Services 211 0411 4320A 300 14,149.37 Register of Demands Page 6o/ 11 Professional Services through 0228/17 100 0012 1702C 100 32.00 91833 Professional Services through 0228/17 Co 0012 1702C 100 2,420.70 91834 Professional Services through 0228117 100 0012 0 Warrants From 411012017 - 411412017 12,000.00 91835 Professional Services through 02128117 100 0012 1702C 100 48.00 N Check Professional Services through 0228117 100 0012 1702C 100 596.64 00295503 14 -Apr -17 ®00011509 WNmnher Dote PayeelVendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAint 00295494 14 -Apr -17 @00001707 KRC Rock 1385202-00 Aubrey Park: rocks 100 0418 4770 300 999.99 00295495 ®00010805 Kroncs Inc. 11164435 Telestaff software 100 0501 4120 200 645.00 00295496 @00011585 La Jolla Stone Etching 0002667 Stone Etching for Tony Gwynn Memorial 1193A 1000P 1799 600 7,614.00 00295497 @00004118 Lita-Assist Inc. 791191 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 781.77 916594207-004 791244 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 123.46 Total for Check 00295497 905.23 00295498 14 -Apr -17 - Lively Trust G1610-08 release of remaining deposit 761 9065 5980 900 5,358.20 00295499 Cd1O0001673 McDougal Low Eckes Boehmer& Foley 91773 Professional Services through 0228117 520 0403 1702C 300 580.00 91775 Professional Services through 0228/17 100 0012 1702C 100 32.00 91833 Professional Services through 0228/17 100 0012 1702C 100 2,420.70 91834 Professional Services through 0228117 100 0012 1702A 100 12,000.00 91835 Professional Services through 02128117 100 0012 1702C 100 48.00 91869 Professional Services through 0228117 100 0012 1702C 100 596.64 00295503 14 -Apr -17 ®00011509 Municipal Alarm Tracking Total for Check 00295499 15,677.34 00295500 14 -Apr -17 @00010406 Mission Resource Conservation District 375 MAR 2017: (3) Home Water Use Evals 1167A 1000P 4120 600 93.75 00295501 - Moore. Sonya 2011409.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permit # 18063 100 0205 7471 400 300.00 00295502 ®00003827 MSA 101137240 Echeverria, Zamora, Bormann and Segovia 211 0411 1430 300 60.00 00295503 14 -Apr -17 ®00011509 Municipal Alarm Tracking 101137240 18 Echeverna, Zamora, Bormann and Segovia Services for March 2017 231 100 0412 1430 300 Total for Check 00295502 0301 4120 100 180.00 240.00 1,674.40 00295504 @00001840 Napa Auto Pans/Pmay 203311 PCPA Battery for Uft 100 0204 4760 400 104.24 N918191277.001 X00295507 14 -Apr -17 @00000775 205798 CustSvcsFldWkm, Boor mats 510 0401 4760 300 Total for Check 00295504 53.85 158.09 00295505 14 -Apr -17 ®00004385 National Safety Compliance, Inc 68943 OOT Testing - March 2017 100 0601 4506 100 528.59 00295506 ®00001990 Nine. Eric FY17 CELLPHONE Eric Njaa: FY17 new cell phone allowance 510 0404 3311 300 184.63 0501 4710 200 FY17 SFTYSHOES Eric Njaa: FY17 safety shoes allowance 510 0404 4928 300 185.06 400 99.75 3 918187048-001 Community Park Office Supplies 100 Total for Check 00295506 369.69 03 918187175-001 Community Park Office Supplies 100 0208 4710 400 11.41 N918191277.001 X00295507 14 -Apr -17 @00000775 Office Depot Business Services Division 916503988-001 PCPA Office Supplies 100 0204 4710 400 20.94 121 916504625.001 PCPA Office Supplies 100 0204 4710 400 90.95 N 100 49.50 916594207-004 WTP: stainless steel cleaner 510 0402 4710 300 30.15 916883045.001 Office supplies 100 0501 4710 200 81.60 V 916920402-001 Office supplies 100 0501 4710 200 77.53 D 917670553001 Lake Office Supplies 100 0202 4710 400 99.75 3 918187048-001 Community Park Office Supplies 100 0208 4710 400 71.37 918187175-001 Community Park Office Supplies 100 0208 4710 400 11.41 N918191277.001 Community Park Office Supplies 100 0208 4710 400 118.51 918375995.001 Office Suoolies - 2nd Floor 100 0304 4710 100 49.50 to Register of Demands Page7of 11 0 Warrants From 411012017 - 411412017 N Check wNuinher Dale PapeelVendor Invoice Conunenf Fund Orgn Acef Prog CheckA»1f Total for Check 00295507 651.71 00295508 14 -Apr -17 @00003940 ONmpic Coatings 20840 WTP fitters: powder -coat 12' pipe damps 510 0402 4760 300 226.28 00295509 @00004652 Omon, Ford CAPCA17REIMB Reimburse CAPCA Membership 100 0418 4924 300 145.00 00295510 @00005469 Pavement Recyding Systems, Inc. P1619558 Asphalt Cold Milling and Operator Services 211 0411 4320A 300 14,016.56 00295511 @00002314 Petty Cash General 04112017 Petry Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0011 4710 100 44.96 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0601 4934 100 20.00 Q1 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219-3113/17 04112017 Petry Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0101 4934 100 121.02 520 0403 21408 300 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0010 1430 100 135.00 C 0492013340 3117 04112017 Petry Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0011 3140 100 120.00 04112017 Petry Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0300 1430 100 35.00 2110 300 1,518.75 04112017 Petry Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0601 4927 100 52.33 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr. 219-3113117 510 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 1D0 0102 5720 100 -3.11 0402 21401 300 949.62 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0601 1430 100 142.29 N 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr. 219-3/13117 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0200 1430 400 21.55 Total for Check 00295511 689.04 00295512 14 -Apr -17 @00002526 Pomerado Hospital 2817 EMS certifications 100 0503 3140 200 360.00 00295513 @00000173 Poway Center for the performing Arts Foundation 04042017 Foundation ticket sales transfer-PCPA 1 W 8641 3,281.00 00295514 @00010911 R & B Pinto properties LLC LKC0NC3/29.42 Weekly Lake Concession Payment (3!29412117 100 8647 7000 3,710.13 00295515 @00002163 Rayne Water Conditioning 8303-416-513117 Pool Water Conditioning (416.513!17) 100 0203 4120 400 145.54 00295516 @00002245 Reynolds, Petrick FY17 CELLPHONE Pat Reynolds: FY17 new cell phone allowance 510 0404 3311 300 200.00 00295517 — Rihan, Husam Sammy MDRA15-015 Erosion Control and Landscaping Security Rele 763 0399 5980 100 50,000.00 MDRA15-015 Erosion Control and Landscaping Security Rele 762 0399 5980 100 2,000.00 Total for Check 00295517 52,000.00 00295518 14 -Apr -17 @00002318 San Diego Gas & Eledric 14532248914/17 13094 Civic Center Drive - Electric - 042017 100 0203 2110 400 6,529.49 00295519 @00002312 San Diego Gas & ElectridSundry, 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219-3113117 510 0402 2140P 300 2,121.51 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr. 219-3113117 510 0406 21405 300 323.25 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr. 219-3113/17 510 0402 2110 300 494.29 0492013340 3117 Utilities 8 Ops Ctr. 219-3113117 510 0402 214OR 300 503.92 N `< 0492013340 3117 Utilities &Ops Ctr. 219-3113117 510 0402 21407 300 372.45 Q1 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219-3113/17 510 0402 2140V 300 1,705.99 N 0492013340 3/17 Utilities 9 Ops Ctr. 2/9-3113117 520 0403 21408 300 3,162.54 C 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr 219-3113117 520 0403 2140H 300 288.49 V 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr 2/9.3/13117 510 0410 2110 300 1,518.75 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219-3113/17 510 0402 2140A 300 2,914.36 3 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr. 219-3113117 510 0402 21400 300 827.04 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr. 219-3/13117 510 0402 21401 300 949.62 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219-3113/17 510 0402 2140) 300 455.91 N 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr. 219-3/13117 510 0402 2140K 300 5,283.30 Register of Demands Page 8 of 11 Reimbursement for purchase of material 11938 1000P 1799 600 2,220.48 00295521 @00011241 San Diego Indian American Society FER - 3126117 PCPA Final Event Report 100 8646 4,040.00 FER - 326/17 PCPA Final Event Report 100 0204 7623 400 O If orranls From 4/1012017 - 4//4/2017 FER - 326117 PCPA Final Event Report 100 0204 7471 400 600.00 Sharp Rec"tesly Medical Center 0 Check 228117: DMV Class A exam, (1) 0404 employe 510 0404 4916 300 110.00 4770 wNamher Date Papet/Verldor Invoice Cononent Ftind Orgn Acct Pro,- Cheek Aint 00295519 14 -Apr -17 ®00002312 San Diego Gas b Eleetr cfSundry 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219-3/13117 510 0402 2140L 3D0 1,943.36 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219-3/13117 510 0402 214ON 300 2,547.25 O 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr. 219-3113/17 520 0403 2140U 300 93.62 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr. 2/9-3113117 520 0403 21400 300 1,188.08 PCPA Final Event Repon 325117 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Clr: 219-3/13/17 520 0403 2140M 300 516.96 FER-325/17 PCPA Final Event Report 3/25117 Total for Check 00295519 27,210.69 00295520 14 -Apr -17 (400011584 San Diego Granite, Inc. 7600801382 Reimbursement for purchase of material 11938 1000P 1799 600 2,220.48 00295521 @00011241 San Diego Indian American Society FER - 3126117 PCPA Final Event Report 100 8646 4,040.00 FER - 326/17 PCPA Final Event Report 100 0204 7623 400 -1,246.75 FER - 326117 PCPA Final Event Report 100 0204 7471 400 600.00 00295522 Sarmiento, Emma FER - 326117 PCPA Final Event Report 100 0204 7622 400 -267.50 FER - 326117 PCPA Final Event Report 100 0204 7471 400 -1,670.00 Total for Check 00295521 1,455.75 2001.300-B Instructor Payment - Witter 2016 - 2nd Paymen 100 0208 4118 400 237.60 00295523 ([000006857 Sevmort Pharmaceutical Service 602507 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 00.88 602526 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 1,556.92 Total for Check 00295523 1,653.60 00295524 14 -Apr -17 ®00011053 SeM.Advisor Inc. 513509 Per ticket fee Box & INT -March 2017-PCPA 1DO 0204 5116 400 2,013.00 00295525 (400002621 Sentry Fence Company 5359 Metate Road Trail Head: installed pole fencing 100 0418 4120 300 986.00 00295526 @DD002814 Sharp Rec"tesly Medical Center 306447804 228117: DMV Class A exam, (1) 0404 employe 510 0404 4916 300 110.00 4770 300 149.85 306447889 DMV Exam 100 0418 4916 300 110.00 306569074 OMV Exam 211 0411 4916 300 110.00 306605696 320/17: DMV Class A exam, (1) 0404 employe 510 0404 4916 300 110.00 Total for Check 00295526 440.00 00295527 14 -Apr -17 @00010645 Siemens Industry Inc 5620013264 As Needed Parking Lot Light Repairs 10D 0419 4120 300 1,734.77 00295528 ®00001770 Skeone Landscape Supply 79764843 Controller 1" DC Valve 100 0418 4770 300 161.46 79764885 Controllers 100 0418 4770 300 149.85 m `G 79764885CM Controllers 100 0418 4770 300 -149.85 Total for Check 00295528 161.46 O G 00295529 14 -Apr -17 (400000580 Southem California Ballet FER-325117 PCPA Final Event Repon 325117 100 0204 7471 400 -3,240.00 FER-325/17 PCPA Final Event Report 3/25117 100 0204 7623 400 -596.00 V FER-325/77 PCPA Final Event Report 325117 100 8646 5,395.00 FER-325/17 PCPA Final Event Report 3125/17 100 0204 7622 400 -45.50 3 FER-325/17 PCPA Final Event Report 325/17 100 0204 7471 400 750.00 FER-325/17 PCPA Final Event Report 3/25/17 100 0204 7623 400 -30.00 N Total for Check 00295529 2,233.50 Register of Demands Page 9 of 11 14 -Apr -17 @00010875 T -Man Traffic Supply 5899 Wrhse: Black Marking (24) 100 4924 8189 144.00 103.44 00295535 - The Sikh Foundation Building Fund WI06.499 release of security deposit 761 IVorrants From 411012017 - 411.12017 5980 900 12,650.00 00295536 ®00011415 Tinoso Inc. 3894 0 Check 100 0501 4308 200 220.00 00295537 @OD010380 wNumber Dare PovedVendor Invoice Gunntett rand Orgn Acct Prog CheckAint 00295530 14 -Apr -17 @00007103 Southwest Trailers o1 Calitomia 4P5TI161XJ12733 #T1161 PJ 16' Single Azle Tilt 611 0108 6106 100 5,620.67 00295531 ®00007160 Specialty Electric Supply Co. 7148-543527 Old Poway Park: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 100.81 9782957009 7148-543689 Library: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 231.12 7148-543741 City Hall: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 96.98 Q7 7148-543783 Slop: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 131.89 38.01 7148-543790 Fire Station #3: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 23.64 300 7148-543946 Fire Station #3: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 63.03 2200 3D0 38.01 Total for Check 00295531 647.47 00295532 14 -Apr -17 @00005541 Statewide Safety a Siam, Inc 01002680 Water Dist: TOW AWAY NO PARKING signs 510 0404 4760 300 98.81 01002693 Water Dist: safety signs; hardware 510 0404 4750 300 261.08 01002694 Water Dist: traffic safety signs; hardware 510 0404 4750 300 394.38 Total for Check 00295532 00295533 14 -Apr -17 ®00006883 Stericycle. Inc 3003754229 Infection control management 100 0503 2910 200 3,064.16 3003791670 Infection control management 100 0503 2910 200 3,064.16 Total for Check 00295533 6,128.32 00295534 14 -Apr -17 @00010875 T -Man Traffic Supply 5899 Wrhse: Black Marking (24) 100 4924 8189 144.00 103.44 00295535 - The Sikh Foundation Building Fund WI06.499 release of security deposit 761 9071 5980 900 12,650.00 00295536 ®00011415 Tinoso Inc. 3894 SCBA cylinder testing 100 0501 4308 200 220.00 00295537 @OD010380 Ultimate Labe Inc. 7096 Water Dist: bioburden, BI coli water testing 510 0404 1708 300 150.00 7125 Water Dist: bioburden, t8 colt water 510 0404 1708 3W 181. W 0029553/ 3JU.W 00295538 14 -Apr -17 @00002466 Underareund Service Alen 320170535 MAR 2017: (96) POW47 new ticket charges 510 0404 4924 300 144.00 00295539 @00002473 Undorms Plus 44345 Uniforms 100 0501 4928 200 462.55 00295540 @00003270 Verizon Wreless 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 520 0405 3311 300 3.51 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 100 0417 2200 300 38.01 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 611 0413 3311 300 1.33 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 231 0412 3311 3D0 1.41 1< 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 231 0412 2200 300 152.04 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 211 0411 3311 300 0.66 Q7 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 211 0411 2200 300 38.01 p 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 100 0400 2200 300 76.02 V 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 100 0419 2200 3D0 38.01 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1.28, 2017 100 0418 2200 300 38.01 :v (D 9782957009 PNr Verizon charges Mar 1-28. 2017 100 0418 3311 300 22.09 # 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 510 0406 2200 300 38.01 9782957009 PW: Venzon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 100 0419 3311 300 26.01 N 9782957009 PW Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 275 0470 2200 300 38.01 Register of Demands Page 10 of 11 N II'arranis From 411 01201 7 - 411412017 —mow Check wNtunber Dale Papedl/endor Invoice Conr711etrt Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAntf 00295540 14 -Apr -17 ®00003270 Verizon Wide" 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 510 0401 3311 300 6.55 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 510 0402 2200 300 76.02 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 510 0402 3311 300 4.04 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28. 2017 510 0404 2200 300 228.06 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 510 0404 3311 300 11.38 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 520 0405 2200 300 190.05 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1.28, 2017 510 0401 2200 300 266.07 Total for Check 00295540 1,293.30 00295541 14 -Apr -17 ®00003270 Verizon Wireless 9783066037 Wireless Services: March 2017 100 0301 2200 100 76.02 9783066037 Wireless Services: March 2017 100 0301 3311 100 6.02 9783066037 Wireless Services: March 2017 100 0304 2200 100 38.01 9783066037 Wireless Services: March 2017 100 0306 2200 100 114.03 Total for Check 00295541 234.08 00295542 14 -Apr -17 @00005030 VIP Janitorial Service 4262 PCPA Monthly Janitorial Services: March, 2017 100 0204 4114 400 4,263.12 4263 PCPA Monthly Janitorial Supplies: March, 2017 100 0204 4720 400 443.35 Total for Check 00295542 4,706.47 00295543 14 -Apr -17 ®00011572 Volvo VCE$ Lakeside N501000779 30' Bucket 231 0412 4308 300 3,009.25 00295544 ®00011541 Wageworks INV102076 COBRA Administration - March 2017 100 8729 206.40 00295545 @00002730 Waxie 76590221 Lake Panay: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 723.40 76592592 Community Center: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 988.27 76600502 Lake: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 173.22 76601054 Community Center: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 399.02 76608419 Community Center. sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 991.72 Total for Check 00295545 3,275.63 00295546 14 -Apr -17 ®00006206 Weed Eliminator, Inc 2017-10 Reservoir Abatement 510 0402 4116 300 350.00 00295547 ®00002794 Westem Mower and Engine 39196 Mixed Fuel 100 0418 4760 300 156.78 39543 Mixed Fuel 100 0418 4760 300 226.17 N 39618 VVW Collection: small tools 520 0405 4516 300 47.14 Total for Check 00295547 430.09 01 � 00295548 14 -Apr -17 ®00011319 World Advancement of Technology for EMS and Re= 597 Patient reporting software 100 0503 4120 200 1,094.00 X00295549 000002975 ZAP Manufacturing Inc 46050 Sign refacing 211 0411 4514 300 432.16 00904210 ii -Apr -17@00007257 CalPERS 041117 PE#07 PERS EFT Debit for PE#07 100 8722 169,523.92 D 00904211 12 -Apr -17 ®00003081 State Board of Equalization 100565475-0317 Sales Tax list Qtr Jan -Mar 2017 100 8644 460.17 J N 00904212 13 -Apr -17 Union Bank -San Dkgo 100565475-0317 Sales Tax 1st Qtr Jan -Mar 2017 100 0103 5720 100 -0.17 Total for Check 00904211 460.00 PPE 4/9/17 Transfer net payroll to Union Bank PPE 419117 100 8003U 504,638.80 Register of Demands Page 11 of 11 i W Warrants From 411012017 - 411412 01 7 -Ow Check wNumher Date Pavee/Vendor Invoice Conattent Fund Orgn Acef Prog Check Aint 00904213 13 -Apr -17 ®00006266 Manufacturers a Treden Trust Co. Bank 457 PPE 419/17 ICMA 457 deferred comp deductions PPE 41911 100 8617 27,512.29 00904214 457R PPE 419117 ROTH 457 deterred comp PPE 4/9117 100 8617 600.00 00904215 401A PPE 479/77 401a employee/er deductions PPE 419/17 100 8618 11,366.82 00904216 ROTH PPE 4/9117 ROTH IRA employee contributions PPE 419117 100 8627 645.00 00904217 RHS PPE 419117 Retirement Health Savings Plan (Safety) PPE 4/ 100 8717 1,627.48 00904218 ([T00007243 U.S. Bank N.A. PARS ARS 0817 PARS ARS PE#08 100 8724 2,265.79 00904219 PARS REP 0817 PARS REP PE#08 too B1z1 so,roa.zu 00904220 PARSREPEX 0817 PARS REP EXCESS PE#08 100 8721 17,700.00 Director of Finance Approved Register Total 1,288,217.21 Date T Z The City of Poway Director of Finance Submits the Following Register of Demands jar A the period 411712017- 412112017 and Recommends its Ratification/Approval: O M N W Ran Dole: 20 -Apr -17 Page: 1 of to Check 20 -Apr -17 @00002106 Airgas USA, LLC 9061832640 Hard Cleaner 100 0419 Nanrher Date Pat'ee/Vendor lnvoice Comment !'and Orgn Acct Prog CheckAml 00295550 20 -Apr -17 ®00010566 A -Check Gtooal 59-0507558 DMV reports 100 0501 4916 200 14.00 00295551 ®00004762 Aocana Industries 1003639 Chlorine for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 508.40 4750 1004008 Chlorine for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 511.15 WTP: (3) cylinders rented 510 0402 4760 Total for Check 00295551 1,019.55 00295552 20 -Apr -17 @00002106 Airgas USA, LLC 9061832640 Hard Cleaner 100 0419 4720 300 30.92 9062141708 Medical oxygen 100 0503 4750 200 211.23 9944072012 Medical oxygen 100 0503 4750 200 364.32 9944105472 WTP: (3) cylinders rented 510 0402 4760 300 88.91 Total for Check 00295552 695.38 00295553 20 -Apr -17 ®00006850 AK It Company POWAY-17-2 State Mandated Cost reimbursement services 100 0103 4120 100 2,800.00 00295554 ®00005241 Aremork Unloan Services Inc 1448393501 Fleet: Shop Towels & Uniforms 611 0413 4928 300 12.51 D 1448393501 Fleet: Shop Towels & Uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 31.30 d 1446393511 Lake Weekly Mat Service (3130/17) 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 n S 1448405205 Towels and mats for Sta 3 100 0501 4928 200 18.28 3 1448405207 Fleet: Shop Towels & Uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 31.30 7 1448405207 Fleet: Shop Towels & Uniforms 611 0413 4928 300 34-51 .. W 1448405217 Lake Weekly Ma[ Service (416117) 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 1448407255 Towels and mats for Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1448409560 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 60.04 1448409561 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 7.79 1448409561 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 1.84 1448412069 Towels and mats for Ste 1 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1448417016 Meadowbrook: mals 100 0419 4120 300 22.48 1448417017 Wk 4/13117: CSFW & Mir. Rdr: uniforms 510 0401 4928 300 27.28 1448417018 Wk 4113117: Util Sys & WiP uniforms; mats 510 0402 4928 300 19.19 y 1448417018 Wk 4113117: Util Sys & WiP uniforms; mats 100 0419 4120 300 6.72 1448417018 Wk 4113/17; Util Sys & WiP uniforms; mats 510 0401 4928 300 11.27 J 01 1448417019 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4928 300 6.10 N 1448417019 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 4.42 1448417020 Wk 4/13117: Water Distribution uniforms 510 0404 4928 300 140.61 V 1448417021 Wk 4113117: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 510 0406 4926 300 2.37 1446417021 Wk 4/13/17: WW Collect & Recycled uniforms 510 0410 4928 300 1.32 CD 3 1448417021 Wk 4/13/17: WN Collect & Recycled uniforms 520 0405 4928 300 37.17 # 1448417022 Streets: uniforms 211 0411 4928 300 127.91 ' 1448417023 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 11.52 N 1448417023 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 2.58 Register o7 Demands Page2o110 2D -Apr -17 @00005647 BMW Motorcydes of North County 6033268-1 Radar repair 100 0504 4308 200 153.00 00295561 — Bcdtasanvasi Shn Aksher Pumshottam 2011422.001 Deposit Refund CP Permit # 18477 rr Warrant: From 411 71201 7 - 4121/2017 0208 7471 400 200.60 00295562 @00011305 Boot Sam 0 Check Alcanter: boot allowance 100 0418 4928 300 168.22 wAlunrber Date PayeelVendor Invoice Coninteal Fund Orgn Acct Pro,{ CheckAnft 00295554 20 -Apr -17 @00105241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 1448417024 Parks: mats 100 D419 4120 300 35.33 1448417026 Stormwater: uniforms 231 0412 4928 300 25.85 4760 300 761.46 20090437 Dock Uniforms 100 0202 4928 400 132.51 Total for Check 00295554 855.60 00295555 20 -Apr -17 @00004964 ARC -San Diego 38829 Grounds Maintenance and Landscaping March, 231 0412 4120 300 3,356.12 00295566 @00010111 AT&T 9508292 BAN 9391026542 03/06117 - 04105117 264 0422 2200 300 19.66 548.28 9508294 858-668-1726 Ban#9391026551-3117 100 0106 3310 100 910.99 0601 4506 9521215 9391026536: WTP SCADA alarm modem line 510 0402 3310 3D0 19.66 Asphalt Aggregate Course 112' Materials 211 9521216 BAN 9391026537 OPP Porter House - 4117 100 0205 3310 400 55.16 9521217 PCPA Alarm Line 4117 1 g0 0204 3310 400 35.78 9521219 BAN 9391026541 =10117 - 04129117 275 0470 2310 300 19.66 9521221 BAN# 9391026545 - Library Alarm - 0412017 110 0206 3310 400 72.93 9521225 BAN 9391026549 03/10117 - 04/09/17 264 0422 2200 300 19.66 9521461 BAN 9391031633 OPP Train Depot - 4117 100 0205 3310 400 55.16 Total for Check 00295556 1,208.66 00295557 20 -Apr -17 — Banana, Michelle 2011430.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permit # 18161 100 0205 7471 400 100.00 00295558 Baskamn, Paul S 43501700-13 Refund- Sewer Fee Correction- 43501700-13 510 8120 43.05 00295559 @00004880 Bay City Electric Works Inc W1707&4 FY17 Generator MaintenancefTransfer Switch S611 0413 4120 300 562.50 W171027 FY17 Generator Maintenancelrransfer Switch S611 0413 4120 300 390.00 W171031 FY17 Generator Maintenancerrransfer Switch S611 0413 4120 300 390.00 W171034 FY17 Generator Maintenance/Transfer Switch 5611 0413 4120 3D0 140.00 W171037 FY17 Generator MaintenanceFTransfer Switch S611 0413 4120 300 993.00 Total for Check 00295559 2,475.50 00295560 2D -Apr -17 @00005647 BMW Motorcydes of North County 6033268-1 Radar repair 100 0504 4308 200 153.00 00295561 — Bcdtasanvasi Shn Aksher Pumshottam 2011422.001 Deposit Refund CP Permit # 18477 100 0208 7471 400 200.60 00295562 @00011305 Boot Sam IVC009B692 Alcanter: boot allowance 100 0418 4928 300 168.22 IVCO099115 Alan Miller: FY17 safety shoes allowance 510 0401 4928 300 198.23 4320A 300 6,290.89 N 03i Water Dist: cold mix, 8.15 tons 510 04134 4760 300 761.46 Total for Check 00295562 366.45 K 00295563 20 -Apr -17 @00006685 Brenntag Pacific, Inc. BP1715575 FY 201612017 Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda 510 0402 4502 300 5,132.93 ' 00295564 — Brown, Aurum 20982911.29 Refund Overpayment- 20982911-29, Pd Wrong 510 8120 548.28 000295565 @00010463 C.A. Short Company 1268230 Employee Service Awards 100 0601 4506 100 512.65 J V 00295566 @00006901 California Commercial Asphalt, LLC 179576 Asphalt Aggregate Course 112' Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,360.25 179641 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12' Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,590.77 M 179709 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12' Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 7,854.85 # 179771 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12' Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 3,283.46 179946 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12' Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,290.89 N 179946-A Water Dist: cold mix, 8.15 tons 510 04134 4760 300 761.46 Register or Demands Page Sof 10 to If'arrants From 411 71201 7 - 412112017 Ow Check wAltunher Date Pnhee/Vendor Invoice Continent Fand Oren Ace! Prog Check Aint 00295566 20 -Apr -17 @00006901 California Commercial Asphalt LLC 180004 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12' Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,015.49 180004-A Durhullen 118OF 1000P 4120 600 845.74 00295567 20 -Apr -17 @00011539 Canyon Springs Enterprises 180067 180104 P1700158-1 Asphalt Aggregate Course 12- Materials Asphalt Aggregate Course 12' Materials Blue Crystal Reservoir Rehabilitation Project 211 211 1767A 0411 4320A 300 0411 4320A 300 Total for Check 00295566 1000P 4120 600 6,058.24 844.34 44,905.49 12,537.15 00295568 @00010348 Chemtmde Chemicals US LLC 92061602 FY 20162017 Alum (dry tons) 510 0402 4502 300 3,457.04 00295569 @00000539 City Treasurer 1000194349 Dispatch paging for Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2017 100 0501 4106 200 47,091.00 00295570 @00011581 Clemente, Sergio 0024 Reimburse Shoe Allowance 100 0418 4928 300 135.74 00295571 @00010834 Clinical Laboratory of San eemerdino Inc. 955573 Annual Wastewater Analysis Services 520 0403 1708 300 134.00 00295572 - Cook Donald COOKREIMB17 Reimburse for project supplies 100 0418 4760 300 207.51 00295573 @00010175 Comdata Media Storage Inc. OS1277550 Backup Data Storage - Mar 2017 100 0104 4120 100 143.59 00295574 @00002830 Costoo Wholesale 77571591 CP - Teen Glow -in -the -Dark Egg Hunt Supplies 1D0 0208 4760 400 172.42 00295575 @00003472 County of San Diego DEN 10374895 2017 5131117: DEH2011 HUPFP214254 Nonheresl P 510 0402 5730 300 292.00 00295576 @00011100 eScreen Inc. 10374898 2017 5/31117: DEH2011 HUPFP214255 CamDeNalle 520 0403 5730 300 292.00 00295577 @00003713 Ewing Irrigation E-60507-0317 Cust #2001119: 3/19117, 12131 Community Rd 510 0406 5730 300 426.00 00295578 E-60520-0317 Cust #2001119: 3119117, 13125 Danielson Site 510 0406 5730 300 426.00 00295579 E-62078-0317 Cust #2001119: 3/19117. 12127 Kirkham Rd 510 D406 5730 300 426.00 00295580 @00000813 Cox Communications 412125024117 City Hall Internet Connection - April 2017 100 0106 2200 100 1,298.50 00295581 20 -Apr -17 @00000949 Culligan Water Conditioning 69186014117 1060026 Cable TV - Fire Station 1 - Apr 2017 FY 20162017 Water Softener Equipment Rent 100 510 0106 2200 100 Total for Check 00295580 0402 4120 300 9.57 1,308.07 280.00 N 90758550 FY 20162017 salt, 50 Ib. bags 510 0402 4502 300 Total for Check 00295581 422.38 702.38 00295582 20 -Apr -17 @00003818 Dion lntematlonal 02SM17426 Unit#7: Fitting (1) 611 D413 4799 300 49.04 02SM17449 Unit #7: Fitting Straight (1) 611 0413 4799 300 16.36 Total for Check 00295582 65.40 00295583 20 -Apr -17 @00010930 Division of the State Architect FY17 OTR3 FEES FY17 SB1186 Disability Access Fees Jan -Mar 283 8636 165.60 00295584 @00011292 Dumbrique, Francisco PER DIEM MAY17 F Dumbrique: per diem 4130.5!3117 training 510 0401 1430 300 186.00 00295585 - Echo Pease Communications RW17-0031 RW17-0031 Security Release 762 0399 5980 9D0 5,000.00 N O 00295566 @00005838 EleerHetp of San Diego MAR -17 FY16-17 HomeShare 8 Comm. Connections Pr 5961) SOOOP 1799 600 7,213.28 .100295587 - Etor Energy Inc. B17-0375 B17-0375 Refund 100 0303 7734 1DD 27.98 .:00295588 @00011100 eScreen Inc. 7109401 Pre-employment Drug Testing - March 2017 1D0 0601 4916 100 320.00 00295589 @00003713 Ewing Irrigation 3067134 Poway Park: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 102.36 3082934 Silverset Park: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 79.10 3101566 Siiverset Park: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 77.41 N 3101567 Lake Poway: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 140.08 Register of Demands Page 4 of 10 V 1{arraws From 411712017 - 412112 01 7 -0. Check wNumher Date PayedVendor Invoice Conmtent Fturd Orgn Acct Prog Check And 00295589 20 -Apr -17 @00003713 Ewing Irrigation 3101568 Kumeyaay irrigation controls 100 0418 4760 300 Total for Check 00295589 62.06 461.01 00295590 20 -Apr -17 @00011142 Eye/Comm, Inc. 50144 FY16117 Extended Public Noticing & Printing/M 100 0301 4120 100 270.26 00295591 @100006933 Fastenal Company CAPOW40897 Carbon Steel Pin Punch 211 0411 4516 300 74.43 Carbon Steel Pin Punch 211 0411 4516 300 -74.43 CAPOW40946 City Hall: nag pole light repair 100 0419 4760 300 26.22 CAPOW40972 Wrhse: Spray Paint (12) 1GO 8189 95.33 Total for Check 00295591 121.55 00295592 20 -Apr -17 @100001144 Ferguson Watervmrks 0589163 Water Dist: 14x1 diamond blades 510 0404 4760 300 431.00 0589707 Fleet: Stop Key Valve (10) 510 8189 300 560.30 0590087 Water Dist: CH backflow pans 510 0404 4760 300 588.37 00295593 Fire Etc. 0590268 Water Dist: 2 WROT CXCXC TEE 2-18 OD 510 0404 4760 300 73.98 0590800 R2: swivel coupling for shutdown 510 0402 4760 300 94.79 Total for Check 00295592 1,738.44 101383 Personal boots for A Wal 100 0501 4760 200 _ _ _ 409.45 00295594 @00010711 Fire Service Corp 19M 756331 Fire Sprinkler Inspections and Fire Extinquisher 100 0419 4120 300 399.14 00295595 @00011370 Fryers Energy LLC CFS1397137 Fuel: Safety Srvs 03/16117-03/31117 611 G413 3120 300 714.71 00295596 @00010870 Fodel Traffic Inc. 9230 Espola Road: Evaluation and Repairs 275 0470 4326 300 350.00 00295597 @00001085 Garnishment Recipient PPE 419117 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 199.77 00295598 @00010652 Garda CL west Ine. 20224117 Armored Car Service - Excess Items - Mar 2017 100 0106 4120 100 33.95 50018807 Armored Car Service - Mar 2017 100 0106 4120 100 90.93 Total for Check 00295598 124.88 00295599 20 -Apr -17 @00001207 Grainger Inc 9405601528 Wrhse: Batteries (20) 100 8189 126.69 9408182468 Wrhse: Beverage Cooler (6) 100 8189 174.04 Total for Check 00295599 300.73 00295600 20 -Apr -17 @00001208 GmngetWb Agriculture Suppty 504519 Irrigation Supplies 100 0418 4770 300 52.67 W 00295601 - Gustafson, Kurt 10907700.24 Sewer Credit- 10907700.24 Swr Billing Error 510 8120 328.70 _,� 00295602 @00005635 Hach Company 10377312 WTP wet lab: reagent sets, chemkeys 510 0402 4760 300 1,337.87 a) 10381195 WTP wet lab: reagent sets, free chlorine CL17 510 0402 4760 300 168.70 N 10400565 Sc200 Controller, AC -DC, 2 DIG, HACH 510 0402 6199 300 4,185.86 10400568 LPV442.66.01012 ee TU5200 Lab Turbidimeter, 510 G402 6199 300 5,162.37 V _ Total for Check 00295602 10,654.80 00295603 20 -Apr -17 @00005130 Hanson Aggregates Pacific Soutr est, Inc 1772717 Base _ 1193B 1000P 43208 600 1,007.41 1772992 Base 1773831 Base 231 0412 4760 300 483.65 118OF f000P 4120 600 985.90 1775260 Sand 1180F 1000P 4120 600 1,215.42 Register of Demands Page 5 of 10 Co HVerranrs From 411712017-412112017 Check wNuntber Date PapedVendor lit voice Continent Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Anll 00295603 20 -Apr -17 @00005130 Hanson Aggregates Pacific Souuw.est. Inc 1775261 Base 231 0412 4760 300 500.08 1778092 Crushed aggregate 11801 1000P 4120 600 1,088.22 Total for Check 00295603 5,280.68 00295604 20 -Apr -17 @00010898 Harper, Rick 6012.400.17 Instructor Payment Spring 2017 100 0208 4118 400 270.00 00295605 ®00005088 Harper a Associates Engineering Irx ENG -5772 Consultant Engineering Services 1767A 1000P 1714G 600 1,700.00 ENG -5773 Engineering Design Services 1763A 1000P 1714G 600 1.220.00 Total for Check 00295605 2,920.00 00295606 20 -Apr -17 ®00003690 Hawthome Power Systema PS000795891 Unit 0504: Spray Down Hndl 8 Nzl 611 0413 4799 300 40.03 00295607 ®00001645 Home Depot Commercial Account 0111214 Museum: light shades 100 0419 4760 300 -75.10 0210892 Crosthwaite roof: repair supplies 100 0419 4304 300 67.35 0210895 WTP: mist. supplies and hardware 510 0402 4760 300 19.41 0210895 WTP: mist. supplies and hardware 510 0402 4750 300 44.39 0220307 Crosthwaite roof: repair supplies 100 0419 4304 300 183.15 1210879 Old Poway Park: repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 41.99 1220296 Volunteer Projects 100 G418 4760 300 65.88 2220283 Stock for Truck 100 0419 4760 300 41.48 2220283 Stock for Truck 100 0419 4516 300 26.90 7210849 Durhullen CMP 1180F 1000P 4120 600 78.93 72108542017 Lake Poway: repair supplies 100 0418 4760 300 240.97 7761796 Museum light shades 100 0419 4760 300 75.10 9210912 Small Tools, Janitorial 8 Operating Supplies -OP 100 0205 4720 400 5.47 9210912 Small Tools, Janitorial 8 Operating Supplies -OP 100 0205 4760 400 76.15 9210912 Small Tools, Janitorial 8 Operating Supplies -OP 100 0205 4516 400 19.92 9220313 Powers CMP 11806 1000P 4120 600 294.65 Total for Check 00295607 1,206.64 00295608 20 -Apr -17 ®00006463 ImoSend 118940 Mailing Statements 3-16-17 to 3-31-17 100 0102 4120 100 876.43 s 100295611 ®00011260 Kopf. Keleie 03130117REIMBRS Mileage Reimbursement for JPIA Leadership Ac 100 0200 1430 400 347.22 X100295612 118940 Mailing Statements 3-16-17 to 3-31-17 100 0102 3320 100 3,086.43 Workforce TeleStaff Software Licenses 100 Total for Check 00295608 3,962.86 200 625.00 :.00295613 — Kyne Construction, Inc RW16.0253 RW16-0253 Security Release 762 00295609 20 -Apr -17 @00011574 ISCO Industries 34013769 2D' DR 32.5 MIF Snap-Tte Pipe 24' Lay Length 1180H 1000P 4120 600 4,939.51 00295610 X400001690 Knox Systems Inc. 51189262 Pool vacuum repair 100 0203 4308 400 1.052.80 s 100295611 ®00011260 Kopf. Keleie 03130117REIMBRS Mileage Reimbursement for JPIA Leadership Ac 100 0200 1430 400 347.22 X100295612 (400010805 Kmnos Inc. 11142974.2 Workforce TeleStaff Software Licenses 100 0501 4120 200 625.00 :.00295613 — Kyne Construction, Inc RW16.0253 RW16-0253 Security Release 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 3 00295614 ®00001522 Lighthouse Incorporated 0329340 Fleet Stock: Lamp(6);Wperbld(10);Cnctr(2) 611 0413 4799 300 153.76 00295615 X400010440 Lowe's 02035 Old Poway Park: repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 29.17 _a 00295616 — Mendoza, Meda 2011421.001 Deposit Refund CP Permit # 18156 100 0208 7471 400 200.00 N 00295617 ®00011351 Mendel Baker International Inc. 965948 Professional Services 1448A 1000P 1799 600 60,718.00 Register of Demands Page hof 10 (D lVarranrs From 411 71201 7 - 412 11201 7 -Ow Cheek 10 wNuwrher Dale Papee/Vendor Invoice Continent Fund Oign Acct Prog CheckAnr7 00295617 20 -Apr -17 @00011351 Michael Baker International Inc. 968672 Professional Services 1448A 1000P 1799 600 6,178.00 0413 0413 4799 4799 300 300 45.24 188.55 4799 Total for Check 00295617 66,896.00 00295618 20 -Apr -17 @00001804 Mihanv r Boacat Inoorporeted P79718 Unit 9531: Filters(2);Bolt(24);Nut(24);Edge(2) 611 0413 4799 300 420.27 205468 Credit Invoice#205113 P79719 Unit #531: Wiper Arm 8 Blade (1) 611 0413 4799 300 54.38 205469 Credit Invoice#203644 611 0413 4799 Total for Check 00295618 474.65 00295619 20 -Apr -17 @00003827 MSA 100946725 Mike Bernd and Vern Schumaker. standard dra 211 0411 1430 300 120.00 00295620 @00001840 Napa Auto Perta/Povray, 203980 Unit #62: Catalytic Cnynr (1) 611 0413 4799 300 188.55 204095 204113 Unit #78A: Posiquiet Crmc(1) 611 Unit #62: Univrsl Con (1) 611 0413 0413 4799 4799 300 300 45.24 188.55 204114 Unit #62: EXH Connector 611 0413 4799 300 3.22 204443 Fleet Stock: Cool HOS(3) 611 0413 4799 300 85.63 205113 Fleet Stock: Exhaust Pipe Gas(1) 611 0413 4799 300 6.99 205137 Unit #62: Fitting(1); Dbl Flare Tool(1) 611 0413 4799 300 32.97 205249 Unit #42: BfakePds(1);0929:O11 Fltrs(2) 611 0413 4799 300 60.47 205250 Unit #929: Oil Filter(1) 611 0413 4799 300 8.44 205468 Credit Invoice#205113 611 0413 4799 300 -6.99 205469 Credit Invoice#203644 611 0413 4799 300 -36.62 205478 Unit #88: Oxygen Sensor(1) 611 0413 4799 300 73.80 205653 Unit#2: Strobe (1) 611 0413 4799 300 72.72 205884 Fleet Stock: Oil FItrs(13); Rugyde(1) 611 0413 4799 300 97.92 205983 Unit #551 A: Eye Post (1) 611 0413 4799 300 86.19 207562 WTP: car wash, cleaner, polish 510 0402 4760 300 29.06 Total for Check 00295620 936.14 00295621 2D -Apr -17 @00011232 Neoposl USA Inc. 54749036 Postage machine meter rental - May 2017 100 0106 4308 100 56.96 00295622 @00011281 Nerievel Information Technology, Inc. 20170319 ERP Procurement Selection Services 100 0101 1799 1 DO 445.31 C 00295623 "00295624 20170319 ERP Procurement Selection Services 100 0103 1799 100 792.19 Total for Check 00295622 1,237.50 NOM County Buick Cadillac GMC 166377 Unit #62: Gasket Off" Depot Business Services Division 8957154170-01 Pool - 8957159680-01 Pool - Office 611 0413 4799 300 28.28 100 0203 4710 4U0 40.60 100 0203 4710 400 27.09 8963631560-01 Correcting pymt-1 cent inv.bal. (notebooks) 100 0102 4710 100 0.01 917827519-001 Pool - Office Supplies 100 0203 4710 400 139.99 918782807-001 Letter Paper and post -its 1st floor 1 DO 0301 4710 100 119.37 919231035-001 VJTP: vbre plans holder 510 0402 4760 300 110.97 920556463-01 PW: Office Supplies 510 0401 4710 300 74.32 920556463-01 PW: Office Supplies 100 D418 4760 300 132.19 920768729-001 Office Supplies - 2nd Floor 100 0306 4710 100 67.86 Register o/ Demands Page 7 of 10 N O Warrants From 411712017 - 4121120 /7 0 Check wA'untber Date Papee/Vendor Invoiee Continent Fund Orgn Accl Prog Cheek Aart Total for Check 00295624 712.40 00295625 20 -Apr -17 @00002457 OneSource Distributors 55451324.001 WTP/Lake: submersible level transmitter 510 0402 4760 300 679.23 55455633.001 AB 22C-D072A103 PowerFlex 400 510 0402 4760 300 5,107.35 55455670.001 LS3: AB cunenttvottage analog input module 520 0403 4760 300 859.85 S5469465.001 WTP: AB 800TJ2A 30.5mm selector switches 510 0402 4760 300 772.97 Total for Check 00295625 7,419.40 00295626 20 -Apr -17 @00002007 Pacific Pipeline Supply 313138 Wrhse: Soil Probe (10) 510 8189 656.52 00295627 @00006746 PARS 36934 Monthly Admin Fee - Feb 2017 1 W 8719 2,500.00 00295628 @00002316 Perry Cash Community Services -Director's Ofc PCASH 4/18/17 Community Services Petty Cash April 2017 100 0205 3110 400 25.15 PCASH 4/18/17 Community Services Petty Cash April 2017 100 0200 1430 400 243.53 Total for Check 00295628 268.68 00295629 20 -Apr -17 @00007043 Plumbers Depot Inc. PD -34401 Wrhse: Soil Probe (10) 100 8189 486.49 PD -34484 WWC: 8' pipe proofer 520 0405 4760 300 237.05 PD -34514 WWW: 8' fix -flex n= ext 1' pipe proofer 520 0405 4760 300 204.73 PD -34543 Wrhse: Credit Invoice #PD -34401(10 Soil Probe 100 8189 486.49 Total for Check 00295629 441.78 00295630 20 -Apr -17 @00002552 Postmaster 82642-P Summer Community Services Guide Postage 100 0200 3320 400 3,105.34 00295631 @00000173 Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundation 04112017 Foundation ticket sales transfer-PCPA 100 8641 8,944.00 00295632 @00002702 Poway Firefighters Association DUES PE 4/9/17 Fire Association dues for PPE 4/9/17 100 8615 1,928.78 00295633 @W002742 Poway Senior Center 033116 Dishwasher Lease Reimbursement -4/12-5/9/1 100 0208 4120 400 145.35 00295634 @00002741 Powoy United School District 19903 Crossing guards for March 2017 100 0504 4109 200 1,319.99 00295635 43374 CP - Boomers Teen Excursion Transportation 100 0208 4120 400 492.06 00295636 FY17 QTR3 FINES 70% Share Net PHS Parking Flnes:Jan-Mar 20 100 0504 7310 5000 489.94 00295637 (400005510 Pnogresshe Technology Security Systems Inc 40002 City Hall: door service 100 0106 4308 100 210.00 00295638 @00010911 R a B Pinto Properties LLC LKC0NCAPR4-9'17 Weekly Concession Payment (4/54/9/17) 100 8647 4,468.67 00296639 @00002867 RDO Equipment Company Inc P72540 Unit #506: Cutting Edge(4) 611 0413 4799 300 912.94 P72541 Unit #506: Plow Bolt & Nut (12) 611 0413 4799 300 45.90 67 .� Total for Check 00295639 958.84 J 00295640 20-Apf-17 — Renne, Chadeen 2011420.001 Deposit Refund CP Permit # 18617 1 DO 0208 7471 400 100.00 C 00295641 (400004971 Richams, Watson a Gershon 211273 Legal Services Financing Authority JPA 1DO 0103 17028 100 347.72 V 00295642 @00006418 Rochester Midland Corporation 1329901 Handsfree Restroom 100 0419 4114 300 675.82 00295643 @00002261 San Diego County APCD 002782009RI2017 APCO2009-SITE-00278, Northeresl PS, 4/30117510 0402 5730 300 356.00 D 00295644 @00002318 Son Diego Gas a Electric 26480327244117 12250 112 Meadowbrook Lane - Electric - 0420 100 0201 2110 400 644.36 701957299090417 12150 12 Sage View Rd. 03/12/17 - 04/10/17 267 0424 2110 300 8.50 Total for Check 00295644 652.66 IV 00295645 20 -Apr -17 @00002164 San Diego Humane Society and SPCA 0317ACP March 2017 Animal Control Services 100 0200 4102 400 18,818.35 N Register of Demands Page 8 of 10 IVar,tims From 411712017 - 412J120J7 0 Check wNaniber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Ftt11d Orgnt Acct Prog Check And 00295646 20 -Apr -17 @00006857 Sovmart Pharmaceutical Service 602548 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 3,112.65 00295647 20 -Apr -17 — Seward, Stephanie 602629 20601300-01 Medical supplies 100 Refund, Overpayment, 20601300-01, Pd Wrong 510 0503 4740 200 Total for Check 00295646 8120 1.621.80 4,734.45 5,926.02 00295648 166.00 @00002820 Sherwin Williams 9183-1 Water Dist: white paint; mixing containers 510 D4D4 4760 300 59.95 00295649 @00011108 Skyrrver Communirations Inc. INV00077057 City Hall Backup Internet - May 2017 100 0106 2200 100 499.00 00295650 3081831-0317 @00010060 ScCo Group Inc. 0375399 -IN Fuel: FS303/30117 611 0413 3120 300 1,152.22 00295651 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services ®00003062 Sprint 560447566-022 PW Sprint Charges - 3f7/17.416117 510 0401 3311 300 147.67 00295652 @00005200 SDS Video Communications 20171204 Telecasting Services - March/April 2017 100 0106 4120 100 800.00 00295653 — Stadium SC LLC 10000000-00A Refund Customer- Ck sent in Error- to Wrong V 510 8120 951.35 00295654 ®00010311 Staples Advantage 8043899281 Budget birders 8 tabs; expanded file folder 100 0100 4710 1 DO 49.96 8044002338 BRC birders and tabs 100 0100 4710 100 Total for Check 00295654 183.84 233.80 00295655 20 -Apr -17 @00005003 State Fire Training JF.FOCERT.41717 Chief officer certification- Fernandes 100 0501 1430 200 90.00 00295656 n00005541 Statewide Safety a Signs. Inc 01002704 Custom Signs 211 0411 4514 300 64.65 01002711 CP - Sign Hardware 100 0208 4514 400 106.79 Total for Check 00295656 171.44 00295657 20 -Apr -17 @00004928 Superior Cleaning Equipment Inc 21202 Monthly PM Service on Fleet Wash Rack 611 0413 4120 300 238.88 00295658 @00003143 Superior Ready Mu 856223 Emulsion 211 0411 4320A 300 598.01 00295659 20 -Apr -17 — Thapa. Anil 856814 Emulsion 211 0411 4320A 300 274.76 Total for Check 00295658 872.77 2011427.001 Deposit Refund CP Permit # 18255 100 0208 7471 400 300.00 00295660 @00006453 Thatcher Company of California, Inc, 243728 FY 2016/2017 Chlorine 510 D402 4502 300 3.150.00 00295661 @00002556 Tam Industries 71246787 Fleet Stock: Bulbs, Paint, Wire, Screws, Fuse 611 0413 4799 300 130.28 00295662 — TJT Communications Inc. RW16-0111 RW16-0111 Sewrity Release 762 0399 5980 900 5,000.00 00295663 @00006113 Toyotalih Inc. 114730211 Maintenance: Unit 722: PM Service 611 0413 4312 300 186.90 M00295664 @00011034 Tran, Chau D4 CERT 2017 Chou "Donny" Tran: 04 certification #42117, 4f7 510 0401 4924 300 105.00 •G PER DIEM MAY17 D Tran: per diem 4130-5!3717 training 510 0401 1430 300 166.00 Total for Check 00295664 291.00 IJ 00295665 20 -Apr -17 @00011441 Tmnsunion Risk and Altemative Data Solutions In. 3081831-0317 Data information for law enforcement 100 0504 4120 200 114.25 D "00295666 @00004950 Tmesdail laboratories, Inc 1701816 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 300 1,490.98 T A 3 N 00295667 11114 Trujillo, Paul 1701817 Potable Water 1701818 Potable Water Services 510 0402 4120 300 Services 510 0402 4120 300 1701819 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 300 1,918.00 Total for Check 00295666 6.458.57 REIMB 04022017 Reimbursement: Footwear 100 0306 4928 100 186.54 Register of Demands Page 9 of 10 76612188 Lake Poway: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 N 859.35 76614428 Lake Poway: sanitary supplies 100 N 1Yarrams From 4117/7017. 412112017 4720 300 86.61 0 Check Total for Check 00295670 1,894.83 00295671 20 -Apr -17 @00005639 West Coast Arborists. Inc. 124530 wNamher Dole PalwelVendor Invoice Conlnlenl Fund Orgn Acel Prog CheckAint 00295668 20 -Apr -17 @00003270 Verizon WmIess 9783473973 PCPA MIR For Backup Internet 4/17 100 0204 2200 400 38.01 00295669 @00002663 Village Lock and Key 8934 Truck Key 100 0418 4760 300 118.53 00295670 @00002730 Wade 76612187 Lake Poway: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 948.87 76612188 Lake Poway: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 859.35 76614428 Lake Poway: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 86.61 Total for Check 00295670 1,894.83 00295671 20 -Apr -17 @00005639 West Coast Arborists. Inc. 124530 LIVID 86-38: Tree TrimmingfRemovallReplace .268 0428 4120 300 1,612.00 124531 LMD 87-1: Tree Trimming/RemovalfReplaceme 269 0425 4120 300 9,424.00 124532 Grid Pruning, tree and stump removal 263 0421 4120 300 12,394.00 124532 Grid Pruning, tree and stump removal 263 0421 4120 300 2,940.00 124533 Titan Way 264 0422 4120 300 7,280.00 124534 Parks: tree and stump removal 100 0418 4120 300 6,895.00 124535 Kentfield 1180D 1000P 4120 600 840.00 124536 Removal Services: 14152 Sycamore Ave. 100 0014 4120 100 1,400.00 Total for Check 00295671 42,785.00 00295672 20 -Apr -17 @00002794 Western Mower and Engine 39502 Unit #SE411: Carburetor 611 D413 4799 3D0 92.90 39655 Fleet Stock:AirFitter(5):FuelFilters(20) 611 0413 4799 300 126.23 Total for Check 00295672 219.13 00295673 20 -Apr -17 @00004021 White. Andrew PC LOAN 2017 PC loan for Dell laptop/HP printer/0f ice softwar 100 8151 1,015.83 00295674 @00011586 Whim. Tom AVWJACONF AWWA 2017 Spring Conf.: Travel 100 0400 1430 300 368.64 PER DIEM MAY17 T Whlte: per diem 4130-5!3/17 training 510 0402 1430 300 188.00 Total for Check 00295674 554.64 00295675 2D -Apr -17 @00002943 Wulpert Joseph 6001.400-02.17A Instructor Payment Spring 2017 100 0208 4118 400 1,317.20 00295676 @00011587 Zom Tools, Inc. INV3067946 Small Engine Fuel foo 0418 4760 300 469.10 009D4221 17 -Apr -17 @00010569 U.S. Dept of the Treasury 041717 PE#08 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#08 100 8621 82.398.35 041717 PE#08 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#08 100 8624 19.883.38 Total for Check 00904221 102,281.73 00904222 17 -Apr -17 @00010570 Employment Development Department 041717 PE#08 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#08 100 8622 26,769.31 Q100904223 @00010571 Garnishment Recipient 041717 PE#08 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 1,132.59 000904224 @00000248 Union Bank 59491SAYO Purchase Microsoft Corp 02-12-20 Maturity 100 8243 500,000.00 594918AYO Purchase Microsoft Corp 02-12-2D Maturity 100 8243A 2,770.00 V 59491 aAYo Purchase Microsoft Corp 02-12-20 Maturity 100 8261 1,670.14 .: Total for Check 00904224 504,440.14 3 *L00904225 20 -Apr -17 @00007257 CaIPERS 042017 PE#08 PERS EFT Debit for PE#08 100 8722 170,934.42 N Register of Demands Page 10 of 10 W If armmt Fmm ♦/17/1017 - 4/11/7017 M Check wAluniber Date PaveelVefldor Director of Finance Approved Date L Invoice Register Total Acct Prog Check Anit 1.193.399.18