05-16-2017 Agenda PacketCity of Poway -C ity Counc il Age nda -May 16, 2017 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved By Roll Call Vote ) The Consent Calendar may be enacted i n one motion by the Council w ithout d iscussion unless a Councilmember, a member of the public , or City staff requests that an item be removed for d iscuss i on . 1.1 Approval of Read i ng by T itle on ly and Waiver of Read i ng in full of Ordinances on Agenda 1.2 Ratification/Approval of Warrant Registers for the periods of Apri l 10 through Apri l 14, 2017 and April 17 t hrough Apri l 21 , 2017 1.3 Approval of the April 18, 2017 Special and Regular City Counci l Meeting Minutes 1.4 City's Investment Report as of March 31 , 2017 1.5 Statement of Investment Policy 1.6 Third Quarter Budget Up date for FY 2016-17 1. 7 Eng inee r's Report an d Resolution Decla ri ng the Intention to Levy a nd Collect As sessments Within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 83 -1 for Fisca l Yea r 2017 /2018 and Set Date for Publ ic Hearing 1.8 Eng inee r's Report and Resolution Declaring the In tention to Levy and Collect Assessments W ithin Poway Landscape M a intenance District 86-1 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 and Set Date for Publ ic Hearing 1.9 Eng ineer's Report and Resolut i on Declaring the Intention to Levy and Co ll ect Assessments Within Poway Landscape Ma intenance District 86-2 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 and Set Date for Public Heari ng 1.10 Eng ineer's Report and Resolu tion Declari ng the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments W ith i n Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for Fi sca l Year 2017 /2018 and Set Date for Public Hearing 1.11 Eng ineer's Report and Resolution Declari ng the Intention to Levy and Co ll ect Assessments With i n Poway La ndscape Ma i ntenance District 87 -1 for Fisca l Year 20 17 /2018 and Set Date for Pub lic Hea ri ng 1.12 Enginee r's Report and Resolution Declaring the Intenti on to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Lighting District for Fiscal Yea r 2017/2018 and Set Date fo r Pub l ic Hearing 1.13 Approval of Third Amendment to the Agreement for Bus Stop Ma intenance Services w ith Cannon Pacific Services , Inc. 1.14 Poway Hous i ng Successor Annual Report FY 2015-1 6 Page 2 City of Poway-City Council Agenda -May 16, 2017 1.15 Community Contributions Program Quarterly Report 1.16 Resolution Confirming Adjustments to EDCO Waste and Recycling Services ' Rate Schedule 1.17 Award of Contract and Approval of Interim Agreement between the City of Poway and Willis Insurance Services of California , Inc . to Provide Insurance Brokerage Services 1.18 Acceptance of the Old Poway Park Concrete Repairs Project; Bid No . 17-013 1.19 Resolution Approving the Application for Grant Funds for the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation (EEM) Program to Acquire and Conserve Habitat and Open Space in the Vicin ity of Van Dam Peak 1.20 Report of Emergency Repair Expenditures Pertaining to the 2017 Winter Storm Event Made Under Authority of Resolution No . 17-004 Adopted on January 24, 2017 1.21 Resolution Finding and Declaring the Existence of an Emergency and Approving a Waiver of the Formal Bid Process for the Emergency Repair of the Hot Water Pipe Under City Hall 2. ORDINANCE None 3. PUBLIC HEARING 3 .1 Tentative Tract Map 17-005 and Variance 17-002 ; A Request for Approval of a Time Extension for a Previously Approved Tentative Tract Map, and Renewed Approval of a Previously Approved Variance for an Over-Height Retaining Wall on an approximate 420-acre srte located at 17150 Old Coach Road . City Manager's Recommendation : It is recommen ded that the City Council take public input; close the public hearing and adopt a Resolution entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway , California , Approving a Time Extension for the Hidden Valley Ranch Subdivision Map under Tentative Tract Map (TIM) 17-005, and Approval of Variance (VAR) 17-002 for a Retaining Wall ." 3 .2 An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California , Adding Section 12.48.260 to the Poway Municipal Code to Establish Underground Utility District No . 67 . City Manager's Recommendation : It is recommended that the City Council take public input; introduce and conduct first reading of an Ordinance entitled , "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California , Adding Section 12.48.260 to the Poway Municipal Code to Establish Underground Utility District No. 67 ;" and continue the public hearing to June 6 , 2017 for second reading and adoption of the Ordinance . Page 3 C ity of Poway -City Council Agenda -May 16, 2017 3.3 An Ord inance of the City of Poway , Californ ia , Adding Section 12.48.270 to the Poway Municipal Code to Esta blish Underground Util ity District No. 68 . C ity Manager's Recommendation : It is recommended that the City Council take pub li c i nput; introduce and conduct first reading of an Ord inance entitled , "An Ordinance of the City of Poway , California , Add i ng Section 12.48.270 to the Poway Mun icipal Code to Esta blish Underground Util ity District No . 68 ;" and continue the publi c hea ring to June 6 , 2017 for second read i ng and adoption of the Ord i nance. 4 . STAFF REPORT None 5. WORKSHOP None 6. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS JIM CU NN INGHAM 6 .1 MTS Update DAVE GROSCH JOHN MULLI N 6 .2 Metro Wastewater JPA Update BARRY LEONARD STEV E VAUS 7 . CITY MANAGER ITEMS 8 . CITY A TIORNEY ITEMS 8 .1 Closed Sessi on Conference with Labor Negotiators -Government Code Section §54957.6 City Designated Negoti ators : Ti na Wh ite , City Manager Wendy Kaserm an, Assistant City Manager Emp loyee Organ izat ions : Te ams ters Loca l 911 Poway Firefighters Assoc iation Management , Su pervisory & Confident ial Un it ADJOURNMENT The Poway City Council welcomes you and encourages your continued interest and involvement in the City's decision -making process. Page 4 City of Poway-City Council Agenda -May 16, 2017 The City of Poway complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Upon request this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities as required by section 202 of the American with Disabi lities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modificati on or accommodation i n order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the City Clerk's Office at 858-668-4530 at least State of California County of San Diego 24 hours before the meeting , if poss ible . ) ) ss. ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Nancy Neufeld, CMG, City Clerk of the City of Poway, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that this notice of a Regular Meeting as called by the City Council of the City of Poway was posted and provided on May 9, 2017, at 4 :30 p .m. Said meeting to be held at 7:00 p .m ., May 16, 2017, in the Poway City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CaHfomia . Said notice was posted on the B ulletin B oard at the entrance to City Hall. ~CityC/erk Page 5 Item 1.1 Approval of Reading by Title Only and Waiver of Reading in Full of Ordinances on Agenda. 2 of 23 Ratification of Warrant Registers May 16, 2017 Page 2 Date April 17 through April 21 Amount $1,193,399.18 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant Payroll 4-14-17, Withholding Microsoft Corp Investment Purchase Payroll 4-14-17, Retirement Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Fiscal Impact: Check Number 00904221 00904224 00904225 Amount $ 102,281.73 $ 504,440.14 $ 170,934.42 The total amount of warrants for the period of April 10 through April 14, 2017, is $1,288,217.21. The total amount of warrants for the period of April 17 through April 21, 2017, is $1,193,399.18. Public Notification: None Attachments: A. Warrant Register for the period of April 10 through April 14, 2017 B. Warrant Register for the period of April 17 through April 21, 2017 Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Ap~1~ Tina M. White City Manager May 16, 2017 Item# 1.2 "' The City of Poway Director of Finance Submits the Po/lowing Register of Demands for Run Date: 13-Apr-/7 0 -the period 4/10/2017 -4/14/2017 und Recommends its Ratificatio11/Approval: Pa,:e: I of II Is) "' Check Number Date Pai•ee/Ve111/or • Invoice Comment F1111// Or,:11 Acct Prop Check Amt 00295436 14-Apr-17 @00010119 3M Cogent, Inc. 348374 Fingerprinting -March 2017 100 0601 4934 100 18.90 00295437 @00005371 AO Roed&Co 274973 library: Box Filters 100 0419 4302 300 1.597.00 275931 City Hall: hot water piping 100 0419 4302 300 6.748.91 87067 HVAC Maintenance -Facilities 100 0206 4302 400 780.00 87068 HV AC Maintenance -Library 100 0206 4302 400 1.078.66 87069 HVAC Maintenance -PCPA 100 0204 4302 400 2.674.67 87070 HVAC Maintenance -Facilities 100 0419 4302 300 5,477.67 87071 HVAC Maintenance -Bi-Annual BAS Library 100 0419 4302 300 400.00 87072 As needed plumbing repair services 100 0419 4120 300 206.00 87334 HVAC Maintenance -Library 100 0206 4302 400 1,078.66 87335 HVAC Maintenance -PCPA 100 0204 4302 400 2,674.67 87336 HVAC Maintenance -Facilities 100 0419 4302 300 5,477.67 )> 87337 As needed plumbing repair services 100 0419 4120 300 206.00 ::i Total for Check 00295437 28,399.91 D> ('") 3 00295438 14-Apr-17 @00000021 AAIR Purification Systems 15450 Exhaust system repair 100 0501 4304 200 248.22 <D 00295439 @00010321 Adwnced Web Offset, Inc. 17-0573 Poway Progress Printing 100 0205 4922 400 273.00 aoo295440 @00010413 AEP California LLC INV0016689 Radio/comms repair 100 0501 4318 200 440.67 >00295441 @00011421 Airgaa Nationo.1 Corbono.tion 33658921 Carbon Dioxide for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 242.93 33667240 Carbon Dioxide for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 196.45 33680421 Carbon Dioxide Tank rental 100 0203 4502 400 140.00 33720067 Carbon Dioxide for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 258.68 Total for Check 00295441 836.06 00295442 14-Apr-17 @00000079 Allstar Fire Equipment, Inc 197330 SCBA repair 100 0501 4308 200 499.94 00295443 @00000099 American Backflow Specialties Inc INV41145 X-Connection: back.flow brass cap 0-rings; MIP 510 0404 4760 300 112.17 ~00295444 @00010642 American Menaging L1073904RD Dispatch paging April 2017 100 0501 4106 200 374.42 D> 00295445 @00005011 Aqua-Metric Sales Co 00647511-IN SN52036135 W-125 large meter test 510 0404 4899 300 541.00 '< 00295446 @00004833 Aquatic Design Systems, Inc 29651 February Aquarium Maintenance 100 0206 4304 400 324.71 .... _0>00295447 @00000152 Amman: Refreshment Services 1433630 Refreshment Services 100 0106 4760 100 94.88 Is) 1433631 Refreshment Services 100 0106 4760 100 571.80 0 1433632 Refreshment Services 100 0106 4760 100 167.17 .... -,J 20150 Refreshment Services 100 0106 4760 100 717.44 ;:; Total for Check 00295447 1,551.29 <D 3 :;t: 0029 5448 14-Apr-17 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 001448383683 To'M!ls and mats for Sta 3 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 .... 001448388546 To'M!ls and mats for Sta 1 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 Is) 001448395549 To'M!l and mats for Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 ~ Register of Demands Page 2 of 11 0 Warmnts From -11/0fiOJ 7 --lll-112017 .... Check "' "" Number Date Pavee/Vendor Ju voice Comment F11111/ Orsn Acct Pros. Check Amt 00295448 14-Apr-17 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Servicea Inc 001448395551 PCPA Weekly Mat Service 3131/17 100 0204 4928 400 14.78 1448383684 PCPA Weekly Mat Service 3/24/17 100 0204 4928 400 14.78 1448393498 To'M:!ls and mats for Sta 3 100 0501 4928 200 18.28 1448393511.317 Lake Weekly Mat service (3130/17) 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 1448395549 To'M:!1s and mats for Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1448397863 Part.s: Mats 100 0419 4120 300 60.04 1448397884 Parks: Mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 7.79 1448397864 Part.s: Mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 1.64 1448400351 To'M:!ls and mats for Sta 1 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1448405208 Meadowtirook: Mats 100 0419 4120 300 22.48 1448405209 V.1( 416/17: SCFW & Mtr. Rdr. uniforms 510 0401 4928 300 5.28 1448405210 Wk 4/6117: Ulil Sys & WTP uniforms: mats 100 0419 4120 300 6.72 1448405210 V.1( 4/6/17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 510 0402 4928 300 19.19 1448405210 Wk 4/6117: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 510 0401 4928 300 11.27 1448405211 Facilities: Mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 4.42 1448405211 Facilities: Mats anct uniforms 100 0419 4928 300 6.10 1448405212 Wk 4/6117: Water Oistritlution uniforms 510 0404 4928 300 114.61 1448405213 Wk 4/5117: WN Collect & Recycled uniforms 510 0410 4928 300 1.32 1448405213 V.1( 4/6/17: WN Collect & Recycled uniforms 520 0405 4928 300 47.17 1448405213 V.1( 4/6/17: WN Collect & Recyded uniforms 510 0408 4928 300 2.37 1448405214 Streets: Uniforms 211 0411 4928 300 153.91 1448405215 Part.s: Mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 2.58 1448405215 Part.s: Mais and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 11.52 1448405216 Parks: Mats 100 0419 4120 300 35.33 1448405218 Stormwater: Uniforms 231 0412 4928 300 35.85 1448407257 PCPA Weekty Mal Service 4ll/17 100 0204 4928 400 14.78 Total for Check 00295448 700.27 00295449 14-Apr-17 @00000171 M's Trench Plate and K-Rail Setvice 49331 Ourhullen -CMP replacement 1180F 1000P 4120 600 1,552.50 ;s: 49380 Durhullen -CMP replacement 1180F 1000P 4120 600 106.25 t» '< Total for Check 00295449 1,658.75 ..... _en 00295450 14-Apr-17 @00010111 AT&T 9454037 9391026556 -Sta 1 phone 100 0501 3310 200 92.04 "' 9454046 9391026565 -Sta 3 phone 100 0501 3310 200 55.17 0 ..... 9454051 BAN 9391026571 Lake Modem Line -3/17 100 0202 3310 400 19.66 ..... 9463820 9391026553 • Sta 2 phone 100 0501 3310 200 90.72 -(I) Total for Check 00295450 257.59 3 'It 00295451 14-Apr-17 @00006936 Aztec Leodsc.apil'lg Inc. 003019:l-lN Landscape Maintenance 100 0418 4116 300 4,742.85 ..... 003019:l-lN Landscape Maintenance 262 0427 4116 300 971.26 "' 003019:l-lN Landscape Maintenance 271 0429 4116 300 145.89 c.n Register of Demands Page 3 of 11 0 Warranls From .//10110/ 7 • 411-1/2017 -Check "" (.J Number Date Paree/Ve11!/or Invoice Comment Fund Ors11 Acct Pro/I Check Amt 00295451 14-Apr-17 @00006936 Aztec Landscaping Inc. 0030193-IN Landscape Maintenance 268 0428 4116 300 766.70 0030193-IN Landscape Maintenance 266 0426 4116 300 1,167.17 0030193-IN Landscape Maintenance 265 0423 4116 300 531.70 Total for Check 00295451 8,325.57 00295452 14-Apr-17 @00011031 Bailie Networks 100114797 WTP: Ubiquiti 900MHz mid-range link starter kit 510 0402 4760 300 788.18 100114798 WTP: Ubiqulti S-port PoE s'Mtd'les 510 0402 4760 300 709.95 Total ror Check 00295452 1,498.13 00295453 14-Apr-17 @00000281 Beeds Embroidery 1725 Shirts 211 0411 4928 300 112.23 00295454 @00011490 Bene Trac 522542 Employee Vendor Mgmt System -April 2017 100 8729 1,040.00 00295455 @00005327 Body Beautiful Car Wash. of Poway, Inc #317 03162017 City Vehicle Wash: P. Trujillo 100 0306 3130 100 12.99 00295456 @00004317 Boot \1Vor1d Inc 1143439,IN B LaCanfora: FY17 safety shOes allowance 510 0401 4928 300 189.94 00295457 @00003870 Bound Tree Medical, LLC 294290 Credit balance 100 0503 4740 200 -383.25 82447702 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 473.94 Total for Check 00295457 90.69 00295458 14-Apr-17 @00006901 Colifomia Commercial Asphalt, LLC 178336CM Asphalt -Credit -last year's rates 211 0411 4520 300 -157.78 179162 Asphalt Aggregate Course 112." Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6.265.18 179162CM Asphalt Aggregate Course 112.• Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 -6,265.18 179218 Asphalt Aggregate Course 112.~ Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,430.30 179252 Asphall Aggregate Course 112· Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,130.42 179305 Asphalt 211 0411 4520 300 161.92 179327 Asphalt Aggregate Course 112· Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 7,098.07 179398 Asphalt Aggregate Course 112.· Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 7,261.36 179474 4.18 Tons of 112· Asphalt 211 0411 4520 300 292.90 To1al for Check 00295458 27,217.19 00295459 14-Apr-17 @00000351 Cnlifomia Tenmste~ Local 911 DUES APR 2017 Teamster's dues for April 2017 100 8616 2,244.00 00295460 @00011061 CalJyo 2009 Corp. R7780 License renewal 100 0504 4120 200 1,440.00 :i: 00295461 @00000398 Calolympic Salety 359833 Wrhse: Sv.ea1shlrt (5) 100 8189 155.16 · Q) 359993 Wrhse: Mesh Vest -(24 Lg & 6 Sm) 100 8189 324.28 '< ... 360013 a, Wrhse: 5 gal Safety Can (2) 100 8189 157.63 Total for Check 00295461 637.07 "" 0 ~00295462 14-Apr-17 @00005556 Cannon Pacific Services, Inc 145552 FY16/17 Street Sv.-eeping Services 211 0411 4332 300 18,438.11 00295463 @00011582 Chaparro! Elementary PT A FER-3/22117 PCPA Final Evenl Report 3/22/17 100 0204 7622 400 -100.00 -FE R-3/22117 PCPA Final Event Report 'J/22117 100 0204 7623 400 -591.25 <1) 3 FER-3/22117 PCPA Final Event Report 'J/22/17 100 8646 1,190.00 =It FER-3/22117 PCPA Final Event Report 3/2.2/17 100 0204 7632 400 -173.00 ... "" Total for Check 00295463 325_75 a, Register of Demands Page4of 11 0 Warron/J From 4//012017 -4//.112017 ... Cit eek "' ..., Number Date Pavee/Vendor lnvvice Comment F1111d Orsn Acct Pros.. Clteck Amt 00295464 14-Apr-17 @00011480 Ciro's Lendacaping Inc. 11582 FY16/17 Ulndscape Maintenance -various facill 100 0501 4116 200 1,303.37 11582 FY16/17 Ulndscape Maintenance -various facill 100 0206 4116 400 426.79 11582 FY16/17 Landscape Maintenance -various facili 100 0204 4116 400 284.50 11582 FY16/17 Landscape Maintenance -various facm 100 0418 4116 300 1,493.72 11582 FY16/17 Landscape Maintenance -various facm 100 9504 4116 200 284.50 Total for Check 00295464 3,792.88 00295465 14-Apr-17 @00005816 Commercial & lndustrinl Roofing Co., Inc. MR2538-1 14521 Lake Poway Road: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 290.91 MR2539-1 City Hall: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 254.09 MR2540-1 Water Treatment Plant: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 152.28 MR2541-1 Fire Station #1: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 334.54 MR2542-1 Fire Station #3: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 207.28 MR2569-1 Community Pool: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 215.70 MR2570-1 Train Barn: repairs 100 0419 4304 300 224.38 Total for Check 00295465 1,679.18 00295466 14-Apr-17 @00010997 Commcrci:il Aquntlc SeMCes 117-1361 Monthly Pool Maintenance 100 0203 4120 400 363.06 00295467 @00010951 Complete Paper1esa Solutions 2415 License & Maint. Support Renewal 100 0011 4120 100 7,558.00 2416 Cannon scanner, installation & warranty 100 0011 61220 100 4,571.55 Total for Check 00295467 12,127.55 00295468 14-Apr-17 @00000737 Conxlata Records Management Inc. RS430796t 3/1/2017 to 3/31/2017 100 0011 4120 100 1,262.50 00295469 Cross, Randolph ACP16-005 ACP16-005 Erosion Control Security Release 762 0399 5980 100 2,000.00 00295470 @00000453 Department of Conservation Q1-2017 01 2017 -SMI & Seismic Hazard Mapping Fees 100 0303 7734 100 2,158.59 01-2017 01 2017 -SMI & Seismic Hazard Mapping Fees 100 8694 -107.93 Total for Check. 00295470 2,050.66 00295471 14-Apr-17 @00006337 Department of Justice 226317 Fingerprinting -March 2017 100 0601 4934 100 243.00 00295472 @00000476 OFM Associates 2017ELEC-COOE 2017 CA Elec1ion Code 100 0011 4910 100 53.63 00295473 @00004897 Diamond Environmental Services 0001013066 13104 Silver Lake Dr. Restroom Services 100 0418 4120 300 90.81 S:00295474 Diersbock. Linda 4 7602500-34 Closing Bal Refund, Overpayment 47602500-34 510 8120 420.93 ~ 00295475 @00010959 East County San Diego Soccer Shots 1003.300-04.16 lnstrucior Payment -Winter 2016 100 0208 4118 400 1,900.80 ~00295476 @00011583 Educotion & Troln\ng Ser.ices, LLC DUMBRIQUE Francisco Oumbrique: May 1-3 2017 510 0401 1430 300 499.00 a, TRAN 5/17 Chau Tran: May 1-3 2017 510 0401 1430 300 499.00 "' \"/HITE 5117 Thomas White: May 1-3 2017 0402 0 510 1430 300 499.00 ..... ..... Total for Check 00295476 1,497.00 Cb 00295477 14-Apr-17 @00003453 EMS Per.onnel Fund-Colif. EMS Authority P27378-2017 Paramedic license renewal -Judd 100 0503 3140 200 200.00 3 00295478 @00000870 Eagil Corporation MARCH 2017 Bldg. Services ror March 2017 100 0303 1707 100 8,398.35 'It MARCH 2017 Bldg. Services for March 2017 100 0303 1706 100 65,336.94 ..... "' Total for Check. 00295478 73,735.29 ..... Register of Demands Page 5 of 11 0 Warmnls From 4//011017 · 41/./120} 7 -Check "' w1V11mber D/1tC Paree!Ve11dor lnPoice Comment Fund Orttn Acct Pro/I Check Amt 00295479 14-Apr-17 @00003713 Ewing lnigation 3049979 Parks: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 102.36 3049980 Stock: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 68.07 Total for Check 00295479 170.43 00295460 14-Apr-17 @00011142 Eye/Comm, Inc. 50058 FY16/17 Extended Public Noticing & Plinting/M 100 0301 4120 100 3,426.85 00295481 @00000897 FedEx 5-762-67615 Send objecilon/tax default ltr to County 100 0301 3320 100 24.86 00295482 @00001144 Fergus.on wateiworks 0586091 Water Dlst/DM: #17 Stem Seal 0-Rings 510 0404 4760 300 234.36 00295483 @00001208 Grnngetto's AgricutMe Supply 500072 Fertilizer 100 0418 4760 300 71.96 00295484 @00006063 Gro,aman Psychological Associates, APC 01042017 Pre-employment psychologlcal evaluations 100 0601 4916 100 600.00 00295485 @00010310 Hampton tnn & Suites -Poway 01 2017 FY16-17 Reciprocal Easement Agreement 720 0704 4120 100 1,526.00 00295486 @00005088 Ho.rper & Aas.ociates Engineering Inc ENG-5746 ConsulLing Services -Pomerado Reservoir Reh 1771A 1000P 1799 600 6,920.00 00295487 @00001447 Heaviland Enterpris.es Inc 10838 Kumeyaay: March landscape 100 0418 4116 300 245.00 10839 Landscape Maintenance 267 0424 4116 300 893.33 10839 Landscape Maintenance 264 0422 4116 300 6,859.16 10839 Landscape Maintenance 263 0421 4116 300 6,670.41 10839 Landscape Maintenance 269 0425 4116 300 29,120.41 10839 Landscape Maintenance 510 0402 4116 300 1,700.00 10840 Aibo1itos Park: Turf & Turf Irrigation maintenanc 100 0418 4116 300 1,420.20 Total for Check 00295487 46,908.51 00295468 14-Apr-17 -Hidden Valley Backhoe & Trucking, Inc. 04042017 Rattlesnake Creek Emergency Sewer Repair Cl 1437A 1000P 4120 600 40,987.61 00295489 @00001645 Home Dcpct Commcrciol Account 0210682 Water Dist: 12G latches: medium clip boxes 510 0404 4760 300 32.20 0220210 Water Dist: misc. hardware 510 0404 4760 300 13.27 3210859 Water Dist acid brushes; lead-free solder 510 0404 4760 300 38.90 6220262 Flowers for Reptiles in the Park Event-GP 100 0208 4760 400 64.65 7210851 WN Collection: water nozzle: 10x12 tarps 520 0405 4760 300 37.64 7220144-2017 PCPA NfNI Battery Charger 100 0204 4899 400 107-73 7220145 PCPA Door Stop 100 0204 4304 400 17_22 7220242 Hilleary Park: toilet repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 26.61 s: 7220246 WN Collection: 16-gal. "Wet/dry vacuum 520 0405 4760 300 179.94 O> 8210840 Durhullen CMP 1180F 1000P 4120 600 26.89 '< .... 8220229 Library: faucet repair 100 0419 4760 300 149.54 a, 8220230 Durhullen CMP 1180F 1000P 4120 600 142.01 "' 8220232 wrP: misc. electrical supplies 510 0402 4760 300 440.61 0 .... 9220221 Aubrey Park: vandalism repair supplies 100 0418 4760 300 87.60 ..... Total for Check 00295489 1,364.81 -Cl> 3 00295490 14-Apr-17 -Jaro, Jonb:e 2011407.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permit# 18511 100 0205 7471 400 200.00 '1:1:00295491 @00001306 JRC Printing LLC 36848 Printing Solar Walk Flyer..·Blue Sky 100 0207 4922 400 15.62 ~00295492 Kathy Mulhall 32807700-02 Credit Balance Refund, 32807700-02 510 8120 208.69 N 00295493 @00011224 KeUy & Auoc., Inc. 201703-16 Trucking and Operator Services 211 0411 4320A 300 14,149.37 00 Regisrer of Demands Page6of 11 0 Warranu From -II/Of2017 -.///.1120/ 7 -Check N "" Number Date Pavee/Vendor /11,,oice Comment F1111d Orsn Acct Prol:i. Check Amt 00295494 14-Apr-17 @00001707 KRC Rock 1385202-00 Aubrey Park: rocks 100 0418 4770 300 999.99 00295495 @00010805 Kronos Inc. 11164435 Telestaff software 100 0501 4120 200 645.00 00295496 @00011585 La Jolla Stono Etching 0002667 Stone Etching for Tony Gwynn Memorial 1193A 1000P 1799 600 7.614.00 00295497 @00004118 Lil~Assist, Inc. 791191 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 781.77 791244 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 123.46 Total for Check 00295497 905.23 00295498 14-Apr-17 -l.Mty Trusl G1610-08 release of remaining deposit 761 9065 5980 900 5,358.20 00295499 @00001673 McDougnl LOYO Eckis Boehmer & Foley 91773 Professional Services through 02/26117 520 0403 1702C 300 580.00 91775 Professional Services through 02/26117 100 0012 1702C 100 32.00 91833 Professional Services through 02/26117 100 0012 1702C 100 2,420.70 91834 Professional Services through 02/28/17 100 0012 1702A 100 12,000.00 91835 Professional Services through 02/28/17 100 0012 1702C 100 48.00 91869 Professional Services through 02/28/17 100 0012 1702C 100 596.64 Total for Check 00295499 15,677.34 00295500 14-Apr-17 @00010406 Mia.sion Resource Conservation District 375 MAR 2017: (3) Home Water Use Evals 1167A 1000P 4120 600 93.75 00295501 Moore, Sonya 2011409.001 Deposit Refund OPP Pennit # 18063 100 0205 7471 400 300.00 00295502 @00003827 MSA 101137240 Echeverria, Zamora, Bormann and Segovia 211 0411 1430 300 60.00 101137240 Echeverria, Zamora, Bormann and Segovia 231 0412 1430 300 180.00 Total for Check 00295502 240.00 00295503 14-Apr-17 @00011509 Municipal Alarm Tracking 18 Services for March 2017 100 0301 4120 100 1,674.40 00295504 @00001840 Nnpa Autc Parts/Powny 203311 PCPA Battery for Lift 100 0204 4760 400 104.24 205798 CustSvcsFtdWkrs: floor mats 510 0401 4760 300 53.85 Total for Check 00295504 158.09 00295505 14-Apr-17 @00004385 National Salary Compliance. Inc 68943 DOT Testing. March 2017 100 0601 4506 100 528.59 00295506 @00001990 Njnn, Eric FY17 CELLPHONE Eric Njaa: FY17 new cell phone allowance 510 0404 3311 300 184.63 FY17 SF1YSHOES Eric Njaa: FY17 safety shoes allowance 510 0404 4928 300 185.06 s: Total for Check 00295506 369.69 D> ~00295507 14-Apr-17 @00000775 Office Depct Business Services Division 916503988-001 PCPA Office Supplies 100 0204 4710 400 20.94 "' 916504625-001 PCPA Office Supplies 100 0204 4710 400 90.95 N 916594207 .004 WTP: stainless steel cleaner 510 0402 4710 300 30.15 0 ~ 916883045-001 Office supplies 100 0501 4710 200 81.60 ..... 916920402-001 Office supplies 100 0501 4710 200 77.53 -91767055:l-001 Lake Office Supplies 100 0202 4710 400 99.75 I!> 3 916187048-001 Community Park Office Supplies 100 0208 4710 400 71.37 au: 918187175-001 Community Park Office Supplies 100 0208 4710 400 11.41 ~ N 918191277-001 Community Park Office Supplies 100 0208 4710 400 116.51 918375995-001 Office Supplies. 2nd Floor 100 0304 4710 100 49.50 <O Register of Demands Page 7 of 11 0 Warront.r From 4/JOn0/7-4//411017 -Check N c.., Number Date Pa1'ee!Ve11dor Invoice Comment Fund Orsn Acct Pros. Check Ami Total for Check 00295507 651.71 00295508 14-Apr-17 @00003940 Olympic Coatings 20840 WTP filters: powder-coat 12" pipe damps 510 0402 4760 300 226.28 00295509 @00004652 Omori. Ford CAPCA17REIMB Reimburse CAPCA Membership 100 0418 4924 300 145.00 00295510 @00005469 Pevcmcnl Recyding Systems, Inc. P1619558 Asphalt Cold Milling and Operator Services 211 0411 4320A 300 14,016.56 00295511 @00002314 Petty Cash General 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0011 4710 100 44.96 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0601 4934 100 20.00 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0101 4934 100 121.02 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0010 1430 100 135.00 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0011 3140 100 120.00 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0300 1430 100 35.00 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0601 4927 100 52.33 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0102 5720 100 -3.11 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursement 4-11-2017 100 0601 1430 100 142.29 04112017 Petty Cash Reimbursemenl 4-11-2017 100 0200 1430 400 21.55 Total for Check 00295511 689.04 00295512 14-Apr-17 @00002526 Pomerado Hospital 2817 EMS certifications 100 0503 3140 200 360.00 00295513 @00000173 POWlly Center for l.hl!l Performing Arta Foundation 04042017 Foundation ticket sales transfer·PCPA 100 8641 3,281.00 00295514 @00010911 R & B Pinto Properties LLC LKCONCJ/29-412 Weekty Lake Concession Payment (3/29-4/2/17 100 8647 7000 3,710.13 00295515 @00002163 Reyne Weter Conditioning 8 303-4/6-513117 Pool Water Conditioning ( 4/6 • 513117) 100 0203 4120 400 145.54 00295516 @00002245 Reynolds, Petrick FY17 CELLPHONE Pal Reynolds: FY17 new cell phone allowance 510 0404 3311 300 200.00 00295517 Rihan, Huaam Sammy MORA15-015 Erosion Control and Landscaping Security Rele 763 0399 5980 100 50,000.00 MORA15-015 Erosion Control and Landscaping Security Rele 762 0399 5980 100 2,000.00 Total for Check 00295517 52,000.00 00295518 14-Apr-17 @00002318 Snn Diego Gas & Elcdric 1453224891-4/17 13094 Civic Center Drtve ·Electric· 04/2017 100 0203 2110 400 6,529.49 00295519 @00002312 San Diego Gas & Electric:/Sundry 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219-3/13/17 510 0402 2140P 300 2,121.51 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219·3/13/17 510 0406 2140S 300 323.25 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9-3/13/17 510 0402 2110 300 494.29 s: 0492013340 3/17 !I> Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9·3/13/17 510 0402 2140R 300 503.92 '< 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9-3113/17 510 0402 21401 300 372.45 ..... "' 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9--3113117 510 0402 2140V 300 1,705.99 N 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9-3113117 520 0403 21408 300 3,162.54 0 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219--3113117 520 ..... 0403 2140H 300 288.49 ..... 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219-3/13/17 510 0410 2110 300 1,518.75 -0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9--3/13/17 510 0402 2140A 300 2,914.36 11) 3 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9--3/13/17 510 0402 2140C 300 827.04 ""' 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9--3113/17 510 0402 2140I 300 949.62 ..... 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219-3/13/17 510 0402 2140J 300 455.91 N 0492013340 3/17 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 219--3/13/17 510 0402 2140K 300 5.283.30 ...... Register of Demands Page B of 11 0 Wa,mnt.1 From 4//012017 -,'1/./12017 0 Check -"' wN11111ber Date Pa)•ee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orsn Acct Pros Check Amt 00295519 14-Apr-17 @00002312 San Diego Gos & Electric/Sundry 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9-3/13/17 510 0402 2140L 300 1,943.36 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9-3/13/17 510 0402 2140N 300 2,547.25 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9-3/13/17 520 0403 2140U 300 93.62 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr. 2/9-3/13/17 520 0403 21400 300 1,188.08 0492013340 3117 Utilities & Ops Ctr: 2/9-3/13/17 520 0403 2140M 300 516.96 Total for Check 00295519 27,210.69 00295520 14-Apr-17 @00011584 Son Diego Granite, Inc. 7600801382 Reimbursement for purehase of material 1193B 1000P 1799 600 2,220.48 00295521 @00011241 Son Diego lndlan American Society FER -3126117 PCPA Final Evenl Repor1 100 8646 4,040.00 FER -3126117 PCPA Final Event Report 100 0204 7623 400 -1,246.75 FER -3126117 PCPA Final Event Report 100 0204 7471 400 600.00 FER -3126117 PCPA Final Event Report 100 0204 7622 400 -267.50 FER -3126117 PCPA Final Event Report 100 0204 7471 400 -1,670.00 Total for Check 00295521 1,455.75 00295522 14-Apr-17 @00010094 Sarmiento, Emma 2001.30Q.B Instructor Payment -1/.Jinter 2016 -2nd Paymen 100 0208 4118 400 237.60 00295523 @00006857 Savmort Pharmeceuticol Service 602507 Medlcal supplies 100 0503 4740 200 96.68 602526 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 1,556.92 Total for Check 00295523 1,653.60 00295524 14-Apr-17 @00011053 SeatAdvisor Inc. 513509 Per ticket fee Box & INT·March 2017·PCPA 100 0204 5116 400 2,013.00 00295525 @00002621 Sen11y Fence Company 5359 Metale Road Trail Head: installed pole fencing 100 0418 4120 300 986.00 00295526 @00002814 Sharp Recs-Stealy Medical Center 306447804 2n.8/17: OMV Class A exam, (1) 0404 employe 510 0404 4916 300 110.00 306447889 OMV Exam 100 0418 4916 300 110.00 306569074 OMV Exam 211 0411 4916 300 110.00 306605696 3/20/17: OMV Class A exam, (1) 0404 employe 510 0404 4916 300 110.00 Total for Check 00295526 440.00 00295527 14-Apr-17 @00010645 Siemens Industry Inc 5620013264 As Needed Parking lot light Repairs 100 0419 4120 300 1,734.77 00295528 @00001770 SiteOne L..endscape Supply 79764843 Controller 1" DC Valve 100 0418 4770 300 161.46 s: 79764885 Controllers 100 0418 4770 300 149.85 OJ 79764885CM Controllers 100 0418 4770 300 -149.85 '< ...... a, Total for Check 00295528 161.46 ~00295529 14-Apr-17 @00000580 Southem California Banet FER-3125117 PCPA Final Even! Repor1 3/25117 100 0204 7471 400 •3,240.00 ...... FER-3125117 PCPA Final Even! Repor13/25117 100 0204 7623 400 -596.00 .... FER-3125/17 PCPA Flnal Even! Repor1 3/25117 100 8646 5,395.00 ;:; FER-3125/17 PCPA Final Event Repor1 3/25117 100 0204 7622 400 -45.50 .,, 3 FER-3125t17 PCPA Final Event Repor1 3125/17 100 0204 7471 400 750.00 ;I: FER-3125t17 PCPA Final Event Report 3/25117 100 0204 7623 400 -30.00 ...... "' Total for Check 00295529 2,233.50 ~ Register of Demands Page 9 of 11 ~ WarrantJ" From ./l/012017--IIJ..112017 0 Check -..., wNumher Date Pa11ee/Ve11,Jor J11wlice Comment Fune/ Orsn Acct Pro{i, Check Amt 00295530 14-Apr-17 @00007103 Southwest Trailers of Cahfomia 4P5T1161XJ12733 #T1161 PJ 16' Single Axle Tilt 611 0108 6106 100 5,620.67 00295531 @00007160 Specialty Electric Supply Co. 714&-543527 Old Poway Park: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 100.81 714&-543689 Lillrary: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 231.12 714&-543741 City Hall: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 96.98 714&-543783 Shop: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 131.89 714&-543790 Fire Station #3: eledrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 23.64 714&-543846 Fire Station #3: electrical supplies 100 0419 4760 300 63.03 Total for Check 00295531 647.47 00295532 14-Apr-17 @00005541 Statewide Safety & Signs, Inc 01002680 water Dist: TOW AWAY NO PARKING signs 510 0404 4760 300 98.81 01002693 Water Dist: sarety signs; hardware 510 0404 4750 300 261.08 01002694 Water Dist: traffic safety signs; hardware 510 0404 4750 300 394.38 Total for Check 00295532 754.27 00295533 14-Apr-17 @00006883 Stl!ricycie. Inc. 3003754229 Infection control management 100 0503 2910 200 3,064.16 3003791670 Infection control management 100 0503 2910 200 3,064.16 Total for Check 00295533 6,128.32 00295534 14-Apr-17 @00010875 T-Man TrafflC Supply 5899 Wrhse: Black Marking (24) 100 8189 103.44 00295535 Tho Sikh Foundation Building Fund W106-499 release of security deposil 761 9071 5980 900 12,650.00 00295536 @00011415 Tinosa Inc. 3894 SCBA cylinder testing 100 0501 4308 200 220.00 00295537 @00010380 Ultimate Labs Inc. 7096 Water Dist: bioburden, HI coli water testing 510 0404 1708 300 150.00 7125 Water Dist: bloburden. ttl coli water testing 510 0404 1708 300 180.00 Total for Check 00295537 330.00 00295538 14-Apr-17 @00002466 Underground Service Alert 320170535 MAR 2017: (96) POW47 new ticket charges 510 0404 4924 300 144.00 00295539 @00002473 Uniforms Plus 44345 Uniforms 100 0501 4928 200 462.55 00295540 @00003270 Verizon V'lfireless 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28.2017 520 0405 3311 300 3.51 9782957009 PIN: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 100 0417 2200 300 38.01 9782957009 PIN: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 611 0413 3311 300 1.33 ~ 9782957009 PIN: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 231 0412 3311 300 1.41 "' 9782957009 PW; Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 231 0412 2200 300 152.04 '< -9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 211 0411 3311 300 0.66 a, 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 211 0411 2200 300 38.01 ..., 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 0 100 0400 2200 300 76.02 ~ -.,I 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 100 0419 2200 300 38.01 ;:; 9782957009 PVv: Verizon charges Mar 1·28, 2017 100 0418 2200 300 38.01 (1) 9782957009 PW'. Verizon charges Mar 1-26.2017 100 0418 3311 300 22.09 3 ~ 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-26, 2017 510 0406 2200 300 38.01 -9782957009 PV't. Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 100 0419 3311 300 26.01 ..., 9782957009 P'N. Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 275 0470 2200 300 38.01 ..... Register of Demands Page 10 of 11 .., lf'arranu From 4/10/20/ 7 --1/14/2017 0 Check - ~Number Date Pa1'ee!Ve11dor /11n,ice Comment F1111d Ors.11 Acct Pros Check Amt 00295540 14-Apr-17 @00003270 Verizon Win,leu 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 510 0401 3311 300 6.55 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 510 0402 2200 300 76.02 9782957009 PW: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 510 0402 3311 300 4.04 9782957009 P'W: Verizon charges Mar 1-28.2017 510 0404 2200 300 228.06 9782957009 P'W: Verizon charges Mar 1-28, 2017 510 0404 3311 300 11.38 9782957009 P'W: Verizon Charges Mar 1-28, 2017 520 0405 2200 300 190.05 9782957009 PW: Verizon Charges Mar 1-28, 2017 510 0401 2200 300 266.07 Total for Chee!< 00295540 1,293.30 00295541 14-Apr-17 @00003270 Verizon Wireless 9783066037 Wireless Services: March 2017 100 0301 2200 100 76.02 9783066037 Wireless Services: Marcil 2017 100 0301 3311 100 6.02 9783066037 Wireless Services: March 2017 100 0304 2200 100 38.01 9783066037 Wireless Services: March 2017 100 0306 2200 100 114.03 Tolal for Check 00295541 234.08 00295542 14-Apr-17 @00005030 VIP Janitorial Sel'VICe 4262 PCPA Monthly Janitorial Services: March, 2017 100 0204 4114 400 4,263.12 4263 PCPA Monthly Janitorial Supplies: March, 2017 100 0204 4720 400 443.35 Total for Chee!< 00295542 4,706.47 00295543 14-Apr-17 @00011572 VOMI VCES Lakeside N501000779 JON Bucket 231 0412 4308 300 3,009.25 00295544 @00011541 wage\Noru INV102076 COBRA Administration -March 2017 100 8729 206.40 00295545 @00002730 waxie 76590221 Lake POY-1ay: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 723.40 76592592 Community Center: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 988.27 76600502 Lake: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 173.22 76601054 Community Center: sanitary supplles 100 0419 4720 300 399.02 76608419 Community Center: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 991.72 Total for Check 00295545 3,275.63 00295546 14-Apr-17 @00006206 Weed Eliminator, Inc 2017-10 Reservoir Abatement 510 0402 4116 300 350.00 00295547 @00002794 Western Mower end Engine 39196 Mixed Fuel 100 0418 4760 300 156.78 s: 39543 Mixed Fuel 100 0418 4760 300 226.17 cu 39618 \NIN Coiled.Ion: small tools 520 0405 4516 300 47.14 '< ..... Total for Chee!< 00295547 430.09 a, :::l 00295548 14-Apr-17@00011319 VVor1d Advuneement of Technology for EMS ond Resc 597 Patient reponing software 100 0503 4120 200 1,094.00 ~00295549 @00002975 ZAP Manufacb.Jrlng Inc 46050 Sign refacing 211 0411 4514 300 432.16 00904210 11-Apr-17 @00007257 CalPERS 041117 PE#07 PERS EFT Debil for PE#07 100 8722 169,523.92 S° 00904211 12,Apr-17 @00003081 State Board of Equalization 100565475-0317 Sales Tax 1st Qtr Jan-Mar 2017 100 8644 460.17 3 100565475-0317 Sales Tax 1st Ctr Jan-Mar 2017 100 0103 5720 100 -0.17 'It Total for Chee!< 00904211 460.00 ..... ..,00904212 13-Apr-17 @00003518 Union Bn.nk-San Diego PPE 419/17 Transfer net payroll to Union Bank PPE 4/9/17 100 8003U 504,638.80 ... The City of Poway Director of Finance Submits the Po/lowing Register of Demands for Run /Jute: 20-Apr-17 .i,,. the period 4/17/2017-4/2//2017 and Recommends it.Ii Ratijication/Apprm•al: Page: J of 10 0 -"' "' Check Number Date PaJ•ee/Vendor Invoice Comme11t Funt! Ors.n Acct Pro,: Check Ami 00295550 20-Apr-17 @00010566 A.Cheek GIODal 59-0507558 OMV reports 100 0501 4916 200 14.00 00295551 @00004762 Abcona lndu&triea 1003639 Chlorine for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 508.40 1004008 Chlorine for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 511.15 Total for Check 00295551 1,019.55 00295552 20-Apr-17 @00002106 Airgas USA, LLC 9061832840 Hand Cleaner 100 0419 4720 300 30.92 9062141708 Medical oxygen 100 0503 4750 200 211.23 9944072012 Medical oxygen 100 0503 4750 200 384.32 9944105472 WTP: (3) cylinders rented 510 0402 4760 300 88.91 Total for Check 00295552 695.38 00295553 20-Apr-17 @00006850 AK & CompaDy POWAY-17-2 State Mandated Cost reimbursement services 100 0103 4120 100 2,800.00 00295554 @00005241 Aramt11"1( Uniform Services Inc 1448393501 Fleet: Shop Towels & Uniforms 611 0413 4928 300 12.51 )> 1448393501 Fleet Shop Towels & Uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 31.30 :::i: Ql 1448393511 Lake Weekly Mat Service (3/30/17) 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 (") ::r 1448405205 Towels and mats for Sta 3 100 0501 4928 200 18.28 3 1448405207 Fleet: Shop Towels & Uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 31.30 (1) :l 1448405207 Fleet: Shop Towe ls & Uniforms 611 0413 4928 300 34.51 ... CD 1448405217 Lake Weekly Mat Service (4/6117) 100 0202 4928 400 5.16 1448407255 Towe ts and mats for Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1448409560 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 60.04 1448409561 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 7.79 1448409561 Parks: mats and unifOJms 100 0419 4120 300 1.84 1448412069 Tov.<els and mats for Sta 1 100 0501 4928 200 16.54 1448417016 Meadowbrook: mats 100 0419 4120 300 22.48 1448417017 v\lk 4/13/17: CSFW & Mtr. Rdr.'uniforms 510 0401 4928 300 27.28 ~ 1448417018 v\lk 4/13117: Ulil Sys & WTP uniforms: mats 510 0402 4928 300 19.19 Ql 1448417018 v\lk 4/13/17: Util Sys & WTP uniforms; mats 100 0419 4120 300 6.72 '< 1448417018 ... Vvll. 4/13117: um Sys & WTP unltorms; mats 510 0401 4928 300 11.27 "' 1448417019 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4928 300 6.10 N 1448417019 Facilities: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 4.42 0 1448417020 Wk 4/13/17: Water Distribution uniforms 510 0404 4928 300 140.61 ... -.J 1448417021 v\lk 4/13/17: WN Collect & Recyded uniforms 510 0406 4928 300 2.37 ;; 1448417021 v\lk 4/13/17: WN Collect & Recyded uniforms 510 0410 4928 300 1.32 (1) 3 1448417021 v\lk 4/13/17: WN Collect & Recyded uniforms 520 0405 4928 300 37.17 :it 1448417022 Streets: unifom,s 211 0411 4928 300 127.91 ... 1448417023 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0418 4928 300 11.52 "' 1448417023 Parks: mats and uniforms 100 0419 4120 300 2.58 ..... Register of Demands Page 2 of 1 O 0, lf'a"a11t.J From .//1712017 -./ll//1017 0 Check -Is) w!Vumher Date Patee/Vendor /11i•oice Comment Fund Orsn Acct Prol;{. Check Amt 00295554 20-Apr-17 @00005241 Aramark Uniform SeMCes Inc 1448417024 Parks: mats 100 0419 4120 300 35.33 1448417026 Stormwater: uniforms 231 0412 4928 300 25.85 20090437 Dock Uniforms 100 0202 4928 400 132.51 Total for Check 00295554 855.60 00295555 20-Apr-17 @00004964 ARC-San Diego 38829 Grounds Maintenance and Landscaping March, 231 0412 4120 300 3,356.12 00295556 @00010111 AT&T 9508292 BAN 9391026542 03/06/17 -04/05117 264 0422 2200 300 19.66 9508294 858-668-1726 Ban#9391026551 -3/17 100 0106 3310 100 910.99 9521215 9391026536: WTP SCADA alarm modem line 510 0402 3310 300 19.66 9521216 BAN 9391026537 OPP Porter House -4/17 100 0205 3310 400 55.16 9521217 PCPA Alann Line 4/17 100 0204 3310 400 35.78 9521219 BAN 9391026541 03/10/17-04/29/17 275 0470 2310 300 19.66 9521221 BAN# 9391026545 -Library Alarm -04/2017 100 0206 3310 400 72.93 9521225 BAN 9391026549 03/10/17-04/09/17 264 0422 2200 300 19.66 9521461 BAN 9391031633 OPP Train Depot-4/17 100 0205 3310 400 55.16 Total for Check 00295556 1,208.66 00295557 20-Apr-17 -Bars.ans, Michelle 2011430.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permil I 18161 100 0205 7471 400 100.00 00295558 Bas.k.aron, Paul S 43501700-13 Refund-Sewer Fee Correction-43501700-13 510 8120 43.05 00295559 @00004880 Bay City Electric 'Nork.a Inc W1707S4 FY17 Generator Maintenance/Transfer Switch S 611 0413 4120 300 562.50 W171027 FY17 Generator Maintenance/Transfer Switch S 611 0413 4120 300 390.00 W171031 FY17 Generator MalntenancefTransfer Switch S 611 0413 4120 300 390.00 W171034 FY17 Generator MalntenancefTransfer Switch S611 0413 4120 300 140.00 W171037 FY17 Generator Maintenance/Transfer Switch S611 0413 4120 300 993.00 Tolal for Check 00295559 2.475.50 00295560 20-Apr-17 @00005847 BMW Moton:ydes o1 North County 6033268-1 Radar repair 100 0504 4308 200 153.00 00295561 Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottnm 2011422.001 Deposil Refund CP Permit# 18477 100 0208 7471 400 200.00 00295562 @00011305 Boot 8am IVC0098692 Alcanter: boot allowance 100 0418 4928 300 168.22 IVC0099115 Alan Miller: FY17 safety shoes allowance 510 0401 4928 300 198.23 :s:: Total for Check 00295562 366.45 OJ '< """00295563 20-Apr-17 @00006685 Brenntag Pacific, Inc. BP1715575 FY 2016/2017 Sodium Hydroxide (CausUc Soda 510 0402 4502 300 5,132.93 en -00295564 Brown, Aurora 20982911 ·29 Refund Overpayment-20982911-29, Pd Wrong 510 8120 548.28 ~00295565 @00010463 C.A. Shon Company 1268230 Employee Service Awards 100 0601 4506 100 512.65 ..... ~00295566 @00006901 California Commen;ial Asphalt, LLC 179576 Asphalt Aggregate Course 112· Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,360.25 ;:; 179641 Asphalt Aggregate Course 112· Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6.590.77 m 179709 Asphalt Aggregate Course 1/2" Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 7,854.85 3 179771 Asphalt Aggregate Course 112· Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 3,283.46 :it ..... 179946 Asphalt Aggregate Course 112· Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,290.89 Is) 179946-A Water Dist: cold mlx, 8.15 tons 510 0404 4760 300 761.46 ..... Register of Demands Page 3 of 10 a, Warrant.1 From 4/17ll0/ 7 --1/2/n0/7 0 Clteck ... ~Number Date Pmiee/Vendor luvoice Comment F1111d Ors11 Acct Pros Clteck Amt 00295566 20-Apr-17 @00006901 California Commercial Asphalt, LLC 180004 Asphall Aggregate Course 1/2" Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,015.49 180004-A Durhutlen 1180F 1000P 4120 600 845.74 180067 Asphalt Aggregate Course 1/2" Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 6,058.24 180104 Asphalt Aggregate Course 1/2" Materials 211 0411 4320A 300 844.34 Total for Check 00295566 44,905.49 00295567 20-Apr-17 @00011539 Canron Springs Enterprises P1700158-1 Blue Crystal Reservoir Rehabilitation Project 1767A 1000P 4120 600 12,537.15 00295568 @00010348 Chemtrede Chemicals US LLC 92061602 FY 2016/2017 Alum (dry tons) 510 0402 4502 300 3,457.04 00295569 @00000539 City Trcasun:r 1000194349 Dispatch paging for Jan 1 to Mar 31, 2017 100 0501 4106 200 47,091.00 00295570 @00011581 Clemente, Sergio 0024 Reimburse Shoe Allowance 100 0418 4928 300 135.74 00295571 @00010834 Clinical Laboratory of Snn Bernardino Inc. 955573 Annual Wastewater Anatysis Services 520 0403 1708 300 134.00 00295572 Cook. Donald COOKREIM817 Reimburse for project supplies 100 0418 4760 300 207.51 00295573 @00010175 Corodata Media Storoge I~. DS1277550 Backup Data Storage -Mar 2017 100 0104 4120 100 143.59 00295574 @00002830 Costco Wlolesete 77571591 CP • Teen Glow-in-the-Dark Egg Hunt Supplies 100 0208 4760 400 172.42 00295575 @00003472 County of Snn Diego DEH 10374895 2017 5131117: DEH2011HUPFP214254 Northerl!SI P 510 0402 5730 300 292.00 00295576 10374898 2017 5131117: DEH2011HUPFP214255 CamDe!Valle 520 0403 5730 300 292.00 00295577 E-60507-0317 Gust #2001119: 3/19/17, 12131 Community Rd 510 0406 5730 300 426.00 00295578 E-60520-0317 Gust #2001119: 3/19/17, 13125 Danielson Stre 510 0406 5730 300 426.00 00295579 E,62078-0317 Cust #2001119: 3/19/17. 12127 Kirkham Rd 510 0406 5730 300 426.00 00295580 @00000813 Cox Communications 41212502-4117 City Hall lntemet Connection· April 2017 100 0106 2200 100 1,298.50 6916601-4/17 Cable 1V. Fire Station 1 · Apr 2017 100 0106 2200 100 9.57 Total for Check 00295580 1,308.07 00295581 20-Apr-17 @00000949 Culligan VYater Conditioning 1060026 FY 2016/2017 Water Softener Equipment Rent 510 0402 4120 300 280.00 90758550 FY 2016/2017 salt, 50 lb. bags 510 0402 4502 300 422.38 Total for Check 00295581 702.38 00295582 20-Apr-17 @00003818 Dion International 02SM17426 Unit #7: Fining (1) 611 0413 4799 300 49.04 02SM17449 Unit #7: Fitting Straight (1) 611 0413 4799 300 16.36 Total for Check 00295582 65.40 s: ~ 00295583 20-Apr-17 @00010930 Division of the State Architect FY17 QTR3 FEES FY17 SB1166 Disability Access Fees Jan-Mar 263 8636 165.60 ..... 00295584 @00011292 Dumbrlque, Francisco PER DIEM MAY17 F Dumbrique: per diem 4130-5/3/17 training 510 0401 1430 300 166.00 a, -00295585 Echo Pocific Communications RW17-0031 RW17 -0031 Security Release 762 0399 5980 900 5,000.00 ~00295566 @00005838 ElderHelp of San Diego MAR-17 FY16-17 HomeShare & Comm. Connections Pr 5961J 5000P 1799 600 7,213.26 ..... EIOr Energy Inc. 817-0375 Refund "'00295587 817-0375 100 0303 7734 100 27.98 ;:; 00295588 @00011100 eSaeen Inc. 7109401 Pre-employment Drug Testing -March 2017 100 0601 4916 100 320.00 3 00295589 @00003713 Ewing Irrigation 3067134 Poway Park: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 102.36 :it 3082934 Silverset Park: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 79.10 ..... 3101566 Silverset Park: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 77.41 "' 3101567 Lake Poway: irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 140.08 ...... Register of Demands Page 4 of 10 ..... Warrams From ./l/lfl0/7 -4/1 J/20/ 7 0 Check ... ~Numher Date Pavee/Ve11dor Invoice Comment F1111tl Or[I11 Acct Pro!J. Check Amt 00295589 20-Apr-17 @00003713 E,,.,;ng lrrigatian 3101568 Kumeyaay irrigation controls 100 0418 4760 300 62.06 Total for Check 00295589 461.01 00295590 20-Apr-17 @00011142 Eye/Comm, Inc. 50144 FY16/17 Extended Publlc Noticing & Prinling/M 100 0301 4120 100 270.26 00295591 @00006933 Fastenal Company CAPOW40897 Carbon Steel Pin Punch 211 0411 4516 300 74.43 CAPOW40897CM Carbon Steel Pin Punch 211 0411 4516 300 -74.43 CAPOW40946 City Hall: nag pole light repair 100 0419 4760 300 26.22 CAPOW40972 \iVrhse: Spray Paint (12) 100 8189 95.33 Total for Check 00295591 121.55 00295592 20-Apr-17 @00001144 Feryur.on Waterworkl 0589163 Water Dist: 14x1 diamond blades 510 0404 4760 300 431.00 0589707 Flee!: Stop Key Valve (10) 510 8189 300 560.30 0590087 Water Dist: CH backflow parts 510 0404 4760 300 588.37 0590268 Water Dist: 2 WROT CXCXC TEE 2-18 OD 510 0404 4760 300 73.98 0590800 R2: swivel coupling for shutdown 510 0402 4760 300 84.79 Total for Check 00295592 1,738.44 00295593 20-Apr-17 @00000915 Firo Etc. 101383 Personal protective equipment -boots for A Wal 100 0501 4760 200 409.45 00295594 @00010711 Firo Servi:e Corp 19M 756331 Fire Sprinkler Inspections and Fire Extinquisher 100 0419 4120 300 399.14 00295595 @00011370 Ftyers Eneryy LLC CFS1397137 Fuel: Safely Srvs OJ/16/17-03/31/17 611 0413 3120 300 714.71 00295596 @00010870 ForteJ Traffic Inc. 9230 Espola Road: Evaluation and Repairs 275 0470 4326 300 350.00 00295597 @00001085 Garnishment Recipi1mt PPE 4/9117 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 199.77 00295598 @00010652 Gtntlo Cl West Inc. 20224117 Armored Car Servtce -Excess Items -Mar 2017 100 0106 4120 100 33.95 50018807 Armored Car Service -Mar 2017 100 0106 4120 100 90.93 Total for Check 00295598 124.88 00295599 20-Apr-17 @00001207 Grainger Inc 9405601528 WrhSe: Batteries (20) 100 8189 126.69 9408182488 WrhSe: Beverage Cooler (6) 100 8189 174.04 Total for Check 00295599 300.73 s:00295600 20-Apr-17 @00001208 Grongetto's Agriculture Supply 504519 lrrigaUon Supplies 100 0418 4770 300 52.67 QI 00295601 Guslafson, Kur1 10907700-24 Sewer Credit-10907700-24 Swr Billing Error 510 8120 328.70 ~00295602 @00005835 Hoch Compuny 10377312 WTP wet lab: reagent sets, chemkeys 510 0402 4760 300 1,337.87 "' 10381185 WTP v,.,et lab: reagent sets, free chlorine CL 17 510 0402 4760 300 188.70 "' 10400565 sc200 Controller, AC-DC, 2 DIG, HACH 510 0402 6199 300 4,185.86 0 ...... 10400568 LPV442.68.01012 ee TU5200 Lab Turbidimeter,510 0402 6199 300 5,162.37 ..... Total for Check 00295602 10,854.60 ;:;: CD 3 00295603 20-Apr-17 @00005130 Henson Aggregates Pocirc Southwest, Inc 1772717 Base 11939 1000P 43209 600 1,007.41 'II, 1772992 Base 231 0412 4760 300 483.65 ...... 1773831 Base 1180F 1000P 4120 600 985.90 "' 1775260 Sand 1180F 1000P 4120 600 1,215.42 ..... Register of Demands Page 5 of 10 ()I) Warranu From .//1712017 -./l]/11017 0 Check .... N w1Vumber Date Paree/Vendor lnw,ice Comment Fund Ort:t1' Acct Pros Check Ami 00295603 20-Apr-17 @00005130 Henson Aggregates Pacific Southwest, Inc 1775261 Base 231 0412 4760 300 500.08 1778092 Crushed aggregate 118DI 1000P 4120 600 1,088.22 Total for Check 00295603 5,280.68 00295604 20-Apr-17 @00010898 Harper, Rick 6012.400,17 Instructor Payment Spring 2017 100 0208 4118 400 270.00 00295605 @00005088 Harper & Associates Engineering Inc ENG-5772 Consullanl Engineering Services 1767A 1000P 1714G 600 1,700.00 ENG-5773 Engineering Design Seivlces 1763A 1000P 1714G 600 1.220.00 Total for Check 00295605 2.920.00 00295606 20-Apr-17 @00003690 Hawthome Power Systems PS000795891 Unit 1504: Spray Dov,m Hndl & Nzl 611 0413 4799 300 40.03 00295607 @00001645 Home Depot Commercial Acoount 0111214 Museum: light shades 100 0419 4760 300 -75.10 0210892 Crosthwaite roof: repair supplies 100 0419 4304 300 67.35 0210895 WTP: misc. supplies end hardware 510 0402 4760 JOO 19.41 0210895 WTP: misc. supplies and hardware 510 0402 4750 300 44.39 0220307 Crostnwaite roof: repair supplies 100 0419 4304 300 183.15 1210879 Old Pov,,,ay Paric repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 41.99 1220296 Volunteer Projects 100 0418 4760 300 65.88 2220283 Stock for Tn.Jck 100 0419 4760 300 41.48 2220283 Stock for Tn.Jck 100 0419 4516 300 26.90 7210849 Durhullen CMP 1180F 1000P 4120 600 78.93 7210854-2017 Lake Poway: repair supplies 100 0418 4760 300 240.97 7761796 Museum light shades 100 0419 4760 300 75.10 9210912 Small Tools, Janitorial & Operating Supplies-OP 100 0205 4720 400 5.47 9210912 Small Toots, Janitorial & Operating Supplies-OP 100 0205 4760 400 76.15 9210912 Small Tools, Janitorial & Operating Supplies-OP 100 0205 4516 400 19.92 9220313 Powers CMP 11800 1000P 4120 600 294.65 Total for Check 00295607 1,206.64 00295608 20-Apr-17 @00006463 lnfoSend 118940 Mailing Statements 3-16-17 to 3-31-17 100 0102 4120 100 876.43 118940 Mailing Statements 3-16-17 10 3-31-17 100 0102 3320 100 3,086.43 s: Total for Check 00295608 3,962.86 D,I '< ..... 00295609 20-Apr-17 @00011574 ISCO Industries 34013769 20" DR 32.5 MIF Snap-Tile Pipe 24' Lay Length 1180H 1000P 4120 600 4,939.51 a, -00295610 @00001690 Knorr Systems Inc. S1169262 Poot vacuum repair 100 0203 4308 400 1.052.80 ~00295611 @00011260 Kopf, Kelcie 03/30/17REIMBRS Mileage Reimbursement for JPIA Leadership Ac 100 0200 1430 400 347.22 ..... -..,00295612 @00010805 Kmnos Inc. 11142974.2 Workforce TeleStaff Software Licenses 100 0501 4120 200 625.00 ;:;: 00295613 Kyne Construction, Inc RW16-0253 RW16-0253 Security Release 762 0399 5980 900 500.00 ~ 00295614 @00001522 Lighthouse lnccrporated 0329340 Fleet Stock: Lamp(6):Wiperbld(10);Cnc1r(2) 611 0413 4799 300 153.76 'lt:00295615 @00010440 Lowe'1 02035 Old Poway Park; repair supplies 100 0419 4760 300 29.17 ..... 00295616 Mendoza, Marie 2011421.001 Deposit Refund CP Pennlt # 18156 100 0206 7471 400 200.00 N00295617 @00011351 Michael Baker tntemetional lnc. 965948 Professional Services 1448A 1000P 1799 600 60,718.00 ...... Register of Demands Page 6 of 10 CJ) Warmnt.s From 4/17fl0/7 --1121/10/7 0 Check ... "' c..,Numher /)ate Paree/Vendor J11wJice Comment Fmul Ort;;,11 Acct Pro/I Check Amt 00295617 20-Apr-17 @00011351 Michael 80.Ji;er lntematlonal Inc. 968672 Professional Services 1448A 1000P 1799 600 6,176.00 Total for Check 00295617 66,896.00 00295618 20-Apr-17 @00001804 Miramar Bobcat Incorporated P79718 Unit #531: Filters(2);Bolt(24):Nut(24):Edge(2) 611 0413 4799 300 420.27 P79719 Unit #531: Wiper Arm & Blade (1) 611 0413 4799 300 54.38 Total for Check 00295618 474.65 00295619 20-Apr-17 @00003827 MSA 100946725 Mike Bernd and Vern Scnumaker. standard dra 211 0411 1430 300 120.00 00295620 @00001840 Napa Auto Parta/Poway 203980 Unit #62: Catalytic Cnvrtr (1) 611 0413 4799 300 188.55 204095 Unit #7SA.: Posiquiet Cnnc(1) 611 0413 4799 300 45.24 204113 Unit #62: Univrsl Con (1) 611 0413 4799 300 188.55 204114 Unit #62: EXH Connedor 611 0413 4799 300 3.22 204443 Fleet Stock: Cool Hos(3) 611 0413 4799 300 85.63 205113 Fleet Stock: Exhausl Pipe Gas(1) 611 0413 4799 300 6.99 205137 Unit #62: Fitting(1); Dbl Flare Tool(1) 611 0413 4799 300 32.97 205249 Unit #42: BrakePds(1):#929:0II Fllrs(2) 611 0413 4799 300 60.47 205250 Unit #929: Oil Filter(1) 611 0413 4799 300 8.44 205468 Credit Invoice #205113 611 0413 4799 300 -6.99 205469 Credit Invoice #203644 611 0413 4799 300 -36.62 205478 Unit #88: Oxygen Sensor(1) 611 0413 4799 300 73.80 205653 Unit #2: Strobe {1) 611 0413 4799 300 72.72 205884 Fleet Stock: Oil Fltrs(13): Ruglyde(1) 611 0413 4799 300 97.92 205983 Unit #551A: Eye Post (1) 611 0413 4799 300 86.19 207562 WTP: car wash, cieaner, polish 510 0402 4760 300 29.06 Total for Check 00295620 936.14 00295621 20-Apr-17 @00011232 Neopost USA Inc. 54749036 Postage machine meter rental -May 2017 100 0106 4308 100 56.96 00295622 @00011281 Nexlevcl lnfonnotion Technology, loc. 20170319 ERP Procurement Selection Services 100 0101 1799 100 445.31 20170319 ERP Procurement Selectlon Services 100 0103 1799 100 792.19 :!!: Total for Check 00295622 1,237.50 ~ 00295623 20-Apr-17 @00010905 North County Buick Cadillac GMC 166377 Unit #62: Gasket (1) 611 0413 4799 300 28.28 C...00295624 @00000775 Otftce Oepol Busineu Sel'\lices Division 8957154170-01 Pool -Office Supplies 100 0203 4710 400 40.60 _a> 8957159680-01 Pool -Office Supplies 100 0203 4710 400 27.09 "' 6963631560-01 Correcting pymt-1 cent inv.bal. (notebooks) 100 0102 4710 100 O.Q1 0 ...... 91782751~001 Pool -Office Supplies 0203 4710 400 139.99 .... 100 ;:; 918782807-001 Letter Paper and post-its 1st floor 100 0301 4710 100 119.37 (t) 919231035-001 WTP: wire plans holder 510 0402 4760 300 110,97 3 920558463-01 PVJ:. Office Supplies 510 0401 4710 300 74.32 'It ...... 920558463-01 P\J,/: Office Supplies 100 0418 4760 300 132.19 "' 92076872!Hl01 Office Supplies -2nd Floor 100 0306 4710 100 67.86 "' Register of Demands Page 7 of 10 0 Warmnt.J From .J/1712017 · ./lll/2017 0 Check -~1V11mher Date Pare.e/Ven,Jor l,111oice Comment F1111d Ors.n Acct Pros Check Ami Total for Check 00295624 712.40 00295625 20-Apr-17 @00002457 OneSouree Oi:!ltributors 55451324.001 WTP/Lake: submersible level transmitter 510 0402 4760 300 679.23 55455633.001 AB 22C-D072A103 PowerFlex 400 510 0402 4760 300 5,107.35 55455670.001 LS3: AB current/voltage analog input module 520 0403 4760 300 859.85 55469465.001 WTP: AB BOOT .J2A 30.5mm selector s'Nilches 510 0402 4760 300 772.97 Total tor Check 00295625 7,419.40 00295626 20-Apr-17 @00002007 PaclflC Pipeline Supply 313138 wrhSe: Soll Probe (1 O) 510 8189 656.52 00295627 @00006746 PARS 36934 Monthly Admin Fee -Feb 2017 100 8719 2,500.00 00295628 @00002316 Petty Cash Community Services-Director'a Ofc PCASH 4118117 Community Services Petty Cash April 2017 100 0205 3110 400 25.15 PCASH 4/18/17 Community Services Petty Cash April 2017 100 0200 1430 400 243.53 Total for Check 00295628 268.68 00295629 20-Apr-17 @00007043 Plumbers Depot Inc. PD-34401 Wrhse: Soil Probe (10) 100 8189 486.49 PD-34484 VWI/C: a· pipe proofer 520 0405 4760 300 237.05 PD-34514 VWI/C: a· fix-flex nozz ext 1· pipe proofer 520 0405 4760 300 204.73 PD-34543 wmse: Credit Invoice #P0-34401(10 Soil Probe 100 8189 -486.49 Total for Check 00295629 441.78 00295630 20-Apr-17 @00002552 Postmaster 82842-P Summer Community Services Guide Postage 100 0200 3320 400 3,105.34 00295631 @00000173 Poway Center for the Performing Am Foundation 04112017 Foundation ticket sales transfer-PCPA 100 8841 8,944.00 00295632 @00002702 Pa.vay Firefighters Association DUES PE 4/9/17 Fire Association dues for PPE 4/9/17 100 8615 1,928.78 00295633 @00002742 PCIYl8y Senior Center 033118 Dishwasher Lease Reimbursement-4/12-5/9/1 100 0208 4120 400 145.35 00295634 @00002741 Pc,,wy Unifled Sch0ol District 19903 Crossing guards for March 2017 100 0504 4109 200 1,319.99 00295635 43374 CP -Boomers Teen Excursion Transponalion 100 0208 4120 400 492.06 00295636 FY17 QTR3 FINES 70% Share Net PHS Parking Flnes:Jan-Mar 20 100 0504 7310 5000 489.94 00295637 @00005510 Progressive Technology Security Sye.tems Inc 40002 City Hall: door service 100 0106 4308 100 210.00 00295638 @00010911 R & B Pinto Properties LLC LKCONCAPR4-9'17 Weekly Concession Payment (4/5-4/9/17) 100 8847 4,468.67 00295639 @00002867 ROO Equipment Company tnc P72540 Unit #506: Cutting Edge(4) 611 0413 4799 300 912.94 s: P72541 Unit #506: Plow Boll & Nut (12) 611 0413 4799 300 45.90 QI '< Total for Check 00295639 956.84 .... _.,, 00295840 20-Apr-17 -Renne, Charleen 2011420.001 Deposit Refund CP Permit# 18617 100 0208 7471 400 100.00 ~00295641 @00004971 Richards, VVstson & Gc~hon 211273 Legal Services Financing Authority JPA 100 0103 17026 100 347.72 .... 00295842 @00008418 Rochester Midland Corporation 1329901 Handsfree Restroom 100 0419 4114 300 675.82 .... 00295643 @00002261 San Diego County APCD 002782009Rl2017 APCD2009-SITE-00278, Northcrest PS, 4/30/17 510 0402 5730 300 356.00 iii 00295644 @00002318 San Diego Gas & Eledric: 2848032724-4/17 12250 1n. Meadowbrook Lane -Electric. 04/20 100 0201 2110 400 644.36 3 701957299090417 12150 112 Sage View Rd. 03/12/17 • 04/10/17 267 0424 2110 300 8.50 :it Total for Check 00295644 652.86 .... rs, 00295845 20-Apr-17 @00002184 San Diego Humane Society end SPCA 0317ACP March 2017 Anlmal Control Services 100 0200 4102 400 18,818.35 "' Register of Demands Page 8 of 10 ~ Warn:mls From 4//7nOl7 · 4/l J/2017 0 Check -"' wN11mher Date Pavee/Vendor /111.'fJice Comment Fund Ors.11 Acct Pros Check Amt 00295646 20-Apr-17 @00006857 Savmart Pharmaceuticnl Service 602548 Medfcal supplies 100 0503 4740 200 3,112.65 602629 Medical supplies 100 0503 4740 200 1,621.80 Total for Check 00295646 4,734.45 00295647 20-Apr-17 -Sew.ird, Stephanie 20601300-01 Refund. Overpayment, 20601300-01, Pd Wrong 510 8120 5,926.02 00295648 @00002820 Sherwin Wdllams 9183-1 Water Dist: Yo'hile paint; mixing containers 510 0404 4760 JOO 59.95 00295649 @00011108 Skyriver Communications Inc. INV00077057 City Hall Backup Internet -May 2017 100 0106 2200 100 499.00 00295650 @00010060 SoCo Group Inc. 0375399-IN Fuel: FSJ 03130/17 611 0413 3120 JOO 1,152.22 00295651 @00003062 Sprint 56044 7 566-022 PW Sprint Charges -'J/7/17-4'6/17 510 0401 3311 JOO 147.67 00295652 @00005200 SOS Video Communications 20171204 Telecasting Services -March/April 2017 100 0108 4120 100 800.00 00295653 Stndium SC LLC 10000000-QOA Refund Customer-Ck sent in Error-to Wrong V 510 8120 951.35 00295654 @00010311 Stnples Advantage 8043899281 Budget binders & tabs; expanded file folder 100 0100 4710 100 49.96 8044002338 BRC binders and tabs 100 0100 4710 100 183.64 Total for Check 00295654 233.80 00295655 20-Apr-17 @00005003 State Fire Trol.nlng JF.FOCERT.41717 Chief officer certification-Fernandes 100 0501 1430 200 90.00 00295656 @00005541 State'lride So!ety & Signs, Inc 01002704 Custom Signs 211 0411 4514 JOO 64.65 01002711 CP ~ Sign Hardware 100 0208 4514 400 106.79 Total for Check 00295656 171.44 00295657 20-Apr-17 @00004928 Superior Cleaning Equipment ll'IC 21202 Monthty PM Service on Fleet Wash Rack 611 0413 4120 300 238.88 00295658 @00003143 Superior Ready Mix 856223 Emulsion 211 0411 4320A JOO 598.01 856814 Emulslon 211 0411 4320A JOO 274.76 Total ror Check 00295658 872.77 00295659 20-Apr-17 -Thapa, Anil 2011427.001 Deposit Refund CP Permit# 18255 100 0208 7471 400 300.00 00295660 @00006453 Thatcher Company of Colifomio, Inc, 243728 FY 2016/2017 Chlorine 510 0402 4502 300 3,150.00 00295661 @00002558 Trfco lndustriea 71246787 Fleet Stock: Bulbs, Paint, Wire, Screws, Fuse 611 0413 4799 300 130.28 00295662 T JT Communications Inc. RW16-0111 RW16-011 1 Security Release 762 0399 5980 900 5,000.00 00295663 @00006113 Toyotalrft Inc. 114730211 Maintenance: Unit 722: PM Service 611 0413 4312 JOO 186.90 ~00295564 @00011034 Tran, Chau D4 CERT 2017 Chau ~Donny" Tran: 04 certification #42117, 4n 51 O 0401 4924 300 105.00 II> PER DIEM MAY17 O Tran: per diem 4/30-513117 training 510 0401 1430 JOO 186.00 '< ~ a, Total for Check 00295664 291.00 ~00295665 20-Apr-17 @00011441 TransUnlon Risk ond Alternative Data Solutlona Inc. 3081831-0317 Data information for law enforcement 100 0504 4120 200 114.25 ::'.j00295666 @00004950 Truesdail Laboratories, Inc 1701816 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 300 1,490.98 1701817 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 300 1,432.66 ;::; 1701818 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 300 1,616.93 .. 3 1701819 Potable Water Analytical Laboratory Services 510 0402 4120 JOO 1,918.00 :it Total for Check 00295666 6,458.57 ~ t-> 00295667 20-Apr-17 @00011164 Trujillo, Paul REIMB 04022017 Reimbursement: Footv.ear 100 0306 4928 100 188.54 ,,., Register of Demands Page 9 of 10 ,,., Warranu From 4/17/2017 -.//21/10/ 7 0 Check -~Number [)ate Paree/Ve,u/or Invoice Comment Fund Oran Acct Pros Check Amt 00295668 20-Apr-17 @00003270 Verizon VJ'iri:Jcn 9783473973 PCPA MIFI For Backup Internet 4/17 100 0204 2200 400 38.01 00295669 @00002663 Vdlagc lock and Key 8934 Truck Key 100 0418 4760 300 118.53 00295670 @00002730 Wn>dc 76612187 Lake Poway: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 948.87 76612188 Lake Poway: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 859.35 76614428 Lake Poway: sanitary supplies 100 0419 4720 300 86.61 Total for Check 00295670 1,894.83 00295671 20-Apr-17 @00005639 West Coast Atborists, Inc. 124530 LMO 66-3B: Tree TrimmingfRemoval/Replace ·268 0428 4120 300 1,612.00 124531 LMD 67-1: Tree Trimming/Removal/Replaceme 269 0425 4120 300 9,424.00 124532 Grid Pruning, tree and stump removal 263 0421 4120 300 12,394.00 124532 Grid Pruning, tree and stump removal 263 0421 4120 300 2,940.00 124533 T11an Way 264 0422 4120 300 7,280.00 124534 Parks: tree and stump removal 100 0418 4120 300 6,895.00 124535 Kentfield 11800 1000P 4120 600 840.00 124536 Removal Services: 14152 Sycamore Ave. 100 0014 4120 100 1.400.00 Total for Check 00295671 42,785.00 00295672 20-Apr-17 @00002794 We.stem Mower and Engine 39502 Unit #SE411: Carburetor 611 0413 4799 300 92.90 39655 Fleet Stock:AkFilter(5);FuelFilters(20) 611 0413 4799 JOO 126.23 Total for Check 00295672 219.13 00295673 20-Apr-17 @00004021 'v"hllte, Andrew PC LOAN 2017 PC loan for Oen laptop/HP printer/Office softwar 100 8151 1,015.83 00295674 @00011586 V'vtllte, Tom AWWACONF AVVWA 2017 Spring Conf.: Travel 100 0400 1430 300 368.64 PER DIEM MAY17 T Vvhlte: per diem 4/30-5/3/17 training 510 0402 1430 300 188.00 Total for Check 00295674 554.64 00295675 20-Apr-17 @00002943 'Nolpcrt. Joseph 6001.400-02.17A Instructor Payment Spring 2017 100 0208 4118 400 1.317.20 00295676 @00011587 Zero Tools, Inc. INV3067946 Small Engine Fuel 100 0418 4760 JOO 469.10 00904221 17-Apr-17 @00010569 U.S. Dept of the Treasury 041717 PE#08 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#08 100 8621 82.398.35 041717 PE#08 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#08 100 8624 19,883.38 s: Total for Check 00904221 102.281.73 cu '::, 00904222 17-Apr-17 @00010570 Employment Development Department 041717 PE#08 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#08 100 8622 26,769.31 .en 00904223 @00010571 Garnishment Recipient 041717 PE#08 Payroll Gamishmenl 100 8620 1,132.59 !:l 00904224 @00000248 Union Bank 594918AYO Purchase Microsoft Corp 02-12-20 Maturity 100 8243 500,000.00 ... .... 594918AYO Purchase Microsoft Corp 02-12-20 Maturity 100 8243A 2,770.00 594918AYO Purchase Microsoft Corp 02-12-20 Maturity 100 8261 1 .670. 14 ;::; ff> 3 Total for Check 00904224 504,440.14 ,it00904225 20-Apr-17 @00007257 CalPERS 042017 PE#08 PERS EFT Debit for PE#08 100 8722 170,934.42 ... ,,., NOTE: These draft meeting minutes ore nor official until approved by the Ciry Council or the nei<r scheduled meeting. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES April 18, 2017 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California (Per Government Code 54953) (Meeting Called to Order as City CounciVPoway Housing Authority/Planning Commission/Public Financing Authority and Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency} CALL TO ORDER ~ Mayor Vaus called the Special Meeting to order at 6:02-J:>.m. ROLL CALL Cunningham, Grosch, Mullinfea?ard, Vaus STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT ~ ~ /) City Manager Tina White; Assistant City-Manager Wendy Kaserman; City Attorney Mprgan Foley; Deputy City Attorney Steven Boehmer \ ~ · ~ ~ CLOSED SESSION ~ ~ "\-..~ As requested by City Attorner.J:_oley, the City, Counci/·adjourned into 6/osed Session at 6:03 p.m. ~ A. B. C / ~ \ \ / -~ ""-) CONFERENCE WITH'[EG,\L COUNSEL-,J-NTICIPATED.LITIGATION Initiation 'ot litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) ofsubaivision (c) of Section 54956.9: One (1) potentia~s~ ~ \ \ CO~NFERENCE'W!,T~E?AL,COUN§EL~ EX(S~ING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d)·of Section 54956.9) :"-... '\ . .. ' ....., ' (Name of Gas~: city of·~ow,ay v Palomar Health G~ No. 37-20.~\0454{~-BC-CTL CONFERENC::E WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS ' ' ' \ Government Code Section §54957.6 City Desighc1.ted Negotiators. Tina White,,City Manager Wenc!y ka'serman, Assistant City Manager Employee Organizations: Teamsters Local 911 Poway Firefighters Association Management, Supervisory & Confidential Unit 2 of 8 Attachment A May 16, 2017, Item# 1.3 City of Poway-Special Meeting Minutes -April 18, 2017 ADJOURNMENT City Council came out of Closed Session at 6:57 p.m. and adjourned the special meeting. 3 of8 Nancy Neufeld, CMC City Clerk City of Poway, California May 16, 2017, Item# 1.3 NOTE: These draft meeting minutes are nat official until approved by the City Council at the next scheduled meeting. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 18, 2017 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California (Per Government Code 54953) A (Meeting Called to Order as City CounciVClty of Poway Planning Commission/Poway Housing Authority/Public Financing Authority and Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Af,ency) / CALL TO ORDER v~ Mayor Vaus called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:oW. ~ ~ ROLL CALL Cunningham, Grosch, Mullin, Leo!a"(vaus /> ~ STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT y / City Manager Tina White; Assistant CityManager Wendy Kaserman; City Attorney Morgan L. Foley; City Clerk Nancy Neufeld; CcmimunitrServices Elirector Robin Bettin; Development Services Director Bob Manis; Acting Director·of Finance Peter'Moote; Public Works Director Michael Obermiller; Fire Chief Mark Sanchez; Captain Todd Richardson, Sheriff's Department. (Note: Hereinafter the titl~Deputy \~/c~';;;;;e; City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney,/City Clerk 'and Oirectof of Administrative Services shall be used to indicate Mayor/Chai[, Oeputi ) Mayor/Vice, Chair, Councilmember!Director, City Manager/Executive "Director, Assistant City \Manager/Assistant Executive Director, City Attorney/Counsel, City Clerk/Secretary aml Director of Administrative Services/Finance Officer) ,;----' '-/ / ...... --.--. --....._.,v ,.. . ' / '·J PLEDGE'OF,AlLEGIANCE,, "'-. / / '." "' '"" "" Dep~ ~or Leonard led\'th\e pleqge) allegiance. PRESENTATION "" "' "· ) I Mayor Vaus presented Scott Post with the Mayor's Medallion for going beyond the call of duty during a recent fire response.•/ Mayor Vaus prese~ted'.D~ty Jessica Boegler with a plaque in recognition of being selected as the Poway Sheriffs Station Deputy of the Month for March. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Jake Torres spoke regarding his firm Alliance for Building Solutions, a design/build energy firm. Joe St. Lucas spoke regarding the sewer rate tier for new customers. 4 of 8 Attachment B May 16, 2017, Item# 1.3 City of Poway-Minutes -April 18, 2017 Motioned by Deputy Mayor Leonard, seconded by Councilmember Grosch to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 17--008 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving a 2% Increase in the Regional Transportation Congestion Improvement Program (RTCIP) Traffic Mitigation Fee for Fiscal Year 2017/2018, as required by the TransNet Ordinance." Motion carried unanimously. 4. STAFF REPORT 4 1 4.2 Amended and Restated Agreement between City of Poway a1Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7907 for Maintenance of Bette Bendixen Park. / / Interim Assistant Public Works Director Eric Heidemann gave the report along with a PowerPoint presentation regarding the updated term~t6r ,main!en~nce and repair for Bette Bendixen Park along with the joint use for the Veterans.of Foreig~ars parking lot. Submitted a Speaker Slip in Support but did not{p/ak: Don Stoneci~""' Council comments and questions ensued.~< /) V Motioned by Councilmember Cunningham, seconi:led'by Councilmember Grosch to ' -/ approve the Amended and Restated Agreement<..between the City of Poway and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7~07-..!?r Maintenance of Bette Bendixen Park, and authorize the City Manager td~x~cute,the necessary documents. Motion carried unanimously. . ~\ ~ ~ ~ Status Update for the'Espola,Road Safety lmpro~en~roject Senior Civil E4neQ;\jolsing\J:>'Lnted the report along with a PowerPoint presentation /ctiscf;ssing the}Espola Road \Safety Improvements Project. Ms. Kjolsing updated the Cburicil on the ptogress made 'in acquiring the necessary permanent and temporary construc_!ioq,.e£sements within,tHe.>project right-of-way, along with the future timeline tomeet project milestones.~ <f a~~,~~aessig and Denick Martin ln,~5P.onse to co~il ques~~ave Emerson, project manager with SDG&E, and Oscar Arteaga.,Governmental Relations Manager for Cox Communications, stated they would be working together to expedite the design phases for the project and would coordinate with the City ih~aining tti'e Jquired easements along the right-of-way Council discu~!ued including this project being a top priority; the importance of this project meeting the established timelines; whether or not obtaining the services of a right- of-way agent would be beneficial; whether property owners understood what the project would look like; the advantages/disadvantages of setting a "drop-dead" date for obtaining the necessary easements prior to taking further action; and that obtaining easements was a critical component of project planning before any construction schedule could be set. Council also reaffirmed the importance of collaboration by SDG&E and the other utilities, during design and construction. Following inquiry, Council received clarification from City Attorney Foley regarding the types of easements being utilized for the project. Council encouraged residents to review their 6 of 8 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.3 City of Poway-Minutes - April 18, 2017 documents, ask questions for clarity, and sign and return easements so the project can stay on schedule. Council concurred to direct staff to explore various options in setting a deadline for obtaining the easements along with conveying the information to the property owners in a clear, understandable language, and to bring a status report back to Council in July 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 Community Center Use and Programming Workshop /) Director of Community Services Robin Bettin and Commi,mity/Services Manager Belinda Romero presented the report along with a Power~ciint (wesentation and provided information about the current uses and programmin~,fo~tne~Community Center and the senior center facilities. /) V ~ · Speakers in Support: Gina Storr and Leslie Hoffman. ~ ~ Council discussion included the need to~lmmodate )he existing multiple uses while maintaining affordability through a more efficie?rt,?esign•than' the current buildi~g provides. Council also considered scaling down the bOilding,(izeland options for meal prep and kitchen facilities. , ~ ~ ( Council provided direction to staff a~uggested a desire to.accommodate our existing uses such as the senior center and oth~\ non'i)rofrts. CoiJhcibrequested staff evaluate the possibility of scaling down the kitchen facilities to'a,lesser)han commercial kitchen; a building with a smaller'footprint; optioris for st<arecl,rnore~fficient spaces (keeping exclusive use areas to a minifuurri);the possibility'ot"Gtiiizing existirlg'office spaces at City Hall or other facilities; and maintaining cuh'e~t staffing levels. Council gave further direction to staff to bring back anfestimate of funds available, ~.ptoposed budget for a new facility and a timeline for going forwa'rd."Additionafly,,Mayor Vaus\r~uested the Council's Community Center Ad Hoc Sub-Committee 'be in~olved·in.the'earty 'stages of planning. ~ "'" / ---.....:;, 6. MAYOR1AND'CITY,COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS Th LM / d C ~ "\de "'"' :. t k. I . th e ayor an ouncil ma announcements and reported on vanous events a 1ng pace 1n e City No~~ was taken)) V 6 1 MTS Update~ . Council~ber-Sunningham gave an update on the Metr'opolitan Transit System and stated that MTS i~looking to reduce and/or eliminate certain routes as a cost-savings measure and en'couraged Poway residents to provide input to the MTS Board. 6.2 Metro Wastewater JPA Report Councilmember Mullin reported on the submittal by the City of San Diego for the waiver of the requirement to upgrade the Point Loma wastewater facility to secondary treatment, which was supported by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board at their meeting held April 12, 2017 Councilmember Mullin also described concerns regarding milestones that were included in the waiver that could impact Poway ratepayers. 7 of8 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.3 City's Investment Report May 16, 2017 Page 2 The attached portfolio report (attachment B) and investment report (attachment C) were prepared by the City's investment manager, Insight Investment, with input from the City's Finance Department. The portfolio report includes all investments while the investment report includes only those investments managed by Insight Investment. The funds on deposit at LAIF and CalTRUST earn interest at variable rates. The interest rate for the month ending March 2017 is estimated at .82% for LAIF, 1.02% for the CalTRUST short-term fund, and 1.24% for the CalTRUST medium-term fund. The values of fixed income securities, as legal investment tools authorized under California government codes, are closely tied with interest rates. As interest rates go up, the market values of the securities go down. The difference between amortized cost and fair value is considered an unrealized gain or loss. A realized loss is when the principal of the security is redeemed before its maturity date at a fair value lower than its amortized cost value. The amortized cost value of the ex1ernally managed investment portfolio is $68,871,648; the fair value is $68,728,933 for an unrealized loss of ($142,715) or .21% of the total amortized cost value. The source of the fair value information for the U.S. Treasury Notes, the U.S. Instrumentalities, Corporate Notes, and Municipal Bonds is Interactive Data Corporation. Also included with this report are recaps of the City's cash and investments held by fiscal agents, non-managed investments, and cash on hand. The total book value of the cash and investments held by our fiscal agent, U.S. Bank, at March 31, 2017, was $460,777. The source of the market value information for these investments was U.S. Bank. The· total book value of the non-managed investments was $137,602 at March 31, 2017. The City's cash on hand at March 31, 2017, totaled $797,014. The March 31, 2017, balance of the City's Library Trust Fund is $258,055. Through the Fiscal Year 2016-17 period ending March 31, 2017, no transfer of interest earnings has been made to the General Fund. At the close of Fiscal Year 2016-17, 90% of the Library Trust Fund's interest earnings will be transferred to the General Fund. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Fiscal Impact: The externally managed investment portfolio earned $83,915 interest during March 2017 as well as $68,395 during February 2017 and $72,721 during January 2017. 2 of 30 May 16, 2017, Item 111.4 City of Poway Investment Statistics Seperately Managed Investment Pools Fair Value : CalTRUST Short -Te rm Depos its CalTR UST Mediu m-Te rm Dep os its Deposits at the Loca l Age ncy Investment Fu nd (LAIF) Total Fair Value Weighted Average Yield Effective Average Duration in days Weighted Average Maturity in days Externally Managed Investment Pools Fair Value : U. S. Treasury Notes U.S. Instrumentalities Corpo rate Bonds Munic ipal Bonds Total Fair Value Amortized Cost Value : U. S. Treasury Notes U.S. Instrumenta lities Corpo rate Bonds Municipal Bonds Total Amortized Cost Value Unrealized Gain (Loss) Accr ued Interest Earned Weighted Average Yield Effective Average Duration in years Weighted Average Maturity in years Total Fair Value of Portfolio Assets Weighted Average Yield Effective Average Duration in years Weighted Average Maturity in years Glossary of Yield Terminology March December 2016 2016 10,561 ,185 10,627 ,107 11 ,713 ,032 10,734,551 21 ,186,449 13,826,942 43 ,460 ,666 35,188 ,600 0 .69% 0 .90% 1 1 1 1 9 ,107 ,714 9 ,033 ,438 29 ,054,906 32 ,769 ,504 25,171 ,274 22 ,995,656 2 ,025,855 2 ,010 ,765 65,359 ,749 66,809 ,363 9 ,042 ,381 9 ,025,648 28 ,984,480 32 ,934,704 25,065,620 23 ,020 ,102 2 ,000,000 2,000,000 65,092 ,481 66,980 ,454 267 ,268 (171 ,091) 81 ,388 74,437 1 .18% 1 .20% 1 .54 1 .37 1 .69 1 .45 108,820,415 101 ,997,963 0 .98% 1 .09% 1 .32 1 .24 1.41 1 .29 Coupon : A bond's coupon is the periodic interest payment made to the holder of the fixed income security durin g the life of the bond . Coupon payments can be made monthly, quarterly, or ann ually. Book Yield : Th e B ook Y ield is th at rate of return that will make th e present value of the futu re ca sh flows of a fi xed income secu rity equal to the p rice p aid for the security. Th is assumes th at the security will be held to its maturity. Current Yield : Ann ual rate of return on an investment exp ressed as a percentage. Current Yield of a fi xed income secu rity is the annualized earnings (co upon ) divided by the bond's ma rket value as of the valu ation date. One Yea r Total Yield : The O n e Year Total Yield or O ne Year Return represents the portfolio's percentage change over a year's time, factoring in interest payments, changes in market value and reinvestment of distribution s. March 2017 10,651 ,255 10,775,701 19,858,786 41 ,285,742 0 .98% 1 1 9 ,019 ,159 34,689 ,474 23 ,010 ,309 2 ,009 ,991 68 ,728 ,933 9 ,020 ,171 34,818,230 23 ,033 ,247 2,000,000 68 ,871 ,648 (142 ,715) 83 ,915 1 .25% 1 .25 1 .37 110,014,675 1.15% 0 .78 0 .86 Weighted Average Yield: The total yield on a bond p ortfolio divided by the n umber of bon ds contained in it, weighted for the size of each bond so that the yi eld of large holdings does n ot drown out th e calculation of yields on small holdings. Yield to Maturity : Th e Yield to Matu rity (YTM) or Ma rket Yield to Maturity of a fixed income secu rity is that rate of interes t that will make th e p resent value of the futu re cash flows equal to the m arket value as of the valu ation date, assuming the bond is held to maturity. 4 of 30 Attachment A May 16, 2017, Item #1.4 '""' Contents 0 .... w 0 Fixed income market review 3 Activ ity and performance summary 4 Recap of secu rities held 6 Maturity distribution of securities held 7 Securities held 8 GASB 40 -Deposit and investment risk disclosure 14 Securities purchased 18 )> .... .... Securi t1es sold and matured I» 19 (") ~ 3 Transaction report 20 (I) :J .... 0 Additi onal information 21 SECURITIES HELD CITY OF POWAY As of March 31, 2017 ~ w ~usip/ Coupon Maturity/ Par value or Historica l cost/ Amortized cost/ Fair va lue/ Unrea lized Interest Interest Total % gpescription Call date shares Accrued interest Accretion Change in fair ga in received earned accrued Port purchased (amortization) value (loss) interest cost Corporate Bonds 037833AM2 1.050 05/05/2017 1,000,000.00 1,001,41 0.00 1,000,046.74 1,000 ,052.00 5 .26 0.00 962.50 4,229.17 1.45 APPLE INC 1.05% 05/05/2017 0 .00 (37 .65) (399 .00) 94974SFD7 2.100 05/08/2017 2,000,000.00 1,989,720.00 1,999,774.64 2,001,448.00 1,673.36 0.00 3,850.00 16,683.33 2.88 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY 0 .00 167.58 (1,722 .00) 2..1% 08105/2017 084664B59 1 .600 05/15/2017 3,000,000.00 3,063 ,2 00 .00 3,001,798.81 3,000 ,636 .00 (1,162.81) 0 .00 4,400.00 18,133.33 4.44 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY FIN 0 .00 (1 ,199 .20) (3 ,97200) 1.6% 15/05/2017 36962G7J7 1.250 05/15/2017 500,000.00 501,32000 500,061.55 500 ,001.50 (60 .05) 0 .00 572 .92 2,361.11 0.73 ~ENERAL ELECTRIC CO 1.25 % 04/13/2017 0 .00 (41.04) (114 .SOj :;:1 5/05/20 17 (CALLABL E ~3/04/17) :::r :i:>M058AA8 (I) 1 969 06/20/2017 2,000 ,000.00 2 ,049,660.00 2,003,506.44 2.002.712.00 (794.44) 0.00 3,609 .84 11,048.2 8 2.97 ~ANK OF NEW YOR K MELLON 0 .00 (1,314 .92) (2,192 .00) (i .969% 20/06/2017 718172AS8 1.125 08/21/2017 1,500,000.00 I ,499,580.00 1,499,964.92 1,498,989.75 (97 5.17) 0 .00 1,546.87 1,875 .00 2.17 PHILIP MORRIS INTL INC 0.00 7 .47 (408.00) 1.125% 21/08/2017 24422ERW1 1.200 10/10/2017 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 999 ,275 .00 (725 .00) 0 .00 l, 100.00 5,700.00 1.45 JOHN DEERE CAPITAL CORP 0.00 0.00 (81000) 1.2% 10/10/2017 36962G6KS 1 ,600 11/20/2017 982,000.00 988,461.56 983.197.55 982 ,606 .88 (590 .67) 0.00 1,440.26 5.717.42 1.43 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 1.6% 0 .00 (156.20) (1,548 .611 20/11 /2017 ~58140AL4 ll,I 1 .350 12/15/2017 2,000,000.00 2 ,003 ,300.00 2,000,681.38 2,001 ,290 .00 608.62 0.00 2,475 .00 7,950 .00 2.90 ~NTEL CORP 1.35% 15/12/2017 0 .00 {80 .16} (668.001 ~ a, ~08513AK1 1 .500 03/10/2018 1,000,000.00 998,740.00 999 ,606.25 999 ,801 .00 194 75 7,500.00 1,375 .00 875 .00 1.45 ~HARLES SCHWAB CORP 1.5% 02/10/2018 0.00 34 .74 {1,833 .001 ~°1 0/03/20 18 (CALLABLE ;:::;1 0/02/18) (I) 3 :st -~ 8 SECURITIES HELD CITY OF POWAY As of March 31 , 20 17 ~ .i:,.. srusip / Coupon Maturity/ Par value or Historical cost/ Amortized cost/ Fair va lue/ Unrealized Interest Interest Total % ~escription Call date shares Accrued interest Accretion Change in fair gain rece ived earned accrued Port purchased (amortization) value (loss) interest cost Co r p orate Bonds 02665WAT8 1 .500 03/1312018 1,000,000.00 999,720.00 999,892.93 1,000,441 .00 548.07 7,500.00 1,375.00 750.00 1.45 AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE 0 .00 9.36 (646.00) 1 .5% 13/0312018 166764AEO 1 718 06/2412018 1,000,000.00 1,007,100.00 1,002,960.00 1,003,211 .00 251 ,00 0 .00 1,574.84 4,629.06 1.46 CHEVRON CORP 1 .718% 05/24/2018 0 .00 (200.00) {1,031 .00) 24/0612018 (CALLAB LE 24/05/18) 91159H HE3 1 .950 1 1 /1512018 2,000,000 .00 2 ,021,700.00 2,0 12,835.69 2 ,011 ,980.00 (855 .69) 0 .00 3,575.00 14,733.33 2.93 US BANCORP 1. 95% 10115/2018 0 .00 (658.24} (2,836 .00) 15111/2018 (CALLAB LE 15/10/18) > -&;3 9236TDE2 'I 400 05/20/2019 2,000,000.00 2,006,040.00 2,004,582.07 1,984,034.00 (20,548.07) 0 .00 2,566.67 10,188.89 2.91 ~OYOT A MOTOR CRED IT CORP 0 .00 (178.52) {1,856.00) 3t .4 % 20/05/2019 (I) ~258M0DP1 2 .250 081 1512019 2,008,000.00 2,025,389.28 2,024,338.28 2,023,83 1.07 (507 .21) 0 .00 4,141.50 5,773.00 2.93 (}.MERICAN EXPRESS CREDIT 0 .00 (573.27) (1,297.17) 2.25 % 15/0812019 Total Co rporate Bonds-22.990,000.00 23,155,340.84 2.3 ,033,247 .25 23 ,01 0,309.20 (22 ,938.05) 15,000.00 3 4 ,565.40 110,646.92 33 .5 0.00 (4,2 20.05) (21 ,333.28) Government A gen ci es 3137EADJ5 I 000 07/28/2017 1,000,000.00 1,002,777.00 1,000,531 .10 1,000,358.00 (173 .10) 0 .00 916.67 1,750.00 1.45 FREDDIE MAC 1% 2810712017 0 .00 (135.02) (881 .00) #1 3134G7MJ7 0.750 08/25/2017 2,000,000.00 2,003,392.00 2,000,739 .61 1 ,998,800.00 (1,939.61) 0 .00 1,375.00 1,500.00 2.90 'REDDIE MAC 0. 75% '<25/08/20 17 0.00 (153.02) 20.00 ~ ~133EAY28 0.830 09/21/2017 2,000,000.00 1.996,960.00 1,999 ,707 .13 1,999,220.00 (487 .13) 8,300.00 1,521.67 461.11 2.89 ~EDERAL FARM CRED IT BANK 0.00 ~~-83 % 21109/2017 51 .38 {2,160.00) ;::; (I) 3 '#: -~ 9 SECURITIES HELD CITY OF POWAY As of March 31 , 2017 ~ u, ~usip/ Coupon Maturity/ Par value or Historical cost/ Amortized cost/ Fair va lue/ Unrealized Interest Interest Total % gpescription Call date shares Accrued interest Accretion Change in fair gain received earned accrued Port purchased (amortization) value (loss) interest cost Government Agencies 3130ASFR5 0.875 11/28/2017 1,000,000.00 997,290.00 999,270.38 999,130.00 (140.38) 0.00 802.08 2,989.58 1.44 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 0 .00 91 .96 (1,030.00) 0,875% 28/11/2017 3133EEFES 1.125 12/18/2017 1,000,000.00 1,004,630.00 1,001,444.43 1,000,562.00 (882.43) 0 .00 1,031.25 3,218.75 1.46 FEDERAL FARM CRED IT BANK 0 .00 (167.95) (2,011 .00) 1.125% 18/12/2017 3130A5J75 0.900 01/30/2018 2,000,000.00 1,994,600.00 1,998,272.92 1,996,100.00 (2,172.92) 0.00 1,600.00 3,000.00 2.89 FEDERAL HOMELOAN BANK 0 .00 172 .71 (1,920.00) 0 .9% 30/01/2018 3133EEM98 1 .000 05/21/2018 1,000,000.00 997,890.00 999 ,194 .04 998,680.00 (514.04) 0.00 9 16.67 3,611 .11 1.45 ):fEDERAL FARM CRED IT BANK ~ % 21/05/2018 #0000 0 .00 58 .83 10.00 n ~130ASM55 1 200 06/27/2018 1,000,000.00 1,003,600.00 1,001.531.11 151 1 111 0 .00 1.100.00 3,133 .33 1 45 ~EDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 0 .00 (102.76) (160.00) "'1 .2% 27/06/20181/0000 0 3130A6KT3 0950 08/24/2018 1,940,000.00 1,941 ,668.40 1,940,821.17 1,933,229.40 (7,591 .77) 0 .00 1,689.41 1,894.19 2.81 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 0 .00 (48 .87) 213.40 0 .95% 24/08/2018 3134G8MN6 1.000 09/07/2018 1,500,000.00 1 ,499,100 00 1,499.491.48 1,497,030.00 (2,461.48) 7,500.00 1,375 .00 1,000.00 2.17 FREDD IE MAC 1 % 07109/20 18 0 .00 29.51 5 ,115.00 CALLABLE 3130A6AE7 1 .125 09/14/2018 1,500,000.00 1,487,728.50 1.493,793.18 1,497,103.50 3,310.32 8,437.50 1,546.88 796.88 2.15 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 0 .00 355.35 (2 ,980.50) 1.125% 14/09/2018 i 135GOG72 1 .1 25 12/14/2018 1,500,000.00 1,498,515.00 1,499,188.20 1,496,382.00 (2 ,806.20) 0 .00 1,546.88 5,015.63 2 .17 ~ ANNIE MAE 1.125% 0 .00 38 .28 (1,197.00) ...,14 /12/2018 a, ~133EF3V7 0 .875 02/15/2019 1,000,000.00 994,450.00 996,290.84 992,730,00 (3,560.84) 0.00 802.09 1,118.06 1.44 ~EDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK ~°iJ.875% 15/02/2019 0 .00 164 .85 0,00 ;::; (I) 3 :at: -~ 10 SECURITI ES HELD CITY OF POWAY As of March 31, 2 0 17 ~ 0) ~usip/ Coupon Maturity/ Par value or Historica l cost/ Amortized cost/ Fa i r va lue/ Unrea lized Interest Interest Total % gpescription Call d ate shares Accrued interest Accretion Change in fair ga in rece ived earned accrued Port purchased (amortization) value (loss ) interest cos t Government Agencies 3136G1FYO 1.375 03/1312019 1,500,000.00 1,514,175.00 1,509,050.89 1,501 ,170.00 (7,880 .89) 10,312.50 1,890.62 1,031.25 2.19 FANNIE MAE 1,375% 0 .00 (386 .24) (270.00) 13/03/2019 CALLABLE 3134G9WFO T 100 03/2912019 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 993,820.00 (6.180 .00) 5,500 .00 1,008.33 61 11 1.45 FREDDIE MAC 1.1 % 29/03/2019 06/29/2017 0 .00 0.00 (280 .00) (CALLABLE 29/06/17) #0000 3134G9LD7 1.250 05/24/2019 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,990,060 .00 (9 ,940 .00) 0.00 2,291.66 8,819 .44 2.90 FREDDIE MAC 1.25% 05/2412017 0 .00 0 .00 5,360 .00 24/05/20 19 (CALLAB LE 24/05/17) #0001 ;J:i 135GOL76 '1,075 07111/2019 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 990 ,660 .00 (9,340 .00) 0 .00 985.4 2 2,388.89 1.45 .... iiJ:ANN IE MAE 1.075% 0411112017 0.00 0.00 (730.00) gi 1 /07/20 19 (CALLAB LE 3 11/07/17) (I) ~137EADk2 1.250 08/01/2019 1,000,000.00 1,006,100.00 1,004,369 .76 996 ,322 .00 (8,047 .76) 0 .00 1,145 .83 2,083 .33 1.46 <1 REDDIE MAC 1.25% 0 .00 (1 55.88) 505.00 01/08/20 19 3136G36X8 1.140 09/13/2019 2,000,000.00 1,998 ,000.00 1,998,364.81 t, 975 ,540 .00 (22,824 .81 ) 11,400.00 2,090 .00 1,140.00 2.89 FANN IE MAE 1.14 % 13/09/2019 06/13/2017 0 .00 55.55 (960 .00) (CAL LABLE 13106/17) 3135GOR39 'I .000 10/24/2019 1,000,000 .00 983,180.00 983,571 .16 987,817 .00 4,245 .84 0 .00 500.00 4,333 .33 1.42 FANN IE MAE 1% 24/10/20 19 (3,833 .33) 391 .16 4 ,637 .00 3130AA2HO 1 125 11 129/2019 1,000,000.00 997 ,150.00 997,515 .32 990 ,770 .00 (6,745.32) 0 .00 1,031.25 3,8 12.50 1 44 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 0 .00 77 .73 130.00 g .i 25 % 29/1 1/2019 ~136G4DA8 1 .200 12/30/2019 1,000,000.00 998 ,250 .00 998,505.18 989 ,820 .00 (8 ,685 .18) 0 .00 1,066.67 3,000 .00 1.45 ~ afANN IE MAE 1.2% 30/12/2019 06/30/2017 0 .00 45 .30 (430 .00) -;.,cALLABLE 30/06/17) #0001 0 ~~133£GLA 1 '1,170 01113/2020 2,000,000 00 1,999 ,780 .00 1,999,815.81 1,975,340 .00 (24.475 .81) 0 .00 2,145 .00 5,07000 2.90 ..E EDERAL FARM CREDIT BAN K 07/13/2017 0 .00 5 .51 360 .00 .... r ,1 7% 13101 /2020 (CALLABLE 13/07/17) * -~ ,, SEC URITIES HE LD CITY OF POWAY As of M arch 31, 2 0 17 ~ ..., ~usip/ Coupon Maturity/ Par value or Historical cost/ Amortized cost/ Fair va lue/ Unrealized Interest Interest Total % ~escription Call date shares Accrued interest Accretion Change in fair gain received earned accrued Port purchased (amortization) value (loss) interest cost Government Agencies 3136G4KD4 1 .750 06/29/2020 1,900,000.00 1,899,525.00 1,899,546.34 1,897,720.00 (1,826.34) 0.00 3,047.91 8,497.22 2..75 FAN NIE MAE 1.75% 29/06/2020 06/29/2017 0.00 11.64 (1,596.001 (CAL LABLE 29/06/17) 3133EGMS1 1 .650 12/01/2020 1,000,000.00 996,971.00 997 ,215 .51 990,090.00 (7, !25.51) 0 .00 1,512.50 5,500.00 1.44 FEDERAL FARM CRED IT BANK 0 .00 63 .23 (820.00) 1.65% 01112/2020 Total Government Agencies 34,840,000.00 34,815,731 .90 34,818,230.37 34,689,473.90 (128,756.47) 51,450.00 34,938.79 75,225.71 50.42 (3,833.33) 463.25 (1,075.1 01 Government Bonds ):i,1 12828PF1 1.875 10,3, /2017 2,000,000.00 2,051,406.25 2,008,878.88 2,010 ,312.00 1,433.12 0.00 3,211.33 15,642.27 2.97 .... iitJSA TREASURY 1 .875% 0.00 (1,286.20) (4,298 .00) ~1/1 0/201 7 3 (276.87) ~12828H94 1 .000 02115/2018 1,000,000.00 999,2 18.75 999,768.87 999,492.00 0 ,00 856.35 1,2 15.47 1.45 ::I ~SA TREASURY 1 % 15/02/2018 0.00 22.33 (1,133 .00) 9 12828UU2 0.750 03/3 1/2018 1,000,000.00 989,140.63 996,473.60 996,7 19.00 245.40 3,750.00 638.74 0.00 1.43 USA TREASURY 0 .75% 0.00 299.50 (859 .00) 31/03/20 18 912828VQO 1 .375 07/31/2018 1,500,000.00 1 ,514,765.63 1,506,199.02 1,504,336.50 (1,862.52) 0 .00 1,766.23 3,361 .53 2.19 USA TREASURY 1375% 0.00 (394.60) (2,460.00) 31/07/20 18 912828RE2 1 .500 08131 /2018 1,500,000.00 1.519,511 .72 1,508,486.21 1,506.738,00 (1,748.2 1) 0 .00 1,895.38 1,895.38 2.20 USA TREASURY 1 .5% 0 .00 (507.86) (2,344.50) 31/08/20 18 3Ci 12828WD8 1.250 10/31/2018 2,000,000.00 2,000,78 1.25 2,000,364 .50 2,001,562.00 1,197.50 0 .00 2,140.89 10,428.18 2.90 D,I ~SA TREASURY 1.25% 0.00 (19.51} {1,876.00} ~1/10/2018 :::total Government Bonds 9,000,000.00 9,074,824 .23 9 ,020,171.08 9,0 19 ,159.50 (1 ,011 .58) 3,7SO ,OO 10,508.92 32,542.83 13,14 -~""' o.oo (1,886.34) (12,970.50) ;::; Cl) 3 :at: -~ 12 GASB 40 -DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT RISK DISCLOSUR E CITY OF POWAY As of M arch 31 , 2 0 17 ~ co $USi p Des cription Coupon Mat urity Call date S&P Moody Par va lue o r Historical % Portfolio Market % Portfolio Effective (.) 0 date r ati ng rat ing shares cost h ist cost v alue mkt v alue dur (yrs) Fe de ral National M ort ga ge Ass o ciati o n 3135GOG72 FANNIE MAE 1.125% 1.125 12/14/2018 AA+ Aaa 1,500,000.00 1,498,515.00 217 1,496,382.00 2. 18 L68 3136G1FYO FANNIE MAE 1 .375% 1.375 03/13/2019 AA+ Aaa 1,500,000.00 1,514 ,175.00 2 .19 1,501, 170.00 2.1 8 1.92 3135GOL76 FANNIE MAE 1.075% 1.075 07/11/2019 04/11/2017 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.45 990,660.00 1.44 2.01 3136G36X8 FANNIE MAE 1 .14% 1.140 09/13/2019 06/13/20 17 AA+ Aaa 2,000,000,00 1,998,000.00 2 .89 i ,975,540.00 2.87 2.20 3135GOR39 FANNIE MAE 1 % 1.000 10/24/2019 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 983,180.00 1.42 987,817.00 1.44 2.51 3136G4DA8 FANNIE MAE 1.2% 1.200 12/30/2019 06/30/20 17 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 998,250.00 1.45 989,820.00 1.44 2.27 3136G4KD4 FANNIE MAE 1.75% 1.750 06/29/2020 06/29/20 17 AA+ Aaa 1,900,000.00 1,899,525.00 2.75 1,897,720.00 2.76 1.62 Issuer total 9 ,900 ,000 .00 9 ,891 ,645 .00 14.33 9,839,109 .00 14.32 1.99 ~nited Sta tes Tr eas u ry No t e/Bon d 1),1 ~12828PF1 USA TREASURY 1.875% 1.875 10/31/2017 AA+ Aaa 2,000,000.00 2,051,406.25 2.97 2,010,312.00 2.92 0 .58 3 nti1 12828H94 ::::J USA TREASURY 1 % 1.000 02/15/2018 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 999,218.75 1AS 999,492.00 1.45 0 .87 .... (il12828UU2 USA TREASURY 0.75 % 0.750 03/31/2018 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000 .00 989,140.63 1.43 996,719.00 1.45 1.00 912828VQO USA TREASURY 1.375% 1.3 75 07/31/2018 AA+ Aaa 1,500,000.00 1,514.765.63 2 .19 1,504,336.50 2.19 1.31 912828RE2 USA TREASURY 1.5% 1.500 08/31/2018 AA+ Aaa 1,500,000 .00 1,519,511 .72 2.20 1 ,506.738.00 2.19 1.40 912828WD8 USA TREASURY 1.25% 1.250 10/31/2018 AA+ Aaa 2,000,000.00 2,000,781 .25 2 .90 2,00 1,562.00 2.9 1 1.56 Issuer total 9 ,000,000.00 9,074,824.23 13.14 9,019,159.50 13.12 1.13 Fed er a l Hom e Lo an M ort ga g e Corp 3137EADJ5 FREDDIE MAC 1 % 1.000 07/28/2017 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,002,777.00 1.45 1,000,358.00 1.46 0 .32 3134G7MJ7 FREDDIE MAC 0.75% s: 0.750 08/25/2017 AA+ Aaa 2,000,000.00 2,003,392.00 2 .90 1,998,800.00 2.9 1 0.40 ~134G8MN6 FREDDIE MAC 1% 1.000 09/07/2018 AA+ Aaa 1,500,000.00 1,499,100.00 2.17 1,497,030.00 2, 18 1.15 ~ ~134G9WFO FREDDIE MAC 1, 1 % 1.100 03/29/2019 06/29/20 17 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1.45 993,820.00 1.45 1.72 N ~134G9LD7 FREDDIE MAC 1 .25 % 1.250 05/24/2019 05/24/2017 AA+ Aaa 2,000 ,000 .00 2,000,000.00 2 .90 1,990,060 .00 2.90 1.74 ..... ~ 3137EADK2 FREDDIE MAC 1.25% 1.2 50 08/01/2019 AA+ Aaa ;::; 1,000,000.00 1,006,100.00 1.46 996,322.00 1.45 2.29 3 ssuer total 8,500,000.00 8 ,511 ,369.00 12.33 8,476,390.00 12.33 1.22 -~ 14 GASB 40 -DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT RISK DISCLOSUR E CITY OF POWAY As of M arch 31, 2 0 17 ,..,, 0 g;:usip Description Coupon Maturity Call date S&P Moody Par valu e or Historical % Portfolio Market % Portfo lio Effective w 0 date rating rating shares cost h ist cost value mkt value dur (yrs) Fed eral Home Lo an Banks 3130AS FR5 FEDERAL HOME LOAN 0.875 11/28/2017 AA+ Aaa 1 , 000, 000. 00 997,290.00 1.44 999,130.00 1.45 0.65 3130ASJ75 FEDERAL HOME LOAN 0.900 01/30/2018 AA+ Aaa 2,000 ,000.00 1,994,600.00 2 .89 1,996,100.00 2.90 0 .83 3130ASM55 FEDERAL HOME LOAN 1.200 06/27/2018 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,003,600.00 1.45 1,001,020.00 1.46 1.22 3130A6KT3 FEDERAL HOME LOAN 0.950 08/24/2018 AA+ Aaa 1,940,000.00 1,941,668.40 2.81 1,933,229.40 2.81 1,3.8 3130A6AE7 FEDERAL HOME LOAN 1.125 09/14/2018 AA+ Aaa ·1,500,000.00 1 ,487,728.50 2 .15 1,497,103.50 2.18 1.44 3130AA2HO FEDERAL HOME LOAN 1.125 11/29/201 9 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 997,150.00 1.44 990,770.00 1.44 2 .61 Issuer t otal 8 ,440,000.00 8A22,036.90 12.20 8,417 ,352.9.0 12.25 1.30 Fede r al Farm Credit Banks ~133EAY28 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT 0.830 09/2 1/2017 AA+ Aaa 2,000,000.00 1,996,960.00 2.89 1,999,220.00 2.9 1 0.47 Ill gii , 33EEFES FEDERAL FARM CREDIT 1.125 12/18/2017 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 1,004,630.00 1.46 1,000,562.00 1.46 0.7 1 3 1113 133EEM98 :::I FEDERAL FARM CREDIT 1.000 05/21/2018 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 997,890.00 1.45 998,680 .00 1.45 1.12 .... ('j133f:F3V7 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT 0 .875 02/15/2019 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000.00 994,450.00 1.44 992,730.00 1.44 1.85 3133EG LA1 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT 1.170 01/13/2020 07/13/20 17 AA+ Aaa 2,000,000 .00 1,999,780.00 2 .90 1,975,340.00 2 .87 2.37 3133EGMS1 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT 1.650 12/01/2020 AA+ Aaa 1,000,000 .00 996,971 .00 1.44 990,090.00 1.44 3.54 Issuer tota l 8,000 ,000.00 7,990,68 1.00 11 .57 7,956,622 .00 11.58 1.61 Berksh ire Hathaway Finan ce Corp 084664BS9 BE RKSHIRE HATHAWAY 1.600 05/15/2017 AA Aa2 3,000,000,00 3,063,200.00 4.44 3,000,636.00 4.37 0,12 Issuer total 3 ,000,000.00 3,063 ,200.00 4.44 3,000,636 .00 4.37 0 .12 ~merican Express Cr edit Co r p '< ...D258M0DP1 AMER ICA N EXP RESS 2.250 08/15/2019 A· A2 2,008,000.00 2,025,389.28 2 .93 2,023 ,831 .07 2.94 2,3 1 51> ~suer tota l 2 ,008,000.00 2,025,389 .28 2 .93 2,023 ,831.07 2.94 2.31 .... ~" ;::; Cl) 3 :it: .... ~ 1S GASB 40 -DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT RISK DISCLOSUR E CITY OF POWAY As of M arch 31, 2 0 17 N ..... ~usip Description Coupon Maturity Call date S&P Moody Par valu e or Historical % Portfolio Market % Portfolio Effective (,J 0 date rating rating shares cost hist cost value mkt value dur (yrs) US Bancorp 91159H HE3 US BANCORP 1.95% 1.950 11/15/2018 10/15/2018 A+ A1 2,000,000.00 2,021,700.00 2.93 2,011 ,980.00 2.93 1,55 Issuer tota l 2,000,000.00 2,021 ,700.00 2.93 2,01 1 ,980.00 2 .93 1 .55 Poway Redevelopment Agen cy Su ccesso r Ag e 738798BG1 POWAY CA REDEV AGY 1.780 06/15/2018 AA-NR 765,000,00 765 ,000.00 1.11 768,297 .15 1.12 1.19 738798BH9 POWAY CA REDEV AGY 2.050 12/15/2018 AA-NR 1,235,000.00 1 ,235,000.00 1.79 1,241,693 .70 1.81 1.67 Issuer total 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2 .90 2,009,990.85 2 .92 1.49 Bank of New York Mellon Corp/Th e ):l:)64058AA8 BANK OF NEW YORK .... 1.969 06/20/2017 A A1 2,000,000.00 2,049,660.00 2 .97 2,002,712.00 2.9 1 0.22 ~ssuer total 2 ,000,000.00 2,049,660.00 2 .97 2,002,712.00 2 .91 0.22 ':1' ~ells Fargo & Co .... (i>4974B FD7 WELLS FARGO & 2.100 05/08/2017 A A2 2,000,000 .00 1,989,720.00 2.88 2,001,448.00 2.91 0 .10 Issuer total 2 ,000,000.00 1,989,720.00 2.88 2,001,448.00 2 .91 0 .10 I nte l Co rp 458140AL4 INTEL CORP 1.35% 1.350 12/15/2017 A+ Al 2,000,000.00 2,003,300.00 2 .90 2,001,290.00 2.9 1 0 .70 Issuer tota l 2,000,000.00 2,003,300.00 2 .90 2,001 ,290.00 2 .91 0 .70 Toyot a Motor Cred it Co r p 89236TDE2 TOYOTA MOTOR CRED IT 1.400 05/20/2019 AA-Aa3 2,000,000 .00 2,006,040.00 2 .91 1,984,034.00 2 .89 2.09 ssuer total 2 ,000,000.00 2,006,040.00 2 .91 1,984,034.00 2 .89 2 .09 '< .... .?P hili p M o rris International Inc N ~18172AS8 PHILI P MORRIS INTL INC 1 .125 08/21/2017 A A2 1 ,500,000.00 1 ,499,580.00 2 .17 1,498,989.75 2 .18 0.39 ~ -Issuer tota l 1,500,000.00 1,499 ,580.00 2 .17 1,498,989.75 2 .18 0 .39 .... Cl) 3 ~ .... ~ 16 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CITY OF POWAY As of March 31 , 2 0 17 ~ Ofast performance is not a guide to future performance. The value orlnvestrnents and any Income from them will fluctuate and is not guaranteed (this may partly be due to exchange rate changes) and Investors may not get Q:i ack the amou11t invested. Transactions in foreign securities may be executed and settled Jn local markets. Performance comparisons wlll be affected by changes in interest rates. Investment returns fluctuate due to changes J-i market conditions. Investment involves risk, including the possible loss of pr incipal. No assurance can be given that the performance objectives of a given strategy will be ach ieved . Th e in format ion conta ined herein Is for ~our reference on ly and is being provided in response to your specific request and has been obtained from sources believed to be reliablei however, no representation is made regarding its accuracy or completeness . This document must not be used for the purpose of an offer or solicitation in any Jurisdiction or In any circumstances In which such offer or solicitation is unlawful or otherwise not permitted. This document shou ld not be duplicated, amended, or forwarded to a third party without consen t from Insight. This is a marketing document intended for professional clients only and should not be made available to or relied upon by retail clients Investment advisory services tn North America are provided through four different SEC·reg1stered Investment advisers us1ng the brand Insight Investment: cutwater Asset Management Corp . {CAMC), Cutwater Investor Serv ices Corp . (CISC), In sight North America LLC (INA) and Pareto Investment Management Limited (PIML). The North American investment advisers are associated with a broader group of global investment managers that also (indlvldually and col lective ly) use the corporate brand Insigh t Investment and may be referred to as Insight, Insight Group or Ins ight Investment. Both CISC and CAMC are investment advisers registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 , as amended . Registration with the SEC does not imply a certa in level of skill or training, You may reques t, without charge, additional information about In sight. Moreover, speclflc information relating to Ins ights strategies, Including investment advisory fees, may be obta ined from CAMCs and CISCs Forms ADV Part2A, which are available Without cha rge upon request. Where indi cated, performance numbers used In the analysis are gross returns. The performance reflects the reinvestment of all dividends and income. CAMC and CISC charge management fees on alt portfolios managed and these fees will reduce the returns on the portfolios. For example, assume that $30 million is invested in an account with either CAMC or CISC , and th is account achieves a 5.0% annual return compounded monthly, gross of fees, for a per iod of five years . At the end of five years that account would have grown to $38,500,760 before the deduction of management fees , Assuming management fees of 0.25% per year are deducted month ly from the account, the value at the end of the five year period wou ld be $38,022,447 ,Actual fees for new accounts are dependent on size and subject to negotiation. CAMCS and CISC's investment advisory fees are discussed in Part 2A of the Firms Form ADV . Un less otherwise stated , the source or Information is Insight Any forecasts or opin ions are Ins ights own at the date of this document (or as otherwise specified) and may change. Material in th is pub lication is for general ~formation only and is not advice, investment adv ice, or the recommendat ion of any purchase or sa le of any securlty , Insight makes no implled or expressed recommendations concerning the manner in which an account S;hould or would be handled, as appropriate investment strategies depend upon specific i nvestment guide ll nes and objectives and should not pe construed to be an assurance that any particula r security in a strategy Will g:ema in In any fund , account, or strategy, or that a previously held security will not be repurchased . It shou ld not be assumed that any of the security transactions or holdings referenced herein have been or will prove to be :Profitable or that future 1nvestment decis ions will be proHtab le or wil l equal or exceed the past fnvestment performance of the secur ities listed . ~ ;:f or trading activity the Clearing broker wil l be reflected . In certain cases the Clearing broker will differ from the Executing broker. 0 in calculating ratings distributions and weighted average portfol io quality , Insight assigns U.S Treasury and U.S agency securities a quality rating based on the methodology used within the respective benchmark index. When Moodys, S&P and Fitch rate a secur1ty, Bank of Amedca and Merrill Lynch indexes assign a simple weighted average sta tistic while Barclays indexes assign the median statistic. Insight assigns all other secur1ties the lower of Moodys and S&P ratings. Information about the indices shown here is provided to allow for comparison of the performance of the strategy to that of certain we ll-known and widely recognized indices. There is no representation that such index ls an appropriate benchmark for such comparison . You cannot invest direct ly in an Index and the indices represented do not take Into account trading commissions and/or other brokerage or custodial costs . The volatilrty of the indices may be materially different from that of the strategy. In add ition, the strategys holdings may differ substantially from the securities that comprise the indices shown . The BofA Merrill Lynch 3 Mo US T·Bill index is an unmanaged market index of U.S . Treasury securities matunng In 90 days that assumes reinvestment of all i11come . The BofA Merrill Lynch 6 Mo UST-Bill Index measures the performance ofTreasury bills with time to matu rity of less than 6 months. The BofA Merrill Lynch Current 1 ·Y ear US Treasury Index Is a one-security index comprised of the most recently Issued 1-year us Treasury note. The Index rs rebalanced month ly. In order to qualify for inclusion, a 1-year note must be auctioned on or before the third business day before the last bus iness day of the month. s: ~he BofA Merrill Lynch Current3-Year US Treasury Index is a one-sea.trity index comprised of the most recently Issued 3-year US Treasury note . The Index Is rebalanced month ly. In order to qualify for inclusion, a 3-year note ,..Ll1 USt be auct ioned on or before the third business day before the last business day of the month . a, ~he BofA Merrill Lynch CUl'rent S·Year US Treasury Index is a one-secur ity index comprised of the most recently issued S·year US Treasury note . The Index Is rebalanced month ly. In order to qualify for inclusion, a 5-year note ~ust be auctioned on or before the third business day before the last hus1ness day of the month . ...... J he BofA Merrill Lynch 1 ·3 US Year Treasury Index is an unmanaged Index that tracks the performance of the direct sovereign debt of the U.S. Government having a maturity of at least one year and less than three years. -~ 3The BofA Merrill Lynch 1-5 US Year Treasury Index is an unmanaged Index that tracks the performance of the direct sovereign debt of the U.S . Government having a matu ri ty of at least one year and less than five years , * :-tns(ght does not provide tax or legal advice to 1ts clients and all investors are strongly urged to consu lt their tax and legal advisors regarding any poten ti al strategy or investment. .,:. 21 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CITY OF POWAY As of March 31 , 2017 I\) <Q1 stght is a group of wholly owned subsid iaries of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand ofThe Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and may also be used as a generic term to reference !ahe Corporatlon as a whole or its various subs idiaries generally . Products and services may be pro vi ded under various brand names and fn various countries by subsidiaries, affiliates and Joint ventures of The Bank of New York ~ellon Corporation where authorized and regulated as required within each jurisdiction. Un less you are notified to the contrary, the products and services mentioned are not insured by the FDIC (or by any governmenta l entity) Q nd are not guaranteed by or obligations of The Bank of New Yor k Mellon Corporation or any of Its affiliates. The Bank of New York Corporation assumes no responsibil ity for the accuracy or comp leteness of the above data and disclaims al l expressed or implied warranties in connection therewith . © 2017 Insight Investment. All rlghts reserved. 0 ;:::;: Cl) 3 :at: .... ~ 22 RESOLUTION NO. 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING INVESTMENT POLICY FOR PUBLIC FUNDS AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO . 16-013 WHEREAS the City of Poway's Investment Policy shall be reviewed at least annually to ensure its consistency with the overall objectives of preservation of principal , liquidity, yield, and diversification, and its relevance to current law and economic trends; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Investment Policy provisions , the City of Poway has conducted a review of the Investment Policy adopted on May 17, 2016 by Resolution No. 16-013; and WHEREAS, the City of Poway proposes certain amendments to the Investment Policy concerning the broker/dealers list; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Investment Policy provisions, amendments to the City's Investment Policy shall be approved by resolution of the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, that the Statement of Investment Policy, attached as Exhibit A , is hereby adopted as the Investment Policy of the City of Poway. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Resolution No . 16-013 is hereby rescinded. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 161h day of May 2017 . Steve Vaus , Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld , CMC, City Clerk 3 of 14 ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Nancy Neufeld , City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 161h day of May 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote : AYES : NOES : ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: 4 of 14 Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk City of Poway May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 EXHIBIT A CITY OF POWAY STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY M a y 2017 Reso lution No. 17- Page 1 The City of Poway (the City) has adopted this Investment Policy (the Policy) in order to estab lish the investment scope , objectives, delegation of authority, standards of prudence, reporting requirements, internal controls , eligible investments and transactions , diversification requirements, risk tolerance , and safekeeping and custodial procedures for the investment of the funds of the City. All City funds will be invested in accordance with this Investment Policy and with applicable sections of the California Government Code . This Investment Policy, dated May 16 , 2017, rep laces any previous Investment Po licy or investment procedures of the City. SCOPE The provisions of this Policy shall apply to all financial assets and investment activities of the City as accounted for in the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report . The employees' retirement and deferred compensation funds are not covered by this Policy. Also, bond reserve funds will be invested in accordance with each bond issue's indenture agreement. All cash shall be pooled for investment purposes. T he investment income derived from the pooled investment account shall be allocated to the General Fund, the Water Fund , the Sewer Fund , and other funds as budgeted or required by legis lation based upon the proportion of the respective average balances relative to the total poo led balance. Investment income shall be distributed to the individua l funds not less than annua ll y. OBJECTIVES The City's funds sha ll be invested in accordance with all applicable City resolutions, Ca lifornia statutes, and Federal regulations, and in a manner des igned to accomp lish the following objectives, which are listed in priority order: 1. Preservation of capital and protection of investment principal. 2. Maintena nce of sufficient liquidity to meet a nticipated cash flows. 3. Attainment of a market rate of return. 4. Diversification to avoid incu rri ng unreasonable market risks . 5 of 14 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY Reso lution No. 17- Page 2 In accordance with City of Poway Resolution No . 17-, the City T reasurer/Finance Department is authorized to invest the City's funds in accordance with the California Government Code Section 53607. T he City's Director of Finance serves as the Treasurer. T he Director of Finance may delegate the authority to conduct investment transactions and to manage the operation of the investment portfolio to other specifically authorized staff members. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as expressly provided under the terms of this Policy. The Director of Finance shall develop administrative procedures and internal controls, consistent with this Policy, for the ope ration of the City's investment program . Such procedures shall be designed to prevent losses of public funds arising from fraud, employee error, misrepresentation by third parties , or imprudent actions by employees of the City . The City may engage the support services of outside investment advisors with respect to its investment program, so long as it can be demonstrated that these services produce a net financial advantage or necessary fi nancial protectio n of the City's financial resources. If an investment advisor is se lected to help manage the investment program , a City Investment Oversight Committee shall be kept informed of the chang ing investment environment and any potential restructuring of the portfol io wh ich could resu lt. T his Investment Committee shall consist of the Director of Finance , the Finance Manager, and a Senior Accountant. PRUDENCE The standard of p rudence to be used for managing the City's investment program is California Governme nt Code Section 53600.3, the prudent investor standa rd, which states that "when investing, reinvesting , purchasing, acqu iring , exchanging, selling, or managi ng publ ic funds, a trustee shall act with care, skill , prudence, and diligence under the ci rcumsta n ces then prevailing , including, but not limited to, the general economic conditions and the anticipated needs of the agency, that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiarity with those matters would use in the cond uct of funds of a like character and with like aims, to safeg u ard the principal and maintain the liquidity needs of the agency." The City's overa ll investment program shall be designed and managed with a degree of professionalism t hat is worthy of the public trust. The City recognizes that no investment is totally w ithout risk and that the investme nt activities of the C ity are a matter of pub lic record. Accordingly, the City recognizes that occasional measured losses may occur in a dive rsified portfolio and shall be considered with in the context of the overa ll portfolio's return, provided that adequate diversification has been implemented and that the sa le of a security is in the best long-term interest of the City. The Di rector of Finance and authorized investment personnel acting in accordance w ith establ ished procedures and exercis ing due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an ind ividual security's credit ri sk or market price changes, provided that dev iatio ns from expectations are reported in a timely fashion to the City Council and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. 6 of 14 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 ETHICS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Reso lution No. 17- Page 3 Elected officials and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the City's investment program or could impair or create the appearance of an impairment of their ability to make impartial investment decisions . Employees and investment officials shall subordinate their persona l investment transactions to those of the City. In addition, City Councilmembers , the Director of Finance, the Finance Manager, and the Senior Accountant shall fi le a Statement of Economic Interests each year as required by California Government Code Section 87203 and regu lations of the Fair Po litical Practices Commission. AUTHORIZED SECURITIES AND TRANSACTIONS A ll investments and depos its of the City shall be made in accordance with California Government Code Sections 16429.1, 53600 -53609, and 53630-53686. Any revisions or extensions of these code sections will be assumed to be part of this Po licy immediately upon being enacted. The City shall not knowingly make any investments in any institution , company, corporation, subsidiary, or affiliate that practices or supports directly or ind irectly through its actions, discrimination on the basis of race, religion, co lor, creed, nationa l or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual preference, or physica l disability. The City has further restricted the eligible types of securities and transactions as foll ows : 1. United States T reasury bills , notes, o r bonds with a final maturity not exceeding five years from the date of trade settlement. Th ere is no limit on the percentage of the portfo lio that may be invested in U.S. Treasury securities. 2. Government Securities Government Securities in the aggregate sha ll not exceed 75% of the C ity's total portfolio. • Federal Instrumental ity Obligations (government sponsored enterprises) with a final maturity not exceeding five years from the date of trade settlement. No more than 25% of the City's total portfolio shall be invested in any one issuer and the aggregate amount shall not exceed 75% of the City's total portfolio . • Federal Agency Ob li gations with a final maturity not exceeding five yea rs from the date of t rade settlement. No more than 25% of the City's total portfolio shall be invested in any one issuer and the aggregate amount shall not exceed 75% of the City's tota l portfo lio. • Mortgage-Related Securities, including Federal Agency and Federal Instrume ntality mortgage-backed securities and collateralized mortgage obligations. Such securities shall not exceed five years from the date of trade settlement and must be rated at least "AAA" by at least one Nationally Recognized Statistical Ratings Organization (NRSRO) and issued by an issuer rated at least "A" or the equiva lent by an N RSRO . No more than 20% of the City's total p ortfo lio shall be invested in the combination of Mortgage-Related Secu rities and Asset-Backed Securities. 7 of 14 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 Reso lution No. 17- Page 4 3. Corporate Securities No more than 5% of the City's portfolio shall be invested in the obligations of any one corporate issuer. Rule 144A (private placement) securities are prohibited from purchase. • Medium-Term Notes issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States or by depository institutions licensed by the United States or any state and operating within the United States. Such securities shall have a final maturity not exceeding five years from the date of trade settlement and shall be rated at least "A", or the equivalent, by an NRSRO. No more than 30% of the City's total portfolio shall be invested in Medium-term Notes . • Asset-Backed Securities including equ ipment lease-backed certificates, consumer receivable pass-through certificates, or consumer-receivable-backed bonds. Such securities shall not exceed five years from the date of trade settlement and must be rated at least "AAA" by at least one NRSRO and issued by an issuer rated at least "A" or the equiva lent by an NRSRO. No more than 20% of the City's total portfolio shall be invested in Mortgage-Related Securities and Asset-Backed Securities. • Prime Commercial Paper with a maturity not exceeding 270 days from the date of trade settleme nt and rated at least "A-1 ", or the equivalent, by an NRSRO. The entity that issues the commercia l paper shall meet all of the following conditions in either sub- paragrap h A. or sub-paragraph B. below: A. The entity shall (1) be organized and operating in the United States as a general corporation , (2) have total assets in excess of $500,000,000 and (3) have debt other than commercial paper , if any, that is rated at least "A" or the equivalent by an NRSRO. B. The entity shall (1) be organized w ithin the United States as a special purpose corporation , trust, or limited liability company, (2) have program wide c redit enhancements, including , but not lim ited to , over collateralization , letters of credit or surety bond and (3) have commercia l paper that is rated at least "A-1" or the equivalent by an NRSRO. Investment in commercial paper shall not exceed 25% of the City's total portfolio. 4. Municipal Bonds includ ing registered notes or bonds of any of the 50 states, including bonds payable solely out of the revenues from a revenue-producing property owned , controlled , or operated by a state or by a department, board, agency, or authority of any of the 50 states. In additio n, bonds, notes, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness of any local agency in Ca lifornia, includi ng bonds payable solely out of the revenues from a revenue-producing property owned, controlled, or operated by the local agency, or by a department, board, agency, or authority of the local agency. Municipal Bonds must be rated at least "A" or the equivalent by an NRSRO with maturities not exceeding five years from the date of trade settlement. No more than 5% of the City's portfolio shall be invested in the obligations of any one issuer, and the aggregate investme nt in municipal bonds shall not exceed 30% of the City's total portfolio. 8 of 14 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 Resolution No. 17- Page 5 5. Negotiable Certificates of Deposits (CDs) of commercial banks rated at least "A-1 ", or the equivalent, with maturities not exceeding five years from the date of trade settlement. In addition, the City may not invest in the CD of a state or federal credit union where any person with investment decision making authority at the City also serves on the board of directors, or any committee appointed by the board of directors, or the credit committee or the supervisory committee of the state or federal credit union issuing the negotiable certificates of deposit. No more than 5% of the portfolio may be invested in the CDs of any one issuer, and the aggregate investment in CDs shall not exceed 30% of the portfolio . 6. Non-negotiable Certificates of Deposit and savings deposits with a maturity not exceeding five years from the date of trade settlement, in FDIC insured state or nationally chartered banks or savings banks that qualify as a depository of public funds in the State of California as defined in California Government Code Section 53630.5. Deposits in excess of the insured amount shall be secured pursuant to California Government Code Section 53651 and 53652. The City shall comply with and act to secure compliance with the security (collateralization) system specified in the Government Code Section 53649 and 53652. 7. Eligible Banker's Acceptances with a maturity not exceeding 180 days from the date of trade settlement, drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank whose senior long-term debt is rated at least "A", or the equivalent, by an NRSRO at the time of purchase. Banker's Acceptances shall be rated at least "A-1", or the equivalent, at the time of purchase by an NRSRO . No more than 5% of the City's total portfolio shall be invested in banker's acceptances of any one bank and the aggregate investment in banker's acceptances shall not exceed 40% of the City's total portfolio. 8. Money Market Funds registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 that (1) are "no-load " (meaning no commission or fee shall be charged on purchases or sales of shares); (2) have a constant net asset value per share of $1 .00 ; (3) invest only in the securities and obligations authorized in the applicable California statutes and (4) have a rating of at least "AAA", or the equivalent by at least two NRSROs. No more than 10% of the portfolio may be invested in any one fund and the aggregate investment in money market funds shall not exceed 20% of the City 's total portfolio. 9. Shares of Beneficial Interest issued by a joint powers authority (e .g ., CalTRUST) organized pursuant to Section 6509.7 that invest in the securities and obligations authorized in subdivisions (a) to (o), inclusive, of California Government Code Section 53601. Each share shall represent an equal proportional interest in the underlying pool of securities owned by the joint powers authority. To be eligible under this section , the joint powers authority issuing the shares shall have retained an investment advisor that: (1) is reg istered or exempt from registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission. (2) has at least five years of experience investing in the securities and obligations authorized in subdivisions (a) to (o), inclusive, of California Government Code Section 53601 . (3) has assets under management in excess of $500,000,000. 10. State of California's Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), pursuant to California Government Code Section 16429.1 . 9 of 14 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 Reso lution No. 17- Page 6 11. The San Diego County Investment Pool. The City may invest in this investment pool, established by the San Diego County Treasurer for the benefit of local public agencies . The foregoing list of authorized securities and transactions shall be strictly interpreted. Any deviation from this list must be preapproved by resolution of the City Council. INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT If the City has employed an external investment advisor to help manage its portfolio, the investme nt advisor shall be bound by the aforementioned list of authorized securities, the state and local laws and regulations that govern the investment activity of the C ity, and the following additional parameters. • While it is unde rstood that occasionally it may be in the best interest of the City to take losses in its security portfolio, losses taken to increase the yield in the portfol io may only be taken if the increased yie ld results in the loss being recouped in one year or less. Cred it-related losses on the other hand are taken to prevent potentially larger losses in the future. When possible , the investment advisor will get prior approva l of the City before taking cred it-re lated losses. In any case , the City wi ll be notified as soon as possible about any losses taken in the portfolio. • Securities that are downgraded by one or mo re rating agency to below the ratings required by this Policy do not have to be sold . However, the investment advisor will immediately notify the City of the downgrade. The advisor will prepare a credit report on the downg raded security and forward it to the City. Whi le the City entru sts its investment portfolio to the advisor, the City retains the right to ultimately make the decisions on how to invest its monies. INVESTMENT DIVERSIFICATION The City s hall diversify its investments to avoid incurring unreasonable risks inherent in over- investing in specific instruments, individual financial institutions or maturities . Neverthe less, the asset all ocation in the investment portfolio should be flexib le depending upon the outlook for the economy , the securities markets and the City's anticipated cash flow needs. PORTFOLIO MATURITIES AND LIQUIDITY To the extent possible, investments shall be matched with anticipated cash flow requirements and known future liabi lities . T he City wi ll not invest in securities maturing more than five yea rs from the date of trade settlement, unless the City Counci l has by resolution granted authority to make such an investment at least three months prior to the date of investment. 10 of 14 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 SELECTIO N OF B RO KE R/DEALERS Reso lution No. 17- Page 7 The Finance Manager shall maintain a list of broker/dealers approved for investment purposes, and it shall be the policy of the City to purchase securities only from those brokers and the firms they represent. Each approved broker/dealer must possess an authorizing certificate from the California Commissioner of Corporations as required by Section 25210 of the California Corporations Code . To be eligible, a firm must meet at least one of the following criteria: 1. Be recognized as Primary Dealers by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or have a primary dealer within the ir hold ing company structure, or 2. Report voluntarily to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or 3. Qualify under Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 15c3-1 (Uniform Net Capita l Rule). The City may engage the services of investment advisory firms to assist in the management of the portfolio and investment advisors may utilize their own list of approved broker/dealers. Such broker/dealers will comply with the selection criteria above and the list of approved firms shall be provided to the City on an annual basis or upon request. In the event that an external investment advisor is not used in the process of recommending a particular transaction in the City's portfolio , authorized broker/dealers shall attest in writing that they have received a copy of this Policy and each authorized broker/dealer shall be required to submit and annually update a City approved Broker/Dealer Information Request form that includes the firm's most recent financial statements. The City may purchase commercial paper from direct issuers even though they are not on the approved broker/dea ler list as long as they meet the criteria outlined in Item 3 of the Authorized Securities and Transactions section of this Investment Policy. COMPETITIVE TRANSACTIONS All investment transactions shall be conducted competitively with authorized broker/dea lers. At least three broker/dea lers sha ll be contacted for each transaction and their bid or offering prices shall be recorded. If the City is offered a security for which there is no other readi ly available competitive offering , then the Finance Manager wi ll document quotations for comparab le or alternative securities. SELECTION OF BANKS The Finance Manager shall maintain a list of FD IC insured banks approved to provide depository and other banking serv ices for the City . To be eligible , a bank shall qual ify as a depository of public funds in the State of California as defined in California Government Code Section 53630.5 and shall secu re deposits in excess of FD IC insurance cove rage in accordance with California Government Code Section 53652. 11 of 14 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 SAFE KEEPING AND CUSTODY Reso lution No. 17- Page 8 The Finance Manager shall select one or more banks to provide safekeeping and custodia l services for the City. A Safekeeping Agreement approved by the City shall be executed with each custodian bank prior to utilizing that bank's safekeeping services. Custodian banks will be selected on the basis of their abil ity to provide services for the City's account and the competitive pricing of their safekeeping related services . The purchase and sale of securities and repurchase agreement transactions shall be settled on a delivery versus payment basis. All securities shall be perfected in the name of the City. Sufficient evidence to t itle shall be consistent w ith modern investment, banking , and commercial practices . All deliverable securities purchased by the C ity will be delivered by book entry and will be held in third-party safekeeping by a City approved custodian bank or its Depository Trust Company (OTC) participant account. PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE The investment portfolio shall be designed to attain a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account p revailing market conditions , risk constraints for el igible securities , and cash flow requirements . The performance of the City's investments shall be compared to the average yield on t he U.S. Treasury security that most closely corresponds to the portfolio's weighted average effective maturity. When comparing the performance of the City's portfolio , its rate of return will be computed net of all fees and expenses. REPORTING Quarte rl y, the Di rector of Finance sha ll submit to the City Council a report of the investme nt earnings and performance results of the City's investment portfo lio . T he report s hall include the following information: 1. Investment type , issuer, date of maturity, par value and dollar amount invested in all securities, and investments and monies held by the City; 2. A description of the funds, investments, and programs; 3. A market value as of the date of the report (or the most recent valuation as to assets not va lued mo nthly) and the source of the val uation; 4. A statement of compl iance with the Investment Policy or an explanation for non- compliance ; and 5 . A statement of t he City's ability to meet expenditure requ irements for six months, and an explanation of why money will not be avai lable if t hat is the case. 12 of 14 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 Reso lution No. 17- Page 9 POLICY REVIEW This Investment Policy shall be reviewed at least annually to ensure its consistency with the overall objectives of preservation of principa l, liqu id ity, yie ld and diversification, and its relevance to current law and economic trends. Amendments to this Investment Pol icy shall be approved by resolution of the City Cou ncil. SEGREGATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES FUNCTION 1.0 Investment Po licy: 1.1 Preparation and annual review of Investment Policy 1.2 Approval of Investment Policy 2.0 Investment Transactions: 2 .1 Calculation of cash position 2.2 If app licab le, notify investment advisor of current avai lable cash to be invested 2 .3 Investment recommendation: Determination of amount to be invested, se lection of type of investment, and te rm of investment 2.4 Review of investment recommendation and execution of transaction 3.0 Recordi ng of Transactions: 3.1 In investment subsidiary ledgers 3.2 In accounting records 3 .3 Match investme nt confirmation to subsidiary ledgers 4.0 Safeguarding of Assets and Records: 4.1 Reconciliation of subsidiary records to the accounting records 4 .2 Reconciliation of subsidiary records to bank stateme nts and safekeeping records 4.3 Review of financial institutions and investment brokers' reputation and financial condition 4.4 Review of collaterals 5.0 Investment portfolio : 5.1 Preparation of investme nt report 5 .2 Review of portfol io for comp liance with stated Investment Po licy 5.3 Approval of investment report 13 of 14 RESPONSIBILI TY Director of Finance/ Oversight Committee City Counci l Sr. Accountant/Finance Mgr. Written approval by 2 members of Oversight Committee Investment Advisor/ Director of Finance/Finance Mgr. Written approval by member of Oversight Committee Sr. Accountant/Accou nt Technician Sr. Accountant/Account T echnician Senior Accountant Senior Accountant Senior Accountant Investment Adv./Oversight Comm . Investment Adv./Overs ight Comm. Senio r Accountant Overs ight Committee City Council May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 APPROVEDBROKE ru DEALERS Reso lution No. 17- Page 10 The following Broker/Dealers are approved for execution of trades. Broker/Dealers Bank of Montreal Ba rclays Capital Baylo ck B eal Va n BNP Paribas Securities Cantor Fitzgerald Citigroup Global Markets Credit Agrico le Credit Suisse Dia wa Capita l M arke ts Deutsche Bank FTN Financia l Goldman Sachs HSBCJefferies /NTL FCSto ne Finan ci a l J.P. Morgan Securities J e ffe ries Keyban c Cap i tal Markets Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Mits ubishi Fina ncia l Group Mizuho Securities Morgan Stanley Na tion a l Australia Bank Oppenheim er & Co Raymond James Morgan Keegan Nomura Securities International Piper Jaffray Raymond James & Associates RBC Capital Markets RBS Securities Robert W. Baird Stife l, Nicolaus & Co. Sun Trust Robinson Humphrey TD Securities U .S. Bancorp Investments UBS Securities Wells Fargo Securities This list of approved broker/dealers is subject to change at any time based upon periodic recom mendations of the investment advisor throughout the year. Current yea r additions in bold and ita licized. 14 of 14 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.5 RESOLUTION NO. 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, HOUSING AUTHORITY, AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S FINANCIAL PROGRAM FOR THE THIRD QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 WHEREAS, on June 16, 2015, the City Council of the City of Poway adopted the Poway Financial Program for Fiscal Years 2015-16 and 2016-17; and WHEREAS, on June 21, 2016 , the City Council of the City of Poway amended the Poway Financial Program for Fiscal Year 2016-17; and WHEREAS, a review of revenue and expenditure activity at third quarter end has determined that certain amendments to the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Poway Financial Program are necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway that the additional appropriations and transfers attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference are approved . PASSED, ADOPTED , AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 161h day of May 2017. Steve Vaus , Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2017, Item# 1.6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Resolution No . 17- Page 2 I, Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 161h day of May 2017 , and that it was so adopted by the following vote : AYES: NOES : ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED : ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A 4 of 5 Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk City of Poway May 16, 2017, Item# 1.6 EXHIBIT A Third Quarter Recommended Appropriations to City Financial Program for Fiscal Year 2016-17 Operating Budget s Publi c Works Div ision I Fund Account I Description Amount LMD 83-0lA (0421) LMD 83-0lA (263) 4120 Other Contractual Services 50,000 >- LMD 86-01 (0422) ~ 86-01 (264) 4120 Other Contractual Services 40,000 -LMD 86-01 (0422) D 86-01 (264) 4770 Landscape Supplies 8,000 -LMD 86-02A (04 23) LMD 86-02A (265) 4120 Other Contractual Services 5,000 r - Total Public Works 103,000 Third Quarte r Operating Budget Adjustments -Expenditures 103,000 5 of 5 May 16, 2017, Item #1 .6 Engineer's Report ; Intention to Collect Within LMD 83-1 for FY17 /18 ; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 2 below was required to annex into the District as a condition of property development either through the final map process or by Council Resolution. Based on the improvements that provide special benefits to parcels within the District, for Fiscal Year 2017 /2018 specific developments within the District are being established as separate designated Zones . The following provides a listing of the developments and associated properties in each proposed District Zone for Fiscal Year 2017/2018: District 83-1 Zone A includes the following residential developments : TRACT PROJECT NAME TTMs TTM TTM TTM TTM TTM TTM TTM TPM TPM 3495 , 4113 , 4191 , 89-15 and TPM 89-18 3503 3533 3461 84-07 87-06 88-05 88-09 89-09 99-05 Rancho Arbolitos Adobe Ridge I and II The Colonies Casa Real , Unit 7 Woodland Hills Cicero-Pacific Gateway/La Manda Carmel Vista Cusick Spyglass Zone B includes the following non-residential (commercial] developments: TRACT PROJECT NAME TPM CUP 86-03 92-05 Zone C includes the following residential development: Twin Peaks Plaza Kindercare TRACT PROJECT NAME TTM 98-06 Kentfield Estates Zone D includes the following residential development: TRACT PROJECT NAME TTM 99-01 Diroma Estates 2 of 27 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.7 Engineer's Report; Intention to Collect Within LMD 83-1 for FY17/18 ; Set Publ ic Hearing May 16 , 2017 Page 3 Zone E includes the following residential development: TRACT PROJECT NAME TIM TPM 02-03 03-05 Zone F includes the following residential development: Lamagna Lamagna TRACT PROJECT NAME TIM 84-04R Country Creek Zone G includes the following residential development: TRACT PROJECT NAME TIM 85-01 Rancho Espola Zone H includes the following residential development: TRACT PROJECT NAME TIM 87-04 Park Village Zone I includes the following residential development: TRACT PROJECT NAME TIM 86-04 Midland Estates Zone J i ncludes the following residential development: TRACT PROJECT NAME TIM 86-05 Community 16 Villas (Poway 16) Section 22624 of the Streets and Highways Code requires the City Council to approve an engineering report and adopt a Resolution of intention prior to establishing a budget each year. The Engineer's Report (Attachment B) outlines the proposed Fiscal Year 2017 /2018 budget and resulting assessments. The District currently has no approved escalation factor for increasing the maximum assessment rates . Currently , LMD's 83-1A, D, E, F , G, H , I and J do not have sufficient 3 of 27 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.7 Engineer's Report; Intention to Collect Within LMD 83-1 for FY17/18; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 4 funding to continue at maintenance service level A. Therefore, landscape maintenance services are being reduced to service level B. Zones A, D, E, F, G, H, I and J Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessments are proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 rate of $118.48 per year (or $9.87 per month) per benefit unit; Zone B Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessments are proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 rate of $235.75 per year (or $19.65 per month) per benefit unit; and Zone C Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessments are proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 rate of at $496.16 per year (or $41.35 per month) per benefit unit. Zone C, Kentfield Estates, contains unique facilities that include a sound wall with ornate pilasters surrounding the development, a bridged entry, and enhanced landscaping. Zone C assessments have been calculated based upon replacement values as well as maintenance and operations costs. No new parcels were added to the District during Fiscal Year 2016/2017. Under Assessment Law (Article XIII D, Section 2U)), those properties not receiving special benefit are not included on the LMD 83-1 assessment roll. For Fiscal year 2017/2018, the City and Assessment Engineer have determined that specific parcels do not receive special benefit from the improvements to be maintained with the District. Therefore, the City is proposing to detach three parcels from the District in Fiscal Year 2017/2018. Proposition 218, passed by the California voters on November 5, 1996, expands the requirements for public notification and imposes the requirement of District balloting. Beginning July 1, 1997, all existing, new or increased assessments shall comply with Article XIII D as added to the California Constitution. All parcels currently assessed were annexed into the District by owner consent at the time of development, making them exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of this Article. However, this does not preclude any assessments that would be increased in future years. A subsequent increase in such assessments shall be subject to the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D. As required under Assessment Law (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 and its amendments), an Engineer's Report and assessment recommendations must be presented for City Council consideration and public comment on an annual basis. This Report (Attachment B) has been found technically correct as presented. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to California Environmental Quality Act review. 4 of 27 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.7 RESOLUTION NO. 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 83-1 AND TO DETACH CERTAIN TERRITORY FROM THE DISTRICT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017/2018 PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 83-1 for the purpose of maintaining , servicing , and operating public landscape facilities located within the territory comprised of said district as shown in Exhibit A of the Engineer's Report that is on file in the City Clerk 's Office, pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972, and attached hereto; and WHEREAS, Section 22609 of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 authorizes the detachment of territory within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 83-1 ; and WHEREAS, assessments will not increase from the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $118.48 per benefit unit for Zones A, D, E, F, G, H, I and J ; $235 .75 per benefit unit for Zone B; and $496.16 per benefit unit for Zone C; and WHEREAS, under Article XIII D, Section 4 of the California Constitution, a City general benefit contribution has been calculated as the average General Fund expenditure on a per square foot basis for the maintenance of landscaped medians and right-of-ways . This general benefit contribution for Zones A , B, C, D, E , F , G, H , I and J have been calculated to be $63 ,071.98; and WHEREAS, under Article XIII D, Section 5(b) of Proposition 218 (adopted by general vote on November 5, 1996), the collection of Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessments is exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D, in that the assessment was imposed pursuant to a petition signed by the persons owning all of the parcels subject to the assessment at the time the assessment was initially imposed ; and WHEREAS, the public interest and convenience require the maintenance, service , and operation of public landscaping and sound walls within said territory. NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows : Section 1: The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines. 6 of 27 ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2017, Item# 1.7 Resolution No. 17- Page 2 Section 2: Proposed assessments are as detailed in the Engineer's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 83-1 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 . Section 3 : The proposed territory to be detached is detailed in the Engineer's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 83-1 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018. Section 4 : The detachment of this territory will have no fiscal impact on the assessments for the remaining zones and parcel within Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 83-1 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018. Section 5 : Pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code, a public hearing will be held on June 20 , 2017, by the City Council to consider the levying and collection of the proposed assessments . Section 6 : The City Clerk shall cause this Resolution to be published in the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Poway. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 16 1h day of May, 2017. Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk 7 of 27 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Resolution No. 17- Page 3 I, Nancy Neufeld, CMC , City Clerk, of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No . 17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 15th day of May, 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED : 8 of 27 Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway May 16, 2017, Item# 1.7 City of Poway Landscape Maintenance Assessment District 83-1 2017 /2018 ENGINEER 'S ANNUA L LEVY REPORT INTENT MEETING : MAY 16, 2017 P UBLI C H EAR ING : JUN E 20, 2017 Attachment B May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.7 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................. 1 A. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1 B . COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT LEGISLATION .................................................. 1 C. IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED BY THE 1972 ACT ........................................... 2 IL DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT ......................................................................... 3 A. BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT .......................................................................... 3 B . DISTRICT ZONES ...................................................................................................... 3 C. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS ......................................... 6 D . PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM IMPROVEMENTS ........................................ 6 Ill METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT ............................................................................ 7 A. GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 7 B . BENEFIT ANALYS IS ................................................................................................. 7 C . ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ 9 D . MAXIMUM ASSESSMENT RATE .......................................................................... 11 IV. DISTRICT BUDGETS .............................................................................................. 12 A. DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET ITEMS ..................................................................... 12 B . FY 2017/2018 BUDGET (Zones A through E) .................................................. 13 C. FY 2017/2018 BUDGET (Zones F through J) ................................................... 14 APPENDIX A -DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ................................................ 15 APPENDIX B -2017 /2018 ASSESSMENT ROLL ....................................................... 16 11 of 27 May 16, 20 17, Item# 1 .7 Pursuant to Article XI II D, Section 5, certain existing assessments are exempt from th e procedures and approval process set forth in Article XIIID , Section 4, and property owner balloting for the assessments is not required until such time that the assessments are increased. Since the District assessments were imposed pursuant to a petition signed by the persons owning all of the parcels subject to the assessments at the time the assessments were initially imposed , Article XIIID Section 5 (b) exempts the existing assessment amounts (approved original assessment rates in clu ding any applicable a.nnual escalation factor) from the procedural requirements of Article XI II D, Section 4. Th e provisions of Article X II ID do not alter the non-conflicting provisions of the 1972 Act. As such, the method of apportionment described in t his Report utilizes common ly accepted assessment engineering practices consistent with the 1972 Act and the provisions of Article X IIID. T he proposed assessments for the current fiscal year are less t ha n or equal to the adjusted maximum assessment rate previously approved and adopted for the District. T he application of this adjusted maximum assessment rate for the various land uses within the District is described in more detail in Section Ill D of this Report. Any proposed assessment that exceeds the adjusted maximum assessment rate is considered an increased assessment. Pursuant to the provisions of Article X IIID , all new or 1ncreased assessments (the incremental increase) are subject to both the substantive and procedural requirements of Article XIIID, Section 4. C. IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED BY THE 1972 ACT As applicable or may be applicable to this proposed District, the 1972 Act defines improvements to mean one or any combination of the following : • The installation or planting of landscaping. • The installation or construction of statuary, fountains , and other ornamental structures and facilities . • The installation or construction of publi c lighting facilities. • The installation or construction of any fac ilities which are appurtenant to any of the foregoing o r which are necessary or convenient for the maintenance or servicing thereof, including , but not limited to , grading , clearing , removal of debris , the installation or construction of curbs, gutters, walls, sidewalks, or paving , or water, irrigation, drainage, or electrical facilities. • The maintenance or servicing, or both, of any of the foregoing . • The acquisition of any existing improvement otherwise authorized pursuant to this section . Incidental expenses associated with the improvements including , but not lim ited to : • The oost of preparation of the Report, including plans, specifications, estimates, diagram, and assessment; • The costs of printing , advertising , and the publishing , posting and mailing of notices ; • Compensation payable to the County for collection of assessments; • Compensation of any engineer or attorney employed to render services ; • Any other expenses incidental to the construction , installation, or maintenance and servicing of the improvements ; • Any expenses incidental to the issuance of bonds or notes pursuant to Section 22662 .5; and , 2017/2018 City of Poway Landscape Maintenance District 83-1 Page 2 of 16 13 of 27 May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.7 C. DESCR IPTION OF THE DISTR ICT IMPROVEMENTS The improvements to be maintained by the District are defined as landscape improvements within the right-of-ways and open space areas associated with the development of the subdivisions and parcels within the District and are considered to be improvements that were either installed in direct connection with the development of those properties or were installed for the benefit of those properties as a result of property development or potential development of those properties and were cons idered necessary for the development of those properties to their full and best use. These improvement areas within the D istrict may include, but are not limited to landscaping adjacent to portions of Pomerado Road , Camino del Norte, Ted Williams Parkway, Twin Peaks Road , Tierra Bonita Road , Midland Road , Espola Road , Community Road , and Carriage Road . Walls and fences adjacent to private property are to be maintained by the adj acent property owners. The DistricUCity , prior to commencement of work, shall approve repairs or reconstruction of any walls or fences adjacent to the District landscape areas. Should the property owners desire to include major re-pairs or reconstruction within the D istrict's responsibilities (other than those already incl uded within Zone C of the District), the property owners are required to submit a petition to initiate the balloting process set forth in Article XIIID , Section 4. Landscape maintenance performance standards and specifications have been developed by the City to assure quality maintenance of landscape assessment district properties . A recent evaluation of the level of quality has been conducted_. and the current maintenance levels meet the City's landscape maintenance standards. D. PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM IMPROVEMENTS The properties determined to receive benefit are those lots or parcels that, as a result of development or redevelopment, finance , construct, install , and/or establish landscape improvements w ithin public right-of-ways or public easements (permanent public improvement) or adjoining lots or parce ls that, as a result of development or redevelopment , receive access or are immediately adjacent to lots or parcels which contain lc1ndscape improvements maintained by a landscape maintenance district. Special benefit, as defined in the ''Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972", applicable provisions of "Proposition 218", and provisions of the "Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act" ("Assessment Law") and in this Report, shall be assessed to those properties determined to receive special benefit from the District's improvements. A listing of the parcels receiving special benefit from the District improvements and whi c h are proposed to be assessed for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 is outlined in Appendix B of this Report. For Fisca l Year 2017/2018 the City and Assessment Engineer have determined that specific parcels do not receive special benefit from the improvements to be maintained within the District. Therefore , pursuant to Chapte r 2 Article 2 Section 22609 of the Act, the City is propos ing to detach the following parcels from the District commencing in Fiscal Year 2017/2018 : Book 314, Page 242, Parcel 19 Book 314 , Page 651, Parcel 24 ~ and Book 321 , Page 180, Parcel 67 . 2017/201 8 17 of 27 City of Poway Land scap e Maintenance District 83-1 Pa ge 6 of 16 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.7 dislocated , based on the average dwelling units per acre, has been assigned to non- residential lands. This method determines an equivalent benefit to residential land uses. Exhibit B details the calculation of the average residential units per acre planned within the urban areas of the C ity. Urban areas have been defined as the parcels receiving water and sewer services . In -Lieu Assessm en ts Under provisions of City policy , parcels may contribute in-lieu assessments by providing equivalent mai ntenance services for District improvernents With in pub li c right-of-ways or public easements immediately adjacent to their lands . No parcels within the District a re schedu led to contribute in-lieu assessments in Fiscal Year 2017/2018. Non-benefiting Parcels All public and private streets , avenues , lanes, roads , d rfves , courts , alleys , all public easements and right-of-ways , all dedicated open space parcels , and District ma inta ined parcels are determined to not rece ive special benefit from the District's improvements and are therefore not assessed . Ben efi t Un i ts (BUs) As described above , the number of assessab le benefit units aUributab le to each parcel receiv'lng special benefit has been ca lcu l'ated and can be found in the Assessment Roll (Append ix B). Th e assessment methodology utili zed is as described above . Based on this methodo logy, the benefit un its , and the Fiscal Year 2017/2018 proposed assessment for each parcel were calculated and are shown i n the Assessment Roll (Appendix B). • The calculated Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessment for Zone A is proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $118.48 per benefit unit. • The calculated Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessment for Zone Bis proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $235 .75 per benefit uni t. • The calculated Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessment for Zone C is proposed to be $496 .16 per benefit unit based on the needs of the unique landscaping and hard scape maintenance requirements of Zone C, and remains at the Fiscal Year 2016 /2017 assessment. rate . • The ca lculated Fisca l Year 2017/2018 assessment for Zone D is proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $118.48 per benefit unit. • The calculated Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessment for Zone Eis proposed to rema l n at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $118.48 per benefit unit. • The calculated Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessment for Zone Fis proposed to remain at the Fisca l Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $118.48 per benefit unit. • T he calculated Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessment for Zone G is proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $118.48 per benefit unit. • T he ca lculated Fisca l Year 2017/201.8 assessment fo r Zone His proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $118.48 per benefit unit. • The calculated Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessment for Zone I is proposed to remain at 20 17/20 18 Ci ty of Poway Land scap e Maintenance District 83-1 Page 10 of 16 21 of 27 May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.7 the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $118 .48 per benefit unit. • The calculated Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessment for Zone J is proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $118.48 per benefit unit. D. MAXIMUM ASSESSMENT RATE The approved maximum assessment rates for the District zones are $118.48 per benefit unlt for Zones A , D, E , F, G, H, I , and J; $235.75 per benefit unit for Zone B; and $496.16 per benefit unit for Zone C . The District currently has no approved escalation factor for increasing the maximum assessment rates for the District Assessments. The maximum assessment rate establishes an approved upper limit on the annual assessment; however, the assessment rate levied by the District may be less than the maximum amount in any given year if not required to meet the budgetary needs for that year. If the long term budgetary needs of the District would require an increase in the rate greater than the maximum assessment rate in order to meet those needs, then any proposed increase in the maximum assessment rate would require property owner balloting procedures as dictated by Article XIIID . 2017/2018 22 of 27 City of Poway Landscap e Maintenance District 83-1 Page 11 of i 6 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.7 Engineer's Report; Intention to Collect within LMD 86-1 for FY17/18 ; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 2 included within the District boundaries. Each subdivision and/or development listed below was required to annex into the District as a condition of property development either through the final map process or by Council Resolution . Based on the improvements that provide special benefits to parcels within the District , for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 specific developments within the District are being established as separate designated Zones . The following provides a listing of the developments and associated properties in each proposed District Zone for Fiscal Year 2017/2018: District 86-1 Zone A includes the following residential developments: TRACT PROJECT NAME TTMs 4090R ,4091R,4092R ,4093R TIM 3545 TIM 4158 TIM 84-08 TIM 89-13 TIM 89-13R TTM 89-13R TTM 89-13R TIM 98-02 TTM 99-03 MORA 98-71 MORA 01-38 MORA 05-59 TTM 00-02 TIM 02-01 PM15384 (par 1, 2, 3 and 4) MAP 15725 ROS 4063 Bridlewood Piedmont Park Stone Canyon Ranch The Grove Old Coach Collection The Heritage, Phase I, Un it I The Heritage , Phase I, Unit Ill The Heritage, Phase I, Unit IV North Poi nt Vision Homes Kennedy Family Trust Wells Trust Garczynski Malone BBA Partners Custom Homes M ilpitas-Fleming Associates Seaman Gregg District 86-1 Zone B includes the following non-residential development: TRACT PROJECT NAME TPM 90-06 LOS Poway Chapel. District 86-1 Zone C includes the following residential development: TRACT PROJECT NAME TTM 87-05 Serenata 2 of 23 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.8 Engineer's Report; Intention to Collect within LMD 86-1 for FY17/18; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 3 District 86-1 Zone D includes the following residential development: TRACT PROJECT NAME TTM 86-01 Huntington Gate , I and II District 86-1 Zone E includes the following residential development: TRACT PROJECT NAME TTM 88-15 Green Valley Estates Section 22624 of the Streets and Highways Code requires the City Council to approve an engineering report and adopt a Resolution of intention prior to establishing a budget each year. The Engineer's Report (Attachment 8) outlines the proposed Fiscal Year 2017/2018 budget and resulting assessments. The District currently has no approved escalation factor for increasing the maximum assessment rates . CurrentJy, LMD 86-1A, C , and D do not have sufficient funding to continue at maintenance service level A. Therefore, landscape maintenance services are being reduced to service level 8 . Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessments are proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 rate of $243.04 per year (or $20.25 per month) per benefit unit. There are currently 954 residential parcels being assessed within LMD 86-1, Zones A, C and D . On September 8 , 1992, the City Council approved an agreement whereby the LOS Poway Chapel is to maintain the LMD improvements adjacent to, and constructed by the church . Zone 8 will have no assessment levied , as the Church of Latter-Day Saints has agreed to maintain the right-of-ways bordering their property for perpetuity. Green Valley Estates Homeowners Association currently has an agreement in place with the City to maintain the right-of-ways bordering the development along Lake Poway Road. As such, the properties in this zone will not be levied an assessment for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 . No new parcels were added to the District during Fiscal Year 2016/2017. Under Assessment Law (Article XIII D, Section 20)), those properties not receiving special benefit are not included on the LMD 86-1 assessment roll . For Fiscal year 2017/2018, the City and Assessment Engineer have determined that specific parcels do not receive special benefrt from the improvements to be maintained with the District. Therefore, the C ity is proposing to detach thirty-seven parcels from the District in Fiscal Year 2017/2018 . 3 of 23 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.8 RESOLUTION NO . 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-1 ANO TO DETACH CERTAIN TERRITORY FROM THE DISTRICT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017/2018 PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE LANDSCAPING ANO LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Poway desires to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86 -1 for the purpose of ma i ntaining , servicing , and operating public landscape facilities located within the territory comprised of said district as shown in Exhibit A of the Eng ineer's Report that is on file in the City Clerk 's Office , pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 , and attached hereto ; and WHEREAS , Section 22609 of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 authorizes the detachment of territory within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-1 ; and WHEREAS , assessments will not increase from the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $243 .04 per benefit unit for Zones A , C , D and E; and WHEREAS , under Article XIII 0 , Section 4 of the California Constitution , a City general benefit contribution has been calculated as the average General Fund expenditure on a per square foot basis for the maintenance of landsca ped medians and right-of-ways . Th is general benefit contribution for Zones A , C and D has been calculated to be $45,413 .90 ; and WHEREAS , under Article XIII D, Section 5(b) of Proposition 218 (adopted by general vote on November 5 , 1996), the collection of Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessments is exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D, i n that the assessment was imposed pursuant to a petition signed by the persons owning all of the parcels subject to the assessment at the time the assessment was i nitially imposed ; and WHEREAS , the public interest and convenience requ ire the maintenance , service , and operation of public landscaping and sound walls within said territory. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows : Section 1: The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines . Section 2: Proposed assessments are as detailed in the Engineer's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No . 86-1 for Fiscal Year 2017 /2018 . 5 of 23 Attachment A May 16, 2017, Item# 1.8 Secti on 3: The proposed territory to be detached is deta iled in the Engineer 's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-1 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 . Section 4 : The detachment of this territory will have no fi scal impact on the assessments for the remain i ng zones and parcel within Poway Landscape Ma i ntenance District No . 86-1 for Fi scal Year 2017/2018 . Section 5 : Pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code , a public hearing will be he ld on June 20, 2017 , by the City Council to consider the levying and collection of the proposed assessments . Section 6 : The City Clerk sha l l cause th is Resoluti on to be pub l ished in the Poway News Chieftain , a newspaper of general circu lation in the City of Poway . PASSED , ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeti ng this 161h day of May, 2017 . Steve Vaus , Mayor ATIEST: Nancy Neufeld , CMC , C ity Clerk 6 of 23 May 16, 2017, Item# 1 .8 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk , of the City of Powa y , do hereby certi fy unde r pena lty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said Ci ty Council he ld on the 16th day of May, 2017 , and that it was so adopted by the fo l lowi ng vote : AYES: NOES· ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: 7 of 23 Nancy Neufeld, CMC, C ity Clerk C ity of Poway May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.8 City of Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-1 2017 /2018 ENGINEER'S ANNUAL LEVY REPORT INTENT MEETING: MAY 16, 2017 PUBLIC HEARING: JUNE 20, 2017 Attachment B May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.8 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................... 1 A . INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 B. COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT L EGISLATION .............................................. 1 C. IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED BY THE 1972 ACT ....................................... 2 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT .................................................................... 3 A. BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT .................................................................... 3 B. DISTRICT ZONES .............................................................................................. 3 C. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS ...................................... 5 D. PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM IMPROVEMENTS ..................................... 5 Ill. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT ...................................................................... 6 A . GENERAL .......................................................................................................... 6 B . BENEFIT ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 6 C. ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 8 D . MAXIMUM ASSESSMENT RATE ...................................................................... 9 IV. DISTRICT BUDGETS ....................................................................................... 10 A . DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET ITEMS ................................................................ 10 B . PROPOSED ZONE BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 2017 /2018 .......................... 11 V. APPENDIX A -DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ..................................... 12 VI . APPENDIX B -2017/2018 ASSESSMENT ROLL. ........................................... 13 10 of 23 May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.8 C. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS The improvements to be maintained by the District are defined as landscape improvements w ithin the right-of-ways and open space areas associated w ith the development of the subd ivisions and parcels w ithin the District and are considered to be improvements that were either installed in direct connection with the development of those properties or were installed for the benefit of those properties as a result of property development or potential development of those properties and were considered necessary for the development of those properties to their full and best use. These improvement areas within the Distr ict may include , but are not li mited to landscaping adjacent to the developments along portions of Espola Road , T itan Way, Painted Desert Road , Woodland Parkway, Summer Sage Road , Lake Poway Road , Ripari an Road , Sunset Drive , Del Pon iente Road and Twin Peaks Roads. Some of the District improvement areas are currently mainta ined by the adj acent property owner or property owners through a Homeowner's Association . In such cases, those property owners are not assessed for the maintenance of those improvements. Walls and fences adjacent to private property are to be maintained by the adjacent property owners. The DistricUCity, prior to commencement of work , shall approve repairs or reconstruction of any walls or fences adjacent to the District landscape areas . Should the property owners desire to include major repa irs or reconstruct ion w ithin the District's responsibilities, the property owners are requ ired to subm it a petition to i nitiate the balloting process set forth in Article XIIID , Section 4 . Landscape maintenance performance standards and specifications have been developed by the City to assure quality maintenance of landscape assessment d istrict properties. A recent eva luation of the level of quality has been conducted , and the current maintenance levels meet the City's landscape maintenance standards . 0 . PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM IMPROVEMENTS The properties determined to receive benefit are those lots or parce ls that, as a result of development or redevelopment, finance , construct, install , and/or establish landscape improvements with i n public right-of-ways or public easements (permanent public improvement) or adjoin ing lots or parcels that, as a resu lt of development or redevelopment, rece ive access or are immediately adjacent to lots or pa rcels which contain landscape improvements ma i ntained by a landscape ma i ntenance district. Special benefit, as defined i n t he "Landscape and Li ghting Act of 1972", appl icable provisions of "Proposition 218", and provisions of the "Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act" (" Assessment Law") and in this Report, shall be assessed to those properties determined to rece ive specia l benefit from the Distr ict 's improvements. A listing of the parcels receiving special benefit from the District improvements and wh ich are proposed to be assessed for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 is outli ned i n Appendix B of th is Report. For Fiscal Year 2017/2018 the C ity and Assessment Eng ineer have determined that specific parcels do not receive special benefit from the improvements to be maintained within the District for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 . Therefore , pursuant to Chapter 2 Article 2 Section 22609 of the Act , the C ity is proposing to detach the following parcels from the District commencing in Fiscal Year 2017/20 18 : 2017/2018 15 of 23 City of Poway Landscape Maintenance D istnct 86-1 Page 5 of 13 May 16, 2017 , Item# 1 .8 Engineer's Report; Intention to Collect within LMD 86-2 for FY17/18; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 2 District 86-2 Zone A includes the following residential developments: _ ·JRACT _ . . . . . ;PRO'JECJ' NAME _-. ·; TIM TIM TIM TPM TIM 4185R 87-12 89-03 97-15 89-05 Sunrise Ranch SilverRidge (aka Poway Villas) Eagle Pointe (aka La Paz Summit) Paradise Development Southern Hills (aka Poway Summit Estates) Zone B (residential developments) includes the following: . 'TRACT _ . . . . . · _ · _,. .. : _:_ . , .. __ ,PROJECJ'.NAME , · .. ," TIM CUP 83-02 06-09 (M) Sycamore Creek Loma Cabrillo, LLC Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessments are proposed to remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 rate of $186.16 per year (or $15.51 per month) per benefit unit for Zone A and $297.82 (or $24.82 per month) per benefit unit for Zone B. Proposition 218, passed by the California voters on November 5, 1996, expands the requirements for public notification and imposes the requirement of District balloting. Beginning July 1, 1997, all existing, new or increased assessments shall comply with Article XIII D as added to the California Constitution. All parcels currently assessed were annexed into the District by owner consent at the time of development, making them exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of this Article. However, this does not preclude any assessments that would be increased in future years. Subsequent increases in such assessments shall be subject to the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D. The approved maximum assessment rate for Zone A is $186.16 per benefit unit and Zone B is being assessed less than the maximum at $297 .82 per benefit unit. In 1998, property owners within the District received ballots for a proposed increase as specified under Assessment Law. Both Zones were balloted for an increase in assessments with annual cost indexing based on the annual San Diego Consumer Price Index (SD-CPI). Zone A had a majority protest for the increase, and therefore, failed to pass the ballot. Therefore, the assessment rate is proposed to remain unchanged from the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 rate and Zone A is exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D. The failure of an assessment increase by ballot for Zone A in Fiscal Year 1998/1999 led to a reduction of maintenance services. Since then, the District has been unable to continue plant renovation and has performed limited tree maintenance. Services continue to be reduced to meet revenue and to accommodate unexpected repair needs that arise. 2 of 22 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.9 RESOLUTION NO . 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-2 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017/2018 WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Poway desires to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86 -2 for the purpose of maintain ing , seNic ing , and operating public landscape facil ities located within the territory comprised of sa id district as shown in Exhibit A of the Engineer's Report that is on file in the City Clerk 's Office, pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972, and attached hereto; and WHEREAS , assessments will not increase from the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $186 .16 per benefit unit for Zone A and $297 .82 per benefit unit for Zone B; and WHEREAS , under Article XIII D, Section 4 of the California Constitution , a City general benefit contribut i on has been calculated as the average General Fund expenditure on a per square foot basis for the maintenance of landscaped medians and right-of-ways . Th i s general benefit contribution for Zones A and B have been calculated to be ($3 ,144 .27 and $2 ,823 .02), respectively ; and WHEREAS , under Article XIII D , Section S(b) of Proposition 218 (adopted by general vote on November 5, 1996), the collection of Fi scal Year 2017/2018 assessments is exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D, in that the assessment was im posed pursuant to a petition signed by the persons owning all of the parcels subject to the assessment at the time the assessment was initially imposed ; and WHEREAS , the public interest and convenience require the maintenance , seNice , and operation of public landscaping within said territory . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counci l of the City of Poway as follows : Section 1: The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determ ines . Section 2 : Proposed assessments are as detailed in the Engineer's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No . 86-2 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 . Section 3: Pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code , a public hearing will be held on June 20 , 2017 , by the City Council to consider the levying and collection of the proposed assessments . 4 of 22 ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.9 Resolution No . 17- Page 2 Section 4 : The City Clerk shall cause this Resolution to be published in the Poway News Chieftain , a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Poway. PASSED , ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 15th day of May, 2017 . ATIEST: Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Steve Vaus , Mayor I, Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk , of the City of Poway , do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No . 17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 151h day of May, 2017 , and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED : 5 of 22 Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk City of Poway May 16, 2017, Item# 1.9 TABLE OF CONTENTS I . OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................... 1 A . INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 B . COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT LEGISLATION .............................................. 1 C. IMPROVEMENTS AU T HORIZED BY THE 1972 ACT ....................................... 2 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT .................................................................... 3 A . BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT .................................................................... 3 8 . DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS ...................................... 4 C. PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM IMPROVEMENTS ..................................... 5 Ill. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT ...................................................................... 5 A . GENERAL .......................................................................................................... 5 B . BENEFIT ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 5 C. ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 8 D. MAXIMUM ASSESSMENT ................................................................................. 9 JV. DISTRICT BUDGETS ....................................................................................... 10 A . DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET ITEMS ................................................................ 10 8 . ZONE A BUDGET ............................................................................................ 11 C. ZONE 8 BUDGET ............................................................................................ 12 APPENDIX A -DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ............................................ 13 APPENDIX B -2017/2018 ASSESSMENT ROLL. .................................................. 14 8 of 22 May 16 , 2017 , Item# 1.9 Engineer's Report; Intention to Levy within LMD 86-3 for FY17/18; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 2 District 86-3 Zone A includes the following residential developments: . 'jf,~C'T .. . _ . . .. _: ·-. ·.~ ·P.ROJEC_;f-'NAME .. ~ TM TIM TIM 3994 88-03 94-02 The Pond Sycamore Springs Poway Oaks Zone B (non-residential [commercial] developments) includes the following: .. ~TRACT. ._ _ . . RROJECJ.NAME . TPM 90-04 TIM 90-05 Under Bldg. Permit DR 98-07NAR 98-11 TPM 01-06 DR 05-05 Wal-Mart Creekside Plaza SteinMart Plaza (New Tenant) Poway Hyundai Hillside Village Apartments Sciara Apartments Section 22624 of the Streets and Highways Code requires the City Council to approve an engineering report and adopt a Resolution of Intention prior to establishing a budget each year. The Engineer's Report (Attachment B) outlines the proposed Fiscal Year 2017/2018 budget and resulting assessments. There are currently 159 residential (Zone A) and 16 non-residential, 214.88 commercial units, and two multi-residential, low-income housing apartments (Zone B) assessable parcels in LMD 86-3. Fiscal Year 2017 /2018 assessments are proposed to remain unchanged from the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 rates of $163.00 per benefit unit per year (or $13.58 per month) for Zone A and $75.31 per benefit unit per year (or $6.28 per month) for Zone B. Proposition 218, passed by the California voters on November 5, 1996, expands the requirements for public notification and imposes the requirement of District balloting. Beginning July 1, 1997, all existing, new, or increased assessments shall comply with Article XIII D as added to the California Constitution. All parcels currently assessed were annexed into the District by owner consent at the time of development. However, this does not exempt assessment increases in future years. Subsequent increases in such assessments shall be subject to the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII 0. The approved maximum assessment rate for Zone A is $163.00 per benefit unit and Zone Bis being assessed less than the maximum at $75.31 per benefit unit. In 1998, property owners within the District received ballots for a proposed increase as specified under Assessment Law. Both Zones were balloted for an increase in assessments with 2 of 23 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.10 Engineer's Report; Intention to Levy within LMD 86-3 for FY17 /18; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 3 annual cost indexing based on the annual San Diego Consumer Price Index (SD-CPI). Zone A had a majority protest for the increase, and therefore, failed to pass the ballot. Therefore, the assessment rate is proposed to remain unchanged from the Fiscal Year 1997/1998 rate and Zone A is exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D. The failure of an assessment increase by ballot for Zone A in Fiscal Year 1998/1999 led to a reduction of maintenance services. Although this District has received a reduced level of service to meet the revenue received, the current contractor continues to maintain these areas with proficient water management and plant preservation. Zone B passed the 1998/1999 ballot allowing for the option of an annual increase based on the San Diego Consumer Price Index on an as needed basis. Because projected revenues are sufficient to fund anticipated budgetary needs, no increase to Zone B (non-residential) parcel assessments is requested at this time. The assessment rate levied by the District for Zone B may be less than the maximum amount in any given year if not required to meet budgetary needs for that year. If the long term budgetary needs of the District would require an increase in the rate greater than the maximum assessment rate in order to meet those needs, then any proposed increase in the maximum assessment rate would require property owning balloting procedures as dictated by Article XIII D. As required under Assessment Law (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 and its amendments), an engineer's report and assessment recommendations must be presented for City Council consideration and public comment on an annual basis. This Report (Attachment B) has been found technically correct as presented. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to California Environmental Quality Act review. Fiscal Impact: Revenues collected at $163.00 per benefit unit for Zone A and $75.31 per benefit unit for Zone B, for an estimated total of $42,099.70, will be used for the District's maintenance costs during Fiscal Year 2017/2018. A General Fund contribution of $7,556.57 ($1,260.08 for Zone A and $6,296.49 for Zone B) will be made based upon average square footage maintenance costs for landscaped medians and right-of-ways that provide general benefit to the City. Public Notification: None. 3 of 23 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.10 Engineer's Report; Intention to Levy within LMD 86-3 for FY17 /18; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 4 Attachments: A. Resolution Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 B. 2017/2018 Engineer's Annual Levy Report Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 4 of 23 Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney ":;;]~ Tina M. White City Manager May 16, 2017, Item# 1.10 RESOLUTION NO . 17 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY , CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-3 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017/2018 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 for the purpose of maintaining , servicing , and operating public landscape facilities located within the territory comprised of said district as shown in Exhibit A of the Engineer's Report that is on file in the City Clerk's Office , pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 , and attached hereto: and WHEREAS , assessments will not increase from the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $163 .00 per benefit unit for Zone A and $75 .31 per benefit unit for Zone B; and WHEREAS , under Article XIII D , Section 4 of the California Constitution , a City general benefit contribution has been calculated as the average General Fund expenditure on a per square foot basis for the maintenance of landscaped medians and right-of-ways . This general benefit contribution for Zones A and B have been calculated to be $1 ,260 .08 and $6 ,296.49, respectively ; and WHEREAS , under Article XIII D , Section 5(b ) of Proposition 218 (adopted by general vote on November 5 , 1996), the collection of Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessments is exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D , in that the assessment was imposed pursuant to a petition signed by the persons owning all of the parcels subject to the assessment at the time the assessment was initially imposed ; and WHEREAS , the public interest and convenience require the maintenance, service , and operation of public landscaping within said territory . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows : Section 1: The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines . Section 2: Proposed assessments are as detailed in the Engineer's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No . 86-3 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 . Sect ion 3 : Pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code , a public hearing will be held on June 20 , 2017 , by the City Council to consider the levying and collection of the proposed assessments. 5 of 23 ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.10 Resolution No. 17- Page 2 Section 4 : The City Clerk shall cause this Resolution to be published in the Poway News Chieftain , a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Poway . PASSED , ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 161h day of May, 2017 . ATIEST: Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Steve Vaus , Mayor I , Nancy Neufeld , CMC, City Clerk , of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No . 17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 16th day of May , 2017 , and that it was so adopted by the following vote : AYES : NOES : ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: 6 of 23 Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk City of Poway May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.10 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................... 1 A . INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 B . COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT LEGISLATION .............................................. 1 C. IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED BY THE 1972 ACT ....................................... 2 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT .................................................................... 3 A . BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT .................................................................... 3 8 . DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS ...................................... 3 C. PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM IMPROVEMENTS ..................................... 4 Ill. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT ...................................................................... 4 A. GENERAL .......................................................................................................... 4 B . BENEFIT ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 5 C. ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 8 D. MAXIMUM ASSESSMENT RATE ...................................................................... 9 IV. DISTRICT BUDGETS ....................................................................................... 10 A. DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET ITEMS ................................................................ 10 B . ZONE A BUDGET ............................................................................................ 11 C. ZONE B BUDGET ............................................................................................ 12 APPENDIX A -DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ............................................ 13 APPENDIX B -201712018 ASSESSMENT ROLL. .................................................. 14 9 of 23 May 16, 2017, Item# 1 .10 W }:Ya~k1!2!~ (approved original assessment rates including any applicable annual escalation factor) from the procedural requirements of Article XIIID, Section 4. The provisions of Article XI 110 do not alter the non-conflicting provisions of the 1972 Act. As such , the method of apportionment described in this Report utilizes commonly accepted assessment engineering practices consistent with the 1972 Act and the provisions of Article XIIID. The proposed assessments for the current fisca l year are less than or equal to the adjusted maximum assessment rate previously approved and adopted for the District. The appl ication of this adjusted maximum assessment rate for the various land uses within the District is described in more detail in Secti on Ill D of this Report. Any proposed assessment that exceeds the adjusted maximum assessment rate is considered an increased assessment. Pursuant to the prov is ions of Article XIIID, all new or increased assessments (the i ncremental increase) are subject to both the substantive and procedural requirements of Article XIIID , Section 4. C . IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED BY THE 1972 ACT As applicable or may be applicable to this proposed District, the 1972 Act defines improvements to mean one or any combinat ion of the following : • The installation or planting of landscaping . • The installation or construction of statuary, fountains , and other ornamental structures and facilities . • The installation or construction of public lighting facilities . • The installation or construction of any facilities which are appurtenant to any of the foregoing or which are necessary or convenient for the maintenance or servicing thereof, including , but not limited to, grading , clearing , removal of debris, the installation or construction of curbs , gutters, walls , sidewalks, or paving , or water, irrigation , drainage, or electrical facilities. • The ma i ntenance or servicing , or both , of any of the foregoing . • The acquisiti on of any existing improvement otherwise authorized pursuant to this section . Incidental expenses associated with the improvements including , but not lim ited to: • The cost of preparati on of the Report, i nclud ing plans, specifications, estimates , diagram, and assessment; • The costs of printing , advertising , and the publishing , posting and mailing of notices ; • Compensation payable to the County for collection of assessments ; • Compensation of any engineer or attorney employed to render services ; • Any other expenses incidental to the construction , installation , or maintenance and servicing of the improvements; • Any expenses incidental to the i ssuance of bonds or notes pursuant to Section 22662 .5 ; and , • Costs associated w ith any elections held for the approva l of a new or increased assessment. The 1972 Act defines "Maintain " or "maintenance" to mean furnishing of services and materi als for the ordinary and usua l ma intenance, operati on , and servicing of any improvement, including : • Repair, removal , or replacement of all or any part of any improvement. 2017/2018 City of Poway Landscape Ma intena nce D1stnct 86-3 Page 2 of 14 11 of 23 May 16, 2017 , Item# 1 .10 W'}Yjki~~ • Providing for the life, growth, health, and beauty of landscaping , including cultivation , irrigation, trimmi ng , spraying , fertilizing , or treating for disease or injury. • The removal of trimmings, rubbish , debris, and other solid waste . • The cleaning , sandblasting , and painting of walls and other improvements to remove or cover graffiti. ll DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT A. BO UNDARIES O F T HE D ISTRICT The District Boundary Map and Assessment Diagram , which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Engineer's Report, are on file with the Special Districts Office of the Public Works Department of the City of Poway and are available for public inspection during normal business hours . The Boundary Map shows the District boundary and the general location of District improvements. On February 25, 1992, by Council Resolution No . 92-039, Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 was divided into two zones: 86-3 Zone A for residential and 86-3 Zone B for commercial. Assessments for each zone of the District (LMD 86-3A and B) are being calculated by applying the zones' approved maximum assessment rate times the total units within each District zone . No new improvements or assessed parcels were added to the District during Fiscal Year 2016/2017. District 86-3 Zone A (159 residential parcels assessed), includes the following developments: Tract Project Name TM3994 TTM 88-03 TTM 94-02 The Pond Sycamore Spnngs Powa Oaks District 86-3 Zone B (16 non-residenti al parcels; 205 .936 commercial units; and 2 multi- residential , low-income housing apartments having 40.36 un its) consists of the following d I t • Tract Project Name TPM 90-04 TIM 90 05 Under Bldg Permit OR 98 07NAR 98-11 TPM 01-06 OR 05-05 Wal Mart Creekside Plaza Stem Mart Plaza/New Ten ant Poway Hyundai H1lls1de Village Apartments Solara Apartments B. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS Facilities to be maintained by Zone A of the District are defined as landscape improvements within the right-of-ways and open space areas associated with annexed subdivisions and which are adjacent to portions of Pomerado Road , Old Pomerado Road , Beeler Creek, Metate Lane, Oak Knoll and Sage View Roads, including natural open space areas w ithin the 201 7/2018 12 of 23 City of Poway Landscape Maintenance Oistnct 86-3 Page 3 of 14 May 16 , 2017, Item# 1.10 W }Ya~~1~bc~ associated subdivisions. Facilities to be maintained by Zone B of the District are defined as landscape improvements within the right-of-ways and adjacent to portions of Poway, Midland , and Community Roads . Walls and fences adjacent to private property are to be maintained by the adjacent property owners. The District/City, prior to commencement of work, shall approve repairs or reconstruction of any walls or fences adjacent to the District landscape areas. Should the property owners desire to include major repairs or reconstruction within the District's responsibilities , the property owners are required to submit a petition to initiate the balloting process set forth in Article XIIID , Section 4 . Landscape maintenance performance standards and specifications have been developed by the City to assure quality maintenance of landscape assessment district properties . A recent evaluation of the level of quality has been conducted , and the current maintenance levels meet the City's landscape maintenance standards . C. PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM IMPROVEMENTS The properties determined to recei ve benefit are those lots or parcels that, as a result of development or redevelopment , finance, construct, install , and/or establish landscape improvements within public right-of-ways or public easements (permanent public improvement) or adjoining lots or parcels that, as a result of development or redevelopment , receive access or are immediately adjacent to lots or parcels which contain landscape improvements maintained by a landscape maintenance district. Special benefit, as defined in Assessment Law and in this Report, shall be assessed to those properties determined to receive benefit from the District's improvements . Ill METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT A. GENERAL The 1972 Act permits the establishment of assessment districts by agencies for the purpose of providing certa in public improvements that include the construction, maintenance and servicing of public lights , landscaping and appurtenant facilities . The 1972 Act further requires that the cost of these improvements be levied according to benefit rather than assessed value: The net amount to be assessed upon lands within an assessment district may be apportioned by any formula or method which fairly distributes the net amount among all assessable lots or parcels in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by each such lot or parcel from the improvements . The formula used for calculating assessments in this District therefore reflects the composition of the parcels, and the improvements and services provided , to fairly apportion the costs based on benefit to each parcel. In addition , Article XIIID requires that a parcel's assessment may not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on that parce l. Article XIIID prov ides that only special benefits are assessable and the City must separate the general benefits from the special benefits. A special benefit is a particular and distinct benefit over and above general benefits conferred on the public at large, i ncluding real property with in the district. The general enhancement of property value does not constitute a special benefit. 2017/2018 13 of 23 City of Poway Landscape Ma intenance D1stnct 86-3 Page 4 of 14 May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.10 Engineer's Report; Intention to Collect within LMD 87-1 for FY17 /18; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 2 The following 1s a list of subdivisions currently annexed into and assessed by the District: _'Il;R;«CT . . . flROJECT:NAME : TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TIM TPM DR DR TIM TPM TIM TPM DR TIM TPM 85-04 86-02R 87-13 88-04R 88-04R 97-03 98-05 99-07 98-07 95-13 97-47 98-07 19952 00-01 01-05 03-13 86-02R 06-04 Pomerado Business Park I and II Tech Business Center Parkway Business Centre I and II Trident Center Rolling Hills Estates I and II Valencia Parkway Business Centre Ill Legacyffoppan Kimball Watkins Terminals Discovery Isle Aviano/Bothwell Rexford Poway Views, LLC Dynasty Development Costco/Home Depot Poway Corporate Center Slough Poway II, LLC Section 22624 of the Streets and Highways Code requires the City Council to approve an engineering report and adopt a Resolution of Intention prior to establishing a budget each year. The Engineer's Report (Attachment B) outlines the proposed Fiscal Year 2017/2018 budget and resulting assessments. The District currently maintains approximately 200 acres of landscaping under contract. Under Assessment Law (Article XIII D, Section 2(J)), those properties not receiving special benefit are not included on the LMD 87-1 assessment rolls. The District currently has no approved escalation factor for increasing the maximum assessment rates. Proposition 218, which was passed by California voters on November 6, 1996, expands the requirements for public notification and imposes the requirement of District balloting. Beginning July 1, 1997, all existing, new or increased assessments shall comply with Article XIII D as added to the California Constitution. All parcels currently assessed were annexed into the District by owner consent at the time of development, making them exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of this Article. However, this does not preclude any assessments that would be increased in future years. Subsequent increases in such assessments shall be subject to the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D. As required under Assessment Law (Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972 and its amendments), an engineer's report and assessment recommendations must be presented for City Council consideration and public comment on an annual basis. This Report (Attachment B) has been found technically correct as presented. 2 of 21 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.11 Engineer's Report; Intention to Collect within LMD 87-1 for FY17/18; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 3 Environmental Review: This action is not subject to California Environmental Quality Act review. Fiscal Impact: Revenues collected at the rate of $790.00 per net acre per year for Parkway Business Centre I and 11, Tech Business Center, and Slough Poway II, LLC; $842.68 per net acre per year for Pomerado Business Park I and 11, Trident Center, Discovery Isle, Parkway Business Centre 111, Legacy, Toppan. Poway Corporate Center, Poway Views. Watkins Terminals. and Costco/Home Depot; and $210.68 per benefit unit per year for Rolling Hills Estates. Valencia, Kimball. Aviano/Bothwell, Rexford, and Dynasty Development will be used for the District's maintenance costs during Fiscal Year 2017/2018. Assessment rates shall remain at the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 rates. A General Fund contribution of $132,344.72 will be made based upon average maintenance costs for the landscaped medians and right-of-ways that provide general benefit to the City. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Resolution Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 87-1 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 B. 2017/2018 Engineer's Annual Levy Report Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 3 of 21 Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By: J)vi~,lCU*tc Tina M. White City Manager May 16, 2017, Item# 1.11 RESOLUTION NO . 17- A RESOLUTIO N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY , CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 87-1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017/2018 WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Poway desires to levy and collect assessments within Poway Landscape Maintenance District 87-1 for the purpose of maintaining , servicing , and operating public landscape facilities located within the territory comprised of said district as shown in Exhibit A of the Engineer's Report that is on file in the City Clerk's Office , pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972, and attached hereto; and WHEREAS , assessments will not increase from the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $790 .00 per net acre per year for Parkway Business Centre I and II , Tech Business Center, and Slough Poway II , LLC ; $842 .68 per net acre per year for Pomerado Business Park I and II , Trident Center, Discovery Isle, Parkway Business Centre Ill , Legacy , Toppan , Poway Corporate Center, Poway Views , Watkins Terminals , and Costco/Home Depot; and $210 .68 per benefit unit per year for the residential properties of Rolling Hills Estates , Valencia , Kimball , Aviano/Bothwell , Rexford , and Dynasty Development; and WHEREAS, under Article XIII D, Section 4 of the California Constitution , a City general benefit contri bution has been calculated as the average General Fund expenditure on a per square foot basis for the maintenance of landscaped medians and right-of-ways . This general benefit contribution for LMD 87-1 has been calculated to be $132 ,344 .72 ; and WHEREAS , under Article XIII D, Section 5(b) of Proposition 218 (adopted by general vote on November 5, 1996), the collecti on of Fiscal Year 2017/2018 assessments is exempt from the procedures and approval process set forth in Section 4 of Article XIII D, in that the assessment was imposed pursuant to a petition signed by the persons owning all of the parcels subject to the assessment at the time the assessment was initially imposed ; and WHEREAS , the public interest and convenience require the maintenance, service , and operation of public landscap ing within said territory. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows : Section 1: The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines . Section 2 : Proposed assessments are as detailed in the Engineer's Report for Poway Landscape Maintenance District No . 87-1 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 . 4 of 21 ATTACHMENT A May16 ,2017, ltem#1.11 Resolution No . 17- Page 2 Section 3: Pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code , a public hearing w ill be he ld on June 20 , 2017 , by the City Council to consider the levying and co l lection of the proposed assessments . Section 4 : The City Clerk sha ll cause th is Resolut ion to be pub lished in the Poway Ne ws Chieftain , a newspaper of general circulat ion in the City of Poway. PASSED , ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Coun ci l of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 161h day of May, 2017 . ATIEST: Nancy Neufeld , CMC , C ity Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Steve Vaus , Mayor I, Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk , of the City of Poway , do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No . 17 -was du ly adopted by the City Counc il at a meeti ng of said C ity Council held on the 16th day of May, 2017 , and that it was so adopted by the following vote : AYES : NOES: ABSENT : DISQUALIFIED: 5 of 21 Nancy Neufeld , CMC , C ity Clerk City of Poway May 16, 2017, Item# 1 .11 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................... 1 A. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 8 . COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT LEGISLATION .............................................. 1 C. IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED BY THE 1972 ACT ....................................... 2 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT .................................................................... 3 A . BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT .................................................................... 3 8. DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS ...................................... 4 C. PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM IMPROVEMENTS ..................................... 5 Ill. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT ...................................................................... 5 A. GENERAL .......................................................................................................... 5 8 . BENEFIT ANALYSIS .......................................................................................... 5 C. ASSESSMENT ,METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 7 D. MAXIMUM ASSESSMENT ................................................................................. 9 IV. DISTRICT BUDGETS ....................................................................................... 10 A. DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET ITEMS ................................................................ 10 8 . BUDGET ........................................................................................................... 11 APPENDIX A -DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ............................................ 12 APPENDIX B -2017/2018 ASSESSMENT ROLL. .................................................. 13 8 of 21 May 16, 2017 , Item# 1 .11 Engineer's Report; Intention to Collect within Light Dist for FY17 /18; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 2 Since the District is adequately funded at this time, the District will continue to collect assessments at the same rate for all zones and use SANDAG's traffic generation study as a basis for its formulas. (See Derivation of Benefit Factor, page 10 of the Engineer's Report, Attachment B). Zone A parcels are those that have street lighting within their immediate vicinity. These parcels also share in the equitable funding for the maintenance and operation of street lighting along the City's major arterial streets. Therefore, assessments collected within this zone shall be assessed at the full rate (100%) of $15.00 per Benefit Unit. Vacant parcels are proposed to be assessed at a 50 percent rate of $7 .50 per Benefit Unit. Zone B parcels are those that do not have benefit of immediate street lighting but equitably share in the maintenance and operation funding for street lighting along the City's major arterial streets. Therefore, assessments collected within this zone shall be proportionally assessed at the partial rate of $3.75 (25% of $15.00) per Benefit Unit. Because the County lists funds in even amounts on County Tax statements, the Benefit Unit assessment will be $3.76. Vacant parcels are proposed to be assessed at a partial rate of $1.88 (50% of $3.75) per Benefit Unit. Zone C assessments are collected to fund the operation and maintenance of traffic signals and flashing beacons within the City boundaries. It has been determined that all parcels within the District benefit equally. Therefore, Zone C parcels are assessed at the full rate of $13.58 per Benefit Unit for the maintenance of traffic signal lighting and flashing beacons. Vacant parcels are proposed to be assessed at a 50 percent rate of $6.79, which, due to the County requirement, will be assessed as $6.80. Section 22624 of the Streets and Highways Code requires the City Council to approve an engineering report and adopt a Resolution of intention prior to establishing a budget each year. The Engineer's Report (Attachment B) outlines the proposed Fiscal Year 2017/2018 budget and resulting assessments. The assessments for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 are based on the District's operation and maintenance costs, and are reflected on the Fiscal Year 2017/2018 property tax bills. No increases are proposed for the Fiscal Year 2017 /2018 street lighting assessments for Zones A, B, or C. Zone A assessments will remain at $15.00, Zone B at $3.75, and Zone Cat $13.58 per Benefit Unit. Assessments are proposed to be collected for vacant parcels dependent on their benefit to street light accessibility (as defined by Zone A and Zone B) at a rate of 50 percent. Proposition 218, passed by the California voters on November 5, 1996, expands the requirements for public notification and imposes the requirement of District balloting. Beginning July 1, 1997, all existing, new, or increased assessments shall comply with Article XIII D as added to the California Constitution. Since no increases or new 2 of 26 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.12 Engineer's Report; Intention to Collect within Light Dist for FY17/18; Set Public Hearing May 16, 2017 Page 4 Attachments: A. Resolution Declaring the Intention to Levy and Collect Assessments Within Poway Lighting District for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 B. 2017/2018 Engineer's Annual Levy Report (Appendix D-A. D-B and D-C on file in the Office of the City Clerk) Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 4 of 26 Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Ap~t~ Tina M. White City Manager May 16, 2017, Item# 1.12 RESOLUTION NO . 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY , CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE INTE NTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN POWAY LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017/2018 WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Poway desires to levy and collect assessments within the Poway Light ing District for the purpose of mainta ining , servicing , operating , and administering public lighting facilities, including , but not limited to , street lights , traffic signals , lighted street signs , and flashing beacons , in the City of Poway as shown in Exhibit A of the Poway Lighting District Engineer's Report that is on file in the City Clerk 's Office , pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code , and attached hereto; and WHEREAS , assessments will not increase from the Fi scal Year 2016/2017 assessment rate of $15 .00 per benefit un it for Zone A , $3 .75 per benefit unit for Zone B, and $13 .58 per benefit unit for Zone C; and WHEREAS , under Article XIII D, Section 4 of the Cal ifornia Constitution , a City general benefit contribution has been ca l culated as the average General Fund expend iture for the maintenance of street lighting and traffic signals. This general benefit contribution has been calculated to be $121 ,174; and WHEREAS , under the provisions of Section 5 of Article XIIID , the existing assessments i n the District are exempt from both the substantive and procedural requirements outlined in Section 4 of the Article , until such time the assessments are increased ; and WHEREAS , the public interest and conven ience require the maintenance , service , and operation of street lighting, lighted street signs , traffic signals, and flashing beacons within said territory. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the C ity of Poway as follows : Section 1: The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines . Section 2 : Proposed assessments are as detailed in the Eng ineer's Report for Poway Lighting District for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 . Section 3 : Pursuant to the Streets and Highways Code , a public hearing will be held on June 20 , 2017 , by the City Council to consider the levying and collection of the proposed assessments . 5 of 26 ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2017 , Item# 1 .12 Resolution No. 17- Page 2 Section 4 : The City Clerk shall cause th is Resolution to be published in the Po way News Chieftain , a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Poway. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the C ity of Poway at a regular meeting this 15th day of May, 2017. ATIEST: Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City C lerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Steve Vaus , Mayor I, Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City C l erk, of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under pena lty of perj ury that the foregoing Resolution No. 17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said C ity Council held on the 15th day of May, 20 17, and that it was so adopted by the followi ng vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: 6 of 26 Nancy Neufeld , CMC , City Clerk C ity of Poway May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.12 City of Poway Poway City Lighting District 2017 /2018 ENGINEER'S ANNUAL LEVY REPORT Intent Meeting: May 16, 2017 Public Hearing: June 20, 2017 Attachment B May 16, 2017, Item# 1 .12 TABLE OF CONTENTS f. OVERVIEW ..........................•.................................................................................. 1 A . INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1 B . IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED BY THE 1972 AC T ........................................... 1 C. COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT LEGISLATION .................................................. 3 D. MAXIMUM ASSESSMENT RATE .......................................................................... 3 II. BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT ................................................................................. 4 Ill. DEFINITIONS ... . ................................................................................................ 4 IV PLANS AND SPEC/FICA T/ONS ............................................................................ 5 A . ·PURPOSE ............................................................................................................... 5 B. STREET LIGHT INVENTORY ................................................................................ 6 V. DISTRICT BUDGET... .... .... .... .. . ....................................................................... 6 A . DESCRIPTION OF BUDGET ITEMS ...................................................................... 6 B. LIGHTING DISTRICT BUDGET ............................................................................. 7 VI . METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENT ........................................... 8 A . PROPOSITION 218 BENEFIT ANALYSIS ............................................................. 8 B. ZONE BENEFIT ANALYSIS ................................................................................... 9 APPENDIX A -DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM ................................................. 14 APPENDIX B -LANDUSE CATEGORY BENEFIT FACTOR ...................................... 15 APPENDIX C -COUNTY LAND USE CODES ......................................................... 16 APPENDIX D -2017/2018 ASSESSMENT ROLL ....................................................... 17 9 of 26 May 16 , 2017, Item# 1.12 LAND USE Factory-Heavy Manufacturi ng , Extra- active , m i ning Spec./Misc. Industrial 1-3 Story Misc. Store Bldgs., 4+ Story Offices/Stores , M isc. Commercial, Radio Station , Bank, Car Wash Mobile Homeffrailer Park Multi-Residential Farmland , Rural Land , Agricultural Preserve Cemetery, Mausoleum , Mortuary Golf Course Office Condom in i ums Industria l Condomini ums Vacant Land [Bu i ldab le] W'}iY!~M2~ T RI P GENERATION RATE BENEFIT UNITS {BU } 120 triQs/acre = 3.0 40 tri ps /BU 100 triQs /acres = 2 .5 40 trips/BU 600 triQs /acre = 15.0 40 trips/BU 5 triQs /DU = 0 .5 10 trips/BU 6 triQs /DU = 0 .6 10 trips/BU 2 triQs /acre = 0.05 40 trips/BU 5 trips/acre = 0 .1 40 tri ps /BU 8 tri Qs/acre = 0.2 40 tri ps /BU 20 tri Qs /Condo = 2 .0 10 tri ps /BU 8 tri Qs /Condo = 0 .8 10 tri ps /BU Vacant l and generates a = 50% nominal number of tri ps as based on compared to developed designated parcels and therefore , benefit land receives a proportionate use code benefit from street lighti ng 2017/2018 21 o f 26 Paway City Lighting D1stnct Page 12 of 17 May 16 , 2017, Item # 1.1 2 W }iYlk1P.!~ APPENDIX B -LANDUSE CATEGORY BENEFIT FACTOR Benefit Benefit LU.Factor Code land Use LU.Factor Code Land Use 0 .0 00 Unzoned 3 .0 /AC 45 Extractive & mining 0 .02/TS 07 Timeshare 10/AC 46 Small automotive garage 0 .5 /SP 09 Mobilehome/Condo Space· 0 .80/AC 47 Industrial condos 0 .5 10 Vacant residential 2 .5/AC 49 Spec. misc. Industrial 1 .0 /DU 11 Single family res . 50% 50 Vacant irrigated 1 .0 /DU 12 Duplex or double 0 .05/AC 51 Citrus 1 .0/DU 13 Res. 2-4 units/2 houses 0 .05/AC 52 Avocados 1 .0/DU 14 Res. 5-15 units 0 .05/AC 53 Vines 1 .0/DU 15 Res. 16-60 units 0 .05/AC 54 Misc. trees 1 .0/DU 16 Res. 61 units & up 0 .05/AC 55 Livestock 1 .0/DU 17 Condominium 0 .05/AC 56 Poultry 1 .0/DU 18 Co-Op 0 .05/AC 57 Misc . irrigated crops 1 .0/DU 19 Misc . residential 0 .05/AC 58 Growing houses 50% 20 Vacant commercial 0 .05/AC 59 Special misc. irrigated 15/AC 21 1-3 story misc . store building 0 .05/AC 61 Non-irrigated 1-,0 AC 15/AC 22 4 story & up offices/stores 0 .05/AC 62 Non-irrigated 11-40 AC 12.5/AC 23 Regional shopping center 0 .05/AC 63 Non-irrigated 41-160 AC 17.5/AC 24 Comm. shopping oenter 0 .05/AC 64 Non-irrigated 161-360 AC 30/AC 25 Neighborhood shopping ctr . 0 .05/AC 65 Non-irrigated 361 AC and up 5.0/AC 26 Hotel , motel 50% 70 Vacant institutional 15/AC 27 Service station 1 .5/AC 71 Church 12 .5/AC 28 Medical/dentaVanimal hosp. 1.5/AC 72 Church parking/related 1 .0 /AC 29 Convalescent hosp., rest home 0 .1/AC 73 Cemetery 0 .5/CO(unit) 30 Office condominium 0.1 /AC 74 Mausoleum 7.5/AC 31 Parking lot, garage, used cars 0 .1/AC 75 Mortuary 32 Trailer park" 1 .5 /AC 76 Public Bldg. (fire, school, library) 30/AC 33 Theater 7.5/AC 77 Hospital 7.5/AC 34 Bowling alley 1.5 /AC 79 Spec . misc. institutional 30/AC 35 Restaurant 50% 80 Vacant recreational 15/AC 36 Car wash 1 .5/AC 81 Meeting hall, gym 50/AC 37 Large chain grocery 0 .2/AC 82 Golf course 7 .5/AC 38 Auto sales/services agency 0 .5/AC 83 Marina , dock·- 15/AC 39 Misc. commercial , radio ..... 84 Recreational camps station , bank 0 .0 85 Non-tax recreational 50% 40 Vacant Industrial 0 .0 86 Open space easements 1 .5/AC 41 Factory -light manufacturing 0 .05/AC 87 Agricultural preserve (no contract) 3.0 /AC 42 Factory -heavy manufacturing 0 .05/AC 88 Agricultural preserve (contract) 1 .5 /AC 43 Warehouse-processing-storage 1.5/AC 89 Spec. misc. recreational 1.0/AC 44 Bulk storage (tanks, etc.) 50% 90 Vacant taxable -gov't property 1 .0 /AC 91 Improved taxable -gov't property ·Ex clude Mobilohome Coaches Force to 0 .5/Space . .,. Force to 0 .4/Slip for Time Shares Force to 0 .4/Campsite NOTE: Acreage <.5 AC= .05 AC 20 17/201 8 24 of 26 Poway C ity L1ght1ng D istrict Page 15 of 17 May 16, 2017 , Item# 1 .12 w" }Y!~1eb~ APPENDIX D -2017/2018 ASSESSMENT ROLL Parcel identification , for each lot or parcel within the District, shall be the parcel as shown on the County Assessor's Map for the year i n which this Report is prepared . Non-assessable lots or parcels include land principally encumbered by public or utility rights -of-way and common areas . These parcels will not be assessed . A listing of parcels assessed within the District along with the proposed assessment amounts has been identified as "Fiscal Year 2017 /2018 Assessment Roll ", and is on file with the City Clerk and is by reference made a part of this Report . 201712018 26 of 26 Poway City Lighting o ,stnct Page 17 of 17 May 16, 20 17 , Item# 1.12 Approval of Third Amendment with Cannon Pacific Services, Inc. May 16, 2017 Page 2 Municipal Code Section 3 28 110 authorizes the City to participate in cooperative purchasing contracts for supplies, services and equipment with other government agencies. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to California Environmental Quality Act review Fiscal Impact: The annual scheduled maintenance for this contract is approximately $18,000 Sufficient funds for award of the extension of the bus stop maintenance services agreement extension will be included with the FY 2017-18 proposed budget for consideration by Council in June 2017 The agreement is funded by a grant received through the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) In addition, associated administrative labor costs are reimbursed annually by MTS Public Notification. A copy of this report was sent to Cannon Pacific Services, Inc. Reviewed/Approved By· Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 2 of 2 Reviewed By· Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By· ~~ Tina M. White City Manager May 16, 2017, Item# 1 13 Poway Housing Successor Annual Report FY 2015-16 May 17, 2017 Page 2 Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Poway Housing Successor Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2015-16 B. Poway Housing Authority Basic Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report for Fiscal Year 2015-16 Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 2 of 42 Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney A~~ Tina M. White City Manager May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 POWAY HOUSING SUCCESSOR ANNUAL REPORT REGARDING THE LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING ASSET FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34176.1(f) FOR THE POWAY HOUSING AUTHORITY This Housing Successor Annual Report (Report) regarding the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund (LMIHAF) has been prepared pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 34176.1(f) and is dated as of December 28, 2016. This Report sets forth certain details of the Poway Housing Authority, in its capacity as Housing Successor to the dissolved Poway Redevelopment Agency, activities during Fiscal Year 2015-16 (Fiscal Year). The purpose of this Report is to provide the governing body of the Housing Successor an annual report on the housing assets and activities of the Housing Successor under Part 1.85, Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code, in particular sections 34176 and 34176.1 (Dissolution Law). The following Report is based upon information prepared by Housing Successor staff and information contained within the Poway Housing Authority Basic Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report for Fiscal Year 2015-16 as prepared by Rogers, Anderson, Malady & Scott, LLP (Audit), which Audit is separate from this annual summary Report; further, this Report conforms with and is organized into sections I. through XI., inclusive, pursuant to the Dissolution Law: I. Amount Deposited into LMIHAF: This section provides the total amount of funds deposited into the LMIHAF during the Fiscal Year. Any amounts deposited for items listed on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) must be distinguished from the other amounts deposited. II. Ending Balance of LMIHAF: This section provides a statement of the balance in the LMIHAF as of the close of the Fiscal Year. Any amounts deposited for items listed on the ROPS must be distinguished from the other amounts deposited. Ill. Description of Expenditures from LMIHAF: This section provides a categorized description of the expenditures made from the LMIHAF during the Fiscal Year. IV. Statutory Value of Assets Owned by Housing Successor: This section provides the statutory value of real property owned by the Housing Successor, the value of loans and grants receivables, and the sum of these two amounts. 3 of 42 ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 V. Description of Transfers: This section describes transfers pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34176.1 (c)(2), if any, to another housing successor agency made in previous Fiscal Year(s), including whether the funds are unencumbered and the status of projects, if any, for which the transferred LMIHAF will be used. The sole purpose of the transfers must be for the development of transit priority projects, permanent supportive housing, housing for agricultural employees or special needs housing. VI. Project Descriptions: This section describes any project for which the Housing Successor receives or holds property tax revenue pursuant to the ROPS and the status of that project. VII. Status of Compliance with Section 33334.16: This section provides a status update on compliance with Section 33334.16 for interests in real property acquired by the former redevelopment agency prior to February 1, 2012. For interests in real property acquired on or after February 1, 2012, the Housing Successor must provide a status update on the project. The Poway Housing Successor has not acquired any property on or after February 1, 2012. VIII. Description of Outstanding Obligations under Section 33413: This section describes the outstanding inclusionary and replacement housing obligations, if any, under Section 33413 that remained outstanding prior to dissolution of the former redevelopment agency as of February 1, 2012, along with the Housing Successor's progress in meeting those prior obligations, if any, of the former redevelopment agency and how the Housing Successor's plans to meet unmet obligations, if any. IX. Income Test: This section provides the information required by Section 34176.1 (a)(3)(B), or a description of expenditures by income restriction for five-year period, with the time period beginning January 1, 2014, and whether the statutory thresholds have been met. However, reporting of the Income Test is not required until 2019. X. Senior Housing Test: This section provides the percentage of units of deed-restricted rental housing restricted to seniors and assisted individually or jointly by the Housing Successor, its former redevelopment Agency, and its host jurisdiction within the previous 10 years in relation to the aggregate number of units of deed-restricted rental housing assisted individually or jointly by the Housing Successor, its former Redevelopment Agency and its host jurisdiction within the same time period. For this Report the ten-year period reviewed is January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2016. XI. Excess Surplus Test: This section provides the amount of excess surplus in the LMIHAF, if any, and the length of time that the Housing Successor has had excess surplus, and the Housing Successor's plan for eliminating the excess surplus. 4 of 42 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 HOUSING AUTHORITY PROPERTIES ACQUIRED PRIOR TO FEBRUARY 1, 2012 APN Street Address Description Date of Size Status Purchase 27546061 12674 Monte Vista Rd Future 2/22/2000 2.06 Acres Vacant land. Affordable Housina 31747201 13021-13023 Poway Future 03/26/2002 2.6 Acres Vacant land. Road Affordable Development Housing opportunity feasibility study underwav. 31747206 13031 Poway Rd Future 3/30/2010 .24 Acres Vacant building. Affordable Development Housing opportunity feasibility study underwav. 32119028 Twin Peaks Rd Future 11/03/2004 2.15 Acres Vacant. Exclusive Affordable Negotiating Rights Housing Agreement extended in May 2016. 31715214 12341 Oak Knoll Road Future 3/23/2011 3.18 Acres Leased. Exclusive Affordable Negotiating Rights Housing Agreement extended in June 2016. 31423026 13424 Scots Way Vacant lot 08/27/2002 0.70 Acres Vacant land. Due to significant access issues, Housing Authority will explore options to sell property to adioinina neiahbor. 31421418 14048 Sycamore Future 06/30/2005 0.32 Acres Vacant land. Avenue Affordable Housina 31710151 Wanesta -Floodway Remnant 8/27/2004 2.15 Acres Vacant land. & 52 behind Solara floodway Floodway parcels properties behind Solara Affordable Hsg. Cannot be develooed. VIII. DESCRIPTION OF OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 33413 Replacement Housing: According to the 2010-2014 Implementation Plan for the former redevelopment agency, no Section 33413(a) replacement housing obligations were transferred to the Housing Successor. Furthermore, the Housing Successor has not caused the demolition of any units and no new replacement housing obligations have been created. 7 of 42 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 XI. EXCESS SURPLUS TEST Excess Surplus is defined in Section 34176.1(d) as an unencumbered amount in the LMIHAF account that exceeds the greater of one million dollars ($1 ,000,000) or the aggregate amount deposited into the LMIHAF account during the Housing Successor's preceding four Fiscal Years , whichever is greater. The LMIHAF was not created until February 1, 2012. The current balance of $1 ,692,964 on deposit in the LMIHAF does not exceed the sum of the annual deposits made in the preceding four fiscal years ($1 ,742,561) and as a result, the LMIHAF does not have an Excess Surplus. The following provides the Excess Surplus test for the preceding four Fiscal Years: FY 2012113 FY 2013 114 FY2014 i 15 FY201516 ..... ··••·· • $128.488 $1$1,888 $1,404,am $1,578.318 Add:DeDOSits $1 ,118,939 $183,421 $212,256 $227,944 Cl .... E•1 ••• ,_ $(7,741) $(18.201) 1(38,825) $(113.211) Ending Balance $1 ,237,666 $1 ,404,886 $1,578,318 $1 ,692,964 9 of42 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 10 of 42 Poway Housing Authority Poway, California Basic Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report For the year ended June 30, 2016 ATTACHMENT B May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Basic Financial Statements For the Year Ended June 30, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS Independent Auditor's Report ....................................................................... . Basic Financial Statements Government-Wide Financial Statements 1 Statement of Net Position......................................................................... 4 Statement of Activities.............................................................................. 5 Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet....................................................................................... 6 Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Position.................. 7 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance................. 8 Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance to the Statement of Activities............................................. 9 Notes to the Basic Financial Statements................ . ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Required Supplementary Information (Unaudited) Budgetary Comparison Schedule................................................................... 23 Note to Budgetary Comparison Schedule......................................................... 24 Independent Auditor's Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 11 of 42 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 735 E. Carnegie Or. Suite 100 San Bernardino. CA 92.q08 909 889 087 I T 909 889 5361 F ramscpa.net ?ARTi'JER.5 Brendal 0<:11c. CPA. MST Terry P. Sh11a. CPA Klf'k A. F-ranks. CPA Scon W. M:inno. CPA CGMA Leena Shanbh.1g. Ci'A. 1""1ST. CGMA Brac:liNO A. Weleb1r. CPA. MBA. CGMA Jay H. Ze1·cher. CPA (Pinner Emcriun) Ph11f,p H. W;illC!r. CPA iPArtncr Erncn(us) MANAGERS 1 Si A.FF Jenny !..cu. CPA, MST Seon,:-H]"ea Lee. CPA MBA Charle~ De S1nWJni. ::;PA N:nhan Stath.1m. CPA. MAA G.Hdcny:i Duran. CPA Bn,111n.1 S.:t1ultz. CPA 0.1nicl Hcrn;mdt:!,z. CPA. MBA L1i.1 Oo11g-.u<:! Guo. CPA. MSA MEMBERS Amcrrc~n lnsu:ute of Cend,c-CI Public Accoum.:mi, P(PS Tltl' A/CPA AHwrice f,•r CPA F1r,:,, G,w1•111n•crtr11f Awl,: Ou11/,1r (r:11:c, Cahform,1 Soc,cty of CC'r't,f,,.<1 Publ,C" Account,1n:s 12 of 42 ROGERS, ANDERSON, MALODY & SCOTT. LLP CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. SINCE 1948 Independent Auditor's Report To the Chairman and Commissioners of the Poway Housing Authority Poway, California Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities and the major fund of the Poway Housing Authority (Authority), a component unit of the City of Poway (City), as of and for the year ended June 30, 2016, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Authority's basic financial stateme.nts as listed in the table of contents. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Govemment Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about wheiher the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. 1 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 STABILITY. ACCURACY. TRUST. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions. Opinions In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities and the major fund of the Authority as of June 30, 2016, and the respective changes in financial position for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Emphasis of a Matter Specific Authority Presentation As discussed in Note 1, the basic financial statements present only the Authority and do not purport to, and do not present fairly, the financial position of the City of Poway, California, as of June 30, 2016, and the changes in its financial position, or where applicable, its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Our opinions are not modified with respect to this matter. Other Matters Required Supplementary Information Management has omitted the Management's Discussion and Analysis that accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America required to be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such missing information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. Our opinions on the basic financial statements are not affected by this missing information. Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the Budgetary Comparison Schedule be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. 13 of 42 2 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated December 28, 2016, on our consideration of the Authority's internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Governmental Auditing Standards in considering the Authority's internal control over financial reporting and compliance. J{o3e r.s, 'An d~r .so11 1 M Q.\od~& Scott I LLP San Bernardino, California December 28, 2016 14 of 42 3 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 This page intentionally left blank. 15 of 42 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Basic Financial Statements 16 of 42 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Statement of Net Position June 30, 2016 ASSETS Cash and investments Due from other governments Capital assets Total assets LIABILITIES Accounts payable Deposits Total liabilities NET POSITION Net investment in capital assets Restricted for: Housing Total net position $ 1,710,688 728,097 17,762,674 20,201,459 13,425 4,300 17,725 17,762,674 2,421,060 $ 20,183,734 17 of 42 See accompanying notes t~ basic financial ,tf~~nJflr,12017 , Item #1 .1 4 Poway Housing Authority Statement of Activities For the Year Ended June 30, 2016 Functions/Programs: Expenses Governmental activities: General government $ 106,534 Development services 6,765 $ Program Revenues Charges for Services Grants and Contributions Operating Grants Capital Grants & Contributions & Contributions 56,403 $ $ Gove mm ental l'<:tivities Net (Expenses) Revenues and Changes in Net Position $ (50,131) (6,765) Total governmental activities $ 113,299 $ 56,403 _s ______ ""$'---------"(56=.s:.:.96::,_l General revenues: Investment income 21,102 Other 104,447 Total general revenues 125,54g Extraordinary items (2,153,521) Change in net position (2,084,868) Net position, beginning 22,268,602 Net position, ending $ 20,183,734 18 of 42 See accompanying notes t~ basic financial itf11illlfs1,'~o 17 , Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Balance Sheet Governmental Fund June 30, 2016 ASSETS Cash and investments Due from other governments Total assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable Deposits Total liabilities Fund balance: Restricted Total fund balance Total liabilities and fund balance $ 1,710,688 728,097 $ 2,438,785 $ 13,425 4,300 17.725 2,421,060 2,421,060 $ 2,438,785 19 of 42 See accompanying notes to 6 basic financial ~1~IT!fs1.t~017 , Item #1 .14 Poway Housing Authority Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Position Governmental Fund June 30, 2016 Total Governmental Fund Balance Amounts reported in governmental activities in tl1e statement of net position are different because: Capital assets used in the governmental activities are not current financial resources and, tl1erefore, are not reported in the fund. Net Position of Governmental Activities $ 2,421,060 17,762,674 $ 20,183,734 20 of 42 See accompanying notes to 7 basic financial ~A~ITJfs','~o 17 , Item #1 .14 Poway Housing Authority Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Governmental Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2016 REVENUES Charges for services Use of money and property Other revenues Total revenues EXPENDITURES Current: General government Development services Capital outlay Total expenditures EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS Net change in fund balance Fund balance, beginning Fund balance, ending $ 56,403 21,102 104,447 181,952 4,700 6,765 101,834 113,299 (2,153,521) (2,084,868) 4,505,928 $ 2,421,060 21 of 42 See accompanying notes to 8 basic financial 5M'!ymfg,t1!!017 , Item #1 .14 Poway Housing Authority Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance to the Statement of Activities Governmental Fund For the Year Ended June 30, 2016 Net change in fund balance -total governmental fund Change in net position of governmental activities $ (2,084,868) $ (2,084,868) 22 of 42 See accompanying notes to 9 basic financial 1'N}i~·~t~017 , Item #1 _ 14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 1 -Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The basic financial statements of the Poway Housing Authority (Authority), a component unit of the City of Poway, California (City), have been prepared in confonnity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP) as applied to governmental agencies. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASS) is the accepted standard setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The more significant of the Authority's accounting policies are described below. A. Description of Reporting Entity On March 1, 2011, the City Council of the City of Poway declared a need for a housing authority in the City of Poway and adopted a resolution forming the Poway Housing Authority. The creation of the Housing Authority provides the City legal authority to continue monitoring ongoing rent and income compliance at affordable housing developments. The former Poway Redevelopment Agency (Agency) and the Authority prepared a Cooperation Agreement to provide for implementation of certain low and moderate income housing projects and to make payments by the Agency to the Authority for the costs to the Authority for performing its obligations. The Agency was dissolved due to the passage of Assembly Bill X 1 26 which became effective on October 1, 2011. In accordance with Health and Safety code 34175(b), on February 1, 2012, all housing assets, liabilities and fund balance of the Agency were transferred to the Authority as the Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency. The Authority meets the criteria set forth in U.S. GAAP for inclusion as a blended component unit within the City reporting entity based on the City's oversight responsibility in selection of the governing board. In addition, all of the Authority's activities are conducted within the geographic boundaries of the City. Blended component units, although legally separate entities, are, in substance, part of the City's operations: therefore, data from these units are combined with data of the primary government in the financial statement presentation of the City. Only the funds of the Authority are included herein; therefore, these financial statements do not purport to represent the financial position or results of operations of the City. B. Basis of Accounting/Measurement Focus The accounts of the Authority are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities, deferred inflows of resources, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures or expenses, as appropriate. Governmental resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. 23 of 42 10 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 1 -Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) B. Basis of Accounting/Measurement Focus (Continued) Government-Wide Financial Statements The Authority's Government-Wide Financial Statements include a Statement of Net Position and a Statement of Activities. These statements present summaries of governmental activities for the Authority. These basic financial statements are presented on an "economic resources" measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. Accordingly, all of the Authority's assets and liabilities, including capital assets, as well as infrastructure assets, and long-term liabilities, are included in the accompanying Statement of Net Position. The Statement of Activities presents changes in net position. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized in the period in which they are earned while expenses are recognized in the period in which the liability is incurred. Certain types of transactions are reported as program revenues for the Authority in three categories: • Charges for services • Operating grants and contributions • Capital grants and contributions Governmental Fund Financial Statements Governmental fund financial statements include a Balance Sheet and a Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances for the governmental fund. An accompanying schedule is presented to reconcile and explain the differences in fund balance as presented in these statements to the net position presented in the Government-Wide Financial Statements. All governmental funds are accounted for on a spending or "current financial resources" measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Accordingly, only current assets and current liabilities are included on the Balance Sheet. The Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance presents increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Under modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period. Revenues are recorded when received in cash, except that revenues subject to accrual (generally 60 days after year-end) are recognized when due. The primary revenue sources, which have been treated as susceptible to accrual by the Authority, are property tax, and intergovernmental revenues. Expenditures are recorded in the accounting period in which the related fund liability is incurred. 24 of 42 11 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 1 -Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) B. Basis of Accounting/Measurement Focus (Continued) Unearned revenues arise when the government receives resources before it has a legal claim to them, as when grant monies are received prior to incurring qualifying expenditures. In subsequent periods when both revenue recognition criteria are met or when the government has a legal claim to the resources, the unearned revenue is removed from the balance sheet and revenue is recognized. The Reconciliation of the Fund Financial Statements to the Government-Wide Financial Statements is provided to explain the differences created by the integrated approach of GASB Statement No. 34. Fund Accounting The Authority uses funds to maintain its financial records during the year. A fund is defined as a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts. The Authority only has one governmental fund. Governmental Fund Housing Authority Fund -The Housing Authority Fund is the Authority's operating fund. It accounts for all financial resources of the general government. C. Cash and Investments The Authority's cash and investment balances are included in the City's investment pool. The City pools cash resources from all City funds in order to facilitate the management of cash and achieve the goal of obtaining the highest yield with the greatest safety and least risk. The balance in the pooled cash account is available to meet current operating requirements. Cash in excess of current requirements is invested in various interest-bearing accounts and other investments for varying terms. Investments are stated at fair value. Market value is used as fair value for those securities for which market quotations are readily available. 25 of 42 12 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 1 -Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) C. Cash and Investments (Continued) The City participates in an investment pool managed by the State of California titled Local Agency Investment Fund ("LAIF") which has invested a portion of the pool funds in structured notes and asset-backed securities. LAIF determines fair value on its investment portfolio based on market quotations for those securities where market quotations are readily available and based on amortized cost or best estimate for those securities where market value is not readily available. LAI F's investments are subject to credit risk with the full faith and credit of the State of California collateralizing these investments. In addition, these investments are subject to market risk and changes in interest rates. Cash equivalents are considered amounts in demand deposits and short-term investments with a maturity date within three months of the date acquired by the Authority and are presented as "Cash and investments" in the accompanying basic financial statements. D. Capital Assets Capital assets, which include property, plant, equipment and infrastructure assets (e.g., roads, streets, sidewalks, medians and storm drains) are reported in the Government-Wide Financial Statements. Authority policy has set the capitalization threshold for reporting capital assets at $5,000. Capital assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical cost was not available. Donated assets are valued at their estimated fair market value on the date donated. Depreciation is recorded on a straight-line basis over estimated useful lives of the assets as follows: 26 of 42 Buildings Building improvements Furniture and equipment Infrastructure 13 10-50 years 10-100 years 5-20 years 20-50 years May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 1 -Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) E. Deferred Outflows/Inflows of Resources In addition to assets, the balance sheet will sometimes report a separate section for deferred outflows of resources. This separate financial statement element, deferred outflows of resources, represents a consumption of fund balance that applies to future periods and so will not be recognized as an outflow of resources (expenditure) until then. The Authority currently has no items that qualify for reporting in this category. In addition to liabilities, the balance sheet will sometimes report a separate section for deferred inflows of resources. This separate financial element, deferred inflows of resources, represents an acquisition of fund balance that applies to future periods and so will not be recognized as an inflow of resources (revenue) until that time. The Authority currently has no items that qualify for reporting in this category. F. Net Position Net position is comprised of the various net earnings from operating income, non-operating revenues and expenses. Net position is classified in the following categories: Net Investment in Capital Assets -This component of net position consists of capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation, reduced by the outstanding balances of debt that are attributable to the acquisition, construction, or improvement of those assets. Restricted -This component of net position consists of restricted assets and deferred outflows of resources reduced by liabilities and deferred inflows of resources related to those assets. Unrestricted -This component of net position is the amount of the assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities, and deferred inflows of resources that are not included in the determination of net investment in capital assets or the restricted component of net position. When an expense is incurred for purposes for which both restricted and unrestricted net position are available, the Authority's policy is to apply restricted net position first. 27 of 42 14 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 1 -Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) G. Fund Balances In the governmental fund financial statements, fund balances are classified in the following categories: Nonspendable -Items that cannot be spent because they are not in spendable form, such as prepaid items and inventories, items that are legally or contractually required to be maintained intact, such as principal of an endowment or revolving loan funds. Restricted -Restricted fund balances encompass the portion of net fund resources subject to externally enforceable legal restrictions. This includes externally imposed restrictions by creditors, such as through debt covenants, granters, contributions, laws or regulations of other governments, as well as restrictions imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. Committed -Committed fund balances encompass the portion of net fund resources, the use of which is constrained by limitations that the government imposes upon itself at its highest level of decision making, normally the governing body through council resolutions, etc., and that remain binding unless removed in the same manner. The Board of Directors is considered the highest authority for the Authority. Assigned -Assigned fund balances encompass the portion of net fund resources reflecting the government's intended use of resources. Assignment of resources can be done by the highest level of decision making or by a committee or official designated for that purpose. The Board of Directors has authorized the Executive Director for that purpose. Unassigned -This category is for any remaining balances that are not classified as nonspendable, restricted, committed or assigned. When expenditures are incurred for purposes for which both restricted and unrestricted fund balances are available, the Authority's policy is to apply restricted fund balances first, then unrestricted fund balances as they are needed. When expenditures are incurred for purposes where only unrestricted fund balances are available, the Authority uses the unrestricted resources in the following order: committed, assigned, and unassigned. H. Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates. 28 of 42 15 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 2 -Cash and Investments The Authority's cash and investment balances are maintained as part of the City investment pool, which includes cash balances and authorized investments of all City funds. This pooled cash is invested by the City Treasurer to enhance earnings. The pooled interest earned is allocated to the funds based on average month-end cash balances of the various funds. Cash and investments consisted of the following at June 30, 2016: A. Cash Deposits Demand deposits lnves tments Total cash and investments $ 10,264 1,700,424 $ 1,710,688 The carrying amounts of the Authority's demand deposits were $10,264 at June 30, 2016. Bank balances at June 30, 2016, were $22,687 which were fully insured or collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institutions in the City's name as discussed below. The California Government Code requires California banks and savings and loan associations to secure the Authority's cash deposits by pledging securities as collateral. This Code states that collateral pledged in this manner shall have the effect of perfecting a security interest in such collateral superior to those of a general creditor. Thus, collateral for cash deposits is considered to be held in the Authority's name. The market value of pledged securities must equal at least 110% of the Authority's cash deposits. California law also allows institutions to secure Authority deposits by pledging first trust deed mortgage notes having a value of 150% of the Authority's total cash deposits. The Authority may waive collateral requirements for cash deposits, which are fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The Authority, however, has not waived the collateralization requirements. The City follows the practice of pooling cash and investments of all funds, except for funds required to be held by fiscal agents under the provisions of bond indentures. Interest income earned on pooled cash and investments is allocated on an accounting period basis to the various funds based on the period-end cash and investment balances. Interest income from cash and investments with fiscal agents is credited directly to the related fund. 29 of 42 16 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 2 -Cash and Investments (Continued) B. Investments The table below identifies the investment types that are authorized for the Authority by the California Government Code (or the City's investment policy, where more restrictive). The table also identifies certain provisions of the California Government Code (or the City's investment policy, where more restrictive) that address interest rate risk, credit risk, and concentration of credit risk. This table does not address investments of debt proceeds held by bond trustee that are governed by the provisions of debt agreements of the Authority, rather than the general provisions of the California Government Code or the City's investment policy. ln,,.,stment Type U.S. Treasury Obligations U.S. ~ency Securities Bankers' /lcceptances Medium-Term and Corporate Notes M:lney Market Mutual Funds M:lrtgage Backed Securities Asset Backed Securities Commercial Paper M.micipal Bonds Negotiable Certificates ofDeposit Local ~ency ln,,.,slment Fund (LAIF) County of San Diego ln,,.,stment Pool CalTrust Joint Powers Authority Obligation of any state C. Risk Disclosures Interest Rate Risk Pv1aximum Maturity 5 years 5 years 180 days 5 years NIA 5 years 5 years 270 days 5 years 5 years N/A NIA NIA 5 years Maximum Pv1a;wdmum Percentage of ln~stment in Portfolio One Issuer None None 75% 25% 40% 5% 30% 5% 20% 10% 20% 5% 20% 5% 25% 5% 30% 5% 30% 5% None $65,000,000 None None None None None None Interest rate risk is the risk that changes in market interest rates will adversely affect the fair value of an investment. Generally, the longer the maturity of an investment, the greater the sensitivity of its fair value to changes in the market interest rates. One of the ways that the Authority manages its exposure to interest rate risk is by purchasing a combination of shorter term and longer term investments and by timing cash fiows from maturities so that a portion of the portfolio is maturing or coming close to maturity evenly over time as necessary to provide the cash fiow and liquidity needed for operations. 30 of 42 17 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 2 -Cash and Investments (Continued) C. Risk Disclosures (Continued) Interest Rate Risk (Continued) Information about the sensitivity of the fair values of the Authority's investments (including investments held by bond trustee) to market interest rate fluctuations is provided by the following table that shows the distribution of the Authority's investments by maturity: Remaining Maturities 12 Months 13 to 24 25 to 60 Investment Ttee Amounts or Less Months U.S. Treasury Bills $ 136,476 $ $ 60,489 U.S. Agencies 420,285 60,370 165,248 Municipalities 30.447 11,619 CalTrust Investment Pool -Short term 158.504 158,504 CaiTrust Investment Pool -Medium term 161.350 161,350 Medium-Term and Corporate Notes 376,371 218,062 127,762 Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) 416,991 416,991 Total $ 1,700,424 $ 1,015,277 $ 365,118 None of the Authority's investments are highly sensitive to interest rate fluctuations. Concentration of Credit Risk Months $ 75,987 194,667 18,828 30,547 $ 320.029 The Authority's Policy states that not more than 25% of the portfolio shall be invested in any one entity or any one instrument to protect the Authority from concentration of credit risk, with the following exceptions: U.S. Treasury Obligations and investments pools (State of California - Local Agency Investment Fund). In addition, purchases of commercial paper must not exceed 25% of the value of the portfolio at any time and single issuer holdings must not exceed 5% per issuer. The Authority is in compliance with these provisions of the Policy. The following is a chart of the Authority's investment portfolio: Trustee/Custodian Union Bank Union Bank Union Bank Union Bank Wells Fargo State Treasurer Office Investment Type U.S. Treasuries U.S. Agencies Municipalities Medium-Term and Corporate Notes CalTrust Investment Pool Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Amount $ 136,476 420,285 30.447 376,371 319,854 416,991 $1,700,424 31 of 42 18 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 2 -Cash and Investments (Continued) C. Risk Disclosures (Continued) Credit Risk Generally, credit risk is the risk that an issuer of an investment will not fulfill its obligation to the holder of the investment. This is measured by the assignment of a rating by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization. The following presentation is the minimum rating required by (where applicable) the California Government Code, the Authority's investment policy, or debt agreements, and the actual rating as of year-end for each investment type: lmestment Type Amounts Rating Not Rated AM AA AA· A• A A- U.S. Treasury BiUs • 136,476 Aaa • s 136,476 • • s s s U.S. Agencies '420,285 AM 420,285 Municipalities 30,447 Aaa 30,447 Ce/Trust lmestment Ped -Short term 1S8,504 Aal 1S8,S04 Ga!Trust lmestment Ped -Medium term 161,350 NIA 161,350 Medium-Term and Corpornte Noi:es 376,371 A1 37,316 45,250 75,112 75,748 112,9S8 29,987 LDcal Agency lmestment Fund (LAIF) 416,991 NIA 416,991 Total 51,700,424 • 578,341 • 594,077 s 203,754 • 105,559 • 75,748 s 112,958 • 29,987 D. Investment in Local Agency Investment Funds The Authority's investments with Local Agency Investment Funds (LAIF) at June 30, 2016, included a portion of the pooled funds invested in Medium-Term and Short-Term Structured Notes and Asset-Backed Securities. These investments included the following: Structured Notes are debt securities (other than asset-backed securities) whose cash flow characteristics (coupon rate, redemption amount, or stated maturity) depend upon one or more indices and/or that have embedded forwards or options. Asset-Backed Securities the bulk of which are mortgage-backed securities, entitle their purchasers to receive a share of the cash flows from a pool of assets such as principal and interest repayments from a pool of mortgages (such as Collateralized Mortgage Obligations) or credit card receivables. As of June 30, 2016, the Authority had $416,991 invested in LAIF, which had invested 2.08% of the pooled investment funds in short-term and medium-term Structured Notes and Asset- Backed Securities. 32 of 42 19 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 2 -Cash and Investments (Continued) E. /nvestmentin Ca/TRUST The Authority is a voluntary participant in the Investment Trust of California (CalTRUST) a Joint Powers Authority. CalTRUST is a program established by public agencies in California for the purpose of pooling and investing local agency funds. CalTRUST invests in fixed income securities eligible for investment pursuant to California Government Code Sections 53601, et. seq. and 53635, et. seq. Investments in CalTRUST are highly liquid, as deposits can be converted to cash within 24 hours without loss of interest. The balance available for withdrawal is based on the accounting records maintained by CalTRUST, which are recorded on a fair market value basis. Separate CalTRUST financial statements are available from CalTRUST's offices at 400 Capital Mall, Suite 702, Sacramento, CA 95814. As of June 30, 2016, the Authority had $319,854 invested in CalTRUST. The Authority's investment in this pool is reported in the accompanying financial statements at fair market value. F. Fair Value Measurements GASB Statement No. 72, Fair Value Measurements and Application, establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. This hierarchy consists of three broad levels: Level 1 inputs consist of quoted prices (unadjusted) for identical assets and liabilities in active markets that a government can access at the measurement date, Level 2 inputs consist of inputs that are observable for an asset or liability, either directly or indirectly, and Level 3 inputs have the lowest priority and consist of unobservable inputs for an asset or liability. The following table presents the balances of the assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of June 30, 2016. Fair Value M=asurement Using Investments by Not Subject Fair Value Lewi Le..,11 Le..,12 Le..,13 to GASB 72 Total June 30, 2016 Assets U.S. Treasury Bills $ 136,476 $ $ $ $ 136,476 U.S. Pgencies 420.285 420,285 M.inicipalities 30,447 30,447 Ca!Trust lnwstment Pool -Shon term 158,504 158,504 Ca!Trust lnwstment Pool -Filedium term 161,350 161,350 Filedium-Term and Corporate Notes 376,371 376,371 Local Pgency ln"'stment Fund (I.Alf) 416,991 416,991 s 963,579 $ $ $ 736,845 $1,700,424 33 of 42 20 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 3 -Capital Assets The summary of changes in capital assets for the year ended June 30, 2016 is as follows: Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land Total capttal assets, not being depreciated Governmental activities -capital assets Balance July1,2015 $17,762,674 17,762,674 $17,762,674 Note 4 -Related Party Transactions $ $ Mdttions Deletions $ $ Balance June 30, 2016 $ 17,762,674 17,762,674 $ 17,762,674 In an effort to ensure that the objectives of Poway's Redevelopment Plan and the Poway Redevelopment Agency's (Agency) 5-Year Implementation Plan are fulfilled, on March 11, 2011, the Agency transferred all housing related assets to the Authority through a Cooperation Agreement between the Agency and the Authority. Under the terms of this agreement, the Authority agreed to respectively carry out the projects and activities of the Agency in accordance with the objectives and purposes included in the Redevelopment and Implementation Plans. Projects included in the Cooperation Agreement between the Agency and the Authority further the goals of the Redevelopment Plan. It was initially anticipated that these projects would be funded based on available tax increment to be received through 2037, but because of the dissolution of the Agency under AB X 1 26 tax increment revenue has been eliminated, and therefore, no funding for these projects from that source is available. Future project funding will come from the management of the Authority's assets and may include interest revenue, lease revenue, residual receipt revenue and the sale of assets. Note 5 -Rehabilitation Loan Program Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program Non-forgivable loans are due upon the sale, transfer or foreclosure of the property. Due to the contingent repayment schedule of these loans, an expenditure is recorded when the loan is made and no receivable is included in the accompanying basic financial statements. The balance of the non-forgivable rehabilitation loans at June 30, 2016 is $7,870. 34 of 42 21 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Notes to the Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2016 Note 5 -Rehabilitation Loan Program (Continued) Affordable Housing Loans These loans are made to aid in the purchase of affordable housing in the City of Poway. They are for a 45 year term with no interest and if there is a sale, transfer or foreclosure before the end of the term the loan must be assumed by an income qualified buyer and the 45 year term starts over. Due to the contingent nature of the repayment schedule of these loans, an expenditure is recorded when the loan is made and no receivable is included in the accompanying basic financial statements. The balance of these Affordable Housing loans at June 30, 2016 is $2,690,132. Development Loans The City, through the Housing Authority, has development loans primarily for affordable rental housing projects and for one group home for the developmentally disabled. The affordable rental housing loans have 55 year terms with three percent simple interest. Loan payments are made from residual receipts and generally do not cover the annual accrued interest. Therefore, due to the contingent nature of the repayment schedule of these loans, an expenditure is recorded when the loan is made and no receivable is included in the accompanying basic financial statements. The balance of the development loans, including accrued interest, at June 30, 2016 is $33,665,790. Note 6 -Extraordinary Items Loans to the Successor Agency to the Former Poway Redevelopment Agency Upon dissolution of the former Poway Redevelopment Agency, advances made from the Authority to the former Poway Redevelopment Agency required approval by certain regulatory oversight agencies to be considered enforceable obligations of the Successor Agency. Certain advances were approved as enforceable obligations by the respective regulatory oversight agencies while other advances were disapproved. The Authority's position is that all of the advances to the former Poway Redevelopment Agency, which now reside in the Successor Agency, were for legitimate redevelopment purposes, and therefore, should be included in future Recognized Obligation Repayment Schedules (ROPS), and paid from Poway's Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund. The Department of Finance (DOF) position on the advances it did not approve is that sufficient loan documentation was not provided. The City provided council actions and budgetary documents in support of each of the advances, and believes this documentation does support the repayment of the advances. The recognition of the advances was denied on appeal by the City. As a result of the appeal decision, the unapproved advances were written off by the Authority. The amount written of was $2,153,521. 35 of 42 22 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 This page intentionally left blank. 36 of 42 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 37 of 42 Required Supplementary Information (Unaudited) May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Poway Housing Authority Budgetary Comparison Schedule For the Year Ended June 30, 2016 Original Budget REVENUES Charges for services $ 57,150 Use of money and property 13,300 Other revenues 40,000 Total revenues 110,450 EXPENDITURES Current: General government Development services 719 Capital outlay 35,036 Total expenditures 35,755 EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS Net change in fund balance $ 74,695 Fund balance, beginning Fund balance, ending Variance with Final Budget Actual Final Budget $ 57,150 $ 56,403 $ (747) 13,300 21,102 7,802 40,000 104,447 64,447 110,450 181,952 71,502 4,700 4,700 18,719 6,765 11,954 145,966 101,834 44,132 169,385 113,299 56,086 (2,153,521) 2,153,521 $ (58,935) (2,084,868) $ 2,025,933 4,505,928 $2,421,060 38 of 42 See accompanying note to b~~getary compari~~jc,&,d~lf17, Item #1 .14 Poway Housing Authority Note to Budgetary Comparison Schedule For the Year Ended June 30, 2016 Note 1 -Budgetary Information The Authority adopts an annual budget prepared on the modified accrual basis for its major fund. The Executive Director is required to prepare and submit to the Authority's Board of Directors the annual budget of the Authority and administer it after adoption. Any revisions that alter the total appropriations of any fund must be approved by the Board of Directors. Prior year appropriations lapse unless they are encumbered at year end or re-appropriated through the formal budget process. For the major fund, total expenditures may not legally exceed total appropriations. Budget information is presented for the major fund on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Budgeted revenue and expenditure amounts represent the original budget modified for adjustments during the year. 39 of 42 24 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 This page intentionally left blank. 40 of 42 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Authority's financial statements are free from material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control or on compliance. This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the Authority's internal control and compliance. Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose. ~oser.s,Rl'la~rsori l M{l.\od~& Sc.ott1LLP San Bernardino, California December 28, 2016 42 of 42 26 May 16, 2017, Item #1.14 Resolution Confirming Adjustments to EDCO Rate Schedule May 16, 2017 Page 2 previously held the public hearing and approved this rate adjustment, Staff is recommending that the City Council confirm the rate schedule to go into effect July 1, 2017, by adopting the proposed resolution. EDCO is required to notify customers of the adjusted rate schedule prior to implementation. The formula for the Solid Waste Fee adjustment is applied to three customer rate categories 1) single family residential, 2) commercial and multifamily residential, and 3) roll-off services. Collectively, the proposed EDCO rate adjustment are based on the approved methodology The following tables show the monthly rates approved in 2015 and the proposed 2017 monthly Solid Waste/Recycling Collection Service Rates for the three most common levels of service. The tables include the 10 percent franchise fee, which is applied to all rates, and the $1.20 AB 939 fee, which is collected monthly from single-family and multi- family residential customers, which EDCO passes through to the City 35-Gallon Residential'Cart Single-Family· .. -- Monthlv Rate Current Proposed (9/1/15) (7/1/17) (I) (I) "'-Service Fee $8.26 $8 35 "' "' $3 82 $4 00 C!l "' Disposal Tip Fee Franchise Fee 10% $1 34 $1 37 AB 939 Fee $1.20 $1.20 Total $14 62 $14 92 Chanoe $0 30 /mo . 95-Gallon Resideritial'Cart,.Single'.Family ).' •. _ ..... Month!~ Rate Current Proposed (9/1 /15) (7/1/17) (I) (I) Service Fee "'-$14 14 $14 92 "' "' Disposal Tip Fee $3 82 $4 00 C!l "' Franchise Fee 10% $2.00 $2.04 AB 939 Fee $1.20 $1.20 Total $21 16 $21.59 Change $0 43/mo. 2 of 21 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 Resolution Confirming Adjustments to EDCO Rate Schedule May 16, 2017 Page 3 3-Yard Bin Commercial (Picked up 1x/week) · , _, ' ·- a, a, Service Fee "' -.... Disposal Tip Fee CD 0:: Franchise Fee 10% Total Environmental Review· This action is not subject to CEQA review Fiscal Impact: Monthlv Rate Current Proposed 19/1/151 17 /1 /171 $69 90 $71.27 $26 99 $27 75 $10 77 $11 00 $107 66 $110 02 Change $ 2.36/mo. This action will result in an estimated increase to the City's General Fund solid waste franchise fee revenue, fund account 100-7773, of approximately $11,000 per fiscal year Public Notification: A copy of this report has been provided to EDCO Waste and Recycling Services. Attachments· A. Proposed Resolution B Resolution No 15-037 C Letter from EDCO Reviewed/Approved By· Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 3 of 21 Reviewed By· Morgan Foley City Attorney ~.~ Tina M. White City Manager May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 RESOLUTION NO 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN ADJUSTMENT TO EDCO WASTE AND RECYCLING SERVICES' RATE SCHEDULE WHEREAS, the Public Resources Code Section 41901 provides local jurisdictions the authority to assess solid waste fees to meet state-mandated costs associated with the passage of AB 939; and WHEREAS, the City Council awarded the exclusive Solid Waste Franchise Agreement to Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services (Contractor) on September 21, 1994, and Mashburn became EDCO Waste and Recycling Services, Inc. in 1998, and WHEREAS, the City Council revised Article 8 of the Franchise Agreement between the City of Poway and EDCO Waste and Recycling Services by adding AB 939 fees as an additional criterion for the annual adjustment of monthly rates upward or downward; and WHEREAS, Article 8 of the Franchise Agreement requires City Council approval prior to any increase in the contractor's service rates; and WHEREAS, Article 8 of the Franchise Agreement allows the contractor to request an adjustment to monthly rates due to the contractor's increased costs resulting from changes in landfill disposal fees, and changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI); and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on August 18, 2015, notice of which was duly provided, and which was conducted, pursuant to the provisions of Article XIII D of the California Constitution and the Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act (California Government Code section 53750 et seq), and adopted Resolution No. 15-037, approving an adjustment to EDCO Waste and Recycling Services' rate schedule and providing the formula for future increases of the Schedule of Maximum Rates to be Charged and Collected for Collection Services of Garbage or Rubbish in the City of Poway to be charged through June 30, 2020; and WHEREAS, the current rate schedule has been revised consistent with the method and formula prescribed in Resolution No. 15-037 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1. The attached "Schedule of Maximum Rates to be Charged and Collected for Collection Services of Garbage or Rubbish in the City of Poway" effective July 1, 2017, is hereby confirmed as shown in Exhibit A. 4 of 21 Attachment A May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 Resolution No 17- Page 2 Section 2: The fees adopted herein are for the exclusive right to collect from and charge Poway customers for solid waste, recyclables, yard waste, compostables, and other services at rates fixed by the City Council from time to time. Section 3: The attached "Schedule of Maximum Rates to be Charged and Collected for Collection Services of Garbage or Rubbish in the City of Poway" shall be implemented on July 1, 2017 to correspond with the next regular billing cycle following the effective date of the rate increase PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 161h day of May, 2017 Steve Vaus, Mayor ATIEST Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk 5 of 21 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Resolution No. 17- Page 3 I, Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk of the City of Poway do hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No 17-, was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 16th day of May, 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote AYES NOES· ABSENT DISQUALIFIED· Nancy Neufeld, CMG, City Clerk City of Poway ATTACHMENT EXHIBIT A-SCHEDULE OF MAXIMUM RATES TO BE CHARGED AND COLLECTED FOR COLLECTION SERVICES OF GARBAGE OR RUBBISH IN THE CITY OF POWAY 6 of 21 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 EXHIBIT A Resolution No 17- Page 4 SCHEDULE OF MAXIMUM RATES TO BE CHARGED AND COLLECTED FOR COLLECTION SERVICES OF GARBAGE OR RUBBISH IN THE CITY OF POWAY EFFECTIVE July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 Residential Services Current Proposed EDCO Rate EDCO Rate 9/1/15 7/1/17 Single Family weekly 35-gal. waste cart, includes $14.62 $14.92 recycling and yard waste (Billed to Occupant) Single Family weekly 95-gal. waste cart, includes $21 16 $21.59 recycling and yard waste (Billed to Occupant) Single Family weekly 35-gal. waste cart, includes $14 09 $14.38 recycling and yard waste (Billed to HOA) Single Family weekly 95-gal. waste cart, includes $20.59 $21.01 recycling and yard waste (Billed to HOA) Multi-family weekly 35--gal. waste cart, includes $14.62 $14.92 recycling and yard waste (Billed to Occupant) Multi-family weekly 95-gal. waste cart, includes $15.04 $15.36 recycling and yard waste (Billed to Occupant) Multi-family weekly 95--gal. waste cart, includes $14 43 $14 73 recycling and yard waste (Billed to HOA) Special on-call pickup of items separate from and $15 12 $15 41 dissimilar to items listed in section 5.3 of Agreement (cost per item) Surcharge of special on-call pickup of refrigerator or $30.28 $30.87 other appliance that requires special handling due to Freon or similar contaminants Roll-out "scout" service (in addition to refuse $23.24 24 15 collection) Fee for additional waste cart $3.78 3.85 Fee for additional recycling cart No Charge 7 of 21 May 16, 2017, Item# 1 16 Resolution No 17- p 5 aQe Multi-family Services (Excludes Yard Waste) Current Proposed EDCO Rate EDCO Rate 9/1/15 7/1/17 1-Cu Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week $66.92 $68.29 1-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $111 53 $113.83 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week $15616 $159 40 1-Cu. Yd Bin Service-4 X Week $195 19 $199.26 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week $234.23 $239 13 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week $273.28 $279 00 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week $81 11 $82.84 2-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $135.26 $138.20 2-Cu Yd Bin Service-3 X Week $189 39 $193.53 2-Cu. Yd Bin Service-4 X Week $237.54 $242.79 2-Cu. Yd Bin Service-5 X Week $285.63 $291.99 2-Cu. Yd Bin Service-6 X Week $333 76 $341 17 3-Cu. Yd Bin Service-1 X Week $116 79 $119.31 3-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $194.98 $199.26 3-Cu Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week $273 18 $279.22 3-Cu Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week $342.83 $350 47 3-Cu Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week $412.48 $421 71 3-Cu Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week $482.13 $492.97 4-Cu Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week $122.47 $125 18 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $204 18 $208 81 4-Cu. Yd Bin Service-3 X Week $285.87 $292.40 4-Cu. Yd Bin Service-4 X Week $347.57 $355 63 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week $433.20 $443.26 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week $506.68 $518 49 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week ;$136.63 $139 71 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $226 18 $231 41 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week ,$315.69 $323 12 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week $400 88 $410.39 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week $486.20 $497 72 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week $571 48 $585.07 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week $146.59 $149.94 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $241 77 $247 47 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week $337 00 $345.06 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week $427.88 $438 19 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week $518 77 $531.34 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week $609 68 $624.52 8 of 21 May 16, 2017, Item# 116 Resolution No 17- p 6 aQe Multi-family Services (Includes Yard Waste) Current Proposed EDCO Rate EDCO Rate 9/1/15 7/1/17 1-Cu. Yd Bin Service-1 X Week $73.90 $75 41 1-Cu. Yd Bin Service-2 X Week $123 19 $125 72 1-Cu Yd Bin Service-3 X Week $172.46 $176 02 1-Cu Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week $215 52 $219 99 1-Cu Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week $258.61 $263.99 1-Cu Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week $301 72 $308 00 2-Cu Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week $89 70 $91.60 2-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $149.52 $152.74 2-Cu Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week $209.34 $213.88 2-Cu Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week $262.54 $268.28 2-Cu Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week $315 74 $322.69 2-Cu. Yd Bin Service-6 X Week $369 06 $377 16 3-Cu. Yd Bin Service-1 X Week $129 18 $131 94 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $215.68 $220.37 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week $302.22 $308 83 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week $379.28 $387 62 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week $456.30 $466 39 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week $533 40 $545.23 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week $135 48 $138 44 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $225.97 $231 02 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week $316.37 $323.50 4-Cu Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week $397.86 $406 90 4-Cu Yd Bin Service-5 X Week $479 46 $490 42 4-Cu Yd Bin Service-6 X Week $560 79 $573.67 5-Cu. Yd Bin Service-1 X Week $151.23 $154 60 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $250.39 $256 09 5-Cu Yd Bin Service-3 X Week $349 51 $357 60 5-Cu Yd Bin Service-4 X Week $444.06 $454 41 5-Cu Yd Bin Service-5 X Week $538 32 $550.86 5-Cu Yd Bin Service-6 X Week $632.77 $647.56 6-Cu Yd Bin Service-1 X Week $162.16 $165.81 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week $267 52 $273 72 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week $372.86 $381 61 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week $473.38 $484.59 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week $573 98 $587 63 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week $674.52 $690 64 9 of 21 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 Commercial Services 1-Cu Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 1-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 1-Cu. Yd Bin Service-3 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 2-Cu Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 2-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 2-Cu. Yd Bin Service-4 X Week 2-Cu. Yd Bin Service-5 X Week 2-Cu. Yd Bin Service-6 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 3-Cu Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 3-Cu Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 3-Cu Yd Bin Service-6 X Week 4-Cu. Yd Bin Service-1 X Week 4-Cu. Yd Bin Service-2 X Week 4-Cu. Yd Bin Service-3 X Week 4-Cu. Yd Bin Service-4 X Week 4-Cu. Yd Bin Service-5 X Week 4-Cu. Yd Bin Service-6 X Week 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 10 of 21 Resolution No 17- Page 7 Current Proposed EDCO Rate EDCO Rate 9/1/15 7/1/17 $63.20 $64.52 $113.47 $115.86 $166.40 $169.92 $219.33 $223.97 $272.28 $278 03 $325.20 $332.08 $74.37 $75.99 $143.27 $146.41 $212.19 $216.86 $281 14 $287.33 $349.93 $357.67 $418.90 $428 11 $107.66 $110 02 $180.23 $184.27 $252.87 $258.58 $317 73 $324.97 $382.58 $391.34 $447 46 $457 74 $113 70 $116.27 $192.27 $196 71 $270.83 $277 14 $349 44 $357.63 $428.20 $438.28 $506 59 $518.54 $126 98 $129.89 $251 16 $256.92 $374 74 $383.40 $498.37 $509.88 $622.09 $636.39 $745.72 $762.87 $137 48 $140.68 $274.92 $281 31 $412.44 $422.04 $549.90 $562.70 $649.84 $665 11 $815.87 $834 90 May 16, 2017, Item# 116 Resolution No 17- P 8 aqe Commercial Recycling Services Current Proposed EDCO Rate EDCO Rate 9/1/15 7/1/17 Weekly 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service $32.37 $33.00 Weekly 3-Cu Yd. Bin Service $40 42 $41.21 Weekly 4-Cu Yd. Bin Service $48.52 $49.47 Weekly 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service $56.58 $57.69 Weekly 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service $56.58 $57.69 95-Gallon Recycling Cart $16.54 $16.86 Industrial Debris Box Services Current Proposed EDCO Rate EDCO Rate 9/1/15 7/1/17 Total Scheduled Debris Box Serviced Monthly $167 18 $170 45 Unscheduled Debris Box Pulls (40-Cubic Yards) $180 10 $183.62 3-Cubic Yard Bin -3-Day Rental $59.96 $61 14 3-Cubic Yard Bin -1-Month Rental (Once-a-Week $239 14 $243 81 Emptying [Preliminary Construction & Remote]) Additional Dump of 3-Cubic Yard Bin $27.37 $27.90 Daily Roll-Off Rental $4.84 $4.94 Locking Lid Set Up $9 45 $9.64 Daily Impound Fee for Storage of Unauthorized $21.39 $21.81 Containers Service Charge to Reinstate Collection Services $13 76 $14.03 After Termination for Non-Payment 11 of 21 May 16, 2017, Item# 1 16 RESOLUTION NO 15-037 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN ADJUSTMENT TO EDCO WASTE AND RECYCLING SERVICES' RATE SCHEDULE AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO 13-014 WHEREAS, the Public Resources Code Section 41901 provides local jurisdictions the authority to assess solid waste fees to meet state-mandated costs associated with the passage of AB 939; and WHEREAS, the City Council awarded the exclusive Solid Waste Franchise Agreement to Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services (Contractor) on September 21, 1994, and Mashburn became EDCO Waste and Recycling Services, Inc. in 1998; and WHEREAS, the City Council revised Article 8 of the Franchise Agreement between the City of Poway and EDCO Waste and Recycling Services by adding AB 939 fees as an additional criterion for the annual adjustment of monthly rates upward or downward; and WHEREAS, Article 8 of the Franchise Agreement requires City Council approval prior to any increase in the contractor's service rates; and WHEREAS, Article 8 of the Franchise Agreement allows the contractor to request an adjustment to monthly rates due to the contractor's increased costs resulting from changes in landfill disposal fees, and changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI); and WHEREAS, the current rate schedule has been revised to reflect the effects of a 1 08 percent landfill disposal fee increase, and a 1.284 percent change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on the monthly rate per class of service provided in the City of Poway, effective September 1, 2015, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway held a public hearing on August 18, 2015, notice of which was duly provided, and which was conducted, pursuant to the provisions of Article XIIID of the California Constitution and the Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act (California Government Code section 57350 et seq.); and WHEREAS, the City Council received a final tabulation of all written protests received by the City Clerk at the August 18, 2015 City Council Meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council heard and considered all written and oral protests to the proposed changes to the rates at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows. Section 1. Resolution No 13-014 is hereby rescinded. 12 of 21 ATTACHMENT B May 16, 2017, Item# 1 16 EXHIBIT A Resolution No 15 -037 Page 5 SCHEDULE OF MAXIMUM RATES TO BE CHARGED AND COLLECTED FOR COLLECTION SERVICES OF GARBAGE OR RUBBISH IN THE CITY OF POWAY EFFECTIVE September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Residential Services Current Proposed ·-EDCO Trash EDCO Trash Rate 7/1/13 Rate 9/1/15 Single Family weekly 35-gal. waste cart, includes $14 47 $14 62 recycling and yard waste (Billed to Occupant) Single Family weekly 95-gal. waste cart, includes $20.91 $21 16 recycling and yard waste (Billed to Occupant) Single Family weekly 35-gal. waste cart, includes $13.93 $14.09 recycling and yard waste (Billed to HOA) Single Family weekly 95-gal. waste cart, includes $20.36 $20.59 recycling and yard waste (Billed to HOA) Multi-family weekly 35-gal. waste cart, includes $14 47 $14.62 recycling and yard waste (Billed to Occupant) Multi-family weekly 95-gal. waste cart, includes $14 88 $15 04 recycling and yard waste (Billed to Occupant) Multi-family weekly 95-gal. waste cart, includes $14.28 $14 43 recycling and yard waste (Billed to HOA) Special on-call pickup of items separate from and $14 93 $15 12 dissimilar to items listed in section 5.3 of Agreement I (cost per item) Surcharge of special on-call pickup of refrigerator or $29 90 $30.28 other appliance that requires special handling due to Freon or similar contaminants ' Roll-out "scout" service (in addition to refuse $22.95 $23.24 collection) ' Fee for additional waste cart $3 73 $3.78 Fee for additional recycling cart No cha'rge No Charge 16 of 21 ATTACHMENT B May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 Multi-family Services (Excludes Yard Waste) . 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 2-Cu. Yd Bin Service-5 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 3-Cu. Yd Bin Service-5 X Week 3-Cu. Yd Bin Service-6 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 5-Cu. Yd Bin Service-1 X Week 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 6-Cu. Yd Bin Service-1 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 17 of 21 ATTACHMENT B Resolution No. 15 -037 Page 6 Current Proposed EDCO Trash EDCO Trash Rate 7/1/13 Rate 9/1/15 $66 10 $66 92 $110 19 $111 53 $154.28 $156 16 $192.86 $195 19 $231 45 $234.23 $270 02 $273.28 $80.15 $81 11 $133.66 $135.26 $187 14 $189.39 $234 76 $237.54 $282.29 $285.63 $329 86 $333.76 $115.38 $116 79 $192.66 $194 98 $269 95 $273 18 $338.79 $342.83 $407.62 $412.48 $476 47 $482.13 $121 01 $122.47 $201 78 $204 18 $282.53 $285 87 $343.53 $347 57 $428.19 $433.20 $500 82 $506 68 $135 01 $136 63 $223.54 $226 18 $312.04 $315.69 $396.27 $400.88 $480 61 $486.20 $564 92 $571 48 $144 86 $146.59 $238 98 $241 77 $333.13 $337 00 $422.99 $427.88 $512.87 $518.77 $602.76 $609.68 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 Multi-family Services (Includes Yard Waste) 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 1-Cu. Yd Bin Service-2 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 3-Cu. Yd Bin Service-3 X Week 3-Cu. Yd Bin Service-4 X Week 3-Cu. Yd Bin Service-5 X Week 3-Cu. Yd Bin Service-6 X Week 4-Cu. Yd Bin Service-1 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 5-Cu. Yd Bin Service-1 X Week 5-Cu. Yd Bin Service-2 X Week 5-Cu. Yd Bin Service-3 X Week 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 6-Cu Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 18 of 21 ATTACHMENT B Resolution No 15 -037 Page 7 Current Proposed EDCOTrash EDCOTrash Rate 7/1/13 Rate 9/1/15 $72.99 $73.90 $121 70 $123.19 $170 38 $172.46 $212.93 $215.52 $255 51 $258.61 $298 10 $301 72 $88 62 $89 70 $147 75 $149 52 $206 86 $209.34 $259 43 $262.54 $312.02 $315 74 $364.71 $369 06 $127.61 $129 18 $213.09 $215 68 $298.62 $302.22 $374 78 $379.28 $450 89 $456.30 $527 09 $533 40 $133.86 $135 48 $223.29 $225 97 $312.65 $316.37 $393.19 $397.86 $473.86 $479 46 $554.25 $560 79 $149 43 $151.23 $247 44 $250.39 $345 43 $349 51 $438.90 $444 06 $532.08 $538.32 $625 43 $632.77 $160 37 $162.16 $264.67 $267 52 $368.93 $372.86 $468.45 $473.38 $568.05 $573.98 $667.58 $674.52 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 Commercial Services 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 1-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 1-Cu. Yd Bin Service-4 X Week 1-Cu. Yd Bin Service-5 X Week 1-Cu. Yd Bin Service-6 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 3-Cu. Yd Bin Service-1 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 5-Cu Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 5-Cu. Yd Bin Service-4 X Week 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-1 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-2 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-3 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-4 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-5 X Week 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service-6 X Week 19 of 21 ATTACHMENT B Resolution No 15 -037 Page 8 Current Proposed EDCO Trash EDCO Trash Rate 7/1/13 Rate 9/1/15 $62.41 $63.20 $112.07 $113.47 $164.35 $166.40 $216.63 $219.33 $268.92 $272.28 $321 19 $325.20 $73.47 $74.37 $141.53 $143.27 $209.61 $212.19 $277 73 $281 14 $345 70 $349.93 $413.83 $418.90 $106.34 $107.66 $178.07 $180.23 $249.85 $252.87 $313 94 $317 73 $378.02 $382.58 $442.14 $447 46 $112.34 $113.70 $189.99 $192.27 $267.65 $270.83 $345.33 $349 44 $423.17 $428.20 $500 65 $506.59 $125.99 $126.98 $248 17 $251 16 $370.31 $374 74 $492.47 $498 37 $614 70 $622.09 $736.87 $745 72 $135.86 $137 48 $271.68 $274 92 $407.58 $412.44 $543 40 $549.90 $642.21 $649.84 $806.23 $815 87 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 Commercial Recycling Services Weekly 2-Cu. Yd. Bin Service Weekly 3-Cu. Yd. Bin Service Weekly 4-Cu. Yd. Bin Service Weekly 5-Cu. Yd. Bin Service Weekly 6-Cu. Yd. Bin Service 95-Gallon Recycling Cart Industrial Debris Box Services Total Scheduled Debris Box Serviced Monthly Unscheduled Debris Box Pulls (40-Cubic Yards) 3-Cubic Yard Bin -3-Day Rental 3-Cubic Yard Bin -1-Month Rental (Once-a-Week Emptying [Preliminary Construction & Remote)) Additional Dump of 3-Cubic Yard Bin Daily Roll-Off Rental Locking Lid Set Up Daily Impound Fee for Storage of Unauthorized Containers Service Charge to Reinstate Collection Services After Termination for Non-Payment 20 of 21 ATTACHMENT B Resolution No. 15 -037 Page 9 Current Proposed EDCO Trash EDCOTrash Rate 7/1/13 Rate 9/1/15 $31.96 $32.37 $39.91 $4042 $47.90 $48.52 $55.86 $56.58 $55.86 $56.58 $16.33 $16 54 Current Proposed EDCO Trash EDCO Trash Rate 7/1/13 Rate 9/1/15 $165.06 $167 18 $177.81 $180 10 $59.20 $59.96 $236.10 $239 14 $27.02 $27.37 $4 78 $4.84 $9.33 $9 45 $21 12 $21 39 $13.59 $13.76 May 16, 2017, Item# 1.16 Interim Agreement for Insurance Broker Services May 16, 2017 Page 2 Discussion: Human Resources staff relies heavily on the City's insurance broker to provide accurate, professional and timely assistance with the administration of all benefit options, including medical, dental, vision, life insurance, employee assistance program, long and short-term disability, flexible spending accounts (FSA), and COBRA (i.e., limited-term continuation of coverage upon separation of employment) The City selected Alliant as its insurance broker following an RFP process in which multiple vendors submitted proposals. While the initial transition to Alliant was successful, Alliant was ultimately unable to meet the City's expectations, which resulted in staff's decision to terminate the contract. Staff intends to issue a new Request for Proposals (RFP) for employee benefits broker/consultant services. However, based upon the timeline for the 2018 open enrollment process, the City is in need of interim insurance broker services when the Alliant contract ends on May 31, 2017 Staff recommends entering into an interim agreement with Willis Insurance Services (the City's previous insurance broker) to provide necessary staff assistance through the remainder of the current benefit plan year (12/1/16-11/30/17), which will include annual open enrollment in October 2017, and into the beginning of the 2018 benefit plan year The broker consulting fee with Alliant was $80,000 per year, to be invoiced in equal quarterly payments of $20,000 The City's final $20,000 payment has been made to Alliant for the timeframe beginning March 1, 2017 through the May 31, 2017 agreement termination date. Alliant's consulting fee did not include premium payments paid by the City directly to the carriers throughout the plan year, which comprise the bulk of the City's total realized benefit costs, or additional estimated annual costs of approximately $23,000, reflected as follows: • Health Fair -$2,500 • COBRA Services -$2,300 • Printed Materials -$870 • Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Services -$3,175 • Health Advocate Services -$2,500 • BeneTrac Online Benefits Management System -$12,000 The broker consulting fee stated in the interim agreement with Willis is a flat fee not to exceed $120,000, which also does not include premium payments to the carriers; however, it will include payment for the health fair and printed materials as stated above, in addition to $750 for a mobile wallet card application. The remaining costs for FSA and Health Advocate services and the BeneTrac Online Benefits Management System will continue to be paid by the City Staff will issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for employee benefits broker/consultant services in March 2018 Page 2 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #1.17 cause in the event of a material breach of this Agreement, misrepresentation by Consultant in connection with the formation of this Agreement or the performance of services, or the failure to perform services as directed by City Termination for cause shall be effected by delivery of written notice of termination to Consultant. Such termination shall be effective upon delivery of said notice. s. confidential Re!atjonshjp. City may from time to time communicate to Consultant certain information to enable Consultant to effectively perform the services. Consultant shall treat all such information as confidential, whether or not so identified, and shall not disclose any part thereof without the prior written consent of the City Consultant shall limit the use and circulation of such information, even within its own organization, to the extent necessary to perform the services. The foregoing obligation of this Paragraph 5, however, shall not apply to any part of the information that (i) has been disclosed in publicly available sources of information, (ii) is, through no fault of Consultant, hereafter disclosed in publicly available sources of information; (iii) is now in the possession of Consultant without any obligation of confidentiality; or (iv) has been or is hereafter rightfully disclosed to Consultant by a third party, but only to the extent that the use or disclosure thereof has been or is rightfully authorized by that third party Consultant shall not disclose any reports, recommendations, conclusions or other results of the services or the existence of the subject matter of this contract without the prior written consent of the City In its performance hereunder, Consultant shall comply with all legal obligations it may now or hereafter have respecting the information or other property of any other person, firm or corporation. 6. Office Space and C!erjca! Support. Consultant shall provide its own office space and clerical support at its sole cost and expense. 1. covenant Agajnst contjnaent fees. Consultant declares that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement, that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of the Agreement. For breach of violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability, or, at its sole discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration, or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. Page 5 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #1.17 8. Ownershio of Documents. All memoranda, reports, plans, specifications, maps and other documents prepared or obtained under the terms of this Agreement shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City by Consultant upon demand 9 conf)jct of Interest and Political Reform Act Obliaatjons. During the term of this Agreement Consultant shall not act as consultant or perform services of any kind for any person or entity whose interests conflict in any way with those of the City of Poway Consultant shall at all times comply with the tem,s of the Political Reform Act and the local conflict of interest ordinance. Consultant shall immediately disqualify itself and shall not use its official position to influence in any way any matter coming before the City in which the Consultant has a financial interest as defined in Government Code Section 87103 Consultant represents that it has no knowledge of any financial interests which would require it to disqualify itself from any matter on which it might perform services for the City "Consultant" means an individual who, pursuant to a contract with a state or local agency· (A) Makes a governmental decision whether to. 1 Approve a rate, rule or regulation, 2. Adopt or enforce a law; 3 Issue, deny, suspend, or revoke any permit, license, application, certificate, approval, order, or similar authorization or entitlement; 4 Authorize the City to enter into, modify, or renew a contract provided it is the type of contract that requires City approval; 5 Grant City approval to a contract that requires City approval and to which the City is a party, or to the specifications for such a contract; 6 Grant City approval to a plan, design, report, study, or similar item, 7 Adopt, or grant City approval of, policies, standards, or guidelines for the City, or for any subdivision thereof; or (8) Serves in a staff capacity with the City and in that capacity participates in making a governmental decision as defined in Regulation 18702.2 or performs the same or substantially all the same duties for the City that would otherwise be perfom,ed by an individual holding a position specified in the City's Conflict of Interest Code. Page 6 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #117 DISCLOSURE DETERMINATION: X 1 D 2. ConsultanVContractor will not be "making a government decision" or "serving in a staff capacity" as defined in Sections A and B above. No disclosure required. ConsultanVContractor will be "making a government decision" or "serving in a staff capacity" as defined in Sections A and B above. As a result, ConsultanVContractor shall be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest with the City Clerk of the City of Poway in a timely manner as required by law DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 10. No Ass;anments. Neither any part nor all of this Agreement may be assigned or subcontracted, except as otherwise specifically provided herein, or to which City, in its sole discretion, consents to in advance thereof in writing. Any assignment or subcontracting in violation of this provision shall be void. 11. Maintenance of Records. Consultant shall maintain all books, documents, papers, employee time sheets, accounting records, and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred and shall make such materials available at its office at all reasonable times during the contract period and for three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement, for inspection by City and copies thereof shall be furnished, if requested 12. Independent Contractor. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall be an independent contractor and shall not be an employee of the City of Poway City shall have the right to control Consultant only insofar as the results of Consultant's services rendered pursuant to this Agreement; however, City shall not have the right to control the means by which Consultant accomplishes such services. 13. ucenses. Permits, Etc. Consultant represents and declares to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to practice its profession. Consultant represents and warrants to City that Consultant shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement, any Page 7 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #1.17 license, permit, or approval which is legally required for Consultant to practice its profession. 14. consu1tant's Insurance. Consultant shall provide insurance as set forth in Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof 1 s. lndemnificat;on. (a) For Claims (as defined herein) other than those alleged to arise from Consultant's negligent performance of professional services, City and its respective elected and appointed boards, officials, officers, agents, employees and volunteers (individually and collectively, "lndemnitees") shall have no liability to Consultant or any other person for, and Consultant shall indemnify, protect and hold harmless lndemnitees from and against, any and all liabilities, claims, actions, causes of action, proceedings, suits, damages, judgments, liens, levies, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements (collectively "Claims"), which lndemnitees may suffer or incur or to which lndemnitees may become subject by reason of or arising out of any injury to or death of any person(s), damage to property, loss of use of property, economic loss or otherwise occurring as a result of Consultant's negligent performance under this Agreement, or by the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Consultant, its agents, officers, directors, sub-consultants or employees. (b) For Claims alleged to arise from Consultant's negligent performance of professional services, lndemnitees shall have no liability to Consultant or any other person for, and Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless lndemnitees from and against, any and all Claims that lndemnitees may suffer or incur or to which lndemnitees may become subject by reason of or arising out of any injury to or death of any person(s), damage to property, loss of use of property, economic loss or otherwise to the extent occurring as a result of Consultant's negligent performance of any professional services under this Agreement, or by the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Consultant, its agents, officers, directors, sub-consultants or employees, committed in performing any of professional services under this Agreement. For Claims alleged to arise from Consultant's professional services, Consultant's defense obligation to lndemnitees shall include only the reimbursement of reasonable defense costs and attorneys' fees to the extent caused by Consultant's negligence. (c) The foregoing obligations of Consultant shall not apply to the extent that the Claims arise from the direct negligence or willful misconduct of City or its elected and appointed boards, officials, officers, agents, employees and volunteers and are a material cause of the loss (d) In any and all Claims against City by any employees of the Consultant, anyone directly or indirectly employed by it or anyone for whose acts it may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Section 15 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Consultant under worker's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. Page 8 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #1.17 16. consultant Not an Agent. Except as City may specify in writing, Consultant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act on behalf of City in any capacity whatsoever as an agent. Consultant shall have no authority, expressed or implied, pursuant to this Agreement to bind City to any obligation whatsoever 17. Personnel. Consultant shall assign qualified and certified personnel to perform requested services The City shall have the right to review and disapprove personnel for assignment to Poway projects. City shall have the unrestricted right to order the removal of any person(s) assigned by Consultant by giving oral or written notice to Consultant to such effect. Consultant's personnel shall at all times comply with City's drug and alcohol policies then in effect. 1 a. Notices. Notices shall be given as described on Exhibit "A" entitled "Special Provisions" attached hereto and made a part hereof 19 Dispute Resolutjon. In the event of a dispute between City and Consultant concerning the terms of this Agreement or its performance, the parties agree to initially submit such dispute to voluntary mediation before a mutually acceptable mediator prior to arbitration or litigation In the event that the subject of such action is compensation claimed by Consultant in the event of termination, Consultant's damages shall be limited to compensation for the 60-day period for which Consultant would have been entitled to receive compensation if terminated without cause. In the event of arbitration, each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs incurred. Any action to enforce or interpret the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court in San Diego County, Central Division. Consultant hereby waives any right to remove any such action from San Diego County as is otherwise permitted by California Code of Civil Procedure section 394 20. Gender. Whether referred to in the masculine, feminine, or as "it," "Consultant" shall mean the individual or corporate consultant and any and all employees of consultant providing services hereunder Page 9 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #117 21. counterparts. This Agreement (and any amendments) may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. Documents delivered by telephonic facsimile transmission shall be valid and binding. 22. Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall constitute the entire understanding between Consultant and City relating to the terms and conditions of the services to be performed by Consultant. No agreements, representations or promises made by either party, whether oral or in writing, shall be of any force or effect unless it is in writing and executed by the party to be bound thereby 23. Pension Reform Act of 2013 At all times during the term of the Agreement with the City, no officer, director, shareholder, member, partner, employee, or contractor, providing services to the City, will be a "retired annuitant," under the City's retirement system, ineligible for temporary employment under section 7522.56 of the California Government Code, which was added as a part of the Pension Reform Act of 2013 For the purposes of this statement a "retired annuitant" is a person retired from the California Public Employees' Retirement System ("CalPERS"). Any retired annuitant proposed to provide work on behalf of the City must be eligible for appointment under the Pension Reform Act of 2013, and any other applicable laws, without any adverse financial impact to the City (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) Page 10 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #117 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement on the date first above written. CITY OF POWAY By·------------ Tina White, City Manager Dated:------------ ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By·---------- Morgan L. Foley, City Attorney Page 11 of 17 CONSUL TANT: Willis Insurance Services of California, Inc. By·------------- Christie Barr, Sr Vice President Dated ------------- May 16, 2017, Item #1.17 "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" EXHIBIT "A" A. scope of seryjces. Consultant agrees to perform consulting services as required by City Consultant shall provide the necessary qualified personnel to perform the services. In performance of the services Consultant shall provide Consultant Services as detailed in the Scope of Services, which is included in this document as Attachment A. B. Compensation and Reimbursement. City shall pay Consultant a total fee not to exceed $ 120,000 Consultant's fee shall include and Consultant shall be responsible for the payment of all federal, state, and local taxes of any kind which are attributable to the compensation received In addition to said consulting fee, Consultant shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses, including lodging, telephone, and travel (air, auto, rail) necessarily incurred in performance of the services. Consultant shall bill City for such expenses as incurred, referencing this Agreement. All expenses shall be itemized and supported by receipts for amounts in excess of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00). Statements for reimbursement of expenses shall be paid within ten (10) days of approval by City All air travel shall be billed at coach or special fare rates. Reimbursement for lodging is limited to travel from outside of San Diego County Consultant shall receive prior authorization for air travel and lodging expenses. All other expenses shall be reimbursed in accordance with City's cash disbursement policies in effect at the time incurred. c. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective from the period commencing June 1, 2017 and ending February 28, 2018, unless sooner terminated by City as provided in the section of this Agreement entitled "Termination." Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall return to City any and all equipment, documents or materials and all copies made thereof which Consultant received from City or produced for City for the purposes of this Agreement. Page12of17 May 16, 2017, Item #1.17 D. Consultant's Insurance. 1 Coverages. Consultant shall obtain and maintain during the life of this Agreement all of the following insurance coverages (a) Comprehensive General Liability, including premises- operations, products/completed, broad form property damage, and blanket contractual liability with the following coverages: General Liability $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage combined each occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. (b) Automobile Liability, including owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles. $1,000,000 combined single limit. (c) Consultant shall obtain and maintain, during the life of the Agreement, a policy of Professional Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance with policy limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limits, per claim and annual aggregate. (d) Workers' Compensation insurance in statutory amount. All of the endorsements which are required above shall be obtained for the policy of Workers' Compensation insurance 2. Endorsements: Endorsements shall be obtained so that each policy contains the following three provisions. (a) Additional Insured (Not required for Professional Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance or Workers' Compensation.) "City of Poway and its elected and appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees are additional insureds with respect to this subject project and contract with City" (b) Notice "Said policy shall not terminate, nor shall it be canceled, until notice is given to City " (c) Primary Coverage "The policy provides primary coverage to City and its elected and appointed boards, officers, agents, and employees shall be named as additional insured on all policies with the exception of Workers Compensation insurance It is not secondary or in any way subordinate to any other insurance or coverage maintained by City" Page 13 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #1 17 3 Insurance Certificates: Consultant shall provide City certificates of insurance showing the insurance coverages described in the paragraphs above, in a form and content approved by City, prior to beginning work under this Agreement. E. Notices. All notices, billings and payments hereunder shall be in writing and sent to the following addresses: To City· To Consultant: Page 14 of 17 City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive PO Box 789 Poway, CA 92074 Willis Insurance Services of California, Inc. 4250 Executive Square, Suite 250 La Jolla, CA 92037 May 16, 2017, Item #1.17 Attachment A Scope of Services Consultant agrees to perform consulting services as required by City of Poway Consultant shall provide the necessary qualified personnel to perform the services. In performance of the services Consultant services include: 1 Strategic Planning • Assist in defining and prioritizing strategic health & welfare plan objectives • Assist in the evaluation of internal technical capabilities to determine increased/improved applications for administrative processes • Identify underperforming vendor relationship • Assess carrier/vendor customer service levels • Develop project action timelines • Periodic review of employee demographics • Discuss relevant benchmarking data 2. Financial Analysis • Perform financial review and analysis of experience reports • Assess current funding arrangements for appropriateness and make recommendations as needed • Evaluate current costs of benefits versus effectiveness of plan design • Analyze utilization data and cost containment results of medical management • Forecast projected benefit costs to include maximum exposure • Prepare experience reviews as directed • Perform trend analysis from available diagnostic and normative data 3. Renewal • Analyze and negotiate renewals with vendors • Review vendor renewal methodology, experience data, and assumptions for accuracy and logic • Compare vendor renewal with Willis Towers Watson (WfW) projections • Develop and present alternative plan designs and provisions with associated financial and member impact analysis • Finalize program design, rates, and fees a minimum of 60 days prior to effective date • Prepare an accurate renewal document with recommendations for delivery to senior management (as needed) Page 15 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #1.17 4 Marketing • Develop plan specification based on feedback from strategic planning meeting • Jointly determine list of vendors best suited to meet plan goals and objectives • Develop vendor performance guarantees with monetary penalties as necessary • Assist in the review of current electronic data transfer processes with vendors • Perform pre-marketing evaluation of census data, network service areas, and administrative needs • Evaluate carrier client support services • Evaluate vendor financial ratings and accreditation • Review provider network accessibility/employee match • Perform critical analysis and comparison of plan features and costs • Assist in the scheduling of selected finalist site visits • Assist in conducting finalist negotiations • Prepare and submit a summary report with recommendations to management • Assist in the notification of all bidders as to the final outcome 5. Annual Enrollment • Assist in the planning of employee meetings, round tables, and health seminars • Provide guidance on delivering a comprehensive communication strategy • Introduce workable technology solutions for communications and enrollment where appropriate • Coordinate vendor sponsored communication material 6. Compliance • Provide legislative updates as needed • Review plan documents and summary plan descriptions for regulatory compliance from a non-legal perspective (client would need to retain legal advice) • Provide access to periodic web casts compliance sessions 7 Account Management Services • Serve as a liaison between the client and all insurance companies/vendors • Monitor administrative process and assist in the smooth resolution of elevated issues • Act as an employee/employer advocate in the resolution of ongoing claims issues • Audit, confirm, and manage all changes in legal documents (contracts, policies, SPDs, etc.) • Set and monitor vendor goals and performance and report findings at quarterly meetings • Review plan performance as directed • Review and provide guidance of diagnostic data • Identify and monitor potential catastrophic claims Page 16 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #1.17 • Review large claims management activity • Review network utilization 8 Additional Services • HR Partner -provide assistance with broad HR structural, administrative and organizational questions • Compliance Manual -provide access to updated Compliance Manual • Compliance updates -provide regular compliance updates via WTW publications • Provide access for two users to Search Willis knowledge and research system • Provide professionally crafted text and design for employee communication Includes printing costs of brochures. • Annual Health Fair (1 per year) • Mobile Wallet Card • Wrap Plan/SPD Amendment • Employee Assistance Plan monthly costs Page 17 of 17 May 16, 2017, Item #1.17 2017 EEM Program Grant Application May 16, 2017 Page 2 The California Streets and Highways Code authorizes the State Legislature to offer up to $7 million each fiscal year for grants to local, state, federal, and non-profit organizations to help offset environmental impacts of new or expanded state transportation facilities. Grant funds are not required to be spent in areas or jurisdictions that are immediately adjacent to the new or expanded transportation facilities. However, the EEM Program encourages projects that produce multiple environmental benefits, such as habitat conservation, protection of species, preservation of migration and wildlife corridors, and expansion of opportunities for outdoor wildlife/nature oriented recreation, which this proposed acquisition of Van Dam Peak properties would achieve. Additionally, collaborative ·acquisition projects, such as this application with The Trust for Public Land, is a preferred criteria in the application guidelines and is consistent with the intent of the overall EEM Program objectives. EEM Program Grants for individual projects are generally limited to $500,000 each, however, the Agency may recommend awards up to $1,000,000 for acquisition projects, based on consideration of a number of factors. City staff has been working with The Trust for Public Lands in preparing a competitive grant application. One of the factors in considering a competitive grant application is substantial leveraging of funds. The City currently has approximately $1.2 million of in-lieu habitat conservation funds that may be used to acquire open space properties. Though staff would not recommend utilizing all these funds toward the acquisition, staff is recommending that $150,000 be earmarked to combine with the EEM Program grant funds and other grant funds that will be used to acquire the entire 165 acres. The Trust for Public Land has identified other grant sources with which to submit applications for completion of the land acquisition plan. If successful in obtaining the necessary grants to acquire the Van Dam Peak properties, the City will accept title and on-going maintenance of the properties as required by the grant application. Environmental Review: This action to submit an application for funds to the California Natural Resources Agency is not subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. However, as a requirement of the grant application, CEQA review must have been completed prior to application submittal. Acquisition of property for the purposes of conserving and preserving fish and wildlife habitat and preserving access to public lands in its natural condition is categorically exempt pursuant to CEQA (Class 13). Therefore, staff will be filing a Notice of Exemption prior to submittal of the grant application to the Agency. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. If the application is successful and grant funds are awarded from the California Natural Resources Agency, staff will prepare a budget amendment for City Council consideration to appropriate up to $150,000 from the City's in-lieu habitat conservation fund to meet the grant's matching funds requirement. 2 of 7 May 16, 2017, Item# \.\, 2017 EEM Program Grant Application May 16, 2017 Page 3 Public Notification: None Attachments: A. Resolution B. EEM Program Grant Application -Acquisition Sites Map Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 3 of 7 Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By: ~~ Tina M. White City Manager May 16, 2017, Item#\.\\ RESOLUTION NO. 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENT AND MITIGATION (EEM) PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Poway is committed to conserving and protecting our region's most pristine open space lands and natural resources; and WHEREAS, the City of Poway has demonstrated this commitment by respectively adopting Poway's Subarea Habitat Conservation Plan; and WHEREAS, approximately 165 acres are available for acquisition within the City of Poway which would preserve natural habitat, provide an open space buffer, and help preserve existing trail connections in and around the Van Dam Peak area; and WHEREAS, the Legislature and Governor of the State of California have enacted Section 164.56 of the California Streets and Highways Code, which is intended to provide grant funds to local, state and federal agencies and nonprofit entities for projects to enhance and mitigate the environmental impacts of modified or new public transportation facilities; and WHEREAS, the California Natural Resources Agency has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of this grant program, establishing necessary procedures and criteria, and is required to submit to the California Transportation Commission a list of recommended projects from which the grant recipients will be selected; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the California Natural Resources Agency require a resolution certifying the approval of an application by the Applicants governing board before submission of said application to the State; and WHEREAS, the City of Poway, if selected, will enter into an agreement with the State of California to carry out the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Poway: 1. Approves the filing of an application for the Van Dam Peak land acquisition; and 2. Certifies that the City of Poway understands the requirements in the Program Guidelines; and 3. Certifies that the City of Poway or title holder will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project consistent with the land tenure requirements; or will secure the resources to do so; and 4. Certifies that the City of Poway will recon;l a document against the real property that 4 of 7 ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2017, Item# \.\C\ Resolution No. 17- Page 2 defines the State's interest in the property whether the Grantee owns the property or not; and 5. Certifies that the City of Poway, if applicable, will comply with the provisions of Section 1771.5 of the State Labor Code regarding payment of prevailing wages on Projects awarded EEM Program Funds; and 6. If applicable, certifies that the project will comply with any laws and regulations including, but not limited to, legal requirements for building codes, health and safety codes, disabled access laws, environmental laws and, that prior to commencement of construction, all applicable licenses and permits will have been obtained; and 7. Certifies that the City of Poway will work towards the Governor's State Planning Priorities intended to promote equity, strengthen the economy, protect the environment, and promote public health and safety as included in Government Code Section 65041.1; and 8. Appoints the City Manager, or his/her designee, as agent to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to applications, agreements, payment requests etc., which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 161h day of May 2017. Steve Vaus, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk 5 of 7 May 16, 2017, Item#\.\, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Resolution No. 17- Page 3 I, Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk, of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 161h day of May 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: 6 of 7 Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway May 16, 2017, Item# \.l ~ 7 of 7 ATTACHMENT B May 16, 2017 1 Item#\.\'\ Emergency Expenditures Update May 16, 2017 Page 2 Expenditures to Date $17,964 has been spent on miscellaneous items, including field supplies. $38,881 has been spent on overtime labor. $350 has been spent for equipment rental. $16,891 has been spent on facility repairs. $2,719 has been spent on water and sewer line repairs. $1,620 has been spent on street sweeping. $48,621 has been spent on tree removal. $53,107 has been spent on drainage structure repairs. $720 has been spent on repairs at Lake Poway. $1,200 has been spent on fencing. V Under the authorization of Resolution 17-004, $182,073 has been expended to date. The next expenditures update is scheduled for the June 6, 2017, City Council Meeting. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to CEQA review. Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact is unknown al this time. Budget adjustments will be finalized prior to the completion of the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Under the State Public Contract Code, staff is required to report back to the City Council at every regular meeting on the expenditures and to review the need to continue the emergency authorization. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Resolution No. 17-004 Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager 2 of 6 Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Ap~*~ Tina M. White City Manager May 16, 2017, Item #1.20 RESOLUTION NO. 17-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY. CALIFORNIA. FINDING AND DECLARING THE EXISTENCE OF AN EMERGENCY WITHIN THE CITY DUE TO A WINTER STORM EVENT, AND SUSPENDING NOTICE AND BIDDING REQUIREMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH REPAIRS REQUIRED THEREBY WHEREAS , the Winter Storm Event i n the City of Poway, commencing on o r about January 20, 2017 that resulted in erosion , flooding , and damage to pub lic roads, drainage systems, and other public facilities within the City, created a threat to public health and safety ; WHEREAS, Government Code section 8630 and Poway Municipa l Code (PMC) Section 2 .12 .060 empower the City Manager. acting as the Director of Emergency Services, to proclaim the existence of a local emergency when the City is affected by a publ ic calamity, and the City Council is not in sess ion ; WHEREAS , on Jan uary 20 , 2017, the City Manager, acting pursuant to Government Code section 8630 and PMC section 2.12 .060, proc laimed the existence of a local emergency based on conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property caused by the Winter Storm Event , attached hereto as Exh ibit "A"; WHEREAS, the City Council is required by Government Code section 8630 and PMC section 2.12.065 to ratify the existence of a local emergency w ithin seven (7) days of a Proclamation of Local Emergency by the City Manager; WHEREAS, Public Contract Code Section 20168 provides that t he City Counc il may pass by four-fifths (4 /5) vote , a resolution declaring that the publ ic interest and necessity demand the immediate expenditure of pub lic money to safeguard life, health, or property; WHEREAS, upon adoption of such resolut ion, the City Manager may expend any sum required in the emergency and report t he same to the City Council in accordance with Public Contract Code Section 22050; WHEREAS , if such expendi ture is ordered, the City Council shall rev iew the emergency action at each regular meeting, to determ ine if there is a need to continue the action or if the Proc lamation of Local Emergency may be terminated; and WHEREAS, such storm , wind, flood and erosion damage constitute an eme rgency within the terms of Public Contract Code Sections 20168 and 22050 which requires that the C ity Manager be able to act quickly and without complying with the notice and bidding procedures of the Pub lic Contract Code to repair and protect such public facilities . 3 of 6 ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2017, Item# 1.20 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) Resolution No. 17-004 Page 3 I, Nancy Neufe ld, City Clerk, of the City of Poway, Ca l ifornia , do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the forego ing Resolution No.17-004 was duly adop ted by the City Council at a meeti ng of said Ci ty Council held on the 24 th of January 2017 , and that it was so adopted by the following vote : AYES: CUNNINGHAM, GROSCH , MULLIN, LEONARD, VAUS NOES : NONE ABSENT: NONE DISQUALIFIED: NONE 5 of 6 ~H. Ci!yC lerk, City of Poway May 16, 2017, Item# 1.20 Exhibit A PROCLAMATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY WHEREAS , section 2.12.060 of the Poway Municipal Code empowers the Director of Emergency Serv ices to proc laim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when the City is affected or likely to be affected by a public calamity and the City Council is not i n session; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, as D irector of Emergency Services of the City of Poway, does hereby find that conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within the City of Poway, caused by a winter storm event commencing on or about 1:00 p.m. on the day of January 20 , 2017; and WHEREAS, that the City Council of the City of Poway is not in session and cannot immediately be called into sess ion ; and WHEREAS, this Proclamation of Local Emergency will be ratified by the City Council within seven days of being issued. NOW, THEREFORE , IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED by the Director of Emergency Services for the City of Poway, that a loca l emergency now ex ists throughout the City and that sa id l oca l emergency shall be deemed to continue to exist until its terminat ion is proclaimed by the City Council; and IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that during the existence of said local emergency the powers, functions , and duties of the emergency organ ization of this City sha ll be those prescribed by state law, ordinances, and resolutions of th is City, and by the City of Poway Emergency Plan; and IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that a copy of this Proclamation of Loca l Emergency be forwarded to the Sta te D irector of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services with a reque st that; · 1 . The State Director find the Proclamat ion of Local Emergency acceptab le in accordance with prov is ions of the California Disaster Ass istance Act; and that 2 . The State Director forward this Proclamation, and request for a State Proclamation of Eme rgency, to the Governor of California for consideration and action. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the D i rector of Emergency Services for the City of Poway this 20th day of January, 2017 . January 20, 2017 at 1 :00 p .m. Date and Time 6 of 6 ~i1itL Tina Whit e Di rector of Emergency Services May 16, 2017 , Item# 1.20 RESOLUTION NO 17- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WAIVER OF THE FORMAL BID PROCESS FOR EMERGENCY REPAIR OF THE BOILER LOOP UNDER CITY HALL WHEREAS, during a routine analysis of City Hall and the City Council Chambers water use report, a high water use rate was observed, WHEREAS, staff took immediate steps to determine the source of the high water use, WHEREAS, staff discovered a leak and contacted the City's as-needed plumbing contractor; WHEREAS, in consultation with the contractor an estimate to perform the repair was formed; WHEREAS, the immediate need to complete the emergency repair exceeded the $5,000 limit and a Public Works project would have to be bid to repair the hot water pipe, but the urgency of the work would not permit a delay resulting from the public bid and contract process; WHEREAS, staff has a contractor that has met our contracting requirements and could perform the emergency work, and WHEREAS, Public Contract Code sections 20168 and 22050, and Poway Municipal Code section 3.28 080 provide that the formal bid process may be waived by a Resolution declaring that the public interest and necessity demand the immediate expenditure of public money to safeguard life, health, or property in the case of an emergency that does not allow time for a formal bid process, where the Resolution is adopted by a four-fifths vote of the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows Section 1. The foregoing recitals of fact are found to be true and correct, and the actions previously taken by the City Manager to respond to the herein described emergency are approved Section 2: The City Council hereby finds that delays caused by a competitive bid process for repair work approves a waiver of the City's formal bid process for the emergency repair of the hot water pipe to ensure that public health and safety is not compromised. 3 of 4 Attachment A May 16, 2017, Item# 1.21 Resolution No 17- Page 2 Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to order work for the emergency repair, and execute such agreements and other documents in the form approved by the Authorized Representative after consultation with the City Attorney Section 4. This Resolution shall require a four-fifths vote of the City Council. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 16th day of May 2017 ATIEST Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) Steve Vaus, Mayor I, Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk of the City of Poway, California do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 16th day of May 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: 4 of 4 AYES NOES· ABSENT DISQUALIFIED· Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway May 16, 2017, Item# 1.21 TIM 17-005NAR 17-002 May 16, 2017 Page 2 Project Description and History The main components of the project have remained unchanged since its original approval in 2003 and generally consist of a single-family home neighborhood; preservation of the majority of the existing agricultural operation and the existing ranch house; establishment of a private 9-hole golf course; preservation of approximately 57 acres of the site as open space; and the provision of a public recreation trail through the site. The design details of the approved project and its improvements are included in the approved TIM and HVR Specific Plan, which are on file in the Development Services Department. A graphic showing the overall project site plan from the approved HVR Specific Plan, which also shows the open space areas and trail, is included as Attachment C. On November 18, 2003, the City Council originally approved the HVR project and certified the project's Environmental Impact Report (EIR) under Resolution P- 03-75. This original approval included a gated entry for nine of the new residences on a private street, with other residences on un-gated, public streets. On August 16, 2005, the City Council approved the applicant's requested rev1s1ons to the project involving pad elevation changes and the relocation of some of the lots under Resolution P-05-53. The approval maintained the gated entry and the mix of private and public streets. On August 19, 2014, the City Council approved additional applicant requested revisions involving the redesign of project streets and lots, elimination of the gated entry to nine new residences (including a re-designation of this street segment from private to public), realignment of the public recreation trail through the project site, and establishment of a project-phasing plan, under Resolution P-14-07. On July 21, 2015, the City Council approved additional applicant requested rev1s1ons involving a gate and private roads for the entire project and a Variance for an over height retaining wall, under Resolution P-15-20. Tentative Tract Map Extension The applicant needs additional time to complete the Final Map process. The applicant is requesting City Council approval of an extension under the provisions of Section 16.10.080 of the PMC. Pursuant to the PMC, a tentative tract map is initially valid for two years and only one year time extensions may be granted with no more than five extensions in total. The project revisions in July 2015 were substantial resulting in a full review of the project, therefore, the time frame from which extensions are counted is July 2015. With approval of this extension request, the applicant will be entitled to four additional, one year extensions. All the findings and Conditions of Approval from prior City Council approvals remain in full force and effect. As this is only an extension request no new Conditions of Approval are recommended. 2 of 11 May 16, 2017, Item# 3. I TIM 17-00SNAR 17-002 May 16, 2017 Page 3 Variance Request A Variance is the process through which an individual can seek relief from certain PMC development standards, provided required "findings" can be made by the City Council. The applicant is requesting a Variance to exceed the PMC height limit of six feet for retaining walls. A site plan showing the retaining wall locations is included as Attachment D. The site plan indicates a retaining wall up to eleven feet on the north side of the street at the entry gate, and a retaining wall up to seven feet on the south side of the street, which are highlighted in green. All of the required findings can be made in this case. The findings are primarily based on the existence of a special circumstance, which in this case is a recorded Biological Conservation Easement (BCE) on either side of the street entrance into the project. Attachment D also shows the limits of the BCE which are highlighted in red, and the location of the retaining walls which are shown in green in the area of the gated entry. The BCE is for the preservation of natural vegetation and no grading is permitted. It was put into place several years ago for mitigation of natural vegetation impacts that will occur when the project is constructed. The retaining walls will enable the construction of the gated entry and its turnaround area, without grading into the BCE. The required findings to support Variance 17-002 can be made as follows: 1) That there are special circumstances applicable to the property, and because of this, the strict application of the development regulations deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity with the identical zoning classification in that a BCE, which allows no natural vegetation removal or grading, exists on both sides of the street and the retaining walls will enable the construction of the gated entry and its turnaround area without grading into the BCE; and 2) Granting the Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right enjoyed by other property owners in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property for which the Variance is sought in that retaining walls will enable the construction of a gated entry that is similar to other projects in the immediate vicinity of the project site; and 3) Granting the Variance would not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare in the vicinity and zone in which the property is located in that the walls will be designed by an engineer and building permits will be required for construction; and 4) Granting the Variance does not constitute a special privilege that is inconsistent with the limitation upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in that other properties in a similar situation may also request approval of a Variance and this Variance involves the unique circumstance of a BCE that exists on both sides of the street; and 3 of 11 May 16, 2017, Item# 3 ·\ RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A TIME EXTENSION FOR THE HIDDEN VALLEY RANCH SUBDIVISION MAP UNDER TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (TTM) 17-005, AND APPROVAL OF VARIANCE (VAR) 17- 002 FOR A RETAINING WALL WHEREAS, Ed and Barbara Malone, Applicant, have filed development applications concerning the Hidden Valley Ranch Project ("Project") located on the east side of Old Coach Road, north of and adjacent to the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2003, the Project was originally considered and approved by the City Council pursuant to Resolution P-03-75. The Project-approved entitlements consist of the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR, State Clearinghouse No. 2001121009), General Plan Amendment (GPA) 01-02, Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA) 01-04, Specific Plan 01-02, TTM 00-02, and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 01-05; and WHEREAS, the Project has not yet been constructed, but after development there will be a 41-unit, detached single-family home (40 new, 1 existing), master-planned neighborhood on approximately 420 acres located east of Old Coach Road, north and adjacent to the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve in the Planned Community (PC) zone. The previously approved project entitlements involved the following: (1) a General Plan Amendment to change the existing General Plan land use designation of the site from Rural Residential A (RR-A) to PC to allow for the development of a master-planned residential neighborhood with minimum lot sizes as small as one-net acre in a "clustered" configuration, which does not exceed the allowable residential density of the prior RR-A General Plan land use designation; (2) a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to change the zoning designation of the site (to be consistent with the proposed General Plan designation) from RR-A to PC to allow for the development of a master-planned residential neighborhood with minimum lot sizes as small as one-net acre in a "clustered" configuration, which does not exceed the allowable residential density of the prior RR-A zoning designation; (3) a Specific Plan to establish the development plan/development standards of the master-planned residential neighborhood; (4) a Tentative Tract Map to subdivide the approximate 420-acre site into 41 "numbered" lots, which range in size from one-net acre to 8.8-net acres (with one lot at 257 acres) for the purpose of constructing 40 homes, and 3 "lettered" lots ranging in size from 14.3 to 23.9 acres in size (with a combined total area of 57.5 acres) for the purpose of permanently preserving existing natural open space areas and currently disturbed open space areas that are proposed to be restored; and (5) i=I Conditional Use Permit to establish a private nine-hole golf course; and WHEREAS, on August 16, 2005, revisions to the Project that were proposed by the applicant were considered and approved by the City Council pursuant to Resolution P-05-53; and 5 of 11 ATTACHMENT A May 16, 2017, Item# 3-( Resolution No. P- Page 2 WHEREAS, on August 19, 2014, additional revisions to the Project that were proposed by the applicant were considered and approved by the City Council pursuant to Resolution P-14-07; and WHEREAS, on July 21, 2015, additional rev1s1ons to the Project that were proposed by the applicant, and a proposal for a retaining wall which exceeded the City wall height limit, were considered and approved by the City Council pursuant to Resolution P-15-20; and WHEREAS, on July 21, 2017 the approval of the Tentative Tract Map for the project and the Variance for the retaining are set to expire; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is requesting a one year extension of the Tentative Map approval and renewed approval of the previously approved variance to construct retaining walls in the area of the gated project entry, which exceed the six foot height limit up to approximately eleven feet; and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2017, the City Council held a public hearing on the above- referenced item; and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered the agenda report for the proposed revisions to the project, and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, as follows: Section 1: The City Council finds that, pursuant to Section 15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, a subsequent Enviromental Impact Report (EIR), or any additional environmental review or notice, is not required since the project is within the scope of the Hidden Valley Ranch Environmental Impact Report, which was certified in conjunction with the original approval of the project on November 18, 2003 (SCH #2001121009) ), in that the EIR assessed the significant landform alteration that will occur with grading of the project. Section 2: City Council Resolutions pertaining to prior City Council approval of the project remain in full force and effect except that a time extension for the approval is hereby granted by the City Council. The time extension for approval shall be one year from July 21, 2017. Section 3: The parties are hereby informed that the time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. Section 4: The findings in accordance with Chapter 17.50 of the PMC for VAR 6of11 May16,2017, ltem#.3-l Resolution No. P- Page 3 17-002 are made as follows: A. That there are special circumstances applicable to the property, and because of this, the strict application of the development regulations deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity with the identical zoning classification in that a BCE, which allows no ·natural vegetation removal or grading, exists on both sides of the street and the retaining walls will enable the construction of the gated entry and its turnaround area without grading into the BCE; and B. Granting the Variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right enjoyed by other property owners in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property for which the Variance is sought in that retaining walls will enable the construction of a gated entry that is similar to other projects in the immediate vicinity of the project site; and C. Granting the Variance would not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare in the vicinity and zone in which the property is located in that the walls will be designed by an engineer and building permits will be required for construction; and D. Granting the Variance does not constitute a special privilege that is inconsistent with the limitation upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in that other properties in a similar situation may also request approval of a Variance and this Variance involves the unique circumstance of a BCE that exists on both sides of the street; and E. The granting of this Variance does not allow a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zoning development regulation governing the property in that retaining walls are allowable in this zoning district and the walls will enable the construction of the gated entry and its turnaround area without grading into the BCE; and F. That granting the Variance or its modification will not be incompatible with the City General Plan in that the design of the walls will enable the planting of vegetation which will soften the appearance of the walls and minimize any visual impacts. Section 5: The parties are hereby informed that the time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. Section 6: The approval of Tentative Tract Map 17-005 expires on July 21, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. The Final Map conforming to this conditionally approved Tentative Tract Map shall be filed with the City so that the City may approve the Final Map before this approval expires, unless at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the Tentative Tract Map a request for a time extension is submitted to the Development Services Department and a time extension is subsequently granted by the City Council. The approval of 7 of 11 May 16, 2017, Item # 3, I Resolution No. P- Page 4 Variance 17-002 expires on July 21, 2019. In the event that Tentative Tract Map 17-005 expires, Variance 17-002 shall become null and void. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, at a regular meeting this 16th day of May 2017. Steve Vaus, Mayor ATIEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. P-17-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 16 day of May 2017 and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: 8 of 11 Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway May16,2017, ltem#3·1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Resolution No. 14-015 Page 2 I, Sheila R. Cobian , City Clerk, of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Re solution No. 14-015 wa s duly ad o pted by the Ci ty Council at a meeting of said Ci ty Council held on the 15th day of April 2014, and that it was so adopted by t he following vote : AYES : CUNNINGHAM , VAUS , MULLIN , GROSCH , HIGGINSON NOES : NONE ABSENT: NONE DISQUALIFIED : NONE ~o,, {R, ~!'0, Sheil ~ Cobian , CMC , City Clerk City of Poway ATTACHMENT: Exhibit A 4 of 11 May 16, 2017, Item# 3.2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 12.48.260 TO THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO . 67 AND AMENDING SECTION 12.48.160 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to establish an Underground Utility District along Espola Road from Mountain Road to three hundred feet north of Jerome Drive (Exhibit A) for the purpose of improving the public health, safety, and welfare by placing all utilities underground ; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Poway Municipal Code (Chapter 12.48) a Public Hearing was held on April 15, 2014 to discuss the proposed Underground Utility District; and WHEREAS, The City Council heard public testimony for and against the proposed Underground Utility District. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1: Section 12.48 .260 shall be added to the Poway Municipal Code designating the following as Underground Utility District No. 67. The following described portion of the City of Poway, San Diego County, State of California , is declared to be Underground Utility District No . 67 of the City of Poway: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Parcel 4, Parcel Map No. 10915; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of said Parcel 4 to the Northwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321- 011-06; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-011-06 to the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-011-06 to the Northwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-011-18 (said point also being the Northeast corner of Parcel 2 , Parcel Map No . 13884 ); thence Southerly along the Westerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-011-18 to the Southwest corner thereof (said point also being the Southeast corner of Parcel 2, Parcel Map No. 13884 ); thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Assessor Parcel 321-011-18 to the Northwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-011-10 (said point also being the Northeast corner of Parcel 3, Parcel Map No. 13884 ); thence Southerly along the Westerly line said Assessor Parcel 321-011-10 to the Southwest corner thereof (said point also being the Southeast corner of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 13884 ); thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-011-10 to a point on the Westerly right-of-way of Espola Road , said point also being the Southeast corner of Assessor Parcel 321-011-10; thence retracing Westerly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-011-10 to the Northeast corner 7 of 11 ATTACHMENT C May 16, 2017, Item# 3.2 Ordinance No . Page of Lot 2, Espola Verde Map No. 7570, said point being on the Westerly right-of-way of Espola Road; thence Southerly along said Westerly right-of-way to the Southeast corner of Lot 1 of Espola Verde Map No . 7570, said point being on the Northerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-020-40; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-020- 40 to the Northeast corner thereof (said point being on the Westerly right-of-way of Espola Road); thence Southerly along said Westerly right-of-way to the Southeast corner of Assessor Parcel 321-020-40, said point being on the Northerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-020-69 ; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of said Assessor Parcel 321-020-69 to the Northeast corner thereof (said point being on the Westerly right-of-way of Espola Road); thence Southerly along said Westerly right-of-way to the Southeast corner of Assessor Parcel 321-020-69; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-020-69 to the Northwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-020-64; thence Southerly along the Westerly lines of Assessor Parcels 321-020-64, 66, 55 and 56 to the Southwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-020-56; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Assessor Parcel 321-020-56 to the Southeast corner thereof, said point being on the Westerly right-of-way of Espola Road ; thence Southerly along said Westerly right-of-way to the Southeast corner of Assessor Parcel 321-020-41 ; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of said Assessor Parcel 321-020-41 to the Northeast corner of Parcel "A" of City of Poway Tract Map No. 87-08, said point being on the Westerly right-of-way of Espola Road; thence Southerly along said Westerly right-of-way to the Southeast corner of said Parcel "A "; thence Easterly, leaving said Westerly right-of-way , perpendicular to said Westerly right-of-way, to a point on the Easterly right-of-way of Espola Road; thence Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way to the Northwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-241-01; thence Easterly, leaving said right of way line , along the Northerly line of said Assessor Parcel 321-241-01 to the Southeast corner of Assessor Parcel 321-210-50; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Assessor Parcel 321-210-50 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Assessor Parcel 321-210- 50 to the Northwest corner thereof, said point being on the Easterly right-of-way of Espola Road ; thence Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way to the Northwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-210-45; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-210-45 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence leaving said Northerly line Northwesterly to the Southeast corner of Assessor Parcel 321-210-31; thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-210-31 to the Southwest corner thereof, said point being on the Easterly right-of-way of Espola Road; thence Northerly along the said Easterly right-of-way to the Southwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-210-33; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-210-33 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Assessor Parcel 321-210-33 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-210-33 to the Northwest corner thereof, said point being on the Easterly right-of-way of Espola Road ; thence Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way to the Southwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-210-40; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-210-40 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Assessor Parcel 321-210-40 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Assessor Parcel 321-210-40 to the Northwest corner thereof, said point being on the Easterly right-of-way of Espola Road; thence Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way to the Southwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-011-24 ; 8 of 11 May 16, 2017, Item# 3.2 Ordinance No . Page thence continuing Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way to a point on said Easterly right-of-way which bears approximately 107' Northwesterly from the Southwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-011-24; thence Westerly , leaving said Easterly right-of-way and perpendicular to said Easterly right-of-way , to a point on the Westerly right-of-way of Espola Road ; thence Southerly along said Westerly right-of-way to the POINT OF BEGINNING . Section 2: Section 12.48.160 shall be amended to read as follows : The provisions of Article I of this Chapter shall apply to all Underground Utility Districts described in Sections 12.48.170 through 12.48.260. EFFECTIVE DATE : This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its adoption. CERTIFICATION/PUBLICATION: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Ord inance and cause it or a summary of it, to be published with the names of the City Council members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain , a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Poway within fifteen (15) days after its adoption and shall post a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Office of the City Clerk in accordance with Government Code § 36933. 9 of 11 May 16, 2017, Item# 3.2 Ordinance No. Page Introduced and first read at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway held the sixteenth day of May 2017, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the sixth day of June 2017. ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC , City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Steve Vaus , Mayor I, Nancy Neufeld , City Clerk, of the City of Poway, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. , was duly adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the sixth day of June 2017, and that it was so adopted by the following vote : AYES : NOES : ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED : 10 of 11 Nancy Neufeld, CMC , City Clerk City of Poway May 16, 2017, Item# 3.2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 12.48.270 TO THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO . 68 AND AMMENDING SECTION 12.48.160 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to establish an Underground Utility District along Espola Road from 300 feet north of Jerome Drive to 130 feet south of Willow Ranch Road (Exhibit A) for the purpose of improving the public health, safety, and welfare by placing all utilities underground; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Poway Municipal Code (Chapter 12.48) a Public Hearing was held on May 16, 2017 to discuss the proposed Underground Utility District; and WHEREAS, The City Council heard public testimony for and against the proposed Underground Utility District. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION 1: Section 12.48.270 shall be added to the Poway Municipal Code designating the following as Underground Utility District No. 68. The following described portion of the City of Poway, San Diego County, State of California , is declared to be Underground Utility District No . 68 of the City of Poway: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Assessor Parcel 321-011-24; thence Northerly along the Easterly lines of Assessor Parcels 321-011-24, 321-011-13, 321-011-14 and 321- 011-15 to the Northeast corner of Assessor Parcel 321-011-15; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-011-15 to the Northwest corner thereof, said point being on the Easterly right-of-way of Espola Road ; thence Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way to the Southwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-030-71; thence leaving said right-of-way Easterly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-030- 71 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence along the Easterly line of Assessor Parcel 321- 030-71 Northwesterly along a curve concave to the East to the Northeast corner thereof, said point being on the Southerly right-of-way of High Valley Road; thence Westerly along said Southerly right-of-way to the Easterly right-of-way of Espola Road ; thence Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way to the Southwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-012-52 ; thence leaving said right-of-way Northeasterly along the Southeasterly line of Assessor Parcel 321-012-52 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-012-52 to the Northwest corner thereof, said point being on the Easterly right-of-way of Espola Road; thence Northerly along said Easterly right-of- 7 of 10 ATTACHMENT C May 16, 207, Item # 3.3 Ordinance No . Page way to the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 278-450-29; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 278-450-29 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Assessor Parcel 278-450-29 to the Northeast corner thereof; thence Westerly and Northwesterl y along the Northerly line of Assessor Parcel 278-450-29 to the Northwest corner thereof, said point being on the Easterly right-of-way of Espola Road; thence Southerly along said Easterly right-of-way to the Southwest corner of Assessor Parcel 278-450-29; thence Westerly to the Northeast corner of Assessor Parcel 278-450-24 , said point being on the Westerly right-of-way of Espola Road ; thence Southerly along said Westerly right-of-way to the Northeast corner of Assessor Parcel 321-012-50; thence leaving said right-of-way Westerly along the Northerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-012-50 to the Northwest corner of thereof; thence Southerly along the Westerly lines of Assessor Pa rce ls 321-012-50 , 321-012-49 and 321- 012-48 to the Southwest corner of Assessor Parcel 321-012-48 ; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-012-48 to the Southeast corner thereof, said point being on the Westerly right-of-way of Espola Road; thence Southerly along said Westerly right-of-way to the Northeast corner of Assessor Parcel 321-011-41; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-011-41 to the Northwest corner thereof; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-011-41 to the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Assessor Parcel 321-011-41 to the Southeast corner thereof, said point being on the Westerly right-of-way of Espola Road ; thence Easterly to the POINT OF BEGINNING . Section 2: Section 12.48.160 shall be amended to read as follows: The provisions of Article I of this Chapter shall apply to all Underground Utility Districts described in Sections 12.48.170 through 12.48.270. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its adoption . CERTIFICATION/PUBLICATION: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it or a summary of it, to be published with the names of the City Council members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain , a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Poway within fifteen (15) days after its adoption and shall post a certified copy of this Ordinance in the Office of the City Clerk in accordance with Government Code § 36933. 8 of 10 May 16, 207, Item # 3.3 Ordinance No. Page Introduced and first read at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway held the sixteenth day of May 2017 , and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the sixth day of June 2017. ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld , CMC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Steve Vaus , Mayor I, Nancy Neufeld , City Clerk, of the City of Poway , do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. **, was duly adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the sixth day of June 2017, and that it was so adopted by th e following vote : AYES: NOES : ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: 9 of 10 Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway May 16, 207 , Item # 3.3 Item 6.1 MTS Update Item 6.2 Metro Wastewater JPA Update 8.1 Closed Session Conference with Labor Negotiators -Government Code Section §54957.6 City Designated Negotiators: Tina White, City Manager Wendy Kaserman, Assistant City Manager Employee Organizations: Teamsters Local 911 Poway Firefighters Association Management, Supervisory & Confidential Unit