Item 10.1 - Funding Contribution to the Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort C o�Po W AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY I(76.' iy,. l , TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: 7 James L. Bowersox, City Mana. t INITIATED BY: Penny Riley, Assistant City Manage DATE: September 6, 2005 SUBJECT: Funding Contribution to the Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort ABSTRACT On Monday, August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the southeastern United States with deadly force. Areas of Louisiana and Mississippi are particularly devastated in the wake of this hurricane, which has been called one of the nation's worst natural disasters. President George W. Bush has declared a public health emergency. Staff recommends that the City of Poway make a financial contribution of $50,000 to the American Red Cross Hurricane 2005 Relief Fund. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This information is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for this contribution was not anticipated as part of the annual budget, however sufficient funding is available within the City's unappropriated fund balance. It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $50,000 from the unappropriated General Fund balance (100-8912) to the Community Relations account(100-0010-4904)and direct staff to make a $50,000 contribution toward the American Red Cross Hurricane 2005 Relief Fund. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $50,000 of unappropriated fund balance to the Community Relations account(100-0010-4904)and direct staff to make a $50,000 contribution toward the American Red Cross Hurricane 2005 Relief Fund. ACTION Approved staff recommendation, 4-0 with nci��er Rexford sent. L. Diane Shea, City Clerk 1 of 3 September 6, 2005 Item #10. - OF Pp CITY F P OWAY �� AGENDA REPORT "s C'ry IN TIE c9-9 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council A • FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana• ;S INITIATED BY: Penny Riley, Assistant City Manage Kristen Mignone Crane, Assistant to the City Managers' DATE: September 6, 2005 SUBJECT: Funding Contribution to the Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort BACKGROUND On Monday, August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the southeastern United States with deadly force. Areas of Louisiana and Mississippi are particularly devastated in the wake of this hurricane, which has been called one of the nation's worst natural disasters. Much of New Orleans, about 70 percent of which is below sea level, was flooded with water after Hurricane Katrina's storm surges broke two levees built to hold water back. President George W. Bush has declared a public health emergency. It is anticipated that there are thousands of fatalities resulting from Hurricane Katrina, and tens of thousands have been displaced from their homes, many permanently. FINDINGS Victims of Hurricane Katrina are attempting to recover from the massive storm. Thousands of individuals will remain displaced for months, if not longer. American Red Cross volunteers have been deployed to the hardest hit areas of Katrina's destruction, supplying thousands of victims left homeless with critical necessities. To aid these suffering people and to assist them as they rebuild, staff recommends that the City of Poway make a financial contribution of $50,000 to the American Red Cross Hurricane 2005 Relief Fund, specifically to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina by providing shelter, food, counseling, and other assistance to those in need. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This information is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for this contribution was not anticipated as part of the annual budget, however sufficient funding is available within the City's unappropriated fund balance. It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $50,000 from the unappropriated General Fund balance (100-8912) to the Community Relations account (100-0010-4904) and direct staff to make a $50,000 contribution toward the American Red Cross Hurricane 2005 Relief Fund. 2 of 3 September 6, 2005 Item # /PJ. f Funding Contribution to theicane Katrina Relief Effort �® September 6, 2005 ®® Page 2 PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $50,000 of unappropriated fund balance to the Community Relations account (100-0010-4904) and direct staff to make a $50,000 contribution toward the American Red Cross Hurricane 2005 Relief Fund. • 3 of 3 September 6, 2005 Item # / O. GG 1 J�$I PA�2.(�mc 1 C.Qu.k- HAND DELIVERED DATE QI�IoS -6istributed (Limited): Sept. 6, 2005 September 5, 2005 R E C E I V E D 7ames Bowersox SEp p 6 � Poway CiTy Manager DearMr. Bowersox: C�TY �� �UWAY CITY MANAGFRS OFFICE I applaud the city for its generous donation for imtnediate aid. Beyond the relief efforts however,we have an unprecedented number of displaced and traumatized Americans. The challenge to rebuild lives and homes is one that will not be confined to the Gulf coast region. I believe it will require a massive community involvement across the nafion; indeed concerns about a large infliix of evacuees, permanent or transitional, into any metropolitan area are already being voiced. Tragically, the crisis does not end with an eventual and complete evacuation ttiat has been fraught with unconscionable delays. FEMA reacted to this catastrophe in an inept and ill-prepared fashion. I am heartened by private efforts to match displaced persons and families with persons and families offering room and board(as I have). I have little confidence that any federal agency under this Administration understands the scope of this disaster, let alone plan for and execute a long-term rehabilitation effort. Our federal government failed a city by criminally underfunding infrastructure needed to avert such a predictabie storm disaster. Municipalities like Poway can contribute to rebuilding by assisting those residents whose lives have been shattered. I don't think we should wait for a request as you suggest. Poway can and should take the lead to sponsor a family. Money to fund the bare essentials is not adequate. More than any other time in our nation's history, we must have communities reach out and collectively shaze in this enormous hagedy. As a citizen, I am saddened though not surprised that our narional leaders have not called for such a community mobilizarion. Please consider estabiishing a Poway Hurricane Family Fund(donations from residents matched by the city)that will allow a family to get back on their feet. It would be gratifying to many residents if their contributions had a direct and measurable positive impact on a family. I would be happy to help in whatever way I can. Sincerely, �� � �,� Poway, CA 92064 :i� :y " _ .:� - Sept. 6, 2005, Item #10.1 I THE NATION �- - � �I �� — � LOS ANGELES TIMES � � _ KATRINA'S AFTERMATH ; Evacuees Find `�F. , , �i�;��� : �� �� ; ,: 4�en Daors ' in California Theficstofwhatcould �nv �a�mau� m�nt�es na� ' beagrowingrideof ag`��°�n°s�'` .. I.os/+a4eles;county ana city . . -storm viMims arrive in o°r10��d����scu�try- �� � �H �tn detennine how maeu•� � i the Southland,gratefiil, �,ees mey �owa ��ce m, �� �WCdI'S'3lld llt15UC¢.lf�.. based on as�ilable shelte+s:ana ' they'llevecgoback_ ii,esasy neve'a� esr� br � : � HyHOaPoot . : ��TOSSaf5clelsNl'°sM' I nernPexaicaMCOgsavY� ����b�"��d[emp�- ly�s � tsry hotising o[ et leest two �;-,� i .. ��°" .,.. weeks in local hotels arM long¢r- . _. 1rie;e aas the hee 41p across �shGiter Irt roryoreEe 4ous- ��P in a private 1et. And ���at emP�Y�dlite[S'besea � I Nere was the com hmeii $°'re��nttaciltties. � ' bottJe of water — wontle �Y� .°lbhavepeoPlet�avefoffieep. icecrota weter— M� �'�e�F0^1°�Pr:in th¢.SporGs , handed W.her� A�p�g;[or si%br elght months :, uponhererAvaL � y�n't�¢P�ble,".said l�cel�Rep . �, E181ne West saWred.them .p'qiS 8Wkesul8h NtC�w1a5 Sa- both Sund�y as she helPed]eatl maNeHV�.."All'o[the.Southern� the&stttickleo(whatcoulAbe- Call[ornia.RZd Cmss chapteis - • - comeawaveofsurviwrsoLHur- az¢ trying�}p g� q,hq�� � GLAIi�TO B& HHHH: ✓ommelSims,l,shov�shisste Acane%atNnalntuCW�(ortua eOmeUPW�I.", . Centerdrz Plather,Dar> ' �al�t�Jnk I iN6ht gGlytiere.". TheRedC1'PStessistedmem- �� {ASAngeles.Fbuntairz'sl�ancee�TeaakaBUrto++,andstepchi S�atelW 53-Year-oitl for- be�s of�ei�{tr families.SunAe�y ga ' m�' �4�' meker�.es�she sur- whomadettie�w�yorttheirown ' �e3�LOS�AngelealromaNlltoP to Las Ang¢I�.. Ce.seworke�s .. � rtmit�tOttieHO7lY'+'�tl.E14eWdY. wereCOUnseGuHthenewertvals ��he QuieLlv toid o[ lxing �W y�y,s���g:�ent assistai{ce . tlrivpn out o[her uptown New cands^ tletiit cards tt�at car�pe � � ��1Cens �ome. ��not. bY �ish�B usedhpumhececlathing—�d� �tWwhe n�t b3'.°anAais who arrmg�ng Ceto�MTa!y housing, . � . � elghbo�i�ootl end bY �naztlego seid��. . 61+� tHet Imled two a[..her OPem�fA�suftheDmamCeH, . nel�l�tqry+,. � t¢r salA they ipWd imm¢tliateyy- � "I�on'�Beerslti's¢�teNetgoing. ..COme up w1Eh�..sPeCe tar S51 ����°N�'Qi�eense6eln•�etie Q�a��ces=25tattt�¢_oidhospi- . se1d�"EY�en:tovls(t". "� taland1008tAng¢WSTempleln � West w&s among 10 evecuees. � �pp p�: � wlio arrived eaz'b'Sund�q et the � 'We71 �hetP them� out with . Dream O¢nteq a chwch-spon- Jobs:We'llhelpth¢mgetbackod soted outreech and rerysbltita-� ��,We4e not talldng shelter, tion faclNty pes¢d at the[ortner w¢'re falk7ng rebuIltl(ng Ih•es,' Queen oP Angels�Hospitel near said Clint Car�tqq e Dreea�Cen. . �o��''��meS�amoQ�tas teredminLStratot ' . The lOpeoplewere Oown(rom of hutrkgne vict4ns L¢gtled[or� the Baton Rpuge, I.a.,�a�ps �p Celi[orNa � �� � BobHOPeA��'POrtinB�rbankby - Hsewhereinthesta[e,gOsur- My%pm7�rya,�,yLionHeartAVia- viwrs Prum the (3u1(atat¢s ar- tion 6rouP�d are 6¢ing]ogged � � � . . ���i������SWa�' ��bY F�MP end scteenetl by OUT OF HIS gGEMENT: Phil(i Smithrui on a Jet prpyfA¢d py q �pi.,�� Dream Center sfaIIers`tu malr¢ p �s a��a.s7lream C< businesymen and we[e tel�¢n sum.theYre��Ywanttocometo �ndsauPmrt.°lYastiilneryou.iob��comingloLA."Smilhs¢id.°IIe� �t°�O�eNy � $e�� fi�� �.OSAn8eles,^Carltonsaid, about$4miliioa Schaol.M adtlidonal 3pp were out oP gas 9p rr�fles outside New c rePOr[etlL�'hee0ed[0 3en F7an- Ruoms with bunk beds.�Wi- Dream Center Pestor Mat- �Orleans. After Pour tl�ys. they t lets end toiletrles hav¢rye¢n pre- - thew Bamek escortetl. the were rescuecl by volunteers hom cLsco tor short-term stays at St. pereU�lor`the evacuees.Shower evacuees Yu. lunch at Suns¢t a Louis{anaDreem C¢nter. ( '� MazysCathMrel. facWties ere nee�bY.%s is a caP- Bouleverd's S � Thecityo[SenJOSea6��to , ¢terie.The newcomeis w¢�e se- restaurant be(�eteldng them ficatioq�Social 9e�cwi���aca ds. [ Ceka in 100 evacuees ett¢r being 1¢�ting us�y ciaf�es Prom a on a short bus[our tltHo %Sked bY the ata[e OHic¢ oP Dream Center sWC,kropm. BoWeverd.He saltl most�o(� ��htl as w�a Hourbon s Emergency SeMcys, seid 1ym Chureh o0'iciaLs,meantime,put early grrivy7s ggi�¢ed that there's Street's Acme Oyster House res- t M��Fre�tn.a spokesman[or the out a plea fot more garpierts— tittle Lor them to return tq in the taurant. �tY" Pazticnls�y chilGren's Gothin r �GantlY•a spokesmar�for About ha7Y of the Wrmer �f��n � B�°4 H'ho�worketl as a u the Office pf Eme+gency Se�y- gueen oP °I don't tMnk New prteans cashier at a farni4y-sty�e Rg�y's n ices,said the.Fetl¢ra(Eme Mge� �mplec has uN1 ever come tiack^saitl one ot restaurant,saitl,°It's scary com- u Me�eHamentngencyhasesk¢tl �nre��������ntearth- them,33-yeai-oltlDarrenNbun- ingheie.BUtwe'rehere." a �t���WeB����be oneke stentlaNs antl is suitable tein.e native ofthe citY�awn as �EVacuee PpO�P Srtuth.59.re- L ��+'/eYed to see how ��s�n8;ogicials said �"The BiH EasY"� celled floating(ood and cantlles +��8�6'W�' Founded in 1927 es g Ca�hol(c Fourtay� sgjd he (letl the in p�astie bags thlough neck- c tlms they migh�be able to sryel- hospltal,Queen o(Hnge7s was a floodtr�gwith his fiancee,lpael�a deep water to Ais home's second t; ��' � centerpiece of the Los Mg¢�¢s. Burton, 28, antl ste GanQv coWd not proWde arry medical cummunity for tlecades. Jamrnel Sims, 1, and 1Yy�¢ae floor before a fiientl helpetl Itim rgures mr how ma�u•survi�ors In tne mid-issos, a cndstian Sims,fi.They slept in ttis dila �_ get out. S�F1t. s� 2��$, Item #10.1 Cali(omia might taky N or how miNstry bought the site tor tlatetl 1985 Catlillac aftzr it rnn ��a��m stillin(rvous about com-r L � LOS ANGELES TIMES � MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2005 A15 s KATRINA'S AFTERMATH , R j Y ✓- � t. :�.-'Y"r'. a y _ i- �:�:- � �. r k n t � !I�I '6 . p . ; ,;',:. _ s a a a n a .. . . . . .. enome�wns er o.,,wxo enou..m...v.�..n,.., n 6LADTOBEH6RH: lammelSims,l,shov�shiastepfuther;IMrrenFOUnlain,ashirtgiuentohimqt[erlheirarrivalattheDmam- � Cenlerin Loa Ange[es.Fburztain's finncee,lEaaka Burfon,and a[epchi(d Tea�i:eae Sims,6,nlao made the lrip frorrz the New Orleans¢re� � � �- y ct�eP of staR,Denlse Price,said ° . . . the clty was"caordinating with . a � . other agencies making sure they e ell work together to help"those . bmught there. '� � The 80 evacuees taken W San d . Die6o aew in a Jet chartered by ;• �� W�slnessrtan Davld Perez,who � spent sbout$250,000 on�the mis- �- ' sionettersee" the mg gricnimages y o[victims on television. '� Tm just happy ta save some �. llves entl get people W whea ° they can have ahelter antl food � . antl wflter," Perez seitl. The planelaad inclutletl wme Ye4 ' ° nem veterens. who Perez sald .. ,• toltl hlm their time In the 6ulf , ' Coest es victims wes woise than i '" what they experienced duMg � the wan ° AR of these people wan[ed to '�. 0 Y get out ot heLL, but nobociv I Wanted these people.These peo- ' � . ple have been sleeptr�g on the � y OIITOFHISHL6YENT: PhiliipSmithmipeaate¢rosAenmCenterPa*lorbfutthewBarrzeU �3d�ndfortl�ys,"saidP2- 1. e ��� re2,the owner of Swge Globel � pporG°IYnattilneruoua¢6oulcomingtoLA,"Smilhsaid."IJee[like7'mottanotherplanet." Enetgy,aSanDiegooilendgas'�� o � ebout;4 mllltort aut of�gas 90 mlles outs(de New other plsnet'the selFemptoyetl Perez was reloadingthe plane;� - Dreem Center Pastor bia4 Orleans. After four davs, they construction urorker said. vrith supplies a�d planned fq tly� - � Chew BarnelE escoitetl. the urererescuedbywlunteersROm Thomas @uinn, 47, a pipe- backSundqvnighttopickupan- { r evecuees to- lunch at Sunset a Louisiana D[wam Centec � fltter wha worked on an oRshore atherloed o[surviwrs. � - Boulevard's Spaghetti N�;torv `We don't have money,Itlenti- oil rig,rescued 28-yearolA tug- •W¢t¢making a quick tum-�' - �estaurant be(ore talUng them Rcatioq Social Securliy cards, boat deckhend Rie�Perrin and around,"he said,edding thatof- � a on a&hort bus tour of Hol�ywood �ar�yt[ting,"sqid Fbuptsin—who his vriPe,LeWcia,as Lhey atood on ficials at Iquisiana State UNVer- u i. Houlevard.He seitl most of the workeC as a weiter at BomUon a roaASide laoltlng tor a tlde ta sRy were screening evacuees for 1 t ear�y e�rivels eg[�vx1 that there's SL[eet's Acme Oyster House res- the Superdome as the hurricane hea3th probtems before getting� - I1We for them to return to in the tsurant. roamtl tawerd tReirmobile home them to the eiryort,tor Penei to' Gulfregioa . . Burton, who-worked as a in Lafitte, Ia They heatled ptckup. � r "I tlon't think New O[leans cesltier at a famqy-sfyle Rallys north intq Alabama and then Gayle FalkentM1al, a spokes- s wiil ever come back"�d one o[ restaurant,said"It's scary com- inW Mississippi beforelentling In woman [or the American Retl - them,33-year-oldDarrenNbun- inghere.BUtwe'rehere" aDreamCentershelterandthen Cross in Sazi Diego, said�the ' teiq a native olthe Cityknown as Evacuee Phillip Smlth,59,re- in Los Mgeles. evaCUees there Inclutled l6 Chil- �`The BigEasy." called floating Paod and candles � "YOU Wnk 1n your mind you tlren. { ,;' � fbmtaln sattl he fled the in pla5tic bags through neck- can go bflek and mbuild.Hut we "We xNl be bcinging in cese- 3 llooding with hls fiancee,RYaakfl deep water to his home's secontl talked flnd agieed there's noth- workers Wmorrow and [mding s Burtoq 28, antl stepchlltlren Floor be[ore a Mend helpetl Ivm ing to gp pgck tu,"said Quinn. them more permanent [empo- . 7emmel Sims, 1, end 1Yazkeae get out. "Our trailer is gone,^ezplained � rary shelteq"Falkenthal�said�by � Sims,6.They slept in his tlilapi- "I'm still nervous about com- Leticia Pe[rin,37. telephone trom the school sheb SePt. s� 2�05, Item#10.1 r tlated 1985 Cadiliac after it ran ing to L.A.I Ieel like I'm on an-(' In San Diego, the mayor's ter. 1 � Jim Bowersox�- Re: Hel in Hurncane Victims N ' � " � . °` °" . P .,,. � . _ . , ,... C .�. KWic a e 1 , From: "� To: "Jim Bowersox" <bowersox@ci.poway.ca.us> Date: Sun, Sep 4, 2005 9:19 AM _ Subject: Re: Helping Hurricane Victims Dear Mr. Bowersox: Thank you for your prompt reply. Someone will speak on my behalf regarding hurricane victims at Tuesday's city council meeting as I will be unable to attend. ----Original Message----- From: "Jim Bowersox"<bowersox@ci.poway.ca.us> To: �t> Cc: ��Nenny Riley" <priley@ci.poway.ca.us> Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 11:57 AM Subject: Helping Hurricane Victims . > I received a message that you had cailed the City Manager's office >regarding the possibility of Poway helping the displaced victims of > Hurricane Katrina. At this time, the Katrina disaster relief is a very >complex project. With the Federal Emergency Management Agency, as well >as state and federal officials managing the situation, it is best to >follow their lead and not become directly involved unless there is a >specific request. Should a request for services arrive, such as you >propose, I am sure the Poway City Council would give it consideration. > - > For information, the City of Poway is assisting the relief efforts with >a monetary donation to the American Red Cross in the amount of$50,000, >which will help with the more immediate need for food, water and medical >supplies. > >We appreciate your call and concern. > >Sincerely, > > " >James L. Bowersox >City Manager >City of Poway >858-668-4501 >"O�cial Correspondence" > >City of Poway- Incorporated December 1, 1980- Celebrating 25 Years of �Service > - Sept. 6, 2005, Item #70.1