Item 5.1 - Mickey Cafagna Community Center Design Options(F) City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED ❑ APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. DATE: August 15, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Robert Manis, Director of Development Services CONTACT: Robert Manis, Director of Development Services (858) 668-4601 or bmanis@poway.org Peter Moote, Acting Director of Finance (858) 668-4414 or pmoote@poway.org Robin Bettin, Director of Community Services (858) 668-4585 or rbettin@poway.org SUBJECT: Mickey Cafagna Community Center Design Options Summary: This item pertains to a new floorplan for the Mickey Cafagna Community Center building. The previous floorplan, approved by the City Council in January 2016, proved to be too expensive to construct. Staff has developed three new floorplans, ranging in size and cost that is more aligned with the desired budget goals for the project. If the City Council chooses one of the three floorplans, staff will move forward with getting a more precise construction cost estimate before final building plans are prepared. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council select one of three floorplans for the Mickey Cafagna Community Center building and direct staff to: 1) obtain a professional construction cost estimate; and 2) hire a consultant to prepare construction documents. Discussion: Planning efforts to renovate Community Park began in 2006. In 2009, the City hired RJM Design Group to develop a master plan for the future redevelopment of Community Park, but later revised their contract to focus only on the community center building, which was to house both a new community center and the senior center. In January 2012, all work on the building was put on hold as a result of the dissolution of the Poway Redevelopment Agency and funding for the project. In December 2013, work resumed on the schematic design of the Mickey Cafagna Community Center building. The City Council held two workshops and in September 2015, approved a schematic design for the building. The building was 36,000 square feet with an estimated total cost of just under $21 million. The City issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the preparation of the final construction documents and received eight proposals. Before the final selection of a consultant was made, the City was approached 1 of 14 August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 Cafagna Center Design Options August 15, 2017 Page 2 by the YMCA, which expressed interest in collaborating on a joint facility. The City Council, concerned about the cost of the facility, explored the option of partnering with the YMCA to build a joint facility at a much lower cost. After collaboration proved to be problematic, negotiations with the YMCA were terminated and staff began preliminary design work on a smaller community center building. Building Designs The Mickey Cafagna Community Center building will replace three existing buildings: the Auditorium, Senior Center, and a small park staff office building. These buildings total 26,156 square feet. The layout of the existing buildings is shown in Attachment A. Staff has developed three floorplans at varying sizes and price points: 16,598 square feet $10 million (Attachment B) • 18,450 square feet $11 million (Attachment C) 22,220 square feet $13 million (Attachment D) All three floorplans are comprised of three separate buildings (blocks) connected by exterior covered corridors. This type of building design allows for less expensive tilt -up construction and reduces interior conditioned space (thereby reducing cost). The main entrance and lobby are in the office block. This office block, housing office space for both park staff and the senior center, is the same on all three floorplans. The other two blocks (meeting room and classroom) are different in each of the three floorplans. Generally, the meeting block in the two smaller floorplans contains only one large meeting room, which also results in the elimination of one set of bathrooms due to the lower occupancy. The larger floorplan has two large meeting rooms, similar to the existing buildings which contain the auditorium and a large meeting room in the senior center building. Another cost-saving measure that differs from the original schematic design is that the proposed community center building would be built on the same site as the existing three buildings. There will be no significant landscape improvements or parking lot reconfiguration. Also, the proposed community center would not be attached to the aquatic center building. The kitchen in all three floorplans is designed as a catering kitchen, which is smaller and does not contain all the appliances of a standard kitchen. However, the Senior Center has acquired commercial appliances in their existing kitchen with grant funding and these could be used in any of the three floorplans. The exterior elevations of the proposed community center building are a mission style similar to other public buildings in the vicinity, such as City Hall, the library, and the sheriff's station (Attachment E). The separation of the blocks within the facility creates courtyards that can serve as exterior usable space. Cost Estimates The cost estimates for the three options include construction document preparation, construction, and project management. The estimates are based on the costs provided in the proposals submitted for the original 36,000 square -foot schematic design. Once a 2 of 14 August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 Cafagna Center Design Options August 15, 2017 Page 3 design is chosen, it is recommended that the City contract for a professional estimate so the project budget can be as accurate as possible. The City Council has already appropriated funds for construction document preparation. The appropriation will be more than what wi l be needed for any of the three proposed community center options since it was based on a larger, more expensive building. A small amount of these funds could be used for hiring a professional estimator. Ad Hoc Committee In March 2013, the City Council formed an Ad Hoc committee to work with staff as the construction documents were prepared to consider cost-saving measures and value engineering. The committee was involved with the RFP, but has not been active until recently, after the three floorplans were prepared. The Ad Hoc committee reviewed the three floorplans and the materials and finishes envisioned for the final product. They were very happy with the progress made. They also discussed the functions of the community center and had some concerns about the smaller floorplan being able to meet the needs of the community. The committee also agreed that a professional estimate would be beneficial. Community Center Operations While the total square footage of the existing facilities is larger than any of the three proposed floorplans, the two larger floorplans can work because the layout is more functional. The smallest floorplan is very small and both staff and the Ad Hoc committee are concerned that it lacks functionality. Attachment F provides a summary of the operations at Community Park for fiscal year 15/16. Attachment G provides an operational comparison of the existing facility with each of the three proposed floorplans. It also describes the operational changes that would result. In summary, the 22,220 square -foot floorplan provides space for continuation of most existing programs and services in a more efficient manner. In particular, it allows for the senior bingo program and community use at the same time. The 18,450 square -foot plan would require a number of operational changes for the senior operations, the Community Services Department and public use of the facility. As stated above, Attachment G helps to describe the potential operational changes. Senior Center The Senior Center currently has designated/exclusive use space within the Weingart Building at Community Park. The new community center building will be a multi- generational facility with mostly shared spaces. The Senior Center would share a lobby in the office block, but would have designated office space on one side of the building with Community Park staff occupying the other half. Staff met with the Executive Director of the Senior Center to discuss the proposed building design. Some of the Executive Director's concerns are as follows: Lack of private office space (the proposal calls for mostly open cubicles) Distance between the senior space and the other rooms • Storage for user groups of the classrooms • Sufficient space for bingo in the multi-purpose room 3 of 14 August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 Cafagna Center Design Options August 15, 2017 Page 4 • Catering kitchen: on-site food preparation for nutrition program is more economical • No laundry facilities or dishwasher Senior Center Transition Assistance The Senior Center also has concerns about their operations during construction of the new community center building. Over the years, Staff has discussed various ideas with the Executive Director for continuing operations of the Senior Center during construction, but no specific plan or financial commitment was made. Considering the City's current five-year fiscal forecast and the project's construction costs and the potential cost to rent a similarly -sized space for the Senior Center, it's likely the City cannot provide financial assistance for relocation during the construction. However, staff support in finding potential locations and options will be provided. Additionally, the Council could consider providing the Senior Center Corporation with access to the funds in the Senior Center trust account to help them with the financial costs of temporarily relocating. Funding The City Council initially appropriated $1.8 million for preparation of the construction documents. Because the new community center building will be smaller than the original and does not involve much site work, it is anticipated that the construction documents will cost much less. Funding for construction was added in June 2016 as part of Council adoption of the 2015- 17 biennium budget and Capital Improvement Program, resulting in a total current project budget of $9.8 million. This amount would basically cover the cost of the smallest building. If the City Council chooses to pursue one of the larger buildings, options for financing would be considered by Council when a more detailed construction estimate of the selected floorplan is obtained. Next Steps If the City Council selects a floorplan, staff will make refinements and work with the Ad Hoc Committee on details regarding materials and finishes. An RFP will then be issued and the City will hire a professional estimator to get an accurate cost estimate. The schematic floorplans and details will then be provided to the top three firms from the September 2016 RFP so they may revise their proposals based on the new, smaller building size. After the proposals are received, staff will evaluate them and resume the selection process to award a contract for the preparation of the construction documents. The construction documents should take about nine months to prepare. Once complete, the plans will be submitted for building permits and then bid documents will be prepared for the selection of a contractor. Construction should begin about four months after the completion of the construction documents. Environmental Review: The selection of a floorplan is not subject to CEQA review. An environmental assessment pursuant to CEQA will be completed prior to funding appropriation and award of contract for the construction. 4 of 14 August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 Cafagna Center Design Options August 15, 2017 Page 5 Fiscal Impact: No additional funds are requested at this time. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Existing Facilities at Community Park B. 16,598 square -foot Floorplan C. 18,450 square -foot Floorplan D. 22,220 square -foot Floorplan E. Exterior Elevations F. Community Park Operations G. Community Center Operational Comparison Reviewed/Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved lBy: Ait, Tina M. White City Manager 5 of 14 August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 6 of 14 ATTACHMENT A August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 LW U i R Y i I / i / Rd� L R C 0 hP i i i ¢Ja ftf Yt � / / S 0 ATTACHMENT B August 15, 20 em #5.1 J i A x m u`C+6g I / j r r � 4 i r00 9 c ,0 r 8 f 14 ATTAC T C s 15, 2017, Item #5.1 to o Y4 / i Qb �Y ��, /� • y YYym, / 4'V / 4NT ; i = i ; C co ; w• v $13 MILLION n� 22,220 SF 4y� 'w V• W� N r -I z 0 d w a w M z 0 w a w 10 of 14 ATTACHMENT E August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 11 of 14 N z 0 H w w Q z 0 H w a w 0 0 August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 V 12 of 14 M z 0 H w w v ,a. z 0 d w a w N z 0 H w w w August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 ►: Community Park Operations Contract Classes & Camps: Private & Non -Profit Rentals: Programming based on interest, evaluations, and Community gathering spaces are available for participant feedback with a focus on recreation, meetings, non -profits, fundraising, and private arts, leisure, and something for all ages, interests, celebrations. Annual revenue totaled $60,895 for and abilities. indoor spaces. • FY 15-16, Community Park hosted 250 high quality contract classes and camps. o Served 2,002 participants • 65% residents 35% non-residents Nonprofit Use Attendance Winter Festival (2 -day) 420 Attendees 11,548 Resident Permit -Holders 99% "blic Rentals FY 15-16 Rentals 69 Attendees 10,365 Resident Permit -Holders 88% Youth, Teen, & Family Programs: Expenses & Revenue: Staff facilitate recreational programming and Community Park Division has a cost recovery of 60%. provide positive and engaging experiences. FY 15-16 Event Attendance Winter Festival (2 -day) 8,000 Movies in the Park (5) 2,600 Teen Program Series (9) 560 Kid's Night Out Series (9) 518 In The Park Series (4) 800 Teen Volunteer Program 189 (2,000 hrs) FY 15-16 Expenses Personnel $324,422 Operation & Maintenance $564,230 Total $888,652 FY 15-16 Revenues Rentals $60,895 Contract Classes & Camps $434,209 Recreation Programs $15,699 Nonresident Program Fees $22,630 Total 533,433 Cost Recovery 60% *Fees for rentals/programs not adjusted since 1007 Care & Shelter: During an emergency, Community Park is the City's designated Care & Shelter location. Poway Valley Senior Citizens Corporation: • 350 senior center memberships o 66% are Poway residents • 125 volunteers • Services include: o health and wellness activities 0 over 5,000 annual meals served o socialization o weekly bingo o professional services such as tax preparation, AARP, and educational sessions • Revenue generated through volunteer -operated programs: bingo and events 13 of 14 ATTACHMENT F August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 14 of 14 ATTACHMENT G August 15, 2017, Item #5.1 O u C m Y M c u m e '^ iv m c c c� v u c a v v U c a o y v _ a o �u y u v a E a E •O opo C '� c N ? 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U d Z U v O a) as a+ :: a E J m -O A o° a' c 3 M a v w v C M m — ti Ln o d a O. p U M U v Vn O CL CL 1n 1L • • • O M O • : ¢ • • • 7 • • 0 L v 0> >• -W •I u y C Y b C C al C m y a U 'u N N C i al > 'O J N Y 'C C N Y J m N ? ;Ll v� N U W E L a1 L MC p N J E �a o. a! in y ar am c o J '3 :? J ba o u H a Ln E 607 = c� c-D v E M m g LL N J? o°1c O J O lm as dor to h M E a, ry E « -o N o — _ N l0 J N N a O. U O O Ma 0 a V0 LL••• O Ln O• • v u O. C 'A ^ LO J • N m N j Q 0 y U C c a/ C O o. t cu m n J J o a) U L 7 O U aJ J y C J C U o @ -M c c o c a, _ M Y f0 = N l0 Lni j c. Z a m LL••• O w O• 14 of 14 ATTACHMENT G August 15, 2017, Item #5.1