Item 4.2 - ADDITIONAL MATERIAL posted 8-14-17OF P) r CITY OF P O WAY MEMORANDUM T1 C' C' ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (Agenda Related Writings/Documents provided to City Council or Staff after distribution of the Agenda Packet for the August 15, 2017 City Council Meeting) DATE: August 15, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Robert Manis, Director of Development Services CONTACT: Jason Martin, Senior Planner (858) 668-4658 / imartin(a)poway.org SUBJECT: Maderas Dispute Resolution After the preparation of the agenda report on this matter, the attached correspondence was submitted. Attachments: A. Correspondence Reviewed/Approved By: Reviewed By: Approved By: Wendy Kaserman Morgan Foley Tina M. White Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Manager 1 of 4 August 15, 2017, Item # 4.2 FSG J FisOe, SPIEGLEP, GINBBURG & JAGouxzsa, APC Mayor Steve Vans Members of the City Council City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Phillip L. Ginsburg Charles E. Jagolinzer Andrea Contreras Rosati Mark A. Spiegler Joseph J. Fisch (HET.) August 11, 2017 Of Coun.el Richard Glasnert •Certified Specialist E.tate Planning, Tru.t & Probate Law, The State Bar of Clift rni. Re: Conditional Use Permit No. 90-13M(5) / August 15, 2017 Agenda Item Dear Mayor and City Council: The purpose of this letter is for Maderas Golf Course ("Maderas") to respond to David Barkin's correspondence dated July 21, 2017, and August 7, 2017. We want to make clear first and foremost that Maderas will continue to fulfill its responsibility to provide water to its neighbors when water usage impacts the neighbors' water supply. As long as Wells 4 and 5 are closed, however, there is no evidence that Maderas's water use affects the Lower Sycamore Creek neighborhood. Maderas disagrees overall with Mr. Barkin's letters because they are not substantiated by scientific evidence. Furthermore, Maderas objects to the assumption that Mr. Barkin need only ask for reimbursement without any thought for whether his use is reasonable. More specifically, Maderas states as follows: 1. There is no nexus between Maderas's water use and the Barkin family's low water sil 1 - As Maderas discussed in our letter dated May 26, 2017, and as Mr. Barkin has admitted in his letter dated July 21, 2017, only Wells 4 and 5 have a hydrological connection to the Lower Sycamore Creek neighborhood. Because Wells 4 and 5 have been capped since 2015, there is no nexus between the Barkin family's recent lack of water and Maderas's groundwater use that is, Maderas's groundwater use did not cause the problem the Barkin family is experiencing. To enforce a condition without an underlying nexus would be an unconstitutional taking. See generally, Nollan v. California Coastal Comm'n (1987) 483 U.S. 825 [97 L.Ed.2d 677, 107 S. Ct. 3141]. Mr. Barkin references Lynch v. California Coastal Comm'n (2017) DJDAR 6685. This case is distinguishable. In Lynch, residents who received a permit to build a seawall filed a lawsuit challenging objectionable conditions of the permit, but built the seawall while the lawsuit ensued. The Court ruled that the residents received the benefit of their permit and therefore could not challenge the conditions to which they objected. 530 B Street, Suite Boo, San Diego, CA 9210111 1: 61g. 2 34 1551 1 Fa.: 619 234 1568 1 ww-fsgjlaw mm 2 of 4 ATTACHMENT A August 15, 2017, Item # 4.2 Mayor Steve Vaus Members of the City Council August 11, 2017 Re; Conditional Use Permit No. 90-13M(5) / August 15, 2017 Agenda Item Page 2 of 3 Here, Maderas is not challenging the permit. Maderas is challenging the City Council's potential new decision requiring Maderas to pay money for an impact that was not created by the golf course operation. Furthermore, and unlike Lynch, it cannot be argued that Maderas has received the benefit of its permit when Maderas has shut down Wells 4 and 5. Plus, Maderas is still willing to continue to provide water to any of the Lower Sycamore Creek properties if it uses wells in the Eastern zone. 2. Maderas's Conditional Use Permit Does Not Allow Mr, Barkin to Choose the Method of Water Delivery. Mr. Barkin's letter dated July 21, 2017, states that Issue #1 is for the Council to confirm Maderas's obligation to reimburse him for truck deliveries and for his new well. The text from Conditional Use Permit No. 90-13(M)(5)("CUP"), condition M, which gave rise to this hearing, reads as follows; "In the event groundwater supplies become inadequate to meet the domestic and non-domestic water needs of the residents and properties in [the Lower Sycamore Creek neighborhood], the applicant shall supply water to meet those needs in such quantities and for such periods as necessary to meet those needs at the applicant's sole cost and expense... The alternatives for supplying such water service shall include deepening wells, trucking and storing water on site(s), or extending a temporary aboveground [sic] water line from the Highland Ranch area or closest point. The applicant may select the alternative and shall be responsible for all costs associated with implementing continued and uninterrupted water service. In the event of a dispute between any resident and the applicant over the adequacy of the water supply or the adequacy of the remedy implemented by the applicant, the City Council shall determine which of the above stated alternatives is to be implemented...." (Emphasis added). As is stated above, the CUP assigns Maderas the ability to select the water service alternative. In the event of a disagreement, a resident may request the City Council to resolve the disagreement. Here, Mr. Barkin drilled a well without consulting anyone, usurping the City Council's jurisdiction. Without waiving Maderas's above position regarding the illegitimacy of applying the condition, Maderas should not have to reimburse Mr. Barkin for a choice he made without City Council approval. 3 of 4 August 15, 2017, Item # 4.2 Mayor Steve Vaus Members of the City Council August 11, 2017 Re: Conditional Use Permit No. 90-13M(5) / August 15, 2017 Agenda Item Page 3 of 3 3. Mr. Barkin has provided no evidence to support that his water use is reasonable. Since the CUP was passed, the Barkin family built a second residence on their property. Last spring, Mr. Barkin started ordering "double fills" to receive a lower "per fill" price, which should have reduced his need to re -fill, but he still required monthly fills. One month, he required a third fill because he wanted to top off the water in his pool. There must be a reasonableness requirement to the amount of water Mr. Barkin can use and the amount of money he can demand from Maderas. Even if the Council could enforce the CUP condition requiring Maderas to supply water to the Barkin family, that requirement cannot be limitless. Maderas has sought to be a good neighbor, and we would be the first to take action if our water use impacted one of the residents in our neighborhood. For as long as Wells 4 and 5 are capped, however, the golf course's water use will have no effect on the Lower Sycamore Creek residents' water supply. _ There is no other explanation for Mr. Barkin's lack of water but the existence of a dysfunction unique to his old well. Even when Mr. Barkin's well ran dry, there was water in the Lower Sycamore Creek Test Well. Until now, Mr. Barkin had the shallowest well, and he is the only neighbor to experience a water supply problem. Maderas's letter dated May 26, 2017, noted that Maderas paid more than $60,000.00 to deepen the wells or drill new ones for the Lower Sycamore Creek residents. Mr. Barkin was one of those residents. fie chose a shallower well while his neighbors chose deeper ones. It is obvious now, with his deeper well, that this has been the driving problem all along—not Maderas's use. In order to avoid issues like this in the future, Maderas respectfully requests that the CUP be amended, as suggested in the Staff report, to require Maderas to supply water to Lower Sycamore Creek residents only if Maderas resumes the use of wells in the Easter zone. We look forward to finding a workable solution on August 15. An ea Contreras Rosati for FISOH, , SPIEGLER, GINSBURG & JAGOLINZER, APC MASAI ItlW9ShudNlldtoom\SumoWNlodma\V�m, Siwe end City Council Membra -La., m CUP (0&11-2017).dm 4 of 4 August 15, 2017, Item # 4.2