Item 1.1 - Extension of Time Period Certain Property Must Be Developed For Affordable Housing(E) DATE: IEell City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT August 18,2017 APPROVED ❑ APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. Honorable Chairman and Members of the Housing Authority FROM: Tina White, Executive Director INITIATED BY: Robert J. Manis, Director of Development Services 858-668-4601 or bmanis@poway.org SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF THE TIME PERIOD IN WHICH CERTAIN PROPERTY MUST BE DEVELOPED FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33334.16 Summary: Pursuant to Health & Safety Code (HSC) Section 33334.16, any agency acquiring real property with affordable housing funds prior to February 1, 2012, "shall, within five years from the date it first acquires the property interest for the development of housing affordable to persons and families of low and moderate income, initiate activities consistent with the development of the property for that purpose." These activities may include, but are not limited to, zone changes or agreements entered into for the development and disposition of property. The five-year time period, as described in HSC Section 33334.16, shall be deemed to have commenced on the date that the Department of Finance approved the property as a housing asset in the Low and Moderate -Income Housing Asset Fund (LMIHAF). Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33334.16, the Housing Successor Agency Board is authorized to extend the deadline to initiate activities by an additional five years upon affirming the intention to develop housing affordable to households of low and moderate income. This action requests the Poway Housing Authority acting in the capacity as Housing Successor Agency, approve the extension of the time period in which certain property must be developed for affordable housing in accordance with HSC Section 33334.16. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Housing Authority, acting in its sole capacity as the Housing Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poway, take the following action: 1. Approve a Resolution of the Housing Authority of the City of Poway, California, Acting as the Housing Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poway, Extending the Time Period in which Certain Property Must Be 1 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 Extension of Five -Year Time -Period for Former RDA Housing Assets August 18, 2017 Page 2 Developed for Affordable Housing in Accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 33334.16 Discussion: Parts 1.8 and 1.85 of the California HSC, as modified by the Supreme Court's opinion in California Redevelopment Association, et al. v. Ana Matosantos, et al., Case No. S194861 and as amended by Assembly Bill 1484 and other subsequent legislation (together, the Dissolution Law) caused the dissolution of all California redevelopment agencies as of February 1, 2012 and established successor agencies to administer the winding down of the affairs of the former redevelopment agencies. As of and after February 1, 2012, all assets, properties, and contracts of the former Poway Redevelopment Agency (Agency) were transferred, by operation of law, to the Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency (Successor Agency). On January 17, 2012, the City Council of the City of Poway (City Council) affirmatively voted to retain all housing assets and functions of the former Poway Redevelopment Agency and designate the Poway Housing Authority as Housing Successor Agency (Housing Successor Agency) in accordance with the Dissolution Law. Pursuant to HSC Section 33334.16, any agency acquiring real property with affordable housing funds prior to February 1, 2012, "shall, within five years from the date it first acquires the property interest for the development of housing affordable to persons and families of low and moderate income, initiate activities consistent with the development of the property for that purpose." These activities may include, but are not limited to, zone changes or agreements entered into for the development and disposition of property. The five-year time period, as described in HSC Section 33334.16, shall be deemed to have commenced on the date that the Department of Finance (DOF) approved any property as a housing asset on the Successor Agency's Housing Assets Transfer Form. The Successor Agency received approval of its Housing Assets Transfer Form by the DOF on August 31, 2012. Therefore, the five-year deadline for the Housing Authority, as Housing Successor Agency, to initiate and continue the aforementioned activities to develop the properties identified herein shall expire on August 31, 2017, However, HSC Section 33334.16 grants the Housing Authority the authority to extend the aforementioned deadline by an additional five years to August 31, 2022 and affirm the intention to develop and provide housing affordable to households of low and moderate income. The dissolution of the former Agency on February 1, 2012 eliminated a critical financing tool, namely property tax increment, which severely halted any activities and programs to maintain, preserve, and expand the development of affordable housing for low and moderate -income housing families in the City. Despite the loss of redevelopment, and as allowable under state law, the Housing Authority has continued to undertake activities to maintain, preserve, and expand the supply of affordable housing within the City. In an effort to continue the current and future planning efforts of the Housing Authority to preserve and expand affordable housing 2 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 Extension of Five -Year Time -Period for Former RDA Housing Assets August 18, 2017 Page 3 opportunities for the community, it wishes to extend the time frame authorized under existing law for the following properties (Properties): Further detail regarding the status of the Housing Authority's compliance with the five- year period to commence development activities for each of the subject Properties is provided under Attachment B to this Agenda Report. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact associated with the Housing Authority adopting a resolution extending the time period in which certain property must be developed for affordable housing. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: None 3 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 z';, tt�Ass�sor' fQ mai g��'4tSize �� g� rr�, s, ,�Prope�tYP�I a °�tA�Gur �i,: e t,D� -x h IVut>tkCer; � _ i c v ,SAG tai ltign, r4 f, . ,� 1 12674 MRodnte Vista 275-460-61 2/22/2000 2.06 Vacant Land 2 13021-13023 Poway 317-472-01 03/26/2002 2.60 Vacant Land Road Vacant 3. 13031 Poway Rd 317-472-06 3/30/2010 0.24 Building 4. Twin Peaks Rd 321-190-28 11/03/2004 2.15 Vacant Land 5 12341 Oak Knoll 317-152-14 3/23/2011 3.18 Vacant Land Road 6. 13424 Scots Way 314-230-26 08/27/2002 0.70 Vacant Land 7 14048 Sycamore 314-214-18 06/30/2005 0.32 Vacant Land Avenue Wanesta Drive— 317-101-51 & 8. Floodway behind 8/27/2004 2.15 Vacant Land 52 Solara Further detail regarding the status of the Housing Authority's compliance with the five- year period to commence development activities for each of the subject Properties is provided under Attachment B to this Agenda Report. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact associated with the Housing Authority adopting a resolution extending the time period in which certain property must be developed for affordable housing. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: None 3 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 Extension of Five -Year Time -Period for Former RDA Housing Assets August 18, 2017 Page 4 Attachments: A. Resolution B. Summary of Housing Authority Properties & Status of Compliance with HSC 33334.16 C. Housing Transfer Form and Approval Letter from the California Department of Finance Reviewed/Approved By: 244- Ll__� WencyWaserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By: Tina M. White City Manager/ Executive Director 4 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 RESOLUTION NO. H -17- A RESOLUTION OF THE POWAY HOUSING AUTHORITY, ACTING AS HOUSING SUCCESSOR TO THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY EXTENDING THE TIME PERIOD IN WHICH CERTAIN PROPERTY MUST BE DEVELOPED FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN ACCORDANCE WITH HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 33334.16 WHEREAS, on December 29, 2011, the California Supreme Court rendered its decision in California Redevelopment Association v. Matosantos, upholding ABx1 26 ("Dissolution Act"); WHEREAS, as a result of the California Supreme Court's decision, all redevelopment agencies in the State of California, including the Redevelopment Agency for the City of Poway (former RDA) dissolved as of February 1, 2012; WHEREAS, on January 17, 2012, the Poway City Council adopted Resolution No. 12-010 accepting the City of Poway's role as Successor Agency to the former Poway Redevelopment Agency (Successor Agency); WHEREAS, as of and after February 1, 2012 all assets, properties, and contracts of the former RDA were transferred, by operation of law, to the Successor Agency; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Dissolution Act, on January 17, 2012, the Poway City Council approved Resolution No. 12-010 to elect to retain all housing assets and assume the affordable housing functions of the former Agency as of February 1, 2012 as Housing Successor Agency to the former RDA (Housing Successor Agency); WHEREAS, the former RDA acquired eight (8) properties (Properties) with low and moderate income housing funds prior to February 1, 2012 described as (1) 12674 Monte Vista Rd (275-460-61), (2) 13021-13023 Poway Road (317-472-01), (3) 13031 Poway Road (317-472-06), (4) Twin Peaks Road (321-190-28); (5) 12341 Oak Knoll Road (317- 152-14), (6) 13424 Scots Way (314-230-26), (7) 14048 Sycamore Avenue (314-214-18), and (8) Wanesta Drive (317-101-51 & 52); WHEREAS, pursuant to Health & Safety Code (HSC) Section 33334.16, any agency acquiring real property with affordable housing funds prior to February 1, 2012, "shall, within five years from the date it first acquires the property interest for the development of housing affordable to persons and families of low and moderate income, initiate activities consistent with the development of the property for that purpose." These activities may include, but are not limited to, zone changes or agreements entered into for the development and disposition of property; WHEREAS, the five-year time period, as described in HSC Section 33334.16, shall be deemed to have commenced on the date that the Department of Finance approved the property as a housing asset in the Housing Asset Transfer Form, which was on August 31, 2012; 5 of 42 ATTACHMENT A August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 Resolution No. H -17 - Page 2 WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33334.16, the Housing Successor Agency Board is authorized to extend the deadline to initiate activities by an additional five years upon affirming the intention to develop housing affordable to households of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Poway Housing Authority, as Housing Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poway, as follows: Section 1: The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2: The Housing Successor Agency hereby extends the time -period in which certain property must be developed for affordable housing in accordance with HSC Section 33334.16. Section 3: The Housing Successor hereby authorizes and directs staff to take all actions necessary under the Dissolution Act for approval of the transfer of the aforementioned Properties. Section 4: The Poway Housing Authority Chairman shall sign this resolution, and the Clerk shall attest and certify to the passage and adoption thereof. Section 5: The Housing Successor declares that, should any provision, section, paragraph, sentence or word of this resolution be rendered or declared invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive or inconsistent legislation, the remaining provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences and words of this resolution shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Poway Housing Authority at a regular meeting this _day of August, 2017. Steve Vaus, Chairman Poway Housing Authority ATTEST: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk Poway Housing Authority Secretary 6 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 Resolution No. H -17 - Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk of the Poway Housing Authority Secretary, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. H-17- _ was duly adopted by the Commissioners' at a meeting of said Housing Authority held on the _ day of 2017 and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Nancy Neufeld, CMC, City Clerk Poway Housing Authority 7 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 POWAY HOUSING AUTHORITY AS HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY HOUSING ASSET PROPERTY SUMMARY & STATUS OF COMPLIANCE WITH HSC 33334.16 AUGUST 18, 2017 # Property Assessor's Parcel Number 1. 12674 Monte Vista Rd 275-460-61 2. 13021-13023 Poway Road 317-472-01 3. 13031 Poway Rd 317-472-06 4. Twin Peaks Rd 321-190-28 5. 12341 Oak Knoll Road 317-152-14 6. 13424 Scots Way 314-230-26 7. 14048 Sycamore Avenue 314-214-18 8. Wanesta Drive — Floodway behind Solara 317-101-51 & 52 8 of 42 ATTACHMENT B August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 Aerial Map of the Location of Subject Properties 9 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 The property located at 12674 Monte Vista Rd (275-460-61) is currently vacant land. The Housing Authority previously entered into an Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement with a prospective developer, which was executed in November 2014 and subsequently terminated in June 2015. The Housing Authority is in the process of evaluating the future disposition and/or development of the site and the possibility of releasing an RFQ in mid -2018. Street View of Property 10 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 The property located at 13021-13023 (317-472-01) is currently vacant land. The Housing Authority is in the process of completing a development opportunity feasibility study, which began in Fall 2015, to evaluate potential development of site. The Housing Authority is also in the process of evaluating the future disposition and/or development of the site and has recently released an RFQ to solicit development proposals as of July 2017. Street Views of Property r' LL f Mo! L 11 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 The property located at 13031 Poway Road (317-472-06) is currently a vacant and boarded up building. The Housing Authority is in the process of completing a development opportunity feasibility study, which began in Fall 2015, to evaluate potential development of site. The Housing Authority is in the process of evaluating the future disposition and/or development of the site and has recently released an RFQ to solicit development proposals as of July 2017. 12 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 The property located at Twin Peaks Road (321-190-28) is currently vacant land. The Housing Authority entered into an Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement with a prospective developer, which was executed in December 2014 and subsequently expired in February 2017. However, the Housing Authority is in the process of evaluating it options relative to the future disposition and/or development of the property. Street View of Property y- 13 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 The property located at 12341 Oak Knoll Road (317-152-14) is planned to be the future site of the Oak Knoll Affordable Housing Project. The Oak Knoll Affordable Housing Project, is a partnership between Villa de Vida and Mercy Housing to develop a 3.18 -acre site with a 54 -unit apartment complex to provide affordable housing to adults with developmental disabilities. A Disposition, Development, and Loan Agreement (DDLA) was entered into between the Housing Authority and developer in October 2016 and was subsequently amended in June 2017. The development, subject to further due diligence, approval and permitting, would target completion in 2020. 1,;2 ;. 4 If h I .I. I e. q 14 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 The property located at 13424 Scots Way (314-230-26) is currently vacant land. The Housing Authority has performed due diligence on the site and has identified a significant site constraint as it relates to access, which currently limits the developability of the parcel for any future affordable housing. However, the Housing Authority is currently in the process of evaluating alternative options for the future disposition of the property, which may involve a future sale to the adjoining neighbor. 15 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 The property located at 14048 Sycamore Avenue (314-214-18) is currently vacant land. The Housing Authority has identified that the site is partially in a flood zone, which severely limits the marketability and future development of the parcel. However, the Housing Authority is currently in the process of evaluating alternative options for the future disposition and development of the property. Street View of Property 16 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 The property located at Waneta Drive, which is comprised of assessor parcel numbers 317-101-51 and 317-101-52, are remnant floodway parcels of the Community Road Affordable Housing Project. In 2001, the Agency began acquiring properties to assemble a site large enough to accommodate a multi -family development. Approximately three acres is developed with a 56 -unit apartment complex. The remaining portion of the site, approximately two acres, is within the floodway of Rattlesnake Creek which limits any future development of the parcel. However, the Housing Authority is currently in the process of evaluating alternative options for the future disposition of the property. 17 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 OAT Dp aP �� i m IIII n �. DEPARTMENT OF EDMUND G. BROWN JR. • GOVERNOR C'�IIrORMI'F I N A N C E 915 L STREET ■ BACRAMENTO CA ■ 95B 14-3706 ■ WWW.CCr.OA,BOV August 31, 2012 Ms. Tina White, Assistant City Manager City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Dear Ms.W hite: Subject: Housing Assets Transfer Form Pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 34176 (a) (2), the City of Poway Housing Authority submitted a Housing Assets Transfer Form (Form) to the California Department of Finance (Finance) on August 1, 2012 for the period February 1, 2012 through August 1, 2012. HSC section 34176 (e) defines a housing asset. Assets transferred deemed not to be a housing asset shall be returned to the successor agency. Finance has completed its review of your Form, which included obtaining clarification for various items. Based on our review and application of law, Finance is objecting to Exhibit C, Items 19 through 70 totaling $3.2 million in future and recurring operating costs encumbrances. HSC 34176(e) (2) states encumbrances eligible for transfer must be for acquiring or building low and moderate income housing. Except for the item disallowed as noted above, Finance is not objecting to the remaining items, if any, listed on your Form. If you disagree with our determination with respect to any items on the Form, you may request a Meet and Confer within five business days of receiving this letter. Please direct inquiries to Robert Scott, Supervisor or Derk Symons, Lead Analyst at (916) 445-1546. Sincerely, ST VE I Local Government Consultant cc: Ms. Ashley Jones, Senior Management Analyst, City of Poway Ms. Tracy Sandoval, Assistant Chief Financial, San Diego County Mr. Juan Perez, Senior Auditor and Controller Manager, San Diego County Ms. Nenita DeJesus, Senior Auditor and Controller Account, San Diego County California State Controller's Office 18 of 42 ATTACHMENT C August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 | § ) A N | � ) ) § ■1 �5 19@42 August q,a9,Item m: |! |) tk z2'W— !« }!!30 ! �k \) \(§(k§ { 2 L !!!!!!! ! ! !3 19@42 August q,a9,Item m: R F r,. 20 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 o �no�E r ti r r L ry r ti 16 00 S. UO-N?n UO -S UO -a UOQ U� UO -m UO z a z ¢ z z a YYy°yeorc ¢ a a a MU 2 � z z z z z z z z z z z i z z ° 3 C000g o 0 0 .�,N.�gLL. 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August #,22,Item M: ; _ _ ! _ ! ; ■��,!!;!, ; ; ; ; ! ! !!|�■ z■; „ ! !•.! ° r ! r! ! : - \ \ \ \ \ § /`)| ;||®!!|§ ) !i!! !!!!\!|l;K |Big - E §\ 8 El - !$! 'S 5; !; !\ |! B; | ) |# 27@a . August #,22,Item M: 8-6� 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 EEE p@ E o� 3 g S a a a a a a a a a ¢ a yaB o W l 922 ffi�ggc�3E z z 3 3 z z 3 i 3 z i p8� U 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8� B� �s 1 3 3 E' e $Ei a a a a 3 z z 6 3 6 3 z z a a 6 6 Ag_aga°' a u C Y 2 ut a U f F q gy ii3> _w aKa EqqE �Km �Ka �E vE Kw aKv �. � e $K� yE Ku K�i ��$ �. �m �EW0�.8 M� $ a-$ �q �$ S'� �$' �rcrc arc¢rcrc Ona¢°� �rcrcrc .-�a°'rc pp D m a c a #9 s b�EEif 519f19 u 28 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 05 Sg'¢'¢?8 u ki 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 14 3 3 i gp g °�$ c y i g LL m yCyC�$ Esc E z z z Wd u u 53 ¢ ¢ 3 a 3 ¢ 3 ¢ z ¢ 3 a 3 ¢ 3 a 3 ¢ 3 ¢ � 8ga 9 a ¢ ¢ 'z a 3 ¢ 3 ¢ i a ¢ a a ¢ 3' 8�8c� $E �c m 5 F r i m i z 3 3 i 3 3 3 z a i a z iM o9 a$S v 'Qm° yg a g rc rc m rc m c rc E rc g E rc rc¢ pE q p ME rc RR 22 ga og ga mk � Sa 9a°' m5 oAffaaff �8'oaa $�€3 gp 8 o € 8 5005` ryyo 5a ok,�a =go a 'i" yy;;y5; ami" A -it �,.rcd arc° �_,rc ¢� �dn°.-_.rc° .-`.8 a°' ?arc arc u�rcd �rcrc �orcz a 29 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 `o n � 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 z 3 3 3 3 3 a ¢ a a ¢ a a a ai ¢ ¢ c y C O IL G m EgE gg i8 a z a 3 z a 3 g z z ¢ i z a 3 ¢ z - �n u dd m S a 3 a 3 ¢ i a 3 ¢ 3 a 3 ¢ 3 ¢ i ¢ 3 a 3 a 3 8a 3 3 i 3 3 i 3 3 i z i Fad gF 6. 62 c -rye yai 5 �m F '8rc� Fm, 3 UgP Om6 d OA%m� Om6 Om6 O`mQ gm.7 $ 0 O."T O`w¢ gmq moc o.5 2 H a 0 Sm a22B gaO 21 M$ 2� 2� M� 2}} �° �M EM 902 b2 Sf S� N O 30 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 |� �.| |�|§! ! ; _ ; ; ||2 �k!|! � |!�{! | �, !11 19 14 |! _ ; !�!■�. . | \ OE / )\ Q�\ G G b k|t \ E a C' r m r m m q��i »® |r y y 20 (: a!! / 2 !•, !! | k 4\ !! !; !§ !£ !# |! /! .1 . a 31 of 42 August 2,&9,Item m: F 32 @42 August 18, 20Item m: F G 33 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 Q Z n n o ommmmm00000 Ohm 000 55qC O 0 m n n b O Omn OIN CIO O)OOOOOO mNN(O(VV OmO OO NO h Om PC O Cn'1 I ' N (O(VV N � N N' 5p5p � 19 M e9 19 Vi tli M 19 W ViMWVi f919W W Wf9W ViM ypO� Q C �EU E"m S E' E"E' E� Seca' m .N @ m._ m._ o U a`E m.y_ a°�a5�8 m._ro:y_i�.E vE�e aEX aE�e �XaE a'aa m._o0000 000pp0 S W O O O O Q � t0 � InObn mbmnNNNNmN p0000 Yi°IN 3 0 0 0 ooaoo(o(VV {{oVV Ao�VV �0�VV 00�0�VV 00 8gg 44KmL q pYp$ @�Eff3 666 � W M1 �p �$ 'ii v > v > v T w > u > w > w > u T v u m »>TT»Y»»»Y u m w d m m m m a m u m a i N N m N m m m N m N m C8 n m m n m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m o E E E E E E E E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ''�� ¢¢ a s a a a a a¢aaaaaaaa¢aaaa �. oea� J L?m pba ° _ s off' c c °2+m K m aLLa E W e i= C N g C omrn C A .auo d O W W ¢ r e e 'cm r° ¢ 1 E c E 2 O c c 2? Q Y c o O W x° N O O.O O O 'C b O LL J J0:�N2JJO. y y D)i D)Q J6 OQ(n O ULL W L2 Old 2J. y 2 r D:LL O 00 N N 0 m o n m m o N 0 O t0 n 0000o0o m m (O n b m N O000 m N O 1f1 0 $ 0 OQ 0 C o o m o 0 0 Q 0 e'MBmB� 0 0 0 o b 0 0 0 ... nem 0 0 0 n u �m (g .� G3 8 e o a ° g no 0r vni o 0 0 00 0 g ommmmvbi000000 $nemnmom o 0 o o o o 00 bio m ono m ri m n oimmnoi o0000o Nw N N� n0 m E� Q t9 Vi H tli tli VI f9 M WMtliW -- - -- -- -- M - ° W m m a 'fr E e = > 3 cBc 3 u o> Ec0�C aw2C aw2C aw2C uwLL000 000 0wwxxxxxxxfCWb x 1uCW J J J J J JC J2C JJJN pa E N m a b m n m m o N m 33 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 34 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 m GGgO N N N N N N N yy�� pmp11! e � N ��OO pp11 N pp11 pp�� N U O (9(HWe9 tli Yl W l9MWf9 YiM MVi tli Vf tll Vi Wf9 Yi f9wWWMVi 19 f9 w19M pqO C C 15 g 000000000000000000000000000000000 34 a el el a'e a a aR e e �e all" IR e 8R el e a t m N n b 10 b Q b b b f0 b �(I b Q Q 10 10 (O b< VI b N b 10 O VI b I(1 f0 b b 10 n Q 10 YI Q V b b YI fp 10 10 {O b b b b w b b Q N b b b 10 b MOMQ O � Ol C3 O O ( OV ( OJ 1a QZ S OV O �[$ N O O S OV O S OV UI O ( OV 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 C � 0 0 � � 0 ( OV � O S OV 10 10 O S OV � b [ OV C ry N N r 13 i;4 Vl 1�V3 a j�V VS (YVj lJ p fa f� aP as �s m S mY>Y m N mummmmimamam N m w m >mm >T >12» Ym Ym Ym Yu Ya >T >ua Td a `o xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxxxxxx m� � a mmmmmm anHHaaaHaaaa55aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 222222222222222222222222222222222 mm���mmmm m mm mddm�g�g.��43�444 aaa�a��Q��aaaaaaaaaa�Q�Q���aaaaaa Js a c o E E2 a'NA -x.m aO O r01-1010101A dO yvg aoNO `p 000 w o 000wbowowo wo.-0 o .- g+9 .-o wo 0 0000008000bob000w000 wo�oNwwwo��oo- 0 ... o o. 0. 0. w o o 0.o0 V S! r la N N r N N N r (V N fa NA�VV N C� ' V� N l' f� _� [� w O_ fZ Q 10 Nr ^ O b UI N N N P q C b N �oOt')woowowoowOo�owoon N fO N N N N N N N N N N N f0 N N N N w N owoowmo N N N N 10 N N N worn Q Q �n Q in m y S w N N w w N N b w N N w b N N w b N N w w N N 10 w N N w N N w b N N w w N N w N N b w N N w �O N N 10 w N N N w N "Mom N N www N C5 �O fO.I i o EO Q V119 Vi f9 f9 tli tli Yi tli Yi Yi Vl V119w M(9 WViWWViW Ui t9 Vi Vi 4fMWW.9M C m E. 2 m LLn uNCm aNCd aNCd amCm amCm 0aCd 0000000 0Cm 0a0 0NJam 00 o0hJhCm. a0NCJQCm. a0N�JuCm a0NJNCm MMMMMM NCm iNNNNh Cm Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd m JJ JJ J J J J JJ S JJJ JJioEw000000000 -N JNa0NCd 11 it m 'LLIeVOY QCm It O QNsNN OI 34 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 0 m n K w n w w e �z a- a En e N E E E v E� ` ¢E E � o� .`m ° 3 e =��rcm x¢c�zxapa w? vgGagrc rcrc"� a¢mrcvz a e�Eg� Rmwy a3 Sz 6i SI oxo a" MO i i Jxo bt Bae EEE xo xr xo xo xD rc� x� rr =r m x� =r xr xr xr xp xr x. xr W sa¢' a¢' a¢' a¢' `m 'o 00 0 00 g Exr 0 xr s� x� 0 xF x@@� (U. yy C 60 6� ✓� ¢S p J ap 3n 6� M 0 65£ y� > >9 win wi Wa N6O >a 0 f>'s of of of of of o2 og og `mqey 9J me as mo xa �' A" F'vv di cvv v uQ v2 v ° a v'm' E �v n a in m n w m 35 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 m 5� a xE yt5 M $ y$$ 8 B �aRln a 'ffi a in m n m m m o E E va@V o�g�N S.ae`ao gE�ti a 22 a aM1E' aRwraE �R"a' 122p aqREw' o¢¢U udao' acNei xWga' obaS aoSaVa 8o Dz=005 jrcU$T mQaig� ttU� oU:' rU[amaaV ¢U�dBau' rcU a`a 'R�Kgq' U8lmaV Kg0 Up4o`$ OaiEi LLa8ia Lg O S m fia �2 oz �2 a 3 of �2 St Jt st OI bt a V =n =r Y a 00 xD x 0 xr x,� x xD x xr x xy 5 sdst y^Eo- £€ S 0g ' Qa' -a yLL¢' ¢ a¢ o� a3Oa¢ aa' u;O a' ao 00 �o of og of i �'� of of og gf g� c � em 9� �x rcJ boaoy pa" px pw &� E. o vi. H E m 'i.E �. 9E a 9. i E » c u `� E w v-v rca a a �' ¢n> a aac9 �' o:a v a sar v rca m�' rcaLL c5rca O $g x o r m o m m n m w 36 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 E C.1 'm ,a g 1La{a ;g W� W W N l7 Y N 0 M1 (O 1� N W N OI N O l7 (7 N C'1 B �iE a W E `° m E v uE v mE E��.'g 2�b'a v NonE AA �Fmr'F �gma E ai'Fwc'WN vv soEaa E �' Fe$gga E�SaN vv Fg Fo $' g �Wa gmagW�'A` gW¢gmaa ¢a'WFo ,`a 38'`39'.`8mu ` _`o i; 90 �crc O F'Y)m $ O m`Om �O m� O`Tl'S" p S�m.�+Y)�v wzO` ¢ zma �vu¢mm¢v9°a" ¢vmCvv o:varcvi, rc'6 as my U K K U K K U z z U rc rc U rc K U rc rc U K K U s K U C rc U¢ s U C rc U rc¢ U rc rc yg �eta .El s WL 5 3 a y m m � u m w a a w a a a w a a a w 8 a g a i gi Si bi 5i 5i 5t 3 Si Si t a' St bit 8 8mgEgr x x� xr x¢r xr Sr 2y� 2y� 2, xr xp xr xr WaIL,fnQ`¢'QdQQ xr o xr o x o tt I x xI y^^ M.. 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L moo_ O No G f°i amp vm p c a di p rciwa cc v$ rc warcw O c va O u�° rc v m O ct' rc ma O c v m c tt va ww a'�ii URK URR UKa'UCa' U6'a'URK UKK Ua'K UfL (Y UCC Ua'a' Ua'K Ua'K n oE�gpFp ac a oc o= '°' 0 'u gZ 'u g'w O n O p 8 'p O 2 p O 2 p O J2 o J2 o O J2 O J2 b O J2 b O J2 b O J2 p O J2 J2 JS O J2 N g sasExa x° x°r �= xp �z �'y�z 5 �@ � IS to to to 5 s b� a¢° 9 a¢ S a¢a bE o5 oo00 oo oo x� ' xf' o xy�a i o ._ w$a °5 �'S to o�cxo 0� � Efi �' �g 5 'o o5 a¢' 65 o' a¢a a¢° `m � o ° d m L L Lp = _ U 6 8 9 J J q 5 'O J q 'p s m s J CJ�i C C o o o o o E c o r0 0 40 p0 gC0 SO SO g, gC0 S° 1, SO 40 o. Q= vo. ars+ i8 3'8 Ox �' Ox >$ On O 8 _O ai8 _O ig Oa 09 O o >V d9 f; aE a`s o2` a`2 H am ai jam ag og of a`s0 o2 r q 2 xE �E zE a dE oI ^d ^� nim _� _aE yan oo� v�o oo� y�ncpm v�o oB�oBgoB�a� y�v°via E oo� Eo oe� aha oB u�o �B2 v�o �o� SJ,. SJv lo 2J SJ._.SJ...2J 2J...2J� SJv ZJv SJ.J S J.. SJ.. A E 38 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 Iasi x$ p y Ev' E m Ca i p E ¢C v v m oK v E$& RyoC�OR v E A v E$ ¢yoK� a& �,K m SOK � SE TaiEM ¢m ¢�SE¢G2¢ o` n]vc-v v ]kv a rc a i URKUKK rc v a o: v UCCU¢R rc a m rc v v H URK v a UKK u a 2,M UFUF`K o v i¢ UfCUF¢UFK 2 i rc 2 m rc� m UF -K a v OF=rc 4C M1C 8 C CT C 5 e m t$ m v v v v v 'a a� am 258$ Si Si Si SZ Si iixooxoo yyyn 88mEEx xr xr xx xc x. x x x.ro x2c xp xr xor to Imoc Ito i5¢' 12 to to Imo' it Sc M, 4.� xz sr M, z, xr xp M, z, xp o xT W365ot o o 5 5 � 'J 9 5 C5 b� bL bE a¢ a¢ a¢ `m N a a z li 2 2 4 ? N 2 6 K zv o}Ssna G"y€n 5 5 o 'n 90 an€ DoL� n 9,55y Kgo 9- 'cn 'cax o x o oo oo 2o .2 g6Kvv.2-o12 g vx H 1x 1x & 20�0�0� Do 20 �K�m 20n f 02 o A of X 0�f c c €xyy�xgg�E »_ »__ "_ <Ea 1_ <Ew %_ = »_ <"E n go a d a,�d i Em xU ExE EiE x m3—x3—m3—=,— ABs m,Z �90�°Ni3S ='3 �°Nm'9 Elm 9..x, NUEaE0 u E 8 � a a v in .n .n ui vai vai v�°i u�`i vi 39 of 42 August 18, 2017, Item #1.1 !||!«! t �§|! 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