Item 1.3 - Approval of Minutes��� wqy ( �f ^,-..... �i .tam -_c�yrv�cds DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT October 3, 2017 APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Nancy Neufeld, City Clerk ,ptM-1 (858) 668-4535 or nneufeld(@poway.oM Approval of Minutes The City Council Meeting Minutes submitted hereto for approval are: • September 5, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes The Poway City Council sits as the Poway Planning Commission, the Poway Housing Authority, the Public Financing Authority, and the Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Minutes as submitted. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. September 5, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes Reviewed/Approved By: Nil �^ Wen Kaserman Assistant City Manager Reviewed By: Morgan Foley City Attorney Approved By: Tina M. White City Manager i of 6 October 3, 2017 Item # 1.3 NOTE: These draft meeting minutes are not official until approved by the City Council at the next scheduled meeting. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES September 5, 2017 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California (Per Government Code 54953) (Meeting Called to Order as City Council/City of Poway Planning Commission/Poway Housing Authority/Public Financing Authority and Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vaus called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Cunningham, Grosch, Mullin, Leonard, Vaus STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT City Manager Tina White; Assistant City Manager Wendy Kaserman; City Attorney Morgan L. Foley; City Clerk Nancy Neufeld; Community Services Director Robin Bettin; Development Services Director Bob Manis; Acting Finance Director Peter Moote; Human Resources/Risk Management Director Jodene Dunphy; Public Works Director Michael Obermiller; Fire Chief Mark Sanchez; Captain Todd Richardson, Sheriff's Department. (Note: Hereinafter the titles Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councilmember, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Director of Administrative Services shall be used to indicate Mayor/Chair, Deputy Mayor/Vice Chair, Councilmember/Director, City Manager/Executive Director, Assistant City Manager/Assistant Executive Director, City Attorney/Counsel, City Clerk/Secretary and Director of Finance/Finance Officer.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Leonard led the pledge of allegiance. PRESENTATION PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Terri Sorenson spoke regarding upcoming events for Poway Days. She also pointed out the need for emergency preparedness for all households in light of recent storm activity in some parts of the country. Fred Dangel spoke regarding curb, sidewalk and gutter maintenance on Roca Grande Road. 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved By Roll Call Vote) Councilmember Cunningham requested to speak on Consent Calendar Item 1.6. 2 of 6 October 3, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — September 5, 2017 Motioned by Councilmember Cunningham, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leonard to approve Consent Calendar Items 1.1 through 1.9. Motion carried by the following roll -call vote: Ayes: Cunningham, Grosch, Mullin, Leonard, Vaus Noes: None Absent: None 1.1 Approval of Reading by Title only and Waiver of Reading in full of Ordinances on Agenda 1.2 Ratification/Approval of Warrant Registers for the periods of July 24 through July 28, 2017, July 31 through August 4 and August 7 through August 11, 2017 1.3 Approval of the August 1, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes; the August 2, 2017 Special City Council Meeting Minutes; and the August 8, 2017 Special City Council Meeting Minutes 1.4 Award of Contract to AMP United, LLC for the Alta Mira Reservoir Rehabilitation Project; Bid No. 17-027 1.5 Adoption of Resolution No. 17-058 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Ordering the Summary Vacation of a Portion of a Drainage Easement (Vacation No. 17-001)." 1.6 Adoption of Resolution No. 17-059 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving the Purchase of a Tax -Defaulted Property (Assessor's Parcel Number 321-250-11`-00)." Councilmember'Cunningham expressed his support for acquiring open space in the City and thanked staff for bringing this item forward. 1.7 Time Extension of the Agreement with MIG, Inc., for Consulting Services for the Poway Road Corridor Study project. 1.8 'Appropriation of Funds for As -needed Occupant Public Noticing 1.9 Report of Emergency Repair Expenditures Pertaining to the 2017 Winter Storm Event Made Under Authority of Resolution No. 17-004 Adopted on January 24, 2017 2. ORDINANCE None. 3. PUBLIC HEARING 3.1 A Resolution Adopting the 2nd Amendment to the 2016 Regional Transportation Improvement Program of Projects City Engineer Steve Crosby presented the report and discussed the required adjustment for fiscal years 2017/2018 through 2020/2021 to align with recent revised revenue estimates received from SANDAG for the 2016 programming. 3 of 6 October 3, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — September 5, 2017 No Speakers. Motioned by Deputy Mayor Leonard, seconded by Councilmember Mullin to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 17-060 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Adopting/Approving an Amendment to the Transnet Local Street Improvement Program of Projects for Fiscal Years 2017 Through 2021." Motion carried unanimously. 3.2 Resolution of Necessity Approving Acquisition of Easements by Eminent Domain for the Espola Road Safety Improvements Project Senior Civil Engineer Taryn Kjolsing presented the presentation. Ms. Kjolsing stated that since the August City has received signed easement documents for one a to fourteen properties with signed easements. Just toda for one of the two remaining properties. It will be nece resolution in order for the recording of the easeme complexities with the property ownership. would"be'to prepare and file a complaint pre the project remains as close to the City Attorney Morgan Foley explained the next�i to commence the eminent domain process to current schedule as possible. No Speakers. Council discussion ensued zI In response to Council quest been addressed which are: with the greato$�public good project; and appresals have value. eport-along with a PowerPoint 5, 2617 City Council meeting, the 9iti8irfalproperty, bringing the total staff received a signed easement ary to include the property in the to be confirmed due to some an, City Attorney Foley stated that the required findings have public interest and necessity require the project; compatible and least private injury; the easements are necessary for the )een prepared in accordance with law to establish fair market 9 d by C,P�ncilm fiber Cunningham, seconded by Councilmember Mullin to e the publi& annd'4/nd adopt Resolution No. 17-061 entitled, "A Resolution of City Council r�'f",the City of Poway, California, Finding and Determining the gsity that Cert�i�n Easements be Acquired by the City Under Eminent Domain dings Assessbf's Parcel Numbers 321-011-10 and 321-011-25." Motion carried unan 3.3 An Ordinanceyofthe City of Poway, California, Amending Title 9 and 17 of the Poway , Municipal Codk_�6hibiting the Establishment of Marijuana Dispensaries, Cooperatives, and Collectives, and Prohibiting Marijuana Cultivation, Delivery, Manufacturing and Storage in All Zones within the City of Poway City Planner Joseph Lim presented the report and stated that the proposed ordinance would permanently put into place prohibitions set to expire in October 2017. The new ordinance prohibits dispensaries, collectives, cooperatives, delivery, manufacturing and storage. In addition, outdoor marijuana cultivation, whether for medical use or otherwise, would be prohibited in all zones within the City. Mr. Lim stated that restrictions for areas where marijuana could be used would be the same as current smoking regulations and would be consistent with State law. 4 of 6 October 3, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — September 5, 2017 The following speakers addressed the Council: Speakers in Support Joe St. Lucas, Carol Green, Kathleen Lippitt and Rebecca Hernandez Neutral Speaker: Nancy Jalaty and Ted Matthies Council discussion ensued. In response to Council questions, Mr. Lim explained that the proposed ordinance does not define the specific number of plants but refers to State law and would not require amendments if State law changed. As requested by the Mayor, City Clerk Neufeld titled the Motioned by Mayor Vaus, seconded by Councilmember Mullin to introduce Ordinance No. 808 entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, Cal ifornia,i►lnending Title 9 and 17 of the Poway Municipal Code, Prohibiting the Establishment of Marijuana Dispensaries Cooperatives, and Collect/y s and Prohibiting Marijuana Cultivation, Delivery, Manufacturing and Storage in AJ' Zones within the City of Poway." Motion carried by the following roll -call vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: 4. STAFF REPORT None. 5. WORKSHOP None. 21 6. MAYOR AND CITY COUNC The Mayor and Council mad City. No action was taken. 6.1 MTS Update No report. 6.2 Hike. Bike and Ride Cunningham, Grosch, Mulliti,Leonard, Vaus None None and reported on various events taking place in the Councilmember Cunningham reminded the public to be aware of heat advisories when hiking or biking. 6.3 Zoning Designation for Single Family Attached Homes Councilmember Grosch spoke regarding homes in the Midland Road area that are zoned as Residential Condominiums, but are actually Single Family Attached homes. The residents have had issues refinancing their homes due to the zoning which does not 5 of 6 October 3, 2017 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — September 5, 2017 accurately reflect the properties in the Midland Grove subdivision. He suggested that the zoning be changed. The following speaker addressed the Council: Speaker in support: Pete Saxon. Mr. Saxon submitted a petition from Midland Grove area homeowners requesting an amendment to the Residential Condominium zoning designation for their properties. Council discussion included potential costs involved in a zone current projects assigned to staff and prioritization of additional, a resolution for the homeowners. , d% While there was Council concurrence on support for the�,pdnU designation recognizing two individually owned homes on one bring back information regarding the costs and process asst amendment to create a new zoning designation. Council will e to directing staff to move forward with initiating the change. 7. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 8. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 p.m. concern regarding and a desire to find creating a new zoning ouncil directed staff to i with a General Plan ei6is information prior Nancy Neufeld, CMC City Clerk City of Poway, California 6 of 6 October 3, 2017 Item # 1.3