Item 1.7 - Auth to Purchase Vacuum/Jet-Rod Stormwater/Sewer Pipe Cleaning and Excavation Truck=G� �W'9Y �`��%" ru TMe cOr� City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. DATE: October 3, 2017 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Michael Obermiller, P.E., Director of Public Works mobermiller@poway.org 4Q CONTACT: Eric Heidemann, Assistant Direclkr of Public Works for Maintenance Operations 1FX1 eheidemann@poway.org SUBJECT: Authorization to Purchase a Vacuum/Jet-Rod Stormwater/Sewer Pipe Cleaning and Excavation Truck for Stormwater, Wastewater and Water Divisions by Cooperative Purchase Agreement Summary: The City's approved Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Replacement Budget includes funding to purchase a replacement vacuum/jet-rod maintenance truck. The City is a member of several cooperative purchasing organizations, including the Houston -Galveston Area Council (HGACBuy). For optimal pricing, it is recommended that the purchase of this equipment be made through the HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Program. A truck that meets the City's service requirements, specifications, and has been competitively bid is available through Gap Vax Inc., a member of HGACBuy. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the purchase of a Gap Vax Model MC1012 Combination JetVac Body on a 2018 Western Star 4700SF Chassis from Gap Vax, Inc., through the Houston -Galveston Area Council (HGACBuy) Cooperative Purchasing Program, for a total estimated cost of $515,483.00 and authorize the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Discussion: The current eleven -year-old vacuum/jet-rod cleaning truck has exceeded its useful life and is scheduled for replacement. Staff invited the three primary vacuum/jet-rod cleaning truck manufacturers to our fleet facility to demo and thoroughly test their vehicles. After 1 of 4 October 3, 2017, Item # Authorization to Purchase Vacuum Truck October 3, 2017 Page 2 careful consideration, the Gap Vax model met or exceeded the department's specifications and requirements in all regards. The City has two vacuum/jet-rod cleaning trucks; one is primarily used in the Stormwater Division and the other in the Wastewater Division. Staff will rotate the use of the vehicles in the event one is down for repairs. The retired vehicle will be sent to auction out of state when the new truck is received. Three Public Works divisions use the vacuum/jet-rod cleaning truck for various maintenance and emergency field operations. It is also used for hydro excavation to safely expose underground utilities. The Stormwater Division uses the truck for stormwater system maintenance including removal of sediment and debris in 106 miles of stormwater pipes, 1,432 curb inlets and 44 box culverts. The Wastewater Division has an estimated 182 miles of sanitary sewer collection pipelines in Poway and cleans approximately 30% of the system annually utilizing the truck. The truck is also used to perform daily jet -rodding and cleaning of the City's wastewater and stormwater systems ensuring free-flowing pipelines and compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System mandates; and respond to emergency situations such as stormwater pipe failures, sewer blockages, and water distribution main breaks in order to protect public health and safety and ensure regulatory compliance. All agreements offered through Houston -Galveston Area Council (HGACBuy) Cooperative Purchasing Program have been awarded via a thorough Request for Bid (RFB) competitive solicitation program by a public agency/government entity (e.g. state, city, county, public university or school district). The program provides a streamlined and effective procurement option by establishing agreements with manufacturers and suppliers currently on an existing multiple award schedule with a competitive procurement procedure. Section 3.28.110 of the Poway Municipal Code permits the use of cooperative purchasing programs for procurement of supplies, services and equipment when the administering agency has made their purchase in a competitive manner. The City solicited and received a quote (Attachment "A") from Gap Vax, Inc., a member of HGACBuy, in the amount of $515,483.00. The purchase price also includes an optional 5 -year extended warranty on the engine and transmission. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to California Environmental Quality Act review. Fiscal Impact: An additional appropriation of $15,490.00 is needed from the Equipment Replacement Fund's Undesignated Fund Balance account 611-8912 to the Automobile & Truck 2 of 4 October 3, 2017, Item # 1.1 Authorization to Purchase Vacuum Truck October 3, 2017 Page 3 account 611-0108-6106 so there are sufficient funds available to purchase the vacuum/jet-rod systems maintenance truck as described in the report for $515,483.00. Public Notification: A copy of this report was sent to Gap Vax, Inc. Attachments: A. HGACBuy Contract Pricing Worksheet Reviewed/Approved By: Reviewed By: Approved By: Wend Kaserman Morgan Foley Tina White Assistant City Manager City Attorney City Manager 3 of 4 October 3, 2017, Item # 1.-1 j//1►weB_�B CONTRACT PRICING WORKSHEET NGA V' For Catalog & Price Sheet Type Purchases Contract No.; I SCOL -15 Date Prepared: 9/5/2017 This Worksheet is prepared by Contractor and given to End User. If a PO is issued, both documents MUST be faxed to H -GAC Q 713-993-4548. Therefore please type or print legibly. Buying City of Poway Agency: Contractor•. OapVax, Inc. contact'Tony Bowers Person: Prrparea Betty Smith By: Phone: Phone: j814-535-6766 Fu: Fas: !:814-539-3617 r Email: Emelt: betty@gapvax.com Catalog! Price sheel 8006 Name: General Description ode! MC1012, ION) Callon Water 12Yd3 Debris Body,51nde Engine 17288 Rev 1 : of ProductIF :-:::i::::{.}:::?iii::.. ....... ..........I...... :::.iii...... I... . ......:{.ii}?:: �1t NECH55a. ��Y::<:iiif<:ii:i::?i?i?>'>::::>:>Jiii::}: iil�' :!:i;::>, i;:Cei6iog j;pj{ceiSry iX�{�ijjiM . $. af�Up .ed:?iter ib�:QA14W: Ai14Sh:Add!(lop�t$.E.eat .......... rY.:.:::.::::.......:.:::.:...::::::::.:•:::....:...... ........:::..:::..................::::. : •::: •:.::....::::::::.:::.::::.. .......::.::::::......................... . Q........:...........P.._............................._.................................... Queen Description Unit Pr Total 1 IGapVm Model MC1012, 1000 Gallon Water 12 Yd3 Debris Body Single Engine with Options 327781 327781 1 12018 Westem Star 4700 SF 6X4450 HP Chassis with Primm Air Ride Suspension and warranties 143665 143665 I e�j r 12, ...¢^:v,_ x -r. .-.: •xaiYar mmx-v.a�- A,. 1 to ° 0 0 1 ° ' Total From Other Sheets, If Any: Subtotal A]l 471446 oxopulilhheJ.Optldns+AecessoiyorStrvlce.ttams-TteinlzoBdaw.AtlachAdditiaoAl'SheeflJ:Nacessary,;;, (Note!lopdbllsbedikmsal68oy.......rK4Dof3ubhUtteclanipne5d3Q.taiia�top'abidJ . uan Description Unit Pr Total 0 1 I 0 0 1 i 0 Total From Other Sheets, If Any: Subtotal B: 0 Cheek: Total cost of Unpublished Options (B) cannot exceed 25% of the total of !• For this transaction the percentage is: the Base Unit Price plus Published Options (A+B). C., Trade-lus1 Speglal Dig eooAts 10therA .1owancgs /.Freight /1inilWilittoa / Mlseepaneaus Charges Delivery Charges 7500 Sales Tax at 7.75% 36537 Subtotal C: 44037 Delivery Date.1 $ Tot ii paretiase $rise (A+$+C) . 515483' 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT A October 3, 2017, Item #