Item 7 - Collection of Assessments on the Tax Rolls for Fiscal Year 1986-87, Poway City Lighting District ®AGENDA REPORT dJ wqr CITY OF POWAY l 16Cm,051 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Janes L. Bcwersox, City Manat.`• ' St INITIATED BY: Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Serv'`r�*�' Jeffrey C. Parker, Administrative Anal), DATE: June 17, 1986 SUBJECT: Collection of Assessments on the Tax Rolls for Fiscal Year 1986-87, Panay City Lighting District RAI;KGRCUND At the May 20, 1986 'meting, the City Council approved the Engineer's Report and adopted Resolution No. 86-053, declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments within the Panay City Lighting District for fiscal year 1986-87. The establishment of the Poway City Lighting District has two major elements. The first is a transfer of control of street lights in the existing County District to the City of Panay, to improve maintenance and administration. Foch home currently in the County District pays an assessment of $15 a year. The second element is to include all the parcels in the City within the Poway Lighting District. Those developed parcels not in the County Lighting District, which are not directly benefited by street lights, will be given a 25% assess- ment for the indirect benefit received for lighting at intersections and along the City's main streets. • FINDINGS At the May 20, 1986 meeting, the City Council approved the 1986-87 Engineer's Report which outlined the proposed 1986-87 budget and resulting assessment. The same assess ent formula used by the County will be used for the City Lighting District. Both the City and County Lighting Districts assessments will be shown on the 1986-87 tax bills. If a have is currently within the County Lighting District, the annual fee will be a one-time charge of $4.00 for the City and $15 for the County. If a hare is not in the County District, the assessment will be $1.00 in 1986-87. In fiscal year 1987-88, the only fee collected will be for the City) i4A19 ACTION:(� Adopted Resolution 86-068 forming lighting district. K oVre:. Marjorie K. Wahlsten , City Clerk ,JUN 17 1986 ITEM 7 ,?4, 1 of 16 410 410 Poway City Lighting District June 17, 1986 Page 2 Lighting District. That fee will be $15 per hone in areas with street lights. This charge includes $3.75 for lighting at intersections and along the main streets and $11.25 for the lights along their street. Those hares without street lights in their neighborhood will receive only the $3.75 assessments. The City mailed notices to approximately 11,000 parcels within the City limits and to date, have received six letters and 20 phone calls. RE COMENDATION • It is recannended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution (Attachment 1) approving the collection of the Panay City Lighting District assessments on the property tax roll for fiscal year 1986-87. Attachments (1) JLB:ADA:JCS':pq JUN 17 1986 ITEM 7 • 2 of 16 RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE FORMATION OF THE POWAY CITY LIGHTING DISTRICT AND FSTABLISHIN;, THE ASSESSMENT TO BE COLLECTED ON THE PROPERTY TAX ROLL FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to form a City Lighting District; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to have Panay City Lighting District Assessments collected on the property tax roll; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Panay City Council, the amounts to be collected have been set forth in a public report and the public has been allowed to comment on these amounts and this action has been duly advertised as required by law; and WHEREAS, this action is authorized by the laws of the State of California. NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, does hereby find, resolve, determine, and order as follows: Section 1. that the Panay City Lighting District is formed as confirmed by the Diagram on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Section 2. the sum of $47,272 is required to be collected for the cost of administering the Poway City Lighting District through the initial organiza- tion year. That said sum shall be collected on the 1986-87 San Diego County Tax Roll to provide for the administration costs of the District. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 17th day of June, 1986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk R/Light3 3 of 16 JUN 17 1986 ITEM 7 Rahhi Dr. Isaiah Rackovsky 141 Nancy Drive Bridgeport, Conn, , 06604 June 3, 1986 RECEIVED? Mr: Carl R. Kruse , Mayor City of Poway JUN 919$6 P. 0. Box 789 Poway, Calif. 92064 • GTT caaM6cx5UfNCE Re : Poway City LightingDist. Notice of Public Haring Sylvia W. and Isaiah Rackovsky Dear Sir : We are the owners of three lots in Poway. The legal description on the tax bill is : Por. Sec . 6-14-IPJ Doc . No . 078722 For. Sec . 6-14-I,•I Doc . No . 078722 For SE 1/4 of Sec . 6-14-Iw Doc . No. 078722 We tried to sell these lots and were told by the Bankers Agency that they are not saleable be- cause the city will not permit building on these lots . Recently, we received an anonymous letter Inform- ing us that the city had called for a public hearing on a number of lots in which ours are included in order to limit their building rights . This was called , the letter said , without notifying the property owners . We • received no notice of such a thing from the city of Poway. • Today, we received a notice of a hearing which .may impose a charge on these lots for lighting which it: does not receive or use, '-'With due respect , we would like an explanation :.. of. what; the condition of our land is as to building and'. how: it fits into this imposition of light charges , Y 'r trulyl ji • _! I ell ah Rackovsky � l 4,of.il6 • JUN 17 1986 ITEM 7 • Subject: P':wa"r City Lighting District — Notice of Public Hearing Comments regarding Resolution #86 for the City of Poway, from RECEIVED JUN 6 1986 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPT. Dear City of Poway, My first reaction to the initiative for assuming the responsibility of installation and maintanance of the city lights from a Private institution is that of concern. I feel it has been proven in general that private instutitions can always do a .jib cheaper and with better quality than a g,vver'nment instutition. I feel this will prove true even though the private instutiticn-i in question is the infamous SDO&E. We are all aware that SDO&E is having Problems now. However, like ant private institution, the problems must he remedied or SDO&E could be sold, or the PVC could have the management reorganized, or any of the many means that are available for keeping a private organization competetive. Even though Public utilities are slow to change because of their close link with the governments , they must remain competative, or perish. If a government institution is developed to take over the job, it might do the Job cheaper today, but it will have rio incentive to remain competetive since their will not be ant competition. Therefore, its costs of operation will continue to rise and there will be no Practical means of correcting the situation. Thank, ou , 2rz 12224 Greentree Rd. Poway Ca. 92064 • _ 1 5 of 16 JUN 17 1986 ITEM 7 • FLU; Dr. Isaiah RackovsLy 141 Nancy Drive Bridgeport , Conn. , 06604 June 3, 1986 RECEIVED Mr. Carl R. Kruse , Mayor JUN 91986 City of Poway P. 0. Box 789 CIII ManAtitKJ UtPICE Poway, Calif. 92064 Re : Poway City Lighting Dist. Notice of Public Hearing Sylvia W. and Isaiah Rackovsky Dear Sir : We are the owners of three lots in Poway. The legal description on the tax bill is : • Por. Sec . 6-14-IW Doc . No . 078722 • Por. Sec . 6-14-IW Doc . No . 078722 For SE 1/4 of Sec . 6-14-IW Doc . No. 078722 We tried to sell these lots and were told by • the Bankers Agency that they are not saleable be- cause the city will not permit building on these lots . Recently , we received an anonymous letter inform- ing us that the city had called for a public hearing on a number of lots in which ours are included in order to limit their building; rights . This was called , the letter said , without notifying the property owners . We • received no notice of such a thing from the city of Poway. Today, we received a notice of a hearing which may impose a charge on these lots for lighting which itHdoes not receive or use . ::. .- With due respect , • we would like an explanation • of. whatthe condition of our land is as to building and- how: it fits into this imposition of light charges . • r trul32 br via W. • covs':y I eh Rackovsky 6 of 16 JUN 17 1986 ITEM. 7 • • RNt; EIV0 JUN 1 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPT. l�y% Ciy n(- ,O9t. / $ PO .8 97' 71 l,,.Ey Sire, l CC I=C! SrA2;�c,ot'c 1 c/ %O CI //P43_2///c3 4D60-7J/✓'7L J cs / P/dP2•r/= pccoUGT76,V t..c__ T/r'o ,(-c /+.Dy Aticc . y Fi c_rc^iz 0/= 3 g 'I/a. y66'/a Ff/ . Act]:PCTr'QcScl4,¢Al DEC/1y o,C S !U/CL_I' k(f(c/! / /�[ - /;r 1.f!f, i c3 (//LG/L /A/ 447 OISE . i /, fC 4'6iE,''_ /><�A/2t7 D/ /✓,/ G n vi Sidi/cam 7-4,47-71 A/o/do —77/G //an v.:y )Fct t&ER '/Ou2 ff/fn/DS car GCS (i/ Poorer F / LL DO T-i'c c fine /=ate you 106f1 1/4RS W= cAk rli'rc . 4 .S'i447-//-/ c7(0G^/SE f-QFccci/o/S/ Y ,,U/11/4/47- v( lace: /✓Cs&r-=` Ffi,? 4 £(, /L=cram o,c /oadt/ C 6//cES 464-os6 P&' /)1.1A/ _17647-76S seE/Li Jus7ry/mak g'/s Jab /' •02E/1$VA/c . LArte icyear6 C 5 G:,'/fich/ c//c,L C-l✓ /�C /�/I Off=/cam e /,+r 5.15/27711,(/GE Th,"&„/Y/C Gfl r so C4Gt-452D C(%y Cto'A/c(c_ . --7,2acr ;'cu/2 '<'i A. 'M . oo -CCL__ �`Y)Ccs(%�a / a96 ,'rciGx'„n} h;-�� (,u,v,C,i,r ,—v S%,;�/ � �' ( L, � 7 of 16 JUN 17 .1986 ..I T.E.M.;• 7........:. .. . ..:,. ® • As 4- b4 tQ (\I IAn /(4 x - . 7-0 777 (-)3(/tl / 1 0/- 7cod eA14-) — �t EH-- /I- i tQC7(- r' OPE 46 & / 'Tr f/ r A/s /Mgt Sc w// .4 //i7 (346(- _ 1 r= NO % /16 S, 6f'Lv� ,4,2U62- s / /-/( r_L p319 1177,4 C/Mm/0/1-12/VTD -SU C— 7774-esu cif 4- ! A-w T Ass tcD • . s 8 of 16 JUN 17 1986 ITEM 7 ® • • 'James E. McCarty 313532 Sagewood Drive I _ ..i Poway, Calif. 92064 .. ._ _ -- cLr2V c .ti ('ewnj P.o. 5°YxS RECEIVED • cwA-1 Ck 92061 JUN 1986 C:i" CF r-�,v,�r CITY CLERIC•;c OFFICE La J W!s NG.Y>Gw..-i.^.t� Aro 1t�tw-r. rd. /�c µ 6 wl J j° at: s oluT1..✓ 4116 rem.," cJ. I ,64.11-ii. c- Q r 572tr-7 wt 2G4.vcAl- /} iv' l-.Tc ay ac• cy C °U4C- , , • ike04-0- 1 )3s32_ SA Gcw '" n4 • • 9 of 16 JUN 17 1986 ITEM 7 • • From: Leonard P. a Uinifred R. Balazer 3 June 1986 13617 Jackrabbit Rd. , Poway CB 92069 Tel . (619) 487-8272 To: City Clerk, City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway CB 92064 Dear Sir, In response to your notice "Proposed Poway City Lighting District" we hereby present our concerns on this subject. Our street is in the Green Valley housing tract in northern Poway. Our street does not have street lighting and we want to keep it that way. We believe that the street will preserve its comfortable semi-rural character best by remaining as it is. Ue would not want street lighting even if it were free of cost. In fact we would pay to have it removed if it were now installed! Please regester our vote to keep eet lighting out of Green Dalley. Thank You. get" Leonard Balazer RECEIVED JUN 5 1986 CITY OF POWAY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE • • 10 of 16 JUN 17 1986 ITEM 7 i / WILLIAM T. HOLMES 18108 OLO COACH ROAf: POHAY. CA 92064 /7'y CG 6.e/l '/Ty D,z 72614/./✓y RECEIVED /772,f- C/4,-/e Cz,✓T6,e /- OG 4 li ()• 2-67 7r C:TY OF Fcv';\Y CITY C!ERf r ,oFproE /��,02o%✓G /lefa c vn s„, ND. Ir. y 1. G.sA77rJG �JT �y' _ .Oh /I/ ( , // V fJ r—T•j`// i2G✓OL 11/7411✓ T,ye 1Go�cDG✓/ ✓U /94,00.f0n/J• / / y F tfl� /E,✓ -t 4./..471 77fE M412Az n/ NC ox' �427J ( E.rc�1ALbr OL,,/i arc,,, Zero) 7J Tl// �/4f77 at 44,,45, 1V67za 7fl �'ov/v/-y / JE22C4nJ 771.7/ 1'✓A ✓ted O� L.-/ 77-77.1 uovLo ,416 i✓ C-40-7-G-X-J/JA17M - //fc' UTY //1J Can/J/Jat/TZ7 .274,70.1247-2e,,17(„0 fl*c 1> / 9#b'/o,_.r f70421.4 .16;tv/c� ,or yi G,44e4 coir Ci",v717- 2, aNGf �f/'r L/TJ /J/ /4,09/y,6 L/Co/-z .r,✓ AM././ /n Gvy- J77e, Ti /r A 7 >a X90® (7,„„ -7,444,. G./ ie-/V 6,,t/‘ r ADd71 Tu G/�i<'r /�DLGdT/a„J- C m o2r 77, 3'4- Z47,7/9 c21/4<J ', AWL° 4*1/L yav f6G/evE 1TrZe7 G/6d2n. do Nor //7, 0//4 ..,(,or-t>y o2 T�cG2/7te , e4,.} alai) fid7D24D/6AIL/ , rr i..> L/6.2977 /C77/42t Y /26J4/6 TArETY/ JJEa ail 2' Axe. p2, !Pc%r(9 </L.[ 6b/6 VEJ "?f-49evezir %a roiz /7.02 C 'be-75,f ,O1JJ/y✓o: &5n/E. 77/ 4 2-772e r Z,o o4 - .441 ,/1J/ •1:7':7'21 • 11of, • JUN 17 1986 LT t M 7` 16 B: \POWAY. DOC • • 31 MAY 1986 15435 ESPOLA RD. POWAY, CA 92064 RECEIVED CITY CLERK CITY OF POWAY JUN J 1966 P. O. BOX 789 POWAY, CA 92064 CITY OF ROWAY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE DEAR SIR, I WISH TO EXPRESS MY OPPOSITION TO THE FORMATION OF A POWAY CITY LIGHTING DISTRICT FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1 . I WILL INCUR AN ADDITIONAL TAX ( REGARDLESS OF THE SEMANTICS THAT AN ASSESSMENT IS NOT A TAX) LIABILITY. 2. IT IS VERY UNLIKELY THAT MY COUNTY TAXES WILL BE REDUCED, _ EVEN THOUGH THE COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT WILL NOW NOT NEED AN EMPLOYEE(S) • TO SERVICE THE LIGHTS IN POWAY. GOVERNMENT NEVER SHRINKS. 3. I DISAGREE WITH THE RATIONALE FOR ASSESSMENT. 4. I LIKE BEING ABLE TO SEE THE STARS AND THE CITY COUNCIL HAS NOT SET FORTH ANY PLAN TO LIMIT LIGHT POLLUTION OR INDISCRIMINATE DISPOSITION OF STREET LIGHTS. 5. THE COSTS ARE NOT TRULY REPRESENTED. WHERE WILL POWAY OBTAIN THE NECESSARY VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT TO SERVICE THE LIGHTS ? YOU CANNOT HIRE A SERVICEMAN AND BUY EQUIPMENT FOR $47, 000/YEAR. SINCERELY YOURS, CHARLES E. HAGA 1 I 12 of 16 JUN 17 1986 ITEM 7 14749 Poway Mesa Drive Poway, CA 92064 RECEIVED June 6, 1986 JUN 10 1986 CITY OF POWr1Y CITY CLERK'S OFFICE City Clerk, City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 • Re: Letter from City of Poway to Property Owner (No date) Subject: Poway City Lighting District - Notice of Public Hearing Dear Sir:: As a Poway property owner, I have the following concerns on the proposed establishment of an assessment district for the Poway City Lighting District. As stated in your letter, the objective for the change of jurisdiction is to provide "improved service" . You allude that the cost will be approximately $15 . 00 a benefit unit per year, but you are non-committal on actual cost. Concerns : 1. Manpower : Does the City of Poway currently have the work force employed to undertake this new responsibility or will this result in the expansion of the public services manpower/budget requirements? 2 . Skill Level : Does the City of Poway currently employ personnel trained in the maintenance/ repair of subject lighting system or will supplemental training be required? 3 . Equipment: Does the City of Poway currently own sufficient properly equipped vehicles and other equipment to perform the required maintenance/ repair or will additional service vehicles and equipment have to be purchased or leased? 9 . Spare Parts : Has the City of Poway addressed this requirement and what is the cost outlay for main- taining a sufficient inventory? 13 of 16 JUN 17 1986 ITEM 7 City Clerk, City of Poway Page 2 t 5 . Maintenance/Storage Facilities : Does the City of Poway currently own/lease sufficient facilities for the maintenance and storage of lighting systems and spare parts? As you can see, my concerns are cost related. We all app- reciate "improved services" , but we must weigh improvements with cost. In addition to answering my preceding questions, please provide me with your estimated 1987 fiscal budget for the staffing and operation of new lighting district along with the average time (over the past two years) it has taken the county to repair a lighting system once it has been reported. Sincerely, CipciPAIC Donald C. Stoneciph r DCS :ms cc: Carl R. Kruse, Mayor of Poway Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Services 14 of 16- JUN 171986 ITEM 7 rn rn n . J c alie4'iz ya! 1450 UNIVERSITY AVENUE,SUITE 202 TELEPHONE(619)297-0294 SAN OIEGO,CA 92103 EA LT V R , I N C , June 5 , 1986 City of PO Box 789 R£C'£iVEO Poway, CA 92046 JONI %ya ) Ref : Poway City Lighting District pomerado Oaks Mobile Estates Lipp,1 . 12306 pomerado Road , Poway , CA 92064 Bk 317 Pg 231 Par 02/03 I wish to register objections to the Lighting District as proposed until we, as property owners , are given more information regarding the amount of assessment per property and how it will be assessed in proportion to the amount of land that is owned by each individual . Sincerely, Dave Snyder , Managing Partner pomerado Oaks Mobile Estates DS/pa 15 of 16 J JUN 17 1986 ITEM7 INCOME and EXCHANGES _ 1g _y, 1 ,1'�3�. .4 4 r11Y ft)tti i3 { ✓1 tl ti. PY., YM'7.4z. • ?Val-. ® 4.4S. °WY•".,.i :'h Ci li b'i(Pr,y. iteP,y s.�.f? ® ;V f 1" ��i F S , 7'. 4 _ 1 , Yt^•1'aT j2 J I' .Y�! ' e- L .+?' -F•� x i f v'r �� .�Ywi : `�(vt?.t....�is-.f:.fir. ._..'... : ......�. � ?�..r..�'• .,. .: +" �..•. ..-. .,. n� 33 e r ^n•C.7�� r4- �: ilijaililit'r .` F �, • ,y� ¢tiw :,. -- „ T>,}Y RECEIVED '•tie-ufi .;a3?tt fA.,� Brad Baker .;�,_ 'r JUN AI r'�.. 7,11221 4 13243 Lingre Ave . Poway , CA . 92064 1 01980 i.' 1. + ' r tt a tl : PUBLIC SERVICES DEPT. >; :041 ,;"14��y�s; The Poway City Lighting District Yii�•''t' .KS•', •sS:.;�'"• ,c r.•'r• a Poway City Hall " " nf. aki 13325 Civic Center Drive A`%'u# `S`�` P . O . Box 789 •:r3 1i Poway , CA . 92064 - PIP,„I�, A ?nt.At a • x^�1,- ,,� June 1 , 1986 ,s;:,: ss ;.,; TO : The manager of the Poway City Lighting District ; ..aa.. ' -: ' :.",... Thee letter I received. from the CityCouncil in regard .Si' i 4 to establishing a lighting districr assesment charge ;4^i;;09,•:'�..,ArS£ \ - has prompted me to ask for your action on a continuing �� ;W� �L� .�`"�tr1 problem . 't -;;s? , The light in front of my home at the above address .; ;l .-- j �",i has been a continual problem since we have lived in <, xt„' „ a;yti - :AgWiy the house for over seven years . It is always on ! ' « ' We have had it "repaired" previouslyand the =r «tr;%.„:i p „ problem ::G�' ` $ continues . I would ask for your action in two areas ; =_ is:Tterg.TtgN 1 . The timely attention to the repair of this light l � eiret ,r yt.-� so that it operates only in the dark , and 2 . A method ,�' ; s, 171 • of routine maintenence for all lights be established so Yt ,w',tm that this might help to control the costs of our • ” 4 R4�5 .City ' s lighting district . .. ,?�S:u S, r ,; S ,�d1 I don ' t have a problem with paying for the services . J.f!Wi r f. that I receive . But it does concern me when I see . ;€ln..ztitt ;r•a:X3�p a situation that is wasteful and a proceedure to '.100,A,' catch that sort of problem does not seem to be in effect . • a-;i7t4; -,�� Thank r::�=*�;��_-j" you for your attention to this problem , .-0 .iii. ^ ' pi I appreciate the attitude of helpfulness that "`T:::= i2`•k:12:P _ the City Service people always seem to exhibit . ..;; ::::=1 Since 1 , - Brad Baker - - •. '>>i Lu ';'4 1 y . ..y• till-"'4 :i+ceitt . x. 16 of 16 ;r-c?•;- JUN 17 1986 ITEM 1 �,