Item 7 - Ordinance No. 189 Second Reading *AGENDA 'REPORT O ,Nr CITY OF 'POWAY 1 IN THE COV TO: Honorable Mayor and Manbers of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana�.." INITIATED BY: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 'Thant DATE: April 29, 1986 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 189 - Second Reading BACKGROUND ND On April 22, 1986, the City Council introduced and had the first reading on Ordinance No. 189 - "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Amending Section 16.16.110 of the Poway Municipal Code Establishing Requirements for Relinquishment of Open Space Dedicated or Offered for Dedication to the City. " FINDINGS It is in order to have the second reading and adopt this Ordinance. REOYMENDATION If the City Council desires to adopt, read title and waive further reading of Ordinance by unanimous vote. Pass motion closing public hearing and adopting (roll call vote) . JLB:MKW:m1 Attachment: 1) Ordinance ACTION: Adopted Ordinance 189. 1. JeL.E%--rit J.' Seibert , Deputy City Clerk APR 29 1986 ITEM 7 /s of-12 ORDINANCE NO. 189 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY , CALIFORNIA AMENDING SECTION 16 . 16 .110 OF THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS FOR RELINQUISHMENT OF OPEN SPACE DEDICATED OR OFFERED FOR DEDICATION TO THE CITY WHEREAS , the preservation of land as open space is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Poway; and WHEREAS , it is in the public interest that land dedicated or offered for dedication to the City as open space be retained as open space because such land will add to the amenities of living in the City of Poway and will help preserve the rural character of the City; and WHEREAS , open space land has scenic value to the public and may constitute valuable watershed and wildlife preserve; and WHEREAS , the public interest requires that any transfer or relinquishment of open space dedicated or offered for dedication to the City be accomplished only by legislative act of the City Council subject to referendum; and WHEREAS, the public interest is further served by an ordinance requiring that transfer or relinquishment of open space be approved by a four-fifths vote of the City Council . NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 : Section 16 . 16 . 110 shall be added to the Poway Municipal Code as follows : 16 . 16 . 110 Relinquishment of Dedicated Open Space , etc . A. No easement or fee interest in real property dedicated or offered for dedication to the City for open space , trail , or other public recreation purpose shall be vacated , relinquished , abandoned , released , sold, encumbered , or otherwise transferred or conveyed free of such limitation except by ordinance approved by a four-fifths vote of the City Council with the following findings: 1 ) The purpose of the release or transfer is to permit the property to be used for a valid public purpose , including but not limited to public streets or drainage facilities ; or 2 ) The property is being exchanged for property of equal or greater size and quality for open space, trail , or other public recreation use, and is being transferred to the City concurrent with the transfer of the subject property . APR 29 1986 ITEM 7 L 2 of 3 Ordinance No Page 2 B. Any ordinance adopted by the City Council purporting to amend or repeal this ordinance or purporting to vacate , relinquish , abandon , release, sell , encumber , or otherwise transfer or convey an easement or fee interest in real pro- perty dedicated or offered for dedication to the City for open space , trail or other public recreation purpose without a municipal election shall be a legislative act subject to referendum and shall be subject to judicial review by writ of mandate . C. This ordinance shall apply to all easement or fee interest in real property held or owned by the City of Poway for open space , trail , or other public recreation purpose whether such interest was acquired by the City through the subdivision process or otherwise. D . The City Manager is hereby authorized to prepare and record in the record title of open space dedicated or offered for dedication to the City a Declaration of Restrictions identifying the limitations placed by this ordinance upon the transfer or relinquishment of such open space . E. In the event that any portion of the Section 16 .16 .110 is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid , such portion shall be severable from all other portions of this section . Those portions not declared invalid shall remain in full force and effect. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty ( 30 ) days after the date oflits passage; and before the expira- tion of fifteen ( 15 ) days after its passage , it shall be published once with the names and members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain , a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Poway. Introduced and first read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway held the 22nd day of April 1986 , and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the day of 1986 , by the following roll call vote: AYES : COUNCILMEMBERS : NOES : COUNCILMEMBERS : ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS : Carl R. Kruse , Mayor Marjorie K. Wahlsten , City Clerk APR 29 1986 ITEM 7 __3 of 3