Item 10 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA 86-03) r aic�G41 *GENDA REPORT -- XV of • Way • CITY OF POWAY LAIIIII S' IN TME COV: TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of\ t e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manag`X-•' It INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Services /OC James H . Lyon, Assistant Planner DATE: September 2 , 1986 l SUBJECT: Zoning Ordinance Amendment ( ZOA 86-03 ) : A city- initiated request to amend and establish certain sections of the City of Poway ' s Zoning Development Code related to low pressure sodium lighting for outdoor fixtures . ABSTRACT As a result of the increasing amount of light pollution in the area of the Mount Palomar Observatory, the surrounding government agencies have been contacted by the California Institute of Technology to discuss measures to reduce light pollution within each jurisdiction. Staff is proposing modifications to sections of the Zoning Development Code in response to their request. BACKGROUND Mr . Robert Brucato from the California Institute of Technology, representing the office of the Director of Palomar Observatory, has been in contact with the various municipal governments that surround the Palomar Observatory to discuss the issue of light pollution. Mr . Brucato indicated that although street lights are the largest single class of outdoor lights, they constitute only 25 to 35 percent of the total light pollution problem. The remainder of the sky glow comes from other sources. It was his opinion that if these unrestricted sources of light pollution remain unchecked, the Hale Observatory and other local facilities will become severely handicapped or rendered useless. Most local governments have addressed the street light issue by adopting ordinances that require low pressure sodium lighting for all new street lights. The California Institute of Technology believes now is the time to consider the larger part of the light pollution problem. Because of Poway ' s proximity to the Palomar ` Observatory, it is important that all reasonable steps be taken // �\ J I/ \` ACTION: Held first reading for Ordinance: MD. 192; and set second reading for September 16, 1986. Issued Negative Declaration. .`w, I! 20w SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 `. .Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk ]. of `17 Agenda Report September 2 , 1986 Page 2 toward minimizing all large, unchecked sources of light pollution . To this end, Staff has evaluated the current lighting standards as stipulated in the City ' s Zoning Development Code and has suggested additional requirements to comply with the Mt. Palomar Observatory needs . ANALYSIS The City' s Zoning Ordinance currently requires that all parking lot and other exterior lighting be low pressure sodium in commercial and manufacturing zones ; if other types of lighting are used, they must be supplemented with a secondary low pressure sodium lighting system which would serve as security level lighting, and which would be the sole source of lighting during the non-operating hours of each business. All light sources must also be shielded so that the light is directed away from streets or adjoining properties , and should be integrated with the architecture of the building. Further, the intensity of light at the boundary of any commercial or manufacturing zone must not exceed 75-foot lamberts from a source of reflected light. Although the City' s requirements do reduce light pollution, speci- fic additional measures are necessary to meet the observatory' s requirements . It is recommended that the following additional measures be considered: 1 . Require all illuminated advertising signs to be turned off between 11 p.m. and sunrise, unless the business is open after 11 p.m. ; 2 . Prohibit outside illumination of buildings and/or land- scaping for aesthetic or decorative purposes between 11 p .m. and sunrise; 3 . . Prohibit the illumination of public or private recrea- tional facilities between 11 p.m. and sunrise, except as needed for security/safety purposes ; 4 . Prohibit the operation of searchlights for advertising purposes ; 5 . Require that automatic timers be installed with each new and renovated lighting system; and 6 . Require all outdoor light fixtures hereafter installed or maintained upon private property within commercial, manu- facturing, or multiple-family residential zones to be low- pressure sodium and to be turned off between 11 p.m. and sunrise, except those necessary for security/safety pur- poses to illuminate walkways or parking lots , or where commercial or manufacturing uses continue after 11 p.m. _-__ SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 2of17 Agenda Report September 2, 1986 Page 3 A further analysis of this proposal indicates that most of the existing residential, commercial, and manufacturing uses are in general compliance with the suggested regulations . Those activi- ties or uses not in compliance are the illuminated business signs that remain on throughout the night and the use of other than low pressure sodium lights that illuminate parking lots and/or automo- bile dealerships. Both the City and County of San Diego have adopted similar lighting ordinances in an effort to reduce addi- tional sources of light pollution. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment will not result in any potentially significant environmental impacts . The issuance of a Negative Declaration is recommended. FINDINGS The proposed modifications are consistent with the intent and pur- pose of the General Plan and Zoning Development Code, and the requirements of the California Government Health and Safety Codes . RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Zoning Development Code amendments, issue a Negative Declaration, and set the second reading for September 16, 1986 . JLB:RWT:JHL:nm Attachments : 1. Existing Subsections 2. Proposed Ordinance and Amendments • 3of 17 SEP 2 1986 ITEM 1U Sial - 17 . 10. 150 Where the adjacent grade of the abutting residential prop- erty is four feet or more lower or higher than the project site , the masonry wall shall be a minimum of six feet in height. In addition, fifteen-gallon trees, twenty feet on- center, and shrubbery shall be installed and maintained along the inside of the' wall in a five-foot wide, raised landscaped planter to provide a dense landscape screen. C . Off-street Parking Areas--Screening. Wherever off- street parking areas are situated across the street from property in a residential zone, a masonry wall or berm three feet in height shall be erected in the landscaped area be- tween the required landscape area and the parking area to adequately screen said parking areas from the residential properties. D. Noise Levels . The noise level emanating from any commercial use or operation shall not exceed five decibels (as defined in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970) above the ambient level of the area measured at - the property line. E. Ground-mounted Mechanical Equipment--Screening. All ground-mounted mechanical equipment , including heating and air-conditioning units, and trash receptacle areas , shall be completely screened from surrounding properties by use of a wall or fence or shall be enclosed within a build- ing . Structural and design plans for any required screening under the provisions of this section shall be approved by the Planning Services Director and Building Official . F. Roof Appurtenances--Screening. All roof appurte- nances including, but not limited to, air-conditioning units , and mechanical equipment shall be shielded and archi- tecturally screened from view from on-site parking areas, adjacent public streets and adjacent residentially zoned property. G. Reciprocal Ingress and Egress . Reciprocal ingress and egress , circulation and parking arrangements shall be required to facilitate the ease of vehicular movement be- tween adjoining properties . H . Lighting . All lighting sources shall be shielded in such a manner that the light is directed away from streets or adjoining properties . Illuminators should be integrated within the architecture of the building . Free- standing lamp posts shall be no taller than eighteen feet. The intensity of light at the boundary of any C zone shall not exceed seventy-five foot-lamberts from a source of re- flected light . All exterior lighting shall be low-pressure sodium, or if other types of lighting are used, they shall be supplemented with a secondary low-pressure sodium light- ing system which shall serve as security level lighting and which shall he the sole source of lighting during the non- operating hours of each business . I . Utility Connections . All utility connections shall be designed to coordinate with the architectural elements of 742-59 ( Poway 2/86) SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 POWAY M U :N I C I P A L CODE 4 of 17 A Megi 1 . 411 411 Manufacturing - 17. 12 . 150 • a Nis • �r ae • Yr001 nrw WILL I Pr( $L O,G APAUNO n..•IYC M 2 fPMNOiuIQ THI NOT THI5 • THU vy, gni l 0. -� • NOT THIS .ti • �/� r y111 ti,i ,fit C'`r "t,i �`�� �f, •��"�IIC F. Lighting. All light sources shall be shielded in such a manner that the light is directed away from streets or adjoining properties . Illuminators shall be integrated within the architecture of the building . Freestanding lamp posts shall be no taller than eighteen feet. The intensity Of light at the boundary of any M zone shall not exceed seventy-five foot-lamberts from a source of reflected light. All exterior lighting shall be low-pressure sodium, except that exterior lighting for commercial, uses allowed in the M zones may use other types of lighting only if supplemented with a secondary low-pressure sodium system shich shall serve as security-level lighting and which shall be the sole source of lighting during the nonoperatinc hours of each business . SEP 2 - 1986 ITEM 10 !d2 59 (Poway 6/35) I - P O w A. Y MUNICIPAL CODE ' 5 of-17 ts-rrAC.E}Meh1-r l • • Peed Residential Developrent -117.18.050-17.18.060 area; provided, however, that where no sidewalk exists in conjunction with a public or private street, such setback shall be measured from the nearest edge of the street right- • of-way or private road easement. I . All public streets within or abutting the proposed planned development shall be dedicated and approved to City specifications for the particular classification of street. When the developer desires to retain any streets within the • development as private streets, such streets shall be ir- revocably offered for dedication and maintained for their intended purpose by the Homeowners Association or other means acceptable to the City Council . • - J. Planned residential developments shall relate har- moniously to the topography of the site , shall make suitable provision for the preservation of watercourses , drainage areas , wooded areas , rough terrain, and similar natural fea- tures and areas , and , shall otherwise be so designed as to use and retain such natural features and amenities to the greatest extent possible. K. All utility connections shall be designed to coor- dinate with the architectural elements of the site so as not to be exposed except where necessary. Pad-mounted trans- formers and/or meter box locations shall be included in the site plan with any appropriate screening treatment. All new and existing utility connections within the boundaries of the project shall be placed underground. Transformer , terminal boxes , meter cabinets , pedestals, concealed ducts , and other facilities appurtenant to such underground facilities may be' placed above ground . The requirement for undergrounding existing utilities shall not apply to any overhead power transmission lines in excess of thirty-four thousand five hundred volts and long-distance and main trunk communication facilities . The requirement for undergrounding existing utility connections may be waived or modified by the City Council in accordance with criteria and provisions for such as adopted by resolution of the City Council . (Ord . 178 §1 (A) (part) , 1985 ; Ord. 113 §1 (Exh. A 5 . 2 . 3 (B) ) , 1983) 17 . 18 . 050 Accessory uses and structures . Accessory uses and structures shall be located as specified on the development plans as approved by the City Council; provided, however, that accessory structures shall meet all of the setbacks for site development as specified in Section 17 . 18- . 030 . (Ord. 113 §1 (Exh . A 5 . 2 . 4) , 1983) 17 . 18 . 060 Sians . No sign or outdoor advertising structure shall be permitted excepted as prescribed in Chap- ter 17 . 40 . (Ord. 113 §1 (Exh. A 5 . 2 . 5) , 1983) • • (Poway 2/86 ) 742-80 SEP 2 1986 ITEM lU POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE Sof17 AIMCHM0.11- 17 . 20 . 060 ® Planned Camnuiity •17.20.060 for the preservation of water courses , drainage areas , wood- ed areas , rough terrain, and similar natural features , and shall otherwise be so designed inasmuch as possible , to use and retain natural features and amenities to the best advan- tage . B . Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioners , antennas, pumps , heating or cooling or ventil- ating equipment, exterior lighting, or similar equipment shall be located and operated in a manner so as not to unrea- sonably disturb the peace, quiet , and comfort of neighboring residents . Excluding roof-mounted solar collector panels and decorative exterior lighting, all such equipment and devices shall be screened from view from any abutting street, and shall not be located in a street yard. C . All areas for storage of maintenance -equipment, and all service areas including refuse storage and collection facilities , shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, and/or land- scape screen. D . All uses within a planned community zone shall pro- vide off-street parking and loading facilities pursuant to Chapter 17 . 42 . The applicant may apply for and receive ad- ministrative relief from Chapter 17 . 42 at the time of devel- opment plan tentative consideration by the City Council when verified proof has been submitted through specific examples of existing projects and/or expert testimony that supports reduced parking standards or stalls . E . The proposed means for assuring continuing exis- tence , maintenance and operation of the various common ele- ments and facilities . F . Additional site development regulations and perfor- mance standards .applicable to individual uses or to des- • ignated portions of a planned community zone may be estab- lished by the development plan, conditional use permit , or development review approval pursuant to the development plan . (Ord . 113 §1 (Exh . A .5 . 3 . 4) , 1963) 17 . 20 . 060 Preapplication procedure . A. Prior to sub- mitting an application for a development plan in a planned community zone , or for a planned community zone, applicant or prospective developer shall hold preliminary consulta- tions with the Director of Planning Services and other City officials to obtain information and guidance before entering into binding commitments incurring substantial expense in the preparation of plans , surveys , and other data . Such preliminary consultations should be relative to a conceptual development plan which includes , but is not limited to, the following: 1 . Proposed land uses to be developed within the zone; 2 . Development concepts to be employed . • 3 . Schematic maps , illustrative material, and nar- rative sufficient to describe the general relationships (Poway 10/84) 742-84 SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 • 7 of 17 ai-r c t M I • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TITLE 17 ( ZONING DEVELOPMENT CODE) OF THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the City Council periodically finds it necessary to amend Title 17 ( Zoning Development Code) of its Municipal Code in response to changing conditions within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to provide interested parties the opportunity to address the pro- posed amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ordained that the City Council hereby adopt the following amendments as part of Title 17 ( Zoning Development Code) of the Poway Municipal Code: SECTION 1 : Amendments to the following sections of the Municipal Code are hereby established and shall read as shown in Exhibit A by a dashed underline for addition: 17 .08 .200 K Residential 17 .10 .150 H Commercial 17 .12 .150 F Manufacturing 17 .16 .050 M Mobile Home Park 17 .18 .040 K Planned Residential Development 17 . 20 .050 B Planned Community 17 .22 . 050 C Open Space SECTION 2 : The City Council of the City of Poway hereby finds that these amendments are consistent with the General Plan and the intent and purpose of the Zoning Development Code. SECTION 3 : The City Council of the City of Poway hereby finds that these amendments will not cause significant adverse impacts on the environment and issues a Negative Declaration. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty ( 30 ) days after the date of its passage; and before the expiration of fifteen ( 15) days after its passage, it shall be published once with the names and members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain, a newspaper of general cir- culation published in the City of Poway. ATTACHMENT 2 8o 17 SEP2 1986 IILi.i 10 Ordinance No. Page 2 Introduced and first read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway held the 2nd day of September , 1986, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the 16th day of September, 1986, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: • NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Carl R. Kruse, Mayor • • Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk • SEP 2 1986 ITEM lU 9 of 17 Residential - 17 . 08 . 200 G. A minimum of one clothes washer and one clothes dryer per ten dwelling units located conveniently throughout the development. In the RC zone, the provision of one clothes washer and one clothes dryer hookup per dwelling unit shall meet the aforementioned requirement. H. Individual trash areas , 'screened from view of the roadway, shall be provided for each dwelling unit in the RC zone; con- veniently located trash enclosures , per City standards , shall be provided for dwelling units in the RA zone. I. A minimum of fifty trees per net acre shall be required as part of the landscaping 'requirements; twenty percent shall be twenty-four-inch box size or larger, seventy percent shall be fifteen-gallon size and ten percent shall be five-gallon size. J. Recreation vehicle parking areas shall be provided, fully screened from view or the development shall prohibit all parking of recreation vehicles . ( Ord. 172 §1( Exh. A(part) ) , 1985 ; Ord. 125 , 1984 ; Ord. 113 §1 ( Exh . A 2 . 3 ( B) ) , 1983) K. Lighting . All' outdoor light fixtures, including but not limited to illuminated signage± decorative building or_landscape_ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — lightingl illuminated recreational facilities, and_parking lot lighting—within multiple_family residential zones,_shall be turned_ off between the hours of 11 2.m. and sunrise± except_when used for security_purposes, illumination of roadways, sidewalkst and simi- lar safety_related_applications. Automatic timing devices shall — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — be integrated into all new or modified lighting systems to turn off lights_at at ll_p.m. All lighting used_in parking lotsi for security pu poses_or safety related uses,_ shall be low_pressure sodium and be scheduled so that light rays_ emitted by_the_fixture — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — are projected below the imaginary horizontal_plane_passing through the lowest_point of the fixture and in such a manner that the light is directed away from streets and adjoining prpperties_ Illuminators should be integrated with the architecture of the building . Freestanding laEp—posts_shall be no taller than eighteen ( 18) feet. The intensity_of light at the boundaiy_of any multi-family_zone shall not exceed seventy-five-foot lamberts m froa source of reflected light . CoEpliance with this section shall be_applicable is all new construction and7or the_eansion_ or rehabitation of any facility or structure by more than fifty ( 50 )_percent of its value . EXHIBIT A SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 10 of 17 _ Commercial - 17 .10 .150 E. Ground-mounted Mechanical Equipment--Screening . All ground-mounted mechanical equipment, including heating and air- conditioning units and trash receptacle areas, shall be completely screened from surrounding properties by use of a wall or fence or shall be enclosed within a building . Structural and design plans for any required screening under the provisions of this section shall be approved by the Planning Services Director and Building Official. F. Roof Appurtenances--Screening. All roof appurtenances including, but not limited to, air-conditioning units and mechani- cal equipment shall be shielded and architecturally screened from view from on-site parking areas, adjacent public streets and adja- cent residentially zoned property. G . Reciprocal Ingress and Egress . Reciprocal ingress and egress, circulation and parking arrangements shall be required to facilitate the ease of vehicular movement between adjoining properties . H. Lighting . All outdoor light fixtures, including but not limited to illuminated signages decorative building or landscape_ sightings illuminated recreational facilities and parking lot lighting within commercial zonessshall be turned off between the hours of 11 p.m, and sunrises except when used for security puiposess illumination of roadways ,_sidewalkss equipment yards and similar safey-related _applications or_when business_operating_ hours continue after 11 p.m.s but only for as long as such busi- ness is open . Automatic timing_devices shall be integrated_into • r m all new or lighting_systems to un of Tights t ll p.trfis am._ A-ll lighting used in_parking_lots,_for security pufposes or similar safety-related used shall be low pressure sodium and be scheduled so that light rays_emitted_by the fixture are projected below the imaginary hori-zontal_plane_pa ssing_through_the_lowest point of the fixture and in such a manner that the light is directed aw y from streets and adjoining_properties. If other_types—of lighting_ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —are used or are necessary for color rendition thy_shall be supplemented with a secondary low pressure sodium lighting system which shall serve as security level lighting and shall be the sole_ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — source of _lighting during the non-operating hours of each busi- ness . Illuminators should be integrated with the architecture of — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — the building._ Freestanding_lamp posts shall be no taller than — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — eighteen_( 18 ) feet_ The intensity of light_at the boundary_of any C zone shall not exceed seventy-five-foot lamberts from a source of reflected light._ Colpliance with this section shall be appli- cable to all new construction and7or the eansion or rehabitation of—any_facility or—structure_by more than fifty ( 50 )_ percent of — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — its value. (Replaces No. H of the Section 17 .10 ,150 Lighting . ) SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 11 of 17 0' rwrr' l�l -1 `�J `'/, � I is ,� 17 .12 .150 _ i Manufacturing !'"-' ^:r , is I � .. . Si ico, _rr wartfill 11...0.4 JNpeO l.NtOWi 0 lyfYpv..r• alia NOT THIS THIS 0. NOT THIS / �r .Liw.,�. lam- .. [ . F. Lighting . All outdoor light fixtures , including but not limited to illuminated signaget decorative building or landscape_ lightingi illuminated recreational facilities,_and_parking_lot_ lighting within manufacturing zones , shall be turned off between the hours of 11 p.m. and sunrises except when used for security purposest illumination_of roadwayst sidewalks,_egulpment_yards_ and similar safety-related applications, or when business operating hours continue after 11 p.m.s but only for as long as such business is_open._ Automatic_timing devices shall be integrated into all new or modified lighting systems to turn off lights at 11_p_m. All lighting used_in parking lotst for security_ pujposes_or similar usest shall be lowzpressure sodium and_be scheduled so that light rays emitted gy_the_fixture are_proiected_ below the imaginary horizontal_plane_passing_through_the lowest point of the fixture and in such amanner that the light_is directed fromres and ai stetndjoning_popef other rrties. If types of lighting are used or are necessary for color rendition, they shall be supplemented with a secondary low pressure sodium lighting_system which shall serve as security level lighting_and_ shall be the sole source of lighting during the non-2perating hours of each business . Illuminators should be integrated with the architecture of the building . Freestanding_lamp posts shall be no taller than eicjhtee(7 (18)_feet. The intensity_oi light at—the— bm boundary—of any M zone_shall not v exceed seenty-five=foot lam- erts froa source of reflected light. Compliance with this sec- tion shall be applicable to all new construction and7or the expansion or rehabitation of any facility or structure by more than fifty ( 50 )_percent of its value. (Replaces No. F of Section ' 17 .12 .150 Lighting. ) - - -- -_ SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 12 of 17 Mobilehome Park - 17 .16 . 060--17 .18 . 020 recreation buildings shall be provided with City water and sewer service. L. Skirting or screening of the unit wheels shall be required. (Ord. 113 §1 (Exh. A .5 . 1 . 3 ( B) ) , 1983) M. All exterior lightinq' shall be constructed in accordance with Section 17 . 08 . 200 K. 17 .16 .060 Pre-existing mobile home parks . A pre-existing mobile home park shall not be deemed nonconforming by reason of failure to meet the minimum requirements prescribed by this sec- tion; provided, that the regulations of this chapter shall apply to the enlargement or expansion of a pre-existing mobile home park; and, provided, that a pre-existing mobile home park on a site less than ten acres shall not be further reduced in area . (Ord. 113 §1 ( Exh . A 5 .1 . 4 ) , 1983 ) 17 .16 .070 Signs. No sign or outdoor advertising structure shall be permitted in an MHP zone except as provided in chapter 17 . 40 . (Ord . 113 §1 (Exh . A 5 . 1 . 5 ) , 1983 ) Chapter 17 .18 PRD PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ZONE Sections: 17 .18.010 Purpose. 17 .18 .020 Permitted and conditional uses . 17 .18.030 Property development standards--General requirements. 17 .18 .040 Property development standards--Specific requirements . 17 .18 .050 Accessory uses and structures. 17 .18 .060 Signs . 17 .18 . 010 Purpose. A. Planned residential development regu- lations are intended to facilitate development of areas designated for residential use on the general plan by permitting greater flexibility and, consequently, more creative and imaginative designs for the development of such residential areas than generally is possible under conventional zoning or subdivision regulations . B. These regulations are further intended to promote more economical and efficient use of the land while providing a har- monious variety of housing choices, a higher level of urban ameni- ties, and preservation of natural and scenic qualities of open spaces . (Ord. 113 §1 (Exh . A 5 . 2 .1 ) , 1983 ) SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 13 of 17 Planned Residential Development - 17 . 18 . 050--17 .18. 060 area; provided, however , that where no sidewalk exists in conjunc- tion with a public or private street, such setback shall be measured from the nearest edge of the street right-of-way or pri- vate road easement. I . All public streets within or abutting the proposed planned development shall be dedicated and approved to City specifications for the particular classification of street. When the developer desires to retain any streets within the development as private streets , such streets shall be irrevocably offered for dedication and maintained for their intended purpose by the Homeowners Association or other means acceptable to the City Council . J. Planned residential developments shall relate harmoniously to the topography of the site, shall make suitable provision for the preservation of watercourses , drainage areas , wooded areas , rough terrain, and similar natural features and areas, and, shall otherwise be so designed as to use and retain such natural features and amenities to the greatest extent possible. K. All exterior lighting shall be constructed in accordance_ with Section l7 08_200 (K)_ All utility connections shall be designed to coordinate with the architectural elements of the site so as not to be exposed except where necessary. Pad-mounted trans- formers and/or meter box locations shall be included in the site plan with any appropriate screening treatment. All new and existing utility connections within the boundaries of the project shall be placed underground : Transformer, terminal boxers, meter cabinets, pedestals, concealed ducts, and other faci- lities appurtenant to such underground facilities may be placed above ground . The requirement for undergrounding existing utili- ties shall not apply to any overhead power transmission lines in excess of thirty-four thousand five hundred volts and long distance and main trunk communication facilities. The requirement for undergrounding existing utility connections may be waived or modified by the City Council in accordance with criteria and provi- sions for such as adopted by resolution of the City Council . (Ord. 178 §1(A) (part) , 1985 ; Ord. 113 §1(Exh . A 5 . 2 . 3 (B) ) , 1983 ) 17 .18 .050 Accessory uses and structures . Accessory uses and structures shall be located as specified on the development plans as approved by the City Council; provided, however, that accessory structures shall meet all of the setbacks for site development as specified in Section 17 .18 . 030 (Ord. 113 §1(Exh . A 5 . 2. 4) , 1983 ) 17 .18 .060 Signs. No sign or outdoor advertising structure shall be permitted excepted as prescribed in Chapter 17 . 40 . (Ord. 113 §1(Exh. A 5 . 2 .5 ) , 1983 ) SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 1.4 of 17 Planned Community - 17 . 20 . 050 for the preservation of water courses , drainage areas , wooded areas , rough terrain, and similar natural features, and shall otherwise be so designed inasmuch as possible, to use and retain natural features and amenities to the best advantage . B. All exterior lighting shall be constructed in accordance_ - - - - - - - - 17.10710-(-11), - - - - - - - TFT.- Mechanical Sections 17 . 17_08 . 200 (K) and 17 .12_150 (F)_ Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioners, antennas, pumps, heating or cooling or ventilating equipment, exterior lighting , or similar equipment shall be located and operated in a manner so as not to unreasonably disturb the peace, quiet, and comfort of neighboring residents. Excluding roof- mounted solar collector panels and decorative exterior lighting, all such equipment and devices shall be screened from view from any abutting street, and shall not be located in a street yard. C. All areas for storage of maintenance equipment, and all service areas including refuse storage and collection facilities , shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, and/or landscape screen. D. All uses within a planned community zone shall provide off-street parking and loading facilities pursuant to Chapter 17 . 42 . The applicant may apply for and receive administrative relief from Chapter 17 . 42 at the time of development plan tentative consideration by the City Council when verified proof has been sub- mitted through specific examples of existing projects and/or expert testimony that supports reduced parking standards or stalls . E. The proposed means for assuring continuing existence, maintenance and operation of the various common elements and faci- lities . F. Additional site development regulations and performance standards applicable to individual uses or to designated portions of a planned community zone may be established by the development plan, conditional use permit, or development review approval pur- suant to the development plan . (Ord. 113 §1 (Exh . A 5 . 3 . 4 ) , 1983 ) 17 . 20 .060 Preapplication procedure. A. .Prior to submitting an application for a development plan in a planned community zone, or for a planned community zone, applicant or prospective developer shall hold preliminary consultations with the Director of Planning Services and other City officials to obtain information and guidance before entering into binding commitments incurring substantial expense in the preparation of plans, surveys, and other data. Such preliminary consultations should be relative to a con- ceptual development plan which includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1 . Proposed land uses to be developed within the zone; 2 . Development concepts to be employed; 3 . Schematic maps , illustrative material, and narrative sufficient to describe the general relationships SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 15 of 17 Open Space - 17 . 22 . 050 17 . 22 .050 Property development standards--Special require- ments. A. In an open space zone, the number of permitted large animals shall conform to the requirements of Section 17 . 32 . 020 , Chapters 17 . 34, 17 .36 and 17 .38 and; provided further, that no such animals are kept closer than onerhundred feet to an adjoining dwelling. B. For hospitals the standards for building construction shall be in accordance with Section 17 .10 .130 (A) through (J) using the CO standards and Sections 17 .10 .140, 17 .10 .150 , 17 .10 .160 and 17 .10 .170 . ( Ord. 175 §1 (part) , 1985 : Ord. 113 §1(Exh . A 5 . 4 . 3 (A) ) , 1983) C . All exterior lighting_shallbe constructed in accordance - - - - - - - - - 17 .17.15-6 - - with Sections 17 . 08. 200 (K) , 17 .10 .150 (H)s and (F) . 17 . 22 .060 Off-street parking. Off-street parking facilities shall be provided for each use as prescribed in Chapter 17 . 42 . (Ord. 113 §1(Exh . A 5 . 4 . 4 ) , 1983 ) 17 . 22 .070 Walls and fences . Walls or fences within fifteen feet of property lines, within drainage courses, or across established animal traverses require minor development review by the Director of Planning Services prior to construction. (Ord. 113 §1 (Exh . A 5 . 4 . 5 ) , 1983 ) 17 . 22.080 Signs . No sign, outdoor advertising structure, or display or any character shall be permitted except as prescribed in Section Chapter 17 . 40 .. (Ord. 113 §1 (Exh . A 5 . 4 . 6 ) , 1983 ) Chapter 17 . 26 SPECIAL USES AND CONDITIONS Sections : I . GENERAL PROVISIONS 17 . 26 .010 Applicability. II . TEMPORARY USES 17 . 26 . 020 Purpose. 17 .26 .030 Temporary uses listed. 17 . 26 .040 Permits and bonds. 17 . 26 .050 Extension or modification of limitations. 17 .26 .060 Condition of site following temporary usage. 17 . 26 .070 Fee.• SEP 2 1986 ITEM 10 16 of 17 0 Parking - 17 . 42 . 070 D. All landscaping. aieas shall be irrigated automatically and kept in a healthy and thriving condition freed from weeds, debris , and trash. E. All parking facilities shall have lighting_in accordance_ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — with the current City standards . The lighting_shall be designed- - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — and installed so as to confine direct rays to the site. Parking lot lights_shall be a maximum height_of eighteen feet from the — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — finishd_grade_of the parking surface and directed_away from all_ prpper y_lines_and_shall be low-pressure sodium as described_in Sections 17 .08 200 (K)t 17 .10 .150 (H) , and 17 .12 .150 (F) F. All parking facilities, shall be graded and drained so as to provide for the disposal of all surface water on the site . G. In any R zone, except the RC and RA, parking of motorized and nonmotorized vehicles shall be subject to the following requirements and those shown in the example below: 1 . No motorized or nonmotorized vehicle shall be parked, stored or kept in the front yard as shown below except on land adjacent to the driveway or in the driveway . In all cases the sur- face shall be portland concrete cement. 2 . If motorized or nonmotorized vehicles are to be parked, stored, or kept on the lot, other than as permitted in sub- division 1 of this subsection, they' must be for the personal use of the resident. (Ord. 162 §1(part) , 1985 : Ord . 113 §1 (Exh . A 8 . 3 (8) ) , 1983 ) SEP 2 1986 ITEM lu 17 of 17