2005 01-18 Agenda CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL ACIIO'NS AGENDA JANUARY 18, 2005. REGULAR MEETING -7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE (MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIUPLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) ROLL CALL BOYACK, EMERY, HIGGINSON, REXFORD, CAFAGNA FLAG SALUTE DEPUTY MAYOR EMERY PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Five (5) people spoke under Public Oral Communications. CONSENT CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS 4 THROUGH 11 except 1t8m9 Emery, and seconded by Councilmemb Motion carried 5/0. ~ Mayor Calendar. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract Map 04-02, Gregg Brandalise and Ted Neher, Applicants. A request to subdivide a 17.7-acre property located at the southern terminus of Welton Lane, within the Rural Residential C zone and Gate Drive Specific Plan area, into six residential lots and two open space fields. APNS: 323-090-59 and 323-090-67. (0200-60) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; continue public hearing to February 1, 2005, CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Seeing no . wishing to speak, motion by Councilmember, son, and seconded b ty Mayor Emery to oontinue the pubAc hearing to ary 1, 2005. Motion carried 5(0. STAFF REPORTS 2. Transition of Blue Sky Interpretive Services from the County of San Diego to the City of Poway. (0700-10) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file, CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Ci~ Council received and filed the report. 1 CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 18, 2005 3. Minor Development Review Application 04-90, Property Owners on Eucalyptus Heights Road and the 14800 block of Mina De Oro Road/John Fitch, Applicants. A request for approval for the installation of a vehicle access gate across Mina De Oro Road just north of the Poway Grade intersection within the Rural Residential-A zone. APNS: 321-111-11 and 16. (Continued from October 26,2004, Item #9) (0200-25) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Provide staff with direction on whether or not to proceed with the processing of the Minor Development Review Permit to allow installation of a vehicle entry gate on Mina de Oro Road. Emery, to it. Motion uncilmember \loting no. 3a. City Council Goals and Objectives - Update (0100-10) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Review updated Goals and Objectives; recommend changes and direct staff to docket the final version for approval at a future date. city COUNCIL ACTION: Council conourrence to cOntinue this item to its next meeting, January 25, 20Q5. CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Approval of Minutes - City Council December 14, 2004 Regular Meeting December 21, 2004 Regular Meeting December 28, 2004 Canceled Regular Meeting 5. Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency December 14, 2004 Regular Meeting December 21, 2004 Regular Meeting December 28, 2004 Canceled Regular Meeting 6. Approval of City's Investment Report as of November 30, 2004. (0450-80) 2 CITY OF POWA Y - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 18, 2005 7. Adoption of Resolution NQ;'~q+Q~$, entitled: "A Resolution ofthe City Council of the City of Poway, California, Establishing Flashing Yellow Beacons on Twin Peaks Road between Midland Road and Espola Road," near Twin Peaks Middle and Tierra Bonita Elementary schools, (0850-60) 8. Adoption of Resolution NQ"Qq::iP04;. entitled: "A Resolution of the City Council ofthe City of Poway, California, Establishing Speed Warning Devices on Poway Road at the lola Way Intersection." (0850-60) 9, Approval of an agreement between the Poway Redevelopment Agency and Mark Cavagnero Associates to prepare construction drawings, specifications, cost estimates, and construction administration for an art center, train depot, Farmers' Market, and multi-tenant restaurant in the Old Poway Master Plan Area, in the amount of $1 ,807,560. (0700-10) MMENDATION: , merit With ' Indepot, f area. Authorize City, Mails vagnero Associat~ to market, and multi-ten a xecutive iteclu ral taurant 10. Approval of an agreement for Environmental Tolling, Indemnification and Access between the Poway Redevelopment Agency and ConocoPhillips, for the assessment and mitigation of the adjacent site and the Agency's property located on Twin Peaks, to ensure that gasoline contaminants would not continue to migrate. APN: 321-190-28 (0700-10) 11. Approval of an Agreement between the Poway Redevelopment Agency and Mark Cavagnero for the design of the Brighton Avenue Housing Development and Restaurant, and the appropriation of $18,340 from the undesignated Low- and Moderate Housing Fund balance and $19,100 from the Undesignated Fund balance. (0700-10) CITY MANAGER ITEMS 3 ----- CITY OF POWA Y - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - JANUARY 18, 2005 , and S9cdflded by Councilmernber Higginson to add m. Motion carried 5/0. 12a. thin the City of onriection with CITY MANAGER REC Manager to make ne welfare Dfthe City an rizing the City ic health and ents. 12b. City Manager Bowersox thanked Council member Rexford for her support of staff in Council meetings. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 15. BETTY REXFORD a. Council concurrence for the appointment of Michael Fry as a member to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, CITY COUNCIL AC:rION: ., "!,' .."',,"H:....,,::T.,..". :'::'::>::,"":':'::'<",':il,":,'''''''}'''',.<,':::::::'.,',"TH" Michael Fryto1he Parks and ; the appointment of mmlttee, 16. DON HIGGINSON 17. BOB EMERY 18. MICKEY CAFAGNA ADJOURNMENT 9:20p.m. 4