Item 6 - Annual Redevelopment Report FY 2003/04 AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY -TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency James L, Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dire'i!' M.... Deborah Johnson, Director of Redevelopment Services/Assistant Executive D~r - January 4, 2005 INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Annual Redevelopment Agency Report for Fiscal Year 2003-04 ABSTRACT State Law requires the Redevelopment Agency to prepare a number of annual reports regarding various activities, This staff report includes the Redevelopment Agency's Annual Report, State Controller's Report and the annual report required by the State Department of Housing and Community Development, the "Annual Report of Housing Activity of Community Redevelopment Agencies," and the Independent Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2003-04. These reports provide detailed information regarding the general, financial and housing activities ofthe Redevelopment Agency and a list of property owned by the Redevelopment Agency. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION Approval of Annual Redevelopment Agency Report for Fiscal Year 2003-2004, including an Independent Financial Audit Report and Opinion Regarding the Agency's Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Administrative Requirements Governing Activities of the Agency; the Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies (State Controller's Report); the State Department of Housing and Community Development Schedules A, B, C, D, and E; the list of Property Owned by the Redevelopment AQency; and the Summary of AQencv Expenditures. ACTION 1 of 78 January 4, 200S Item # & CITY OF POWA Y AGENDA REPORT This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the RedeV(~nt Agency James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ Deborah Johnson, Director of Redevelopment servicesd / Assistant Executive Director ' YD Tracey Bohlen, Senior Management An~ January 4, 2005 TO: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Annual Redevelopment Agency Report for Fiscal Year 2003-04 BACKGROUND In accordance with Section 33080.1 of the California Health and Safety Code, the Poway Redevelopment Agency is required to prepare an Annual Report for consideration by its Board and for submittal to the State Controller. The report includes the following elements which are required by law: an independent financial audit report and opinion regarding the Agency's compliance with laws, regulations, and administrative requirements governing activities of the Agency; the Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies (State Controller's Report); the "Annual Report of Housing Activity of Community Redevelopment Agencies'," and the Independent Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2002-03. These reports must be forwarded to the State Controller's office and State Department of Housing and Community Development within six months of the close of the fiscal year. FINDINGS The Redevelopment Agency Annual Report (Attachment A) provides an overview of redevelopment activities undertaken during the past fiscal year and a review of goals for the current fiscal year. The Annual Financial Report (Attachment B) includes the "Independent Auditor's Compliance Report" indicating the Agency has complied with the laws and regulations contained within the Guidelines for Compliance Audits of California Redevelopment Agencies issued by the State Controller's Office, The State Controller's Report (SCO Report) (Attachment C) provides a detailed summary of the financial transactions of the Redevelopment Agency during the 2003-04 fiscal year. This report is based on the numbers generated by the Agency's annual audit performed by Moreland and Associates. The Housing Community Development Report (HCD Report) (Attachment D) focus on the affordable housing activities and reporting requirements including Inclusionary Housing, Replacement Housing, and excess surplus for the 2003-04 fiscal year. 2 of 78 January 4, 200S Item # .iIz.- Page 2 Annual Redevelopment Agency Report January 4, 2005 Section 33080,1 of the California Health and Safety Code requires a list of properties owned by the Redevelopment Agency along with a description of proposed use of the site, which is illustrated in Attachment E. Additionally, a summary of the Agency expenditures that have contributed to alleviating blight in the project area in fiscal year 2003-04 is outlined in Attachment F. The Agency is required to prepare a status report discussing outstanding Agency loans that are greater than $50,000, which are in default, or out of compliance with the terms of Agency agreements. All loans made by the Poway Redevelopment Agency were in compliance with the terms of Agency agreements at the close of FY 2003-04. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review, FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency receive and approve the following reports: . Annual Report of the Redevelopment Agency . Poway Redevelopment Agency Annual Financial Report and Independent Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2003-04 . Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies . Annual Report of Housing Activity of Community Redevelopment Agencies . List of Property Owned by the Redevelopment Agency . Summary of Agency Expenditures Attachments: A. Annual Report of the Redevelopment Agency (Limited Distribution) B. Poway Redevelopment Agency Annual Financial Report and Independent Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2003-04 C. Report of Financial Transactions of Community Redevelopment Agencies (SCO Report) D. Annual Report of Housing Activity of Community Redevelopment Agencies (HCD Report) E. List of Property Owned by the Redevelopment Agency F. Summary of Agency Expenditures 3 of 78 January 4, 200S Item # Ca Attachment A Annual Report of the Redevelopment Agency For Fiscal Year 2003-04 TO BE DISTRIBUTED AT A LATER DATE ~'(jrf81 ATTACHMENT A January04J;Of(jI(j5'O Al\jtem # (p ; J j 1 j ! I I I ~ 1 I I i l J S of 78 MorelatA~~ #~"nllal:V 4, 200S Item # (0 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS -' POW AY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Annual Financial Report June 30, 2004 6 of 78 January 4, 200S Item # (f) POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Annual Financial Report June 30, 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Independent Auditors' Report 1 Basic Financial Statements: Government Wide Financial Statements: Statement of Net Assets 2 Statement of Activities 3 Fund Financial Statements: Balance Sheet - Governmental Funds 4 Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Assets 6 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Governmental Funds 7 Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances to the Statement of Activities 8 Notes to Financial Statements 9 Supplementary Information: Debt Service Fund - Budgetary Comparison Schedule 20 Nonmajor Special Revenue Fund - Budgetary Comparison Schedule 21 Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance (Including the Provisions Contained in the Guidelines for Compliance Audits of Redevelopment Agencies) and on Intemal Control over Financial Reporting Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards 22 7 of 78 January 4, 200S Item # (0 . Moreland &~ .!/nb. CERTIFIEO PUBUC ACCOUNTANTS 1201 DOVE STREET, SUITE 680 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 221-0025 570 RANCHEROS DRIVE, SUITE 260 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 (760) 752-3390 October 22, 2004 -' The Board of Directors of the Poway Redevelopment Agency IndeDendent Auditors' Reoort We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund and the remaining fund infonnation of the Poway Redevelopment Agency (Agency), a component unit of the City of Poway, California, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2004, whicb collectively comprise the Agency's basic fmancial statements, as listed in the table of contents. These fmancial statements are the responsibility of the Agency's management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these fmancial statements based on our audit. > We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perfonn the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the fmancial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the fmancial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the fmancial position of the governmental activities, each major fund and the remaining fund infonnation of the Agency as of June 30, 2004, and the respective changes in financial position thereof for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated October 22, 2004 on our consideration of the Agency's internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grants. That report is an integral part of an audit perfonned in accordance with Government Auditine Standards and should be read in conjunction with this report in considering the results of our audit. > The Agency has not presented the management's discussion and analysis that the Governmental Accounting Standards Board has determined is necessary to supplement, although not a required part of, the basic fmancial statements. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the Agency's basic financial statements. The accompanying major fund budgetary comparison schedule and nonrnajor fund budgetary comparison schedule listed as supplementary infonnation in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements. The budgetary comparison schedules have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. $~/~~ 8 of 78 January 4, 200S Item # (p 1 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Statement of Net Assets June 30, 2004 r' i, , , Governmental Activities I, Assets f' Cash and investments Cash and investments wi fiscal agent Taxes receivable Interest receivable Accounts receivable, net Note receivable Lease receivable Other non government Deposits Land held for resale Capital assets, not being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated $ 70,991,331 22,198,019 609,789 242,439 12,410 5,274,686 30,600,000 61,169 6,262 2,352,833 35,100,134 11,962,366 .' , . r' , . r' ! ' t. ,. Total Assets 179,411 ,438 l. Liabilities [' 1. Current liabilities: Accounts payable Deposits payable Interest payable Advances from City of Po way Long-tenn liabilities: Due within one year Due in more than one year ! 3,029,100 24,893 1,552,141 17,114,307 i. f' (. 5,575,968 297,164,045 I' .. Total Liabilities 324,460,454 !: Net Assets J' t. Invested in capital, net of related debt Restricted for affordable housing Restricted for debt service Unrestricted Total Net Assets 7,049,292 11,561,585 (163,659,893) $ (145,049,016) r' , L I: L See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 9 of 78 2 January 4, 200S Item # ft:; I' I. POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Statement of Activities For the Year Ended June 30, 2004 J FunctionslPrograms Expenses Governmental activities: Community development Interest and fiscal charges $ 68,280,964 14,479,409 Total governmental activities $ 82,760,373 General Revenues: Property taxes Interest and rentals Lease revenue Sale of property Other Total General Revenues Change in Net Assets Net Assets - Beginning of Year Net Assets - End of Year , See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 10 of 78 3 Program Revenues Operating Capital Grants and Grants and Contributions Contributions $ 41,110 $ 879,093 $ 41,110 $ 879,093 Net (Expense) Revenue and Changes in Net Assets Governmental Activities $ (67,360,761) (14,479,409) (81,840,170) 27,665,286 1,367,303 1,814,142 1,110,603 263,983 32,221,317 (49,618,853) (95,430,163) $ (145,049,016) January 4, 200S Item # fa , . POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Balance Sheet Governmental Funds June 30, 2004 , ' r' , , , . Assets Redevelopment Projects Debt Capital Service Proj ects $ 7,520,535 $ 56,377,583 609,789 76,035 166,404 5,274,686 30,600,000 13,942 47,227 6,262 2,352,833 22,198,O1~ $ 61,018,320 $ 64,~24,9!15 r' I ~ ! ' Cash and investments Taxes receivable Interest receivable Accounts receivable Note receivable Lease receivable Other receivables Deposits Land held for resale Restricted cash and investments with fiscal agents 'total Assets , ' , . r' i _ , . . . Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: AtcoU11U payable I1i1d iiccrucd liabilities Deposits Defeti'ed teventle AdVafices from the City of Poway $ 1/142,428 ~o,6M,ooo 11,114,301 $ i i230;~4 i 241M3 i' L ! , !. ~ . (. Total Liabilities 49,456,735 1,255,234 ! . Fund Balances: Reservati ons: Reserved for land held for resale Reserved for debt service Reserved for low and moderate income housing Reserved for note receivable Unreserved: Unreserved, undesignated !. Total Liabilities and Fund Balances 2,352,833 11,561,585 5,274,686 55,342,242 11,561,585 62,969,761 $ 61,018,320 $ 64,224,995 !- L 1. ! . L Total Fund Balances I- t ~ , . L See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements, 11 of 78 4 ,iillj!uary 4, 200S Item # h Nonmajor Special Total Revenue Governmental Fund Funds $ 7,093,213 $ 70,991,331 609,789 242,439 12,410 12,410 5,274,686 30,600,000 61,169 6,262 2,352,833 22,198,019 $ 7,105,623 $ 132,348,938 $ 56,331 $ 3,029,100 24,893 30,600,000 17,114,307 56,331 50,768,300 2,352,833 11,561,585 7,049,292 7,049,292 5,274,686 55,342,242 7,049,292 81,580,638 $ 7,105,623 $ 132,348,938 120f78 5 January 4, 200S Item # &, POW AY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY R-econciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Assets June 30, 2004 Fund balances for governmental funds Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of net assets are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and therefore not reported in the funds. Deferred revenue relating to lease receivable is not deferred in the Statement of Net Assets Long-term liabilities, including bonds, loans and interest payable, are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the funds, Net assets of governmental activities See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements, 13 of78 , ' . . $ 81,580,638 , . j, , ' 47,062,500 , . 30,600,000 j. (304,292,154) $ (145,049,016) .. t. " .. , . j. ! . j. \. 1. I' I. , . , i. ~ ~ (, " t l. I l. 6 January 4, 2005 Item # 6 , I. POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Governmental Funds For the Year Ended June 30, 2004 Redevelopment Nonmajor -' Projects Special Total Debt Capital Revenue Governmental Service Projects Fnnd Fnnds Revenues: Taxes $ 27,665,286 $ 27,665,286 Charges for services Interest and rentals 1,370,523 $ 868,155 $ 48,828 2,287,506 Sale of sUIplus property 1,110,603 1,110,603 Lease revenue 2,159,142 2,159,142 Other 235,703 28,280 263,983 Total Revenues 31,194,951 2,214,461 77,108 33,486,520 Expenditures: Administration costs 3,676,861 895,594 4,572,455 Capital expenditures 15,951,174 465,356 16,416,530 Debt service: Principal 7,440,000 7,440,000 Interest and fiscal charges 14,436,112 14,436,112 Tax shift- 1,357,911 1,357,911 Tax increment reimbursement 29,865,057 29,865,057 Other Fees 21,255 21,255 Total Expenditures 53,120,335 19,628,035 1,360,950 74,109,320 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (21,925,384) (17,413,574) (1,283,842) (40,622,800) Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from bonds 132,208,504 23,821,198 156,029,702 Bond issuance costs (2,765,590) (2,765,590) Bond refunding (99,094,350) (99,094,350) Transfer to City of Poway (7,080) (7,080) Transfers in 1,663,702 4,675,899 5,819,193 12,158,794 Transfers out (9,134,794) (468,482) (2,555,518) (12,158,794) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 22,877,472 28,021,535 3,263,675 54,162,682 Net Change in Fund Balances 952,088 10,607,961 1,979,833 13,539,882 Fund Balances, Beginning 10,609,497 52,361,800 5,069,459 68,040,756 Fund Balances, Ending $ 11,561,585 $ 62,969,761 $ 7,049,292 $ 81,580,638 Sp" '14 of 78 ing Notes to Financial Statements. January 4, 200S Item # (/7 7 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances to the Statement of Activities For the Year Ended June 30, 2004 , . Amounts reported for governmental activities In the statement of activities are different because , , . ;; Net change in fund balances $ 13,539,882 1 . Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the Statement of Activities the cost of these assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported as depreciation expense. This is the amount by which capital outlays exceeded depreciation in the current period. , . (8,921,640) Governmental funds report interest in the year it is paid out; however, in the statement of activities interest is recorded in the year it is incurred. Prior year accrual Current year accrual $ 1,379,488 (1,422,785) (43,297) Reverse lease revenue accrued in prior year (345,000) The repayment of principal of long-tenn debt consumes the current financial resources of governmental funds. This transaction, however, has no effect on net assets. 7,440,904 , , The Agency issued new debt and used part of the proceeds to refund old debt, (61,289,702) , . , ' Change in net assets of governmental activities $ (49,618,853) , . , . I. 1- L ,- , , I. \ I !. See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements, 15 of 78 8 January 4, 200S Item # to , . POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2004 I. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The following is a summary of significant accounting policies of the Poway Redevelopment Agency. A. Reporting Entity The Poway Redevelopment Agency (Agency) was established on December 13, 1983 with the adoption of Ordinance No, 117 by the Poway City Council pursuant to the State of California Health and Safety Code, Section 33000 entitled "Community Redevelopment Law." The Agency has the broad authority to acquire, rehabilitate, develop, administer and sell or lease property. Additionally, it has the right of eminent domain to facilitate acquisition of property, The principal objectives of the Agency are to improve the commercial environment, develop senior citizen housing, provide new public improvements, strengthen the City of Po way's economic base, generate added employment opportunities and improve and expand the City's industrial base. The Agency is a component unit of the City and, accordingly, is included in the City's basic financial statements, B. Government-wide and Fund Financial Statements The government-wide financial statements (i.e., the statement of net assets and the statement of activities) report infonnation on all of the activities of the Agency, For the most part, the effect of the interfund activity has been removed from these statements. The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or segment are offset by program revenues. Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific function or segment. Program revenues include charges for services and grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Taxes and other items not properly included among program revenues are reported instead as general revenues. Separate financial statements are provided for governmental funds. Major individual governmental funds are reported as separate columns in the fund financial statements. The Agency reports the following major governmental funds: Debt Service Fund - This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of principal, interest and related costs of the tax allocation bonds and other debt. 16 of 78 9 January 4, 200S Item # fo POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 2004 Redevelopment Projects Capital Projects Fund - This fund is used to account for the financial resources used in developing the project area as well as the administrative expenditures incurred in sustaining Agency activities. , . The Agency reports the following nonmajor fund: , . Special Revenue Fund - This fund is used to account for the 20% portion of the Agency's tax increment revenue that is required to be set aside for low and moderate income housing and related expenditures. C. Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting, and Financial Statement Presentation The government-wide fund financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded at the time liabilities are incurred, regardless of when the related cash flows take place. On an accrual basis, revenue from property taxes is recognized in the fiscal year from which the taxes are levied. Revenue from grants, entitlements and donations is recognized in the fiscal year from which all eligibility requirements have been satisfied. Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are recognized when they are measurable and available as net current assets, The primary revenue sources susceptible to accrual are property taxes, investment income and capital project financing sources, Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred. An exception to this general rule is principal and interest on long-term debt which is recognized when due. , . When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the Agency's policy to use restricted resources first, and then use unrestricted resources as needed. i. , . D. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets t. Investments I' I, Investments are stated at fair value, the value at which a fmancial instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties other than in a forced or liquidation sale. I. Land Held for Resale " ; l. Land held for resale is recorded at the lower of acquisition cost or market value. I 1. 17 of78 10 January 4, 200S Item # (0 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 2004 Capital Assets Capital assets, which include land, buildings, improvements, equipment, and infrastructure assets (e.g" roads, bridges, sidewalks, and similar items), are reported in the government-wide financial statements. Capital assets are defined by the Agency as assets with an initial, individual cost of more than $5,000 (amount not rounded) and an estimated useful life in excess of 3 years. All purchased capital assets are valued at cost where historical records are available and at an estimated historical cost where no historical record exists. Donated capital assets are recorded at estimated fair market value at the date of donation. The costs of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materially extend assets lives are not capitalized, Capital assets of the primary government, as well as the component units, are depreciated using the straight line method over the estimated useful lives, Property Taxes Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1. Taxes are levied on July I and are payable in two installments on December 10 and April 10. The County bills and collects the property taxes and remits them to the Agency in installments during the year. Agency property tax revenues are recognized when levied to the extent that they result in current receivables in accordance with GASB Statement No, 33. The County is permitted by State Law (Proposition 13) to levy taxes at 1% of full market value (at time of purchase) and can increase the property tax no more than two percent per year. The Agency receives a share of this basic levy proportionate to the increase in market value of property in the Redevelopment Area. II. Stewardship, Compliance, and Accountability A. Budgetary Information The Agency adopts an annual budget prepared on the modified accrual basis for its Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds. The Executive Director is required to prepare and submit to the Agency Board of Directors the annual budget of the Agency and administer it after adoption, Any revisions that alter the total appropriations of any fund must be approved by the Board of Directors. Prior year appropriations lapse unless they are encumbered at year end or reappropriated through the formal budget process. For each fund, total expenditures may not legally exceed total appropriations, 18 of 78 11 January 4, 200S Item # to POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 2004 f' . . Budget information is presented for the special revenue and debt service funds on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Budgeted revenue and expenditure amounts represent the original budget modified for adjustments during the year. Budgetary comparisons are not presented for capital projects funds because the adopted budget is primarily a "long-term" budget which emphasizes major programs and capital outlay plans extending over a number of years. Because of the long-term nature of projects, "annual" budget comparisons are not considered meaningful, and accordingly, no budgetary information is included in the accompanying financial statements for the Redevelopment Projects Capital Projects Fund. . ' 1 ' m. Detailed Notes on All Funds A. Cash and Investments Cash and investments at June 30, 2004 consisted of the following: Pooled Cash and Investments Cash and Investments with Fiscal Agents $ 70,991,331 22,198,019 Total Cash and Investments $ 93,189,350 \' I. Pooled Cash and Investments: , ' The Agency follows the practice of pooling all cash and investments (except for cash and investments with fiscal agents) with the City of Poway to maximize yield. Consequently, they are not subject to categorization in accordance with GASB Statement 3. . The investments made by the City Treasurer are limited to those allowable under State statutes as incorporated into the City's Investment Policy, The City's Investment Policy allows investing in V,S, Treasury obligations, obligations of state and local agencies, investment funds of state and local agencies, and certificates of deposit. , ' i, I' Cash and InvestmeJ:lts with Fiscal Agents: i, The Agency has monies held by fiscal agents pledged to the payment or security of certain bonds, The California Government Code provides these monies, in the absence of specific statutory provisions goveming the issuance of bonds, may be invested in accordance with the ordinance, resolutions or indentures specifying the types of investments its fiscal agents may make. f' i, ,. I i I. t, 19 of 78 12 January 4, 200S Item # 6 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 2004 In accordance with GASB Statement 3, investments that are represented by specific identifiable investment securities are classified as to credit risk as shown below. The investment in mutual funds and the guaranteed investment contract are not classified into categories of credit risk as they are not evidenced by physical or book entry securities, I Category 2 3 Fair Value Treasury Obligations Guaranteed Investment Contract $ 15,800,293 6,397,726 Total Cash and Investments with Fiscal Agents $ $ $ $ 22,198,019 B. Rehabilitation Loan Program The Agency has made various non-interest bearing loans to property owners for the rehabilitation of property within the City. In accordance with the Affordable Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program, ten percent of each loan is forgiven each year on the loan anniversary. A portion of the loans are repayable only upon the sale of the property within ten years of the loan origination date or upon the death of the current property owner, Due to the contingent repayment schedule of these loans, the Agency records an expenditure when a loan is made and no receivable is included in the financial statements, The balance of the loans outstanding at June 30, 2004 was $119,197. C. Interfund Transfers Total Transfers In: Redevelopment Special Proj ects Debt Service Revenue Capital Projects Fund Fund Fund Total $ 5,539,193 $ 3,595,601 $ 9,134,794 $ 1,663,702 280,000 611,816 2,555,518 468,482 468,482 $ 1,663,702 $ 5,819,193 $ 4,675,899 $ 12,158,794 January 4, 200S Item # (0 13 , Transfers Out: Debt Service Fund Special Revenue Fund Redevelopment Project Capital Projects Fund 20 of 78 POWA Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 2004 , - D. Changes in Capital Assets Ending Balance Beginning Balance , . Decreases Increases Governmental Activities: Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land Construction in Progress , . (4,468,119) $ 32,164,041 (1,920,452) 2,936,093 $ 31,624,264 $ 5,007,896 $ 2,702,016 2,154,529 , . , ' Total Capital Assets, Not Being Depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated Buildings and structures Vehicles Office equipment 35,100,134 (6,388,571) 7,162,425 34,326,280 (15,985,755) 20,6'59,033 19,900 26,000 1,975,696 34,669,092 19,900 26,000 Total Capital Assets, Being Depreciated Less accumulated depreciation for: Buildings and structures Vehicles Office equipment Total Accumulated Depreciation Total Capital Assets Being Depreciated, Net (15,985,755) 20,704,933 1,975,696 34,714,992 , . (8,712,267) (19,900) (10,400) {8,742,567) 4,999,900 (678,145) (1,990) (5,200) (685,335) (13,034,022) (17,910) (5,200) (13,057,132) ! . , - 4,999,900 , , 11,962,366 (10,985,855) 1,290,361 21,657,860 Governmental Activities Capital Assets, Net , , $ 55,984,140 $ 8,452,786 $ (17,374,426) $ 47,062,500 , . (, Depreciation expense was charged entirely to the administrative costs function. , - , (, E. Advances from City of Poway t. The City Council authorized various loans to the Redevelopment Agency totaling $17,114,307 at various interest rates. The terms of the loans are indefinite. Accrued interest on the loans of $7,799,222 is not reflected in the accompanying financial statements as payment is contingent upon the availability of tax increment. Interest is recorded when it becomes payable from available spendable resources. " L " i. I. January 4, 200S Item # 10 21 of 78 14 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 2004 F. Long-Term Debt Changes in long-tenn debt for the year ended June 30, 2004 were as follows: Beginning Ending Due Within Balance Additions Deletions Balance One Year Governmental activities 1995 Reimbursement Agreement $ 6,140,000 $ 550,000 $ 5,590,000 $ 575,000 Contracts payable 40,571 904 39,667 968 Note payable $ 1,900,000 1,900,000 1990A Tax allocation bonds payable 1,975,000 1,295,000 680,000 680,000 1993 Tax allocation bonds payable 94,740,000 94,740,000 2000 Tax allocation bonds payable 39,460,000 100,000 39,360,000 820,000 2001 Tax allocation bonds payable 75,720,000 415,000 75,305,000 420,000 2003 Tax allocation bonds payable 150,300,000 4,735,000 145,565,000 (I) 2,640,000 1995 (refunding 1991) Certificates of participation 30,945,000 345,000 30,600,000 440,000 Governmental activity long-term liabilities $ 249,020,571 $ 152,200,000 $ 102,180,904 $ 299,039,667 $ 5,575,968 (1) Excludes bond premium of $3,700,346 which is reported in the Statement of Net Assets under Government Activities, Reimbursement Agreement - City of Poway The Agency and the City of Po way entered into a lease agreement on August I, 1986 whereby certain parcels of land, property, improvements and equipment were leased from the Agency to the City. The Agency assigned its rights under the lease agreement to the owners of Certificates of Participation for the aggregate principal amount of $10,000,000. The Agency and City also entered into a reimbursement agreement which obligates the Agency to reimburse the City for lease payments made under the lease. The source of the lease reimbursements is tax increment funds available to the Agency. During fiscal year 1995-96 the City advance refunded the $8,895,000 outstanding Certificates of Participation with Refunding Certificates of Participation for the aggregate principal amount of $9,315,000 for which the Agency is to reimburse the lease payments made under the lease, The balance is payable in annual installments of $375,000 to $2,385,000 from 1996 to 2011 with interest ranging from 4.10% to 6.07%. 22 of 78 January 4, 200S Item # td 15 POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 2004 Contract Payable The amount is payable to the Pomerado Cemetery District from future tax revenues in accordance with an agreement between the Poway Redevelopment Agency and the Pomerado Cemetery District dated October 23, 1984, The purpose of the agreement is to alleviate any financial burden or detriment caused to the District by the Redevelopment Plan, , ' , , , ' , . Payments by the Agency to the Pomerado Cemetery District are as follows: 1. For the first fiscal year in which the Agency receives tax revenues at least equal to two hundred-fifty dollars ($250) plus an additional twenty percent (20%) pursuant to Section 33334,2 of the Health and Safety Code, the Agency shall pay to the District the sum of two hundred-fifty dollars ($250). 2. For each fiscal year during which the Redevelopment Plan remains in effect after the fiscal year referred to in the preceding paragraph A, the Agency shall pay to the District from tax revenues an amount equal to the amount of tax revenues paid by the Agency to the District during the fiscal year inunediately preceding the fiscal year for which the calculation is being made, multiplied by one and seven one-hundredths (1.07). , . 1. Note Payable ! . i. The Agency entered into an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) with A2 Poway LLC (dba Mosey Nissan) that went into effect upon issuance of the certificate of completion for the Mossy Nissan automobile dealership on July 11, 2003, The Agency purchased an operating covenant for $1,900,000 that accrues interest at the rate of 7% per annum. Annual payment of the operating covenant is based on 50% of the net new sales in effect until (i) the purchase price and accrued interest is paid in full, or (ii) the fifteenth annual payment is made, The operating covenant is deemed paid in full after the fifteenth annual payment is made, and all remaining balances, including accrued interest, are forgiven, The balance outstanding at June 30, 2004 is $1,900,000. , . , , , , i, Tax Allocation Bonds Payable I, 1990 Tax Allocation Bonds issued in 1990 in the amount of $21,595,000 consisting of serial bonds of $7,475,000 maturing from 1991 to 2000 in semi-annual installments of $295,000 to $510,000 and term bonds of $4,840,000 and $9,280,000 maturing in 2004 and 2011, respectively, Interest is payable semi-annually on June 15 and December 15 at rates ranging from 5,75% to 7.25%. Bonds maturing on or after December 15, 2011 are subject to optional redemption in whole or in part on any interest payment date. Bonds maturing on December 15,2004 are subject to mandatory redemption on each interest payment date from June 15, 2001 to December 15,2004, 23 of 78 16 January 4, 200S Item # & I, I' I, . POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 2004 Bonds maturing on December 15, 2011 are subject to mandatory redemption on each interest payment date from June 15, 2005 to December 15, 2011. The balance outstanding at June 30, 2004 is $680,000, 1993 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds issued in 1993 in the amount of $104,710,000 consisting of $79,355,000 Fixed Rate bonds and $25,355,000 Indexed Inverse F10ating/Fixed Rate bonds. The $79,355,000 Fixed Rate bonds consist of $9,520,000 serial bonds maturing from 1993 to 2002 in annual installments of $325,000 to $2,810,000; term bonds of $49,035,000 maturing in 2023; and term bonds of $20,800,000 maturing in 2026. The $25,355,000 Indexed Inverse F10ating/Fixed Rate bonds consist of $4,390,000 bonds maturing in 2006 scheduled to convert in 2003 to 5.22% and $20,965,000 bonds maturing in 2014 scheduled to convert in 1999 to 5.67%. Interest on the bonds is payable semi-annually on June 15 and December 15 at rates ranging from 2.70% to 5,75%. Bonds maturing on or after December 15, 2002 are subject to optional redemption in whole or in part on any interest date, Bonds maturing on December 15, 2006, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2003. Bonds maturing on December 15,2023 are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15, 2015. Bonds maturing on December 15, 2006, are subject to mandatory redemption beginning June 15,2004, The balance outstanding at June 30, 2004 is $ O. These bonds were paid from the proceeds of the 2003 Tax Allocation Bonds. In March, 2000 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds were issued in the amount of $39,915,000, The Bonds were issued on a subordinate basis to the portion of the Agency's previously issued $21,595,000 Paguay Redevelopment Project, Tax Allocation refunding Bonds, Series 1990A, of which $5,855,000 were not refunded and $4,305,000 are currently outstanding. The bonds consisted of serial bonds of $9,940,000 maturing from 2000 to 2011 in semi-annual installments of $45,000 to $785,000 and term bonds of $29,975,000 maturing in 2033. Interest is paid semiannually on June 15 and December 15 at rates ranging from 3.75% to 5.75%, Bonds maturing on or after June 11, 2011 are subject to optional redemption in whole or in part on any interest payment date, Bonds maturing on June 15,2033 are subject to mandatory redemption on each interest payment date beginning June 15, 2027. The balance outstanding at June 30, 2004 is $39,360,000, In July 2001, the Redevelopment Agency issued $76,395,000 Series 2001 Tax Allocation Bonds for the purpose of (i) refinancing the Agency's outstanding Paguay Redevelopment project, Subordinated Tax Allocation Notes of 1999, (ii) financing certain improvements, including low and moderate income housing improvements, in the Paguay Redevelopment Project Area, (iii) funding an escrow for future capital improvements, (iv) funding a reserve account, and (v) paying the costs of issuing the Bonds, The Bonds outstanding bear interest from 3.50% to 5,25% with interest payable semi-annually on June 15 and December 15 through 2033. Payment of the bonds is collateralized by a pledge of tax revenues to be received by the Agency. The bonds maturing on or after June 15, 2012 are subject to redemption prior to maturity at the 24 f~%on of the Agency. The balance outstanding at June 30, 2004 is $75,305,000, o 17 January 4, 200S Item # (p POW AY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 2004 , . , ' In October 2003 the Redevelopment Agency issued $150,300,000 Series 2003A Tax Allocation Bonds for the purpose of (i) refinancing the Agency's outstanding 1993 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds of $94,740,000, (ii) paying approximately $10,983,000 owed under two owner participation agreements related to properties located in the City's business parks, with one now being paid in full, (iii) providing financing for certain improvements in the Paguay Redevelopment Area, (iv) funding a reserve account, and (v) paying the costs of issuing the Bonds. The Bonds outstanding bear interest from 2.00% to 5.25% with interest payable semi-annually on June 15th and December 15th through 2033, Payment of the bonds is collateralized by a pledge of tax revenues to be received by the Agency. The bonds maturing on or after June 15,2028 are subject to redemption prior to maturity at the option of the Agency. The outstanding balance as of June 30, 2004 is $145,565,000, , ~ , . , , ! ' ! ' Certificates of Participation , . 1995 Refunding Certificates of Participation issued in 1995 in the amount of $31,770,000 consisting of $3,895,000 serial certificates maturing from 1996 to 2008 in semi-annual installments of $10,000 to $360,000 and tenn certificates of $6,335,000, $6,405,000 and $15,135,000 maturing in 2015, 2020 and 2028, respectively, Interest is payable semi-annually on February I and August I at rates ranging from 3,65% to 6.15%. Certificates maturing on or after February 1, 2006 are subject to optional prepayment in whole or in part on any interest payment date on or after August 1,2005, Certificates maturing on August I, 2015, 2020 and 2028 are subject to mandatory prepayment by lot on any interest payment date beginning February I, 2009, 2016 and 2021, respectively. , . , . The annual requirements to amortize long-tenn debt outstanding as of June 30, 2004 are as follows: Contract Year Ended Reimbursement Agreements Payable Tax Allocation Bonds Certificates of Participation June 30 Principal Interest Principal Principal Interest Principal Interest 2005 S 575.000 S 295,587 S 968 S 4,560,000 S 12,930,255 S 440,000 S 1,804,648 2006 610,000 264,473 1,035 4,675,000 12,781,669 575,000 1,780,951 2007 640,000 231,027 1,108 4,860,000 12,662,045 655,000 1,749,114 2008 670,000 195,323 1,185 5,085,000 12,459,776 695,000 1,714,444 2009 710,000 157,018 1,268 5,310,000 12,229,721 735,000 1,674,571 2010-2014 2,385,000 210,881 7,804 31,075,000 57,828,194 4,380,000 7,664,466 2015-2019 10,944 39,295,000 49,681,044 5,875,000 6,184,606 2020-2024 15,355 48,795,000 38,475,034 7,875,000 6,615,250 2025-2029 61,105,000 23,723,760 9,370,000 1,460,700 2030-2034 56,150,000 6,900,980 TOla1 S 5,590,000 S 1,354,309 S 39,667 S 260,910,000 S 239,672,478 S 30,600,000 S 30,648,750 I. r I 1 i. 25 of 78 18 January 4, 2005 Item # to POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Notes to Financial Statements (Continued) June 30, 2004 G. Lease Receivable/Deferred Revenue The Agency entered into a lease agreement with the City of Poway whereby the City agreed to take possession of the Poway Royal Mobilehome Park and to make lease payments to the Trustee for the Agency in amounts equal to the principal and interest payments on the 1991 Certificates of Participation. During fiscal year 1995-96, the Agency advance refunded the 1991 Certificates of Participation with 1995 Refunding Certificates of Participation. The tenn of the lease has been amended so that the City will make payments to the Trustee for the Agency equal to the payments due on the 1995 Certificates of Participation. The term of the lease conunenced on January 15, 1996 and ends July 15, 2028. A lease receivable and corresponding deferred revenue amount have been recorded in the Debt Service Fund to account for the net present value of the lease payments at June 30, 2004, H. Note Receivable The Agency's secured note receivable is ITom the Wakeland Housing and Development Corporation, and is related to the sale of the Poinsettia Mobile Home Park. The note accrues interest at annual rates of 3% to 7%, Payments on the note begin on May 15, 2008, provided that the required payment shall not exceed net cash flow ITom Poinsettia Mobile Home Park during the previous year, All unpaid interest and principal is due and payable to the Agency on May 15,2037. This note is secured by a Deed of Trust on the Poinsettia Mobile Home Park. I. Commitments and Contingencies 1. On March 22, 1997, the Poway Redevelopment Agency entered into an Owner Participation Agreement with a developer with regard to a certain parcel of real property located in the Project Area within the boundaries of Community Facilities District (CFD) 88-1. In order to partially fund debt service on the CFD Bonds and to provide for the funding of certain public improvements associated with the project, the Agency shall pay the developer on each annual payment date, an amount equal to the gross property tax increment allocated to and received by the Agency with respect to the site, less the housing set aside and the County and City administrative charges for the previous fiscal year ending June 30th preceding the annual payment date. 2. The Agency is a defendant in certain legal actions arising in the normal course of operations. In the opinion of management and legal counsel, any liability resulting ITom those actions will not result in a material adverse effect on the Agency's financial position. 26 of 78 19 January 4, 200S Item # (p Supplementary Information 27 of 78 , , f' T-;: (' f' , . , ' , ' ,. , . , . , , , . , , .. i, , ' I. 1 ' L i I. January 4, 200S Item # U:; POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Debt Service Fund Budgetary Comparison Schedule For the Year Ended June 30, 2004 Variance Final Positive Budget Actual (Negative) Revenues: Taxes $ 26,985,520 $ 27,665,286 $ 679,766 Interest and rentals 1,189,430 1,370,523 181,093 Lease revenue 2,150,620 2,159,142 8,522 Total Revenues 30,325,570 31,194,951 869,381 Expenditures: Debt service: Principal 7,440,000 7,440,000 Interest and fiscal charges 14,162,194 14,436,112 (273,918) Tax shift 1,357,910 1,357,911 (1) Tax increment reimbursement 30,517,612 29,865,057 652,555 Other fees 46,100 21,255 24,845 Total Expenditures 53,523,816 53,120,335 403,481 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (23,198,246) (21,925,384) 1,272,862 Other Financing Sources (Uses): Proceeds from bonds 132,079,148 132,208,504 129,356 Bond issuance costs (2,769,483) (2,765,590) 3,893 Bond refunding (99,094,350) (99,094,350) Transfers in 2,709,630 1,663,702 (1,045,928) Transfers out (11,483,903) (9,134,794) 2,349,109 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 21,441,042 22,877,472 1,436,430 Net Change in Fund Balance (1,757,204) 952,088 2,709,292 Fund Balances, Beginning 10,609,497 10,609,497 Fund Balances, Ending $ 8,852,293 $ 11,561,585 $ 2,709,292 28 of 78 20 January 4, 200S Item # to POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Nonmajor Special Revenue Fund Budgetary Comparison Schedule For the Year Ended June 30, 2004 Variance Final Positive Budget Actual (Negative) -- Revenues: ' - Interest and rentals $ 196,400 $ 48,828 $ (147,572) , ' Other 28,280 28,280 Total Revenues 196,400 77,108 (119,292) Expenditures: Administration costs 895,594 (895,594) Capital expenditures 1,549,496 465,356 1,084,140 Total Expenditures 1,549,496 1,360,950 188,546 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (1,353,096) (1,283,842) 69,254 Other Financing Sources (Uses): [' Transfers in 5,397,100 5,819,193 422,093 Transfers out (2,452,210) (2,555,518) (103,308) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 2,944,890 3,263,675 318,785 Net Change in Fund Balance 1,591,794 1,979,833 388,039 ' , Fund Balances, Beginning , . 5,069,459 5,069,459 , . Fund Balances, Ending $ 6,661,253 $ 7,049,292 $ 388,039 .i i l' i. Ie , . 29 of 78 21 January 4, 200S Item # (p Moreland &~ #nb. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1201 DOVE STREET, SUITE 680 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 (949) 221-0025 570 RANCHEROS DRIVE, SUITE 260 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 (760) 752-3390 October 22, 2004 The Board of Directors of the Poway Redevelopment Agency Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance (Including the Provisions Contained in the Guidelines for Compliance Audits of Redevelopment Agencies) and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund and the remaining fund information of the Poway Redevelopment Agency, a component unit of the City of Poway, California as of and for the year ended June 30, 2004, which collectively comprise the Agency's basic financial statements, as listed in the table of contents, and have issued our report thereon dated October 22,2004. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Compliance As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the basic financial statements of the Poway Redevelopment Agency are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions oflaws, regulations, contracts and grants, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. Such provisions include those provisions of laws and regulations identified in the Guidelines for Compliance Audits of California Redevelopment Agencies issued by the State Controller's Office, Division of Accounting and Reporting. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion, The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. 30 of 78 January 4, 200S Item # 0 22 Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit, we considered the Poway Redevelopment Agency internal control over financial reporting in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the basic financial statements and not to provide assurance on the internal control over financial reporting. Our consideration of the internal control over financial reporting would not necessarily disclose all matters in the internal control over financial reporting that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that misstatements in amounts that would be material in relation to the financial statements being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of perfonning their assigned functions. We noted no matters involving the internal control over financial reporting and its operation that we consider to be material weaknesses, , , , , r-: , ' f' This report is intended for the information of the Board of Directors and management of the Poway Redevelopment Agency and the State Controller's Office, Division of Accounting and Reporting and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties, /, ,. ( . &~/~4 , . \ - , ' I ! . " , . 1 ' i. f' ! . I' I I, ,. l. , - l. \' t. I I l. 31 of 78 23 January 4, 200S Item # b . REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS REPORT COVER PAGE Poway Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year: 2004 Submitted by: (~V~ Signature Andrew White Name (Please Print) ID Number: 13983770400 FINANCE MANAGER Title 12 -IY-o,-/ Date Per Health and Safety Code section 33080, this report is due within six months after the end of the fiscal year. The report is to include two (2) copies of the agency's component unit audited financial statements, and the report on the Status and Use of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund (HCD report). To meet the filing requirements, all portions must be received by the California State Controller's Office. To file electronically: 1. Complete all forms as necessary. 2. Transmit the completed output file using a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program or via dIskette. 3. Sign this cover page and mail to either address below with 2 audits and the HCD report. Report will not be considered filed until receipt of this signed cover page. Mailing Address: State Controller's Office Division of Accounting and Reporting Local Government Reporting Section P. O. Box 942850 Sacramento, CA 94250 To file a paper report: 1. Complete all forms as necessary. 2. Sign this cover page, and mail complete report to either address below with 2 audits and the HCD report. Express Mailing Address: State Controller's Office Division of Accounting and Reporting Local Government Reporting Section 3301 C Street, Suite 700 Sacramento, CA 95816 32 of 78 ATTACHMENT C January 4, 200S Item # fa- 33 of 78 ..... ..... A_ Y.. Y.. I>.cNevement _1_""IUMUditedJ Optional N. N. AudllnIoonation Audilnloonation Required Y.. Y.. PtojecI.......A_ PtojecI_A_ A_ Y.. Y.. PtojecI....... ,AooeooedVoIuoIionoO... A....cd Y.. Y.. PtojecIAr... PMt ThrouItI I School Oistric:tAubtance 0"",,* Y.. Y.. PtojecI....... CopUll_DotoI 0"",,* N. N. PtojecI....... SUII'IMfY d the Statement ollndebtednen 0"",,* Y.. Y.. PtojecII>Io.. _~T"""Oebl 0"",,* Y.. Y.. PtojecI....... NonAget'Iq' Long-Term Debt 0"",,* N. N. Incxme Stae/nert . Project Afeas A......... A....cd Y., Y.. 1"""""'5_.__ EltJ)eI1d~tf'M Required V.. Y.. Irv:ome Staternert . Project Areas Other FInMci'lg SWeet (U~IJ Required Y., Y.. Dolence Sheet AaebondOthelD_ A_ Y.. Y.. Dolence Sheet lJebi'tieoondOthelC._ Aoquicd 'Y.. V.. January 4, 200S Item # fn 34 of 78 " o .. .. E is .5 o ;; 'u IE o i!' C ~ '" <( 1! ~ " ~ CJ :!! o .c: [L D~~~~ I~I", "' "' "' "' 03'ooro '" '" '" !?3.. CO se. DlJD .s :s -' I -, ~ I~w~ I - ~ :6 "' .. J!! J!I '5 j ~ i '" ~ -g-g-Oii l2J!!~ CI ~ ~"fi 0 o 0._ N ~~;;;()~ - ~ Ii 1 c. ~ 0. 1:: o c. &! ~ W ~ ~ () u '> C3 c c ~ "5.!2 ~ ~;;;:D:!:. U ODQwDDDDDD imm~m 1111 ;!; ~ Q N 0 II> ~ '" E C .. d~ z ~ I~ 0 j I~ ':$ " - ~ 0 ~ ~ >- .8 '3 E 0 ~ u: :Ii Q)- -"n:!I "0- ~:- -:1: ::!! ., E .. z i! u:; --~ ~ E ~ ~ -' 1:i i!! ~ Q) J!! ~ ~ CD rJ) .c: u ~ " @ ~ ~ " a B ~ if ~ o .m :g li e Ii! " " .n 81 <1J ~ ~ ~ 0 "E ~ 0 '" >- '" ~ .c .Q .I! '5> Q) "C '" E '0 x ~ Q) u I w CJ ~ ;; .. .. 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Personnel Expenditures Report your government's total expenditures for salaries and wages during the year, including amounts paid on force account construction projects. I ZOO I $2.582 .244 B. Mortgage Revenue Bond Interest Payments Report your government's total amount of interest paid on mortgage revenue bonds during the year. I U20 I $ ~O~ D.S Bureau of the Census - Revised OS/2004 59 of 78 January 4, 2005 Item # 0 . CITY OF POWAY MICKEY CAFAGNA, Mayor DON HIGGINSON, Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY, Coundlmernber JAY OOLDBY, Councilmember BETrY REXFORD, Councilmember I September 22, 2004 County of San Diego Auditor and Controller 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101-2472 ATTN: Pete Redmann Property Tax Services RE: Statement of Indebtedness Dear Mr. Redmann: Enclosed please find our completed Statement of Indebtedness along with The Agreement Information Form for the period of July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005 If you have any questions, please call me at (858) 668-4426 Sincerely, ~1/k Andrew White Finance Manager E nclosu re City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive ) 60 of 7gAailing Address PO, BoxA1'f~I'IMMi&rnia 92074-9~~ArY'4~200'5-44qtem # 0 @ Printecl (\[1 RBcvclerl PapRi' FAX 668,1200 CII 1:11 II 11- ... ~ o CJ_ o W ~ eo:: 5:i tJ)>- ~~ (.)1- tJ):g tJ)0 WN Z' 0"'" --'-'10 o N 'w IJJJ: ~I- -0:: LL.o 0 u.. 1-0 Zw W.J :=- wu.. S tJ) OJ ~ o a. >. " c .. c> <( - c .. E m c.... o <( 0;_ > " .. .. 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Q) ">.. {/) o ro Q) .E 0. rJ) ~. Q) ooe:....... e:otc ro"E~ffi .Q.......8~ ~~U; E lOE >.45 "'5 Q) 0 ~ () ro..c Q) rn '- 0...- ~ ~ ~""O e:205- tl...Q)E Oe:.......Q) Q):J.c..... o o.!: I... OQ.._o January 4, 2005 ~ - .!!J :E ~ ~ '" ... E "", .a:z II> r-- " c: ::J - c .. E E '5 ...<:1" Q) CI> ze:: ).. \) I ~ ~~ c 1 i!! ~ c c> i:ij ~ '" "' :> m Item # ~ CALCULATION OF AVAILABLE REVENUES AGENCY NAME Poway Redevelopment Agency PROJECT AREA Paguay Redevelopment Project TAX YEAR 2004-2005 RECONCILIATION DATES: JULY 1,2003 TO JUNE 30, 2004 1, Beginning Balance, Available Revenues 20,553,493 (See Instructions) 2. Tax Increment Received - Gross 27,922,335 All Tax Increment Revenues, to include any Tax Increment passed through to other local taxing agencies 3. All other Available Revenues Received (See Instructions) 4. Revenues from any other source, included in Column E of the Reconciliation Statement, but not included in (1-3) above 3,912,496 5. Sum of Lines 1 through 4 52,388,324 6. Total amounts paid against indebtedness in previous year. (D + E on Reconciliation Statement) 25,759,816 7, Availabie Revenues, End of Year (5-6) 26,628,508 FORWARD THIS AMOUNT TO STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS, COVER PAGE, LINE 4 NOTES Tax Increment Revenues: The only amount(s) to be excluded as Tax Increment Revenue are any amounts passed through to other local taxing agencies pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33676. Tax Increment Revenue set - aside in the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund will be washed in the above calculation, and therefore omitted from Available Revenues at year end. Item 4, above: This represents any payments from any source other than Tax Increment OR available revenues. For instance, an agency funds a project with a bond issue, The previous SOl included a Disposition Development Agreement (DDA) which was fully satisfied with these bond proceeds, The DDA would be shown on the Reconciliation Statement as fully repaid under the "other" column (Col E), but with funds that were neither Tax Increment, nor "Available Revenues" as defined. The amounts used to satisfy this DDA would be included on line 4 above in order to accurately determine ending "Available Revenues" Rev, 6/3/94 62 of 78 January 4, 2005 Item # h Il) <('0 :;:~ 0:: o u.. (f) (f) w Z o W I- en w oa: ZL1j 0::>- ~~ ...J"<t ..:0 Q) CD IV 0.. , '" ::> o ,N (f)W cn:J: WI->.O Za::OQ) fDo~'e- ~ LL C')a. en 0<1: ww--c Q....JcQ) Z u:: EQ) E - a. u.. a. 0 O .2-a; Q) > I- > Q) z Q)"C W "CQ) :;: &!a: W >>>."<;f" ...... co COo <( :: 5>0 I- 0 CO "!.. 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'I .,: a ~~j ~ a .; a ~~ ~ ~ .,: a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I/) ! ~~ 'iI ~ ~.!j ~ 0 D ;... D .,; t:! a: ; " 'iI .,: 0 ~ ..; ~ ~ e~~~ ~ g .. '2.. , 0 H~ - 2 . ~ '" E .!I 'a ~ C . .. ;:; 2 'iii g ~ ! iii I'l<.so :;:-;;.s~ ! f... C ::IS ~!! ..,.Eu..C! January 4, 2005 Item # ~ PROPERTY OWNED BY THE POW A Y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY # LOCATION PARCEL ACQUISITION ACREAGE LEASEHOLDER'S DESCRIPTION NUMBER DATE NAME I NE Corner Midland Rd & 314-193-39 Adrian St 314-193-40 0.49 Vacant Lot (OPPra) 314-193-41 3 Mctate Ln West of Community 317-471-09 2.69 Paway Royal MHP. Tennis (Paway Royal) 317-471-14 6114/1905 48.27 Courts, RV Storage, & MHP-399 Spaces 5 14014 Brighton Ave 314-220-12 6/7/2000 0.59 Future Affordab1e (Brighton) Housing Site 6 14025 BrightonAvc 314-220-66 5/3/2000 0.23 Future Affordable (Brighton) Housing Site 7 14041 Brighton Ave 314-220-67 6/212000 0.24 Future Affordable (Brighton) Housing Site 8 14046 Brighton Ave 314-220-08 ]01212000 0.41 Future Affordable (Brighton) Housing Site 9 14036 Brighton Ave 314-220-09 9/2712000 0.41 Future Affordable (Brighton) Housing Site 10 14030 Brighton Ave 314-220-10 9/8/2000 0.29 Future Affordable (Brighton) HousillgSite 11 14024 Brighton Ave 314-220-11 51412001 0.29 Future Affordable (Brighton) HousillgSite 12 14056 Brighton Ave 314-220-07 6/13/2000 0.22 Future Affordable (Brighton) Housing Site 13 ]4000 Block of Midland Road 314-220-33 (East side ofMidlal.1d) 314220-34 11130/2001 0.68 Vacant Commercial OP"'" 314-220-35 14 14022,14038,14115,14125, 314-212-02 Midland Rd 3J4-212-03 (Farmers Market Parking Lot) 314-212-04 11130/2001 1.76 Vacant Commercial OP"'" 314-212-05 314-212-06 15 13620 & 13622 Temple St 314-220-02 Two story Duplex & & lots to tIle North and East 314-220-03 l.l Two Adjacent Vacant Lots (OPPra) 314-220-42 I6 NW Conler Bowron Rd & 317-473-18 8129/1997 4.4 Bowron Group Ltd Park View Terrace Civic Center Dr Partnerships Aff. Housing - 92 Apts (Park View Terrace) 17 East side of Community Rd & 317-480-10 3/1611994 32.72 Affordable Housing Site Civic Center Dr 317-480-13 Hillside Village (Hil1side Vinage) 71-ul.1its'l IS Poway Creek Rd & Robley 317_481_0lthru 10/611995 19.16 Haley Ranch_Affordable RanchRd 317-481-76 Housillg-65 SFD's (Haley Rallch) Transferred Sept 03 19 Pomerado Rd South of 317-521-02 6/1711994 6,7 BrookviewSr. Brookview Village RobillsonBlvd 317-521-03 Housing Partners Affordable Housing (Brookview) 317-521-04 (5116/00) 102 Apts 20 12674 Monte Vista Rd 275-460-61 2/2212000 2.06 Future Affordable Housing Site 21 13406-10 CommullityRd 317-101-24 6/1512001 1.87 Future Affordable (Abrams) HousillgSite 22 13420 Community Road 314-101-25 7/1912002 0.14 Future Affordable Sile (E&E) Vacant/Cleared/commercial 74 of 78 ATTACHMENT E January 4, 2005 Item # ~ . LOCATION PARCEL ACQUISITION ACREAGE LEASEHOLDER'S DESCRIPTION NUMBER DATE NAME 23 Community Road 314-214-29 11/15/2002 1.55 Floodway ]]4-214-30 Future O/S,park,etc. (Community RD Widening) 314-214-31 314-214-32 314-214-02 24 13930 York Ave )]4-213-2] 4nOI2003 0.55 Community Rd. (Valizan) Widening 25 13932 York Ave 314-2]3-18 (Stainton) 314-213-19 2/]812003 1.36 Commlmity Rd. 314-213-20 Widening 2. NW Comer of Po way & Tarascan 317-101-06 3/28/2001 1.54 Vacant Commercial (Andy Parker) 27 1302\-13023 PowayRoad 317-472-01 3/2611002 2.. Mixed Use (Schneider) Vacant Commercial 28 13121 powayRd 317-472-23 1/31/1997 0.61 Vacant Commercial (West of Chandler) 29 13123 Paway Road 317-472-12 4/1912002 Chand1cr property (Chandler Property) 30 Soutbside of Kirkham Way 323-501-02 2/712002 5.3 Vacant commercial (Auto Storage Lot) Future auto storage site 31 East side Pomerado South 317-251-31 0.89 Vacant Riparian Habitat of Old Stone Rd 32 NE Comer Scripps Poway Pkwy Lot22,Cityof & Stowe Dr Poway TCf 11nJ2001 4.18 DDA wlWaterford Vacant Commercial (Hotel) 87-13, Unit 2 Map 13410 33 East side of Old Pomerado Rd 317-232-41 North of Stage Stop Dr 317-232-42 5.03 Vacant Riparian Habitat 317-242-13 34 SW C()mer Poway Rd & 317-472-22 6.51 Poway Library & Bowron Rd 317-472-23 SherifrsStatioll 35 Vista View South of 323-261-31 1.01 Community Garden & Poway Rd Adjacent Vacant Land 3. 14303 Sycamore 314-182-24 9/4/2002 (Matt) 314-182-50 3.53 Floodway 314-182-51 37 14302 Sycamore 314.182-35 7/30/2002 0.63 Floodway (Yakoubian) 38 14306 Sycamore 314-182-33 8119/2002 0.52 Floodway (Bauer) 39 14231 Sycamore 314-182-44 8/14/2002 0.17 Floodway (Orderica) 40 14152 Sycamore 314-201-29 10/21/2002 0.74 Floodway (AJcobia) 41 13536 Aubrey 314-182-34 11/112002 1.5 Floodway (Kiszely) 42 14225 Sycamore Ave 314-182-46 10/30/2002 0.17 Floodway (Dillard) 75 of 78 January 4, 2005 Item # (0 # LOCATION PARCEL ACQUISITION ACREAGE LEASEHOLDER'S DESCRIPTION NUMBER DATE NAME 43 13424 Scow Way 314-230-26 8/2712002 0,7 Community Rd. (Larson) Widening 44 14055 York Ave 314-214-08 8/]012002 0.4 Floodway (Farney) 45 ]4038 York Avenue 314.2]4-20 8/2/2002 1.37 Floodway (Wilson) 314-214-36 314-214-37 46 NW Comer Espola Rd & 273-820-24 5.1 Neighborhood Park Valle Verde Rd 273-820-25 47 SE Comer Titan Way 278-450-31 2.63 Parking Lot for PCPA and Riparian Rd 278-450-35 48 Scripps Poway Pkwy West 320-011-20 8/]711989 13.54 Scripps Paway Pkwy of Porn era do Rd 320-0ll-21 ROW & Adjacent Slopes 49 SE Comer Espola & High Valley Rd 321-030-71 0.95 Road ROW 50 13202 Poway Road 4.36 Library Plaza (Meissner) 51 13554 Aubrey Street 314--182-20 111/2004 0.37 Floodway (Christy) 52 13420 Community Road 317-101-25 7/1912002 7.26 Future Affordable Housing (Murphy) Site 53 139I7 O:mrier Way 323-203-18,19 5/28/2004 0.53 Future Affordable Housing (Brandalise) Site 54 12674 Monte Vista Road 275-460-61 31!/2000 2.06 Future Affordable Housing Sile 55 13956 Poway Road 323-203-18,19 5128/2004 1.17 Future Affordable Housing (Branda1ise) Site 56 14134 Sycamore Avenue 314-201-20 7/112003 0.3 Floodway (Stevens) 57 14313 Sycamore Aveuue 314-182-77 5/20/2004 0.38 Floodway (Cowie) 58 13123 Poway Road 317-472-15 31112002 0.41 Future Mixed Use (ChaIJdler) District 59 13021-23 Poway Road 317-472-01 3/26/2002 2.6 Future Mixed Use (Schneider) District 60 NE comer of Stowe Drive 323-481-08 J11712001 4.18 Future Business Park & Scripps Poway Parkway Hotel Project 61 Kirkham Way (South 2/712002 5.09 Future Auto Storage Side, West of Stowe Drive) Lot Project 62 12237 Old pomerado Road 317*232-22,36, 4114/2004 5.89 Future Historical Site (Shideah) 39 (Big Stone Lodge) 63 12430 Poway Road 317-540-73 4/19/2004 0.16 Blight Removal (Dunster) TOTAL ACREAGE 222.76 76 of 78 January 4, 2005 Item # (0 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES FY 2003-04 SOURCE CIP FUND CIP FUND FUND ACCOUNT NAME 432 EXPENDITURE 5537E Fire Station #3 5641A Railroad Restoration 434 5295B 5537F 5542A 436 1280E 5289A 5647 A 5902C 5908A 5920A 5950A 5974A 437 TOTAL Civic Center Drive Rehab Fire StatIon #3 Fire Suppression Facilities Impr. TOTAL Community Road Improvements Tarascan Drive Extension Meadowbrook Middle School Lights Commercial Rehab Loan Poway Road Specific Plan Impl Dunster Property Acquisition Housing Revitalization Eye Transitional Project TOTAL 5921A Poway Road Mixed Use 5967 Poway Mobilehome Rent Subsidy 438 TOTAL 5538A Tarascan/Poway Road Parcel Acq 5909B Business Park Hotel 440 1280G 1655B 16588 5289B 5292A 5293A 5295A 5537B 5641B 5649A 5650A 5653A 5718A 5902D 5909A 5913A 5915A 5916A 5917A 5918A TOTAL Community Road Widening Skate Park Design Blue Sky Acquisition Comm - Tarscan Ext. Espola Road Widening - Twin Peaks Poway Road Street Improvements Civic Center Drive Rehab Fire Station #3 Railroad Restoration Old Poway Park Train Depot Property Field Acquisition Community Park Parking Lot Expansion Community Road #3 Reducing Station Commercial Rehab Loan Business Park Hotel Auto Dealer Storage Lot Commercial Site Acq - Midland/Aubrey Old Poway Phae IV Midland Village Improvement Old Pomerado Road Acquisition TOTAL Capi1allmprovement Expendnures FY 03_04."'0 Sheet2 77 of 78 ATTACHMENT F $306,619.93 $45,885.20 $104,424.99 $161,751.07 $398,971.80 $84,118.90 $61,352.53 $1,320.99 $10,490.00 $2,990.85 $250,406.95 $2,670.00 $90.75 $72,411.76 $38,500.00 $3,694.76 $56,807.24 $3,232,494.41 $16,460.71 $198,778.29 $113,917.06 $358,745.94 -$37,186.70 $542,202.08 $2,358,897.80 $210,202.02 $37,953.66 $1,960,302.40 $42,815.12 $17,349.47 $197,679.32 $12,141.56 $199,163.20 $497.50 $536,126.04 $122,618.94 $809,671.14 $352,505.13 $665,147.86 $413,440.97 $110,911.76 $60,502.00 $10,930,829.96 January 4, 2005 Item # ~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES FY 2003-04 441 5655A Starridge Park Improvements $19,607.00 5657A Aubrey Park $7,837.50 TOTAL $27,444.50 471 5288B Mixed Use $19,821.25 5960 ElderHelp $39,167.52 5964 Hillside Village $16,411.12 5965 Gateway $16,188.89 5976A Monte Vista $2,790.00 5978A Brighton $6,109.50 5982A Community Road $25,943.41 5984B Schneider $178,125.85 5987A Special Friends $160,798.54 TOTAL $465,356.08 472 5107A Boys & Girls Club Program Dev $250,000.00 5983A RDA Nonprofit Capacity Building $393,276.22 TOTAL $643,276.22 473 5984A Schenlder $2,389.70 5985A York $1,091,624.96 5986A Brandallse $1 ,199,428.33 TOTAL $2,293,442.99 GRAND TOTAL $15,962,857.47 Capitallmprovemant Expendnures FY 03_04.><10 Sheet2 78 of 78 January 4, 2005 Item # (0