Item 14 - Claim for Damages - David Golokowwhich showered Mr. Gol kow'`s vehicle and cracked the windshield. t the incident occurred approximately l% miles sway Road. In reviewing the location of this Lned that it occurred outside the City limits Dn. Carl Warren & Company', the City's insurance: tenial of this claim. -he City Council deny this claim as filed by Mr. Golokow APR 2 2 1986 ITEM 1 F, CITY OF _ FOMY CLATM AGAINST THE CITY OF PO4n3AY f j , CdT 1 OF FOIAl:1Y { Received by via CITY CLERK'S Or�i%E >, U.S. Mall ;, � Inter -Office Mail Clerk's Time Stamp ; over the Counter A. claim must be filed with. the City Clerk of the Cit of Poway which the incident or event occurred. y Y within 100 days after Poway, net another Be sure your claim is against the Cat of public entity. Where space .is insufficient., please use,additional paper and identify infornnation b additional y paragraph number, Completed claims must be mailed or, delivered to the City Clerk, The City of Poway, 13325 Civic CA. 92064 (P.O., Box 785) . CCenter Driver pxiay, TO THE HOMRABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY OF POWAX` CALIFORNIA f n The undersigned respectfully submits t� fel ., lama - 1.,�•zny claia. and it fornat on. relative to damage to persons and/or personal property: I •NAME of CLHIMAIIT a. ADDRESS of CLAIMANT �• �- Ce DATE OF' BIRTH7401 - a d• S`J`.J.t'11J` SJMR; = Llai.! • ��� � / e • LRIVE't r y7 111C. L1i1d s .. 2• Nanm, telephone- and Post office address to which claimant sent if other than above: desires notices to_ be 2 Occurrence. or event fr®m which the claim arises: a•DATE - g (o be Tim.f�ri'Lk. /; o v e• PLACE (exact and specific location) u a�®/,Z "" off' l 3 iLS'7cc 45 a• Bmnd_under what circumstances did damage or injuny cx�r�,�,-� c t. -_ p3rcicular occurrence,, event, act or arils- n you claim caused he�-injury he damage (use addit -M Ional.paper if necessary), °r Ire 04:2-w � A -k-r- 7Z/ /,0- i� Z o vu� o V�,e sic i �6,t/n1' Si yrs/ S Wttica- CjZ K c`kE e. What Particular action by the City, or its ge or injury, employees, caused the alleged' & 7- OF G -o oS C--- S77'0Ar4FC� /-' 4 A 3 �'