Item 19 - Approval of Final Map for TTM No. 4113-3 - Standard PacificAGENDA REPORT ,� OF pW CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff "or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to THE Go have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM; James L Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Services',.:"*,., Ninoy T. Basuil, Assistant Civil Engineer' DATE: April 29, 1986 SUBJECT: Approval of Final Map for Tentative Tract Map No 4113-3: Standard Pacific; South of Twin PeaksRoad ABSTRACT The final map for TM 4113-3 is ready for approval All required dedications have been made; fees, charges, and deposits paid, agreement executed, and bonds posted. The City Engineer recommends approval of the final tract map. . BACKGROUND Subject tentative map is lcoated in the Rancho_Arbolitos area south -of Twin Peaks Road (Attachment 1) It was approved by the City Council by Resolution No. 98 on May 5, 19-81, and was granted a time extension on September 13, 1983, by Resolution No. P83-47 (Attachment 2) This final map is Unit 3 of the overall TM 4113, and consists of 40 single family lots on 63.477 acres, Tentative Map TM 4113 is designated as Phase II of the overall Rancho Arbalitos development. TM 4191, located northwest of and southerly of TM 411.3, is designated as Phase III. TM 4113 is also being recorded in units. Because of these facts, some of the specific conditions contained in the attached resolutions are met in other units of TM 41.13, and some of the fees quoted have, been prorated based upon the number of lots in this subject map i i I AGTIOhI APR 2 9 1986 ITEM 19 AGENDA REPORT - April 29, 1986 Approval of Final Mag for Tentative Tract Map No. 4113-3; ay Standard Pacific# South of Twin Peaks Road Page ;2 All other conditions have been met, and all required fees and deposits have been paid (Attachment 3). FINDINGS The final map has been examined and found to be; technically correct, in compliance with State law and City ordinance and in substantial compliance with the approved tentative map and conditions of approval. The owner has executed the Standard Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements, posted improvement securities to 'guarantee performance, payment for labor and materials, and setting of monuments, and paid all applicable fees and. deposits. - RECOMMENDATION 1. Approve the final.map for Tentative .Map No. 4113-3 and direct its recordation. 2. Accept on behalf of the public, subject to improvement of Arbolitos Drive, Arbolitos Court, Silverset Street, and Palisades Drive. 3. Accept on behalf of the public the -abutter's rights of access appurtenant to portions of lot 1 and 40 designated "portions of lot 1 and 40 reserved for future:street" in and to Silverset Street; portions of lot 15 and 16 designated "portions of lot rivel f 15 and 16 reserved for future street" in and to Arboli.tos Drivel- . said lots 30 and 31 in and to Twin Peaks Road,- all as shown and said designated on said map. 4. Accept on behalf of the public the easements for drainage and pedestrian and equestrian trail as shown and designated on said map.. « , 5. Reject the offer of dedication for street purposes portions of lots 1 and 40 designated "portions of lots 1 and 40 reserved for future street" and portions of lots 15 and 16 designated "portions of lots 15 and 16 reserved for future street". 4 6. ACCept the offer of dedication for open space easement a shown and designated on said map. of 22: AGENDA REPORT- April 29, 1986 Approval of Final Map for Tentative Tract Map No. 4113-3: Standard Pacific; South of Twin Peaks Road Page 3 Approve the Standard Agreement and authorize its execution on behalf of the City by signature of the City Clerk. Adopt the resolution accepting the dedication for street purposes for a portion of Silverset Street as offered by Map 11065 (Attachment 4). JLB:ADA:NTBmh Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map and Area Map 2. Resolution No. 83-47 3. Recap of Fees Paid 4. Resolution Accepting Offer of Dedication APR 29 1986 ITEM 19 IF 5 i T fr:All RD. mutt ie. 30 % ' ^ CITY OF ?JWAY . TRACT NO. 41;3.4 ti y�0 34 �a MAG NO. 11065 Lor 79 et ditillittI144.11#P 1 '441#411714411kittP4' 4 IllitiriP c; o a3 oP e T. AO R 0�►02� N8 3310, 13211.17' ?S3ofi0•13 PER 4t•►3.1313? 51'3s=�.� % r� - 1 ~ SE f/4OPPifE'NE EB A3 NW COMMA a/• M71� 4. ?'�o Z SBC u POS. E ua, WE y4, SEC.tt,�563 . R aw, s e.rr •� .op�o� w R of S. l r l AD �y�sq', 2p tQ °�' �cR RESOLUTION NO. P-83-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVETRACT MAP 4113 TI MEQ EXTENSION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 314-032-02, 314-050-04, 12 and 314-371-03 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No 4.113 Time Extension, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Standard Pacific of San Diego, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California, described as 130 acres east of Pomerado Road North i of Poway Road and northwest.of Community Road into 202 lots, regularly came before the City Council for public hearing and action on Jul26, 1983; and WHEREAS the Director of Planning Services has recommended APPROVAL of the i Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Planning Services Department report; and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered said report and has considered other evidence presentedat the public hearing. t� NOW, THEREFORE, the City; Council ofthe City of Poway does resolve as follows: Section 1: Findings>:� r The City Council makes the following findings in regard to Tentative Tract No. 4113 TE and the Map thereof: a. The tentative tract is consistent with all applicable interim and proposed general and specific plans; as it provides for the 3 _ continuance of residential development in the rural residential area and zone, E b. The design or improvement of the tentative tract is consistent with all applicable interim and proposed general and specific plans because the proposed improvements meet the General Plan requirements for residential development. 4 pment. c. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed because it is adjacent to similar residential development. d. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed because it meets the minimum lot size requirements of the rural residential zone. e. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial - environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat because all significant environmental impacts have been mitigated. f.' The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems, because � �f �� ,�_ water is available and adequate sewer systems " can be provided. ATTACHMENT 2 APR 29 1886 ITEM 19 Resolution No. P-83-47 Page 2 g. The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at.large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. h. That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report has been P P previously r issued,with mitigation.measures for traffic/circulation, archaeology, air quality, geology, hydrology, and noise. Section 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 4113 Time -Extension, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions: The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably _ injure fish- or wildlife or their habitat; and The design of the subdivison or the type of improvements do not conflict r, with easements, acquired by the public at Targe, for access through, or use of..property within the proposed subdivision, as defined under Section 66474 of the Government Code, State of California; and IT IS FOUND, DETERMINED AND CERTIFIED that the attached Environmental Impact Report has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the: State Guidelines and that your Council has reviewed,and considered the information contained in said report dated March 19, 1981. IT IT FOUND.r DETERMINED AND CERTIFIED in accordance with the: attached Environmental Impact Report that TM4113 would have A significant- impact on the environment but changes or alterations have been required in, -or incorporated into, the project which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as indentified in the final Environmental Impact Report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED as follows: A. Said tentative map is hereby approved pursuant to the City Subdivision I Ordinance and no waiver of any requirement of said Ordinance is intended or implied except as specifically set forth in this resolution as follows: 1. Waive Section 5.1 (c)_ of Article V of the San Diego County Standards to allow knuckles at the intersections of Poway -Hills Drive at Fieldview Way and Silverset Street at Shadowline Street. 7 of 22 APR 2 9 1986 ITEM. 19 8 of 22 APR 2 9 1986 1 t wi 19 Ook " Resolution No. P-83-47 Page 3 2. Waive Section 81.401 (j) which requires that the lot depth be no greater than three times the average 'width. 3. Waive Section 81-403 (d) which would require the undergrounding of the existing 12 KV line which is presently supported on 69 KV ; poles located at the northeast boundary of the project. B. The approval of this tentative map expires on November Sr 1984 at 5:00 P.M.The final map or maps conforming to this conditionally approved - tentative map shall be filed with the City Council in time so that said ` Council may approve the map before this approval expires unless prior to that date the City Council subsequently grants a one-year time E` extension for obtaining such approvalof said final map or maps as provided by the City Subdivision ordinance. 1. The subdivider shall submit plans and specifications for improvements of all public streets, rights-of-way, drainage :I easements,. culverts,drainage structures and drainage channels to the Department of Public Services for approval. Unless specifically waived herein, such plans and specifications shall provide for and be subject to the following condition letter 2 through-' 25 2. Street alignments and grades, including the change of any existing or proposed street alignment and grade, as required by the Director of Public Services. 3. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface waters originating within the subdivision and all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision from adjacent lands. Said drainage system shall include any easements and structures required by the Director of Public Services to properly handle the drainage. • - 4. The improvement of all drainage easements by culvert or drainage - channel of any adequate size, whichever is required by the Director of Public Services. Any required drainage channel shall be lined with a suitable material as specified by the Director of Public Services. All such drainage easements shall be monumented along property lines at locations approved by the Director or Public Services. An access easement shall be provided to each drainage system maintenance access point not directly accessible from a public roadway. Such access easement to be improved, fenced and aligned to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 8 of 22 APR 2 9 1986 1 t wi 19 _., Resolution No. P-83-47 Page 4 S. The= installation (if required) of all, gas, electric, sewers and water lines and any other below surface utilities to take place: before the installation of any concrete curbs, gutters., and sidewalks, and the surfacing of the streets. 6. Portland cement concrete cross gutters to be installed where water crosses the roadways. 7. The exact depth of imported base material to be based on soil tests which have been approved by the Director of Public Services. 8 Construct a light system conforming to City of Poway Standards at no cost to the public subject to the following: a Cut-off luminaires shall be installed which will prove true - 90 degree cutoff and prevent projection of light above the horizontal fromthe lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or device. b. All fixtures shall: use a clear, low pressure sodium vapor light source. c. No mercury vapor, quartz, metal halide or high pressure sodium. lamps shall be installed. 9. Sight distance requirements at all public street intersections to conform to the intersectional sight distance criteria as provided by the American Association to State Highway Officials in the publication "Geometric Design for Local Roads and Streets - 1971" or as revised. TQ; If the improvement plans show a need to excavate in any public road right-of-way, the developer shall place a cash deposit with the Director of Public Services to insure that any damage to the existing roadway is repaired in a timely manner. 11. Improve Poway Hills Drive, Celestial Road', Pequot Drive, and all of Silverset Street (including the portion between Camino Del Norte and the knuckle at Shadowline Street) to a graded width of sixty (60) feet with forty (40) feet -of A.C. pavement over approved base and P.C.C. curb, gutter, and sidewalks, with curbs at twenty (20) feet from centerline. No sidewalks will be required in Celestial Place. Sidewalks will be required on one side only of Celestrial Road, Pequot Drive and Silverset Street southerly of Camino Del Norte.. 1[ rE n Resolution No. _P-83-47 Page 5 12. Improve the following roads offsite to a graded width of forty (40) feet with twenty-eight (28) feet of A.C. pavement on approved base and A.C. dikes at fourteen (14) feet from centerline. a. Fairtree (`°R" Street) to Triumph Drives b. Triumph Drive from the easterly boundary to Fairtree ("K" Street), 13. The improvement of Camino del Norte (SA 680) to a width of P .::graded 126 feet. with 64 feet of A.C. pavement over approved base with P.C.C. curb, gutter, and sidewalk with curb at 32 feet from centerline._ The improvement shall include a signed and striped- bicycle lane within a "No Parking" area. The sidewalk shall be constructed at a location within the area to be dedicated to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 14,.. The improvement of the westerly extension of Camino del Norte (SA s 680) to Pomerado-Road to a -graded width of 40 feet with 28 feet of A.C. pavement over approved base with A.C. dikes at 14 feet; from centerline. The improvement shall. include necessary drainage structures.>' 15. The developer may at his option augment the minimum described' improvements for the westerly extension of Camino del Norte (SA F 6801 to Pomerado Road by improvement of a graded width of 126 feet with 28 feet of A.C.. pavement over approved base with A.C. dikes at 14 feet from centerline or with 54 feet of A.C. pavement a over approved base with P.C.C. curb and gutter with the curb at 32 feet from centerline. A sidewalk may be constructed at a location within the area to be dedicated to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. Bonding shall only be required for 28 feet of pavement and a 40 foot graded width. The improvement shall include necessary drainage structures 16 Each building lot shall have a flood -free site for a residence. The building site shall be safe from the flood flow peak of a 100- ` year frequency storms. 17. An adequate energy dissipator is to be constructed at the outlet of the storm drain. 18. Hydrology and hydraulic calculations for determining the storm system design shall be provided satisfactory to the Department of Public Services. x� . Resolution No. P-83-47 Page 6 19. The storm drain system design shall be coordinated with adjacent 3495. The entrance condtion to the existing 30" R.C.P. at the eaterly terminus of Glen Oak Road shall be improved to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 20. The subdivider shall provide the following improvements to*the f "ponds" north of Starridge Street. The "ponds" shall be filled to provide drainage of all surface waters within the ponding area. The: fill material shall be transferred from lots numbered 163'to 202 as shown on the tentative map as part of the _grading plan for Phase III of the Rancho Arbolitos Development. 21. The subdivider shall deposit $161,914 with the City of Poway for off-site storm drainage improvements. 22. Improve the Riding and. 'Hiking- 'Trail system to the following design standards to the satisfaction of the Director of 'Planning Services. (a) The trail shall contain a minimum eight feet of tread width _ with drainage structures as necessary. Y +' (b) The trail surface shall consist of the native soil, or where • the soil is highly erosive or will not support the traffic, a tread surfacingmaterial such as decomposed granite. ! (c) Trail gradients shall not exceed 15%. Where natural grades -I exceed 15% sufficient width for switchbacks shall be provided to accommodate a 15% gradient trail. { (d) Trails shall intersect roads at approximately 90.degree angles. (e) The trail system shall be continuous through the subdivision and shall provide for local access within the subdivision. (f) Points where the trail exits the subdivision shall be coordinated with existing or planned trail locations on adjacent property. o' (g) Signs at trail entraces to provide identification, rules and regulations; and markers along the route to direct the users. 12 of z APR 2 9 1986 ITEM 19 r Resolution No. P-83-47 Page 23. Unless specifically waived herein, the City of 'Poway Standards shall apply in preparing improvement plans irrespective of what is shown on the approved tentative map. °f 24. Construct, or agree to construct, the public improvements shown on the improvement plans as approved by the Director of Public _Services. 25. A waiver and Release Agreement shall be obtained from each property owner who receives diverted runoff from this site, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 26. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit the subdivider shall comply with the following conditions lettered 27 through 34; 27`. The subdivider shall submit grading plans and grading permit application and all grading permit fees and deposits to the Department of Public Services. GradingP lans shall be approved by the: Poway City Council prior to -the approval of the _ improvement plans. 28. Said inclue 5# f t plans shall the following provisions a. The grading plan shall contain a certificate signed ;by a registered civil engineer that the grading plan has preserved a,minimum of one hundred square feet of solar access for each dwelling unit and for each future building site within the subdivision. 3 a b. Emergency erosion control measures to: control soil movement , satisfactory to the Department of Public Services in the i event the site is exposed to erosion during the period between November 1 to April 15. Erosion control measures shall include but not be limited to, slope protection, installation of jute matting or approved equivalent, desi.lting basins, energy dissipators, silt control sand bagging and storm drains. t c. All building pads to be diked and the dikes maintained to prevent water from flowing from the pad until the streets and c driveways are paved and water can flow from the pads without causing erosions or construct drainage facilities to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Services that will i allow water to drain from the pad without causing erosion.. d. Tops of all slopes to be diked or trenched to prevent water from flowing over the crests of slopes. 12 of z APR 2 9 1986 ITEM 19 x f y Resolution No. P-83-47 j Page 8 e. As soon as cuts or embankments are completed, but not later - than November i., all cut and fill slopes shall be stablilized v with a_hydromulch mixture or an equal treatement approved by the Department of Public Services. Between November 1 and April 15, approved slope protection measures shall proceed I immediately behind the exposure of cut slopes and/or the creation of embankment slopes. f An irrigation system to be installed not later than May '15 following the planting of the slopes. g. Sand bag check dams to be placed in a manner approved ;by the Department of Public Services is unpaved streets with gradients in excess of 2% and on or in other graded or excavated areas as required by the Department of Public, Services. The location and details on the sand bags shall be shown on the plans. h. Catch basins, desilting basins and storm drain system shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Department of Public .�' Services. i. At or near every point where concentrated flow leaves the development, a desilting basin and an energy dissipator may be required to be constructed to remove silt from the water and release the water at a non-erosive velocity. j. The developer to maintain the plantings and erosion control measures described. above until relieved of same by the Department of Public Services. The developer to remove all soil intercepted by the sand bags, catch basins and desilting basins and. keep these facilities clean and free of silt and sand as directed by the Department of Public Services. The developer shall repair any eroded slopes as directed by the } Department_ of Public Services. 29. All of the work described above g � pertainn o erosion control, irrigation system, slope protections, drainage systems, desilting basins, energy dissipators and silt control shall be secured by an instrument of Credit or Cash Deposit in a form satisfactory to City Counsel for an amount equal to the total cost of this work. as determined or approved by the City Department of Public Services. An agreement in a form satisfactory to City Counsel shall accompany the Instrument of Credit or Cash. Deposit to t authorize the City Department of Public Services to unilaterally withdraw any part of or all the Instrument of Credit or Cash f 1.3 of 22 APR 2 9 1986 ITEM 19 F. 14 of 22 APR 29 1986 ITEM 19 F Resolution No. P-83-47 Page 9 Deposit to accomplish any of the work agreed to if it is not } accomplished to the satisfaction of the City Department of Public Services. by the date agreed to. Additionally, a cash deposit of $5,000 shall be placed with the City Department of Public Services with a letter from the developer authorizing the t Department of _ Public Services to use this cashto take any emergency erosion control measures on this'deveopment he deems l necessary. 30. No grading shall be permitted within this subdivision until the subdivider ` obtains sewer commitment from the City of Poway. 31. The subdivider shall deposit with the Department of Public" Services $200.00 at the time the Lot Grading Plan or Improvement Plan is submitted. The deposit will be made with whichever plan is first submitted. Said deposit shall be used to cover the cost of site inspection by a City Geologist to determine whether or not any geologic hazard exists_ and, if such - is found, to review the geologic report prepared by the developer's Engineering ' Geologist. The developer shall reimburse the Department of �Public Services for any cost in excess of the deposit prior to fl recording the Final Map.. Any unused portion of the deposit will# i be refunded. 32. The subdivider shall submit a plan landscape for a P approval by the Poway City Council. The landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Environmental Analysis Coordinator or City's equivalent for compatibility with the 'Blacktailed`Gnatcatcher's habitat conservation prior to City Council consideration. (EIR) 33. Prior to approval of the Final Map by the decision -maker or issuance of any grading permits, a qualified archaeologist shall to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Servicer a. Prepare a Mitigation design to either deal with all the sites at once, as recommended by the consultant, or salvage Site 5 and preserve Sites 3' and 4 (EIR) b.' Record Sites 1 through 6 with the California Archaeolocical Site Survey g and integrate these site numbers in the mitigation reports (EIR); 1 c. Provide for a micro -map surface collection and test excavation to ascertain the presence of significant subsurface artifact deposits at sites 3 and 4 and, if t/ present, develop a plan to -protect these sites from indirect impact (EIR); 14 of 22 APR 29 1986 ITEM 19 x Resolution No. P-83-47 Page 10 d. Conduct a salvage operation. at Site 5 as outlined in the approved Mitigation Design and submit a salvage report in • compliance with the'City.of Poway Procedures on Archaeology/History. (EIR) 34. Prior to approval of the grading plans, the applicant shall provide a grading plan with a combined earthen berm and 6 feet solid noise attenuating barrier having a surface density NOT less than 3.5 pounds per square foot which will create a total height of at least 7.5 feet at the top of the building pads northerly of and facing Camino del Norte to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. (EIR) 35. Submit to the: Department of Public Services a letter from the Building Industry Association stating its approval of an affirmative fair housing marketing plan. - 36. Obtain the commitmentofthe City of Poway to connect all lots within the subdivision to its public sewer system and obtain the -consent of said Public Services Departmentof the _plans and specifications for the installation of a sewer system serving - each lot. within the subdivision. 37. Submit a letter from the City of Poway stating satisfaction with the, type and location of fire hydrants and the minimum available water flow in gallons per minutes 38. The final map shall show or provide for'the following, numbered 39 through 54 39. All lots within this subdivision have -a minimum of 100 square -feet of solar access for each lot and for each future building site within this subdivision as required by Section 81.401(n) of the Subdivision Ordinance. .40. Dedicate all on-site drainage easements, including easements for access thereto, and show monumentation for such easements, as required by the Director of Public Services. ` 41' . A 1 -foot wide strip placed at the end of all proposed streets that ".stub out" at the subdivision boundary: the 1 -foot wide strips- to be made a portion of the adjacent lots and designated as "'reserved for future streets" on the face of the map. access rights in and to the proposed streets shall be granted to the city. r i f 15 of 22 APR 29 1986 ITEM 19 APR 29 1986 ITEM 19 16 of 22 Resolution No. P-83-47 Page 1i 42. An open space -easement. be granted to the City over, upon, across and under lots shown with an open space; easement and no building, Structuresorother things shall be constructed, erected, placed' or maintained on subject easements except as may be permitted by a major use permit issued pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance of the City. 43. Dedicaate Poway Hills Drive, Celestial Road, Pequot Drive, and all of Si verset Street (including the portion between Camino Del Norte and the knuckle at Shadowline-Street) to a width of sixty (60) feet. a 44. Offer to dedicate Camino Del Norte (SA 680) to -a width of 126 _ feet together with the right to construct and maintain slopes and drainage facilities. Execute a covenent not to oppose a""No Parking" restriction along the ultimate alignment of Camino Del �! Norte to accommodate a bicycle. lane. 45. Dedicate a minimum of forty (400 feet right of way for offsite roads constructed with this project, except. for Glen Oak Road (if used as an offsite road) and Camino-Del Norte (SA 680) which. 4 shall be dedicated to -a width of sixty (60) feet.�� a 46. The map shall be designed to provide a minimum of 350 feet of { intersectional sight distance westerly on Poway Hills Drive at Oakline Road. 47. Relinquish all lot access to Camino Del Norte (SA 680) on the 1' final map. 48. Dedicate an additional 5 feet south of and adjacent to Camino Del Norte as a riding and hiking trail. 49. Dedicate all of Fairtree Terrace to a width of Fifty-six (56) feet. 50. The 100-year flood line of-the natural channels crossing all lots, and drainage watershed in excess of 25 acres, shall be clearly delineated on the final map. 51. An open space easement be granted to the City over, upon, across and under the area defined on the final map as an equestrian trail and no building, structures or other things shall be constructed, erected, placed or maintained on subject easemtns except for the construction and maintenance of said trail and { r structures appurtenant to the trail. APR 29 1986 ITEM 19 16 of 22 7 APR 2 9 1986 ITEM of 22 Resolution No., P-83-47 Page 12 52. Prior to approval of the Final Map by the Decision -makers, the applicant shall incorporate transporation control measures into the map to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. (EIR) 53. The final map -may be filed as units or groups of units as shown on the tentative map or as approved by the Director of Planning a Services, and lot numbering and design shall be in substantial conformance to than shown on the approved tentative map. - 54. The subdivider shall accomplish the following, numbered 55 through 72: 55. The subdivider shall resubmit legal descriptions to the Department of Planning Services of all Use.Regulations whose boundaries have changed to bring said Use Regulations into conformance with the boundaries shown on the final map. 56. The subdivider shall grant to the appropriate agency by recorded document all :required off, -site easements and all on-site water maineasements that serve fire hydrants. 57. By separate document grunt an open space easement to the City of Poway over the area known as the"future school site". Said • easement shall preclude grading; construction of structures, ball fields, or other facilities that would disturb native vegetation; and removal or addition of vegetation except as required by written order of the 'City Flire Department. Said easement shall be in effect.in perpetuity or until such time as the site is required by the School District for construction of a school. (EIR) d 58. The subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City of Poway for reversion of the "future school site" to the City of - Poway in the event the School District determines that this site is not needed for a school. (EIR) . 59. The subdivider shall deposit with the City of Poway, through the Department of Public Services, a cash deposit sufficient to: a. Energize, maintain and operate the street lighting system until tax revenues begin accruing from the subdivision for those purposes. b. Augment the contingency Fund of the existing District by an f amount equal to three month's operating cost of the subdivision. 7 APR 2 9 1986 ITEM of 22 18 of 22 r t — a Resolution No. P-83-47 - Page 13 c. Augment the Reserve Fund by one month's operating cost. ; d. Pay the cost of annexation to an appropriate special district including the cost of processing through the State Board of Equalization. After recording of the final map, the subdivision shall be annexed without notice or hearing, to an existing special district to operate and maintain the system. 60. The subdivider shall install or agree to install a sewer system as a subdivision improvement and dedicate to the public that portion of such system which is within an existing or proposed f. public .right-of-way. 61 Streets shown on the Tentative Map to be given street names_ approved by the Street Names,Section of the 'Department of Planning Services and the subdivider shall install all street name signs as a part of the subdivision street improvements. If the subdivider desires situs addresses for the. lots createdby the subdivision,, the subdivider is to furnish a true scale final map to the Street Names Section. Said map is to show driveway r. locations for all lots and street names for all streets. x ti 62 The developer shall participate in the cost of traffic signal installations at the intersections of Camino Del. Norte (SA 680) and Pomerado Road (SA 760); and Camino Del Norte and Community Road (SA 800). The amount of the developer's portion of the entire cost for the signals shall be $11, 210.008 63. The developer shall place a.$69,370..00 -deposit with the City of Poway for the improvement of future Circulation Element roads in -the. Poway Area. A credit for construction in excess of the local. interest portion of SA 680 will be applied against this deposit. 64. A legal entity shall be formed for the maintenance of landscaping along the Camino Del Norte: right of way and appurtenant cut slopes. The developer shall be responsible for said maintenance until said the legal entity is formed. 65 All new and existing utility distribution facilities, including cable television. lines, within the boundaries of any ,new subdivision or.within.any half street abutting a new subdivison shall be placed underground except as waived under. Section A-3 of the resolution. The subdivider is responsible for complying with the requirements of this condition, and he/she shall make the necessary arrangements with each of the serving utilities, 18 of 22 19 of . 22 APR 2 9 1986 ITEM 19 Resolution No. P-83-47 f Page 14 including licensed cable television operators, or the installation of such facilities. When the installation of cable television' lines is required, the subdivider shall either provide the Director of Public Services with documentation from licensed cable television operator stating arrangements for the underground installation of -cable television lines have been made, or the subdivider shall provide the Director of Community Service with documentation that the Cable Television Revbiew Commission has reported that no licensed cable television operator is willing and able to install cable television lines in the• subdivision. 66. The subdivider shall comply with Section 66436 of the Government E' Code by furnishing to the Department of Public Services a G certification from each public utility and each public entity owning easements within the -proposed subdivision stating that; (a) they have received from the developer a copy of the proposed final map; (b) they object or do not object _to the filing o f the map without their signature; (c) in the case of a street dedication affected by their existing easement, they will sign a j subordinationcertificate" or "joint -use certificate" on the map when required: by the governing body. In addition the subdivider shall furnish proof to the satisfaction of the Director, of Public Services, that .no new encumbrances have been created that would subordinate the City's interest over areas to be dedicated for public road purposes since submittal of the tentative map. 67. The subdivider shall enter into agreements with the Poway Unified School District in a form satisfactory to the.City of Poway City Council, which agreements shall provide for payments to such District of such sumsofmoney or other consideration which the District determines will mitigate the impact of the subdivision upon said District. - 68. The subdividershall secure recertifications satisfactory to the Director of Public Services of availability of adequate public services and utilities including but not necessarily limited to: _fire, water and sewer services to the site, said recertifications dated within 90 days prior to City Council approving final map'. 69. This approval is further conditioned by the following instructions to staff: 70. This is a solar subdivision. All lots within this subdivision shall have a minimum of 100 (one hundred) square feet of solar access for each lot and for each future building site: within the subdivision, pursuant'to Section 81.401(n) of the Subdivision Ordinance. 19 of . 22 APR 2 9 1986 ITEM 19 Resolution No. P-83-47 Page 15 71. Septic tank will not be approved for a redivission'of any lot in this subdivision without prior approval by the. San Diego County Department of Public Health, 72. This subdivision has been approved for public sewer. If the sewer commitment terminates before connection to sewer and prior to the City Councils final map approval, the Department of Health Services will deny application(s)for individual subsurface sewage disposal system(s) within this subdivision, unless a Resolution Amendment has been obtained from the City Council. which approves individual subsurface sewage disposal systems for this subdivision. 73. The protection of the public interest requires that the subdivider, 'contractors,'builders, lot or parcel owners, .and -other persons, firms.and corporations concerned with the development of said Subdivision conform to the following standards, and all permits required by the City of Poway will be issued pursuant to such standards: a. All domestic water supplied for this subdivision shall come: from the Poway Department of Public Services. b. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall be connected to the public sewer system of the Poway Department of Public Services. c. Sewer and wager lines shall be maintained throughout this subdivision so as.to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water that would create a public health hazard or nuisance. 74. Tentative Map 4113 Time Extension shall expire on November 5 1984 unless a request for time extension is receivedf in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the'City Council of the City of Poway, State of s California, this 13th day of September, 19830 n Linda L. Oravec, Mayor ATTEST: j% Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 20 of 22 APR 29 1986 ITEM 19 Final Map for TPM Date: 4/29/86 TTM 4113-3 Recap of fees paid, deferred to building permit, not applicable. Traffic Miti•ation Fee Draina•e. Fee Park Fee Median Im-rovement County Lighting District Annexation Fee Advance Energy Charge Other Improvement Plan Check De•osit Improvement Ins•ection De•osit CREDITS: 'Traffic Mitigation Fee for 40 lots in Tract 4113-3 (15 trips/ lot x $66/trip x 40 lots = $39,600) is waived and debited against credit of approximately $315,000 for offsite construction of Twin Peak Road (Camino Del Norte) 2Park Fees offset by dedication of parkland 3$12,720 credit for modifying traffic signal at Pomerado Road and Twin Peaks Road minus $11,21:0 traffic signal contribution for TM 4113 ATTACHMENT 3 I z RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THECITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE DEDICATION FOR STREET PURPOSES OF A CERTAIN ONE -FOOT WIDE STRIP OF NAND LYING WITHIN CITY OF POWAY TRACT NO. 4113-1, MAP NO. 11065: 4 SILVERSET STREET WHEREAS, on the map of City of Poway Tract No. 4133-1, Y. recorded October 26, 1984, as Map No. 11065, in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County,. there is offered for dedication for street purposes a certain one -foot wide strip at the southerly s, end of Silverset Street,- and ,1 -, WHEREAS, on said Map No. 11065, the City Council of the City of Poway rejected the offer of dedication of said one -foot wide strip as hereinafter more particularly described, and WHEREAS, the State of California Government Code (Subdivision Map Acte Section 66477.2(a provides that a rejected offer of ,. dedication shall remain open and may be accepted by resolution ` at any later date, and WHEREAS, because of the approval and impending recordation of the final map of City of Poway Tract No. 4113-3, it is in the best public interest of the City of Poway that said and -foot wide strip be now accepted for public use for street purposes.r NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Poway does determine and order as follows: 1. The City of Poway hereby rescinds the rejection of said strip, and does hereby accept for public use for street purposes the following: Those _portions of Lot` 79 designated !"portion of Lot _79"reserved for future street" on the map of City of Poway Tract No. 4113-1 recorded on October 26, 1984, as Map No. 11065, in the office. of the Recorder of San Diego County, California. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify to the passage of this resolution and to cause its recordation in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California at a regular meeting thereof this 29th day of April, 1986. ATTEST: 22 of 22 pie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk ATTACHMENT 4 Carl R. Kruse, Mayor APR 2 9 1986 ITEM 19