Item 6 - Minutes of Adjourned Meeting - April 24, 1986CITY �' PAY, CALIFORNIA MINuirEs CF THE CITY COUNCIL ADJCURNED RECa JI R MEETII+ APRIL 24, 1986 The April 24, 1986, meeting of the City Council of the City of Pcaay, adjourned from the April 22, 1986, regular meeting, was called to order at 4:11` pm, by Mayor Kruse at the City 'Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. CaINCILVIENBERS PRESENT AT ROLL CALL Linda.Oravec, Mary Shepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse laxitscumments ABSENT AT ROIL CALL Bob Emery (Councilmmber Emery arrived at 4:15 p.m.) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bor ersox Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Eckis John Fitch Patrick Foley Alan Archibald Reba Touw Lee Lewis John Bridges Dan Cannon City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Director of Public Services Director of Planning Services Director of Community Services Assistant Director of Planning Services Park Supervisor Parks and Recreation Committee Members Present: Marland Garth, Chairman; Deanne Erickson; Barbara Brooks; Deanne Stephens (arrived at 4;32 p.m.). ITII�i 2 JOINT MEETING WITH PARKS AND REGION COE411 .1. Marland Garth, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Catmittee, expressed the committee's concern that information was not current on the community's recreation desires and needs, and suggested that another community survey would be beneficial. He stated the committee's priorities are ccanpletion of the master planned facilities for the Community Park; neighborhood parks; joint use facilities with the school district. AY 13 1986 ITEM 6 2149 , ii �+.i t r ' %; J Yv 1r �•+^' ai q� ✓ S Page 2 - CITY of PMM ADJQtJR = R MU AR MEETING -April 24, 1986 Council and Ccamvttee discussed using Poway Today or direct mail for survey; status of joint use discussions with school district; success of Trails Day;- restroonns at. Garden Park; -Mrs. Meanley's donation offer; development'' of Los Arboltos Park; possibility of , . y expanding Abraxas High School s parking lot -for " week.-end parking for park users; need for Camdttee involvement in 'Valle Verde and Fula park design; and possibility of turning the old Coach area into a ` park. } ADtTtZURitl+MT Upon motion by Councilmember Tarty, seconded by Counciimember fiery, Mayor Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned. The time of adjournment was 5:20 p.m r' Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk {` City of Poway 3 MAY 13 1986 ITEM 6 2150 r