Item 4 - Memorandum - TPM 86-03/DR 86-08 - Gemco (Item 4)ME�M'ORANDUNi CITY OF POWAY Tfl: City ' Council RRai: Jams L. Bcwersox, City Marra Reba W. Touw, Director of P DATE: May 20, 1986 SUBJE'C2: TPM. 86-03/UR 86-08 - Geo (Item 4) IND OM. 1111111, SUID Services Staff recomends that the fourth sentence of Condition No. 7 on Page 8 of 34 be modified as follows: If required, said adjustments shall be deemed to be in substantial ;confor- mance to the tentative map and site plan if -the intersection is relocated no Hare than 300 feet east of its proposed location and that no more than four. acres of additional land area and no more than the originally proposed ten parcels are created within the project site. J:OJEB:is: MAY 20 1986 ITEM 4