Item 4 - EA, TPM 86-03 and DR 86-08 - R & R Partners - Powayz AGENDA REPORT of 1� W CITY OF POWAY -j THE C��r TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of Ahe City Council FROM: James L. Bowersoxr City Mana ,. INITIATED -BY: Reba W Touw.. Director of Planning Services r g DATE:- May 20, 1986 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment, Tentative Parcel Map -86-03, and Development Review 86-08 - R:& R Partners - Poway, Applicant: A request for a. ten (10) parcel division of land and development review for a Gemco commercial center of`2190,800 square feet on land located at the southeast corner of Twin Peaks Road and Pomerado Road. ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER: John E. Bridges, Assitant Director of Planning 9 Services PARCEL SIZE:, Approximately 19.5 acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial General ZOO= Commercial General • SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS: (See Attachment 5) RELATED CASES: Nome CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: Mone ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Issue a Negative Declaration STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions ACTION: MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM Agenda Report May 20, 1986. Page 2 BACKGROUND A. Project Description The proposed project consists of a Gemco commercial shopping center to be located at the southeast corner of Twin Peaks Road and Pomerado Road on an approximately 19.5 acre triangular parcel of land which will be created by the construction of State Route 56. The applications for this project include a tentative parcel map (TPM 86-03) for a 10 parcel division of the project site and a development review (DR 86-08) for a 219,800 square'foot commercial center anchored by Gemco. The applications do not include the northerly .7 acre parcel within the site which is owned by San Marcos Development; however, that parcel would become a part of the commercial center in the future. The property is presently bordered on the north and west sides, respectively, by Twin Peaks Road and Pomerado Road. Its south side will be formed by State Route 56.which, when constructed, will pro- vide a connection with the two other-�existing roads. In the future., SR 56 will extend southwesterly through Carmel. Mountain Ranch to connect with Interstate 15. This site was designated and zoned Commercial General as part of the 1983 comprehensive plan process. On January 14, 1986, the City of`Poway/Poway Redevelopment Agency approved a disposition and development agreement for the project site with the applicant. The, proposed project will ultimately include the 10 parcels pro- posed by this tentative map and the San Marcos Development parcel. As described below, and on Attachment 6, one building will be constructed on each Parcel= Building Number Building lding Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total 2OF3 120,000 sq. ft.(Gemco) 28,100 sq. ft 7,500 sq. ft. 8,000 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. 4,000 sq• ft 5,000 sq. ft. 12,000 sq. ft. 8,100 sq. ft. 5,000 sq. ft. 16,100 sq. ft. 219,800 sq. ft. Agenda Report May 20, 1986 Page 3 The proposed project will have a general aPearance,-coloring, and roofing style which provides architectural compatibility with surrounding single family residential development. The buildings will be low profile with a maximum height under 30 feet. Primary coloring will include a mixture of earthtones, beige, and off-white for the roof, columns, walls, and wood trim. Brighter colors, such as blues, greens, yellows, and reds are only proposed for accents, awnings, and signs. The roofs of the building will include extended mansards over covered walkways and false hipped styling, both utilizing a flat concrete tile. (See Attachment 7) Landscaping which includes trees, shrubs, vines, and groundcovers will be provided throughout the site. Particular emphasis will be placed on all street frontages, the main entry from Pomerado Road and _the area adjacent to the street along the north and east faces of ,Gemco (see Attachment 8) As shown in Attachment 9, the intersection of Twin. Peaks Road and SR 56 will be approximately 25 feet higher than the commercial center elevation. This difference in elevation will decrease to aero as each road intersects with its respective driveway entry to the center. Dense trees and shrubbery will be provided along both roads where this elevation difference exists to act as screening for the Gemco roof. B. Development Facilities The site will have access from three major roads Twin Peaks, Pomerador and State Route 56. Street improvements will include the widening of Twin Peaks Road and Pomerado Road along the project frontage and the -construction of the full width of SR 56 along the southeast side of the project. Landscaped medians will be installed on all three streets and traffic signals will be required at the main entrance on Pomerado Road and at the intersections of R 56 with Pomerado Road and Twin Peaks Road. Primary driveway access to the center will occur at one main entrance on each of the three streets. In addition to these primary access points, two additional secondary drives without median openings will occur along Pomerado Road. A riding and hiking trail will be constructed along the southeasterly side of SR 56. Meandering sidewalks will be provided along a majority of all street frontages. To meet Caltrans requirements for the intersection design, of SR 56 and Twin Peaks Road, it may be necessary to adjust the proposed location of SR 56 to the south and east. Should this occur, a portion of the retaining wall proposed behind the Gemco may be eliminated. The project site will require fill material for that half of the site nearest Pomerado Road to create a pad area generally level with that road.' This material is available from the adjacent Standard Pacific site Excavation will occur generally in the ON 4OF3)4 MAY 20 1986 ITEM Agenda Report May 20, 1986 Page 4 northeast corner of the site wheretheGemco building will be { located. y Drainage improvements will include the extension of the double r 96 -inch pipe beneath the parking area to the Rancho Arbolitos park } site south of the project. other public services, such as water, sewer, and utilites necessary to serve the development, will also be installed as part of this project. C. Environmental Review The existing site consists of previously disturbed land which generally slopes downward from surrounding properties and streets k' into.a southerly flowing drainage course. Existing plant life con- sists of disturbed riparian habitat along the drainage course with coastal sage, eucalyptus trees, and non-native grasses elsewhere. Small mammals, reptiles, and birds are generally found within this type of habitat. A general environmental analysis and environmental impact report (EIR) was done ;for the 1953 Compehensive Plan. The plan proposed commercial development for the project site and the EIR analyzed j the impacts of that proposed land use in terms of its impacts on topography, soils/geology, seismicity, groundwater, surface water andflooding,flooding, biological resources, air quality, scenic resources,` population/socio-economic characteristics, land use; traffic/circulation, cultural resources, noise, energy consumption, and public services. Staff has also conducted an environmental assessment of the specific project now proposed and conducted an on-site inspection. As a result of the project -specific assessment/inspection, ; staff finds that there are -four areas of potentially significant impact, however, all four ,may be reduced to a revel of insignificance by the: inclusion of conditions which must be met for the project to go forward. The first of these relates to soil and geology. The project area is known to contain expansive soils which can inhibit development. Soils and geologic testing will be conducted as part of the grading permit process to highlight problems and recommend remedial: measures to insure soil and geologic stability of the finished "graded site. The second area relates to drainage. Additional run-off will occur with the introduction of impermeable surfaces when development occurs. Both on-site and off-site drainage system improvements will be: required to handle drainage associated with the project site. In addition, a fee is required to be paid as a contribution to area -wide drainage improvements associated with the broader flood zone area. 4OF3)4 MAY 20 1986 ITEM Agenda Report May 20, 1986 - Page 5 A third area of impact involves traffic and circulation. This pro- ject will be responsible for a number of improvements to mitigate that impact. SR 56, Pomerado Road, and Twin Peaks Road are major streets which will require construction, widening, signalizaton landscaped medians, turn lanes, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, bus benches, and riding and hiking trails. The project will also be required to contribute to the traffic ` mitigation fund for city -,aide circulation system improvements. The final impact area is . noise and most of that impact occurs with the increase in traffic on the three major streets surrounding the project. This impact is not reduced by project improvements., but is mitigated by the inclusion of sound.reducing materials for resi- dential construction and the use of physical separation of the traffic from residential uses by distance, earthen berms, and noise attenuation walls. 3 With the inclusion of the improvements and other measures described above as project requirements, the environmental impacts resulting from the project will be adequately mitigated and reduced to a. level of insignificance; therefore, the issuance of a Negative Declaration (no significantenvironmental impacts) is recommended.. a D. Corres2ondence Notice of -the public hearing regarding this project were sent to allproperty owners and residents within 500 feet of the project boundaries;. The.notice was also published in the Poway News Chieftain. FINDINGS All findings required for the approval of the proposed tentative parcel map and deTelpment review can be made and are specified' in the attached resolutions. RECOM14ENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 86-03 and Development Review 86-08 subject to conditions con- tained in the -attached resolutions and issue a Negative Declaration. 1 JLB:RWT:pn Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution (TTM 86-03) 6. Proposed Site Plan 2. Standard Conditions 7. Architectural Elevations 3 Proposed Resolution (DR 86-08) 8 Proposed Landscape Plan 4. Standard Conditions 9. Cross Sectional E1eva 5. Surrounding General Plan and tions r Zoning 10. Proposed Tentative Parcel Map Or a 4 MAY 2o 1986 ITEM 4 RESOLUTION NO P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 86-03 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 86-03, her "Map" sub- mitted by R & R PartnersPoway, applicant, forzthe purpose of subdividing the real property situated in. the City of Poway, County of San Diego,- State of California,' described as a portion of Section`2 township 14 south, range 2 west, San Bernardino Meridian- in eridianin the City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California into ten (10) lots, regularly came before the City Council for public hearing and action on May 20, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning Services has recommendedi APPROVAL of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the j Planning Services' Department report; and j WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered said report and has -considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does resolve as follows: Section 1: Findings: The: City Council makes the following findings, in regard to,; Tentative Parcel No. 86-03 and the Map thereof: a. The tentative parcel is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans, in that the general plan designates the site for commercial development; b. The design or improvement of the tentative parcel is con- sistent will all applicable general and specific plans, in that all' propsed parcels are designated for 'commercial use and are greater than the minimum lot size for such development; C. The site is physically suitable for the type of, development proposed, in that improvements required to be constructed will provide a site physically prepared for commercial - development d. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed, in that the improvements required to be constructed enable the site to accommodate the inten Sity of the proposed commercial development.- 0F evelopment;0f Resolution No. P Page 2 e. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial enviromental. damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlifeor their habitat, in that improvements required to be constructed will adequately mitigate and reduce to a level of insignificance all potentialy signi- fcant environmental impacts. f The tentative parcel is not likely to cause serious public health problems, in that the improvements required to be constructed will prevent any such problems. g. The design of the tentative parcel will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision, in that all such easements will be vacated and alternative easements will be dedicated. h. That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative' Declaration is issued, in that the improvements required to -be constructed will ade k quately mitigate and reduce to a level of insignificance r all potentially significant environmental impacts. Section 2 Tentative Parcel Map No. 86-03, a ..copy.. of which is on file in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved -subject to all of the following conditions: STREET IMPROVEMENTS 1 Pomerado Road and Twin Peaks Road shall be improved', to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, Improvement shall include, but not be limited to, street widening, construction of medians, curb, gutter, and sidewalks. 2. Route 56 from Pomerado Road to Twin Peaks Road southeasterly of the development shall be designed and constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and CALTRANS. It shall be designed to t accommodate two (2) vehicle lanes and a bicycle lane. for the northeasterly bound traffic with a right turn lane to Twin Peaks Road, and. three (3) vehicle lanes and one bicyle lane for southwesterly bound traffic with a storage lane pocket for left turn traffic to { Pomerado Road. Provide PCC sidewalks, curbs, gutter, a median island, and a 10 foot riding and hiking trail on the southeast side. No acceleration lane from the development to Route 56 shall be provided. l OF l MAY 2o 1986 ITEM 4 f. �- MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM Resolution No. P Page 3 3. The southerly lane on Twin Peaks Road on the eastbound traffic shall be designated "RIGHT TURN E' ONLY" lane. No acceleration. lane on Twin Peaks Road for outgoing traffic from the development shall be provided. r 4. Design of all median island pockets shall.be based upon storage requirements. A traffic study will be necessary to determine volumes,- distribution, and storage requirements. 5. Meandering- sidewalks -shall be five (5) feet wide and, shall be located within fifteen (15) feet from the face of `curb. No trees shall be planted between curbs and sidewalks, except where the distance is greater that seven (7) feet. 6. Provide'a right turn lane to Route 56 on the northbound traffic of Pomefado Road, 7'. Twin Peaks Road shall be reconstructed as necessary to accommodate Route 56 intersection. :Caltrans requires that the maximum crossfall at intersection be 4%. To meet this Caltrans requirement it may be necessary to adjust the proposed alignment. of SR 56'. } to the south and east. If required, said adjustment shall be deemed to be in substantial conformance to the tentative map -and site plan. If the adjustment becomes necessary, the resulting additional site area eliminate retaining walls primarily shall be used rimaril to g _ and may be used to add parking spaces and no more than 10,000 square feet of additional floor area. WATER 1. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall install a water and fire protection system _through the site. The actual size, location and details of the system shall be subject to the appro- val of the City'Engineer and Safety Services Department, and shall be based upon an engineering study of the existing water facilities and the fire supply demands of the propsed development. The new system shall include installation of fire hydrants at all locations designated. by the City Fire Marshall. A water easement, a minimun of twenty ` (20) feet in width, shall be dedicated to the City either on the map or by a separate instrument, it shall be made prior to issuance of a building permit. �- MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM 9 O 3 MAY 2o 1986 ITEM 4 Resolution No. P Page 4 DRAINAGE ` 1. A detailed hydraulic/hydrology analysis to determine the run-off to be produced ,by the development and its effect on existing drainage devices shall be sub- mitted to the City. Should the amount of run-off produced by said development result in an amount that exceeds the capacity of existing drainage devices, construction of additional drainage devices will be necessary to mitigate the effect. Such devices shall be per City Engineer's approval. 2. The existing double 86" pipe shall be extended southerly to a point south of the development. An easement for storm drain line and appurtenances shall be dedicated to the City either on the map or by a separate instrument. Dedication by separate instru- ment shall be made prior to building permit issuance. 3. Parcel 2.and Parcel 3 of that drainage easement granted to the San Diego Flood Control District; as F/P No. -81-157211, :recorded .May 20, 1981 shall be vacated prior to map recordation.- The existingten ( 10) foot drainage easement in Lott 5 of Map No. 10258 shall also be vacated prior to map recordation. EQUESTRIAN AND PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT 1. Prior to final map approval, the existing 5.00 -foot equestrian easement on the southerly side of Twin Peaks 'Road as dedicated. to the County of San Diego on x: Map No. 10258 shall be vacated, MISCELLANEOUS E 1. Prior to final«<ap approval, Woodset Lane ofap No. 10258 shall be vacated. 2. Prior to final Map approval, the abutters' rights of access appurtenant to lots 1 and 10 of Map No. 10258, in and to Twin Peaks Road shall be vacated. 3. Right-of-way; dedication for Route 56 and any addi- tional' rights-of-way if any for the widening and improvements of Twin Peaks Road and Pomerado Road shall be dedicated on the map. 4. Maintain a 15 foot setback minimum from curb to right-of-way line 9 O 3 MAY 2o 1986 ITEM 4 ' r,F 4 MAY 2o 1986 ITEM 4 Resolution No. P Page 5 5.. Driveways into the development from Pomerado-Road, Twin Peaks Road,and Route 56 shall have a minimum throat of 80 feet before any driveway isle opening. A deviation from this requirement.shall be per City Engineers` approval. A second driveway on Twin Peaks may be allowed if approved by the City Engineer. Lr 6. Construction of the westerly driveway on Twin Peaks road shall occur only if Lots 234 and 235 of Map No. 8885 are a part of this development.' 7. The developer shall construct traffic signals at -the intersection of Twin Peaks Road and Route 56; at Pomerado Road and Route 56; and at the main entrance of the development at Pomerado Road. They shall be constructed in accordance wah a plan to be approved by the City Engineer, and designed to the latest state of the art signal standards and criteria. 'The signal installation shall include the controller, detector safety lighting, signal interconnect if required, equestrian crossing buttons where required, and all other appurtenances. Coordinate traffic signals with the Pomerado Road/Camino del Norte master controller. All the signals shall -be installed and shall be fully operative prior to 3 Cit 's granting of occupancy for any of the buildings ¢; intended to be constructed within the development. F The construction of the signals, including its engineering and design costs, may be credited against the traffic mitigation fees to be paid for this I development. The fee required will be based upon an f estimate for the traffic signals to be approved by the City Engineer and will be .paid prior to building permit issuance. Upon completion of these signals, the - developer shall -submit a sworn affidavit, including true copies of all paid invoices and bills, to verify the actual construction costs. At that time any adjustment shall be made in the traffic mitigation fee payment. 8. Landscaping within the street right-of-ways shall be annexed to the Landscape Maintenance District (LMD 83-01) prior tomaprecordation. All costs appurtenant to annexation shall be borne entirely by the developer. 9. All easement holders within the development shall be notified by the developer and shall indicate what easements are necessary to be vacated, quitclamed, or relocated. There shall be no improvements that will interfere with the easement holders rights unless permission is obtained and/or easement is vacated, quitclaimed or relocated. ' r,F 4 MAY 2o 1986 ITEM 4 r Resolution No. P f Page 6 10. Street improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalks median t . islands, etc.) , drainage facilities, water system, and sewer main installations if any shall be per City of Poway standards. 11. Any extension of easements for public utility purposes outside the development shall be acquired .by the developer for dedication to the City. A11 costs shall be borne by the developer. Dedication shall be made prior to issuance of a building permit. 12. Tne developer shall construct.a bus shelter northerly of the main entrance to the development at Pomerado. Road to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Director of Planning Services. An irrevocable offer of `dedication for the bus shelter area shall; be executed prior to issuance of a building permit. 13. The alignment of Route 56 shall be adopted by the City kiY f- Council prior to final map approval. 14. No wood fences are allowed along the development's i frontage on Route 56 and Twin Peaks Road.` FIRE PROTECTION 1. Gemco and Buildings 2 and 11 will require a looped water system and 'hydrants. 2. The water system for the remainder will require hydrants every 300 feet., 3. All fire access drives will be _a minimum of 24 feet in width. 4. All buildings over 5000 square feet shall be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system. 5. A "Knox box." emergency access system shall be installed. IMAY 2 0 lZ786 ITEM. 4 GF 2 r. `s i / STAND. -,D CONDITIONS (F PF3OVAL Subject:--, I Applicant:Al --�1I�OLi�� jr Location: ) :,\ THE G Those items checked are conditions of approval. r MY Of POWAY I. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I _ ` A. SITE DEVELOPMENT h 1 Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site r: plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the f conditions contained herein. k 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning s Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all f sectionsofthe Zoning Development Cade and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at the time of building Permit issuance. 4. The developer shall provide a minimum of 258 of the lots with adequate sideyard area for recreation vehicle storage pursuant to City standards, and the C.C.SR.'s shall prohibit the F storage of recreational vehicles in the required front yard setback. S. Mail boxes, on lots 10,000 square feet or less in size and in E areas where sidewalks are required, shall be installed and I located by the developer subject to approval by the Planning L ServicesDepartment. 6. The developer shall integrate an appropriate variety of rk iPproved roof materials and colors into the design of the residential development in a manner which is both compatible and complementary among each of the residential units. 7. Trash receptacle multifamily developments shall be enclosed by a 6 foot high masonry wall with view -obstructing gates pursuant to City standards. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services Department. 8. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated, shielded from view andsound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Services Department. 9. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfaction oftheDirector of Planning Services. E` 10. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 11. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible t construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Director of Safety (Services that water supply and facilities for fire protection is available. Whereadditionalfire protection is required by the Director of Safety Services, it shall be serviceable prior to the time of construction. 12. For a new residential dwelling unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established' rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking a Fees, School Fees Cin accordance with City -adopted policy and/or ordinance), water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid: G a. Prior to final map approval. f r` b. Prior to building permit issuance. MAY 20 1986 ITEM L J , F 3 4 6. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM Woo 13. For a new commercial or industrial development, or addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees -may include, but not - be limited toe Permit and Plan Checking Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid: a. Prior to (incl map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. 1.4. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within one year from the date of project approval. 15. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the final maps and street addresses shallbe provided prior to the issuance of } building permits. 16. Building identification and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings so as to be plainly visible from the street or access roads color of identification and/or addresses shall contrast with their background color. B. ;PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS 1. All parking lot landscaping shall consist of a minimum of one fifteen (15) gallon size tree 'for every three (3) parking j spaces. For parking lot islands, a minimum 12 inch wide walk adjacent to parking stalls shall be provided and be separated from vehicular areas by a 6 inch high, 6 inch wide portland concrete cement curbing. 2. Parking lot lights shall be low pressure sodium and have a maximum height of eighteen (18) feet from the finished grade of the, parking surface and be directed away from all, property . lines', adjacent streets and residences.. 3. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide and. emergency access shall. be provided, maintained free and t clear, a minimum of `24 feet wide at all times during_ construction in accordance with Safety Services Department' requirements. i 4. 6 All parking spaces, shall be double striped. C. LANDSCAPING` 1. A'detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Public Services_ Department and Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. A Master Plan of the existing on-site trees shall be provided to the Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits and prior to grading, to determine which trees shall be retained. 3. Existing on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall: be trimmed and/or topped. Dead, decaying or potentially dan9erous trees: shall be approved for removal at the discretion of the Planning Services Department during the review of the Master Plan of existing on-site trees. Those 'trees which are approved for removal shall be replaced on a tree -for -tree basis as required by the Planning Services Department. 4. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be Installed in accordance with the City of Poway Ordinance and shall be planted at an average of every 30 feet on interior streets and 20 feet on exterior streets. S. A minimum of 50 trees per gross acre, comprised of the - following sizes, shall be provided within the developments 20% - 24`" box or. larger, 701 - 15 gallon, and 104 - 5 gallon to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services and in accordance with the approved landscape plan in all multifamily and PRD projects. J , F 3 4 6. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM D. SIGNS 1 Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. 2. A Comprehensve,Sign Program for this development shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department for their review prior to issuance of building permits. Approval shall be by the City Council. E. RECREATION 1. On lots having a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail on or adjacent to their property, the developer is f required to have contained within the C.C.&R.'s the following statement: In purchasing the homer I have read the C.C.&R.'s and understand € that said lot is subject to an easement for the purpose of allowing equestrian/pedestriantraffic. 2. The developer shall improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail j system in accordance with the adopted sign standards and to the satisfaction of the Directors of Public and 21 -ma ftq Gotsicf'�/a/�T ServicesA40AA:Y 7W,05' �417WE 'T" i` a. Prior to.final map approval. b.. Prior to building permit issuance. 30 An open space easement shall be granted to the City over, upon, across and under the area 'defined on the final maps as an equestrian trail and'no-building, structures or other things shall be constructed, erected, placed or maintain ed on:subject easements except for the construction and . maintenance of said trail and structures appurtenant to the trail. 4. Dedicate the Master planned` equestrian/pedestrian trails to the satisfaction of the Directors of the 'Departments of Public and Planning Services in accordance with the Master Plan of Trails Element. So Parkland Dedication or -payment of Park Fees at the -established rate shall be made:` a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. F. EXISTING STRUCTURES I. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for property line` clearances considering user area and fire -resistiveness of existing buildings, 2. Existing building(s) shall be made to comply with current building and zoning regulations for the intended use or the building shall be demolished.- - 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with appropriate grading practices and the Uniform Plumbing Code. G. ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REQUIRED I. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. Development Review or Minor Development: Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation of the final subdivision map. 3. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for a period of _ month(s) at the end of which time the City Councilmayadd or delete conditions, or revoke the Conditional Use Permit. 4. The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land. Use Map . r :Z in the sales office at all times, and/or suitable alternative r �. to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. S.`When public or private equestrian/pedestrian trails are required as a part of the subdivision, the developer shall display a map in the sales office, of said subdivision, Indicating the trails. 6. All sales maps that are distributed or made available to the public shall include but not be limited to trails, future and existing schools, parks, and streets. 7. The developer shall provide a noise display board in the sales office to the satisfcation of the planning Services Director. The display shall include the site plan and noise study. 8 Working drawings shall include a certification by a recognized acoustical expert that the requirements of the City of Poway°s noise ordinance will be met. 9. At the completion of construction, and prior to occupancy, interior and exterior CNEL shall be determinel by field' testing at•developer's`expense. Tests to be conducted by a recognized acoustical expert. No occupancy permits Shall be granted until Condition G'-7 is met to the satisfaction of the Building Code (latest ad opted edition) 'Sound Transmission Control.' 10. The applicant shall provide verification of State Hoard of Equalization notification and that appropriate reviews and/or approvals have been accomplished to the satisfac- tion of the Director of Administrative Services. II. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: r H. GRADING 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the. Uniform Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, approved grading plan and geotechnical report, and accepted grading r' practices. Z. The grading plan shall contain a•certificate signed by a registered civil engineer that the grading plan has ;preserved y a minimum of 100 square feet of solar access for each dwelling unit and for each future building site within the subdivision. 3. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed b the State of California to y perform such work: _ a. Prior to 6&nal map b. Prior to 'building permit issuance. E 4. A geological report shall be prepared by ,a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. 05. The final gracing plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Services and Public Services Department and shall be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or issuance of ,building permit, whichever comes first. 6. A pre -blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted to the satisfaction oof the City Engineer prior to any rode blasting. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting and blasting shall occur only at locations and levels approved by the City Engineer. I. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 1. All Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated and improved to Circulation Element road standards and to the specifications of the Director of Public Services. 6 OF 34 MAY 20 1986 ITEM 4 d. Non -dedicated -rural streets DET16. The developer shall pay the Traffic Mitigation Fee at the established rate: x a. Prior to final map approval. M 'Z, ttlAY 20 1966 ITEM 4 b. Prior to building permit issuance. 2. The dt'`�'' oper shall pay a pro -rata share foef"N-he installation or moi.:-_ication of the traffic signals at t _ _ a. Prior to final map approval. b.Prior to building permit issuance. 3. Vehicular access rights to Circulation Element roads shall be �$ dedicated to the City of Poway and labeled an the final map to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services or by separate document. t 4. All interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed to public street standards.- S. Sidewalks (4.3 /--94 feet in width shall be required on` !both/one) side(s) of 6. Reciprocal access and maintenance and/or agreements shall be provided insuring access to all parcels over private roads_# drives or parking areas and maintenance thereof to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 7. Street striping and signing shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Director ofPublicServices. S. All street structural sections shall be submitted to, and approved by the Director of Public Services. 9. Street improvement plans prepared.on standard sizesheetsby'a Registered Civil Engineer shall .be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. Plan check and inspection expenses shall be paid by the developer. 10. All exterior street improvements` shall beconstructed prior to issuance of building permits-, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. UT11. Street improvements that include, but are not limited to: P" a. Sidewalks e. Cross gutter — ko" b. Driveways( CTA f . Alley gutter rt ; c. Wheel chair rams �r Street paving d. p h. Alley Curb and gutter paving shall be constructed prior to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. M�12. All damaged off-site public works facilities.including parkway ` trees, shall be repaired or replaced prior to exoneration of bonds and improvements, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Services. , 13 Prior to any work being performed in the public right-of-way, an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Services office and appropriate fees paid, in addition to any other permits required. 14. The developer shall pay one half the cost of a City approved landscaped median along the project frontage(s): a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. IS. Street improvements and maintenance shall be made in accordance: with City ordinance standards for: a. Urban streets b. Semi -rural streets c. Dedicated rural streets d. Non -dedicated -rural streets DET16. The developer shall pay the Traffic Mitigation Fee at the established rate: x a. Prior to final map approval. M 'Z, ttlAY 20 1966 ITEM 4 b. Prior to building permit issuance. J. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL 1. Intersection drains will be required at locations specified by the Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard engineering practices. 2. The proposed. project falls within areas indicated.as subject to flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program and is subject to the provisions of that program and City Ordinance. 3 A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the subdivision, and all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision from Adjacent lands, shall be required. Said drainage system shall include any easements and structures as required by the Director of Public Services to properly handle the drainage. 4. Portland cement concrete cross gutters shall be installed where grater crosses the roadways. S. The Master Plan of Drainage Fee shall bepaidat the established rate in accordance with the Drainage Ordinance: a. Prior to final map approval. i b. Prior to building permit issuance. 6 Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be permitted. K. UTILITIES 1. All proposed utilities within the project shall be installed underground including existing utilities along Circulation Element roads -and/or highways less than 34.5 KV 2. Utility easements shall be provided to the specification of the serving utility companies and the Director of Public Services. k6{6 G. I.. - t WO, 3. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation and -' undergrounding of existing public utilities, as required. d. Water, sewer, and fireP rotection systems plans shall be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City of Poway and the Health Department of the County of San Diego. S. Prior to acceptance of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer improvement area shall -occur. 6. The applicant shall pay for a water system analysis to establish the proper size and location for the public water system. The amount will be determined by the cost of the analysis and shall be paid: 14 a. Prior to approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. 7. The applicant shall, within 30 days after receiving approval of the tentative tract map, tentative parcel map, use permit, ok development review, apply for a Letter of Availability (LOA) to reserve sewerage availability and post with the City, ia.a nonrefundable reservation fee equal to 20% of the appropriate sewerage connection fee in effect at the time the LOA is issued. 8. Developer shall construct a light system conforming to City of Poway Standards at no cost to the public, subject to the following: a. Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which will provide true 90 degree cutoff and prevent projection of light above the horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or device. b. All fixtures shall use a clear, low pressure sodium vapor light source. r'y�Ay 20 1986 ITEM c. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid by ;the developer. d. Annexation to the lighting district shall be accomplished and evidence of annexation and payment of lighting fees _{ shall be presented to the City prior to final map approval or building permit issuance, whichever occurs Urst. 9. Cable television services shall be provided and installed underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be accomplished. L. GENERAL MUIREMENTS.ARID APPROVALS 1. Permits from other agencies will be required as follows a. Caltrans —"T ffi�,►f�l�s�Y.. b. San Diego County Flood Control District c. Other: 2. A copy of the Covenants, Conditions' and Restrictions (CC&R's) ' and/or Articles of incorporation of the Homeowners Association shall be subject to the review for compliance with conditions herein, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary of, State, the County Recorder and the City Clerk at the time of final map consideration. 3. Prior to recordation, a Notice of Intention to form Landscape and/or Lighting Districts shall be filed with the City Council. The engineering costs involved in district formation ' shall be borne by the developer. 4. Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and procedures. 5. By separate document prior to the recording of the final subdivision map, or on the final subdivision map, there shall be granted to the City, an open space easement over Lots , common areas Said open space easement shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney and shall limit the use of said open space to recreational purposes, including buildings, structures and improvements. 6. Should this subdivison be further divided, each final map shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public.Services. 7. All provisions of the Subdivison ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land. 8. Those portions of the subject property proposed to be held under common ownership shall be labeled such and, identified, by a separate lot number on the final map. 9. Prior to final map approval, all. of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed and provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation within two years from map recordation or prior to building 'permit issuance, whichever occurs first, by the execution of a performance agreement,'secured with sufficient securities, in a form approved by the city Attorney. All necessary processing fees, deposits, and charges shall be paid prior to final map approval. 010. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall be made and easements Granted as required above. 11. The tentative map approval shall expire on 4- SO 1ItaAa unless an application for time extension is rec ivied qj) days prior to expiration in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. MAY 20 1986 I T E M �1 3 MAy 2 0 19RG I T E M 4 T RESOLUTION NO. P-, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW '86-08 WHEREAS, Development Review 86-08, submitted by R&R Partners, Poway, applicant, requests approval of a 219,80.0 square foot Gemco commercialshopping center on property located at the southeast corner of Twin Peaks Road and Pomerado Road, in the CG (Commercial' General) zone; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 1986, the City Council held a hearing on the above -referenced item. NOW,, THEREFORE, the City Council does herebyresolve as follows. ^. Section 1 Findings: 1. That the proposed development is in conformance with the Poway General Plan, in that" the general plan designates 9 the site for commercial development, s 2. That the proposed development` will not have an adverse aesthetic, -health, --safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties, in that the proposed }I buildings will have a low profile appearance, architectural ,. ` residential styling compatible with surrouding r. development, and improvements which protect the health and safety of adjoining properties.. 3. That the proposed development is in compliance with the Zoning ordinance, in that all development standards will through project construction. ro be met 7 g p i' 4. That the proposed development encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures "and property within the City, in that the proposed building will have a low profile appearance, architectural styling compatible with surrounding residential property,. and improvements which meet the required development standards of the City. Section 2 Environmental Findings: i The City Council finds that this project will not have significant adverse impact on the environment and hereby issues a Legative Declaration. �1 3 MAy 2 0 19RG I T E M 4 Resolution No. P Page 2 Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Development Review 86-08 subject to the following conditions 1. Within thirty (30) days of approval, the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. 2 Landscaped earthen berming to a minimum height of three (3) feet shall be provided along all street frontages. 3. All ground mounted equipment and utilities shall be screened by architectural structures or landscaping. 4. Additional stamped or textured concrete to indicate pedestrian crossings shall be provided in the driving aisle areas between buildings 2 and 3, and between building 3 and the retaining wall east of building 4. 5. All improvements related to TTM 86-03 shall also be completed for this development review approval- Section 4 City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Development Review 86-08 subject to the attached Standard Conditions, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 20th day of May, 1986. ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 2.1 GE 3 L. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor A �11. Prior to the issuance of building p construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Director of Safety Services that water supply and facilities for fire protection is available. Where additional fire protection is required by the Director of Safety Services, it shall be serviceable prior to the time of construction. 12. For a new residential dwelling unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees fin accordance with City -adopted policy and/or ordinance), water and Sewer Service Fees,. These fees n shall be paid: F a. Prior to final map approval. �� ig�?T 22 r 2 1 b. Prior to building permit issuance. _ )F A STAND RD CONDITIONS gl:g' -Ve) Subject: t=t-��fIGE� t-�Of1i1�Ni�L=�,E" Applicant: s rJIVIAl r, �•� 1' } roc Location: --' THE Those items checked are conditions of approval. C� OF POWAY CONDITIONSBUILDING 1. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE EWITHMTHE FOLLQWINGPLANNING COMPLIANCE SERVICES REGARDING A. SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site Department and the plans on file in the Planning Services conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all to the Planning conditions of approval shall be submitted Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all Code and all other sections of the Zoning Development applicable City ordinances in effect at he time of building , ;. Permit issuance. b 4. The developer shall provide a minimum of 25$ of the lots with vehicle storage pursuant adequate sideyard area for recreation to City standards, and the C.C•&R.'s shall prohibit the front yard storage of recreational vehicles in the required setback. 5. Mail boxes, on lots 10,000 square feet or less -in size and in required, shall be installed and • areas where sidewalks are located by the developer subject to approval -by the Planning ServicesDepartment. 6. The, developer shall integrate an appropriate variety of into the design of the approved roof materials and colors development in a manner which is both compatible residential and complementary among each of the residential units. 7. Trash receptacle '` `Jy de _'_.. _ shall be enclosed with view -obstructing gates - by a 6 foot high masonry wall pursuant to City' standards. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services Department. 8. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be sound { architecturally integrated, shielded from view and and streets as required by r buffered from adjacent properties the Planning Services Department. 9. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity of approval contained being commenced thereon, all conditions I herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 10. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Building Code, Uniform Mechanical National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other the time of applicable codes and ordinances in effect at building permit issuance. ermita for combustible A �11. Prior to the issuance of building p construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Director of Safety Services that water supply and facilities for fire protection is available. Where additional fire protection is required by the Director of Safety Services, it shall be serviceable prior to the time of construction. 12. For a new residential dwelling unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees fin accordance with City -adopted policy and/or ordinance), water and Sewer Service Fees,. These fees n shall be paid: F a. Prior to final map approval. �� ig�?T 22 r 2 1 b. Prior to building permit issuance. 3OF34 Q6. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. MAY 20 986 ITEM � 13. For a, new commercial or industrial development, or addition, to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited tot Permit .and Plan Checking Fees, Waterand Sewer g Service Fees. These fees shall be paid: a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. 14. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within one year from the date of project approval. I5. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the final map, and street addresses shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. j6. Building identification and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings so as to be plainly visible from the street or access road; color of identification and/or addresses shall contrast with their background color'. B. PARKING- AND VEHICULAR -ACCESS 1. All parking lot landscaping shall consist of a minimum of one fifteen (15) gallon size tree for every three (3) parking spaces. For parking lot islands, a minimum 12 inch wide walk' adjacent to parkin stylls shall beg o66iinchawidee separated from vehicular areas b a 6 inch hi h Portland concrete cement curbing. n 2. Parking lot lights shall be low pressure sodium and have a maximum height of eighteen (18) feet from the finished grade of the parking surface and be directed away from all property lines, adjacent streets and residences. 3. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide and emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and clear, a minimum of 24 feet wide at all times during construction in accordance with Safety Services Department requirements.. 0,4. All parking spaces shall be double striped. t C. LANDSCAPING , 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to t and approved by the Public Services Department and Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. A'Master Plan of the existing on-site trees shall be provided. to the Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits and prior to grading, to determine which trees shall be retained. 3. Existing on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall be trimmed and/or topped. Dead, decaying or potentially dangerous trees shall be approved for removal at the discretion of the Planning Services Department during the review of the Master Plan of existing on-site trees. Those trees which are approved for removal shall be replaced on a tree -for -tree basis as required by the Planning Services Department. 4. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with the City of Poway Ordinance and shall be planted at an average of every 30 feet on interior streets and 20 feet on exterior streets. S. A minimum of 50 trees per gross acre, comprised of the following sizes, shall be providedwithinthe development; 20% - 24" box or larger, 70% - 15 gallon, and 10t - 5 gallon to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services and in accordance with the approved landscape plan in all multifamily and PRD projects. 3OF34 Q6. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. MAY 20 986 ITEM � t i4 ; D. SIGNS 1. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. Wr 2. A Comprehensive Sign Program for this development shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department for their review prior to issuance of 'building permits. Approval shall be by the City Council. E. RECREATION 1. On lots having a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail on or adjacent to their property, the developer is required to have contained within the C.C.&R.'s the following statement: In purchasing the home, I have read the C.C&R.'s and understand - that said lot is subject'to an easement for the purpose of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic. - 2.. The developer shall improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail system is accordance with the adopted sign standards and to the satisfaction of the Directors of Public and Planning Servicess f a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. v 3 3. An open... space easement shall be grantedto the City over, upon, across and under the area defined on the final maps as an equestrian trail and no building, structures or other things shall be constructed, erected, placed or maintain ed on subject easements except for the construction and maintenance of said trail and structures appurtenant to the trail. 4. Dedicate the Master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails to the satisfaction of the Directors of the Departments of Public and Planning Services in accordance with the 'Master - Plan of Trails Element, S. Parkland Dedication or payment of Park Fees at the established rate shall be made: a. Prior to final 'map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. P. EXISTING STRUCTURES 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for property line clearances considering use, area and fire -resistiveness of existing buildings, 2. Existing building(s) shall be made to comply with current building and zoning regulations for the intended use or the building shall. be demolished. 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled x and/or capped to comply with appropriate grading practices and the Uniform Plumbing Code. � G. ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REQUIRED 1 1. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation of the final subdivision map. 3. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for a period of month(s) at the end of which time the. City Council may add or delete conditions, or revoke the Conditional Use. Permit. 4. The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land Use Map in the sales office at all times, and/or suitable alternative to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. MAY 2 0 "966 ITEM *114 b MAY 2o 3986 ITEM u k S. -When public or private equestrian/pedestrian trails are required as a part of the subdivision, the developer shall display a map in the sales office, of said subdivision, Indicating the trails. ' 6. All sales maps that are distributed or made available to the ' public shall include but not be limited to trails, future and existing schools, parks, and streets. 7. The developer shall provide a noise display board in the sales office to the satisfcation of the planning Services Director. The display shall include the site plan and noise study. 8 _Working drawings shall include a certification by a recognized acoustical expert that the requirements of the City of Poway's noise ordinance will be met. , 9. At the completion of construction, and prior to occupancy, i. interiorandexterior CNEL shall be determined by field testing at•developer's'expense. Tests to be conducted by a - recognized acoustical expert-. No occupancy permits shall be granted until Condition G-7 is met to the satisfaction of the Building Code (latest ad opted edition) 'Sound Transmission Control.. 10. The applicant shalll provide verification of State Board of Equalization notification and that appropriate reviews and/or, approvals have beenaccomplishedto the satisfac- tion of the Director of Administrative Services. II. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: H. GRADING 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, approved grading plan and geotechnical report, and accepted grading practices. 2. The grading plan shall contain a -certificate signed by a registered civil engineer that the grading plan has preserved a minimum of: 100 square feet of solar access for. each dwelling unit and for each future building site within the subdivision. 3.,A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work: a. Prior to final map approval. b.- Prior to building permit issuance. 9. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for € grading plan check. I S. The final grading pian.. shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Services and Public Services Department and shall be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or issuance of building permit, whichever comes first. 6. A pre -blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted to the satisfaction cof the City Engineer prior to any rock blasting. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting and blasting shall occur only at locations and levels approved by the City Engineer. I. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 1. All Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated and .improved to Circulation Element road standards and to the specifications of the Director of Public Services. *114 b MAY 2o 3986 ITEM u k 2. The d loper shall pay a pro -rata share foo—the installation or mo�ication of the traffic signals at ,as Prior to final map approval. b Prior to building permit issuance. 03. Vehicular access rights to Circulation Element roads shall be ^ dedicated to the City of Poway and labeled on the final map to - the satisfactionof the Director of Public Services or by separate document 4. All interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed � to public streetstandards. � P _ta dards. ;. 5. Sidewalks (4.5 / 81 feet in width shall be required on �} (both/one) side(s) of ,s 6. Reciprocal access and maintenance and/or agreements shall be provided insuring access to all parcels over private roads, drives or parking areas and maintenance thereof to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services.` 7. Street striping and signing shall be instilled'to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 8. All street structural sections shall be submitted to, and approved by the Director of Public Services. 9. Street improvement plans prepared on standard size sheets by -a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. Plan check and inspection expenses shall be paid by the 'developer. 10. All exteriorstreet improvements shall be constructed prior to issuance of 'building permits, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 11. Street improvements that include, but are not limited to: l �a. Sidewalks e. Cross gutter sb.' Driveways f Alley gutter Vic. Wheel chair ramps g. Street paving d. Curb and gutter h. Alley paving :F shall be constructed prior to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 12. All damaged off-site public works facilites,including parkway trees, shall be repaired or replaced prior to exoneration of f bonds and improvements, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Services. 13. Prior to any work being performed in the public .right-of-way, an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Services office and appropriate fees paid, in addition to any other permits required. 14. The developer shall pay one half the cost of a City approved landscaped median along the project frontage(s): a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. is. Street improvements and maintenance shall be made: in accordance with City Ordinance standards for: a. Urban streets b. Semi -rural streets c. Dedicated rural streets d. Non -dedicated rural streets 16. The developer shall pay the Traffic Mitigation Fee at the established rate: a. Prior to final map approval. Z GF b. Prior to building permit issuance. MAY 2 0 ,586 I T E M J. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL I. Intersection drains will be required at locations specified by the Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard engineering practices. 2 The proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program and is subject to the provisions of that program and City Ordinance. 3. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the subdivision, and all :surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision from adjacent lands, shall be required. Said drainage system shall Include any easements and structures as required by 'the Director. of Public Services to properly handle the drainage: 4. Portland cement concrete cross gutters shall be installed where water crosses the roadways.` 5. The Master Pian of Drainage Fee shall be paid at the established rate In accordance with the Drainage Ordinance: a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to ;building permit issuance. 6 Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be permitted. K. UTILITIES 1. Allro osed utilities within the P p project shall be installed undergroundincluding existing utilities along Circulation Element roads and/or highways less' than 34.5 KV. 2. Utility easements shall be provided to the specification of the serving utility companies and the Director of `Public Services. r` 3. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation and undergrounding of existing public utilities, as required. 4. Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City of Poway and the Health Department of the County of San Diego. 5. Prior to acceptance of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer improvement area shall'occur. 6. The applicant shall pay for a water system analysis to establish the proper size and location for the public water system. The amount will be determined by the cost. of the analysis and shall be paid: ae Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. 7. The applicant shall, within 30 days after receiving approval of the tentative tract map, tentative parcel map, use permit, ok development review, apply for a Letter of Availability (LOA) to reserve sewerage availability and post w+t:A the City, a nonrefundable reservation fee equal to 20% of the appropriate sewerage connection fee in effect at the time the LOA is issued. 8. Developer shall construct a Light system conforming to City of Poway Standards at no cost to the public, subject to the following; a.. Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which will provide true 90 degree cutoff and prevent projection of light above the horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or device. b. All fixtures shall use a clear, low pressure sodium vapor light source. � MAY � 0 19.86.��� � ; E 1l'1 2 � � � � � c. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid by the developer. i - d. Annexation to the lighting district 'shall be accomplished and evidence of annexation and payment of lighting fees shall be presented to the City prior to final mapAgo .. approval or building permit issuance, whichever occurs f rst. Q 9. Cable television services shall be provided and installed underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be accomplished. L. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS 1. Permits from other agencies will be required as follows; a. Caltrans b. San Diego County Flood Control District c. Other: 2.-A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's) and/or Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners Association shall be subject to the review for compliance with conditions fierein, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State, the County Recorder and the City Clerk at the time of final map consideration. 3. Prior to recordation, a Notice of Intention to form Landscape and/or Lighting,Districts shall be filed with the City Council. The engineering costs involved in districtformation shall be borne by tfe developer. 4. Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and procedures. S. By separate document prior to the recording of the final subdivision map, or on the final subdivision map, there shall be granted to the City, an open space easement over Lots , common areas Said open space easement shall. be approved as to form by the City" Attorney and shall limit the use of said open space to recreational purposes, including buildings, structures and improvements.- 6. Should this subdivison be further divided, each final map shall be submitted, for approval by the Director of Public Services. 7. All provisions of the Subdivison Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code s :all be met as they relate to the division of land. S. Those portions of the subject property proposed to be held under common ownership shall be labeled such and identified by a separate lot number on the final map. 9. Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed and provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation within two years from map recordation or prior to building permit issuance, whichever occurs first, by the execution of a performance agreement, secured with sufficient securities, in a form approved by the city Attorney. All necessary processing fees, deposits, and charges shall be paid prior to final map approval. 10. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall be made and easements granted as required above. 11. The tentative map approval shall expire on unless an application for time extension is received 90 days prior to expiration in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. t•.•a•asi-• • rr••r• s a.. •ei:e tib ♦ � /♦ ♦.�; •••... •. �l-trf�'. �/iii+":.;`. ���. sit r♦-�f of til ��.��� i��!♦ir�4� �f tel! ♦, !� I ^tom\� !r �♦r .♦ • r. e•i /.♦.Ii�I_/mai r�/•C/�/��t�`: i - - 1-1 jo If ' of °moi � .i��� • sr• .o � e e O t � a I t 1 •S rr • •• �..rtl i�` i,y - of* a •i .° i • f � • t � •Oi o� �� 41'64 !<• iIf Al � s•a ae►aia �r/:f., rte-iii/Y��tl/a.-i •die••. i •�•ee rr��♦moi-r/.�.+yl\�.r �`t... - •.• rt �..�r�,...-i,_ti � tom' - '. # � C RS -4 RS -7 PC , RS -3:, CG zwl" CIS ` RR -C PC ;i os RC Fis.71 ITY ITEM -fViR SG. --00 ii1-�Y TITLE Awt49 T.AA/ �: _ � ®ar®•vim SCALE A1,A ATTACHMENT AST oOF�h MAY 2 p 1986 IT E �,� 4 � ATTACHMENT 1 • q, l e _ - •T.a Riau 13 i f p r rr us V LL/U L ' CITY OF PA ITEM s t TITLE SCALE ATTACHMENT ,s 31aF 3a MAY201986 ITEM � 3Zo�3 MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM 4 0 0) N:: ITEM `%Ses2 -0a 4I4h.. 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