Item 16 - Summary Vacation of Woodset LaneI AGENDA REPORT Gt� 'F CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the �y report Y Y public F ..«.,,..` p prior to approval b the Cit Council unless members of the Council, staff or cily THE request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to theCity;Clerk prior.to the beginning of the City Council meeting. 'TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Services:" Ninoy T. Basuil, Assistant Civil Engineer` fi DATE: May 20 1986` t SUBJECT: Summary vacation of Woodset Lane, Abutter's Rights of Access appurtenant to Lots 1 & 10 in and to Twin Peaky Road (formerly Camino =i Del Norte) ,, Pedestrian and ;Eguestrian Trail Easements,and a Drainage Easement, all in E�County of San Diego Tract 4107, Map No. 10258 ABSTRACT The developers of Twin Peaks Plaza, a development southeast of the intersection of Pomerado Road and Twin Peaks Road has filed a 10 -parcel tentative parcel map for consolidation of all lots in County of San Diego Tract 4107, Map No. 10258 and a portion of Section 2, T14S, R2W, SBM. It is imminent that said tentative map will get City Council. approval subject to all conditions set forth by the Planning Services Department. To facilitate compliance of certain ,conditions of final map approval, the City Engineer recommends summary vacation of the above subject .street and public service easements. BACKGROUND i Subject street and public service easements are located.in the County of San Diego Tract 4107, Map No. 10258 and a portion of the south half of Section 2, TI4S, R2W, SBM in that area bounded by x Pomerado Road on the west, Twin Peaks Road on the northeast and the proposed Route 56 on the southeast (Attachment l) 'r =s ACTION: tom' l of l -AAA N '1936 J TE M 1 a r AGENDA REPORT - May 20, 1986 Summary Vacation of Woodset Lane Tract 4107 2 Page . The street and public-service easements in said Map No. 10258 were accepted on behalf of the City and the public on 11/4/81 and were effectuated ;by the recordation. of the map on 11/6/8`1 in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County as F/P No. 81-353952. The other public service easement, a`portion of a drainage easement in the south half of Section 2, T14 -S, R2W, SBM was dedicated to the San Diego Flood Control District on May 2.0, '1981, as F/P No. 81-157211. The City became the successor of interest to the San Diego Flood Control District upon its incorporation on December 1980. Subject street and public service easements qualifies for summary vacation under the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code, commencing ;I at Section .8330. A copy of a plat illustrat ng,vacation of easements (Attachment 2) and copies of easement legal descriptions are attached (Attachment 3). RECOMMENDATION f' Adopt the resolution ordering the summary Eracation of Woodset, Lane,v ;= abutter'.s rights; of access to Lots 1 and 10 in and to Twin Peaks Road .(formerly Camino del Norte), pedestrian and equestrian trail easement, and a drainage easement in Lot 5, all in County of San Diego 'Tract 4107, Map No. 10258, and that portion of a drainage easement in the south half of Section 2, T14S, R2W, SBM. JLB:ADA:NT:mh _ Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Plat to Illustrate Easement Vacations 3. Legal Descriptions` 4.. Resolution Ordering Summary Vacation i i i 2© 11 MAY 2 U 1986 ITEM 16 } PROJECT SITE VICINITY MAP NO SCALE 0 PEA 0 cc 2 0 0 CITY OF POWAY eAN, SCALE • NOME Atik NORTH ITEM TITLE V/G//V/ TY MAP ATTACHMENT 3 of 11 MAY 20 1986 ITEM 16 4fi MAIC 20, 1986 ITEM � a. . �.'�Isealw/.tifrllaa.lw�arlas..aans�la®... .. - MAnifrou i!o- ,ow no La otacm forepow •r OAT[ 11"ECT F.W.F. 767WOODSET LANE VACATION c»�• 05-07-86 1 of 2 WOODSET LANE VACATION THAT PORTION OF COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TRACT NO. 4107 , IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10258 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER t. OF SAID COUNTY ON NOVEMBER 6, 1981, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 10 AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 10258, SAID POINT BEING IN THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF TWIN PEARS ROAD (126.00 FEET WIDE), FORMERLY CAMINO DEL NORTE,-AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP NO. 10258; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE NORTH 36-43-29 WEST, 231.36 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RETRACING SOUTH 36-43-29 EAST, 92.07 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP WITH A 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 53-16-31 EAST; THENCE COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG' THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH' A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 92-58-40 A DISTANCE OF 32.46 FEET TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE WITH A 174.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A` RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT' FROM THE CENTER OF SAID 174.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE BEARS NORTH 39-42-09 WEST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID 174.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 27-57-51 A-DISTANCE OF 84.92 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 22-20-00 WEST, 112.15 ;FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 22.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC' OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 46-42-30 A DISTANCE OF 17.93' FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE WITH A 48.00 FOOT RADIUS CUL—DE—SAC CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT FROM THE CENTER OF SAID CUL—DE—SAC BEARS NORTH 63-37-30 EAST; THENCE CLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CUL-DE—SAC THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 273-25-00 A DISTANCE OF 229.06 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE WITH A 22.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT FROM SAID 22.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE BEARS SOUTH 2O-57-30 EAST; THENCE NORTH"-STERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 46-42-30, A DISTANCE OF 17.93 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE NORTH 22- 20-00 EAST, 112.15 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 226.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29-04-40 A DISTANCE OF 114.70 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE WITH A 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT FROM SAID 20.00 FOOT RADIUS ' CURVE. BEARS SOUTH 38-35-20 EAST; THENCE COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 88-08-09 A DISTANCE OF 30.77 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 53-16-31 EAST. PANY. D[fCw1�710N wt VtftO»5.. w[IiwEP got NO. - OATC 767.WOODSET#31 I""Y POWAYITEM: TITLE Lane_ SCALE ATTACHMENT : 3 . pg9e 1 5 Of 11 MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM 1•6 pl�neer np companya.....1■W�e.CM4••r -: i)wi trM,Mr titq f�f.irtr - ... ... me #90.. 767 -. L90A4 O[[GNIRIOR ..FOR: [♦- RELEASE OF ACCESS RICHT RELINQUISHMENT "�':'R.F. Oft[ 05-07-86 iN[T :. 1Laof I RELEASE OF ACCESS RIGHT RELINQUISHMENT VACATION OF THOSE _CERTAIN ACCESS RIGHTS RELINQUISHED-AN6 WAIVED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO PROM LOTS I AND I'0 OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY TRACT' NO. 4107 IN AND TO TWIN PEARS: ROAD (PORMERLY 'CAMINO DEL NORTE) AS 'SHOWN ON MAP NO. 10258, FILED IN THE OFFICE -OP THE COUNTY` RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON NOVEMBER 6, 1981, IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO', STATE OF CALIFORNIA. i 1 t i COMPANY ocscNl►TIOR. w[v�blorls TITLE: CO.oergackca ... ONO[1! NO.- OATC 767_RELEASE#3I CITY OF POWAY ITEM LE«/ 3L�0/6//'TION 5 I l 4hlo SCALE i ATTACHMENT y k (/w A of 11 MAY 20 1986 ITEM 16 M TQucompany Pleasing- dig$$. �eBlgaoH�� •.�res�t�` 33O W ,M ASM... 1rek4o Ce&la-.. olus 1.4obw. towt 7.o,mi IOe NO, LEGAL O[[CN/►TIOts van, By OAT[ 1.I[[T 762 EQUESTRIAN EASE14ENT VACATION cN11 D. Pewev+%a* and EQUESTRIAN EASEMENTSVACATION VACATION OF THOSE CERTAIN4EQUESTRIAN EASEMENTS LYING IN LOTS 1 AND 10 OF COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TRACT NO. 4107 , IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN 'DIEGO, STATE OF'CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING"TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10258 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON NOVEMBER 6, 1981 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL •A BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE' ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 1' SOUTH 36-93-29 EAST, 132.68 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY ALONG THE - ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH "A 'CENTRAL ANGLE OF 41-24-35 A DISTANCE OF 14.46 FEET TO A POINT IN THE ARC OF SAID;CURVE"TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS SOUTH 85-18-54 EAST;- THENCE LEAVING THE BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT I AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE NORTH 36-43-29 WEST, 144.16 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 1; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY 'NORTH 34-02-00 EAST, 5.30 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. . _ PARCEL 8 1, BEGINNING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 10; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 10 SOUTH 53-16-31 WEST, 5.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING. SAID LINE NORTH 36-43-29 WEST; 152.52 FEET TO A POINT IN THE ARC' OF A. NON -TANGENT 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 11-51-56 EAST, SAID POINT ALSO BEING IN THE BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 10; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID BOUNDARY AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE'THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 41.-24-35 A DISTANCE OF 14.46 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 36-43-29 EAST, 139.29 FEET TO THE POINT OF'BEGINNING. _ �. �... - ' - COM►ANT O[SCN1,710N N[VISIO.Ni- TITL[ CO. - "EVEN[NCE - •T - OATC _ ORO[Ir NO. - DATG 761. EQITESTRIAN#31 IITEMITY _ = LLrpr� _ �p e# cry u 1ar� TITLE; I SCALE : ATTACHMENT.- Y 9e 7 of 11 MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM ` 16 i� Ann U anneerTn® corin,�any M�. �� �Ms� ��.�I.it•s�l��erls9s•a�r��ytr�:.' - 210 N tN (aMWr (010). 701.0911 - JO• NOL[6AL O[OCNIPTION PON, - •Y OAT[ fM[tT $ F.W.F. 767 DRAINAGE EASEmW VACATION `�i:�.F. 05-07-86 1 —of 2 t ,s DRAINAGE EASEMENTSVACATION ss >;} VACATION OF THOSECERTAINDRAINAGE EASEMENTS LYING IN THAT t PORTION OF LOT 5 OF COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TRACT NO. 4107 , IN THE ki CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 10258 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ` RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY ON NOVEMBER 60 1981 AND IN THAT PORTION { OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 14_ SOUTH, `{{ RANGE 2 WEST, l SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO,_STATE OF CALIFORNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 5; THENCE ALONG. THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 5 SOUTH 71-30-00 EAST, 116.00 FEET TO A POINT IN THE ARC OF A 48.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH '71-30 00 WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12-01-30 A ',DISTANCE OF 10.07 FEET TO A POINT IN THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE ;BEARS NORTH 83-31-30 WEST;: THENCE LEAVING SAID CURVE ALONG A NON -TANGENT LINE NORTH 71-30-00 WEST, 114.40 FEET TO TAE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT'S; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE SOUTH.3-57-00 WEST, 7.54 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE, ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF PARCEL2 AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT 'RECORDED MAY 20, 1.981 AS FILE/. PAGE NO. 81-157211 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS THE FOLLOWING COURSES NORTH 74-20-54 WEST, 39.71 FEET TO A POINT IN' 1 i THE, ARC OF A NON—TANGENT' 185.00 FOOT 'RADIUS ,CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 83-36-44 WEST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A. CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4-18-36A DISTANCE OF 13.92 FEET TO A POINT IN THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 79-18-08 WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID CURVE NORTH 85-00-00 'EAST; 38.23 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING., COPA PAM V - TITLE CO. 01EOCNIPT10N. p[Y/1£10"6. - N[OCIItr1C[ G110[N NO.- •Y OAT[ OAT[ 7Gl I1D �T�•.!•r(''� CITY OFPOU7Y ITEM • L� r �J 8 of 11 SCALE TITLEro��I� yP1 4--a�ieM&7t�) ATTACHMENT 3 11:17ye, �e of* MAY 20 1986 ITEM 1 b RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE SUMMARY VACATION OF WOODSET LANE; ABUTTERS' RIGHTS OF ACCESS APPURTENANT TO LOTS 1 & 10 IN AND TO TWIN PEAKS ROAD (FORNmY CAmIM DEL NORTE) PEDESTRIAN AND EQUESTRIAN TRAIL EASEMENTS; AND A DRAINAGE. EASEMENT, ALL AS,DEDICATED BY COUN'T'Y OF SAN DIEGO TRACT NO. 4107, MAP NO. 10258, AND A PORTION OF A DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH -HALF OF SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP la SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, SAN B RNARDINO DU=IAN (VAC 86-06) WHF.,R-AS', The City Council of the City of Poway desires to summarily vacate certain street and public service easements in accordance with the procedures Provided thereof in Chapter 4, Part 30, Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, commencing at Section 8330; and WHEREAS, Woodset Lane, a public street, was dedicated to the City of Poway by the approval and recordation of County of San Diego Tract 4107, Map No. 10258, recorded November 6, 1981; and WEMEAS abutters' rights of access appurtenant to lots 1 and 10 in and to Twin Peaks Road (formerly Camino del Norte) was similarly dedicated to the City Poway of Y per said Map No. 10258, and: WHEREAS, a pedestrian and equestrian trail easement was also similarly dedicated to the City of Poway, per said Map No. 10258; and WHEREAS, a drainage easement was also similarly dedicated to the San Diego County Flood. Control District in lot 5 of said. County of San Diego Tract 4107, Map No. 10258; and { by a separate instrunearit, -a drainage easErnent was dedicated to the San Diego County Flood Control District in that portion of the South. -Half of Section 2, T14S, R2W, SBM per F/P No. 81-157211, recorded May 20, 1981. WIiEREAS, upon incorporation on December 1, 1950, the City of Poway became t the successor in interest to the County of San Diego Flood Control District for the above drainage easement. NOW, THERMRE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows 1. This summary vacation is made under the provisions of Chapter 4, Part 3, Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code of the state of California. 10 of 11 Resolution No. 86 - Page 2 a 2. The City Council hereby finds that: a. The hereinbelow described street known as Woodset Lane has been impassable for vehicular traffic for a period of five consecutive yearn (Section 8331a), that no ,public money was expended for main- tenance on the street during such period (Section 8331b), and that there are no in-place public facilities that are in use and would be affected by the vacation (Section 8334.5).- b. The hereinbelow abutters' rights of access.appurtenant to Lots 1 and 10 in and to Twin Peaks Road (formerly Camino del NorteY are not required with the consolidation of all lots in County of San Diego Tract 4107, Map No. 10258 and that portion of Section 2, T14S, R2W, SBM by the filing of.a tentative parcel map and its subsequent final map recordation. C. The hereinbelow public service easements for drainage, and equestrian and pedestrian trails have not been used for the pur- pose for which ` it was dedicated or acquired for five consecutive years .immediately preceding this vacation (Section 8333a) 3. The City Council hereby declares that the following street and public service easements are hereby vacated conditioned upon the City Council approval of a tentative parcel map for consolidation of all lots in County of San Diego Tract 4107, Mpp No. 10258 and a portion of Section 2, T14S R2W, SBM, and the subsequent recordation of a final map- - a. That certain public street known as Woodset Lane in County ,of San Diego Tract 4107, Map No. 10258, recorded in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County on November 6, 1981. b. That certain abutters' rights of access appurtenant to Lots 1 and. 10 in and to Twin Peaks Road (formerly Camino del Norte) as shown on said Map No 10258. C. That certain drainage easement in Lot 5 of said County of San Diego Tract 4107, Map No. 10258. d. That certain portion of a drainage easnt in that portion of the South -Half of Section 2, T14S, R2W, SBM granted to the San Diego County Flood Control District on May 20, 1981. as F/P No. 81-157211. MAY 20 1x86 ITEM 16 and 10 of said, County of San Diego Tract 4107, Map 10258. MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM 16 `1 j Resolution No. 86 - Page 2 2 The City Council hereby finds that: a. The hereinbelow described street known as Woodset Lane has been impassable for vehicular traffic for a period of five consecutive years (Section 8331x), that no public money was expended for main- tenance on the street during such period (Section 8331b), and that k there are no in --place public facilities that are `in use and could s be affected by the vacation (Section 8334.5). b. The hereinbelow abutters' rights of access appurtenant to Lots 1 and 10 in and to Twin Peaks Road (formerly Camino del Norte) are not required with the consolidation of all lots in County of San Diego Tract 4107, Mao No. 10258 and that portion of Section 2 T14S R2Wa SBM by the :Filing of a tentative parcel map and its subsequent final map recordation. C. The hereinbelow public service easements for drainage, and equestrian and pedestrian trails have not been used for the pur- pose for which it was dedicated or acquired for five consecutive years immediately preceding this vacation (Section 8333a.) 3 The City Council hereby declares that the following street and public service easements are hereby vacated:'. .I' a. That certain public 'street known as Woodset vane in County of San Diego Tract 4107, Map No. 1 258; retarded in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County on November 6, 1981. b. That certain abutters' rights of access appurtenant to Lots 1 and 10 in and to Twin Peaks. Road (formerly Camino del Norte) as shown. a -said Map No 10258. C, khat certain drainage easement in Lot 5 of said County of San Diego Tract 4107, Flap No. 10258. d. That certain portion of a drainage easement in that portion of the South -Half of Section 2, T14S, R2W, SBM granted, to the San Diego County Flood Control District on May 20; 1981, as F/P No. 81-157211e e. That certain strian and pedestrian trails east, 3.Yi hots l and 10 of said, County of San Diego Tract 4107, Map 10258. MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM 16 11 of 11 Resolution No. 86 Page 3 4. The City Clerk of the City of Poway is hereby directed to cause a cer- tified copy of this resolution to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County in accordance with the provisions of Section 8336 of the Streets and Highways Code. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 20th day of May, 1986. AT2EST Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk Carl R. Kruse, Mayor MAY 2 0 1986 ITEM 16