Public Oral CommentsGEORGE F. DAILEY ' itr 6COND OliYwtCT CMEF ADMINISTRATIVE QFFICr-- tvsAro GOLDING ?"IRO DISTRICT 1600 PACSPIL A.IGHWAY ® SAN DIEGO CALIFOR..iiA 92101.2472 Lhorl c.. wLLLIAMS _ P'40U 'TH DISTRICT TELEPHONE (619) 236-2722 PAUL ECKERT ,r8rsar o1ssRYeT NORMANW.HICKEY - CiiIF-F ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER SUBJECT: Comments on the City of Santee's Sphere of Influence Proposal Lakeside Community Plan/Santee Fringe Community Plan SUPV DIST: 2 SU14MARY OF REQUEST: This is a request to have your Board submit a response to the City of Santee's proposed Sphere of Influence which will-be presented to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for their consideration. Staff is recommending that portions of territory in the proposed sphere be excluded from Santee's Sphere of Influence. The territories recommended for exclusion are integral parts of-the Lakeside Community =Plan. The City of Santee has developed and approved a proposal identifying the territory that they are recommending be included in their ,Sphere of-Influence. This proposal was submitted to LAFCO in March, 1986 and is tentatively scheduled for the Commission • hearing in June, 1986. I The three unincorporated areas which are being` proposed for inclusion in Santee's Sphere ' are portions of the Lakeside Community Plan and the Santee e ' Fringe Community Plan. In reviewing Santee's proposal, staff's report shall address the proposed areas along the northern, eastern and southern boundaries of Santee, and comment on their respective impacts on future development plans of the region. CHIEF ADMIMISTRATIVE OFFICER RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorise the Chairman of your Board to sign a letter to the Local' Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) , which recommends that: a. LAFCO exclude the northern and eastern boundary areas from any city's sphere: of influence (with the exception of that portion of territory which , is.. already within Poway's adopted Sphere of Influence) and b. LAFCO include all unincorporated territory in the southern boundary area I (including Pepper Drive area south to Broadway and the Bostonia areaL) in either Santee es or El . Cajon' F Sphere of Influence, or a combination thereof. 2. Direct the Director of Planning and Land-Use to present the County's position as outlined in 1. above to the Local Agency Formation Commission at thei r ' schedul ed - heard ng on this matter. UNDING SOURCES: N/A CURRENT YEAR COST N/A ANNUAL COST:, N/A BUDGETED: X YES 110 WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERSONNIEL? NO X IF YES, STATE NUMBER PERMANEff TEMPORARY OTHER BOARD POLICY(IES) APPLICABLE: I-55 Government Structure Policy PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: N/A 4 VOTES REQUIRED YES X No DEPARTMERT Planning and Lard Use s BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT FORM SUBJECT Comments on the City of Santee's Sphere of Influence Proposal Lakeside 4+ Community Plan/Santee Fringe Community Plan BACKGROUND INF1 MATION: The City of Santee has developed and approved a proposal identifying the territory that they are recommending be included in their sphere of influence. This proposal was submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commi ssi on (LAFCO) on March 19, 1986 and is tentatively scheduled for the Commi ssi.on hearing in June, 1986. • The three areas which are being proposed for inclusion in Santee's sphere of nfl ue rce are portions of the Lakeside Community Plan and the Santee Fringe Community Plan. These areas are I. The Northern Boundary Area which lies between the City of Poway and the City of : Santee and includes the Goodan Ranch and Sycamore Canyon Park plus territory extendi ny east toHighway 67. The northern portion of this territory was designated a special study area by LAFCO, pending 'the- City of Santee's sphere proposal ii. The Eastern Boundary Area which includes a portion of the San Diego Ri ver Area extending from the Santee city limits to Ri verfordRoad. III. The Southern Boundary which includes the Pepper Drive area, an unincorporated "i sl and" which lies between the boundaries of the City of El Cajon and the City of Santee This territory was designated a spe-cialr study area by LAFC.O, pending the City of Santee's sphere proposal Summary of Recommendations by Subarea h. The Northern Boundary Area lies between the City of Poway,and the City of Santee and includes the Goodan Ranch and Sycamore Canyon Park plus territory extending east to Highway 67 It is recommended that .the entire territory be excluded from both Sante' s and Poway' s Spheres of Influence Reasons: : 1. This area is an integral part of the Lakeside Community Plan, from both a. Y land use and circulation perspective. 2. This area encompasses a County owned and operated regional park currently designed as a passive use park with development scheduled in the Fall of 1986. 3. Topographic drainage patterns reveal that the eastern portion of this territory drains toward Lakeside. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT FORM SUBJECT -Comments on the City of Santee s Sphere of Influence Proposal Lakeside Community Plan/Santee Fringe Community Plan BACKGROUND .INFORMATIUN (cant'd) 4. If the community of Lakeside should choose to incorporate, the industrial use potential in this area would serve as a much :needed economic base for incorporation. 5. s' The eastern portion of this area i s wthi ri the Lakeside Fire Protection ' District's Sphere of Influence, 6. If this territory annexes to Santee it would result in a loss of 54% of the land designated for Industrial use in the Lakeside community. 'II. The Eastern Boundary Area includes a portion of the San Diego River Area extending from the Santee city limits to Ri verford Road. It is recommended that this area be excluded from Santee's Sphere of Influence. Reasons: 1.. It would have a negative impact on the implementation of the Upper San Diego River Project. 2.. This area receives its fire protection: from the Lakeside Fire Protection District.. 3. If the community of Lakeside should choose to incorporate, the development potential in this area would serve as a much needed A economic base for incorporation. 4. Community identity ti.e. elementary school and mailing address) is - related to Lakeside. 5. The County is proposing to change the alignment and designation of Mast Blvd. to conform with Santee's circulation element map. This proposal, If approved by the Board of Supervisors (GPA 86-03), should satisfy Santee's concerns regarding the future extension of Mash Blvd. III. The Southern Boundary includesthePepper Drive area, an unincorporated "island" which lies between the boundaries of the City of El Cajon and the City of Santee, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS hU 'INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT FORM y - tUl : eC�s:an=en s on the i. a Santee's pnere- o Influence Proposal Lakeside Community Plan/Santee Fringe Community Plan 10ACKLAUUNU INFURINA11UN: con It is recommended that this area be included in either Santee's or El Cajor.'s Sphere of Influence and should be considered for future annexation. The entire unincorporated territory located between Santee and El Cajon (including Pepper Drive Area south to Broadway and the Bostoni a area) shouldbe included in either Santee's or El Cajon s- Spheres of Influence, or a combination thereof. Reasons: I; These are County islands in which public services are currently provided by a number of agencies and overlapping jurisdictions. These areas would be best r served if they were ultimately 'annexed to a city. f Conclusions: This is a request to have your Board adopt the following recommendations regarding .Santee s Sphere of Influence. proposal: I.. The Northern Boundary Area it is recommended that the entire territory be excluded from both Santee's and Poway's z: Spheres of Influence; 2. The Eastern Boundary Area: it is recommendedthat this area be excluded from Santee's Sphere of Influence' and 3. 'The Southern Boundary Area: it is recommended that the entire unincorporated area (including pepper Drive Area south to Broadway, and the Bostoni a area) be included in either Santee's or El Caj on's Sphere • . of Influence, or a combination thereof. The attached letter of recommendation, if adopted by your Board, will be sent to the Local Agency Formation Commission to express the County's position regarding Santee's S here of Influence proposal. In addition, it is recommended that your Board direct the Director of Planning and Land Use to attend the LAFCO hearing, which is tentatively scheduled for June, 1980, to give testimony representing the County's position in this matter. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMcHT PROGRAM: Planning and. Land Use CURRENT YEAR COST: N/A REKARKS: N/A .... _ . CITIZEiIS CO►�hil??FESTATE;uFN;r This matter will be heard by the Department of Planning and Land Use s Advisory Board on May 14, 1986. Their recommendation will be presented at your Boards May 21, 1986 hearing. . AUKLMIld-1 I LUA I KAC 1 0. NIA 4-iVIL SERViLt APPeMAL NttUtU YLS flu APPRUVtU BY 001Y CUUMLLA "7nlLla s M N/A( )NIAN"'XII-FORIFT APPROVED ( }DISAPPROVED` X) NUT*APPLICABLE R.R. doo er, Parks and Recreation. E x G I n7 z. Leila Fiske 565-3012 (0650) VI tee C Ladwi Director LUNIALi NPERSOPHURE ANUn .: May 21, 1986 Local Agency Formation Commission 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 452 San Diego, California 92101 Honorable Commissioners: On May 21, 1986, the Board of Supervisors adopted a position on the Santee Sphere of Influence proposal and hereby requests that your Commission consider. the County's recommendations as follows: • That LAFCO exclude the northern and eastern boundary areas from any city's sphere of influence (with the exception of that portion of territory which is already within Poway's adopted Sphere of Influence); and That LAFCO include all unincorporated territory in the southern boundary area (including Pepper Drive area south to Broadway and the Bostoni a area) in either Santee's or El Cajon's Sphere of Influence, or a combination thereof. These recommendations are based on our concerns regarding the future development of the region. The northern and eastern areas proposed for inclusion in Santee's Sphere are integral parts of the Lakeside Community Plan. If approved, as proposed, Santee's Sphere would have a major adverse impact on the futuree planning needs of the Lakeside community. Enclosed is a staff report which outlines in detail our analysis of the regional impacts of Santee's Sphere Proposal. The County will send a representative to testify at your hearing on this nattero Any questions your Commi ssi on' may have can be answered at that time. Your consideration of our recommendations would be appreci ated. Sincerely' PAUL ECKERT, Chairman Board of Supervisors Enclosure - SAN DIEGO COUNTY'S ANALYSIS OF - SAKTEP 5 Sr iERE OF INFLUENCE PROPOSAL In reviewing Santee' s Sphere of Influence proposal, this report shall address the Northern.; Eastern; and Southern Boundary areas and comment on their respective impacts on current and future land use needs of the region. I0 SUBAREA: NORTHERN BOUNDARY: includes'G©odan Ranch Study Area and Sycamore Canyon Park Acreage: 4,000 acres (approximately) City/County Plan Designation: City: Not determi ned at this. t me.- County: (16) Industrial - (with extracts ve . overt ay) (18) Mul ti pl e Rural Use (with extractive overlay) 18) Multiple Rural Use (24) Impact Sensitive Existing Service Providers Fire: Cal i forni a Division of Forestry (wi l dl and fires only; structural fires not covered) Sewer: Not serviced Nater: Not serviced Major Developments 10 The central portion of this subarea includes County -owned - Sycamore Canyon Park. This is an areaof approximately 1,700 acres currently being planned - for development by the County of San Diego, Department of Parks and -.Recreation, as a regional park designed for passive uses such as riding and hitting trails. The County Department of Parks and Recreation plans to submit an application for a Major Use Permit for this park in the $pri ng/', Summer of.1986, 2. There is currently extractive activity (sand mining and gravel operations) in the southeast portion of this area, which is al l o=reed by the extractive overlay zone. The underlying designations are. Industrial and Multiple Rural Use. 3. The western boundary encompasses the Goodan Ranch, a 320 acre ranch which has historically been used for dry farming and cattle grazing A resort group has indicated interest in purchasing and developing the ranch, n Z Santee's Justifications for Inclusion of the Northern Boundary Area ------------ 1. The City of Santee has been approached by owners of the Goodan Ranch property regarding a reorganization involving annexation to Santee and the Padre Dam Muni c i pal � eater District. ct. A resort group has indicated an i nterest in purchasing and developing the property. The owners' justifications for annexation pursuant to Santee's Sphere of Influence Study Austin, Hansen, Fenlman Group) are: a. The property drains toward Santee b, Padre Dam Municipal mater District would provide sewer service or a gravity flow basis. It is anticipated that water service would be available from Padre : Dam Municipal Viate r 'Di strict C, A road is proposed along the alignment at Old Survey Road No. 55 4 which would connect to the City of Santee. F d. A City of Santee Fire Station is proposed Y I%2 miles from the property (Per Fanta Ranch Units 1-5) _ 2. The City of Santee has included the Goodan Ranch property plus al l property extending east to Route 67 in their sphere proposal Their justification for this extension is to allow them to establish a circulation system* from the northern part of their city east to Route 67. Aralysis: A portion of territory in the northern Boundary. Area proposed for inclusion in Santee's sphere had been included in Poway s sphere proposal in May, 1985 At that time, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) excluded it from 'Poway's sphere and designated it a special study.area. A portion of land in the most northeasterly corner of Santee's proposed boundary, extends into the LAFCO adopted boundary of Poways sphere of influence, The Northern Boundary Area is not currently within or serviced by a fire, sewer or water district (with the exception of the California Division of ; Forestry's coverage of wi l dl a nd fires), however, the eastern portion of this area is within the Lakeside Fire Protection District's sphere b€ influence. The Lakeside Community Plan is currently being reviewed and updated and will be presented to the Board of 'Supervisors for approval in December 1986 (GFA 86-03, Lakeside Community Plan Update) The Northern Boundary Area 's considered an integral part of the Lakeside Community Plan. To include the Northern Boundary Area i n Santee's sphere of influence , would negatively impact current and future ,planning. reeds being identified in the Lakeside community. Examples of these negative impacts are "as -follows: , 1 a 3 • 1. 1 Portions of the area have -been designated industrial by the adopted Lakeside Community Plan. These areas (i.e. Slaughterhouse Canyon) have been specifically set aside for current and future high impact - industrial uses. The loss of this territory would, cause a hardship to the community of Lakeside, as it would be difficult to relocate the use elsewhere in the community. The Lakeside Community Plan currently has 592.37 acres of -1 and designated Industrial If this territory annexes to Santee it would -result in a loss of 318,40 acres of Industrial land in the Lakeside community. That equals a loss of 54 of land designated . for Industrial use. 2. Highway 67 is the main arterial which 'services the entire Lakeside cominu pity and links ` Lakeside with neighboring communities in a north -south manner. San Diego County's adopted circulation element shows proposed SC780, an east/west route in the northern Boundary Area. This proposed road is an extension, of Sycamore Canyon Road ' extending east to Highway 67 and west to proposed SR125. SC780 is proposed as a collector road (4 lanes). The County would require construction of SC780 at such time as development occurs which would require the additionalaccess. ;. 30 Topographic constraints also support the exclusion of this territory from the Santee sphere. Runoff patterns reveal that one-half of Sycamore Canyon and the territory east of Sycamore Canyon drains toward Lakeside, 4. Within this area, the County of San Diego is actively pursuing the F development of Sycamore Canyon as a regional park, with passive recreational uses, which would serve as the westernmost link in'a linear trail system stretching from Sycamore Canyon to El Cajon Mtn, The San Diego County's Department of Parks and Recreation has difficulties with regional parks located within city boundaries (ie. coordinating i nterjuri sdi cti onal issues such as traffic and land use) . Major concerns i n regards to the Sycamore Canyon Park area are that 'if annexed, Santee may allow roads to cross the park to serve the Fanita Ranch Development and the possi bl i ty that incompatible development may be allowed to occur adjacent to the park. If a portion of the park is in the City of Santee and a portion in the City of Poway, there would be additional problems in obtaining development permits from both cities for the same park development plan. This would be avoided by allowing Sycamore Canyon Park to remain in the unincorporated area. 5. The community of Lakeside has expressed an interest -in future incorporation. Should the community wish to formally pursue incorporation, this area with its industrial . use potential would serve as a much needed economic base for incorporation.