1986 06-03 AgendaLwi.ii. CJS SEAiU CrrLr COUNCIL AGENDA REGULAR MMM - JUN 3, 1986 - 7:00 P.Mo 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE F ME93rzNG c..Ar ZD TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLA1WM COMMISSION/AEDWELOPMENT ICY 1.. ROLL CALL , ORAVEC, SHEeARDSONo, TARZY, KRusE r 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPUTY MAYOR SHEPARDSON 3.. PROCLAMATION - "Hire A Youth" Month June, 1986 4. PUBLIC`ORAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALF 1R - NOEME TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMSERED 12 THROUGH 21 MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE WrION AT THIS POINT IN THE MMiING., THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE: ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL VOTES ON THE, MO'T'ION UNLESS THE METERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF, OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE PMUVE D AM DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. THOSE WHICa ARE REEVED WILL. BE CONSIDERS IN THE ORDER IN MUCH` THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISa TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEME FILL CUT A SLIP AND GIVE TO THE CITY CLQ. 4rt� G E Funic BlFignm g 5. *Environmental Assessment, Tentative parcel Map 85-06, umarkham Malik, appli- cant: a request to subdivide .91 gross acres into -1 lots; located at 13915 Eastern Street. {Continued fram April 22 1986, Item 4.� CITY MMWER,'S RECOMMENDATION: Close public hearing; issue Negative Declar- ation; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. *Environmental Assessment of the Midland Road Capital ImproveM nt Project between Nom Street and Aubrey Street, City of Poway., applicant: con- sideration of the potential environmental impacts which could occur as a result of the project. fi CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION Close public hearing; issue Negative Declaration. 7. *A reimubrsement agreement for repayment of certain construction costs for installation of a public sewer main in Golden Sunset =,ane, frcm Espola Road to a point 1,000 feet east. This construction will obligate the property owners to reimburse their fair share of the costs. CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Remove from calendar. *E iIBIT ENCLOSED NEXT RESOLUTION NO. _IS 86-058 #EXHIBIT IN PREPARATION NEXT ORDINANCE NO. IS 190 NWUPL i`:�.0 RE N� IS P-86-39 AEXT' REDE�VEI�OPMENr sRES. NO. IS R-86-11 CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ; June 3, 1986 Page 2 8. *Resolution No. - Confirming the Levy and Collection of Assessments Within the Poway Landscape Maintenance Assessment District 83-1 for Fiscal Year 1986-87 CITY MANAGER'S R cmmmmmN: Close public hearing; adopt Resolution. 9. *Resolution No. - Confirming the Levy and Collection of Assessments Within the Poway Landscape Maintenance- Assessment District 86-1 for Fiscal Year 1986-87 CITY MANAGER'S REC=MATION: Close public hearing; adopt Resolution. 10.*Resolution -No. - Confirming the Levy and Collection of Assessments i Within the Poway Landscape MaintenanceAssessment District 86 -2 -for Fiscal Year -1986-87 CITY MANGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Close public hearing; adopt Resolution. 11*Resolution No. - Confirmi.ng the Levy and. Collection of Assessments Within the Poway Landscape Maintenance Assessment District 86-3 for Fiscal Year 1986-87 a CITY M!MMIS RECOMMENDATION: Close public hearing, adapt Resolution. F ME= CSAR 12.*Approval of Minutes - City Council. May 13, 1986, Regular Meeting May 20, 1986, Regular Meeting May 22 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting 13.*Approval of Minutes - Redevelcpnent Agency: R/A May 13, 1986. R rMeetng _ May 20, 1986, Regular Meeting May Z2, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting 14,. *Ratif ication of Warrant Register - May 22, 1986 15 *Status -of pending legislation 16 *Approval of annual review of Conditional Use. Permit 85-06, Palomar%Pcmerado Hospital District; temporary trailer, located at 15615 Pamerado Road. 17.*Resolution No. P-86- - Development Review 86-05 and Temporary Use Permit 86-36, standard Pacific of San Diego, applicant: a request to construct 503 single family homes and a new model home complex as part of the new Parkside series homes. CITY OF . CMY 5 -•' CITY COUNCIL AGENDA r June 3 1986 Page 3 18. *Resolution No. p-86- -minor Development Review 86-15 Larry and Jennifer Brinkler applicant: a request to construct a single family dwelling unit within the Ridgeline/ Hillside review area., located north of Poway Road and east of Mina de Oro. 19'.*Resolution No. P-86-_ - Minor Development Review 86-37 Tram and Sue Liguori applicants request to construct two-story barn with accessory living quarters for the property located at 15555 Old Coach Way 20. *Authorization to Bid: construction of vehicle and equipment storage , building. 21 *Resolution No. P-86- - Temporary Use Permit 86-45, Faith Mohling, appli- cant: request to -use a trailer as sales office for Las Tomas Estates, located at the southern exten- sion of Gate Drive. CI`T'Y 22. CIW ATTCLUM ITM 23 . COUNM ITEMS CITY 24. RCBERT EMERY 25. LINDA ORAVF.I; 26. MARYa 7tYCsPALV.iSON 27. BRUCE.TARZY 28. CARL KRUSE - Pre -Development Conference Scheduling Requests: A. Carriage Lane Condaniniums, located at northeast corner of Poway and Carriage Roads. B. Friends- of Chubad Lubavitch, Inca Church, located on north side. of Espola. Road at westerly city limits. q AWCURNMM