Item 18 - MDRA 86-15 - Larry and Jennifer BrinklerACTION: ky JUN 3 1388 ITEM 16 I O F `13 AGENDA RE. P RT gnomon— -O- G CITY OF POWAY 1 This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public oil, w THEw� request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to theCityClerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of he City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana4r Services • w Director of Planning INITIATED BY. Reba W._Tou Planner 5 � Sharon E. Cockett, Assistant DATE: June 3, 1986 a SUBJECT: Minor Development Review Application 86-15 - Larry k. and Jennifer Brinkler, Applicants:. A request for approval royal to construct a single family dwelling unit on a lot within the Ridgel.ne/H1llside Review Area. The lot is located north of Poway Road and east of Mina de Oro Road in the RR -A (Rural Residential A) zone. APN: 321-111-15 BACKGROUND f A. Project Descri tp ion Mr, and Mrs. Brinkler are requesting the Council approve MDRA 86-15 and allow the construction of a two-story, 1,852 square foot, single family dwelling unit on a lot (Parcel 2 of PM 21912) that is g ty within the Ridgeline/Hillside Review Area. The property is directly north of Poway Road and approximately 4.00 feet west of � Mina de Oro Road. The property slopes up from Poway Road (the knoll the 1,456 foot elevation' 1,350 foo elevation lined to a at =. level. The project complies with the guidelines of the proposed Ridgeline/Hillside Ordinance in that the applicants have agreed to highest set the structure into the hillside just north of the point (1,455 feet) will. be only r of the knoll so that the top of the roof 13 feet above the natural grade. The architectual style is rem- niscent of a mountain cabin and the proposed earth tone colors will blend with the hillsides: ACTION: ky JUN 3 1388 ITEM 16 I O F `13 .SUN 3 1986 T BVI Agenda Report June 30, 1985 Page 2 The proposed project complies with the setbacks, the height limit, and the lot coverage restrictions of the property development standards of the RR -A zone. The surrounding properties are under the same Zoning designation as the subject lot and are either, developed with singe -family residences or undeveloped. : B. Development Facilities Access to the property will be taken from a 40 foot private road easement. from Mina de Oro Road. A grading plan has not yet been approved for this project. - Approval of .the project will require improving the private dri- veway, the payment of park land dedication fees, drainage fees, school impact fees, and the construction. of a septic system and well. C. Environmental Review The project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and an exemption will be filed with the County Clerk. D. Correspondence Notice.of,Public Hearing was sent to property owners adjacent to the project prior to the hearing. FINDINGS The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan and the Zoning ordinance. No _adverse impacts of an aesthetic, safety, or architectural nature upon private properties will occur because the.roofline, the construction methods, the materials, building location, and the elevations will be compatible with surrounding properties. The project meets the Zoning ordinance criteriaand the Ridgeline/Hillside Policies of the General Plan. The project encourages the orderly development of the City because it is simi- lar to the adjacent development and blends into the hillside. .SUN 3 1986 T BVI Agenda Report June 3, 1986 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Minor Development Review 86-15 subject to the conditions contained in the attached resolution. JLB:RWT: SEC:pn Attachments 1.. Proposed Resolution 2. Surrounding General Plan and Zoning 3. Proposed Site Plan 4. Section A -A 5. Section B -B 6.. Proposed North Elevation 7. Proposed West Elevation 8. Proposed South Elevation 9. Proposed East Elevation 30F13 JUN 3 1986 ITEM 18 4 0 F 1 3 JUN 3 1986 ITEM } RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-15 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 321-111-15 `KV uEuEnSp Minor Development Review 86-15, submitted by Larry and Jennifer Brinkley, applicants, requests approval to construct a 1,852 square foot single family residence for the property located north of Poway Road and 400 feet. west of Mina de Oro Road in the Rural Residential A zone; and WHEREAS, on June 3 1986, theCityCouncil held a hearing on the above -referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: .'. Section 1: Findings= Fj 1. That the proposed development is in conformance with -the Poway General Plan. 2. That the proposed development will not have an adverse aesthetic, health, safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties. 3. That the proposed development is in compliance with the Zoning ordinance. 4. That the proposed development encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City. r Section 2: Environmental Findings: This project is categorically exempt (Class 3) from the prov.- sions of the California Environmental Quality Act, r Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves minor Development Review 86-1.5 subject to the following conditions. 1 Within 30 days of approval, the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. 2. This project must meet any applicable requirements related to Ordinance No.. 103 (street improvements, drainage fees, - park fees, traffic mitigation fees) to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. t { 4 0 F 1 3 JUN 3 1986 ITEM Resolution No. P- Page 2 3. The appropriate Building Department approvals shall be received prior to initiation. of construction. i 4. School impact fees shall be Said at the time of issuance of building permits in accordance with Ordinance No. 184:. Poway Planning Services should be contacted regarding this requirement. 5. All applicable construction standards pertainingto. private driveway shall be incompliance with Municipal 'Code erection 17.08.190P to the satisfaction of the -Directors of Public and Planning Services. 6. All created slopes over five feet. in height shall be planted with ground cover, shrubs, and trees in compliance with Ordinance No. 77 7. All new and existing utilities shall be undergrounded. 8 A Class Afire retardant roof and an accessory water storage facility shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Director of Safety Services. 9. The height of the residence is limited to 13 feet above t natural grade. 10. This approval shall become null and void if building per mits are not issued by June 3, 1987. APPROVED and' ADOPTED by the City Councilof "the. City of Poway, State of California, this 3rd day of June, 1986. `I Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTESTS Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk OF13 JUN 1986 1TiNI 1 • t � aY wAky Merlitti�ita�• _ RR-A CITY OF POWAY -z-scpWstr44 Ca, ITEM flt>ra06 f36, TITLE °° SCALE M ATTACHMENT 2--- 6 0FI 3 6.oF13 JUN 3 I986 ITEM 18 $0 13 JUN 31986 ITEM 1$ "`�.wo tee► ' � �Y4 13/Ic ;uC4lZZGia¢AGE orr Fart uavi¢ r''." } C f CITY OF POWAY ITEM TITLE € A"T''1: SCALEATTACHMENT 7 110F13 JUN 3 1986 ITEM 8 I