Item 9 - Minutes of Meeting June 3, 1986crrY OF PWAY, CALIEriRNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY CaINCIL REGULAR 1' '1'D J JNE 3, 1986 The June 3, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Paway was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers,. 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. Linda Oravec , Mary Shepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse Jams Bowersox Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Eckis John Fitch. Ike Lewis: Alan Archibald Bill 'loon Reba Touw John Bridges Jim Decker Alan Schueler Brad Kutzner City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant City Manager Director of Caauunity Services Director of Public Services Director of Safety Services Director of Planning Services Assistant Director of Planning Services Sheriff's Captain Senior Civil Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Duty Mayor Shepardson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Kruse read and presented to Dar Palen, Poway Univ ied School District, a proclamation declaring June 1986 as "Hire a Youth Month. Mayor Kruse explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. no one present wishing to spear. Mayor Kruse announced that Item 19 had been pulled by the applicant.. Motion by Counci member Shepardson, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, to adopt the Consent Calendar, Items 12, 14-18, 20, 21 as follows: JUN 1 7 1986 t T W 2201 it 0"'PROV NOI YET AV Page 2 CITY OF POWAY - June 3, 1986 12. Approval. of Minutes City Council: May 13, 1986, Regular Meeting May 20, 1986, Regular Meeting May 22, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting 14.. Ratification of warrant Register - May 22, 1986, 15. Support Assembly Bill 4300 and 4400 regarding tort refona. 160 Approval of annual review of Conditional Use Permit 85-06F temporary trailer for palanar/panerado Hospital District located at 15615 Pcmrado -Road 17. Adoption of Resolution No. P-86-39, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, Californiar. Approving Development. R.eview 86-08 and Temporary Use Permit 86-36,11 for 503 single family home and model hone complex for Standard Pacific of San Diego, applicant. 18. Ajjcption of Resolution, No. P46-40 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Powayr California, Approving minor Development Review 86-15, Assessor's Parcel Number 321-111-15," for a single family dwelling' unit, Larry and Jennifer Brinker, applicant. 20. Authorization to advertise for bids for the construction of a vehicle and equipment storage building at the Operations Facility on Lake Paday Road, 21. Approval of Resolution No. P-86-41 entitled., "A Resolution of the City Council of, the City of Poway, California, Approving Temporary Use Pemit 86-45" for a sales office trailer in Los Lcmas Estates subdivision, Faith. Mbhlinqtapplicant,. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 5 TEtATIVE PARCEL MAP 85-06 APPLICANT: UMARKHAK MALIK Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This is now a request for a three lot division of .91 acres at 13915 Eastem Street. This was continued fron April 22, 1986, at the request.of the applicant in order to redesign from, four lots to three lots. Mayor Kruse opened the public hearing. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilmanber Oravec, to close the public hearing and adopt Planning Resolution No. P-86-42 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of paiqayl, California, Approving Tentative Parcel Map 85-06, Assessor's Parcel Number 314-221-10.1' Motion carried unanimously. T U .-I jUN, 1,-� 1986 Nit 2202 4 - NOT T PPRV-VED. Page 3 CITY OF''POWAY - June 3, 1986 ITEM 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSES MIDLAND ROAD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENP PROJECT `l Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This environmental assessment covers the portion of Midland Road between Norwalk and Aubrey. Reccmmendation is to issue a Negative Declaration. Director of Planning Services Touw showed an exhibit regarding trees to be removed within the project. Mayor Kruse opened the public hearing. Speaking against staff recommendation: Russ Sheldon, 14325 Midland Road. Mr. Sheldon questioned the width of the Rattlesnake Creek channel improvements required at Poway Valley Riders- Association idersAssociation arena versus the width of the improvements being done with this project. Mr. Bowersox stated the work being done on the channel with this project is remedial only. It is not the ultimate improvement. Motion by Councilmamer, Oravec seconded by Counc�.b nber . gmery, to close the r public hearing, accept staff's report and approve the issuance of a Negative Declaration. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM ? GOLDEN SUNSET LANE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Staff report. by City Manager Bowersox. This item was advertised for public hearing but the applicant has not provided all the necessary documents. It is recommended the item be removed from the calendar. Mayor Kruse opened the public hearing but there was no one present wishing to be heard. Motion by Councilmember Oravec, seconded by Councihm mber Shepardson, to close the public hearing, and remove the item from the calendar. Motion carried una- nimously. ITEM 8 i LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 83-1 Staff report by Y Cit - I-��na er Bowersox. The work in this landscape cape. maintenance.. district, which is canprised of 1,185 parcels in Rancho Aarbolitos, The Colonies, Adobe Ridge, and Casa Real., was not completed as anticipated. in fiscal year 85-86 and there is a fund balance in the account. 'The assessment proposed for { this year is approximately 10% of last. year's. :SUN 198b IT P1_ N1 MOM z i NC"'O"T "FET APPROVED Page 4 - CITY of PdWAY - June 3, 1986 on query by Council, Director of Cammunity Services Lewis gave a status report on the acceptance of the landscaping by the City. Public hearing was opened by Mayor Kruse but there was no one present wishing to Motion by Councilmember oravec, seconded by Councilmember Shepardson, to close the public hearing and, 'adopt Resolution No. 86-058 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Establishing Assessments for Landscape Maintenance District No. 83-1 to be Collected on the Property Roll for Fiscal: Year 1986-87." Motion carried unanimously. ITE n 9 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-1 Staff report by City Manager.Bowersox. The work in, this landscape maintenance. district, which is comprised of 415 parcels in Hirsch Ranch is estimated: to be completed by July 1, 1986. There is a one-year maintenance period but collect- ing ollecting a levy this year will give a fund balance for the City to work with in 1987-88. Mayor Kruse opened the public hearing but there was no one present wishing to spear - motion Motion by Councilmember oravec, seconded by Councilmayfl>er Tarzyr to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No 86-059 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Establishing Assessments for Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-1 to be ,Collected on the Property Roll for Fiscal Year 1986-87," Motion carried unanimously. I ITEM 10 f - LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-2 ' Staff report. by City Manager Bowersox. This landscape maintenance district is comprised of 35 parcels in the Sunrise Ranch subdivision, a new district. this year • Mayor. Kruse opened the public hearing but there was no one present wishing to t Motion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 86-060 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Establishing Assessments for Landscape Maintenance District No. 86-2 to be Collected on the Property Roll for Fiscal Year 1986-87. 11 Motion carried unanimously. NO%T YET PPROV.PE.: e� Page 5 ciTy OF POWAY June 3, 1986 i'FI+i it LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-3 Staff report by city manager Bowersox. This landscape maintenance district is comprised. of 30 parcels in the Sunwood subdivisionr a new district this Year. This includes the pond which was discussed at the May 6, 1986 Council meeting. mayor Kruse opened the public hearing.. Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Guy Anastasia, 12328 Bluewing Court, Poway,, requested proposed.cost be Mailed to them each year. Kay Cannonf 12484 Pintail Court, Poway, requested guarentee that fees would not increase without their approval. John Barone, FieldstoneCaipanyr 8340 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite 211, San Diego There were four slips submitted in favor of staff recommendation but not wishing to speak. motion by councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilmember Oravecr to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 86-061 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the city of Poway, California, Establishing Assessments for Landscape maintenance District No. 86-3 to be Collected on the ProPertY R011 for Fiscal Year F 1986-87. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 19 DnMR DEV=pN= RE' um APPLICATION 86-37 APPLICANT: TCM AND SUE LIGUORI Mayor Kruse stated that this item was removed from, the Consent Calendar by the applicant. Staff report by City manager Ba%Tersox. This is a request to construct a barn and accessory living quarters at 15555 Old Coach Way. Sue Liguorij, 16728 Espola. Road,, requested a waiver of undergrounding utilities from the existing pole to the barn. Council declined to grant a waiver at this time but agreed to a continuance at Mrs. Liguori's request. motion by councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to continue MDRA 86-37 to June 17 1986. Motion carried 4-1 with CouncilRnery opposed CITY ATTORNEY rEEM 23. city Attorney Eckis requested a closed session in accordance with Government Code Section 54956. 9 (a) , pending litigation, in the cases of Crouch vs. the City of Poway and Poway Redevelopment Agency vs. Foster & Kleiser. ITEM JUN 17 1986 2205 NOT rz POT APPRA^VP;,,,- i Page 6 - CITY OF POWAY June 3, 1986 COUNCILMEMBER ITEMS 24. A. Councibn ember Emeryrequested equested and received.. Council concurrencefor a letter from the Mayor to the Fair Political Practices Camdssion volun- teering to be a party to any action the FPPC might bring against the parties who mailed a last minute "hit piece" mailer regarding Proposition 51.: F B. Councilmember IImery asked the status of the hillside/ridgeline ordi- nance which was referred back to staff on April 29, 1986 City Manager i Bowersox stated it will cane back to Council at the July 10 workshop.. �= 25. Councilmember Oravec asked that Council be informed in the future when it's necessaryfor people to move into new living units before the project is completed. 26. A. Councilmember Shepardson requested the City .Attorney report.. on whether ,f the City can make it a misdemeanor to rent substandard housing. B`, Councilmember Shepardson stated the 'Flower Barrel in Carriage Center f still does not have its permanent signing installed. They are using paper banners. r C. Councilmember Shepardson stated a septic tank permit had recently been granted for a parcel at the south end of Golden Way and is adjacent to two parcels which have had septic tank, failures. Director of Public Services Archibald stated there had been nothing in the report from the Health Department indicating adjacent failures. 27. A Motion by Councibr3ember Tarzy, seconded by Councilmember Shepardson, to oppose the 1/2� sales tax measure if SANDAG's proposed 1/3-1/3-1/3 split is the formula used. Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Emory will attend the SANDAG meeting in the absence of Mayor Kruse. B. Councilmeatber Tarzy expressed concern regarding the notice mailed to all property owners explaining the formation of the City lighting district. He stated it was not clear and requested an additional one, page, simple explanation be sent over the Mayor's signature. Council concurred and requested a policy be established. that a simple explana- tory cover letter accompany complicated legal notices in the future, C. Councilmember Tarzy commented on the removal of a portion of the Del Norte medical Building on Pomerado Road in order to stabalize the underlying soil. D. Ccuncilmember Tarzy asked if a private contractor could be hired in the spring when potholes proliferate in order to getthe repairs done quickly. T +� J UNI : ; i v i is 2206 i I 07"; Y E- T A P P R 0 V E Page 7 CITY OF POW June 3, 1986 E Councihmember Tarzy stated the red light going north on Pa erado Road at Bernardo Heights Parkway seems too long. Director of Public Services Archibald stated. that light belongs to the: City of San Diego and staff will contact them. F. Councilmember Tarzy expressed concern. regarding the insufficient parking at Lake Poway to accoEM10date the crowds, particularly on week- ends. Since there is no room to increase parking spaces, he suggested the parking fee for nen-residents be increased to encourage car pooling. 28. A. Mayor Kruse received concurrence to hold a pre-development conference on June 12 for a 120 unit condominium project on the northwest corner of Poway and Carriage Roads. B. Mayor. Kruse received concurrence to hold a pre development conference on June 12 for -a church on the north side of Espola Road at the westerly city limits C. Mayor Kruse comrented that he had received a. copy of a letter froom a resident on St. Andrews Drive expressing appreciation for traffic enforcement on that street. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Kruse called for a closed session at 8:12 p.m. CAM TO CRDEt AM AWOUFdWWr Mayor Kruse called the meeting back to order at 8:20 p.m., with all Council- members present and stated counsel had been given direction to act on the Council's behalf in the case of Poway Redevelopment Agency vs. Poster and Kleiser and a settlement agreement was approved in Crouch vs. the City of Poway. Upon motion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilnenber Oravec, Mayor Kruse ordered- the meeting adjourned. The time of adjourmrent was 8:21 p.m. t k Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway i JUN 17 1986 ITEM 9 2207