Item 24A - PDC Analysis 86-22 for A Senior Housing Project - Daniel M. Waller1 ITEM q 2 of tJ, „. Agenda. -Report June 26, 1986 Page 2 HISTORY: On October 2.3, 1984, the Council adopted an amendment to the Zoning Development Code: changing the develop- ment standards for senior housing projects (Ordinance No. 144). Subsequent to this change, the Council requested Staff evaluate potential sites for senior housing projects. This site was excluded from con- sideration because it did not meet the 2 acre minimum site requirement. Staff had considered the site as an excellent location for a senior project, because - it was close to the senior center and shopping cen- entees. ters._ ZONING: This project would be an in -fill project between two multi -unit projects.. The project would need to> comply with the residential senior citizen develop- ment. standards. The density restrictions of the: RC f zone would limit the number of units to 15 compared to 25 units per acre under the RA zone designation.. is SUMMARYt The applicant is requesting the Council increase: the density and allowable site coverage of the develop ment standards for this senior housing project` The x4. proposed 42; 2'39 square foot, two-story building, would exceed. the 50 percent lot coverage: restriction of the standards. Staff's opinion is that the site is a good location for a senior housing project, and that the proposed use would be compatible with adja- cent multi -unit project. However, the requested increase in density and building size would limit the site's ability to provide sufficient amemities and landscaping. JLB:RWT:SEC:pn Attachments: 1-• Applicant's Letter 2.: Apreemen.t of Understanding 3. Surrounding Zoning 3 of 6 4i GPAH� MORTGAGE COMPANY • INVESTMENT'S LLE:) sa4rcYsLLs ns Le rrsTs L� JOLLA CALWORNM 454.1899 May 2, 1956 r; z. Reba W. Touw,, Director of Planning Services r CITY OF PONAY 13202 Civic Center Drive Poway, California 920644 RE.- Proposed elderly Housing a 42,239 SgFt. parcel on Rowron''! Road, south of RemlapWa y,; Cit -7 of Poway. Dear leis. Tauw Please schedule a conference for our proposed project at your June 2nd. meeting. `v'Q propose to hui.ld as `many apartments for the elderly on this parcel as you will permit. It is our hope that you will large enough project to consider higher density to permit us a be able to afford: T A r'esid'ent manager, ;so needed: by the elderly- Y. r -A usable pool and recreation area for gathering,' .. A security system, with a person to respond tto'n-site«, We are excited to have the opportunity of building a housing for the elderly across the street from Poway Valley Seniors Center.. tie look Eoward to working with you to mace this flr000sal an apartment project that can he a viable part of your community.; S` ce elv A Daniel 4.Valla,for RF'n, Ltd. Agreement of Understanding Location MapJ IT 4 s 4 of 6 JUN _17 1988: i E PA ���.-...v-�.».,.---"-...-_�.....--._...-..-,.-=....Y�._.._..-..._.____...,.n,,,..;..-n�.��-.-... r_.,.-.,-.:�--.�.�-.-,dff......��.....�......��-�:,,- _ - - . _>>-r-••e� .. c- ..':moi PISREEMENT OF UNDERSTAND= DING City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and fAM7tT 4. WALLA , for RFD, Ltd. , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" a C iifprLZg I' ractne shin to he f.med enter into: this Agfnen o s ng upon the fo owing facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel numbers; 317-474-0I Pro pent desires to developthisproperty in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create development plans unsatisfac- tory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above-mentioned facts, City will -grant Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for development upon the following understand- ing: . City will render no decision with regards to any develognent proposal or part thereof. . City will receive no evidence, particular development.plan. City will snake no representations that will obligate the City to render a_decision: in favor of or against any development, proposal or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. If any develoanent proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely. DANIEL 4, WALLA, for RrT), Ltd. a California Limited Partnership to he formed specific in nature, in support of a • Dated: 5 of 6 `Lav 1_ TORE Proponent: Signature Address: 9053 Calle de la Plata La Jolla, California 07037 Phone: (610) 454-1999 JUN 1.7 1985 1TEM :4!