Item 9 - Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting June 12, 19862213 NO Page 2 CITY OF POWAY ADJO(W= R JLAR MEETING - June 12, 1986 N. s Barry Hogan, VTN San Diego, 4845 Ronson Court, representing the applicant, pre rented a conceptual site plan for a 120 unit condominium project. Council concurred the use is appropriate, but the density is too great. ITEM 3 PRE-DEUELCPMEW CONFERENCE APPLICANT: FRIMMS OF CHUBAD LTJBAVITCH, INC. Staff report by- City Manager Bowersox. This property is located between Espola Road and Old E pola Rodd, at the city's westerly limits. Merle Watson, 1984; Greenview Drive, Escondido, representing the applicant and Ernest Mandel:, architect, discussed a proposed synagogue on this site. The parking would be under the sanctuary. Council concurred' this is a good use for this site and expressed concerns regarding adequate parking and drainge to the west. ITEM 8 I CITY LOAN PRS OLD COACH ROAD IMPROVEMENrS Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. Council approved a loan program on January, 100, 1985, to assist neighborhoods in constructing improvements. The property owners in the Old Coach Road area are the first group to ask to use this program. Staff's cost estimate for the required minimum. improvements is $240,000, includ- ing $30,000 for blasting to straighten curves for safety purposes. The original estimate to the property owners was $150,000, with the City paying $50,000 since the maintenance requirements will be reduced, and the property owners paying $100,000. Staff's recation, following the revised cost estimate, is for. the City to pay $90,000 and the property owners $150,000. Tan Tremble, 18409 Old Coach Raod, representing the 25 properties involved, objected to paying for straightening out the curves and requested their cost be fixed. at $100,000. Council asked if a reimbursement agreement could be prepared that would require participation by future users of the road. j The City Manager stated that the loan program is totally voluntary. Property owners who don't wish to participate do not have to. The City Attorney will have to investigate the possibility of a reimbursement policy. JUN ;&4 1956 ITEM } 2214 Y , YOU Page 3CITY OF POWAY ADJOEMM PMUTAR ME' rD G - June 12, 1986 Motion by Councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to limit pro- perty owners contribution to paving only, estimated. to cost $105,000, and authorize Cit participation in the project for grading, blasting and i Y Pa P J � �3 g neering work required to complete the necessary improvements. •Motion carried unanimously. ITEK 5 MTM rAV= MAP 83-02 (AVCCADO GLEN) Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated a new developer has purchased TTM 83-02, formerly owned by Richard Kuebler, and has proposed a revised layout of lots which appears to be a better configuration. Staff is requesting Council to determine if this revised layout is in substantial conformance with the map as approved or if it will be necessary for the developer to file a revised map for formal approval. Director of ;Public Services Archibald reviewed the proposed changes with the Council. The revised plan requires less grading and increases the open space. Council requested the requirement for a.. landscape maintenance district, enc om_ passing the creek and sycamore trees, be emphasized to the developer and con- curred this map is in substantial conformance. f: 17M TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 85-04 (Paamm Bumms PARK) Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He showed 150 foot cuts along the North Loop Road,. South Poway Parkway, and Cammmity Road that will be necessary to fit everything within the topography. Council concurred the trade-off is no road which is not acceptable. ITEM 7 REDEVELOPNE PROJECT FINANCING Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. In February, the City Council asked staff to explore' ways to fund a cannunity swimming gaol. Tax exempt bonds issued by the Redevelognent Agency were considered. HR 3838, which is expected to (effect the City's ability to issue tax exempt bonds, will be effective September 1, 1985. Staff proposes to issue a total of $25 million of bonds and certificates of participation before this deadline to fund projects for the next five years. A list of possible projects was presented. Council requested, _a priority list and list of the specific projects and unani- mously authorized staff to proceed as recamm%..nded. on motion by Councilnumber Emery, seconded by Councilmember oravec. JUN 24 1986 ITEM 2215 Y:' Irl: Page 4 CITY OF PCWAY ADJOURNED RFJGU ?R MEETING - June 12, 198 anrimamBER ITEMS Motion by Councilmember Finery to approve the request fran the City of Santee to support a endments to SB 2543 to provide local veto power over inappropriately placed county jail projects. Motion seconded .by CouncilmEnber Tarzy and carried unanimously. Upon motion by ' Counci].m ober Shepardson, seconded by Council mnnber Oravec, Mayor Kruse ordered the maeti.ng adjourned. The time of adjournment was 5:11 p.m. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City, of Poway JUN 7986 2216