Item 2 - PDC 86-23 for Main Street Business Park - Michael PerryA-XGENDA REPORT OF OW CITY OF POWAY TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mani INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning g Services-A'r Sharon E. Crockett, Assistant Planner �C_ DATE: June 26, 1986 SUBJECT: Pre-Development Conference Analysis (PDC 86-23) for Main Street Business: Park - Michael Perry, Applicant ABSTRACT: A request for consideration for a Conditional Use Permit and a Development Review to'allow a mixed-com- mercial and light industrial business park. LOCATION: Directly adjacent to and north of the Poway Town and Country Shopping Center. The site is bounded by Hi`lleary Place, Community, and Midland Roads. APN: 3117-130-6-0 ACREAGE: 18 gross acres ZONING AND LAND USE: The siteiszoned CC (Community Commercial)- and is undeveloped. The properties to the north are zoned RA (Residentail Apartment), RC (Residential Condominium), and RS-2 (Residential Single Family 2), and are developed with multi-family units and a church. To the west, the properties are zoned CO (Commercial Office), RA (Residential Apartment)-, and are developed with multi-family units and office uses. East of the site:, the properties are zoned RA and CC and are developed with a shopping center and multi.-family units., South of the site, the property is zoned CC and is developed with Poway Town and Country Shopping Center. e ACTION: 6-17-86 Concurred in holding pre-development conference on June 24, 1986. K uly"'' ; Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk JUN 17.1986 ITEM 2413 JUN 2 6 1986 1 I QF 1 Agenda Report June 26, 1986 Page 2 HISTORY: On October 3, 1985, a pre -development conference was held to discuss a proposed mixed commercial and light., industrial business park. The plan proposed restaurant, office, manufacturing, and motel uses. Council expressed concerns regarding a manufacturing use and requested the old post office site be included in the overall development of the site. The applicants have refined the proposed development plan and would like to discuss the proposed mixed use development of light industrial and general com- mercial uses under a specific plan. The conceptual site plan is essentially the same as the plan pre- sented to the Council last year. JLB RWT: SEC: pn Attachments: 1. Applicant's Letter 2. Surrounding Zoning 3. Agenda Report for. Pre -Development Conference Analysis, dated October 3, 1985 with General Plan Policies and Zoning Development Code Requirements 2®FIZ JUN 17 1986 ITEM ti IM 0 n 1nOC IT c !1A 2413 WALL STREET PROPERTY COMPANY 1250 Prospect Street Suite 200 P.O. Box 2633 Jolla. CA 92038 (619) 454-8864 MAY 2 198 PLANNING DEP ARTMENT Ms. Reba W. Touw .Director of Planning Services City of Poway 13202 Civic Center Drive Poway, California 92064 May 9, 1986 Re: Main Street Business Park Dear qhs. Touw: I am requesting a predevelopment conference with the Poway City Council for the purpose of discussing the ` development of the 18 - acre parcel of land behind the Poway Town & `Country Shopping. Center. The project would consist of a mixed-use business park allowing commercial -and light industrial uses. Please advise me as to a suitable date for the hearing. Very truly yours, PARK PLACE POWAY MRP/pw 30F11 nichael R. Perry Partner JUN 17 1986 1 T IV1 24 !mu 9 P 1QAA 4 aF 11 JUN 17 1986 IT �1tt�245 film, 9 A l4AA 1 T 'Nt` r J GENDA REPORT OF c�'CY CITY OF POWAY cam' rx .rH TO Honorable'Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mance INITIATED BY: Barry K. Hogan, Director of P nning Services 9 DATE; -October 3o, 1985 SUBJECT:, Predevelopment Conference Anal sis 'for Main Street Business Park - Michael Perry .P Ap plicant.'' 4 . 3 ABSTRACT �. REQUEST: A request to discuss the development of a mixed commercial and light industrial business park.', LOCATION:c' DireetZy behind the Poway Towne and Country Shopping Center bounded by Hilleary Road, Community Road, and Midland Road.: GROSS ACREAGE: -18Acres, '7 to remain undeveloped. SURROUNDING LAND USES:RAr RC', and RS -2 to the north; RA and CC to the east; CC' and MHP to the South; and CC, CO, and RA to the west. SLOPE: Less than five percent. GENERAL. PLAN _ AND ZONING. Community Commercial (CC) designation, for general plan and zoning of the entire sites GENERAL PLAN GUIDELINES. Policy 31.b The City should review ,all major commercial applications (i.e., uses which will result in an additional 40X000 square feet of commercial area or more) and make a deter-. x mination based upon a market study as to whether the addition of the commercial area and uses ' will affect the 'balance between population and commercial activity. . 1 ACTION: Council referred Nor. Perry back to staff. The general concept is okay. Look at specific plan. t M. Wahlsten, City Clerk ATV)N�_ m_ U ;� ,ffT3 ��o`S t; G M .,,_ ? s86 , IV F. Main Street Business Park i September 19, 1.985 Page 3 Policy 41.b The site plan shall illustrate compatiblity with the planning of adjoining par- cels in the areas of building configuration, building design, landscaping materials, parking configuration, and access Policy 41c The site plan shall consider the feasibility of cooperative agreements for parking, access, and maintenance thereof. Policy -43.a On individual freestanding commer- cial structures, parking areas should be located to the side or rear of the 'building. Policy 43.b Parking areas shall be screened,by� any or a, -combination of the following: earthmounding landscaping; low decorative wall; and lowering the grade. of the parking area below the street grade.. Policy 45.b Front setback areas shall be landscaped with a combination of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers that help to soften the appearance of on-site: structures and define f pedestrian paths and the site area. Policy 45.c Landscaping in ' p g parking areas shall include one 15 -gallon size tree per every three parking spaces evenly di tiibuted throughout the parking area. Policy 46.a. The location of freestanding signs should be integrated with other site planning elements, particularly building location and orientation, landscaping, ' and access points. Policy 47.a Commercial centers should provide outdoor public spaces with seating areas to complement the center area and provide an area for patrons to relax and rest. Policy 47-d Restaurants in commercial centers should consider providing outdoor eating areas. 70 - JUN 17 1986 11 t wi 24 If IN 9 A. 1ctoc I -r c ?1986: 1 t L iv1 24APA)996 ITEM Ff Main Street Business Park September 19, 1985 Page'S ZONING- Section 17.10 080 permits the development of retail stores, office space, and restaurants. A Conditional Use Permit would be required for the motelr automotive related uses, and the sale of hard liquor. Proposed light industrial uses> such as material assemblage would not be permitted in this zone. Section 17.100-140.0 requires in the CC zone, new construction and reconstruction or rehabilita- tion of existing buildings and/or sites shall be in accordance with the following design criteria: 1, Development Plan. A development plan shall be prepared for the entire site under con- sideration regardless of whether development is contemplated in the near future. The purpose of the development plan is to show conceptuallyl.where buildings might be located and where and how parking, on-site_ and off-site circulation will function. -2. Site Development Standards. The site development standards shall be consistent with the requirements of the CC zone as indicated in Section 17.10.130 and in this section The. standards shall be reminiscent and. reflective of the early farming and rural country character of the City Plan. The site plan should try and use imagina— tive, creative, and stimulating architec lural design with special consideration given to the provision of the following items. a._ Low intensity lighting, b. Pedestiran comfort stations; c Generous landscaping; d. Decorative paved walkways, e Basic design themes f. Separation of ;pedestrian and vehicular rights -of -wag; and g. Architecturally integrated ground mounted equipment such as trash receptacles and. transformers. JJUN12C11986'ITFM 24� Main Street Business Park September 19, 1985 Page 6 GENERAL COMMENTS: The applicant is proposing a multi -use business park toinclude restaurants, motels, retail commercial, the possibility of new car' dealerships, and manufacturing uses. Under current ordinance, manufacturing uses are not permitted. ' If the Council were to consider the inclusion ,of' manufacturing/light industrial uses in this area, an amendment to the General Plan text would have to be added to discuss the details of such an inclusion and the text of the CC zone would have to be amended. A specific plan could thenbe required to have further control through development of said property. A seven -acre parcel located in the northwest corner of the property has been left vacant to provide a future site'for a major chainFstore or the possibility of several new car dealerships. JLB : BKH : JHL : is Attachment: 1. Site Plan JUN 17 1986 1 1 t. N1 24'� 11 1M n !A 1f1Ar a T r w e 27 i.: �' � - -. -.-'.--.. ,.� �� r.�.-'.rte_.. ._'*'�.,.-.�.��... _,.._ �.-.. ..-w-a.....-. a; .. .-•,.ax-�.. �. _...:.. .-.. �.et-...<r.: .... ,,.�, .. _ _ _ _ ...._-..._.... ....,.,,,..F.- _.. _._..�...-.,...----...-. ... -