Off Docket - PDC 86-22 - Daniel M. WallaAGENDA REPORT 0 CITY OF POWAY 1 �� lN" 'i'Fi6 Cflv TO Honorable Mayor and Members.of the City Council,. FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mann INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Pla' in Services l : g Sharon Ea Crockett, Assistant Planner :54, - DATE,: DATE June 26, 1986 SUBJECT: Pre -Development Conference Analysis for (PDC 86-22) Daniel M Wall&r Applicant REQUEST A few weeks ago, the Council denied a request for a pre -development conference for a senior housing pro- ject to be located on Bowron Road. Staff was under the impression that the applicant_ was requesting a density of 25 units per acre. In the 0.97 acre site, E applicant now proposes 15 two-bedroom units or 24 one -bedroom units, or a combination of the 9pe and two-bedroom units. The property is. zoned RC:' (Residential Condominium) and would be permitted 7-12 units per acre plus a density bonus of 25 percent for a total of 15units per acre as a senior citizen facility. Under the RA zone development standards, 20 units per 'acre plus a density bonus of 25 percent for a total 25 units would'be permitted.. The appli- cant would like the Council to reconsider his request for apre-development conference, based' upon this new, information. JLB:RWT:SEC:nm ACTION: 6/26/86: Council concurred that to, accept an application for a pre - development conference on that particular site .the density would need to reduced to m rrore than seven unitsacre. O . Marji IlK. Wahlsten, City Clerk ®` JUN 2� G 1986 ITEM4zw-Il 1 City Council for PaREEnEur OF UNDERSTA DL% the City of Poway., hereinafter referred to as ` "City" and nAVTrr t:, WA LA, for RED. Ltd. 'hereinafter referred to as "proponent" enter into this A9 a C life niserimiterP base ship t9' be -f formed stanangupon-te fonowi ng facts - Proponent cans or has an equitable interest in land described bit tax assessor's parcel number Cs) 317-474-n1 Proponent desires to develop this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the exoe.nse of a protracteri development. City is concerned that Proponent! will create deveiopnentplans unsatisfac- tory to City and consume: time and effort of City employees needlessly on unEatis actory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. Bare upon the above-frentionel facts, City will grant Proponent, a hearing prior to filing any application for development upon the following understand- ing: . City will render no decision with regards to any development proposal or part thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific - -in nature, in support of a Particular devatoPtrent plan. C. city will ,rakeno representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any development proposal or part thereof Proponent may subsequently sit. D. If any develogrent proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent nay rely. nA"IET '1 VALLA, for RED, Ltd. a CaliforniaLimited Partnership Dated: ,e," j o4A Proponent: to he formed 5 of 6 Signature Address: 9O53 Calle de le Pinta La Jolla California 02037 Phone: (610) 454-l'99 �r'IAM'- JUN 26 198E ITP �'.. z c eititt ,j�z�7J® r�r 1, Ir. —' ftt 111 MNP CITY OF POWAY SCALE : z E 0 ITEM S G 2 - TITLE TITLE : (.= 1 -JC ATTACHMENT 6 of 6 J JUN 2 G 1986M pFGOcer- 4,7 F