Off Docket - Relocation Services for the Redevelopment_ GE DA REPORT IF p� CITY OF POWAY OFF D 0 C K E T rH ZOO: Chairman and Members of the Redevelopmmt Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, Executive Dir DATE: June 26, 1986 SUBJECT% Relocation Services for the Redevelopments EASED The Redevelopment Plan for the Paguay Project Area, prepared in accordance with applicable, State law, requires that the Agency provide relocation assistance where businesses or residences are acquired in the course of Redevelopment Agency activities. The Poway Redevelopment Agency has adopted the guidelines established by the State Department of Rousing and Camtunity Development as those of the. Agency. Because of the infrequent need for relocation services and the highly technical nature of such an activity,. it is most appropriate to use specialized consulting services for this activity. FMINGS Among those projects currently under design is the-ektension of Midland Road frau Poway road southerly across Poway Creek..- This project will require the relocation of 5 mobile home spaces within Haley's Trailer Ranch. In order to properly undertake this and future relocation activities, staff, with the assistance of Agency Consultant Milt Farren, requested a proposal from Pacific Relocations Consultants. Attached for your review is a proposed agreement with Pacific Relocation Consultants for relocation services. R�ON %DN - I' . It is recamiended that the Redevelopment Agency g cy authorize the Executive Director to sign an agreement with Pacific Relocation Consultants upon final review and approval as to the form by the City/Agency Attorney. JLB:cb: Attachments: ACTION: 6-26-86: Authorized executive director to sign agreement following review and approval of City Attorney. �. Marjor a K. Wahlsten, City Clerk JUN 2 6 1986 !TEN! O FF ` 0 0,"/ AGREEMENT (Relocation Services) THIS AGR, entered into this --day of , 1986 , by and between. the Poway Redevelopment Agency, City of Poway`; a public entity, hereinafter called "AGENCY" and Stadler, Shober and Cline, Inc., a California corporation dba Pacific Relocation Consultairits, hereinafter called 1(n11`RA=R", for certain services as outlined herein in connection- with the p administration of a Relocation Assistance Program. 4 RECITALS WMEREAS Agency is required by law to provide Relocation Assistance and payments to persons whose real property is acquired for public purposes; and WHEREAS, Contractor is engaged in the supervision and administration of programs for providing relocation assistance services; and WHEREAS.. Contractor represents that he has that degree of specialized e)Ter- tise contemplated within California Government Code, Section 37103, to practice and perform relocation services as herein contemplated; and MEREAS'the Agency requires said specialized services to perform the relo- cation assistance activities herein contemplated, thereby exempting this Agreement from bid requirements; and W!HEREAS', no official or employee of the Agency has a financial interest in the subject matter of this agreement contemplated within the provisions of California Government Code, Section 1090.1092; and i WHF1RFAS, the parties hereto intend to set forth all their rights, duties, obligations and liabilities with respect to the services contemplated to be per- formed by Contractor thereunder. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual pranises of the par- ties, and other good and sufficient consideratiion, the parties agree to the r following terms, conditions and covenants: 1. Contractor agrees to supervise and administer programs for providing Relocation Assistance for the Agency and shall act as the represen- tative of Agency in connection with the investigation, adjustment, pro- cessings, supervision and resolution of claims for Relocation Assistance payments by persons whose property is acquired by the Agency for public purposes. Contractor further agrees to pay any and all fees and licen- ses due and owing the City of Poway. Specifically, Contractor agrees, as to those projects occuring within the term of the Agreement, to provide the following services more par- ticularly set forth hereinafter as they may be required: 1 - a. Development of policies and procedures for relocation; b. Surveying and evaluating needs of persons and businesses within Agency project areas; - C. Surveying resources within the community; g d. Establishing budgets for the preparation of required relocation plans e. Counseling and advising displacees on relocation sites; and f. Seeking citizen cooperation and support for relocation programs. 2. Agency agrees to provide during the term of this Agreement, services of - a continuing and ongoing nature designed to aid and facilitate the per- formance of services by Contractor as set forth hereinafter: a. Provide full and timely information to Contractor as to public projects wherein real. Property is proposed to be a l� Y p L� squired and the owners thereof are, or may be entitled to the relocation assistance services to be provided by the Contractor. b. Assist Contractor, its agents and mployees in arranging for interviews with Agency employees or agents involved in the acquisition of real property for public projects. c. 2+o the greatest extent possible, assist Contractor in the investi- gation and processing of relocation assistance claims by making available to Contractorraisal reports.. sports, wand use information and any other .information useful for the analysis of claims. d. Guarantee access to, and make all provisions for the Contractor, its agents or employees, to enter upon public or private lands as f required to perform the services under this Agreement. e. Provide for timelyreview and approval of Contractor's proposed. relocation assistance payments to dsplacees. 3. Contractor shall be compensated for services rendered under. this Agreement in accordance with the followng schedule: Corporate Officer $55.00/Per Your Relocation Specialist $40.00/Per Hour Secretarial/Clerical$17.00/Per try+ 2 4. Within five (5) days after the first of each calendar month, Contractor shall submit a verified statement containing a breakdown of services performed during the preceding month specifying the services performed by dates and number of hours and by when the services were performed. 5. Contractor covenants that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of this Agreement. No person having any such interest shall be employed by -or associated with Contractor. 6. All of the reports, information, data, etc. prepared or assembled by Contractor under this Agreement are confidential and Contractor agrees that they shall, not be made available to any individual or organization without prior written approval of the Agency. 7. This Agreement shall take effect immediately upon the date first above written and shall continue in effect until cancelled by either party as hereinafter provided 8. Contrator shall comply with all applicable State and Federal laws and Agency's ordinances and Agency's Citiy's policies in performing the rj services contemplated herein. 9. The 'services herein contracted for are personal as to Contractor and shall not be delegated to any other person, firm or entity without the written consent of Agency, it being understood that Contractor may employ other parties and personnel for some services; (e.g., fixtures and equipment appraiser) as long as performed at or under the direct supervision of Contractor and with Agency's prior consent. 10._ This Agreement may be cancelled: by either party giving to the other, in writing, thirty (30) days notice of its intention to cancel this Agreement, + 11. Contractor recognizes that Agency retains the sole and exclusive right to determine the eligibility of displacees for relocation assistance, or the amount of payments to be made thereunder on an individual case- by-case basis Accordingly, Contractor shall not be held liable for Agency's exercise of said right in accepting, rejecting or otherwise modifying Contractor's proposals and recammendations. 12'. It is further understood and agreed that Contractor is, and shall be, acting at all times as an independent contractor herein, and not as an employee of the City or Agency. 3- k 13. Any and all notices directed to Contractor frart Agency shall be