1986 07-08 Agendaj ti CITY OF PORW CITY Com, AGA REGLTM MEETS JEW s 1986 - 7:00 P.M. CITY C 13325 CEV C G DRIVE MEETING CALhID TO ODER AS: CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING cssroN/REDEvncor AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL -BMW, CRAVECt SHEeARDSONt TARZY, KRUsE 2. PLEDGE OF A112GIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR SHEPARDSt}N 3. PROCLAMATION - "Pitchers For Pets" 4. PUBLIC ORAE. 'CCMMUNICATIONS I CST C`lyL AR - Ix TO PUBIC ITEMS NUMBERED 12 THRCIUGH 25 MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MQ ioN AT THIS POINT IN RW MEETING. TfUM WILL BE NO SEPAL M DISCUSSION OF T[1ESE ITEMS PRIOR TO TEE TIME COUNCIL vom ON THE MOTION UNLESS TELE; n+ OSERS OF COUNCIL g,, STAFF, OR TSE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE REEVED AND DISCUSSED :SEPARAMY. THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE' RE VED- WILL BE: CONSIDEM IN THE ORDER IN MffCi APPEAR ON THE AGWA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN Imo. PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP AM GIVE TO THE CITY CLERK. PUBLIC IMS 5. *Ordinance No. 190 - Second.Reading - "An Ordinance of the City of Poway,, California, Adding Section 8.20.050(b) to. the Poway Municipal Code, Penalty for Delinquent Payment of Health r Penni t Fees" If Council desires to adopt ordinance, read title and waive further reading (unanimous' vote). Close public hearing and adopt. (Roll call vote.) NEW PUBLIC HEARnGs 6. *Resolution No A Resolution setting the special tax rate and amount to be levied for the Camwnity Facilities District No. 1, for Fiscal Year 1986-87 as authorized by Section 3 of Ordinance No. 182 of the Poway City Council, CITY tom' S RDCOMMENDATION: Closeuhlic hearing; a p g dopa Resolution. 7 *A. reimbursement agreement for repayment of certain construction costs for installation of a public sewer main in Golden Sunset Lane, from Espola Road to a point 1,000 feet east. This construction will obligate property owners to reimburse their fair -share of the costs at such time as they desire ser vice . frcm this main CITY MANAGER'S REfCONIlMOATION Close public hearing; approve agreement. FE'fiIBIT ENCLOSED NEXT RESOLUTION NO. IS 86-078 CITY OF PCMY CITY COUNCIL =MA July 8, 1986 Page 2 8. *Environmental Assessment, Development Review 86-11, Thomas Hunt, applicant; a request to construct six (6) single family detached homes; located approximately 100 feet north of the intersection of Evanston Drive and Poway Road. CITY MANAGER'S REiCON IDATION: Close public hearing; adopt Planning Resolu- tion approving with conditions; issue Negative Declaration REECEfl'S 9 *Policy regarding attendance at -committee meetings.: CITY MANAGER'S R13CONNDATION: Make termination provisions consistent for all caRni.ttee charters. 10. *Trails Ca nittee CITY MANAGER'S RECONATION Assign responsibility to Parks and Recreation Ccnmittee. 11.*Proposed Landscape Maintenance District on Canmunity Road. CITY MANAGER'S REX &4ENDATION: If the ha eowners agree to fonnation of a Landscape Maintneance District, include wall replacement as Redevelopment Agency Project in next bond issue. =iCALENDAR 12.*Approval of Minutes - City Council: June 17, 1986. Regular Meeting 13.*Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency: June 17, 1986, Regular Meeting 14.*Ratification of Warrant Registers - June 19, 26, 30, 1986 15.*Denial of claim against the City: Donald MacFarlane, Jr. 16.*Status of pending legislation 17 *Authorizing contracts with bond counsel (Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth), investment banking (Drexel Barnham lambert), trustee (Security Pacific Bank) and fiscal consultant (Urban Consultants, Inc.) for 1986 Certificates of Participation Issue, and 1986 Tax Allocation bond. issue. 18.*Authorization to advertise for bids for the City''s 1986 Street Seal and Street Overlay Programs. jO CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA July 8, 1986 Page 3 19.*Authorization to advertise for bids for the installation and retrofitting of the City's Fueling Facility. 20.*Resolution No. P-86 Amendment to Development Review 85-01, Philip Butzen applicant: request to revise approved site development plan to alloy carports in place of approved landscape covered parking area in 60 unit senior housing project at terminus of Monte Vista Road. 21..*Resolution N. P-86- - Development Review 86-10 and TeMPorarY Use Permit 86-40, Standard Pacific applicant: request to construct a four unit m del home complex and 148 associated production homes on 275 acres located south of Twin Peaks Road and east of Pamerado Road. 22.*Approval of final map for TPM 84-06 and Standard Agreement for construction of public improvements, Antonio Ulloa owner; located east of Crown Valley Road and north of Glen Circle Road. 23 . *Approval of time extension to complete public improvements for Tentative Tract Map` 4158 (Stone Canyon Ranch) and approval of new Standard Agreement for construction of public improvements, M&M Developers applicant; located south of Titan Way and west of Espola Road. 24.*Approval of time extension to July 8, 1987, to complete improvements for Tentative Tract Map Nos. 3926-4 through 3926-8 (Rayo del Sol), Harry L. Summers applicant; located on west side of Community Road between Ketron Avenue and Hilleary Place. 25.*Approval of revision to P-86-48 adopted June 24, 1986. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 26. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 27. CITY COUNCIL ITEMS 28. ROBERT EMERY 29. LINDA QRAVE C 30. MARY SHEPARDSON 31. BRUCE T.ARZY 32. CARL KRUSE CITY OF' POWV CITY cckJNCiL AGENDA July 8, 1986 Page 4 ADJCURMIENT Adjournment to Thursday, July 10, 1986, 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive. A FOR JULY 10, 1986 For confirmation of items on the Workshop Agenda, please call the City Clerk' s Office, 748-6600. 1. Pre -Development Conference - Jim Huddleston, Silver Saddle Ranch for commercial stable on 10.28 acres in Green Valley . Pre -Development Conference Lepetri/Faaborg for a building materials storage yard located at 14225 Garden Road. 3 • Pre-Dvelognent Conference - Mark Bently, North County Soccer Park, located near intersection of Twin_ Peaks and Espola Roads. 4. Pre -Development Conference - Spectrum Properties, International House of Pancakes, for construction_ of new restaurant in the Panerado Plaza Shopping Center. 5. Pre Development Conference Philip Butzen/Parerado Hospital District for drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers 6. Review of Ridgeline/Hillside Ordinance 7. Review of proposed Motel standards 8. Review of Satellite dish antenna standards 9. Sycamore Canyon Park site development plan 10. Review of Historical Building Preservation Ordinance