Item 6 - Reso Establishing a Tax Rate for the South Poway Community Facilities Distict for FY 1986-87S i x AGENDA REPORT GtiK F CITY OF POWAY y ?� M THE �psjt a TO Honorable Mayor and. Members of the City Council FRAM. James L. Bowersox City Mane c`' INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager DATE: July 8, 1986 SUBJECT: Resolution Establishing a Tax Rate for the South Poway`Community Facilities District for EY 1986-87 ABSTRACT It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution establishing specithe ' �al tax rate on property within the South Poway Carmunzty Facilities District for fiscal year ,1986-87. BACZ{C�EZOUND � In December of 1985, the City Council approved the formation of the South Poway Cam unity Facilities District to provide for the issuance of $30 ,000 ,000. in spe- cial tax bonds to finance the acquisition of public improvements within the South Poway Planned Q munity Area. The bonds were authorized to be issued by the Mello -Roos Clomnunity Facilities 3 Act of 1982 which authorizes the levy of a special tax on the property within the District boundary to service the dent on the bonds On December 3, 1985 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 182 which provides that the City Council is authorized to annually adopt a resolution no later than the second meeting in July to determine the specific special tax rate and amount to be levied for the following fiscal year, FMINGS Based upon the debt service schedule, $3,929,700.02 must be paid on or by i March 2, 1987 in principal and interest payments. As part of the bond agreements with the developers of the Panerado Business Park, $2,872,000 was placed in,a reserve fund to be used for debt service for the first year the ial tax s ACTION ' JUL 8 1985 ITEM 6 1 of Agenda Report c July 8r 1986 Page 2 Based upon the amount that is due and the amount of money available in the reserve fund, the Assessment Engineer has deternuned that it is necessary to collect $2,096,249.10 in special -taxes during fiscal year 1986-87. The first half of this amount which will be due and payable with the property k tax bill on. December lor 1986 will be attributed to the debt service payment due March 2, 1987. The second half which will be due and payable with the property tax. bills on, April 10, 1988 will be applied to the 1988 debt service. Sine the final. map for the Panerado Business Park will not be filed by the time _the -assessment is set, the amount to be collected for fiscal year 1986-87 win t be assigned to the six.assessors parcels currently within the District as follows;" Assessors Parcel Number Amount of Assessment 317-281-04 903,957.30'.. 317-281-03 3101102.801 317-270--04 101693.20 317-270-03 657,631.80 317-270-08 2100808.80 9 317-270-09 - 3 r055..20 ..� 2,096 r249.10 REOWMENDATZON It is recommended that the City 'Council hold a public hearing and adopt the t attached resolution establishing the amount of the specal assessment for ,pro- perty within the South Poway Cannunity Facilities District for fiscal` year 1986-87. JI,B:JDF:lc { Attachments: 4 Resolution Letter frau Assessment Engineers JUL 81986 1TEM 6 2 of RESOLUTION NO. 86- a - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 'POWAY, CALIFORNIA SETTING THE SPECIAL TAX RATE AND a THE AMOUNT TO BE LEVIED ON PROPERTY k WITHIN THE SOUTH POWAY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT N0. 1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 W EREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway, California has approved of the formation of the South Poway Ccumunity Facilities District No. 1 pursuant to the terms andprovisions of the Mello -Roos Catmunity Facilities Act of 1982, and Wiii�a5, the Cit Council authorized the issuance of $30 ,000 ,000 in Special City i Tax Bonds Series 1985 by the District, and i WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 162 provides for the annual setting of a special tax rate amount to be levied on property within the District to service the grin- cipal and interest due on the bonds- NOGv THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the special tax necessary to be collected on property within the District for fiscal year 1986-87 is set at $2,096,249.10 and that this amount is divided among the six assessor's tax parr cels within the South Poway Community Facilities District No. 1 as follows: Assessors Parcel Number Amount of Assessment 317-281-04 903,957.30 317-281-03 310 ,102.80 317-270-04. 10,693.20 317-270-03 657,631.80 317-270-08 210,808.80 i 317-270-09 3,055.20 21096,249.10 I PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California at a regular meeting thereof this 8th day of July, 1986. i Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: F F, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk t 1.establish3 JUL 8 I ITEM 6 3 of 4 of 25 CITY OF POWAY SOUTH POWAY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. POMERADO'BUSINESS PARK PROCEDURES MANUAL DON. OWEN & ASSOCIATES,:' INC. JUNE, 1986 JUL 8 1986 oTE r�; CITY OF POWAY SOUTH POWAY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO 1 POMERADO BUSINESS PARK - PROCEDURES MANUAL I r I. INTRODUCTION II. GENERAL INFORMATION A. POMERADO BUSINESS PARK B MELLO-ROOS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT ACT OF 1982 III. PROJECT FUNDING A. ISSUANCE OF BONDS 1. AMOUNT AND PURPOSE 2. AUTHORITY 3. MATURITY 4 REDEMPTION AND TRANSFER B. SPECIAL TAX 1. RATE AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT 2. LIMITATIONS IV. ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS A. FUND MANAGEMENT B. BOND FUND _ C. RESERVE FUND D. ACQUISITION FUND E. CFD TAX FUND F FORECLOSURE PROCEDURE V. 1.986-87 CFD TAXES VI. SUBDIVISION OF LAND AND TAX ASSESSMENT APPENDIX A FINAL PROFORMA APPENDIX B,:, FUND FLOW CHAR APPENDIX C PARCEL MAF 5 of 25 J U L 8 198.5 ITEM 6 �. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this procedures manual is to outline the general requirements of the South Poway Community Facilities District No.. 1 of the City of Poway, California and to present necessary information pertaining to the service of and administration of said District. The District is also known as the Pomerado Business Park Project. 6 of 25 JUL 8 198R E spiti II. GENERAL INFORMATION look FOMERADO BUSINESS'PARD Pomerado Business Park is located in northern San Diego County in the City of Poway. Recent economic, industrial, and: -demographic # trends have spotlighted this area as a most appropriate site for hi -tech -and light industrial firms. Its lower land cost and growth expecti.ons are expected to attract a substantial share of San Diego's business market. Also among its primary advantages is that the Pomerado Business Park is one of only a few "master planned" industrial parks constructed in the northern San Diego area, consisting of some 329 gross acres of land. Net usable acreage is expected to approximate 275 acres; for commercial, industrial, and light industrial firms. One distinct disadvantage within the area has been the lack of'a t. sufficient transportation network, one that will satisfactorily connect the South Poway area to the freeway system throughout San f Diego County. A Mello -Roos Community Facilities District ("CFD") has thus been formed in order to assist in financing the i;. construction of and improvements to the major roadways within the District. THE SOUTH POWAY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT The Mello -Roos Community Facilities District Act of 3982 (the "'CFD' Act"), as amended, provides for a method of financing essential public capital facilities and services, particularly in developing areas of the State. A CFD is a legally constituted_ of 25 JU 8' 1VWV [ t M governmental entity established for the purpose of financing specific facilitiesand activities within definitely defined boundaries. A CFD may be established only for certain types of additional services authorized wthin an area to the extent that these services are actually additions; a CFD may not supplant those services already available to that territory. Once established, the CFD is governed by the board or legislative body of the local agency acting on is behalf. In compliance with the CFD Act, the legislative body may finance the District by issuing bonds and may also levy and collect within the District a special tax for the purpose of repaying its bonded indebtedness, subject to a two thirdsvote of the landowners within the District. Pursuant to the CFD Act, the City Council of Poway (the "Council"), as the governing body of the District, adopted a Resolutionstating its intention to establish the South Pomerado Community Facilties District No. 1 and to levy a special tax to repay the bonds that would be issued in order to provide regional and local public improvement facilities for 660 acres of raw land within the City of Poway. 8 of 25 JUL 8 1986 iiEM III. PROJECT FUNDING ISSUANCE OF BONDS The amount of bonded indebtedness for a CFD may include all costs and estimated costs incidental to, or connected with•, the accomplishment of the purpose for which the proposed debt is to be incurred. -Bonded indebtedness, as outlined in the CFD Act includes, but isnotlimited to, the estimated costs of , construction of facilities, as shown below. SCHEDULE OF PROJECT COSTS {District}' L; ITEM PHASE I PHASE : II TOTAL Streets: Pomerado {S of SPA} $ 650,004 $ 0 $ 6501000 Pomerado 4,898,345 a 4,898,305 Community 2, fi39, 712 0 2, 639, 712 - SPA 41 757, 680 0 41,757,680.1 .-North 'Loop 51677,522 0 5,677,522` Other Streets 3,209,451 0 3,209,451,` Nater {Off Site} 0 0 0 Equestrian 0 0 0 *TOTAL $21,8329670 $ 0 $219832,760 e *Subject to 55% annual escalation Authority: Bonded indebtedness in an amount not to exceed $60 million was authorized by the landowner on November 26, 1985, pursuant to the requirements of the CFD Act. In accordance with Article 51` Section 53351 of the CFD Act, the District declared its necessity, to incur such indebtedness. The City Council, as governing body, _3 f ;,25 JUL 8 IQee . z y �; t in order to incur bonded indebtedness, filed a Resolution of Intention stating the detail of the' indebtedness and allowed for a public hearing and special election with the landowners within the District for approval of the financing plan. Eligible electors were entitled to cast one vote for each acre, or portion thereof, of land owned within the District. Due to the fact that the land is wholly owned by one party, the propostion for incurring bonded indebtedness and repayment by special tax levy was submitted to the elector and the special election was waived. The bonds were authorized and were issued in accordance with the Community Facilities District Act and Resolution No. 85-109, adopted on December 30, 1985 by the City Council. The cost of financing the public facilities, including contingencies and incidental expenses for the District, was estimated to not exceed $35 million. This figure represents 1985 costs and is subject to an annual escalation not to exceed 5.5% per year prior to expenditures Maximum bonds to be issued equals $30 million. The Bonds will be issued as fully registered bonds without coupons in $5,000 denominations and any multiple thereof, and will be payable according the the maturity and redemption schedules found in following sections Maturity Schedule The Bonds will mature on March 2 in the principal amounts and years as shown on the debt service schedule below. Interest will '-- be paid semiannually, commencing on September 2, 1986. 10 of 25 JUL 8 1986 ITEM. 11 of 25 J U L 8 1986 ITEM 6 r. Year End- Principal Interest Debt f March -2 Payment Payment Service 1987 $ 360,000 $3,569,700.02 $31929,700.02 1988 385,000 2,832,360.00 3,217x360.00 1989 410_,000 2,805,410.00 3,2151410.00 1990 440,000 21774,660.00 32214,660.00 1991 475,000 29739s460.00 3,_214,460.00 r 1992 515,000 29700,510.00 '912152510.00 x - 1993 560,000 2,657,250.-00 32217,250.00 1994 615,000 2,604,050.00 3,2199050.00 F 1995 670,000; 21545,525.00 3,215,62500 1996 :• 735,000 2,481,975.00 3,216,975.00 1997 805,000 21412,150.00 3,217,150.00 1998 8802000 335 5. , 67 Ofl 3,217,675.00 ' 1999' 9659000 2,225,075.00 31217,075.00 2000 10055,000 2,16014`00.00 3,215,400.00 2001 1,155,000 2,060,175.00 3,215,175.00 200°2 11270,000 11947,562.50 3,217.562.50 2003 1r3901000 11823,737@50 3,2131737.50 2004 1, 530, 000 1, 688, 212.50 3,218-212050 2005 1,675,000 19539,037.50 3,2141037.50 2006 1,840,000 x,375,725.00 39215,725.00 2007 2x020,000 111961325.00 3,2161325.00 2008 212151,000 999,315.00 3,214,735.00 [ 2009 29435,000 783,412.50 3921.8,412.50 2010 296709000 5460000.00 312161000.'00 2011 21930,000 285,675.00 312153675.00 x TOTALS $30,0009000 $51..,116.,537;52 $81,116, 537, 52 Redemption and Transfer Bonds maturing on or before March 2, 1996 are not subject to redemption prior to maturity. Bonds due on or after March 2, 1997 may be called before maturity and may be redeemed from any source of funds at the District's discretion on March 2, 1.996 or any interest payment date thereafter. Any portion of bonds, in $5,000 denominations, may be redeemed separately. Outstanding Term Bonds, maturing on March 2, 2000 are subject to -mandatory sinking fund redemption in part on March 2, 1993 and each subsequent March 2 thereafter, including the year 2000, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount with interest to 11 of 25 J U L 8 1986 ITEM 6 12 of 25 JUL 8 1985 ITEM 6 the Special Tax (CFD tax) may be levied only at the rate, and may be apportioned only in the manner, specified in the Resolution establishing the District, except that the CFD Tax may be _levied at a rate lower than specified in the Resolution. Rate and Apportionment _ u The CFD Tax will be levied on property on an acreage basis' z beginning in the year following the filing of the final map - (under the Subdivision Map Act). The property owner is to pay the. CFD Tax for 25 years., The per acre tax for the property for any given year will remain the same and has been established at a minimum rate of $7,638er year in fiscal p year 1986-87 and. -.will escalate at 3% per year until 1996-97. The minimum tax J: thereafter will be calculated to equal annual debt service. A maximum tax of $12,500 per acre per year has also been established. Prior to the annual date authorized by the County Tax Collector, the CFD taxes are added to the tax rode and are collected along with the annual property taxes. Between fiscal years 1986-87 and 1988-89, the minimum tax is levied each year. Any surplus amount r collected is reserved in the CFD tax fund and is used to pay debt service,. j In addition, the Poway Redevelopment Agency has committed to y depositing $2,052,000 into the fund five days following the filing the tentative map for Phase I of the project. Likewise, five days -following the filing of the tentative map for Phase II, the Agency will deposit an additional $820,000 into the fund. 13 of 25 JUL 8 1985 ITEM 6 Limitations Pursuant to Article 3, Section 53330.5 of the Community Facilities District Act, the CFD Tax may be levied only for so long as it is needed to pay principal and interest on the debt incurred for the construction of facilities, or so long as it is neededto pay for the services or the construction of the facilities authorized in the Community Facilities District Act and outlined in the Resolution. 14 of 25 JUL R : 400 ,1 ITEM t 1 IV. ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS FUND.MANAGEMENT As Fiscal Agent, appointed by the South Poway Community Facilities District, Security Pacific National Bank is responsible for performing the following duties and obligations r in respect to the Bonds. The Fiscal Agent receives revenues, establishes and maintains the required accounts (specified t below), and will invest the funds as authorized. The Fiscal Agent will also pay any principal and interest on the bonds in j compliance with the terms of the bonds as they mature or become payable, BOND FUND The Bond Fund is established for payment of interest on Bonds until maturity. After maturity, and after all interest due on the Bonds has been paid or provided for, moneys in the Bond Fund will then be applied to payment of principal and any premium of any Bonds. The Bond Fund itself will be funded by the CFD taxes collected and deposited in the CFD Tax Fund and from the proceeds of any sale ofproperty of any landowner delinquent in special tax payments. Moneys in the Bond Fund will be divided and used (respectively) as follows: Bond Interest Account Pursuant to the Resolution, an amount of $4,230,892.34 will be deposited into a Bond Interest Account from theproceedsof the sale of the Bonds. One day prior to the date of payment of any 15 of 25 JUL 8 1985 ITEM; installment of interest of the Bonds, moneys from the Bond Fund shall be transferred into the Bond Interest Account in an amount equal to that of the interest to be paid as the interest becomes due Serial Bond Payment Account After deposits to the Bond Interest Account have been made, deposits shall then be made to the Serial Bond Payment Account. The balance of said account must equal, on March 1 of each year, the principal payment of the outstanding serial Bonds on the following March 2. Moneys in this account are to be used only for the payment of principal of any serial bonds as they become due. RESERVE FUND A Reserve Fund, funded from Bond proceeds and equal to ten percent ($3,000,000) of the amount of the bonds sold, must be held in an account in the City Treasury. The moneys within this fund shall be used only for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds in the event that moneys in other funds, 1.e . the Bond Interest Account, is not sufficient for the aforementioned purpose In the event that the balance of the Reserve Fund falls below the required ten percent, collections from the next annual special tax levy will be appropriated to that fund. The Reserve Fund is only to be moneys to the Bond principal Fund in such amounts used for transferring as are needed to pay the and interest on callable bonds and to redeem bonds in accordance with the Bond Resolution. Any amount of the Reserve 16 of 25 JUL 8 1986 ITEM Fund that exceeds the required ten percent will be transferred to the Acquisition Fund on September 2, 1986 and ever September, y_ 2 l' thereafter until to September 2, 1989. an September 2, 1989, and annually thereafter, any moneys in the Reserve Fund-in,excess of. the required ten percent will then be transferred into the Bond Fund. ACQUISITION FUND As defined in the Bond Resolution, moneys from the Acquisition Fund shall be used exclusively for the payment of project costs. This fund consists of excess moneys not deposited into the Bond Interest Account and the Reserve Fund,_ and the excess balance of moneys within the Bond Fund not used to pay costs and expenses incurred by the issuance and sale of the Bonds. Upon completion of acquisition and reimbursement of project costs, the moneys. remaining within the Acquisition Fund shall then be deposited into the Bond Fund for payment of debt service. Any moneys transferred into - o the Bond Fund from the Acquisition Fund will be used only by the bond issuer to purchase bonds, to make interest payments on the bonds, or to redeem the bonds at their earliest redemption date. CFD TAX FUND On each date that the special taxes have been collected by the County, they will be deposited into the CFD Tax Fund. These gross taxes will be held in trust by the fiscal agent.. The fiscal agent will transfer any moneys from the CFD Tax Fund to the Bond Fund, as needed, to pay debt service. 17 of 25 "U" 8 1986 ITEM 6 The CFD Tax Fund will also be used to fund an Administrative Expense Fund The amounts needed - to paysuch expenses will. be withdrawn on or before the date a . payment is due..- Any moneys within the Administrative Expense Fund may be invested as authorized, but must be available when payment comes due. FORECLOSURE PROCEDURE Pursuant to Section 53356.1 of the CFI} Act, if any amount levied by the CFD Tax for payment, of bond interest or principal is not paid when due, the District may order that amount to be collected by instituting a (Superior) court action. This foreclosure of a lien may take place within four years after the due date of the last installment of principal on the Bonds. Any real property held by the (delinquent) land owner may be sold at a judicial foreclosure sale, although such a foreclosure sale is not mandatory. In the event of a foreclosure sale, the District must cause foreclosure proceedings to begin within 120 days of its notification by the County of San Diego (the tax collector) that there has been a delinquency in payment, and will diligently prosecute for judgement and sale. _If the District does in fact file a court action for foreclosure, and the procedure does take place, the Reserve Fund maybe used to pay debt service, although E the fund will only meet one year of debt service. Bondholders may experience a dela in F y payment if the Reserve Fund is depleted before the final judgement is handed down and actual receipts of the proceeds of the sale are accounted Actual sale of real property is not assured, nor is it assured that actual proceeds 18 of 25 v UL 8 1986 ITEM I 19 of 25 l j UL 8 1986 ITEM b from any foreclosure sale will be sufficient to pay any delinquent amount. If the Reserve Fund is used for payment, the District is required to replenish the reserve fund by adjusting the amount of taxes_ levied to provide sufficient funds to pay the debt service on the Bonds and replenish the Fund:. Any adjustment in the Special Taxes must be within the limits of the Resolution to levy special r' taxes. In other words, taxes.may not exceed the $12,500 per acre limit. i Remedies for such a foreclosure sale allow the debtor to 140 days from the date of service to redeem the property to be sold. If the debtor fails to do so, the debtor may then bring an actions within six months of the date of the sale, to set aside the sale. } If the foreclosure sale is set aside, the District, as creditor, } is then `entitled to interest on the judgement as if the sale had not been made. f 19 of 25 l j UL 8 1986 ITEM b - V. 1986-87 CFD TAXES' == The current net usable acreage equals ,274.45 unimproved acres. In the year following .:the filing of the final map, the CFD taxis levied on an acreage basis. The per acre tax for each property, or parcel, would be the same for each property, or parcel, for any given year, and has been established at the minimum rate of $7,638 per acre -in fiscal year 1986-87-. This rate will escalate at 3 percent each year thereafter until fiscal year 1996-97. The minimum tax is based upon expected RDA contributions. If these i contributions are not available, the maximum 'tax of $12,500 per net usable acre, as previously indicated, will be levied. The 1986-87 tax for each parcel, as shown in Appendix C is as i follows:' NET USABLE PARCEL ACRES 1986-87 TAX 317-281-04 118.35 903,957.3 317-281-03 40.60 310,102,8 317-270-04 1.40 10,693.2 317-270-03 86.10 657,631.8 317-220-08 27.60 210,808.8 317-220-09 0.40 31055.2 TOTAL 274.45 $29096,249.1 20 of 25 JUL $ )986� � ITE VI. SUBDIVISION OF LAND AND TAX ASSESSMENT Upon filing the final map, the apportionment of taxes for each usable acre at the rate determined by the District at the minimum in each year is shown below: 1986-87 $ 7,638 t 1987-88 7,887 1988-89 81103 1989-90 - 81346 1990-.91 89597 1991--92 8,855 1.992-93 9,120 1993-94 9,394 1994-95 9,676 -a 1995-96 92966 1996-�97 10,265 The maximum tax for any given year remains at $12,500 per usable acre. { J 21 of 25 JUL 1986 ITEM 9 W311 986L 81nr tt •.- •.�. .•�� -.� r•. •-•. ori •.. -.•. -�- .••. �•. .•• -•.- ••• --. .••� SZ 90 Zz ll' U tD t 000.30OOONOO- 1 t 0M t O+-+O n It 11 C7D 1 9 -7 0 O O C) 0 O t t W tD 1 O t- � ,t I1 If 11 It I t .p +OOt:O • + t 1 . t 1t3 . „ '�► t t� M e e A R N ! t ti3 .A t N r• N It I1 tl 11 [f1 tl zz 9 1 M RQ NOO r4 t f ON 1 -4toM 11 1 �' i0 N O to N M l 1 O O CD N tt O O t N II ►�t � t N M N Qf' t ! 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W 1' --- -+ .+ -r .....r r...r ...-, �....a .�, ,., N N N N N N N N N N N 11 It ti 8 APPENDIX B fi FUND FLOW CHART ;FORECLOSURE; i SALE ; t , t t t ° BOND PROCEEDS , y 1 � t d CFD 1 TAX FUND, ° � f t � ACQUISITION - BOND FUND t RESERV�ty+ntTE FUNy�7�� � t D t FUND , ;1. Project costs,, Pay interest ;1. ;2. Pay Principal; ;2. t =10% of bonds,' transfer- ' 1 t t ° ° 1 t , t Facilities, ; Bond sSerial ° `Acquisition,`, lInterest, ;Bond Payment; Account', Account 1 t t t 1 r .. = excess fund flow , 24 of 25 JUL 8 1986 ITEM b f APPENDIX C PARCEL MAP 1 za td • SHT t �. L K o 71.67AC. 24Q74 Ar., SHT2 2 81 30 . SHT 2 2; W � us C s z= i Y • { Q9.403 ,. •Y ID4C1A •� � ., o s e a • • � r 2 I r /i•C t •viW _ (•N1 Lf Nm. .m•• t. - , frjff Iimr a • • ; w• . 4 �. w i• •� ei t t i r • fit' i \Z N 25 of 25 ., mJUL 8 1986 ITEM 6